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Hijab According To Quran and Hadith

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Topic: Hijab according to Quran and Sunnah

1. Importance of Hijab
There is a common misunderstanding among the people about things which are compulsory
in Islam. Many believe that only the pillars are compulsory and rest of the things like hijab
are not obligatory. This concept is wrong. There are things other than these pillars which are
also obligatory. We need to understand that some of the things are more important than
others and these should be done in sequence like Shahada comes before Salat.
Today Muslims are divided on many issues and one issue is Hijab. Despite the clear rulings
of Sharia on this, many people claim that the order for women to observe hijab is not found
in Islam. Even those who accept this are also confused and are not observing it correctly
It is emphasised in the Quran to wear dress and cover your body
O children of Adam, We have bestowed
upon you clothing to conceal your private
parts and as adornment. But the clothing of
righteousness – is best. That is from the
signs of Allah that perhaps they will
remember. (Surah Araaf 7 : verse 26)

Observing Hijab is mentioned with the Salat and Zakath

And abide in your houses and do not display
yourselves as was the display of the times of
ignorance. And establish prayer and give
zakath and obey Allah and His Messenger.
Allah intends only to remove from you the
impurity [of sin], O people of the Prophet's
household, and to purify you with extensive
purification. (Surah Ahzab 33 : verse 33)

2. Misconceptions about Hijab

(1). Some people believe that Hijab is only for women. This is not true as Hijab for
men is that they should lower their gaze.
Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of
their vision and guard their private parts.
That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is
Acquainted with what they do. (Surah Noor
24 : verse 30)
It is very clearly mentioned in the above verse that believing men are ordered to lower the
(2). Some people believe that observing Hijab is a choice and depends on an
individual. This is not a choice rather a direct command from Allah.
O Prophet, tell your wives and your
daughters and the women of the believers
to bring down over themselves [part] of their
outer garments. That is more suitable that
they will be known and not be abused. And
ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.(Surah
Ahzab 33 : verse 59)
Some people believe that the order for Hijab is only for the wives of the Prophet (SAW).
They need to read the above verse to clear their wrong concept.
And women of post-menstrual age who
have no desire for marriage – there is no
blame upon them for putting aside their
outer garments [but] not displaying
adornment. But to modestly refrain [from
that] is better for them. And Allah is Hearing
and Knowing. (Surah Noor 24 : verse 60)
The above verse clearly states that there is no blame on older women if they don’t observe
Hijab and this is another proof that there is blame on younger women if they don’t observe
And tell the believing women to reduce
[some] of their vision () and guard their
private parts and not expose their
adornment (b) except that which
[necessarily] appears thereof (c) and to
wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over
their chests and not expose their adornment
[i.e., beauty]. (Surah Noor 24 : part of verse
(a) Looking only at what is lawful and averting their eyes from what is unlawful. (b) Both
natural beauty, such as hair or body shape, and that with which a woman beautifies herself
of clothing, jewelry, etc.(c) i.e., the outer garments or whatever might appear out of
necessity, such as a part of the face or the hands.
(3). Some observe hijab for the sake for humans while others don’t observe Hijab
because their close relatives don’t want them to observe Hijab. This is again
Some women don’t observe hijab because their father or husbands don’t like that. This is
totally wrong as rights of Allah come first.
Narrated Ali (RA), Prophet (SAW) said, “There is no obedience to creation in the
disobedience of Allah”. (Musnad Ahmad)
Some sisters observe Hijab because their father, mother or husband want them to observe
Hijab. This is wrong since observing Hijhab is a direct message from Allah and it should be
observed with the intention that this is done for the sake of Allah.
(4). Some believe that Hijab means to cover head only. This is again incorrect.
Narrated Abdullah bin Umar (RA): A person stood up and asked, “O Allah’s Apostle
(SAW) What clothes may be worn in the state of Ahram?” The Prophet replied, “Do not wear
a shirt or trousers, or any headgear (e.g. a turban), or a hooded cloak; but if somebody has
no shoes he can wear leather socks provided they are cut short off the ankles, and also, do
not wear anything perfumed with saffron, and a woman in the state of Ihram should not
cover her face, or wear gloves.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 29, Number 64)
It is clear from this Hadith that Prophet (SAW) specifically pointed out about the face and
hands only and it is understood that rest of the body should be covered normally and also in
the state of Ahram.

3. What is mentioned in the Hadith about Hijab

Muslim women used to observe Hijab during the time of Prophet (SAW)
Narrated Aisha (RA) : Prophet (SAW) used to offer the Fajr prayer and some believing
women covered with their veiling sheets used to attend the Fajr prayer with him and then
they would return to their homes unrecognized. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol 1, Bk 8, Num 368)
People on one extreme (the modernists) have this wrong concept that Scholars have come
up with this ruling about Hijab and that the women were not observing Hijab during the time
of Prophet (SAW). They need to look at the above Hadith to clear their wrong concept.
Women are allowed to go out while observing proper Hijab
Narrated Aisha (RA) Whenever the Prophet (SAW) intended to proceed on a journey, he
used to draw lots amongst his wives and would take the one upon whom the lot fell. Once,
before setting out for Jihad, he drew lots amongst us and the lot came to me; so I went with
the Prophet; and that happened after the revelation of the Verse of Hijab (Sahih Bukhari,
Vol 4, Bk 52, Num 130)
People on the other extreme say that women should not be allowed to go out at all. These
people need to clear their concept by looking at the above Hadith.
Hadith used by scholars to exclude face and hands from Hijab
Narrated Aisha (RA): Asma, daughter of AbuBakr, entered upon the Prophet (SAW)
wearing thin clothes. The Prophet (SAW) turned his attention from her and said: O Asma
when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her
parts of body except this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands. (Sunan Abu
Dawood, Book 32, Number 4092) (A weak Hadith according to Imam Abu Dawood)
Narrated Sahl bin Sad (RA): A lady came to the Prophet (SAW) and said, "O Allah's
Messenger! I have come to you to offer myself to you." He (SAW) raised his eyes and
looked at her and then lowered his head. When the lady saw that he did not make any
decision, she sat down. …..…(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 61, part of Number 548)
The scholars use the Ahadith above to prove that hands and face are excluded since
Prophet (SAW) saw that woman (as mentioned in the second Hadith). According to the
scholars who include face and hands in the hijab the incident mentioned in the second
Hadith above was before the revelation of the verse about Hijab.
Ahadith about covering face, hands and head.
Narrated Safiya bint Shaiba (RA): Aisha used to say: When the Verse about hijab was
revealed, the ladies cut their waist sheets at the edges and covered their faces with the cut
pieces." (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 282)
Narrated Aisha (RA), The Prophet (SAW) said: Allah does not accept the prayer of a
woman who reached puberty unless she wears headcover. (Abu Dawood, Bk 2, Num 0641)
The second Hadith above is conclusive and shows the importance of covering the head.
Covering of the face and hands from Quran according to scholars
Some scholars consider covering the face and hands as compulsory as according to them
the word “Zeenatahunna” used in Surah Noor 24 verse 31 includes face and hands. As for
the Hadith about not covering the face during Hajj according to them is a special case.
Other scholars don’t include face and hands when describing the words “Zeenatahunna”

4. Rulings about Hijab

Requirements for Dress according to scholars
The Muslim woman's dress should meet the following conditions: (1) It should cover the
whole body. (2) It should be loose. (3) It should be thick enough and not see through. (4) It
should not resemble the dress of men or the dress of unbelieving women. (5) It should not
be a dress worn to seek fame or showoff. (6) It should not be decorated as to attract the
eyes of men. (7) It should not be perfumed when going out.
There is no mention of any particular colour of clothes or type i.e shirt, trouser, long skirt or
any make cotton, wool etc. Any dress that is according to the above criteria can be used.
According to scholars wearing a trouser is not suitable since it shows the figure even though
it is loose.

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