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Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, e667^e678


Effect of Thymus vulgaris essential oil on intestinal

bacterial microbiota of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus

mykiss (Walbaum) and bacterial isolates

Paola Navarrete1, Isabel Toledo2, Pamela Mardones1, Rafael Opazo1, Romilio Espejo1 & Jaime Romero1

Laboratorio de Biotecnolog| a, Instituto de Nutricion y Tecnolog| a de los Alimentos (INTA), Universidad de Chile, Macul,

Santiago, Chile

Laboratorio de Cultivo de Peces, Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, Ponticia Universidad Catolica de Valpara| so,Valpara| so, Chile

Correspondence: Prof. J Romero, Laboratorio de Biotecnolog| a, Instituto de Nutricion y Tecnolog| a de los Alimentos (INTA), Universidad
de Chile, Macul 5540, Macul, Santiago, Chile. E-mail: jromero@inta.cl

The application of natural and innocuous compounds has potential in aquaculture as an alternative to antibiotics. We evaluated the eect of diet
supplementation with Thymus vulgaris essential oil
(TVEO) on the allochthonous microbial composition
of rainbow trout. DNA was extracted directly from
the intestinal contents, and the V3-V4 regions of the
16S rRNA genes were amplied by PCR. The bacterial
composition was analysed using temporal temperature gradient electrophoresis (TTGE). No signicant
changes (P40.05) were detected in the TTGE proles
of TVEO-treated trout compared with the controls.
The Dice similarity index revealed a high stability
(Cs 470%) of the intestinal microbiota in both
groups during the 5-week period. Sequence analyses
of the TTGE bands revealed the same bacterial composition in both groups, with most bacteria belonging to the Proteobacteria and Firmicutes phyla. The
in vitro antibacterial activity of TVEO was assessed
using a range of normal intestinal isolates and sh
pathogens. The inhibitory concentrations for all the
tested bacteria were higher than theTVEO levels used
in trout, which may explain the in vivo results.

Keywords: microbiota, PCR^TTGE,16S rRNA gene,

Thymus vulgaris, essential oil, Oncorhynchus mykiss

Chile is currently one of the leading salmon producers worldwide (Vielka, Morales & Moreno 2006).

r 2010 The Authors

Aquaculture Research r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

However, intensive sh farming in Chile has promoted the growth of several bacterial diseases, leading to an elevated use of antimicrobials (Miranda &
Zemelman 2002; Miranda & Rojas 2007). Concerns
regarding antibiotic resistance in bacteria associated
with salmon as well as the dissemination of bacterial
resistance among environmental microbiota have increased. Recently, commensal bacterial populations
of the gastrointestinal tract have been proposed as reservoirs for antibiotic resistance determinants that
could disperse resistance via horizontal gene transfer
(Salyers, Gupta & Wang 2004; Salyers & Shoemaker
2006). In the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) gut, antibiotic treatment has been reported to reduce bacterial diversity and lead to the development of
opportunistic Aeromonas harbouring antibiotic resistance (Navarrete, Mardones, Opazo, Espejo & Romero
2008). These opportunistic bacteria are normally
present in low numbers, and therefore, they do not
present a signicant risk; however, they can grow
and reach signicant numbers after antibiotic treatment due to the reduction in bacterial diversity, at
which time, they may occupy previously unavailable
ecological niches. Concerns about bacterial resistance and antibiotic residues have contributed to increased caution in the use of antibiotics in animal
production and especially in aquaculture (Cabello
2006; Mott & Mobin 2006; Benchaar, Calsamiglia,
Chaves, Fraser, Colombatto, McAllister & Beauchemin 2008; Navarrete et al. 2008) and have encouraged research for alternatives to antibiotics.
Essential oils (EOs) are natural components of
plants that are generally recognized as safe substances (GRAS) (http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/  dms/


Antibacterial eect of T. vulgaris essential oil P Navarrete et al.

eafus.html). Because of their antimicrobial properties, these oils may constitute viable alternatives to
antibiotics as prophylactic and therapeutic agents in
animal production and aquaculture systems. These
antibacterial properties have been examined in several studies (Kim, Marshall, Cornell, Preston & Wei
1995; Lambert, Skandamis, Coote & Nychas 2001; Delaquis, Stanich, Girard & Massa 2002; Mejlholm &
Dalgaard 2002; Mourey & Canillac 2002; Burt
2004). However, most of the research has been conducted to extend the shelf-life of dierent foods, and
so these reports have focused on the in vitro evaluation of EO eectiveness against food-borne pathogens
(Nascimento, Locatelli, Freitas & Silva 2000) and
spoilage microorganisms (Mejlholm & Dalgaard
2002; Mahmoud, Yamazaki, Miyashita, Kawai, Shin
& Suzuki 2006). Thymol is the principal component
of the Thymus vulgaris essential oil (TVEO), and it
has the widest spectrum of antimicrobial activity
(Dorman & Deans 2000; Burt 2004). Nevertheless,
there is limited information about the in vivo eects
of the TVEO.
The basis for the antibacterial action of EOs is
poorly understood. It has been suggested that they
can disturb the permeability of the bacterial cell
membrane, leading to a disruption of the proton motive force, electron ow and active transport (Conner
& Beuchat 1984; Cox, Gustafson, Mann, Markham,
Liew, Hartland, Bell, Warmington & Wyllie 1998; Helander, Alakomi, Latva-Kala, Mattila-Sandholm, Pol,
Smid & von Wright 1998; Lambert et al. 2001; Ultee,
Bennik & Moezelaar 2002). Other potential mechanisms are related to the coagulation of cell contents
(Sikkema, De Bont & Poolman 1995; Lambert et al.
2001) and/or the inactivation of the genetic material
(Kim, Marshall & Wei 1995).
A new report byYeh, Shiu, Shei, Cheng, Huang, Lin
and Liu (2009) led to a new perspective on the use of
natural extracts in aquaculture. This study reported
that extracts from Cinnamomum kanehirae (stout
camphor tree) showed antibacterial eects against
dierent pathogens of aquatic animals. Shrimp treated with this extract exhibited an enhanced disease
resistance toVibrio alginolyticus (Yeh et al. 2009)
Oral administration of antibacterial chemicals
may produce an alteration in the gut microbiota or
may even facilitate the establishment of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria (Navarrete et al. 2008). Recent
studies have revealed that, depending on the kind of
bacteria present, gut microbiota induce several
important host responses related to nutrient metabolism, the innate immune system and gut dierentia-


Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, e667^e678

tion (Rawls, Samuel & Gordon 2004; Bates, Mittg,

Kuhlman, Baden, Cheesman & Guidulain 2006; Gomez & Balcazar 2008).
The objective of this study was to evaluate the eect
of a diet supplemented with TVEO on the composition
of rainbow trout intestinal microbiota using molecular proling methods based on 16S rRNA gene analysis [restriction fragment length polymorphism
(RFLP)] and PCR^temporal temperature gradient
electrophoresis (PCR^TTGE). In addition, in vitro determination of the antibacterial activity of TVEO was
performed using several bacteria isolated from the
gut of healthy trout as well as some pathogens.

Materials and methods

Diets, sh and sample collection
To test the eect of TVEO on trout microbiota, four
diets containing 0, 5, 10 and 20 mg TVEO kg  1 feed
were prepared using a base of commercial pellets
from EWOS Aquaculture International. The composition of this basic feed is presented in Table 1; proximal
analysis was performed in the food laboratory of the
Universidad Catolica de Valpara| so. The composition
of the TVEO used in this study was determined by
gas chromatography in the analytical laboratory of
Universidad Federico Santa Mar| a (Table 2). The
amount of TVEO was selected based on a previous
toxicological experiment performed in trout (Stroh,
Wan, Isman & Moul 1998).
Commercial pellets were ground in a lab mixer
(450 W) and then milled using an IKA-Werke A11 baTable 1 Diet composition: components and proximal analysis of pelleted feed used as a base for TVEO supplementation diet

g kg  1 feed

Fish meal
Poultry by-products
Starch sources
Wheat gluten
Corn gluten meal
Others (vitamins, minerals, amino acids)
Proximal analysis
Crude protein
Crude fibre
Nitrogen-free extract


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Aquaculture Research r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, e667^e678

Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, e667^e678

Antibacterial eect of T. vulgaris essential oil P Navarrete et al.

Table 2 Major component of Thymus vulgaris essential oil

(TVEO) used in this study
Chemical component

g kg  1



sic analytical mill (3 mm size) (IKA Werke GmbH,

Staufen, KG, Germany). The resultant powder was separated into portions of equal weight before mixing
with the TVEO suspensions. The TVEO suspensions
were prepared in phosphate-buered saline (PBS) to
obtain the dierent nal concentrations. These suspensions were mixed with the powdered basic feed
and then homogenized. The mixtures were pelleted
and dried at room temperature.
One hundred and twenty Oncorhynchus mykiss
(Walbaum) rainbow trouts with an average weight
of 25  5 g were used in this study. They were randomly and equally distributed into eight tanks. The
sh were fed to visual satiation twice a day for 5
weeks using the experimental diets (0, 5, 10 and
20 mg TVEO kg^1 feed). Each diet was assessed in duplicate using two tanks containing freshwater (50 L);
the temperature and pH were set at 14  2 1C and
8.0  0.5 respectively. The sh were monitored for
their health status, specic growth rates and condition factors (Sveier,Whathne & Lied1999). The microbiota was analysed every week; 15 trout per tank
were anaesthetized and the intestinal contents were
collected by squeezing the abdomens. The intestinal
contents of three to four individuals per tank were
pooled before DNA extraction (Romero & Navarrete
2006; Navarrete, Espejo & Romero 2009). Three samples per tank were analysed, and the intestinal contents were maintained at  20 1C until use.

DNA extraction and PCR amplication

DNA from the trout intestinal contents was obtained
from the pooled samples using the Power Soil DNA
kit according to the manufacturers instructions
(MOBIO Laboratories, Carlsbad, CA, USA). To obtain a
rapid overview of the eect of TVEO on the microbiota proles of dierent samples, the 16S rRNA gene
was PCR amplied with the bacteria-specic primers

27F and 1492R (De Long 1992). Analysis of the RFLP

using AluI, Rsa I and HaeIII (Invitrogen) was performed to examine the 16S rRNA gene as described
previously (Romero & Navarrete 2006). Amplication of the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was
carried out as described previously (Magne, Abely,
Boyer, Morville, Pochart & Suau 2006) using the conserved bacterial domain-specic primers 341F (5 0 CCTACGGGAGGCAGCAG-3 0 with a GC clamp at the
5 0 end; McCracken, Simpson, Mackle & Gaskins
2001) and 788R (5 0 - GGACTACCAGGGTATCTAA-3 0;
Magne et al. 2006). TTGE was performed according
to Magne et al. (2006). Each gel included standards
containing PCR amplicons of known bacterial sequences (%GC) to validate comparisons between gels.
The TTGE proles were analysed using GELCOMPAR II
software (Applied Maths, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium) and by applying the Dice similarity index (Cs).
Statistical analyses were performed using the
non-parametric Kruskal^Wallis test. The pairwise
similarity coecient (Cs) is a similarity index used to
compare the bacterial compositions of dierent samples (McCracken et al. 2001). Two identical proles
generate a Cs 5100%, whereas completely dierent
proles generate a Cs 5 0%. Each sample can be compared with every other sample; therefore, the mean
percentage similarities (Cs values) can be used to
compare each diet/treatment group with itself and
with all the other groups (McCracken et al. 2001). For
intragroup comparisons (i.e., sh under the same
treatment), the Dice index was calculated using proles derived from samples collected at the same time
and from duplicate tanks. For intergroup comparisons, Cs values were calculated using proles derived
from samples collected at the same time but corresponding to dierent treatments (with TVEO versus
without TVEO). To estimate the stability of the microbiota composition during the experiment, the Cs values were calculated for each treatment group using
the microbial proles obtained at the beginning of
the trial (time 5 0 weeks) and those obtained in subsequent weeks.
Identication of bacterial components in the
TTGE proles
All bands visually recognized in each TTGE pattern
were excised from the gel and eluted overnight in
50 mL of MilliQ water (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA).
All samples (1 mL) were reamplied, as described
above, except by using the forward primer without
the GC clamp.

r 2010 The Authors

Aquaculture Research r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, e667^e678


Antibacterial eect of T. vulgaris essential oil P Navarrete et al.

The 16S rRNA sequences from the reamplied

bands were sent to the Macrogen Sequencing Service
Center (Seoul, Korea) for purication and sequencing
with the 788R primer. The retrieved sequences
were deposited in GenBank (EU861368^EU861387,
EU888865^EU888879) and aligned with reference sequences using Sequence Match from the Ribosomal
Database Project II (RDP II) website (Cole, Chai, Farris, Wang, Kulam-Syed-Mohideen, McGarrell, Bandela, Cardenas, Garrity & Tiedje 2007).

Bacterial strains and isolates

Pathogenic collection strains Vibrio anguillarum
ATCC19264, Flavobacterium psychrophilum ATCC49418,
Vibrio ordalii ATCC33509 and Vibrio parahaemolyticus
RIMD 2210633 were obtained from the ATCC and RIMD
collections. Pathogenic isolates (ThV-1, ThV-2, ThV-5,
ThV-6) were kindly provided by a diagnostic laboratory in Puerto Montt, Chile. These pathogenic isolates were obtained from sick sh using dierent
tissues and media depending on the bacterial type;
Vibrio were isolated in TCBS and Streptococcus and
Lactococcus in blood agar (Valdes, Jaureguiberry,
Romalde, Toranzo, Magarinos & Avendano-Herrera
2009). Indigenous bacterial isolates were obtained
previously from the intestinal contents of healthy
rainbow trout after culture in tryptic soy agar and incubation at 17 1C. The indigenous bacteria A8P1-8,
A8P1-9, B8P3-1, ThV-A, ThV-E, ThV-F, ThV-G, ThV-H
and ThV-I were isolated in a previous study (Navarrete, Magne, Mardones, Riveros, Opazo, Suau, Pochart & Romero 2010); I8 and P1 were obtained from
healthy Salmo salar gut (Navarrete et al. 2009). Molecular identication of pathogenic and indigenous
isolates was carried out by 16S rDNA sequencing.

Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, e667^e678

bacterial inoculum was 5.0  105 CFU mL  1 in each

well. Positive and negative growth controls were included with every bacterial strain tested; all analyses
were performed in triplicate.Vibrio ordalii (Vo),Vibrio
anguillarum (Va),Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) and Flavobacterium psychrophilum (Fp) were tested in Luria^
Bertani (LB) broth with 1% NaCl, tryptic soy broth
(TSB) with 1% NaCl, LB with 3% NaCl and nutrient
broth with 0.5% tryptone, 0.05% yeast extract,
0.02% sodium acetate and 0.02% meat extract respectively. All indigenous bacteria were grown in
TSB at 30 1C for 24 h. Pathogenic bacteria (Vp, Vo, Va
and Fp) were grown in TSB at 17 1C for 48 h. These
cultures were then used to inoculate plates supplemented with 0.5% Tween 80. All plates were incubated aerobically at 17 1C for 48 h.

Eect of TVEO dietary inclusion on sh
During the 5-week trial, the sh were evaluated
based on growth parameters. No signicant dierences were observed in these parameters between
untreated sh and those treated with TVEO. In the
untreated sh, the average specic growth rate
(SGR) was 2.70  0.22 and the average condition factor (K) was 1.27  0.05. In theTVEO-treated sh, SGR
was 2.70  0.25 and K was 1.25  0.07. During the
treatment, the sh displayed normal behaviour and
no signs of illness; thus, no particular therapy was
provided. No mortality was observed during the experiment.

Eect of TVEO dietary inclusion on the

composition of the microbiota
Assessment of TVEO in vitro antibacterial
The antibacterial activity of TVEO was assessed
using several isolates obtained from faecal samples
of rainbow trout and pathogenic bacteria from a veterinary laboratory. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of TVEO were determined using a
previously described broth microdilution method
(Cosentino, Tuberoso, Pisano, Satta, Mascia, Arzedi
& Palmas 1999). Briey, serial doubling dilutions of
TVEO were performed in a 96-well microtitre plate
(Nunc, Copenhagen, Denmark) over a range of 2.5^
1280 mg mL  1 (ppm). The nal concentration of each


To obtain a rapid overview of the eect of TVEO on

bacterial populations, the microbiota proles from
all groups (0, 5, 10 and 20 mg TVEO kg  1 feed) were
obtained by digesting the PCR-amplied 16S rRNA
gene with AluI, RsaI and HaeIII. The RFLP proles revealed a mixture of bands, indicating the coexistence
of dierent kinds of microorganisms. The bacterial
proles of untreated and TVEO-treated groups remained highly similar (Fig. 1).
To identify the bacterial components of the microbiota and to evaluate the stability as well as the intraand intergroup variabilities, PCR^TTGE from the 0
and 20 mg TVEO kg  1 feed groups were analysed.

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Aquaculture Research r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, e667^e678

Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, e667^e678

Antibacterial eect of T. vulgaris essential oil P Navarrete et al.

Figure 1 Dices similarity indices (Cs) were calculated to compare the 16SrRNA RFLP patterns obtained using AluI, RsaI
and HaeIII. Each prole was derived from the pooled intestinal contents of three to four sh, which were obtained after 5
weeks of treatment (0, 5, 10 and 20 mg TVEO kg  1 feed). Bands marked with articial lines were included in the comparison. Silver stain reveals single DNA strands like red bands that have limited migration and remain on the top of the gel.
These bands were not included in the analysis.

The variabilities of the microbiota proles in the replicates (intragroup) for the control and the TVEO-treated groups showed high coincidences, with values
ranging from 70% to 90%. These results indicated
that the microbiota was homogenous enough to
allow diet and temporal comparisons (Fig. 2a, intragroup comparison). Comparison of the microbiota
proles using the Dice index (Cs) showed high similarities (471%) between the 20 mg TVEO kg  1 feedtreated and -untreated trout. No statistical dierences were observed between the TVEO-treated and
the untreated sh (P40.05, Fig. 2b, intergroup comparison). Thus, for these concentrations, TVEO induced no changes in the proles of the intestinal
microbiota of the sh. These results are in accordance
with the similarity of the microbiota proles observed in the RFLP analysis described above.
When the TTGE proles within the same groups
(treated or untreated) were compared throughout
the collection period, several common bands were
observed. These bands were persistent throughout
the trial, indicative of the stability of the microbiota
composition in both TVEO-treated and -untreated
sh. The stability of the TTGE pattern over time was
revealed by the Dice index (Cs), which showed average values 465% for both TVEO-treated and -untreated trout (Fig. 2c).

Identication of TTGE bands by sequencing

Sequencing was used to identify the bands that were
visually detected in TTGE from the untreated and the
TVEO-treated groups. Partial sequences of the 16S
rRNA gene (400 bp) were compared with sequences
available in RDP II, and their identities are shown in
Table 3. Our results indicated that microorganisms
represented by the main bands belong to the phyla
Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. Specically, they were
related to Gram-negative bacteria from the genera
Moraxella, Vibrio, Butiauxella and Legionella and to
Gram-positive organisms such as Streptococcus and
Alicyclobacillus. An additional weak band corresponding to Streptomyces of the Actinobacteria phylum was also observed. The most frequent bands
observed in both the untreated and theTVEO-treated
groups correspond to Moraxella,Vibrio and Legionella
(Table 4).

Antibacterial activity of TVEO on bacterial

sh pathogens and bacteria isolated from the
salmonid gut
Table 5 summarizes the identication of bacterial
isolates by partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene
and the antibacterial activity of TVEO. The MIC range

r 2010 The Authors

Aquaculture Research r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, e667^e678


Antibacterial eect of T. vulgaris essential oil P Navarrete et al.

Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, e667^e678


Figure 2 Dices similarity indices (Cs) were calculated to

compareTTGE patterns.Values represent the average similarities and SEMs for three groups of pooled intestinal
contents from three to four sh in each experimental
treatment from weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. (a) Intragroup
comparisons (replicate): 20 mg TVEO kg  1 feed-treated
and untreated groups. (b) Intergroup comparison: untreated versus TVEO 20 mg TVEO kg  1 feed-treated
groups. (c) Stability considering the TTGE prole of week
0 as a reference. The Cs values did not dier signicantly
(ANOVA, P40.05).

of TVEO against all bacteria was 80^1280 mg L  1. In

general, bacterial isolates from the intestine of
healthy sh were more resistant than pathogenic isolates to TVEO with higher MIC values (640^
1280 mg L  1). The most potent activity of TVEO was
demonstrated against Vibrio anguillarum, with an
MIC of 80 mg L  1.


In the present study, we evaluated the in vivo eect of

20 mg TVEO kg  1feed (8 mg thymol kg  1 feed) introduced into the diet on the intestinal microbiota of
rainbow trout. The level of TVEO was selected based
on a previous study that reported an in vivo toxic effect on rainbow trout and salmon at concentrations
above 20 mg kg  1 (Stroh et al. 1998). The eect of EO
inclusion on the microbiota composition was evaluated using PCR^TTGE. This method has been useful
for detecting changes in the composition of microbiota after treatment with antibacterial agents in several
hosts such as mice, humans and rabbits (McCracken
et al. 2001; De la Cochetie're, Durand, Lepage, Bourreille, Galmiche & Dore 2005; Abecia, Fondevila, Balcells, Lobley & McEwan 2007). For this study, we
focused on bacteria populations that could be exposed to feed ingredients (i.e.,TVEO). Allochthonous
microbiota is likely to be more aected by these ingredients. Because bacterial communities were extracted from the intestinal contents of trout, the
microbiota analysed comprised mainly allochthonous bacteria (transient or associated with digesta;
Salinas, Myklebust, Esteban, Olsen, Meseguer &
Ring 2008).
Our results showed that the TVEO concentration
did not signicantly alter the bacterial populations
of trout intestines, as assessed by PCR^TTGE. Sequencing of the TTGE bands showed that the intestinal microbiota of trout was composed of three
phyla: Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria
(Table 3). These taxa have been reported previously
in salmonids, and they represent the abundant bacterial populations present in the gut of these sh
(Holben, Williams, Gilbert, Saarinen, Sarkilahti. &
Apajalahti 2002; Huber, Spanggaard, Appel, Rossen,
Nielsen & Gram 2004; Romero & Navarrete 2006;
Skrodenyte-Arbaciauskiene, Sruoga & Butkauskas
2006). In our previous investigations, we consistently
found the predominance of a few bacterial groups in
the salmonid guts within Chilean farms (Romero &
Navarrete 2006; Navarrete et al. 2009, 2010), in accordance with the observation by Holben et al. (2002).
Previous investigations have reported that the genera
Lactococcus (Navarrete et al. 2010), Streptococcus
(Ring, Bendiksen,Wesmajervi, Olsen, Jansen & Mikkelsen 2000), Streptomyces (Merrield, Dimitroglou,
Bradley, Baker & Davies 2009), Buttiauxella (Kim,
Brunt & Austin 2007; Navarrete et al. 2010), Kluyvera
(Kim et al. 2007; Navarrete et al. 2010), Hafnia (Kim
et al. 2007; Navarrete et al. 2010) and Citrobacter

r 2010 The Authors

Aquaculture Research r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, e667^e678

Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, e667^e678

Antibacterial eect of T. vulgaris essential oil P Navarrete et al.

Table 3 Nearest-match identication of 16S rDNA sequences obtained with PCR-TTGE approach from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), to known sequences in the RDP II database
Frequency of band
detection in replicates

Band name


P 06



P 07
P 15



P 21



P 24



P 32



P 52



P 53



P 55



P 57



P 58



Q 14


Q 18



Q 22



Q 27



Q 28



Q 46



Q 47



Q 48



Q 415



Q 416



% identity


Affiliation phylum/class Closest sequence

0 mgTVEO
kg  1 feed

20 mgTVEO
kg  1 feed



Acetanaerobacterium elongatum
Streptococcus bovis (AY442813)
Vibrio sp. (EU854882)





Legionella brunensis (Z32636)



Vibrio sp. (AJ316187)



Legionella sp. (X97365)



Uncultured bacterium (AY661981)



xMoraxella caprae (DQ156148)

Legionella sp. (X97359)



Legionella quateirensis (Z49732)



Legionella rubrilucens (Z32643)



Legionella worsleiensis (Z49739)



Vibrio sp. (AY542526)



Streptomyces sp. (AB052845)



Moraxella sp.(X95304)



Paracoccus sp. (AY515424)



Buttiauxella sp. (AJ293683)



Pantoea sp. (AF227860)

Kluyvera intermedia (AF310217)
Vibrio sp. (AJ316187)



Vibrio sp. (AJ316187)



Legionella erythra (Z32638)



Legionella birminghamensis
Alicyclobacillus pohliae (AJ564766)





PCR-TTGE proles were obtained from DNA extracted from the intestinal content of trout fed after 5 week with a diet supplemented
with 0 and 20 mg TVEO kg  1 feed.

(Kim et al. 2007; Navarrete et al. 2010) are indigenous

microbiota of healthy salmonids. Moreover, Legionella, Moraxella and Paracoccus have been retrieved from
the guts of healthy zebrash (Rawls et al. 2004). In
contrast, to our knowledge, Acetanaerobacterium

elongatum and Alicyclobacillus pohliae have never

been described as sh gut microbiota. However, the
latter has been identied in the guts of termites
(Yang, Schmitt-Wagner, Stingl & Brune 2005), chickens (Gong, Si, Forster, Huang, Yu, Yin, Yang & Han

r 2010 The Authors

Aquaculture Research r 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, e667^e678


Antibacterial eect of T. vulgaris essential oil P Navarrete et al.

Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, e667^e678

Table 4 Bacteria present in the intestinal microbiota of trout fed after 5 weeks with a diet supplemented with 0 and 20 mg
TVEO kg  1 feed
mgTVEO kg  1 feed


Tank 1

Tank 2

Tank 1

Tank 2

Bacterial group













Legionella spp.
Vibrio sp.
Moraxella sp.
Paracoccus sp.
Streptococcus sp.
Streptomyces sp.
Butiauxella/Pantoea/Kluyvera intermedia
Acetanaerobacterium elongatum
Alicyclobacillus pohliae












Each diet was assessed in duplicate using two tanks (15 trout per tank) and the intestinal contents of three to four individuals per tank
were pooled (P1, P2 and P3) before DNA extraction.

2006) and humans (Kassinen, Krogius-Kurikka, Mkivuokko, Rinttil, Paulin, Corander, Malinen, Apajalahti & Palva 2007).
Despite an interest in developing new alternatives
to antibiotics in aquaculture, our work is the rst
study to address the in vivo eect of EOs on the bacterial composition of sh. Although some studies have
reported the eect of dierent dietary oils on the gut
microbiota (Ring, Bendiksen, Gausen, Sundsfjord &
Olsen 1998; Ring, Ldemel, Myklebust, Jensen,
Lund, Mayhew & Olsen 2002), EOs have only been
used as preserving agents in seafood. For example,
dipping carp llets into a solution containing both
carvacrol and thymol led to reduced growth and
numbers of bacteria, consequently extending the
shelf-life of the llets (Kim, Marshall, Cornell et al.
1995; Mejlholm & Dalgaard 2002; Mahmoud et al.
2006). In aquaculture systems, examples for in vivo
use of EOs are rare but promising. Yeh et al. (2009)
showed that shrimp treated with an extract of C. kanekirae exhibited enhanced disease resistance toV. alginolyticus.
The results of the in vivo studies of EOs have been
contradictory, and these studies were mostly performed in cows, chickens and pigs. In cows, viable
bacteria, cellulolytic bacteria and protozoa were not
inuenced by a mixture of EO supplementation, including thymol (Benchaar et al. 2008). In broiler digesta, a diet supplemented with EOs (thymol at
50 mg kg  1 feed) induced a decrease in the E. coli
CFU counts, whereas the Lactobacillus counts were
not aected (Jang, Ko, Kang & Lee 2007). However,


chickens fed with a herbal mix (100 g oil kg  1 herb,

including thyme) showed no changes in the viable
counts of several bacterial groups, including lactic
acid bacteria, coliforms and Clostridium perfringens
(Cross, McDevitt, Hillman & Acamovic 2007). In contrast, Janczyk, Trevisi, Sourant and Bosi (2008)
showed that the inclusion of thymol [1% (w/w)] in
the pig diet caused clear changes in the small intestine microbial community, notably decreasing theActinobacillus to undetectable levels. These results
suggest that the eect of dietary inclusion of EO on
the microbiota may depend on the susceptibility of
the bacterial group.
The antibacterial activity of TVEO was assessed in
vitro using sh pathogens and common bacteria isolated from healthy salmonids. The MICs were similar
to those reported for food-borne pathogens (Cosentino et al. 1999; Burt 2004). Noticeably, the pathogens
seemed to be more susceptible than the indigenous
bacterial microbiota. This dierence may be related
to membrane permeability; however, there is no clear
mechanism of TVEO action. Notably, the pathogenic
Lactococcus piscium was clearly more susceptible to
TVEO than those isolates belonging to indigenous
microbiota. The cell-surface components of this bacterial group showed considerable diversity within
several lactococcal strains, with multiple dierences
observed between many of the strain pairs (Crow, Gopal & Wicken 1995; Giaouris, Chapot-Chartier &
Briandet 2009), such as hydrophobicity, extracellular
lipoteichoic acid concentration, molecular weight
prole of proteins and amount of protein. These dif-

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Antibacterial eect of T. vulgaris essential oil P Navarrete et al.

Table 5 Minimum inhibitory concentration of TVEO on bacteria isolated from salmon

Isolate name
Pathogenic isolates
ATCC 49418
ATCC 33509


% identity

Affiliation phylum/




ATCC 19264
RIMD 2210633
Microbiota isolates
































MIC (mg L  1)
pH 7.0

Closest sequence


Lactococcus piscium (DQ343754)

Lactococcus piscium (DQ343754)
Streptococcus phocae (EF599165)
Streptococcus phocae (EF599165)
Flavobacterium psychrophilum
Vibrio ordalii



Vibrio anguillarum


Vibrio parahaemolyticus


Shewanella baltica (AB205578)


Pseudomonas sp. (AY456701)


Kluyvera intermedia (AF047187)


Citrobacter gillenii (AF025367)


Hafnia alvei (DQ412565)


Psychrobacter sp.(DQ337539)


Lactococcus lactis (AJ488176)

Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis bv.
diacetylactis (AB100805)
Arthrobacter sp. (EU034524)





Arthrobacter sp. (AJ786821)


Pathogenic isolates were obtained from dierent tissues of sick sh. Microbiota isolates were obtained from faeces of healthy sh.
Nearest-match identication of 16S rDNA sequences obtained to known sequences in the RDP II database.

ferences have important biological eects and could

explain the susceptibility to TVEO. It should be noticed that the level of TVEO required to inhibit bacterial pathogen (480 mg L  1) is higher than the level
used in the in vivo study (20 mg TVEO kg^1 feed).
Therefore, more in vivo studies are needed to evaluate
the eect of a higher TVEO concentration in gut bacteria. Also, it would be necessary to evaluate whether
these higher concentrations can alter feed avour or
induce toxic responses in the sh (Stroh et al. 1998).
The encapsulation of EOs could be a plausible alternative to deliver active EOs into the sh gut, as this
would reduce interactions with the food matrix and
possibly reduce toxic eects (Wang, Gong, Huang,Yu
& Xue 2009).

Some authors have suggested that the preservation

of a diverse microbial community that includes innocuous and benecial bacteria is key to managing
a successful hatchery (Schulze, Alabi,Tattersall-Sheldrake & Miller 2006), which is important to consider
in terms of antibiotic use and abuse. Antibiotic treatments can eradicate susceptible microorganisms,
which may promote colonization by resistant opportunist bacteria (Mott & Mobin 2006; Navarrete et al.
2008). Because TVEO is eective with pathogens and
permissive with indigenous microbiota, we suggest
that natural EOs could be used as alternatives for
managing bacterial populations and avoiding bacterial resistance. However, more studies are needed to
evaluate the in vivo eects of TVEO in sh.

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Antibacterial eect of T. vulgaris essential oil P Navarrete et al.

In conclusion, TVEO feed supplementation had no

toxic eects on trout and did not signicantly alter
the bacterial populations of trout intestines, as assessed by PCR^TTGE. However, TVEO demonstrated
in vitro antibacterial activity against sh bacterial
pathogens, and it can potentially be used as a protective agent in sh. Nevertheless, more detailed studies
using infected sh are needed.

R. Opazo was supported by a scholarship from the Dr
Stekel fellowship from INTA-Nestle. P. Mardones received a scholarship from CONICYT-Chile. This investigation was supported by a grant (FONDECYT no.
1080480) from CONICYT-Chile.

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