The Book of Q
The Book of Q
The Book of Q
he reason for making this book is to present a chronological
chronological account of what
is either the biggest intelligence drop from the U.S. government to the Amer-
ican public ever, or the longest lasting “LARP” ( Live Action Role Playing ,
aka prank) on the 4chan message board, ever.
As all of this evolves, it is clear that whoever this Q character dropping this info
may be, his statements, questions and insinuations paint a compelling picture: a
world about to be released from the grip of a global cabal that includes corrupt poli-
ticians, CIA, banker families and royal dynasties.
If this is all ction, it still makes an incredibly gripping spy story - denitely worth
a read. If true, however, then the whole world is at a giant crossroads.
It was my intention to compile screenshots all of Q’s posts so people would not
have to spend hours wading through the overwhelming ood of information,
spam and (sometimes obviously intentional) disinformation
disinformat ion on the 4chan board.
When reading this le, pay attention to the timestamps of the messages. Q’s mes-
mes -
sages are screenshots, and the timestamps are the local time on the computer the
screenshot was taken on. Some user comments included are from across the ocean,
so time (and even date) may appear not to match, but they do.
Q uick Rundown
n October 28, someone who named him/herself Q – and who appeared to be a high level government in-
sider – began posting a series of intriguin
g messages on Internet message board 4chan in a thread called
The intelligent and systematic way in which Q posed his questions, caught the attention of many /pol/ users. Espe-
cially when some of the things Q hinted at or even predicted, became true...
4.) Q said on Oct. 31: “Any person stating they won’t run for re-election, has been put in submission .” Ten
days later FOX News announced “40 politicians not running.”
5.) Q said there could be social media blackouts, “but don’t worry.” Later, Trump twitter goes oine for a
while. The 4chan thread has also been under attack, has been ooded with spammers. The thread even went
Historic Setting
During the presidential campaign of 2016 it became blatantly obvious that the MSM (mainstream media)
had abandoned any semblance of neutrality and basically functions as a mouthpiece to the Democrat Party.
After the election, the same media ran a non-stop campaign against the 45th president with its “Russian col-
lusion” hysteria that has been going on for over a year now, while being unable to produce any signicant
evidence. That 1500 human tracking/pedophile ring arrests were made in the period shortly before/after
Trump’s inauguration somehow escaped their attention completely.
2016 was also the year of the pizzagate scandal: allegations that Comet
C omet Pizza Ping Pong in Washington D.C.,
run by James Alefantis, was a cover for a pedo-ring. Pizzagate was promptly dismissed worldwide in the
MSM. Even the major European newsoutlets ran extensive stories announcing that all of it was fake news, news ,
period. Five
Fiv e minutes of online research however, will quick
ly reveal images snatched o of
o f Alefantis’ (pre-
viously public) Instagram account. And these are disconcerting to say the least, if not downright alarming:
a photo of a naked guy writhing on the oor covered in what I assume is fake blood, pornographic images
with slices of pizza, various pictures of babies and toddlers with comments like “#Hotard”, “I want one” and
“#Chickenlovers” posted next to them, photos of a “killroom”, someone showing o a home-made metal
con the size of a small child, etc.
Yet none of these troubling things got any mention in the mainstream media. They ran to dismiss the story
right o the bat - all of them. Except for Ben Swann of CBS46 in Atlanta. After reporting on the potential
scandal on live TV, his Facebook account of 428,000 followers was wiped clean (!), his website taken down,
and he didn’t appear on the air for a week.
But it doesn’t end there. Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary’s campaign manager John Podesta, seems to be
good friends with Alefantis. Alefantis catered several pizza-parties at Tony’s house. Tony, art collector,
seems really into artists who work around child molestation (such as Biljana Djurdjevic and Patricia Picci-
nini , some disturbing stu there). Then there is this heavy accusation in a 2011 tweet by (now dead) Andrew
Breitbart: “How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-
upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.” Heavy accusations indeed.
Put one and two together and you may not have proof, but enough to raise some serious suspicion.
One more thing about Alefantis: how does running a “kid friendly” pizza joint get you listed as one of the
top 50 most powerful people in Washington according to GQ magazine? Isn’t Washington full of powerful
people? Don’t let me drag you into a conspiracy
cons piracy theory, I’ll let you make up your own
ow n mind.
Note: Person in picture may simply be a random customer at the pizzeria, what is disturbing is Alefantis’ comment.
First Q Posts
Real life: Antifa
Antifa has announced mass protests on Nov. 4th.
A for math.
- Daughter of Saleha Mahmood Abedin,
Abedin, a pro-Sharia
sociologist with ties to numerous Islamist organizations
including the Muslim Brotherhood.
- Longtime assistant to Hillary Clinton.
- Wife of former congressman Anthony Weiner
(who was convicted for sexting an underage girl)
- Longtime former employee of the Institute of Muslim
Minority Aairs, which shares the Muslim Brotherhood's goal
of establishing Islamic supremacy and Sharia Law worldwide.
Source: BBC
Source: Newsweek
Source: Wikipedia
Source: The Guardian
[Between Brackets]
CIA is here. Pray.
(Between brackets)
Sinful one.
[Between Brackets]
US risk this week.
God & Country
(Between brackets)
New public hack-
Source: NY Times
[Between Brackets]
Lynn de Rothschild?
Source: BBC
At this point, rumors began spreading that Marines Military and CIA insofar that “elements within the
had stormed CIA headquarters in Langley on Satur- CIA are still INTENTIONALLY carrying out the failed
day 18 November. One of the rst to report on this, policies of the Obama regime,” including supplying
was the Hal Turner Radio Show on November 19. weapons and logistic support to “freedom ghters”
inside Syria who are ghting U.S. troops.
“According to persons who reside near Langley
Langley,, a
large contingent of Marines arrived at CIA Headquar- Apparently the CIA had negated the order to stop
ters in tilt-rotor aircraft (photo) and when the Ma- the funding. The military showdown was to send a
rines deplaned, they were armed and moved quickly clear message from the military to the (rogue frac-
into CIA Headquarters! (I did not personally witness tions within) CIA.
this and am relying solely on what witnesses are tell-
ing me).” “It was done over a weekend apparently because
most of the big shots in the Pentagon are at home,
The news went viral quickly on the Internet, and was and by the time they heard something was going on,
quickly embellished and aggrandized. it was pretty much over ....”
An update was made the next day on Monday No- Benjamin Fulford, former Asia-Pacic Bureau Chief
vember 20: “I have now spoken to almost ALL of for Forbes Magazine, spoke of a “Huge actionable in-
my former colleagues in the Intelligence Community telligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ” on Nov.
and here’s what took place: Yes, a group of military 27. His sources claim “computers and documents
aircraft approached and circled the CIA Headquarters
Headquart ers were seized and as a result, some 400 drug facilities
in Virginia for upwards of 30 minutes on Saturday. were located and the U.S. military began bombing
They did NOT land and did NOT enter CIA HQ forcibly them in Afghanistan on
o n November 19th.”
- or otherwise.
“They added that the bombed locations were labelled
Alledgedly there’s an ongoing problem between the as the Taliban’s
Taliban’s in order “to be politically correct.”
As Q began posting, the CBTS thread was overrun by spammers and people trying to
derail the thread. The thread was also split, at one point there were 2 CBTS threads running
simultaneously.. One of them was infected by a bot, software that automatically generated
message posts at breakneck speed, making the thread unuseable.
After Q sent this last message, this ended.
Photo: Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vaitcan, picture taken from the back of the room. The round windows
in the side walls and the triangular pill
ars create the optical illusion
illusi on of a snake’s head. The pope sits on a
throne inside the snake’s mouth. There are no Christian symbols anywhere in the hall. Below left: pope’s
throne inside the snake’s mouth. Right: even from the outside, it looks like a snake’s head.
Twitter CEO Ali Rowghani (2nd left), Prince Alwaleed (center), and Mr. Suhail Rizvi (right).
Rizvi Traverse Capital’s other major investments include a controlling interest in Playboy and music
rights organization Sesac, as well as stakes in news app Flipboard and Jack Dorsey’s digital payments company,
Square. Sources told CNBC that Rizvi invested $100 million in Facebook before its IPO and sold its shares earlier
this year.
year. It also has sold its equity stake in talent agency ICM, and in “Twilight”
“Twilight” producer Summit Entertainment,
Rizvi’s sold to Lionsgate.
biggest individual client is Prince Waleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia who invested $300 million pre-IPO in Twit
ter through Rizvi Traverse. Rizvi also invested JP Morgan Chase’s $400 million pre-IPO in Twitter.
Twitter. Rizvi is reported to
have used personal connections in Silicon Valley to purchase these stakes from Twitter employees.
Source: Washington Examiner
Two Internet memes found on 4chan. Conspiracy theorists never sleep... One person
p erson in this photo
of the Rothschild family bears a striking resemblance to James Alefantis, owner of Comet pizza in DC.
This sort of thing only generates more questions... Now I don’t know what to think!
Source: BBC
A little while later, President Trump tweets about small business and
changes his twitter header to this picture ...
At this point the CBTS thread was again ooded with so-called bots and shills, people pos-
ting irrelevant nonsense, trying to start discussions about other (non) issues. One person
was posting horrible picture after horrible picture of decomposing corpses, dismembe-
red limbs and disgured bodies. The result was once again that one would have to scroll
through endless amounts of rubbish in order to read a post from some anon genuinely
trying to answer Q’s questions.
Amazing that so many would spend so much eort trying to derail and discourage a thread
if it was only a prank?
Yes, the sheer volume of the amount of shilling and nonsense on CBTS makes you think
t hink
someone is being paid to be disruptive...
drenochrome is mentioned in the movie “Fear oxidizes or “hits the air.” It’
It’ss produced when the body
and Loathing in Las Vegas” starring Johnny is traumatized in some way such as through torture or
Depp and if you watch this quick clip to the extreme terror.
end, it talks about this drug. Take a look.
When a stimulus which should produce extreme fear
CLIP DESTRIPTION: The two protagonist
protagonistss are trip- is introduced to a human, especially when someone is
ping on LSD in their hotel
hotel room.
room. Duke (Johnny Depp)
Depp) very young, the adrenaline produced is more potent
is ingesting some kind of liquid drug from a dropper, than the average adult. Because of its psychoactive
and asks his partner from whom he got the drug. properties Adrenochrome has been linked to mind
- Dr. Gonzo:“Satanism
Gonzo:“Satanism freak.” control drug. Think MK Ultra.
- Duke: “I think there’s only one source of this stu.
The adrenalin gland from a living, human body.” The extraction process is done by killing the person
- Dr. Gonzo: “I know... The guy didn’t have any cash and harvesting the adrenochrome from the base of the
to pay me. He oered me human blood - said it would neck and spinal column with a needle.
take me higher than I’ve ever been in my life. I thought
he was kidding, so I told him I’d just as soon have an In it’s pure form, black market dealers can make ex-
ounce or so of pure adrenochrome - or maybe just a
fresh adrenaline
adrenaline gland to chew on.”
on.” treme amounts
nection betweenofthe
childwhen they sell it.torture
sex tracking, This con-
“Yessir, they nailed this guy for child molesting. He murder of children around the world and the links be-
swore he didn’t
didn’t do it. “Why should I fuck with chil- tween MS-13, high prole pedopushers like Podesta
dren?” he says. “They’re too small.” Christ, were- and Alefantis and all the ties between these non-prot
wolf is entitled to legal counsel. I didn’t dare turn the organizations pretending to provide assistance to
creep down. He might have picked up a letter opener victims of various disasters around the world makes
and gone after my pineal gland!” sense when you think about this type of drug track -
In this clip, it’s interesting to note the discussion
between Depp and the dealer he’s talking to. If you What better way to collect children than from war
didn’t realize it, they’re talking about how it’s har- torn or natural disaster ripped areas? Parents are gone,
vested in a roundabout way. families are separated. It’s too easy to get these kid
in and out of the country. They slap a few faces of
Yes, I’m well aware this is supposed to be ction, children on their posters and then no one ever really
however most ction is based on real life events. Au-
Au- tracks the kids after a certain point.
Reprinted with kind permission from
the mainstream media keeps
doing what it does best.
Source: the Weekly Standard
News item is dated march 10, 2017. Mara Salvatrucha is otherwise know as MS13.
As one of the few people who viewed the 22 top secret Clinton emails deemed too classied to release
under any circumstances,
circumstances, the former IG said, “There was a very good reason to withhold those emails ...
there would have been harm to national security.” McCullough went further, telling Fox News that “sour-
ces and methods, lives and operations” could be put at risk.
Some of those email exchanges contained Special Access Program (SAP) information characterized
by intel experts as “above top secret.”
Q suddenly appears on, 4chan’s sister board, and continues to post from there.
Q inquires about Barack Hussein Obama’s whereabouts as he posts a picture of Shanghai.
Source: CNN
Note: I omitted
omitted some of Q’s
Q’s lastest posts on, where he focuses on
on specic organizations.
organizations. Unless
circumstances demand otherwise, I will no longer update this le. I think that at this point the big picture
should be clear to everyone. Whatever truth there is to it, will eventually come to light. We already see
how dishonest some mainstream media outlets have become, having moved past the point of merely
being biased.
biased. If Q’s
Q’s claims are true, when it all comes out, complicit media
media outlets are sure to be disrup-
tive. That is why I leave this document at your disposal, and also, to help lighten the shock.
On Satanism
Some people foolishly call Satan “Lucifer” (“Bringer of Light”). That is in-
correct, “Bringer of Light” was merely his “job title” before he got red. He
couldn’t handle the honor of being the bringer of Light to all sentient be-
be -
ings and he began to think highly of himself. It is of course a total insult
and abomination to all but the worst creatures to have the Light being
brought to you by an arrogant one, and so his title was revoked.
By this time he had crippled his own heart to the extent that his reaction
was that of a petulant child. Failing to look for any fault with himself,
he turned against God for taking away that most noble function that he
himself had amply soiled and disgraced.
If even God’s best angel would fall into arrogance at the honor of being
bei ng the
bringer of Light, God created humans and allowed them to seek and nd
the Light themselves in the most difcult environment. Only those who
could manage to nd the Light under such trying circumstances, would
understand its preciousness and know to cherish it accordingly.
The more these people praised their lord of darkness, the more
mo re he would
despise them in his heart as their willingness to follow he who had set
out to destroy them, only proved their inferiority. He would then smile
and embolden them to commit even more sins and carry out even more
sinister plans. But he would never tell them of the cosmic law, that what
is owed, must be repaid. They would have to repay, with interest, all of the
mayhem and suffering that they caused, be it in this life or the next.
Adm R Admiral Michael S. Rogers IRS Internal Revenue Agency
Director of the NSA ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
AF1 Air Force 1 - POTUS plane JA Julian Assange
AG Attourny General JFK John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Anon Anonymous JK "John Kerry,
Kerry, Jared Kushner"
ANTIFA “Anti-Fascists” movement, received KKK Klu Klux Klan - started by D's
funds from George Soros KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
BIS Bank for International Settlements LV Las Vegas
BO Barak Obama MB Muslim Brotherhood
BOD Board of Directors MI Military Intelligence
BP Border Patrol ML Marshal Law
CF Clinton Foundation MM Media Matters
CIA Central Intelligence Agency MS-13 Latino Drug Cartel
CS Civil Service MSM Mainstream Media
CTR Correct The Record NG National Guard
DC District of Columbia NK "North Korea, also NORK, NOK"
DJT President
Presiden t Donald John Trump NP Non-Prot
DNC Democratic National Committee NSA National Security Agency
DOE Department Of Energy OP Original Poster
DOJ Department Of Justice PG Pizzagate/Pedogate
D's Democrats PM Prime Minister
EMS Emergency Medical Services POTUS President of the United States
EU European Union RNC Republican Naitonal Committee
F&F Fast
Fast and Furious - Feinstein's failed RR Rod Rosenstein
gun sale attempt R's Republicans
f2f Face to Face SA Saudi Arabia
FB Facebook SAP Special Access Programs
FBI Federal
Federal Beureau of Investigation SC Supreme Court
FED Federal Reserve SK South Korea
FOIA Freedom Of Information Act SS Secret Service
HI Hawaii ST Seal Team (eg. Seal Team 6)
HRC Hillary Rodham Clinton U1 Uranium 1
HUMA Homeland Security Mulsim Almumni
Harvard University US
USSS United States
United States Secret Service
H-wood Hollywood VJ Valerie Jarret
IC Intelligence Community WH White House
ID Identication