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As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Study Program
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Mahasaraswati Denpasar University











Collaborative Learning to the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Sukawati in

Academic Year 2013/ 2014 has been approved and accepted as partial fulfillment
for the Sarjana Pendidikan degree in English Education Study Program, Faculty
of Teacher Training and Education, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University.

Approved By


This thesis has been examined and assessed by the examiner committee of
English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Mahasaraswati Denpasar University in the oral examination on 20th August 2014.

Chief Examiner

Dr. Drs. I Made Sukamerta, M.Pd.

NIP.19550507 198203 1 003

Examiner I

Examiner II

I Komang Budiarta, S.Pd., M.Hum.

NPK. 82 8208 306

Putu Ayu Paramita D, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NPK. 82 8810336

Approved By

The researcher hereby declares that this thesis is his own writing, and it is
true and correct that there is no others work or statement, except the work or
statement that is referred in the references. All cited works were quoted in
accordance with the ethical code of academic writing.


First of all, the researcher whishes to express his great sincere and heartfelt
to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa who has given His most generous motivation so
that the researcher could finish this thesis entitled Teaching Reading
Comprehension Through Collaborative Learning to the Eighth Grade Students of
SMPN 2 Sukawati in Academic Year 2013/2014.
Secondly, the researcher would like to express his deepest gratitude and
appreciation to I Komang Budiarta, S.Pd., M.Hum. as his first advisor and Putu
Ayu Paramita D, S.Pd., M.Pd. as his second advisor who have already guided him
and shared their ideas for the improvement of the thesis. In addition, the
researcher also would like to thanks for their patience, kindness, and correction in
finishing this thesis. They worked so hard to make this thesis better.
Then, the gratefulness to the headmaster, the teacher, and students of
SMPN 2 Sukawati for their permission to the researcher to conduct his research in
that school. The researcher also would like to dedicate this thesis to his family and
his close friends especially his mother, Ni Made Sulastri; his father, I Made Kaya;
his friend, I Gusti Ayu Adi Miliyana Dewi, and all his friends especially his
classmates who always give motivation, information and for those whose names
could not be mentioned one by one who always support the researcher during the
writing of this thesis.
Next, the researcher is fully aware of his weakness that this thesis is far
from perfect; therefore, he would greatly appreciate all comments, suggestions,
and also a constructive criticism making this thesis would be much better. Finally,
the researcher does hope that his writing will be useful particularly to the
researcher own self and generally to the readers who are interested in this field of
the present study and want to conduct similar research.
Denpasar, 15 August 2014
The Researcher


Adnyana, M. (2014). Teaching Reading Comprehension Through
Collaborative Learning to the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2
Sukawati In Academic Year 2013/2014. The First Advisor: I Komang
Budiarta, S.Pd., M.Hum. and the Second Advisor: Putu Ayu Paramita
D, S.Pd., M.Pd
Reading comprehension is the ability to read a text, process it and try to
comprehend the meaning. The result of the pre-test showed that most of the
students in junior high school faced problem in reading comprehension. The
students had difficulty in identifying specific information, main idea, words
meaning and also textual reference of the text. The objective of the present study
was to figure out the effectiveness of collaborative learning in teaching reading
comprehension to the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Sukawati in academic
year 2013/2014. Therefore, to achieve the objective of the study, the researcher
conducted a classroom action research (CAR) in which the research was done in
two cycles and each cycle consisted of two sessions. The research instruments
were given in order to collect the data needed. Then, the data were analyzed by
comparing the result of pre-test and post tests. As supporting data, a questionnaire
was also administered in the end of the last cycle and the result showed positive
responses with the implementation of collaborative learning. Based on the result
of the pre-test, post tests and questionnaire, it could be concluded that
collaborative learning was very effective in teaching reading comprehension to
the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014.
Keywords: reading comprehension, collaborative learning and SMPN 2 Sukawati.


COVER .............................................................................................................

INSIDE COVER ...............................................................................................


PRE-REQUISITE TITLE .................................................................................


APPROVAL SHEET 1 .....................................................................................


APPROVAL SHEET 2 ......................................................................................

STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ..............................................................


ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...................................................................................


ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................


LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................


LIST OF GRAPHS ...........................................................................................


LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... xiii



INTRODUCTION ..................................................................

1.1 Background of the Study...................................................

1.2 Research Problem .............................................................

1.3 Objective of the Study.......................................................

1.4 Limitation of the Study .....................................................

1.5 Significance of the Study ..................................................

1.6 Definition of Key Term.....................................................


2.1 Theoretical Review ............................................................

2.1.1 Collaborative Learning .............................................

2.1.2 Reading Comprehension ........................................... 11

2.1.3 The Components of Reading Comprehension .......... 14
2.1.3 The Assessment of Reading Comprehension............ 17
2.2 Empirical Review ............................................................... 18
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................... 21
3.1 Subject of the Study ........................................................... 21

3.2 Research Design ................................................................. 21

3.3 Research Procedure ............................................................ 24
3.3.1 Initial Reflection ....................................................... 25
3.3.2 Planning .................................................................... 25
3.3.3 Action ........................................................................ 26
3.3.4 Observation ............................................................... 27
3.3.5 Reflection .................................................................. 28
3.4 Research Instrument ........................................................... 28
3.5 Data Collection................................................................... 29
3.6 Data Analysis ..................................................................... 30
3.7 Success Indicator ................................................................ 31
CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ............................................... 32
4.1 Finding ............................................................................... 32
4.1.1 Pre-Cycle ................................................................... 36
4.1.2 Cycle I ....................................................................... 37
4.1.3 Cycle 2 ...................................................................... 39
3.4 Discussion .......................................................................... 43

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................... 47

3.1 Conclusion ......................................................................... 47
3.2 Suggestion .......................................................................... 48

REFERENCES.................................................................................................... 50
APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 53


Table 4.1 Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects Progressing Scores in

Reading Comprehension ...............................................................


Table 4.2 Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects Response Toward

Collaborative Learning in Reading Comprehension .....................




Graph 4.1 Depicting the Subjects Progressing Mean Scores in Reading

Comprehension during the Study ..................................................


Graph 4.2 Percentage Response of the Questionnaire after the

Implementation of Collaborative Learning ...................................



Appendix 1 List of the Subjects ......................................................................... 53
Appendix 2 List of Groups................................................................................. 55
Appendix 3 Pre-test ............................................................................................ 57
Appendix 4 Lesson Plan Session 1 Cycle I ....................................................... 63
Appendix 5 Lesson Plan Session 2 Cycle I........................................................ 69
Appendix 6 Post test 1 ...................................................................................... 75
Appendix 7 Lesson Plan Session 1 Cycle II ...................................................... 80
Appendix 8 Lesson Plan Session 2 Cycle II ...................................................... 86
Appendix 9 Post test 2 ...................................................................................... 91
Appendix 10 Answer Keys ................................................................................ 96
Appendix 11 Questionnaire ............................................................................... 98



1.1 Background of the Study

Reading comprehension is the ability to read a text, process it and try to
comprehend the meaning. Reading is an important skill in our daily life because it
can give so many advantages for us. Through reading, students can obtain plenty
of information which can expand their knowledge more and more. Besides, in
learning English, being able to comprehend reading passage is a must. When the
teacher gives text for the students to answer some questions, they possibly cannot
answer it well if they do not comprehend reading passage well. It is like two
aspects which cannot be separated. It is like fire and fume, two things that is
inseparable. That is a fact in comprehending text that is absolutely needed.
Related with the present study, reading comprehension is not as simple as
people imagination to achieve it. There are many aspects that must be considered
if the teacher wants to successfully conduct the teaching learning process. One of
the important aspects is giving the students a chance to read during the lesson and
also make sure that they completely understand what they read.
Most of the students only read the text without thinking and paying
attention to every single sentence that they read. Besides, a lot of the students do
not have much time to read because when teachers give a text and get the students
to answer the questions of the text, they only focus on how to answer these
questions quickly. They ignore the important part of being able to answer the
question and they finally fail. This statement is based on the fact that the teachers
still little bit underestimate about the problem. Teachers mostly concern on

material discussed and speak a lot of the time without giving a chance to the
students how to read well and understand the meaning of what they read. In this
case, teachers must try to make the students like to read first and then give
chances as many as possible to read the text well and then try to find the meaning
of the text. In this way, the students will have more time to practice reading.
As what has been explained above, reading comprehension is an effort to
understand, evaluate, and also recognize the authors ideas of reading text (Mc
Whorter, 2005:3). It is very important to be mustered by the students because in
reading comprehension, the students are expected to get the main ideas and the
detail information from the text. Moreover, reading skill is used in the final
examination for three grades. It is a crucial moment for the students to be able to
pass it. Therefore, the students must have a good reading comprehension if they
really want to pass the exams and then graduate from the school.
Meanwhile, Pressley (2005:4) describes that reading focuses on five
literacy domains as essential to successful reading development, phonemes,
awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Students can get
many vocabularies that they need by reading. Moreover, it can be applied in
speaking and writing as well; however, reading is not simply a process of getting
the meaning of what the readers read because the readers have to interpret what
they have read and comprehended. The students must concentrate on it.
In addition, Johnson (2008:109) states that reading is the act of creating
meaning with the text. This process will require the use of background
knowledge, vocabulary, experiences of the readers to help them in comprehending
the written text. In reading comprehension, almost all of the students have
difficulties in comprehending the contents and the components in reading such as

topic of the material is really new for the students and they do not know what
actually the text tells about such as: finding main idea, finding the meaning of
word, phrase or sentence, and textual reference in the text.
Reading was the major problem that was found in the eighth grade in
SMPN 2 Sukawati. Most of the students preferred to spend their break time to
play in the yard and canteen rather than reading books in the library. It was a
reality found in SMPN 2 Sukawati. It showed that they still had low motivation in
reading. They were possibly aware if teacher always reminded and motivated
them that reading could train their comprehension beside expanding their insight.
However, they did not realize the importance of reading. In fact, reading had very
important role in learning process because reading comprehension determined the
success of the students in learning many things particularly in school. Without the
skill of reading, they could not make satisfactory progress in school. Moreover,
the students often failed in joining any lessons because they did not like reading
and they thought that reading was just so confusing.
In this study, collaborative learning is believed as a technique which is
expected to give significant impact for the students in comprehending a text. This
technique should be interactive and more effective for students. Robert (2004:205)
explains that collaborative learning is a learning method that uses social
interaction as a means knowledge building. He also stated that the technique
implies working in a group of two or more to achieve a common goal while
respecting each individuals contribution to the work. Collaborative learning
encourages the students to know how to learn and work together in a group to
solve the problems that occurs in learning.

Besides, the students will be provided an interesting classroom atmosphere

in the process of teaching and learning. Moreover, by using this collaborative
learning the students can easing understand it because they will do it
collaboratively. It means that if they find problem, they can ask and share the
problem with their friends in the group. The objective of this technique is to
encourage individual accountability of group members (Macpherson, 2000:62).
Each member of the group must have such kind of responsibility in their mind
toward what they are leaning because group success belongs to all member of the
group. Thus, collaborative learning definitely helps the students in learning.
By applying this technique, all of the students will know each other in
discussion session. The group will support each member and provide
opportunities to practice and discuss the content of the material or task given.
Therefore, based on the fact above, the researcher is interested to apply
collaborative learning to teach reading comprehension to the eighth grade students
of SMPN 2 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014.
1.2 Research Problem
Based on the background of the study above, it is important to identify the
research problem. Therefore, this present study is conducted in order to answer
the research problem which is formulated as follows: to what extent is the
effectiveness of collaborative learning in teaching reading comprehension to the
eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014?
1.3 Objective of the Study
In order to make the present study measurable, certainly it is a need to
declare an objective to be achieved. It is a guidance in taking any decision needed

and also starting point of doing the research. Based on the research problem that is
stated above, the objective of the study is to figure out the effectiveness of
collaborative learning in teaching reading comprehension to the eighth grade
student of SMPN 2 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014.
1.4 Limitation of the Study
The main factors and challenges related to improve the students English
reading comprehension found by the researcher are definitely very broad and
complex. The limitation of the study is focused on teaching reading
comprehension through collaborative learning to the eighth grade students of
SMPN 2 Sukawati. Reading comprehension in the present study is limited on
finding main idea, specific information, word meaning and textual reference.
1.5 Significance of the Study
The research is concerned with teaching reading comprehension through
collaborative learning. It is hoped that the result of the study will be useful and
also can give the reader a clear insight on applying collaborative learning. The
result of the study is expected to be useful theoretically and practically.
Theoretically, this study will be worth for the other researchers in which
hopefully it can be used as reference and also guidance in conducting the same
study of observing reading comprehension. Some information and theories
provided in this study can be taken to enrich the available reference. The other
researchers are hoped can take the strength and add the weakness. Furthermore,
the procedures of composing this research become a good guidance to be used to
have a better result of doing research in teaching reading comprehension.

Practically, this research is directed to be useful for the students and

teachers in the school where the present study is done. For the students, they will
have new experience and great improvement of reading comprehension when they
join reading class. New experience is mainly felt since the technique used allows
them to work together. With collaborative learning, the students are able to solve
problems they face during the lesson by discussing with their friend. In addition,
the students ability in reading comprehension will gradually improve because
they do not only read, but also try to understand what they read. This way is
actually what they need in reading class. For teachers, the result of the study is
greatly expected to be useful when they conduct the lesson and manage the
students in reading class. By using this technique, teacher can conduct the lesson
since this technique is easy to be implemented in the teaching learning process.
1.6 Definition of Key Term
In order to make the readers clearly understand, the researcher will state
some operational definitions of the key terms used including reading
comprehension, collaborative learning and SMPN 2 Sukawati.
1. Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is the ability of the eighth grade students of
SMPN 2 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014 in understanding a reading
text especially in finding words meaning, specific information, main idea
and textual reference of the text that they have read.
2. Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning technique is defined as a technique used by the
researcher to improve the students reading comprehension in which the

teaching and learning process is mainly in a group learning activities. Each

group discussion consists of 4-5 students. Each group then has to work
collaboratively in reading and discussing the material or task given by
teacher and every member of group has individual responsibility. Each
member of the group also instructed to support and motivate each other in
order to make the teamwork more strong. Work collaboratively definitely
makes the classroom atmosphere more active and effective. Therefore,
there is no passive learner in this learning process.
3. SMPN 2 Sukawati
SMPN 2 Sukawati is a national junior high school which is located on
Jalan Raya Singapadu, Sukawati district, Gianyar regency, Bali Province.
It is the school where the present study will be conducted.

2.1 Theoretical Review
A scientific study must be based on some of theoretical background. It is
intended to make the scientific study has strength and supporting factors on it. As
it is important, a theoretical background must be included. As a result, the present
research is based on the following theoretical review which is explained carefully:







comprehension and the assessment of reading comprehension.

2.1.1 Collaborative Learning
We had known that studying together is better than alone. Studying in a
group is more attractive and competitive. Students can do an interaction, share
idea, and give respect to each other. Roberts (2004:205) states that collaborative
learning is a learning method that implies working in a group of two or more to
achieve a common goal, while respecting each individuals contribution to the
work. Working together can solve and answer a matter that the students feel so
difficult when they do it individually.
Furthermore, Cohen et al. (2004:3) explain that all students need to learn
and work in the environment where their individual strengths are recognized and
individual needs are addressed. This way can fulfill the gaps between the strength
and the weakness of the students. Here, each student can help their friends when
they find any problems. As we know that every student in the class has different
ability. There are students who have strength and also there are students who have
a weakness. If they combined between a high-achiever in a group with middle-or

low-achiever student, it will give positive impact. For a long time, when the
students cannot answer or do not understand yet, they tend to ask their friends
than asking the teacher. Look at this fact, having students to work together is the
best way in teaching reading comprehension. Furthermore, it is the weapon
students must have and they have to know it. Thus, in order to give them
attractive and effective atmosphere in teaching learning process, teamwork or
studying collaboratively is one of the solutions.
In addition, Dooly (2008:34) also states that collaborative learning is
technique which invites students to work together. Collaborative learning
technique is the general part, and the various names such as: cooperative learning,
collective learning, learning communities and etc called specific part of
collaborative learning. What they have in common is that they all incorporate
group work. However, collaboration is more than co-operation. Collaboration
entails the whole process of learning. This may include students teaching one
another, students teaching the teacher, and of course the teacher teaching the
students. By this technique, the students are responsible for one another's learning
as well as their own. He also explains that according to proponents of
collaborative learning, the fact that students are actively exchanging, debating,
negotiating, and sharing ideas within their groups increases the students interest
in learning. Moreover, by engaging in discussion and taking responsibility for
their learning, students are encouraged to become critical thinkers.
To make collaborative learning to be more effective, there should be both
group goals and individual accountability. Cerbin (2010:3) states that every
members of a group should participate and contribute to the discussion. This

means that the collaborative learning task must ensure that every group member
has learned something. Ideally, a collaborative learning task would allow for each
member to be responsible for some concept necessary to complete the task. This
implies that every group member will learn their assigned concept and will be
responsible for explaining or teaching this to other members of the group. As it is
important, endorsement from each member is absolutely needed.
Wang and Burton (2010:1) explain that collaborative learning is defined as
the instructional use of small groups so that work together to maximize their own
and each others learning. Along teaching learning process, the classroom
atmosphere will be more conductive and interactive when this technique is applied
for teaching reading comprehension. They also state that most of the students are
passive because they feel scared and shy if they cannot answer correctly. The
students dreads during learning activity become a ghost for students.
Cooke (2005:1) states that in collaborative learning, students are supported
in activating their existing knowledge and experience and in making links with the
new knowledge they are acquiring. The purpose from this statement is of course
each student will experience reading and contribute their knowledge to their
groups work. Most of the students do not want give a comment or even share
their idea in the whole activity because they do not believe with their own
knowledge that they are sometimes right. Work collaboratively is a way to kick
down it. They are more comfort working in group than do it alone. Moreover, they
can share an argument with their friends and contribute without any worry.
Besides, Weller (2002:69) explains that collaborative learning in small
group has some advantages. The advantage is reflection because all of the students


have to explain their idea or share their work. This forces them to look at it
reflectively and improve their own knowledge. He also explains that by sharing
with their friends, they definitely more brave and do not scare anymore. The
second advantage is active learning. As with the other theories, grouping students
working requires them to be more active to do something. As what had been
explained before, working together becomes a chance for students to be braver,
critics, and showing their ability. The third advantage is development of
communication skills. Students work in group can be difficult skill to develop, but
the students will learn it with their friends. The last advantage of collaborative
learning is deep of understand. Work in group can improve each students
understanding of the concept even that makes students braver if it is compared
with studying individually. These three of advantages of collaborative learning
definitely help the students in learning.
2.1.2 Reading Comprehension
Most people want to compete to create a concept of reading
comprehension which is never ended to be discussed. People always try to give
limitation or determine the meaning in order to make a clearer definition and
understanding of reading comprehension.
Pang et al. (2003:6) state that reading comprehension is about
understanding written texts. It is a complex activity that involves both perception
and thought. Reading comprehension consists of two related processes; there are
word recognition and comprehension. First of all, word recognition refers to the
process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to ones spoken language.
In addition, comprehension is the process of making sense of words, sentences


and connected text. Here, the readers typically make use of background
knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other
strategies in order to help them understand written text. Grammar and vocabulary
are two components that cannot be separated in comprehending a text.
Reading is thinking, understanding and getting at the meaning behind a
text (Serravallo, 2010:43). He explains that reading must be directed toward the
understanding and catching the idea that the text provides. The students think
about what they already know about texts structure or topic before reading; they
make connections to their live and the world as they read. Learning to read is an
important educational goal. For children or adults, the ability to read opens up
new world and opportunities to develop knowledge.
Guthrie and Wigfield (2004:403) state that a widespread goal of education
in the elementary school is reading comprehension for all the students. Reading
comprehension becomes especially important in the later elementary school and
provides the basis of a substantial amount of learning in secondary school.
Without skills of reading comprehension and the motivation for reading to learn,
the students academic progress will be limited and definitely fail in
comprehending the text so that they absolutely need it.
Meanwhile, Grabe and Stoller in Juan et al. (2006:279-282) define that
reading comprehension is a complex cognitive activity, almost miraculous one, in
fact, since it involves the secondary uses of cognitive skills in relatively new
ways, at least and terms of evolutionary development. Reading is not an
inherently natural process in the same way that speaking and listening are in the
first language. Learning to read requires considerable cognitive effort and along
learning process, whether one is learning to read in the first or in the second


language. They also state that reading is decoding and understanding text for
particular reading purposes. To understand written text, the readers engage in
constructive process to make the text meaningful. Without reading and
comprehending the text, the reader will not understand what the text is talking
about so that both of those things are very important. Thus, if a person is not
taught to read, in one way that person will not learn to read.
Reading comprehension is an important skill. As we know, reading
comprehension is more than a single skill. It involves the coordination of range of
abilities and strategies. Harmer (2007:99) states that reading comprehension is
useful for language acquisition. Reading definitely will improve peoples
knowledge because the more they read, the more they get knowledge. Reading
also has a positive effect on the students vocabulary knowledge, on their spelling
or their writing. To comprehend a text, students have to be focused on what they
read because reading is not only reading but also comprehending the text
systematically. He also states that reading is incredibly active occupation. To do
it successfully, the readers have to understand what words mean, see the pictures,
words are painting, understand the arguments and work out if the readers agree
with them. This statements show that without understanding the word; students
cannot know what the meaning of the text is.
Macceca (2007:5) states that students read the book, answer questions,
listen to a lecture, perhaps discuss the information, sometimes take notes, and
usually take a test on the material they read. These students typically do not learn
how to read the text effectively or independently to increase their interest in
learning. However, there is a tremendous jump in achievement when students are
actively engaged in activities that go beyond the textbook. By introducing a wide


variety of science based reading related to their studies, students learn that not all
science information comes from one textbook. Many people are interested in
many topics in sciences, and the reading material available reflects this.
Expanding learning beyond the textbook both empowers students to become
independent learners. She also explains that comprehending after reading the book
is important to know how the students can catch the information of the text.
Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding writing.
Proficient reading depends on the ability to recognize words quickly and
effortlessly. If words recognition is difficult, students use too much of their
processing capacity to read individual words which interferes their ability to
comprehend what is read. Reading texts constrain students to always pay attention
to every single word and sentence. Hiebert and Kamil (2005:46) state that reading
comprehension components such as vocabulary and grammar become main points
that must be mastered. Vocabulary can help them recognize word meaning and
grammar and it helps them to construct the structure.
Thus, when reading activity is conducted, teacher should not treat all the
students in the same way. Some students may be able to understand a certain
reading passage but the others may not be because every student has different
level. The solution is to have them working together, and let them put their
thought together in collaborative way. The strength and the weakness of the
students are well-accommodated since they can share the information together.
2.1.3 Components of Reading Comprehension
In reading comprehension, there are some elements that cannot be
separated. Sentence structure or grammar and vocabulary are two main
components which have significant impact to improve reading ability. Vocabulary


deals with the ability to find words meaning. When students are able to recognize
the words meaning, they are able to comprehend what they read. It is like two
aspects which cannot be separated for students in comprehending what they want
to read. Meanwhile, when students do not know the words meaning of the text,
they definitely cannot understand what they read.
Baumann in Klingner et al. (2007:47) states that vocabulary instruction is a
necessary part of comprehension instruction because understanding text is
significantly influenced by vocabulary development. It can be concluded that
vocabulary development and comprehension development were walking together.
It means that vocabulary and grammar become crucial aspects in comprehending a
text. They are in the same way and could not be separated one to another.
Therefore, if we want to develop reading comprehension, it is also a need to
develop students ability in vocabulary as well because the vocabulary knowledge
will really help reader in comprehending text.
In addition, Alderson (2000:99) explains that vocabulary as the key of
comprehending a text. He states that vocabulary is important to text
comprehension and to test performance whether they are able to comprehend the
text, vocabulary is still necessary. Not only vocabulary that must be mastered in
comprehending a text, the other important component of reading comprehension
is the grammar knowledge. Grammar is also as one of the pillars to comprehend a
text. If students only know word meaning, it means that they only get a half of
comprehending a reading text. Knowing about grammar is a must. It is very
needed to be able to recognize the grammatical structure of the sentences or the
paragraph in order to get valid information of the text.


Patel and Jain (2008:141) claim why grammar is important because it is

one of important parts that makes it possible for us to talk about language.
Grammar names the types of word and word groups that make up sentences not
only in English but also in other language. As humans being, people can put
sentences together as they want. However, to be able to talk about how sentence
are built, about the types of words and word groups that make up sentence known
as grammar. Being able to master grammar will avoid misunderstanding when the
students read a text because sometimes words will have different meaning within
a context. Besides, knowing about grammar also helps the students how to
construct a sentence and a paragraph grammatically.
Dykes (2007:5) explains that it is impossible to explore the function of
words and the part they play in forming meaningful language without paying
attention the procedure. When students know how and what the grammar is, they
definitely will be able to catch the idea or even specific information contained in
the text. If the students only focus on translating the words in the text without
constructing them to get the meaning as a full sentence, the words will be
meaningless. On the other hand, the words definitely will have meaning if they are
able to create a certain meaning and to convey a message to the readers. Those
statements always in accordance and cannot be separated. In the case of reading
comprehension, to know the meaning of the sentence, readers must have grammar
knowledge. Thus, in order to know the meaning of every sentence in a text,
readers especially students must be able to master both of these components.
Therefore, from what have been explained above, it can be concluded that
vocabulary and grammar skill are absolutely needed for the students. Both of
those skills have their function. Grammar will help the students to get the valid


information of the text while vocabulary helps students in getting the words
meaning. Being able to master those two aspects (grammar and vocabulary),
students will be easier comprehend the text.
2.1.4 The Assessment of Reading Comprehension
Test is a method of measuring a persons ability, knowledge, or
performance in a given domain (Brown, 2000:3). The assessment of reading
comprehension can be done by administering a series of test. Test may be
constructed primarily as device to reinforce and to motivate students or primary
means of assessing the students performance in the language.
The assessment is done to measure the students ability and also to see
whether or not students have improved their ability especially in reading
comprehension. In addition, the assessment will also be able to motivate the
students to learn more since it is the nature human to do something better.
According to Caldwell (2008:16), assessment can happen at any point in a lesson.
In this study, the assessment is conducted during and also in the end of the lesson.
The main point is how the teacher can assess as they teach because the teacher
must pay attention that the assessment cannot be separated from the teaching and
learning process. The assessment of this study is conducted during and the end of
teaching and learning process to know students improvement.
In addition, March (2002:135) explains that assessment is a crucial
component of the effective teaching in reading. It provides teacher with
information about what their students know and can do. In addition, it is important
tool for monitoring the ongoing reading development of students and it provides
teacher and school with the information about how good their programs and
teaching practice which is needed for their students.


The assessment can be done by administering a series of tests. Test may be

constructed as device to reinforce and motivate the students or primarily as a
means of assessing students performance in the language. The items of the test
must be chosen carefully. When students are taking a reading test, the effect can
be both increasing and decreasing students comprehension. Harrison and salinger
(2002:23) explain the importance of question is whether by moving to
assessments, means that moving closer to the on-line process of comprehension or
even further away from it. Thus, questions on a test must be well-selected.
Reading comprehension is more valid tested by selection of the correct
answer from the multiple choice items in the foreign language which have been
based on the reading text (Brown, 2004:191). In this case, the students show their
ability not only to be able to comprehend about the reading text but also the fine
distinctions between the choices offered. In here, no other skill has to demonstrate
at the same time. This type of test, however, must be prepared with great care. The
choices must be constructed in such a way that contains elements from the reading
text arranged so that each provides a plausible response for students who have
misinterpreted the text in different way. In other words, each must provide a real
choice and a cause for hesitation for the students who are not quite sure of the
text. The choices anticipate an error in comprehending the text.
2.2 Empirical Review
In order to know the strength of the present study, it is necessary to do
empirical review. Empirical review is about reviewing studies that had been
conducted by other researchers which have similarity with the present study.
There are two reviews study that had been done which used of collaborative
learning on their research present study.


Sutianingsih (2011) in her research entitled Teaching Reading

Comprehension By Using Collaborative Learning to the Eighth Grade Students of
SMPN 2 Denpasar in Academic Year 2011/2012. The objective of the study was
to figure out the effectiveness of teaching reading by using collaborative learning
to eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Denpasar in academic year 2011/2012. The
result of the study was really good. There was a significant improvement in the
end of the research. By using collaborative learning, all students were getting
braver to express their idea because they were supported by their groups member.
Along with this condition, their understanding what they read was deeper too.
Moreover, with this technique, most of the student felt happy.
Another similar study comes from Gampu (2011). He conducted a study
entitled Improving the Students Vocabulary Mastery Through Collaborative
Learning to the Tenth Grade Students of SMK TI Bali Global in Academic Year
2011/2012. The objective of the study was to figure out whether the students
vocabulary mastery can be improved through collaborative learning or not. During
the research, he gave vocabulary exercises like matching words and its meaning,
and also gave chance for the subjects of the study to ask the difficult words that
they found. Finally, the result of the study showed that subjects ability in
vocabulary mastery improved impressively. It could be seen when they could do
the last post-test in cycle II with high mean score.
The result of both of the studies above was very satisfying. However, it
would be much better if the tests were related to their daily life. The study
conducted by Sutianingsih was more focused on the application of the technique
and less concerned on the reading text given which was not appropriate for the


students level. Meanwhile the study conducted by Gampu in improving

vocabulary was also a bit not appropriate with the students vocabulary level. The
results both of the tests would be more significant and also more interesting if the
tests related with their daily life and close to the subjects environment. Through
collaborative learning, all of the subjects will take apart during the lesson because
they do it collaboratively. Each subject has its own role to solve the problem.
Therefore, the subjects ability especially in reading comprehension hopefully can
be improved significantly with collaborative learning.


3.1 Subject of the Study
The subjects of the present classroom study were the eighth grade students
especially class VIII E of SMPN 2 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014. The
subjects under investigation consisted of 41 students in which they were 28 males
and 13 females. They were chosen as the subjects of the study because after doing
interview with the English teacher of this class, it was found that most of the
subjects in this class had crucial problems in reading comprehension. This
problem was also in line with the result of the pre-test given to the subjects.
3.2 Research Design
The type of investigation used in this research was classroom action
research (CAR). This research consisted of cyclical process; in addition, in every
cycle there would be four interconnected activities such as: Planning, Action,
Observation, and Reflection. The purpose of the research is to determine the
methodology and design of the research, (Cohen et al., 2000:73). By this design,
the researcher would be able to do step by step of the research that would be done.
The research design was the conceptual structure within research conducted.
Action research itself according to Shani and Pasmore in Coghlan and
Brannick (2005:1) is defined as an emergent inquiry process in which applied
behavioral science knowledge is integrated with existing organizational
knowledge and applied to solve real organizational problems. In the context of
classroom environment, classroom action research could be defined as an
approach that is used to investigate the problems that occur in the class. It could
be said that classroom action research is directed toward problem solving.


Furthermore, Pelton (2010:7) states action research is a model for teaching

with high transparency that enables teachers to determine students achievement
on a daily basis rather than waiting for the end of a quarter. It implicates that
researchers may not take such long time to see students improvement during the
investigation in which lack of time is always becoming problem in doing research.
On the other hand, Cohen, et al. (2000:227) also state that action research
is a form of collective self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participants in social
situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own social or
educational practices, as well as their understanding of these practices and the
situations in which these practices are carried out.
Classroom action research is often used by teachers to solve problems in
their classrooms and schools because it is such an excellent problem-solving
process. However, the teachers should not make mistake of thinking that they
must have some problem to solve before undertaking an action research project
(Richards, 2010:9). The statement explains that the problem that is investigated
must be the crucial problem that is faced by students and need immediate solution
not problem that is brought by the teacher.
Additionally, Kothari (2004:31) states the research design is the
conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it constitutes the
blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data of a research. He
also explains that classroom action research typically involves small scale
investigation projects in the teachers own classroom and consisted of a number of
phases which often occur in the cycle. This present research was concerned in
improving reading comprehension of the subjects of the study that were
considered still low based on the preliminary observation.


Dawson (2007:18) explains that action research begins with a process of

communication and agreement between people who want to change something
together. It explains us that there must be an agreement between the researcher
and the participants to solve a certain problem that occurs within the community.
In the term of classroom action research, the problem to be investigated should be
gaps faced by the student and the teacher in teaching learning process.
Based on the explanation above, classroom action research was used in the
present study. The research was started by doing the initial reflection and then
lesson would be given for several times in the form of cycles. Each cycle
consisted of two sessions in which each session in the cycles consisted of four
interconnected activities. The four of interconnected activities in each session
were planning, action, observation and reflection.
Planning is the first activity of the cycle. Burns (2010:47) states that action
research is not a lock-step process; it is dynamic and recursive and new decisions
and plans will constantly arise as you develop your research. At this part, the
researcher has to prepare instructional planning for all the sessions. Planning is
aimed to prepare all the things needed to solve the problem in the next activity.
Planning is very crucial aspect so that it is created as good as possible to have a
better result in the end of the present study.
The second activity after doing planning is action. It is the prime activity
in the classroom action study. To act the planning, the researcher conducts the
research in the classroom where the problems was found. Ary et al. (2010:519)
explain that action requires the researcher to implement the plan or changes a
practice and collects data. It means that action could be the core of the research
since the success of the research is determined by how well planning is carried out


during the investigation. It is also the time and the opportunity when the data is
collected and the technique is applied. Here, the researcher applies the
collaborative learning in order to help the students in comprehending a text.
Observation deals with analyzing the result of the action. At this part, the
researcher observes all the data collected both main data and supporting data.
Burns (2010:103) states that observation concerns with analyzing and
synthesizing your data and making sense of the various types of information you
have collected. The purpose of doing observation was in order to see whether
there was a significant improvement or not toward the subjects ability in reading
comprehension. The researcher would know the progress of using this technique.
Reflection is the last activity at the end of the cycle. It refers to the
diagnosis the result of the observation and action. Pelton (2010:27) explains that
you need to reflect on your data as it is being collected so that you can make dayto-day teaching decisions that best support your students learning. The reflection
is done in the end of each cycle in order to identify the strength and the weakness
of the action. Reflection also serves as feedback to improve the next action.
To clarify, the research design can be seen in the figure below:
Initial Reflection
Cycle I






Revised Planning

Cycle II

Next Cycle

3.3 Research Procedure

It had been stated that the type of investigation used in this present study
was classroom action research. In order to see the improvement of the subjects,


some of lesson would be conducted by the researcher based on classroom action

research procedure. Here, the teaching learning processes were done by following
cycles where each session in that cycle consisted of four interconnected activities.
They were namely planning, action, observation, and the last was reflection. In
addition, they were preceded by an initial reflection.
3.3.1 Initial Reflection
The present classroom action research was initiated by an initial reflection.
The aim of the initial reflection was to know the real problem faced by the
subjects as well as the subjects real ability in reading comprehension. At this
stage, the researcher did an interview with the English teacher who taught the
eighth grade students especially in class E in order to know the subjects
difficulties in comprehending reading passages. Then, the result of the interview
was used to construct the pre-test to make sure the problems occurred.
3.3.2 Planning
Planning was done to determine what to do in the action and the
instruments used for collecting data. In order to make the classroom action study
succeed, the researcher must prepare well instructional planning for all sessions.
The students in class E still had low in reading comprehension ability.
Consequently, collaborative learning was a technique which was used to improve
and progressively enhance students ability in reading comprehension. It was
strongly anticipated that this technique would be effective and efficient in helping
them to overcome their reading comprehension problems. By using collaborative
learning technique, the researcher had already arranged some instructional
activities with a hope they were going to successfully implement all of the
instructions. Thus, the planning was done as follows:


1. Designing lesson plans based on syllabus used in SMPN 2 Sukawati. The

lesson plans were concerned on giving materials, reading passages and
arranging activities which could be suitably implemented through
collaborative learning.
2. Constructing the post-test. The post-test were used to measure the extent of
the subjects progress in reading comprehension achievement.
3. Constructing the questionnaire. It would administered in the end of the last
cycle. The questionnaire dealt with the subjects responses toward the
application of numbered heads together.
4. Preparing the teaching media included choosing reading text, providing
hand out and providing useful equipment that would help student and
researcher to create teaching learning process interesting and worthy.
3.3.3 Action
Action was the implementation of the previous planning. This was the
main activity in the classroom action study. Actions referred to what the
researcher really did in the classroom setting during the processes of teaching
reading comprehension. The action was concerned with conducting the teaching
learning that was including pre-activities, whilst-activities, and post-activities.
In pre-activity, the researcher tried to activate and focus the subjects
attention. The activities included greeting the subjects, checking the attendance
list, asking some questions as the brainstorming, and also describing the
objectives of the lesson. These activities were aimed to prepare the subjects and
create the learnings atmosphere more enthusiasm.
In whilst-activity, the researcher first introduced the topic to be learned by
the subjects. It was the time to apply the technique that was used in this study. The


researcher then assigned them into a small group which consisted of 4-5 subjects.
Furthermore, the researcher also gave a worksheet to the each group. In their
group, they would discuss the problem where each member of the group had
individuals mission to be solved until finally they compared the answer and then
discussed it together. The subject was not only expected to answer the worksheet
but also to understand it too. In this case, a success of individual would influence
success of group and a success of group would influence success of individual.
That was why, teamwork was better than individual.
The last activities were post-activity. In this part, the researcher reviewed
the activity by concluding what they have learnt and discussed the difficulties
faced by the subjects of the study during the teaching learning process. In the end
of teaching learning process, the researcher had to close the lesson.
3.3.4 Observation
In the classroom action study, the researcher tried to act as a teacher as
well as an observer. The purpose of the observation was to establish whether or
not the teaching and learning process being conducted in this teaching reading
comprehension through collaborative learning to the eighth grade students of
SMPN 2 Sukawati, could improve in English reading comprehension. They would
feel whether working together gave new variation in learning activities. The
students would be more active, creative and innovative doing interaction with
their groups member. Besides, it was also meant to perceive whether there were
any positive changing attitude and motivation. On the other hand, in order to
observe subjects response about collaborative learning, it was done in the end of
the last cycle by administering questionnaire.


3.3.5 Reflection
Reflection was the activity of reflecting and analyzing the action as it was
recorded based on the result of the observation. It was given to the subjects being
studied on the basis of teaching reading comprehension. Reflection was used to
diagnose the cause of the unsuccessful action given. It was given in order to
identify the strengths and weaknesses of the action. The strength of the action in
the first cycle would be kept doing in the next cycle. If problem was found in the
first cycle, then researcher would do some revision especially would be more
focus on the material that become problems for the subjects under study. The
researcher would explain specifically in order to make sure the subjects under
study clearly understand with the material.
3.4 Research Instrument
Research instrument was the tools used to collect data that were needed
during the study. It was the crucial and the important one in the research. It would
help the researcher to get valid and also reliable data. Without the instruments, the
research would be nothing. There were two kinds of research instruments used in
this present study including test and questionnaire.
3.4.1 Test
Test consisted of two types namely pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was
administered before the cycle was done. The aim was to know the initial ability of
the subjects in reading comprehension during the preliminary observation. While
the post-test was administered at the end of cycle. It was purposed to measure the
subjects improvement in reading comprehension compared with the initial ability


of the subjects. Both of the tests were twenty in the form of multiple choices and
ten in the form of true or false question with four possible answers. Therefore,
there were 30 tests items for the subjects of the study. To score the subjects, the
number of right answers was divided by the maximum score which was 30 (the
total number of questions) and then timed 100.
3.4.2 Questionnaire
The questionnaire was given to the subjects of the study in order to get
some information which was related to the subjects responses on the use of
collaborative learning in teaching reading comprehension to the eighth grade
students of SMPN 2 Sukawati. In order to avoid misunderstanding, the language
used was Indonesian. The questionnaire consisted of 10 multiple choice items
with 4 responses available. The answers of the statements chosen by the subjects
of the study were focused on their feeling in joining the lesson of reading
comprehension through collaborative learning. Option A meant strongly agree
with the statement and the scale would be 4. Option B meant agree and the scale
was 3. Option C meant quite agree and the scale was 2. The last was option D
meant strongly disagree and the scale was 1.
3.5 Data Collection
The data required for this study would be gathered by utilizing research
instruments clarified in the previous section; they were pre-test, post-test and
questionnaire. The pre-test was used in initial reflection by using twenty of
multiple-choice and ten true or false items. Post-test was conducted in the end of
the cycle to find out the result of the actions.


Furthermore, the researcher also administered questionnaire. Questionnaire

was given at the end of the last cycle to get some information which was related to
the subjects responses whether they like the implementation of collaborative
learning or not in teaching reading comprehension. Moreover, by giving a
questionnaire, the researcher would know their feeling.
3.6 Data Analysis
Data analysis involved organizing, and explaining data. The most
important data required to answer the research problem under study were
collected through administering pre-test and post-test, and supporting additional
data were gathered through administering questionnaire to the subjects under
study. Thus, there were considerably three kinds of raw scores obtained for the
present class action study; there were as follows:
1) Data indicating the pre-existing ability in reading comprehension.
2) Data showing the progressing achievement in reading comprehension.
3) Data showing the subjects responses on the implementation of
collaborative learning in teaching reading comprehension
The main data were analyzed to figure out the mean score of the pre-test
and post-test and to see whether the improvement had occurred or not. It was
done by collecting all individual scores that were calculated by using formula:
Subjects score =

Subjects' correct answer

Maximum score

x 100

Furthermore, if all of the individual score were calculated, then, the mean
score can be counted by using the following formula:



M : Mean score
x : The score obtained by the subjects
N : The total number of the subjects
To see the improvement of subjects achievement in reading
comprehension, the result of the mean score of the pre-test was compared with the
result of the main score of the post-test in each session.
The data resulted from the questionnaire would be analyzed descriptively.
The data were taken to find out the percentage of the subjects who strongly
agreed, agreed, quite agreed and strongly disagreed of the technique applied based
on the questionnaire given. The analysis of the data used the following formula:
Percentage =

Total responses on an item

Total responses on all items

100 %

3.7 Success Indicator

Based on the curriculum used in SMPN 2 Sukawati, the minimum passing
grade that must be achieved by the students in English subject was 70. It meant
that all subjects included the eighth grade as the subjects of investigation, must get
at least 70 to pass the lesson. In conducting this study, the researcher did hope that
all subjects would achieve it well since the score was very useful for their next
educational level. However, the present study was considered successful and can
be ended if 80% or at least 33 subjects of total 41 subjects could obtain the
minimum passing grade 70 in comprehending the reading text.


4.1 Finding
As explained in the previous chapter, classroom action research (CAR)
was used in this present study. This type of investigation dealt with solving
problem that was faced by the subjects of the study. The subjects of the study
consisted of 41 students of the eighth grade of SMPN 2 Sukawati in which there
were 28 males and 13 females. The researcher chose them as the subjects of the
study because they had low ability in reading comprehension. With the
implementation of collaborative learning, this research was done in a hope that the
subjects ability would improve significantly.
In addition, the researcher gathered the data from two instruments. They
were test and questionnaire. The pre-test in reading comprehension ability was
administered to the subjects under to obtain their pre-exiting. Pre-test was given
on 15th April 2014 in order to know the subjects problem in reading
comprehension. In the pre-test, the subjects were asked to answer twenty in the
form of multiple choice test items and ten in the form of true or false test items to
measure their ability in reading comprehension.
Meanwhile, post-tests were given after the subjects had some lessons by
applying the technique. Post-tests were used to collect the main data. Post-test was
administered of two times, once in the end of cycle I and once in the end of cycle
II. Furthermore, to support the main data, questionnaire was given in the end of
the study as the supporting data. Main data from pre-test and post-tests showed
the ability of the subjects in reading skill, especially in reading comprehension


and the indication whether there was improvement or not. The results of this data
can be tabulated into a table as follows:
Table 4.1
Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects Progressing Scores
in Reading Comprehension


Cycle I
Post-test 1


Cycle II
Post-test 2





As stated earlier, to support the main data, questionnaire was administered

in the end of the last cycle. The data were aimed to show the subjects responses
of the technique used whether they agreed or not with collaborative learning. The
result of the questionnaire can be seen in the following table:
Table 4.2
Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects Response
Toward the Implementation of Collaborative Learning







Total A + B + C + D = 1387


The data that were presented on the two tables above were the finding of
the present study. They were collected from the beginning until the end of the
study that had been well-designed into cycles in which each cycle consisted of
planning, action, observation and reflection. In addition, before conducting the
cycles, the study was started by doing initial reflection in the pre-cycle.


4.1.1 Pre-Cycle
The present classroom action study was initiated by preliminary
observation. The aim of the observation was to figure out the problem or the
weakness of the subjects. In the preliminary observation, the researcher
interviewed the English teacher who taught the subjects of the study in eighth
grade students especially in E class. Based on the interview, it was known that the
subjects in E class had difficulties in identifying main idea, specific information,
words meaning, and textual reference of a reading passage. Most of the subjects
were so confused because they were lack of vocabulary and grammar. It was a
fact that being able to comprehend a reading passage well, at least they had both
of these. Thus, both of these were absolutely needed.
Moreover, in order to know the real problem of the subjects in reading
comprehension, the researcher administered pre-test. In the pre-test, the subjects
of the study were asked to answer 20 questions of multiple choice tests and 10
statements of true or false. As stated earlier, the questions of the pre-test itself
were focused on identifying the main idea, specific information, word meaning
and textual reference of the reading passage.
The result of the pre-test showed that the lowest score from 41 subjects
was 30 and the highest score was 70 (See table 4.1). Then, it was calculated to
know the mean score by using the formula that was explained in chapter III. The
mean score of the pre-test can be analyzed as the following:

= 49.15

The mean score of the pre-test which was followed by 41 subjects was
49.15. The results of their answers were scored by using the answer key provided.


It showed that the score was very poor. Most of the subjects of the study had
difficulties in identifying the main idea, specific information, word meaning and
also textual reference of the reading passage. After getting those results of pretest, the researcher finally continued the study to cycle I because all of the subjects
got score less than minimum standard of passing grade for the eighth grade
students of SMPN 2 Sukawati that was 70.
4.1.2 Cycle I
The researcher used classroom action research in this present study. Cycle
I was conducted based on the result of the pre-test. It was a chance since the
researcher could apply the method which was collaborative learning. It was a
challenge since it was not an easy job to improve the subjects ability especially in
reading comprehension because the mean score of the pre-test was far away from
what it supposed to be. Based on the minimum passing grade used in SMPN 2
Sukawati, the subjects score in reading must obtain at least 70. In cycle I, the
research was started by constructing planning, action, observation and reflection.
These four steps would be a key in improving subjects ability.
Planning was focused on constructing lesson plans that were suitable with
syllabus which was used in SMPN 2 Sukawati and also applicable with
collaborative learning. There were two sessions in cycle I which discussed about
different topics. It was also divided into two meeting where the time allotment of
each meeting was 80 minutes. For the first meeting, the researcher explored the
material such as: identifying the main idea, specific information, word meaning
and textual reference of the text. In the second meeting, the researcher carefully
planned the post-test in order to assess the subjects ability in reading


comprehension. The tests were also limited in identifying main idea, word
meaning, specific information and textual reference of the reading passage.
Action pointed out what the researcher really did in the classroom based
on the planning which had been constructed well. Action was the execution of all
planning. As the name of the technique that was used in this research, the
subjects was grouped. They were grouped based on the result of the pre-test.
Each group consisted of 4 to 5 subjects. After having the group, the subjects were
asked to learn collaboratively. Each session of cycle I had different topic where in
session 1 was about descriptive text. The lesson was started by asking what the
subjects had already known about descriptive text. After explaining the topic
systematically, the researcher gave students worksheet entitled Leopard. Each
group had 30 minutes to discuss ten questions related to the topic with their group
members until finally they discussed together with the other group. Session 2 was
conducted in which the topic was narrative text. The researcher gave a chance for
the subjects to explain about narrative text. In order to make the material clear, the
researcher explained it systematically. Then, the researcher gave students
worksheet to be discussed entitled Suro and Boyo. Post-test was administered
during whilst-activity of the last session in order to know the subjects progressing
scores in reading comprehension after implementation of collaborative learning.
For more detail about the activities, it can be seen in appendix 4 and appendix 5.
During the teaching learning process, the researcher also did observation.
The observation was mainly focused on identifying the situation of the lessons
and analyzing the data taken from the action. Besides, as a classroom teacher, the
researcher was also as an observer to know the subjects responses toward the
implementation of collaborative learning during the lesson. By doing it, the


researcher would know the subjects feeling whether the subjects felt happy or not
on the implementation of the technique.
In order to know whether the subjects ability in reading comprehension
had improved or not, the main data were, then, analyzed. From 41 subjects who
joined the post-test 1, the total score was 2640 (see table 4.1). Then, the mean
score were calculated by using the formula as follows:
Mean Score of Post-test 1 =



= 64.40

The mean score of the post-test in cycle I showed the increasing scores of
the subjects reading comprehension after the implementation of collaborative
learning. It showed that the technique was working. It could be compared with the
mean score obtained by the subjects before the treatment was given (49.15) with
the result of post-test in cycle I (64.40). Based on the result above, there was a
good improvement of the subjects reading comprehension. However, the data of
the post-test in cycle I showed that there were only 12 subjects from 41 who could
reach the minimum standard of passing grade of the eighth grade students of
SMPN 2 Sukawati. Thus, the research must be continued to cycle II.
4.1.3 Cycle II
Cycle II was conducted based on the result of the post-test in cycle I. The
result of cycle II clearly showed improvement but it was not enough because most
of the subjects still could not reach the minimum passing grade. The steps of this
cycle was quiet the same with the previous cycle where cycle II was also divided
into two sessions. There were also four interconnected activities which were done
namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection.


In planning, the researcher planned again the learning process. It was done
in order to correct or repair the weaknesses in the previous cycle. It was done in
order to make cycle II more successful than cycle I. The materials were also wellprepared to make classroom atmosphere as interesting as possible in order to
interact the subjects. There were two sessions in cycle II which discussed
materials about narrative text and recount text. It was also divided into two
meeting where the time allotment of each meeting was 80 minutes. In this part,
the researcher would explore the material as same as in cycle I such as:
identifying the main idea, specific information, word meaning and textual
reference of the text because most of the subjects of the study were still confused
with these texts especially in narrative text.
In action, the researcher implemented collaborative learning in teaching
learning process in the classroom. Here, the researcher did all the planning that
had been made. The researcher made the classroom atmosphere more active by
instructing each group to give a question to other group. It definitely made the
classroom activity more interesting. The last was to assess the subjects by
administering the post-test 2. The reading passages in post-test 2 entitled Malin
Kundang, A Visit to A Wildlife Park and Mantus Little Elephant. For more
detail, the activities can be seen in appendix 6 and 7.
During the learning, the researcher did observation. The observation was
done to know the subjects behavior during the lessons and analyzing the data
taken from the action. Besides, as a classroom teacher, the researcher was also as
an observer to know the subjects responses toward the implementation of


collaborative learning during the lesson. It was done in order to know the
subjects feeling whether they enjoyed the technique or not. Therefore, doing
observation was absolutely needed.
To know the mean score of post-test 2 that had been administered in cycle
II, the total scores of the post-test 2 was 3310 (see table 4.1) that were taken from
41 subjects can be calculated by using the formula. It can be seen below:
Mean Score of Post-test 2 =




= 80.74

In order to support the findings above, the researcher needed supporting

data. Thus, questionnaire was given to know the subjects response after having
lessons through collaborative learning. The data were analyzed to find out the
percentage of the subjects who strongly agreed, agreed, quite agreed and
disagreed with the implementation of technique. For more vivid detail about the
questionnaire, it can be seen in appendix 11. The data which were presented in
table 4.2 above showed the total score of response A was 876, response B was
387, response C was 124 and response D was 0. Finally, the percentages of A, B,
C and D was accumulated and it was found that the whole score was 1387. In
order to have the percentage of each response, the calculation was done by using
the following formula. The result of the calculation was as follows:

1. The total percentage of option A =

2. The total percentage of option B =
3. The total percentage of option C =



x 100% = 63.16%
x 100% = 27.90%
x 100% = 8.94%

There was a good improvement achieved in the post-test 2 where the mean
score of the post-test in cycle II was 80.74. Before cycle II was conducted, the
result in cycle I was really good in which the subjects mean score was 64.40.
Moreover, after cycle II was conducted, the result was much better. It clearly
showed that collaborative learning was effective and successful in increasing the
subjects reading ability especially in reading comprehension. It could be seen
from the mean score of the post-test in cycle II which showed that from 41
subjects, 40 subjects had achieved the minimum passing grade which was
determined for the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Sukawati. Therefore, the
research could be stopped because the present study was considered successful
and can be ended if 80% or 33 subjects of the study could obtain the minimum
passing grade. It was the sign for the researcher to stop the present study.
To know the subjects responses on the implementation of collaborative
learning, questionnaire was conducted. It was very important for the researcher to
know the subjects responses with the technique. The result of the questionnaire
above really showed the effectiveness of the technique. At least most of the
subjects of the study gave positive responses toward the technique. From 41
subjects, 63.16% of them strongly agreed with the implementation of
collaborative learning, 27.90% subjects of the study agreed, 8.94% subjects of the
study quite agreed and none of the subjects of the study disagreed with the
implementation of collaborative learning. The findings convinced the researcher
that collaborative learning was very effective and helpful in improving reading
comprehension. Therefore, collaborative learning had successfully solved the
problem faced by the subjects of the study during lesson.








Post-Test 1

Post-Test 2

4.1 Depicting the Subjeccts Progresssing Meann Scores inn Reading
nsion after thhe Implemenntation of Coollaborative Learning
in Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and
a Cycle II









Graph4.2 The Percentagge Responsee of the Quesstionnaire affter the Impleementation

off Collaboratiive Learningg.
4 Discussiion
Baseed on the preliminaryy observatioon, it wass found thaat reading
m for the subbjects of thee study. The researcher
ion became big problem


also interviewed the English teacher to get information about the subjects of the
study where the English teacher told that most of the subjects in the class had
serious problems in reading comprehension. Thus, the researcher conducted a
study entitled Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Collaborative
Learning to the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Sukawati in Academic Year
2013/2014. The researcher divided the research into pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle
II. Those cycles were intended to figure out the effectiveness of collaborative
learning in teaching reading comprehension.
In pre-cycle, the researcher did pre-test to the subjects. The result of the
pre-test was far away from what it supposed to be if it was compared with the
minimum passing grade 70. The subjects mean score was 49.15. It was a signal
that subjects of the study had crucial problems in reading ability, especially in
reading comprehension. Moreover, only one from 41 of the subjects could obtain
the minimum passing grade. Most of the subjects faced the same problems such
as: identifying main idea, specific information, word meaning and textual
reference of the text. Therefore, it definitely needed help immediately.
Cycle I was conducted after getting the result of the pre-test. It was an
opportunity since the researcher could apply the technique, collaborative learning.
The researcher divided cycle I into two sessions. Session 1 was used to explain
the material and also give the students worksheet based on the material given.
Session 2 was used to explain the material more details and do post-test. The
mean score of post-test 1 was 64.40 and only 12 of 41 subjects successfully
obtained the minimum passing grade. The mean score of the post-test 1 in cycle I
significantly showed the increasing of the subjects reading ability after the
implementation of collaborative learning. It was far away if it was compared with


the mean score obtained by the subjects before the technique implemented. Thus,
based on the result above, there was good improvement of the subjects reading
comprehension in the post-test 1 of cycle I.
By seeing the result of post-test 1 in cycle I where 29 subjects did not
obtain the minimum passing grade, the researcher finally continued to cycle II.
The activity was as same as cycle I; however, more emphasis was directed toward
identifying the main idea, specific information, word meaning and textual
reference of the text. The researcher did it because most of the subjects were still
difficult especially when the researcher gave the test about narrative text. There
was a good improvement which was achieved in post-test 2. The mean score of
the post-test 2 in cycle II was 80.74. That was much better than researcher
expectation. The mean score of the post-test in cycle II really showed that
collaborative learning was very effective in increasing the subjects reading ability
especially in reading comprehension. In addition, 40 subjects had achieved the
minimum passing grade of SMPN 2 Sukawati.
In this present study, the researcher really wanted to improve the subjects
ability in reading comprehension and then knew the subjects responses toward
the technique used. By doing it, the researcher would know the subjects feeling
whether they were happy or not on the implementation of collaborative learning.
Therefore, the researcher administered a questionnaire. The result of the
questionnaire scores showed the comparative percentages of 63.16% of the
subjects strongly agreed on the implementation of collaborative learning, 27.90%
agreed, 8.94% quite agreed and none of the subjects disagreed. This result verified
that the subjects responses were positive.


In conclusion, the findings of the main data in the present study was in line
with the existing supporting data which revealed the effectiveness of collaborative
learning in teaching reading comprehension. In relation to the objective of the
present study, it could be stated, although it could not be generalized in all eighth
grade students of the different classes belonging to the same school, that
collaborative learning was very effective in teaching reading comprehension to
the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014.


The discussion of the present study dealt with teaching reading
comprehension through collaborative learning to the eighth grade students of
SMPN 2 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014 could finally be concluded in this
chapter. Some practical suggestions in reference to the significance of the
established finding are recommended.
5.1 Conclusion
Based of the finding and discussion mentioned in the previous chapter,
The objective of the present study was to figure out the effectiveness of
collaborative learning in teaching reading comprehension to the eighth grade
student of SMPN 2 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014. Based on the problem
faced by the subjects of the study who consisted of 41, it clearly showed that most
of the subjects still had low ability in reading comprehension. By considering the
fact that the subjects of the study had low ability in reading skill and also
suggestion from the English teacher, the researcher finally conducted a classroom
action research by implementing collaborative learning.
There were two cycles which was conducted during the present study and
each cycle consisted of two sessions. During the research present study, the
researcher had administered pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2 to the eighth grade
students of SMPN 2 Sukawati especially in E class. The mean score were 49.15,
64.40 and 80.74. If the mean score of the pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2 were
compared, it clearly showed a significant improvement. In addition, the result of
the last post-test showed 40 subjects of the study had achieved the minimum


passing grade of SMPN 2 Sukawati. The result of post-test 2 improved

significantly. Therefore, the research could be stopped.
The result of the questionnaire also showed positive responses where from
41 subjects in E class, 63.16% of them were strongly agreed with the
implementation of collaborative learning, 27.90% agreed, 8.94% quite agreed, and
none of the subjects disagreed. It clearly showed that more than half of the
subjects gave positive response with the implementation of the technique.
Therefore, it can be concluded that collaborative learning was very
effective in teaching reading comprehension to the eighth grade students of SMPN
2 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014.
5.2 Suggestion
Based on the result of the present study, the researcher personally would
like to suggest the English teachers of eighth grade, the eighth grade students of
SMPN 2 Sukawati, and also for the other researchers as follows:
The researcher suggests that the English teachers of eighth grade were
suggested to be more creative and innovative in modifying the technique,
especially when teaching using collaborative learning in teaching reading
comprehension. Most of the English teachers sometimes too assert them to work
alone, but actually that is not enough because they need someone to discuss the
materials. This technique definitely would be more active, creative and interesting
in teaching reading because they feel comfortable and happy.
For the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Sukawati, they are suggested to
keep on motivating because motivation is the key of getting a success. In addition,
the students always make a group discussion whether it in the school or at home


in order to improve reading ability especially in reading comprehension is really

expected. The students are also expected not to spend their time for something
useless; however, they are expected to make use of the library available to
increase the knowledge by reading the books. In addition, the students are also
suggested to do more practice to identifying the main idea, specific information
and textual reference to get significant improvement in reading comprehension.
For the other researchers who would conduct similar research, they are
suggested to apply the technique in different level of the students because every
school has different level of the students. The other researchers should be active,
creative and innovative to modify the activities of the technique. The other
researcher can take the strength of this technique and try to fix if there is a
weakness of this technique so that this technique approaching perfection.



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Appendix 1


Academic year : 2013/2014


Putu Ela Anggreni
Kadek Dita Adelia Widya Suari
Gusti Ayu Ari Bulan Trisna Dewi
Ni Put Dewi Ekayanti
Ni Komang Nanda Permata Dewi
Putu Dea Putri Parini
Ni Putu Ayu Siska Dewi
Gusti Ayu Mirah Verianti
Kadek Febrianto
I Gusti Ngurah Kusuma Wijaya
I Gede Pratama Hadi Putra
I Gede Surya Apriana
Dewa Made Sudilawa
I Gst. Ngr. Agus Ricky Aryanata
Ni Luh Ketut Isma Yunita Dewi
I Komang Gede Kumara Putra
Ni Wayan Sudartini
Kadek Aris Diana Putra
I Made Wahyu Dwi Permana
I Wyn. Doni Indra Permana Putra
I Made Wahyudi
I Kadek Weda Astawa
Dewa Ketut Permana Putra
I Kadek Edi Gunawan
Putu Suandana
Ni Kadek Wulan Novia Dewi
Putu Angga Wiguna
I Komang Pande Indra Nugraha
I Putu Dedi Sugi Adnyana
Ni Luh Putu Rika Satya Permani
Sekar Putri Eka Hastuti
I Ketut Wijaya




Dewa Nyomana Astina Putra

I Putu Arya Putra Mahardika
I Gede Eka Warisa
I Ketut Nova Sugiarta
I Wayan Aris Angga Adiputra
Pande Gede Eko Budiarto
I Nyoman Sindu Megantara
Kadek Aldi
I Kadek Junaedi



Appendix 2
Group 1
Dewa Made Sudiwala
Gusti Ayu Ari Bulan Trisna Dewi
Ni Komang Nanda Permata Dewi
I Kadek Weda Astawa

Group 2
I Ketut Nova Sugiarta
Ni Putu Ayu Siska Dewi
Gusti Ayu Mirah Verianti
Kadek Febrianto

Group 3
I Gusti Ngurah Kusuma Wijaya
I Gede Pratama Hadi Putra
I Gede Surya Apriana
Ni Komang Nanda Permata Dewi

Group 4
I Gst. Ngr. Agus Ricky Aryanata
Ni Luh Ketut Isma Yunita Dewi
I Komang Gede Kumara Putra
Sekar Putri Eka Hastuti
Kadek Aris Diana Putra

Group 5
I Made Wahyu Dwi Permana
I Wyn. Doni Indra Permana Putra
I Made Wahyudi
Putu Ela Anggreni
Dewa Ketut Permana Putra


Group 6
I Kadek Edi Gunawan
Putu Suandana
Ni Kadek Wulan Novia Dewi
Putu Angga Wiguna
I Komang Pande Indra Nugraha

Group 7
Ni Luh Putu Rika Satya Permani
Ni Wayan Sudartini
I Ketut Wijaya
Dewa Nyomana Astina Putra

Group 8
I Putu Arya Putra Mahardika
Putu Dea Putri Parini
I Wayan Aris Angga Adiputra
Kadek Dita Adelia Widya Suari
Pande Gede Eko Budiarto

Group 9
I Nyoman Sindu Megantara
Kadek Aldi
Ni Putu Dewi Ekayanti
I Kadek Junaedi


Appendix 3
I. Read the following text carefully and answer the following questions by
crossing (X) A, B, C, or D!
Princess Mandalika
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in Lombok. The king had a very
beautiful daughter. Her name was Princess Mandalika. She was very beautiful;
many young men fell in love with her. Princes from all over the place wanted to
marry her. One by one, they came to propose her. Princess Mandalika was a kind
girl. She hated to make people sad. So, when those princes came to propose her to
be their wives, she was very confused. She could not decide, and she also did not
want to make them sad. The king then held a competition in Seger Kuta beach,
Lombok. He asked all the princes to take part in archery competition. The rule
was simple: whoever shot the target perfectly, he could be the husband of his
beautiful daughter.
One by one, all participants tried their best. They all wanted to be the
winners. After several time, there was no winner. All the participants were great.
Those princes were great in archery. Because there was no a winner, then they
started to argue. They claimed to be the best. The argument was getting hotter and
hotter. Finally, they all were fighting. Soon, the fighting was bigger. It was like a
war, because all princes brought their soldiers in the archery competition. Princess
Mandalika was really worried. She did not want the war to get bigger and hurt
many people. Finally, she had an idea."Everybody, listen up! I know you all love
me and want me to be your wife. But I can't be all your wives. I don't want you to
fight because of me. And I don't want you to be sad either. I want you all to have
me, but not as your wives. I want to be someone that everybody can have. I want
to be useful for you. I want to be nyale that you all can enjoy together," said
princess Mandalika.
The king and all other people in the beach did not understand what she
meant. The king then came to her. But before he came closer to his daughter,
Princess Mandalika jumped to the sea. She was disappeared in the big waves. It
was chaos on the beach. People were screaming. All the princes tried to swim to
find the princess. But no one dared to jump in the sea, the waves were too high.
After several hours trying to search the princess, suddenly they found a lot of sea
worms on the beach. The king then realized that his daughter had returned as sea
worms. Later he named the worms as Nyale. Until now, people in Lombok always
try to catch nyale. Nyale is very delicious and that is why more and more people
come to Lombok to catch it. However, they cannot catch it anytime they want.
They can only find it once a year, in February or March. The tradition to catch the
sea worms is called Bau Nyale.


1. The first paragraph mainly talks about ..

A. a beautiful princess from Lombok.
B. many princes fall in love with her.
C. a great king from Lombok.
D. the king held a competition.
2. Why did many young men fall in love with her? Many young men fell in love
with her because she ..
A. was a daughter of great king.
B. was rich.
C. was beautiful.
D. was kind.
3. The word she in the first paragraph refers to ..
A. mother.
B. sister.
C. prince.
D. princess.
4. Princess could not decide and she also did not want them sad. What does the
underlined sentence mean?
A. The princess was sad because her dad was dead.
B. The princess was sad because her mother disappeared.
C. She didnt want people being hurt because of her.
D. She hated because her father killed by the princes.
5. The king tried to find an idea to solve the problem. What was the problem
A. Many princes tried to stolen his daughter.
B. The princes would be fought because of the kings daughter.
C. The princes fought to the other in order to get the kings wealth.
D. The king declared a war against all of the princes.
6. What was the aim of the competition? The aim of the competition was the
winner could be ..
A. a great king in Lombok.
B. a son of the great king.
C. husband of his beautiful wife.
D. husband of his beautiful daughter.
7. How was the rule of the competition? The rule of the competition was the
princes had to shoot ..



the target perfectly.

the turtle perfectly.
the kings head perfectly.
a bird for the princess perfectly.

8. The word they in the second paragraph refers to ..

A. the princess.
B. the princes.
C. the princess and the people.
D. the king and the princes.
9. Why did the princess sacrifice herself? The princess sacrificed herself because
she ..
A. fell in love with a prince.
B. wanted to be someone that everybody can have.
C. saw her father was dead so did she.
D. wanted to be a legend for her people.
10. What did the princes do when they saw the princess jumped to the sea?
A. The princes jumped to the sea together to find the princess.
B. The princes tried to swim to find her but the waves were too high.
C. The princes couldnt do nothing because too dangerous.
D. The princes ran away because the waves were too high.
Bajra Sandhi Monument is monument of Balinese People Struggle. This
Monument is recognized by the name of Bajra Sandhi because it's form is looking
like Bajra or Genta or bell used by all Hindu Priest in reading of Weda holy
sentence (mantra) at religious ceremony.
This monument is built in the year 1987 and it is opened by president of
Megawati Sukarno Putri on 14 June 2003. The purpose of this monument is to
immortalize the soul and spirit of Balinese People struggle, at one blow dig,
looking after, developing and also preserve the culture of Bali to be bequeathed to
a router generation as advancing capital stroke tread a world of loaded
progressively with the challenge and resistance.
11. What does the text mainly talks about ..
A. bajra sandhi was famous monument.
B. history of bajra sandhi monument.
C. immortalize of soul.
D. the great story of Bali.


12. Why is the monument named bajra? The monument is named bajra because
A. this monument has great story.
B. the design of the monument is spiral.
C. bajra sandhi was opened by a president.
D. the shape looks like bell.
13. The word spirit in line 4 in Indonesian means ..
A. kekuatan
B. tenaga
C. roh
D. semangat
14. Why was the monument built?
The monument was built ..
A. to make tourism come to Denpasar.
B. because the governments want make Bali famous.
C. in order to immortalize the spirit of Balinese people struggle.
D. to make Balinese peoples always keep the real culture of Balinese people.
The Octopus is a sea animal with eight powerful feet which it uses as
hands. These are called tentacles. The word Octopus comes from two greet
words that mean eight feet. The octopus, the squid and the cuttlefish belong to the
same family that has no outside shells. Their bodies are covered entirely with skin.
Therefore the body of an octopus is soft.
It looks like a big balloon. A fully-grown octopus can be as large as 8,5
meters from the tip of one tentacles to the tip of another. It can weigh as much as
forty five kilograms. By using its tentacles, the octopus can catch small fish, sea
plants, crab and lobsters. The octopus also uses them to against its enemies. The
octopus wraps its tentacles around the victim and squeezes it before eating it.
The octopus escapes from its enemies by giving out a thick dark fluid to
darken the water. It can also change the color of its body to match its
surroundings. It hides from its enemies by doing this.
Adapted From: Target UPSR Citra Pintar Bahasa Inggris
15. How does the octopus hunt for food?
A. It uses tail.
B. It uses its teeth.
C. It uses magic colour.
D. It uses its tentacles.


16. Why is the body of octopus so smooth?

The body of an octopus is so smooth because ..
A. its body has smooth silicon.
B. its body covered entirely with skin.
C. an octopus has a bright skin.
D. its body contains a liquid.
17. The word them in the second paragraph refers to the octopuss ..
A. teeth.
B. enemies.
C. tentacles.
D. tails.
18. What does the octopus do to escape from its enemy?
A. Octopus uses their tentacles to run as fast as possible from the enemy.
B. Octopus use its poison to make their enemy cannot catch them.
C. Octopus gives out a thick dark fluid to darken the water.
D. Octopus will change their body to make the enemy cannot see it.
19. How weight is the octopus?
A. 45 kilograms
B. 40 kilograms
C. 35 kilograms
D. 14 kilograms
20. What kinds of fish become octopus foods?
A. Small fish like crab, lobster, bee, and sea plants
B. Planktons, crab, bugs, and sea worms
C. Crab, sea plants, lobster
D. Snakehead, tiram, crapu, unt
II. Read again the three text above and decide the following statements whether
they are true or false!
21. There was only one prince who wanted to marry princess mandalika.
22. Princess mandalika loved a prince who died in the war.
23. Princess mandalika sacrificed herself because she loved her people more than
24. The princes started to argue because princess mandalika ran away to the sea.
25. The king held a competition in order to find justice.
26. The king didnt want his daughter to be taken by the princes and he declared a


27. Bajra sandhi monument was built in order to make Balinese people proud with
the culture.
28. Bajra Sandhi Monument is monument of Balinese People Struggle which as a
sign homage to the spirit.
29. Octopus will run quickly when meet an enemy.
30. Octopus uses fumes to catch small fish.


Appendix 4
Session 1 Cycle I
A. School Identity

: SMP N 2 Sukawati


: English




: Reading Comprehension

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

B. Standard Competence
5. Understanding meaning in a shot simple functional written text in the form
of Descriptive and Recount interact with the surrounding in the context of
daily life.
C. Basic Competence
5.1 Responding meaning a functional text and essay in the form of Descriptive
and short Recount fluently and acceptable to interact with the surrounding in
the context of daily life.
D. Indicator

Identifying main idea of a text.

Identifying specific information of a text.

Identifying word meaning of a text.

Identifying a textual reference.

E. Learning objective
When students are given a chance to read a text, they are able to identify the
main idea, specific information, word meaning, and textual reference of the
text correctly.
F. Learning Material


Descriptive text is text which expresses or describes place, thing and

person in such vivid detail that the readers can easily visualize the described
place, thing and person or can picture what it looks like.
Generic Structure
Descriptive text is intended to describe place, person, and thing so that the
reader will be able to visualize the object. Writing descriptive text, generally, you
have to consider the following generic structure:
a. Identification
b. Descriptions
c. Conclusion
Example of descriptive text:

This is a leopard, a big cat with bright color and black spots. Those black
spots are nearly of the same size from its nose to its tail. It is about six to seven
and half feet long. People also call this animal panther,
Although it is a big animal, its ears are quite small. However, it has a long
tail and it runs very fast. It jumps very well too. That is why it is good
at chasing and catching its preys.
To catch its prey, it often hides on a tree and wait until small animal come
near. When the animal come near the tree, the leopard jumps down and kills the
animal. A leopard eats all smaller animals, but it likes dogs best.
G. Technique


Collaborative learning
H. Time Allotment: 2 x 40 minutes
I. Learning Activities
Pre-activities ( + 10 minutes )
1. Greeting the students.
2. Checking attendance list of the students.
3. Getting students attention by asking and giving questions
whether they have ever read a text.
4. Describing the learning objectives that want to be achieved in
that meeting.
Whilst activities ( + 65 minutes )
5. Giving a question to the student about what they have already
known about descriptive text.
6. Grouping the students where each group consists of four or five
7. Determining the rules of teaching learning process to make
them clearly understand of the rules.
8. Distributing the text to the each member of the groups where
each member of the group have individual responsible in
solving a problem.
9. Asking the students to work collaborative, try to find the
solution of the text given by the teacher.
10. Monitoring the students behavior whether the students in
their group seriously work in collaborative and give their


11. Asking the group to discuses and present their answer in the
front of the class where all member of each group preparing
their reason to accept questions whether it from another group
or from the teacher.
Post- activities ( + 5 minutes )
12. Asking the students whether they have understood or not
what has been learnt, in order to know their ability and
capability in learning.
13. Analyzing students feedback whether they possibility find
serious problem in learning.
14. Closing the lesson by saying Good Bye
J. References

Wardiman, Aryono; B. Jahur, Marjiman; Djusma, M Sukirman.

(2008).English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs).
Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

www.Google. Com.

K. Assessment
a. Technique

: Written test

b. Form

: Identifying mean idea, specific information, word

meaning and textual reference of descriptive text

c. Scoring procedure
Subjects score =

Subjects' correct answer

Maximum score

x 100

Denpasar, 23 April, 2014

The researcher

Made Adnyana


Read the text entitled Leopard and answer the following questions!

This is a leopard, a big cat with bright color and black spots. Those black
spots are nearly of the same size from its nose to its tail. It is about six to seven
and half feet long. People also call this animal panther,
Although it is a big animal, its ears are quite small. However, it has a long
tail and it runs very fast. It jumps very well too. That is why it is good
at chasing and catching its preys.
To catch its prey, it often hides on a tree and wait until small animal come
near. When the animal come near the tree, the leopard jumps down and kills the
animal. A leopard eats all smaller animals, but it likes dogs best.

What is the main idea of the text?

A. A leopard eats all smaller animals.
B. This is a Leopard.
C. Leopard is about six to seven and a half feet long.
D. Those black spots are nearly of the same size from its nose to its tail.


What does the Leopards skin look like?

A. It has stripy yellow and black color.
B. It has black color and yellow spots.
C. It has yellow color and black spots.
D. It has yellowish black.



Although it is a big animal, its ears are quite small. (Paragraph 2).
What does its in the sentence refer to?
A. animals
B. cats
C. leopards
D. panthers


.. good at chasing and catching its preys.

The underline word means ..
A. catching.
B. taking.
C. juggling.
D. hunting.


.. is a carnivore.
A. Leopard
B. Elephant
C. Ant
D. Rhinoceros


Appendix 5
Session 2 Cycle I
A. School Identity

: SMPN 2 Sukawati


: English




: Reading Comprehension

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

B. Standard Competence
5. Understanding meaning in a shot simple functional written text in the form
of Descriptive and Recount interact with the surrounding in the context of
daily life.
C. Basic Competence
5.1 Responding meaning a functional text and essay in the form of Descriptive
and short Recount fluently and acceptable to interact with the surrounding in
the context of daily life.
D. Indicator

Identifying main idea of a text.

Identifying specific information of a text.

Identifying word meaning of a text.

Identifying a textual reference.

E. Learning objective
When students are given a chance to read a text they are able to identify the
main idea, specific information, word meaning, and textual reference of the
text correctly.
F. Learning Material


Narrative text is texts that tell about the past events and purpose to entertain
the readers. It reveals what a reader should learn. Narration text is usually written
in chronological order.
Writing Narrative text, generally, you have to consider the following
generic structure:
a. Orientation
Introduction the action in the text. It sets the scene and introduces the
participants/characters. Orientation state or introduce of the player of the
story. The opening paragraph introduces characters or participants of the
story and sets the scene (it answers the questions who, when, what and
b. Complication
What the problems that arise of the happened. It explores the conflict in
the story. It will show the crisis, rising crisis and climax of the story. The
problem happens among the characters, it is about the problems which
involve the main characters in the story developed.
c. Resolution
Result of the problems that arise. : It shows the situation which the
problems have been resolved. It must be our note that resolved means
accomplished whether succeed or fail.
d. Re- Orientation
Re Orientation always be opinion and describe simple mean about the
resolution of the story.

For the example:

Suro and Boyo
Once upon time, on the coast of east Java, there lived a variety of sea
animals. They lived in peace. Only an Octopus called Cumi couldnt get along
with other sea creatures. Cumi was so cruel.
One day Cumi went to the house of a fish name Suro. He told Suro that one
of the crocodiles, Boyo, had a plan to harm Suro. Suro and Boyo were best
friends. Thats why Suro didnt believe Cumi. Then, Cumi went to Boyos house


and said and Suro had a plan to harm him. This time Cumis lies were so
convincing that Boyo believe Cumi. Boyo was very angry.
He got upset and swam in a hurry to Suros house. He attacking Suro and
wounded him. Suro was still calm and didnt fight back. But knowing that Boyo
would never stop attacked him, Suro became brave and strong. He fought Boyo
bravely until the sea turned red with their blood.
In the place where they once fought was built a city called Suroboyo.
Suroboyo, therefore, means brave in danger.
G. Technique
Collaborative Learning
H. Time Allotment: 2 x 40 minutes
I. Learning Activities
Pre-activities ( + 5 minutes )
1. Greeting the students.

2. Checking attendance list of the students.

3. Getting students attention by asking and giving questions whether
they have ever read a text.
4. Describing the learning objectives that want to be achieved in that
Whilst activities ( + 70 minutes )

5. Giving a question to the student to explain what is narrative text

6. Grouping the students as previous meeting where each group
consists of four or five students.
7. Determining again the rules of teaching learning process to make
them clearly understand of the rules.
8. Distributing the text (students worksheet) to the each member of
the groups where each member of the group have individual


responsible in solving a problem.

9. Asking the students to work collaboratively, try to find the solution
of the text given by the teacher.
10. Monitoring the students behavior whether the students in their
group seriously work in collaborative and give their participation.
11. Sharing the answers of the Student Worksheet to the whole group
one by one.
12. Giving a post-test that require the student to comprehend three
reading texts entitled My Timmy , Buggy Race and The
Prince and His Best Friends by answering the questions that have
been provided.
13. Asking the students to collect the answers of the post test.
Post- activities ( + 5 minutes )
14. Asking the students to tell and share any difficulties that they found

during the lesson and also the post test been administered
15. Analyze students feedback.
16. Closing the lesson by saying Good Bye

J. Source:

Wardiman, Aryono; B. Jahur, Marjiman; Djusma, M Sukirman.

(2008).English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs).
Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

English book for SMP

Www. Google. Com.

K. Assessment
d. Technique

: Written test

e. Form

: Identifying mean idea, specific information, word

meaning and textual reference of descriptive text and narrative text


f. Scoring procedure
Subjects score =

Subjects' correct answer

Maximum score

x 100

Denpasar, 23 April , 2014

The researcher

Made Adnyana


Suro and Boyo
Once upon time, on the coast of east Java, there lived a variety of sea
animals. They lived in peace. Only an Octopus called Cumi couldnt get along
with other sea creatures. Cumi was so cruel.
One day Cumi went to the house of a fish name Suro. He told Suro that one
of the crocodiles, Boyo, had a plan to harm Suro. Suro and Boyo were best
friends. Thats why Suro didnt believe Cumi. Then, Cumi went to Boyos house
and said and Suro had a plan to harm him. This time Cumis lies were so
convincing that Boyo believe Cumi. Boyo was very angry.
He got upset and swam in a hurry to Suros house. He attacking Suro and
wounded him. Suro was still calm and didnt fight back. But knowing that Boyo
would never stop attacked him, Suro became brave and strong. He fought Boyo
bravely until the sea turned red with their blood.
In the place where they once fought was built a city called Suroboyo.
Suroboyo, therefore, means brave in danger.

Please identify the generic structure of this text.


Please answer these questions with short answer.

1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. Why did cumi have a bad plan to Suro and Boyo?
3. He got upset and swam in a hurry to Suros house. He in the third
paragraph refers to ..
4. Crocodile in Bahasa Indonesia is ..


Appendix 6
Cycle I
I. Read the following text carefully and answer the following questions by
crossing (X) A, B, C, or D!
My Timmy
I have a pet. He is my lovely pet Timmy. Timmy is a male tabby cat. He is
very adorable with his soft stripes fur. He has innocent round eyes and feeble
sweet voice. He always meows when I come home, he usually give me a kiss.
Timmy is a nice playmate. Im so happy to spend my time with him. Most
of the time, hes a good cat. Its almost impossible for me to be angry at him. In
the morning, he always wakes up early. When he wakes up earlier, he waits
quality by my bedside until I wake up.

What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. My lovely pet Timmy.
B. Timmy is a male.
C. Timmy is adorable.
D. He is cute.


When does Timmy usually give a kiss to the writer? Timmy usually give a
kiss when the writer ..
A. wakes up.
B. goes to sleep.
C. leaves home.
D. comes home.


The word male in Indonesian means ..

A. macho.
B. jantan.
C. banci.
D. kelainan.


Why is the writer almost impossible to be angry at his cat? The writer almost
impossible to be angry at his cat because ..
A. it has innocent round eyes.
B. most of the time, it is a good cat.
C. it gives the writer kiss.
D. it always wakes up early.



The second paragraph tells about ..

A. characteristic.
B. habit.
C. habitat.
D. behavior.


He is very adorable. The synonym of the underlined word is ..

A. stingy.
B. cyubi.
C. chabi.
D. cute.


The word him in the second paragraph refers to ..

A. his father.
B. uncle.
C. timmy.
D. jimmy.


What is the purpose of the text about? The purpose of the text is to ..
A. describe place.
B. describe something.
C. tell how to make something.
D. tell how to care for cats.


Timmy is ..
A. an omnivore.
B. an ovoviviparous.
C. a carnivore.
D. a herbivore.

10. Generic structures of the descriptive text are ..

A. identification, conclusion, description.
B. identification, description, conclusion.
C. identification, description, reference.
D. complication, implication, resolution.
Buggy Races
Once upon a time there lived two best friends, the hare and the tortoise.
They liked to race against each other, but the hare always won. One day, the hare
asked the tortoise to race down to the beach. The tortoise refused, he said that he
will lose anyway. The hare replied in a kind voice that he felt sorry about it.


But the next day, the hare found a way to race the tortoise that would be
fair and lots of fun too. He asked the tortoise to come with him. The tortoise was
slowly plodding over the sand hill towards the beach. Now the two friends can
race against each other all day and something tells me that the tortoise might win
this time.
Adapted from 50 Bedtime stories, 2002
11. Who were the two friends? The two friends were ..
A. the hare and the tortoise.
B. the wolf and the hare.
C. the tortoise and the.
D. the tortoise and the buffalo.
12. What did the hare ask the tortoise? The hare asked the tortoise to ..
A. come with him to the beach.
B. race down to the beach.
C. be his friend forever.
D. fight in the beach.
13. How did the hare find a way to race?
A. The hare would be promised to gave him a food.
B. The hare said that the race would be fair and fun.
C. The tortoise was slowly plodding over the sand hill towards the beach.
D. The tortoise was slowly plodding over the sand hill towards the river.
14. How was the end of the story? The end of the story was the hare and the
tortoise ..
A. cannot race again for someday.
B. be friends forever.
C. finally diseparated.
D. can race against each other all day.

The Prince and His Best Friends

Once upon a time, there lived a kind young prince named Jonathan. He
was loved, and adored by his people. His two close friends were Peter Piper, the
servant of the palace and Franklin Greedy, the son of an Aristocrat. One day, The
Prince, Peter Piper, and Franklin Greedy were walking through the forest.
Suddenly a group of bandits attacked the three boys near an old house. They
entered the old house and blockaded the gate and doors. The three boys were
trapped inside the house.


Franklin was very tried and asked the Prince to surrender immediately, but
Peter was not afraid. He urged and supported the Prince not to give up. The Prince
decided not to surrender because he realized that he would become a hostage for
the bandits to ask for ransom to his father, but Franklin was scared and wanted to
make a deal, it made Peter suspicious about Franklins behaviour. So he quietly
made up a plan for him and the Prince to escape.
Early at dawn, Franklin opened the front gate and unlocked the doors. The
bandits entered the house in search of the Prince. When they came to the room
where the Prince was supposed to be sleeping, no one was there. Suddenly they
heard a horse running outside the house and saw over the window that Peter Piper
and the Prince were riding away on one of the bandits horses.
It turns out, Peter Piper sneaked out of the house and waited in the yard,
while the Prince was hiding behind the house. The bandits were very angry at
Franklin and took him with them while the Prince and Peter went safely going
back to the Capital.

15. What kind of person was Prince Jonathan? Prince Jonathan was ..
A. cruel man.
B. kind man.
C. tricky man.
D. handsome man.
16. Who were prince jonathans friends? Prince jonathans friends were ..
A. Peter Paper and Franklin Greedy.
B. Bandits and Greedy.
C. Taylor Swift and Peter Paper.
D. Jimmy and Bandits.
17. What happened when the Prince and his two friends were walking in the
A. They were found a beast in the forest.
B. A bear was tried to kill them.
C. A group of Bandits attacked the three boys near an old house.
D. They were met with an old lady.
18. Why did Franklin try to persuade the Prince surrender? Franklin tried to
surrender because he was ..
A. scared.
B. brave.
C. shy.
D. confused.


19. What did Peter Paper do when Franklin tried to persuade the Prince to
surrender? He ..
A. asked the Prince to surrender.
B. made a deal with the Bandits.
C. supported the Prince not to give up.
D. asked the Prince to ran away quickly.
20. Did the Prince manage to escape from the Bandits?
A. Yes, he did.
B. No, he didnt.
C. Yes, she does.
D. No, she doesnt.
III. Read again the three text above and decide the following statements whether
they are true or false!
21. Timmy is a male tabby cat.
22. Cat is a herbivore.
23. The hare and the tortoise were friend.
24. The two friends can race against each other all day.
25. The young prince was hated by his people.
26. The young prince was kind to other.
27. The prince had two best friends.
28. When the bandits attacked, they hurried back to the castle.
29. The prince didnt want to surrender.
30. Franklin made an agreement with the bandits.


Appendix 7
Session 1 Cycle II
A. School Identity

: SMP N 2 Sukawati


: English




: Reading Comprehension

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

B. Standard Competence
5. Understanding meaning in a shot simple functional written text in the form
of Descriptive and Recount interact with the surrounding in the context of
daily life.
C. Basic Competence
5.1 Responding meaning a functional text and essay in the form of Descriptive
and short Recount fluently and acceptable to interact with the surrounding in
the context of daily life.
D. Indicator

Identifying general information of a text.

Identifying specific information of a text.

Identifying word meaning of a text.

Identifying a textual reference.

E. Learning objective
When students are given a chance to read a text, they are able to identify
general information, specific information, word meaning, and textual
reference of the text correctly.

F. Learning Material


Narrative text is texts that tell about the past events and purpose to entertain
the readers. It reveals what a reader should learn. Narration text is usually written
in chronological order.
Writing Narrative text, generally, you have to consider the following
generic structure:
e. Orientation
Introduction the action in the text. It sets the scene and introduces the
participants/characters. Orientation state or introduce of the player of the
story. The opening paragraph introduces characters or participants of the
story and sets the scene (it answers the questions who, when, what and
f. Complication
What the problems that arise of the happened. It explores the conflict in
the story. It will show the crisis, rising crisis and climax of the story. The
problem happens among the characters, it is about the problems which
involve the main characters in the story developed.
g. Resolution
Result of the problems that arise. : It shows the situation which the
problems have been resolved. It must be our note that resolved means
accomplished whether succeed or fail.
h. Re- Orientation
Re Orientation always be opinion and describe simple mean about the
resolution of the story.
Example of narrative text:
Suro and Boyo
Once upon time, on the coast of east Java, there lived a variety of sea
animals. They lived in peace. Only an Octopus called Cumi couldnt get along
with other sea creatures. Cumi was so cruel.
One day Cumi went to the house of a fish name Suro. He told Suro that one
of the crocodiles, Boyo, had a plan to harm Suro. Suro and Boyo were best
friends. Thats why Suro didnt believe Cumi. Then, Cumi went to Boyos house


and said and Suro had a plan to harm him. This time Cumis lies were so
convincing that Boyo believe Cumi. Boyo was very angry.
He got upset and swam in a hurry to Suros house. He attacking Suro and
wounded him. Suro was still calm and didnt fight back. But knowing that Boyo
would never stop attacked him, Suro became brave and strong. He fought Boyo
bravely until the sea turned red with their blood.
In the place where they once fought was built a city called Suroboyo.
Suroboyo, therefore, means brave in danger.

G. Teaching Method/ Technique

Collaborative learning
H. Time Allotment: 2 x 40 minutes
I. Learning Activities
Pre-activities ( + 5 minutes )
1. Greeting the students.

2. Checking attendance list of the students.

3. Asking the student about the post-test that they have had in the
previous meeting to give a chance whether they still have
question or not about test.
4. Describing the learning objectives that want to be achieved in
that meeting.

Whilst activities ( + 70 minutes )


5. Showing a picture to the students of an example of narrative

text and ask them to find the name of characters in the pictures.
6. Grouping the students as previous meeting where each group
consists of four or five students.
7. Determining again the rules of teaching learning process to
make them clearly understand of the rules.
8. Distributing the text (students worksheet) to the each member


of the groups where each member of the group have individual

responsible in solving a problem.
9. Giving a chance to the students to read a narrative text entitled
Suro and Boyo before discussing it.
10. Asking the students to work collaboratively, try to find the
solution of the text given by the teacher.
11. Monitoring the students behavior whether the students in their
group seriously work in collaborative and give their
12. Sharing the answers of the Student Worksheet to the whole
group one by one.
Post- activities ( + 5 minutes )
13. Asking the students whether they have understood or not what

has been learnt, in order to know their ability and capability in

14. Analyzing students feedback.
15. Closing the lesson by saying Good Bye

J. References

Wardiman, Aryono; B. Jahur, Marjiman; Djusma, M Sukirman.

(2008).English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs).
Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

Priyana Joko dkk, 2006, Scaffolding for Junior High School Students,
Surabaya: Pusat Perbukuan Departement Pendidikan Nasional

English book for SMP

Www.Google. Com

Cerdas-Cermat SMPN 2 Sukawati

K. Assessment
a. Technique

: Written test


b. Form

: identifying general information, specific

information, word meaning and textual reference of narrative text.

c. Scoring procedure :
Subjects score =

Subjects' correct answer

Maximum score

x 100

Denpasar, 29 April, 2014

The researcher

Made Adnyana


Suro and Boyo
Once upon time, on the coast of east Java, there lived a variety of sea
animals. They lived in peace. Only an Octopus called Cumi couldnt get along
with other sea creatures. Cumi was so cruel.
One day Cumi went to the house of a fish name Suro. He told Suro that one
of the crocodiles, Boyo, had a plan to harm Suro. Suro and Boyo were best
friends. Thats why Suro didnt believe Cumi. Then, Cumi went to Boyos house
and said and Suro had a plan to harm him. This time Cumis lies were so
convincing that Boyo believe Cumi. Boyo was very angry.
He got upset and swam in a hurry to Suros house. He attacking Suro and
wounded him. Suro was still calm and didnt fight back. But knowing that Boyo
would never stop attacked him, Suro became brave and strong. He fought Boyo
bravely until the sea turned red with their blood.
In the place where they once fought was built a city called Suroboyo.
Suroboyo, therefore, means brave in danger.


Please identify the generic structure of this text.


Please answer these questions with short answer.

5. What is the text about?
6. Why did cumi have a bad plan to Suro and Boyo?
7. He got upset and swam in a hurry to Suros house. He in the third
paragraph refers to ..
8. Crocodile in Bahasa Indonesia is ..
9. What was the character of Cumi?
10. Where did the story take place?
11. Suro didnt believe Cumi because ..
12. What did Suro do when Boyo attacked him?
13. Why was Boyo so angry with Suro?
14. What is the value that could be learnt from this story?


Appendix 8
Session 2 Cycle II
A. School Identity

: SMP N 2 Sukawati


: English




: Reading Comprehension

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

B. Standard Competence
5. Understanding meaning in a shot simple functional written text in the form
of Descriptive and Recount interact with the surrounding in the context of
daily life.
C. Basic Competence
5.1 Responding meaning a functional text and essay in the form of Descriptive
and Recount fluently and acceptable to interact with the surrounding in the
context of daily life.
D. Indicator

Identifying general information of a text.

Identifying specific information of a text.

Identifying word meaning of a text.

Identifying a textual reference.

E. Learning objective
When students are given a chance to read text, they are able to identify general
information, specific information, word meaning, and textual reference of the
text correctly.
F. Learning Material


Recount text is text which retells past events or experience for the purpose
of informing or entertaining. This could include personal events, factual incidents
or imaginary incidents.
Generic Structure

Orientation includes setting the scene and giving the necessary
background information such as: who, when, where, what, and why.

Retelling the event in chronological order or logical sequence, usually
in the past (there is no complication in recount).

Including a personal comment or opinion and a closing statement.
The example of recount text:
Holiday in Nuknung Waterfall

On Sunday, I and my friends visited waterfall in Buleleng. It was the first

time for me to visit that waterfall. When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I
could enjoy the scene. The air was so fresh and pure and the view as exited. On
the way, we just walk down because the waterfall location in downhill. After
several minutes walked downhill, finally we arrived at the waterfall. It was
beautiful waterfall that ever I saw. We really enjoyed the water in the rain forest
surrounding the waterfall. When hearing the sound of falling water made me
peace and relaxes just like my life without problems.
We also saw some animals that live there such as birds and chickens forest.
It was also excellent drowning out background sound. Playing with the water
made me felt so happy. A hour past without aware it. Finally, the time was over.
It was the time for us to go home because the time showed 16.00 pm. On the way,
we have to walk to the top and need extra energy to reach up because there are a
thousand stairs to be passed. It was made us so tired. However, what we got at the
waterfall enough to fade it. It was an unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed it.
G. Teaching Method/ Technique
Collaborative learning
H. Time Allotment: 2 x 40 minutes
I. Learning Activities


Pre-activities ( + 10 minutes )

1. Greeting the students.

2. Checking attendance list of the students.
3. Getting students attention by asking and giving questions
about previous lesson.
4. Describing the learning objectives that want to be achieved in
that meeting.
Whilst activities ( + 65 minutes )
5. Giving a question to the students about what they have already
known about recount text.
6. Giving a chance to the students to read a recount text entitled
Holiday in Nuknung Waterfall before discussing the
learning material.
7. Discussing







systematically started from the explanation, generic structure,

social function and characteristic of recount text.
8. Grouping the students where each group consists of four or five
9. Determining again the rules of teaching learning process detail
to make them clearly understand of the rules.
10. Distributing the text to the each member of the groups where
each member of the group have individual responsible in
solving a problem.
11. Asking the students to work collaboratively, try to find the
solution of the text given by the teacher.
12. Monitoring the students behavior whether the students in
their group seriously work in collaborative and give their
13. Sharing the answers of the students worksheet to the whole


group one by one.

14. Giving a post test-test that require all of students to
comprehend three reading texts entitled Malin Kundang,
Mantus Little Elephant, and A Visit to A Wildlife Park by
answering the questions that have been provided.
15. Asking the students to collect the answers of the post-test.
Post- activities ( + 5 minutes )
16. Asking the students to tell and share any difficulties that they
found during the lesson and also the post test.
17. Analyzing students feedback whether they possibility find
serious problem in learning.
18. Closing the lesson by saying Good Bye

J. References

Wardiman, Aryono; B. Jahur, Marjiman; Djusma, M Sukirman.

(2008).English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs).
Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

K. Assessment
a. Technique

: Written test

b. Form





information, word meaning and textual reference of recount text.

c. Scoring procedure
Subjects score =

Subjects' correct answer
Maximum score

x 100

Denpasar, 29 April, 2014

The researcher
Made Adnyana


Holiday in Nuknung Waterfall
On Sunday, I and my friends visited waterfall in Buleleng. It was the first
time for me to visit that waterfall. When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I
could enjoy the scene. The air was so fresh and pure and the view as exited. On
the way, we just walk down because the waterfall location in downhill. After
several minutes walked downhill, finally we arrived at the waterfall. It was
beautiful waterfall that ever I saw. We really enjoyed the water in the rain forest
surrounding the waterfall. When hearing the sound of falling water made me
peace and relaxes just like my life without problems.
We also saw some animals that live there such as birds and chickens forest.
It was also excellent drowning out background sound. Playing with the water
made me felt so happy. A hour past without realized it. Finally, the time was
over. It was the time for us to go home because the time showed 16.00 pm. On the
way, we have to walk to the top and need extra energy to reach up because there
are a thousand stairs to be passed. It was made us so tired. However, what we got
at the waterfall enough to fade it. It was an unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed

Please identify the generic structure of this text.


Please answer these questions with short answer.

1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. When did they go to Nuknung waterfall?
3. How many times was writer visited Nuknung waterfall?
4. What did he feel when arrived at waterfall?


Appendix 9
Cycle II

Read the following text carefully and answer the following questions by
crossing (X) A, B, C, or D!
Once upon time, there was a young man named Malin Kundang. He lived
with his single parent that was his mother in a village near a forest, in west
Sumatra. His mother loved him very much, so did him.
One day, wanted to go to leave his village to get his dream. He asked his
mother and promised that he would come back as a rich man. His mother allowed
Malin Kundang worked in a big ship. He was diligent worker. His boss
satisfied all he had done. Then everything changed. He was being a rich man. He
married his boss daughter.
He and his wife visited his village. Everybody saw him and told his
coming to his mother. His mother met him. Unfortunately, Malin Kundang didnt
admit her. He was ashamed to his wife that his mother was a poor villager. He
used to say to his wife that his families were rich.
His mother was surprised hearing what Malin Kundang said that she was
not his mother. His mother then prayed and she wanted God gave the justice.
Later on, the sky was getting dark. Malin Kundang got the justice that he changed
into a stone.

The first paragraph mainly talks about ..

A. Malin Kundangs life.
B. Mothers life.
C. His fathers life.
D. His parents.


Malin kundang lived with his ..

A. daughter.
B. uncle.
C. mother.
D. father.


What was the character of malin kundang? Malin Kundang was ..

A. polite people.
B. seditious people.
C. sweet people.
D. kind people.



Malin kundang worked at ..

A. hotel.
B. ship.
C. office.
D. airport.


Malin kundang left his mother because he wanted to ..

A. get his dream.
B. worked in the big ship.
C. get married.
D. be changed into stone.


Where is the story take place?

A. west java.
B. west sumatera.
C. west papua.
D. west burneo.


He was a diligent worker.

The underlined word is antonymous with ..
A. lazy.
B. clever.
C. smaller.
D. smart.


Did malin kundang believe that the old, dirty, ugly woman was his mother?
A. Yes, he did.
B. Yes, he is.
C. No he didnt.
D. No. he is not.


He was being a rich man.

The underlined word is refers to ..
A. Malin Kundangs wife.
B. Malin Kundangs mother.
C. Malin Kundangs Father.
D. Malin Kundang.

10. Malin kundang did not admit his mother because his mother was ..
A. a poor villager.
B. not beautiful.
C. a rich women.
D. smart women.


A Visit to A Wildlife Park

I and my parents visited many interesting places in Sydney. The one I
enjoyed best was the Wildlife Park. The Wildlife Park has a lot different
Australian animals and birds. There are over 600 animals, including kangaroos,
wallabies, koala and crocodiles. They are kept in their natural surroundings. I
much preferred the Wildlife Park to a zoo where a lot of animals are in cages.
We were able to walk along the kangaroos and wallabies. We were even
allowed to touch them and to feed them. It was very exciting to be very so close to
them. We saw koala bears. They looked very cuddly. I got my photograph taken
with one of them. It is a wonderful souvenir of my holiday in Sydney.
We also went to see the crocodiles. The Wildlife Park has a lot of fresh-,
water and salt-water crocodiles. Some of them were very big and scary with, huge
teeth. I did not get very close to them. We also visited the aviary. There were
some very colorful birds there. I really liked an old parrot which could talk.
I wish we could have spent more time in the Wildlife Park. There was so
much to see.
11. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. I and my parents visited many interesting places in Sydney.
B. We were able to walk along the kangaroos, and wallabies.
C. I much preferred the wildlife park to a zoo.
D. The wild life park has a lot different Australian animals and birds.
12. What kind of the text?
A. report.
B. recount.
C. descriptive.
D. narrative.
13. .. allowed to touch them and to feed. The word them in second paragraph
refers to ..
A. the writers family.
B. fresh water and salt water crocodiles.
C. the visitors of wildlife park.
D. the kangaroos and wallabies.
14. What kinds of animals that exist in the wildlife park? The animals that exist in
the wildlife park are ..
A. koala, crocodiles, kangaroos.
B. dinosaur, dragonfly, crocodiles.
C. butterflies, panda, barracuda.
D. worms, bee, ant.
15. A wallabies is ..
A. an omnivore.
B. an ovoviviparous.
C. a carnivore.
D. a herbivore.


16. What kinds of birds that writer liked so much? The writer liked an ..
A. an eagle.
B. a canaries.
C. an old parrot.
D. a Penguin.
17. What is the purpose of the text? The purpose of the text is to ..
A. tell the readers what happened in the past.
B. informing and entertaining.
C. persuade the readers that something a case.
D. describe a particular place or thing.
Mantus Little Elephant
Little Mantu lived in a village deep in the jungle where elephants helped
the men with their work. These elephants were so big and strong. They could lift
up the heaviest logs with their trunks and toss them high in the air.
Now, Mantu had an elephant of his very own. His name was Opie. He was
just a baby and Mantu loved him very much. Mantu whispered to Opies ear that
someday he would become the biggest, strongest, and bravest elephants in the
jungle. The other elephants heard this. They began to laugh and made rude noises
with their trunks. Were so big and tall, but youre so small. Youre nothing at
all, said one of the big elephants.
Mantu looked up at the huge elephants with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Youre so tall and can see far away. We can see what is happening down here in
the jungle. In fact, we would be the first to see any slithering snakes that may be a
danger. After hearing the word snakes, the elephants screeched and off they go
thundering in fright.
Did I say there were snakes? giggled Mantu. No, I dont think so,
smiled Opie. Mantu then climbed upon his little friends back and went home to
the village to tell everyone about the foolish elephants.
18. Where did Mantu live? Mantu was lived in ..
A. a big town.
B. small village.
C. the city.
D. the town.
19. Who was Mantus best friend? Mantus best friend was ..
A. a monkey.
B. elephant.
C. bird.
D. bear.


20. What made the huge elephant ran away? The huge elephant was ran away
because ..
A. met a ghost.
B. saw a hunter.
C. mantu said snake.
D. mantus angry.
II. Read again the three text above and decide the following statements whether
they are true or false!

Malin Kundangs mather was a single parent.

The Merchant was so happy and thanked to him.
Malin Kundang was so happy after met with his mother.
She cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone.
Malin Kundang believed that the old, dirty and ugly was his mother.
Malin Kundangs father was died when he was teenager.
There are over 600 animals, including kangaroos, wallabies, koala and
8. They were not allowed to touch the kangaroos and the wallabies.
9. Mantu was lived in the small village.
10. Mantu had an elephant named Opie.


Appendix 10


1. A
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. C
21. F
22. F
23. T
24. F
25. F

Post-test 1
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. B

21. T
22. F
23. T
24. T
25. F

Post-test 2
1. A
2. C
3. B

26. F
27. F
28. T
29. F
30. F

26. T
27. T
28. F
29. T
30. T



4. B
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. A

21. T
22. T
23. F
24. T
25. F

26. F
27. T
28. F
29. T
30. T


Appendix 11
Petunjuk pengerjaan
1. Pilihlah salah satu pernyataan pada kuisioner di bawah ini sesuai dengan
apa yang anda rasakan sebenarnya dengan memberikan tanda silang pada
huruf A, B, C, atau D, pada lembar jawaban yang telah tersedia.
2. Semua tanggapan adalah benar sesuai dengan keadaan Anda masingmasing, oleh sebab itu tanggapilah semua pernyataan berikut ini dengan
1. Collaborative learning sangat efektif dalam pembelajaran reading
A. Sangat setuju
B. Setuju
C. Cukup setuju
D. Tidak setuju
2. Proses belajar mengajar dikelas menggunakan collaborative learning
technique sangat meyenangkan.
A. Sangat setuju
B. Setuju
C. Cukup setuju
D. Tidak setuju
3. Belajar secara kelompok khususnya dalam reading comprehension
membuat siswa semakin percaya diri dan termotivasi.
A. Sangat stuju
B. Setuju
C. Cukup setuju
D. Tidak setuju
4. Collaborative learning technique sangat membantu dalam pembelajaran
reading comprehension.
A. Sangat setuju
B. Setuju
C. Cukup setuju
D. Tidak setuju


5. Belajar menggunakan collaborative learning technique membuat interaksi

atau komunikasi antar siswa dalam memecahkan suatu masalah menjadi
lebih baik.
A. Sangat setuju
B. Setuju
C. Cukup setuju
D. Tidak setuju
6. Collaborative learning technique sangat perlu diterapkan di dalam
pembelajaran reading comprehension.
A. Sangat setuju
B. Setuju
C. Cukup setuju
D. Tidak setuju
7. Guru bahasa inggris semestinya membiasakan menggunakan teknik
bekerja sama dalam mengajar pemahaman membaca.
A. Sangat setuju
B. Setuju
C. Cukup setuju
D. Tidak setuju
8. Keaktifan akan mudah terbentuk dalam setiap siswa apabila belajar secara
berkelompok atau bekerja sama.
A. Sangat setuju
B. Setuju
C. Cukup setuju
D. Tidak setuju
9. Melalui collaborative learning technique atau bekerja sama, kemampuan
dalam memahami suatu bacaan dapat ditingkatkan.
A. Sangat setuju
B. Setuju
C. Cukup setuju
D. Tidak setuju
10. Penggunaan collaborative learning sebagai teknik mengajar membuat
minat siswa belajar bahasa inggris semakin meningkat.
A. Sangat setuju
B. Setuju
C. Cukup setuju
D. Tidak setuju



Made Adnyana was born on 28th August 1991
in Lunyuk. He lives at Banjar Sukamaju, Lunyuk
District, Sumbawa Regency. He has a big family where
he has four sisters and two brothers. However, two of
his sisters and one of his big brothers were adopted by
his uncle because his uncle do not have child. His
mother, Ni Made Sulastri works as a farmer and his
father, I Made Kaya also works as a farmer. Both his
parents are never tired to educate him to be a child that
always love his parents whatever it takes. Especially for his mother, she has been
inspiring him a lot in doing his life and always suggested him to never give up in
any bad situation, even the worst. In 1998, he started his study in elementary
school named SD No. 1 Sukamaju. After he graduated from his elementary
school, he continued his study at SMPN 3 Lunyuk. In 2007, he continued his
study in SMAN 1 Lunyuk. By his hard effort and his parents prayer, he graduated
from senior high school and got the best scores in the final examination. It made
his parents so proud with him. Because he got the best scores in the final
examination, his parents decided to allow him to continue his study. He is the first
child who can continue his study to university. He continued his study at the
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Mahasaraswati Denpasar
University. He studies in Mahasaraswati University because he wants to be a
teacher and improve his ability in English. Being a teacher is his dream when he
was child. Besides, he feels so challenging about English and being a teacher will
give him a chance to share his knowledge and experiences to the others.
Therefore, he chooses English subject for his study at the Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education of Mahasaraswati Denpasar University.


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