Canagarajah 2006 TESOL at 40 - What Are The Issues
Canagarajah 2006 TESOL at 40 - What Are The Issues
Canagarajah 2006 TESOL at 40 - What Are The Issues
Founded 1966
Founded 1966
A. SURESH CANAGARAJAH, Baruch College, City University of New York
Assistant Editor
David Luna,
Baruch College, City University
of New York
Paul Kei Matsuda,
University of New Hampshire
Anna Mauranen,
University of Helsinki
Shondel J. Nero,
St. Johns University
Lucy Pickering,
Georgia State University
Charlene Polio,
Michigan State University
Peter Robinson,
Aoyama Gakuin University
Norbert Schmitt,
University of Nottingham
Ali Shehadeh,
King Saud University
Mack Shelley,
Iowa State University
Bryan Smith,
Arizona State University East
Elaine Tarone,
University of Minnesota
Additional Readers
David Block; Carol Chapelle; Margaret Hawkins; Adrian Holliday; Bill Johnston; Anthony Kunnan;
Eva Lam; Peter Lowenberg; Aya Matsuda; Brian Paltridge; Sandra Savignon; Barbara Seidlhofer;
Steven Thorne; Mark Warschauer; Jessica Williams
Advertising arranged by Amanda Van Staalduinen, TESOL Central Office, Alexandria, Virginia U.S.A.
Typesetting by Capitol Communication Systems, Inc., Crofton, Maryland U.S.A.
Printing and binding by Pantagraph Printing, Bloomington, Illinois U.S.A.
Copies of articles that appear in the TESOL Quarterly are available through ISI Document Solution, 3501 Market Street,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 U.S.A.
Copyright 2006
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc.
US ISSN 0039-8322 (print), ISSN 1545-7249 (online)
Brock Brady
American University
Washington, DC USA
Christine Coombe
Dubai Mens College
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Lynne Daz-Rico
California State University
San Bernardino, CA USA
Liz England
Hong Kong Institute of
Hong Kong SAR, China
La D. Kamhi-Stein
California State University
Los Angeles, CA USA
Stephen Stoynoff
Joyce Kling
Minnesota State University
Copenhagen Business School
Mankato, MN USA
Frederiksberg, Denmark
Gabriel Daz Maggioli
The British Schools
Montevideo, Uruguay
Suchada Nimmannit
Chulalangkorn University
Language Institute
Bangkok, Thailand
Penny McKay
Queensland University of
Brisbane, Queensland
Executive Director/Secretary
Alexandria, VA USA
Founded 1966
In This Issue
ISSUE Vol. 40, No. 1, March 2006
TESOL Quarterly
In Press, June 2006
The June issue will contain articles focusing on the
role of vocabulary in language pedagogy.
Keith Folse, University of Central Florida
Siok Lee, Burnaby School District #41 and Simon Fraser University
James Muncie, University of Evora
Rachel Hayes-Harb, University of Utah
Youngkyu Kim, Ewha Womans University
Anna Ching-Shyang Chang, Hsing-Wu College
John Read, Victoria University of Wellington
Elizabeth R. Howard, Center for Applied Linguistics
Igone Arteagoitia, Center for Applied Linguistics
Mohammed Louguit, Center for Applied Linguistics
Valerie Malabonga, Center for Applied Linguistics
Dorry M. Kenyon, Center for Applied Linguistics
the histories we narrate not only reflect but shape history. Such awareness makes writing the state of the art a controversial and contested
If histories are actually stories (from specific locations and locutors),
let us acknowledge up front that there are multiple stories of TESOL. I
will tell the TESOL story differently if I am narrating it from my
postcolonial setting in rural Jaffna, Sri Lanka, where I learned ESL and
taught for a while, or if I narrate it from my current setting in the
postmodern metropolis of New York City, where I teach transnational
multilingual students. The plural stories of TESOL are already colliding
in the publications in our field. For example, compare Howatts (2004)
self-assured History of English Language Teaching, which traces the progress
in constructing efficient methods and materials as ELT marched on from
medieval England to become an autonomous discipline, with Spacks
(2002) painful Americas Second Tongue, which narrates the imposition of
English on Native American childrenboth insightfully reviewed from
another location (Oaxaca, Mexico) by Angeles Clemente (2005) in the
pages of this journal. We must also be careful not to give the impression
that TESOL is only 40 years old. While Howatts book starts in 1400,
Spack starts in 1860 (for the convenience of studying recorded history,
although the history of the particular language teaching enterprise she
investigates goes further back). Even rural Jaffna has a history of TESOL
from at least 1780. Therefore, we mustnt encourage the confusion of the
name of our organization for the name of our field.
Even within this circumscribed scopethe 40-year story of TESOL the
organizationit is difficult to represent the state of the art with any
completeness. The telling of a story (or even a history) brings with it its
own genre conventions, which shape time and space in different ways.
The story has to develop in a particular direction, bring out certain
themes, employ dominant metaphors, and manifest specific organizing
principles. For example, let us consider in some detail the dominant
metaphors that organize the story in the 25th anniversary issues
(Silberstein, 1991b): growth, solution, and stability.
Regarding, first, the metaphor of growth, Silberstein (1991a) describes all the articles in her editors note: Taken together these
comprise a portrait of our profession as it enters its institutional and
intellectual maturity (p. 229). Larsen-Freeman (1991) takes this metaphor to great lengths in her comprehensive treatment of SLA research.
After reminding readers how she had referred to the field of SLA in
transition from infancy to adolescence in a 1980 publication, and later
as having arrived at older adolescence . . . while still enjoying the vigor
of youth in 1985, Larsen-Freeman states: If I may be permitted to
extend the analogy once again, I would have to say that developmentally
SLA has entered young adulthood (p. 338).
adulthood (p. 338) and move toward a pluralist framework incorporating cognitive and social perspectives on SLA, we know that many scholars
are still bickering. Thus, while Larsen-Freeman hoped that the field
would move toward a synthesis, Zuengler and Miller (this issue) see the
two branches as so ontologically disparate and professionally divided that
they will remain in parallel SLA worlds for some time to come (p. 35).
SLA specialists have stopped staking out the territory (the title of
Larsen-Freeman, 1991); they have simply divided it up for occupation.
The paradigms in our field have changed so radically that it is
questionable whether we are still proceeding along the lines of development sketched out in the 25th anniversary issues. For example, in the
case of methods, we are no longer searching for yet another more
effective and successful method; instead, we are now questioning the
notion of methods itself. We are rightly concerned about their neutrality,
instrumentality, and their very constitution. In terms of language skills,
we now recognize that all four skills are integrated, and we are developing our curricula in terms of other organizing principlesprojects,
purposes, tasks, or portfolios, which draw from skills variously for their
accomplishment (see Hinkel, this issue). In fact, certain current topics in
the field are of such novelty that they dont have a distinct tradition to
draw from. Thus, the articles in this issue on World Englishes ( Jenkins,
this issue) and digital technology (Kern, this issue) represent domains
that have quickly gained significance and centrality in the field. Compounded by globalization, these developments raise new questions
throughout the field that are unlikely to be answered for years to come.
For this reason, the articles in this issue on testing (Leung & Lewkowicz,
this issue) and ESP (Belcher, this issue) dont end with neat syntheses.
Instead, the authors see on the horizon many new concerns that might
radically redefine everything that has been developed in their areas.
Critical practice has also introduced new questions of ethics, power, and
subjectivity that have put virtually all of our professional domains on a
new footing. To complicate matters still further, the earlier constructs
and models are also still with us: In the articles on SLA and grammar in
this issue, we see accurate representations of older traditions that are still
alive and kicking.
Although we cannot easily apply metaphors of growth, solution, and
synthesis to describe the articles in this 40th anniversary issue, there is no
story without an organizing principle. Therefore, I would like to revisit
the story Douglas Brown started narrating in the 25th year issue. (Hence
the evocation of his title in this article.) More specifically, I would like to
consider Browns (1991) four major themes [that] appear to be
running through ESOL teaching and research efforts at the present
time (p. 245): those relating to the learner, subject matter, method, and
sociopolitical and geographical issues. In writing the article, Brown
provides an insightful map of the complex developments in the profession at that time. Although this structure provides me a helpful way to
discuss the articles in this issue, it will soon become evident that it is
difficult to sustain Browns story line or provide narrative closure. In the
40th anniversary issue, what we see instead is continued questioning and
searching. Perhaps new metaphors are coming into prominence to
describe the current state of our profession? Perhaps even the story itself
has changed?
I must quickly clarify that the story in this issue is not We were once
lost, but now we are found! or, even worse, They were lost, but we are
out of the woods! When perceiving the history of the profession
through the spectacles of the present discourses, it is natural that the
positions of the past appear unsatisfactory. However, it is difficult to
make comparisons of this nature because the conditions are not the
same. The ground has been shifting under our feet, and the professionals of the different periods are simply attempting to respond to the
changing needs and conditions. In fact, many of the authors in the
present issue participated enthusiastically in the dominant pedagogical
movements during the 90s. Similarly, if the authors of the 25th anniversary issue were to write their articles today, they would write them
differently. Indeed, they are adopting radically complex models now to
discuss their work. Consider, for example, Larsen-Freemans (2002) use
of chaos theory to theorize SLA. Furthermore, even in the articles of the
25th anniversary issue, the authors showed remarkable openness. Despite an interest in charting the progress in the field, they discussed their
themes in terms of recognitions (see Raimes, 1991, p. 407), foci
(Larsen-Freeman, 1991, p. 315), and challenges and perspectives
(Brown, 1991, p. 245) rather than axioms and rules. This brings out
another rhetorical dilemma: Though we are all conscious of our professional moment in time as complex and fluid, the exercise of trying to
describe it (which involves identifying trends and formulating charts and
models to represent them) ends up reducing its complexity and making
it static. Can we work against such rhetorical constraints to construct a
less triumphalist and self-congratulatory story? In concluding this overview, I will return to these considerations.
The values underlying these shifts are fairly clear. Practices that are
process-oriented, autonomous, and experiential are considered empowering. The shift from the previous product-oriented and teacher-fronted
pedagogies certainly reduced the passivity of students and encouraged
greater involvement. This shift was also consonant with the philosophical
changes led by the antibehaviorist psychology of Chomskyan linguistics,
which placed emphasis on the linguistic creativity of the human mind.
However, this is only one orientation to empowerment. Browns own
definition of empowerment is more robust. He defines it as enabling
students to become critical thinkers, equipped with problem-solving
strategies, poised to challenge those forces in society that would keep
them passive (1991, p. 248). However, another problem quickly arises:
We must distinguish the popular version of critical thinking (CT) that
informs Browns definition from critical practice (CP), as it has recently
evolved in our profession (see Benesch, 1993).
CT typically treats thinking as an individual activity, divorced from an
active engagement with social positioning, as teachers introduce reasoning strategies and logical skills. Students apply objective, linear approaches of reasoning to problem-solving. CP, on the other hand, is
more dialogical and reflexive in that it encourages students to interrogate thinking in relation to material life, ones own biases, and ones
social and historical positioning. In fact, the students life experience
may itself generate critical insights into issues without the student having
to learn critical thinking anew. Furthermore, for CP, thinking cannot be
divorced from ethical considerations of justice, democracy, and inclusiveness. Thinking is also integrated with practical struggles for social
change and institutional advocacy. This engagement fundamentally
shapes the tenor of ones thinking and provides deeper insights into
experience. CT may see such social engagement as extraneous to (or
even distorting) the thinking process. Finally, just as action interacts with
thinking, there are other channels of critical thinking that CP acknowledges. Passion, imagination, art, and even popular culture mesh in
complex ways to enhance critical thinking, whereas CT seems to glorify
impersonal rationalism. It is important to observe these distinctions to
prevent empowerment from becoming a clich.
Since 1991, CP has made rapid progress in TESOL, exploring empowerment from diverse orientations. The special topic issue of TQ on
critical pedagogy in 1999 moved empowerment beyond a buzzword to
wrestle with unresolved new questions and problems: Do we provide
marginalized students access to dominant discourses or help them
develop voice in order to resist them? Do we critique the machinations of
power outside in history or inside in human subjectivity? Do we
initiate changes at the macro level of educational policy or the micro
level of classroom practice? TQs special topic issue on language in
development (2002) then took empowerment beyond thinking issues to
material and structural considerations, exploring the role of English in
the social and educational development of various nations. Similarly,
recent studies have socially situated the learner, exploring how their
diverse subject positions interact in the learning experience. For example, gender is an important area of emerging research and pedagogyas represented in the TQ special topic issue (2004) on gender in
TESOL. Race, as well, is gaining importance in TESOL, with a special
topic issue of TQ scheduled for September 2006. Queer identities have
also become the focus of research (Nelson, 1999). In all these projects,
TESOL researchers adopt a constructivist orientation, perceiving how
language is constituted, negotiated, and modified in discourse. In doing
so, they move away from treating identity as essentialized (reduced to
certain dominant traits) or overdetermined (conditioned by social and
material forces, without the possibility of change). Crucial to this shift is
the exploration of the way one subject position interacts with others in
students language practices. So researchers are exploring how identities
Focus on Method
Regarding his third main theme, focus on method, Brown (1991)
delineated the shift in our pedagogical focus from the language to the
learner, culminating in communicative, cooperative, student-centered
teaching where we are looking at learners as partners in a cooperative
venture (p. 255). Here again, however, it appears that new approaches
and realizations have often found themselves uneasily accommodating to
traditional practices. Thus, Allwright (2005) has recently pointed out
how teachers still control the curriculum for student-centered learning,
reluctant to compromise their own teaching agendas. He proposes a
more radical program for relinquishing the teaching points of the
instructor and committing ourselves to providing learning opportunities (p. 9) that students will exploit for their own purposes. Allwright
proposes a curriculum designed inductively, in ongoing engagement
with our students and their agendas, preserving the richness of educational experience. In this approach, he sees the possibility for teaching
and research to go hand in hand. Teachers would now plan lessons that
not only offer more resources for proficiency but also enable a selfreflexive understanding (for teachers as well as students) of what
language learning involves.
The challenge is of course to resist the temptation to give yet another
label to this approach and market it throughout the world as the most
effective method. The most radical pedagogical realizations in our field
recently are that all methods are interested (Pennycook, 1989) and that
there is no best method (Prabhu, 1990; Kumaravadivelu, 1994). This
understanding has led to the formulation of conditions that will guarantee maximum learning opportunities in classrooms (see Kumaravadivelu,
this issue). The postmethod condition that is upon us frees teachers to see
their classrooms and students for what they are and not envision them
through the spectacles of approaches and techniques. This orientation
ensures the creativity and critical practice that Brown hoped for when he
called upon teachers to be transformative intellectuals (invoking
Girouxs label; see Brown, 1991, p. 257).
Brown saw learner strategy training as working hand in hand with the
intrinsic motivation his students should desire and the empowerment he
desired for his students. In this sense, it could be argued that the learner
strategy approach is a realization of postmethod forms of instruction
that is, strategies are different from traditional methods in that they are
not prescriptively defined nor do they have to be applied rigidly across
learning contexts. Strategies thus function as heuristics by which appropriate pedagogies can be developed from the bottom up. However, there
are significant differences between the way learner strategies and postmethod pedagogies are conceptualized and operationalized. Defined at
the most micro level of consideration in somewhat individualistic and
psychological terms, learner strategies may lack direction without a
larger set of pedagogical principles. Although the pluralism of learning
strategies is desirable, there should also be clear principles guiding the
selection of strategies according to varying contexts and conditions. For
this reason, postmethod approaches articulate a set of macrostrategies
that are well motivated by research considerations to function as larger
frameworks within which learner strategies should be employed. Kumaravadivelu defines these macrostrategies as broad guideline[s], based on
which teachers can generate their own situation-specific, need-based
micro-strategies or classroom techniques (1994, p. 32), and lists the
following macrostrategies as examples: maximize learning opportunities,
facilitate negotiated interaction, minimize perceptual mismatches, activate intuitive heuristics, foster language awareness, contextualize linguistic input, integrate language skills, promote learner autonomy, raise
cultural consciousness, and ensure social relevance (Kumaravadivelu,
this issue, p. 69). Such macrostrategies complement the microstrategies
articulated by learner strategy practitioners, facilitating critical and
constructive learning rather than indulgence in ones own preferred
styles and strategies. Negotiating divergent and competing strategies can
develop a metapedagogical awareness of the different potentialities of
language and learning. Relating personal learning agendas to larger
educational and social objectives can encourage critical reflection.
Postmethod realizations thus initiate a significant shift away from the
traditional paradigm, representing alternatives to the impersonal packaging of methods on the one hand and individualistic learner-centeredness
on the other.
the inner circle (where ownership of English was claimed and norms
originated). Kachru called these communities norm-dependent, normdeveloping, and norm-providing, respectively, to indicate their relative
However, geopolitical changes related to new forms of globalization
have more recently reconfigured the relationship between English
varieties and speech communities, sending us in search of new models.
Notable among the changes are the following:
Speakers in the expanding circle do not use English for extracommunity relations alone. For countries in East Asia, South America,
and Europe, English also performs important functions within their
own borders (see Jenkins, this issue). This development calls into
question the ESL/EFL distinction, and demands that we take account of the increasing intranational use of English in the expanding circle.
of communication, new conventions of language use, and new vocabulary and grammar rules for English (see Murray, 2000; Warschauer,
2000). Consider, for example, how our notions of literacy are changing.
Because of the resources available in computers and the World Wide
Web, texts have become polysemic, multimodal, and multilingual. That
is, texts now include symbols other than the alphabet (such as icons,
images, and sound), modalities other than writing (such as speech,
graphics, and moving images), and languages other than English embedded in otherwise English texts (as diverse dialects, registers, and languages now commonly inhabit the same textual space). As texts have
changed, so have our practices of reading and writing them. For
example, reading is not a linear processing of solely words. Similarly,
some scholars have given up the term composing and started talking of
designing (Faigley, 2004), as writing becomes more about orchestrating
multiple symbol systems to display information by exploiting the resources of multimodal textual space. Literate competence therefore
means something very different today from what it did a few years ago:
We have now started talking of multiliteracies to describe texts and
competence (Cope & Kalantzis, 2000).
The combined forces of technology, globalization, and World Englishes
raise new questions for our profession. What does it mean to be competent
in the English language? What do we mean by correctness? What is the best
corpus of English or communicative genres for teaching purposes? What
do we mean by language identity and speech community? In the face of such
questions, it is understandable that so many of the authors in this state of
the art issue end their articles with anticipation of things to come rather
than closure based on how things are (e.g., Belcher, this issue; Leung &
Lewkowicz, this issue; Zuengler & Miller, this issue).
To begin to address these new questions, we have to recognize that
language norms are relative, variable, and heterogeneous. A proficient
speaker of English today needs to shuttle between different communities, recognizing the systematic and legitimate status of different varieties
of English. Rather than simply joining a speech community, then, we
should teach students to shuttle between communities. To be really
proficient in English in the postmodern world, one has to be multidialectal. Not only must we possess a repertoire of codes from the
English language, we must also learn to use it in combination with other
world languages. Gone are the days in which we could focus on a singular
target language. These concerns gain importance as we begin to question
the distinctions native/nonnative and standard/nonstandard and give due
recognition to speakers of WEs. (Of course, there are expert and novice
users of each variety, with different degrees of proficiencysee Rampton,
1990.) We realize that rather than teaching rules in a normative way, we
should teach strategiescreative ways to negotiate the norms operating in
I thank Dwight Atkinson, Sandy Silberstein, and Jane Zuengler for helpful comments
on this article. The limitations, however, are mine.
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University of WisconsinMadison
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
n this article, we characterize the several most important developments in the SLA field over the past 15 years. Although research and
findings in the early decades of SLA were major accomplishments, we
believe that the developments of the past 15 years are better characterized as ontological,1 manifested in part as debates and issues. More
specifically, we address the arrival of sociocultural perspectives in SLA
and then discuss two debates, one whose tensions involve cognitive
versus sociocultural understandings of learning and a second, related
Ontology asks basic questions about the nature of reality (Denzin & Lincoln, 1998, p. 185).
We focus on ontological debates, which we consider a development particularly prominent
within the past 15 years. These ontological debates have emerged with the arrival of
sociocultural perspectives in SLA. In contrast, since the beginning of the field of SLA, there
have been debates and discussion regarding epistemology (or how we come to know the world,
Denzin & Lincoln, 1998). Some recent discussions can be found in Jordan (2004), Lazaraton
(2003), Ortega (2005), and Thorne (2005).
Language Socialization
Language socialization researchers, including those in SLA, closely
identify with Vygotskian sociocultural approaches to learning (see Ochs,
1988; Schiefflin & Ochs, 1986; Watson-Gegeo, 2004; Watson-Gegeo &
Nielson, 2003). But in contrast to a disciplinary history in psychology and
a focus on cognitive development, this theory emerged from anthropology with an interest in understanding the development of socially and
culturally competent members of society. In her introduction to an
edited volume comprising language socialization studies among children
in a variety of cultures, Ochs comments that she and her co-editor,
Schieffelin (1986), take for granted . . . that the development of intelligence and knowledge is facilitated (to an extent) by childrens communication with others, and instead emphasize the sociocultural information [that] is generally encoded in the organization of conversational
Critical Theory
From the point of view of critical theory, being socialized into the
practices of a community includes learning ones place in the sociopolitical
Kasper, Nanda Poulisse, Michael Long) from varying orientations offering support or declaring opposition, was guaranteed when, in 1997, their
symposium papers were published along with additional response papers
in the Modern Language Journal (see Firth & Wagner, 1997). The debate
intensified further after the Modern Language Journal published Susan
Gasss (1998) response to Firth and Wagner, and Firth and Wagners
(1998) response to Gass.5
Firth and Wagner (1997) criticize the field of SLA for its overwhelmingly cognitive orientation in defining and researching the learner and
learning. Such an approach too strongly emphasizes the individual, the
internalization of mental processes, and the development of grammatical competence (p. 288). Meaning does not occur, they argue, in
private thoughts executed and then transferred from brain to brain, but
[as] a social and negotiable product of interaction, transcending individual intentions and behaviours (p. 290). Like other humans, a
language learner should be considered a participant-as-language-user
in social interaction (p. 286). It is time, they say, to question the fields
division of language use (as consigned to the social) from language
learning (as the individualized, decontextualized domain of the cognitive). An SLA field reformulated according to Firth and Wagners
argument would help us gain more comprehension of how language is
used as it is being acquired through interaction, and used resourcefully,
contingently, and contextually (p. 296). Reiterating their view of
learning in their response to Gass (1998), they invoke Vygotsky in
asserting that cognitive structures are influenced and, indeed, developed through engagement in social activity. . . . From this perspective, it
can be said that language use forms cognition (Firth & Wagner, 1998,
p. 92).
Firth and Wagners argument that learning (or acquisition) occurs
through use would find support not just in Vygotsky but also in the other
sociocultural perspectives discussed in this article. In fact, Kramsch
(2002) points out that the unifying thread running through her edited
collection is a common dissatisfaction with the traditional separation
between language acquisition and language socialization (p. 4), language socialization being one of the sociocultural perspectives prominent in current SLA. Some go further. In her contribution to the
Kramsch collection, Larsen-Freeman (2002) appears to be beyond
dissatisfaction in declaring that the failure to consider language use
is one of the most trenchant criticisms of mainstream SLA research (p.
34), the other being the lack of balance between the social and the
For reprints of some of the papers as well as commentary, see Seidlhofer (2003). LarsenFreeman (2002) provides a very concise summary of the debate.
See, for example, Atkinson (2002), McGroarty (1998), and van Lier (1991, 1994).
a similar position that although it does not necessarily mention relativism explicitly, nevertheless implicitly opposes it by supporting positivism
as the (sole) paradigm for cognitive research on SLA. Beretta and
Crookes (1993) dismiss the argument that the social can cause the
content of theories; they argue that social conditions are not only not
sufficient but are not necessary for scientific discovery(p. 253). Gregg
(1993), like Beretta and Crookes (1993), does not attack relativism
directly. Nevertheless, it is clear that Gregg (1993) opposes relativism: In
SLA . . . the overall explanandum is the acquisition (or non-acquisition)
of L2 competence, in the Chomskyan sense of the term (p. 278). And
the criteria that Gregg chooses for discussing theory construction,
transition theories and property theories, come from psychology (i.e.,
Cummins, 1983). Thus, in what becomes an ongoing metaphor in the
debate, Greggs Let a Couple of Flowers Bloom does not advocate a
relativists acceptance of a multiplicity of theories, but advocates a
couple as opposed to many and within a cognitive and positivistic
Adapting Greggs metaphor, Lantolfs (1996) article, subtitled Letting All the Flowers Bloom!, not surprisingly supports relativism and
opposes positivism. Though Blocks (1996) article is more wide-ranging,
he, too, argues for relativism: Reality is a social, and, therefore, multiple,
construction. . . . there is no tangible, fragmentable reality on to which
science can converge (p. 69, citing Lincoln, 1990). However, that does
not mean that everything is acceptable, Block asserts. Though he
acknowledges that relativism and positivism are two fundamentally
different ontologies, he argues, again citing Lincoln (1990), that rather
than throwing their hands up at the situation, relativists attempt to find
patterns, working hypotheses, or temporary, time-and-place-bound knowledge (Block, 1996, p. 69). Coming from a similar position, Lantolf
(1996) provides a postmodernist critical analysis of the theory-building
literature of Gregg, Long, Crookes, and others, pointing out that they
are all clearly dedicated to the rationalist/positivist paradigm in the SLA
field and adding ironically that they share . . . a common fear of the
dreaded relativism (p. 715). In fact, Lantolf coins a term for this
condition: relativaphobia (p. 731). In a detailed set of points, Lantolf
argues against what he sees as the hegemony of the positivistic, echoing
Blocks (1996) accusation of science envy (p. 64) in accusing Gregg
and the others of having physics envy (p. 717). Where Gregg and the
others consider the existence within SLA of multiple and incommensurable theories an obstacle to the development and maturation of the
field, Lantolf (1996) encourages Letting All the Flowers Bloom,
warning that otherwise, once theoretical hegemony is achieved, alternative metaphors are cut off or suffocated by the single official metaphor;
Unfortunately, their stance becomes both smug and nave. For example,
Gregg and his colleagues (1997) declare a state of disbelief in Blocks
point that controlling for extraneous variables in SLA research is
probably not even desirable (p. 544, quoting Block, 1996, p. 74).
Continuing, they declare: Do we actually need to point out the
disastrous consequences of Blocks stance for SLA, or indeed for any
intellectual inquiry? (p. 544). No one invoking a positivist paradigm
would disagree with their critique because one of the paradigms
principles is indeed the manipulation of variables, which includes
controlling wherever possible for extraneous variables. However, what
Gregg and colleagues (1997) fail to recognize is that Blocks statement
comes from a different (relativist) paradigm, rendering their response
In his critique of Lantolf (1996), Gregg (2000) does not directly
reiterate the anti-relativist, pro-positivist argument that he and his
colleagues had already published elsewhere. Instead, he begins by
summarizing (negatively) postmodernism, the approach that Lantolf
(1996) takes in his article. Describing postmodernism, Gregg discusses
its stance that, among other things, instead of written texts having
objective meaningthat of the texts authormeaning is generated as
the reader interacts with the text. Greggs response to this stance reveals
his reluctance (or inability?) to think outside of his paradigm: Such a
perspective strikes me as nonsense (p. 386). On the other hand, he
takes the common-sense position . . . that the meaning of sentences can
usually be agreed upon, and that there generally are correct and
incorrect interpretations of (meaningful) sentences (pp. 386387).
Concluding his discussion of postmodernism, Gregg (2000) asserts,
again from within his paradigm:
With that memorable point of view, we will end our discussion of the
theory construction debate. On the positive side, we agree that debates
like this stimulate a field. And debates being debates, it is not necessary
or relevant to try to come to agreement. After all (as we indicated in
discussing the debate about learning), the debate on theory construction
is occurring across very different paradigms with contradictory views of
reality. Although the debate can be framed as occurring between
cognitivists and socioculturalists, we have emphasized a more fundamental difference. Like Lantolf (1996), we view as positive a field in which
possibly incommensurable theories proliferate and are debated rather
than allowing one theory to dominate without being problematized. We
are only sorry that so much energy has gone into some participants
refusal to admit (or understand?) that these positions on theory are
incommensurable because they stem from contradictory ontologies. And
the smug tone that some of the debate takes is therefore not only nave
but unfair.
Though we have discussed a debate whose outcome is incommensurability, some argue for cognitive-sociocultural integration. Authors take
varying approaches in making their argument. For example, LarsenFreeman (2002) proposes chaos/complexity theory as a means of
accommodating both sociocultural and cognitive perspectives within
SLA. Block (2003) cites several pieces of research that argue for the
complementarity of cognitive and sociocultural views, namely, Ellis
(2000), Swain and Lapkin (1998), Tarone and Liu (1995), and TeutschDwyer (2001). However, Block himself does not take a clear position
supporting integration. Instead, he advocates a more multidisciplinary
and socially informed future for those following the input-interaction
tradition (p. 139). Making a somewhat different argument, WatsonGegeo (2004) sees a possible new synthesis of the cognitive with the
sociocultural because of developments in the field that view cognition as
a phenomenon which originates in social interaction and is shaped by
cultural and sociopolitical processes (p. 331). Thorne (2005) and
Lantolf (2000) envision Vygotskyan theory in particular as providing a
lens for viewing social context as central to the development of cognition
(see also Johnson, 2004).
Although it is difficult to make predictions about the next 15 years in
such a dynamic field, we end our article by looking forward to some
developments we consider exciting and worth watching. Among them is
work in conversation analysis investigating language learning as it occurs
in the turn-by-turn development of conversational processes (see, e.g.,
Markee, 2004); developments in discursive psychology (not yet emergent
in SLA but relevant for researchers interested in learner positioning
within social practices; see, e.g., Davies & Harr, 1990); a growth in work
focusing on postcolonial, transnational, and World Englishes (e.g.,
Canagarajah, 2000; Jenkins, 2003, also this issue; Kachru, 2001; Pennycook,
1998; Rampton, 1995); and explorations in the new kinds of discursive
practices that language learners engage when using new technologies
(see especially Gee, 2003; Kern, this issue; Lam, 2000; Thorne, 2003; and
Warschauer, 1997). We are eager to see what unfolds.
Jane Zuengler is a professor in the English Department at the University of
WisconsinMadison. Her research and teaching interests include second language
acquisition and use, classroom discourse analysis, critical perspectives on language,
and the global spread of English.
Elizabeth R. Miller is a doctoral candidate in the English Department at the
University of WisconsinMadison. Her research interests include second language
acquisition and use, microanalytic discourse analysis, and critical and poststructural
perspectives on language, pedagogy, and ideology.
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This article traces the major trends in TESOL methods in the past 15
years. It focuses on the TESOL professions evolving perspectives on
language teaching methods in terms of three perceptible shifts: (a)
from communicative language teaching to task-based language teaching, (b) from method-based pedagogy to postmethod pedagogy, and
(c) from systemic discovery to critical discourse. It is evident that during
this transitional period, the profession has witnessed a heightened
awareness about communicative and task-based language teaching,
about the limitations of the concept of method, about possible
postmethod pedagogies that seek to address some of the limitations of
method, about the complexity of teacher beliefs that inform the
practice of everyday teaching, and about the vitality of the macrostructuressocial, cultural, political, and historicalthat shape the microstructures of the language classroom. This article deals briefly with the
changes and challenges the trend-setting transition seems to be bringing about in the professions collective thought and action.
A state-of-the-art essay is mostly a summary statement of instant history with all its attendant
subjectivities. A subject like TESOL methods, with its multiple issues and multiple players, is
bound to carry multiple perspectives. In putting together my understanding of the field, I
received help from three anonymous reviewers and from the TESOL Quarterly editor. I am
indebted to them. I have not accepted all their suggestions and, therefore, Im responsible for
any remaining errors in judgment. For a detailed treatment of some of the issues discussed in
this article, see Kumaravadivelu (2006).
doubts about its authenticity, acceptability, and adaptabilitythree important factors of implementation about which the proponents of CLT
have made rather bold claims. By authenticity, I am referring to the claim
that CLT practice actually promotes serious engagement with meaningful negotiation, interpretation, and expression in the language classroom. It was believed that CLT classrooms reverberate with authentic
communication that characterizes interaction in the outside world. But a
communicative curriculum, however well conceived, cannot by itself
guarantee meaningful communication in the classroom because communication is what may or may not be achieved through classroom
activity; it cannot be embodied in an abstract specification (Widdowson,
1990, p. 130). Data-based, classroom-oriented investigations conducted
in various contexts by various researchers such as Kumaravadivelu
(1993a), Legutke and Thomas (1991), Nunan (1987), and Thornbury
(1996) reveal that the so-called communicative classrooms they examined were anything but communicative. In the classes he studied, Nunan
(1987) observed that form was more prominent than function, and
grammatical accuracy activities dominated communicative fluency ones.
He concluded, There is growing evidence that, in communicative class,
interactions may, in fact, not be very communicative after all (p. 144).
Legutke and Thomas (1991) were even more forthright:
In spite of trendy jargon in textbooks and teachers manuals, very little is
actually communicated in the L2 classroom. The way it is structured does not
seem to stimulate the wish of learners to say something, nor does it tap what
they might have to say. (pp. 89)
unworkable. These and other reports suggest that, in spite of the positive
features mentioned earlier, CLT offers perhaps a classic case of a centerbased pedagogy that is out of sync with local linguistic, educational,
social, cultural, and political exigencies. The result has been a gradual
erosion of its popularity, paving way for a renewed interest in task-based
language teaching (TBLT), which, according to some, is just CLT by
another name.2
receptive, and oral or written skills, and also various cognitive processes.
(p. 16)
Ellis has deftly crafted a definition that includes almost all the major
points of contention in language pedagogy: attention to meaning,
engagement with grammar, inclusion of pragmatic properties, use of
authentic communication, importance of social interaction, integration
of language skills, and the connection to psycholinguistic processes.
The definition also highlights differing perspectives that scholars
bring to bear on TBLT, perspectives that offer a menu of options ranging
from an explicit focus on form to an exclusive focus on function.
Reflecting such a diversity, Long and Crookes (1992) present three
different approaches to task-based syllabus design and instruction. In a
similar vein, Skehan (1998) refers to two extremes of task orientation:
structure-oriented tasks and communicatively oriented tasks. They
share the quality, he writes, that they concentrate on one aspect of
language performance at the expense of others. The structure-oriented
approach emphasizes form to the detriment of meaning, while an
extreme task-based approach focuses very much on meaning and not on
form (p. 121). He then stresses the need for a third approach in which
the central feature is a balance between form and meaning, and an
alternation of attention between them (p. 121). Long (1991; Long &
Robinson, 1998) has consistently argued for a particular type of focus on
form in which learners attention is explicitly drawn to linguistic features
if and when they are demanded by the communicative activities and the
negotiation of meaning learners are engaged in.
It is precisely because a task can be treated through multiple methodological means, Kumaravadivelu (1993b) argues, that TBLT is not linked
to any one particular method. He reckons that it is beneficial to look at
task for what it is: a curricular content rather than a methodological
construct. In other words, different methods can be employed to carry
out language learning tasks that seek different learning outcomes. Using
a three-part classification of language teaching methods, he points out
that there can very well be language-centered tasks, learner-centered
tasks, and learning-centered tasks. Language-centered tasks are those that
draw the learners attention primarily to linguistic forms. Tasks presented in Fotos and Ellis (1991) and in Fotos (1993), which they
appropriately call grammar tasks, come under this category. Learnercentered tasks are those that direct the learners attention to formal as well
as functional properties. Tasks for the communicative classroom suggested by Nunan (1989) illustrate this type. Learning-centered tasks are
those that engage the learner mainly in the negotiation, interpretation,
and expression of meaning, without any explicit focus on form. Problemsolving tasks suggested by Prabhu (1987) are learning centered.
Postmethod Perspectives
Published posthumously in 1992, Sterns framework consists of strategies and techniques. He uses strategy to refer to broad intentional
action and technique to refer to specific practical action (p. 277).
Strategies operate at the policy level, and techniques at the procedural
level. He emphasizes that strategies are not simply another term for
what used to be called methods (p. 277). His framework has three
dimensions: (a) the L1-L2 connection, concerning the use of the first
language in learning the second, (b) the code-communication dilemma,
concerning the structure-message relationship, and (c) the explicitimplicit option, concerning the basic approach to language learning.
Each dimension consists of two strategies plotted at two ends of a
continuum. The first dimension refers to intralingual-crosslingual strategies that remain within the target language (L2) and target culture (C2)
as the frame of reference for teaching. The intralingual strategy adheres to
the policy of coordinate bilingualism, where the two language systems
are kept completely separate from each other, while the crosslingual
strategy believes in compound bilingualism, where the L2 is acquired and
Other initial proposals include Rivers (1992) and Brown (1994, 2002), both of whom
suggest a set of broad principles for interactive language teaching.
known through the use of the L1. The second involves explicit focus on
the formal properties of language, that is, grammar, vocabulary, and
notions on the one hand, and message-oriented, interaction-based
communicative properties on the other. The third concerns the key issue
of whether learning an L2 is a conscious intellectual exercise or an
unconscious intuitive one. Stern uses familiar words, explicit and implicit, to refer to the two strategies. His framework, thus, deals directly
with major contentious dichotomous issues that have marked the pendulum swing in language teaching methods.
Allwrights exploratory practice (EP) is premised on a philosophy that
is stated in three fundamental tenets: (a) the quality of life in the
language classroom is much more important than instructional efficiency, (b) ensuring our understanding of the quality of classroom life is
far more essential than developing ever improved teaching methods,
and (c) understanding such a quality of life is a social, not an asocial
matter (Allwright, 2000, 2003; Allwright & Bailey, 1991). From these
fundamental tenets, Allwright derives seven broad principles of language
teaching: (a) put quality of life first, (b) work primarily to understand
language classroom life, (c) involve everybody, (d) work to bring people
together, (e) work also for mutual development, (f) integrate the work
for understanding into classroom practice, and (g) make the work a
continuous enterprise.
These broad principles inform specific practices. According to Allwright
and Lenzuen (1997) and Allwright (2000), EP involves a series of basic
steps including (a) identifying a puzzle, that is, finding something
puzzling in a teaching and learning situation; (b) reflecting on the
puzzle, that is, thinking about the puzzle to understand it without
actually taking any action; (c) monitoring, that is, paying attention to the
phenomenon that is puzzling to understand it better; (d) taking direct
action, that is, generating additional data from the classroom; (e)
considering the outcomes reached so far, and deciding what to do next,
which involves determining whether there is sufficient justification to
move on or whether more reflection and more data are needed; (f)
moving on, which means deciding to choose from several options to
move toward transforming the current system; and (g) going public, that
is, sharing the benefits of exploration with others through presentations
or publications. Thus, the central focus of EP is local practice.
Kumaravadivelus (1992, 1994, 2001, 2003) macrostrategic framework
is based on the hypothesis that language learning and teaching needs,
wants, and situations are unpredictably numerous, and therefore,
we cannot prepare teachers to tackle so many unpredictable needs, wants and
situations; we can only help them develop a capacity to generate varied and
strategies students bring with them (p. 186) but also productively
exploits students own linguistic and cultural resources. In a similar vein,
finding the use of the learners L1 and L2 very useful in her Hong Kong
classrooms, Lin (1999) has designed critical practices that connect with
students and help them transform their attitudes, dispositions, skills, and
self-imagetheir habitus or social world (p. 410). Benesch (2001) has
suggested ways and means of linking the linguistic text and sociopolitical
context as well as the academic content with the larger community for
the purpose of turning classroom input and interaction into effective
instruments of transformation. Kubota (2004) has advocated a critical
multicultural approach that can potentially provide learners with opportunities to understand and explore a multiplicity of expressions and
interpretations (p. 48).
Perhaps as a spin-off of the critical turn, a new horizon of explorations
has opened up in hitherto neglected topics that have a significant impact
on classroom methodological practicestopics such as learner identity,
teacher beliefs, teaching values, and local knowledge. We have learned
it is only by understanding the histories and lived experiences of language
learners that the language teacher can create conditions that will facilitate
social interaction both in the classroom and in the wider community, and
help learners claim the right to speak. (Norton, 2000, p. 142)
transition is still unfolding, opening up opportunities as well as challenges. The shift from CLT to TBLT has resulted in, and has benefited
from, a body of empirical research in L2 acquisition to such an extent
that TBLT is considered more psycholinguistically oriented compared to
CLT, which is more sociolinguistically oriented. A volume edited by
Crookes and Gass (1993) addresses acquisition-related issues such as task
complexity, task sequencing, task performance, and task evaluation.
Another collection edited by Bygate, Skehan, and Swain (2001) takes up
the same issues but with deeper psycholinguistic understanding and with
more rigorous investigative procedures. A 387-page comprehensive work
by Ellis (2003) reveals the richness of the current knowledge base in
But still, vexing questions remain to be resolved. I highlight two major
ones. The first pertains to the relationship between form and meaning
and its attendant issue of how the learners attention resources are
allocated. Calling the allocation of attention the pivotal point in L2
learning and teaching, Schmidt (2001) argues that it largely determines
the course of language development (p. 11, italics added). The crux of
the problem facing TBLT is how to make sure that learners focus their
attention on grammatical forms while expressing their intended meaning. Doughty and Williams (1998) note that a crucial methodological
is whether to take a proactive or reactive stance to focus on form. That is to
say, a proactive approach would entail selecting in advance an aspect of the
target to focus on, whereas a reactive stance would require that the teacher
notice and be prepared to handle various learning difficulties as they arise.
(p. 198, italics in original)
also in terms of whether the language practices it espouses are transformative, i.e. enable learners to achieve control over their lives. (p. 331)
The inadequacy of CLT and TBLT in addressing such broader contextual issues has led some to call for a context approach to language teaching
(e.g., Bax, 2003; Jarvis & Atsilarat, 2004).
The shift from CLT to TBLT may be described as an internal shift
within the boundaries of a method-based pedagogy. The shift from
method-based pedagogy to postmethod pedagogy, however, is seen as
much more fundamental because it seeks to provide an alternative to
method rather than an alternative method. There are, however, dissenting voices. Liu (1995) has argued that postmethod is not an alternative
to method but only an addition to method. Likewise, Larsen-Freeman
(2005) has questioned the concept of postmethod saying that Kumaravadivelus macro-microstrategies constitute a method (p. 24). While
declaring that method and postmethod are so compatible that they can
together liberate our practices, Bell (2003) laments that by deconstructing methods, postmethod pedagogy has tended to cut teachers off
from their sense of plausibility, their passion and involvement (p. 333).
This observation is rather puzzling because it was only during the heyday
of CLT that we found that in our efforts to improve language teaching,
we have overlooked the language teacher (Savignon, 1991, p. 272).
Postmethod pedagogy, on the contrary, can be considered to put a
premium on the teachers sense of plausibility.
Because of its unfailing focus on the teacher, postmethod pedagogy
has been described as a compelling idea that emphasises greater
judgment from teachers in each context and a better match between the
means and the ends (Crabbe, 2003, p. 16). It encourages the teacher to
engage in a carefully crafted process of diagnosis, treatment, and
assessment (Brown, 2002, p. 13). It also provides one possible way to be
responsive to the lived experiences of learners and teachers, and to the
local exigencies of learning and teaching. It opens up new opportunities for the expertise of language teachers in periphery contexts to be
recognized and valued and makes it more feasible for teachers to
acknowledge and work with the diversity of the learners in their
classrooms, guided by local assessments of students strategies for learning rather than by global directives from remote authorities (Block &
While the chances provided and the challenges posed by the three
changing tracks in TESOL methods will keep us all busy for some time to
come, there are other developments on the horizon that confront us. We
have just started investigating the inevitable impact that the emerging
processes of globalization (Block & Cameron, 2002a) and the renewed
forces of imperialism (Edge, in press) will have on language teaching
practices. But, thats another story.
Allwright, R. L. (1991). The death of the method (Working Paper No. 10). Lancaster,
England: The University of Lancaster, The Exploratory Practice Centre.
Allwright, R. L. (2000, October). Exploratory practice: An appropriate methodology for
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Language Teacher Educators, Edinburgh, Scotland.
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language teaching. Language Teaching Research, 7, 113141.
Allwright, R. L., & Bailey, K. M. (1991). Focus on the language classroom. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press.
Allwright, R. L., & Lenzuen, R. (1997). Exploratory practice: Work at the Cultura
Inglesa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Language Teaching Research, 1, 7379.
Auerbach, E. R. (1995). The politics of the ESL classroom: Issues of power in
pedagogical choices. In J. W. Tollefson, (Ed.), Power and inequality in language
education (pp. 933). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Austin, J. L. (1962). How to do things with words. London: Oxford University Press.
Bax, S. (2003). The end of CLT: A context approach to language teaching. English
Language Teaching Journal, 57, 278287.
Bell, D. (2003). Method and postmethod: Are they really so incompatible? TESOL
Quarterly, 37, 325336.
Benesch, S. (2001). Critical English for academic purposes: Theory, politics, and practice.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Block, D., & Cameron, D. (Eds.). (2002a). Globalization and language teaching.
London: Routledge.
Block, D., & Cameron, D. (2002b). Introduction. In D. Block & D. Cameron, (Eds.),
Globalization and language teaching (pp. 110). London: Routledge.
Bowen, E. R. (1990). Communicative reading. Salem, WI: Sheffield.
Nunan, D. (1989). Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press.
Nunan, D. (2004). Task-based language teaching. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press.
Parrott, M. (1993). Tasks for language teachers. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press.
Pennycook, A. (1989). The concept of method, interested knowledge, and the
politics of language. TESOL Quarterly, 23, 589618.
Pennycook, A. (Ed.). (1999). Critical approaches to TESOL [Special issue]. TESOL
Quarterly, 33(3).
Pennycook, A. (2001). Critical applied linguistics: A critical introduction. Mahwah, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum.
Prabhu, N. S. (1987). Second language pedagogy. Oxford, England: Oxford University
Prabhu, N. S. (1990). There is no best methodwhy? TESOL Quarterly, 24, 161176.
Ramanathan, V. (2005). The English-vernacular divide. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.
Rampton, B. (1997). Retuning in applied linguistics. Applied Linguistics, 7, 325.
Richards, J. C. (1990). The language teaching matrix. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press.
Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and methods in language teaching (2nd
ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Rivers, W. M. (1992). Ten principles of interactive language learning and teaching.
In W. M. Rivers (Ed.), Teaching languages in college: Curriculum and content (pp. 373
392). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook.
Sato, K. (2002). Practical understandings of communicative language teaching and
teacher development. In S. J. Savignon (Ed.), Interpreting communicative language
teaching (pp. 4181). New Haven, CT.: Yale University Press.
Savignon, S. J. (1983). Communicative competence: Theory and classroom practice. Reading,
MA: Addison-Wesley.
Savignon, S. J. (1991). Communicative language teaching: State of the art. TESOL
Quarterly, 25, 261277.
Savignon, S. J. (2001). Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century.
In Celce-Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language (3rd ed., pp.
1328). Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
Schmidt, R. (2001). Attention. In P. Robinson (Ed.), Cognition and second language
instruction (pp. 332). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Shamim, F. (1996). Learner resistance to innovation in classroom methodology. In
H. Coleman (Ed.), Society and the language classroom (pp. 105121). Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press.
Shohamy, E. (2001). The power of tests: A critical perspective on the uses of language tests.
Harlow, England: Pearson Education.
Skehan, P. (1998). A cognitive approach to language learning. Oxford, England: Oxford
University Press.
Stern, H. H. (1985). Review of J. W. Oller and P. A. Richard-Amatos Methods that work
[Book review]. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 7, 249251.
Stern, H. H. (1992). Issues and options in language teaching. Oxford, England: Oxford
University Press.
Swan, M. (1985). A critical look at the communicative approach (1). English Language
Teaching Journal, 39, 212.
Tanner, R., & Green, C. (1998). Tasks for teacher education. London: Longman.
The study of how learners acquire a second language (SLA) has helped
to shape thinking about how to teach the grammar of a second
language. There remain, however, a number of controversial issues.
This paper considers eight key questions relating to grammar pedagogy
in the light of findings from SLA. As such, this article complements
Celce-Murcias (1991) article on grammar teaching in the 25th anniversary issue of TESOL Quarterly, which considered the role of grammar in
a communicative curriculum and drew predominantly on a linguistic
theory of grammar. These eight questions address whether grammar
should be taught and if so what grammar, when, and how. Although
SLA does not afford definitive solutions to these questions, it serves the
valuable purpose of problematising this aspect of language pedagogy.
This article concludes with a statement of my own beliefs about
grammar teaching, grounded in my own understanding of SLA.
For example, Pica (1983) notes that some structures (e.g., plurals) were used more
accurately by instructed learners and some (e.g., Verbing) by naturalistic learners. In other
structures (e.g., articles) there was no difference.
evidence that naturalistic learning in the classroom (as, e.g., in immersion programmes) does not typically result in high levels of grammatical
competence (Genesee, 1987). In short, there is now convincing indirect
and direct evidence to support the teaching of grammar. Nevertheless,
doubts remain about the nature of the research evidence. Many studies
(including most of those reviewed by Norris and Ortega) measure
learning in terms of constrained constructed responses (e.g., fill in the blanks,
sentence joining, or sentence transformation), which can be expected to
favour grammar teaching. There is only mixed evidence that instruction
results in learning when it is measured by means of free constructed
responses (e.g., communicative tasks). Also, it remains the case that
learners do not always acquire what they have been taught and that for
grammar instruction to be effective it needs to take account of how
learners develop their interlanguages. As we will see, there is controversy
regarding both how interlanguage development occurs and how instruction can facilitate this.
Of course, it is not possible to specify the whole grammar of a language. Though the
grammar of a language may be determinate, descriptions of it are certainly not. The Longman
A Grammar of Contemporary English (Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech, & Svartvik, 1972) ran to 1081
pages (excluding index and bibliography) but doubtlessly does not account for all the known
facts of English grammar. Nevertheless, there is a recognized canon of English structures that,
in the eyes of syllabus designers and textbook writers, constitutes the grammar of English.
Structures like English articles that are very frequent in the input can impose considerable
learning difficulty. Structures such as English conditionals may be very useful to learners but are
also difficult to learn.
The first approach was, of course, the one adopted in many early
structural courses based on a contrastive analysis of the learners L1 and
the target language. Although the contrastive analysis hypothesis as
initially formulated is clearly not tenable (see Ellis, 1985, chapter 2), SLA
researchers still generally agree that learners transfer at least some of the
features of their L1 into the L2. For example, there is ample evidence
(Trahey & White, 1993) to show that French learners of English produce
errors of the kind Mary kissed passionately John because French permits an
adverb to be positioned between the verb and the direct object.
Nevertheless, contrastive analysis does not constitute a sound basis for
selecting grammatical structures. In many teaching contexts, the learners come from mixed language backgrounds where it would be impossible to use contrastive analysis to tailor grammar teaching to the entire
group because the learners have different L1s. Also, we simply do not yet
know enough about when difference does and does not translate into
learning difficulty, and in some cases, learning difficulty arises even
where there is no difference.
The second approach, however, is also problematic. Markedness has
been defined in terms of whether a grammatical structure is in some
sense frequent, natural, and basic or infrequent, unnatural, and deviant
from a regular pattern (Richards, Platt, & Weber, 1985). Thus, the use of
an infinitive without to following make, as in He made me follow him can be
considered marked because make is one the few verbs in English that
takes this kind of complement and because this pattern occurs only
infrequently. The general idea is that we should teach the marked
features and leave the learners to learn the unmarked forms naturally by
themselves. The problem is that, as the definition suggests, markedness
remains a somewhat opaque concept, so that it is often difficult to apply
with the precision needed to determine which structures to teach.
The selection of grammatical content, then, remains very problematic. One solution to the kinds of problems I have mentioned is to base
selection on the known errors produced by learners. In this respect, lists
of common learner errors such as those available in Turton and Heatons
(1996) Longman Dictionary of Common Errors and Swan and Smiths (2001)
Learner English: A Teachers Guide to Interference and Other Problems are
The problems of selection probably explain why grammatical syllabuses are so similar and have changed so little over the years; it is safer to
follow what has been done before. Of course the selection of what to
teach will also depend on the learners stage of development. The
problems that the learners stage of development involve are discussed in
subsequent sections.
(e.g., clauses where the relative pronoun functions as subject and the
clause is attached to a noun phrase following the verb). There is ample
evidence to show that learners can and do learn a good deal of grammar
without being taught it. This being so, why bother to teach what can be
learned naturally? A second reason for delaying grammar teaching to
later stages of development is that early interlanguage is typically
agrammatical (Ellis, 1984; Perdue & Klein, 1993). That is, learners rely
on a memory-based system of lexical sequences, constructing utterances
either by accessing ready-made chunks or by simply concatenating
lexical items into simple strings. Ellis (1984) gives examples of such
utterances in the early speech of three classroom learners:
Me no (= I dont have any crayons)
Me milkman (= I want to be the milkman)
Dinner time you out (= It is dinner time so you have to go out)
Collins and colleagues then report their own study of three intensive ESL
programmes in Canada, one (the distributed programme) taught over
the full 10 months of one school year, one (the massed programme)
concentrated into 5 months but taught only to above average students,
and the third (the massed plus programme) concentrated into 5 months,
supplemented with out of class opportunities to use English and taught
to students of mixed ability levels. The main finding was that the massed
and especially the massed-plus students outperformed the distributed
programme students on most of the measures of learning, including
some measures of grammatical ability, although this finding might in
part be explained by the fact that the massed programmes provided
more overall instructional time.
Collins et al.s study points to the need for further research, especially
through studies that compare massed and distributed instruction directed at specific grammatical structures. Ideally such a study would
compare short periods of instruction in a particular structure spread
over several days with the same amount of instruction compressed into
one or two lessons.4 Received wisdom is that a cyclical approach to
grammar teaching (Howatt, 1974) is to be preferred because it allows for
the kind of gradual acquisition of grammar that is compatible with what
is known about interlanguage development. However, the results of
Given the problems that arise in controlling extraneous variables in evaluations of entire
programmes, it might prove much easier to conduct rigorous studies of massed and distributed
learning when these are focused on specific grammatical structures.
Collins et al.s study suggest, at the very least, that such a position needs
to be investigated empirically. Here, then, is an issue about which
nothing definitive can be said at the moment.
between the preterite and imparfait past tenses after hours of exposure
(and presumably some corrective feedback) in an immersion programme
but were able to improve their accuracy in using these two tenses after
intensive instruction. However, intensive instruction is time consuming
(in Harleys study the targeted structures were taught over a 6-month
period), and thus, time will constrain how many structures can be
addressed. Extensive grammar instruction, on the other hand, affords
the opportunity to attend to large numbers of grammatical structures.
Also, more likely than not, many of the structures will be addressed
repeatedly over a period of time. Further, because this kind of instruction involves a response to the errors each learner makes, it is individualized and affords the skilled teacher real-time opportunities for the kind
of contextual analysis that Celce-Murcia (2002) recommends as basis for
grammar teaching. However, it is not possible to attend to those
structures that learners do not attempt to use (i.e., extensive instruction
cannot deal effectively with avoidance). Also, of course, it does not
provide the in-depth practise that some structures may require before
they can be fully acquired.
Arguably, grammar teaching needs to be conceived of in terms of both
approaches. Therefore, grammar teaching needs to be reconceptualised
in teacher handbooks to include the kind of extensive treatment of
grammar that arises naturally through corrective feedback.
Types of Form-Focused Instruction
1. Focus on forms
2. Planned focus on form
3. Incidental focus on form
Primary Focus
Grammar has held and continues to hold a central place in language
teaching. The zero grammar approach was flirted with but never really
Basturkmen, H., Loewen, S., & Ellis, R. (2004). Teachers stated beliefs about
incidental focus on form and their classroom practices. Applied Linguistics, 25,
Bright, J. (1965). Patterns and skills in English. Arusha, Tanzania: Longman.
Brooks, N. (1960). Language and language learning. New York: Harcourt Brace &
Carroll, S., & Swain, M. (1993). Explicit and implicit negative feedback: An empirical
study of the learning of linguistic generalizations. Studies in Second Language
Acquisition, 15, 357386.
Celce-Murcia, M. (1991). Grammar pedagogy in second and foreign language
teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25, 459480.
Celce-Murcia, M. (2002). Why it makes sense to teach grammar through context and
through discourse. In E. Hinkel & S. Fotos (Eds.), New perspectives on grammar
teaching in second language classrooms (pp. 119134). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Celce-Murcia, M., & Larsen-Freeman, D. (1999). The grammar book (2nd ed.). Boston:
Heinle & Heinle.
Collins, L., Halter, R., Lightbown, P., & Spada, N. (1999). Time and distribution of
time in L2 instruction. TESOL Quarterly, 33, 655680.
Cook, V. (1989). Universal grammar theory and the classroom. System, 17, 169182.
Corder, S. P. (1967). The significance of learners errors. International Review of
Applied Linguistics, 5, 161169.
DeKeyser, R. (1998). Beyond focus on form: Cognitive perspectives on learning and
practicing second language grammar. In C. Doughty & J. Williams (Eds.), Focus on
form in classroom second language acquisition (pp. 4263). Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press.
DeKeyser, R., Salaberry, R., Robinson, P., & Harrington, M. (2002). What gets
processed in processing instruction? A commentary on Bill VanPattens Processing instruction: An update. Language Learning, 52, 805824.
Doughty, C. (2001). Cognitive underpinnings of focus on form. In P. Robinson
(Ed.), Cognition and second language instruction (pp. 206257). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Ellis, N. C. (2005). At the interface: How explicit knowledge affects implicit language
learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 27, 305352.
Ellis, R. (1984). Classroom second language development. Oxford, England: Pergamon.
Ellis, R. (1985). Understanding second language acquisition. Oxford, England: Oxford
University Press.
Ellis, R. (1993). Second language acquisition and the structural syllabus. TESOL
Quarterly, 27, 91113.
Ellis, R. (1995). Interpretation tasks for grammar teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 29, 87
Ellis, R. (1997). SLA research and language teaching. Oxford, England: Oxford
University Press.
Ellis, R. (1998). Teaching and research: Options in grammar teaching. TESOL
Quarterly, 32, 3960.
Ellis, R. (2001). Investigating form-focused instruction. In R. Ellis (Ed.), Form-focused
instruction and second language learning (pp. 146). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Ellis, R. (2002a). Does form-focused instruction affect the acquisition of implicit
knowledge? A review of the research. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 24,
Ellis, R. (2002b). The place of grammar instruction in the second/foreign language
Current Perspectives on
Teaching the Four Skills
Seattle University
Seattle, Washington, United States
Decline of Methods
Recognition of the essential roles of the teacher and the learner and of the need
for situationally relevant language pedagogy has brought about the decline of
methods, with their specific philosophies and prescribed sets of classroom procedures.
As early as the mid-1980s, a small number of researchers and methodologists began to voice growing apprehension about the worldwide
applicability of any particular method to the enormous diversity of
learners and learning needs. Since that time, many L2 professionals have
come to see specific teaching methods as overly prescriptive and inapplicable in divergent learning contexts (e.g., Brown, 2001; Kumaravadivelu,
2003, 2005). For example, although communicative skills can occupy a
high priority for ESL students who need to interact in their L2, for EFL
learners, communicating in English may have a reduced value relative to
preparing for entrance exams or tests for securing employment. The
past two decades have seen a shift in the responsibility for curricular and
The 25th anniversary issues of TESOL Quarterly reflected the general trend of treating the
foundational language skills separately. A broad overview such as this one may well represent an
innovation in itself to evince the maturation of L2 teaching as a discipline as well the influential
expansion of integrated instructional models (discussed in the section Integrated and Multiple
Skills Taught in Context).
instructional decisions from the prevailing teaching methods to classroom teachers and learners, who are best suited to implement appropriate, relevant, and effective instruction (e.g., Breen & Littlejohn, 2000).
For instance, Larsen-Freeman (2000) recommends that teachers practice principled eclecticism and create their own teaching methods by
blending aspects of others in a principled manner (p. 183).
The centrality of key learner variables, such as learning needs and
goals, as well as cognitive processing and resources has been widely
recognized in research and pedagogy (e.g., see Bialystok, 2002; Fotos,
2001). Investigations into the social, cultural, economic, and political
contexts of L2 learning have provided much insight into populations of
learners and their specific learning goals. While some may need to speak
and write in L2 academic and professional settings, others set out to
develop L2 conversational or reading skills for different purposes. Such
fundamental factors as who given L2 learners are, why and where these
individuals undertake to learn an L2, and what their available resources
are (e.g., time, cognitive, financial) should and often do determine how
particular L2 skills are taught and learned (e.g., Breen, 2001; Breen &
Littlejohn, 2000).
can be far less effective than explicit explanations and teaching (see
Kasper & Roever, 2005, for further discussion).
During the 1970s, listening pedagogy largely emphasized the development of learners abilities to identify words, sentence boundaries,
contractions, individual sounds, and sound combinations, that is, bottom-up linguistic processing. The 1980s saw a shift from the view of L2
listening as predominantly linguistic to a schema-based view, and listening pedagogy moved away from its focus on the linguistic aspects of
comprehension to the activation of learners top-down knowledge. In
top-down processing, aural comprehension hinges on listeners abilities
to activate their knowledge-based schemata, such as cultural constructs,
topic familiarity, discourse clues, and pragmatic conventions (e.g., CelceMurcia, 1995; Mendelsohn, 1994; Rost & Ross, 1991). In the practice of
teaching L2 listening, however, neither approacha focus on bottom-up
or top-down processingproved to be a resounding success: Learners
who rely on linguistic processing often fail to activate higher order L2
schemata, and those who correctly apply schema-based knowledge tend
to neglect the linguistic input (e.g., Tsui & Fullilove, 1998; Vandergrift,
Advances in the studies of spoken corpora and conversation analysis
have illuminated the complexity of oral discourse and language. The
findings of these analyses have made it evident that, in many cases,
employing authentic language in listening instruction can be of limited
benefit because of a variety of constraints, such as the fast pace of speech,
specific characteristics of spoken grammar and lexicon (e.g., incomplete
Recent research has shed a great deal of light on the processes and the
learning of L2 reading. Similar to L2 listening, L2 reading entails both
bottom-up and top-down cognitive processing, and in the 1980s, the
prevalent approach to teaching sought to activate learners L1 reading
schemata and prior knowledge to foster the development of L2 reading
skills. Over time, however, it has become evident that, despite many years
of schooling and exposure to L2 reading and text, not all learners
succeed in becoming proficient L2 readers. In his important overview of
reading research, Eskey (1988) examines what he called a strongly topdown bias (p. 95) in L2 reading pedagogy and neglect of learners weak
linguistic processing skills. Eskeys analysis explains that L2 readers are
fundamentally distinct from those who read in their L1s and that
essential knowledge of the language of the text (p. 96) is required
before learners can successfully process the L2 reading schema. The
primacy of the bottom-up processing in L2 reading and the need for
teaching the language in L2 reading are similarly noted by Paran (1996),
Birch (2002), and Koda (2005), who view the top-down reading skills as
additive or compensatory once fluent bottom-up processing is achieved.
Although in the 1980s much in the teaching of L2 writing was based
on L1 writing research, in the past two decades, a number of publications
have emerged to address the important differences that exist between
learning to write in ones L1 and in ones L2 (e.g., Hinkel, 2002; McKay
& Wong, 1996; Silva, 1993). Based on his synthesis of 72 studies, Silva
(1993) concludes that significant differences exist between practically all
aspects of L1 and L2 writing. He emphasizes that the learning needs of
L2 writers are crucially distinct from those of basic or proficient L1
writers and that L2 writing pedagogy requires special and systematic
approaches that take into account the cultural, rhetorical, and linguistic
differences between L1 and L2 writers. Similarly, Hinkels (2002) largescale empirical analysis of L1 and L2 text showed that even after years of
ESL and composition training, L2 writers text continues to differ
significantly from that of novice L1 writers in regard to most linguistic
and rhetorical features. Even advanced and trained L2 writers continue
to have a severely limited lexical and syntactic repertoire that enables
them to produce only simple text restricted to the most common
language features encountered predominantly in conversational discourse (Hinkel, 2003).
New insights into the properties of written and spoken texts, combined with the growing recognition that L2 writing requires a substantial
range of grammar and lexical skills, have led to considerable modifications in L2 writing instruction. At present, the grammatical and lexical
features needed to construct formal academic writing and discourse are
discussed and foregrounded (often under the umbrella term academic
literacy) in many teacher education textbooks, such as those by Adger,
Snow, and Christian (2002), Birch (2005), Brown (2001), Byrd and Reid
(1998), Carter and Nunan (2001), Celce-Murcia (2001), Celce-Murcia
and Olshtain (2000), Ferris and Hedgcock (2005), Hinkel (2004), Liu
and Master (2003), and Weaver (1996).
In part due to its comparatively short history as a discipline, TESOL
continues to be a dynamic field, one in which new venues and perspectives are still unfolding. In the past two decades or so, to a great extent,
the innovations in the teaching of L2 skills have been driven by (a) new
knowledge about the learner and the English language, (b) a greater
balance in the teaching of both bottom-up and top-down L2 skills, and
(c) a proliferation of integrated instructional models. The purposes for
which people learn English today have also evolved from a cultural and
educational enterprise to that of international communication. The
growth of new knowledge about the how and the what of L2 teaching
and learning are certain to continue and will probably remain as
hallmarks of TESOLs disciplinary maturation.
For their insightful and helpful comments on early drafts of this article, I express my
sincere gratitude to Marianne Celce-Murcia, University of California, Los Angeles,
Sandra McKay, State University of San Francisco, Sandra Fotos, Senshu University,
and Ken Benoit, Seattle University, whose suggestions for revisions were instrumental
in fine-tuning the final version. Additionally, Suresh Canagarajah and two anonymous reviewers provided very useful feedback and comments that helped develop
the final version.
Eli Hinkel has taught ESL and applied linguistics, as well as trained teachers, for
more than 20 years and has published numerous books and articles on learning
second culture, and second language grammar, writing, and pragmatics. She is also
the editor of Lawrence Erlbaums ESL and Applied Linguistics Professional Series.
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This overview of the current state of English for specific purposes (ESP)
begins by surveying ongoing debates on key topics: needs assessment
and its goals, specificity in instructional methods, and the role of subject
knowledge in instructor expertise. Two strands of current theory and
research are next surveyed, namely, genre theory and corpus-enhanced
genre studies, and critical pedagogy and ethnographies, followed by
examples of research and theory-informed pedagogical strategies for
literacy and spoken discourse. Topics in need of further inquiry are
or those who are at all familiar with the approach to English language
teaching known as English for specific purposes, or ESP (also known
as LSP1), the descriptors likely to spring to mind probably include such
terms as needs-based, pragmatic, efficient, cost-effective, and functional: a view
of ESP encapsulated by Hutchinson and Waters (1987) in the statement,
Tell me what you need English for and I will tell you the English that you
need (p. 8). For those of a more critical bent, however, ESP may conjure
up more critically evaluative terms such as accommodationist,
assimilationist, market-driven, and even colonizingsuggesting
that ESP is too often untroubled by questions of power, by whose needs
are served by programs such as that for the hotel housekeepers cited
earlier. The mental associations may be somewhat different again,
though, for those immersed in ESP practice today, engaged with ESPs
growing body of research and theory, and ever-diversifying and expanding range of purposes: from the better known English for academic
purposes (EAP) and occupational purposes (EOP), the latter including
business, medicine, law, but also such fields as shipbuilding and aviation,2
to the more specific-mission-oriented ESP that Master (1997) has labeled
English for sociocultural purposes, for example, for AIDS education,
family literacy, and citizenship, or for those with highly specialized needs,
such as learners who are incarcerated or who have a disability ( Johnstone,
1997; Master, 2000). Those familiar with all of these permutations may
understandably find ESP increasingly difficult to summarily describe (or
dismiss). What once looked to many like a straightforwardly needsoriented, a- or pan-theoretical (aligned with no particular theory but
employing many), and, some would add, ideologically oblivious approach, now, like the constantly changing learning targets it addresses, is
itself becoming harder and harder to capture in anything like a single
stop-action frame. Contributing to the complexified picture of ESP are
more methodologically, technologically, and theoretically enriched assessments of language use and learner needs, and a growing array of
means to meet them, in a glocalized world (Robertson, 1995), where local
and global needs meet and merge, collide and conflict, and new
culturally and linguistically hybrid thirdness[es] (Mauranen, 2001, p.
51) emerge. ESP can now, for instance, with its multiple analytical
Teachers of English have no monopoly on specific-purpose instruction, an approach
employed for the teaching of many languages other than English, and often referred to,
consequently, as language/s for specific purposes (see Johnstone, 1997; Swales, 2000). However,
because this article focuses on English-language instruction, the narrower term English for
specific purposes will be used throughout.
The goals of EAP and EOP are not always easily separable. Consider, for example, EALP,
English for academic legal purposes, for law students; EABP, English for academic business purposes, for
business students; or EAMP, English for academic medical purposes, for students in the health
sciences. The specific purposes can generate a seemingly endless string of acronyms.
methods, discern the needs of hotel workers at one particular site (e.g.,
a Waikiki hotel) in more detail than ever before, yet with awareness of
how this picture is alternately enhanced and blurred by the perspectives
of multiple stakeholders (e.g., transoceanic tourists, a transnational
hotel industry, and the locally situated learners themselves). In the
following sections, I look at some of the major challenges ESP specialists
face today in attempting to meet the needs of people hoping to more
fully participate in school, work, and neighborhood communities; survey
how research, theory, and reflective practice can increase awareness of
what learners needs are and how to address them; and consider a
number of looming issues on which further inquiry could benefit ESP,
but probably everyone in ELT (English language teaching) as well.
Although hard to pin down, ESP does have some prominent distinguishing features on which many involved in ESP would likely agree.
Needs assessment, content-based teaching methods, and content-area
informed instructors have long been considered essential to the practice
of specific-purpose teaching, yet how these concepts are defined and
realized at the teaching site has been and continues to be the subject of
much debate.
Among the groundbreaking early insights of ESP practitioners, perhaps most significant was the realization that teacher intuition and
knowledge of language systems were insufficient, and that understanding of language use in specific contexts was essential (Dudley-Evans & St.
John, 1998; Robinson, 1991). Though this understanding initially took
the form of frequency counts of lexicogrammatical features, or
lexicostatistics (Swales, 1988, p. 189), this approach was succeeded by
consideration of macro-level discourse features and rhetorical motivations. Whole text analysis, with exemplar texts from the learners fields of
study or work, and often informed by the perspectives of subject-area
specialists (see Selinker, 1979), not the ESP professional working in
isolation, has become common in ESP.
Because target language description alone provides limited direction
to classroom practitioners, needs analysis evolved (in the 1970s) to
include deficiency analysis, or assessment of the learning gap (West,
1997, p. 71) between target language use and current learner proficiencies.
Just as ESP professionals were determined not to decide a priori what
language features to teach, they also decided not to make assumptions
about individuals language abilities vis--vis specific language varieties or
tasks. Though obviously a deficit conceptualization of the learner,
deficiency assessment enabled teaching English to specified people
(Robinson, 1991, p. 5), or specific learners in specific situations rather
than a generalized language learner.
Since the 1980s, however, many ESP specialists have questioned
whether collecting expert- and data-driven objective information about
learners is enough (Tudor, 1997). Many wondered whether ESP specialists should also tap into the ongoing subjective needs of learners: their
self-knowledge, awareness of target situations, life goals, and instructional expectations (Tudor, 1997). Inspired by the learner-centered
movement (Nunan, 1988), ESP became more learning-centered (Hutchinson
& Waters, 1987), focusing not just on what people do with language but
how they learn it and encouraging learner investment and participation.
As helpful as the combined objective and subjective foci on individual
learners in specific contexts are, some in ESP have also felt the need to
know more about those contexts, or target discourse communities, and
not just from a text-linguistic, language audit vantage point but from a
more social perspective as well (Robinson, 1991). Douglas (2000) sums
up this more complex view of context, or discourse domain, as
dynamic, continually changing . . . constructed by the participants in a
communicative situation (p. 89). Such a view of context requires the
kind of emic perspective gained not just through surveys, interviews, and
text analysis, but also case studies and community ethnographies
(Robinson, 1991).
question. Some have argued that it is enough to know about an area, its
values, epistemological bases, and preferred genres (Ferguson, 1997). In
a similar vein, Dudley-Evans (1997) and Robinson (1991) have suggested
that, rather than deep content knowledge, the most critical qualifications to cultivate are respect for learner knowledge and perspectives,
intellectual curiosity and flexibility, and enjoyment of improvisational
problem-solving. Others have noted, however, that since outsiders can
only approximate what community insiders know and do, and perhaps
not very successfully (White, 1981; Zuck & Zuck, 1984), they may actually
do more harm than good in attempting a narrow-gauge approach.
Robinson (1991) and Crofts (1981) argue that ESP specialists should not
attempt to be pseudoteacher[s] of subject matter, (Robinson, p. 87)
but teachers of things not learned as part of courses in . . . specialisms
(Crofts, p. 149). It is, of course, concern with limited content knowledge
that often drives the urge to collaborate, the team teaching and linked
classes referred to earlier. Yet some view even this solution (i.e., collaboration) as far from perfect (Goldstein, Campbell, & Cummings, 1997),
and institutional constraints and unwillingness of would-be collaborators
can be major obstacles to teaching partnerships. Dual professionalism,
training in both the target subject area, for example, law or medicine,
and applied linguistics (Feak & Reinhart, 2002) would seem to provide
the best of both worlds but requires a breadth and depth of commitment
to two fields that few are willing to make.
A learner-centered solution to the content knowledge dilemma has
been offered by Dudley-Evans (1997), who feels it essential for ESP
teachers to learn how to learn from and with their students, engaging
with them in genuinely participatory explorations of discourse domains.
Benesch (2001), at the same time, warns of being overly respectful of
subject knowledge, especially that of content experts, whose handling of
content may fail to factor in the needs of second language learners or of
such so-called minorities as female students. Snow (1997), likewise,
suggests that ESP/EAP professionals can be valuable resources to subject
specialists, who may not know how to help L2 learners even when they
want to. Perhaps even more than others in ELT, ESP practitioners,
because of their work with field-specific discourse, need to remind
themselves that they are far from lacking a content area of their own.
rent ESP curriculum and materials design owes much to genre theory,
especially as enhanced by corpus linguistics, and ESPs conceptualizations
of both the learners goals and its own as a field owe much to recent
contributions from critical pedagogy and ethnography.
(Reder & Davila, 2005, p. 174).3 For example, in her study of hotel
maids language needs, Jasso-Aguilar (1998) used critically-aware methodology, which included working alongside the hotel maids in her study,
and discovered a mismatch between the language actually needed to
perform the usual hotel housekeeping duties and the welcoming aloha
language that the hotel corporation felt the maids needed. The increased
language skills desired by hotel management clearly had more to do with
wanting to increase business than with meeting either the actual immediate work-related needs or long-term goals of the hotel housekeepers.
In another ethnographic account, Storer (1999) too identified conflicting perspectives on the needs of learners, in this case, Thai bar-based
sex workers. One morally righteous perspective would deny the bar
workers language instruction that might encourage them to stay in the
bars. The business-minded bar managers had another view, discouraging
the workers from using language to negotiate safer interactions with
foreigners. The workers themselves were only too aware of the risks, to
life and livelihood, of being unable to establish ground rules with their
clients. Storer, like Jasso-Aguilar (1998), emphasizes the value of seeing
learners needs emically, from their vantage point, which includes
gaining an understanding of the pressures that others demands place
on them.
The ESP class itself can also be a site of ongoing critical qualitative
exploration of more and less transparent contexts. Bosher and Smalkoski
(2002), for example, found that discussing language needs in class with
immigrant nursing students and reading their journals placed their
language learning needs in a larger context, a culturally influenced
gendered space, where, as one student put it, there are things the
female wont talk about as it is ok with the male (p. 70), all of which
underscored a need for assertiveness training. Similarly, qualitative
research methods, including ongoing evaluation by the students themselves of their own strengths and weaknesses, and the authors own close
observation of his students struggles with assignments helped Holmes
(2004) understand why an imported genre-based EAP curriculum was so
ineffective at a school in Eritrea. Accessible, relevant, engaging materials
and tasks were developed only after local needs and interests, as well as
the impact of years of deprivation, were taken into account.
We should note that ethnography has also been very productively used, especially in
combination with textual analysis, in genre studies (Corbett, 2003), and genre analysis has
proven to be a powerful tool for critical discourse analysts (Fairclough, 1995). Corpus
linguistics, too, in the service of critical discourse analysis (see, e.g., Sotillo & Wang-Gempp,
2004), holds enormous potential for increasing critical awareness of the needs of ESP learners
and the means of empowering them.
What I found exciting was that she [one of Starfields students] was using the
concordancing strategy to develop her ability to insert herself into the text
she was writing. There was a sense that she was lessening the very unequal
relations of power that positioned her as a foreign student with poor English
skills and was beginning to occupy her research space as someone who has a
history with its own discourses to bring to the Australian academy. (pp. 152
Considering the already extensive scope of ESPits numerous and
varied sites all over the world of EAP and EOP practice based on teacher
and demand for formal research genres, may make a difference, but the
visibility of such sites may remain limited in the foreseeable future.
Resources also help explain the continuing influence of the center
countries (e.g., the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada),
where most so-called international journals are published. Although
published ESP research is among the most diverse in origin and
consumption in ELTwith issues of English for Specific Purposes now often
dominated by contributions from noncenter countries, and more readers of the journal outside the center than in itthe opportunities for
sharing ESP knowledge and practices in refereed forums are still limited.
As others have noted, when many of the superior, but localized, ESP
projects are not discussed in international publications, [it is] a great loss
for teachers and materials designers everywhere ( Johns & DudleyEvans, 1991, p. 303; see also Swales, 1988). Projects such as Muangsamais
(2003) use of Internet resources to revitalize an EAP curriculum for
premedical students in Thailand have the potential, with greater visibility, to benefit many, perhaps especially those in noncenter communities
where material resources may be meager. A promising development,
however, is the start-up of new journals based in noncenter countries,
such as the Review of Applied Linguistics in China and ESP in Taiwan, which
will be especially appreciative of local perspectives but not limited to
local audiences, given the possibility of electronic distribution. Certainly
having more refereed publication opportunities available beyond a
limited number of prestigious center journals will be a welcome
Thus it is not surprising that the center influences not only who but
what gets published. ESP prides itself on investigating a broad range of
specific varieties of English, but these varieties are related mainly to
domain not linguacultural background (Seidlhofer, 2004, p. 230).
Variety seldom refers to World Englishes in published ESP research.
Seidlhofer (2001), who is herself addressing the need for more attention
to lingua franca English through a corpus project, observes that there
has been very little empirical work [anywhere in ELT] . . . on the most
extensive contemporary use of English worldwide . . . among non-native
speakers (p. 133). Nickerson (2005), with ESP and especially business
purposes in mind, adds to this agenda the need for research that is not
exclusively focused on English but that examines its use as one of a
number of languages in contexts where being multilingual is the norm.
Further attention to varieties of English as an international language
may help ESP rethink its conceptualization of expertise, or proficient
specialist language use, long the target of ESP research efforts. How
often are domain experts and native or native-like speakers synonymous
in ESP studies? Again with multilingual international business contexts
in mind, Nickerson (2005) calls attention to another needed develop150
ment, a shift in focus away from proficiency to strategic communicationstrategies that are communicatively effective regardless of whether
the speaker/writer is a native or non-native speaker (p. 369). Perhaps
with this shift would come more attention to the strategic competence
needs, or deficiencies, of center English speakers communicating with
noncenter-English-speaking interlocutors. In an interesting turning of
the tables, global English is now returning to the center morphed into
new glocalized forms spoken by those in positions of power. At a
Japanese-owned auto plant in the Midwestern United States, for example, on-site ESP classes have been offered for the English-speaking
Japanese managers, but, to my knowledge, no one has demanded classes
on communication strategies useful for American workers conversing
with Japanese English-speaking managers. As Seidlhofer (2001) has
trenchantly remarked, uncoupling English from its native speakers
holds the exciting, if uncomfortable, prospect of bringing up for
reappraisal just about every issue and tenet in language teaching which
the profession has been traditionally concerned with (p. 152). Accustomed as they are to addressing newly identified learner needs and their
own needs in new pedagogical contexts, ESP professionals should be
able to face the prospect of reappraising the role of English language
teaching in a rapidly glocalizing world with a ready array of professional
I am grateful to the editor and anonymous reviewers for their supportive and
helpfully challenging feedback on an earlier draft of this article.
Diane Belcher is associate professor and director of graduate studies in the
Department of Applied Linguistics/ESL at Georgia State University. She currently
co-edits the journal English for Specific Purposes and a teacher reference series titled
Michigan Series on Teaching Multilingual Writers. She has also guest-edited several
issues of the Journal of Second Language Writing.
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London: Heinemann Educational.
Put simply, WEs is used in this article to refer to the indigenized varieties of English in their
local contexts of use. ELF refers to English when it is used as a contact language across linguacultures whose members are in the main so-called nonnative speakers. Further elaboration on
these terms is provided in the next section.
had its last anniversary, by contrast, WEs as a topic was notable for its
absence in the 25th anniversary issues. Where it had any presence at all,
this was either by implication or as a peripheral issue in articles devoted
to other subjects. The only article that prioritised WEs to any noticeable
degree in 1991 was written by Douglas Brown, part of which explored a
number of sociopolitical issues relating to the spread of English. Even
there, however, WEs was not mentioned by name, but was discussed
under the somewhat ambiguous rubric of English as an international
language (I will discuss this term later).
By coincidence, 1991 was also the year in which Braj Kachru responded to Randolph Quirk in a cross-Atlantic disagreement that
subsequently became known as the English Today debate (see Seidlhofer,
2003, which presents a number of major controversies between prominent scholars in the field of applied linguistics). Their opposing positions were labelled by the two protagonists themselves as liberation
linguistics (Quirk, 1990, referring to Kachrus position) and deficit linguistics (Kachru, 1991, referring to Quirks position). We will return to this
issue later in the discussion of English language standards. For now,
suffice it to say that the controversy attracted the attention of a wider
audience of TESOL professionals not traditionally interested in WEs and
was no doubt in part responsible for their growing awareness of the
subject. This awareness has, in turn, been reflected in journals such as
TESOL Quarterly, which, in the period since 1991, have published an
increasing number of articles whose authors consider the teaching and
learning of English in relation to the realities of the languages current
spread and use. Equally significant is the fact that whereas in 1991 WEs
and ELF were neglected in the TESOL Quarterly anniversary issues, they
have been assigned a dedicated slot in this 40th anniversary issue. Also
worth mentioning in this regard is a recent issue of TESOL Quarterly
edited by John Levis (2005), in which pronunciation is approached from
a variety of WEs and ELF perspectives rather than, as is more often the
case, as an isolated feature of second language (L2) English acquisition
whose only desirable endpoint is a so-called native-like accent.
On the other hand, as will become clear, much work remains to be
done, even at the level of theorising, let alone in practice. Articles
oriented to WEs still tend to be the exception rather than the rule in
TESOL Quarterly, while nothing at all was published on ELF until 2003,
and then only in the Brief Reports and Summaries section (a short piece
by Mauranen discussing her corpus of ELF in academic settings). And
the same is true of comparable TESOL and applied linguistics journals
published in the United States, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere.
This is bizarre considering the fact thatas countless scholars have
pointed outspeakers of WEs and ELF vastly outnumber those of
Grlach refers to it as International English, thus contributing to the confusion over the term
English as an international language pointed out by Seidlhofer.
English, for none of whom English is the mother tongue (p. 74, italics added).
The majority of ELF researchers nevertheless accept that speakers of
English from both inner and outer circles also participate in intercultural communication (albeit as a small minority in the case of inner
circle speakers), so do not define ELF communication this narrowly. In
their search to discover the ways in which ELF interactions are sui
generis, as House (1999, p.74) puts it, they nevertheless restrict data
collection to interactions among nonmother tongue speakers. And if
the point is reached when ELF forms can be codified, they believe that as
far as ELF interactions are concerned, any participating mother tongue
speakers will have to follow the agenda set by ELF speakers, rather than
vice versa, as has been the case up to now. This is a very long way from
Crystals proposed WS(S)E, whose main influence will (he believes) be
American English.
Secondly, it is not the case that ELF research, like WS(S)E, is
proposing the concept of a monolithic English for the entire world.
Although ELF researchers seek to identify frequently and systematically
used forms that differ from inner circle forms without causing communication problems and override first language groupings, their purpose is
not to describe and codify a single ELF variety. The existence of ELF is
not intended to imply that learners should aim for an English that is
identical in all respects. ELF researchers do not believe any such
monolithic variety of English does or ever will exist. Rather, they believe
that anyone participating in international communication needs to be
familiar with, and have in their linguistic repertoire for use, as and when
appropriate, certain forms (phonological, lexicogrammatical, etc.) that
are widely used and widely intelligible across groups of English speakers
from different first language backgrounds. This is why accommodation is
so highly valued in ELF research. At the same time, ELF does not at all
discourage speakers from learning and using their local variety in local
communicative contexts, regardless of whether this is an inner, outer, or
expanding circle English.
The tensions nevertheless remain, and some scholars of outer circle
Englishes continue to contest the legitimacy of ELF, much as the
legitimacy of outer circle Englishes was contested in the past (see
Seidlhofer, in press-a, for possible reasons). Such scholars continue to
describe the expanding circle Englishes indiscriminately as EFL varieties,
in other words, English learned as a foreign language for use in
communication with native speakers. For example, Bolton (2004), in his
survey of the worlds Englishes, outlines Kachrus three circle model,
which characterises expanding circle varieties as norm-dependent (p.
376, i.e., dependent on British or American norms), without further
comment and does not mention ELF (or EIL) at all. Thus, he ignores the
fact that the three circle model is not designed to deal with the
Kachru (1996a, 2005) in fact argues against the entire notion of ELF on
the basis that the term is not being used in its original sense, and that it
is loaded (2005, p. 224), although he does not explain how.
Despite the controversy surrounding ELF research, the phenomenon
seems slowly to be gaining recognition in East Asia, Europe, and to a
lesser extent, Latin America. (Later in this article, I discuss controversies
emanating from inner and expanding circle sources.) It is also beginning to gain the approval of sociolinguists in the way that the outer circle
Englishes have already done. Whether in another 15 years, it will have
made progress comparable to that made by the indigenized Englishes
over the past 15, and whether either ELF or WEs will have made greater
inroads into TESOL practice, remains to be seen.
The problem seems to afflict European and Latin American Englishes to a greater extent
than noninstitutionalised Asian Englishes such as China English and Japanese English. The
Asian Englishes technically fall into the same (noninstitutionalised) category as European and
Latin American Englishes, yet this has not prevented book-length publications featuring them.
On the other hand, the fact that they are the subjects of books does not necessarily mean that
they are accepted as legitimate varieties of English.
Demonstrating the view that WEs and ELF can no longer be considered optional extras, some editors are starting to include them as
independent entries in their handbooks of applied linguistics, second
language acquisition, and language teaching and learning. See, e.g., the
entries by Bolton (2004), Gnutzmann (2004), Y. Kachru (2005), and the
review article by McArthur (2001). The same perspective underpins the
appearance of books on WEs and ELF designed for study in English
linguistics and teacher training programmes at university level (e.g.,
Jenkins, 2003; Kirkpatrick, in press; Melchers & Shaw, 2003). During the
past 15 years, too, three dedicated journals, World Englishes, English WorldWide, and English Today, have been supplemented by others such as Asian
Englishes (published in Tokyo). Overall, then, it is evident that the WEs
seeds sown by the Kachrus and others in the 1980s have blossomed and
flourished during the past 15 years, and that ELF, too, has more recently
become a vibrant area of study. The implications of this vast WEs and
ELF activity for TESOL practice and SLA research are profound.
urgent need of correction and remediation, and that consequently often get
allotted a great deal of time and effort in English lessons, appear to be
generally unproblematic and no obstacle to communicative success. (p. 220)
Many of the aspects of ELF that are found controversial, however, are based on
misconceptions of the nature of ELF (see Seidlhofer, in press a; in press b).
same time, there has been more research into the concerns of nonnative
teachers. See, for example, Kamhi-Steins (1999) discussion of ways in
which nonnative teacher educators can become agents of curriculum
change (p. 157), and Nemtchinovas (2005) survey of the largely
positive evaluation by learners and host teachers of the strengths of
nonnative teachers. The extent to which such initiatives manage to alter
attitudes of nonnative and native speakers alike toward nonnative
teachers and their varieties of English nevertheless remains to be seen.
Finally, the principal methodology of Western-led TESOL for the past
30 years, so-called communicative language teaching, with its heavy bias
toward Western communicative styles and mores, has received its most
serious challenge to date from Leung (2005; see also Luk, 2005). Again,
it remains to be seen whether this challenge will translate into what
Holliday (1994) describes as appropriate methodology for learners in
different (and very often, non-Western) contexts of language learning
and use.
examination boards acknowledge the importance of these new competencies, teachers and curriculum planners will not do so either, for fear
of jeopardising their students examination prospects. In this respect,
the examination boards are unlikely to be spurred into action by much
of what is written on testing, which tends to fall back on acceptance of a
native-speaker standard, despite the authors expressions of sympathy
with a WEs perspective. Davies, Hamp-Lyons, and Kemp (2003) are a
case in point (and see Tickoos 2004 response).
Related to the testing issue is the need to abandon the native speaker
as the yardstick and to establish empirically some other means of
defining an expert (and less expert) speaker of English, regardless of
whether they happen to be a native or nonnative speaker. By the same
token, inner circle ELT and applied linguistics publishers will need to
find ways of promoting a more WES-ELF perspective in their teaching
materials and books for teachers (see Matsuda, 2003). In a similar vein,
editors of mainstream applied linguistics journals need to acknowledge
the lack of empirical evidence showing the relevance of native speaker
norms for international intelligibility and learn to recognise written
norms that do not conform to those of an inner circle variety (see
Ammon, 2000; Hu, 2004). In all these cases, further research into WES
and ELF will provide invaluable support to those who are being asked to
make such major shifts in perspective. Finally, to enable WES and ELF
research to progress optimally over the next 15 years, we need to find
ways of bringing WES and ELF scholars together in recognition of their
shared interests, whatever their circle or research focus.
I would like to thank Suresh Canagarajah and three anonymous reviewers for their
very helpful suggestions and perceptive comments on an earlier draft of this article.
Jennifer Jenkins is a senior lecturer in applied linguistics at Kings College London,
England, where she teaches World Englishes, phonology and phonetics, and
sociolinguistics, and supervises doctoral research in World Englishes. She has been
researching English as a lingua franca for more than 15 years and is currently writing
her third book on the subject.
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Perspectives on Technology in
Learning and Teaching Languages
University of California
Berkeley, California, United States
Zhao, 2003), I focus on key issues arising from the recent technologyrelated literature (mostly from the past 5 years). The first section
outlines four controversies related to information and communication
technologies: the status of CALL, theoretical grounding for technologybased teaching and research, notions of effectiveness, and the cultural
neutrality of computer environments. The second section presents
research findings from three current areas of research: computermediated communication, electronic literacies, and telecollaboration. I
conclude by considering implications for teaching and future research.
First, however, a note on what I mean by technology. A truly comprehensive overview of technology and language learning would have to include
the technologies of writing, sound recording, film, and video. However,
because these technologies have become somewhat invisible or normalized (Bax, 2003, p. 23), I will restrict my discussion to digital technology.
In this article, that means principally computers, although the rapid
functional convergence of computers, televisions, telephones, and other
telecommunications devices leads to the first controversy: how to label
this area of research.
Should CALL Still Be Called CALL?
The following two definitionsthe first from 1997 and the second
from 2005indicate important changes in perspective:
Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) may be defined as the search for
and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning. (Levy, 1997, p. 1)
CALL means learners learning language in any context with, through, and
around computer technologies. (Egbert, 2005, p. 4)
language use (n.p.). While this may have been fine in the early days of
CALL when computers were used to perform structural drills, it is no
longer appropriate when online communication has become a normal
part of daily life. For Warschauer, the use of computers should not be
framed as a special case but rather as an integral aspect of language
learning and language use:
The truly powerful technologies are so integrated as to be invisible. We have
no BALL (book-assisted language learning), no PALL (pen-assisted language learning), and no LALL (library-assisted language learning). When
we have no CALL, computers will have taken their place as a natural and
powerful part of the language learning process. (Warschauer, 1999a, n.p.)
Bax (2003) agrees, but views normalisation (p. 23) as an end goal of
CALL rather than a current reality, given the still incomplete integration
of computer technology and education. For Bax, the success of CALL
integration will be marked by the disappearance of the term CALL.
Another dimension of the question has to do with differentiating
computers from other tools. It is revealing to note that in the introduction to CALL Research Perspectives (Egbert & Petrie, 2005), Egbert does
not explicitly mention computers in her CALL equation:
one or more tools
/ peers and teachers
Which Theories?
Another controversy related to technology and language learning
research has to do with the appropriate theoretical grounding for the
field. Chapelle, in her groundbreaking (1997) article titled CALL in the
Year 2000: Still in Search of Research Paradigms?, argues that although
CALL research understandably draws on theories from diverse disciplines, general theories from fields like psychology, computational
linguistics, and educational technology will lack the specificity needed to
design and improve CALL pedagogy. What we need, she argues, is to
ground CALL in instructed SLA theories. Chapelle recommends the
interactionist approach to SLA (see Pica, 1994) as a particularly productive basis for generating hypotheses, and discourse analysis as a primary
research method to explore what she considers two essential questions:
What kind of language does the learner engage in during a CALL
activity? and How good is the language experience in CALL for L2
learning? (p. 22). Chapelle acknowledges that these are not the only
questions that one could ask about CALL, but she argues that real
progress in CALL depends on alignment with the questions and methods of instructed SLA researchers (p. 28).
Writing 8 years later, Chapelle (2005) cites a substantial body of CALL
research in the interactionist tradition and concludes that the use of
discourse and interactionist perspectives for the study of CALL has
helped to place CALL research on more solid grounding relative to
other areas of applied linguistics (p. 63).
Though this is certainly true, Egbert and Petrie (2005), the editors of
Chapelles (2005) chapter, argue for the current need to re-enlarge the
theoretical palette. Claiming that books currently used in CALL teacher
education courses generally address only one theoretical foundation
(e.g., interactionist) or one research methodology (e.g., discourse analysis) (p. ix), their goal is to present a variety of ways to think about and
conduct research on computers and language learning. Egbert (2005)
explains that multiple theoretical perspectives are particularly important
in times of rapid change (a) as social and cultural contexts of technology
use expand; (b) as technologies diversify, both in terms of devices and in
terms of modes of expression and interaction; and (c) as the goals,
content, and structure of CALL pedagogy evolve.
For example, one significant limitation of interactionist SLA theory is
that it deals exclusively with linguistic dimensions and lacks provision for
dealing with cultural dimensions of language learning. Because crosscultural exploration is one of the important goals of many project-based
applications of CALL (e.g., Brander, 2005; Furstenberg, 2003; Gray &
Stockwell, 1998; Kern, 1996; Osuna, 2000), alternative theoretical frameworks are needed.
Sociocultural theory, like interactionist SLA, emphasizes the importance of learner interaction, but it is interested less in negotiationevoked adjustments in input than in the social and cultural situatedness
of learner activity, learners agency in co-constructing meanings (as well
as their own roles), and the importance of mediation by tools and signs.
ORourke (2005) points out that features of computer-mediated environments are not fixed givens but are often negotiated, sometimes
subverted, by their users (p. 434), and from this perspective many
conventional interactionist CALL studies appear overly reductionist (p.
435). Sociocultural theory has grounded a considerable number of
computer-mediated communication studies (e.g., Belz, 2002; Darhower,
2002; Osuna, 2000; Thorne, 2003; Warschauer, 1999b, 2005) and some
researchers (e.g., ORourke, 2005) have profitably added a sociocultural
dimension to interactionist approaches. In a somewhat similar vein, Felix
(2005) argues for social constructivist paradigms that incorporate cognitive constructivist elements.
Systemic-functional linguistics offers another framework for CALL
research, especially in studies involving advanced level learners (Mohan
& Luo, 2005). Analysis of field, tenor, and mode is particularly important
in understanding registers and genres for different purposes across
diverse computer-mediated communication (CMC) environments. Mohan
and Luo argue that the rapidly changing social dynamics and conventions of CMC are much better addressed by a systemic-functional
approach than by an SLA framework (p. 95).
Anthropology, and particularly ethnographic research methodology,
is becoming an especially relevant discipline as more and more technology-mediated language learning and language use takes place (a)
outside of educational institutions and even outside of educational
frameworks, and (b) across diverse social, cultural, socioeconomic, and
political contexts. Key examples are Warschauers (1999b) research in
Hawaii and in Egypt (Warschauer, Said, & Zohry, 2002), Miller and
Slaters (2000) work in Trinidad, and Lams (2000, 2003, 2004) research
in Chinese-American adolescent communities.
Since multimedia authoring arrived on the scene, semiotic theories
(e.g., Halliday, 1978; Kress, 2003; Kress & van Leeuwen, 1996; Peirce,
1966) have been increasingly relied on to deal with relationships among
visual, audio, and textual modes of signification (see the section in this
article on electronic literacies).
In considering this issue, it is important to bear in mind that SLA is
itself informed by a rich variety of theoretical frameworks and has
consistently resisted a single overarching theory (Kramsch, 2000). Maintaining theoretical grounding in SLA is imperative, but this grounding
need not mean privileging any single paradigm of SLA. Given the
complexity and diversity of goals, contexts, and problems in CALL
research, a one size fits all approach will not work. Rather, on the micro
level of the individual study researchers should rigorously work within
the SLA paradigm that most adequately suits their particular research
questions, and on the macro level they should look to the synergy of
multiple perspectives and paradigms to best inform their understanding
and future research.
Questions of Effectiveness
Do computers improve language learning? This question has traditionally driven CALL research. It is considered an important question
because it is tied to funding decisions and curricular overhaul. It is not,
however, a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no, any
more than we could answer a similar question about the effectiveness of
books, films, newspapers, or study groups. As with other learning
resources, we need to refine the question to examine the myriad ways in
which computers are being used, by whom, in what contexts, and for
what purpose. When these parameters are pinned down, the answer is
sometimes yes, often no, sometimes yes for some learners but not for
In his recent literature review and meta-analysis, Zhao (2003) identifies three problems with assessing the effectiveness of technology. First is
the problem of defining what counts as technology (videos, CALL
tutorials, and chat rooms, for example, are obviously very different). The
second problem is separating a technology from its particular uses.
Because any given technology may be used in a variety of ways, some
effective, some not, it is difficult to generalize about the effectiveness of
a technology itself. The third issue has to do with the effects of other
mediating factors, such as the learners, the setting, the task(s), and the
type of assessment. Zhao attempted to address these issues by performing a meta-analysis of stringently selected studies published between
1997 and 2001. Including technologies ranging from video to speech
recognition to web tutorials, Zhao found a significant main effect for
technology applications on student learning. However, Zhaos analysis
was limited to only nine studies that provided sufficient data for a metaanalysis (whereas his original search showed almost 400 technologyrelated language studies published during the period). Moreover, Zhao
points out that most studies had small sample sizes, seldom used random
sampling, and were often directed by the students teachers, introducing
the possibility of a Pygmalion effect.
Although Zhao conducted his meta-analysis meticulously, it is hard to
know how to interpret and make use of his positive finding. As Zhao
himself points out and others have echoed (e.g., C. Jones, 1986), it is not
use [computers] to do only one thing at one time (p. 27) and that what
he (following Scollon, Bhatia, Li, & Young, 1999) calls polyfocality (i.e.,
simultaneously following multiple attentional tracks) seems to be part
of the very ethos of new communication technologies (p. 27). Bowers
(2000) decries the proliferation of decontextualized data on the Internet
and suggests that computer-mediated communication should be viewed
as a degraded form of symbolic interactionone that reinforces the
rootless individual who is comfortable with the expressions of selfcreation that the computer industry finds profitable to encourage (p.
47). Putting a more positive spin on the question, Kramsch, ANess, and
Lam (2000) find that although the computer medium imposes it own
aesthetic logic on the creation of the material (p. 95), it promotes an
enhanced sense of agency among users: authorship becomes the
privilege of any language user, at equal par with any other (p. 96).
What may be natural values to those who are well socialized into
computer culture, may seem quite foreign to those who are not.
Hawisher and Selfes (2000) collection of essays on computer-based
literacy practices from countries around the world explores the interaction between global computer uses and local cultures. For example,
Dragona and Handa (2000) suggest that the logic and navigational
procedures of hypertext are not universally intuitive and may be a mode
of thinking that reflects cognitive constructs and connections that are
particularly English (p. 53). They speculate that the novelty of multimodal
texts may short-circuit peoples critical sensibilities and make the texts
appear more as pure information and pure entertainment rather
than a medium fraught with cultural baggage (p. 53).
Reeder et al. (2004) found that learners online self-introduction
postings differed significantly in terms of their underlying notions of
how identity is established online and attributed these differences to the
gap between the individual learners communicative culture and that of
the computer (p. 93). They concluded that the kind of e-tools for
communication and education such as bulletin boards, which cater to
publicity, and learning platforms such as WebCT, which are based on the
notion of Western-style efficiency, are not necessarily appropriate tools
for international groups of learners, even though one of the main
driving forces of Internet-based learning is internationalization of education (p. 100).
Thatcher (2005) found that his Ecuadorian students were frustrated
using e-mail and hypertext because these media lacked familiar social
cues. One student, who reported that I lose all the emotion on email
and the Internet . . . I cannot communicate all that I want to, ended up
using the telephone instead so that she could be more herself (p. 289).
On the positive side, however, Thatcher notes that the lack of physical
context in e-mail and hypertext permitted more abstract group discus190
The role of technology in CALL can be thought of in terms of the
metaphors of tutor, tool, and medium.1 In the tutor role, computers can
provide instruction, feedback, and testing in grammar, vocabulary,
writing, pronunciation, and other dimensions of language and culture
learning (for a pedagogical and SLA-based discussion of research, see
Chapelle, 1998). Voice interactive CALL (e.g., Ehsani & Knodt, 1998)
can also simulate communicative interaction. In the tool role, computers
provide ready access to written, audio, and visual materials relevant to
the language and culture being studied. They also provide reference
These metaphors extend Levys (1997) distinction between tutor and tool roles of the
computer in CALL, which he in turn derived from Taylors (1980) distinction of tutor, tool, and
tutee roles. Whereas Levy would categorize CMC applications as tools, it seems to me that
medium (or environment) better reflects how users think about chat, instant messaging, e-mail,
and other media.
These categories are not, of course, mutually exclusive. Some of the most ambitious
technology-based projects, for example Furstenbergs A la rencontre de Philippe, Dans un quartier
de Paris, and Cultura (Furstenberg & Levet, 1999; Furstenberg, Levet, English, & Maillet, 2001;
Furstenberg, Murray, Malone, & Farman-Farmaian, 1993), combine elements from all three
A sampling of recent studies of tutorial CALL include the following topics: voice interactive
CALL (Ehsani & Knodt, 1998), error correction (Heift, 2004), using software to teach
intonation and prosody (Hardison, 2005; Levis & Pickering, 2004), listening comprehension
(Zhao, 1997), and glossing and multimedia annotations (Al-Seghayer, 2001; Chun & Payne,
2004; Chun & Plass, 1997; L. C. Jones & Plass, 2002).
Corpus linguistics developed in the 1960s when linguists began to use computers to
develop concordances for text analysis. Whereas the 1961 Brown Corpus of Standard American
English consisted of 500 American texts and included a million words (W-3 Corpora Project,
1998), todays corpora are vast by comparison. For example, the Cobuild Bank of English
corpus now includes hundreds of millions of words of English text from British, U.S.,
Australian, and Canadian sources (Collins Cobuild Bank of English, 2004). Most corpora
focus on written language, but several corpora are dedicated to spoken English (e.g., the
London-Lund Corpus, the IBM/Lancaster Spoken English Corpus, the British National
The forms and functions of CMC have been explicated most notably
by Murray (1988, 1989, 1996, 2000), Herring (1996, 1999, 2001), and
Crystal (2001). It is clear that CMC is not a single, uniform genre of
language use, but rather a constellation of genres related partly to the
particular medium (e.g., instant messaging, e-mail, chat groups, blogs,
MOOs) and partly to the particular social and cultural contexts of a
given act of communication.
Although certain CMC environments such as Wimba (see http:// allow speech, the bulk of CMC is still currently
written via keyboard. CMC ranges along a continuum from productoriented forms resembling paper-based writing (e.g., Web sites, most
e-mail) on one end to more process-oriented interactive discourse that
shares many features of speech (e.g., chat, instant messaging) on the
other end (Baron, 2000, p. 158). Blogs and wikis would be situated in
between, and MOO discourse would be variably placed, depending on
the nature of the particular session. On the product-oriented end of the
continuum, messages are composed as wholes before being released to
their readership. On the process-oriented end, utterances may be more
fragmentary, and multiple participants can communicate spontaneously
and simultaneously (even contributing comments at the same moment),
and several turns may be required to accomplish a single message.
Communicative motivation or purpose tends to vary along the continuum as well: The product end is biased toward information exchange,
whereas the process end is biased toward phatic communion (Malinowski,
1923), reinforcing social contact in and of itself. The interactive and
fragmentary nature of chat and instant messaging makes them seem
somewhat speech-like. However, unlike spoken discourse, the binary on/
off nature of the communication does not allow backchanneling (uhhuh, right, shaking of head, etc.) from a partner while one is communicating. CMC lacks backchanneling because information is communicated principally in textual form, making it a leaner overall medium than
face-to-face communication, where auditory, tactile, olfactory as well as
visual channels operate, allowing eye contact, context perception, gestural and prosodic information, and thereby enriching communication
(Herring, 1996; Reeder et al., 2004).5 The relative leanness of CMC
creates a different dynamic from spoken communication, and this
difference may well be significant for language learning contexts that are
exclusively CMC based (e.g., tandems).
From a teaching perspective, CMC clearly brings issues of register and
genre to the fore. Many observers note that CMC language is often less
correct, less complex, less coherent than other forms of language use.
Herring (2001) points out that nonstandard features are generally not
due to inattentiveness or not knowing the standard forms but are often
deliberate choices to minimize typing effort, to imitate speech or sounds,
or to be inventive (p. 617). Warner (2004) echoes this perspective,
demonstrating the importance of language play in online communication. Crystal (2001) adds that simplification (e.g., omission of prepositions, copulas, auxiliary verbs) is not just a matter of typing economy but
likely represents dialect features, reflecting the pressure to accommodate many diverse group members (p. 188). Sometimes accommodations go beyond simplification and become multicultural hybrid forms.
For example, Lam (2004) documents the socialization of two bilingual
immigrant Chinese girls experiences in a chat room in which the
participants develop a hybrid language variety that distinguishes them
from both their English-only peers and their Cantonese-only peers.
Similarly, Bloch (2004) shows how Chinese learners of English drew on
Chinese rhetorical tradition when communicating in a Usenet group in
English, thereby creating a hybrid form of English for that particular
Koutsogiannis and Mitsikopoulou (2004) point out, however, that the
hybrid vernacular varieties that learners develop in CMC environments
may not have much in common with the language that needs to be
learned in school contexts. As they put it, the global media of the
Internet may well allow immigrants the opportunity of language socialization in a less stifling environment than that of the average school, but
we must bear in mind that this process will involve forms of literacy which
may differ significantly from traditional forms of school literacy (p. 84).
Furthermore, because language learners may not have any intuitions
about what constitutes standard versus nonstandard forms, they may end
up learning the nonstandard forms rather than the standard ones
(Crystal, 2001, p. 237). From a pedagogical standpoint, this difficulty
with distinguishing forms raises the issue of teaching students how to use
Speech and visual communication are becoming increasingly possible as audioconferencing
and Webcams now provide audiovisual contact. See Lamy (2004) and Blake (2005).
Electronic Literacies
Given the predominantly text-based nature of CMC, reading and
writing are obviously key modes of online language use. However,
because the Internet (a) introduces multimedia dimensions that go
beyond print textuality, (b) alters traditional discourse structures, (c)
introduces new notions of authorship, and (d) allows users to participate
in multicultural learning communities, it requires a complexified view of
literacy that goes well beyond the skills of encoding and decoding texts.
To address the wide array of conventions, genres, and skills in
computer use, Warschauer (2003) argues for the need to develop
electronic literacies (i.e., computer literacy, information literacy, multimedia literacy, CMC literacy). Warschauer (1999b) studied how people used
electronic literacies in four contexts: an ESL course for international
graduate students at a public university, an ESL class for international
undergraduate students at a private Christian college, a Hawaiian
language course for undergraduates at a public university, and a community college English class enrolling mostly immigrants and second
language learners. He found that the sociocultural context in these
settings significantly shaped the nature of online teaching and learning.
Contrary to the view that technology will in and of itself transform
learning, Warschauer found instead that technology had an amplifying
effect, reinforcing teachers underlying instructional approach, whether
it was based on second language writing as a form of discipline,
liberation, vocation, or apprenticeship.
Another of Warschauers key findings was how seriously learners took
learning new semiotic skills in online media, as compared to completing
computer-based instructional tasks. Warschauers notion of electronic
literacies thus developed as an alternative to the concept of CALL when
applied to online instruction. Shetzer and Warschauer (2000, 2001)
further refined the notion of electronic literacies, as well as a pedagogy
focused on issues of communication, construction of knowledge, research, and autonomous learning.
Lam (2000) presents an ethnographic case study of Almon, a Chinese
immigrant teenager who felt negatively about his English ability despite
living in the United States for 5 years. Through instant messaging (ICQ)
and then through creating his own Web site about a Japanese pop music
idol, Almon discovered his own expressivity in English as well as a
newfound solidarity with his Internet peers. Lam argues that by appropriating, rearticulating, and redesigning discourses and narrative roles for
his own purposes, Almon developed a new identity that had not been
available to him in his immediate community and school in the United
States. A key contribution from this study is the notion of textual identity
for understanding how texts are composed and used to represent and
reposition identity in networked computer media. In her larger dissertation study, Lam (2003) presents three additional case studies of Chinese
immigrant youths, showing how they also came to occupy new social
positions and identities by appropriating new discourses in online
environments. Lams research is important because it considers not only
how social contexts shape language use in online environments but also,
and most important, how online communication shapes social contexts
and participants identity formation. Furthermore, her work draws
attention to the ways in which language functions in relation to other
forms of online semiosis.
One important area of electronic literacies is dealing with multimedia.
not just the ability to read and write in comprehensible language but also
the ability to negotiate new roles and identities. Identity construction
and socialization are inherently intertwined with language and can have
either a facilitating effect (e.g., Lams subjects) or a constraining effect
(e.g., when limited to local community or school setting) on the
resources learners come to acquire and use.
A recent development in network-based language teaching is a shift in
focus from single classrooms to long-distance collaborations involving
two or more classrooms, often in different countries. This shift expands
the focus from language learning to an emphasis on culture (i.e.,
intercultural competence, cultural learning, and cultural literacy).
Intercultural projects have the potential to enhance learners communication skills and to enrich their knowledge of another culture, as well
as to provide a context for viewing ones own culture from another
groups perspective. A number of recent studies have explored the
viability of online telecollaboration for developing intercultural competence and understanding. Some of these studies have found positive
results through student self-reports, interviews, or surveys (Furstenberg
et al., 2001; Kinginger, 2000; Meskill & Ranglova, 2000; Mller-Hartmann,
2000; von der Emde, Schneider, & Ktter, 2001). Other studies indicate
that intercultural contact in and of itself does not naturally lead to
cultural understanding (Belz, 2002, 2003; Coleman, 1998; Fischer, 1998;
ODowd, 2003; Ware, 2003, 2005), and some have questioned whether
online contact can reduce stereotypes and prejudice (Ware & Kramsch,
2005). Several studies have identified potential impediments to crosscultural understanding, such as social and institutional constraints and
resource accessibility (Belz, 2002; Belz & Mller-Hartmann, 2003; ODowd,
In showing that intercultural understanding does not necessarily
emerge from online interaction, these studies point to a number of
questions: What kind of cultural contact is afforded by the technological
medium? If the medium itself changes the ways in which communication
takes place, what does it mean to be a competent communicator in a
virtual world? A number of scholars have explored these questions,
showing that differences in communicative genres (Hanna & de Nooy,
2003; Kramsch & Thorne, 2001), medium (Thorne, 2003), task type
(Salaberry, 2000; Smith, 2003), linguistic style (Belz, 2003), academic
cultures (Belz & Mller-Hartmann, 2003), and institutional and cultural
characteristics (Belz, 2002) can all affect the degree to which language
learners can negotiate meaning and cultural understanding. These
factors signal the important role of the teacher, who is familiar with both
cultures and who can set appropriate goals and tasks, monitor communication, and assist in negotiating communicative difficulties.
Sometimes the problem is not one of miscommunication but of what
Ware (2003, 2005) calls missed communication. Ware explored the factors
that contributed to limited interactional involvement in a telecollaborative
project linking German students of English and American students of
German. She found that in the wake of misunderstandings, students
tended to avert joint development of topics and instead to revert to a
task-based approach to their assignments (cf. Belz, 2003). Although both
groups of students participated beyond course expectations, they engaged in surprisingly little real interpersonal interaction (as marked by
response to direct questions, use of second person pronouns, elaboration, etc.). In a qualitative analysis of student attitudes, Ware found that
time pressures and institutional constraints negatively influenced students communicative choices, leading to disengagement, or missed
opportunities for intercultural learning. The key significance of Wares
findings is that many forms of CMC can actually facilitate missed
communication. For example, the delayed response time and the lack of
social consequences for dropping topics in many online contexts allows
participants to be less active conversational partners. Furthermore,
expectations about appropriate communication in the online medium
may pose challenges for learners developing intercultural competence;
an online discourse norm that often favors speed and brevity over
sustained attention may impede their ability to engage in communication at a deep level of intercultural inquiry.
Language competence per se does not appear to be a key variable in
the success of intercultural exchanges. Hanna and de Nooy (2003) point
out that linguistic accuracy and politeness do not get one very far in an
online forum in a foreign language. More important is a willingness to
be socialized into and to follow the online communitys discourse rules.
More generally, a key ingredient for successful intercultural exchanges
appears to be personal involvement. ODowd (2003) reports variable
success of a year-long e-mail exchange between classes in Spain and
Britain but notes that successful pairs tended to invest a lot of time in
their messages. Specifically, they were sure to include personal (i.e., offtask) messages, to acknowledge their partners comments, and to respond to their questions. They also tended to take the sociopragmatic
rules of each others language into account and included questions that
encouraged feedback and reflection. Students were more interested
(and tended to write more, to learn more, and to change their attitudes
toward the other culture) when they received reactions from partners
after having explained aspects of their own culture. (In the Belz and
Ware studies, German students had wanted more personal involvement
from the Americans, who tended to be more task-oriented in their selfpresentations.) ODowd also stresses the importance of teacher involvement and close guidance throughout all phases of a project.
Taken together, these studies point to (a) the importance of investigating what successful participation means in different contexts (e.g., different
CMC contexts, different cross-cultural contexts, different pedagogical
contexts), (b) the importance of the personal in intercultural projects
learners sensitivity to one anothers cultural identities and communicative styles, and (c) the importance of teacher involvement in discerning,
explaining, and reflecting on culturally contingent patterns of interaction with their students.
For practical classroom activities and projects involving technology, see Boswood (1997),
Dudeney (2000), Hanson-Smith (2000), Swaffar, Romano, Markley, & Arens (1998), Warschauer
(1995), and Warschauer & Kern (2000).
Whereas early CALL research generally sought out relatively simple
cause-effect relationships between human-computer interaction and
learning, current research seeks to understand complex relationships
among learners, teachers, content, and technology within particular
social and cultural contexts. Consequently, research on technology and
language learning has broadened the theoretical perspectives it draws
on. Although second language acquisition remains central, it now
increasingly overlaps with literacy studies, discourse analysis, sociocultural theory, sociolinguistics, and anthropology (especially ethnographic
methods). As a result, research has become on the whole less quantitative and more qualitative.
To maximize validity in CALL studies, Ortega (1997) urges researchers to diversify data sources, combining classroom and school observation, interviews, self-report data from questionnaires or think-aloud
protocols, and computer-collected data to seek relationships across selfreports, observed behavior, and linguistic performance. In multiclass
projects, Mller-Hartmann (2000) stresses the necessity that all teachers
collaborate in research teams. The triangulation of researchers perspectives will enhance the reliability of findings, especially when considering
learning processes that involve culture as well as language. Chapelle
(2003) also calls for creating teams for research and materials development by bringing together three types of people: technologically minded
people (to realistically assess technical issues and feasibility), socially
minded people (to deal with pragmatic and social dimensions), and
critically minded people (to deal with ethical implications). By doing
this, she argues, we can achieve the most balanced research. Given that
the vast majority of CALL studies have been of short duration (and many
have looked at very short-term treatments), it is crucial that researchers
pursue more longitudinal studies of long-term linguistic development
and intercultural competence.
A final methodological note concerns ethics in data collection, a
critical issue in all CMC research. Given the ease with which researchers
can collect data without subjects knowledge or consent and the fuzzy
boundaries between what is private and public on the Internet, it is
essential that researchers obtain participants informed consent. This
issue is discussed sporadically in the literature (e.g., Crystal, 2001;
Lotherington, 2005) but Frankel and Siang (1999) address it in depth.
Future Research
Transversal relationships: Over the past 15 years, we have learned a great
deal about the features of learner interactions and language use within
online environments, but we still know little about how those abilities
might be transferred across different environments, communicative
genres, and modalities. For example, does proficiency in e-mail carry
over to instant messaging or chat, or even to essay writing? What benefits
might multimedia authoring have for linguistic expression (or communicative potential)? Is there a relationship between, say, digital storytelling
and performance of writing or face-to-face speech?
Reading and writing electronically: We know something about different
genres and registers in various online environments, but we know less
The Pew Internet and American Life Project reports that The Web
has become the new normal in the American way of life (Rainie &
Horrigan, 2005, p. 59). Crystal (2001) muses that computer-mediated
language could become the communitys linguistic norm (p. 241). As
language educators, our job is to reflect on normsto explore their
underpinnings, their contexts of operation, and their implicationsnot
only to make the norms understandable to our students but also to
model for them the very process of reflecting critically on the social
practices they participate in and observe. Technology offers us a means
by which to make the familiar unfamiliar, to reframe and rethink our
conceptions of language, communication, and society. It is through this
process of analysis and reflection that we can best decide how we can and
should use technology in language learning and teaching.
My thanks to Stephen Cass, Franoise Sorgen Goldschmidt, and two anonymous
reviewers for reading and commenting on an earlier draft of this article.
Richard Kern is an associate professor of French and director of the French language
program at the University of California at Berkeley, in the United States. He teaches
courses in French language, linguistics, and foreign language pedagogy, and
supervises graduate teaching assistants. His research interests include language
acquisition, literacy, and relationships between language and technology.
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American University of Armenia
Yerevan, Armenia
Since the last TESOL Quarterly commemorative issue 15 years ago, there
have been too many important developments in language testing and
assessment for all of them to be discussed in a single article. Therefore,
this article focuses on issues that we believe are integrally linked to
pedagogic and curriculum concerns of English language teaching.
Although the discussion has been organized into two main sections, the
first dealing with issues relating to formal tests and the second to
broader concerns of assessment, we highlight the common themes and
concerns running through both sections in the belief that testing and
assessment are two sides of the same educational coin. In the first
section we address the issue of test authenticity, which underscores
much of language testing enquiry. We consider developments in the
fields understanding of this notion and suggest that relating test
authenticity to target language use may be necessary but insufficient
without considering authenticity as it is operationalised in the classroom. In the second section, acknowledging current concerns with
standardized psychometric testing, we broaden the discussion to issues
of validity, ethics, and alternative assessment. We first consider the
intellectual climate in which the debates on such issues has developed
and the relevance of these deliberations to pedagogy and curriculum.
We then discuss some of the key issues in current classroom-based
teacher assessment that are related to and can inform student second
language competence and teacher professional knowledge and skills.
We end by projecting how the current globalization of English may
affect the understanding of authenticity and how this understanding is
likely to affect testing and assessment practices worldwide.
This, Hargreaves (1987) reports, was the first large-scale examination that focused on
language use rather than language usage. It was the precursor to the University of Cambridge
Local Examinations Syndicates (UCLES) Certificates in Communicative Skills in English.
between testing practices and the way language was being taught.
Informed by changing classroom practices and the developments in
English for specific purposes and English for academic purposes, both
general- and specific-purpose tests of language have come to include
more authentic, performance-type tasks based on materials that were not
specifically designed for pedagogical or testing purposes. Thus, the
interest in authenticity in language testing can be seen as part of the
more general move in curriculum toward conceptualizing language
ability and language use in context. At the same time, however, discretepoint tests assessing individual skills continued (and continue) to be
popular in many of the major standardized examinations (e.g., TOEFL).
Unresolved Issues
Over the past 15 years, the types of tasks that are reportedly used in
test situations have changed significantly, with real performances in the
form of, for example, role plays and situated discussions becoming much
more prevalent (though as Alderson, 2004, cautions, reports on what is
happening in the field of language testing may not be representative of
what is happening worldwide). From a theoretical point of view, however,
the debate on test authenticity and test usefulness more generally has left
a number of questions unanswered. It has failed to adequately address
two persistent problems, both of which seem to relate to the multifaceted
nature of authentic testing.
First, performance tests that strive to be highly authentic are often
extremely complex. This complexity makes judging the degree of success
or failure of any performance susceptible to a variety of extraneous
influences that may affect the score awarded, thus opening up a
Pandoras box (McNamara, 1995). In particular, as McNamara points out
and Alderson and Banerjee (2002) reiterate, Bachmans (1990) model
has not accounted for social aspects of language performance, such as
the relationship during an oral proficiency test between the test taker
and interlocutors (other test takers in pair or group tests or the examiner
in an interview situation). Factors such as the asymmetrical relationship
between the tester and test taker(s) as well as the personality characteristics of the interlocutor and test taker may affect test performance and
the awarded score. Quite clearly, these considerations need to be taken
into account. Research in areas such as test-taker characteristics (e.g.,
Kunnan, 1995; OSullivan, 2000), candidates familiarity with test tasks
(e.g., Foster & Skehan, 1996; Wigglesworth, 1997), personality types
(e.g., Berry, 2004), testwiseness (e.g., Storey, 1997), and interlocutor
behavior (e.g., Lumley & Brown, 1998) is informing the fields understanding of how these factors may affect test performances. However,
beyond the more comprehensive use of pair and group oral tests, there
is, as yet, little evidence that these factors are being taken into account in
live, high-stakes test situations. Rather than allowing for differences
among test takers, testing authorities such as UCLES seem to be trying to
limit possible variations or accommodations by standardizing the procedures in the name of fairness. They seem not yet to consider the fact that
such oral performances are essentially co-constructed through social
interaction and that all participants in the interaction are likely to affect
individual performances (e.g., A. Brown, 1995; Luoma, 2004).
The second problem, readily acknowledged by Bachman (2002), is
associated with an inability to account for task difficulty. This problem
seems to persist because all current models consider difficulty essentially
an artifact of test performance (p. 453), inseparable from test-taker and
test-task characteristics. Despite the extensive research into task difficulty
in language teaching and testing (for a discussion of task-based approaches to testing, see, e.g., Brown, Hudson, Norris, & Bonk, 2002;
Skehan, 1998), there is still little agreement about how to control for this
aspect of language in test situations. It may be that the difference in task
purpose in classroom and test situations is confounding the results
emerging from studies of task difficulty (Elder, Iwashita, & McNamara,
2002). It is hoped that the continuing efforts in this area, including work
using item response theory and Rasch analyses (see, e.g., McNamara,
1991; North, 1995a, 1995b) will advance the fields understanding.
Our account so far suggests that the search for authenticity has
encountered a number of complex issues that are far from being
resolved. Yet these knotty issues are closely related to classroom pedagogy. If authenticity were not reflected in test situations, it could have a
negative impact on classroom practice, reducing the range and type of
task employed. At present, testers seem to be focused on TLU tasks and
ways to best represent such tasks in a test situation, and bypassing the
pedagogic implementation of the concept of task in the classroom.
Perhaps classroom practice also needs to be brought into the process of
characterizing test tasks.
As the foregoing discussion shows, the development and widespread
adoption of Bachmans (1990) model over the past 15 years has provided
an anchor for test development and design. It has also brought to the
fore a number of outstanding issues concerning the nature of language
ability and how the language testing and assessment community collects
evidence of students ability to use language. Furthermore, it has
brought the discussions within teaching and testing closer together, at
least at the conceptual and theoretical level. Issues such as task specification and task difficulty are clearly of interest to both testers and teachers.
Yet, the Bachman model appears to have had much less impact on
achievement testing within the classroom than on large-scale proficiency
testing. Given the models complexity, this may not be surprising. What
goes on at the classroom level of test development, however, may not be
widely reported in the literature (Alderson & Banerjee, 2001), and the
language testing community may not be aware of all that is happening.
At this juncture, viewing authenticity as an integral aspect of test
usefulness may be more helpful than treating it as an entity in its own
right. Perhaps test developers should foreground the notion of construct
validity, that is, what testers are trying to measure (as perceived by
Messick, 1989, and discussed in greater detail in the section Assessment:
Broadening Concerns). This would bring us back to a consideration of
the central relationship between language ability and how that ability is
assessedput more precisely, the need to understand what language is
and what it takes to learn a language, which then becomes the basis for
establishing ways of assessing peoples ability (Alderson & Banerjee,
2002, p. 80).
skills. (See, e.g., Scott & Erduran, 2004, for a comparison of the ESL
Bandscales and ESL Standards for Pre-K12 Students.)
At the classroom level, researchers (e.g., Brindley, 1998, 2001) have
long recognised variations in the ways teachers operationalize and
interpret assessment descriptors. Davisons (2004) comparative study of
two groups of teachers in Hong Kong and in Melbourne, Australia,
provides a close-up picture of how published criteria in assessment
schemes can influence individual teachers decision making. The thinkaloud protocol of a Melbourne teacher, towards the end of marking a
piece of writing produced by an ESL student, shows this:
So, well total that [the marks given to different aspects of the writing
according to a particular set of marking criteria] and probably be horrified at
the high score hes got. Four highs which gives himthats a total of 16. Gives
him a B plus. My instinct now comes in and I think really hes not worth a B
plus. This now my subjectiveI would probably be more inclined to give him
a B. But Im going to be honest and Im going to give Vince a borderline B
plus. Which I think is generous and I think perhaps a B would have been a
much more appropriate mark. (p. 315)
This protocol shows a teacher wrestling with the difference between the
criteria-derived score and the subjective feel of a piece of student writing.
The decision to be honest and allow the consequence of criteriareferenced marking shows that student performance, and indeed achievement, can be constructed through the use of assessment schemes.
In the same study, Davison also discusses the apparent differences in
the ways teacher participants in Hong Kong and Melbourne used the
published assessment criteria. A majority of the teachers in Melbourne,
who were used to working with published assessment schemes, appeared
to juggle published criteria and professional judgment when coming to
a decision, but they had considerable (teacher) community support for
this delicate balancing act. The Hong Kong teachers seemed more
concerned with prioritizing different criteria (e.g., grammatical accuracy
and creativity). Davison suggests that this is not surprising given the
present reliance on norm-referencing . . . and the lack of any system-wide
common assessment criteria for evaluating work at school level (p. 320).
The situation was exacerbated by some schools choosing to value
accuracy and other formal features of writing while others preferred to
promote creativity.
Other researchers have observed that teacher variations can be
associated with wider social views and values. In a study of the models of
spoken English operated by elementary teachers in England, Leung and
Teasdale (1997) show that, when asked to judge video recorded,
noncontrived instances of language use by linguistic minority students, a
group of ESL teachers working in schools within a particular education
Norton and Starfield (1997) suggest that, among other things, institutions develop a culture of accountability around assessment practices,
particularly with reference to the assessment of L2 students (p. 291).
Another ethical concern is the effect of a test or assessment framework
on pedagogy, in other words, washback. As Hamp-Lyons (1997) and
others have observed, washback can be beneficial or detrimental to
students learning. If teachers teach to the test or assessment requirements and the consequence is a narrowing of the curriculum, the effect
is educationally undesirable. On the other hand, if a particular testing or
assessment requirement leads to teaching practices that promote and
broaden learning, the effect is positive. These examples show that the
concern for values and social consequences has opened up new questions, many of which are deeply and directly connected to language
pedagogy and curriculum design. (For further discussion see Kunnan,
2000, Section 1.)
The discussion on ethics and social and educational consequences, in
one way or another, is about the impact of testing and assessment on
individual students, institutional practices, and educational policies.
Quite clearly, the impact of any testing and assessment regime ultimately
depends on the exercise of political power and social control. The
arguments for ethical testing and assessment, in a sense, have been
advanced from the perspective (and on behalf) of the test takers and
students who, hitherto, generally have not had much control over the
proceedings. In a mood of advocacy, Shohamy (2001) discusses the need
for democratic assessment that encourages test takers and students to
participate actively in the construction and use of tests and assessment
systems. In relation to language testing she argues that the field needs to
adopt a critical language testing perspective, which, among other questions, asks,
Who are the testers?
What are their agendas?
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Although the overall mission of second language (L2) teacher education has remained relatively constant, that is, to prepare L2 teachers to
do the work of this profession, the fields understanding of that work
of who teaches English, who learns English and why, of the sociopolitical
and socioeconomic contexts in which English is taught, and of the
varieties of English that are being taught and used around the world
has changed dramatically over the past 40 years. This article examines
the epistemological underpinnings of a more general sociocultural turn
in the human sciences and the impact that this turn has had on the
fields understanding of how L2 teachers learn to do their work. Four
interrelated challenges that have come to the forefront as a result of
this turn are discussed: (a) theory/practice versus praxis, (b) the
legitimacy of teachers ways of knowing, (c) redrawing the boundaries
of professional development, and (d) located L2 teacher education.
In addressing these challenges, the intellectual tools of inquiry are
positioned as critical if L2 teacher education is to sustain a teaching
force of transformative intellectuals who can navigate their professional
worlds in ways that enable them to create educationally sound, contextually appropriate, and socially equitable learning opportunities for the
students they teach.
which English is taught, and of the varieties of English that are taught
and used around the worldhas changed dramatically over the past 40
years. Many factors have advanced the fields understanding of L2
teachers work, but none is more significant than the emergence of a
substantial body of research now referred to as teacher cognition (in L2, see
Borg, 2003; Freeman, 2002; Woods, 1996). This research has helped
capture the complexities of who teachers are, what they know and
believe, how they learn to teach, and how they carry out their work in
diverse contexts throughout their careers.
However, over the past 40 years, the ways in which educational
research has conceptualized teacher cognition, which has in turn
informed the activity of teacher education, has shifted dramatically. In
the mid-1970s, when research focused on teaching behaviors and the
student learning outcomes they produced (Dunkin & Biddle, 1974),
teacher education centered on ensuring that teachers had mastered the
content they were expected to teach and could deliver it through
efficient methods that led to greater gains in student achievement
(Hunter, 1982). In the mid-1980s, cognitive learning theories and
information-processing models shifted the focus of research to questions
about what teachers actually know, how they use that knowledge, and
what impact their decisions have on their instructional practices
(Shavelson & Stern, 1981). Teacher education continued to focus on
content knowledge and teaching practices, but teachers were conceptualized as decision makers and were expected to benefit from making
their tacit knowledge and decisions explicit (Clark & Peterson, 1986;
Freeman, 1991; Johnson, 1992).
Yet, once research began to uncover the complexities of teachers
mental lives (Walberg, 1977; also see Freeman, 2002), teacher educators
could no longer ignore the fact that teachers prior experiences, their
interpretations of the activities they engage in, and, most important, the
contexts within which they work are extremely influential in shaping how
and why teachers do what they do. The positivistic paradigm that had
long positioned teachers as conduits to students and their learning was
found to be insufficient for explaining the complexities of teachers
mental lives and the teaching processes that occur in classrooms. Rather,
an interpretative or situated paradigm, largely drawn from ethnographic
research in sociology and anthropology, came to be seen as better suited
to explaining the complexities of teachers mental lives and the various
dimensions of teachers professional worlds (see Elbaz, 1991). This shift
did not occur in isolation but was influenced by epistemological shifts in
how various intellectual traditions had come to conceptualize human
learning; more specifically, historically documented shifts from behaviorist, to cognitive, to situated, social, and distributed views of human
cognition (Cobb & Bower, 1999; Greeno, Collins, & Resnick, 1996; Paker
& Winne, 1995; Putman & Borko, 2000; for reviews of parallel shifts in
conceptualizations of language and second language acquisition [SLA],
see Firth & Wagner, 1997; Lantolf, 1996).
I begin my contribution to this 40th anniversary issue by highlighting
the epistemological underpinnings of a more general sociocultural turn
in the human sciences and the impact of this turn on how the field of L2
teacher education has come to understand L2 teacher cognition. I then
outline four interrelated challenges that have come to the forefront as
the field works to be epistemologically consistent with current understandings of how L2 teachers learn to do their work. I conclude by
arguing that, despite this sociocultural turn and the challenges it has
created for L2 teacher education, it has yet to infiltrate the positivistic
paradigm that continues to dominate the public discourse surrounding
the professional activities of L2 teachers. Coming to terms with the
epistemological gaps between how L2 teacher cognition is conceptualized, how L2 teachers are prepared to do their work, and how L2
teachers and their practices are constructed in the public settings where
they work will be critical to the advancement of L2 teacher education in
the TESOL profession.
1991; for L2, see Lantolf, 2000; Lantolf & Appel, 1994). Learning,
therefore, is not the straightforward appropriation of skills or knowledge
from the outside in, but the progressive movement from external,
socially mediated activity to internal mediational control by individual
learners, which results in the transformation of both the self and the
activity. And because social activities and the language used to regulate
them are structured and gain meaning in historically and culturally
situated ways, both the physical tools and the language practices used by
communities of practice gain their meaning from those who have come
Critical social theories support the notion that social activities simultaneously reflect, create, and recreate historically situated ways of knowing,
social relations, and material conditions (Bourdieu & Passeron, 1977;
Foucault, 1980; Habermas, 1998). Central to these theories is the role
that language plays in social practices (Fairclough, 1989; Gee, 1996), in
particular, how language is implicated in the ways in which social class,
race, sexuality, ethnicity, and linguistic identity are constructed and
reconstructed through human relationships, especially in terms of how
power and inequity are enacted in both social and institutional arrangements and the ideological discourses that support them (Pennycook,
1989, 2001). Knowledge and knowing, therefore, depend on point of
view, a sort of social positioning, that is constituted in and emerges out of
how the individual is constructed in different social and physical
Despite the different ways in which these perspectives foreground and
background the dynamic between the social, the cognitive, and language, and despite the varied research agendas of the people who use
these perspectives in their work, the epistemological stance of the
sociocultural turn supports the notion that humans develop as participants in cultural communities and that their development can be
understood only in light of the cultural practices and circumstances of
their communitieswhich also change (Rogoff, 2003, pp. 34). Thus,
both participation and context are critical to human cognition. The
sociocultural turn stands in stark contrast to the cognitive learning
theories of the positivistic paradigm that defined learning as an internal
psychological process isolated in the mind of the learner and largely free
from the social and physical contexts within which it occurs (Lenneberg,
Historically grounded in the positivistic paradigm, L2 teacher education has long been structured around the assumption that teachers could
learn about the content they were expected to teach (language) and
teaching practices (how best to teach it) in their teacher education
program, observe and practice it in the teaching practicum, and develop
pedagogical expertise during the induction years of teaching. Yet the
reconsidering and reorganizing lived experiences through the theoretical constructs and discourses that are publicly recognized and valued
within the communities of practice that hold power. And, although
teachers do, in fact, engage in the sort of theorizing captured in the
construct of praxis, whether as part of officially sanctioned professional
development programs or through self-initiated professional activities, a
critical challenge for L2 teacher education is to create public spaces that
make visible how L2 teachers make sense of and use the disciplinary
knowledge that has informed and will continue to inform L2 teacher
education. Public spaces, such as Sharkey and Johnsons (2003) The
TESOL Quarterly Dialogues, help legitimize the complex ways in which
L2 teachers come to understand their experiences through the multiple
discourses that theory has to offer and highlight how teachers coconstruct and use knowledge that informs their practice.
activities of teachers and students. Common to these structural arrangements is the recognition that participation and context are essential to
teacher learning, and therefore that the classrooms where teachers
spend the majority of their time represent legitimate sites for teacher
learning. In addition, they encourage teachers to engage in ongoing, indepth, and reflective examinations of their teaching practices and
students learning (Rogers, 2002) while embracing the processes of
teacher socialization that occur in classrooms, schools, and teachers
wider professional communities. Finally, they create both public and
private spaces for teachers to theorize about their work.
New technologies are also redrawing the boundaries of professional
development. The availability of online teacher certificate programs,
various configurations of online and face-to-face instruction, and the use
of synchronic and asynchronic computer-mediated communication
(CMC) tools such as online bulletin boards, chat rooms, and blogs, have
helped create virtual communities where teachers can engage in discussions about and inquiry into their own learning and the learning
environments that they seek to create for students. The integration of
CMC tools in L2 teacher education has been found to foster qualitatively
different forms of participation than face-to-face instruction does, create
more equitable social roles as teachers engage in inquiry about their own
learning and teaching, foster greater collaboration among teacher
learners, and decrease the sense of isolation L2 teachers in disparate
locations often experience (Kamhi-Stein, 2000a, 2000b). Although not a
panacea for the delivery of L2 teacher education, new technologies have
the potential to increase the power that teachers and their learners have
over their own learning or, as Cummins (2000) argues, the potential to
promote language learning in a transformative way when it is aligned
with a pedagogy oriented towards promoting collaborative relations of
power in the classroom and beyond (p. 539). However, critical to the
successful integration of new technologies in teacher learning is the
instructors role in organizing and facilitating what learners attend to in
CMC environments (see Belz & Muller-Hartmann, 2003; Ware & Kramsch,
An important caveat for redrawing the boundaries of professional
development is not to assume that simply creating alternative structures
will necessarily translate into significant and worthwhile change in
teachers practices (see Richardson, 1990). Critical to this challenge will
be systematic exploration into the kinds of participation these alternative
structures engender, their impact on teacher learning, and the kinds of
learning environments teachers in turn create to foster student learning.
Largely unexplored in the current research on L2 teacher cognition is
the relationship between teacher learning and student learning, a
dimension of the teaching-learning equation that is often misconstrued
are shaped by the contexts in which L2 teachers live and work as well as
recognizing the complexities of classroom life and the relative autonomy
that can exist there. Equally important is the need for located L2 teacher
education to engage L2 teachers in the professional discourses and
practices that are evolving beyond their localities as a means to critique
their local knowledge and context. When L2 teachers engage in reflexive
inquiry, their local knowledge evolves out of an engagement with wider
professional discourses and practices and can lead to praxis (Canagarajah,
An additional element in creating locally appropriate responses to L2
teacher education is the close examination of the way L2 teachers are
constructed in their work settings and the relative status of L2 teaching
in those settings. Those who have explored how L2 teachers negotiate
their identities cite a combination of biographical and contextual factors
that keep those identities in a continual state of flux (Duff & Uchida,
1997; Mantero, 2004; Pavlenko, 2003; Varghese, Morgan, Johnston, &
Johnson, 2005). In addition, despite scholarly efforts at dislodging the
myth of the native speaker (Kachru, 1992; Kramsch, 1997; Medgyes,
1994), nonnative-speaking L2 teachers continue to face inequitable
hiring practices, hold marginalized teaching assignments, and be positioned as less competent than their expert-speaker counterparts (Arva &
Medgyes, 2000; Braine, 1999). Navigating and sustaining a sense of
professional expertise, regardless of ones linguistic biography, is critical
to how L2 teachers will ultimately position themselves and their work in
the contexts in which they teach ( Johnston, 1997; Tsui, 2004). Constructing locally appropriate responses to support the preparation and professionalism of L2 teachers will continue to be a challenge for L2 teacher
education. It will entail recognizing how changing sociopolitical and
socioeconomic contexts affect the ways in which L2 teachers are positioned, how they enact their teaching practices, and, most importantly,
the kinds of learning environments they are willing and able to create for
their L2 students.
performance on standardized tests and conceptualizes learning as internal to the learner. Compounding this predicament is the fact that most
L2 teachers are products of this same paradigm, having been socialized
into normative ways of thinking about L2 teaching and learning, and
then finding themselves in L2 classrooms that are largely regulated by
these same normative practices. Add to this the oppressive nature of
global educational policies and curricular mandates that hold teachers
accountable for student learning based on standardized assessment
instruments and dictate what content is to be taught, when, and how, and
it becomes painfully obvious that the politics of accountability has
infiltrated the public discourse surrounding L2 teaching, L2 learning,
and the professional preparation of L2 teachers. In light of these
realities, it is not surprising that L2 teachers struggle to reject a teach-forthe-test mentality, are frustrated by being positioned as managers of
curricula rather than as facilitators of the L2 learning process, and
increasingly feel professionally disempowered within the contexts in
which they work (for L1 see Cochran-Smith, 2005; for L2 see Gebhard,
2005; Gutierrez, Larson, & Kreuter, 1995).
For L2 teachers to work productively in an educational climate of
standardization and accountability, they need, now more than ever, to
function as transformative intellectuals (Giroux, 1988; see also Pennycook,
1989, 2001). In other words, they need the intellectual tools to position
themselves as
professionals who are able and willing to reflect upon the ideological
principles that inform practice, who connect pedagogical theory and practice
to wider social issues, and who work together to share ideas, and exercise
power over the conditions of more humane life. (Giroux & McLaren, 1989,
p. xxiii)
More than a half-century ago, the progressive educational philosopher Dewey (1933) characterized the intellectual tools of inquiry as the
means by which humans make experience educative. He argued that it is
through the attitudes of open-mindedness (seeking alternatives), responsibility (recognizing consequences), and wholeheartedness (continual self-examination) that teachers come to recognize their own
assumptions about themselves as teachers, about their students, about
the curriculum they teach, and about the nature and impact of their
teaching practices. Foundational to the principles of reflective teaching
(Zeichner & Liston, 1996), when teachers inquire into their experiences
through these attitudes, the intellectual tools of inquiry enable them to
confront the taken-for-granted assumptions about what is and is not
possible within the context in which they teach, systematically problematize
their own everyday practices, and regularly ask the broader questions of
not just whether their practices work, but for whom, in what ways, and
For L2 teachers to function as transformative intellectuals, the intellectual tools of inquiry must permeate all dimensions of their professional development experiences. Using these tools to inquire about their
professional identities, L2 teachers come to recognize their own beliefs,
values, and knowledge about language learning and language teaching
and become aware of their impact on classroom practices ( Johnson,
1999). Through such inquiry they come to terms with the fact that they
teach from somewhere; that their knowledge, beliefs, values, and practices are socially situated and socially constituted; and that those practices have social, cultural, and academic consequences for the lives of L2
students ( Johnston, 2003). Using the intellectual tools of inquiry to
investigate the disciplinary knowledge that is codified in journal articles
and scholarly books, L2 teachers reflect on and relate to such knowledge
in ways that foster an understanding of experience through the multiple
discourses of theory, and such inquiry cultivates the co-construction of
knowledge that informs their practice (Ball, 2000; Sharkey & Johnson,
2003). Using the intellectual tools of inquiry to investigate the English
language, L2 teachers develop an awareness of the integral nature of
language form, function, and use. Although knowledge about language,
its grammar, its phonology, and its semantics is insufficient if L2 teachers
lack knowledge of its use, function, and pragmatics (Andrews, 2001;
Widdowson, 2002), L2 teachers who are linguistically aware (Wright,
2002) or function as critical discourse analysts (Belz, 2004) can challenge
commonly held notions about standardized English ideology and
nativespeakerness (Cook, 1999; Cortazzi & Jin, 1996); recognize the
complex nature of multilingualism and language learner identity (Norton,
2000); and see how language teaching practices are related to broader
social, cultural, and political relations (Pennycook, 2001). Using the
intellectual tools of inquiry to investigate L2 students and their language
learning, L2 teachers build upon the linguistic and interactional competencies that L2 students bring to the L2 classroom (Gebhard, 2005;
Johnson, 1995), recognize the physical and symbolic tools that mediate
L2 student learning, and examine the relationship between how they
organize the social activities that constitute their classrooms and what L2
students learn (or do not learn) from engaging in those activities
(Freeman & Johnson, 2005b). Using the intellectual tools of inquiry to
investigate the institutionally sanctioned policies, curricular mandates,
and assessment practices that shape their work, L2 teachers not only
recognize how their daily practices constitute broader social and political
issues but also use such realizations to work against the consequences
that these macrostructures can have on their classroom activities and
thus students opportunities for L2 learning.
I would like to thank Donald Freeman, Meg Gebhard, and Paula Golombek for their
careful reading and insightful feedback on earlier versions of this article.
Karen E. Johnson is a professor of applied linguistics at the Pennsylvania State
University. Her research focuses on teacher learning in L2 teacher education, the
knowledge-base of L2 teacher education, and the dynamics of communication in L2
classrooms. She recently co-edited Teachers Narrative Inquiry as Professional Development
(2002), published by Cambridge University Press.
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