8. The standards that have the greatest acceptance, and the highest compliance
percentage, are normally those standards developed by
a. Senior management
b. The standards committee
c. A quality assurance group
d. The users of the standards
e. Internal auditors
29. Standard is:
a) What
b) When
c) Why
d) Where
30. Your project produces more than 100 defects
a. The project is useless
b. You cannot comment as you do not have much information
31. Your project produces 1000 defects per 150 function points. Now you have
a. Benchmark
b. Baseline
c. Size
32. The cost of correcting defects at the early stage of S/W development life cycle is less
than correcting them at the later stage. TRUE/FALSE
33. Errors in a software are due to :
a. Faulty processes
34. Pareto chart is designed to rank items by frequency.
a) True b) False
35. One of most used QA tool is check sheet
a. True
b. False
36. How do you apply stress to the program?
a. Larger volumes of transactions
b. Changes to transactions
37. The cost allocated for preventing the defects from occurring in right-first-time
a. Preventive
b. Appraisal
c. Failure
d. Direct
38. One attribute of risk is magnitude. What is other
a. User
b. Type
c. Frequency
39. After 5 years a project gave a profit of $ 50000. How will you measure the profit
when the project was initially implemented
a. Present value of money
b. Return on investment
c. Asset depreciation
40. A place where data collected is recorded is
a. Check sheet
b. Histogram
41. Password should be changed
a. On regular basis
b. When you suspect that password is compromised
c. When you leave the place
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
42. On a random basis application systems are audited after implementation to
determine whether or not the system met standards. This is an example of
a. Quality control
b. Detective control
c. Quality Assurance
d. Corrective control
e. None of the above
43. The effort required for locating and fixing an error in an operational program
a. Testability
b. Maintainability
c. Usability
d. Efficiency
44. The contributors to poor quality in an organization are
a. Lack of involvement by management
b. Lack of knowledge about quality
c. Time constraints
d. A and B
45. Definition of Integrity
a) Extent to which a program satisfies its specs and fulfils the user’s mission and goals
b) Effort required for learning, operating, preparing input, interpreting output of a
c) Effort required to couple one system with another
d) Extent to which access to software or data by unauthorized persons can be
e) All of the above
46. Achieving quality is easy. True/False
47. “Failure to enforce standards” as a contributor to poor quality belongs to which
a) Lack of involvement by management
b) Lack of knowledge
48. To achieve quality (i.e., defect free products and services), we require
a) Close cooperation between management and staff
b) Commitment
c) An environment in which quality can flourish
d) All of the above
49. Quality is not a long-term strategy. True/False
50. PDCA cycle is developed by
a) Deming
b) Dr. Shewhart
c) Ishikawa
d) Harold S.Geneen
51. Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) are both necessary to make quality
happen. Of the two QA is more important than QC
A. True
B. False
52. QC is a line function, performed by the same group that produces the goods
A. True
B. False
53. QA is a management function
A. True
B. False
54. QC is a related to the product
A. True
B. False
55. QA is related to the process producing the product
A. True
B. False
56. If you make the process consistent, then the product produced by the process will be
consistent. This is main aim behind
A. Quality Control
B. Quality Assurance
C. Both of the above
D. Neither of the above
57. Check for defects in product with the primary aim of correcting defects. This is
A. Quality Control
B. Quality Assurance
C. Both of the above
D. Neither of the above
58. Check for defects in process for the primary aim of correcting or establishing new
process. This is
A. Quality Control
B. Quality Assurance
C. Both of the above
D. Neither of the above
59. As per ISO protocols, all ISO standards should be confirmed, revised or with drawn
a) Every 3 years
b) Every 5 years
c) Every 10 years
d) As required
60. Match the items in Tab A with Tab B.
Tab A Tab B
1. ISO 9000 1. Guidelines for auditing the quality
2. ISO 9001 2. Guide to implement quality systems
3. ISO 9004 3. Describes quality models
4. ISO 10011 4. Introduction and guide to use other ISO 9000 standards
1-4, 2-3, 3-2, 4-1
61. The ISO 9001:2000 standards are based on 8 quality management
As per ISO 9001 standards, verify the following statements.
A . The top management shall demonstrate its commitment to meet customer
requirements for
Their products and services (True / False).
B. The organization should determine and provide the resources needed to establish
and improve
quality management system (True / False).
C. The organization should ensure that all processes are operated under controlled
conditions and produce outputs that are consistent with organization’s policy and
objectives (True / False).
D. The organization should define and implement measurement, analysis and
improvement processes as a way of demonstrating that the product/service
conforms to specified requirement. (True / False)
62. What are the two types of reviews defined in ISO/IEC 12207
Ans. Joint technical review, Joint management review
63. Management commitment is the single most important requirement for sucessful
implementation of --------------- (answer - Quality Management)
64. Having management commitment does not guarantee quality management success
but improves odds for successful implementation. (True/False)
65. Top down implementation model(waterfall effect) is most successful model for
implementing quality management. (True/false)
66. Committing to quality management means
a.Understand the concept of quality management.
b.Adopt behaviour to show quality management.
c.Accept the need to change the perpective leadership.
d.Provide funds for training.
e.All of the above
67. Which is the first step in establishing the trust among employees in implementation
of quality
a) Actively listening down
b) Talking down
c) A) or B)
d) None of the above
68. Understanding comes after behavior change (True/False)
69. Toyota Production System is also called as
a. Just In Time
b. Join In Time
c. Single Minute Exchange of Dies
d. None of the above
70. Visiting other companies and understanding its quality process reduces the lead-time
for identifying the quality process to be implemented in an organization. True/False
71. Which of the following is the most difficult of the decision making processes?
a) Authority
b) Voting
c) Avoidance
d) Consensus
72. The objective of constructive criticism is
a. to criticize some one on their bad works
b. to improve his performance
c. duty of the project manager
73. Whether it is a must for the listener to listen to all parts of speech? YES
74. Which of the following is discriminating listening
a) Directed at selecting specific pieces of information, not the entire communication.
b) Complete message with minimal distortion
c) To put youself in the speakers situation
d) To analyse what the speaker has said.
e) None of the above.
74. Which of the following is Therapeutic listening
a) Complete message with minimal distortion
b) Directed at selecting specific pieces of information, not the entire communication.
c) To put youself in the speakers situation
d) To analyse what the speaker has said.
e) None of the above.
75. Which of the following help attending to the speaker
a) Maintain eye contact
b) Provide continuous feedback
c) Periodically restate what was said
d) Concentrate exclusively on the speakers communication
e) All the above
76. Which one below is not an attribute of executive management
a) Purposeful
b) Competent
c) Analytical
d) Decisive
e) Meaningful
77. Which attributes were included in establishing status when equated to IT
a) leadership
b) technical skill
c) years of experience
d) all the above.
78. Quality promotes turning problems into opportunities (True / False)
79. Customer will give up if complaints are not resolved within
(a) 4 Days
(b) 4 Months
(c) 4 Seconds
(d) 4 Minutes
90. The size of the quality function ideally will vary with the size of the organization
91. Obtaining and sustaining support for quality is an ongoing activity -
92. Which are the following tasks is not helpful in building support of quality
a. Teach a quality vocabulary
b. Issue a quality newsletter
c. Staffing
d. Meet daily on quality
93. In any organization QA Analyst position will be <<Scribd>>
A. Auditing
B. Individual engineering
D. All the above.
96. Which of the below tool help people to determine whether a process is in control or
not <<Scribd>>
a. Run Chart
b. Control Chart
c. Pareto Chart
d. U Chart
97. Which are following tools belong to Quality Tool Box <<Scribd>>
a. Brainstorming
b. Affinity Diagram
c. X-mR chart
d. Pareto Chart
98. What is the most commonly used / Powerful statistical tool?
99. What is a simple list of questions that enables people to follow and verify processes?
100. ___________ is a set of tools, which assists in defining, controlling and improving
quality. Quality Toolbox
123. Matrix is a
a) Problem Solving Technique
b) Problem Identifying Technique
c) Problem Cause Identifying Technique
d) Ranking Technique
142. It is practical to use stem and leaf charts when absolute no of values is
a. High(More than 100)
b. Low (Usually 100 or less)
c. Zero
d. None of the above
a) procedures are not always required and unless critical, should be minimised
b) skill set and knowledge requirements are prerequisites for performing the
c) if the procedures are followed ALWAYS standards will be automatically met
d) All of the above
e) none of the above
176. Controls should be designed based on the criticality of the process and
what needs to be checked (True / false)
177. Quality control procedures are
a) preventive costs
b) appraisal costs
c) failure costs
d) none of the above
Page 263-265
178. Measurement provides quantitative feedback to an organisation about
whether it is achieving its goals and moving towards its results (true / false)
179. The purpose of process improvement is
a) to change the process
b) to reduce the frequency of defects including process ineffectiveness
c) both a and b
d) none of the above
180. Process improvement uses facts(measurement results) to identify the root
causes of problems.
(true / false )
181. The long range objective for process improvement is to
a) eliminate the need for quality assurance activities
b) eliminate the need for quality control activities
c) both a and b
d) none of the above
Page 269-270
182. If the control limits are within the specification limits, the process is
capable of satisfying the customer. (True/False)
183. Does the process improvement plan need approval? If yes, who approves
it ?
Yes, Senior management
Page 274-276
184. Measure is the basic building block for measurement program.
185. Metrics is a derived unit of measurement
186. What are the two types of measurement?
Objective and Subjective Measurement
Objective measurement uses hard data that can be obtained by counting, weighing etc.
Subjective measurement is normally observed or perceived
187. What is Nominal data?
Nominal data cannot be subjected to arithmetic operations of any type and the
values cannot be ranked in any natural order.
188. What is Ordinal data?
Ordinal data can be ranked, but differences or ratios between values are not
189. What is interval data?
Interval data can be ranked and can exhibit meaningful differences between values
190. Give an example for interval data?
T.J. McCabe’s complexity metric is an example for interval data.
191. What is Ratio Data?
Ratio data has absolute zero and meaningful ratios can be calculated.
192. For what are the measurement dashboards or key indicators used for?
Measurement dashboards or key indicators are used to monitor progress and to
initiate change.
193. Before approving for use, what are the tests that the measures and
metrics have to undergo?
1) Reliability – Refers to the consistency of measurement
2) Validity – indicates the degree to which a measure actually measures
3) Ease of Use and Simplicity
4) Timeliness – Refers whether the information can be reported in sufficient time to
impact the decisions needed to manage effectively
5) Calibration - indicates the modification of a measurement so it becomes more
194. How to know a measurement is good?
The measures and the resulting metrics should be
1) Simple and precisely definable
2) Objective
3) Easily Obtainable at reasonable cost
4) Valid, measuring what they are intended to measure
5) Robust, being relatively insensitive to intuitively small changes in the process
or product
Page 280-282
195. Give 2 examples of metrics for complexity measurement s?
a) Cyclomatic complexity
b) Knots
196. A knot is defined as a necessary crossing of directional lines in the graph.
197. The quality characteristics for software that have received considerable
attention are correctness, reliability and maintenance.
198. Common causes are causes of variation that can be controlled by
improving work processes.
199. Special causes are causes of variation that must be controlled outside the
200. Statistical tools are the only methods available to objectively quantify
Page 286-288
201. How many Components are in Risk and name all of those Components?
Three components
- The event that could occur – the risk
- The probability that the event will occur – the likelihood
- The impact or consequence of the event if it occurs – the penalty
202. Risks can be categorized as one of the following:
- Technical
- Programmatic or performance
- Supportability or environment
- Cost
- Schedule
203. How many Characteristics does Risk has and what are they?
Five Characteristics
- Situational
- Time based
- Interdependent
- Magnitude dependent
- Value based
204. PMBOK stands for?
Project Management Body of Knowledge
205. How many processes are there to address risk management as per
Four processes
- Risk Identification
- Risk Qualification
- Risk Response Development
- Risk Response Control
206. External risks can be controlled or influenced by the project team
------------ TRUE/FALSE
207. Which of the following document will be required as a source of input
when considering a list of possible risks?
a) Product documentation b) Project documentation c) Historical Information d)
All of the above
Page 292-294
c. Select a measure or metric for each result. Should be only 3 to 5 but not greater
than 7
d. Consider tradeoff between the results. For example consider the desired result
Complete on time might affect Easy-to-read documentation.
e. Based on baseline and desired result, determine a goal for each result metric.
(Bench marking tool is best for this).
a) Product
b) Process
c) Standard
d) Policy
230. What does “IEC” expands to (E.g. As used with ISO/IEC 12207)?
a) International Electronics Committee
b) International Engineers Confederation
c) International Electrotechnical Commission
d) Internal Electronics Association
231. Which of the following defines the “SPICE”?
b) ISO/EIA 12207
c) ISO 9001:2000
d) ISO/IEC TR 15504
232. The two components of the “Manage By Fact” process are
a) Meeting the desired results
b) Managing to meet the customer requirements on fact gathering
c) Managing the process to drive the results
d) A & C
e) B & C
233. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a ‘Service Level
a) It defines the obligations of the services/product provider towards the customer
b) It has terms for maintenance of the product/service
c) It does not mention the obligation of the customer
d) None of the above
234. Function point analysis involves
a) Amount of information processing function
b) System characteristics
c) Degree of influence
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
235. Why does it help to visit other companies to identify effective Quality
a) Reuse organizational learning
b) Continually benchmark
c) Interact with other Quality professionals
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
236. Which step of the listening process requires to give continuous feedback
a) Hearing the speaker
b) Attending to the speaker
c) Understanding the speaker
237. Any additional feature required by the customer, which is not mentioned
in the requirements is a(n) __________ from the producers' point of view:
a) enhancement
b) defect
c) modification
d) None of the above
238. What are the three Cs in the today’s IT workplace (of QA profession within
a) Completeness, Change and Conformance
b) Change, Conformance and Configuration
c) Change, Complexity and Competition
d) None of the above
239. Audit plan is prepared during the definition phase.
a) True
b) False
240. Who created the theory of FIRO
a) James Baehler
b) W.C. Shutz
c) Taichi Ohno
d) Dr. Ishikawa
241. Given the following costs:
Requirements analysis - $ 1000 Rework - $ 700
System Testing - $ 500 Phase Reviews - $ 650
Code review - $ 500 Review of User Documents - $ 600
Continuing Edn. Programs. - $ 800 Design - $ 400
Client Entertainment - $ 800
The cost of Quality is
a) $ 4500
b) $ 1100
c) $ 1600
d) $ 3750
e) $ 3500
242. In an organization, the process is stabilized and documentation exists.
What is the rating for this level?
a) level 1
b) level 2
c) level 3
d) level 4
e) level 5
243. Malcolm Balridge who was a defense secretary invented MBNQA
a) True
b) False
244. Industry accepted definitions of quality are “conformance to
requirements” (from Philip Crosby) and “fit for use” (from Dr. Joseph Juran and
Dr. W. Edwards Deming). These two definitions are contradictory.
a) True
b) False
245. Most Information Technology (IT) groups have the quality gaps between:
a) Producer gap
b) Supplier gap
c) Customer gap
d) Provider gap
e) A & C
f) A & B
246. A major premise of a quality management environment is an emphasis on
continuous improvement. The approach to continuous improvement is best
illustrated using the -----------------------------, which was developed in the
1930s by Dr. Shewhart of the Bell System.
a) System development life cycle
b) PDCA Cycle
c) Quality Improvement Cycle
d) Product Life Cycle
247. The structure and application of controls must be clear to all parties
concerned. In this respect, two levels of control exist within an environment:
a) Management controls.
b) Application controls
c) System Controls
d) Quality controls
e) A & B
f) B & C
248. Defects are recorded ________________
a) to report status of the application
b) to gather statistics used to develop defect expectations in future applications
c) to improve the software development process.
d) to ensure the defect is corrected
e) All of the above
249. The system design SDLC phase is immediately followed by
a) Initiation
b) Definition
c) Evaluation
d) Programming and training
e) Operation
250. Resource planning, audit planning, estimation, scheduling are the some of
the tasks carried out in
a) Initiation phase
b) System design phase
c) Definition Phase
d) Evaluation phase
251. Internal control encompasses the plan of organization and all of the
methods and measures adopted within a business to:
a) Safeguard its assets
b) Promote operational efficiency
c) Check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data
d) Encourage adherence to prescribed policies
All of the above
e) None of the above
252. As part of management control, the division of responsibilities provide
a) efficiencies derived from specialization
b) cross-check that promote accuracy without duplication or wasted effort
c) safeguarding of assets
d) enhances the effectiveness of a management control system
All of the above
e) None of the above
251. System reviews and software testing are examples of _____________.
a) Quality Control
b) Quality Assurance
c) Quality Audits
d) None of the above
252. The ___________ is the process used to verify and validate the system
structurally and functionally.
a) Tester’s workbench
b) Developer’s workbench
c) Owner’s workbench
d) Manager’s workbench
253. ___________ testing is done without executing the code.
a) Regression
b) Unit
c) System
d) Static
254. Identification of defects within the stage or phase of the project where
they originate, rather than in later test stages is referred to as
a) Stage containment
b) Early catch
c) Defect Prevention
d) Defect containment
255. Informal, unstructured reviews of the program source code against
specifications and standards to find defects and verify coding techniques are
called __________ .
a) Inspection
b) Buddy reviews
c) Code walkthrough
d) Peer Review
256. Which of the following is not a white box testing technique
a) Statement coverage
Equivalence partitioning
b) decision/condition coverage
c) multiple condition coverage
257. ____________ is the way of Incremental testing which begins testing
from top of the module hierarchy and works down to the bottom using interim
stubs to simulate lower interfacing modules or programs.
a) Bottom-up
b) Top-down
c) Lateral
d) Block-by-block
a) 100 points
b) 500 points
c) 1000 points
d) 10000 points
294. Leadership category in MBNQA includes
a) Leadership system
b) Societal Responsibilities
c) Community Involvement
d) a,b & c
e) a & b only.
295. Organization at initial level can improve their performance by instituting
a) Project Management
b) Management Oversight
c) Quality Assurance
d) Change Control
e) All the above
f) Only a,b, & d
296. The number and types of measures for quality results depend upon
factors such as
a the company's size
b types of products and services
c competitive environment
d all the above
297. The tactics which should be incorporated while giving constructive
criticism are
A) Do it privately
B) Have the facts
C) Be prepared to help the worker to improve his/her performance
D) Be specific on expectation
E) Follow a specific process in giving criticism
F) A B C & E
G) All the above
298. People don't listen because they are
A) very impatient
B) too busy rehearsing what they will say next
C) self conscious
D) external stimuli
E) lack of motivation
F) all the above
299. The ability to apply beliefs, standards, guidelines, policies, procedures
and values to a decision in a specific set of circumstances is known as
A) Motivation b) Recognition c) Judgment d) Time
300. The complaint resolution processes are
a. get on your customers wave length
b. get the facts
c. establish and initiate an action program
d. Follow up with your customer
e. all the above
301. JIT was developed by
a) Dr. W. Edward deming
b) Dr. Leonard Zunin
c) Taiicho Ohno
d) Malcom Baldrige
302. Pareto concept was developed by –
a. Taiichi ohno
b. Edward Deming
c. Malcolm Baldrige
Joseph Juran
d. Pareto
303. What are the intrepretations of 80 - 20 rule/pareto analysis?
a. 20% Of organisation's customers account for 80% of its revenue.
b. 20% Of organisation's products produce 80% of profits.
c. 3.80% of customers' complaints by volume are 20% of problems by
304. What are the types of functions in FP?
A)External input type
B)external output type
C)logical internal file type
D)external interface file type
E)external inquiry type
305. What are the ways in which QA analyst can estimate frequency/severity of
1.Judgemental sampling. 2. Statistical sampling.
306. Passwords should be changed
on regular basis
a. When you forget the password
b. when you leave the workplace
all of the above
c. none of the above
307. Which of the following techniques is most effective in encouraging
participation of attendees in a meeting:
a. Role playing & requesting solutions
b. having the moderator to play the devil's role
c. requiring participation
308. Methods used to determine whether or not the process is under control
and is helpful in identifying root cause of process problems which are
causing defects
a. Prioritisation matrix
b. statistical process control
c. pareto chart
d. control charts
309. The concept that is an integral part of information technology function is
a) Meeting the requirements
b) Producing a quality product
c) Customer's view of quality is the correct view quality.
310. The Juran Trilogy refers to:
a) Quality Management, Quality Coordination, Continuous improvement
b) Quality planning, Quality Control, Quality improvement
c) Qualitative Management, Quantitative Management, Continuous improvement
d) Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Quality Audits
311. MBNQA Award criteria does not include
a) Leadership
b) Technology
c) Human Resources
d) Process Management
312. The three evaluation dimensions of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality
Award are
a) Leadership, Strategic Planning, Business Results
b) Approach, Deployment, Results
c) Strategic Planning, Process Management, Business Results
d) Planning, Implementation, Feedback
313. Developing and asking questions for the purpose of collecting oral
data to be used in an analysis or evaluation is called as
a) Negotiation
b) Facilitation
c) Interviewing
d) Effective listening
314. The tactics, which should be incorporated while giving constructive
criticism, are
a) Do it privately
b) Have the facts
c) Be prepared to help the worker to improve his/her performance
d) Be specific on expectation
e) Follow a specific process in giving criticism
f) A B C & E
g) all the above
315. The ability to apply beliefs, standards, guidelines, policies, procedures
and values to a decision in a specific set of circumstances is known as
a) Motivation
b) Recognition
c) Judgment
d) Time Management.
316. A service level agreement becomes a contract when the provider of
service and customer are not in the same organization.
a) True
b) False
317. If the variation due to common causes results in a process operating
outside of the customer specifications, the process is called
a) Incapable
b) Noncapable
c) Meaningless
d) Useless
318. Which of the following is not a description of the charter of quality
a) the person who is nominated by quality department to prepare quality
b) management’s authorization to make quality happen
c) a job description for the quality function
d) explicitly explains to all the affected parties the function’s scope and
319. According to SEI of CMU, to move from Maturity level 1 to level 3
a) it takes atleast 1 year
b) it takes atleast 3 years
c) it can be atmost 5 years
d) it depends on the Assessment process and Auditor
320. A successful Leader should always be open and honest
a) True
b) False
c) It depends
d) Need not be always
321. Function point analysis requires information on hardware and software for
the application system.
a) True
b) False
322. ______________ is a visual tool used to determine and understand the
forces that drive and restrain a change.
a) Process Map
b) Cause and Effect Diagram
c) Force Field analysis
d) Matrix
323. Acceptable Quality Level Is To Accept Some Level Of Defects As Normal
And Acceptable, As Many Believe That Defect Free Information Technology
Products Are Not Practical Or Economical.
a) False
b) True
324. Internal control encompasses the plan of organization and all of the
methods and measures adopted within a business to:
a) Safeguard its assets
b) Promote operational efficiency
c) Check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data
d) Encourage adherence to prescribed policies
e) All of the above
f) None of the above
325. To reduce risk associated with introducing changes to an application,
________ testing should be conducted during all stages of testing after a
functional improvement or repair has been made.
a) Unit
b) System
c) Regression
d) Thread
326. Which of the following task is not performed by V&V management
a) Create the software V&V plan
b) Conduct Management Review of V & V
c) Support Management and Technical Reviews
d) Interface with Organizational and Supporting Processes
Conduct In-process reviews
327. Project team feels that an extra feature or a function is needed in the
system but not included in the specifications. From quality point of view, this is
considered --------------------------------.
a. a correction
b. a failure
c. a change
d. an enhancement
e. a defect
328. Our products must be corrected so that they will eventually meet our
customers' true quality needs.
327. We can produce products at our convenience and at any cost
328. Those responsible for quality must include –
1. Cost consideration
2. Delivery at required time
3. At required quality
4. 1 & 2
5. 2 & 3
6. All the above
329. Management must create an _______________ a
_______________for quality to happen.
1. Environment , enthusiasm
2. Principles, reward
3. Empowerment, rewards
330. Management must make quality number one and then
reward quality work.
331. Monetary and non monetary rewards can be considered by management to
make people enjoy what they are doing.
332. Product inspections and testing can be eliminated by building
processes to eliminate root causes of def and producing defect free products.
333. The following comprise the processes - Which is correct
1.Policies, standards, procedures
2.standards, procedures, policies
3.Procedures, policies, standards
4.Policies, procedures, standards
334. Quality is not an attribute of product. F
335. Quality can be controlled only if it is measured. T
336. Judgment is an audit function T
337. Non conformance must be detected as early as possible - T/F
338 The concept that is an integral part of information technology function
is –
1. Meeting the requirements
2. Producing a quality product
3. Customer's view of quality is the correct view quality.
339. The topics of standards and nonconformance should be discussed in
every meeting to improve quality. T/F
340. Everyone should be involved in quality improvement programs. T/F
341. The responsibility of supervisor –
1. Teach subordinates how to perform
2. To evaluate subordinate performance
3. Assist and support workers until they become proficient
4. 1 &2
5. 1 & 3
6. 2 & 3
7. 1, 2 and 3
342. It is better to deal with more number of vendors. F
343. Baselining is quantitatively determining what you want to be F
344. Analysis is performed before baselining is done. F
347. Analysis is done to determine which area is in need of improvement. T
348. Vision provides an umbrella for focusing all the plans in order to achieve
constancy of purpose. T
349. Six sigma quality is –
1. 1.2 Defects per million lines of code
2. 3.4 Defects per million lines of code
3. 6.1 Defects per million lines of code
350. The three levels of management are –
1. Lower, middle and upper
2. Executive, middle, line
351. Tools supporting processes to be ensured rather than processes
supporting tools.
352. Quality control is the responsibility of people who evolves the processes.
353. Quality defect is non conformance to standards. T
354. Verification activity is a tactic analysis. T
354. Common verification techniques are -
1.Walkthroughs, checkpoint reviews, inspections
2.Test plan, test execution
355. Match:
1. Strategic - a. Operational management
2. Tactical - b. Executive management
3. Operational - c. Middle management
1-b, 2-c, 3-a
356. Management must retain decision making authority to identify and
resolve problems. T
357. Seven core processes are –
1.Baseline, analyse, vision and plan
2.Establish a TQM process
3.Install and improve processes
4.Control quality (walkthrough, reviews and inspections
5.Quality control (validation-test plan/test execution)
6.Perform quantitative analysis
7.Perform continuous improvement
358. Plan - Baseline, plan - approach part
Do - Set short term objectives , compare results, targets, revise approach if
Check & act - check results, replan and recheck
Results - final results
Approach is repeatable.
359. Many technical personnel believe that standards inhibit their creativity.
360. Achieving quality (defect-free products and services) is easy. (True/False)
361. The challenge of making quality happen is
a) a miniscule challenge
b) a monumental challenge
362. In Zero defect movement all responsibilities and defects are borne by the
workers. (True/False)
363. The word "kick-off" is used in
a) Zero Defect Movement
b) Deming's Circle
c) QAI's Quality Improvement Model
364. Dr. W. Edwards Deming has stated that it takes ____________ years to
change a culture from an emphasis on productivity to an emphasis on quality.
(10 years/20 years/2 to 5 years/none of these)
365. Quality means meeting requirements. This is ____________view.
(producer's /customer's )
366. Quality means fit for use. This is ________________view.
(producer's /customer's )
367. Which one of the following definitions of quality is more important.
a)Quality means meeting requirements.
b)Quality means fit for use.
368. Quality control is a line function.
369. Quality assurance is a staff function.
370. By what other two names is PDCA process referred to?
Deming’s wheel, management cycle.
371. What does "Going Around the PDCA Circle" connote?
Continuous improvement
372. The no of principles in Dr. W. Edwards Deming's quality
principles is ____________. (8/10/12/14/16)