Manqus Maulid
Manqus Maulid
Manqus Maulid
Subhanalladhi atwl`a fi shahri Rabeil awwali quamara nabiyyil huda,wa auojadha nurahu
quabla khalqil a`alami wasmmahu Muhammada.
I glorify Allah SWT who allowed the moon of the prophet to rise in guidance, during the month of
Rabiul Awwal and named it Muhammad (SAW); his light has been there from before the creation of
the world.
You know, he is the one by whose status Adam (A) asked Allah, and Adam was
proud to be his father. He is the one by whose baraka Nuh (A) sought help from
Allah (as he travelled in the ark made by him and his followers) and he escaped
from mishaps and difficulties.
(Note: The ship had a length of 300 fee , width of 50 feet and depth of 30 feet,
and was three stories high). Nuh (A) spent six months in the ark during the flood,
not seeing any land. Later he and the others in the ship landed on
the peak of Mount of Judi [AL2] as mentioned in the Holy Quran 11:44 and 29:15.)
And when his mother Aminah was pregnant, the angels of the Heaven came to
help, and the former messengers met her saying, when you give birth to the sun
of victory, please name him Muhammad (SAW).
And He placed me on the backbone of Nuh alaihissalam in the ship and put me in
the backbone of Khalil Ibrahim alaihissalam when he was thrown to the fire.
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Atwhari fatatin fil arab wa dhalika fi lailatil jumuati min shahri rajabin
amara Rilwan
the most pious lady amongst the Arabs, that was at Friday night in the month of
Rajab, Allah SWT commanded Rilwan (the Angel who is the Guard
of Paradise or Jannah)
and the doors of paradise were opened. Hurs (heavenly girls with large
eyes) and handsome boys were adorned. The good news (of the birth of Rasulullah
(SAW)) was announced and the stars of dawn glittered
One caller (from the sky and the earth) announced, Know that the protected
Nur in which the leader of mankind is kept has been placed in the womb of
Amina (R).
When the Nur moved out from Abdullah to the womb of Amina (R), the Arsh(the
throne of Almighty Allah SWT) trembled with all happiness and pleasure
Wa Amina (R)t bihi minal makhawifil ka`minah .walahara lintiqali nurihil ayaatu wa
tabasharat bihi jamil makhluqat
And She was safe against all hidden fears. The signs for the moving of this Holy
Nur was evident and all creatures informed each other about this great happening
When she became pregnant with Prophet (SAW), it was the happy month of Rajab.
She was informed in the month of Shaban of the glad news that her wishes were
to be fullfilled. She was told in Ramadhan that she carried in her womb a child
who was completely purified from all bad and dirty things
And Hazrat Musa alaihissalam came to her in Dhulhijjah and informed her about
the position and high status of the Prophet (SAW).
Jibril alaihissalam called on her in Muharram, and she was informed that the
time for her delivery was approaching. Angels formed rows (for the purpose of
greeting the new born child) in her house in the month of Safar.
Fa alimat anna mouida ssururi qad qaruba wa dana falamma halla rabiul
awwali ala`til arlu wassama wa ahraqatil baitu wasswafa.
And She knew that time fixed for happiness was near when Rabiulawwal came;
the earth and sky were illuminated with brightness, the Kaaba and Swafa
Mountain were also illuminated.
Wahana buruzu shamsi ssa`dah tala`lal haqu nuran ala` wanushirat lahu
fil kauni a`lamurrila
And the time for the appearance of the sun of victory was so close, the truth was
shining, there as an extreme light and the flags of recognition were displayed in
all parts of the universe
Repeat Chorus
Jibrilu nada fi manasswati husnihi
Repeat Chorus
Hadha jazilul waswfi hadha sayyidu
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Wa nafaisun fa naliruhu la yujadu
Wulidal habibu wa mithlhu la yuladu
Hadha huval jahul alimul azyadu
Repeat Chorus
Hadhalladhi khulia`t alaihi malabisun
Qalat malaikatu ssamae bi asrihim
Waladathu makhtunan wa
It was reported that when the Prophet was being delivered, Amina (R) saw a
bright light, and in that light the castles of Busra from Sham glittered.
(Note: Sham was a region comprising Iran, Iraq and Syria at that time)
It is reported that Amina (R) said, When I gave birth to Rasulullah (SAW), I
wanted to look at the baby but I couild not see the baby. When I looked again, I
saw that the baby was
a white
which was softer than silk and a nice smell came from the baby.
I started
( SAW)
to look at the baby a voice said to hide him
of an eye.
This seal was seen only by some of Swahaba like Salmanulfarisi(RA), as the
Prophet(SAW) was very shy about revealing any part of his body except the face
and the palms.
It was predicted in Tourat and Injiel, that the Prophet (SAW) would be born with
these signs. So, many of the scholars of these two books, embraced Islam, seeing
these signs evident in Rasulullah(SAW)
Wa ruviya an Yahya bin Urwa anna nafaran min quraish kanoo inda
swanamin min aswnamihim qad itakhdhu dhalikal yauma eidan min
ayyamihim yanharunal jazura wa yakuluna wa yashrabuna waqad akafu
alaihi ykhuluna wa yalabun.
It was reported from Yahya bin Urwa (Grandson of Zubair bin Awwam as in Al
Bidhaya written by Ibnu Katheer), verily one of the groups of Quraish were sitting
with an idol for them, they were celebrating their Eid-Festival, slaughtering the
animals and eating, drinking and playing.
Repeat Chorus
Famin huznina qaddarratil eeru
Nabu` bi iqrarin wa nalwi ani zzhanbi
Tanakkasta maqluban famadhaka
Repeat Chorus
Taradda li mauludin ala`t bi nurihi
Repeat Chorus
Waqad bata shahul fursi fi a`lamil karbi
Fayala qusayyinirjioo an lalalikum
Qala ibnu Ishaq lamma kana yaomussabie zabaha anhu jaddhuhu Abdul
muttalib wa qama bi amrihi kama yajibu ,wa da` quraishan wa
atwamahum wa akramahum fa lamma akalu qalu ya abdal muttalib ma
sammaita bnaka qala sammaytuhu Muhammada .fa qalu qad ragibta an
asmae aabaeka ,qala aradtu an yahmadahu man alal gabra`
It is reported by Ibnu Ishaq (one of the Tabiee who saw the prophet`s companions
being as a muslim) that at the seventh day of his birth, his grandfather Abdul
Muttalib slaughtered for him as an essential affair and invited the Quraish. He
arranged for them food and honoured them.
After having their meal, they asked Abdul Muttalib what name he had chosen for
his grandson. He replied, Muhammad. They asked him, Why did you hesitate
to put the name of your forefathers? He said, I would like him to be praised by
all in the universe.
Shamsulluha fi zalika ssa`di
Swalla alaihillahu ma ashraqat
When the time for prophet`s (SAW) sacred delivery came nearer, it illuminated
the universe due to his (SAW) brightness, Here was Amina (R) lonely, receiving
happiness with his Barakas. She didn`t feel anything except that there is a light in
her house, enshrouding her with delight and pleasure, Angels and Hur
E`en (unique beautiful girls from heaven with large eyes) have come forward,
different types of birds surrounded her room while she kept hearing the rumbling
of crowds of people rejoicing. How could this not be the case as the leader of the
entire world (SAW) had been born in the house of Amina (RA).
Repeat Chorus
Inna baitan anta sakinuhu
Repeat Chorus
Wa marilan anta zaeruhu
Repeat Chorus
Wasama fi arfae ddaraji
Repeat Chorus
Samihabirruhi wal muhaji
Repeat Chorus
Fa kafaital bahra wallujaji
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Zanbuna mahee la yamnauna
Repeat Chorus
Likamalil husni wal bahaji
Swabbukum wallahi lam yakhib
Repeat Chorus
Li swalahi ddheeni wannahiji
Repeat Chorus
Innana narju li shafiena
Li sabilil haqqi wal fraji
Rabbi warzuqna ziyaratahu
Qala Aliyyu bin Zaid rahimahullahu ta`la kana ila janibee rajulun
dhimmiyyun wa kuntu fi shahri rbi-l awwali adu-l fuqara wa a`malu
maulidan linnabiyyi swallallahu alaihi wasallam fa qala lee zalika
dhimmiyyu lima tafalu fi haza sshahr duna gwairihi fa qultu farahan bi
maulidi rasulillahi swallallahu alaihi wasallam li annahu wulida fi haza
sshahr fa ja-la yahzu bi fa azza alayya zalika wawajadtu min zalika amran
Aliyyu bin Zaid (may Allah SWT grant him His mercy) (Note: He was one of the
scholars after the genaration of prophets companions who passed away in 131
AH according to the Tuhfatul Mushtaaqeen).says:
There was a Dhimmyy (a non-Muslim who pays the tax to the Islamic
republic) near me. I used to invite poor people in the month of Rabeeul awwal and
celebrate the birthday of the Prophet swallallahu alaihi wasallam. He asked me,
why you do this in this month and and not in others?. I said, Because of my
happiness about the birth of the Messenger (SAW), as he was born in this month.
He (the Dhimmy) began to scold me and I was very hurt.
When he spoke, his face shone and when he was silent, he looked very
magnificent. He spoke very well. When he comes out you would say, This is the
full moon. When he walks, the smell of musk and ambergris(Note: a
fragrance) emanated from him. Oh,what a beautiful face it iwas! What a nice
smell it was! Then I thought that I would kiss his hands. He (SAW) asked me,
How can you kiss my hands while you are not in my religion?
Fa qultu man anta llazee mannallahu alayya bika? qala anallazee ursiltu
rahmatan lil aalamin,ana sayyidhul awwaleena wal aaqireen ana
Muhammadun khatamunnabiyyeen,wa rasulu rabbil aalameen.fa qultu
lailaha illallahu muhammadurrasulullah fa fataha yadaihi wa a`naqanee
thumma qala hazihil janna:wa zakal qasr laka fa qultu ma alamatu zalika
qala an tamuta gadan.qala swahibul hikaya fa bainama huwa
yuhaddithunee wa iza bil babi yutwraqu wa qailuln yqulu.
I asked, Who are you, by whom I have been blessed by Allah SWT? Then the
Prophet (SAW) said, I am sent as a mercy to all worlds, I am the leader of those
who came first and those who will come last, I am Muhammad, last of all
messengers, and the messenger for all worlds. Then I uttered, Lailahaha illallahu
Muhammadurrasulullah. Then he opened his arms and hugged me, saying that
This heaven and that castle are for you. I asked him (SAW) what is the proof
for it. You will die tomorrow.
The reporter said that while the Dhimmy was talking with him, there was a
knocking on the door and someone was saying
In kunta anta hulita yauman billiqa
I asked him who these people were. He said, My wife and my daughter. The
reporter said, They entered uttering Lailaha Illallahu Muhammadu
Rasulullahi (there is no God but Allah SWT. And Muhammad (SAW) is His
Messenger). He asked them both, How is your faith?(Iman). They said,
We saw the Prophet (SAW) as you saw with our eyes. If you were promised
one fort or castle, we have been promised two.
The reporter said, The man died immediately thereafter, the next day his
daughter died, and on the third day his wife also passed away. May Allah SWT
grant His mercy upon them and upon us.
All praises belong to Allah SWT who made us in the Ummah of Prophet
(SAW) for as long as reciters of dhikr are reciting dhikr and for as long as
neglecters are forgetting His remembrance.
Repeat Chorus
( )
with the
All creatures
The spring of the
Repeat Chorus
Wa khawariqul
lailatha birth month
Jaath of
li maulidihisshareefi
of Ahmad
prophets (SAW) birth-The
month of Rabiul Awwal is alive.
And extraordinary wonders
In the respect of his (SAW) great birthday,
occurred that night in which the
there had occurred many happy good things .
Prophet (SAW) was born.
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Wa maqamuhul mahmudu yaumal
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Wa-ala swahabatikal kirami jame-ehim
Ya Nabi salam alaikum
Swalawatullah alaikum
yaHabeeb salam alaikum
Qattu ya wajha ssururi
Mithla husnika ma ra-ina
Anta ikseerun wa gwali
Repeat Chorus
Ya aroosal khafiqaini
Ya habeebi ya muhammad
Oh the bridegroom of the east and west Oh, my intimate one, O Muhammad
Ya imamal
Repeat Chorus
Ya kareemal walidaini
Ya muayyad ya mumajjad
Man ra- wajhaka yasa-d
Hauluka swafil mubarrad
Bissura illa ilaika
Ma rainal eesa hannat
Repeat Chorus
Intaka llabyu nnafooru
Wa tanadau lirraheeli
Qultu quif li ya daleelu
Wastajaraka ya habibi
Heena ma shaddul mahamil
Jituhum waddamu saail
Repeat Chorus
Ayyuha sshauqul jazeelu
Fil ashay awal bukoori
Feeka ya bahil jabeenu
Wa tahammal li rasaail
Nahwaha tilkal manazil
Kulluman fil kauni hamu
Washtiyaqu wa haneenu
Quatta baddat haaereena
Fi maaneekal anamu
Anta lil maula shakooru
Anta lirrusuli khitamu
Ya basheeru ya nazeeru
Ya mujeeru mina ssaeeri
Fa agithnee wa ajirnee
Falakal wasful haseenu
Qattu ya jaddal husaini
Daiman twula dduhuri
ya giyathee ya malazee
Faza abun qad tamalla
Feeka ya badrun tajalla
Laisa azka minka aswla
Fa alaikallahu swalla
Repeat Chorus
Ya rafeea- ddarajati
O, One who is above all in status.
Wagfiran li sayyiaati
Wazzunoobil moobiqati
Wamuqueelul atharati
Ya waliyyal hasanati
Oh, Master of all good deeds (Allah)
Kaffiran anee zunubi
Anta gwaffarul khataya
Anta sattarul maSAWi
Alimusirri wa akhfa
Li jamee- sswalihati
Rabbanarhana jameea-
Note: It is said that some parts of this dhu a were added by Sheikh Ibnu
Hajar Haitami Makki (RA), when he visited Ponnani during the life of the
authors grandson, Maqdoom the Second. (Ibnu Hajar Haitami Makki (RA) was
Ustad of Maqdoom the Second, while Sheikh Zakariyyal Answari from
)Makkah was Ustad of Maqdoom the First.
Note: this Dhua may vary according to the Imam conucting the Moulid.
Meaning of Dhua