Increasing Marital Intimacy
Increasing Marital Intimacy
Increasing Marital Intimacy
ABSTRACT: Both marriage and family therapists and family life educators work to increase marital intimacy. In this study the effectiveness of two marriage enrichment programs was assessed with implications for practicing therapists. Participants were randomly assigned
to an Adventure or ACME (Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment) treatment group or to a control group. Marital intimacy
was assessed before and after treatment. Findings demonstrated that
both enrichment groups had a statistically significant increase in
marital enrichment. Suggestions for adopting adventure-based interventions for traditional therapy are discussed.
KEY WORDS: marital enrichment; adventure-based therapy; marital intimacy.
The Marriage Enrichment Movement is believed to have successfully contributed to the growth and strengthening of millions of
couples. Marital enrichment "implies change, growth, enhancement,
and development of already present ingredients in a relationship; and
the assumed direction of their change and growth is from the nonWilliam Adrian Hickmon, Jr., PhD, is assistant professor of marriage and family
therapy at Harding University, a licensed professional counselor, and co-owner and
facilitator of Capstone Adventures, Inc., Harding University, Box 2262, Searcy, Arkansas, 72149. Howard O. Protinsky, PhD, is professor and director of the marriage
and family therapy program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061. Kusum Singh, PhD, is associate professor of education
research at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia,
24061. Reprint requests should be sent to the first author.
*Special thanks are expressed to Michael A. Gass and H. L. Lee Gillis.
Contemporary Family Therapy, 19(4), December 1997
1997 Human Sciences Press, Inc.
intimate to the intimate" (Schaefer & Olson, 1981, p. 47). The predominant vehicle of change in marriage enrichment is the direct
transfer of learning at a conscious cognitive level (Mason, 1980). Most
enrichment models work through an educational model, teaching
skills of communication, conflict resolution, and decision making (Diskin, 1986). Many of these same skills are also taught by therapists to
their clients.
Adventure experiences stand in contrast to traditional approaches to marital enrichment by providing a holistic experience
that involves mind, body, and emotions (Gillis & Gass, 1993). Adventure initiatives are based on challenges with risks. Rising above the
challenge by taking the risks intensifies the transfer of learning to
the real life context (Galagan, 1987).
The utilization of adventure experiences in marriage enrichment
is virtually at its beginning. Adventure-based marriage enrichment
has had relatively little exploration and even less published research.
The little research that has been published has suffered from four
common weaknesses (Crompton & Sellar, 1981): (1) simple research
designs with poor control or randomization, and no long-term followup assessment; (2) small, unrepresentative samples; (3) assessment
instruments with untested reliability and validity; and (4) researcher
bias due to an inadequate research protocol. These criticisms can also
be applied to the existing research on marriage enrichment programs
(Adams & Gingras, 1982).
The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an
adventure-based marriage enrichment program and a traditional
marriage enrichment program in enhancing intimacy in married couples' relationships. In addition, implications of the research results
for clinicians are addressed.
The study participants consisted of married couples from three
Church of Christ congregations in Arkansas. The Church of Christ is
a relatively conservative group that places a primary emphasis on the
family. Thirty-seven couples composed the sample. The demographic
profile indicated that these participants were similar to the typical
marriage enrichment participant (Giblin, Sprenkle, & Sheehan, 1985).
Male participants had a mean age of 33 while females had a mean of
32 with the age range being 21-47. Both men and women averaged
close to 16 years of education. The participants ranged in years married from nine months to 26 years, with 10 years being the mean, and
two children being the average. Couples' incomes ranged from less
than $10,000 to more than $50,000 with a mean of $29,600. Twelve
couples had no prior experience in any marriage enrichment program,
while 25 couples had been involved in at least one marriage enrichment program. None of the couples had been divorced.
The Waring Intimacy Questionnaire is a 90-item, self-report,
true-false questionnaire. Its purpose is to measure the quality and
quantity of intimacy in a marriage. Based upon pilot studies, Waring
operationalized eight components of intimacy:
Conflict resolution: ease with which differences are resolved;
Affection: expression of emotional closeness; Cohesion: Commitment to the marriage; Sexuality: sexual needs are communicated and fulfilled; Identity: the self-confidence and
self-esteem of the couple; Compatibility: the ability to work
and play together; Expressiveness: Sharing thoughts, beliefs,
attitudes, and feelings; and Autonomy: independence from
family of origin (Fredman & Sherman, 1987, p. 127).
The WIQ can be utilized with couples in three different ways and
adapted to therapeutic or enrichment settings. First, the qualitative
profile is the individual's level of intimacy in each of the eight areas of
intimacy and the social desirability subscale. Second, intimacy incompatibility is the discrepancy between the two spouse's perception of
intimacy in the marriage. Third, total intimacy is a quantitative score
on the 30 items with an Item Efficiency Index of greater than ,5, minus the score on the social desirability subscale (Waring, 1984).
Waring, Patton, Neron, and Linker (1986) have operationally defined
four types of intimate relationships based on the above calculations.
These include: optimal intimacy, pseudo-intimacy, average intimacy,
and deficient intimacy.
The WIQ test-retest reliability for the Total Intimacy score is .89
for males, and .86 for females. Internal consistency scores for the Total Intimacy score is .78 for males, and .81 for females (Fredman &
Sherman, 1987).
In addition to the Waring, two other measurements were admin-
istered that can be useful both for the clinician and the researcher.
The researchers devised a Participants' Self-Rating of Intimacy Scale.
This consisted of asking the participants to rate their perception of
the present level of intimacy in their marriages on a scale of 1 to 10,
with the highest score representing ideal intimacy. A second scale, the
Intimacy Change Rating Scale, was also devised by the researchers in
which the participants were asked to rate their perception of the
change in their marital intimacy as a result of the program they experienced. This was a five-point scale, with the lowest score indicating a
decrease in intimacy and the highest score indicating a considerable
increase in intimacy.
One-third of the sample was randomly assigned to the Adventure
enrichment group, one-third to the ACME (Association for Couples in
Marriage Enrichment) group, and one-third to a non-treatment control group. Participants from all three groups completed the instruments during the first hour of the treatment and the last hour of the
The Adventure and ACME enrichment groups retreated for a
two-day weekend at a 1400-acre camp in the Ozark Mountains. The
two groups ate meals separately and used different parts of the camp
facility so that there was no interaction between the groups and thus,
no knowledge of what each group was doing. The two treatment
groups were also residing in different cabins as well as different cabin
areas. The programs were conducted entirely separately from one another.
The ACME enrichment group can be described as didactic/experiential because it consists of educational lessons, followed by role-playing and skill practicing. "All learning is experiential . . . . but some
learning is more experiential than others" (Quinsland & Van Ginkel,
1984, p. 9). On a continuum, ACME is located toward the less experiential. One of the primary objectives of the ACME program is to increase the couples' level of mutual intimacy. The approach to building
couple intimacy by the ACME program is based on three types of
learning which include: "cognitive or intellectual; affectivebeliefs,
insights, feelings, attitudes; and behavioral/relational or experientiallearning by doing" (Michael & Michael, 1992, p. 5). All of these
learning media are included in the first two types of transfer of learn-
each initiative to reinforce the isomorphic links and focus on the goals
of the activity. The Adventure group was facilitated by the first author.
The ACME program was facilitated by a couple in their mid-30s.
The husband was in his final week of a masters' degree program in
Bible and Religion, training to be a family life minister. The ACME
staff allowed this couple to facilitate their program with the typical
ACME training due to his training and experiences as a family life
Analysis of covariance was used to test for differences between all
three groups in post-test means on the Waring Intimacy Questionnaire using the pre-test as the covariate. A significant improvement
in the WIQ Total Intimacy scale was found after the treatment for the
ACME and Adventure groups. The ACME group (M = 26.94), and the
Adventure group (M = 26.32) reported a significantly greater increase in total intimacy scores than did the control group (M =
24.75). The increases in the treatment groups' total intimacy means
were statistically significant, F (2,70) = 3.96, p < .05. The Neuman/
Keul's Range Test indicated that both the ACME and Adventure
groups showed statistically significant increases in total intimacy
After the treatment, a statistically significant improvement was
found for ACME and Adventure groups in the Self-Rating of Intimacy
Scale. The treatment groups, ACME (M = 8.31) and Adventure (M =
8.17), reported significantly greater differences in Participants' SelfRating of Intimacy post-test scores compared to the control group (M
= 7.31), F (2,70) = 12.03, p < .001. The Neuman/Keul's Range Test
indicated that both the ACME and Adventure groups showed statistically significant differences in Self-Rating of Intimacy post-test
The treatment groups also showed a significantly higher rating of
their intimacy improvement after the treatment than did the control
group on the Intimacy Change Rating Scale. Analysis of variance was
used to test the differences in participants' post-treatment rating of
change intimacy. The treatment groups, ACME (M = 4.25) and Adventure (M = 4.35), reported a significantly greater intimacy change
rating compared to the Control Group (M = 3.08), F (2,70) = 12.03, p
< .001. The Neuman/Keul's Ranger Test indicated that both the
ACME and Adventure groups showed statistically significant higher
intimacy change scores.
Effect sizes, calculated on the WIQ Total Intimacy Scores, showed
relatively strong magnitude of the treatment effects: Acme, .71 and
Adventure, .45. The effect size refers to the effectiveness, or magnitude of the treatment. It is a standardized measure of the treatment
effect when contrasted with the control group. Effect size is especially
valuable in intervention research due to the small sample sizes involved and can reveal information useful to the clinician. According to
Cohen's proposed conventions of effect size levels, .20 is a small effect,
.50 is a moderate effect, and .80 is a large effect (Howell, 1987).
Program Effectiveness
The focus of this study was to determine if an adventure-based
marriage enrichment program and an ACME program were effective
in increasing intimacy in married couples. Participants' responses on
the Waring Intimacy Questionnaire, the Self-Rating of Intimacy
Scale, and the Intimacy Change Scale produced strong evidence in
favor of the effectiveness of both programs. Also, solid evidence of the
ACME and Adventure programs was manifested by the effect size
calculations. According to Cohen's conventions (Howell, 1987), the effect size for the ACME program was relatively strong and relatively
moderate for the Adventure program.
Implications for Enrichment
The implications of the present study's results for the adventure
programming in marriage enrichment and the ACME program were
substantial. The Adventure program showed strong promise as a medium for marriage enrichment. The strength of the research design of
the present study adds to the potency of the findings. The criticisms
of many enrichment studies include a small size, no control group
and/or no alternate treatment group, no random assignment, invalid
measurement treatments, and utilizing only simple statistical procedures. The current study fulfills these criteria for solid enrichment
research design.
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