Cross Cultural 1
Cross Cultural 1
Cross Cultural 1
and Communication
Communicating across cultures can be a difficult experience. All successful communication results
from one person understanding the meaning and intention of what another person has said. The skills
associated with effective and rewarding cross-cultural communication can seem elusive to many
people who lack experience of this form of interaction. The information contained in this fact sheet is
designed to initiate and/or guide your cross-cultural experiences. The resources and contacts listed
are intended as a starting point for further learning.
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) students are not international students they are citizens
or permanent residents of Australia. Some are voluntary migrants, while others have entered
Australia on a Humanitarian Visa after being a refugee.
CALD students come from many countries and represent many cultures and languages. The
University of Tasmania currently has significant numbers of students enrolled who come from Chile,
China, Korea, Iraq, India, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Sudan, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Iran, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, Zimbabwe as well as small numbers of students from other
countries. These students bring with them a vast array of life experiences and useful perspectives on
the world around us. Many have fled violent civil wars, religious or political persecution or natural
disasters like famine and drought. Many have experienced the worst that human nature can offer, yet
bring enthusiasm and optimism to their study and the life of the University.
Humanitarian entrant students are people who have resettled in Australia after being a refugee. They
enter Australia as permanent residents and can only access the services available to the general
student population.
A refugee is any person who has left their country because of the experience or fear of violence,
religious persecution, political unrest or natural disasters, and has no hope of returning to that
country. There are currently 44 million refugees and internally displaced persons worldwide.
Australia is one of only 22 nations accepting resettlement of refugees, with an annual refugee
resettlement commitment ~ 13-14,000 each year.
From 2004-2010 300 refugees on average are resettled in Tasmania each year. As many entrants
are young adults and teenagers looking to make the most of the educational opportunities in Australia
this has led to a sizeable UTAS population at approximately 300 students, which has increased
sharply from 2004, but has remained fairly stable with a trend of low growth over 2010-11. They have
all been refugees for extended periods and have experienced or witnessed extended periods of
danger and privation, mostly during protracted civil wars. They have been subjected to forced
dislocation, squalor, malnutrition, disease, limited access to clean water and sanitation and a lack of
educational opportunities.
Culture is the integrated pattern of human
behaviour that includes thoughts,
communication, actions, customs, beliefs,
values and institutions of a racial, ethnic,
religious or social group. It reflects the norms
and values of a given society and
constitutes, to a large extent, the way in
which individuals in that society views the
Unarticulated expectations: in an
internationalised university we can no
longer expect students to know what is
expected of them as a student or what the
role of a lecturer, tutor, support worker
etc. are at the start of their time here. Be
explicit about the most important things
you expect from a student/client and the
boundaries of your role at the start to
avoid complications due to a clash of
differing expectations.
Oral/hierarchical cultures and
written/individualist cultures: due to
differences in the mode of communication
or the amount students expect to be led
by a teacher/staff member, students from
many cultures will be expecting teachers
and staff to tell them everything they need
to know. Our culture is paper/internet
based and assumes a high degree of
independence from our learners. Be
aware of this difference and pre-empt
difficulties by referring student explicitly to
written materials.
Critical thinking and writing styles: due to
the value we place on individual, critical
thought students are asked to criticise
authorities from first year. This can be
difficult and confronting for students used
to absorbing and retelling knowledge from
an authority figure. Make this expectation
explicit and explain why it is central to a
western university education. Describing
the processes of critical thinking (for
example, what kind of questions should
students ask of a text), and providing
annotated models of good writing are
Referencing and plagiarism: our accent
on individual ownership and our access to
multiple sources of information make
referencing a necessity and plagiarism a
crime. This is very different to collectivist
cultures where knowledge viewed as
property of the group or where few
resources make referencing less
important. Dont assume students will
know the importance of these issues,
draw explicit reference to them as often
as practicable and treat early offences as
opportunities for detailed instruction
around these issues rather than
punishment if possible within the rules.
There are many people and organisations that
can help if you are finding communication
across cultures difficult, or if you are
interested to know more. These include: