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A Descriptive Study of Directive Speech Act in Teaching and Learning English For Second Grade of Man 2 Surakarta Academic Year 2016/2017

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Submitted as A Partial Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana in Islamic
Education and Teacher Training Faculty of The State Islamic Institute of

Arranged By:




“If you are in the worst place cannot be the best person, how about in the best

-Rendy Handoko-


I proudly dedicated this thesis to :

My Beloved parents who always prays and support me.

My beloved brother and sister who always support, entertain, and prays for me
My lovely friend who always beside me and entertain me
Everyone who loves me and whom I love
My Almamater, State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.



OF MAN 2 SURAKARTA IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017. Thesis. English
Education Department, Islamic Education and Teacher Training faculty.

Advisors : Kurniawan, M.Hum

Keywords : Directives utterence, Teaching and Learning English, Pragmatics.

This research paper entittled A Descriptive Study of Directive Speech Acts

In Teaching and Learning English for Second Grade of MAN 2 Surakarta In
Academic Year2016/2017. The purpose of this research was to describe the types
of directive speech act spoken by English teacher and to determine context of
situation occur in English teaching and learning process. Besides the research also
describe about the perlocutionary act of the second grade students of MAN 2

This research employs descriptive qualitative research. the subject of this

research were the English teacher and second grade students of MAN 2 Surakarta
in Lintas Minat Program in academic year 2016/2017. The data of this research
were all utterences spoken by English teacher containing directive speech acts.
The data then classified into types based on Yule‟s theory. There are five forms
directive speech acts in Yule‟s theory, they are command or order, request,
suggestion, invitation, and warning. The context of situation was analyzed with
the SPEAKING model of Hyme‟s. Then, the perlocutionary act of the second
grade of MAN 2 Surakarta based on Austin‟s. This research applied triangulation
technique to support the data credibility.

The findings of research show: 1) there are five types of directive speech
act, they are command (order), request, invitation, suggestion, and warning. 2) the
analysis of SPEAKING model by Hyme‟s gives a clear understanding of the
context situation in each utterence of directive speech act. 3) according to the
perlocutionary act theory, obtained three kinds of responses taken by the students,
they are saying something in accordance to the utterence (10 data); doing
something in actions (15 data); and feeling something as the effect of the
utterence (4 data).


Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of

universe, master of the day of judgement, God all mighty, for all blessings and
mercies so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entittled A DESCRIPTIVE
YEAR 2016/2017. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and
good inspiration of world revolution.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the
helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would
like to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and
suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Dr. Mudhofir Abdullah, M.Ag as the Rector of State Islamic Institute

of Surakarta.
2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum as the Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher
Training Faculty.
3. Dr. Imroatus Sholikhah, M.Pd as the Head of English Education
4. Kurniawan, M.Hum as the advisors for his time, advices, help,
guidance, patience, suggestion, correction to revise the mistake during
the entire process of writing this thesis.
5. SF. Luthfie Arguby Purnomo, S.S, M.Hum as the proof reader of this
thesis for his guidance, correction, time and help to correct the data.
6. For all lecturers in English Education Department of the State Islamic
Institute of Surakarta who had delivered useful and meaningful
knowledge and education during the researcher studied in this
7. Drs. Slamet Budiyono, M.Pd as the Headmaster of MAN 2 Surakarta
for giving permission in doing this research.

8. Masruri, S.Pd as the English teacher who helps the researcher in doing
the research.
9. My beloved parents and relatives, brother (Thoha Fuadi Rahman), an
old sister (Diah Mini S.) with her husband (W. Hariadi), a little sister
(Oriza Fatmawati Nurjanah) for their love, patient, support, prayer,
understanding, pocket money, and everything they give to the
researcher to finish this study.
10. For the funny cousins (Putra Nurizqi Hariadi, Rama, Umar Abdul
Aziz, and Jasmine Labiqaa Afareen) for the funniest things until get
motivate the researcher to finish this thesis.
11. For special friend Moh. Fajar Hafidin, Amd who always support, pray
and motivate the researcher
12. My close friend Endah Puji, Amy Apriyani, Radhita Putri (Gembel
Community) and Anita Retno who always support, pray and motivate
the researcher.
13. High Class, thanks for our friendship and thank you for always be the
best friend during studied in this university.
14. Everyone who has helped the reseracher conducts the research and
writes the thesis.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The
researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular
and the readers in general especially for who are interested in the similar

Surakarta, Februari 2017

Eva Nuriana


TITTLE .............................................................................................................. i
ADVISORS SHEET .......................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL ....................................................................................................... iii
RATIFICATION ............................................................................................... iv
ADMISSION SHEET ....................................................................................... v
MOTTO ............................................................................................................. vi
DEDICATION .................................................................................................. vii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ ix
TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………….... x
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1
A. Background of The Study ..................................................... 1
B. Identification Problem .......................................................... 9
C. Limitation of The Study ....................................................... 9
D. The Problem Statement ....................................................... 10
E. Objective of The Study ........................................................ 10
F. Benefit of The Study ............................................................ 11
G. The Definition of Key Term ............................................... 12
CHAPTER II : THEORITICAL REVIEW ................................................. 13
A. Teaching and Learning Definition .............................. 13
B. Classroom Interaction ................................................. 16
C. Pragmatic Applied ....................................................... 19
D. Pragmatics .................................................................... 19
E. Scopes of Pragmatics ................................................... 21
1. Deixis ................................................................... 21
2. Reference and Inference ...................................... 23
3. Speech Act ........................................................... 24
a. Locutionary act ................................................ 24
b.Illocutionary act .............................................. 24
c. Perlocutionary act ........................................... 24

F. Direct and Indirect Speech Act .................................. 31
G. Definition of Directive Speech Act ........................... 33
H. Classification of Directive Speech Act ...................... 34
I. Context ....................................................................... 38
J. Context of Situation .................................................... 39
K. Teaching English for High School Students ............... 42
L. Teacher Role ............................................................... 44
M. Previous Study ............................................................ 45
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................... 48
A. Research Type and Design ............................................ 48
B. Research Setting ............................................................ 49
1. Research Place .......................................................... 49
2. Research Time .......................................................... 50
C. Subject or Informant ...................................................... 51
D. Source of Data ............................................................... 51
E. Research Istrument ........................................................ 52
F. Technique of Data Collection ........................................ 53
G. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................... 54
H. The Trustworthiness of Data .......................................... 56
CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION ............................................. 58
A. Analysis ......................................................................... 59
1. Type of Directive Speech Act................................. 60
2. Context of Situation ............................................... 60
3. Perlocutionary Act ................................................. 81
B. Discussion ..................................................................... 95
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION & SUGGESTION ...................................... 102
A. Conclusion ..................................................................... 102
B. Suggestion ..................................................................... 105
BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................... 106
APPENDICES ...........................................................................................107


A. Background of the Study

People live as social beings, means that they need other people for

living in this world. As social beings, people need to do interaction and

communication with one another to reach the goal of social life. To do

communication, people need a tool called as language. Effective

communication can be done only by the help of language. To define language,

it is a combination of words to communicate ideas in a meaningful way. By

changing the word in order in a sentence, one can change its meaming, and

even make it meaningless. According to A.S. Hornby, (1989) in N.A.

Wardani, (2011), language is a system of sounds, words, and pattern used by

human to communicate, think, and feel. Therefore, it is clear that language is

one of the most powerful tools in human communication. Words are meant to

establish and maintain friendly contact. Through words, people shape their

identities. People can express their feelings, attitudes, and experiences to each

other through words. By speaking, one can give many kinds of information to


There are many countries in the world, and they speak in many

different languages. Even in some countries with the diversity of ethnics and

cultures may have more than one language and dialect to speak. Indonesia,

one the example of country with various ethnics and cultures, has many

different languages and dialects used by the people to communicate. However,

Indonesia has a national language to unite the diversity of the languages called


Indonesian language. Similar to England, the people also use one language to

speak, English as a means of national communication. English is not only

spoken by the people in England but also spoken by people in the whole world

as a means of international language. As an international language, English is

the fourth most widely spoken native language in the world, and in terms of

sheer number of speakers, it is the most spoken official language in the world.

It is the primary language used in international affairs. The English language

has official status even in nations where it is not the primary spoken language.

English is indisputably the primary language of global trade and commerce. In

many countries, most tourism authorities and other officials in contact with the

public speak English to interact and engage with tourists and immigrants (The

British Council “English as International Language, 1978).

Indonesia, where English is not the native language needs to socialize

it to its people since English is an important language to face the globalization

era. English in Indonesia is generally taught as a foreign language. It functions

to help the development of the state and nation, to build relations with other

nations, and to run foreign policy including as a language used for wider

communication in international forum. It is supported by Government

Regulation Number. 57, 2014 Chapter 2 article 7 which stated that foreign

language has a function as supporting means of communication among

nations; as a means of science, technology, and art mastery; and the source of

Indonesian development. Therefore, English is taught in almost all level of

schools starting from Elementary School until University. Student should

learn English to prepare themselves for facing the globalization era. However,

since it is only a foreign language, there are a lot of problems found in the

English language learning, such as the problem in pronunciation.

Since English is not spoken in daily communication and the nature of

the language that is hardly found in Bahasa Indonesia, many people still have

mistake in pronuncing the word in English. Besides, spelling also becomes a

problem for many people in learning English due to many English words are

not spelled as they are spoken. This difference between pronunciation and

spelling causes a lot of confusion. Moreover, there is an implicit message that

sometimes makes it difficult to understand when the speaker says something.

To avoid missinterpretation of the message, it is necessary to have a good

conversation so that the listener will be able to understand what the speaker

says and what the speaker means.

Language is not only applied in the social life condition, but also in all

activities done by the people, such as in the teaching and learning process. In

the teaching and learning process, teacher and students have conversation in

the classroom. Teacher uses some utterances to explain the material to the

students, and sometimes use the utterance for interacting with them. When the

teacher explains the material or uses some utterances to the students, the

student will try to understand what the teacher mean. The purpose of

communication and interaction in the teaching and learning process is to reach

the goal of good teaching and learning in order the students can understand the

material easily. Understanding the implicit message inside the utterances need

an extra kowledge. Pragmatics is the most common way to analyze the

utterences made by the speaker, since pragmatics addresses expression at the


level of utterances, which can range from one word (e.g., "Oh!" as a reaction

of dismay or pleasant surprise) to a lengthy discourse (e.g., a heated political

debate). What is important is the communicative function the utterance plays

in interaction with others, so pragmatics operates at the level of meaning (and

how others understand those meanings).

Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated

by the speaker and interpreted by the hearer (Yule, 1996: 3). Pragmatics is a

branch of linguistics, which is the study of language. Pragmatics focuses on

conversational implicature, which is a process in which the speaker implies

and a listener infers. Simply put, pragmatics studies language that is not

directly spoken. Instead, the speaker hints at or suggests a meaning, and the

listener assumes the correct intention.

Pragmatics is an analysis about the relation between language and

context which is encoded in a structure of language. It is also analyzing the

relation between language and contexts which is representing foundation for a

record or report of understanding language, equally a study about language

user‟s ability to connect and make compatible sentences and contexts


Pragmatics analyzes the certain utterance in certain situation. It focuses

on the various ways particularly. Those way represent a place of various social

contexts of language performs which can influence the explanation or

interpretation. Pragmatics not only analyzes the supra segmental influences,

dialect and register, but also looks into the performance of utterance, for the

first as social activity that is arranged by various social convention. To sum


up, pragmatics is the study of meaning of utterances in relation to the contexts

which involves how a speaker produces an utterance to deliver his or her

intention and how the listener interprets it.

Pragmatics study has some sub-discussion, they are Speech act,

Felicity Condition, Implicature, References, and Politeness. One of the most

common matter discussed in the subject of pragmatics study is Speech act.

Speech-act theory is a subfield of pragmatics concerned with the ways in

which words can be used not only to present information but also to carry out

actions. Speech act is interesting to be analyzed since it is an act that

a speaker performs when making an utterance, so that the hearer needs to

interpret the maning of the utterance.

Previous study conducted by Muhartoyo (2013), described the types of

directive speech act performed in the movie “Sleeping Beauty” by watching

the movie, analyzing the body movements and the dialogue of each character,

reading the movie script and library research. The writer found 139 directive

speech act in the movie “Sleeping Beauty”. The type of ordering directive

speech act is identified as the most frequently used in the movie. Meanwhile,

0,7% is categorized as the type of inviting directive speech act.

Speech act is an action performed via utterence that commonly given

some labels such as apology, complaint, compliment, invitation, promise, or

request (Yule, 1996: 47). There are three principles that will be discussed in

the Speech act, they are locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary. Those

principles have the concentration respectively. Locutionary act is the basic of

utterance that is producing a meaningful linguistics expression. In performing


a locutionary act, a speaker uses an identifiable expression, consisting of a

sentence or fragment of sentence from language (Austin, 1962), Illocutionary

act is an act of doing something; it is uttered by the speaker that is not only to

say or state something but also it is used to ask someone else to do something.

In utterance, speaker performs an illocutionary act in using a particular

locution to refer. Such utterance has illocutionary act force of a statement, a

confirming, a denial, a prediction, a promise, a request, etc (Woro: 2013).

In addition, Levinson (1983: 236) define the classification of speech

act into three kinds, they are: 1) Locutionary act is the real word that is uttered

by the speaker and it contains the speaker‟s verbalized message. 2)

Illocutionary act is the power or intention behind the words that is uttered by

the speaker. It indicates the speaker‟s purpose in saying something. The

speaker‟s expression can be in the form of statement, offer, promise, etc. 3)

Perlocutionary act is the effect of the illocution on the hearer, such as the

effect on the feelings, thoughts, or action of hearers.

Based on those explanation, it can be concluded that speech act study

is not only about what the speaker say, but also how the hearer responds to the

speaker‟s utterances. Here, the speaker refers to the teacher and the hearer

refers to the students. Thus the object of this research is not only teacher but

also students. Based on Searle‟s statement (1979), speech acts are classified

into five types, they are assertives, directives, commisives, expressives, and

declaratives. In this research, the researcher is interesting to analyze the

directives one, therefore, the object of this research is directives speech acts.

Searle (1969) stated that directives is a speech act which is frequently

used in the classroom interaction. Directives are performed by the speaker to

get the hearer to do something. In fact, the teacher often use directive speech

acts to make the hearer (students) to do something according to what he/ she

has said. The classification of directive are ask, order, command, request, beg,

plead, pray, entreat, and also invite, permit, and advise (Searle, 2005).

Defining speech act cannot be seperated from the context of situation,

A situational context or context of situation is an important element in

communication. As stated by Leech (1983: 13), context has a great influence

and also effect in understanding the meaning of an utterance. Through the

context, the speaker and the addressee share 15 their background in

understanding the utterances. Malinowski (in Halliday and Hasan, 1986: 6)

defines context of situation as the environment of the text that includes the

verbal and the situational environment in which the text is uttered.

Since directives speech act is commonly used in the teaching and

learning process, the researcher did research in MAN 2 Surakarta. MAN 2

Surakarta is located in Surakarta, Jl. Slamet Riyadi. MAN 2 Surakarta is one

of the Islamic State School in Surakarta which has a great progress and

profesional educators. There are many subject in the school, including

English. Based on the observation, MAN 2 Surakarta has a special program

called “Lintas Minat” which is applied in the superior class. The material

given to the reguler class is different from the “Lintas Minat class”. Besides,

the teacher way of teaching is also different in each of the class. In the “Lintas

Minat” class, the teacher usually teach in full English during the teaching and

learning process. Thus, the English teacher uses some utterences to interact

with the students in both English and Indonesian Language. The utterences

spoken by the English teacher are categorized in the illocutionary acts, but the

most dominant utterences used by the teacher in the teaching and learning

process is directives speech act. The examples of directive speech act spoken

by the English teacher in the classroom is as follow:

Teacher: “coba lihat video berikut!”

The above utterence was spoken by the English teacher to the students

in the classroom. It happened in the classroom during the English session, in

the afternoon. The participants are the english teacher and students of Lintas

Minat program. The utterance happened before the teacher explain the

material to the students, brain storming activity which has purpose to generate

the students‟ idea, in order they can imagine the material which will given by

the teacher. Thus, the utterance is interpreted as a command to the students.

Then, the students did respons by watching the video after they listened to the

teacher‟s utterence.

This context of situation is important to find out the types of the

directives speech act spoken by the speaker. Thus, we can classify the

utterences into directives speech act in accordance with the classification.

When the students listened to the command, they will do what the teacher‟s

said. They will watch the video when the teacher playing it. The speech act is

categorized as perlocutionary acts in which an action or state of mind brought

about by, or as a consequence of, saying something. Based on the explanation,


the researcher can classify the utterence into directives speech act in which the

speaker want to get someone else or the hearer to do something.

According to the observation and analysis, the researcher decided to

conduct the research on directives speech act spoken by the teacher in the

teaching and learning process. Therefore, this research entittled “A




2016/ 2017”.

B. Identification of Problem

Based on background study the researcher will perform a

identification of problem on the way of the teacher using the language in

interaction with the students. Sometimes the teacher use unappropriate

language in classroom teaching learning with the students. It makes the

students hard for understanding or catching the mean of the teacher.

C. Research Limitation

Based on the background of the research, the researcher will limit the

research on the study of directive speech acts classification using Yule‟s

theory. Then, the context of situation that influence the directive speech acts

classification. The last, the English teacher and second grade students of MAN

2 Surakarta Academic Year 2016/ 2017 as the subject of this research

D. The Problem Statement

Based on the limitation of the study, the problem statments of this

research are as follows:


1. What are the types of directive speech act spoken by the English teacher to

the second grade students of MAN 2 Surakarta Academic Year 2016/


2. What are the context of situation in the English teaching and learning

process of the second grade students of MAN 2 Surakarta Academic Year

2016/ 2017?

3. How are the perlocutionary act of the second grade students of MAN 2

Surakarta Academic Year 2016/ 2017?

E. Objective of The Study

Based on the problem statements, the research objectives are arranged

as follows:

1. To describe the types of directive speech act spoken by the English teacher

to the second grade students of MAN 2 Surakarta Academic Year 2016/


2. To describe the context of situation occur in the English teaching and

learning process of the second grade students of MAN 2 Surakarta

Academic Year 2016/ 2017

3. To describe the perlocutionary act of the second grade students of MAN 2

Surakarta Academic Year 2016/2017.

F. Benefit of The Study

In order to clarify the benefit, the researcher would like to elaborate as


1. Theoritically

This research is hopefully could give more understanding of pragmatics

study, particularly speech act. The teacher or the reader can get further

information and knowledge about speech act study in general, and the type

of the speech act in particular. It is also hopes that these theories can help

the reader to identify the types of speech act and the context of situation

occur in the speech act. Therefore, the reader will be able to identify the

speech act applied in the teaching and learning process.

2. Practically

a. For the reseacher

Hopefully this research can give more information and knowledge

related to speech act study, particularly directive speech act which is

dominant in the teaching and learning process.

b. English Teacher

Hopefully this research can give more information to the teacher about

the appropriate utterance to be spoken in the teaching and learning

process. By using appropriate utterance will help the teacher to avoid

missundertsanding with the students. Furthermore, the teacher can

make the students understand about the material and make a good

interaction with them to find out more about their competence and

character by using directive speech act.

c. For the Students

Hopefully this research can help the students to understand the

utterences spoken by the teacher including the message brought in the


utterences. This research can also help the students to give response in

accordance with the teacher‟s utterences.

G. Definition of Key Term

To get the clear understanding about this study, the researcher would

like to give some definitions of the following terms,

1. Teaching

Teaching is to show somebody how to do something so that they will be

able to do it themselves or to give somebody information about particular

subject, to help somebody learn something Hornby (1995: 1225).

2. Learning

Learning is the process by which an activity originates or changed through

training procedure. Therefore, it can be concluded that learning is a

process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of

experience. The interaction of the experience and environment takes a role

in developing the content of learning and instruction (Hilgard, 2001: 25).

3. Directive Speech Act

Directive speech act is kind of illocutionary act which has purpose on

getting someone to do something. Mey (1993: 164) defines directive as an

effort of the speaker to get the hearer to do something, or to direct the

hearer towards some goal. Directive, here, known as a direction which

performed in imperative (usually) to change the hopefully things to be

happened as the speaker‟s wishes.



The understanding of some crucial research theories is essential in the

framework of this study, as these researches provide the basic foundations and

guideliness for teachers to follow. In this theoretical review chapter, the reseracher

discusses several kinds of theories related to the research. They have function as

the basic foundation in analyzing the data of the research. Those are teaching and

learning, pragmatics, speech act, kind of speech act, directive speech act

classification and context of situation.

A. Teaching and Learning

1. Teaching and Learning Definition

The definition of teaching cannot be separated from the definition of

learning. The understanding towards the concepts of teaching and learning

may underlie the success of language teaching and learning process.

Therefore, the following presents a discussion on the notion of teaching and


According to Brown (2000: 7) teaching is guiding and facilitating

learning, enabling the learner to learn, and setting the conditions for

learning. Meanwhile, Hornby (1995: 1225) states that teaching is to show

somebody how to do something so that they will be able to do it themselves

or to give somebody information about particular subject, to help somebody

learn something.


In teaching, it is teacher‟s duty to help students acquire the knowledge

or skill by guiding and facilitating their learning, preparing the materials and

creating a good atmosphere for learning so that the effectiveness of teaching

and learning process can be achieved. The way teachers teach students is

definitely determined by their view of learning itself.

In addition, Stern (1983: 21) defines teaching, more specifically

language teaching, as the activities which are intended to bring about

language learning. It indicates that teaching always goes hand in hand with

learning. He, further, explains that language teaching cannot be merely

interpreted as instructing a language class. Language teaching not only

involves formal instruction or methods of training but also individualized

instruction, self-study, computerassisted instruction, and the use of media.

Likewise, the supporting activities, such as the preparation of teaching

materials, teaching grammars, or dictionaries, as well as making the

necessary administrative provision inside or outside an educational system

belong to the concept of teaching.

To sum up, teaching include all activities which are intended to

help, facilitate and guide learners as well as enable learners to learn.

Hence, it is understood that it would be obvious to always speak about

teaching and learning at the same time since they are indivisible.

Learning, on the other hand, as stated by Hornby (1995: 671) is to

gain knowledge or skill by study, experience or being taught, and learn

about something to become aware of something through information or

observation, thus learning is knowledge obtained by study.


Supporting the above definitions, Hilgard (2001: 25) states that

learning is the process by which an activity originates or changed through

training procedure. Therefore, it can be concluded that learning is a

process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of

experience. The interaction of the experience and environment takes a role

in developing the content of learning and instruction.

B. Classroom Interaction

Interaction is the heart of communication, and communication itself,

whether it is oral or written, is the central goal of the foreign language

learning. In order to achieve that goal, the learners or the students need to

cooperate and interact among themselves, between them and the teacher, or

between them and someone else who are aware of language learning. In short,

communication is derived from interaction since in communication there must

be interaction between people who have something to share (Rivers, 1987).

Interaction in the classroom is an essential part of teaching learning

process. Interaction or human interaction has been defined as a process

whereby two or more people engaged in reciprocal actions. This action may

be verbal or nonverbal (Celce-Murcia, 1987).

Etymology, the word “interaction” comes from Latin word: inter and

agree that mean reciprocal process. Howe (1981) defines interaction as an

activity that is initiated by taking turn. He further adds that a good interaction

should include address, topic or information, and response.

A classroom is a room in which teaching or learning activities can take

place. Classrooms are found in educational institutions of all kinds, including


public and private schools, home schools, corporations, and religious and

humanitarian organizations. The classroom attempts to provide a safe space

where learning can take place uninterrupted by other distractions (Leech and


An important aspect of effective teaching is a supportive classroom

environment. A pleasant environment will affect students in the nature and

activities that they do, so they will follow the lessons seriously and is able to

manage their behavior. According to Brown (2000), a classroom must contain

three aspects, they are: Sight, Sound and comfort. Because in teaching and

learning process students are more influenced by what they see, hear and feel

when they enter the classroom. Brown (2000) also states that the classroom

should be neat, clean and orderly in appearance, the chairs are appropriately

arranged and free from external noises as possible (machinery outside, street

noise, hallway voices, etc).

Classroom interaction is about the students having an active discussion

during class. Interactions occur both between students with lecturer present,

and with the lecturer who probes student thinking among the whole group.

There are many ways on how to communicate with students, especially in the

classroom (Journal of Classroom Interaction, 2011).

Education with its correlated activities of teaching and learning

process involves interaction between teacher and students as channels of

realizing its objectives. Interaction occur everyday in teaching and learning

process. It is managed by everyone, not only by the teacher in the classroom,


but also the students. This interaction is usually used to express their ideas


Moreover, Allwright and Bailey (1991: 25) stated that through

classroom interaction, the plan produces outcomes (input, practice

opportunities, and receptivity). The teacher has to plan what he intends to

teach (syllabus, method, and atmosphere). So, the classroom interaction has

important role in teaching-learning process. It can be seen from the figure


Planned Aspects the LessonCo-Product Outcomes

Syllabus Input
Method Practice opportunity
Atmosphere Receptivity

Figure. 1. The relationship between plans and outcomes,

Allwright and Bailey (1991: 25)

In addition, Classroom interaction offers teachers interesting and

revealing data to be used as a starting point in order to develop learners‟

pragmatic competence, teach an L2‟s pragmatic principles or the way in which

specific speech acts are performed in the L2. The second part of the book,

“Teaching Languages across Cultures”, includes five chapters that tackle

learners‟ performance in specific speech acts or linguistic functions,

examining how they acquire pragmatic principles and exploring the factors

influencing their performance in different L2s (Cambridge Scholars, 2009).


C. Pragmatics Applied to Language Teaching and Learning

Understanding language implies the understanding of pragmatics.

Even the young children have to learn the pragmatics of language if they want

to communicate effectively (Curtis and O‟Hagan, 2005: 47-48). In addition,

Wrench, et al. (2009) maintains that teaching is about establishing effective

and affective communication relationships between teachers and students.

Teaching and learning in school can be done successfully through the

appropriate use of language (Schleppegrell, 2004: 19). The language plays an

important role in the teaching and learning process. It means that starting

school for children leads to confronting new ways of using and acquiring a

certain language.

D. Pragmatics

People use language in order to communicate with other people around

the world. The component of language is studied in a science called

linguistics. It deals with all internal and external aspects of language. For

instance, sounds are discussed in phonetics and phonology, morphemes and

words in morphology, phrases and sentences in syntax, meanings in

semantics, and text in discourse.

Pragmatics itself is a branch of linguistics covering meaning in use.

Meaning is formally studied in semantics. However, there are some aspects of

meaning cannot be captured by semantics particularly meaning in use or

meaning in context. It is because semantics deals with meaning without

reference to the users and communicative functions of sentences (Aitchison,

2003: 104).

Pragmatics, therefore, is concerned with the way of speaker using

language in context which cannot be predicted from purely linguistic

knowledge, particularly semantics, which deals with the internal structure of

the language (Griffiths, 2006: 153). Similarly, Kreidler (2002:18) explains the

differences between semantics and pragmatics. According to him, both

semantics and pragmatics are related to the human ability to use language in

meaningful way. The difference is that semantics deals with the speaker‟s

competence in producing meaningful utterance, while pragmatics the person‟s

ability to interpret meanings from particular kind of speech situations


However, Kreidler (2002: 18) adds that nowadays the boundary

between semantics and pragmatic is very often overlapped. Other definition of

pragmatics is proposed by Yule (1996: 4). In his explanation of the differences

among syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, he defines pragmatics as the study

of relationship between linguistic form and the user of those forms. The user

of the linguistic forms, that is human being, is the characteristic which makes

pragmatics different from syntax and semantics. The role of the language user

leads the scope of pragmatics to the context of the language itself (Cutting,

2002: 1).

The study of pragmatics covers several subfields or domains, such as

deixis, reference, presupposition, implicature, and speech acts. Deixis is

concerned with the referring expressions which indicate the location of the

referents along certain dimensions. Reference deals with the linguistic forms

used 9 by the speaker to enable the listener to identify something.


Presupposition is related to the things that the speaker assumes as the case of

an utterance. Implicature is associated with the existence of norms for the use

language in context. Speech acts are concerned with the use of utterance to

perform an act. (Griffiths, 2006)

To sum up, pragmatics is the study of how language is being used in

relation to the context as it is communicated by the speaker and interpreted by

the listener. Accordingly, pragmatics will look for further meaning that cannot

be captured by semantic theory since pragmatics enables people to interpret

the speaker‟s meaning when they do not exactly say what they mean.

Therefore, studying language via pragmatics allow people to gain better


E. Scopes of Pragmatics

Mey (1993: 181) explains that pragmatics is devided into two

principles, they are micropragmatics and macropragmatics. Micropragmatics

is explained as the scopes of pragmatics that the context restrict itself, and he

called macropragmatics when the context will have to expand. In addition,

Yule (1996: 8) states that pragmatics is devided into some principles as


1. Deixis

Deixis is the technical term that we can do to the things by pointing via

language (Yule, 1996: 9). Deixis is devided into three kinds which in each

kinds has the principle respectively. The deviding of deixis are personal

deixis, temporal deixis, and spatial deixis. Moreover, the principles in each

part are proximal deixis and distal deixis. Proximal is the pointing words

that it indicates as near with the speaker, then distal is the far from the

speaker one. The detail information in each principles can be described as


a. Personal deixis

The pointing language that can be indicated as people, such us

“me, you, he, she”.

e.g. “Rebecca knows that i do love her.”

“her” is identified as personal deixis because “her” is pointing

language that to indicated a people, Rebecca.

b. Spatial deixis

It can be used to indicated place or location, such us “there,


Woman : could you come to my home tonight?
Man : okay, i’ll be there at seven o’clock.

Called as spatial deixis, since “there” is indicated as a location

of the woman‟s home.

c. Temporal deixis

It can be used to point the time, such us “now, then, later”.

e.g. see you soon possible !

“soon” can be indicated as temporal deixis because it shows

the time that near with the speaker. It means that the speaker promise

to meet the listener in near time, and it is pointing with the word


2. Reference and Inference

Reference is kind of linguistic form to enable the listener to

identify something spoken by the speaker. These kind of linguistic forms

can be called such us proper noun (Allice, Brown), Noun Phrase definite

(the author) or indefinite (the old man), and Pronoun (he, she, it).

To make a successfully reference, we also need to recognize the

inference. This kind will help us to identify the utterences by using a

particular referring expressions. It means that inference help us to choose

the best words as reference that is used to identify the utterences.

a. Persupposition

Yule (1996: 25) states that persupposition is something that the

speaker assume to be the case in making an utterences. The assumption

of the speaker is true or is known by the hearer.

e.g. “your sister is looking for you this morning.”

There is a persupposition in this sentence. The assumption that

appeared in this sentence is that the hearer has sister and she is looking

for the hearer.

b. Implicature

Yule (1996: 31) states that implicature is what a speaker can

imply, suggest, or mean, as distinct from what the speaker literary

says. Implicature is a message that is not found in the plain sense of the

sentence which the speaker implies it. The hearer can infer this

message in utterence, by appealing to the rules governing successful

conversational interaction. (Cahyo, 2012: 12).


A: “could you come to the party tonight?”
B: “my parents are visiting.”

There is an implicature inside “B” utterence, means that B does

not come to the party because his parents are at his home visiting him.

3. Speech Act

a. The Definition of Speech Act

People do not merely create a set of grammatically correct

utterances when they speak but they also perform some functions via

those utterances. This is the basic idea of speech acts in which people

use language to perform actions. As defined by Yule (1966: 47),

speech act is an action performed via language. Through speech acts,

people can perform a single utterance with more than one act. People

can perform requests, commands, apologies, promises and so on.

Similar to Yule‟s definition, Aitchison (2003: 106) defines

speech acts as a sequence of words that behave somewhat like actions.

By performing speech acts, the speaker is often trying to achieve some

effect with those words; an effect which might in some cases have

been accomplished by an alternative action.

For example: “It is so hot in here.”

The utterance above can be regarded as a request to turn on the

fan or air conditioner. If the hearer recognizes the speaker‟s intention,

he or she will definitely turn on the fan or the air conditioner. The

utterance is obviously influenced by the context or the situation where

the interaction takes place. This circumstance is called speech event


(Yule, 1996: 47). This is the nature of speech event in which it will

determine the interpretation of an utterance as performing a particular

speech act.

In conclusion, speech acts are those utterances used to

accomplish such actions. It is important to bear in mind that to

understand how the acts work, one cannot simply ignore the role of

context around the utterances.

b. The Kinds of Speech Act

Based on the theory stated by (Schauer, 2009: 7), speech act

are devided into three kinds, they are locutionary acts, illocutionary

acts, and perlocutionary acts. The explanation will be explored clearly

as follow:

1) Locutionary act

Locutionary acts is known as an ordinary spoken words. It

can be described as the simply speech acts that have taken place.

e.g. “today is very hot.”

From the example above, it can be interpreted that the

speaker wants to give information about the weather condition on

that day. Perhaps, the speaker also explain what the speaker wants

in order the listener do what she/ he wants. It means that there is an

implicit message inside the utterences.

2) Illocutionary acts

Illocutionary acts are the real action that performed by the


e.g. “would you mind to pick me up tomorrow morning?”

From this utterences, it can be intended that the speaker

wants the listener to pick him/ her up the next following morning

for somepurposes. It is recognized that the utterence is intended as

a request. The speaker intends the listener to recognize the

illocutionary acts of an order to pick her/ him up. It can be

concluded that illocutionary acts are the intentions behind the

speaker‟s utterances.

3) Perlocutionary act

A perlocutionary act is an act performed by saying

something, and not in saying something. Persuading, angering,

inciting, comforting, and inspiring are often perlocutionary acts.

Perlocutionary acts, which are governed by conventions, are not

conventional but natural acts (Austin, 1955:121). Persuading,

angering, inciting, etc. Cause physiological changes in the

audience, either in their states or behavior. In simply,

Perlocutionary acts is intended as the probably response or act by

the listener after they heard what the speaker‟s said. Furthermore,

Levinson (1983: 246) said that perlocutionary act is the effect of

the illocution on the hearer, such us the effect on the feelings,

thoughts or action of the hearers. In other definition, perlocutionary

act can perform such effect of the hearer in saying something or

performing such action. Furthermore, the other responses can be


also such a feelings; happy, sad, or surprised and thought about by

the speaker after heard the illocutionary act by the speaker.

According to Austin as cited in Sbisa, Marina (2013: 34)

perlocutionary act which is derived from the Latin per “through”,

“by means of + locutionary” is the kind of act that we may perform

by saying something, that is, by performing a locutionary act and

there in illocutionary act. The example are convincing someone

that things are so, persuading someone to do something, alerting

someone about some impending danger, reassuring someone about

not being left alone, by one‟s speech act. In other hand, perlocution

occurs only when some consequential effect is produced in some

receiver of the speech act because of some features of that speech

itself, so that its speaker can be taken responsible for that

consequential effect.

According to Leech (1983: 199) perlocutionary act is

known quite generally as the action of achieveing something by

means of speech. The perlocutionary act which follows as an

intended result of the hearer‟s interpretation of the speaker‟s

illocutionary goal. It implies as a more active response from the

hearer. Thus, while a speaker ask an illocutionary act in such

condition, a decision by the hearer to carry out the action that the

speaker intends. Leech as adapted from Alston (1964: 35) that

perlocutionary act bring the hearer to learn that, persuade, deceive,

encourage, irritate, frighten, amuse, inspire, impress, distract, get


the hearer to think about, relieve tension, embarras, atract attention,

and bored. All things is explained as perlocutionary act intended

that perlocutionary act such effect brought by the hearer in action,

think, feels something, or even saying something.

The perlocutionary act prevail upon and incite incorporate

that succes condition as part of their meaning. For example :

A : today is very hot
B : i’ll turn on the fan for you.

In implicitely, by saying this utterence the spekaer intend to

ask the hearer to turn on the fan or air conditioner since the

whether is hot. It means only that if the hearer determined to turn

on the fan, then the speaker‟s request was successful. These

perlocutionary act are describe by causative verbs which normally

corporate the intended result of illocutionary act. Thus, by indicate

the utterence said by the hearer, the speaker‟s intension are

interpreted successfully by the hearer. Based on the aboard

explanation it can put in simply, perlocutionary acts are the effects

that the utterances have on the hearer.

c. The Classification of Speech Act.

The classification of speech acts as stated by Searle in Mey

(1993: 162) are representatives, declaratives, directives, expressives,

commisives. In Yule (1996: 53-55) the classifications are clearly

explained as follow:

1) Representatives

Representatives are those kinds of speech act that state the

speaker‟s belief and thus, the belief may have different degrees of


e.g. “the earth is flat.”

The above sentence describes about the speaker belief on

the earth‟s shape. The speaker said to the listener as he/ she

believes that the earth is flat. In using a representative, the speaker

attempts to make words fit the world.

2) Declaratives

Declaratives are those kinds of words and expressions that

change the world via their utterances such as betting, naming,

baptizing, marrying and so on. A special institutional role in a

specific context is required in order to perform a declaration

appropriately. If the speaker doesn‟t have that role, her or his

utterance will be infelicitous or inappropriate. The example below

illustrates the act of declaration:

e.g. “I declare you as husband and wife.”

The above utterence can only be appropriate and

successfully performed if it is said by the priest. Thus, the

utterance has an effect in which it turns two singles into a married


3) Expressives

Expressive are those words and expressions that state what

the speaker feels. A wide range of psychological states can be

expressed and the proposition ascribes an act to the speaker or the


e.g. “congratulations!”

The above utterence indicates the speaker‟s feeling of

happiness and proud to the hearer‟s achievement. The speaker

wants to show his/ her support to the hearer.

4) Directives

Directives deal with the acts that speakers use in the attempt

of getting someone else doing something. These types of speech

acts express the speaker‟s wish in which the future act is carried

out by the hearer.

e.g. “close the door, please!”

The above utterence is intended as a command to the hearer

to close the door. The speaker recognizes the hearer to follow his/

her command.

5) Commisives

Commissives are those kinds of speech acts that speakers

use to commit themselves to some course of future actions. In

performing commissives, an intention is expressed by the speaker

and the proposition in terms of future act will be done by the


e.g. “I will pick you up tomorrow.”

The above utterance indicates the speaker commit herself/

himself to pick the hearer up the next following day. The utterance

is done by the speaker as future act that he/ she will do to the


F. Direct and Indirect Speech Act

Besides the five categories of speech acts explained before, Yule (1996:

54) states thatthere is another different approach used to distinguish types of

speech acts. It can be made on the basis of structure. Three general types of

speech acts can be presented by three basic sentences types. They are

declarative, interrogative and imperative. Declarative is often associated with

an assertion or a statement. Interrogative is usually related to questions.

Imperative is linked with a commandor request. Two kinds of speech acts

made on the basis of structure are:

1. Direct Speech Acts

Direct speech acts are performed whenever there is a direct

relationshipbetween a structure and a function (Yule, 1996: 54-55).

Similarly, Aitchison (2003: 107) asserts that it is expressed overtly by

the most obvious linguistics means. In other words, direct speech acts

do not have any implied meanings.The words or the expressions

simply communicate the literal meanings. Forexample:

1.1 I am going to go shopping. (a declarative form)

1.2 Are you free tonight? (an interrogative form)
1.3 Give me the key. (an imperative form)

The utterances above show that direct speech acts do not

represent other acts. The utterance (1) is used to make statements by

means of declarative form. The utterance (2) functions as a question

delivered through interrogative form. The utterance (3) is used as a

command or request that is performed via imperative form.

2. Indirect Speech Acts

Most of the time, people co mmunicate their intended

meanings indirectly. Indirect speech acts occur whenever there is an

indirect relationship between a structure and a function (Yule, 1996:

55). These speech acts are associated with another act. In line with

Yule, Searle as cited in Cutting (2002: 19) explained that when using

indirect speech acts, someone wants to communicate a different

meaning from the apparent surface meaning. Such case happens in the

use of declarative form.

A declarative used to make a request is an indirect speech act.

The example of the use of declarations is illustrated below:

2.1 The cafe will close at 22.00 p.m.

2.2 I hereby tell you about the time the café will close.
2.3 Ihereby request you to leave the café.

The utterance in (2.1) is a declarative. The utterance in (2.1),

then, is paraphrased as in (2.2) when it is used to make a statement

and thus functions as a direct speech act. Meanwhile, when it is used

to make acommand/ request as paraphrased in (2.3), the utterance

functions as an indirect speech act. Another example comes from the

use of interrogative form: paraphrase


2.4 A: Do you have Russel’s number?

2.5 B: Yes.

It is obvious that B‟s response, from the surface, simply

functions as a question. However, the speaker is actually performing a

request. He or she wants the hearer to give him or her Russel‟s

number by employing an interrogative form.

In conclusion, the characteristic of indirect speech acts is that

its literal meaning is different from its intended meaning.

G. Definition of Directive Speech Act

Directive is used when the speaker wants the hearer to do things for

him or her. Searle (in Levinson, 1983:241) gives the notion of directive as the

utterance which is used by a speaker to get the hearer to do something.

Similarly, Holmes says that directive is a linguistic utterance which is meant

to ask someone to do something (1992:239).

Furthermore, Mey (1993: 164) defines directive as an effort of the

speaker to get the hearer to do something, or to direct the hearer towards some

goal. Directive, here, known as a direction which performed in imperative

(usually) to change the hopefully things to be happened as the speaker‟s

wishes. Meanwhile, the definition of directive speech act also stated by Leech

in syntactically way. Leech (1983: 206) state that directive speech act occured

in construction S, verb and O to Y. Where S and O as subject and object or it

is known as the speaker and the hearer. Then verb indicates as speech act-verb

such us order or request. Y here as the infinitive clause which performed such

as ask, beg, bid, command, demand, forbid, and recomend.


In addition, Levinson (1983) added directive as the act that attempt the

speaker to get the addresee to do something. To sum up, directives are those

kinds of speech acts that the speakers use to get someone else to do

something. The acts are advising, asking, begging, challenging, daring,

demanding, forbidding, insisting, inviting, ordering, permitting,

recommending, requesting, suggesting, etc.

Directive can be performed in three ways, they are imperative,

declarative, and interrogative. According to Austin in Levinson (1983: 231)

directive is included in performative sentence which classify into two, they are

implicit and explicit performatives. According to Watiningsih (2011: 33)

implicit performative is performative utterence in which there is no

performative verb and it can be realized in interrogative, imperative, or


i.g. How about going Bali this holiday?

This sentence include in implicit performative because there is no verb

inside as naming of act. Meanwhile according to Levinson (1983: 233)

explicit performative specialized ways of being unambigous or what are the

speaker performing act in saying something.

i.g. I order you to shut it !

H. The classification of directive speech acts

According to Yule (1996: 53) directive speech act is classified into

some forms, they are command/ order, request, invitation, warning,

porhibition, and suggestion. The forms can be written whether positive or

negative. Those forms can be described as follow:


1. Command or order

Command or order is the action done by the speaker who has the

right or duty to give command to the hearer. The speaker has a full control

on the act of the hearer.

e.g. Do the test !

2. Request

Request is a kind of directive speech acts whose illocutionary

purpose is toget the hearer to do something in circumstances in which it is

not obvious that he/ she will perform the action in the normal course of

events (Searle 1969). By initiating a request, the speaker believes that the

hearer is able to perform an action.

e.g. Would you mind to bring my bag because my souldier was


3. Suggestion

Suggestion is the process by which one thought leads to

another especially through association of ideas. It is related to

something that should be done by the hearer. The utterance is transferred

to the hearer in tactful way, so that the utterance will not make the hearer

being offended.

4. Invitation

It kind of the expression of a request, a solicitation, or an attempt

to get another person to join the speaker at a specific event such as to

attend to a party, visit a beach house, or witness a marriage. An invitation

can be delivered as a verbal request, a beautifully engraved card, or even

puffs of smoke behind an airplane.


e.g. Would you come to my birthday party tonight, please?

Please join with me in dinner party tonight !

5. Warning and prohibition

Warning is tellingsomeone about a possible danger or difficulty.

Warning is usually stated by using positive imperative which give positive

treatment or effect, for example:

No Smoking !

While Porhibition is giving order to someone not to do something.

Prohibition functions to forbid or prevent someone from doing

something.Porhibition is usually stated by using negative imperative

without giving treathto the hearer.

Don’t disturb me !

In addition, Searle (2005) stated that directive speech acts includes

some actions, such as commanding, requesting, inviting, forbidding, and

suggesting. Those forms can be described as follow:

1. Commanding

Command is an order, a compelling task given to an inferior or a machine.

For example: “Enter the disk!”

2. Requesting

Request is a kind of directive speech acts whose illocutionary purpose is

toget the hearer to do something in circumstances in which it is not

obvious that he/ she will perform the action in the normal course of events

(Searle 1969). By initiating a request, the speaker believes that the hearer

is able to perform an action.

e.g. Would you mind to bring my bag because my souldier was sick?

3. Inviting

The act of inviting can be defined as an attempt to get the addressee to

attend or participate in a given event or carry out an action, which is

supposed beneficial to him/ her. The speaker is bound to a potential future

action, which involves allowing or facilitating the state of affairs in which

the addressee will carry out the action expressed in the invitation (if one

invites someone to a party, one will then have to allow that person to take

part in it).

For example: “Can you come?”

4. Forbidding

Forbidding is the propositional negation of ordering. Thus, to forbid, a

hearer to do something is just to order him/ her not to do it.

5. Suggesting

Suggestion is the process by which one thought leads to another

especially through association of ideas. It is related to something that

should be done by the hearer. The utterance is transferred to the hearer in

tactful way, so that the utterance will not make the hearer being offended.

Table 2.1

The Rubric of Classifications of Directive Speech Acts

Yule Searle

command/ order, request, commanding, requesting,

invitation, warning, prohibition, inviting, forbidding, and

and suggestion. suggesting.


I. Context

Context plays a significant role in pragmatics because it determines the

interpretation of the utterances delivered by the speakers. The interpretation of

the utterances will be different if the context had been slightly different.

Sadock (1978: 281) as cited in Brown and Yule (1983: 35) expresses the

importance of context as follows:

There is, then, a serious methodological problem that confronts the

advocate of linguistic pragmatics. Given some aspects of what a
sentence conveys in a particular context, is that aspect part of what the
sentence conveys in virtue of its meaning . . . or should it be worked
out on the basis of Gricean principles from the rest of the meaning of
the sentence and relevant facts of the context of utterance?
Furthermore, Yule (1996: 21) views context as the physical

environment in which a referring expression is used. Similarly, Cutting (2002:

2) states that context refers to the knowledge of physical and social world, and

the sociopsychological factors influencing communication as well as the

knowledge of the time and place in which the words are uttered or written.

Meanwhile, Mey (1993: 39) argues that context is more than just a matter of

reference and of understanding what things are about; it gives a deeper

meaning to utterances. For an instance:

“It’s a long time since we visited your mother.”

The utterance has an entirely different meaning when it is uttered at the

coffee table in a married couple‟s living room than the same utterance uttered

by a husband to his wife when they are attending the local zoo. Thus, it is

clear that context is very essential in assigning a proper value to such


phenomena such as presuppositions, implicature as well as dealing with other

issues in pragmatics.

J. Context of Situation

According to Cutting (2002: 3), context of situation refers the context

surrounds the speakers to which they can see it. It is the immediate physical co

presence, the situation where the interaction is taking place at the moment of

speaking. In addition, Hymes (1974) as cited in Wardhaugh (2006: 247)

emphasizes the importance of an ethnographic view of communicative events

within communities. He explicates that context of situation will limit the range

of possible of interpretation, and on the other hand, support the intended

interpretation. He, then, developed the SPEAKING model that is relevant to

the identification of speech event and speech acts.

1) (S) Setting and Scene

Setting refers to the time and place, i.e. the concrete physical

circumstances in which speech takes place. In other words, it is where the

event is situated. For example, a classroom can be a setting where the

teaching and learning process occurs. Meanwhile, scene refers to the

abstract psychological setting, or the cultural definition of the occasion.

Participants are allowed to change scenes within a particular setting. They

can change the level of formality or the kind of activity in which they are


2) (P) Participants

Participants are the ones involved in the conversation. They include

speaker-listener, addressor-addressee, or sender-receiver. They generally


fill certain socially specified field roles. For example, in a classroom

context, the participant involves a teacher and his or her students.

3) (E) Ends

Ends refer to the conventionally recognized and expected outcomes or

goals of an exchange as well as to the personal goals that participants seek

to accomplish on particular occasions. To put it simply, ends are what the

participants intend to achieve by saying such speech acts. For instance, the

teacher may pose a question to the students to get some information, to

activate their background knowledge or to check their comprehension.

4) (A) Act Sequence

Act sequence refers to the actual form and content of what is said: the

precise words used, how they are used, and the relationship of what is said

to the actual topic at hand. For example, public lectures and casual

conversation have different forms of speaking; with each goes different

kind of language and things talked about.

5) (K) Key

Key refers to cues that establish the tone, manner or spirit of the speech

act. The message can be conveyed in light-hearted, serious, precise,

pedantic, mocking, sarcastic, or even pompous tone.

6) (I) Instrumentalities

Instrumentalities refer to the choice of channel and to the actual forms of

speech employed, such as the language, dialect, code or register that are

chosen. The speech acts can be conveyed through oral, written or

telegraphic form.

7) (N) Norms of Interaction and Interpretation

Norms of Interaction and Interpretation refer to the specific behaviors and

properties that attach to speaking and also to how these may be viewed by

someone who does not share them, e.g., loudness, silence, gaze return, and

so on. In other words, it can be regarded as the social rules governing the

event and the participants‟ action reaction.

8) (G) Genre

Genre refers to particular types of utterance; such as poems, proverbs,

riddles, sermons, prayers, lecturers, and editorials. These are all different

from casual speech. Particular genres seem more appropriate to conduct on

certain occasions. For example, sermons are more appropriate to be

inserted in church services.

To summarize, using this framework of S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G allows people

to learn more about how people communicate and how that communication is

often patterned to achieve its objective within particular speech communities.

In addition, Holmes (1992: 12) proposes that not all factors are relevant

in any particular context but they can be grouped in ways which are helpful.

In any situation, linguistic choices will generally reflect the influence of one

or more of the following components:

1) The participant: who is speaking and who are they speaking to?

2) The setting or social context of the interaction: where are they


3) The topic: what is being talked about?

4) The function: why are they speaking?


K. Teaching English for High School Students

High school‟s students take mandatory English classes in which

theyare expected to develop analytical skills. Classes generally revolve around

reading novels, essays and other forms of literature, andrequire students to

analyze, interpret and dissect written material inorder to compare, contrast and

discuss elements, like theme,characters and plot. Proficient writing skills are

necessary at thispoint as these discussions of literature typically manifest in

the form of an essay or research paper. High school English is an order to

comprehensive study, combining the five skills of language arts in

understandliterature and its value.

Age is a major factor that determines the content to teach and the way

teacher teaches the students. Harmer (2001: 37-40) classifies the students

based on the age differences into three categories: young children,

adolescents, and adults.

Young children are those learners up to the ages of nine or ten. They

learn differently from older children, adolescents and adults. Here are the

ways young children learn:

1. They respond to meaning even if they do not understand the words.

2. They tend to learn indirectly.

3. They understanding often come from what they see and hear especially

when they have a chance to interact.

4. They are enthusiastic and curious about the world around them.

5. They have a need for individual attention.

6. They are fond of to talk about themselves.


7. They have a short attention span which makes them get easily bored.

Adolescents are those learners who are at the stage of searching for

individual identity. Teenage students are often disruptive in the class. There

are a number of factors that cause them to behave like that such as the need for

selfesteem, the peer approval, and the boredom they feel. Teacher should be

able to control and manage them. If the teacher succeeds in controlling them

in a supportive way, the students will be less likely disruptive especially when

the challenge is met. Apart from the disruptive behavior, they have a great

capacity to learn, a great potential for creativity, and a passionate commitment

to things which interest them. Thus, it is the teacher‟s job to provoke student

engagement with material which is relevant and involving as well as to boost

their self-esteem.

Like young children and adolescents, adult learners also have notable

characteristics. They are:

1. They can engage with abstract thought.

2. They have expectations about learning.

3. They are more disciplined than some teenagers.

4. They have a lot of experiences so that teachers can use a wide arrange

activities with them.

5. They have a clear understanding of their purpose of learning.

However, adults are not entirely free from problems. Their

characteristics sometimes may cause problems during the teaching and

learning process. Since they have a lot of learning experiences, they can be

critical of teaching methods.


Moreover, they may also worry that their intellectual power may be

diminishing with age. They may also feel anxious since they have experienced

failure in their previous learning.

L. Teacher Role

Hornby (1995) stated a teacher as the person whose job is teaching

especially in a school. A teacher contributes significantly to the character of

students. Musaazi (1982) states that :

Teachers demand a lot of professional authority and autonomy from

school administration in decision making, what they demanded for was
mainly confined to classroom teaching forgetting that their administrative
function stretches beyond that. Then it is conducted to establish how
teachers affected student‟s dicipline through their role as leaders.

To sum up, teacher has an important role in classroom teaching and

learning. Teacher has significantly to manage the class and contribues the

student‟s character. Teacher must have a role to establish the student‟s

dicipline as a leaders.

According to Kochhar (1997) that a teacher is being watched and held up

as a role model by the scores of children who look up to him for guidance. The

role of the teacher is that of facilitator of learning: leading discussions, asking

open-ended questions, guiding process and task, and enabling active

participation of learners and engagement with ideas. However, small groups

function and behave in various ways and have different purposes. Teachers

therefore need to be able to adopt a range of roles and skills to suit specific

situations, often during the same teaching session. Other roles that may be

adopted include that of:


a. The instructor, who imparts information to students

b. The neutral chair

c. The consultant, from whom learners can ask questions

d. The devil‟s advocate

e. The commentator

f. The wanderer, such as in a larger workshop the absent friend

(McCrorie, 2006).

M. Previous study

To conduct this research, some related studies has been taken to

compare this research with the other research. Some related research are as


The first research is conducted by Keilly Kristani Muhartoyo entitled

Directive Speech Act in The Movie “Sleeping Beauty”. In this research, the

researcher applied a qualitative research design with qualitative descriptive

study. This research focus on directive speeach act occur in the movie

“Sleeping Beauty”. Here, the researcher described the types of directive

speech act performed in the movie “Sleeping Beauty” by watching the movie,

analyzing the body movements and the dialogue of each character, reading

the movie script and library research. The researcher found 139 directive

speech act in the movie “Sleeping Beauty”. The type of ordering directive

speech act is identified as the most frequently used in the movie. Meanwhile,

0,7% is categorized as the type of inviting directive speech act.

The second research is a thesis conducted by Chintya Widi Tamara,

entitled “Directive Speech Act Realization in The Teaching Learning at


Magister of Language Studies Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta”. In

this research, the researcher applied decriptive qualitative method to describe

the types of directive speech act. This research is dealing with the study of

directive speech act spoken by the lecturer and students of English Magister

Program of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Academic Year 2013/

2014. The researcher of this research applied two technique in collecting data,

they are observation and documentation. Then the researcher analyze the data

by calculating the number of communication strategies used by the students.

After that, describing the data which is classified into the types of directive

speech act and finally drawing conclusion based on the observation and

interpretation of the researcher.

The third related study is an International Journal of Applied

Linguistic & English Literature entittled “A Study of Directive Speech Acts

Used by Iranian Nursery School Children: The Impact of Context on

Children‟s Linguistic Choices” by Atani. The researcher focus on the form of

Directive Speech Act in the nursery classroom work and playing activities.

The subject of this research is the children in the nursery school of both

gender, male and female between 4-6 years old. The data was collected based

on actual school conversational situation in the form of audio recorded, and

the data were analyzed in imperative form. The data revealed are (1) the

investigation of children‟s directive speech acts confirmed the fact that they

aware of the social parameters of talk; (2) they use linguistic forms that are

different from what is used by adults as politeness maker; (3) they uses

declaratives with illocutionary force in order to mark distance.


The fourth related study is Advance In Language and Literary Studies

Journal entitled “Pragmatic Study of Directive Speech Acts in Stories in Al-

Qur‟an” by Rochmat Budi Santoso (2016). The researcher focus on the study

of sub directive speech act contained in the verses of the stories in the Qur‟an.

The data of this study are all expressions of verses in the Qur‟an contained

the directive speech acts. The data analysis of this study is content analysis,

and the researcher analyzes the data by classifying six categories of directive

speech acts based on the classification of Bach and Harnish theory. The

classification found are requestives, question, requirements, porhibitive,

permissive, and advisories. The most common types are in the formof

command, 60 data, pray command, 24 verses.

The researcher‟s research has different data compared to the related

studies. The researcher focuses on to attempt to analyze whether the type of

directives speech act spoken by the English teacher of Lintas Minat program

and context of situation occur in the teaching learning process. Besides, the

researcher also focuses on the perlocutionary act of the second grade students

of the Lintas Minat program. The object of this research are the English

teacher and the students in the Lintas Minat program of MAN 2 Srakarta

Academic Year 2016/ 2017.



This chapter explains how the data for this research was chosen and

analyzed. This chapter is divided into several sub-headings including research

type and design, research setting and time, subject or informant, data source, data

collection technique, data analysis and data trustworthiness.

A. Research Type and Design

This research employs descriptive qualitative research. Descriptive

method is a method which is employed to collect and analyze data, and draw

conclusion of the analyzed data. As stated by Creswell (1994: 171)

“Descriptive method is collecting the qualitative data, analyzing them, and

writing result.”

In addition, Moleong (1990: 3) states that qualitative descriptive

research is the research resulting the descriptive data in written form, which

has been observed by people. This research also belongs to the qualitative

research. As stated by Creswell (1998:15) “Qualitative research is an inquiry

process of understanding based on distinct methodological traditions of

inquiry that explore a social or human problem. The researcher builds a

complex, holistic picture, analyzes words, report detailed views of informants,

and conducts the study in a natural setting.”

Based on the previous statements, the researcher will present the result

of the data analysis in written form without using any statistical analysis or


numerical display. The reseracher will describe the result of the data analysis

in detail according to the phenomena happened in the location of the research.

In this research, the researcher will limit the describtion on the

directive speech act spoken by the English teacher for the second grade

students of MAN 2 Surakarta. Then the directive speech acts will be classified

into its principles. The researcher will analyse the directive speech act based

on the context of situation occured in utterannces in order the writer can put

them into classification.

Furthermore, the researcher will describe the perlocutionary acts or the

possible responses that will be stated by the hearer after they heard the

utterances. Finally, the steps in conducting qualitative research are

determining the object, determining the source of data, determining the

method of data collection, and determining the technique of data analysis.

B. Research Setting and Time

The setting of the research consist of location and time in which the

reseracher conduct the research. The research setting will be explained boardly

as follow:

1. The Location of the Research

The researcher will conduct this research in one of Islamic high

school, MAN 2 Surakarta. MAN 2 Surakarta is located at Jl. Brigjen

Slamet Riyadi No. 308 Sriwedari, Laweyan, Surakarta, Central Java

57141, phone (0271) 716387, email man2ska@yahoo.com and the official

website www.man2ska.com/man2surakarta@kemenag.go.id. The

reseracher choose MAN 2 Surakarta since this high school is considered as


one of Islamic high school in Surakarta which has a high integrity and

MAN 2 Surakarta has a special program called “Lintas Minat” which is

applied in the superior class. The material given to the reguler class is

different from the “Lintas Minat class”. Besides, the teacher way of

teaching is also different in each of the class. In the “Lintas Minat” class,

the teacher usually teach in full English during the teaching and learning

process. Thus, it will help the reseracher to obtain the related data of

speech acts spoken by the teacher in the teaching and learning process.

2. The Time of the Research

In terms of time, this research will be carried out for about two

months. The reseracher started the research in October by conducting pre-

observation, and will be continued until November 2016 for classroom

observation. During the classroom observation it consist of three time. The

first time was observed in 14 November 2016 in, the second time was at

21 November 2016, then the last was at 25 November 2016. The

researcher stopped the observation in the last time because the data has

completed and there was no data that must be observed again.

The Table of Observation Schedule

Day, date Place/ class Time

14 November 2016 XI IPA 3 First observation
21 November 2016 XI IPA 3 Second
25 November 2016 XI IPA 2 Third
Figure 2.1

C. Subject or Informant of the Research

The main subject of this study will be the English teacher of second

grade students of MAN 2 Surakarta, particularly in “Lintas Minat”class due to

the English teacher in this class usually teach in full English. The English

teacher who teach in this program only one teacher. Besides, the researcher

also applied the students of second grade of MAN 2 Surakarta as the subjects

of the research.

The students of second grade also became the subjects of this research

since in maintaining the communication during the teaching and learning

process, the teacher interacted with the students. Thus, by applying the

students as the subjects of this research, the researcher will be able to identify

the students response on the teacher‟s utterances, especially directive speech


The researcher choose the second grade of MAN 2 Surakarta as the

subjects or informant of this research, particularly in “Lintas Minat” class

which consist of four classes and the researcher only observed in Sains two

class and Sains three class since they are active in English, therefore, the

perlocutionary acts or the reponds of the students can be identified easily.

D. Source of Data

The primary source of this research was the speech acts produced by the

English teacher of the second grade of MAN 2 Surakarta during the process of

English teaching and learning. The data were in the forms of words, phrases,

and utterances uttered by the teacher during the lesson. This is in line with

Bogdan and Biklen (1982) who states that qualitative data are in the forms of

words or pictures rather than in utterances. Meanwhile, the context was the

context surrounding the utterances.

In addition, the data of this research also obtained from the response of

the students on the teacher‟s utterances. The responses are in terms of the

action toward the utterances which have been spoken by the teacher or the


E. Research Instrument

This research involved the researcher herself as the main instrument. This

is in accordance with the nature of qualitative research in which Bogdan and

Biklen (1982: 27) point out that the key instrument of the qualitative research

is the researcher himself/herself. Therefore, the researcher was involved in all

process of the research starting from the data design until the data report. A

handy-cam was also used to aid the researcher in recording the data. The

secondary instrument was also used in this study. The instrument was the data

sheet which could be used to help the researcher in identifying and analyzing

the data. This identification as figured out in the appendices as the proven of

the research. The format of the data sheet is presented below:

Table 3.1

The Data Sheet of the Data Findings of the Types of Directive Speech Acts in
Performed by the English Teacher

M-1 : Number of meeting
01 : Number of data
00:16-00:18 : Minute
F. Techniques of Data Collection

The researcher uses some techniques of Data collection in this

research. The techniques are observation and documentation. Observation is

the technique of collecting data by seeing the phenomenon deeply and giving

the evidence of it. Then, according to Sukmadinata (2011: 221-222)

Documentation is a technique of collecting data which are appopriate with the

research goals, by accumulating, and analyzing document, both in written and

electronic forms. In addition, McMillan and Schumacher (2010) states that

observation is a way for the researcher to see and hear what is occurring

naturally in the research site.

The observation will be conducted together with the audio-video

recording process. The data was recorded using a handy-cam. In the

observation, the researcher wrote the situation happened in the classroom

using field note. Besides, the researcher also observed the students second

grade in responding the teacher‟s utterence in field note. Data documentation

is the recording of teaching and learning process. Then, the researcher

compared data observation with data documentation. Some procedures were

then followed after conducting the observation. The steps are as follows:

1. listening to the recording and trying to understand the utterances

performed by the teacher;

2. transcribing the data into the written form;


3. listening to the recording again to check the accuracy of the data;

4. selecting the data from the recording which are in accordance with the

objectives of the study;

5. transforming the data description of the context of situation from the field

note ;

6. recording the data into the data sheets including the context of situation;

7. classifying the data; and

8. Making a description on the respond of the students from the data obtained

from the observation.

G. Techniques of Data Analysis.

In analyzing the data, the researcher provides some theories used by

the researcher. To make data analysis of types directive speech act, the

researcher uses Yule‟s (1996) theory. The classification of directive speech act

according to Yule‟s is the most appropriate use in teaching and learning

process. The analysis of context of situation, the researcher chose the theory

from Hyme‟s (1974) which performed SPEAKING model. The context of

situation has an important role in classifying the directive speech act.

According to Mey (1993) context is more than just a matter of reference and

of understanding what things are about, it gives a deeper meaning to

utterences. Then, all theories will be combined to analyze the data with the

description as below:

a. The researcher drawing the data analysis by listening the audio recording

of the teacher‟s utterences spoke in the classroom;


b. The researcher determine parts of the utterences spoken by the teacher that

indicates as directive speech acts;

c. Presenting the data obtained in the form of table and descriptions, The data

which will be displayed are directive speech acts and context of situation

occured in utterances;

d. The researcher identify the context of situation occured in the utterances

based on the fieldnote of the observation;

e. Identify the perlocutionary acts of the students second grade that were

obtained by recording;

f. Discuss the finding by making a coding;

g. Organize the data classification of directive speech acts according to

coding into data sheet; and

h. Making data verification by consulting and checking the revisiting data to

the proof reader, here Mr. SF. Luthfie Arguby Purnomo, M.Hum

The analysis of the classification of the directive speech acts will be

analyzed according to Yule‟s theory which classify it into: command/ order,

request, invitation, warning, prohibition, and suggestion. Thus to make it

easily to understand the researcher will provide the example of coding data as


1. The number of each meeting

2. The number of each datum

3. The time which shows in thye data recording will be showed like


To make it clearer of coding data, the researcher will also present the

example as below:


It means the data is included in the meeting one and the datum of the

data is number 01. Then, the time of the recording which contains of directive

speech acts will be showed like 00.16-00.18. it means the type of directive

speech act above occur in the minute 00.16-00.18 in the data recording.

The datum above, will be followed by the identification of context of

situation based on the field note. Then, the data are also completed with the

perlocutionary acts of the students second grade according to the data

recording. Thus, the all data above will provide in data sheet.

H. The Trustworthiness of Data

Patton (in Widiastuti, 2014) states that there are four kinds of

triangulations. They are source triangulation, investigator triangulation,

methodological triangulation, and theoritical triangulation. The source

triangulation means that the researcher can triangulate some sources of the

data during the data was obtained. Meanwhile, investigator triangulation refers

to the researcher way of triangulate the sources of data by checking the data to

some experts to reach the data validation. Moreover, methodological

triangulation refers to the researcher‟s techniques in collecting the data to

obtain data validation. Then, theoritical triangulation refers to the triangulation

process on the use of some related theories by the researcher to validate the

data of this research.


This research applied methodological triangulation. To reach the

validation of the data, the researcher will compare the data which were

obtained to the data observation and the data documentation. After making

observation in the classroom, then the researcher crosschecking the data by

comparing the data observation to the data documentation.

In addition, the researcher also applied investigator triangulation, the

researcher check the data obtained from the observation to some experts. The

researcher at first classified the data of directive speech acts obtained from the

observation based on her view. Then she consults it to some experts of

pragmatics study, or other researcher who have conducted research on the

related topic, speech acts. The researcher carry out this process to get the data



In this chapter, the results of the research that has been conducted are

explained in detail. Similar to its title, this chapter is divided into two main parts:

findings and discussions. All are explained in the following parts.

A. Introduction to Analysis.

The analysis of the directive speech act is focused on the utterances

spoken by the English teacher during the English teaching and learning

process of the second grade students of “Lintas Minat” program at MAN 2

Surakarta. The directive speech acts is classified based on Yule‟s (1996: 53)

classification of directive speech act such as command or order, request,

suggestion, invitation, warning and prohibition. The findings shows that there

were four types of directive speech acts commonly spoken by the English

teacher in the classroom. They are command or order, request, suggestion,

invitation, and warning.

Besides, the analysis is done to describe the perlocutionary acts or the

possible responses that stated by the hearer after they heard the utterances. The

hearer here are the students of the second grade in the “Lintas Minat”

program. Then the analysis is followed by the context of situation that will

limit the range ofpossible of interpretation, and on the other hand, support the

intendedinterpretation. The context of situation is analyzed based on the

SPEAKING model that is relevant to the identification of speech event and

speech acts, Hymes (1974) as cited in Wardhaugh (2006: 247).


B. Analysis

1. Types of directive speech acts spoken by The English teacher of the

second grade students of MAN 2 Surakarta and the context of

situation occured in the utterence.

As explained before, the type of directive speech acts in this

research is analyzed in accordance to Yule‟s theory. According to the

classroom observation, there are five types of directive speech acts found,

they are command or order, request, invitation, suggestion, warning or

porhibition. The types of directive speech acts are taken from the

utterances spoken by the English teacher. Meanwhile, the context of

situation in this research was analyzed by using the theory of context

situation analysis by Hymes (1974) as cited in Wardhaugh (2006: 247)

emphasizes the importance of an ethnographic view of communicative

events within communities. He explicates that context of situation will

limit the range of possible of interpretation, and on the other hand, support

the intended interpretation. He, then, developed the SPEAKING model

that is relevant to the identification of speech event and speech acts.

The findings of the research can be seen in the following:

There are 29 data considered as directive speech acts. The data

were obtained from the observation in classroom in three meetings. Based

on the findings of the research, the types of directive speech acts found are

command or order as many 14 data, suggestion 5 data, invitation 1 data,

request 7 data and warning 2 data. The classification of the types of

directive speech acts were analyzed by using Yule‟s (1996:53) theory of


directive speech acts. Besides, it is also analyzed bu comparing with the

context of situation. The analysis of context of situation were analyzed by

using Hyme‟s (1974) theory of context of situation. The analysis of the

context of situation will be explained in detail in the following


a. Command or order

Command or order is the action done by the speaker who has

the right or duty to give command to the hearer. The speaker has a full

control on the act of the hearer. In saying command, the speaker gives

an authoritative or pretemporary order which sometimes using direct

or indirect speech acts to the hearer.

M-1/ 01/ 00.16.05

Silahkan buka buku catatannya masing-masing.

In the afternoon around 10.30 a.m. the class started at sience-3

classroom. The teacher said to all students this utterence. It has

purpose to order them for preparing their note after he gave them a

greeting. Besides, preparing their note, it also purposed in order the

students can write down the material that will be given and explained

by the teacher on that day. The teacher does it in order the students

have material to be learned on final examination since this subject has

no handbook to be learned. The act sequence is the English teacher

say this utterence in enjoyable tone. Key of this utterence is

considered as direct speech act. Instrumentalist of this utterence is oral

spoken. The norm is the teacher saying the utterence in normal

intonation. The genre is classroom teaching learning.


M-1/ 03/ 00.51.00

Sebutkan mana yang termasuk part of body.

On that day around 10.45 in classroom, the teacher explained

about report text to all students. He prepared the material on the

LCD‟s proyektor then presented to all students. After English teacher

explained about compnents of report text, then the teacher provide

some questions about report text and asked the students to read and

answer the questions. First, the English teacher provided the text

entittled “Birds”, this is the first text from materi report text. The first

step of this process, the students are asked to read the text first,

analyzed the text and found the answer there. In this case, the teacher

order to the students to find out the part of body of Birds on that text.

It also means the students are asked to mention which paragraph tells

about part of body of the birds. The act sequence is serious tone and

medium pitch. Key of this utterence is considered as direct message

which implies implicit message. The instrumentalist is oral spoken.

The norm is relax condition but rather serious. The genre is

communication classroom which is happened in interaction teaching

and learning in the classroom.

M-1/ 05/ 01.18.40

Perhatikan pertanyaannya.

The situation is in the classroom when the teacher taught report

text. It takes around 11.00 a.m. the tecaher makes an appoitment with

the students that the students who has devided into a few groups will

present the material in front of the class and gives the question to the

audience, here is the last of the groups/ other groups. On that day, the

teacher ask to second group to be presenter in the front of class. First,

the second group read the report text to the audience, after that they

choose one group to be answerer. Then, the second group choose the

first group as the participants of this presentation. The teacher

generates the situation to be conducive with remains the first group to

pay attention to the questions that will be read by the second group by

saying this utterence. It has purpose in order the first group can

answer the question correctly by paying attention to the text first. Act

sequence is normal tone, soft, but serious. Key is considered as direct

speech act. Instrumentalist is oral form. Norm is in softly sound. The

genre is group discussion in the classroom.

M-2/ 08/ 00.08.39

Coba perhatikan nomor 4.

The situation is still group discussion in the classroom in which

the second group as presenter of report text. It is around 10.00 a.m.In

this case, the teacher says the utterence with pointing to all students,

although the second group is still in front of the class as the presenter.

The teacher generates the students to pay attention to the question

number four. It is because whether the audiences or the presenter are

hard to answer the question of number four, since they are hard to get

the mean of number four. The act sequence is serious tone but with a

low pitch. Key is direct speech act which implies the implicit

message. Instrumentalist is oral form. Norms is in serious condition

but keep in a way. The genre is classroom discourse.


M-2/ 09/ 00.15.12

Carikan simple present tense minimal 1!

The teacher still explain about report text, it is around 10.20 a.m.

in the classroom and the teacher provide some texts which in included

in report text by showing it in LCD‟s screen. The teacher still explain

about text entittled “Birds”. To generate the students about the

language features of the report text, the teacher asked to mention the

language features of the report text. Then, the students mention simple

present tense as the language features is used in report text. To

measure that the students undertsanding about which one simple

present tense, the English teacher leads the students to read the text

entittled “Birds” and find out the example of simple present tense

minimum one example on that text, more than one is also allowed.

Then, the student who is sitting on the back class raising her hand and

mention the example of simple present tense by reading the first

sentence on that text “Birds are belong to warm-blooded animals”.

The act sequence is enjoy tone and serious. Key is friendly with

showing a direct speech. The instrumentalist is oral form. The norm is

friendly condition. The genre is classroom teaching learning process.

M-2/ 10/ 00.17.51

Coba anda baca dan cari berapa banyak article di text report

In this case, the teacher still discuss about text entittled “Birds”

in the classroom at afternoon. The teacher also still discuss about the

language features of the report text, one of them is about the usage of

article on the text. The kinds of article are a, an, the. To remind what

is article and how the article is it? The teacher asks the students to find

out the kinds of article which is found on the text entittled “Birds”.

Article here, is pointed to the number of something. Then, the students

read the text carefully from beginning into finishing, and count the

number of article on the text. After that, the students mentioned the

number of article which has been counted on the text when they read

the text carefully, one of them said that there are 10 articles on that

text. The act sequence is distinctly. The key is direct speech. The

instrumentalist is performed in oral form. The norm in distinct but still

soft. The genre is classroom teaching learning proces.

M-2/ 11/ 00.19.33

Saya minta kalian unuk membaca dan menganalisa jawabannya.

The students finished the presentation. It is still happened in the

classroom at around 11.00 a.m. Then the teacher says to the students

that he will provide some question about report text from the question

last year. It is aimed as the exercise for the students to face final

examination a few weeks later. This question provide the text,

question, and multiple choice answer, so the students are easy to

answer the question just by mentioning the characters from A-E. This

exercise will be provided one by one, and the students must rise their

hand first to answer the question. Who will be the quickly rising their

hand, it will be the answerer. From the text, the students are also asked

to analyze the naswer. It must to do by the students, in order they have

a habitual to do the test about report text, and understanding the

material report text deeply. In this case, the teacher wants to measure

the student‟s comprehension in analyzing the report text. The act

sequence is slowly and simply. The key is direct speech. The

instrumentalist is performed in oral form. The norm is rather serious

but not really stressful. The genre is teaching and learning process.

M-2/ 13/ 00.20.24

Saya minta kalian untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari text report

The situation is still happened in the classroom at 11.15 a.m.

when the teacher provide some examples of the report text and its

questions. In this case, the teacher only focuses on one of report text

from a few text. The text is entittled “cacti (the plural of cactus)”. This

utterence is pointing to all students in the classroom. The teacher order

to the students to answer the few questions, here there are four

questions based on the text. It must to do by the students in order they

can get the additional point from report text material for their final

examination score. Besides, it is also used to measure the student‟s

comprehension in report text material. The act sequence is enjoyable

condition but serious. The key is direct speech. The instrumentalist is

oral spoken. the norm is friendly condition and the genre is question-

answer session in teaching learning report text.

M-2/ 17/ 00.38.43

Coba perhatikan ketika temanmu menjawab!

In the classroom at around 11.25 a.m., it is question-answer

session. The students started to rise their hand one by one to answer

the question about report text material. At least, the teacher provide

five report text in which in each text has four until five questions.

Then, the girl who is sitting in the back-left class is answering the

question, but the other students is noisy when she answered. It makes

the teacher can not listen the answer clearly. Since the teacher could

not listen clearly, the teacher asked to the students who is noisy to

silent while she is answering the question. The teacher has full of

control to stop the student‟s unimportant conversations in the

classroom which is disturbing the class. Besides, the teacher also

remaind the students to respect and pay attention to their friend while

they are saying something in classroom. The act sequence is clearly

with showing a high tone. The key is direct speech act. The

instrumentalist is performed as oral form. The norm is distinctly but

keep politely. The genre implies as warning.

M-3/ 19/ 00.03.51

Saya akan minta satu siswa untuk mengklarifikasi kalimat opini

This condition is happened in different class, social-two class, at

around 09.00 a.m. The teacher is meant to preview all materials since

the first meeting on the first semester in the second grade. The first

preview is about expression of opinion material. The teacher generates

the students to remember about the material on that day. A part of the

students has been lost their mind about this material, so they need to

be explained about it once again. The teacher explained it to measure

the student‟s remind and understanding on this material, the teacher

ask the students to clarify the sentence by saying this utterence. The

sentence will be provided by the teacher using expression of opinion.


The teacher will give the situation or the problem first in English, then

the students will clarify it or respond this problem with giving

expression of opinion in accordance with the situation. As example,

the teacher gives situation like “your friends always come late to the

school, what do you think of this problem?” then the students clarify

using expression of opinion like “i think this is big problem”. The act

sequence is in softly and friendly. The key is direct speech. The

instrumentalist is performed as oral form. The norm is saying in

softly. The genre is teaching and learning process.

M-3/ 20/ 00.09.35

Saya baca kemudian anda dengar dan jawab!

The expression of opinion material is still continously explained

in classroom at 09.15 a.m. The teacher also give exercise to measure

their memory about this material. In this case, the teacher gives

situation based on the question in example of final examination last

year, then he asked the students to choose the best respond of the

expression of opinion given by the teacher. The choice start from A-E.

The situation on the question is asking opinion about the movie in

movie theater. The people who explained as A asked to the people B

about it, and the question is how the best respond by B‟s people to this

situation. The teacher read the choices from his laptop then asked the

students to listen it and choose the best answer. This situation shows

the obligation to get the students for listening him and answering the

question. The act sequence is serious situation. The key is direct

speech. The instrumentalist is performed as oral form. The norm is


saying in little force in distinctly. The genre is classroom discourse


M-3/ 24/ 00.18.39

Tuliskan kalimat conditional sentence berikut !

After giving previews about expression of opinion, then the

teacher continue to the conditional sentence material. It is explained in

classroom at 10.00 a.m. To measure the student‟s understanding of

this material, the teacher ask to all students about types of conditional

sentences. Start from type I, II, III. A part of them has forgotten about

types and the teacher must explain anymore. Then, the teacher ask

Yunus, one of the studnets, to mention the type of conditional

sentences. He just mentioned two kinds, and the last he forgot it. To

make a sure that Yunus is really remember of types conditional

sentence, then the teacher ask him to write down the example of

conditional sentences type I. Firstly, the teacher is giving the

sentences in Bahasa Indonesia then Yunus has to changes the

sentences in conditional sentence type I in English form with correct

formula which appropriate with the types. The act sequence is saying

in distinctly. The key is direct speech. The instrumentalist is

performed in oral spoken. the norm is saying in high tone but keep in

polite. The genre is classroom teaching learning.

M-3/ 28/ 00.39.30

Yang keras suaranya!

The teacher is still previewing the material in the classroom at

10.15 a.m. In this case, the teacher previews about suggestion. The

teacher has given the situation to the one of students in that class and

ask him to make expression of suggestion based on that situation. The

students start to say what is on his mind about giving expression

suggestion, but he said it in low voice so the teacher can not listen his

voice clearly. In a medium stressing, the teacher asked to student for

increasing his voice in order the teacher can listen him cleraly without

any miss interpretation. The act sequence is saying in medium tone

with a little stressing. The key is direct speech. The norm is simply but

distinctly. The genre is classroom teaching learning.

M-3/ 22/ 00.12.47

Berikan contoh tentang ekspresi suggestion.

In the classroom at 10 a.m. the teacher is previewing about

expression suggetsion material. He gives the example about

expression suggestion from different situation to all students. The

teacher gives the situation first, then he said the example of expressing

suggestion based on the situation. For making sure that the students

have understood about the suggestion material whether understanding

the situation or expressing the sugestion. The teacher start to ask the

students to give the example of expressing suggestion. To measure the

student‟s comprehension in giving expression of suggestion, the

teacher asks the students to give the example of expression suggestion

based on the situation which is given by the teacher. The situation

come from the teacher, then the students give the suggestion on it. The

act sequence is friendly condition. The key is direct speech with

showing explicit message. The instrumentalist is oarl spoken. the


norm is saying in good performance. Genre is classroom teaching and

learning process.

b. Invitation

Kind of expression of request, a solicitation, or an attempt to

get another person to join the hearer at a specific event such as to

attend to a party, visit a beach house, or event in classroom activity.

M-2/ 12/ 00.19.44

Yang bisa mengerjakan akan saya beri point tambahan untuk
materi report text.

The teacher says this utterence in the sience-three class at 11.45

a.m. On that time, the teacher explained about report text material and

he provides some questions from the example of final examination last

year. By saying this utterence, the teacheris meant to invite the

students for answering the question and as the reward of the student‟s

struggle in answering the question, the teacher gives additional point

for this material. This additional point is used to add the low score on

result final exam later. Form this utterence, the students will

interesting to answer the question by wish they can get the additional

point for their final exam score later. The students will think it will

help if they get a bad score on final exam. Then, to fix it, they can get

additional score from answering this question. The act sequence is

spoken in simply with normal situation. The key is direct speech act.

The instrumentalist is performed as oral form. The norm is in politely

and friendly. The genre is question-answer session in teaching

learning process.

c. Suggestion

The process by which one thought leads to another especially

through association of ideas. It is related to something that sould be

done by the hearer. The utterence is transferred to the hearer in tactful

way, so that the utterence will not make the hearer being offended.

M-1/ 02/ 00.41.05

Silahkan anda bertanya tentang yang belum diketahui ke kelompok

This situation is happened in the sience-three class at 11.10 a.m.,

the material which is explained about report text. On this meeting, the

teacher has group discussion which is combined with a game as the

method to teach the students. In the previous meeting the teacher has

been devided the group and explained the rules. The rules are each

group must go forward as presenter to present their discussion about

report text. Each group has different text and different questions in

order the audience can pay attention to presenter and as reward the

group that answered correctly will get additional point. In this chance,

the second group are being a presenter who come forward to present

their discussion about report text. Then, as presenter, its surely that

they are mastery on that material. For getting the best disussion, the

teacher gives a statement which showing as suggestion to the

audiences that they can ask anything about the material or the text

which do not know yet to presenter. Then, as the mster of that

material, the teacher feels sure that the presenter will give the best

explanation to audiences who do not know about material. The act


sequence is relax condition. The key is direct speech. The

instrumentalist is performed as oral form. The norm is saying in polite

manner, and soft. The genre is in informal courses in the classroom.

M-1/ 04/ 01.03.00

Anda bisa melihat paragraf 3.

It is still continuosly on the presentation situation in which the

second group as presenter in sience-2 at 11.35 a.m. On that time, the

second group is presenting the third question, and they can not

answered it. Thus, the second group told to teacher that they did not

know about the answer. Knowing this, the teacher directly ask the

second group for looking up the third paragraph. In this case, the

teacher has purpose to generate the second group to find out the

answer in third paragraph. It shows that the teacher actually wants to

help second group to find out the answer in the third paragraph. As

simply, behind the utterence, the teacher is meant to suggest the

second group by implies the implicit message inside this utterence.

The act sequence is in simple and normal tone. The key is direct

speech. The instrumentalist is oral form. The norm is in friendly

manner and the genre is informal discussion of classroom.

M-2/ 14/ 00.20.41

Saya kasih waktu dua menit untuk membaca teks nya terlebih

After finishing the presentation session in sience-2 classroom at

afternoon, then the teacher provide some example of questions report

text from final examination last year. This questions will be given to

all stuents, and they are asked to answer it one by one. Since it is

related to learn the text, the reader must read the text first in sceaming

or scanning then they can get the mean/ main idea of the text. For

making it success, the teacher gives chance to the students to read the

tet first about two minutes. In each text, it provides 4-5 questions.

Thus, one text can be used to answer about 4-5 questions. It means

that the teacher stressing to give a suggestion for answering the

reading test, they must read the text first. If they read the text first, the

question will be answered easily. The act sequence is in low tones.

The key is indirect speech which carry out implicit message. The

instrumentalist as oral form. The norm is friendly. The genre is

classroom teaching learning.

M-3/ 21/ 00.11.41

Jangan lupa, karena materi opini akan ada sejumlah 3 soal.

At afternoon, the teacher still teach report text in classroom. He

gave the explanation about expression of opinion and make sure that

all students has been understood about the material by giving some

examples to be done and he continues by saying this utterence. This

utterence suggest also warn to the students, to learn about the kind of

expression opinion since these materials will be performed in the

following final exmination. By making this utetrence, it also implies

that the students must learn expression opinion in order they get the

best score on final examination later. The act sequence is in relax

condition. The key is indirect speech. The instrumentalist is performed

in oral form. The norm is saying in friendly manner. The genre is

formal classroom discourse.


M-3/ 27/ 00.34.00

Coba perhatikan nanti jika ada kalimat blaa.. blaa.. kemudian
diikuti “will” maka itu sudah pasti type I.

The teacher was explaining about the conditional sentences

material at morning in the classroom to all students. The material start

from definition, types and the formula. The teacher asked to each

students about these materials and he asked them to remember about

these materials. In understanding the formula of each types

conditional sentences, the students has a hardness. Then, the teacher

gives some an easy ways to answer the questions about conditional

snetences. Based on each types, conditional sentences also has a

different ways in answering each types. For example, the teacher is

giving an easy way to answer conditional sentence type I. The teacher

gives a key term to the students about conditional sentence type I that

it must adding “will”. Since it is based on formula, type I started with

simple present tense then followed by simple future tense, the

conditional sentence must be added “will”. It implies that the teacher

gives suggestion to students, that if there is a sentence which is

followed “will” it should be a conditional sentence type I. It has

purpose to help the students answer the conditional sentence questions

easily. The act sequence is in tactful tone. The key is indirect speech

with implicit message inside. The instrumentalist is oral form. The

norm is saying in tactful ways and the genre is classroom teaching and

learning process.

d. Warning

Warning is telling someone about a possible danger or

difficulty. Warning is usually stated by using positive imperative

which give positive treatment or effect.

M-3/ 25/ 00.24.05

Ingat, type I selalu pakai “will”!

The teacher and the studnets are discussing about the

characteristics of conditional sentence in the classroom at morning. In

previously, the teacher asked Yunus to come forward and write down

the conditional sentences type I based on situation which given by the

teacher. Yunus listened carefully the teacher‟s statement about the

situation, then Yunus write it into conditional sentence type I in

English form. Yunus write it based on what the teacher did say

precisely. After Yunus finished it, Yunus came back into his desk and

the teacher correct it. The teacher find that Yunus left “will” on his

conditional sentence, after this the teacher was giving warning by

saying this utterence. Since it is discussed about the structure, so the

learner must follow the rules and must be done like the formula. Thus,

if they left one of the formulas, it will give the bad impact for the

answer. As consequence, they perhaps get bad score from it. To

remain the students, the teacher said this utterence in order the

students always put “will” in conditional sentence I. It can help them

to write the correct types of conditional sentence type I by following

this utterence. The act sequence is in higher tone and distinctly. The

key is considered direct speech. The instrumentalist is performed in


oral form. The norm is saying in polite manner and the genre is

teaching learning process.

M-3/ 26/ 00.26.40

Tidak boleh dari kalian yang tidak tau tentang materi ini.

The teacher has finished in explaining or previewing all

materials which will be performed on final examination at morning in

the classroom. Then, the teacher is stressing to the students for

studying hard about all materials. They are not allowed to fail in doing

this material. It is why the teacher makes this statement to warn his

students to mastery all materials which will be performed on final

examination in order they can achieve best score. If they do not master

the material, they will get a bad score in the following examination.

The act sequence is transferred in serious and distinct way. The key is

direct speech. The instrumentalist is performed in oral form. The norm

is in polite manner and the genre is classroom discourse.

e. Request

Request is kind of directive speech acts whose illocutionary

purpose is getting the hearer to do something in circumtances in which

it is not obvious that he/she will perform the action in the normal

course of events (Searle, 1969). By initiating a request, the speaker

believes that the hearer is able to perform an action.

M-2/ 06/ 00.06.29

Silahkan kelompok 2 menunjuk kelompok lain untuk menjawab.

In the classroom at afternoon, the teacher teach report text. The

teacher makes a group presentation on this meeting. In each group has


a chance to come forward to be presenter, explain the report text and

choose the other group to answer the question inside the report text. In

this chance, the second group come forward to be presenter and start

to explain their text. They explained the text one paragraph to another

paragraph to audience, then after finished it, they start to read the

questions. Each text has provided 5 questions inside, and each

questions will be shared to audience as return. For this, the teacher

request to second group for starting choose the group who will be the

answerer the questions. In this case, the second group can choose the

first group, third group and so on. The teacher asks it to the students

based on the rules. In impicitely, the teacher request to second

students to obey the rules which has been approved together. Thus, the

teacher made this utterence to point it. The act sequence is saying in

simply and low tone. The key is considered as direct speech which

implies implicit message. The instrumentalist is performed as oral

form. The norm is saying in good performance. The genre is indoor


M-2/ 07/ 00.06.38

Agak cepat aja.

In the classroom at afternoon still continuosly presentation

session with second group as a presenter. In this case, the second

group has read third questions, but when they read the question, they

waste time too much. Meanwhile, after second group, it is still there

another group to present their discussion. Then, the teacher request to

second group to accelerate their time in presenting their discussion in


front of class. The teacher made this utterence in hope that the second

group can accelerate their time in order this meeting will enough to be

used to finish the presentation. The act sequence is saying in wishful

thinking. The key is direct speech. The instrumentalist is performed in

oral form. The norm is in medium tone but no emotion. The genre is

conversation between English teacher and presenter.

M-2/ 15/ 00.21.05

Tolong, saya minta agar pertanyaannya di baca dulu.

After finished classroom presentation in sience-2 class at 11.45

a.m., the teacher provided some questions to be answered. This chance

is used by the teacher to measure the student‟s comprehension in

understanding a report text. The teacher asks the students to answer

the questions on by one, it is same that each text provided 5 questions.

Then, to make a sure that the students can give the best answer, the

teacher requests to the students to read the questions first. It is done by

the teacher since by reading the questions, the students getting the best

understanding in it, so it is probably for the students getting the best

answer. The act sequence is friendly and simply. The key is direct

speech with an exactly purpose. The instrumentalist is perfromed as

oral form. The norm is saying in a little stressing but keep in polite

manner by adding “tolong” or means “please”. The genre is teaching

and learning process in the classroom.

M-2/ 16/ 00.32.45

Yang belum mengacungkan jarinya silahkan mengacungkan

It is still continuosly question-answer session in the classroom at

11.50 a.m. In this session, it has purpose to get additional point for

final examination. Before the students answer the questions, the

teacher asked the students for rising their hand first. The students has

rised their hand and answered the questions. For a long time, there is

no students who answer the questions, then the teacher said this

utterence. It is pointing to the students who do not rise their hand yet.

The teacher requests to students who do not rise their hand yet to rise

their hand and start to answer the questions. It has purpose in order

they can also get the score like their friends who has rised their hand.

Actually, the teacher hopefully for this. The act sequence of this

utterence is in low tone. The key is direct speech. This utterence is

saying in oral form. The norm in saying this utterence is friendly and

politely. The genre is classroom teaching learning.

M-3/ 18/ 00.02.37

Tolong dipelajari.

The teacher is previewing the last material in the classroom at

09.50 a.m. The materials will be performed on final examination. The

teacher thinks that it must to do in order the students can reach the

good score in final examination. The teacher previews about three

materials, they are giving opinion, giving suggestion, and conditional

sentence in three kinds. For reaching a good score, the teacher

requests to the students to learn all materials and mastery it. The

teacher has no right to force the students, it also depends on the

student‟s motivation to get a good score or not. The act sequence is


serious situation. The key is considered as direct speech. The

instrumentalist is performed as oral form. The norm is in polite

manner. The genre is classroom discourse.

M-3/ 23/ 00.17.36

Coba sebutkan tipe-tipe conditional sentence mas.

The teacher explain about conditional sentence material in

social-two class at 10.00 a.m. He explain about the definition, kinds,

formula, and the example in each types. The teacher explained it to

generate the student‟s memories about components of conditional

sentence. In measuring the student‟s understanding of conditional

sentence, the teacher ask one student as volunteer. The student is

Yunus. The teacher request Yunus to mention the types of conditional

sentence and the formula in each after he listened to the teacher‟s

explanations. The act sequence is in simply with low tones. The key is

considered as direct speech. The instrumentalist is saying in oral form.

The norm is saying in friendly condition. The genre is classroom

teaching learning.

M-3/ 29/ 00.55.24

Mas tolong tuliskan contoh conditional sentence present perfect
tense di papan tulis.

The material which is explained in classroom at morning still

conditional sentence. In this case, the teacher only focus to explain

about conditional sentence type III, it is conditional sentence present

perfect tense form. Firstly, the teacher asks about the formula to the

students, then he gives example of its formula. It must to do, in order

the students understand and remember about the formula. To measure


the student‟s understanding about the types, definition, formula, and

the example, the teacher asks one of the students to come forward and

change the sentence into conditional sentence. The teacher gives the

example in Bahasa Indonesia firstly, then he asks students to change it

in English form of conditional sentence which is based on the formula.

For doing this, he asks Rafiqas volunteer to come forward and change

the sentence. Rafiq come forward and write down the Bahasa

Indonesia first in white board, the Rafiq changes it into English form

as conditional sentence. The act sequence is friendly. The key is direct

speech. The instrumentalist is performed as oral form. The norm is

saying in politely with addition “tolong” means “please”. The genre is

classroom teaching learning process.

Besides classifying the types of directive speech acts, the

researcher also analyze the perlocutionary act of the utterances. In speech-

act theory, a perlocutionary act is an action or state of mind brought about

by, or as a consequence of, saying something. Also known

as perlocutionary effect. The findings of perlocutionary acts is presented

as follows:

2. The perlocutionary act of the second grade students of MAN 2


A perlocutionary act is an act performed by saying something, and

not in saying something. Persuading, angering, inciting, comforting and

inspiring are often perlocutionary acts. Perlocutionary acts, in contrast

with locutionary and illocutionary acts, which are governed by


conventions, are not conventional but natural acts Austin, (1955: 121).

Persuading, angering, inciting, etc. cause physiological changes in

the audience, either in their states or behavior. The analysis of

prelocutionary acts is delivered as follows:

a. Command or order

Command or order is the action done by the speaker who has the

right or duty to give command to the hearer. The speaker has a full

control on the act of the hearer. In saying command the speaker gives

an authoritative or pretemporary order which sometimes using direct

or indirect speech act to the hearer. Below are the actions performed by

the students in respons to the teacher‟s utterances of command or


M-1/ 01/ 00.16.05

“Silahkan buka buku catatannya masing-masing.”

As seen in the picture, the students‟ reaction toward this

utterance is preparing the note and starting to write down the material

explain by the teacher.

M-1/ 03/ 00.51.00

“Sebutkan mana yang termasuk part of body.”

According to this utterance, the effect only refers to the certain

students. Thus, the students who pay attention on this utterance will

analyze the text by scheaming the text and determine part of body in

the second paragraph of the text.

M-1/ 05/ 01.18.40

“Perhatikan pertanyaannya.”

As seen in the picture, the second group was giving reaction by

observing the question and starting to discuss the question with the

member of the group to get the best answer of the question.

M-2/ 08/ 00.08.39

“Coba perhatikan no 4.”

As seen in the picture, the students indicated a reaction by

looking at the question number four in detail and analyze the question

to get the best answer. The question is about report text, that ask about

the main idea of the text entitled “Birds”.


M-2/ 09/ 00.15.12

“Carikan simple present tense minimal 1.”

As seen in the picture, the students was giving response by

looking at the text, then they saying the example of present tense in

that they found in the text, such as “Birds is belong to the class of

warm blooded”. In this perlocutionary act, the students did not show

any action, but they were giving effect by saying the example of

“present tense”

M-2/ 10/ 00.17.51

“Coba anda baca dan cari berapa banyak article di text report

Here, the students showed a reaction by reading the text and

then scanning the text to find out the the number of articles in the text.

M-2/ 11/ 00.19.33

“Saya minta kalian untuk membaca text ini dan

The students was giving reaction by analyzing the report text,

then answering the question one by one based on the the teacher‟s

choice. The teacher was choosing one of the student, and asking them

to analyze the question and find out the answer. The teacher was

pointing them by looking at their list of attendance.

M-2/ 13/ 00.20.24

“Saya minta anda untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari text report

The students answer the question one by one as mentioned by

the teacher. They also can rise their hand before the teacher mention

them. If they rise their hand before called by the teacher, and stated the

wrong answer, the teacher asked other students to answer the question.

M-2/ 17/ 00.38.43

“Coba perhatikan ketika temanmu menjawab!”

The students was giving reaction by lowering their tone in

talking with their friends and listening carefully to the student who was

answering the question. In this situation, the students were giving

response by acting in attitude.

M-3/ 19/ 00.03.51

“Saya akan minta satu siswa untuk mengklarifikasi kalimat opini

Here, the students was giving a reaction by showing a body

language confirmed that they are ready to be choosen by the teacher.

As can be seen in the above picture, the teacher was pointing one girl

to clarify the expression of “opinion” given by the teacher. First, the

teacher gave the situation to the students, then the girl, chosen by the

teacher was asked to clarify that situation. The situation was “your

friend always come late to this school, what do you think of this?”.

Then, the girl stating her opinion by saying “I think, it is a big


M-3/ 20/ 00.09.35

“Saya baca kemudian anda dengar dan jawab.”

Here, the students was giving reaction by listening carefully to

the explanation of the English teacher, then rising their hands to

answer the question. The situation read by the teacher was about

something happened in the movie theater, then asking “how do you


think about this movie?”, then the students giving answer based on that


M-3/ 24/ 00.18.39

“Tuliskan kalimat conditional sentences berikut !”

As seen in the picture, Yunus was giving reaction by going

forward in front of the class, then writing the conditional sentence in

the whiteboard. The teacher gives example of conditional sentence in

Bahasa Indonesia “jika saya tampan maka saya akan punya teman

perempuan.” Then Yunus writing down the English version in the


M-3/ 28/ 00.39.30

“Yang keras suaranya.”

The student was giving reaction by rising his voice in order that

the teacher can listen to his answer clearly. The student here is Yunus

who mentioned the types of conditional sentence in low tones.

M-3/ 22/ 00.12.47

“Berikan contoh tentang ekspresi suggestion.”

The students were giving reaction by listening carefully about

the situation given by the teacher, then make an expression of

suggetion based on the situation. The situation stated was “your friend

always get bad score in the examination”, then the students giving the

expression of suggestion according to the situation “you should study

hard in examination.”

b. Suggestion

Suggestion is the process by which one thought leads to another

especially through association of ideas. It is related to something that

should be done by the hearer. The utterance is transferred to the hearer

in tactful way, so that the utterance will not make the hearer being

offended. Below are the actions performed by the students in respons

to the teacher‟s utterances of suggestion

M-1/ 02/ 00.41.05

“Silahkan anda bertanya tentang yang belum diketahui ke kelompok

In this utterance, the students was giving reaction by rising their

hand, then asking to the teacher about the material that they considered

confusing and they do not really understand. The students in front of


the class is the presenter who guide their friend in understanding the


M-1/ 04/ 01.03.00

“Anda bisa melihat paragraf 3.”

Here, the students were giving reaction by looking up the third

paragraph and trying to find the answer of the difficult question from

it. The second group was not standing in front of the class again, thus

they were looking up the third paragraph on their desk.

M-2/ 14/ 00.20.41

“Saya kasih waktu dua menit untuk membaca teks nya terlebih

The students were giving reaction by reading and analyzing the

text in around two minutes, then answering the question by raising

their hand.

M-3/ 21/ 00.11.41

“Jangan lupa, karena materi opini akan ada sejumlah 3 soal.”

The students will show reaction by either obeying the teacher or

ignoring the teacher. Here, the reaction depends on their mood or

motivation to get good score.

M-3/ 27/ 00.34.00

“Coba perhatikan nanti jika ada kalimat bla... bla... blaa.. kemudian
diikuti “will” maka itu sudah pasti type 1.”

The students is giving a reaction by memorizing the formula of

conditional sentences in order that they can answer the question of

conditional sentence correctly. Then, trying to apply it by going

forward in front of the class and answering the example given by the


c. Request
Request is a kind of directive speech acts whose illocutionary purpose

is toget the hearer to do something in circumstances in which it is not


obvious that he/ she will perform the action in the normal course of

events (Searle 1969). By initiating a request, the speaker believes that

the hearer is able to perform an action. Below are the actions

performed by the students in respons to the teacher‟s utterances of


M-2/ 06/ 00.06.29

“Silahkan kelompok 2 menunjuk kelompok lain untuk menjawab!”

The second group was giving an action by choosing the first

group to answer the question. First, the presentator of the second group

read the question then gave a chance to the first group to answer it.

M-2/ 07/ 00.06.38

“Agak cepat aja.”

According to this utterence, the students have the obligation to

accelerate the time or to delay the time, depends on the material

explained by the group‟s presenter.

M-2/ 15/ 00.21.05

“Tolong, saya minta agar pertanyaannya di baca dulu.”

According this utterence, the students showing the body

language that they read the question. Read carefully with choose the

best answer based on the text. Then, the students answer the question.

M-2/ 16/ 00.32.45

“Yang belum mengacungkan jarinya silahkan mengacungkan
jarinya dan menjawab pertanyaan.”

The reaction is not refer to all students since only certain

students who interest to answer the question in the text will rise their

hands. However, the students showing their body language by reading

the text and trying to find the answer to the questions.

M-3/ 18/ 00.02.37

“Tolong Dipelajari.”

The students was giving response by studying the material or

either ignoring the request and not study all of the material. The

reaction depends on their mood and their motivation in achieving the

best score.

M-3/ 23/ 00.17.36

“Coba sebutkan type-type conditional sentence mas.”

The student who called as mas here is Yunus. And Yunus is

trying to mention the types of conditional sentences by his own

knowledge. The reaction is only done by certain student. Yunus said

that there are three types of conditional sentences, they are simple

present, simple past, and past perfect.

M-3/ 29/ 00.55.24

“Mas, tolong tuliskan contoh present perfect tense di papan tulis.”

Rafiq was giving reaction by going forward and writing the

example of present perfect tense in the whiteboard. The teacher asked

Rafiq to write down the English version of the example of conditional

sentence type of “present perfect tense”. The example was said in

Bahasa Indonesia, “ saya sudah belajar bahasa inggris sejak umur 10


d. Invitation
It is the kind of the expression of a request, a solicitation, or an attempt

to get another person to join the speaker at a specific event such as to

attend to a party, visit a beach house, or witness a marriage. An

invitation can be delivered as a verbal request, a beautifully engraved


card, or even puffs of smoke behind an airplane. Below are the actions

performed by the students in respons to the teacher‟s utterances of


M-2/ 12/ 00.19.44

“Yang bisa mengerjakan akan saya beri point untuk materi report

The students‟ Was giving reaction by starting to rise their hand

up quickly to answer the question and get the reward. Meanwhile, this

utterance will not influence all the students, only the highly motivated

students will do the teacher‟s invitation.

e. Warning
Warning is tellingsomeone about a possible danger or difficulty.

Warning is usually stated by using positive imperative which give

positive treatment or effect.

M-3/ 25/ 00.24.05

“Ingat, type I selalu pakai “will”.”

The students was giving reaction by adding “will” when they

wrote the conditional sentence type I so that they can reach a good

score. Then, Yunus was asked to write down the example of

conditional sentence type I, correct the mistake by adding will in his


M-3/ 26/ 00.26.40

“ Tidak boleh dari kalian yang tidak tau tentang materi ini!”

The students was giving reaction by showing a body language.

Their body languages indicated that they were studying hard about all

of the material suggested to get the best score in the following exam.

C. Discussion

The discussion are employed based on the data analysis in the previous

chapter. The discussion are arranged in order to answer the problem

statements of the research. Thus, the data analysis consists of the classification

of directive speech acts including the context of situation in accordance with

Hyme‟s theory, and the perlocutionary act of each utterence performed by the


Regardless to the findings of the research, the discussion is presented as


1. The types of directive speech acts performed by the english teacher at

MAN 2 surakarta.

According to Yule (1996: 53) directive speech act is classified into

five types. He proposed it into command (order), request, invitation,

suggestion, and warning (prohibition). Based on this theory, the researcher

founds The types of directive speech acts employed by the English teacher

to the second grade students of MAN 2 Surakarta in the teaching and

learning process in the classroom are command or order, invitation,

suggestion, request, and warning.

Based on the analysis, there are 14 directive speech acts considered

as command or order. They are performed in the data number; 01; 03; 05;

08; 09; 10; 11; 13; 17; 19; 20; 24; 28; 22. Directive speech acts in the form

of command or order is the most common of speech applied by the teacher

in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. According to

Yule (1996), in saying command the speaker gives an authoritative using

direct or indirect speech act. Then, This indicated the function of

command that show the authority of the teacher as a superior in the

classroom. Teachers play vital roles in the lives of the students in their

classrooms. Teachers are best known for the role of educating the students

that are placed in their care. Beyond that, teachers serve many other roles

in the classroom. Teachers set the tone of their classrooms, build a warm

environment, mentor and nurture students, become role models, and listen

and look for signs of trouble (McCrorie, 2006). Meanwhile, students are

responsible for participating in all class discussions and question-and


answer sessions. They are also responsible for communicating any

concerns to the facilitator and/ or teacher. Therefore the use of command

or order by the teacher is very important to conduct the classroom teaching

and learning process.

According to the data analysis, there is only one type of directive

speech acts considered as invitation. It is performed in the data number 12,

and this indicated that invitation is rarely applied in the teaching and

learning process of English in the classroom. Based on the meaning of

Invitation proposed by Yule (1996) that considered an expression that is

disclosed when there is someone who wants to ask other people to come to

a place or when there is someone who asks others to do something for

him/ her. Here, the function of invitation is in accordance with the role of

the teacher in the classroom who always give order to the students and

rarely ask for help from the students.

Suggestion expression is the statement for giving advice to make

someone better next time (Yule, 1996). There are 4 directive speech acts

of suggestion found in the analysis, they are performed in the data number

02, 14, 21, 27. This, indicated that the teacher sometimes applied

suggestion for the better of the students and to remain them when they are

making a mistake in doing the task. The teacher will suggest for the right

answer or the right action for the mistake.

Warning is telling someone about a possible danger or difficulty.

Warning is usually stated by using positive imperative which give positive

treatment or effect (Yule, 1996). According to the analysis of the data,


there are two data which included in the types of warning, they are

performed in the data number number 25 and 26. In the process of

teaching and learning, warning is sometimes applied by the teacher to

warn the students or to remain them about their mistake, such as when

they put the wrong formula of the tenses, or when they do not pay

attention to the teacher‟s explanation. Warning is important for the teacher

to make the students more dicipline.

Request is a kind of directive speech acts whose illocutionary

purpose is toget the hearer to do something in circumstances in which it is

not obvious that he/ she will perform the action in the normal course of

events (Searle 1969). By initiating a request, the speaker believes that the

hearer is able to perform an action. Beside, request is asking someone for

something in politely. There are 7 directive speech acts considered as

request found in the analysis of the data, performed in the data number;

06, 07, 15, 16, 18, 23, 29. Requesting is perhaps the most important of all

functions to teach, because it is used often and in all situations.

2. The context of situation occured in each utterence performed by the

English teacher at MAN 2 Surakarta.

The context of situations are analyzed based on the

S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G model by Hyme‟s (1974). The speaking model consist of

settings, participants, end or purpose, act sequence or topic and tone, key

or the manner, instrumentalist or tools in saying an utterence, norms or

rules occured in the circumtances, and genre or course; teaching learning

process; baptism; pray and so on.


Hyme (1974) stated setting consist of time and place, or indicated

as where and when they are speaking. Here, the setting is mostly happened

in the classroom when teaching and learning is running, in the afternoon.

Participants are who is speaking and who are they speaking to, it can be

speaker- listener; sender- receiver. Based on the analysis, the participants

are always teacher and students of the second grade. End intends as what

the participants intend to achieve by saying such speech. In analysis, the

purpose is done by the teacher to deliver material to the students. It can be

ask the students to do the task, or to warn the students about their mistake.

Act sequence means content of what is said or how the utterences are used.

Here, the most act sequence found in analysis is doft, low, and friendly.

Key refers to cues that establish the manner or spirit of the speech act.

Here, the most key in analysis is considered as direct speech act.

Continuosly, Instrumentalist refers to the actual form of speech

employed, it can be conveyed through oral, written or telegraphic form.

Based on the analysis, the instrumentalist is oral form since the teacher

perform the directive speech act by saying the utterence. The norm refers

to the specific behaviors of the speaker or how the speaker may be viewed

by the hearer. Here, the norm of the teacher in saying such utterence is

polite manner and friendly. Then, genre means particular types of

utterence. Here, genre is considered in classroom teaching and learning.

3. The perlocutionary act of the second grade students at MAN 2

Surakarta toward the directive speech acts spoken by the English


According to Austin in Sbisa, Marina (2013: 34) perlocutionary act

which is derived from the Latin per „through‟, „by means of‟ +locutionary

is the kind of act that we may perform by saying something, that is, by

performing a locutionary act and there in illocutionary act. The examples

are convincing someone that things are so, persuading someone to do

something, alerting someone about some impending danger, reassuring

someone about not being left alone, by one‟s speech act.

In the other hand, perlocution occurs only when some

consequential effect is produced in some receiver of the speech act

because of some features of that speech itself, so that its speaker can be

taken responsible for that consequential effect. Furthermore, Levinson

(1983) said that perlocutionary act is the effect of the illocution on the

hearer, such as the effect on the feelings, thoughts or action of hearers. In

shortly, perlocutionary acts is intended as the probably response or act by

listener after they heard what the speaker‟s said whether in saying

something or performing such an actions. In other examples, it can be also

such a feelings , happy; sad; or surprised and so on after heard the

speaker‟s utterence (illocutionary act) and thought about by the speaker.

Based on the explanation of perlocutionary act, There are three

kinds of action responses performed by the students, they are; saying

something in accordance to the utterence, doing something in action, and

feeling something as the effect of the utterence. There are 10 responses of

saying something in accordance to the utterances spoken by the teacher,

performed in the data number; 02; 03; 09; 10; 11; 13; 19; 22; 23; 28. Here,

the response of saying something is used by the students such as to answer

the questions given by the teacher, to ask for help when they find any

difficulties in understanding the material delivered by the teacher.

The perlocutionary act by doing something in action are performed

in the data number 01; 04; 05; 06; 07; 08; 14; 15; 16; 17; 20; 24; 25; 27;

29. Therefore, there are 15 response of doing something in action toward

the directive speech acts spoken by the teacher. This is frequently happen

since the teacher often asked or order the students to do task or to perform

a task in front of the class.

Meanwhile, there are only 4 responses of perlocutionary act by

feelings something found in the data analysis, performed in the data

number; 12; 18; 21; 26. In this case, the directive speech acts performed

by the teacher in conveying the students feeling is not dominant.



This chapter deals with conclusion and suggestion. The conclusion is

delivered based on the anaysis of data and the problem of statements proposed by

the researcher. The suggestion is offered for other students, particularly the

English Department students who interested in conducting research in linguistics

matter such as pragmatics, and for other researchers for conducting future

research in the related topic.

A. Conclusion

Here, the conclusions provide the final response to the research

questions stated in the beginning of the paper. With these conclusions, the

research objectives are met. It is presented as follows:

1. Based on the analysis of data, the type of directive speech acts

performed by the English teacher of the second grade of MAN 2

Surakarta are command or order, invitation, request, suggestion, and


a. Command

Based on the analysis of data, there are 14 utterances of directive

speech acts considered as command. It is the most common type of

directive speech acts found in the analysis of this research. This

indicates the position of the teacher, who play role as the manager of

the class, having power in another form, and authority to influence

student behavior.


b. Invitation

Based on the analysis of data, there is only 1 utterance of directive

speech acts considered as invitation. This indicates that invitation is

rarely applied in the teaching and learning process.

c. Suggestion

Based on the analysis of data, there are 5 utterances of directive speech

acts considered as suggestion. This is the most common way of the

teacher to provide solutions for the students.

d. Warning

According to the analysis of data, there are 2 utterances of directive

speech acts considered as warning. Here, warning has purpose to

remain and tell the students to obey the rules spoken by the teacher and

to make them pay attention to the teacher.

e. Request

According to the analysis of data, there are 7 utterances of directive

speech acts considered as request. The utterances of request here are

mostly spoken in polite manner and low tone.

2. The context of situation occured in the utterences spoken by the

teacher during the teaching and learning process at MAN 2


Here, the context of situations are analyzed based on the

S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G model by Hyme‟s. The speaking model consist of

settings, participants, end or purpose, act sequence or topic and tone, key

or manner, instrumentalist or tools in saying the utterence, norms or rules


occured in the circumtances, and genre or course; teaching learning

process; baptism; pray and so on.

The most common settings occur in each utterence is in the

classroom during the morning and afternoon class. The participants are

teacher and students. The tone indicates soft and friendly but sometimes

with a high voice. The topic is related to the material delivered in the

teaching and learning process; report text, conditional sentence. The key

indicates as direct speech. The instrumentalist of the utterences are spoken

in the oral form. The most common genre found is classroom discourse or

english teaching and learning process.

3. The perlocutionary acts of the second grade students of MAN 2


Based on the analysis of perlocutionary acts, there are three kinds of

actions in response to the utterances; saying something as a response to the

utterence, doing something as a response to the utterance, and feeling

something as a response to the utterence. There are 10 data included as

perlocutionary acts of saying something, they are performed in the data

number 02; 03; 09; 10; 11; 13; 19; 22; 23; 28. There are 15 data included

as perlocutionary acts of doing something, performed in the data number

01; 04; 05; 06; 07; 08; 14; 15; 16; 17; 20; 24; 25; 27; 29. There are 4 data

included in the perlocutionary acts of feeling something, performed in the

data number 12; 18; 21; 26


B. Sugestion

Based on the analysis of directive speech acts of the teaching and learning

English at MAN 2 Surakarta academic year 2016/ 2017, the researcher

proposed some suggestions for the reader as follows:

1. For the students, particularly the English Department Students who

interested in conducting research related to pragmatics, such as speech acts

study. They are expected to explore directive speech acts classification in

accordance with various ideas of other experts. Besides, it expected to

them to analyzed directive speech acts in other media such as movie,

novel, short story or folk. Moreover, they are also expected to employ

other subjects such as lecturer, university students, junior high school

teacher, or the first grade student of senior high school.

2. For other researchers, it is expected to conduct future research related to

the topic with various analysis. It is also expected that the other

researchers can take this resaerch as a reference for conducting similar

research and broaden the theory applied in this research.


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Table 3.1
The Data Sheet of Data Findings of Types of Directive Speech
Acts in Performed by English Teacher

No Code Data Types of Directive Speech Acts

Com Req Invit Sug Warn

1 M-1/ 01/ Silahkan

00.16.05 buka buku
catatannya √

2 M-1/ 02/ Silahkan

00.41.05 anda
tentang yang

diketahui ke

3 M-1/ 03/ Sebutkan

00.51.00 mana yang

part of body !

4 M-1/ 04/ Anda bisa

01.03.00 melihat √
paragraf 3.

5 M-1/ 05/ Perhatikan

01.18.40 pertanyaann √

6 M-2/ 06/ Silahkan

00.06.29 kelompok 2

lain untuk

7 M-2/ 07/ Agak cepat

00.06.38 aja.

8 M-2/ 08/ Coba

00.08.39 perhatikan √
nomor 4.

9 M-2/ 09/ Carikan

00.15.12 simple

present tense
minimal 1!

10 M-2/ 10/ Coba anda

00.17.51 baca dan
cari berapa
banyak √
article di
text report

11 M-2/ 11/ Saya minta

00.19.33 kalian untuk √
text ini dan


12 M-2/ 12/ Yang bisa

00.19.44 mengerjakan
akan saya
beri point √
untuk materi
report text.

13 M-2/ 13/ Saya minta

00.20.24 anda untuk
pertanyaan √
dari text

14 M-2/ 14/ Saya kasih

00.20.41 waktu dua
menit untuk
membaca √
teks nya

15 M-2/ 15/ Tolong saya

00.21.05 minta agar
pertanyaann √
ya di baca

16 M-2/ 16/ Yang belum


00.32.45 an jarinya
an jari dan

17 M-2/ 17/ Coba

00.38.43 perhatikan
ketika √

18 M-3/ 18/ Tolong

00.02.37 dipelajari.

19 M-3/ 19/ Saya akan

00.03. 51 minta satu
siswa untuk

asi kalimat
opini berikut.

20 M-3/ 20/ Saya baca

00.09.35 kemudian

anda dengar
dan jawab!

21 M-3/ 21/ Jangan lupa

00.11.41 karena
materi opini

akan ada
sejumlah 3

22 M-3/ 22/ Berikan

00.12.47 contoh
tentang √

23 M-3/ 23/ Coba

00.17.36 sebutkan


24 M-3/ 24/ Tuliskan

00.18.39 kalimat
conditional √

25 M-3/ 25/ Ingat, type I

00.24.05 selalu pakai √

26 M-3/ 26/ Tidak boleh

00.26.40 dari kalian
yang tidak √
tau tentang
materi ini !

27 M-3/ 27/ Coba

00.34.00 perhatikan,
nanti jika

ada kalimat
blaa.. blaa..

diikuti “will”
maka itu
sudah pasti
type I.

28 M-3/ 28/ Yang keras

00.39.30 suaranya.

29 M-3/ 29/ Mas, tolong

00.55.24 tuliskan
present √
perfect tense
di papan




Table 01. Table of command and order
No Code Data Context

1 M-1/ 01/ Silahkan buka In the afternoon day, when the class
00.16.05 buku catatannya started the class sience 3 at MAN 2
masing-masing. Surakarta, the teacher sat and said to
the students to open their note. The
teacher say it to start the class after
giving them a greeting. For starting
the class, the teacher asks the
students to open their note so that
they can write down the material that
will be given and explained that day
since the subject has no book to read.
The teacher does it so that the
students have material to be learned
on the final examination.

The setting are in the classroom and

the afternoo around at 10.30 a.m. the
partcipants are the English teacher
and the all students. The end of this
utterence is the teacher order the
students preparing and opening their
notes on the book. Therefore, the
students will be able to write down
the material which will be explained
by the teacher. The act sequence is
the English teacher say this utterence

as direct speech which performed

explicit message. The key is this
utterence is conveyed in enjoyable
tone. The instrumentalist, this
utterence say in oral spoken. the
teacher say this utterence in normal
intonation with no force inside. The
genre refers to course in the

2 M-1/ 03/ Sebutkan mana On that day, the teacher explained

00.51.00 yang termasuk about report text to the students. He
part of body. prepared the material on the LCDs
proyektor then presented to the
students. After the English tecaher
explained about the components of
the report text, then the teacher
provide some question about report
text and ask the students to read and
answer the question. First, the
English teacher provide the text
entittled “Bird”, this is the first text
for materi report text. The first step
of this process, the students are asked
to read the text first, analyzed the
text and found the answer there. In
this case, the teacher ask to the
students to find out the part of body
of Birds on that text. It means the
students are asked to mention which
paragraph tells about part of body of
the Birds.

This utterence takes place in the

classroom and in the afternoon day
around 10.45 a.m. the participants
are the English teacher to the
students. The end is the English
teacher asks the students in order to
generate the students to analyze the
text and determine part of body in
the text. Then, the implicit message,
the English teacher wants the
students to mention the part of body
in the text to him. The English
teacher say the utterence in a serious
tone and medium pitch. The key is
this utterence is direct message
which implies an implicit message.
The instrumentalist is oral spoken.
The norms in saying this utterence
are relax condition but rather serious.
The genre is communication which is
happened in teaching and learning in
the cassroom.

3 M-1/ 05/ Perhatikan The situation is in the classroom

01.18.40 pertanyaannya. when the teacher taught report text.
The teacher makes an appointment
with the students that the students
who has devided into a few groups
will present the material in front of
the class and give the question to the
audience, here is the last of the
students. On that day, the teacher ask

to second group to be presenter in the

front of class. First, the second group
read the report text to the audience,
after that they choose one group to
be answerer. Then, the second group
choose the first group as the
participants of this presentation. The
teacher generate the situation to be
conducive with remind the first
group to pay attention to the question
that will be read by the second group.
It has purpose in order the first group
can answer the question correctly by
paying attention to the text first.

The settings are in the classroom and

in the afternoon at around 11.00 a.m.
The participants are the English
teacher, first group and second
group. The end is the English teacher
asks the first group to pay attention
on the question since the first group
is choosen to present the answer of
the question. Thus, the teacher wants
the first group to pay attention to the
question before they answer the
question in order they can answer it
with the best choice. In this case, the
teacher has full of control to make
the first group pay attention to the
question. The act sequence of this
utterence is the english teacher
saying this utterence in normal tone,

soft, but serious. The key that this

utterence is considered as direct
speech act. The instrumentalist is
oral form. The teacher has the norms
in saying this utterence without any
force, in order not to hurt the
students‟s feeling. The genre is group
discussion in the classroom.

4 M-2/ 08/ Coba perhatikan The situaition is still group

00.08.39 no 4. discussion in the classroom in which
the second group as the presenter of
the report text. In this case, the
teachers says the utterence with
pointing to the all setudents,
althought the second group is still in
front of the class as the presenter.
The teacher generate the students to
pay attention to the question number
four. It is because the audiences are
hard to answer the question of
number four, since they are hard to
get the mean of number four.

The English teacher says this

utterence in the morning at around
10.00 a.m. in the classroom. The
participants are the English teacher
to the all students. The end is the
English teacher leads the students to
look at the question number four on
the LCD‟s screen. It is aimed at
giving direction to the students by

looking at the question in detail then

implied the students to answer the
question with the best answer. The
teacher implies the implicit message
that he wants the students can find
out the answer of the number four by
reading the text carefully and in
detail, since the answer is there
inside the text. The act sequence is
serious tone but with a low pitch.
The key is direct speech act which
implies the implicit message. This
utterence is saying in oral form and
in serious condition but keep in a
way. The genre is classroom

5 M-2/ 09/ Carikan simple The teacher stil explain about report
00.15.12 present tense text, and the teacher provide some
minimal 1 ! text which is included in report text
by showing it in LCD‟s screen. The
teacher still explain about text
entittled “Birds”. To generate the
students about the language feature
of the report text, the teacher asks to
the students mention the language
feature of the report text. Then, the
students mention simple present
tense as the language features is used
in report text. To make sure that the
students understanding about which
one simple present tense, the English

teacher lead the students to read the

text entittled “Birds” and find out the
example of simple present tense
minimum one number on that text,
more than one is allowed. Then, the
students who is sitting on the back
class (paling belakang) raising her
hand and mention the example of
simple present tense by reading the
first sentence on that text “Birds are
belong to warm-blooded animals”.

The English teacher say this

utterence in the classroom at around
10.20 a.m. the participants are the
English teacher to the all students.
The end is the English teacher asks
the students to give an example of
simple present tense, minimum one
example from the report text. It is
aimed to remind the students about
the language features of report text.
The act sequence is this utterence
saying in low tone, enjoy but serious.
The key is friendly with direct
speech act to all students the
instrumentalist is this utterence
performed in oral form. The norms is
friendly and the genre is course in
the classroom.

6 M-2/ 10/ Coba anda baca In this case, the teacher still discuss
00.17.51 dan cari berapa about text entittled “Birds”. The

banyak article di teacher also still discuss about the

text report language features of the report text,
tersebut. one of them is about the usage of
article on the text. The kinds of
article here are a, an, and the. To
remind what is article and how the
article is it ? the teacher asks the
students to find out the kinds of
article which is found on the text
entittled “Birds”. Article here, is
pointed to the number of something.
Then, the students read the text
carefully from the beginning into the
finishing, and count the number of
article on the text. After that, the
students mentioned the number of
article which has been counted on the
text when they read the text
carefully, one of them said that there
is 10 articles on that text.

The settings are in the classroom and

in the afternoon. The participants are
the English teacher and the all
students. The end is the English
teacher asks the students to identify
the report text and find the number of
article appear in the text. In this case,
the English teacher has the right to
get the students to find the article so
that they understand the number of
article appear in the text. The act
sequence of this utterence that the

teacher speak the utterence distinctly.

The key that this utterence is
considered as direct speech act. This
utterence is saying in oral form. The
norms in saying this utterence is
distinct, but the teacher does not
mean to hurt the student‟s feeling.
The genre is teaching and learning

7 M-2/ 11/ Saya minta kalian Finishing the presentation, the

00.19.33 untuk membaca teacher says to the students that he
text ini dan will provide some question about
menganalisa report text from the question last
jawabannya. year. It is aimed as the exercise for
the students to face the final
examination a few weeks later. This
question provide the text, question,
and multiple choice answer, so the
students is easy to answer the
question just by mentioning the
characters from A-D. This exercise
will provide one by one, and the
students must rise their hand first to
answer the question, the first person
who rise his/her hand than the others,
that first person will be the answerer.
Form the text, the students are also
asked to analyze the answer. It must
to do by the students, so that they
have a habitual to do the test about
report text, and understanding the

material report text deeply.

The teacher says this utterence in the

classroom at around 11.00 a.m. The
partcipants are the English teacher to
all students. The end is the English
teacher orders the students to read a
report text and analyze the question
on the text, then choose the correct
answer to the question. In this case,
English teacher wants to measure the
student‟s comprehension in
analyzing the report text. The act
sequence of this utterence that the
English teacher spoken the utterence
slowly and simply but has purpose to
force the students to analyze the text
and find the correct answer. The key
is considered as direct speech act.
The instrumentalist is oral form. The
norms that the English teacher speak
this utterence in force condition but
not really stressful. The genre is
teaching and learning process.

8 M-2/ 13/ Saya minta kalian The situation is still same, when the
00.20.24 untuk menjawab teacher provide some examples of
pertanyaan dari the report text and its question. In
text report berikut. this case, the teacher only focuses on
one of the report text from a few text.
The text is entittled “cacti (the plural
of cactus)”. This utterence is pointing
to the all students in the classroom.

The teacher order to the students to

answer the few questions, here there
are four qustions based on the text
entittled “cacti (the plural of
cactus)”. It must to do by the
students in order they can get the
additional point from report text
material for their final examination

This uuterence is saying in the

classroom at around 11.15 a.m. The
participants are the English teacher
to the all students. The end is the
teacher asks the students answer the
question to measure the student‟s
comprehension in report text
material. The act sequence is
enjoyable condition but serious. The
key is the utterence uttered in low
tone and no meanto force inside. The
utterence is saying in oral form with
friendly way. The genre is question-
answer session on teaching learning

9 M-2/ 17/ Coba perhatikan In the question-answer session, the

00.38.43 ketika temanmu students started to rise their hand one
menjawab ! by one to answer the questin about
the report text material. At least, the
teacher provide five report text in
which in each text has four until five
questions. Then, the girl who is

sitting in the back-left class is

answering the question, but the other
students is noisy when she answered.
It makes the teacher can not listen
the answer clearly. Since the teacher
could not listen carefully, the teacher
asked to the students who was noisy
to silent while she was answering the
question. The teacher has a full of
control here to stop the student‟s
unimportant conversations in the
classroom which is disturbing the

The teacher says this uuterence at

around 11.25 a.m. in the classroom.
The partticipants are the English
teacher and the all students who is
noisy in the classroom. The teacher
says this utterence with the end that
the teacher remain the students to
respect and pay attention to their
friend while they are saying
something in the classroom. The
teacher has the right to say it since
the teacher as the guardian of
teaching and learning process. The at
sequence that the teacher says this
utterence clearly with high tone. The
key is considered as direct speech
act. The utterence is saying in oral
form and in high tone but no
emotion. The genre implies as


10 M-3/ 19/ Saya akan minta This condition happened in the

00.03.51 satu siswa untuk different class, it is happened in the
mengklarifikasi Social-Two class. The teacher is
kalimat opini meant to preview the all materials
berikut. since the first meeting on the first
semester in the second grade. The
first preview is about expression of
opinion material. The teacher
generate the students to remember
about the material on that day. A part
of the students has been lost their
mind about this material, so they
need to be explained once again. The
teacher explained it and then to
measure the student‟s remaind and
understanding on this material, the
teacher ask the students to clarify the
sentence that will be provided by the
teacher using expression of opinion.
The teacher will give the situation or
the problem first in English, then the
students will clarify it or respond this
problem with giving expression of

This utterence is uttered in the social-

two class at around 09.00 a.m. The
participants are the English teacher
to the all students, then they will be
pointed by the teacher to clarify
using expression of opinion. The end

is the English teacher will give some

situation and he requires one of the
students to give the expression of
opinion in accordance with the
situation given by the teacher. It has
purpose to remain them about the
material opinion. Thus, the teacher
order the students to make
clarification of this opinion. As
example, the teacher give situation
like this “your friends always come
late to the school, what do you think
of about this problem?” then the
students clarify using expression of
opinion like this “i think this is big
prolem!”. The teacher says this
utterence in softly and friendly. The
key is considered as direct speech.
The utterence says in oral form and
softly without hurting the students.
The genre is classroom teaching
learning process.

11 M-3/ 20/ “Saya baca The material is still continuosly, it is

00.09.35 kemudian anda expression of opinion. The teacher
dengar dan also still givig exercise to measure
jawab!” their memory about this material. In
this case, the teacher giving situation
based on the question in example of
final examination last year, then he
asked the students to choose the best
respond of the giving opinion start

from A-E. The situation on the

question is about asking opinion
about the movie in the movie theater.
The people who explained as A
asked to the people B about it, and
the question is how about the giving
opinion by the B‟s people according
to the asking opinion expression. The
teacher read the question from his
laptop then ask the students to listen
carefully about the sitaution, then
choose the best answer.

The settings are in the classroom at

around 09.15 a.m. The participants
are the English teacher to the all
students. The end is the teacher show
obligation to get the students for
listening him and answering the
question. The teacher wants the
students to listen carefully to the
question, and answer the question
correctly. The act sequence is serious
situation. The key is considered as
direct speech. The instrumentalist is
oral spoken. the norms which shows
in this utterence, the teacher speak
with a little force but soft and no
emotion. The genre is classroom
discourse analysis.

12 M-3/ 24/ “Tuliskan kalimat After giving previews about

00.18.39 conditional expression of opinion, then the

sentences berikut teacher continue to the conditional

!” sentences material. To measure the
student‟s understanding of this
material, the teacher ask to the all
students about types of conditional
sentences. Start from type I, II, and
last type III. A part of them, has
forgotten about the types and the
teacher must be explained anymore.
Then, the teacher ask to Yunus, one
of the students, to mention the types
of conditional sentences. He just
mentioned two kinds, and the last he
forgot it. To make a sure that Yunus
is really remember of types of
conditional sentences, then the
teacher ask him to write down the
example of conditional sentences
type I. Firstly, the teacher is giving
the sentences in Bahasa Indonesia
then, Yunus has to change the
sentences in conditional sentence
type I form in English. For doing this
command, Yunus was asked to come
forward and write it in the
whiteboard, so that the others
students will also read it.

This utterence takes place in the

classroom a around 10.00 a.m. The
participants are the English teacher
and Yunus. The end is the teacher
wants Yunus to write an example of

conitional sentence after he

mentioned the types of conditional
sentences. The teacher says the
utterence in Bahasa Indonesia then
the teacher asks Yunus to change it
into conditional sentence type I in
English form with the correct
formula of conditional sentence
which appropriate with the types.
The utterence is saying distinct and
higher tone. The key is considered as
direct speech. The utterence is saying
in oral form and in polite manner.
The genre is classroom teaching
learning process.

13 M-3/ 28/ “Yang keras The teacher is still previewing the

00.39.30 suaranya!” material. In this case, the teacher
previews about suggestion. The
teacher has given the situation to the
one of students in that class and ask
him to making expression of
suggestion based on that situation.
The students start to say what is on
his mind about giving expressing
suggestion, but he said it in low
voice so the teacher can not listen his
voice clearly. In a medium stressing,
the teacher asked to the students for
increasing his voice in order the
teacher can listen him clearly without
any missinterpretation.

The settings are in the classroom at

around 10.15 a.m. The participnats
are the English teacher and the
student who asked to give the
expression of suggestion. The end is
the English teacher asks the student
to give the suggestion based on his
given situation but the student say it
in low voice. Then, the teacher ask
him to increase his voice in order the
teacher can listen clearly. The act
sequence is spoken in medium tone
with a little stressing. The key is
considered as direct speech act. The
instrumentalist is oral form and the
norms are simply but distinctly. The
genre is classroom teaching and
larning process.

14 M-3/ 22/ “Berikan contoh The teacher is previewing about the

00.12.47 tentang ekspresi suggestions material. He gives the
suggestion.” example about expressions of giving
suggestion from different situation.
The teacher gives the situation first
then, he said the example of
expressing suggetion based on that
situation. For making sure that the
students has understood about the
suggestion material in understanding
the situation and expressing the
suggestion, the teacher start to ask
the students to give the example of

expressing suggestion. To measure

the students comprehension in giving
expression of suggestion, the teacher
asks the students to give the example
of expression of suggestion based on
the situation which is given by the
teacher. The situation come from the
teacher, and then the students give
the suggestion on it.

The settings are in the classroom at

around 10.00 a.m. The participants
are the English teacher and the
students. The end is the English
teacher order to the students for
giving an example of suggestion. The
teacher gives a situation first, then
the studens make a suggestion based
on it. The act sequence that this
utterence is spoken in friendly
condition and low tone. The key is
considered as direct speech act with
showing explicit message. The
utterence is spoken in oral form and
in good performance. The genre is
classroom teaching learning process.

Table 02. Table of Invitation
No Code Data Context

1 M-2/ 12/ “yang bisa The teacher says this

00.19.44 mengerjakan akan utterence in the sience-three
saya beri point class in the afternoon. On that
untuk materi time, the teacher explained
report text.” about report text material and
he provides some question
from the example of final
examination last year. By
saying this utterence, the
teacher is meant to invite the
students for answering the
question and as the reward of
the student‟s strugge in
answering the question, the
teacher gives additional point
for this material. This
additional point is used to add
the low score on result final
exam later. From this
uuterence, the students will
interesting to answer the
question by wish they can get
the additional point for their
final exam score later. The
students will think it will help
if they get a bad score on
final exam. Then, to fix it,
they can get additional score
from answering this question.

The settings are in the

classroom at around 11.45
a.m. The participants are the

English teacher and the

second grade students. The
end is the teacher gives
statement which implies as
invitation to the students for
adding the additional score if
they success in answering the
questions of report text
material correctly. This
uuterence is spoken in simply
with normal situation. The
key is showed as directive
speech act. This utterence is
performed in oral form and in
politely and friendly. The
genre is question and answer
session in classroom teaching
learning process.

Table 03. Table of Suggestion.
No Code Data Context

1 M-1/ 02/ “silahkan anda This situation happened in the

00.41.05 bertanya tentang sience-three class, the
yang belum material which is explained
diketahui ke about report text. On this
kelompok ini.” meeting, the teacher has
group discussion which is
combined with a game as the
method to teach the students.
In the previous meeting the

teacher has been devided the

group and explained the
rules. The rules are each
group must go forward as
presenter to present their
discussion about report text.
Each group has different text
and different questions so that
the audience can pay
attention to the presenter and
as reward the group that
answered correctly will get
additional point. In this
chance, the second group are
being a presenter who come
forward to present their
discussion about report text.
Then, as the presenter, its
surely that they are mastery
on that material. For getting
the best discussion, the
teacher gives a statement
which showing as suggestion
to the audiences that they can
ask anything about the
material or the text which do
not know yet to the presenter.
Then, as the master of that
material, the teacher feels
sure that the presenter will
give the best explanation to
the audiences who do not

know about the material.

The settings are in the

classroom at around 11.10
a.m. The participants are the
English teacher to the
students who are being the
audiences in this chance. The
end is the teacher leads the
students for asking about the
material in which not being
understood by the audiences
to the presenter. The act
sequence that the teacher says
in normal tone with a relax
condition. The key is
considered as direct speech
act. The instrumentalist
shows that the utterence is
utteredin oral form. The
norms that the teacher is
saying in polite manner, soft,
and with no force. The genre
is considered in the informal
courses in the classroom.

2 M-1/ 04/ “Anda bisa It is still continuosly on the

01.03.00 melihat paragraf presentation situation in
3.” which the second group as
the presenter. On that time,
the second group is
presenting the third question,
and they can not answered it.

Thus, the second group told

to the teacher that they did
not know about the answer.
Knowing this, the teacher
directly ask the second group
for looking up the third
paragraph. In this case, the
teacher has purpose to
generate the second group to
find out the answer in third
paragraph. It shows that the
teacher actually giving
suggestion to the second
group to find out the answer
in the third paragraph. As
simply, behind the utterence,
the teacher is meant to
suggest the second group by
implies the implicit message
inside this utterence.

This utterence takes place in

the classroom at around 11.35
a.m. The participants are the
English teacher and the
second group as the
presenter. The end is this
utterence carry out on
implicit message, the teacher
leads the second group to
look up the third paragraph,
means that the teacher wants
to help the second group to

find the out the answer of

number three by looking up
the third paragraph. The
teacher speaks this utterence
in simple and normal tone.
The key is considered as
direct speech act with adding
an implicit message inside.
The utterence is performed in
oral form and saying in
friendly manner. The genre is
considered as informal
discussion of the classroom.

3 M-2/ 14/ “Saya kasih waktu After finishing the

00.20.41 dua menit untuk presentation session, then the
membaca teks nya teacher provide some
terlebih dahulu.” example of questions report
text from final examination
last year. This questions will
give to the students, and they
are asked to answer it one by
one. Since it is related to
learn the text, the reader must
read the text first in sceaming
or scanning then they can get
the best answer. For making
it success, the teacher gives
chance to the students to read
the text first about two
minutes. In each text, it
provides 4-5 questions. Thus,

one text can be used to

answer about 4-5 questions. It
means that the teacher
stressing to give a suggestion,
that for answering the reading
test type, they must read the
text first. If they read the test
first, the questions will be
answered easily.

This utterence is happening in

the classroom at around
afternoon. The participants
are the English teacher to the
all students. The end is the
English teacher gives a
chance to read the text firstly
about two minutes which
purposed to make the
students easy to answer the
questions. The teacher
implies the implicit message
that he gives suggestion to
the students to read before
answer the questions. The act
sequence that the teacher say
it in low tones. The key is
considered as indirect speech
which carry out implicit
message. This utterence has
instrumentalist as oral spoken
and the norms in force
condition but has no purpose

to hurt the student‟s feeling.

The genre is classroom
teaching learning process.

4 M-3/ 21/ “Jangan lupa, After giving the explanation

00.11.41 karena materi about expression of opinion
opini akan ada and make sure that all
sejumlah 3 soal.” students has been understood
about the material by giving
some examples to be done,
the teacher continue by
saying such utterence. This
utterence suggest also warn to
the students, to learn about
the kind of expression of
opinion since these materials
will be performed in the
following final examination.
With making a statement that
expression of opinion which
also implies in implicit
message inside that the
students must learn about the
expressions of opinion, the
teacher is sure to the students
that they will learn about it to
reach the best score in final

The utterence takes place in

the classroom at around
afternoon time. The
participants are the English

teacher to the all students.

The end of this utterence to
remind the students that the
material of “opinion” will be
performed in the following
final exam. In implicit
message, the teacher gives
suggestion to the students to
learn about expression of
opinion since these materials
will be there on final exam
questions, it has purposed in
order they can answer it and
achieve the good score. The
act sequence is in relax
situation. The key is
consireded as indirect speech.
This utterence is spoken in
oral form and friendly
manner. The genre is formal
classroom discourse.

5 M-3/ 27/ “Coba perhatikan The teacher was explaining

00.34.00 nanti jika ada about the conditional
kalimat blaa.. sentences material start from
blaa.. blaa... definition, types and the
kemudian diikuti formula. The teacher asked to
“will” maka itu each students about these
sudah pasti type materials and he asked them
I.” to remember about these
materials. In understanding
the formula of each types

conditional sentences, the

students has a hardness.
Then, the teacher gives some
an easy ways to answer the
questions about conditional
sentences. According to each
types, conditional sentences
also has a different ways in
answering each types. For
example, the teacher is giving
an easy way to answer
conditional sentence type I.
The teacher gives a key term
to the students about
conditional sentence type I
that it must adding “will”.
Since it is according to
formula, type I is started with
simple present tense then
followed by simple future
tense. In future tense, the
conditional sentence must be
added “will”. It implies that
the teacher gives suggestion
to the students, that if they a
sentence which is followed
“will” it should be a
conditional sentences type I.
It has purpose to help the
students answer the
conditional sentence question

The settings are in the

morning and in classroom.
The participants are the
English teacher and the all
students. The end is English
teacher remain the students
about respective of
conditional sentence types. If
they meet “will” it is included
in conditional sentence type I,
therefore the answer is
conditional sentence type I or
using verb one. The implicit
message is that the teacher
suggest to the students to
identify and memorieze the
formula before they are asked
to recognize the
characteristics of conditional
sentence types. The act
sequence that this utterence is
spoken in flat tone and
tactful. The key is considered
as indirect speech with
implicit message. This
uuterence is spoken in oral
form and in tactful way. The
genre is classroom teaching
learning process.

Table 03. Table of warning

No Code Data Context

1 M-3/ 25/ “Ingat, type I Between the teacher and the

00.24.05 selalu pakai “will” students are discussing about
!” the characteristics of
conditional sentence types. In
previously, the teacher asked
Yunus to come forward and
write down the conditional
sentences type I according to
the situation which is given
by the teacher. Yunus listen
carefully the teacher‟s
statement about the situation,
then Yunus write it into
conditional sentence type I in
English form. Yunus write it
based on what the teacher did
say precisely. After Yunus
finished it, Yunus came back
into his desk and the teacher
correct it. The teacher find
that Yunus left “will” on his
conditional sentence, after
this the teacher giving this
statements. Since, it is
discussed about the structure,
so the learner must be
folowed the rules and must be
done like the formula. Thus,
if they left one of the
formulas, it will give the best

impact for the answer. As

consequence, they perhaps
get bad score from it.

This utterence has setting in

the morning and in the
classroom. The participants
are the English teacher and
Yunus in firstly, then the
English teacher say it to the
all students. The end is the
English teacher was
explaining about cnditional in
all types. One of these types
is conditional sentence type I,
when the student write the
example of this type but he
forgot to put „will‟ in his
example, thus, the teacher
warn him to put „will‟ in the
conditional sentence type I, in
order the students can write
the correct types of
conditional sentence based on
its formula. As warning, this
utterence is spoken in higher
tone and distinctly and
considered as direct speech
act to the students. The
instrumentalist is oral form
with polite condition. The
genre is teaching and learning

process in the classroom.

2 M-3/ 26/ “Tidak boleh dari The teacher has finished in

00.26.40 kalian yang tidak explaining or previewing the
tau tentang materi all material which will be
ini.” performed on final
examination. Then, the
teacher is stressing to the
students for studying hard
about the all materials. They
are not allowed to failed in
undertsandig this material. It
is why the teacher makes this
statement to warn his students
to mastery all materials which
will be performed on final
examination in order they can
achieve the best score.

This utterence takes place in

the classroom and in the
morning. The participants are
the English teacher and the
second grade students of class
social 2. The end is the
English teacher tells the
students to study hard about
all material which will be
performed in the final exam.
The English teacher gives
warning to the students to
master that material. If they
do not master the material,

they will get a bad score in

the following exam. This
utterence is transferred in
serious, high tone and distinct
way. The key is considered as
direct speech act. This
utterence is spoken in oral
form and in polite manner.
The genre is classroom

Table 05. Table of Request
No Code Data Context

1 M-2/ 06/ “Silahkan The teacher makes a group

00.06.29 kelompok 2 presentation on this meeting.
menunjuk In each group has a chance to
kelompok lain come forward to be presenter,
untuk menjawab” explain thereport text and
choose the other group to
answer the question inside the
report text. In this chance, the
second group come forward
to be the presenter and start to
explain their text. They
explained the text one
paragraph to another
paragraph to the audience,
then after finished it, they
start to read the questions.

Each text has provided 5

questions inside, and each
questions will be shared to
the audience (other group) as
return. For this, the teacher
request to the second group
for starting choose the group
who will be the answerer for
the questions. In this case, the
second group can choose the
first group, the third group,
and so on. The teacher does
it to the students based on the
rules. In implicitely, the
teacher request to the students
to obey the rules which has
been approved together.
Thus, the teacher made this
utterence to point it.

The settings are in the

classroom at afternoon time.
The participants are the
English teacher to the second
group as presenter in
classroom discussion. The
end is the teacher gives
direction to the second group
as presenter to point up the
other group as the answerer
the questions. The teacher say
it in simply and low tone, the
topic is about report text

presentation. The key is

direct speech act. This
utterence is spoken in oral
form with the norm in a good
performance. The genre is
indoor conversation.

2 M-2/ 07/ “Agak cepat aja” It is still continuosly

00.06.38 presentation session with the
second group as the
presenter. In this case, the
second group has been read
the third questions, but when
they read the questions, they
waste the time too much.
Meanwhile, after the second
group, it is still there another
group to present their
discussion. Then, the teacher
request to the second group to
accelerate their time in
presenting their discussion in
front of the class. The teacher
made this utterence in hope
that the second group can
accelerate their time in order
this meeting will enough to
be used to finished the

The settings are in the

classroom at the afternoon
time. The participants are the

English teacher and the seond

group. The end is the English
teacher requests the second
group to accelerate their time
in order to not waste the time
too much in presenting the
discussion. The act sequence
shows that this utterence is
spoken in a wishful thinking
and it included in direct
speech act. The
instrumentalist is oral spoken
with the medium tone but no
intended as emotion. The
genre is considered as
conversation between the
English teacher and the
presenter of the group.

3 M-2/ 15/ “Tolong, saya After finished classroom

00.21.05 minta agar presentation, the teacher
pertanyaannya di provided some questions to
baca dulu.” be answered. This chance is
used by the teacher to
measure the student‟s
comprehension in
understanding a report text.
The teacher asks the students
to answer the questions one
by one, it is same that each
text provided 5 questions.
Then, to make a sure that the

students can give the best

answer, the teacher requests
to the students to read the
questions first. It is done by
the teacher, since by reading
the questions, the students
getting the best understanding
in it, so it is probably for the
students getting the best

This utterence takes place in

the classroom at around 11.45
a.m. The participants are the
English teacher to the all
students. The end is the
teacher asks the students to
read the questions first by
doing the scheaming reading.
It will help the students to get
the best answer of the
questions. The act sequence
that the utterence is spoken in
low tone which intended
friendly and simply. The key
is direct speech with an
exactly purpose. This
utterence is spoken in oral
form and there is no force
inside. Although, there is
stressing inside the utterence,
but the teacher has no right to
force the students. The genre

is teaching and learning in the


4 M-2/ 16/ “Yang belum It is still continuosly in

00.32.45 mengacungkan question-answer session in
jarinya silahkan getting an additional point for
mengacungkan final examination in report
jarinya.” text material. Before the
students answer the
questions, the teacher asked
the students for rising their
hand first. The students has
rised their hand and answered
the questions. For a long
time, there is no students
which answered the
questions, then the teacher
said this utterence. It is
pointing to the students who
do not rise their hand yet. The
teacher requests to the
students who do not rise their
hand yet to rise their hand
and start to answer the
questions. It has purposed in
order they can also get the
score like their friends who
has rised their hand, the
teacher hopefully for this.

This utterence is uttered in

the classroom at around 11.50
a.m. The participants are the

English teacher to the all

students especially the
students who do not rise their
hand yet. The end is the
english teacher request to the
stdents who do not rise their
hand yet to answer the
questions by rising their
hand. Meanwhile, the teacher
does not has the right to force
them to rise their hand, it
depends on the student‟s
interest to increase their
score. This utterence is
spoken in low tone and
intended as direct speech.
The instrumentalist is oral
form. The norms that the
utterence is spoken in
friendly and politely and the
genre is classroom teaching
learning process.

5 M-3/ 18/ “Tolong The teacher is previewing the

00.02.37 Dipelajari.” last material since the
materials will be performed
on the final examinations.
The teacher thinks that it
must to do in order the
students can reach the good
score in final exam. The
teacher previews the

materials one by one start

from giving opinion material,
giving suggestion material,
conditional sentence and so
on, but in that day, the
teacher previews about three
materials. They are giving
opinion, giving suggestion,
and conditional sentence in
three kinds. For reaching the
good score, the teacher
request to the students to
learn the all materials and
mastery it. The teacher has no
right to force the students, it
also depends on the students‟
interest on it.

This utterence has a setting in

the classroom at around 9.50
a.m. The participants are the
English teacher to the all
students. The end is the
English teacher spoken the
utterence in order to get the
students to learn all materials
that will be performed in final
examination in next
following. The English
teacher has purpose to remain
the students so that they can
achieve the best score after
studied all materials which

have been given before. The

act sequence is serious
situation. The key is direct
speech act and this utterence
spoken in oral form. The
norm is the teacher saying the
utterence in polite manner
and the genre is classroom

6 M-3/ 23/ “Coba sebutkan The teacher explain abou

00.17.36 type-type conditional sentence material.
conditional They explain about the
sentence mas” definition, the kinds, the
formula in each, and the
example in each types. The
teacher explained it to
generate the students‟
memories about the
components of conditional
sentence. In measuring the
students‟ understanding of
conditional sentence, the
teacher ask one student as
volunteer. The student is
Yunus. The teacher request
Yunus to mention the types
of conditional sentences and
the formula in each after he
listened to the teacher‟

The settings are at around 10


a.m. in the classroom. The

participants are the English
teacher and Yunus. The end
is the teacher wants Yunus to
mention the types of
conditional sentence and the
teacher wants to generate the
students‟ brain by requesting
Yunus as volunteer to
mention types of conditional
sentence. The act sequence
that this utterence is spoken
in simply with low tones. The
key is considered as direct
speech act. The
instrumentalist is oral form
and the norm is in friednly
condition. The genre is
classroom teaching learning

7 M-3/ 29/ “Mas, tolong The material which is

00.55.24 tuliskan contoh explained still conditional
conditional sentence. In this case, the
sentence present teacher only focus to explain
perfect tense di about conditional sentence
papan tulis” type III, it is conditional
sentence present perfect tense
form. Firstly, the teacher asks
about the formula to the
students, then he gives
example of its formula. It

must to do, in order the

students uderstand and
remember about the formula.
To measure that the students
understand about the types,
definition, formula, and the
example, the teacher asks one
of the students to come
forward and change the
sentence into conditional
sentence form. The teacher
give the example in Bahasa
Indonesia firstly, then he asks
students to change it in
English form of conditional
sentence which is according
to the formula. For doing this,
he asks Rafiq as volunteer to
come forward and change the
sentence. Rafiq come forward
and write down the Bahasa
Indonesia sentence first, then
he changes it into English

The settings are in the

morning and in the
classroom. The participants
are the English teacher, all
students, and then only Rafiq.
The end is the teacher order
Rafiq to write the example of
conditional sentence present

perfect tense type. The act

sequence that then utterence
is spoken in weak tone and
friendly. The key is
considered as direct speech.
The instrumentalist is oral
spoken and this utterence
saying in politely with
addition “tolong” means
“please”. The genre is
classroom teaching learning

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