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TQM Question and Answers 1. What Is PDCA?

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TQM Question and Answers

1. What is PDCA?
2. What is DRM?
DRM- Daily Routine Management
It helps to monitor the managing points on daily/weekly/fort nightly/monthly/Quarterly as
mentioned in the Form # 2 of individuals
3. What are all different types of Forms?
Form # 1- CEO Policy
Form # 2- Individuals Managing Points- Checking Points sheet
Form # 3- Action Plan Form
Form # 4- PDCA
Form # 5- Year End Diagnosis
Form # 7 Job Description
4. What is TQM?
TQM- Total Quality Management. Total quality management (TQM) is a set of systematic
activities carried out by the entire organization to effectively and efficiently achieve the
organization objectives so as to provide the products and services with a level of quality that
satisfies customer , at appropriate time and price.
5. What is TEI?
TEI Total Employee Involvement
6. What is the classification of TEI Projects?
Productivity (P)
Environment (E)
Ergonomics Improvements that permit the worker to adopt healthy and safe postures to
minimize unnecessary static work and eliminate work related fatigue
Morale- Improvements in emotional and mental conditions at workplace
7. What is 5S?
1 S- Sorting
2 S- Set In Order
3S Shine
4S- Standardize
5 S- Sustain
8. Categorization of TEI projects
1. Suggestion
2. Kaizen
3. QCC-Quality Control Circle
4. QIT- Quality Improvement Team
QITs can be of QC story methodology or DMAIC methodology
QITs can be of CFT (Cross Functional Team) also.
9. What is meant by Kaizen?
Kaizen is a Japanese word in which KAI meant for CHANGE, ZEN meant for FOR
Kaizen is small improvement in workplace and it can be implemented with simple why why
10. What are different types of control charts?
1. X bar S chart
2. X bar R chart
3. I MR Chart
4. C Chart
5. U Chart
6. np Chart
7. P chart
11. What are different types of data?
1. Continuous Data or Variable data
2. Discrete Data
12. What is Cp and CpK?
Cp-Process Capability. Indicator of process capability.
CpK- Process Capability Index. CpK measures how close you are to your target and how
consistent you are to around your average performance.
CpK=Min{(USLmean)/3 , (Mean - LSL)/3}
13. What is Pp and Ppk?
Pp-Process Performance. Indicator of process performance.

PpK-Process Performance Index. Process Performance Index basically tries to verify if the
sample that you have generated from the process is capable to meet Customer CTQs
PpK=Min{(USLmean)/3 , (Mean - LSL)/3}

14. When is Ppk used?

To analyze the performance of a process during long run PpK is used.
15. When is CpK used?
To analyze the performance of a process during short period of time.

16. What is a mission statement?

The mission statement answers the following questions: who we are, who are the
customers, what we do, and how we do it.

17. What is a vision statement?

The vision statement is a declaration of what an organization should look like five to ten
years in future.

18. Define Employee Involvement?

Employee involvement is a process for empowering members of an organization to make
decisions and to solve problems appropriate to their levels in the organization.

19. What are the stages of team development?


20. What are the basic ways for a continuous process improvement?
Reduce resources
Reduce errors
Meet or exceed expectations of downstream customers
Make the process safer
Make the process more satisfying to the person doing it.
21. Define Benchmarking?
Benchmarking is a systematic method by which organizations can measure
themselves against the best industry practices. The essence of benchmarking is the process of
borrowing ideas and adapting them to gain competitive advantage. It is a tool for continuous

22. Define FMEA?

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis is an analytical technique that combines the technology
and experience of people in identifying foreseeable failure modes of a product or process and
planning for its elimination.

23. What are the several types of FMEA?

Design FMEA
Process FMEA
Equipment FMEA
Maintenance FMEA
Concept FMEA
Service FMEA
System FMEA
Environment FMEA

24. What is RPN and How to calculate it?

RPN is risk priority number, which is calculated for all the failure modes in the FMEA. It
is used to prioritize the failure modes to be eliminated.

RPN = Severity x Occurrence x Detection

25. Define TPM?

Total = All-encompassing by maintenance and production individuals Working together.

Productive = Production of goods and services that meet or exceed customers Expectations.
Maintenance = Keeping equipment and plant in as good as or better than the original
Condition at all times.

26. What are the 7 steps in QC story methodology?


27. Define 5S?

5S Philosophy focuses on effective work place organization and standardized work
procedures. 5S simplifies your work environment, reduces waste and non-value added activity
while improving quality efficiency and safety
28. What is a normal curve?
The normal curve is a symmetrical, unimodal, bell-shaped distribution with the
mean, median and mode having the same value.

29. What are 7 Quality tools?

Check sheet
Scatter diagram
Cause & Effect diagram
Pareto diagram
Control charts

30. What are the New 7 tools?

Affinity diagram
Relation diagram
Tree diagram
Matrix diagram
Matrix data analysis
Process decision program chart
Arrow diagram

31. What are the 7 types of waste?

Over production
Material movement
Over processing (Rework)

32. What is scatter diagram? and its purpose?

Scatter diagram is one of the Quality tool. It is used to find out the correlation between to
variables in the process.

33. what are the various pattern of scatter diagram?

Positive correlation
Negative correlation
No correlation
Curvilinear relationship

34. List out the difference between Q7 & New 7 tools.

Q7 tools are deals with numerical data except C&E diagram, New 7 tools deals with verbal
Q7 tools are approaching in Analytical way, whereas New 7 tools only generate ideas.
35. What is affinity diagram
It is a tool/method that gathers large amount of intertwined verbal data or ideas & Organizes
them into groupings based on their natural relationship.

36. Types of Relation diagram

There are two types of relation diagram
1. Focused counter point
2. Unidirectional structure

37. What is Tree diagram

It is a technique for mapping out full range of paths & tasks that need to be done in order to
achieve a primary and related sub goals

38. Define Matrix diagram

A Matrix Diagram (MD) is a tool that allows a team to identify the Presence and strengths of
relationships between two or more lists of items. It provides a compact way of representing
many-to-many relationships of varying strengths.

39. Types of Matrix diagram

L - Shaped
T - Shaped
Y - Shaped
C - Shaped
X - Shaped
40. Define Arrow diagram
Arrow Diagram is a network technique for project planning, Scheduling and monitoring.
uses nodes for events and arrows for activities.
It is very useful tool when we want to plan the activities of a known but a complex task.

41. Purpose of Histogram

For study of process Variation & assess process capability. This is an off line quality
control method

42. Types of Flow diagram

(i) High level flow diagram
(ii) Matrix flow diagram
(iii) Detailed flow diagram

43. Types of Brain storming methods

(i) Freewheeling (or) Unstructured method
(ii) Slip method
(iii) Round Robin (or) Structured method

44. What are all the types of pareto analysis

There are two types of pareto analysis
(i)Pareto analysis based on Phenomenon
(ii)Pareto analysis based on causes
45. Types of cause & effect diagram
(i) Dispersion analysis type
(ii) Product process classification type
(iii) Cause Enumeration type

46. What is the use of histogram?

(i) To know the pattern of variation
(ii) To assess states of control
(iii) To assess the spread or variation with reference to specification
(iv) To assess process capability

47. What are all the 3 gems in JH implementation

(i) Activity board
(ii) One-point lesson
(iii) Team meetings

48. What is SMED?

SMED is the abbreviation of Single minute exchange of Die. Its aim to achieve the setup
change time in single digit minute (< 9 minutes),It is related with Setup & adjustment loss.

49. What is the expansion of CMER? Related to which pillar?

CMER Counter measure effectiveness rate, It is used to measure successful
countermeasure taken for each problem, it is related to Planned Maintenance Pillar.

50. What is the aim of TPM?

Aim of TPM is to create a system to achieve & maintain
(i) Zero Accident
(ii) Zero Breakdown
(iii) Zero Defects
(iv) Zero pollution

51. What are all the 7 step in JH pillar?

(i) Initial cleaning
(ii) Countermeasures Against Causes of Forced Deterioration
(iii) Preparation of Tentative Standards
(iv) General Inspection
(v) Autonomous Inspection
(vi) Standardization
(vii) Autonomous Management

52. what is Fuguai? What are all classification in Fuguai?

Fuguai (Abnormality) - Any deviation from basic / standard condition is a fuguai. If not
attended on time, they result in failures.
Classification of Fuguais
(i) Unsafe area
(ii) Unsafe practices
(iii) Unnecessary & unorganized items
(iv) Unfulfilled Basic conditions
(v) Contamination sources
(vi) Minor flows
(vii) Inaccessible places
(viii) Quality Defect sources

53. What is meant by Good to find Fuguai

Fuguais (abnormality) which are all not identified & Cleared on right time, it may lead to major
breakdown or Accident. Those fuguais are considered as Good to find fuguais.

54. What are all the 16 major losses applicable to the process/organization?
1. Failure losses
2. Setup Adjustment losses
3. Cutting blade or Jig change losses
4. Start up Losses
5. Minor stoppage & Idling losses
6. Speed losses
7. Defect & rework losses
8. Shut down losses
9. Management losses
10. Motion losses
11. Line organization losses
12. Distribution losses
13. Measurement & adjustment losses
14. Energy losses
15. Die, tool & jig losses
16. Yield losses

55. What are all the Eight big plant losses

1. Shut down
2. Production adjustment
3. Equipment failure
4. Process failure
5. Normal production losses
6. Abnormal production losses
7. Quality defect
8. Reprocessing

56. What is MTTR, MTBF?

MTTR: Mean Time To Repair, basically average time taken in attending a breakdown.

MTTR = Total breakdown hours/No. of breakdown

MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures, basically average time between two failures

MTBF = (available time breakdown time)/ No. of breakdown

57. What is null hypothesis?

"The statement being tested in a test of [statistical] significance is called the null
hypothesis. The test of significance is designed to assess the strength of the evidence
against the null hypothesis. Usually, the null hypothesis is a statement of 'no effect' or
'no difference'. It is often symbolized as H0.
58. What is Alternative hypothesis?

The statement that is hoped or expected to be true instead of the null hypothesis is
the alternative hypothesis. It is often Symbolized as Ha.

59. What is Type I() error and Type II()error?

In statistical hypothesis testing, a type I error is the incorrect rejection of a true null
hypothesis (a "false positive"), while a type II error is incorrectly retaining a false
null hypothesis (a "false negative").

60. What are the charts, can be used for continuous data?

I-MR Chart
X bar R Chart
X bar S Chart

I-MR Chart:
If sample size is 1,then I-MR Chart can be used
Formulae for I-MR chart:
UCLx= X bar+E2 MR Bar
LCLx= X bar-E2 MR Bar
MR=| X2-X1|
MR Bar= Average of MR
LCLMR=D3*MR Bar E2,D4,D3 are constants

X Bar R Chart:
If sub group size is less than 8, X Bar R Chart can be used
Formulae for X Bar R Chart:
UCLx= X double bar+A2 R Bar
LCLx= X double bar-A2 R Bar
R= Max-Min
LCLR=D3*R Bar A2, D4,D3 are constants

X Bar S Chart:
If sub group size is greater than 8, X Bar S Chart can be used
Formulae for X bar S Chart:
UCLx= X double bar+A3 S Bar
LCLx= X double bar-A3 S Bar

UCLs= B4 S Bar
LCLs= B3 S Bar

61. What are all the charts can be used for attribute/discrete data?
1.np chart
2.p chart
3.c chart

Np chart:
An np-chart is an attributes (defectives) control chart used with data collected in
subgroups that are the same size
UCL= n*p bar+n*p bar(1-p bar)
LCL= n*p bar-n*p bar(1-p bar)
n=number of samples, p bar=mean

P chart:
A p-chart is an attributes(defectives) control chart used with data collected in
subgroups that are varying in same size

UCL=p bar+3(p bar(1-p bar))/n
LCL=p bar-3(p bar(1-p bar))/n

C Chart:

A c-chart is an attributes (defects) control chart used with data collected in

subgroups that are the same size

UCL=c bar+3c bar

LCL=c bar-3c bar
C bar=average of data

U chart:
A u-chart is an attributes (defects) control chart used with data collected in
subgroups that are varying in sample size

UCL=u bar+3u bar/n

LCL= u bar-3u bar/n

62. SWOT: Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats

63. SBP: Strategic Business Plan
64. ABP: Annual Business Plan

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