Hijab According To Quran and Hadith
Hijab According To Quran and Hadith
Hijab According To Quran and Hadith
1. Importance of Hijab
There is a common misunderstanding among the people about things which are compulsory
in Islam. Many believe that only the pillars are compulsory and rest of the things like hijab
are not obligatory. This concept is wrong. There are things other than these pillars which are
also obligatory. We need to understand that some of the things are more important than
others and these should be done in sequence like Shahada comes before Salat.
Today Muslims are divided on many issues and one issue is Hijab. Despite the clear rulings
of Sharia on this, many people claim that the order for women to observe hijab is not found
in Islam. Even those who accept this are also confused and are not observing it correctly
It is emphasised in the Quran to wear dress and cover your body
O children of Adam, We have bestowed
upon you clothing to conceal your private
parts and as adornment. But the clothing of
righteousness – is best. That is from the
signs of Allah that perhaps they will
remember. (Surah Araaf 7 : verse 26)