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In the Name of “Allah”

The Compassionate, The Merciful.

Praise be to “Allah”, Lord of the Universe,
And Peace and Prayers be upon
His Prophet and Messenger.

Assalamu Alaikum
Wa Rahamathullahi
Wa Barakatuh

Peace Be Upon you…

Quran; 33:59

O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that
they should cast their outer garments (Jalbab) over their persons (when
abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and
not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
HIJAB Quran; 24:30

Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their
modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted
with all that they do.

And say to the believing women that they should

lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that
they should not display their beauty and
ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear
thereof; that they should draw their veils
(khymar) over their bosoms and not display their
beauty except to their husbands, their fathers,
their husband's fathers, their sons, their
husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers'
sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or
the slaves whom their right hands possess, or
male servants free of physical needs, or small
children who have no sense of the shame of sex;
and that they should not strike their feet in order
to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And
O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards
Allah, that ye may attain Bliss.
The covering of the Muslim woman is not an option, it is a privilege and a
commandment from Allah. It is the duty of every Muslim woman and the
responsibility of every Muslim man. For the man was commanded to:
Quran; 66:6

O ye who believe! save yourselves

and your families from a Fire whose
fuel is Men and Stones, over which
are (appointed) angels stern (and)
severe, who flinch not (from
executing) the Commands they
receive from Allah, but do
(precisely) what they are
HIJAB Quran; (24:31).
And say to the believing women that they
should lower their gaze and guard their
modesty; that they should not display their
beauty and ornaments except what (must
ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should
draw their veils over their bosoms and not
display their beauty except to their
husbands their fathers their husbands'
fathers their sons their husbands' sons
their brothers or their brothers' sons or
their sisters' sons or their women or the
slaves whom their right hands possess or
male servants free of physical needs or
small children who have no sense of the
shame of sex; and that they should not
strike their feet in order to draw attention
to their hidden ornaments. And O ye
Believers! turn ye all together towards
Allah that ye may attain Bliss.
HIJAB (Quran 7:26).

“O you Children of Adam! We have bestowed on you raiment to cover your

shame as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness,
that is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allah, that they may receive
Quran; 33:53

O ye who believe! Enter not the

Prophet's houses,- until leave is given
you,- for a meal, (and then) not (so
early as) to wait for its preparation: but
when ye are invited, enter; and when
ye have taken your meal, disperse,
without seeking familiar talk. Such
(behavior) annoys the Prophet: he is
ashamed to dismiss you, but Allah is
not ashamed (to tell you) the truth.
And when ye ask (his ladies) for
anything ye want, ask them from
before a screen: that makes for
greater purity for your hearts and for
theirs. Nor is it right for you that ye
should annoy Allah's Messenger, or
that ye should marry his widows after
him at any time. Truly such a thing is
in Allah's sight an enormity.

Seven conditions for a Woman's dress:

1. Clothing must cover the entire body, only the hands and face may remain
2. The material must not be so thin that one can see through it.

3. The clothing must hang loose so that the shape / form of the body is not

4. The female clothing must not resemble the man's clothing.

5. The design of the clothing must not resemble the clothing of the non believing

6. The design must not consist of bold designs which attract attention.

7. Clothing should not be worn for the sole purpose of gaining reputation or
increasing one's status in society.
The reason for this strictness is so that the woman is protected from the lustful
gaze of men. She should not attract attention to herself in any way. It is
permissible for a man to catch the eye of a woman , however it is haram
(unlawful) for a man to look twice as this encourages lustful thoughts.

Islam protects the woman, it is for this reason that Allah gave these laws. In
today's society womankind is being exploited, female sexuality is being openly
used in advertising, mainly to attract the desires of men and therefore sell the
product. Is the woman really free in today's society ? The answer is obviously no,
the constant bombardment by the media as to how the ideal woman should look
and dress testifies to this.
Islam liberated woman over 1400 years ago. Is it better to dress according to man
or God ?


We know the veil from the antique Hellas, for instance, where the established
women of society had the right to wear one, while the prostitute and the female
slave had to go about bare-headed and thus unprotected against being accosted.
Throughout History, noblewomen have worn veils when walking about among the
lower classes, or they have hidden their faces behind fans.
The bridal veil and the nun's habit had a similar purpose. In the New Testament, in
his first letter to the Corinthians Paul states that during prayer, women should
cover their head.
Nowadays, some people are astonished daily by seeing women wearing veils.
Most have an idea that the veil is oppressive, and many protest loudly and publicly
on behalf of these women.
One thing that these officious persons have in common is usually that they have
never found it necessary to ask the women themselves, not to speak of making
themselves acquainted with the religious and cultural background of the veil. Even
so, they are busy imposing on others their personal opinions as to what is
If one asks the women behind the veils, the story is quite different.
The orthodox Muslim woman does not perceive the veil as inhibiting or oppresive.
Quite the contrary. The veil guarantees her the full respect of the surroundings,
and thus must be considered a privilege rather than a burden.

The dignity of the wife or the daughters, or the dignity of any Muslim woman, for
that matter, must be respected and protected, writes Momina Abdullah on the
Many Danes entertain the erroneous notion that the veil represents a compulsion
from the husband and the religion. But women wearing veils, on the other hand,
normally radiate devotion towards their religion. They have chosen the veil as a
clear demonstration of their Muslim identity.

Forcing anyone to do something against their own will is against Islam. This point
is stressed by all the women we have spoken to. There is no demand of
compulsion in the Koran. On the other hand, every human being should see it as a
religious duty to act out of a clean heart.
Of course there may be families where the woman is forced, for instance to stay at
home. But that does not imply that doing so is Islam, the sisters Batool, of 21
years, and Ayisha, of 19, concord. There are oppressed women in all cultures,
Danish or Muslim. And as in all other situations it is important to consider each
particular case for itself instead of generalizing. For a woman is not oppressed
unless she feels it that way.

In many ways, Muslim women have more freedom than women in the West. First
of all, the veil has meant that I can walk around without being judged by my
appearance. Secondly, the women are equally respected and appreciated whether
they choose to be housewives or professional women.
God has forbidden the believers from backbiting


We all know;

Who we are
What Our obligations are
What Day of Judgement is
what Jannah is
what Jahannam is

We have to remind ourselves often and not forget, that We stop earning Hasnah
as soon as we enter our grave.….

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