A Detailed Lesson Plan: (Curriculum Guide (2020) )
A Detailed Lesson Plan: (Curriculum Guide (2020) )
A Detailed Lesson Plan: (Curriculum Guide (2020) )
A. Content Standards
The various features of vertebrates (Curriculum Guide) (2020)
B. Performance Standards
1. Make a list of the vertebrates that are commonly seen in the area.
[ Curriculum Guide (2020)]
Topic: The Vertebrates
Subtopic: Components of an ecosystem
B. Instructional Materials
Pictures, visual aids, Chairs, bond paper, ball pen.
B. Motivation
(Everyone please read) Amphibians means “double lives” which
alludes the ability to live on both land and
water, they are also cooled blooded animals.
Around 400 million years ago, amphibians
were the first creatures to leave the sea and
dwell on land.
Ok very good!
Example. w/ picture
Example. w/picture
(Everyone please read)
Birds – are warm-blooded animals. They
remain active in cold and warm climates. A
bird’s bones are different from those of
most animals. They are hollow, and have a
honey comb structure, which makes them
strong but light.
Example. w/ picture
Most birds can’t fly this is because they have Eagle
heavy bodies. Wood pecker
(Everyone read)
Mammals are warm-blooded animals. They
are the only group of animals with
mammary glands which produce milk. For
most mammals, the young develop inside
the female’s body.
Example. w/picture
Ok class we have a game challenge Dog
The teacher will say a name of animals and tell Pig
if the animals are Fish, Amphibian, Reptiles, Goat
birds and mammals Carabao
1. Frog
2. Snake
3. Parrot Yes ma’am.
4. Tilapia
5. Cat Answer; amphibian
Answer; reptiles
Answer: Bird
Ok again Very good class. Answer: fish
Answer: mammals
D. Discussion
Class I will group you into three this row is
group 1 group 2 and group 3.
2. Activity Proper
Science skills: Observing, Comparing
Time frame: 10 minutes
Each group will classify the vertebrates in the
pictures I gave, observe and explain what is
different among others.
The teachers will give all the necessary Group 1
materials they need and prepared for group Name of vertebrates: Bangus (mik fish)
activity. Classification: fish
Type of skin: bony skin
Guide question: Different among other vertebrates:
Name of animals:
Classification: Group 2
Type of skin: Name of vertebrates: monkey
Different among other vertebrates. Classification: mammals
Type of skin: hairy skin
Different among other vertebrates:
Group 3
Rubrics Excellent Good Fair
Name of vertebrates: snake
25pts 20pts 10pts Classification: reptiles
Classify Correct Explain Explain Type of skin: dry skin and scales
vertebrates explanatio well well Different among other vertebrates:
n But not
And group all will
work perform
3. Post-Activity
The student will participate on group activity,
after they collaborate in his/her idea the student
will present their outputs, in front of the class
Culminating activity
E. Valuing
The students will learn to love the animals
around them by showing and explaining the
different types of animals that they have their
own abilities and uniqueness.
F. Application
1.Again what is the importance of animals in
our everyday living?
The teacher will call a student. Pupils 1To balance our ecosystem.
Ok very good
What else?
Pupils 2. To have a pet at home.
2. If you choose one of the classification of
vertebrates which is fish, amphibian, birds,
reptiles and mammals, what would it be? And Pupils 1. Mammals
why? Because they grew a baby on his
Pupils 2. Bird
Because I want to fly like a bird.
G. Generalization
Again, class vertebrates are animals.
Vertebrates are those animals that has
backbones like fish, mammals, reptiles,
amphibian and birds.
V. Evaluation
V I. Assignment
Prepared by:
Rica Rose D. Gonzales
Check by:
Prof . Lea F. Dollete
Subject Teacher