[Email address]
1.Which presentation techniques are used to show facts and also separate
the ‘useful many’? Pareto Table and Pareto Diagram
2. To identify the priority areas how many types of Pareto Analysis can be
made and on what basis? Two, based on phenomenon and another by
8. Out of Elementary Seven Tools which one can be used for generating a
list of Solutions? NONE
3.. In a Pareto chart the steep bend of the curve is not very predominant.
This could be due to:
A. A rectangular plot drawn
B. Stratification not done appropriately
C. Both above
D. In certain cases, Pareto does not apply
Page 1 of 72
4.. In a cause and effect diagram the branches and sub branches are made
A. Why repeatedly for each sub branch
B. Brainstorming
C. Affinity diagram
D. All above
Page 2 of 72
2. Bar graphs and line graphs are different
A. In values of scale at x, y intersection
B. Conditions for x axis
C. Both above
D. In visual depiction only – bar chart can be used instead of line chart and
vice versa
8. Cost incurred when customer requirements are not met before customer
finds out is internal failure cost:
A. True
B. False
Page 3 of 72
A. Radar Chart
B. pie graph
C. line graph
D. Commpound graph
A. True
B. False
A. y-axis
B. h-axis
C. v-axis
D. x-axis
C. subject of measurement
D. time period
B. subject of measurement
A. v-axis
B. x-axis
C. y-axis
Page 4 of 72
D. h-axis
C. Common Causes
D. Assignable Causes
A. True
B. False
Page 5 of 72
B. Commitment of Coordinator
C. Planning Training by external Agency
D. Awareness Sessions for Associates
3. Who was generally credited with the phrase “Vital Few and Trivial
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa
B. Dr. J. M. Juran
C. Dr M. P. Mohpatra
6. The Median of the “60, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69” data is:
A. 63
B. 65
C. 65.5
D. 68
7. The Mode of the “19, 8, 29, 35, 19, 28,15” data is:
A. 8
B. 18
C. 19
D. There is no Mode
Page 6 of 72
B. New Seven Tools
C. Control Chart
D. None of the above
Page 7 of 72
8. Who felt that without the contribution from associates quality
improvements cannot be achieved.
a) Dr. K. Ishikawa
b) Dr. J. M. Juran
c) Prof. P. C. Mahalanobis
d) Dr. Genichi Taguchi
3. Who should guides, trains members with the help of the Facilitator and
other agencies.
a) Leader
b) Top Management
c) Coordinator
d) None of the above
Page 8 of 72
5. While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered.
a) Management need
b) User need
c) Market need
d) None of the above
1. 5S stands for
A. Short, Set, Spot, Standardize and Sustain
B. Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize and Sustain
C. Simple cleaning by Housekeeping Team
D. Shining, Spotless, Sanitized, Safe Showcase
4. In the Set-In-Order phase, where should tools that are used daily be
A. In personal tool boxes where they won’t be stolen
B. At the point of use
C. Where the supervisor can keep an eye on them
D. In a company owned locking cabinet
6. Which phase of 5S are you in when you clean machines, windows, floors
A. Sort
B. Set-In-Order
C. Shine
D. Standardize
Page 10 of 72
10. In which step of Five S we establish a method of storage for each item,
which is easy to see, pick and place with X, Y alignment.
A. Sort
B. Set-In-Order
C. Shine
D. Standardize
12-17. Sustenance of 3rd-S thru 5W-1H. Fill in the blank with six words
starting with ‘W’ or ‘H’.
12. _______ to clean – Equipment
13. _______ to clean – Reason
14. _______ to clean – Location
15. _______ to clean – Time
16. _______ will clean – Responsibility
17. _______ to clean – Method
20. Complete the tag line by writing missing word “When in____________,
throw it out”.
Page 11 of 72
3. Which tool is used to simplify data collection and ensure that no items
are omitted when inspecting?
a. Check Sheet
c. Stratification
b. Brainstorming
d. Flow Diagram
4. Which tool is used for singling out the really serious problem or cause
from among all the lesser ones?
a. Scatter Diagram
c. Bar Diagram
b. Histogram
d. Pareto Diagram
5. Which tool is a column graph that displays the central tendency, process
variability and relative
frequency of collected data?
a. Scatter Diagram
c. Bar Diagram
b. Histogram
d. Pareto Diagram
6. Which tool is typically used to track and monitor the progress of a
a. Brainstorming
b. c. Activity Chart
c. Pareto Diagram
d. d. None of the above
7. Deming Wheel provides a fundamental approach to carry out a task in a
True / False
8. Study of any process with the help of flow diagram will never help in
identifying the redundant activities or
steps. True / False
9. Data are expression of facts of any activity or feature in verbal or
True / False
10. Pareto Principle is a Universal
Principle. True / False
Page 12 of 72
15. Production process classification type diagram is one of three types of
16. Stratification is best interpreted in ___________________ form.
17. Histogram shows the ___________________of variation.
18. The ______________________is an effective way to organize theories
(possible causes) about root causes of observed phenomena.
19. A ________________ is a graphic presentation of the sequence of steps
that we perform to produce some output.
20. _______________________are pictorial representation of quantitative data.
04. Out of the following which graph tool is used for singling out the really
serious problem or cause from among all the lesser ones?
A. Transportation C. Motion
B. Overproduction D. Waiting
07. In a Pareto chart the steep bend of the curve is not very predominant.
This could be due to:
Page 13 of 72
08. Cause and Effect Diagram is used to arrange which type of causes?
09. In whish step or phase a LQC team should finalise the objective (what is
proposed to be achieved) – reduction in waste etc.?
A. Control. C. Define
B. Measure D. Improve
A. Logbook C. Data
B. Mean D. Improve
11. Which graph helps circles to identify and focus on the vital few factors?
A. Connector C. Decision
B. Terminal D. Activity
14. Which presentation technique is used to show facts and also separate
‘vital few’ from ‘useful
Page 14 of 72
C. Both the above
D. None of the above
A. Create problems
B. Have an insight into potential bottlenecks
C. Suggest time needed to solve problem
D. None of the above
18. Which waste may increase due to poor plant or office layout, widely
spaced equipment and workstations?
19. Which tool is used to simplify data collection and ensure that no items
are omitted?
when inspecting.
01. Which tool is used to simplify data collection and ensure that no items
are omitted
when inspecting ?
A. Check Sheet
B. Brainstorming
C. Stratification
D. Flow Diagram
02. Cause and Effect Diagram is used to arrange which type of causes?
A. Actual Causes
B. Assignable Causes
C. Root Causes
D. Possible Causes
03. While drawing Process Flow Diagram the symbol ‘O’ represents what?
A. Connector
B. Decision
C. Terminal
D. Activity
Page 15 of 72
04. For drawing Pareto Diagram, data has to be arranged in:
A. Ascending order
B. Descending order
C. Any order
D. None of the above
05. Out of the following which graph tool is used for singling out the really
serious problem or cause from among all the lesser ones?
A. Scatter Diagram
B. Bar Diagram
C. Histogram
D. Pareto Diagram
06. Which presentation technique is used to show facts and also separate
‘vital few’ the ‘useful many’?
A. Pictorial Graphs
C. Fishbone Diagram
B. Pareto Diagram
D. Line Graph
07. In a Pareto chart the steep bend of the curve is not very predominant.
This could be due to:
A. A rectangular plot drawn
C. In certain cases, Pareto does not apply
B. Both A & D
D. Stratification not done appropriately
Page 16 of 72
B. Genichi Taguchi.
C. Philip B Crosby
D. Taiichi Ohno
2. Just-In-Time is
A. Single unity production
B. Single unit production
C. Production in Time
D. None of the above
Page 17 of 72
B. x-axis
C. y-axis
D. h-axis
8. Cost incurred when customer requirements are not met before customer
finds out is internal failure cost:
Page 18 of 72
A. True
B. False
A. Radar Chart
B. pie graph
C. line graph
D. Commpound graph
A. True
B. False
A. y-axis
B. h-axis
C. v-axis
D. x-axis
C. subject of measurement
D. time period
Page 19 of 72
5. In Line Graph, y-axis represents
B. subject of measurement
A. v-axis
B. x-axis
C. y-axis
D. h-axis
C. Common Causes
D. Assignable Causes
A. True
B. False
Page 20 of 72
C. Who reports to whom in a organisation
3. Who was generally credited with the phrase “Vital Few and Trivial
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa
B. Dr. J. M. Juran
C. Dr M. P. Mohpatra
6. The Median of the “60, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69” data is:
A. 63
B. 65
C. 65.5
D. 68
7. The Mode of the “19, 8, 29, 35, 19, 28,15” data is:
A. 8
B. 18
C. 19
D. There is no Mode
Page 21 of 72
8. The range of the “1, 2, 4, 7” data is:
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. There is no range
Page 22 of 72
c) appraisal
d) internal failure
Page 23 of 72
c) Consumer to quality characteristic
d) Critical to quality characteristic
3. Who should guides, trains members with the help of the Facilitator and
other agencies.
a) Leader
b) Top Management
c) Coordinator
d) None of the above
Page 24 of 72
c) Samples covering the overall population of interest should be sampled
d) None of the above
2) In Brainstorming
a. Quality is more important than Quantity
b. Quantity is more important than Quality
c. Quality and Quantity both are important
d. Both are not important
4) QC Register is maintained by
a. Leader
b. Facilitator
c. Coordinator
d. Member
Page 25 of 72
8) Which is not true about Quality Circle?
a. A small group
b. Voluntary
c. Uses quality control techniques
d. Have members from anywhere in work area
Page 26 of 72
5. As per Shewhart, the variation in the process is due to
a. Chance Cause
b. Assignable Cause
c. Both Chance and Assignable cause
d. None of them
2. Name the part of the PDCA Cycle in which “Regular Implementation” step
of problem solving method can be cited..
Page 27 of 72
Ans.: ACT
4. What are the two Journals published by JUSE which became the
household names as per Dr. J. M. Juran?
6. From which year the most crucial breakthrough came in the Modern
Quality Movement?
Ans.: 1931.
Ans.: Analyse
9. Which are the problem solving techniques that are being used by the
system analysts, to ensure that all aspects involved in theprocess are
covered, while programming for the computer?
10. Who has given the statement that “The age of excessive caution is over.
One who cannot enter the new age by crossing the bridge, cannot be a top
1. How many steps are there in the Problem Solving Process as per QCFI.
Ans.: Twelve
2. How many tools have been recommended by the QCFI which can be used
while solving a problem?
Page 28 of 72
Ans.: Ten
3. Name the tool that has use many times while solving a problem.
Ans.: Brainstorming
4. Name the tool used to enable understanding of the process step of a job
or service.
5. Name the tool used to differentiate between vital few and trivial many
7. As per QCFI 12 Step Problem Solving Process what is the step after Define
the Problem?
10. Name the tool that can be used while eliminating abnormal variation
in process output by distinguishing variations due to assignable causes
from those due to chance causes.
A. Dr. W. E. Deming.
C. Dr. K. Ishikawa
Page 29 of 72
D. Dr. W. A. Shewhart
B. Dr. K. Ishikawa
C. Dr J M Juran
D. Dr. W. A. Shewhart
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa
C. Dr J M Juran
D. Dr. W. A. Shewhart
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa.
C. Dr J M Juran
D. Dr. W. A. Shewhart
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa.
C. Dr J M Juran
D. Dr. W. A. Shewhart
A. Dr. W. A. Shewhart.
C. Dr J M Juran
D. Dr. K. Ishikawa.
Page 30 of 72
Q. 7 Which Quality Guru said – “Statistical Quality control should be
part of Management Control”.
A. Dr. J. M. Juran.
C. Dr. K. Ishikawa
D. Dr. W. A. Shewhart
A. 1955-67
B. 1945-55
C. 1955-65
D. 1965-85
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa
C. Dr J M Juran
D. Dr. W. A. Shewhart
A. Dr. J. M. Juran.
C. Dr. K. Ishikawa
D. Dr. W. A. Shewhart
Page 31 of 72
B. Internal failure costs
C. Appraisal costs
D. Prevention costs
3. The four categories of costs associated with product quality costs are :
A. External failure, internal failure, prevention, and inspection
B. Warranty, product liability, training, and appraisal
C. External failure, internal failure, repair, and appraisal
D. External failure, internal failure, prevention, and appraisal
Page 32 of 72
7. Which of these quality gurus introduced the concept of Control Charts?
A. Taguchi
B. Juran
C. Shewhart
D. Crosby
10. If there are seven data points either above or below the mean, but still
within the control limits, what should you do?
A. Reject the product
B. Find the cause because this means that the process is out of control
C. Re-inspect the product
D. Ignore it and continue to measure the process
1. In 1950’s after world wall II, which Quality Guru said that “Statistical
Quality Control should be part of Management Control”?
A. Dr. W. E. Deming
B. Dr. Genichi Taguchi
Page 33 of 72
C. Dr. A. V. Feigenbaum
D. Dr. J. M. Juran
3. When the coefficient correlation between two variables is 0.9 what does it
A. Strong positive correlation
B. Weak positive correlation
C. Strong Negative correlation
D. No correlation
Page 34 of 72
C. Root Causes
D. Probable Causes
7. Which graph is more suitable for observing trend over a period of time?
A. Bar Graph
B. Pareto Diagram
C. Line graph
D. Radar Chart
10. Which is the most appropriate to simplify data collection and ensure
that no items are omitted when inspecting?
A. Data Sheet
B. Stratification
C. Brainstorming
D. Flow Diagram
Page 35 of 72
1. What may be the causes(s) of non-value adding Transportation?
A. Poor plant layout
B. Widely spaced equipment and work stations
C. Inadequate Training
D. Both A & C
2. In what order data in Pareto table should be arranged for making a Pareto
A. Ascending order
B. Any order
C. Descending order
D. None of the above
3. What type of Muda is it when the operator travels from one station to
A. Transportation
B. Motion
C. Over processing
D. Waiting
4. Which graph or tool is used for singling out the really serious problem(s)
or Cause(s) from all the lesser ones?
A. Scatter Diagram
B. Histogram
C. Bar Diagram
D. Pareto Diagram
Page 36 of 72
6. Which of following types of wastes (Mudas) is worst?
A. Transportation
B. Overproduction
C. Motion
D. Waiting
7. What may be the reason for the steep bend of the curve not being very
predominant in a Pareto chart?
A. A rectangular plot drawn
B. Both A & D
C. In certain cases, Pareto does not apply
D. Stratification not done appropriately
9. In which step or phase a LQC team should finalise the objective (what is
proposed to be achieved) reduction in waste etc.?
A. Control.
B. Define
C. Measure
D. Improve
Page 37 of 72
1. A problem definition should include
a) A control chart
b) Names of members of the team
c) What the problem is and what it is not
d) Who was operating the machine that day
2. A service cannot be
a) Stored
b) Inspected
c) Targeted
d) Appraised
6. Range of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is
a) 5
b) 4
Page 38 of 72
c) 3
d) 2
Page 39 of 72
c) Process capability
d) A line drawn as production proceeds
Page 40 of 72
7. Alex Osborn has given the technique of
a) Graph
b) Brain storming
c) Stratification
d) Histogram
9. Identify which statement completes the sentence given below Chance and
Assignable causes produce variation, _______________
a) but one has to live with chance causes as well as assignable causes.
b) but one has to live with assignable causes.
c) but chance causes can never be fully eliminated.
d) None of the above
10. In ____________ _____________, if all the bars or most of the bars are
roughly the same height, go for further Stratification.
a) Line Graph
b) Activity Chart
c) Pareto Diagram
d) None of the above
Page 41 of 72
C. For showing relationships between contributing factors
D. All above
Page 42 of 72
7. A problem definition should include
A. A control chart
B. Names of members of the team
C. What the problem is and what it is not
D. Who was operating the machine that day
8. A service cannot be
A. Stored
B. Inspected
C. Targeted
D. Appraised
1. To tool used for process of separation of data into different categories can
be termed as _________________ .
a. graph
b. stratification
c. data collection
d. none of the above
Page 43 of 72
2. No ____________________ of ideas is done during brainstorming.
a. Evaluation
b. Valuation
c. Judgement
d. All the above
Page 44 of 72
7. Graphical representation of relationship between two variables is shown
in a _________________.
a. Scatter Diagram
b. Histogram
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
Page 45 of 72
B. Processing Error
C. Wrong Part or Item usage Error
D. All the above
2. POK stands for
A. Pak Occupied Kashmir
B. Process Ordering Kanban
C. Production Ordering Kanban
D. Plan Ordering Kanban
3. In Just-In-Time the vendor is to be viewed by the company as a
A. Partner
B. Associate
C. Process Owner
D. JIT Operator
4. Control Chart is a tool for quality control. It is used for maintaining
running control on a process.
A. On line
B. Off Line
C. Direct Line
D. Product Line
5. Column graph and line graph are different
A. In values of scale at x, y intersection
B. Conditions for x axis
C. Both above
D. In visual depiction only
6. A Line Graph is a useful tool to represent:
A. behavior of data points against control criteria
B. patterns and trends in a row of data points
C. behavior of data points against specifications
D. the error margin of a sample versus a whole population
7. Flow Diagram represent
A. Causes of process variation
B. The kind of forms to fill out
C. Who reports to whom
D. How inputs get processed into outputs
Page 46 of 72
8. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is for (MBNQA)
A. Total Quality Management
B. International Standard Organization
C. Total Productive Maintenance
D. Total Quality Control
9. Lean systems typically use layouts that______________________.
A. are based on a job shop in order to handle variety
B. facilitate handling somewhat dissimilar products
C. reduces inventory of similar products
D. all of the above
10. Which of the following means ‘Ready-Set-Go’
A. Yo-i-don
B. Ikko Nagare
C. Taiichi ohno
D. None of the above
ght / Wrong
Page 47 of 72
5. Milestone Chart or Activity Plan shows link between problems and
Right / Wrong
Right / Wrong
Right / Wrong
Right / Wrong
Right / Wrong
10. Time spent to solve a problem by quality circles should not be less
than 3 to 4 months?
Right / Wrong
Page 48 of 72
2. For beginners it is difficult to systematically arrange cause, sub-cause,
sub-sub cause etc in that case which type of cause and effect diagram
should be used to for mapping out all the possible causes.
8. Taking up the assigned role seriously, based on the action plan, will help
in making __________________ successful.
1. A six sigma process has defect level below ______ defects per million
a) 3.4
b) 4.5
Page 49 of 72
c) 5.6
d) 6.7
3. Such setups which have single digit (in minutes) setup times are called
a) Single setups
b) One touch setups
c) Minute setups
d) None of the above
Page 50 of 72
7. In X-R Chart, the value of X = 79.972 gms. No. of observations are 25,
average moving range R =3.382, value of d2 = 1.128, What will be the value
of standard deviation ?
a) 3
b) 3.13
c) 3.133
d) 3.123
8. In X-R chart, the value of X = 72.972 gms. No. of observations are 25,
average moving range R =3.384, value of d2 = 1.128, what will be the value
of UCL ?
a) 81.972
b) 82.927
c) 83.972
d) 84.972
Page 51 of 72
c) after production control
d) All of the above
Page 52 of 72
7. Which type of variation occurs when a process is in control?
a) Nornal
b) Abnornal
c) Assignable
d) Random
9. Who was generally credited with the phrase “Vital few and trivial many”?
a) Dr. K. Ishikawa
b) Dr. J. M. Juran
c) Prof. P. C. Mahalanobis
d) Dr. Genichi Taguchi
Page 53 of 72
2. Lean systems typically use layouts that:
A. are based on a job shop in order to handle variety
B, facilitate handling somewhat dissimilar products
C. reduces inventory of similar products
D. all of the above
4. In which type of control chart the upper and lower control limits will not
be constant but will be varying:
A. ‘c’ chart
B. np chart
C. ‘p’ chart
D. X-R chart
Page 54 of 72
B. Conditions for x axis
C. Both above
D. In visual depiction only – bar chart can be used instead of line chart and
vice versa
Page 55 of 72
2. For drawing Pareto Diagram, data has to be arranged in:
A. Ascending order
B. Increasing order
C. Any order
D. None of the above
4. Which graph is more suitable for presenting temperature of day from 6am
to 6pm.
A. Bar Graph
B. Pareto Diagram
C. Line graph
D. Radar Chart
Page 56 of 72
7. Which of the below is not an intangible benefit?
A. Sale Development
B. Reduction in defective components
C. Saving of man Hours
D. None of the above
10. For quality improvement and cost reduction, eliminate the 3-M’s which
are –
A. Murd, Murda, Muri
B. Man, Machine, Method
C. Muda, Mura, Muri
D. Motion, Mistake, Movement
Page 57 of 72
2. What does ISO stands for?
A. Indian Standards for Organizations
B. International Organization of Standards
C. International Organization for Standardization
D. International Standards Organization
3. Which QC Toll is used to show facts and also separate the ‘viatl few’ &
‘useful many’.
A. Pictorial Graphs
B. Fishbone Diagram
C. Pareto Diagram
D. Line Graph
5. The difference between the highest and the lowest readings in a sample of
observations is called
A. Range
B. Deviation
C. Standard deviation
D. Average
Page 58 of 72
7. Even though C & E diagram is a verbal tool it has been recognized as a
statistical tool by :
A. JSI (Japanese Standards Institute)
D. Kei Dan Ren
10. In ‘Root cause analysis’ step in problem solving. Quality Circle follow:
A. Juran Trilogy
B. PDCA Cycle
C. Pareto Analysis
D. None of Analysis
Page 59 of 72
a) Only best pieces should be sampled
b) Only worst piece should be samples
c) Samples covering the overall population of interest should be sampled
d) None of the above
3. Five political parties are standing for election. An agency has conducted
an opinion poll on a sample basis and collected information on all the
parties regarding “for” or “against” . Which graphical representation would
best depict all the above information in one graph ?
a) Radar Graph
b) The float graph
c) Pyramid Graph
d) Strata Graph
5. What will be the angle for representing Rs. 4000/ as travelling expenses
out of total expenditure of Rs. 80,000/- on a pie graph?
b) 160
c) 240
d) 320
Page 60 of 72
7. For showing relative improvement in various topicsof PST and the area
where improvement is required, which type of graph to be used ?
a) Radar Graph
b) Graph
c) Brain storming
d) Stratification
9. In X-R Chart, the value of X = 79.972 gms. No. of observations are 25,
average moving range R =3.382, value of d2 = 1.128, What will be the value
of standard deviation ?
a) 3
b) 3.13
c) 3.133
d) 3.123
10. In X-R chart, the value of X = 72.972 gms. No. of observations are 25,
average moving range R =3.384, value of d2 = 1.128, what will be the value
of UCL ?
a) 81.972
b) 82.927
c) 83.972
d) 84.972
Page 61 of 72
c. ISI
d. Kei Dan Ren
Page 62 of 72
7. If the least count of a balance is 2 grams and the minimum weight out of
289 packets checked is 98 grams. What should be the lower limit of the first
class interval?
a. 98
b. 97
c. 97.5
d. 97.9
8. What % of value lies between plus and minus 3-sigma when the process
is under normal distribution?
a. 91.73
b. 99.73
c. 93.73
d. 97.73
Page 63 of 72
B. Data Collection
C. Cause & Effect Diagram
D. Control Chart
2. In a cause and effect analysis, do all the validated caused affect the
problem equally?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Do not know
D. May be
3. Which is the step in problem solving where P-D-C-A is very much
A. Trial & Implementation & Regular Implementations
B. Cause and Effect Diagram
C. Check Sheet
D. After Follow up and Review
4. What will be the obvious conclusion about the standard which has not
been revised?
A. Not in use
B. Out dated
C. No body like that
D. None of the above
5. When should Milestone chart has to be made?
A. After selection of problem
B. After Making Roads
C. After identification of Possible causes
D. After Defining the problem
6. Control chart is a
A. Process monitoring tool
B. Process control tool
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
7. Which one of these is a system for reducing changeover time?
A. Single Minute Exchange of Dies
B. Just in Time
Page 64 of 72
C. Takt Time
D. Vendor-managed inventory
8. Which one is not included in the list of seven wastes?
A. Defective product Design
B. Over Production
C. Waiting
D. Over Processing
9. Lean Quality Circle is a small group comprising of ______________?
A. Non-Executives
B. Executives
C. Senior Officers
D. None of the above
10. Lean Quality Circle are expected to hold ______________________?
A. Informal meetings and at the place / equipment, where problem exists.
B. Formal meeting whenever needed
C. Meetings in Board Room
D. None of the above
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4. Flow Diagram is used for:
A. Better understanding of a process
B. Change or introduce new process
C. To amend alter or replace” the process
D. All the above
5. ISO – 14001 gives stress on
A. Plan – Do -check -Act
B. Environmental protection
C. Prevention rather than detection
D. All of the above
6. Service Assurance is
A. Confidence with customer
B. Customer has trust
C. Employee has knowledge
D. All of the above
7. Following is (are) the phase(s) of intervention
A. Formulation stage
B. Maintenance stage
C. Implementation stage
D. All of the above
8. Who observed that the quality defects are unequal in frequency?
a) Dr J M Juran
b) Dr W E Deming
c) Dr K Ishikawa
d) Dr W A Shewhart
9. Data obtained by count of defects, count of occurrences (no. of accidents)
etc. can be termed as __________ data.
a) Attribute
b) Variable
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
10. Most of the quality gurus insist upon the effective use of
___________________ to achieve excellence in quality.
a) Brainstorming
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b) Statistical Quality Control
c) Problem Solving Teams
d) None of the above
2. In the Set-In-Order phase, where should tools be stored that are used
A. In personal tool boxes where they won’t be stolen
B. At the point of use
C. Where the supervisor can keep an eye on them
D. In a company owned locking cabinet
Tools that are used daily should be store at their point of use.
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4. Which phase of 5S are you in when you clean machines, windows, floors
A. Sort
B. Set-In-Order
C. Shine
D. Standardize
E. Sustain
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Standardize is the phase where we set up color code schemes and many
other standardized approaches that can be used throughout the company.
8. 5S is easy to implement and sustain so you can enjoy the benefits forever.
A. True B. False
5S is not easy to implement and even harder to sustain. This is why most
companies have failed to implement 5S properly.
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13. One of the great things about 5S is it can be implemented by the
employees without the need for management support.
A. True
B. False
False – Without management support, 5S implementations will fail.
15. It is advisable to initiate the Sort and Set-In-Order phases at the same
A. True B. False
False – Sort must be completely finished before you begin Set-in-Order. Why
would you want to create a location for a tool that you are going to throw
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3. Such setups which have single digit (in minutes) setup times are called
a) Single setups
b) One touch setups
c) Minute setups
d) None of the above
7. In X-R Chart, the value of X = 79.972 gms. No. of observations are 25,
average moving range R =3.382, value of d2 = 1.128, What will be the value
of standard deviation ?
a) 3
b) 3.13
c) 3.133
d) 3.123
8. In X-R chart, the value of X = 72.972 gms. No. of observations are 25,
average moving range R =3.384, value of d2 = 1.128, what will be the value
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of UCL ?
a) 81.972
b) 82.927
c) 83.972
d) 84.972
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