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Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa: “Skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan Tim Penguji
adalah hasil karya saya sendiri dan bukan hasil ciptaan orang lain atau
dibuatkan oleh siapapun”.
Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dan saya bersedia menerima sanksi apabila
pernyataan ini tidak benar.
Makassar, 2018
1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai selesai penyusunan skripsi ini, saya akan
menyusun sendiri skripsi saya (tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun).
2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan
pembimbing yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemimpin fakultas.
3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (Plagiat) dalam penyusunan skripsi.
4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian seperti pada butir 1, 2, dan 3, saya bersedia
menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.
Makassar, 2018
mercy and strength so that I could finish this thesis. Secondly, peace and salutation
always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has given us specimen to be
pious Moslem.
guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution, and I
1. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, SE, MM, the Rector of the Makassar
Muhammadiyah University.
2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, the dean of training and education faculty,
3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd the head of English education department,
4. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D and Maharida S.Pd., M.Pd as consultant who has
educated, supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion and
recommendation for this thesis from beginning until the end. Thanks for your
Rahma, S.Pd as the English teacher of SMA N 11 Enrekang who have give a
finance, love, trust, advice, and everlasting praying. Allah always blesses you.
8. My classmate JETS who always give greats support and motivation to each
9. Many people who have help the writer that I can’t mention one by one,
thanks all.
Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect,
therefore, the researcher will happily accept constructive criticism in order to make it
better. The researcher hopes that this thesis would be helpful and beneficial to
everyone. Amen
The Researcher
MOTTO ......................................................................................................... ix
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. x
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ xi
A. Background ......................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Statement .............................................................................. 3
1. Speaking ........................................................................................ 7
a. Grammar ................................................................................. 9
b. Vocabulary .............................................................................. 9
c. Pronunciation .......................................................................... 10
d. Fluency .................................................................................... 11
A. Findings ............................................................................................... 35
B. Discussion ........................................................................................... 45
A. Conclusions ......................................................................................... 49
B. Suggestions ......................................................................................... 50
REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 51
Appendix 8 : Documentation
A. Background
Many people used English as a media of communication and it makes people come
formal education. English becomes one of the compulsory subjects from junior high
In learning English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they are
listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, the researcher concerns about
speaking skill. In Webster new world dictionary, speaking I utter word orally, talk, to
key to communicate which includes expressing ideas, purpose, and persuade to other
fluency, and comprehension. Anyone who study English must be skillful at those
components so there will be no any misunderstanding between the speakers and the
Speaking is a basic skill that should be mastered by student. But the fact
speaking skill has some components that students must be skillful at all gives students
difficulty to speak English caused some factors such as: lack self confidence, lack
vocabulary, they difficult to pronounce the words and they have not interest to learn
English, they feel afraid to making mistakes, nervous, and shy to express their ideas.
knowledge and communicative skill. There are many way to teaching speaking for
example through the game, pictures, dialogues, drama role play, song, movie, etc.
The researcher chose describing pictures model to improve the speaking ability
because pictures is real object, It is not difficult to find. Pictures can use to stimulus
the student to more active, and pictures helpful for teaching activity especially in
activity is train to students’ imagination and retell story in speaking English. Munadi
in Jaya Nur Iman (2016) says that pictures make it easy for people to catch ideas or
information conveyed in them clearly, more than if merely expressed verbally. When
the students observe pictures, they are able to speak more and build new ideas.
B. Problem Statement
Negeri 11 Enrekang ?
Negeri 11 Enrekang ?
C. Objective of The Research
The researcher hopes that the results of this study can be used by the researcher,
teacher, students, educational institution, and next researcher for the following
As an additional reference that may be useful for the teacher that good
The scope of research was focused on the improving students’ speaking ability
Negeri 11 Enrekang.
There are three previous researches related to this study. The first is by Yusron
Al Masykuri (2014) student of faculty languages and arts. In his thesis “Efforts to
Using Pictures”. He said that using pictures as a media can dramatically increase the
amount of talking for individual student while he practices his speaking ability. It also
gives them an opportunity to speak about something they know well, instead of
describing something that is new for them - thus building confidence in their own
speaking ability.
The second is by Inta Aulia Asfa (2010). In her thesis “The Effectiveness of
because with describing picture the students will be easier to express their ideas. With
the describing picture, they can reflect on image, when they see. So if they can
express their ideas of course they will speak and teacher can know the purpose of
student’s mean.
The third is by Andrea Alexandra De La Cruz Del Pezo (2015). In his thesis
that picture description provides a great strategy where students not only promote
their ability of speaking in English at the moment they describe the pictures, they also
increase their imagination, thinking and acquiring information about things that they
Those are some findings about the use of describing pictures in improving
students’ speaking ability. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the
describing pictures is a good models to the students. The difference of this research
from the previous findings is this researcher more focus to improve students’
speaking ability in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary, unlike the previous three
studies where the first thesis focus on pictures to effort the students’, the second
thesis focused on descriptive test and the last thesis focused on pictures description.
and procedures that used in describing pictures, the advantages of using pictures
in teaching speaking.
1. Speaking
take it for granted. The average person produces tens of thousands of words
how they once struggled to achieve this ability-until, that is, they have to
skill that can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are
production test.
language, tempo, pauses, voice quality changes, and pitch variation which
to entertain.
2. Elements of Speaking
Speaking skill can be described as the ability of a person to express his /her
ideas and feeling in spoken language. Speaking has several components. The
has many tenses which are not found in Indonesian grammar. So, in
speaking one should master and know exactly grammar if they want
b. Vocabulary
function words and more frequently used vocabulary items, which are
needed to give practice structures and sound of the language. At the
situation as possible.
they will find new words. In addition, the new words can be looked
speaking English
c. Pronunciation
sound and the production of sound. Therefore, the learners must know
difficult to understand.
d. Fluency
or understood.
3. Skill of Speaking
oral communication which focus on both the form of language and the
allophonic variants.
elliptical forms.
happens under real time processing constraints. It means that they will be
able to use words and phrases fluently without very much conscious thought.
5. Teaching Speaking
Commercial language schools around the world hire people with no training
to teach conversation. Although speaking is totally natural, speaking in a
authentic topics.
3. Start with very small activity and then work your way up.
Average person who want learn English language, most certainly they
have same reason. It is can speak English. So, they learn English language to
try speaking English. Usually, failure of learn speaking cause bore situation in
the class, unattractive, less fun and silent in the class. There are many models
It is better for meeting with the teacher in the class twice a day.
study club. Main class is meeting with the teacher, that the teacher
speaking with the senior. Activities in the study club are not
material learning.
The function is to bore disappear in the class. They can share about
their daily activities. So, the students feel the conversation more
c. Discussion group
more clearly.
d. Describing picture
class. Every student gets one picture and must describe it. The
and as the title of this research, the researcher chooses the last
There are several methods in teaching learning process. Picture is one of the
ways to explain a real situation. In Webster new world dictionary, describe is say
learning speaking English. In this activity, the students must describe pictures in
front of class. The purpose of this activity is to train students’ imagination and
retell story in speaking English. This strategy is to make students easier describe
Pictures are one of the visual aids that can be used in teaching speaking. It
makes something more interesting for the students. It also can be used in creating
situation for speaking classes more clearly. Picture as aids are clearly in
dispensable for language teacher since they can be used in so many ways. The
1. Types of Pictures
large wall pictures, cue card, photographs or illustration and projected slide.
a. Flashcard
It is a big enough for everyone to see detail. Some time teacher use
c. Cue card
Teachers put students in pair or group and give some cue card so
that a student picks up the top cue card in pile he or she has to say
d. Photograph or illustration
e. Projected slide
In the multimedia class, the teachers also use it. Sometime the
a. Preparations
b. Procedures
2. Give each pair two different pictures. Tell them not look at
3. The Advantages of Using Pictures in Teaching Speaking
play fullness to the students because pictures are interesting. The provide
variety of fun and games, furthermore, it also means that use of pictures
may offer parallel opportunities both for teachers- students and students
Gerlach and Elly in Rizky Fauziah (2016) state the benefit of using
pictures as follow:
newspaper, etc.
Pictures are all right for beginner and for young learner. There
they are:
the students.
D. Conceptual Framework
teaching speaking more crucial that the other skills because it has some
speak English caused some factors such as: lack self confidence, lack vocabulary,
they difficult to pronounce the words and they have not interest to learn English,
they feel afraid to making mistakes, nervous, and shy to express their ideas.
describing picture in the speaking class. This model choose because pictures can
used to stimulus the student to more active, and pictures helpful for teaching
ideas in English.
Based on the reason that speaking was one skill that has to be mastered by
students, the teacher needs to found out the models to improve students speaking
skill. One of the models is by using describing pictures. The used of pictures
provides many advantages to support active learning in the classroom and it can
The researcher used Classroom Action Research (CAR) that has four
phases. They are planning, action, observation, and reflection. In the last phases
of cycle I, the method unsuccessful, the research continue to cycle II that same
phases of cycle I
ability at SMA Negeri 1 Masalle, it can motivate and encourages the students to
practice speaking English. It made them easy to express their ideas, and opinion.
Describing Pictures
Cycle I Cycle II
Planning Planning
Action Action
Observation Observation
Reflection Reflection
pronunciation vocabulary
A. Research Design
Yusron (2014) Classroom Action Research is a form of self reflection that conducted
The process in CAR can be shown in the scheme by Kemis and Mc Tagart in
The subject of research was involved the researcher, English teacher, and the
The research consisted of II cycles namely cycle I and cycle II. The first cycle
was done in four meetings. Four meetings used to the learning process and once
meeting the test of cycle I. Cycle II consisted four meetings. Four meetings used to
Cycle I
a. Planning
In this plan, the researcher prepared the lesson plans, the material
taught to students about describing pictures for first meetings until the
b. Action
learning process.
c. Observation
process such as the students’ respond the material, and the students’ active
in doing task.
d. Reflection
observer, and the done reflect herself about the success of action research.
The first cycle was unsuccessful and the teacher continued to the second
Cycle II
a. Re - Planning
describing pictures for first meetings until the fourth meetings, and the
b. Action
In this stage, the researcher applied the lesson plan, the research
image), the researcher gave pictures to students and ask to explain that.
Lesson plan and material were used as media in teaching learning process.
The teacher gave a material about vocabulary that related about the which
their learned every meeting. The students practiced speak in front of class
c. Observation
continued of the first cycle. The teacher gave evaluation to the students to
d. Reflection
Reflection was done to see the whole second cycle action process.
The result of the observation and evaluation analyzed by observer, and the
pictures model.
D. Research Instrument
To get the data, there are two kinds of instruments used to collect the data
a. Observation sheet
b. Speaking test
was pictures gave to the students and ask to students to describe the
In collecting the data, the researcher used two instruments; they were
a. Observation Sheet
process in the class to found out the students’ data about their activities and
b. Speaking Test
b. After the students got the picture, the researcher asks to them to
speaking below:
of using vocabulary
of using vocabulary
using vocabulary
using vocabulary
vocabulary or no communication
of using pronunciation
using pronunciation
using pronunciation
pronunciation or no communication.
The data of this research was qualitative. The research collected the
pronunciation and vocabulary from the research members. The qualitative data were
X : Mean Score
2. After collecting the data of students, we could classify the score of the
students. We could classify the score of the students into the following
a. 86 – 100 as excellent
b. 76 – 85 as very good
c. 66 – 75 as good
d. 56 – 65 as fair
e. 36 – 55 as poor
f. 0 – 35 as very poor
P= × 100%
Note: P : Percentage
F : Frequency
P= x 100
Notation :
P : Percentage
Fq : Frequency
N : Total Sample
P= x 100
P : Percentage
students’ progress and participation during the teaching learning process. The
The finding of the research deals with the answer of the problem statement
which aims to find out the improvement of the students in speaking ability. The result
of data analysis found that teaching speaking ability through describing pictures
model can improve the students’ speaking ability in terms of pronunciation and
vocabulary at the eleventh grade of senior high school 11 Enrekang. Therefore, for
clear explanation about the students’ improvement can be seen in the following table.
score found in d-test, cycle I, cycle II. It is more clearly showed in the
accuracy. The students’ mean score in d-test was 51.52 classified into poor
score, the students’ mean score in cycle I was 62.90 classified into fair,
and the students’ mean score in cycle II was 77.69 classified into very
ability from d-test to cycle I and cycle II. From d-test to cycle I the
improved was 14.79 % and from d-test to cycle II improved until 26.16%.
terms of accuracy:
The students’ mean score in D-Test was 51.53 (poor), the students’ mean
score in cycle I was 63.29 (fair) and the students’ mean score in cycle II was
77.64 (very good). So, the improvement of the students’ content between D-
Test to cycle I was 11,59% and improvement from cycle I to cycle II was
14.73% and improvement of the students’ from d-test to cycle II was 26.32%.
Based on the result of analysis above, it can be conclude that the students’
score of cycle I and cycle II was higher than d-test . It is mean that, there was
15.00% language use
10.00% (accuracy )
d test - C CI -CII d test -
Table 4.3 shows that in the d-test, there were 28 students (82.35%)
classified into poor score, 3 students (8.82%) classified into fair score, and 3
students (8.82%) classified into good score. Whereas, none of the students
accuracy in the cycle I and cycle II. In cycle I, none students (00.00%)
(2.94%) classified very good and none students (00.00%) classified excellent.
In the cycle II, none students (00.00%) classified into very poor score, none
students (67.64%) classified into very good score and 1 students (2.94%)
classified into excellent score. The data was also shows in chart below.
70 excellent
60 very good
50 good
40 fair
30 poor
20 very poor
d test cycle I cycle II
Table 4.4 shows that in the d-test, there were 18 students (52.94%)
classified into poor score, 15 students (44.11%) classified into fair score, and
1 students (2,94%) classified into good score. Whereas, none of the students
pronunciation in the cycle I and cycle II. In cycle I, none students (00.00%)
(2.94%) classified very good and none students (00.00%) classified excellent.
In the cycle II, none students (00.00%) classified into very poor score, none
students (61.76%) classified into very good score and 1 students (2.94%)
classified into excellent score. The data was also shows in chart below:
very good
30 fair
very poor
d test cycle I cycle II
The following table and chart show the percentage of students’ improvement
Table 4.5 shows that in the d-test, there were none students (00.00%)
classified into very poor score, score 27 students (79.41%) classified into
poor score, 4 students (411.76%) classified into fair score, and 3 students
(8.82%) classified into good score. Whereas, none of the students (00.00%)
pronunciation in the cycle I and cycle II. In cycle I, none students (00.00%)
classified very good and none students (00.00%) classified excellent. In the
cycle II, none students (00.00%) classified into very poor score, none students
(00.00%) classified into poor score, none students (00.00%) classified into
classified into very good score and 1 students (2.94%) classified into excellent
50 excellent
very good
30 fair
very poor
d test cycle I cycle II
The following table and chart showed the observation result of the
Students’ Participation
improved. At the first meeting in the cycle I the students’ participation was
50%, whereas in the last meeting at the cycle II the students’ participation was
60% 1
30% 3
20% 4
cycle I cycle II
a. Pronunciation
Harris in jaya nur iman (2016) states that speaking is a complex skill
often develop at different rates. He adds that there are five components of
features vowels and consonants and the stress and intonation patterns.
I and cycle II. In cycle I, none students classified into very poor score, 4
students classified into poor score, 22 students classified into fair score, 7
students classified into good score, 1 students classified into very good
and none students classified into excellent. In cycle II, none students
classified into very poor score, none students classified into poor score,
none students classified into fair score, 12 students classified into good,
The implementation of describing pictures model in the eleventh grade
students’ mean score of pronunciation viewed from its content from d- test
pronunciation were:
Cycle I
Cycle II
speaking ability.
b. Vocabulary
and cycle II. In cycle I, none students classified into very poor score, 4
students classified into poor score, 17 students classified into fair score, 12
students classified into good score, 1 students classified into very good
and none students classified into excellent. In cycle II, none students
classified into very poor score, none students classified into poor score,
none students classified into fair score, 12 students classified into good, 21
students classified into very good and 1 students classified into excellent.
students’ mean score of vocabulary viewed from its content from d- test
pronunciation were:
Cycle I
Cycle II
speaking ability.
describing picture was improved. This model was very useful to give
contribution in teaching speaking. The teacher was not difficult to found the
pictures and the students brave to speak and were not shy any more. In
This chapter was divided into two sections. They are conclusions and
Based on the research findings and discussion in the previous chapter after
can be seen from the students’ mean score of pronunciation test result
be seen from the students’ mean score of vocabulary test result viewed
from its content from d- test (51.08) ≤ cycle I (63.29) ≤cycle (77.73).
cycle I
speak confidently.
improving it.
3. To improve the students’ vocabulary, there are many cases which must
vocabulary. So, for the next researcher, they can take the other model
and vocabulary.
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Practice Technique (A Classroom Action Research at The Eight Grade Of Smp N 1
Mangarabomban. Makassar: Makassar Muhammadiyah University.
Mansyur. (2011). Improving The Students' Speaking Ability Through Pair Work
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Muhammadiyah Universty Makassar.
Shohib. (2012, Januari Selasa). Google. Retrieved Mei Jumat, 2017, From
Kelas / Semester : XI / 1
Skill : Speaking
Standar kompetensi :
8. memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat
sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat
10. mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek
sangat sedarhana berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat.
Kompetensi dasar :
8.2 merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog sangat sederhana secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
dalam teks berbentuk descriptive text.
Pertemuan 1
1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks monolog lisan pendek
berbentuk descriptive.
Pertemuan 2
2. Mengindentifikasi bagian bagian dari teks descriptive
Pertemuan 3
Pertemuan 4
Tujuan pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1
Materi ajar
Media / peralatan :
Lesson material
Kegiatan pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1
a. Kegiatan pembuka
Salam / menyapa siswa
Mempersiapkan kelas
Mengecek kehadiran siswa
Memyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
b. Kegiatan inti
Guru menjelaskan materi terkait descriptive text ( describing pictutes)
Guru memberikan contoh descriptive text
Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi
terkait descriptive text
Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk mengindentifikasi teks
descriptive ( exercise 1 )
c. Kegiatan penutup
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar
Membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan materi pembelajaran
Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa
Memberikan tugas rumah (PR)
Pertemuan 2
a. Kegiatan pembuka
Salam / menyapa siswa
Mempersiapkan kelas
Mengecek kehadiran siswa
Memyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
b. Kegiatan inti
Guru memberikan contoh descriptive text
Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi
terkait descriptive text
Guru menjelaskan bagian bagian teks descriptive.
Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk mengindentifikasi teks
descriptive ( exercise 1 )
c. Kegiatan penutup
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar
Membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan materi pembelajaran
Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa
Memberikan tugas rumah (PR)
Pertemuan 3
a. Kegiatan pembuka
Salam / menyapa siswa
Mempersiapkan kelas
Mengecek kehadiran siswa
Memyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
b. Kegiatan inti
Guru bertanya kepada siswa terkait materi minggu lalu
Guru menjelaskan ciri ciri kebahasaan dalam teks descriptive dalam
bentuk simple present.
Guru menyuruh siswa membuat contoh simple present tense. (
Exercise 1 )
Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk mendeskripsikan gambar.
( exercise 2 )
c. Kegiatan penutup
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar
Membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan materi pembelajaran
Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa
Memberikan tugas rumah (PR)
Pertemuan 4
a. Kegiatan pembuka
Salam / menyapa siswa
Mempersiapkan kelas
Mengecek kehadiran siswa
Memyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
b. Kegiatan inti
Guru bertanya kepada siswa terkait materi minggu lalu
Guru menerangkan berbagai kosa kata yang digunakan dalam
describing pictures
Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mendeskripsikan
gambar exercise 1
c. Kegiatan penutup
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar
Membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan materi pembelajaran
Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa
Memberikan tugas rumah (PR)
Sumber pembelajaran
Papan tulis
Teknik :
Aspect Score Description
vocabulary, 100 Correct and appropriate
pronunciation . 80 Sometimes not correct enough but not
influence the meaning
70 Not correct enough and influence the
<60 Incorrect
Bentuk :
Instrument : angket ptk
Makassar,….,… 2017
First meeting
Lesson material
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is
and reveal a particular peron, place, or thing.
Mr. Danu
.list vocabulary
Farmer diligent
Tall smart
Handsome honest
Round good
Strong pointed
Students worksheet
My Diva
Agnes Monica is a famous pop singer. Most people in Indonesia know her.
She certainly looks like an angel. She is tall, slim and beautiful. Her hair is brown.
She always wears fashionable clothes. Her personality is a good as her a voice. She
is confident. She is also generous. She gives a lot of money to charity. Her hobby is
unique. She keeps a dog as a pet. She does not like cooking.
List vocabulary
Singer good
Tall generous
Slim fashionable
Beautiful charity
Third meeting
Ciri kebahasaan Descriptive Text :
Positive statement
Subject Be Adjective
He Is Good
She Is Clever
They Are Kind
Negative statement
Students worksheet
Exercise 1
Buatlah 5 kalimat dengan mengunakan simple present tense
Exercise 2 ( homework)
Describe about yourself.
Fourth meeting
Mengajarkan vocabulary terkait dengan gambar for example:
Describing People
Kelas / Semester : XI / 1
Skill : Speaking
Standar kompetensi :
8. memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat
sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat
10. mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek
sangat sedarhana berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat.
Kompetensi dasar :
8.2 merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog sangat sederhana secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
dalam teks berbentuk descriptive text.
Pertemuan 6
Pertemuan 8
Tujuan pembelajaran
Pertemuan 6
Materi ajar
Ciri kebahasaan
menggunakan simple present tense.
Particular noun
Media / peralatan :
Lesson material
Kegiatan pembelajaran
Pertemuan 6
d. Kegiatan pembuka
Salam / menyapa siswa
Mempersiapkan kelas
Mengecek kehadiran siswa
Memyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
e. Kegiatan inti
Guru menjelaskan materi terkait descriptive text ( describing pictutes)
Guru memberikan contoh descriptive text
Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan materi
terkait descriptive text
Guru menjelaskan fungsi dan karakteristik teks descriptive.
Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk mengindentifikasi teks
descriptive ( exercise 1 )
f. Kegiatan penutup
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar
Membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan materi pembelajaran
Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa
Memberikan tugas rumah (PR)
Pertemuan 7
d. Kegiatan pembuka
Salam / menyapa siswa
Mempersiapkan kelas
Mengecek kehadiran siswa
Memyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
e. Kegiatan inti
Guru bertanya kepada siswa terkait materi minggu lalu
Guru menjelaskan ciri ciri kebahasaan dalam teks descriptive dalam
bentuk simple present.
Guru menyuruh siswa membuat contoh simple present tense. (
Exercise 1 )
Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk mendeskripsikan gambar.
( exercise 2 )
f. Kegiatan penutup
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar
Membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan materi pembelajaran
Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa
Memberikan tugas rumah (PR)
Pertemuan 8
d. Kegiatan pembuka
Salam / menyapa siswa
Mempersiapkan kelas
Mengecek kehadiran siswa
Memyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
e. Kegiatan inti
Guru bertanya kepada siswa terkait materi minggu lalu
Guru menerangkan berbagai kosa kata yang digunakan dalam
describing pictures
Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mendeskripsikan
gambar exercise 1
f. Kegiatan penutup
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar
Membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan materi pembelajaran
Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa
Memberikan tugas rumah (PR)
Sumber pembelajaran
Papan tulis
Teknik :
Aspect Score Description
Grammar, 100 Correct and appropriate
generic 80 Sometimes not correct enough but not
structures, influence the meaning
vocabulary, 70 Not correct enough and influence the
punctuation. meaning
<60 Incorrect
Bentuk :
Instrument : angket ptk
Makassar,….,.. 2017
Sixth Meeting
Lesson material
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is
and reveal a particular peron, place, or thing.
The purpose of descriptive text is to describe and reveal a particular person, place or
My Favorite Superhero
My favorite superhero is Spiderman. He is a
cool superhero. He wears a red and blue costume, with a
spider logo on his chest. He is not tall but not short. He
is very agile because he has slim body. He releases a
spider web from his hands to make him fly through
buildings in the city. He can climb a wall like a spider.
He loves to help people and fights criminals.
List vocabulary
Cool fly
Red , blue climb
Short love
I went to the zoo yesterday and I see panda for the first time. Panda is the very
cute animal I have ever seen. It has little eyes with black spots around them. His body
is black and white color. Panda’s body is almost looks alike with bear. Panda looks
like tame animals but it’s actually not. Panda eat bamboo and they almost eat 40 kg
bamboo in just one day. Panda is animal from china. I like panda because they are
list vocabulary
Zoo panda
Cute eat
Students worksheet
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Eight Meeting
Farmer : petani
Fat : gemuk
Handsome : ganteng
Long : panjang
Nurse : perawat
Pilot : pilot
Pointed : mancung
Appendices 2
Direction :
Describe pictures below into one or two paraphrap and practice in front class.
Appendices 3
Direction : Choose one of the three pictures below. And describe it into one or two
Appendices 4
Direction :
Data Analysis
a. Pronunciation
X 51.55
b. Vocabulary
X 51.08
X : Mean Score
a. Pronunciation
X 62.52
b. Vocabulary
X 63,29
X : Mean Score
a. Pronunciation
X 77.55
b. Vocabulary
X 77,73
X : mean score
No Name Cycle I Cycle II
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 S-1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 3
2 S–2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
3 S–3 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 3
4 S–4 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
5 S–5 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
6 S–6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
7 S–7 2 2 2 A 2 2 3 3
8 S–8 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
9 S–9 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
10 S – 10 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
11 S – 11 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
12 S – 12 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 3
13 S – 13 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
14 S – 14 2 A 2 2 2 2 3 3
15 S – 15 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3
16 S – 16 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
17 S – 17 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
18 S – 18 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
19 S – 19 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3
20 S – 20 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
21 S – 21 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
22 S – 22 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 3
23 S – 23 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
24 S – 24 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3
25 S – 25 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 3
26 S – 26 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
27 S – 27 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2
28 S – 28 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2
29 S – 29 3 3 2 4 4 3 4 3
30 S – 30 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2
31 S – 31 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2
32 S – 32 2 2 2 3 3 2 4 3
33 S – 33 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
34 S – 34 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2
Subject 34 33 34 33 34 33 34 34
Freq 68 65 67 67 81 87 85 97
Percentage 50 49.24 49.26 50.57 59.55 65.90 62.5 71.32
4 : Very Active
3 : Active
2 : Fairly Active
1 : Not Active
P= x 100
Notation :
P : Percentage
Fq : Frequency
N : Total Sample
a. The first meeting c. The third meeting
P= x 100 P= x 100
P = 50 % P = 49.26 %
b. The second meeting d. The fourth meeting
P= x 100 P= x 100
P = 49.24 % P = 50.75 %
P= x 100 P= x 100
P = 59.55 % P = 62.5 %
P = 65.90 % P = 71,32 %
Appendices 7
Attendant List
No Name Cycle 1 Cycle 2
st nd
1 2 3rd th
4 1st
3rd 4th
1 Muhammad Asrul
2 Al Yudi Ansar
3 Fikri Ahmad Fausan
4 Muammad Syam S
5 Yusril
6 Ahmd Yusran
7 Ilham Akbar i
8 Arsal
9 Sapri Tonda
10 Suharman
11 Firman Saputra
12 Amin Sahar
13 Khairul Hendri
14 Sitti Fatimah I
15 Liya Safira
16 Ainun Mardiya
17 Nurul Inayah
18 Zur Rahma Ramli
19 Nur Hidaya
20 Nurul Ulfiana
21 Aliana
22 Nur Sahira
23 Selfi Hidayah
24 Adeliah Astuti D
25 Sri Wahyuni i
26 Sri Devi
27 Asmawati
28 Ainun Muhram
29 St Nasrah Syam
30 Hesti Riki
31 Farida
32 Karina
33 Ayu Andriani
34 Sri Dayanti
Appendices 8
SARINA is the first child from the marriage couple Rimpung and
Hawang. She was born in Pakewa, on march 28th, 1993. She has
one brothers and four sister. She started her study in elementary
Negeri 7 ALLA, Enrekang regency and graduated in 2009. Then, she continued in
senior high school at SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang regency and graduated
in 2012. In the different year (2013), she was accepted as a student of English