Classifying The Semantic Relations in Noun Compounds Via A Domain-Specific Lexical Hierarchy
Classifying The Semantic Relations in Noun Compounds Via A Domain-Specific Lexical Hierarchy
Classifying The Semantic Relations in Noun Compounds Via A Domain-Specific Lexical Hierarchy
true NCs was about 6%; some examples are: treat migraine, 3 In some cases a word maps to more than one CUI; for the
ten patient, headache more. We do not know, however, how work reported here we arbitrarily chose the first mapping in
many NCs we missed. The errors occurred when the wrong all cases. In future work we will explore how to make use of
label was assigned by the tagger (see Section 4). all of the mapped terms.
Name N Examples
Wrong parse (1) 109 exhibit asthma, ten drugs, measure headache
Subtype (4) 393 headaches migraine, fungus candida, hbv carrier,
giant cell, mexico city, t1 tumour, ht1 receptor
Activity/Physical process (5) 59 bile delivery, virus reproduction, bile drainage,
headache activity, bowel function, tb transmission
Ending/reduction 8 migraine relief, headache resolution
Beginning of activity 2 headache induction, headache onset
Change 26 papilloma growth, headache transformation,
disease development, tissue reinforcement
Produces (on a genetic level) (7) 47 polyomavirus genome, actin mrna, cmv dna, protein gene
Cause (1-2) (20) 116 asthma hospitalizations, aids death, automobile accident
heat shock, university fatigue, food infection
Cause (2-1) 18 flu virus, diarrhoea virus, influenza infection
Characteristic (8) 33 receptor hypersensitivity, cell immunity,
drug toxicity, gene polymorphism, drug susceptibility
Physical property 9 blood pressure, artery diameter, water solubility
Defect (27) 52 hormone deficiency, csf fistulas, gene mutation
Physical Make Up 6 blood plasma, bile vomit
Person afflicted (15) 55 aids patient, bmt children, headache group, polio survivors
Demographic attributes 19 childhood migraine, infant colic, women migraineur
Person/center who treats 20 headache specialist, headache center, diseases physicians,
asthma nurse, children hospital
Research on 11 asthma researchers, headache study, language research
Attribute of clinical study (18) 77 headache parameter, attack study, headache interview,
biology analyses, biology laboratory, influenza epidemiology
Procedure (36) 60 tumor marker, genotype diagnosis, blood culture,
brain biopsy, tissue pathology
Frequency/time of (2-1) (22) 25 headache interval, attack frequency,
football season, headache phase, influenza season
Time of (1-2) 4 morning headache, hour headache, weekend migraine
Measure of (23) 54 relief rate, asthma mortality, asthma morbidity,
cell population, hospital survival
Standard 5 headache criteria, society standard
Instrument (1-2) (33) 121 aciclovir therapy, chloroquine treatment,
laser irradiation, aerosol treatment
Instrument (2-1) 8 vaccine antigen, biopsy needle, medicine ginseng
Instrument (1) 16 heroin use, internet use, drug utilization
Object (35) 30 bowel transplantation, kidney transplant, drug delivery
Misuse 11 drug abuse, acetaminophen overdose, ergotamine abuser
Subject 18 headache presentation, glucose metabolism, heat transfer
Purpose (14) 61 headache drugs, hiv medications, voice therapy,
influenza treatment, polio vaccine
Topic (40) 38 time visualization, headache questionnaire, tobacco history,
vaccination registries, health education, pharmacy database
Location (21) 145 brain artery, tract calculi, liver cell, hospital beds
Modal 14 emergency surgery, trauma method
Material (39) 28 formaldehyde vapor, aloe gel, gelatin powder, latex glove,
Bind 4 receptor ligand, carbohydrate ligand
Activator (1-2) 6 acetylcholine receptor, pain signals
Activator (2-1) 4 headache trigger, headache precipitant
Inhibitor 11 adrenoreceptor blockers, influenza prevention
Defect in Location (21 27) 157 lung abscess, artery aneurysm, brain disorder
Table 1: The semantic relations defined via iterative refinement over a set of noun compounds. The relations
shown in boldface are those used in the experiments reported on here. Relation ID numbers are shown in
parentheses by the relation names. The second column shows the number of labeled examples for each class;
the last row shows a class consisting of compounds that exhibit more than one relation. The notation (1-2)
and (2-1) indicates the directionality of the relations. For example, Cause (1-2) indicates that the first noun
causes the second, and Cause (2-1) indicates the converse.
flu vaccination Model Acc1 Acc2 Acc3
Model 2 D4G3 Lexical: Log Reg 0.31 0.58 0.62
Model 3 D 4 808 G 3 770 Lexical: NN 0.62 0.73 0.78
Model 4 D 4 808 54 G 3 770 2 0.52 0.65 0.72
Model 5 D 4 808 54 79 G 3 770 670 3 0.58 0.70 0.76
Model 6 D 4 808 54 79 429 G 3 770 670 310 4 0.60 0.70 0.76
5 0.60 0.72 0.78
Table 2: Different lengths of the MeSH descriptors 6 0.61 0.71 0.76
for the different models
Model Feature Vector Table 4: Test accuracy for each model, where the model
2 42 number corresponds to the level of the MeSH hierarchy
3 315 used for classification. Lexical NN is Neural Network on
4 687 Lexical and Lexical: Log Reg is Logistic Regression on
5 950 NN. Acc1 refers to how often the correct relation is the
6 1111 top-scoring relation, Acc2 refers to how often the correct
Lexical 1184 relation is one of the top two according to the neural net,
and so on. Guessing would yield a result of 0.077.
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
2 3 4 5 6 1 4 5 7 8 14 15 18 20 21 22 23 27 33 35 36 39 40 2027
Levels of the MeSH Hierarchy Classes
Figure 1: Accuracies on the test sets for all the models. Figure 2: Accuracies for each class. The numbers at the
The dotted line at the bottom is the accuracy of guess- bottom refer to the class numbers in Table 1. Note the
ing (the inverse of the number of classes). The dash-dot very high accuracy for the “mixed” relationship 20-27
line above this is the accuracy of logistic regression on (last bar on the right).
the lexical data. The solid line with asterisks is the ac-
curacy of our representation, when only the maximum
output value from the network is considered. The solid the words in the test set are not present in the train-
line with circles if the accuracy of getting the right an- ing set. In relationship 14 (“Purpose”), for example,
swer within the two largest output values from the neural vaccine appears 6 times in the test set (e.g., varicella
network and the last solid line with diamonds is the ac- vaccine). In the training set, NCs with vaccine in
curacy of getting the right answer within the first three it have also been classified as “Instrument” (anti-
outputs from the network. The three flat dashed lines gen vaccine, polysaccharide vaccine), as “Object”
are the corresponding performances of the neural net- (vaccine development), as “Subtype of” (opv vac-
work on lexical inputs. cine) and as “Wrong” (vaccines using). Other words
in the test set for 14 are varicella which is present
in the trainig set only in varicella serology labeled
the algorithm guesses yields about 5% accuracy. We as “Attribute of clinical study”, drainage which is
see that our method is a significant improvement in the training set only as “Location” (gallbladder
over the tabular logistic-regression-based approach, drainage and tract drainage) and “Activity” (bile
which yields an accuracy of only 31 percent. Addi- drainage). Other test set words such as immunisa-
tionally, despite the significant reduction in raw in- tion and carcinogen do not appear in the training
formation content as compared to the lexical repre- set at all.
sentation, the MeSH-based neural network performs In other words, it seems that the MeSHk-based
as well as the lexical-based neural network. (And we categorization does better when generalization is re-
again stress that the lexical-based neural network is quired. Additionally, this data set is “dense” in the
not a viable option for larger domains.) sense that very few testing words are not present in
Figure 2 shows the results for each relation. the training data. This is of course an unrealistic
MeSH-based generalization does better on some re- situation and we wanted to test the robustness of
lations (for example 14 and 15) and Lexical on others the method in a more realistic setting. The results
(7, 22). It turns out that the test set for relation- reported in Table 4 and in Figure 1 were obtained
ship 7 (“Produces on a genetic level”) is dominated splitting the data into 50% training and 50% testing
by NCs containing the words alleles and mrna and for each relation and we had a total of 855 training
that all the NCs in the training set containing these points and 805 test points. Of these, only 75 ex-
words are assigned relation label 7. A similar situa- amples in the testing set consisted of NCs in which
tion is seen for relation 22, “Time(2-1)”. In the test both words were not present in the training set.
set examples the second noun is either recurrence, We decided to test the robustness of the MeSH-
season or time. In the training set, these nouns ap- based model versus the lexical model in the case of
pear only in NCs that have been labeled as belonging unseen words; we are also interested in seeing the
to relation 22. relative importance of the first versus the second
On the other hand, if we look at relations 14 and noun. Therefore, we split the data into 5% training
15, we find a wider range of words, and in some cases (73 data points) and 95% testing (1587 data points)
Model All test 1 2 3 4 1
Testing set performances for different partitions on the test set
Table 5 and Figures 3 and 4 present the accuracies Testing set performances for different partitions on the test set for the MeSH−based model
for these test set partitions. Figure 3 shows that Accuracy for the entire test
Case 3
the MeSH-based models are more robust than the 0.9 Case 1
Case 2
lexical when the number of unseen words is high and 0.8
Case 4