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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

80 pages

Committee on Responding to Section 5(d) of Presidential Policy Directive

28 (PPD-28): The Feasibility of Software to Provide Alternatives to Bulk
Signals Intelligence Collection; Computer Science and
Telecommunications Board; Division on Engineering and Physical
Sciences; National Research Council

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



Committee on Responding to Section 5(d) of

Presidential Policy Directive 28:
The Feasibility of Software to Provide Alternatives to
Bulk Signals Intelligence Collection
Computer Science and Telecommunications Board
Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001

NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from
the councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The members of the committee responsible
for the report were chosen for their special competences and with regard for
appropriate balance.
Support for this project was provided by the Office of the Director for National
Intelligence, Contract Number 2014-14041100003-001. Any opinions, findings,
conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the organizations or agencies
that provided support for the project.
International Standard Book Number 13: 978-0-309-32520-2
International Standard Book Number 10: 0-309-32520-X
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015933164
This report is available from
Computer Science and Telecommunications Board
National Research Council
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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

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The National Research Council was organized by the National Academy of
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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options


ROBERT F. SPROULL, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Chair
FREDERICK R. CHANG, Southern Methodist University
WILLIAM H. DUMOUCHEL, Oracle Health Sciences
MICHAEL KEARNS, University of Pennsylvania
BUTLER W. LAMPSON, Microsoft Corporation
SUSAN LANDAU, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
ELIZABETH RINDSKOPF PARKER, University of the Pacific,
McGeorge School of Law
ALAN SHAW, Air Force Studies Board, Study Director
HERBERT S. LIN, Chief Scientist, CSTB
ERIC WHITAKER, Senior Program Assistant, CSTB


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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options


ROBERT F. SPROULL, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Chair
STEVEN M. BELLOVIN, Columbia University
ROBERT F. BRAMMER, Brammer Technology, LLC
EDWARD FRANK, Brilliant Lime and Cloud Parity
SEYMOUR E. GOODMAN, Georgia Institute of Technology
LAURA HAAS, IBM Corporation
MARK HOROWITZ, Stanford University
MICHAEL KEARNS, University of Pennsylvania
ROBERT KRAUT, Carnegie Mellon University
SUSAN LANDAU, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
PETER LEE, Microsoft Corporation
DAVID E. LIDDLE, US Venture Partners
BARBARA LISKOV, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
JOHN STANKOVIC, University of Virginia
ERNEST J. WILSON, University of Southern California
KATHERINE YELICK, University of California, Berkeley
SHENAE BRADLEY, Senior Program Assistant
RENEE HAWKINS, Financial and Administrative Manager
HERBERT S. LIN, Chief Scientist
LYNETTE I. MILLETT, Associate Director
ERIC WHITAKER, Senior Program Assistant

For more information on CSTB, see its Web site at http://www.cstb.org,

write to CSTB, National Research Council, 500 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001, call (202) 334-2605, or e-mail the CSTB at cstb@nas.edu.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options


In January 2014, the President addressed the nation and the broader
global community to explain U.S. policy regarding the collection of foreign intelligence. Shortly thereafter, the White House released Presidential
Policy Directive 28 (PPD-28), in which Section 5(d) requested the Director
of National Intelligence (DNI) to assess the feasibility of creating software that would allow the IC more easily to conduct targeted information
acquisition [of signals intelligence] rather than bulk collection. 1
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) then asked
the National Academies to form a committee to study this question, and
discussions led to the charge to the committee shown in Box P.1. Note that
the charge does not request recommendations, and the analysis and conclusions of the Committee on Responding to Section 5(d) of Presidential
Policy Directive 28: The Feasibility of Software to Provide Alternatives to
Bulk Signals Intelligence Collection are made with this in mind.
The committee assembled for this study included individuals with
expertise in national security law; counterterrorism operations; privacy
and civil liberties as they relate to electronic communications; data mining; large-scale systems development; software development; Intelligence
Community (IC) needs as they relate to research and development; and networking and social media. See Appendix C for biographical information.

1 The

White House, Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-28, Signals Intelligence Activities,

Office of the Press Secretary, January 17, 2014, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/


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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options


The Charge to the Committee
A committee appointed by the National Research Council will assess the
feasibility of creating software that would allow the U.S. intelligence community
more easily to conduct targeted information acquisition rather than bulk collection,
as called for in section 5(d) of Presidential Policy Directive 28. To the extent possible, it will consider the efficacy, practicality, and privacy implications of alternative
software architectures and uses of information technology, and explore tradeoffs
among these aspects in the context of representative use cases. The study will
consider a broad array of communications modalities, e.g., phone, email, instant
message, and so on. It will not address the legality or value of signals intelligence
collection. The study will identify and assess options and alternatives but will not
issue recommendations.
Specifically, the committee will address the following:
1. What are a small set of representative use cases within which one can
explore alternative software architectures and uses of information technology, and
consider trade-offs?
2. What is the current state of the software technology to support targeted
information acquisition? What are feasible and likely trajectories for future relevant
software development; near, mid, and far term? What are possible technology
alternatives to bulk collection in the context of the use cases?
3. What are relevant criteria or metrics for comparing bulk collection to
targeted collection (e.g. effectiveness, response time, cost, efficacy, practicality,
privacy impacts)?
4. What tradeoffs arise with the technology alternatives analyzed in the
context of the use cases and criteria/metrics?
5. How might requirements for information collection be altered in light of this
6. What uncertainties are associated with the assumptions and analyses,
and how might they affect the basis for decisions?

With 5 months from study inception to delivery, the study committee was not blessed with a luxury of time. The committee sought to be
responsive to the context in which the report was requested. In general
terms, the committee saw its mission as exploring whether technological
software-based alternatives to bulk collection might be identified in order
to retain, to the extent possible, current intelligence capabilities while
intruding less on parties that are not of known or potential interest to the
IC. The legal protections provided by the Fourth Amendment and legislation such as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act distinguish between
foreign and U.S. persons; a factor that informed the committees thinking.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



The technological focus of this report is not limited to the metadata

of domestic telephone communications, even though most public controversy has been pointed in this direction. Nor is the legal environment
presumed to be only that governed by Section 215 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Actthe legal authority under which the collection
of telephone metadata has occurred. This report addresses the question of
alternatives to bulk collection, without regard to the specific authorities
and restrictions that control the various types of bulk collection. The types
of communications of potential interest include any type of electronic
communication. In the committees view, signals intelligence has come to
embrace almost any data stored on an electronic device. In a future that
contains the Internet of Things, the scope will be even greater.
Furthermore, the committee chose to interpret its technological mandate broadly by considering a variety of approaches to reducing the
degree of intrusiveness into the affairs of parties that are not of interest for
intelligence purposes. Broadly, these approaches include the following:
Collecting and/or storing less information,
Better protecting the information that is collected or stored against
theft or compromise, and
Rigorously enforcing the rules governing use of collected or stored
Following its charge, the committee tried to confine its attention to
technical aspects of signals intelligence and to avoid straying into legal and
policy matters as much as possible. Despite this focus, there are areas of
overlap and interdependence. For example, the more complex the rules
and regulations established by policy and law, the more difficult it is to
use automation to enforce them.
The situation with respect to bulk collection was a moving target during the time the report was written. During the final several weeks when
the committee was responding to reviewers comments, the Senate considered the USA Freedom Act (S.2685); this bill would have changed the
collection of bulk business records. Providing value in this report meant
focusing on collection options and their implications, rather than more
narrowly tailoring the discussion to what the law presently provides.
Thus the committee did not attempt, for example, to discuss what the
implications of the proposed legislation might be on collection.
ODNI requested an unclassified report, with a classified annex if
necessary. Nothing learned in classified briefings changed the committees view or provided information essential to understanding the most
important points of this report. The committee thus produced an entirely
unclassified report, with no classified annex. The committee believes this

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

unclassified report suffices to answer its charge to the best of its ability.
One consequence of this approach is that some details must be omitted to
protect sources and methods that the IC rightly guards with care.
An unclassified report risks being overtaken by newly declassified
material. As this report was being finalized, documents were being declassified by the IC (see http://icontherecord.tumblr.com/) and released as a
result of Freedom of Information Act requests. As a result, numerous omissions are bound to appear in the report; these omissions are not expected to
change the committees fundamental arguments, although new information may change details along the way.
The committee met six times in person, with the first meeting in midJune 2014, and held numerous conference calls. Open sessions during
its meetings were devoted to briefings from outside parties, and closed
sessions were devoted to committee deliberations.
The complexity and classified aspects of the issues explored in this
report meant that the committee had much to learn from its briefers. The
committee is grateful to many parties for presentations on:
June 30-July 2, 2014. Joel Brenner (Joel Brenner LLC, the Chertoff
Group, and former Inspector General, National Security Agency [NSA]),
Carmen Medina (Deloitte Consulting LLP and former Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]), Mark Maybury
(The MITRE Corporation), General Keith B. Alexander (retired), Chris
Inglis (former Deputy Director, National Security Agency), Wesley Wilson
(ODNI/National Counterterrorism Center), Robert Brose (ODNI), William
Crowell (Alsop-Louie Partners), Stephanie OSullivan (ODNI), David
Honey (ODNI), and Marjory Blumenthal (Office of Science and Technology Policy).
August 4-6, 2014. Jeff Jonas (IBM), Mark Lowenthal (Intelligence
and Security Academy), and Philip Mudd (New America Foundation,
Mudd Management, and former Deputy Director, CIA Counterterrorism
August 27-29, 2014. David Grannis (Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence) and Kate Martin (Center for National Security Studies).
September 8-10, 2014. Alexander Joel (ODNI), J.C. Smart (Georgetown
University), Peter Highnam (Intelligence Advanced Research Projects
Activity), and members of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



The committee requested but did not receive comments from the
American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and
the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
The committee appreciates the support of David Honey (Assistant
Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Science and Technology
[ADDNI/S&T]), Steven D. Thompson (Senior S&T Advisor), John C.
Granger (Senior Advisor to the ADDNI/S&T), and their colleagues from
ODNI who helped make this study possible and the many officials
of ODNI and NSA who briefed the committee or answered its questions.
In addition, the committee acknowledges the intellectual contributions
of its staff, Alan Shaw (Study Director, Air Force Studies Board), Herbert
S. Lin (Chief Scientist, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board
[CSTB]), and Jon Eisenberg (Director, CSTB); consultants Alex Gliksman
(AGI Consulting, LLC), M. Anthony Fainberg (Institute for Defense
Analyses), and Allan Friedman (George Washington University); and
Eric Whitaker (Senior Program Assistant, CSTB), who provided administrative support.
This report is part of the national discussion about the balance between
the powers of government and the rights of the governed, as the government tries to carry out its constitutionally mandated responsibilities. As
indicated above, the committee was asked a question about technology.
Accordingly, this report emphasizes technology but also attends to the
need for effective and trustworthy processes, even as more sophisticated
technologies are developed. But neither technology nor processalone
or togethercan guarantee the proper balance between collective and
individual security.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

Acknowledgment of Reviewers

This report has been reviewed in draft form by individuals chosen

for their diverse perspectives and technical expertise, in accordance with
procedures approved by the National Research Councils Report Review
Committee. The purpose of this independent review is to provide candid
and critical comments that will assist the institution in making its published report as sound as possible and to ensure that the report meets
institutional standards for objectivity, evidence, and responsiveness to
the study charge. The review comments and draft manuscript remain
confidential to protect the integrity of the deliberative process. We wish
to thank the following individuals for their review of this report:
Steven M. Bellovin, Columbia University,
Joel F. Brenner, Joel Brenner LLC,
Fred H. Cate, Indiana University,
George R. Cotter, Isologic, LLC,
William P. Crowell, Alsop Louie Partners,
Michael V. Hayden, Chertoff Group,
Raymond Jeanloz, University of California, Berkeley,
Anita K. Jones, University of Virginia,
Orin S. Kerr, George Washington University,
Peter Lee, Microsoft Research,
Kate Martin, Center for National Security Studies, and
Cynthia Storer, Coastal Carolina University.


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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



Although the reviewers listed above have provided many constructive comments and suggestions, they were not asked to endorse the
reports conclusions, nor did they see the final draft of the report before
its release. The review of this report was overseen by Samuel H. Fuller,
Analog Devices, Inc., and William H. Press, University of Texas, Austin.
Appointed by the National Research Council, they were responsible for
making certain that an independent examination of this report was carried out in accordance with institutional procedures and that all review
comments were carefully considered. Responsibility for the final content of this report rests entirely with the authoring committee and the

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options





1.1 Roadmap to This Report, 13
1.2 Presidential Speech of January 2014 and PPD-28, 13
1.3 Context for This Report, 15
1.4 Legal and Policy Setting, 16

1.4.1 The U.S. Constitution and the Legal and Regulatory
Framework, 16

1.4.2 Policy and Practical Controls, 22

1.4.3 Legal Authorities for Collection and Use of
Information, 22

2.1 A Conceptual Model of the Signals Intelligence Process, 27

2.1.1 Collection, 28

2.1.2 Analysis, 31

2.1.3 Dissemination, 32

2.2 Bulk and Targeted Collection, 32

2.3 Definitions of Critical Terms, 34



3.1 Contact Chaining, 42

3.1.1 Use Case 1, 42

3.1.2 How Metadata Are Used in Contact Chaining, 43



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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



Finding Alternate Identifiers, 44

3.2.1 Use Case 2, 44
3.2.2 Use Case 3, 45
3.2.3 Use Case 4, 46
3.2.4 How Metadata Are Used in Finding Alternate
Identifiers, 47

3.3 Triage, 48

3.3.1 Use Case 4Extension of the Scenario, 49

3.3.2 Use Case 5The Immediate Response After a
Terrorist Incident, 49

3.3.3 How Metadata Are Used in Triage, 49

3.4 Conclusion, 49

4.1 Uses of Bulk Collection, 51

4.1.1 Information about the Past, 51

4.1.2 Tactical Intelligence, 52

4.1.3 Strategic Intelligence, 52

4.1.4 Reference Data, 53

4.1.5 Increasing the Likelihood That Needed Information
Is Available, 54

4.2 Alternatives to Bulk Collection, 54

4.3 Conclusion, 56



5.1 Why It Is Important to Control Usage, 59

5.2 Controlling Usage, 60

5.3 Manual Controls, 64

5.4 Automatic Controls, 65

5.4.1 Isolation, 66

5.4.2 Restricting Queries Automatically, 75

5.4.3 Audit/Oversight Automation, 75

5.5 Conclusion, 76



6.1 The Future of Signals Intelligence, 78

6.1.1 More Data, Data Types, and Sensors; More
Computing and Storage, 79

6.1.2 Business Records, 79

6.1.3 Encryption, 80

6.1.4 Services That Evade Surveillance, 81

6.1.5 SIGINT Must Adapt, 81

6.2 Evolution of Privacy Protections, 81


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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options




Research and Development, 82

6.3.1 Technologies for Isolation, 83
6.3.2 Other Technologies for Protecting Data Privacy, 83
6.3.3 Approving Queries and Their Results
Automatically, 84

6.3.4 Audit/Oversight Automation, 86

6.3.5 Formal Expression of Laws and Regulations, 87

6.3.6 Policy Research, 88

6.3.7 Measuring Effectiveness of Intelligence Techniques
and the Value of Data, 88

6.4 Engagement with the Research Community, 89

6.5 Conclusion, 90
A Observations about the Charge to the Committee
B Acronyms
C Biographical Information for Committee Members,
Consultants, and Staff

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options


This report of the Committee on Responding to Section 5(d) of Presidential Policy Directive 28: The Feasibility of Software to Provide Alternatives to Bulk Signals Intelligence Collection responds to a request to
the National Academies from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). That request, in turn, was occasioned by Presidential
Policy Directive 28 (PPD-28) Section 5(d), which had asked the Director
of National Intelligence for a report assessing the feasibility of creating
software that would allow the Intelligence Community (IC) more easily
to conduct targeted information acquisition rather than bulk collection [of
signals intelligence].1 This study is among several of the administrations
responses to heightened public concern about U.S. intelligence agency
surveillance programs that followed Edward Snowdens disclosure of
numerous internal National Security Agency (NSA) documents beginning
in mid-2013. These responses include other activities called for in PPD-28
as well as in a study of big data and privacy by the Presidents Council
of Advisors on Science and Technology that is largely focused on civilian

1 The White House, Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-28, Signals Intelligence Activities,

Office of the Press Secretary, January 17, 2014, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/
2 Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Big Data and Privacy: A Technological Perspective, Executive Office of the President, May 2014, http://www.whitehouse.gov/

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



PPD-28 defines bulk collection as the authorized collection of large
quantities of signals intelligence (SIGINT) data which, due to technical or
operational considerations, is acquired without the use of discriminants
(e.g., specific identifiers, selection terms, etc.)3 and implies that collection
is targeted if it is not bulk. But PPD-28 defines discriminant only by
example, so it does not provide a precise definition of either bulk or targeted collection. Nor are these terms defined precisely elsewhere in law or
policy. Moreover, the PPD-28 description of bulk collection is problematic
because it says that (1) with a broad discriminant, such as Syria, collection is targeted, even though it captures a large volume of information
and covers vast numbers of people who are not of intelligence value; and
(2) if the signal itself contains only the traffic of a single individual, collection is bulk if there is no discriminant. Both of these results are inconsistent with the plain meaning of the words bulk and targeted.
Based in part on briefings from the IC, the committee adopted a
definition better suited to understanding the trade-off between civil
liberties and effective intelligence: If a significant portion of the data collected is not associated with current targets,4 it is bulk collection; otherwise,
it is targeted. There is no precise definition of bulk collection, but rather
a continuum, with no bright line separating bulk from targeted. The
committee acknowledges that use of the word significant makes its
definition imprecise as well. The IC prefers targeted collection because
it narrows its attention as much as possible during collection to use its
limited resources efficiently, to comply with rules about what is allowed,
and to limit intrusions on privacy.
This report, like PPD-28, focuses on a subset of SIGINT, a broad subset
termed communications or information about communications.5 This
includes electronic communications between people and those between
people and services such as Internet search providers, message services,
and banks. It also includes business records about communications.
Intercepting these signals is of concern because it may intrude on the
privacy and civil liberties of the communicators. However, this is only
one ingredient among many that are used to meet the countrys foreign
intelligence needs. Understanding the nature of groups, individuals, organizations, or events that may threaten national security and predicting
their behavior requires complex analysis that pieces together many facts
from many sources. Studying this whole system was far beyond the scope
of this study.
3 Presidential

Policy Directive/PPD-28, footnote 5.

term target and other key terms used in this report are defined in Section 2.3.
5 Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-28, footnote 3.
4 The

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options


The committee paid particular attention to collection of information

about communications, or metadata,6 a focus of the briefings provided
by the IC. NSA has been collecting metadata in bulk for domestic telephone calls since 2006; it has done so under the authority of Section 215
of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), enacted as part of the
USA Patriot Act in 2001. This study applies not only to this practice but
also to a broader set of activities, including the collection of metadata
and contents of foreign telephone calls, emails, and other communications. This report addresses the question of alternatives to bulk collection,
without regard to the specific authorities and restrictions that control the
various types of bulk collection.7
This study, while focused on a technical question and on technological responses, inevitably encounters policy and privacy concerns; policy is
bound to be affected by what is technically possible or impossible. Indeed,
PPD-28 is itself a policy directive formed partly in response to privacy
issues amplified by the Snowden disclosures. The committee did not
study these policy questions and tried to avoid making judgments about
them.8 The committee tried to answer the technical question in general,
rather than only in the context of current policy, because technology and
policy can change rapidly.9
The next section provides a brief description of the SIGINT collection
model used by the committee.

6 In the case of telephone communications, metadata include the calling and called
telephone numbers, the time and duration of a call, but not its content. For email, metadata
have been interpreted to exclude the subject line. Other types of communications have different metadata elements.
7 For example, FISA and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) orders restrict bulk
collection of domestic telephony records to querying targets with reasonable and articulable
suspicion (RAS) that they belong to a foreign terrorist organization. For another example,
PPD-28 restricts collection to six specific purposes.
8 For recent reports that deal with policy associated with signals collection, see two reports from the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board: Report on the Telephone Records
Program Conducted under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act and on the Operations of the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court, January 23, 2014, http://www.pclob.gov/library/215-Report_
on_the_Telephone_Records_Program.pdf, and Report on the Surveillance Program Operated
Pursuant to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, July 2, 2014, http://www.
pclob.gov/library/702-Report.pdf. See also Presidents Review Group on Intelligence and
Communications Technologies, Liberty and Security in a Changing World, December 12, 2013,
9 Indeed, as this study was under way, the President announced he would seek legislation
to end bulk collection of domestic telephony metadata (The White House, The Administrations Proposal for Ending the Section 215 Bulk Telephony Metadata Program, Fact
Sheet, March 27, 2014, Office of the Press Secretary, Washington, D.C.), and legislation was

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



In response to intelligence requirements determined by policy makers,
NSA takes in signals,10 extracts data about events, filters data according
to one or more discriminants, stores the resulting data, analyzes it by
querying the store, and disseminates the derived intelligence to other
analysts and policy makers (Figure S.1). The first three steps are what
the committee calls collection. The extract process decodes communications protocols to extract items for further inspection. A discriminant
may be chosen to limit the collection to a set of targets determined at the
time of collection; this is targeted collection. If a discriminant is chosen
to collect a significant quantity of data not relevant to any current target,
the collection is bulk. In either case, analysts query the data stored from
multiple SIGINT collections and combine them with data from many
other sources in order to formulate and disseminate intelligence useful to
others. Privacy protections of different sorts are applied at various points
throughout the process. These include choices about where to extract
signals and what discriminants to use, minimization procedures used to
protect information about U.S. persons, and controls on how collected
information can be used.
Much of the data in the signal inevitably will not be of interest. This
is because modern communication technology aggregates traffic between
many sources and destinations onto a single channelsuch as the fiber
carrying Internet Protocol packets between two routers. With rare exceptions, there is no longer a single physical point, like the central office
connection of a landline telephone, at which to observe exactly the items
of interest. Thus, this definition of collection says that data is deemed
collected only when it is stored for more than a few hours, not when it
is extracted.
The distinction between bulk and targeted collection is not precise.
When collection is very broad and it is expected that most of the information stored is not relevant to current targets, it is bulk. In contrast, if
collection is about a person of interest, it is clearly targeted. There are,
however, many cases in between. Throughout the intelligence process,
agencies narrow their attention as much as possible, both to comply with
rules about what is allowed and to use their limited resources efficiently.
Narrowing applies to choosing signals from which to extract data, filtering the extracted data, querying collected data, and disseminating the
results. For example, for domestic telephony metadata collected in bulk
under the authority of FISA Section 215, a query is allowed only when

10 The sources of the signals are a separate topic that the committee did not consider,
although some examples are given later in the report.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options










FIGURE S.1 A conceptual model for the signals intelligence process.

there is a reasonable and articulable suspicion that the target is associated

with a foreign terrorist organization. Often, queries on bulk collections
are sufficiently constrained that very little of the collected data is ever
S-1collected data to be destroyed
examined. Additional rules usually
after a certain time.
Use cases demonstrate how the results of intelligence analysis are
used and make the process of intelligence more concrete for outsiders.
Use cases that cover the full range of intelligence practice can provide confidence that the consequences of restricting bulk collection are understood
and guide a search for alternatives. Although the committee was given
unclassified use cases in three categories, it was told that this was not
a complete set, so its search for collection alternatives was limited. The
use case categories it was given, all of which concern communications
between people who are designated by identifiers such as telephone numbers or email addresses, were the following:
Contact chaining, which traces the network of people associated
with a target by following links of the form A communicated with B
starting at the target and traversing chains of one or more links.
Alternate identifier techniques that seek to keep current the set of
identifiers that a target person is known to be using, when the target is
changing identifiers to avoid being tracked.
Triage starts with a list of identifiers of interest and categorizes the
urgency of the threat to national security from the party associated with
each one.

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A broader set of use cases, such as ones involving collection of communications content, detecting suspicious foreign communications patterns and suspicious queries to Internet search engines, might point to
other possibilities for alternatives to bulk collection.
A common aspect of the categories of use cases above is that they rely
in part on information from the past to link or connect identifiers. If past
events become interesting in the presentbecause of new circumstances
such as identifying a new target, a nonnuclear nation that is now pursuing
the development of nuclear weapons, an individual who is found to be a
terrorist, or new intelligence-gathering prioritiesthen historical events
and the data they provide will be available for analysis only if they were
previously collected. If it is possible to do targeted collection of similar
events in the future, and if they happen soon enough, then the past events
might not be needed. If the past events are unique or if delay in obtaining
results is unacceptable (because of an imminent threat or perhaps because
of press coverage or public demand), then the intelligence will not be as
complete. So restricting bulk collection will make intelligence less effective, and technology cannot do anything about this; whether the gain in
privacy is worth the loss of information is a policy question that the committee does not address.
Controls on usage can help reduce the conflicts between collection
and privacy. There are other entities that collect highly sensitive data and
use it for purposes that the people who provide it might not like, such
as companies that provide cloud services such as email and social media
and data brokers that collect and correlate data from a wide variety of
public and proprietary sources and sell it to help with decisions about
extending credit or for marketing purposes. It is worth comparing how
society controls these activities with how it controls the IC. The accepted
control paradigm is notice and consent, the terms of service that almost
no one reads. Although today people are more tolerant of private data collection than of government data collection, this may change as the collection of private data grows. The 2014 report on privacy and big data from
the Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology proposes

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options


instead that people should have control over how their data are used.11
Controls on use thus offer an alternative to controls on collection as a way
of protecting privacy.
There are two ways to control usage: manually and automatically.
NSA already has both automated and strong manual controls in place.
Despite rigorous auditing and oversight processes, however, it is hard
to convince outside parties of their strength, because necessary secrecy
prevents the public from observing the controls in action, and because
popular descriptions of the controls are imprecise and sometimes wrong.
Technical means can isolate collected data and automatically restrict
queries that analysts make, and the way these means work can be public
without revealing sensitive sources and methods. Then people outside the
IC concerned about privacy and civil liberties would have new ways to
verify that the IC has adequate procedures and follows them. Enhanced
automated controls also offer the promise of reduced burdens on analysts
because they can be more efficient than manual controls. Some manual
controls would still be necessary to ensure that the automatic controls are
actually imposed and that they are configured according to the rules, and
to decide cases that are too complex to be automated.
Automated controls and audits require expressing, in software, the
rules embodied in laws, policies, regulations, and directives that constrain
how intelligence is collected, analyzed, and disseminated. The current
rules form a complex network that has grown with changes in technology and in the national security environment. They contain conflicting
definitions and inconsistencies. Deriving from the legislative and administrative expressions of the rules, an expression in a concise, consistent,
machine-processable form would not only simplify automation software
but also make the rules more understandable to the public.
The next section outlines the key technical elements required to control and automate usage.
An automated system for controlling usage of bulk data with high
assurance has three parts: isolating bulk data so that it can be accessed
only in specific ways, restricting the queries that can be made against
it, and auditing the queries that have been done. In each of these areas,
there are opportunities for automated control; some of them are already

11 Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), Big Data and
Privacy: A Technological Perspective, Executive Office of the President, May 2014, http://

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options


deployed in the IC or in private companies, some have been demonstrated

in research laboratories, and some are promising research directions.
Isolating bulk data is one technical method for controlling usage. Figure S.2 shows the elements of this method. Bulk data are cut off from
the outside world by an isolation boundary. The only way to cross this
boundary is to submit a query to the guard, which enforces the policy that
controls what queries and results are allowed. The guard logs all queries
and results for later auditing, and the audit log itself is isolated to protect
it from tampering. The isolated domain is hosted by a mechanism that
guarantees the isolation. The guard, the isolation boundary, and bulk data
processing are the critical parts of this system. The simpler and clearer
their tasks are, and the shorter and clearer the software programs that
implement them, the more likely they are to be trustworthy.
Restricting queries automatically in the guard is another aspect of controlling usage automatically. The goal is to do this well enough that
software can decide which queries are allowed by the policy, or at least
drastically reduce the number of queries that require manual, human
approval. This is certainly feasible for limited classes of queries such as,
Find all the phone numbers that have connected in the last month to this
list of numbers belonging to a known target. Indeed, NSA already has
pre-approved queries.
Auditing usage of bulk data is essential to enforce privacy protections.
Isolation provides confidence that every query is permanently logged
and that the log cannot be altered. Then the log must be reviewed for
compliance with the rules. Doing this manually is feasible and is, indeed,
NSAs current practice. Although it is thorough, it is expensive and not







Bulk data

Host (airgap, hardware, virtual machine

monitor, operating system, etc.)

FIGURE S.2 Controlling usage by isolating bulk data.

Figure 5-2 and S-2

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options


t ransparentoutsiders must rely on the agencys assurance that it is being

done properly because the queries are usually highly classified. Automation of auditing, a direction NSA is pursuing, could not only streamline
audits but also provide assurance to outside inspectors, who can examine
the auditing technology. Automation of auditing is an area that has been
neglected by government, industry, and academia.
Automated controls and auditing of SIGINT data held and accessed
securely may allow sufficiently thorough unclassified inspection of the
privacy-protecting mechanisms of the SIGINT process to allay privacy
and civil liberty concerns. The inspection would focus on the automation
software and the usage rules it enforces rather than on the data, which
must remain classified.
Although no software can fully replace bulk with targeted information collection, software can be developed to more effectively target collection and to control the usage of collected data.
Conclusion 1. There is no software technique that will fully substitute for bulk collection where it is relied on to answer queries about
the past after new targets become known.
A key value of bulk collection is its record of past SIGINT that may
be relevant to subsequent investigations. If past events become interesting
in the present, because intelligence-gathering priorities change to include
detection of new kinds of threats or because of new events such as the discovery that an individual is a terrorist, historical events and the context they
provide will be available for analysis only if they were previously collected.
The committee was not asked to and did not consider whether the
loss of effectiveness from reducing bulk collection would be too great
or whether the potential gain in privacy from adopting an alternative is
worth the potential loss of intelligence information. Nor was it able to
identify broad categories of use where substitution of alternatives might
be possible or to detect broadly useful metrics that would inform such
decisions. ODNI may wish to study these questions further.
Other groups, such as the Presidents Review Group on Intelligence
and Communications Technologies and the Privacy and Civil Liberties
Oversight Board (in its Section 215 report), have said that bulk collection
of telephone metadata is not justified.12 These were policy and legal judgments that are not in conflict with the committees conclusion that there is

See footnote 8.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



no software technique that will fully substitute for bulk collection; there
is no technological magic.
Conclusion 1.1. Other sources of information might provide a partial substitute for bulk collection in some circumstances.
Data retained from targeted SIGINT collection is a partial substitute if
the needed information was in fact collected. Bulk data held by other parties, such as communications service providers, might substitute to some
extent, but this relies on those parties retaining the information until it is
needed, as well as the ability of intelligence agencies to collect or access it
in an efficient and timely fashion. Other intelligence sources and methods
might also be able to supply some of the lost information, but the committee was not charged to and did not investigate the full range of such
alternatives. Note that these alternatives may introduce their own privacy
and civil liberties concerns.
Conclusion 1.2. New approaches to targeting might improve the
relevance of the collected information to future use and would rely
on capabilities such as creating and using profiles of potentially
relevant targets, possibly by using other sources of information.
Because bulk collection cannot for practical reasons be truly comprehensive, it is itself inherently selective and unable to capture all relevant
history.13 It may be possible to improve targeted collection to the point
where it provides a viable substitute for bulk collection in at least some
cases, using profiles of potential targets that are compiled from a wide
range of information. This might reduce collection against persons who
are not targets, but it might also introduce new privacy and civil liberties
concerns about how such profiles are developed and used.
Rapidly updating discriminants of ongoing collections to include
new targets as they are discovered will collect data that would otherwise
be lost. If targeted collection can be done quickly and well enough, bulk
information about past events may not be needed. Targeted collection
cannot be a substitute if the past events were unique or if the delay
incurred to collect new information would be unacceptable.
Conclusion 2. Automatic controls on the usage of data collected in
bulk can help to enforce privacy protections.

The FISA Section 215 program collects only a small percentage of the total telephony
metadata held by service providers (Presidents Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies, Liberty and Security in a Changing World, 2013, p. 97).

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



Automation of usage controls may simultaneously allow a more

nuanced set of usage rules, facilitate compliance auditing, and reduce
the burden of controls on analysts. Similarly, there are opportunities to
automate the various audit mechanisms to verify that rules are followed.
Such capabilities could be enhanced as the information technology systems for collection and analysis are refreshed and modernized. These
techniques may permit more of the use controls and audit mechanisms
to be explained clearly to the public. It may be possible to express a large
fraction of the rules required by law and policy in a machine-processable
form and thus apply them rapidly and consistently during collection,
analysis, and dissemination.
Conclusion 2.1. It will be easier to automate controls if the rules
governing collection and use are technology-neutral (i.e., not tied
to specific, rapidly changing information and communications technologies or historical artifacts of particular technologies) and if they
are based on a consistent set of definitions.14
Conclusion 2.2. Automated controls can provide new opportunities
to make the controls more transparent by giving the public and
oversight bodies the opportunity to inspect the software artifacts
that describe and implement the controls. Increased transparency
can give people outside the IC more confidence that the controls are
appropriate, although the need for secrecy about some of the details
makes complete confidence unlikely.
Conclusion 3. Research and development can help in developing
software intended to (1) enhance the effectiveness of targeted collection and (2) improve automated usage controls.15
Conclusion 3.1 The use of targeted collection can be improved by
enriching and streamlining methods for determining and deploying new targets rapidly, using automated processing and/or streamlined approval procedures.16


This conclusion is consistent with Recommendation 2 in PCAST, Big Data and Privacy:
A Technological Perspective, 2014.
15 See also Ibid., Recommendation 3.
16 Examples of manual procedures for target approval are in National Security Agency,
NSAs Civil Liberties and Privacy Protections for Targeted SIGINT Activities Under Executive
Order 12333, NSA Director of Civil Liberties and Privacy Office Report, October 7, 2014,

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



Analytics, such as big data analytics, may help narrow collection,

even if they are not sufficiently precise to identify individual targets. If
the government is constrained by privacy concerns to collect less data, it
may nevertheless be able to use the power of large private-sector databases, analytics, and machine learning to shape the constraints to collect
only data predicted to have high value. New uses by the government of
private-sector databases would also raise new privacy and civil liberties
Advanced targeting methods may require a great deal of computing,
so that filters should be cascaded to first apply cheap tests, followed by
more expensive filters only if earlier filters warrant. For example, if metadata indicate a civilian telephone call to a military unit under surveillance,
speech recognition and subsequent semantic analysis might be applied to
the voice signal, resulting in an ultimate collection decision. Richer targeting may require enhancing the ability of collection hardware and software
to apply complex discriminants to real-time signals feeds.
Conclusion 3.2. More powerful automation could improve the
precision, robustness, efficiency, and transparency of the controls,
while also reducing the burden of controls on analysts.
Some of the necessary technologies exist today, although they may
need further development for use in intelligence applications; others will
require research and development work. This approach and others for
privacy protection of data held by the private sector can be exploited by
the IC.17 Research could also advance the ability to systematically encode
laws, regulations, and policies in a machine-processable form that would
directly configure the rule automation.
It does not necessarily follow from Conclusion 1 that current bulk
collection must continue. What it does mean is that curtailing bulk collection would deprive analysts of some information. Reduction in bulk
collection may be partially mitigated by improvements in targeting, a
direction for future research outlined above. If the IC continues to collect
SIGINT in bulk, the technology described in this report can reduce risk
and improve oversight and transparency and, thus, perhaps mitigate
public concerns about it.

17 PCAST, Big Data and Privacy: A Technological Perspective, 2014. Recommendation 1, Sections 4 and 4.5.2.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

Introduction and Background


This chapter provides the basic context in which this report is being
written. Chapter 2 of this report introduces some basic concepts of signals
intelligence (SIGINT) and provides some key definitions. Chapter 3 presents use casesscenarios in which bulk collection may make contributions
to intelligence investigations. Chapter 4 presents the committees technical
conclusions about the use of bulk collection. Chapter 5 describes ways of
protecting information gathered through SIGINT processes. Chapter 6
looks to the future. Appendix A makes some observations about how the
committee addressed its charge.
In January 2014, President Obama addressed the nation and the
broader global community to explain U.S. policy regarding the collection
of foreign intelligence.1 In this speech, he explicitly acknowledged that
U.S. government collection and storage of bulk data creates a potential
for abuse, but he explained that signals intelligence data were collected
only for legitimate national security purposes and that the government had no interest in using any collected data to target minorities or

The White House, Remarks by the President on Review of Signals Intelligence, Office of the Press Secretary, January 17, 2014, http://www.whitehouse.gov/


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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



suppress any political activity. He clarified that the use of any bulk collection of SIGINT was even more limited, explicitly stating that it could
be used only for six specific security requirements: counterintelligence;
counterterrorism; counterproliferation; cybersecurity; force protection for
our troops and our allies; and combating transnational crime, including
sanctions evasion.
While defending the nature of American collection and use of bulk
data to support national security, the President also acknowledged how
many in America and around the world might still be concerned. He
declared an interest in exploring how the United States can preserve
current intelligence capabilities but with less government collection and
storage of bulk data. He conceded that it would not be easy to match the
capabilities and fill the gaps that the [metadata2 collection program] was
designed to address, but he is committed to exploring several options
that might enhance protections of privacy, including decreasing the number of hops in a contact network search to two from three, having the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) review reasonable and
articulable suspicion (RAS) selectors and identifying a means to have the
storage of the bulk metadata occur outside the federal government.
Shortly after the Presidents speech, the White House released Presidential Policy Directive 28 (PPD-28),3 the topic of which was U.S. policy
on SIGINT. PPD-28 both laid out the principles that govern how the U.S.
collects SIGINT and strengthened executive branch oversight of SIGINT
activities. PPD-28 seeks to ensure that U.S. policy takes into account security requirements, alliances, trade and investment relationships (including
the concerns of U.S. companies), and the U.S. commitment to privacy and
basic rights and liberties. The document also promised review of U.S.
decisions about intelligence priorities and sensitive targets by the Presidents senior national security team on an annual basis.
Of most importance to this report, PPD-28 requested the Office of the
Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to assess the feasibility of creating software that would allow the Intelligence Community more easily
to conduct targeted information acquisition rather than bulk collection.
In turn, ODNI asked the National Academies to study and report on this
question. The Committee on Responding to Section 5(d) of Presidential
Policy Directive 28: The Feasibility of Software to Provide Alternatives to
Bulk Signals Intelligence Collection was formed in response.

The term metadata is defined in Section 2.3. Loosely, for telephone calls it includes calling
and called number, and time and duration of call, but not any content of the call.
3 See The White House, Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-28, Signals Intelligence Activities, Office of the Press Secretary, January 17, 2014, http://www.whitehouse.gov/

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The broader context for the committees report includes the many
security threats the United States faces, issues of international relations
and global competitiveness, balanced against privacy and civil-liberties
concerns. The committee believes that both the public and national security officials recognize the need for surveillance to anticipate, disrupt,
and respond to national security threats (such as terrorism). Indeed,
recent events make clear that national security threats will continue to be
dynamic and more unpredictable than those during the Cold War, so that
effective intelligence capabilities will remain essential.
At the same time, disclosures by Edward Snowden about the extent
and nature of U.S. intelligence collection have raised concerns about the
appropriate balance between the surveillance needed to achieve national
security and respect for individual privacy. The revelations have complicated U.S. relations with other nations. (This is true even as some of these
same nations have benefittedand continue to benefitfrom U.S. intelligence collection.) A number of foreign nations have threatened to avoid
Internet-delivered products and services offered by U.S. information technology vendors because of insecurities alleged in these disclosures.4 The
magnitude of the financial impact is unclear at this point;5 what is clear is
that increased attention to U.S. intelligence collection has made the international marketplace a more challenging environment for U.S. companies.
The Snowden disclosures have also generated a range of concerns
about privacy and civil liberties. In the United States, tension over potential government infringement of personal liberties goes back to the founding of the republic. In the recent past, domestic legislation and case law
have worked to create a balanced approach to surveillance of telephone
communications. But new technologiesand how government authorities use such technologieshave always posed challenges for existing
law and practice. Technological advancements can undo a previously
agreed-upon consensus. In the controversy that gives rise to this report,
domestic public concerns about privacy and civil liberties have often been
expressed as concerns about the [U.S.] government spying on innocent
Americans. Abroad, a Pew poll in July 2014 indicated that in most coun-

4 Whether this reason is in some sense sincere, or a cover for protectionism is unclear.
But it may not matter. Whether perception or reality, U.S. leadership has concluded that the
upset created is sufficient to require a response.
5 For example, a New York Times article of March 2014 reports on estimates of losses to
U.S. technology companies ranging from $35 billion to $180 billion by 2016. See Claire Cain
Miller, Revelations of N.S.A. Spying Cost U.S. Tech Companies, The New York Times,
March 21, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/22/business /fallout-from-snowdenhurting-bottom-line-of-tech-companies.html?_r=0.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



tries surveyed, the majority of their publics opposed U.S. surveillance

of their citizens or their leaders.6 Foreign leadership, including that of
traditionally close U.S. allies, expressed significant public anger in the
immediate aftermath of the Snowden disclosures.7
Recent disclosures have amplified two underlying trends in the
United States: distrust of government and concerns about privacy, especially privacy of data and communications. These trends put pressure on
SIGINT techniques and practices, which in turn may affect the quality
of intelligence they provide. But another attack of the magnitude of the
9/11 attacks would quickly raise expectations for the capabilities of U.S.
intelligence generally and surveillance in particular. Actions by Congress
and the executive branch in the wake of the 9/11 attacks rapidly resulted
in substantive changes that are now being questioned after more than a
decade of relative domestic security. As this cycle may easily repeat, it is
all the more imperative to examine now the value of bulk collection and
potential alternatives while there is time to reflect thoughtfully on the
issues such collection poses.
1.4.1 The U.S. Constitution and the Legal and Regulatory Framework
As the committee proceeded with its work, it became clear that public
confidence in the management of intelligence programs is essential and
might be enhanced through even greater use of automation in managing
oversight structures. To provide the context for the committees subsequent discussion, particularly on ways to automate oversight strategies,
this section provides a brief overview of the constitutional and legal framework that currently governs intelligence surveillance activities. Mindful
that many long-standing legal interpretations are now under review by
Congress and have also been challenged in lower federal courts, and that
there has been no final disposition of these questions by either Congress
or the Supreme Court, the committee does not discuss the current legal
debate in depth.
Among the nations of the world (including the Western democracies), the United States is the most open in the regulation of its intelligence activities. The United States regulates its intelligence activities

Pew Research Center, Global Opposition to U.S. Surveillance and Drones, but Limited Harm to
Americas Image, Washington, D.C., July 14, 2014, http://www.pewglobal.org/2014/07/14/
7 Josh Levs and Catherine E. Shoichet, Europe furious, shocked by report of U.S. spying,
CNN, July 1, 2013, http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/30/world/europe/eu-nsa/.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



according to a legal framework established by the U.S. Constitution. This

overarching constitutional structure is premised on the commitment that
all governmental activities, even those national security activities most
important to the nations existence, must be subject to the rule of law.
This framework is further explicated by a hierarchy of public statutes
and internal executive branch regulations, which include public executive
orders and subordinate classified instructions and directives.
All three branches of government have a constitutional role to play
in intelligence programs. The executive branch is responsible for executing intelligence programs; congressional committees have responsibility
for the initial authorization, funding, and oversight of programs; and the
federal courts provide legal review in the course of litigation and also,
in a limited number of cases, prior authorization through the specially
created FISC.8 Authoritative descriptions of the legal constraints imposed
on U.S. intelligence functions are available elsewhere,9 but a brief outline
of this legal framework will help illustrate how U.S. intelligence programs function and facilitate the discussion that follows about various
programs conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA).
Article II of the U.S. Constitution assigns three functional roles to
the President: Commander in Chief, responsibility for the conduct of
foreign affairs, and at home, execution of the laws. The responsibilities as
Commander in Chief and for foreign affairs carry with them an inherent
constitutional power to gather intelligence. Like all such constitutionally
granted powers, limits contained in the Bill of Rights amendments to the
Constitution apply. With regard to intelligence, particularly the SIGINT
for which NSA is responsible, two are particularly relevant: the Fourth
Amendment, which protects individuals against unreasonable searches
and seizures; and the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech
and assembly, as well as freedom of the press.
The U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the Fourth Amendments
protections against a standard of reasonableness so that an individuals privacy interest must be weighed against the legitimate interests of
the government for national security and public safety. In addition, the
Amendment has differential applications depending on the purpose of
the surveillance, where it occurs (e.g., inside or outside the United States),
and the subject of the surveillance (e.g., a non-U.S. person or a U.S. person outside the United States). Finally, the committee notes that privacy

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, 50 U.S.C., Ch. 36 (1978), as amended.

Robert S. Litt, Privacy, Technology and National Security: An Overview of Intelligence
Collection, speech, Washington, D.C., July 18, 2013, http://www.dni.gov/index.php/
newsroom/speeches-and-interviews/174-speeches-interviews-2009. See also Dycus, Banks,
Raven-Hansen, Vladeck, National Security Law (5th edition) and Counterterrorism Law
(2nd edition), Wolters Kluwer, 2014-2015 supplement.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



interests may be limited insofar as information is shared voluntarily with

NSA was originally created by presidential memorandum under the
statutory authority of the Department of Defense to create combat support agencies. By contrast, most other agencies that implement the Presidents intelligence needs have been created directly by Congress pursuant
to their own explicit organic statutes. All, however, may only act insofar
as they are authorized to do so, whether by statute, regulation, or executive order. In some cases, they are specifically prohibited from action.
For example, by statute the Central Intelligence Agency may not conduct
domestic law enforcement. NSA, as a part of the Department of Defense,
has no separate authorizing statute, but the same prohibition applies to
it by regulation.
As has already been noted, law sometimes lags behind changes in
technology. One example is that wiretaps were not considered subject
to Fourth Amendment protections until 1967 when the Supreme Court
concluded that a right of individual privacy existed to protect against
warrantless searches.11 In subsequent years, an increasing number of laws
have been passed at both the national and state levels to regulate the ways
in which the government, including its intelligence components, may
make use of evolving telecommunications and computer technologies.
For this report, focused on NSA programs, among the most significant
is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978, later amended
in 2001 and 2008 to add authorities. Although FISA establishes specific
procedures to govern intelligence collection activities that involve U.S.
citizens or territory,12 NSAs institutional charter is found in Executive
Order 12333 and is further defined by guidelines called U.S. Signals Intel-


Significant for some metadata collection programs, in an opinion authored by Justice

Harry Blackmun, the U.S. Supreme Court found in Smith v. Maryland, 442 U.S. 735, 1979,
that no legitimate expectation of privacy existed if a third party, such as the phone company, already had access to information. Thus, because the phone company had retained
the numbers of calls made, collecting them with a pen register was not a Fourth Amendment search requiring prior court authorization by warrant. Some question whether Smith
remains good law today in light of the differing technology involved in modern metadata
collection; this is the subject of current litigation.
11 Compare U.S. v. Olmstead, 277 U.S. 438, 1928, holding no Constitutional protection for
phone conversations with Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 1967, finding a right to privacy
under the Fourth Amendment for the content of such communications.
12 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance act of 1978 (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/
STATUTE-92/pdf/STATUTE-92-Pg1783.pdf), 50 U.S.C. 1881a, 1978, and brief description of its provisions (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-110hr6304enr/

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



ligence Directives (USSID), the most important of which for this report is
USSID 18, which has been declassified in substantial part. 13
The original enactment of FISA responded to significant contemporary political pressures, which resulted from abuses revealed in a series
of congressional hearings in the 1970s, and demanded greater control of
foreign intelligence collection by SIGINT methods when an activity occurs
in the United States or involves U.S. persons. The level of statutory and
regulatory control responds to political pressures that ebb and flow over
time; as will be seen. The 9/11 attacks caused an adjustment in this balance to respond to foreign attacks in domestic space.
At its initial enactment, FISA was not without controversy. Although
some argued that there was a critical need for the oversight that FISA
provided through a specially created court, others argued (and continue
to do so today) the long-standing view that foreign intelligence, as a core
presidential function, could not be regulated constitutionally by congressional statute.14 Nonetheless, passage of FISA, which introduced court
approval of intelligence collection for the first time, was encouraged by
a contemporaneous decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, intimating that
much of such domestic national security collection might be subject to
Fourth Amendment requirements for prior judicial approval through a
warrant application process.15 In response, FISA created a unique procedural approval process overseen by a new Article III court, the FISC,
which was designed to authorize electronic intelligence surveillance in the

13 National Security Agency, United States Signals Intelligence Directive USSID SP0018,
(U) Legal Compliance and U.S. Persons Minimization Procedures, Issue Date January 25,
2011, approved for release on November 13, 2013, referred to as USSID 18, http://www.dni.
gov/files/documents/1118/CLEANEDFinal USSID SP0018.pdf.
14 A recently released May 6, 2004, Memorandum for the Attorney General authored
by Professor Jack L. Goldsmith, then Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice,
Office of Legal Counsel, describes this view. See Jack L. Goldsmith, Review of the Legality of
the STELLAR WIND Program, Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Washington, D.C.,
May 6, 2004, http://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/pages/attachments/2014/09/19/
15 Although Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 18 U.S.C.
2510-2520, 1968, authorizes electronic surveillance for specifically limited crimes with a
prior court order, a proviso at 18 U.S.C. 2511(3) protected the Presidents long-standing
right to conduct surveillance for national security purposes. Nonetheless, Justice Lewis
Powells language in the majority decision of U.S. v. United States District Court (Keith), 407
U.S. 297, 1972, had made clear that this exception would be narrowly construed in cases of
domestic security. FISA responded to indications of the direction of Supreme Court decisions. In the Keith decision, it was argued that the defendants, U.S. citizens who had acted
only domestically, constituted national security threats by bombing a government facility
and so the warrant requirement of the Fourth Amendment did not apply. The Supreme
Court rejected this contention, but left open the possibility that the executive branch might
not be so limited if national security threats involved foreign powers.

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United States by NSA and the Federal Bureau of Investigation upon application to, and approval by, the court. The FISC decisions have remained
largely classified throughout much of the courts history. This proved
controversial to some. They questioned the independence of a judicial
body that operated largely out of the public eye to authorize intrusive
surveillance that, unlike warrants in criminal matters, would likely never
be publicly available, lacked any adversarial process, and limited the right
of appeal to the government applicant alone. These questions remain and
provide part of the backdrop to this report.
As originally enacted, FISA governed electronic surveillance for
foreign intelligence or counterintelligence information when collection
would occur within the United States. To collect such information, a
showing must be made to the FISC establishing probable cause that the
target is either a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power. Where the
target is a U.S. person, a showing based solely on First Amendment activities is not sufficient. Collection is subject to minimization protections, procedures designed to limit the acquisition and retention, and prohibit the
dissemination, of nonpublicly available information concerning unconsenting United States persons, but in ways nonetheless consistent with
the need for foreign intelligence.16 As a practical matter, minimization
involves removing the names of and references to U.S. persons with these
exceptions: the information is necessary to assess the value of the foreign
intelligence or the targeting of a U.S. person was approved by the FISC.
FISA was amended following the collection of domestic communications metadata that began in 2001. This was done initially at presidential
direction outside normal FISA processes, a decision that proved controversial.17 It was subsequently brought within the FISA process in 2006
through the business records provision of Section 215 of the USA Patriot
Act.18 This allowed the FISC to require production of documents and
other tangible things determined relevant to national security investigations, much as other courts do in criminal and grand jury investigations.
This provision has served as the authority under which the U.S. government has requested telecommunications providers to produce telephony
metadata, when relevant to a national security investigation.19 This provi16 See Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, 50 U.S.C. 1801(h)(1) and 1821(4)
(A), 1978.
17 See footnote 14.
18 USA Patriot Act 2001, http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ56/pdf/PLAW107publ56.pdf.
19 Standards of relevance vary according to context. What is relevant for a criminal investigation will differ from the far broader standard for civil discovery or a grand jury subpoena.
The FISC has acceded to the governments argument that for national security investigations, relevance must be broadly construed. See Robert S. Litt, Privacy, Technology and
National Security, 2013, p. 6.

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sion, approved in the course of several reviews by the FISC since 2006,
was also reauthorized by Congress in 2009 and again in 2011. It should
be noted that the interpretation of Section 215 permitting bulk collection
of such business records, although provided to Congress and relevant
committees, was not publicly acknowledged by the U.S. government until
after the Snowden disclosures.20
A third provision was added when Section 702 was passed as part of
the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 and reauthorized in 2012.21 The Section 702 amendment brought all communications, whether by satellite,
radio, wire, etc., acquired with the assistance of electronic communication
service providers under FISC oversight and supervision, even though
these communications were occurring overseas. Section 702 allows the
targeting of non-U.S. persons who are reasonably believed to be outside
the United States and expected to possess, receive, and/or communicate
foreign intelligence information, consistent with the Fourth Amendment.
Although full communications content, not just metadata, can be
collected under this authority, only non-U.S. persons may be targeted for
approved foreign intelligence purposes. To ensure that these limitations
are followed while preserving the flexibility and nimbleness needed for
effective foreign intelligence collection, annual certifications by the U.S.
Attorney General are presented to the FISC for approval, rather than specific prior judicial approval on a case-by-case basis.
The foregoing FISA provisions do not fully describe NSAs collection authority. To ensure that all collection was consistent with constitutional requirements, a broad operational charter, Executive Order 12333,
United States Intelligence Activities, was promulgated in 1981 by the
Reagan Administration; this has continued without significant change
in collection authorities until the present. This executive order provides
the basic authorities and principles under which all national security
agencies must operate.22 Importantly, at 2.8, Consistency with Other
Laws, it provides: Nothing in this Order shall be construed to authorize any activity in violation of the Constitution or statutes of the United
States. The provisions of Executive Order 12333 are further supported
by detailed operating regulations applicable to each individual agency;
in the case of NSA, Department of Defense Regulation 5240.1-R, its clas-

20 David S. Kris, On the bulk collection of tangible things, Journal of National Security Law
and Policy 7:209, 2014.
21 FISA Amendments Act of 2008, http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-110hr6304enr/
22 Executive Order 12333, http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/
executive-order/12333.html. NSAs 13 specified responsibilities are defined at Executive
Order No. 12333 1.12(b), 3 C.F.R. 200, 1981, Intelligence Components Utilized by the Secretary of Defense.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



sified annex, and USSID 18, approved by the Attorney General, provide
the specific implementation guidance for all authorized activities.
USSID 18 offers an important window into the detailed operational
authorities that govern NSA activities.23 It begins by observing that all
NSA activities must be consistent with the Constitutions provisions, as
interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court. Annex A to USSID 18 sets forth
minimization procedures approved by the Attorney General that govern
the handling of information under FISA authority that may relate to U.S.
persons. The procedures limit the retention and dissemination of information about U.S. persons, whether or not the information is pertinent.
Incidental collection of data about individuals who are not themselves
subjects of interest is common to all forms of collection, and the concept
of minimization is thus one of long standing in law enforcement activities.
1.4.2 Policy and Practical Controls
Responding to the legal framework described above, NSA has developed a system of internal compliance and oversight. All parts of the foreign intelligence collection system are involved: access, storage, analysis,
and dissemination.
Both manual and automated controls are used to implement the legal
search framework that governs foreign intelligence information. Controls
and secure databases are used next to protect the subsequent storage of foreign intelligence information. Subsequent review of all actions is extensive.
An automatically generated audit trail and internal and external human
review are involved. Extensive training for all NSA employees also occurs.
An example of how policy and practical controls work together to
protect privacy in the case of data gathered under Section 215 authority
is provided in Box 1.1.
1.4.3 Legal Authorities for Collection and Use of Information
The legal authorities under which NSA operates are described in a
public document entitled NSA Missions, Authorities, Oversight and Partnerships.24 As noted above, these authorities include Executive Order 12333
and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, as amended. Executive Order 12333 is the foundational authority on which NSA relies to
collect, retain, analyze, and disseminate foreign SIGINT information.


See USSID 18.

National Security Agency, The National Security Agency: Missions, Authorities, Oversight and Partnerships, August 9, 2013, https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/speeches_

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options


BOX 1.1
Privacy Protections for Phone Metadata
Collected Under Section 215
Privacy protections for telephone metadata collected under Section 215
uthority were described in a speech by Office of the Director of National Intela
ligence (ODNI) General Counsel Robert Litt on July 18, 2014.a,b He noted that
before reports from queries are returned to analysts, the queries themselves must
be a
pproved to ensure compliance with legal and policy rules. These rules may
stem from law (e.g., Section 215 restrictions on surveillance of U.S. persons) or
from internal controls (e.g., that an analyst must be trained on the proper use of
the returned data). All queries must meet a reasonable and articulable suspicion
test. These rules seek to ensure that there can be no domestic fishing expeditions in which queries seek information about parties unrelated to an intelligence
Litt also reported on other measures that are applied to protect privacy of
Section 215 telephone metadata:
The information is stored in secure databases.
The only intelligence purpose for which the information can be used is
Only a limited number of analysts may search these databases.
A search is allowed only when there is already a reasonable and articulable suspicion that the telephone number is associated with a terrorist organization that has been identified by the FISC.
The data may be used only to map a network of telephone numbers calling
other telephone numbers.
If an analyst finds a previously unknown (domestic) telephone number
that warrants further investigation, that number may only be disseminated in a way
that avoids identifying a person associated with the number. Further investigation
may be done only by other lawful means, including other FISA provisions and law
enforcement authority.
The telephony metadata is destroyed after 5 years.
Audit records are kept for all database queries, and a set of auditing and
compliance-checking procedures applies, implemented by not only NSA but also
ODNI and the Department of Justice.
In addition, only a limited number of NSA officials (22) are designated to make
a determination that a telephone number satisfies the reasonable and articulable
suspicion (RAS) criteria.c
a Robert S. Litt, Privacy, Technology and National Security: An Overview of Intelligence
Collection, speech, Washington, D.C., July 18, 2013, http://www.dni.gov/index.php/newsroom/
b PPD-28 added two additional restrictions: a requirement that the FISC approve the RAS
and a reduction in the number of hops that can be followed from three to two (The White
House, Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-28, Signals Intelligence Activities, Office of the
Press Secretary, January 17, 2014, http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/01/17/
c Testimony of Chris Inglis, Statement, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Hearing on How Disclosed NSA Programs Protect Americans, and Why Disclosure
Aids Our Enemies, June 18, 2013, http://icontherecord.tumblr.com/post/57812486681/

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According to the document mentioned immediately above, some of

the most important FISA authorities include the following:
Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act (corresponding to Section 501 of
the FISA Act as amended), under which NSA collects information (metadata) about telephone calls to, from, or within the United States.
Section 702, under which NSA is authorized to target non-U.S. persons who are reasonably believed to be located outside the United States
but who are using U.S. communications service providers. NSA believes
that collection under this authority is the most significant tool in the
NSA collection arsenal for the detection, identification, and disruption of
terrorist threats to the U.S. and around the world.25
Section 704, under which NSA is authorized to target a U.S. person
outside the United States for foreign intelligence purposes if there is probable cause to believe the U.S. person is a foreign power or is an officer,
employee, or agent of a foreign power. Use of this authority requires a
specific, individual court order.
Section 705(b), under which the Attorney General may approve a
collection similar to that allowed under Section 704 against a U.S. person
who is already the subject of a FISC order obtained pursuant to Section 105 or 304 of FISA.
In addition, PPD-28 limited the purposes for which SIGINT collected
in bulk can be used to six purposes, namely for detecting and countering
the following:26
(1) Espionage and other threats and activities directed by foreign powers
or their intelligence services against the United States and its interests;
(2) Threats to the United States and its interests from terrorism;
(3) Threats to the United States and its interests from the development,
possession, proliferation, or use of weapons of mass destruction;
(4) Cybersecurity threats;
(5) Threats to U.S. or allied Armed Forces or other U.S. or allied per
sonnel; and
(6) Transnational criminal threats, including illicit finance and sanctions
evasion related to the other purposes named in this section.

There have been two important changes to the Section 215 program
as a result of the current public debate. A January 2014 presidential state-


Joint Statement: NSA and Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

The White House, Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-28, Signals Intelligence Activities,

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



ment announced that the number of hops would be reduced from three
to two and that the FISC would be tasked with approving RAS selectors.27

27 See The White House, Remarks by the President on Review of Signals Intelligence,
2014, and U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, In Re Application of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation for an Order Requiring the Production of Tangible Things. Order
Granting the Governments Motion to Amend the Courts Primary Order Dated January 3,
2014, Docket No. BR 14-01, Washington, D.C., http://www.uscourts.gov/uscourts/courts/

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

Basic Concepts

Broadly speaking, the intelligence function involves the collection,

analysis, and dissemination of information to decision makers. Intelligence analysts use all available sources of such information to understand problems of interest to decision makers. These sources include
human intelligence, imagery, and a variety of other kinds of intelligence
in addition to signals intelligence (SIGINT). This report focuses on signals
In general, the intelligence process starts with decisions by policy
makers on the areas of national security interest for which intelligence
will be useful. Some of these areas cover imminent or anticipated threats,
while others pertain to strategic intelligence to develop an understanding of regions or organizations that might become threatening. Based
on the priorities stated by decision makers, intelligence officials in the
community identify specific collection methods and opportunities that
are expected to yield useful information. These methods and opportunities interact with and support each other (much as the various elements
in an ecosystem interact with each other), so that, for example, a piece of
information from one method may cue collection with another method or
may corroborate or support information derived from another.
The intelligence process seeks information about both tactical matters
(i.e., specific dangerous persons, groups, or plots, such as known terrorist
organizations or plans to bomb subways or investigations of recent bombings) and strategic matters (i.e., a broad picture of a threat, such as a
countrys plans to build nuclear weapons). Increasingly, this is not a sharp

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



distinction, because context is often important to understanding a tactical

threat, and tactical information is required to respond to strategic threats.
A characteristic of tactical investigations is often (although not always)
a highly compressed timeline. For example, in investigating a bombing,
investigators must work quickly to determine whether the bomb that just
exploded is the first in a series.
Signals intelligence is defined by the National Security Agency (NSA)
to be intelligence derived from electronic signals and systems used by
foreign targets, such as communications systems, radars, and weapons
systems.1 In the modern world, distinctions between paper records and
electronic recordings that may once have been technically meaningful are
increasingly obsolete as all forms of information storage become electronic.
In this section, the committee presents a simplified conceptual model
of the parts and functions of the SIGINT process, which is used for further discussion. In Chapter 3, use cases, examples of the use of SIGINT
data in plausible scenarios, are shown. The description below is primarily
technical in nature. Constraints on SIGINT imposed by law, regulation,
and policy are discussed in Section 1.3.
As with other forms of intelligence gathering, SIGINT is conducted
in response to requirements for intelligence from policy makers. Priorities are established by different agencies in the policy community and are
reviewed at least annually. Based on these priorities, agencies in the Intelligence Community (IC), including NSA, design and develop mechanisms
for collecting information in different locations, information that will meet
the wide variety of policy maker requirements. To the extent possible, collection mechanisms are consolidated for greater efficiency, both between
the various intelligence agencies and within NSA, as the entity charged
with SIGINT collection. Thus, a given collection mechanism may provide
information that is useful for a variety of different topics. This process
seeks to avoid the development and deployment of collection mechanisms individually for each and every target, an approach that would be
inefficient and expensive.
The committees conceptual model of the SIGINT process is depicted
in Figure 2.1. In this model, NSA extracts signals data from various
sources, filters it for items of interest, stores the items, analyzes them,
and disseminates selected information to policy makers and other units
of the IC. (Not described here, and discussed later in the report, are the

See NSA, Signals Intelligence, http://www.nsa.gov/sigint/, accessed January 16, 2015.

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FIGURE 2.1 A conceptual model of signals intelligence.

audits and other measures to establish

compliance with rules and regulaFigure 2-1
tions concerning personal privacy.) There are many signal types; among
the most important are the digital signals that carry the voice content
of telephone calls. Information pertaining to telephony is also collected
as SIGINT; this is information about the calling and called telephone
numbers and time and duration of callso-called telephony metadata.
Internet communications, such as email or commands to search engines,
may also be collected, and, once again, a distinction is drawn between
content and metadata.
Signals are derived from many sources, but the specific steps taken to
winnow large data streams to those that are manageable and potentially
productive are the same regardless of the source. Figure 2.1 shows how
one signal might be collected. The first three steps in the SIGINT model,
taken together, are what the committee informally calls collection:2

The committees definition of collection differs from that used by NSA in certain ways.
See, for example, NSA, NSAs Civil Liberties and Privacy Protections for Targeted SIGINT
Activities Under Executive Order 12333, NSA Director of Civil Liberties and Privacy Office
Report, October 7, 2014, https://www.nsa.gov/civil_liberties/_files/nsa_clpo_report_
targeted_EO12333.pdf. See also footnote 3 in this chapter.

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Extract. The first step is to obtain the signal from a source, convert it into a digital stream, and parse the stream to extract the kind of
information being sought, such as an email message or the digital audio
of a telephone call. Extraction interprets layers of communications and
Internet protocols, such as Optical Transport Network (OTN), Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), Ethernet, Internet Protocol (IP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP), or
Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP). In cases where business records
are sought, this step extracts and reformats relevant SIGINT data from a
business record format used by the business.
Filter. This step selects, from all the items extracted, items of interest that should be retained. It is sometimes controlled by a discriminant,
which the IC agency running the collection provides to describe in precise
terms the properties of an item that should be retained. For example,
a discriminant might specify all telephone calls from 301-555-1212 to
Somalia, all telephone calls from France to Yemen, or all searchengine queries containing the word sarin. If there is no discriminant,
then all extracted items are retained.
Store. Retained items are stored in a database operated by the U.S.
government. This is the point at which collection is deemed in this model
to occur for the retained data.3 By contrast, the previous steps are fleeting, with data processed in near real-time (keeping data only for short
periods of timeminutes to hoursfor technical reasons) as fast as it is
supplied, with all but the items to be retained discarded. Items collected
from separate sources are usually combined into a modest number of
large databases to facilitate searching and analysis.
In modern communication systems, traffic from many sources and
destinations is aggregated into a single channel. For example, the radio
signals to and from a base station serving all mobile phones in a cell are
all on the same radio channels, and all of the IP packets between two
routers may be carried on the same fiber. With rare exceptions, there is
no single physical access point comparable to the central office connection of a landline telephone at which to observe only the items of interest
and nothing more. Reflecting this reality, the committees definition of
collection says that SIGINT data is collected only when it is stored,
not when it is extracted. Put another way, every piece of data that passes
by a potential monitoring point must be machine-filtered as part of the

3 Not everyone agrees on a definition of the word collection, which is widely used in policy,
law, and regulation pertaining to SIGINT. This lack of collective agreement extends to entities within the IC itself. Moreover, subtle distinctions among the definitions lead to different
views on certain SIGINT properties, especially its intrusion on privacy.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



extraction process to determine whether it is potentially relevant or can

be thrown away without further examination.
The committee notes that there are at least two differing conceptions
of privacy with respect to when data are acquired. One view asserts that
a violation of privacy occurs when the electronic signal is first captured,
irrespective of what happens to the signal after that point. Another view
asserts that processing the signal only to determine if it is irrelevant does
not compromise privacy rights in any way, even if that signal is held for a
non-zero period of time. In a technological environment in which different
communications streams are mixed together on the same physical channel, picking out the sought-after communication stream requires the latter
approach. Further, note that the committee has made a technical judgment
about a useful definition of collection while remaining silent about what
does or does not constitute an appropriate definition of privacy.
The committee also uses collection as a term to describe only govern
ment retention of data. If non-government actors acquire information from
or about various parties in some legal manner but the government does
not have access to that information, the government is not engaging in
collection as a result of the actions of those parties. In contrast, if the
government gains access to that information through technical or legal
means and stores some or all of it for government use, it is reasonable to
consider this collection.
Note that intelligence agencies narrow their focus throughout the
various steps of collection as much as possible, both to comply with rules
about what is allowed and to use their limited resources efficiently. Privacy protections of different sorts are applied at various points throughout the process. These include choices about where to extract signals
and what discriminants to use, minimization procedures used to protect
information about U.S. persons, and controls on how collected information can be used.
Notwithstanding the operation of the predecessor program to Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 215, outside of the requirements
of FISA, most agree now that the IC can target U.S. persons only when
permitted explicitly with Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)
involvement using procedures designed to ensure Fourth Amendment
protections. The legal protections provided by the Fourth Amendment and
various domestic legislation, such as FISA, distinguish between foreign
and U.S. persons; in particular, the latter enjoy the protections of the
Fourth Amendment. In cases where information about U.S. persons is
collected as a part of authorized foreign intelligence collection activities,
minimization rules approved by the U.S. Attorney General require special
handling for privacy protection, consistent with foreign intelligence needs,
which typically will require removing the names of U.S. persons or other

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



TABLE 2.1 Hypothetical Call Detail Records as They Might Appear

in a Signals Intelligence Database


Call Start Time

Call Duration










+963 99 2210403















NOTE: In this hypothetical example of call detail records as they might appear in a signals
intelligence database, the call shown in the first line might be relaying a message through
an intermediary at +1-703-555-0198. The call on the third line is to an international number,
which might belong to a foreign national or a U.S. person. The call in the fourth line was
probably ordering a pizza, since a directory of telephone numbers reveals that the called
number is a pizza shop.

identifying information prior to dissemination. Of course, the names of

U.S. persons can be included when necessary to understand the foreign
intelligence information.4
Stated policy calls for strict rules for the dissemination of identities of
U.S. persons in intelligence reports.
Intelligence collection results in large databases holding records that
are expected to have intelligence value. (Table 2.1 provides a hypothetical
example of records in such a database.) In counterterrorism investigations, an analyst generally starts with a seed, an identifier of a communications endpoint that has been obtained in the course of intelligence
gathering and is deemed relevant to a possible threat. The analyst uses
the seed identifier to formulate one or more queries of the databases to
seek more information, for example, identifiers for other parties communicating with the seed. The analyst may also query for communications
content, if it exists or can be obtained. Thus, analysts can build a pattern
of a seeds connections to other parties and/or to other data that provide
a richer and fuller picture of that partys role within a larger enterprise,
such as a terrorist organization. Other databases may be consulted as

The committees understanding, based on the briefings it received, is that most data incidentally collected about U.S. persons are never examined, because U.S. person data is not
returned in response to analyst queries for foreign intelligence information.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



well. In this way, analysts can build a network that depicts how parties of
interest relate to one another and characterize the activities of each of the
parties in a network or more formally structured enterprise.
Analysts use a variety of software tools as they work with SIGINT
data. They may use tools to formulate queries or display the results (e.g.,
see Figure 3.1). They may set up standing queries (which need special
approval) that run each day to report new events associated with their
active targets. Using results of queries of the data, they build a record of
data and evidence for investigations in a working store, a set of digital
files separate from the SIGINT databases.
The last step in the SIGINT process is dissemination. SIGINT analysts
will routinely disseminate the results of their work to others, both inside
and outside the IC. For example, NSA analysts working on a specific
terrorism investigation might disseminate their findings to other analysts
and collectors who are working on related issues or directly to policy
makers who may choose to take action based on the SIGINT.
Like the initial collection, SIGINT dissemination is governed by various laws and regulations designed to protect the sources and methods
involved in the collection as well as the privacy and civil liberties of the
subjects of the collection, especially if the intelligence involves U.S. persons.5 Specifically to the latter, and pursuant to U.S. Signals Intelligence
Direcive (USSID) 18,6 such reports will normally cloak the identity of U.S.
persons until a reader of the report specifically asks for the identity to be
disclosed and provides a valid reason for the release, such as initiating
a further investigation. This process is designed to ensure that both the
requesting agency and NSA, as the disseminator of the information, can
verify that disclosing this sensitive information is appropriate and necessary to understand the foreign intelligence value of the report.
Presidential Policy Directive 28 (PPD-28) asks whether it is feasible
to create software that could replace bulk collection with targeted

Section 4 of PPD-28 indicates that the IC should endeavor to give the same protections
to foreign persons as to U.S. persons with regard to the retention and dissemination of
identifying information.
6 National Security Agency, United States Signals Intelligence Directive USSID SP0018,
(U) Legal Compliance and U.S. Persons Minimization Procedures, Issue Date January 25,
2011, approved for release on November 13, 2013, referred to as USSID 18, http://www.dni.
gov/files/documents/1118/CLEANEDFinal USSID SP0018.pdf.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



collection.7 This section attempts to explain this distinction, which, unfortunately, is quite unclear. This question will be answered in Chapter 4.
Bulk collection results in a database in which a significant portion of
the data pertains to identifiers not relevant to current targets. Such items
usually refer to parties that have not been, are not now, and will not become
subjects of interest. Moreover, they are not closely linked to anyone of that
sort: knowing to whom these parties talk will not help locate threats or
develop more information about threats. Bulk collection occurs because
it is usually impossible to determine at the time of filtering and collection
that a party will have no intelligence value. Although the amount of information retained from bulk collection is often large, and often larger than
the amount of information retained from targeted collection, it is not their
size that makes them bulk. Rather, it is the (larger) proportion of extra
data beyond currently known targets that defines them.
Targeted collection tries to reduce, insofar as possible, items about
parties with no past, present, or future intelligence value. This is achieved
by using discriminants that narrowly select relevant items to store. For
example, if the email address hardcase45@example.com was obtained from
a terrorists smartphone when he was arrested, using a discriminant to
instruct the filter to save only email to or from hardcase45@example.com
would result in a targeted collection. Some or many of the people communicating with this person might turn out to have no intelligence value, but
the collection is far more selective than, say, collecting all email to or from
anyone with an email address served by aol.com. A discriminant could be a
top-level Internet domain, a country code (e.g., .cn for China, .fr for France),
a date on which communication occurred, a device type, and so on. A discriminant could even refer to the content in a communication, such as all
email with the word nuclear in it. Note that if a discriminant is broadly
crafted, the filter may retain such a large proportion of data on people of no
intelligence value that the collection cannot be called targeted.
PPD-28 seeks ways to reduce or avoid bulk collection in order to
increase privacy and civil liberty protections for those not relevant to the
intelligence collection purposes. Note that there is no precise threshold in
collecting data on such harmless persons that will distinguish between
bulk and targeted; its a matter of degree. Also note that the bulk/targeted
distinction applies broadly to different data types: telephony content,
metadata, business records, Internet searches, and so on.
The fundamental trade-off, which can be seen in the Chapter 3 use
cases and is explored further in Chapter 4, is between more intrusive

The White House, Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-28, Signals Intelligence Activities,

Office of the Press Secretary, January 17, 2014, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



information collection that may yield extremely valuable information

about threats unknown at the time of collection and less intrusive information collection that may miss information about dangerous threats.
Bulk and targeted collection can apply to many different kinds of
communication modalitiestelephone, email, instant message, and so
on. Various web-based applications, such as electronic banking or online
shopping that allow users to exchange information electronically, are
among these modalities, even if they are not usually thought of as means
for communication, per se. Obtaining phone metadata under Section 215
authority also counts as bulk collection.
The laws, regulations, court rulings, and other writings about SIGINT
use a number of terms to describe intelligence gathering and analysis.
These terms are not always used precisely or consistently. Intelligence and
law enforcement cultures use different words for the same concept or the
same word for slightly different concepts. It is easy, when describing and
debating intelligence processes, to stumble over problems of definition
rather than of substance. Indeed, for several years in some instances, NSA
analysts were accessing the database of domestic telephone metadata
without proper reasonable and articulable suspicion (RAS) authority; this
was due to differing NSA and FISC definitions of the word archive.8
Several presenters to the committee acknowledged these problems and
indicated that the IC is continuing to work on them. The term target is also
used loosely and in different forms throughout the community.
The preceding section addresses the definitions of bulk and targeted
collection; this section provides working definitions adopted by the committee for several other key terms. For the purposes of this report, the
committee has formulated the following lexicon (see Figure 2.2):
Identifier: A text or bit string that denotes a communication end
Unknown: An identifier that may or may not have intelligence value.
Ruled out: An identifier that has been determined to have no intelligence value at the present time.

John DeLong testimony to committee; see also Memorandum of the United States in Response to the Courts Order Dated January [sic] 28, 2009 at 11, In re Production of Tangible
Things From [REDACTED], No. BR 08-13 (FISA Ct. February 17, 2009), http://www.dni.

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Ruled out

(known not of interest)

Subjects of interest


Universe of identifiers
FIGURE 2.2 Classification of identifiers used in signals intelligence analysis.

Subject of interest: An identifier that may have intelligence value

and is likely to be part of an intelligence investigation.
Target: A subject of interest that may be a security threat.
2-2used as the starting point for an
Seed: A subject of interest
that is
intelligence investigation.
RAS target: A target for which there is a reasonable and articulable
suspicion that the person is associated with a foreign terrorist organization.9
For the purposes of this report only, and realizing that they may have
different and possibly broader meanings in the IC, the committee uses
the working definitions presented in Box 2.1, drawn from statutes and
its understanding of IC practices in the context of SIGINT and technology. (For definitions used by the U.S. SIGINT System, see USSID SP0018,
Section 9.10)

RAS is a term of art used in the context of Section 215 collection. See David Kris, On
the bulk collection of tangible things, Journal of National Security Law and Policy 7:209, 2014.
10 National Security Agency, USSID 18, approved for release in 2013.

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BOX 2.1
Working Definitions in Signals Intelligence and Technology

A text or bit string that denotes a communication endpoint, such

as a telephone number, mobile phone subscriber number,
Internet Protocol (IP) address, or email address.

subject of

An identifier of a party (person, group) that may have intelligence

value and is likely to be part of an intelligence investigation.

(n, adj)

A subject of interest in an intelligence investigation.

This term is used liberally by the Intelligence Community (IC) to
denote an identifier or person that is the subject of interest or
A target need not be the principal subject of interest. For
example, an associate of a known threat might be a target.
Note that a target can be a computer identified by its IP address.
Target identifiers may be used in selectors or discriminants to
obtain, from a large collection of data, data pertaining only to
the target.

seed (target)

An initial target used to start an intelligence investigation.

RAS target

A target for which there is a reasonable, articulable suspicion

(RAS) that it is associated with a foreign terrorist organization.
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Section 215 requires a
RAS target designation to permit certain queries.
In 2012, fewer than 300 identifiers met the RAS standards and
were used as seeds in the Section 215 collection.1


Detailed instructions for searching a database of collected data.

Note: this is consistent with computer technology usage, and is
akin to an SQL query.
A query may have several terms or selectors:
Example: calls made from identifier x000325 after July 2, 2013
Example: Internet search requests using the term sarin or
emails containing poison gas


Same meaning as query, but used in conjunction with filtering

applied as part of collection. Discriminants must be simple
enough to be applied in real time as signals intelligence
(SIGINT) data is extracted and filtered.
This word appears explicitly in Presidential Policy Directive 28
(PPD-28) as part of the definition of targeted collection.
Example: all the email addresses used in communications to or
from Yemen


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(usually) A query term that cites a specific identifier.

(sometimes) Any query term.
Example: calls made from identifier x000325
Example: calls made from identifier x000235 or identifier y4576


Storing SIGINT data on government-controlled information

technology (IT) systems so as to enable authorized access by
IC analysts and the software tools they use.
Storing on a government-controlled IT system the results of a
query of an external database constitutes collection in the
sense of the committees definition.
Under the proposal to have communications carriers retain call
detail records and allow authorized access to those records
by IC analysts, the records at the carrier are not collected
in the sense of the committees definition, but if the records
transmitted to the government in answer to a query are
stored, they are considered collected.


Collection in which a significant portion of the retained data

pertains to identifiers that are not targets at the time of
Note: Although the term bulk suggests that the set of collected
data is large, and bulk data can indeed be large, size alone is
not the controlling factor in defining bulk collection.


Collection that stores only the SIGINT data that remains after a
filter discriminant removes most non-target data.


Procedures, approved by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

Court (FISC), that must be reasonably designed in light of
the purpose and technique of the particular surveillance,
to minimize the acquisition and retention, and prohibit the
dissemination, of nonpublicly available information concerning
unconsenting U.S. persons consistent with the need of the
United States to obtain, produce, and disseminate foreign
intelligence information.
See, e.g., 50 U.S.C. 1801(h)(1) and 1821(4)(A); USSID-18.2




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BOX 2.1 Continued


Loosely, data about data, distinct from the data itself

Sometimes called non-content data.3
There is no standard definition that enumerates metadata
elements associated with a telephone call or an email
transmission; instead, statutes and court orders that authorize
collection of metadata list explicitly the elements that can
be collected. However, metadata does not include content
of any telephone call, or the names, addresses, or financial
information of any party to a call.4
In telephony, generally includes calling and called numbers,
duration of call, time of the call, and perhaps more
In email, generally includes from and to email addresses, time
of sending, IP addresses of email services, and the like. The
subject and re fields of email headers are considered
content, not metadata.5

call detail

Business records kept by telephone service providers (usually for

billing purposes) detailing for each call information such as
the calling and called numbers, the time and duration of the
call, and possibly additional information.
Sometimes called telephony metadata.


Tangible things, including books, records, papers, documents

and other items.
Further, the FISC has ruled that the electronic form of these
records counts as a tangible thing whose production can be
compelled under Section 215.
See USA Patriot Act,6 also Administration White Paper: Bulk
Collection of Telephony Metadata under Section 215 of the
USA Patriot Act.7

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U.S. person

Foreign intelligence means information related to the

capabilities, intentions, or activities of foreign governments or
elements thereof, foreign organizations, foreign persons, or
international terrorists. (PPD-28 and Executive Order 12333).
For details see Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.8
Foreign intelligence collection priorities are set annually at the
policy level.
A citizen of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted for
permanent residence, an association [of citizens and
permanents residents] or a corporation which is incorporated
in the United States
For details see Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.9

1 Administration White Paper: Bulk Collection of Telephony Metadata Under Section 215
of the USA Patriot Act, August 9, 2013, p. 4. Found various places online, including http://big.
2 National Security Agency, United States Signals Intelligence Directive USSID SP0018,
(U) Legal Compliance and U.S. Persons Minimization Procedures, Issue Date January 25,
2011, approved for release on November 13, 2013, referred to as USSID 18, http://www.dni.
gov/files/documents/1118/CLEANEDFinal USSID SP0018.pdf.
3 See U.S. Department of Justice, Justice News, Acting Assistant Attorney General E
Tyrangiel Testifies Before the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism,
Homeland Security, and Investigations, March 19, 2013, http://www.justice.gov/iso/opa/doj/
4 Administration White Paper, 2014.
5 FISC ruling, U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, In Re Motion of Propublica,
Inc. for the Release of Court Records, Docket No.: Misc. 13-09, The United States Opposition
to the Motion of Propublica, Inc. for the Release of Court Records, http://www.dni.gov/files/
documents/1118/CLEANEDPRTT%201.pdf, p. 11.
6 USA Patriot Act 2001, http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ56/pdf/PLAW-107publ56.
pdf, p. 17.
7 Administration White Paper, 2014.
8 Ibid., p. 2, item (e).
9 Ibid., p. 4, item (i).

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Use Cases and Use Case Categories

To understand the uses of signals intelligence (SIGINT) data, several

use cases are presented below. These are hypothetical scenarios that
describe episodes in which analysts query SIGINT metadata as part of an
investigation of a threat to national security, such as counterterrorism, or
to stem the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.1 (Some public
sources of information on actual cases are listed in Box 3.1.) The committee asked National Security Agency (NSA) briefers for unclassified use
cases illustrating the use of metadata, under any authority, whether collected in bulk or targeted, whether foreign or domestic. The committee
focused on how metadata are used, not on the authorities or restrictions
under which it is collected. Three categories of use cases are presented
below, which, the committee was told, account for the majority of metadata use: contact chaining, finding alternate identifiers, and triage.2 This
set is not, however, exhaustive.
The examples contain more detail than is strictly necessary to illustrate the use case categories. The detail is presented to show that an
investigation may

1 For scenarios of four counterterrorism investigations studied by the Privacy and Civil
Liberties Oversight Board, see Report on the Telephone Records Program Conducted under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and on the Operations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Court, January 23, 2014, http://www.pclob.gov/library/215-Report_on_the_Telephone_
Records_Program.pdf, p. 144 ff.
2 National Security Agency, presentation to the committee on August 28, 2014.


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BOX 3.1
Some Specific Cases of Signals Intelligence in Use
Very little has been made public about actual cases where U.S. signals intelligence has contributed to counterterrorism. A principal reason is that the Intelligence Community (IC) carefully protects information about sources and methods
from adversaries. Nevertheless, information on some cases can be found in public
speeches and testimony to Congress by IC leaders and in two reports prepared
by the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.
The accounts of these cases are incomplete and possibly inconsistent. The
selection of the cases that were made public, the details of the accounts, and their
significance have all been controversial.
Pointers to some of this public information are provided below, not because
the committee endorses the views of its authors, but simply to supplement the abstract use case categories presented in this chapter with some concrete examples:
Testimony by Gen. Keith Alexander and others before the House Select Committee on Intelligence, June 18, 2013, http://icontherecord.tumblr.com/
Four cases using Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 215
Basaaly Moalin, financial support of Al Shabab.
Najibullah Zazi, plotted to bomb the New York Subway system.
David Coleman Headley, helped plan the 2008 Mumbai attack.
Khalid Ouazzani, suspected of plotting to bomb the New York Stock
Described in Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, Report on the
Telephone Records Program Conducted under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act
and on the Operations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, http://www.
pclob.gov/library/215-Report_on_the_Telephone_Records_Program.pdf, p. 144 ff.
Some uses of FISA Section 702 authority are described in Privacy and
Civil Liberties Oversight Board, Report on the Surveillance Program Operated
Pursuant to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, http://www.
pclob.gov/library/702-Report.pdf, p. 104 ff.

Depend on different kinds of data,

Use different analysis techniques or use common techniques in
different ways,
Use both bulk and targeted SIGINT collection, and
Expect to reveal U.S. persons, whose constitutional rights must be
Note that the SIGINT data used in these examples are metadata collected from telephone and email communications. The only metadata

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elements used are the to and from identifiers in the form of telephone
numbers or email addresses, or the Internet Protocol (IP) address of a
computer used for communication. Collection methods are not described,
and it is assumed that the data are collected in such a way that they contain the entries that are required to satisfy the scenario. The Intelligence
Community (IC) may collect additional kinds of SIGINT metadata.
Communications metadata, domestic and foreign, are used to develop
contact chains by starting with a target and using metadata records to
indicate who has communicated directly with the target (one hop), who
has in turn communicated with those people (two hops), and so on.
Studying contact chains can help identify members of a network of people
who may be working together; if one is known or suspected to be a terrorist, it becomes important to inspect others with whom that individual is in
contact who may be members of a terrorist network. Similarly, studying
contact chains can help analysts to understand the structure of an organization under investigation.
3.1.1 Use Case 1
In Use Case 1, the U.S. government has identified a Somali pirate
network that includes target A. An analyst queries and displays all the
call contacts to or from As telephone number in the last 18 days. Some
contacts are identified as already known targets; others are undetermined.
The analyst invokes a similar query and display for target B, who has communicated frequently with A, and notes that there are three people, not
yet determined to be targets, who have been in contact with both A and B.
The analyst can see this relationship immediately, because the contact sets
of A and B are displayed as a network, with contacts as nodes, linked by
lines to indicate calls. The analyst invokes the query-and-display function
again on one of these three, C, and discovers this person is in contact not
only with targets A and B but also with other known pirates. Perhaps C is
a missing link between the networks in which A and B are operating. 3
Many contacts uncovered this way are ruled out as having no intelligence value. Calls to a car mechanic, an IT help desk, or an automated
3 Inside the NSA,60 Minutes, CBS News, video segment, December 15, 2013, 3:404:45, http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/inside-the-nsa/. The transcript for the 60 Minutes
segment is at CBS News, NSA Speaks out on Snowden, Spying, December 15, 2013,
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/nsa-speaks-out-on-snowden-spying/. Note that the video
that plays on the page with the transcript is not guaranteed to be the correct segment of
60 Minutes; the URL for the correct video segment is given above.

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weather report are likely to be ruled out, although perhaps some may
later be found to have intelligence value. Further, laws or regulations
restrict what an analyst is allowed to do. For instance, there are special
rules applied to subjects of interest who are or might be U.S. persons
and various (and differing) sets of rules depending on which authority
allowed the collection of the underlying information (see Section 1.4).
3.1.2 How Metadata Are Used in Contact Chaining
Either bulk or targeted collection can lead to the result in Figure 3.1.
Since A and B are targets, targeted collection using a discriminant that
specifies collect all calls to or from A or B would collect all the contacts
and subjects shown in the figure. However, if all calls between A or B
and C occurred before either A or B was identified as a target, later collection targeted on A or B will not find C by way of A or B, but might
find C because of communication with some other target. Bulk collection
provides useful history, because it does not limit collection to only the
targets known at the time of collection.



identifier of interest


FIGURE 3.1 A network of contacts among identifiers.

Figure 3-1
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Targets may use several communication channels, each characterized
by a specific identifierin the example above, a telephone number, email
address, or IP address. Targets may use different channels as a matter of
convenience or as a form of operational security to try to evade detection
by spreading their communications over several channels, by initiating
new channels, or by stopping use of some channels. In some cases, identifiers may be assigned by the technology, such as an Internet service
provider (ISP) that assigns a temporary IP address to a laptop.
An analyst can continue tracking a target by knowing the set of identifiers the target uses and tracking changes to the set over time, for example,
when the target switches to a different email address. Activity detected
using these identifiers is an important part of intelligence about the target.
For example, a frequently used identifier that goes silent or that is found
to have moved (e.g., by being detected at a different site) may indicate
target activities of interest.
To succeed, alternate identifiers must be found quickly, with a speed
and rate that meets or exceeds that with which the target acts. If targets are
changing phone or email identifiers every day, the surveillance required to
track the changes must be undertaken at a similar rate.
3.2.1 Use Case 2
In Use Case 2, an international cyber-criminal is thwarted when U.S.
government access to his email communication allows anticipation and
mitigation of a cyber attack. In response, the criminal transfers his communications to an alternate identifierusing a smaller ISP within the
United States that is known for outspoken resistance to government surveillance. The U.S. government, via a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Court (FISC) order, obtains bulk email metadata from the ISP, also imposing a gag order on the ISP and preventing deliberate or inadvertent disclosure of surveillance to the cyber-criminal. The intent of this action is
to uncover the criminals alternate identifier for the purpose of collecting
additional intelligence.
The alternate identifier technique is applied to the email metadata
obtained from the ISP, in order to find a new identifier that communicates
with the same identifiers as the old email address, leading to the dis
covery of an alternate identifier used by the cyber-criminal.
In the following use case, alternate identifiers are used in a more
complex scenario that combines communications surveillance with other
intelligence methods.

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3.2.2 Use Case 3

In Use Case 3, country X is a U.S. adversary that produces chemical
and biological warfare weapons. The U.S. policy community wants continued monitoring of the program and to know if the country is supplying
terrorists with weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The IC knows the
following about the program:
It is run under the cover of a medical research institute at the major
university in the country. The institute also conducts legitimate medical
and pharmacological research. There are also a variety of known and
suspected laboratories associated with the program spread throughout
the country.
The institutes doctors, scientists, and researchers were trained
in Europe, Russia, and the United States. The institute seeks medical
research equipment from legitimate suppliers around the world.
Plague, anthrax, and malaria are endemic to the country. The institute regularly works with the United Nations and international aid organizations to mitigate the threat posed by these and other diseases.
Some working with the institute have provided medical aid to
the Sons of the Western Sun, a U.S.-designated terrorist group attempting
to overthrow the government in a neighboring country.
The IC goals are to
Identify equipment and materials that the institute or its associated laboratories are attempting to purchase and who the suppliers are
or could reasonably be.
Locate and identify all the laboratories and facilities in the country
associated with the institute.
Determine research topics being pursued by members of the
Track communication between Sons of the Western Sun and members of the institute.
Determine the view on WMD of the countrys leadership and the
directions provided to them by the institute.
To obtain information relevant to these goals, the IC may collect
against the institute, the country, and the terrorist organization. The collection options are constrained by the following:
Only persons considered loyal are allowed to travel overseas. They
are also very wary of communications intelligence activities.

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Few foreigners travel to the country. The U.S. Embassy is heavily

watched, and the staff is small.
The institute regularly buys material and equipment online and
often will contact suppliers with unsolicited emails asking for information
on a wide range of products and services.
Almost all telephonic communications is by cell phone. Twitter is
a national pastime.
The Sons of the Western Sun are believed to obtain substantial
financial, logistical, and personnel support from elements in Europe and
the United States, many of whom are unknown.
Use Case 3 illustrates a complex scenario in which several different
ways of gathering intelligence may be involved. Most likely, the entire
institute would be the focus of communications data collection. According to the committees definition, this might be considered bulk collection,
because it would collect a significant amount of data about communications of legitimate researchers who have no role in WMD efforts. However, focusing collection on the institute is less intrusive than collecting on
the whole country. The alternate identifier method may be applied to the
identifiers of everyone in the institute in order to track all ongoing communications. Correlations with known members of Sons of the Western
Sun may help distinguish targets from innocents.
3.2.3 Use Case 4
In Use Case 4, following the events of Use Case 3, country X eliminated its WMD programs. The United States aided with the destruction
of the weapons, but despite public declarations, the IC remains convinced
that a number of facilities were never identified by the country. The new
government has been rumored in press articles to want to re-establish the
WMD program. U.S. policy makers are concerned about a new arms race
in the region and want to know the status and intention of the country
toward its WMD program. The IC knows the following:
Because of the thaw in U.S.-X relations, the scientists who worked
on the old WMD program have been traveling widely in the United States
and Asia.
Large numbers of citizens of X currently travel freely between X
and the United States, and a number of U.S. tourists travel yearly to X to
bathe in the renowned hot springs.
Several key proliferators associated with the old WMD program
have winter villas in X. They were known to buy goods from both U.S.
and Asian suppliers for the program.

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The government of X and most of its leading citizens have bank

accounts in the United States, among other places.
Analysts have to determine the current status of the WMD program
and leadership intentions toward the program. Unfortunately, after X
agreed to dismantle its WMD program, most collection efforts on the
program were ended or drastically reduced. Thus, the IC goals are to
Determine if old proliferators started shopping for WMD-related
materials and equipment.
Identify the actual intention of the government of X or other senior
policy makers toward the WMD program, despite public pronouncements.
Identify current activities at all previously known WMD sites and
possible new facilities, and identify the use of new agents to purchase
WMD-related materials and equipment.
If a WMD program is identified, determine the what, where, who,
and how.
This example draws on many intelligence sources of which SIGINT
is only one. Part of the approach will be to collect bulk communications
data focused on areas where IC analysts expect the scientists to be communicating. They may use some of the same identifiers they used before
the WMD program shutdown. Doubtless, new identifiers will come to
light, some identifying U.S. persons and, therefore, requiring minimization procedures.
Intelligence reports from the period before the shutdown may contain
references to identifiers or other evidence that will help target or focus
collection or seek contemporaneous alternate identifiers. It is possible
that during the shutdown a reduced collection effort was sustained in
order to monitor the termination of WMD activity; parts of that data that
have not exceeded the ICs retention limits may be used in the alternate
identifier search.
3.2.4 How Metadata Are Used in Finding Alternate Identifiers
Finding alternate identifiers depends on collecting timely communications metadata in bulk. The collection must be in bulk in order for
the metadata to include the new identifiers, which are not known at the
time of collection to be associated with a target because they are two hops
from the old identifier. Collection that is focused around the target (i.e.,
communications channels and modes that the target is known to use)
is used, in part, to limit intrusion on innocents. Focus is also driven by

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concerns of cost and computer processing time to run the correlation

Note that the two-hop restriction announced by the President in January 2014 on queries of domestic telephone metadata still allows alternative identifiers to be found for known domestic reasonable and articulable
suspicion (RAS) targets.5 Starting from a target, a query will find all the
targets one-hop contacts, then find all two-hop contacts; among these,
there may be an identifier that communicates with many of the targets
one-hop contacts. This identifier may be an alternate identifier for the
Reverse targeting is another approach to find a targets alternate identifiers by working backwards from persons known to be in contact with the
target. In this approach, each identifier that communicates with the target
is used as a query against bulk metadata or as a selector in future targeted collection, which will reveal any new identifier that communicates
with the targets previous communication partners. Because this method
explicitly collects against persons known not to be persons of interest,
apart from the fact that they communicate with the target, the use of this
method raises extra privacy concerns. Current policy and statutes forbid
the use of this method under certain authorities.6
Investigations or events may uncover lists of identifiers that need
triagethat is, categorizing identifiers according to the danger that their
owners might pose to national security. Queries about each identifier are
made to the ICs databases to determine whether the identifier can be
matched against a currently known target, is related to a target, or exhibits
other properties of a dangerous person. Most often, the list presented for
triage cites only identifiers and not names of persons.
Queries for triage are matched against historical metadata (both bulk
and targeted) to find evidence of connections between the identifier and
events or people that were or are of interest. The identifier may have
once been a target, but the information about the target has since been
discarded. Or the identifier may have been retained because it arose in the
4 Note that these algorithms will examine metadata associated with many innocents. The
set of identifiers examined will certainly include all those associated with reverse targeting,
explained below.
5 The White House, Remarks by the President on Review of Signals Intelligence, Office of the
Press Secretary, January 17, 2014, http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/01/17/
6 See U.S. Code Title 50, Chapter 36, Subchapter VI, 1881a, Procedures for targeting
certain persons outside the United States other than United States persons.

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course of an investigation. In any case, the alternate identifier technique is

used to find new identifiers related to the one offered for triage that might
be used by the same person.
3.3.1 Use Case 4Extension of the Scenario
In Use Case 4, when the IC resumes investigation of country X,
the many identifiers obtained during the original investigation must be
triaged for use in the new context.
3.3.2 Use Case 5The Immediate Response After a Terrorist Incident 7
In Use Case 5, a bombing suspect is identified, along with an associated email address. The triage process, which includes finding alternate
identifiers used by the suspect, is used to quickly find possible associates
of the suspect and other information about these identifiers held in IC
3.3.3 How Metadata Are Used in Triage
Triage benefits from all retained metadata, bulk or targeted, because
it seeks information about an identifier that may not have previously
been the subject of explicit IC attention. A timely response in Use Case 5
requires historical information; initiating targeted collection using the relevant email addresses obtained only after a suspect was identified would
mean that only future information would be available, probably trickling
in too slowly to be useful. Other communications channels used by the
suspect in the past, such as a cell phone, might never be found using present and future SIGINT data alone.
If an identifier presented for triage has never been associated with a
target, then past bulk data is probably more likely to find direct associates, and contact chaining or alternate identifier techniques may lead to
additional associates. But the identifier may also be found in metadata
targeted to a particular terrorist organization, even though the identifier
was not previously known to be associated with the organization.
The use case categories described abovecontact chaining, alternate
identifiers, and triageillustrate the growing importance in intelligence
work of discovering and defining networks. Indeed, doing so may be as
7 National

Security Agency, presentation to the committee on August 28, 2014.

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important as examining content to know what members of the network

are saying. It is a task where bulk collection is especially important.
The use case categories above do not exhaust the use cases for SIGINT
data, or even for telephony metadata. Many uses are ad hoc and do not
fit into neat categories. For example, to find whether any of a number of
targets associated with a terrorist group have communicated with any of
a number of explosives suppliers, a query listing the targets and the suppliers can be constructed and applied against stored metadata. This is an
iterative use of a simple query to determine whether one group contacted
The committee had hoped that analyzing use cases might suggest
alternatives to bulk collection. But this path is limited, for two reasons:
(1) the three categories do not cover all uses of SIGINT data and (2) the
use cases show that both bulk and targeted collection are used. If the use
case is focused in some way, targeted collection may provide enough
data, especially if the focus has been under targeted surveillance for some
time. For investigations that have little or no prior targeting history, bulk
collection may be the only source of useful information. Thus it appears
that it is the context of the investigation, rather than the technique for using
collected metadata, that most influences the value of bulk collection.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

Bulk Collection

This chapter builds on the use cases presented in Chapter 3 to describe

in more general terms some ways in which bulk collection is used by the
Intelligence Community (IC) and some of the challenges associated with
alternatives that use targeted collection.
4.1.1 Information about the Past
If past events become interesting in the present for understanding
new events, such as the discovery of a nuclear weapons test by a previously non-nuclear nation, historical facts and the context they provide will be available for analysis only if they were previously collected.
Sometimes review of a targeted collection (e.g., against leaders of the
non-nuclear nation) may reveal information for a new purpose that was
not in mind when the information had been collected (e.g., the intent of
the nations leaders regarding nuclear weaponry). But sometimes useful
information, such as the nexus of suppliers for the weapons technology,
will be present only if previously there had been bulk collection. If it is
possible to do targeted collection of similar events in the future, and they
happen soon enough, then the past events might not be needed. If the past
events are unique or if delay in obtaining results is unacceptable (perhaps
because of press coverage or public demand), then the intelligence will
not be as complete.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



4.1.2 Tactical Intelligence

Chapter 3 presented several use cases illustrating the use of bulk
collection for tactical intelligence. Tactical intelligence requires prompt
attention to newly discovered targets and imminent threats. Collecting
and saving information in bulk, without a specific set of targets, is the
only way to have past information about a party on hand when that
party becomes one of interest. Sometimes that information will be available because of a targeted collection in which certain uses were not yet
realized. But sometimes information becomes interesting only because of
new events or information, in which case previous bulk collection may
be the only possible source. Targeted collection provides data only on
present and future actions of parties of interest at the time of collection,
but not on their past activities. For example, bulk collection may allow
the identification of hostile actors and their associates because they made
mistakes as their activities began, perhaps because of ineffective tradecraft
or other casual interactions.
Understanding the significance of past activities and their actors is a
feature of all investigations, foreign and domestic. In contrast to domestic
law enforcement, however, the world of intelligence analysis has many
fewer tools available for investigation. In hostile foreign environments,
personal interviews and observations and records review are much more
limited. Accordingly, the role of bulk data as a way to understand the
significance of past events is important, and the loss of this tool becomes
more serious. Of course, bulk collection can also be useful in a domestic
Some kinds of targeted collection are focused on topics rather than
people, and some targeting based on topics will be more specific than
others. For example, a discriminant that collects all queries to Internet
search engines that ask about sarin or poison gas will collect information about many people of no intelligence interest because only a handful
of those making such searches will be of actual interest. However, other
discriminants citing specific military code names might yield information
about fewer people who are of no intelligence interest.
4.1.3 Strategic Intelligence
In strategic intelligence, information is gathered to build understanding about a topic (e.g., climate change, migration patterns), an entity
or area (e.g., region, nation, subnational group), or set of activities and
sometimes takes the form of statistics or trends. Some examples include
the following:

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Collecting against national, military, or organizational decision

Monitoring many types of communication among the officers in
an army to help understand its morale, quality of training, or location. If
the collection is only against the communications of army personnel, this
might be considered a targeted collection.
Bulk collection of communications can reveal health care, electric
power, or agricultural data that is not reported accurately, or at all, by a
Sampling everyday communications in a region can provide insight
into local sentiment about political trends that might lead to, for example,
a government overthrow. For example, social networking communications
during the Arab Spring reported unfolding events in real time.
Some of the data collected for strategic intelligence is analyzed using
statistical techniques: rather than looking for specific persons or groups,
the goal is to monitor trends or patterns in communications that might
lead to intelligence insights. This is one application of analytical techniques that are known today as big data analytics.
4.1.4 Reference Data
Bulk collection is used to acquire reference data that supports other
signals intelligence (SIGINT) collection or analysis. For example, analyzing communications data is greatly enhanced if analysts have telephone
directories for organizations of intelligence interestthat is, a list of
whos who in the organization and their communications identifiers.
Another role for bulk collection is to guide targeted collection; the IC
refers to this role as SIGINT development. For example, the decision
about where to gather information can depend on knowing the targets
likely modes of communication. Because the target will not assist the
collector in this decision, the collector will have to discover the likely
modes of communicationperhaps by collecting information from all the
modes of communication that the target might useto understand their
significance for national security priorities. Similarly, the National Security Agency (NSA) may have the resources to thoroughly monitor only
one of several communication channels, and learning that some of them
carry mostly communications of U.S. persons would make those channels less likely to be selected because they are not apt to be good sources
of foreign intelligence. In addition to making NSAs work more efficient,
such decisions may reduce collection of information about people who
are not of interest.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



4.1.5 Increasing the Likelihood That Needed Information Is Available

Does bulk collection overwhelm analysts with too much data, as is
sometimes argued? The needle in the haystack metaphor is relevant
here. If the needle is not found in the smaller haystack, there are two
approachesnot mutually exclusivethat may result in success. One
approach is to add more hay (because that additional material may contain the needle of interest). A second approach is to do a smarter search
(because a smarter search may turn up a needle that was in the haystack
all along), such as using techniques described by Cortes et al. 1
Of course, if the needle is not in the smaller haystack, no amount of
smarter searching will help. The use case category of alternate identifiers
illuminates this problem. An analyst has determined that a new target is
of interest, where new means that this target has not previously been
explicitly targeted for collection. With luck, previously targeted collection may provide information on alternate identifiers that the new target
has used.
Adding bulk data may help, because, by definition, bulk collection
may contain alternate identifiers. But there is still no guarantee, because
the bulk data might have been collected in the wrong location or through
the wrong communications channel, etc. The alternate identifiers might
still be missed, even though they exist.
Is a smarter search more or less likely than the use of bulk data to
result in identification of the needle? Without details of the specific use
case in question, this question cannot be answered in the abstract. In practice, analysts do not know if the haystack contains the needle without analyzing all the dataso they cannot know when to stop adding more hay.
Thus, collecting more data is necessary but it is not necessarily sufficient. It is true that more data may burden the analyst, while increasing
the risk of intruding on parties that are not of interest, and may still fail to
provide the data of interest, even when such data exists. Still, if the necessary data is not already available, collecting more is the only possible
way to find the needle. This trade-off between too much data and finding
the necessary information is inevitable. Although it can sometimes be
reduced, it cannot be eliminated.
Below are some alternatives to present-day bulk collection practices
that might mitigate some of the privacy and civil liberties concerns that

1 C. Cortes, D. Pregibon, and C. Volinsky, Computational methods for dynamic graphs,

Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 12(3):950-970, 2003.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



such practices raise. Each also involves a variety of performance trade-offs

when compared to bulk collection as currently handled.
Federating business record databases by allowing them to be held by
telecommunications carriers and allowing authorized queries by the U.S. government. This federated storage approach, which primarily applies to
domestic collection, is discussed more fully in Chapter 5. By providing the
U.S. government with certain access to business records stored by the telephone companies, this alternative retains the principal benefit of bulk collection by the U.S. governmentaccess to telephone call historybut it is
not as operationally effective as bulk collection. As detailed in Chapter 5,
federation offers advantages for safeguarding privacy and enforcing policies. It also has disadvantages that include divergent incentives between
the government and third parties, greater technical and organizational
complexity, and potentially poorer performance.
Bulk analysis. A class of alternatives extracts bulk SIGINT data from
a source, applies analysis algorithms to all of it, saves the results of the
algorithm, and then discards the SIGINT data. For example, one scheme
might construct the contact network from call detail records (CDRs), store
the entire network, and discard the CDRs. If a significant portion of the
stored network pertains to nontargets, this technique should be viewed
as a variant of bulk collection. Some proposals go even farther and use
algorithms to fuse data from several different intelligence sources into
an annotated hypergraph, where the annotations retain information
gleaned from intelligence data.2 These schemes are arguably more intrusive on privacy and civil liberties than bulk collection of raw SIGINT,
because they analyze and store a multi-source picture of many people
who are of no intelligence value. Moreover, automatic analysis seems
unlikely to replace human analysis, although it may be useful as an augmentation to what humans do.
Fast near-real-time targeting. Targeted collection is most effective
when targets can be added to the discriminant quickly as they are identified in previous communications. If a call from a target X to an unknown
Y is rapidly followed by a call from Y, the second call may be significant
possibly a message being passed on. If the first call quickly adds Y as a
new target in the collection discriminant, the second call will be collected;
otherwise, it will not, because both ends of the call are unknown identi-

J.C. Smart, Georgetown University, briefing to the committee on September 9, 2014;

see also AvesTerra Program, The FOUR-Color Framework: A Reference Architecture for
Extreme-Scale Information Sharing and Analysis: Overview, V1.6, Georgetown University,
October 2014, http://avesterra.georgetown.edu/sites/avesterra/files/4CF%20Overview%20

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fiers. Collection software could be designed to chain targets this way only
if such chaining is pre-approved. While this approach may collect a few
more rapidly unfolding scenarios, it does not provide the complete view
of past events afforded by bulk collection.
Big data analytics. It may be possible to use big data analytics to
help narrow collection, even if the results from such analytical tools are
not sufficiently precise to identify individual targets. That is, the government may be able to rely on the power of large private-sector databases,
analytics, and machine learning to shape data collection constraints to
data predicted to have high value. But even if the government collection
becomes more narrowly targeted through the use of such analytic tools to
develop the targeting, this is not necessarily a win for privacy. Depending on what aggregate data is used to determine the targeted government collection, use of such techniques may well raise privacy concerns.
There will also be concerns that the methods used for targeting are akin
to socially unacceptable profiling (e.g., targeting purchases of camping
goods, males, ages 15 to 30). Thus, the use of big data analytics to provide
better targeting may not be acceptable from a policy point of view, even if
such techniques were to ultimately result in a more narrow government
Cascaded filtering. Some of these methods may benefit from the use
of cascaded filtering. One benefit of this approach is that it allows one
to reduce the computing burden by first applying cheap tests, followed
by more expensive filters only if earlier filters warrant. For example, if
metadata indicates a civilian telephone call to a military unit under surveillance, speech recognition and subsequent semantic analysis might be
applied to the voice signal, resulting in an ultimate collection decision.
Richer targeting may require enhancing the ability of collection hardware
and software to apply complex discriminants to real-time signals feeds.
Another benefit is that it will tend to reduce the amount of data that ends
up being collected through fast and early filtering.
There is no doubt that bulk collection of SIGINT leaves many uncomfortable. Various courts have indeed questioned whether such collection
is constitutional. This discomfort arises for many reasons. Some find the
idea that the U.S. government collects vast amounts of communications
signals information about unsuspected U.S. persons abhorrent to the
very notion of democracy, while others object to this decision being made
under the cover of secrecy.
This chapter has explored uses of bulk collection and technical alternatives the committee uncovered during its work that might mitigate

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



some of the privacy and civil liberties concerns of that collection. None
of these alternatives changes a fundamental point: A key value of bulk
collection is its record of past SIGINT that may be relevant to subsequent
investigations. If past events become interesting in the present because of
new circumstancessuch as the identification of a new target, indications
that a nonnuclear nation is now pursuing the development of nuclear
weapons, discovery that an individual is a terrorist, or emergence of new
intelligence-gathering prioritieshistorical events and the data they provide will be available for analysis only if they were previously collected.
Conclusion 1. There is no software technique that will fully substitute for bulk collection where it is relied on to answer queries about
the past after new targets become known.
This conclusion does not mean that all current bulk collection must
continue. What it does mean is that a choice to eliminate all forms of bulk
collection would have costs in intelligence capabilities. The analysis in this
report provides a partial basis from which to make such policy choices.
Other groups, such as the Presidents Review Group on Intelligence
and Communications Technologies and the Privacy and Civil Liberties
Oversight Board have said that bulk collection of telephone metadata is
not valuable enough to justify the loss in privacy.3 This is a policy judgment, which is not in conflict with the committees conclusion that there
are no technical alternatives that can accomplish the same functions as
bulk collection and serve as a complete substitute for it; there is no technological magic.
The committee was not asked to and did not consider whether the
loss of effectiveness from reducing bulk collection would be too great,
or whether the potential gain in privacy from adopting an alternative is
worth the potential loss of intelligence information. Nor was it able to
identify broad categories of use where substitution of alternatives might
be possible or detect metrics that would inform such decisions. The Office
of the Director of National Intelligence may wish to study these questions
Data retained from targeted SIGINT collection might be a partial
substitute if the needed information was in fact collected. Bulk data held
by other parties might substitute to some extent, but this relies on those
3 Presidents Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies, Liberty
and Security in a Changing World, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/
docs/2013-12-12_rg_final_report.pdf, and Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, Report
on the Telephone Records Program Conducted under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and on the
Operations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, January 23, 2014, http://www.pclob.

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parties retaining the information until it is needed, as well as the ability of

intelligence agencies to collect or access it in an efficient and timely fashion. Other intelligence sources and methods might also be able to supply
some of the lost information, but the committee was not charged to and
did not investigate the full range of alternatives that intelligence agencies could bring to bear. Note that all of these alternatives may introduce
distinct privacy and civil liberties concerns.
Conclusion 1.1. Other sources of information might provide a partial substitute for bulk collection in some circumstances.
Because bulk collection cannot for practical reasons be truly comprehensive, it is itself inherently selective and unable to capture all relevant
history. As a result, at least in some cases, it may be possible to develop
techniques that would improve targeted collection to the point where it
provides a viable substitute for bulk collection. Although such approaches
might reduce the extent of collection against persons other than targets
of interest, they might also introduce new privacy and civil liberties concerns about how such profiles are developed and used.
Rapidly updating discriminants of ongoing collections to include
new targets as they are discovered will enable the collection of data
that would otherwise be lost. If targeted collection can be done quickly
and well enough, then there may be cases where information about past
events becomes less important. But such an approach is not a substitute if
the past events were unique or if the delay incurred in collecting the new
information is unacceptable (because the threat is imminent or perhaps
because of press or public demand for instant results).
Conclusion 1.2. New approaches to targeting might improve the
relevance of the collected information to future use and would rely
on capabilities such as creating and using profiles of potentially
relevant targets, possibly by using other sources of information.
Chapter 6 describes some possibilities. Chapter 5 discusses technologies that can reduce risk and improve oversight and transparency.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

Controlling Usage of Collected Data


Many people are concerned about how the large and rapidly growing amount of private data that exists online is handled, and whether
privacy and civil liberties are properly protected. For signals intelligence
(SIGINT), these concerns increase because the data is collected by the
government. The disclosures by Edward Snowden have further increased
concerns about the privacy of information that the National Security
Agency (NSA) collects.
This chapter describes a number of ways to implement controls on
the use of collected information. NSA is already using some of them, as the
committee learned when the agency described in briefings how it complies
with the legal authorities that govern its activities. NSA may be using
other controls that the committee did not hear about, but there may also be
opportunities to make compliance with the rules both more efficient and
more transparent without increasing the compliance burden on analysts.
In understanding the security of any computer system, it is important
to be clear about the threat model, that is, the set of threats that the
system must be defended against. In the context of bulk collection, there
are three broad classes of threats:
Entities outside the Intelligence Community (IC): hackers, cybercriminals, foreign intelligence agencies;
Lone insiders within the IC; and
Misuse of the ICs capabilities, contrary to law or stated policies.

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The last two are the main threats for most people concerned about
privacy and civil liberties. Hence, the emphasis of this report is on controls, oversight, and transparency, which are the principal ways to address
these threats.
Chapter 4 states the committees conclusion that refraining entirely
from bulk collection will reduce the nations intelligence capability and
that there is no kind of targeted collection that can fully substitute for all
of todays bulk collection. However, the committee believes that controlling the usage of data collected in bulk (and indeed all data) is another
way to protect the privacy of people who are not targets (see Figure 5.1).
Controls on usage can help reduce the conflicts between collection and
privacy. There are two ways to control usage: manually and automatically.
NSA automates some of its controls and plans additional automation.
Despite rigorous auditing and oversight processes, however, it is hard
to convince outside parties of their strength because necessary secrecy
prevents them from observing the controls in action, and because popular
descriptions of the controls are imprecise and sometimes wrong.1 Examples of usage controls in place today are minimization (Section 1.4.1) and
restricting queries to targets with reasonable and articulable suspicion
(Section 1.4.3).
Technical means can isolate collected data and restrict queries that
analysts can make, and the way these means work can be made public
without revealing sources and methods.
This is similar to the well-established doctrine in cryptography2 that
the security of the system should depend only on keeping the cryptographic key secret, not on keeping the cryptographic algorithm secret. The
main reason for this is that the algorithm exists in many more places than
the keywith every sender or receiver of messages that uses the cryptosystemso it is much harder to keep the algorithm secret and to change
it if it is compromised. In contrast, a key is usually used only between a
single sender and receiver, or at most a few of them, and only for a limited
time, so it is much easier to keep it secret and to change it if it is compromised. In addition, a public algorithm may be more secure because many
people can scrutinize it for weaknesses.
1 See, for example, this newspaper account of President Obamas description of NSA
practices: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obamas-restrictionson-nsa-surveillance-rely-on-narrow-definition-of-spying/2014/01/17/2478cc02-7fcb-11e393c1-0e888170b723_story.html, Washington Post, January 17, 2014.
2 First formulated by Kerckhoff in 1883. See Fabien Peticolas, electronic version and English
translation of La cryptographie militaire.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options












FIGURE 5.1 Focus of controls on usage.

Figure 5-1

In the same way, the specifics of actual use cases would be kept secret
while the rules and the usage controls that enforce them are made public.
This transparency makes the control of usage more credible.
Implementing usage controls in technology also forces those specifying the rules to be much more explicit than if they are providing instructions for human analysts to follow. Today, many of the descriptions for
what is and is not allowed are in certain ways imprecise and ambiguous.
Such ambiguities can lead to confusion and differing interpretations of
the same rule. Furthermore, automatic controls may reduce the need for
human labor implementing manual controls. Thus, technology may make
the control more reliable and economical as well as more transparent.
It is impossible, however, for technical means to guarantee that information is not misused, because someone with properly authorized access
can always misuse the information they obtain. This is like the analog
hole in digital media; there are many ways to prevent digital copying,
but when a human views or hears information, that information can be
copied with a camera or sound recorder. Similarly, when an analyst sees
information, he or she can misuse it. Thus misuse can only be deterred by
the threat of punishment. Deterrence requires technical capabilities to
detect access, to identify the (authorized) accessing party, and to audit
records of access to spot suspicious patterns of access.3 In addition, both

Note that, to date, the only allegations that information collected in bulk has been used
for an unauthorized purpose was the so-called LOVINT set of incidents in which some
NSA analysts inappropriately used this data to track the activities of significant others.

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manual and automatic controls are primarily aimed at analysts and others
not in positions of authority. Detecting bad behavior by people in positions of authority needs multiple independent audit paths and oversight.
Lastly, it may be true that manual controls can be overridden more
easily than automatic controls, because a technical change is usually
more difficult than a procedural change. Changes are sometimes necessary to fix problems that arise, but whether it is good or bad for changes
to be easily made is a policy judgment.
Manual and automatic methods can control usage in many ways,
including the following:
Constraining the selectors associated with targets to those that are
approved in some way (e.g., analysts may target only those parties for
which they have reasonable and articulable suspicion of involvement
with terrorism);
Limiting the time period for which data are accessible;
Limiting the kinds of algorithms that are applied to data (e.g.,
algorithms that look for patterns, or various statistical techniques); and
Using advanced information technology techniques to limit risk of
disclosure, as described below.
The bulk of this chapter discusses how to control queries that analysts
make against collected data. Controlling the use of such a large amount
of data is critical, which is why the committee has emphasized it. When
the data are queried, rules are applied about what uses of collected data
are allowed. If a policy decision is made to continue bulk collection, protection of privacy and civil liberties will necessarily rely on these rules.
Once the results of a query are delivered to an analyst, other means
must be used to control proper use of the data between queries and disseminated intelligence reports. These other means must be matched to
what analysts actually do and to the tools they use. This cannot be done
in the same way that queries on the collection database are controlled, for
several reasons:
1. To do their jobs, analysts need flexibility to use the query results in
many ways, such as combining them with other data or processing them
with other programs, some perhaps written specifically for the current

These involved very few incidents (around a dozen). A letter from NSA to Senator Charles
Grassley on September 11, 2013, details these incidents (see https://www.nsa.gov/public_
info/press_room/2013/grassley_letter.pdf). According to testimony to the committee on
August 23, 2014, by NSA Director of Compliance, the activities were uncovered through
internal investigations.

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purpose. These uses are much less standardized than the collection database and the ways of querying it, and it is not practical to control them in
detail. The reason is that in order to construct software that tracks in detail
the way that the inputs of a program affect its outputs, it is first necessary
to formalize how the program works. This is usually much more difficult
than writing the program in the first place.
2. Analysts share their work in progress with other analysts, so that
even if the queries made by a single analyst return only 50 items, the
queries made by 200 analysts may return 10,000 items altogether, and a
single analyst or systems administrator may end up with all of these items.
3. In some cases, analysts import query results into commercial applications such as a spreadsheet like Excel or a statistical analysis system
like SAS/STAT. It is not practical to modify these applications to track the
way that their inputs affect their outputs, and it is impractical for the IC
to develop its own substitutes.
4. Analysts do their work and store their data on workstations and
servers that run commercial off-the-shelf operating systems because it is
neither economical nor efficient for the IC to build its own operating systems and the applications. Furthermore, there are many versions of these
systems in use at any given time, as is normal for any large organization.
It is not practical to use these systems for fine-grained control of data.
It would be naive for the committee to claim that it understands what
happens today, and presumptuous to pretend to design an ideal system
for NSAs use. Furthermore, it is not enough to understand the normal
information flow; possible changes, mistakes, and errors also need to be
dealt with. For instance, something might change that would make yester
days legitimate query unacceptable today. A target might have become
a non-target, or an error might have been found in the rules governing
It is possible, however, to have very coarse-grained controls on the
data held by analysts, controls that implement the existing U.S. government information classification system. Indeed, the IC has supported
research on such controls since the 1970s, under the rubric of multi-level
security. More recent academic work calls it information flow control.
It is quite well understood in theory, and several systems have been built
that enforce the rules for handling classified data. Unfortunately, attempts
to use these systems in practice have been unsuccessful, and almost none
are deployed. Information flow control cannot do the kind of queryspecific control that is described in this chapter; instead, it tends to push
computed outputs to the highest level of classification, which is not useful
in practice. However, it is the best technique known at present.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options




To ensure compliance with the rules laid down by the legal authorities under which it operates, NSA has a system of internal auditing and
oversight, combining automated and redundant human components.
The system covers all parts of the foreign intelligence collection system:
storage, querying, analysis, and dissemination.
Technology is used to some extent to implement the legal framework
for foreign intelligence information, in the form of access controls, secure
databases, and an automatically generated audit trail.
There is also extensive human review of all actions, both internal
and external. NSAs compliance program is supported by more than 300
personnel across the agency, which includes the Office of the Director of
Compliance (established in 2009).4 Internal oversight is provided by the
NSAs Office of Inspector General and the Office of General Counsel. NSA
also has a Civil Liberties and Privacy Office, first established in January
2014 shortly after the Presidents speech on signals intelligence.5 The other
major staff organizations that have responsibility for some facets of civil
liberties and privacy responsibilities are the Office of the Director of Compliance, the Authorities Integration Group, and the Associate Director for
Policy and Records. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence
(ODNI) has its own Civil Liberties and Privacy Office,6 and the ODNI
Office of General Counsel and the Department of Defense Office of General Council have responsibility for oversight as well.
Continuing external oversight is provided by the Department of Justice, congressional oversight committees, and the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA) court. The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight
Board (PCLOB)7 and the Intelligence Oversight Board of the Presidents
Intelligence Advisory Board have also examined NSA operations from
4Office of the Director of National Intelligence, DNI Clapper Declassifies Intelligence Community Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 2014, http://www.dni.gov/index.php/newsroom/
5National Security Agency Central Security Service, NSA Announces New Civil Liberties
and Privacy Officer, January 29, 2014, https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/press_room/2014/
6See Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Civil Liberties and Privacy Office, Who
We Are, http://www.dni.gov/index.php/about/organization/civil-liberties-privacy-officewho-we-are, accessed January 16, 2015.
7Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, Report on the Telephone Records Program
Conducted under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and on the Operations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, January 23, 2014, available at http://www.pclob.gov/library/215Report_on_the_Telephone_Records_Program.pdf; and Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight
Board, Report on the Surveillance Program Operated Pursuant to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, July 2, 2014, http://www.pclob.gov/library/702-Report.pdf.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



a privacy and civil liberties standpoint. None has found any deliberate
attempts to circumvent or defeat these procedures, although there have
been documented incidents of error.
Purely automatic control of usage would mean that the rules would
be enforced automatically using published mechanisms. Then people
outside the IC concerned about privacy and civil liberties would not have
to trust that the IC has adequate procedures and follows them, which
many of them are reluctant to do. Such purity is not possible, however;
it is thus necessary to independently audit the ICs procedures to some
extent. The impractical alternative is to make every step on the path from
raw data to query results secure from any possible tampering; this would
be a rigid and unworkable system. Some manual controls are necessary
to ensure that the automatic controls are actually imposed and that they
are configured according to the rules, and to decide cases that are too
complex to be automated.
Thus, the goal of reassuring the public by the exclusive use of transparent automatic controls is elusive. Those who do not trust the power
of government, both its elected officials and the IC, will argue that its
technical expertise could be misused to override automatic controls, and
no amount of manual or automatic oversight is likely to reassure them. In
short, perfect controls are impossible. The goal should be to balance controls against practicality, recognizing that some amount of risk, tempered
by trust in those who manage the system, will always remain.
A technical system for controlling usage of bulk data has three parts:
isolating the bulk data so that it can only be accessed in specific ways,
restricting the queries that can be made against it, and auditing the queries
that have been done. All three parts are equally important, although isolation is most fully developed and hence has the fullest description, and
auditing is the least developed. This chapter gives brief descriptions of
each of these parts. It emphasizes the architecture of the possible systems,
giving only a sketch of the technical details; consult the references for the
full story.
Note that any technical mechanism must be tested under realistic
conditions to establish confidence that it actually works. This is especially
important for mechanisms that are intended to handle rare events, like the
ones described here. The only practical way to do this is to deliberately
inject disallowed queries into the running system and verify that they are
detected and handled correctly.
Some of the methods described here are in widespread use commercially, and perhaps within NSA. Others have been demonstrated in the

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



laboratory at a moderate scale. Except for full homomorphic encryption,

it should be possible to deploy any of them at scale within the IC in the
next 5 years. However, the committee is not recommending deployment
of any of them. Whether more powerful automatic controls should be
deployed is a policy question. The answer depends both on the cost to the
IC in dollars and in reduced capability, and on how important it is to have
better controls. The committee notes that, in some cases, better technology
could reduce the cost of existing controls.
Isolating bulk data is one technical method for controlling usage. Isolation also makes it easy to log all the queries against it and their results,
which is essential for the auditing discussed in Section 5.4.3. Figure 5.2
shows the elements of this method, which is closely related to the standard access control method used in cybersecurity. The bulk data is cut off
from the outside world by an isolation boundary. The only way to cross
this boundary is to submit a query to the guard, which is responsible for
enforcing the policy that says what queries and results are allowed. The
guard logs all queries and results for later auditing, and the audit log itself
is isolated to protect it from tampering. The isolated domain is hosted by
some mechanism that guarantees the isolation; in some sense it runs on
the host, and its security therefore depends on the host operating correctly. There are many such mechanisms: airgaps, operating systems, etc.;
some of them are discussed below. In all cases, the host is implementing
the isolation; if it does not work correctly, the bulk data will not be pro-








Bulk data

Host (airgap, hardware, virtual machine

monitor, operating system, etc.)

FIGURE 5.2 Isolating bulk data.

Figure 5-2 and S-2

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tected. For example, if an operating system is corrupted by malware, it

will not properly isolate the application processes that it hosts.
Note that isolation depends on the guard as well as the host. If the
guard lets through inputs that it should have blocked, the bulk data will
not be properly protected. See Section
The critical points in this architecture are the bulk data processing
itself, the guard, and the host that implements the isolation boundary.
These constitute the trusted computing base (TCB), the parts of the system
that must work correctly for the system to be trustworthy. The smaller and
simpler they are, the more likely they are to be correct, making it easier
for manual review and automated tools to check for mistakes.
Bulk data processing is trusted to correctly implement a query, rather
than return something else that might violate the policy. Again, if the TCB
is simple, it is easier to understand and more likely to work. There are
ways to implement the system so that the most complicated parts are kept
outside the TCB; they are described below.
The guard is critical, no matter how the isolation is done; it is trusted
to correctly enforce the policy and block malformed inputs. The latter is
difficult if the inputs are too complicated for the guard to fully understand. Simple policies and simple inputs make it much more likely that
the guard will work correctly. With simple inputs, the guard can concentrate on the job of making sure that all the queries it passes are allowed by
the policy. With complicated inputs, it is much easier to hide some piece
of malware that is not really a query at all. A familiar example of this is
executable malware included in an email message. A policy that says to
only accept email from friends is not enough, because friends might be
infected themselves. The guard needs to block all executable content that
has not been properly vetted.
Traditionally in computer security, the guard implements an access
control policy that, as shown in Figure 5.2, would specify which analysts
are allowed to access which items of bulk data, by attaching to each
data item some description of the analysts authorized to access it. NSA
has reported that its analysts use some variant of this scheme within a
private cloud.8 Although it is a useful line of defense, this mechanism
cannot express more complex policies such as, Report all contacts that
are one hop away from this target and were in Afghanistan during the

Dirk A.D. Smith, Exclusive: Inside the NSAs private cloud, Network World, September 29, 2014, http://www.networkworld.com/article/2687084/security0/exclusive-insidethe-nsa-s-private-cloud.html.

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A partly technical approach to isolating bulk data is federation: when
possible, leaving the data in the hands of multiple parties that are not
part of the government; these might be the parties that acquire the data
in the first place, such as telephone companies or other communication
service providers, or they might be independent third parties. Querying
the database then requires querying all the relevant parties and combining the results, as shown in Figure 5.3. In general, it cannot be done in
parallel, and it might require repeated queries to the same party. For
example, when tracing out a chain of communication in which different
links come from different providers, each link may require a separate
query. Furthermore, some kinds of preprocessing of the data may be
much less effective, for example, working out all the tightly knit cliques
of people who communicate with each other a lot, so that it is possible to
quickly find all the cliques that an individual belongs to.
Federation has clear advantages for safeguarding privacy and enforcing policies:
The federated parties are separate from the intelligence agency and
may have no incentive to break the rules, which would help reassure those
who are concerned that NSA may have incentives to break the rules.9
One partys misbehavior exposes only some of the collected data.
Federation also has clear drawbacks for intelligence:
The federated parties may have no incentive to cooperate, even if
paid; indeed, their customers may object to such cooperation.
If a federated party is compelled to collect data it otherwise would
not, it may introduce privacy risks.
If forced to cooperate, a federated party may be slow and clumsy,
because it is being asked to do things that are not part of its normal business. This may make it difficult to get good results. Note that federation
is much more difficult to implement than the cloning of call detail records
that is the current practice under FISA Section 215.
Federated queries may be much slower and less reliable than centralized ones, both because communicating across organizational boundaries is slow and because database-wide optimizations may be impossible, as described above.

9 This is the process used in wiretap investigations authorized by the 1986 Pen Register
Act (Title III of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act).

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Bulk data

Bulk data

Bulk data

FIGURE 5.3 Federation of non-government parties.

In addition, federation makes

5-3collected data both more and less
secure. It is more secure because breaking into one party exposes only
some of the data. It is less secure because some of the federated data is
exposed if the adversary breaks into any one of the parties. Hosts and Isolation Boundaries
The choice of hosts depends on two things: the acceptable cost of
isolation (both capital cost and reduced performance) and the threats it
must defend against. More severe threats incur a higher cost, of course,
but depend less on manual controls. There are many possible implementations of isolation boundaries with different security strengths and weaknesses and different costs. Here are a few examples:
Airgap. The most secure and most expensive isolation boundary is
an airgap: separate physical machines, or networks of physical machines,
inside and outside the isolation boundary that is breached only by a carefully controlled network connection. The airgap is costly, because there
are two networks of machines to buy and maintain, and the connection
between them may be slow. The IC has traditionally used airgaps to
isolate classified from unclassified systems; perhaps they are also using
airgaps to isolate collected data from analysts. Note that although an air-

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gap is a very good isolation boundary, the isolation also depends on the
guard that is supposed to check all inputs, as discussed below. 10
Hypervisor. A cheaper host is a hypervisor that implements separate
virtual machines instead of separate physical ones. Currently, the hypervisor is part of the TCB, and, unfortunately, commercial hypervisors are
rather complicated because their main selling point is performance rather
than security. But this is cheaper than the airgap because there is only one
physical machine, and the bandwidth of communication between the
virtual machines can be close to the full memory bandwidth. There are
many variations on the hypervisor idea, with different costs and security
Enclaves. In between separate physical machines and separate virtual machines is a fairly new way of doing isolation, called an enclave in
the implementation, developed by Intel. This is like a virtual machine,
but its isolation is provided directly by the central processing unit (CPU).
Because this mechanism is tightly integrated into the CPU and the memory system, it can provide good performance much more simply than a
Language virtual machines. Programs written in languages intended
for web pages, such as Java and JavaScript, are usually executed inside
isolation boundaries with names like Java Virtual Machine. In this case,
the main purpose of the isolation is to protect the rest of the system from
the untrusted web program rather than the other way around. The Guard
If the isolation mechanism is sound, the guard is the main weak point;
if the guard makes the wrong decisions about what to allow through, the
system inside the isolation boundary can be completely compromised,
and this has happened many times in practice with every kind of isolation boundary, including airgaps. For example, executable malware
included in an email message can infect an isolated system. The same
thing can happen with a USB flash drive, which can contain malware that
is executed automatically. The guard needs to block all executable content
that has not been properly vetted. As with every aspect of security, the
10 Although a good example of an isolation technique, technology alternatives listed in this
subsection can be engineered to provide adequate isolation for this application.
11 M. Pearce, S. Zeadally, and R. Hunt, Virtualization: Issues, security threats, and solutions, ACM Computing Surveys 45(2), Article No. 17, 2013.
12 F. McKeen, I. Alexandrovich, A. Berenzon, C. Rozas, H. Shafi, V. Shanbhogue, and
U. Savagaonkar, Innovative instructions and software model for isolated execution, in Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security
and Privacy, Association of Computing Machinery, New York, N.Y., 2013.

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only practical approach today is to keep both the specification of what the
guard has to do and the code that does it as simple as possible.
If each item of bulk data is tagged with access control information
that specifies which analysts are allowed to see it, the job of the guard
is easier. The Apache Accumulo open-source database, for example, has
this feature; it was originally developed by NSA, which transferred it
to Apache, an organization that develops open-source software for the
Internet. This kind of tagging is the standard way of doing access control
in computer security; it is helpful for controlling usage of collected data,
but not sufficient for enforcing a rule such as trace contacts for at most
two hops, which restricts the algorithm that processes the data rather
than access to the data itself. Bulk Data Processing
In general, there are a lot of bulk data, so that simply storing the
bits securely and reliably is complex, and the data are processed by a
general-purpose database system that is even more complex, usually tens
of millions of lines of code. Much of this code might not be needed for
a particular application, but it is likely to be impractical to separate the
parts that are needed from the rest. Thus, it is highly desirable to keep
as much of this storage and processing out of the TCB, which should be
small and simple.
There has been a lot of work on isolation to protect a cloud client from
its cloud service provider, because there is a big market for cloud computing, and many customers care about the security of their data and do not
want to trust the service provider. This is the most important application
for the enclaves described above. Figure 5.4 shows another way for a
client to store and process data in the cloud without trusting the cloud
provider. The idea is to do everything in the cloud in encrypted form, so
that the result appears in encrypted form as well. Only the client holds the
key, so only the client can see anything about the data or the result except
its size, and perhaps something about the shape of the query. This gives
no guarantee that the result is correct or that it reads only the data actually
needed for the query, but it does guarantee that only the client sees any
data, and since the client is entitled to see all the data, the clients secrecy
is maintained. It is not obvious how to actually implement this scheme,
but in some cases it is possible, and ways to do it are explained below.
Unfortunately, although the architecture shown in Figure 5.4 serves
the needs of the cloud client, it is not enough for automatic control of
access to bulk data. Unlike the cloud client, the analyst is not entitled to
see all of the data. How can the guard enforce the policy about what the
analyst is allowed to see? This takes a proof, or perhaps some convincing

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bulk data
FIGURE 5.4 Smaller trusted computing base by processing encrypted data for a

Figure 5-4

evidence, provided by the untrusted cloud side of the picture, that the
result is correct or at least that it does not reveal any more data than
the query demands. Figure 5.5 illustrates this approach; the parts that are
unchanged from Figure 5.2 are dimmed.
What would such a proof look like? That depends on the query. For
example, if the query is Return all the endpoints of communications with
this target, a proof would be a list of all the database entries that yielded
the result; recall that these are all encrypted, so the untrusted side cannot make them up. If the target is X, and each database entry represents
a call detail record with a triple <from, to, time>, verifying the proof
means checking that every result endpoint Y is in an entry <X, Y, time>
or <Y, X, time>. Note that this does not prove that the result is correct, but
it does prove that no extra information is disclosed. For another example,
see the next section. Encrypted Data at Rest
The simplest example of the idea in Figure 5.5 uses the untrusted side
only to store data, not to do any computing on it, as shown in Figure 5.6
(where the unchanging left side of the figure has been cut off). This means
that each data block is encrypted before being handed over to untrusted
storage by the collection system and decrypted when it is read back. Each

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Computing Base





A dit

NSA systems

+ proof


bulk data

Host (airgap, hardware, virtual machine

monitor, operating
g system,

FIGURE 5.5 Smaller trusted computing base by verifying untrusted processing

of a query.

Computing Base


Figure 5-5



Bulk data


Data bulk data

Host (airgap, hardware, virtual machine

monitor, operating system, etc.)

FIGURE 5.6 Smaller trusted computing base by encrypting bulk data at rest.

data block also has a message authentication code (MAC), a well-known

cryptographic mechanism that
trusted verifier can use to check that the
encrypted data it reads back is indeed the same data that it wrote earlier.
The MAC serves as the proof that the untrusted storage is returning the
correct result of the read. This scheme has been widely implemented, and
it removes the storage hardware from the TCB. It also removes a lot of software, because reliably and efficiently storing large amounts of data is complex, and it takes millions of lines of code to deal with this complexity. 13

Ken Beer and Ryan Holland, Securing Data at Rest with Encryption, Amazon Web Services white paper, November 2013, http://media.amazonwebservices.com/AWS_Securing_

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A fancy form of cryptography called homomorphic encryption
makes it possible to do all the processing on encrypted data, producing
an encrypted result without exposing any data in the clear.14 It is quite
surprising that this works at all, but it turns out there are theorems showing that any computation can be done in this way. Doing the untrusted
processing with homomorphic encryption provides a complete implementation of Figure 5.4. Unfortunately, the best known ways of doing it,
in general, are at least a million times too slow to be practical.
For queries that only need to test whether two values are equal,
simple deterministic encryption is sufficient. Perfect encryption would
reveal nothing at all about the data values except their approximate size.
Deterministic encryption reveals only which values are equal. For queries
that need to test whether one value is less than another, order preserving
encryption is sufficient. It is more expensive and of course reveals the
relative order of the values. Many practical queries fall into one of these
categories, and it is not too hard to modify an existing database system
to make these queries work entirely on encrypted data.15 Work using an
encrypted search may yield useful results in the future; see Section 6.3.1.
The idea behind homomorphic encryption is that any basic computation on encrypted data, such as adding two numbers, comparing two
strings for equality, or sorting a list of items, can be done (slowly) directly
on the encrypted data. A practical alternative is to add a small component to the TCB that decrypts the data, does the operation, and encrypts
the result, as shown in Figure 5.7; compare this with Figure 5.5. Because
most of the basic operations are simple, this component can be small
and simple. Indeed, for many applications, it can be simple enough to be
implemented in special purpose hardware using field programmable gate
arrays, which is both fast and difficult to infect with malware. 16

14 Craig Gentry, Computing arbitrary functions of encrypted data, Communications of the

ACM 53(3):97-105, 2010.
15 R.A. Popa, C.M.S. Redfield, N. Zeldovich, and H. Balakrishnan, CryptDB: Protecting
confidentiality with encrypted query processing, in Proceedings of the Twenty-Third ACM
Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Association of Computing Machinery, New York,
N.Y., 2011.
16 A.A. Arasu, S. Blanas, K. Eguro, M. Joglekar, R. Kaushik, D. Kossmann, R. Ramamurthy,
P. Upadhyaya, and R. Venkatesan, Secure database-as-a-service with Cipherbase, in Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Association of
Computing Machinery, New York, N.Y., 2013.

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Computing Base


A dit

NSA systems


Host (airgap, hardware, virtual machine

monitor, operating system, etc.)

+ proof




bulk data

FIGURE 5.7Smaller trusted computing base by simulating homomorphic


5.4.2 Restricting Queries Automatically

Restricting queries automatically is another way to control usage. The
goal is to do this well enough
5-7 software can decide which queries are
allowed by the policy, or at least drastically reduce the number of queries
that require human approval. The conventional access control discussed
above is one way to do this, but there are many policies that it cannot
express. Automated restriction is certainly feasible for limited classes of
queries such as, Find all the phone numbers that have connected in the
last month to this list of numbers belonging to a known target. Indeed,
NSA already has pre-approved queries, but their scope can probably
be extended significantly. The more mechanized the process, the better.
Sometimes the software will refer to a human for a decision, but an automated decision is cheaper, faster, potentially more transparent, and less
burdensome to analysts. The ideal is that the analyst only sees information about targets, so that there is no intrusion on the privacy of people
who are not targets.
Chapter 6 discusses some of the major opportunities for advances
5.4.3 Audit/Oversight Automation
Auditing usage of bulk data is essential to enforce privacy protections. The first step is to ensure that every query is permanently recorded
in a log. Isolation provides confidence that every query is permanently
logged. Then the log must be reviewed for compliance with the rules.

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Doing this manually is feasible, and is, indeed, NSAs current practice.
Although it is thorough, it is expensive and not transparentoutsiders
must rely on the agencys assurance that it is being done properly, because
the queries are usually highly classified. Automation of auditing, a direction NSA is pursuing, could both streamline audits and provide assurance
to outside inspectors, who can then examine the auditing technology.
The resulting ability to inspect the privacy-protecting mechanisms
of the SIGINT process on an unclassified basis may help allay privacy
and civil liberty concerns. The inspection would focus on the automation
software and the usage rules it enforces, rather than on the data, which
must remain classified.
Greater automation of auditing is an area that has been greatly
neglected by government, industry, and academia; for example, operating systems write voluminous logs of security-relevant events, but they
are seldom looked at, and when they are, a great deal of manual effort is
required. Chapter 6 discusses some possible improvements.
This chapter has reviewed a variety of feasible mechanisms, both
manual and automatic, for controlling the way that collected data is used.
Some of these are deployed in the IC. Others may be deployed, but the
committee was not told about them in briefings. All of these mechanisms
are feasible to deploy within the next 5 years. Opportunities to introduce
enhancements to such capabilities are expected to arise as the information technology systems used for collection and analysis are refreshed
and modernized.
Automation of usage controls may simultaneously allow a more
nuanced set of usage rules, facilitate compliance auditing, and reduce
the burden of controls on analysts. Similarly, there are opportunities to
automate the various audit mechanisms to verify that rules are followed.
These techniques may permit more of the use controls and audit mechanisms to be explained clearly to the public. It may be possible to express
a large fraction of the rules required by law and policy in a machineprocessable form that can be rapidly and consistently applied during
collection, analysis, and dissemination.
Conclusion 2. Automatic controls on the usage of data collected in
bulk can help to enforce privacy protections.
Conclusion 2.1. It will be easier to automate controls if the rules
governing collection and use are technology-neutral (i.e., not tied
to specific, rapidly changing information and communications tech-

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nologies or historical artifacts of particular technologies) and if they

are based on a consistent set of definitions.
Conclusion 2.2. Automated controls can provide new opportunities
to make the controls more transparent by giving the public and
oversight bodies the opportunity to inspect the software artifacts
that describe and implement the controls. Increased transparency
can give people outside the IC more confidence that the controls are
appropriate, although the need for secrecy about some of the details
makes complete confidence unlikely.
Whether any given method should actually be deployed is a policy
question that requires determining whether increased effectiveness and
apparent transparency is worth the cost in equipment, labor, and potential
interference with the intelligence mission. In any case, some automatic
methods might be able to replace existing manual ones at a lower cost.

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Looking to the Future

The future of signals intelligence (SIGINT) may look very different

from what we see today. Details of communications technologies are
changing rapidly and are likely to continue to change. Encryption increasingly protects communications data both in transit and at rest. Privatesector business records may become fewer in number and less useful for
intelligence purposes. On the other hand, more powerful computation can
analyze raw data, such as speech and images, to extract useful intelligence
information in real time. More data will certainly be available, driven by
commercial, data-driven marketing as well as the spread of networked
sensors of many sorts. Research to develop algorithms to proceed from
data to knowledge may well benefit intelligence analysis.
The public policy landscape may also change. Public concerns with
privacy, driven by the explosion of data as well as disclosures and mis
adventures in both public and private sectors, may lead to new legal
frameworks. A shift from controlling collection to controlling usage is
being discussed in policy circles. And, of course, the publicly acceptable
trade-off between privacy and security might change immediately if the
nation is attacked, if severe national security threats emerge, or if international security is further destabilized.
There are a number of trends, already under way today, that may
have a deep impact on SIGINT. The net effect of these trends on SIGINT
in the future is not clear today.

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6.1.1 More Data, Data Types, and Sensors;

More Computing and Storage
Declining costs of all elements of digital infrastructure continue to
spur technologys pervasive spread. Not long ago, cloud computing, the
use of giant computer centers to assign, as needed, dozens to thousands
of computers to a taskwas new. Now we are experiencing the effects
of big data, exploiting large amounts of data collected for business or
scientific purposes to pursue new business opportunities or uncover new
science. Just beginning is an Internet of things, deploying sensors of
new types in many new places to control or optimize roadways, buses,
trains, production lines, crop management, and countless other activities.
And smart phones increasingly sense things of interest, notably location
today, but also audio and video. While not all of this new data, and the
communications that carry it, is likely to have intelligence value, some
will surely offer new intelligence opportunities.
Increasingly, algorithms can digest raw signal data into much more
useful forms. License plates can be located in images taken from roadways, and the license numbers recognized. Faces can be isolated in images
captured by surveillance cameras, and databases of images can be queried
to identify people.1 Audio signals of speech can be converted to text with
enough reliability for dictation, making it easy to spot words of intelligence interest in communications. These algorithms all have a form that
make it technically easy to scale up the processing to handle many inputs:
you can assign each of 50 computers to analyze each of 50 license plate
images, or you can deploy the same 50 computers to recognize speech.
Flexibly adapting and scaling these computations is easy.
In SIGINT applications, these algorithms can be applied either at the
time of collection or later, on demand, for analyzing selected data. Today,
NSA says it cannot collect any sizeable fraction of all global communications data, and it may likewise be that despite declining computing costs,
NSA will not be able to automatically analyze more than a tiny bit. However, in many cases, the operators of the sensors will apply the algorithms
to meet business needs, such as identifying license plates to bill parking
charges. In these cases, the analyzed data may be available to NSA in the
form of business records.
6.1.2 Business Records
Business records can be very valuable for intelligence, and the proliferation of information technology (IT) in businesses of all sorts means

Closed-circuit TV surveillance, a form of bulk collection, has been practiced for years
with relatively little complaint, despite its privacy invasion.

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that many more details of everyday life are recorded in this way. However, businesses that wish to minimize surveillance of their customers
can arrange to reduce or eliminate the intelligence value of their records.
For example, if a telephone company bills a flat monthly rate, it need
not keep a record of each call, so no call data records would be available
for intelligence purposes.2 Communications providers today are acutely
aware of their customers concerns about surveillance,3 a fact that gives
providers an additional incentive to refrain from keeping records that
might be used against them.
Services that hold data for customers may find ways to encrypt the
data with a key known only to the customer so as to evade surveillance.
This technique could be used by email providers and social-networking
services, among others. Some businesses are being established with
exactly this objective. But today, the ability to examine customer data and
use it for marketing purposes is an essential part of the hosting companys
business model, so customers are unlikely to have email that is both free
and surveillance-proof.
Attempts to evade surveillance are unlikely to slow the big data trend.
Businesses collect huge amounts of data not associated with individuals,
which may not cause privacy concerns, and are sure to collect still more.
Some of this data has a large public benefit, such as for weather prediction, crop management, or public health monitoring. Businesses may
implement different levels of protection for different business records, so
that customer-sensitive data is not comingled with data that has benign
uses, both public and private.
One of the most imminent threats to SIGINT collection is the increasing use of strong encryption for signals in transmission. Increasingly,
website servers are routinely encrypting traffic to and from the browser
clients. To a lesser extent, data at rest is being encrypted. The cybersecurity vulnerabilities of the endpoints (browser, server) are becoming
much greater than the vulnerability of the communications between them,
a point suggesting that access may still be possible (although more difficult), even when transmission links are encrypted.

Other business records of such a company, however, linking customer name, address,
and telephone number, might still be very valuable for intelligence purposes.
3 See, for example, Vodafone Group, Law Enforcement Disclosure Report, 2014, http://
privacy_and_security/law_enforcement.html, accessed January 16, 2015.

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6.1.4 Services That Evade Surveillance

Although todays common Internet services, such as VoIP (Voice
over Internet Protocol) are not specifically designed to make surveillance
difficult, they can be redesigned to evade surveillance. An important
idea in many cases is peer-to-peer communications, which establishes
an encrypted channel between two communicators without needing a
third party to set up the communication. This technique means there is
no third-party business that might hold business records or other data
that could identify the communicators. It can be a bit tricky to design
protocols that eliminate the third party, which often serves as a directory for a calling party to find the called party. And, of course, it is hard
on the third-party business, which is trying to make money when callers
6.1.5 SIGINT Must Adapt
An unsurprising conclusion from the preceding subsections is that
SIGINT techniques and operations will need to evolve as dynamically as
the signals environment they monitor. As new protocols and businesses
arise, collection methods and software must evolve. Adapting to traffic
volume of different types is also essential, but it can be partially addressed
by using techniques similar to those used in cloud computing.
Policy, law, and regulations will need to keep up with future SIGINT
sources, which may evolve in dynamic and even surprising ways. Today,
the laws governing collection of SIGINT are largely derived from legislation that applies to rotary dial telephones. Although policy and regulations have adapted to modern technologies, their pace of change does not
match that of technology.
A striking change in the past few decades is the extent to which the
private sector collects personal information. This trend had its origins in
the 1960s with the rise of credit bureaus and has resulted in a cascade of
law and regulation. In 1998, the Federal Trade Commission published a
list of five core principles: (1) notice (give the consumer notice of data collection), (2) choice (give the consumer choice about whether the private
data will be collected), (3) access (give the consumer the ability to access
data about him- or herself), (4) integrity/security (the data collector must
work to make sure data is correct and must give the consumer the right
of redress if it is not), and (5) enforcement/redress. Today, these principles
are known by the shortened phrase Notice and Consent.

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The notice and consent framework is showing signs of stress. A recent

Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)
report ridiculed the turgid privacy terms that the public is typically asked
to accept today: Only in some fantasy world do users actually read these
notices and understand their implications before clicking to indicate their
consent.4 Moreover, consent may imply that a person is volunteering personal data, which will mean it is afforded weaker Constitutional
An alternative, which is starting to be discussed in policy circles, is to
control use rather than collection of data. One variant calls for tagging all
data with its origin and asking permission of its provider before using it.
The data can be encrypted, so that only the providers grant of permission
will reveal the actual data. Protecting use of data is not new; digital rights
management (DRM) schemes encrypt songs and videos and only decrypt
and play them when the player is given the key. Changing to protecting
use of private data would be a major effort, requiring changes in laws and
enforcement and, of course, a lot of software.5
Protecting use rather than limiting the collection of sensitive data
would be consistent with maintaining the bulk collection of SIGINT.
Perhaps if the public comes to embrace the philosophy and practice of
usage controls for sensitive personal data, such as health and financial
data, and comes to trust private sector IT implementations of the protection procedures, controlled-use approaches to intelligence information
can find greater favor.
This section contains a collection of topics that came up during the
committees deliberations that are potentially useful to the IC. None of
these topics directly addresses ways to replace bulk collection with t argeted
collection. Because the main focus of this report was not to determine the
full set of research areas to explore, this list is not meant to be complete.
Research is under way on all of the topics mentioned in this section. In many cases, NSA already implements some of the capabilities
(e.g., certain kinds of query checking). The IC has research efforts under
way in many of these areas as well. Of particular note is the Intelligence
Advanced Research Projects Activitys (IARPAs) Security and Privacy
4 Presidents Advisory Committee on Science and Technology (PCAST), Big Data: A
Technological Perspective, May 1, 2014, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/
microsites/ostp/PCAST/pcast_big_data_and_privacy_-_may_2014.pdf, p. xi.
5 Craig Mundie, Privacy pragmatism: Focus on data use, not data collection, Foreign
Affairs, March/April 2014, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/140741/craig-mundie/

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Assurance Research (SPAR6) program, which addressed topics of particular relevance to implementing secure SIGINT systems of the sort
described in Chapter 5.
This section does not delve into the many technologies that NSA and
other IC organizations use to operate large, complex IT operations. It does
not cover network security, operating-system security, physical security of
computer systems, authentication of users, or a host of other areas that are
part of making SIGINT technologies trustworthy. Research in these and
other areas that affect the general state of complex IT will help the IC too.
6.3.1 Technologies for Isolation
The approaches described in Section 5.4 are not in widespread use,
but they are not unexplored either. Their successful use will depend on
not only choosing a sound architecture, but also on developing a careful implementation: the trustworthiness of key components depends on
keeping them simple to avoid mistakes that lead to vulnerabilities. And
system-wide properties, such as security, will depend on many details,
such as managing cryptographic keys properly, distributing them securely,
changing them occasionally, ensuring that no single system administrator
can penetrate security, and so on. These are not simple systems to engineer and operate.
Variants of the systems described in Chapter 5 often involve executing separate components on separate computers (often under control of
separate organizations) and protecting the communications among the
components. Techniques for doing this, usually based on encryption, are
the topic of a research area dubbed secure multi-party computation,
which was investigated by the IARPA SPAR program. For example, recent
research shows how to protect data and communications in a three-part
system: one issues queries, a second authorizes queries, and a third holds
data and performs searches specified by authorized queries.7
6.3.2 Other Technologies for Protecting Data Privacy
Although the focus of this report is signals intelligence that provides
data about individual people and groups, signals intelligence can also

Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects

Activity, Security and Privacy Assurance Research (SPAR), http://www.iarpa.gov/index.
php/research-programs/spar, accessed January 16, 2015.
7 S. Jarecki, C. Jutla, H. Krawcyzk, M. Rosu, and M. Steiner, Outsourced symmetric private information retrieval, pp. 875-888 in Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC Conference
on Computer and Communications Security, Association of Computing Machinery, New York,
N.Y., 2013.

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be used to answer questions such as What is the most common disease

mentioned in Internet search requests from Yemen? In these cases, the
question is statistical, and protecting the identities of people cited in
the source database can be done using techniques quite different from
those prescribed for tracking specific threats. Although it might seem that
statistical questions by their nature do not reveal identities, if the query
specifies a sufficiently small group, identities can often be inferred using
queries to different databases.
Collecting and publishing large data sets (open data) has spurred
work on ways to benefit from the data without revealing personal information. One class of techniques attempts to anonymize (or de-identify) the
data by transforming it to retain useful information but prohibit identification of individuals. But it turns out that most anonymization schemes are
easy to defeat.8 Effective anonymization remains an open problem.
Differential privacy is an active research area tackling the problem
of enabling statistical queries from collections of data while preserving
the privacy of individuals.9 The purpose is to permit useful information to be determined while not exposing data on specific individuals,
including individuals not included in the data. This is done by adding
probabilistically structured noise (small probabilistic changes to the data)
to the responses to the queries. Although statistical databases have value
in many domains, the type of queries relevant to this report need to produce information about individual items, so the techniques of differential
privacy are not immediately applicable. There is also work on using differential privacy techniques with social networks.10
6.3.3 Approving Queries and Their Results Automatically
Automatically restricting or approving a query requires automatically understanding it at a deeper level than syntax; this points to another
advantage of automated decision making, namely, that it forces precision
about what is being collected, which is useful both for analysts and for
privacy. Automated understanding can be either static or dynamic. Static

8 See PCAST, Big Data, 2014, p. 38. A good view of anonymization and reidentification is in
Sections 3 and 4 of Opinion 05/2014 on Anonymisation Techniques (European Commission, Article 29 Data Protection Working Party, adopted April 10, 2014, http://ec.europa.eu/
9 Cynthia Dwork and Aaron Roth, The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy, Now
Publishers, Boston, Mass., 2014.
10 C. Task and C. Clifton, A guide to differential privacy theory in social network analysis,
pp. 411-417 in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social
Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C.

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understanding tries to infer from a set of axioms whether a particular

query or class of queries is allowed by policy, independently of the state
of the database being queried. Taking pre-approved queries as axioms
is a simple case of this. For example, If X is an identifier for a reasonable and articulable suspicion (RAS) target, return all the identifiers that
communicated with X in the last year. The query is fixed except for
some parameters, such as X in this example. It is a human decision to
pre-approve it, and no automated reasoning is needed to apply it. A
more powerful system could deduce that this query is OK from more
general axioms such as, X is associated with Y if X and Y communicated
in the last year and Any identifier associated with a RAS target can be
Dynamic understanding looks at the actual results of a query, rather
than considering all possible results, and asks whether policy allows
them to be disclosed. A simple example is a kind of minimization: if a
query returns a set of identifiers, any identifiers for U.S. persons should
be removed from the results. Tags on the data that track its provenance
or other properties can make dynamic understanding more powerful; the
example uses a U.S. person tag that is added to database entries for an
identifier when it is determined that the identifier refers to a U.S. person.11
This kind of understanding has been studied extensively in the context of
information flow control, where the goal is to keep secrets from being disclosed to uncleared people, even if it is processed by untrusted programs.
Decentralized information flow can very flexibly represent both degrees
of secrecy and authorities for disclosure.12 Dynamic systems can also take
account of context and history by applying the rules in force at the time a
query is made, considering questions such as, Is there an emergency? Is
the query part of a pattern known to need more scrutiny? Are the results
being combined with other data to deanonymize the results in a way that
is contrary to policy?
There are many similarities between static and dynamic understanding and the thriving fields of static and dynamic program understanding,
which suggests that there may be rich opportunities here. Not surprisingly, programs written in languages that are designed for automated
understanding are much easier to understand. The same thing applies to
query languages; indeed, the standard SQL database query language is

NSA has developed and donated to the Apache open-source community such a database. Accumulo is a scalable key/value store that allows access labels to be attached to
each cell that enables low-level query authorization checks (Apache Software Foundation,
Apache Accumulo, https://accumulo.apache.org/, accessed January 16, 2015).
12 A.C. Myers and B. Liskov, A decentralized model for information flow control, pp. 129142 in Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP), 1997,
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, N.Y.

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designed for automatic understanding of queries, and database systems

make heavy use of this to optimize their execution.13 A system that can
understand a query can also rewrite it to add access control checks or calls
to functions that encrypt and decrypt sensitive fields. For example, the
CryptDB and Cipherbase systems do this (see Section on simulating homomorphic encryption).
In most cases, a query is issued by an analyst, and the results are
returned to the analyst, but there are also programs, called analytics by the
IC, that issue queries and process the results themselves. Understanding
these analytics programs requires combining an understanding of the
queries with an understanding of the program that issues them. However, the issuing program can supplement the query itself with additional
information that can be used in making a decision whether to approve the
query. In other words, the program generating the query can be expected
to do more work to support a decision whether to approve the query than
might be practical for a human analyst.
The most likely approach to query approval is to proceed from easy
cases to harder ones, reserving for human attention those that cannot be
6.3.4 Audit/Oversight Automation
Auditing access to bulk data is essential for ensuring compliance
with the rules. The first step is to ensure that every query is permanently
recorded in a log; isolation makes it feasible to do this by technical
means. Then the log must be reviewed. Doing this manually is feasible
and, indeed, this is NSAs current practice, but it is expensive and not
transparentoutsiders must rely on the agencys assurance that it is
being done properly, because the queries are usually highly classified.
In analogous fashion, operating systems and networking equipment
write voluminous logs of security-relevant events, and review of such
logs usually requires a great deal of manual effort.14 It should be possible
to develop much better tools that automatically review the log, highlight

13 S. Chaudhuri, An overview of query optimization in relational systems, pp. 34-43 in

Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, 1998, Association for
Computing Machinery, New York, N.Y.
14 See, for example, USENIX, WASL 08, First USENIX Workshop on the Analysis of Systems Logs, Workshop Sessions, https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/wasl08/tech/
(last changed January 26, 2009) and, to infer causality, see M. Chow, D. Meisner, J. Flinn,
D. Peek, and T.F. Wenisch, The mystery machine: End-to-end performance analysis of
large-scale Internet services, pp. 217-231 in 11th USENIX Syposium on Operating Systems
Design and Implementation, October 2014, https://www.usenix.org/conference/osdi14/

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suspicious patterns, filter out the great majority of queries that do not
raise any issues or that were vetted by automatic query approval, and
present the remainder for manual review.
Automating the audit or overview process has much in common
with automating query authorization. Because there is a lot of audit data,
machine learning can also play a role, although it would probably require
introducing a lot of synthetic misbehavior (that is, deliberately introduced
misbehavior) to get enough true positives into the training set.
6.3.5 Formal Expression of Laws and Regulations
If it were possible to express the laws, policies, and rules governing
SIGINT in a machine-understandable form, it might be possible to generate tools that do automatic approval and oversight for a portion of the
queries. One approach would be to develop formal policy languages to
represent the precise meanings of policies. These could serve as an intermediate language between the output of lawyers and the technological
control of processes and computer programs. The process of formulating
them would likely reveal many anomalies, ranging from ambiguities to
misinterpretations to inconsistencies. NSA reported that it had looked into
deontic description logic for this purpose. To the extent that the field of
computational law thrives, its results would be relevant. Projects around
this area would seem to be an ideal unclassified research topic, appropriate for an interdisciplinary team of experts in law, policy, and computer
Basing automation on formal definitions has another advantage: if the
rules must change, the automation will change as a direct consequence.
Formal rule expressions will change, due to new laws, policies, and regulations, or in order to adapt to emergencies. Of course, the rule expressions and the process for changing them must be controlled carefully to
ensure compliance with the governing documents.
Advances in this area might lead outside organizations to gain confidence that the rules for handling personal data are being followed. If
these techniques are not being used today, how might they be applied to
reassure overseers that what they see is a full report of what happened?
Can zero-knowledge proofs be used in some way to reassure members
of the public who wish to monitor operations? Are there general ways of
scanning logs and reliably picking out transactions that need to be looked
at? Cybersecurity defense tries to do this, but even with specialized logs,
it is an incompletely solved problem.

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6.3.6 Policy Research

Simpler or more understandable rules are desired, but it is not obvious how to create them, nor how to avoid the processes that produced
the existing ones. This sort of research could be done independently of the
Intelligence Community (IC), at the risk of irrelevance. Some kind of
cooperative research leading to unclassified results would be best.
A seemingly simple, but fundamental, problem is the lack of a c ommon
lexicon to define the technology relevant to intelligence as it is controlled
by law, regulation, and policy directives. This deficiency came up in many
discussions, both inside and outside the IC. The absence of such a consensus on terminology may well explain some of the misunderstandings that
exist between the IC, its overseers, and the public. If not addressed, it is
likely that this confusion will continue and impede the effective development of a policy and legal framework. More generally, without consensus
on terminology, the development of effective regulation of technology will
be a continuing problem that also impedes building the necessary public
trust in the IC. An interdisciplinary effort to develop common terminology
for modern and emerging technology would be worthwhile.
6.3.7 Measuring Effectiveness of Intelligence
Techniques and the Value of Data
Policy decisions might be informed by quantifying the benefits of
various intelligence-gathering techniques as well as their risks. Anecdotal testimony that cites specific events doubtless understates the value
of intelligence and also gives the misleading impression that the value of
intelligence is in finding the single piece of evidence that thwarts an
attack.15 More often, small bits of information from different sources contribute to an actionable finding.
The IT systems that produce and record intelligence, especially those
used by analysts to bring together the bits and pieces gathered throughout an investigation, can track the provenance of the information. Can
investigations, once completed, be mined to estimate the value of different
sources of intelligence?
Statistical results and machine learning have a role to play. Statistical
techniques allow one to estimate the value of different sources of data.
Learning techniques potentially allow one to extract more information
(better results) from collected data, or more confidently ignore data that
15 See, for example, Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, Report on the Telephone
ecords Program Conducted under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and on the OperaR
tions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, January 23, 2014, http://www.pclob.gov/
SiteAssets/Pages/default/PCLOB-Report-on-the-Telephone-Records-Program.pdf, p. 145 ff.

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do not have to be collected. As the number of data sources grows, especially from public information, it may become important to routinely
assess the value of these sources. And such analysis would provide, at
least in classified form to the IC, an answer to a question that Presidential
Policy Directive 28,16 in effect, asks, How valuable is bulk collection of
domestic telephone metadata?
As the committee did its work, it noted an evolving relationship
between NSA and the academic research community on problems such as
those addressed in this report. For many years, NSA has formally funded
unclassified, basic research in mathematics (algebra, number theory, discrete mathematics, probability, and statistics) in the United States in its
Mathematical Sciences Program.17 According to NSA, this program was
initiated in response to a need to support mathematics research in the
United States and recognizes the benefits both to academia and NSA
accruing through a vigorous relationship with the academic community.
Further developing a similarly vigorous and sustained relationship
between NSA and the academic computer science community could have
similar benefits. Mechanisms would have to be found to translate classified problems into unclassified ones that researchers could tackle without
being subject to security reviewdoing so would improve the coupling of
the research mission with the operational mission. The IC has two mechanisms that help bridge the classification chasm. IARPA funds research
relevant to the IC, some of which targets the future of SIGINT. Many of
its research programs are predominantly unclassified, and it is working
to develop unclassified proxies for research problems of more direct
applicability to the IC. The firm In-Q-Tel acts somewhat like a venture
fund for innovative technology potentially useful to the IC, supporting
commercially viable technologies that might serve IC needs. Both appear
to be effective, but their structures and policies are not primarily intended
to build long-term and vigorous relationships with academic disciplines.
Bridging the chasm would benefit both communities.
Even in a report that was intended to address primarily technical
issues, the committee found it necessary to engage with a number of
legal and policy issues. This point underscores the fact that it is often


The White House, Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-28, Signals Intelligence Activities, Office of the Press Secretary, January 17, 2014, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/
17 National Security Agency, Mathematical Sciences Program, last modified August 30,
2013, https://www.nsa.gov/research/math_research/.

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important for technical research to be conducted in an interdisciplinary

manner cognizant of policy issues. But interdisciplinary work integrating
technology, law, and policy remains the exception rather than the rule in
academic research institutions. Much more of this type of collaboration is
required if law and policy are to effectively manage the challenges being
generated by rapidly changing technologies.
The committee has identified a number of technical areas where
advances could help the IC address privacy concerns about SIGINT data.
None of these topics directly addresses ways to replace bulk collection
with targeted collection; rather, they represent alternatives for better targeting collection or better controls on usage after collection. Because
determining the full set of research areas to explore was not the main
focus of this report, this list is not meant to be complete, and it does not
delve into most of the technologies that the IC uses for its IT capabilities.
Nor are the topics necessarily new; research may be under way, the IC
may already have implemented some of the capabilities, and the IC has
research efforts under way in many of these areas as well.
Conclusion 3. Research and development can help in developing
software intended to (1) enhance the effectiveness of targeted collection and (2) improve automated usage controls.
Conclusion 3.1. The use of targeted collection can be improved by
enriching and streamlining methods for determining and deploying new targets rapidly and using automated processing and/or
streamlined approval procedures.
Analytics, such as big data analytics, may help narrow collection,
even if they are not sufficiently precise to identify individual targets. If
the government is constrained by privacy concerns to collect less data, it
may nevertheless be able to use the power of large private-sector databases, analytics, and machine learning to shape the constraints to collect
only data predicted to have high value. New uses by the government of
private-sector databases would also raise new privacy and civil liberties
Some of these methods may require a great deal of computing, so that
filters should be cascaded to first apply cheap tests, followed by more
expensive filters only if earlier filters warrant. For example, if metadata
indicates a civilian telephone call to a military unit under surveillance,
speech recognition and subsequent semantic analysis might be applied to

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the voice signal, resulting in an ultimate collection decision. Richer targeting may require enhancing the ability of collection hardware and software
to apply complex discriminants to real-time signals feeds.
Conclusion 3.2. More powerful automation could improve the
precision, robustness, efficiency, and transparency of the controls,
while also reducing the burden of controls on analysts.
Some of the necessary technologies exist today, although they may
need further development for use in intelligence applications; others will
require research and development work. This approach and others for
privacy protection of data held by the private sector can be exploited by
the IC. Research could also advance the ability to systematically encode
laws, regulations, and policies in a machine-processable form that would
directly configure the rule automation.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

Observations about the
Charge to the Committee

The committee makes several clarifying observations about the charge

it was given:
The charge distinguishes explicitly between bulk and targeted
collection. In fact, the vast majority of applications interesting to the
Intelligence Community demonstrate that bulk collection and targeted
collection play complementary roles. Drawing a sharp line between bulk
and targeted collection does not accurately reflect how these approaches
are used in practice. Furthermore, and as discussed in Section 2.2, bulk
and targeted collection exist along a continuum without a bright line to
differentiate between them.
The charge calls for the committee to use cases to the extent possible. Although the committees report does discuss a number of use cases
(Chapter 3), and these use cases helped it to understand how bulk collection functions as a part of the analytic process, in the end the committee
did not find that these use cases were particularly helpful in identifying or
explicating possible alternatives to bulk collection. The committee found
it more useful to rely on general principles to reach its conclusions.
The charge implicitly assumes that technology alternatives could
make a contribution to the missions of the intelligence community that
is roughly comparable to the contribution that bulk collection makes. As
noted above, the committee found that this was not the casein many
cases, bulk collection does in fact make unique contributions to the mis-


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sions of the intelligence community that other kinds of collection cannot

provide. See Chapter 4.
The charge asks the committee to develop relevant criteria or
metrics for comparing bulk collection to targeted collection. But the committee found that decisions about bulk versus targeted collectionand
indeed about all manner of collection decisionsare driven by the concerns of policy makers, which are themselves shaped by their perception
of the threat environment. Thus, it is not at all obvious that metrics for
comparing bulk collection to targeted collection are particularly relevant
in the big picture.

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options



call detail records

Central Intelligence Agency


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court


Hypertext Transport Protocol


Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity

Intelligence Community
Internet Protocol
Internet Service Provider
information technology


Message Authentication Code


National Security Agency


Office of the Director of National Intelligence


Presidential Policy Directive


reasonable and articulable suspicion


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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options




signals intelligence
Simple Mail Transport Protocol
Security and Privacy Assurance Research
Structured Query Language


trusted computing base

Transmission Control Protocol


Universal Serial Bus

U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive


Voice over Internet Protocol


weapons of mass destruction

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Bulk Collection of Signals Intelligence: Technical Options

Biographical Information for Committee
Members, Consultants, and Staff

ROBERT F. SPROULL, Chair, is an adjunct professor of computer science
at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dr. Sproull retired in 2011
as vice president and director of Oracle Labs, an applied research group
that originated at Sun Microsystems (acquired by Oracle in 2010). Before
joining Sun in 1990, he was a principal with Sutherland, Sproull, and
Associates; an associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University; and a
member of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. He has served as chair
of the National Research Councils (NRCs) Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) since 2009. He is also on the Computing
Community Consortium (CCC) Council. In June, Dr. Sproull completed
a 6-year term on the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Council.
He is a member of the NAE and a fellow of the American Association for
the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences. Dr. Sproull received his M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science
from Stanford University and an A.B. in physics from Harvard College.
FREDERICK R. CHANG is the director of the Darwin Deason Institute
for Cyber Security, the Bobby B. Lyle Endowed Centennial Distinguished
Chair in Cyber Security, and a professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering in Southern Methodist Universitys (SMUs)
Lyle School of Engineering. Dr. Chang is also a senior fellow in the John
Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies in SMUs Dedman College.
He has been professor and AT&T Distinguished Chair in Infrastructure

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Assurance and Security at the University of Texas, San Antonio, and he

was at the University of Texas, Austin, as an associate dean in the College
of Natural Sciences and director of the Center for Information Assurance
and Security. Dr. Chang is the former director of research at the National
Security Agency (NSA). In the private sector, he was most recently the
president and chief operating officer of 21CT, Inc., an advanced intelligence analytics solutions company. Earlier, he was with SBC Communications where he held a variety of executive positions, including President,
Technology Strategy, SBC Communications; president and CEO, SBC
Technology Resources, Inc.; and vice president, network engineering and
planning, SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. Dr. Chang began his professional
career at Bell Laboratories. He has been awarded the NSA Directors Distinguished Service Medal. He has served as a member of the Commission
on Cyber Security for the 44th Presidency and as a member of the NRCs
CSTB. Dr. Chang is also a member of the Texas Cybersecurity, Education, and Economic Development Council. He received his B.A. from the
University of California, San Diego, and his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from
the University of Oregon. He has also completed the Program for Senior
Executives at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Dr. Chang is the lead inventor on two U.S.
patents (U.S. patent numbers 7272645 and 7633951). He has served as an
expert witness for congressional hearings on cybersecurity research and
development and the security of healthcare.gov.
WILLIAM DuMOUCHEL is a chief statistical scientist for Oracle Health
Sciences, at Oracle Data Sciences. His current research focuses on statistical computing and Bayesian hierarchical models, including applications to meta-analysis and data mining. He is the inventor of the
empirical Bayesian data mining algorithm known as Gamma-Poisson
Shrinker (GPS) and its successor MGPS, which have been applied to the
detection of safety signals in databases of spontaneous adverse drug
event reports. These methods are now used within the Food and Drug
Administration and industry. From 1996 through 2004, he was a senior
member of the data mining research group at AT&T Labs. Prior to 1996,
he was chief statistical scientist at BBN Software Products, where he was
lead statistical designer of software advisory systems for experimental design and data analysis called RS/Discover and RS/Explore. He
has been on the faculties of the University of California, Berkeley, the
University of Michigan, MIT, and, most recently, was professor of bio
statistics and medical informatics at Columbia University (1994-1996).
He has authored approximately 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals and
has also been an associate editor of the Journal of the American Statistical
Association, Statistics in Medicine, Statistics and Computing, and the Journal

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of Computational and Graphical Statistics. Dr. DuMouchel received a Ph.D.

in statistics from Yale University.
MICHAEL KEARNS is a professor in the Computer and Information Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania, where he holds the
National Center Chair. Dr. Kearnss research interests include topics in
machine learning, algorithmic game theory, social networks, and computational finance. He is the faculty founder and co-director of Penns
Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences and the faculty founder
of Penns Network and Social Systems Engineering program. Dr. Kearns
has secondary appointments in the statistics and operations and information management departments of the Wharton School. Until July 2006,
he was co-director of Penns interdisciplinary Institute for Research in
Cognitive Science. He has consulted widely for many companies (finance,
Internet technologies, etc.) and occasionally serves as an expert witness/
consultant on technology-related legal and regulatory cases. During the
1990s, Dr. Kearns worked in basic artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning research at Bell Labs and AT&T Labs, where he was head of the
AI department. He has served on the editorial boards of well-known journals of computer science, machine learning, and game theory. He received
his Ph.D. in computer science from Harvard University.
BUTLER LAMPSON is a technical fellow at Microsoft Corporation and an
adjunct professor at MIT. He has worked on computer architecture, local
area networks, raster printers, page description languages, operating systems, remote procedure call, programming languages and their semantics,
programming in the large, fault-tolerant computing, transaction processing, computer security, WYSIWYG editors, and tablet computers. He
was one of the designers of the SDS 940 time-sharing system, the Alto
personal distributed computing system, the Xerox 9700 laser printer, twophase commit protocols, the Autonet LAN, the SPKI system for network
security, the Microsoft Tablet PC software, the Microsoft Palladium highassurance stack, and several programming languages. He received the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Software Systems Award
in 1984 for his work on the Alto, the IEEE Computer Pioneer award in
1996, the von Neumann Medal in 2001, the Turing Award in 1992, and the
NAEs Draper Prize in 2004. He is a member of the National Academy of
Sciences and the NAE and a fellow of the ACM and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
SUSAN LANDAU is professor of cybersecurity policy in the Department
of Social Science and Policy Studies at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Dr. Landau has been a senior staff privacy analyst at Google, a distin-

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guished engineer at Sun Microsystems, a faculty member at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and at Wesleyan University. She has held
visiting positions at Harvard University, Cornell University, and Yale
University, and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. Dr. Landau
is the author of Surveillance or Security? The Risks Posed by New Wiretapping
Technologies (2011) and co-author, with Whitfield Diffie, of Privacy on the
Line: The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption (1998, rev. ed. 2007). She
has written numerous computer science and public policy papers and
op-eds on cybersecurity and encryption policy and testified in Congress
on the security risks of wiretapping and on cybersecurity activities at the
National Institute of Standards and Technologys Information Technology Laboratory. Dr. Landau currently serves on the NRCs CSTB. A 2012
Guggenheim fellow, she was a 2010-2011 fellow at the Radcliffe Institute
for Advanced Study, the recipient of the 2008 Women of Vision Social
Impact Award, and also a fellow of AAAS and ACM. She received her
B.A. from Princeton University, her M.S. from Cornell University, and
her Ph.D. from MIT.
MICHAEL E. LEITER is executive vice president for business development, strategy, and mergers and acquisitions at Leidos. Prior to taking
on his current role at Leidos, Mr. Leiter was a senior counselor at Palantir
Technologies. Before that, he was the director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). He was sworn in as the Director of NCTC on
June 12, 2008, upon his confirmation by the U.S. Senate and after serving as the acting director since November 2007. Before joining NCTC,
Mr. Leiter served as the deputy chief of staff for the Office of the Director of
National Intelligence (ODNI). In this role, he assisted in the establishment
of the ODNI and coordinated all internal and external operations for the
ODNI, to include relationships with the White House, the Departments
of Defense, State, Justice, and Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence
Agency, and the Congress. He was also involved in the development of
national intelligence centers, including NCTC and the National Counter
proliferation Center, and their integration into the larger Intelligence Community. In addition, Mr. Leiter served as an intelligence and policy advisor
to the Director and the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence.
Prior to his service with the ODNI, Mr. Leiter served as the deputy general counsel and assistant director of the Presidents Commission on the
Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass
Destruction (the Robb-Silberman Commission). While with the RobbSilberman Commission, Mr. Leiter focused on reforms of the U.S. Intelligence Community, in particular the development of what is now the
National Security Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. From
2002 until 2005, he served with the Department of Justice as an Assistant

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United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. At the Justice
Department, Mr. Leiter prosecuted a variety of federal crimes, including
narcotics offenses, organized crime and racketeering, capital murder, and
money laundering. Immediately prior to his Justice Department service, he
served as a law clerk to Associate Justice Stephen G. Breyer of the Supreme
Court of the United States and to Chief Judge Michael Boudin of the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. From 1991 until 1997, he served as a
Naval Flight Officer flying EA-6B Prowlers in the U.S. Navy, participating
in U.S., NATO, and United Nations operations in the former Yugoslavia
and Iraq. Mr. Leiter received his J.D. from Harvard Law School, where he
graduated magna cum laude and was president of the Harvard Law Review,
and his B.A. from Columbia University.
ELIZABETH RINDSKOPF PARKER is dean emerita at the University of
the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. A noted expert on national security
law and terrorism, Ms. Parker served 11 years in key federal government
positions, most notably as general counsel for NSA; principal deputy
legal adviser, Department of State; and general counsel for the Central
Intelligence Agency. In private practice, she has advised clients on public
policy and international trade issues, particularly in the areas of encryption and advanced technology. Ms. Parker began her career as a Reginald
Heber Smith Fellow at Emory University School of Law and later served
as the director, New Haven Legal Assistance Association, Inc. Early in her
career, she was active in litigating civil rights and civil liberties matters,
with two successful arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court while a
cooperating attorney for the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Immediately before her arrival at McGeorge, Ms. Parker served as general
counsel for the 26-campus University of Wisconsin System. She is a member of the Security Advisory Group of the DNI, the board of directors of
the MITRE Corporation, the American Bar Foundation, and the Council
on Foreign Relations, and she is a frequent speaker and lecturer. Her academic background includes teaching at Pacific McGeorge, Case Western
Reserve Law School, and Cleveland-Marshall State School of Law. From
2006 to 2013, she held a presidential appointment to the Public Interest
Declassification Board. Ms. Parker received her B.A. and J.D. from the
University of Michigan.
PETER J. WEINBERGER has been a software engineer at Google, Inc.,
since 2003. After teaching mathematics at the University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, he moved to Bell Laboratories. At Bell Labs, he worked on
Unix and did research on topics including operating systems, compilers,
network file systems, and security. He then moved into research management, ending up as Information Sciences Research vice president, respon-

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sible for computer science research, math and statistics, and speech. His
organization included productive new initiatives, one using all call detail
to detect fraud and another doing applied software engineering research
to support building software for the main electronic switching systems
for central offices. After Lucent and AT&T split, he moved to Renaissance Technologies, a technical trading hedge fund, as head of technology, responsible for computing and security. He is a former member of
the NRCs CSTB, current co-chair of an NRC committee on cybersecurity
research, and served on several other NRC studies. He serves in a variety
of other advisory roles related to science, technology, and national security. He has a Ph.D. in mathematics (number theory) from the University
of California, Berkeley.
M. ANTHONY FAINBERG became a research staff member at the Institute
for Defense Analyses, where he focuses on risk assessment methodologies,
countering nuclear terrorism, and nuclear non-prolieration issues, upon
retiring from federal service after 20 years. At retirement, Dr. Fainberg
was director of the Office of Transformational Research and Development
of the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office of the Department of Homeland
Security. Previously, he had been division chief at the Advanced Systems
and Concepts Office, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Department of
Defense; before that, he directed the Office of Policy and Planning for Aviation Security in the Federal Aviation Administration. He also is a senior scientific advisor to the Pacific Basin Development Council, an organization
comprising the governors of the U.S. Pacific island territories and Hawaii.
He holds a Ph.D. in physics.
ALLAN FRIEDMAN is a research scientist at the Cyber Security Policy
Research Institute (CSPRI) in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at George Washington University, where he works on cybersecurity
policy. Wearing the hats of both a technologist and a policy scholar, his
work spans computer science, public policy, and the social sciences, and
has addressed a wide range of policy issues, from privacy to telecommunications. Dr. Friedman has over a decade of experience in cybersecurity
research, with a particular focus on economic, market, and trade issues.
He is the coauthor of Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to
Know (2014). Prior to joining CSPRI, Dr. Friedman was a fellow at the
Brookings Institution and the research director for the Center for Technology Innovation. Before moving to Washington, D.C., he was a postdoctoral
fellow at the Harvard University Computer Science Department, where
he worked on cybersecurity policy, privacy-enhancing technologies, and

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the economics of information security. Dr. Friedman was also a fellow at

the Kennedy Schools Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs,
where he worked on the Minerva Project for Cyber International Relations.
He has also received fellowships from the Berkman Center for Internet
and Society and the Harvard Program on Networked Governance. He has
a degree in computer science from Swarthmore College and a Ph.D. in
public policy from Harvard University.
ALEX GLIKSMAN is principal of AGI Consulting, LLC, a firm specializing
in intelligence and other national security program development, congressional relations, acquisition, and management strategies. Mr. Gliksman has
played a central role in the development and evaluation of analytic tools,
and mission planning and operational support systems used by the Armed
Services and U.S. intelligence for counterproliferation, counterterrorism,
special operations, and arms control. He also has extensive experience in
South and Southwest Asia and Pacific Rim regional security matters and
has advised Fortune 500 companies on business opportunities in these
regions. He served on the senior staffs of the House Intelligence Committee and Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Mr. Gliksmans clients have
included the U.S. Congress, the Department of Defense, the Department
of State, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Idaho National Laboratory, Northrop Grumman, the Analytic
Sciences Corp., Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Science Applications International
Corporation, the Boeing Company, and Computer Sciences Corporation.
Mr. Gliksman has taught on the graduate faculty of the University of
Southern California and at the University of Maryland. He studied at
New York University and the University of Vienna and pursued doctoral
studies in international relations at University College London.
ALAN H. SHAW, Study Director, has been at the NRC as deputy director
of the Air Force Studies Board since January 2014 and has had several
previous assignments at the NRC. Educated as a physicist (Yale, 1974),
he has worked in various capacities for all three branches of the federal government, including as the director for international security and
space at the congressional Office of Technology Assessment. He has also
worked for the Congressional Budget Office, the U.S. Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency, the Institute for Defense Analyses, the Center for
Naval Analyses, SRA International, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency,
and (as a consultant) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the
federal judiciary.

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JON EISENBERG is the director of NRCs CSTB where he oversees and

directs studies and other activities related to computing, communications,
and public policy. In 1995-1997 he was an AAAS Science, Engineering,
and Diplomacy Fellow at the U.S. Agency for International Development, where he worked on technology transfer and information and
telecommunications policy issues. He received his Ph.D. in experimental
high-energy physics from the University of Washington and a B.S. in
physics with honors from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
HERBERT S. LIN was chief scientist at NRCs CSTB until December
2014 where he had served as study director of major projects on public
policy and information technology. These studies included a 1996 study
on national cryptography policy (Cryptographys Role in Securing the Information Society), a 1991 study on the future of computer science (Computing
the Future), a 1999 study of Defense Department systems for command,
control, communications, computing, and intelligence (Realizing the Potential of C4I: Fundamental Challenges), a 2000 study on workforce issues in
high-technology (Building a Workforce for the Information Economy), a 2002
study on protecting kids from Internet pornography and sexual exploitation (Youth, Pornography, and the Internet), a 2004 study on aspects of the
FBIs information technology modernization program (A Review of the
FBIs Trilogy IT Modernization Program), a 2005 study on electronic voting
(Asking the Right Questions About Electronic Voting), a 2005 study on computational biology (Catalyzing Inquiry at the Interface of Computing and
Biology), a 2007 study on privacy and information technology (Engaging
Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age), a 2007 study on cybersecurity research (Toward a Safer and More Secure Cyberspace), and a 2008
study on health care information technology (Computational Technology
for Effective Health Care). Prior to his NRC service, he was a professional
staff member and staff scientist for the House Armed Services Committee (1986-1990), where his portfolio included defense policy and arms
control issues. He received his doctorate in physics from MIT. Apart from
his CSTB work, he is published in cognitive science, science education,
biophysics, and arms control and defense policy. He also consults on K-12
math and science education.
ERIC WHITAKER is a senior program assistant at NRCs CSTB. Prior to
joining the CSTB, he was a realtor with Long and Foster Real Estate, Inc.,
in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Before that, he spent several
years with the Public Broadcasting Service in Alexandria, Virginia, as an
associate in the Corporate Support Department. He has a B.A. in communication from Hampton University.

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