Axial Buckling of Cylinder To ASME89
Axial Buckling of Cylinder To ASME89
Axial Buckling of Cylinder To ASME89
Reprinted From
Thin cylindrical shells were tested under axial
compression beyond the critical huckling load. Both
pretest and posttest finite element calculations were
performed to calculate the huckling loads and posthuckling deformations. Finite element simulations of
the shell included pretest measured imperfections in
shell geometry and asymmetry in the axial load.
Results show that the axial collapse load is sensitive
to imperfections in both the shell geometry and the
load distribution. Careful modeling of the imparfecZions resulted in accurate predictions of the buckling
load and postbuckling deformations for the shells.
One of the major design criteria of thin shell
structures that experience compressive loads is the
huckling load limit. Bucking of a thin shell structure can often lead to a catastrophic failure; therefore, it is important that the huckling loads he
known. Typically, thin shell structures are designed
with large safety factors to preclude the possibility
of a buckling failure. However, large safety factors
result in thicker and heavier structures. For many
applications, such as in the aerospace industry, the
excess weight and material required for a large safety
factor can greatly increase the cost of the structure.
In these applications, it is important to be able to
accurately predict the huckling load.
This paper
discusses a numerical modeling technique using finite
element methods that can accurately predict the static
buckling load for an axially compressed cylindrical
Buckling of thin shell structures can occur under
static or dynamic loading conditions. When the load
duration is long compared to the response time of the
structure, the structure is said to buckle statically,
as in the case of an aluminum can crushed in a trash
compactor. However, even though the process is called
static huckling, the transition from the prehuckling
to the postbuckling state is definitely a dynamic
process for thin shells. Dynamic huckling occurs when
- 6061-T6Aluminum
- 30.5cm Diameter
- U2a = 0.58
- Displacement Ecundary
Fig. 1 Problem definition
Geometrical imperfections of both the shells were
measured before testing. Each shell was mounted in a
modified lathe bed so that it could he rotated freely.
A potentiometer was used to measure the angular position of the shell, and a linear voltage displacement
transducer (LVDT) was used to measure the radial
position of the shell surface. Outputs from the LVDT
and potentiometer were recorded on a digital oscilloscope while the shell was rotated. Approximately
1800 data points were obtained around the shell, and
this measurement was repeated at 19 evenly spaced
axial locations.
Projected three-dimensional images of the two
imperfection sets are shown in Figure 2 . The spatial
resolution of the points plotted in the figure corresponds to the refinement of the mesh used later in the
The amplitude of the
finite element calculations.
imperfections was multiplied by a factor of 500 in the
figure to make them visible. The imperfections seen
on the first shell (Figure 2a) are similar in character
to the imperfections measured on shells made by other
manufacturing techniques (Arbocz, 1982, and Kirkpatrick
and Holmes, 1988). In particular, the dominant imperfections appear as ridges along the axial direction.
The cylinders were tasted in e 450-kN MTS servohydraulic testing machine operated in the displacement
crmtrol mode. The top end plate was rigidly mounted
to the upper support of the MTS machine to produce a
rigid clamped end condition at the upper edge of the
cylindrical shell. A load cell was mounted between
the top end plate and the support to measure the load
time history of the shell. The lower end plate of the
shell was loaded by a parallel plate mounted rigidly
on the stroke arm of the MTS machine. The load was
by the loading plate moving upward at a
uniform velocity during the experiments.
The DYNA3D computer code used in the analysis of
shell response was developed at Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory (Hallquist and Benson, 1986).
DYNA3D is an explicit finite element code for the
nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures in three
dimensions. The equations-of-motionare integrated in
time using the central difference method.
discretization was achieved with the Belytschko-Tsay
shell element (Belytschko and Tsay, 1981). This is a
four node element with single point integration and a
stabilization procedure for the kinematic modes
(Belytschko and Tsay, 1983).
The Belytschko-Tsay
element offers the advantage of allowing a time step
size that is insensitive to shell thickness and larger
than that for corresponding brick elements.
feature permits more economical solutions and is very
important in this application, where many elements are
required for a good simulation.
The material model used in the calculation was an
elastic-plastic model with combined isotropic/kinematic
hardening (Krieg and Key, 1976), a Mises yield function, and an associated flow rule. A combination of
20% isotropic and 80% kinematic hardening was used. A
yield stress of 276 MPa was used in the material model,
with an elastic modulus of 69 GPa and a hardening
modulus of 586 MPa. These values were baaed on quasistatic tensile tests of 6061-T6 aluminum sheet stock.
The mesh for the pretest calculation had 100
elements uniformly distributed around the circumference
and 20 elements along the length. This distribution
produced elements with an aspect ratio of approximately
1 in the circumferential and axial directions. Thi
mesh used in the calculations is shown in Figure 6.
Because of the measured imperfections that are superimposed on the mesh generated for a perfect cylindrical
shell, no planes of symetry exist in the mesh. The
use of symmetry planes also places constraints on both
the locations in which buckles can form and the modes
into which the shell can buckle.
The mesh used in
these calculations modeled the entire shell to avoid
these difficulties
Fig. 7
(a) Shell 1
(b) Shell 2
Fig. 8