(Pre-Experimental Study Toward Eight Grade at SMPN 1 TIBUSSAN SATAP
Kabupaten Luwu).
A Thesis
Proposed as the Fulfillment to Accomplish Sarjana Degree
At faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Makassar Muhammadiyah University
Jl. Sultan Alauddin (0411) 860 132 Makassar 90221
Jl. Sultan Alauddin (0411) 860 132 Makassar 90221
( 11)
This research aimed to find out the improvement of the students’ reading
comprehension by using scanning technique that focused on literal comprehension
This research employed are pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and
post-test design. There were two variables Independent variable was utilization of
scanning technique and dependent variable was the students’ literal
comprehension in reading activities at the second grade of SMPN 1 tibussan
kabupaten luwu. The semple consisted of 21 students.
The research findings showed that the students of SMPN 1 tibussan
kabupaten luwu had low score in pre-test. After treatment, their reading
comprehension was significantly increased. The result of the research were the
mean score literal reading obtained by the students through pre-test was 69 and
post-test was 77,2 with the t-test value Literal is higher than t-table (7,8> 2,08).
Mean score (literal comprehension) is higher than t-table 7,7> 2,08. It means that
there is significant difference between before and after giving the treatment. It
indicated that the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the null
hypothesis (H0) was rejected.It was concluded that the use of scanning technique
in reading English activity increase the students reading comprehension in report
text exactly in identifying specific information.
gratitude to the almighty God, Allah S.W.T, who has given guidance, mercy, and
good health, so that she could finish writing this thesis. Salam and Shalawat are
addressed to the beloved and chosen messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW
The researcher would like to give appreciation and deepest thankful to her
beloved parents H.Nurdin.S.Pd and Hj. Salma. S, and her brothers Muh. Rahmat,
all of them big family for their endless love, motivation and gave her financial
The researcher would like to address her thanks and great gratitude to her
consultants Ummi Khaerati Syam. S.Pd., M.Pd. and Muh. Saeful Said, S.Pd.,
M.Pd, for their time, guidance, valuable helps, correction, and suggestions for the
University of Makassar.
2. Erwin Akib, S. Pd., M. Pd, P. hD, the dean of FKIP Unismuh Makassar,
3. Ummi Khaeraty Syam, S. Pd., M. Pd, the head master of the English
Muhammadiyah University
5. H. Mustapa S.Pd ., as academic teacher, head master and all teachers and
7. The last but not least, colleagues and all sides who have greatly contributed
May Allah bless them, Aamiin. Finally, it is expected that this thesis can
benefit for the reader. The researcher realizes that this thesis still has some
weakness and mistakes. Therefore, she will accept any contructive suggestions
SURAT PERJANJIAN.......................................................................................................... iv
MOTTO .................................................................................................................................. v
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................ vi
A. Background .................................................................................................................. 1
C. Teaching reading......................................................................................................... 12
G. Scanning in reading...................................................................................................... 20
J. Theoritical framework.................................................................................................. 26
A. Research design........................................................................................................... 26
B. Research variables....................................................................................................... 26
A. Findings...................................................................................................................... 35
B. Discussion ................................................................................................................... 40
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 44
B. Suggestion.................................................................................................................. 45
Table 4.2 The mean score and increase of the students .......................................................... 39
Table 4.2 Classification score reading comprehension in main idea pre- test..................... 37
Table 4.3 Clasification score reading comprehension in main idea post- test...................... 37
Table 4.4 Students interpretive reading comprehension by using scanning technique .... 38
Table 4.5 Classification score reading comprehension interpretive pre- test ................... 39
Table 4.6 Cllasification score reading comprehension in term of test post- test ................... 40
Appendix A
Appendix B
B.1 Documentasion
Appendix C
C.1 Pre-test
C.2 Post-test
Appendix D
D.2 Pretest and posttest in reading for literal comprehension and interpretative
D.4 The students’ Scores of Pretest and Post-test,Difference between The matched pairs
D.5 The students’ mean score of gain (D) literal comprehension and interpretative
A. Background
English was one of an international languages and was widely used and
studied all over the world. As people know that language is not only used in
language that has been taught from pre-school level to university levels, it is
students still face some problem in learning English. They think that English is
very difficult to learn and to understand. We have to solve that problem in order to
role of English is so great that no progress in all aspects of human life can be
separated from it. English competence becomes a necessity because it will be the
basis for the higher level and prepare the students to face the globalization era as
early as possible. By the learning, the students are expected to have a language
skill. Dechant (2007) states that “reading is not an easy skill to be mastered”. It is
a complex process that requires skill of the reader. Many students find the
difficulties when they read, especially when they read the text and have to answer
the questions. Besides that, the basic competence of reading skill which is
mentioned in School Based Curriculum of 2013 for the eight grade students is to
comprehend the meaning of written functional text and short essay in the forms of
procedure and report to interact in daily life context. In addition, the achievement
indicator that students must gain is being competent in the sub-reading skill,
However, the difficulties that many students find in reading activity are to
in acquiring the meaning of a written message, many students come across several
the problems which are encountered by students of junior high school. In most
cases, the reading class is boring for them because the English teacher just
involves tasks in the textbook, read the text, and answer the questions based on
the text in teaching reading. In addition, Wiryodijoyo 2009) states that the
and this situation will assure students who cannot read or comprehend the text and
become active and get involved in reading activities, it is necessary to teach them
the various reading strategies because reading with various strategies would make
students become critical and creative. Teachers should provide the strategies in
teaching reading to help students to understand the text. Reading strategies can be
A reading strategy that can be used by the teacher to make students easy to
read and to answer the questions is using scanning technique. The technique is
needed not only to overcome students’ difficulties, but also to improve students’
specific information without reading through the whole text (Brown, 2001). That
technique is used to find the answer of the questions in the reading exercise.
Scanning exercise may ask students to look for names or dates, to find definition
Aeny (2009) found that there is a correlation between students’ reading strategies
the research above, the present study investigates the use of scanning technique in
improving students’ reading comprehension and to find out the response toward
scanning technique. Hence, the title of this study is Scanning Skills in Reading
B. Problem Statement
Based on the formulation of the problem, the purpose of the study to find out:
1. Theoretical Significance
2. Practical Benefit
a. The Teacher
b. The Writer
researchers who study study the same topic as this writer has done.
reading comprehension.
Reading is essentially a complex that involves many things, not just recite
the text, but also involves a visual activity, thinking, psycholinguistic and
creative reading, and creative insight. Introduction of word can be read the words
have reading as one of their important goals. They want to be able to read for
information and pleasure, for their career, and for study purposes (Richard &
Renandya, 2002). In fact, in most EFL situation, the ability to read in a foreign
language is all that students ever eant to acquire. According to the statement to the
statement above Harmer (2007) stated reading is useful for language acquisition.
Provides that students more understand what they read, the more they read, the
better they get at it. Reading also has a positive effect on students vocabulary
Laila et al (2011) In English learning, reading is one of the main skills that
Students who like reading will gain new knowledge and insights that can increase
their intelligence. Such as reading books or text that can increase students
vocabulary and language also effect the students, because the more students read,
the more vocabulary that the controlled and increasingly easier for them to speak.
The same goes with the English language, understanding of the text or books will
of the contents, titles and subtitles of each chapter, and index. Below we can see
how the achievement of objectives in an efficient read. The first find out that
contained in the book, read the list of contents and conclude whether the contents
of the book according to the topic you are looking for. Second, to determine more
clearly the charge contents of the books, could be the first state above you still
want to know more specifically whether the topic you are looking for it will be
discussed in the book. Open the index, and look for the keywords you are looking
at the index. Follow the reference pages in the index, and read the page to
Third, to know what was contained in sub- chapter, you had found the topic
you are looking for at a particular chapter, but still want to classify whether the
details according to your search. Open that chapter, and read the initial
before the first subtitles. These paragraphs, especially the parts finally, generally
given guidance on the content outline in the next sections in the chapter. Next to
further solidity your beliefs about the contents of that chapter, read the subtitles,
subtitles on that chapter. On subtitles you will be obtaining more complete picture
B. Review of reading
multiplicity of types of texts than from the variety of overt types of performance.
a) Perceptive Reading
At the beginning level of reading a second language lays a set of task that is
of perception are often referred to as literacy task, implying that the learner is
in the early stage of becoming “literate” some learners are already literate in
their own native language, but in other cases the second language may be the
b) Selective reading
“vocabulary and grammar” and never feature any other skill besides reading.
Lexical and grammatical aspects of language are simply the form we use to
perform all four of the skill of listening, speaking, reading and writing (Brown,
c) Interactive Reading
page or more which the reader must. In a pscholinguistic sense, interact with
the text. That is a process of negotiating meaning; the reader bring to the text a
set of schemata for understanding it, and intake is the product of that
grammatical, and discourse) within texts of moderately short length with the
be necessary.
d) Extensive Reading
Extensive reading involves somewhat longer text than we have been dealing
with up to this point. Journal articles, technical report, longer essays, short
stories, and books fall into this category. The reason for placing such reading
into separate category is that reading of this type of discourse almost always
C. Principles of Reading
There are some principles of reading as purposed by Harmer (2007). The steps
with students.
b. Students need to be engaging with what they read. When students read
extensively they should be involved in joyful reading, that was, had should
try to help them get as much pleasure from it as possible. But during lesson,
too, had will did our best to ensure that they are engaged with the topic of a
reading text and the activities they are asked to do with dealing with dealing
with it.
their feelings about it). Not just concentrate on its construction. was
important for students to study reading texts in case in order to find out such
things as the way did used language, the number of paragraph they contain
and how many times they used relative clauses. But the meaning, the
message of the text, was just as important as this. As a result, we must given
students a chance to respond to that message in some way that they should
d. Prediction was a major factor in reading. When we read texts in our own
start reading. Book covers given us a clue about what was on the book
photographs and headlines hint at what articles are about; we can identify
reports as reports from their appearance before we read a single word. The
moment we get these clues, our brain start predicting what we are going to
e. Match the task to the topic when using intensive reading texts. We need to
choose good reading task, the right kind of questions, appropriate activities
before, whiles and post reading and useful study exploitation. The most
useful and interesting text can be made really exiting with imaginative and
the class.
f. Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full. Good teachers integrate the
reading text into interesting lesson sequences, using the topic for discussion
and further task, using the language for study and then activation and using
D. Teaching Reading
According to Harmer (2007) teaching was not easy job, but was necessary
one, and can be very rewarding when we see our student’s progress and know that
we have helped to make was happen. was true that some students can be difficult
and stressful at times, but it also worth remembering that at its best teaching can
teaching was activities and manages the environment in a good condition to make
and given the opportunity for the student in learning processes to got purpose.
In the classroom, the teacher’s job to promote these tress learning process by
the use of appropriate teaching act. Thus, he or she: present and explains new
material in order to made was clear, comprehensible and available for learning,
given practice to consolidate knowledge, and test. In order to check what has been
mastered and what still needs to be learned or revered. And also, the teachers’
create a supportive environment for practicing reading. Each learner will have
there can be no single, set, rigid methodology for reading. The teacher will need to
focus on different goals at different times and to use a range of materials and
E. Teaching Procedure
The procedure when the teacher taught reading using scanning tecnique for
a. Individual work
the students read the text and practice using scanning technique by answer
several questions based on the text given. In general the practices consist
b. Team Discussion
After completing the worksheet, the students work in groups. The students
are asked to discuss several questions regarding of the text given and to
The procedure when the teacher taught reading without using scanning
a. Teacher presentation
The teacher explained the topic and material to the students. The teacher
b. Individual work
The students answered the questions based on the text on the text and then
asked to write the main idea off the text in a piece paper.
F. Reading Comprehension
interaction between language and thought in which thhe writer encodes his
thought as language and the reader decodes the language into thought. Therefore,
Weir (2003) states that reading is seen as a selective process taking place
between the reader and text, in which background knowledge and various types of
Pierce (2006) Although reading was once assumed a combination of decoding and
The reading comprehension focused on the ability to draw the meaning from
was describes more as the skill than as an active mental process. Reading is
understood as the skill recognizing letters, words, which let to the ability to
connect words into sentences, sentences into paragraph and paragraph into longer
discourse that represented various themes or ideas. However, the key concept of
comprehension is that a reader constructs meaning from texts rather than merely
reproducing the words on the page. Meaning is something that is actively created
(2002) reading means perceiving a written text in order to understand its context
according to the reader’s purposes in reading and the type that is used; the
case, the reader uses information expressed explicitly in the text, background
The reader compares the information found in the text with certain norms,
the text and know what these words and sentences mean (obtain literal
c) Recognize how all these meanings and/ or his perceptions of them fit
together contextually.
d) Make value judgments about, and based on the reading experience (read
In short, it can be said that reading is a process that include the writer by
encoding the thought language represented with the words and the reader decodes
he language into thought. When the reader decodes the language, it relates two
means the understanding of written text and it focused on deriving the meaning.
G. Testing Reading
reading lesson in language teaching and is a major goal of the reading test, or
To determine the level of reading ability to understand the content can use
The tests described in the first half of this section are concerned purely with
word and sentence recognition. They test students’ ability discriminate visually
between words which are spelt in fairly similar ways. If used in exercise material
and progress test, these test items will assist in developing word recognition
speed. Though not administered as speed tests in the strict sense in the very early
stages, word and sentence matching items should be covered by the students at
quickly as possible.
2. Word Matching
The students are required to draw a line under the word which is the same as
Sheep shop/shape/sleep/heap/sheep
Ever never/over/ever/fewer/even
The true/ false test is one of the most widely used tests of reading
comprehension. Not only is the scoring of such a test straight forward and quick,
but the scores obtained by the students can be very well reliable indices of reading
comprehension provided that the items are well constructed and that there are
enough of them.
Put a circle round the letter T if the statement is true. If it is not true, put a
It can be argued that the type of item in this section is in many ways a test of
however, have been included here because it is felt that a comprehension of the
For example: The president was talking to a young woman in the crowd then
bill suddenly cough sight of a man standing several yards behind her, the man had
In this section, it is assumed that only intensive reading skill is being tested.
Thus, the length of the reading extract recommended might vary from 50 to 100
words at the elementary level, 200 to 300 words at the intermediate level, and 400
to 600 words at advanced level. People in the Jakarta like to going to shopping
malls. A shopping mall is a place with many kinds of stores. In malls you can find
cinemas and many others. In short, a mall is a one stop place. People like going to
H. Scanning in reading
Scanning a text is a reading technique where the reader looks for specific
information rather than trying to absorb all the information if you're reading a
timetable say you want specific information usually and so look for something
that is convenient for your journey plans- when you do this, you are scanning.
emmotion or desire that moves the particular action. One of the ways to motivate
In line with the present study, the researcher made use of scanning technique in
information in a text. Scanning exercises may asks students to look for name and
supporting details. The purpose of the scanning is the extract certain specific
information without reading through the whole text. For academic english
1. Among others: seeing with the brain because the brain absorbs what the eye
sees perception and interpretation of the brain to the writings seen by the eye
2. Dilate the range of the eye and the eye jump was a fixation involving two or
three words.
purpose of reading.
6) Searching the key words that mark the beginning of a major idea
Every student has different strategies to enhance their capabilities to read and
comprehending reading ability especially for lower achiever learners. was allows
them set the purpose of their reading and allows them to choose which part of the
text was important in order were can read more effective than before. Researcher
done by Chan (2006) proved that by teaching effective reading strategy to lower
achiever students (poor reader) will convince them that the reading successes and
failures depend on their strategies whether was effective or not. Can also found
Oxford developed reading strategies into five subscales of factors. The first is
practicing, planning for language task, and self evaluating. The last strategy is
social strategies, such as asking questions and cooperating with native speakers of
the language.
approaching problem for planned design for controlling and manipulating certain
sound out the word. This strategy is very effective for beginners.
the strategy reader was able to skip over the text and inferring its meaning
4. Skimming for main ideas, it is the strategy to find the gist of paragraph or
text. Reader quickly read across a whole text to find the main topic,
meaningful clusters.
7. Guessing, it is usually used when readers are not certain to what they had
8. Analyzing vocabularies.
through the whole text. Perhaps, by doing this strategy the readers will not
wasting their time when searching answered of some questions of a reading text.
information without reading through the whole text (Brown, 2001). This is needed
when readers only had a limit time, so they only search the specific information in
The teacher was the most important element in reading class for her attitude
influence students and their performance. The teacher of this component (reading)
should provide the students an anxiety free atmosphere so they will master new
effective reading strategies will helped student to become successful readers and
Because scanning was a reading strategy, was could solve some difficulties
that faced by the readers. They are not expected to read the whole text to find the
information; they only grasp the specific information from a text. This strategy
will save time and also efficient. was save time because in the shortest period of
time, they can answered the question. was efficient because by scanning readers
K. Theoretical framework
important role. Because reading material as one factor that might influence the
below In the diagram above, The three main components are input, process, and
Note :
1. Input refers to the reading text that will be given to the students’
A. Research Design
This research applied a pre-experimental design (one group pre-test and post-
test), this design would involve one group that was pre-test (O1), expose to
treatment (X) and post-test (O2). was aims to know whether there been significant
development before and after used scanning technique and to know whether by
The research employed pre-experimental method with one class pre test and
O1 X O2
O1= Pre-Test
X = Treatment
O2 = Post-Test
B. Research Variables
There are two variables in this research. The first variable was dependent
variable and the second variable was independent variable. Dependent variable
1. Population
The population of this research was the eight grade students in SMPN 1
2. Sample
The sample taken from the populations was the class at SMPN 1 TIBUSSAN
sampling technique in which one class as the sample. Related to this sampling
TIBUSSAN SATAP this class was chosen by basing on the recommendation from
school. And the result class VIII.A of eight grade at SMPN 1 TIBUSSAN
D. Research Instruments
The instrument on this research was a reading test. The reading test was
administrated in the pre-test and the post-test. The test consisted of 11 multiple
choice and 5 essay tests. The researcher choose multiple choice and essay test
because the students can comprehend the material while the post-test was intended
E. Data Collection
1. Pre-test
Before given treatment, the research given pre-test for the experimental class.
The researcher distributed the reading material test that consisting of recount text
that was relevant with the based material on the curriculum the eight grade at
2. Treatment
After given the pre-test, the researcher conducted treatments the students by
using scanning technique. The treatments would was done for four meetings. The
a. First meeting
1) The researcher introduce herself and inform the students about the
research would become their tutor for four meetings ahead and their
teacher would become the collaborator who would observe all the
2) The researcher divides the students into groups that consisting of four
students. This grouping aim to stimulate the students to work with the
6) One of the students retelled part of the story in front of another students
in one group.
b. Second meeting
2) The researcher divides the students into groups that consisting of four
3) This grouping aim to stimulate the students to work with the partner
and to bring the students more actively.
5) As the practice of readig text, the researcher given the students a text
and some questions about the the text.
6) Given the students chance to practice and understand the content of the
c. Third meeting
1) The researcher divides the students into groups that consisting of four
2) The researcher given the students a topic as teaching materials about the
students experience
3) The students to work with the partner and to bring the students more
4) Given the students chance to practice and understand the content of the
5) As the next practice of reading text, the researcher gives the students a
text and some questions about the the text.
d. Four meeting
1) The researcher divides the students into groups that consisting of four
students. This grouping aim to stimulate the students to work with the
partner and to bring the students more actively.
4) The students make a conversation about the text stories in their group.
5) One of the students from each group came forward to explain what he
understood in reading the text if the story.
6) Given the students chance to practice and understand the content of the
3. Post-test
After given the treatments, the post test would given to the students. was to
collection. In analysis the data, the researcher gets the data from document,
observing the teaching learning process, and the result of the students’ test.
In processing the data, the researcher uses descriptive analysis. was to explain
the condition in raising indicator achievement in pre- test and post- test and to
describe the success of the teaching learning process using Scanning skill in
No Criteria Score
1 The answer includes a clear generalization that states or implies 4
the main idea
2 The answer states or implies the main idea from the story 3
3 Indicator inaccurate or incomplete understanding of main idea 2
4 The answer includes minimal or no understanding of main idea 1
Pollard (2007: 17)
No Criteria Score
1 Conclusion reflects resource readings in development of idea it is
2 Conclusion reflects readings in development of idea it is good. 3
3 Conclusion reflects only reading in development of idea it is poor. 2
4 Conclusion does not reflect any reading of resources in
development idea.
Pollard (2007: 17)
P= 100%
Where: P= Percentage
2) After collecting the data of the students, we classified the score of the
score classification
96-100 Excellent
86-95 very poor
76-85 Good
66-75 Fairly good
56-65 Fair
36-55 Poor
00-35 Very poor
3) The significance difference between the students’ pre- test and post- test, the
d 2
t= N N 1
T = Test of significance
Md = The mean of Ds
(∑ ) = The square of
N = Number of students
(Subana, et al, 2005: 132)
A. Findings
comprehension was less understandable about main idea but after applied the used
scanning technique the students more understandable about main idea, it can be
Table 4.1 showed that the score of literal 11,8% from of students in post-
test improved after teaching reading comprehension in terms of main idea and
supporting ideas by using Scanning Technique . The mean score of the students
Literal Comprehension
20 Comprehension
Pre- Post-
test test
Graphic 4.1 The Mean Score and Increase of The Students’ Reading
Graphic 4.1 showed that there was improvement of the students in reading
score was 69 to post-test with the mean score was 77,2 and the improvement of
1 Excellent 96-100 0 0
2 Very Good 86-95 0 0
3 Good 76-85 1 5%
4 Fairly Good 66-75 12 57%
5 Fairly 56-65 7 33%
6 Poor 36-55 1 5%
7 Very Poor 0.0-35 0 0
Total 21 100%
Table 4.2 showed that the Classification of the students Score Reading
student good, 12 (57%) students got fairly good, 7 (33%) students got fairly, and 1
1 Excellent 96-100 0 0
2 Very Good 86-95 2 10%
3 Good 76-85 11 ]52 %
4 Fairly Good 66-75 5 24%
5 Fairly 56-65 3 14%
6 Poor 36-55 0 0
7 Very Poor 0.0-35 0 0
Total 21 100%
Table 4.3 showed that the Classification of the students Score Reading
students very good, 11 (52%) students got good, 5 (24%) students got fairly good
B. Discussion
comprehension in the term of text. Anne Arundel (2001). scanning is the strategy
addition, Maxwell (2000) defined scanning as the ability to locate specific facts
and details quickly it is regarded as a desirable reading skill and is taught in most
reader looks for specific information rather than trying to absorb all the
usually and so look for something that is convenient for your journey plans- when
The improvement shows the process in pretest and postest. The result of the
students reading in pretest was low, especially in finding the main idea of test. It
shows that the students could not express their ideas and their understandable. It
Based on the problem above, the writer gave the treatment by using so
scanning technique that the students could show the improvement in post-test. In
pre-test, only given the exercise (reading text) to know their prior knowledge
At the beginning, their reading comprehension was very bad. Almost of them
were confused and spent much time to think about the meaning of the word in the
reading text. They only read, but they did not understand about how to find
The writer gave the treatment by using. scanning technique As the result,
students become active and enjoy in reading activity. They will be easy to do the
reading activity. Most of their utterance were correct and no need to read for a
The description of the data collection through reading test as explained to the
previous finding section that the students’ achievement after using scanning
writer found that the mean score of post-test students’ achievement is greater than
pretest. In Table 4.1 showed that the score of find out the main idea which the
mean score of pretest is 69 and after using scanning technique, the mean score of
post-test is 77,2. Meanwhile, the means score of find out the main idea in pretest
is 67,3 and the mean score of find out the conclusion in post-test was 75.
Therefore, the writer indicated that there was a significant improvement after
Through the result of pre-test and post-test, the result of t-test value of the
level of the significant = 0.05, degree of the freedom (df) = 20 indicated that t-
table value was 2,08 and t-test value was 15,4. Therefore, it can be concluded that
HOwas rejected. was meant that the scanning technique use of in teaching reading
literal in reading. It could be showed from the students’ reading test in pre-test and
post-test. In pre-test, some students were difficult to answer the questions and find
out main idea, conclusion. But, the students’ reading comprehension in post-test,
which the content of reading comprehension could understand. Then, the students
were easy to answer the questions and find out main idea.
A. Conclusion
conducting the Experimental Research about the Use of After conducting the
comprehension and based on the writer findings in the previous chapter, the writer
concluded that:
B. .Suggestion
Based on the result of the data analysis and conclusion above the research
4. The teachers had better give more the material of reading to the students in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S-1 1,5 2 4 3 3 3 2 4 22,5/32X100 70
S-2 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 2 24/32X100 75
S-3 4 3 1 2 3 4 3 1 21/32X100 65
S-4 1,5 3 4 3 2 1 3 4 21,5/32X100 68
S-5 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 1,5 17,5/32X100 55
S-6 1 3 4 3 2 1 3 4 21/32X100 65
S-7 2 4 3 4 4 3 2 2 21/32X100 75
S-8 3 4 2 3 2 1 3 2 19/32X100 60
S-9 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 2 24/32X100 75
S-10 3,5 4 3 4 4 3 2 2 25,5/32X100 80
S-11 1 4 4 3 3 4 2 2 23/32X100 72
S-12 2 4 3 4 4 3 2 2 24/32X100 75
S-13 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 19/32X100 60
S-14 2 2 2 4 4 3 4 2 24/32X100 75
S-15 4 2 3 3 3 4 2 1,5 22,5/32X100 70
S-16 1,5 2 3 3 3 2 3 4 22,5/32X100 70
S-17 2 2 4 4 4 3 4 2 24/32X100 75
S-18 1 3 3 4 2 3 1 4 21/32X100 65
S-19 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 19/32X100 60
S-20 2 4 3 4 3 4 2 2 24/32X100 75
S-21 4 1 3 2 4 3 3 1 21/32X100 65
2. Post-test of Main Idea
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S-1 3,5 4 3 4 4 3 2 2 25,5/32X100 80
S-2 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 27/32X100 85
S-4 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 2 24/32X100 75
S-5 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 19/32X100 60
S-8 4 1 3 2 4 3 3 1 21/32X100 65
S-9 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 2 24/32X100 75
S-10 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 29/32X100 90
S-13 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 2 24/32X100 75
S-14 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 27/32X100 85
S-15 2 2 4 3 4 3 4 3,5 25,5/32X100 80
S-17 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 29/32X100 90
S-18 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 2 26/32X100 82
S-19 2 4 3 4 4 3 2 2 24/2132X100 75
S-20 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 3,5 25,5/32X100 80
S-21 1 3 4 3 2 1 3 4 21/32X100 65
3. Pre-test of Conclusion
S-1 3 3 6/8X100 75
S-2 2,6 3 5,8/8X100 70
S-3 2 2,8 4,8/8X100 60
S-4 2,2 3 5,2/8X100 65
S-5 2,2 3 5,2/8X100 65
S-6 3 2,8 5,8/8X100 70
S-7 2,2 3 5,2/8X100 65
S-8 2 2,4 4,4/8X100 55
S-9 2,2 3 5,2/8X100 65
S-10 3 3 6/8X100 75
S-11 2,8 3 5,8/8X100 70
S-12 3 2,1 5,1/8X100 64
S-13 2 2,8 4,8/8X100 60
S-14 3 2,8 5,8/8X100 70
S-15 3 3 6,8X100 75
S-16 3 2,2 5,2/8X100 65
S-17 3 3,4 6,4/8X100 80
S-18 2,2 3 5,2/8X100 65
S-19 2,2 3 5,2/8X100 65
S-20 3 3 6/8X100 75
S-21 2 2,8 4,8/8X100 60
4. Post-test of Conclusion
S-4 3 3 6/8X100 75
S-11 3 3 6/8X100 75
S-16 3 3 6/8X100 75
S-19 3 3 6/8X100 75
(Post test)
I remember the day when I first got Sandy, my 7 year old cat. I wanted to name her because she
was so cute. My older sister Michelle convinced me to name her Sandy Bucket instead; so we
could call her Sandy for short. I was so attached to Sandy. Every time I saw her, I couldn’t walk
away, I would just have to hug her. I even slept at the end of my bed, so I can hug her the whole
I always remember so many fun times with Sandy. Like when we would run and jump off the
end of our pier, and Sandy would chase after us. When I was scared or mad, I would just hug
But one night, right before I went to bed, my mom let her out. While I went to sleep, my
mom went to call Sandy back in. But she didn’t come in, so I thought she maybe went inside my
neighbor’s house. As my mom and dad went outside to look for Sandy, I became really worried.
They couldn’t find he r. Every ten minutes they would go out to look for her, so I went to bed
hoping she was safe. I just thought she got lost and would come back tomorrow.
The next day was the worst. My mom woke us early and told me and my sister, Michelle,
that Sandy died last night. I was so sad and did not want to do anything that day. When I was
going to school, I could not stop crying. At school all my friends made me cards and tried to
make me stop crying, but I couldn’t. my teacher would always look at me and ask why I was
When I got home I went to my room crying really loudly. I wanted to scream. I came
downstairs and hugged my mom. She said we could get another cat. Then, she was trying to find
a new cat on the internet. But I did not want another cat. I want Sandy. She never found one that
looked like Sandy or at the same age or even in the same kind.
That night I slept with my mom and we prayed for Sandy. I kept thinking she was a ghost at
the end of the bed, so I stayed closed to my mom. The next day I figured out that if Sandy was a
ghost, she would not scare me or haunt me. She would be waiting for me to play with her.
I still think about Sandy every day and wish she could come back.
a. Spoof
b. Newsitem
c. Recount
d. Narrative
e. Report
a. Sandy’s dead
b. To describe a place
One day I went to Bandung with my friend for a vacation. We went there on night bus when
we arrived in Cianjur, the bus stopped for a rest. I got of the bus to get a cup of coffee, but
my friend didn’t. He went to a mosque to pray. It took only a few minutes to pray, but when I
came out again the bus was not there. It had gone! Shocked and confused. I asked the
shopkeeper about the bus. She said that the bus had departed about five minutes ago.
I tried to call my friend on my cell phone, but the battery was running low. I couldn’t
do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came
back! Got on the bus and walked to my seat. I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus
I asked my friend why she didn’t tell the driver that I was still outside.
“I did, I told him several times that you were outside, but he said that you were in the
bus toilet because he saw a man going into the toilet,” my friend replied, laughing. The other
c. The writer could contact his friend with the cell phone
9. What did the writer do when the bus stop for a rest in Cianjur ....?
a. He felt happy
b. He felt awful
c. He felt sad
d. He felt angry
e. He felt shy
Last week was a terrible day for me. My cousin and I were playing football infront of the house
First, it was really fun until I kicked the ball too strong, so the ball leaded me to the window
and broke the window. When we want to escape, all of a sudden we all heard a loud voice. After
that, the owner of the house came out of the fence, he yelled at us. We are very afraid of her, but
we do not know what to do. Then, one of my cousins told us to run, we all ran, and suddenly we
heard the sound of skin. Then we know that homeowners allow dogs to chase us. And we were
But, I fell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg. It really hurts me. Then the
dog ran back into the house. My cousin took me to the doctor and told my parents . In the end,
the doctor said that I was exposed to rabies. Then I was hospitalized for one week more.
That's a terrible day of the week for me, may not happen to me again in his next week Sunday.
(sumber: brechonana.blogspot.)
4. Who is shouting?
(Pre- test )
Last week, my friend and I rode our bikes to the beach. It was only five kilometers
It was quite windy and there was hardly anyone there. It surprised us because
there were always many people coming there on the weekends. So, we had the beach
on our own. We bought some hot chips, rode our bikes, played in the water and sat
( Sumber; http://kiyesoaluning.blogspot.)
a. by bicycles c. by bus
b. by car d. by boat
3. Who did the writer and his friend find when they reached the beach?
5. “It was only five kilometers from our houses.” (line 1). The word “It” refers to….
a. bike c. beach
b. chip d. house
One day, I had to teach a new English class. I read the list of
new students’ names. It was kiddies’ group since they were about
wear the most appropriate suit for the children’s class. Most kids usually
was also in carnival spirit. That was why I decided to wear my teddy bear
And that was what I did. I walked through the door happily. The director
With a man beside her, she said, “ Good afternoon. I’d like to introduce you
The third grade students went to have a look around. First, we went to
the first farm and Mrs. James read us some information. Then, we looked
at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot in the
Next, we did sketching and then we met the fourth grade students at
the Education Centre to have lunch. Soon after that, it was time for us
to go and make our terrariums while the fourth year students went to have walk.
A lady took us into special room and introduced herself, then she explained
what we were going to do. Next, she took us to a pyramid terrarium. It was
really interesting.
After we had finished, we met the fourth grade students outside the gardens.
b. a school teacher
11. “It was very interesting.” (par. 4) What does the underlined word refer to?
a. A pyramid terrarium
b. A specific room
c. Education Centre
d. First farm
Essay Text
Last week was a terrible day for me. My cousin and I were playing football infront of the house
First, it was really fun until I kicked the ball too strong, so the ball leaded me to the window
and broke the window. When we want to escape, all of a sudden we all heard a loud voice. After
that, the owner of the house came out of the fence, he yelled at us. We are very afraid of her, but
we do not know what to do. Then, one of my cousins told us to run, we all ran, and suddenly we
heard the sound of skin. Then we know that home owners allow dogs to chase us. And we were
struggling to run as fast as her as we can.
But, I fell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg. It really hurts me. Then the
dog ran back into the house. My cousin took me to the doctor and told my parents . In the end,
the doctor said that I was exposed to rabies. Then I was hospitalized for one week more.
That's a terrible day of the week for me, may not happen to me again in his next week Sunday
4. Who is shouting?
Pre-test Post-test
Literal Interpretative Literal Interpretative
Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension
Main Idea Conclusion Main Idea Conclusion
S-1 70 75 80 85
S-2 75 70 85 85
S-3 65 60 70 70
S-4 68 65 75 75
S-5 55 65 60 65
S-6 65 70 70 75
S-7 75 65 80 80
S-8 60 55 65 70
S-9 75 65 75 65
S-10 80 75 90 85
S-11 72 70 80 75
S-12 75 64 80 70
S-13 60 60 75 65
S-14 75 70 85 80
S-15 70 75 80 85
S-16 70 65 80 75
S-17 75 80 90 85
S-18 65 65 82 70
S-19 60 65 75 75
S-20 75 75 80 80
S-21 65 60 65 60
Total ∑ = 1622 ∑ = 1575
X= 1450 X= 1414
Mean Score X= 69 X= 67,3 X= 77,2 X= 75
The students’ mean score of pretest and posttest in reading for literal comprehension and
interpretative comprehension
a. The students’ mean score of pre-test and post-test in reading for literal comprehension
Pre-test: =
= 69 (Fairly Good)
Post-test: =
= 77,2 (Good)
b. The students’ mean score of pre-test and post-test in reading for interpretive comprehension
Pre-test: =
Post-test: =
= 75 (Good)
1. Literal Comprehension
= × 100%
= × 100%
= × 100%
= 11,8 %
2. Interpretive Comprehension
= × 100%
75 − 67,3
= × 100%
= × 100%
= 11,4 %
The students’ mean score of gain (D) literal comprehension and interpretative
Md =
Md =
Md = 8,2
Md =
Md =
Md = 7,6
Test of significance
T =
d 2
d N2
N N 1
2121 1
2121 1
1852 1408
7 ,8
b. Test of significance of interpretive comprehension
T =
d 2
d N 2
N N 1
7 ,6
2121 1
7 ,6
2121 1
7 ,6
1661 1234
7 ,6
7 ,6
7 ,6
7 ,6
Scoring Classification of the students pretest and posttest Literal and interpretive
2. Post-test
A. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotongroyong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya
KI 3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata
KI 4 : Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di
sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori
4. 4.14 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis 4.14.1 Menyusun teks recount
tentang kegiatan, kejadian dan tentang pengalaman dengan
peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan struktur teks dan unsure
fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar.
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai 4.14.2 Menyampaikan teks recount
konteks. secara lisan tentang
pengalaman dengan struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Setelah diberikan recount textsiswa mampu:
1. Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat
2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat
3. Mengidentifikasi unsure kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan
4. Menyusun teks recounttentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar.
5. Menyampaikan teks recount secara lisan tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan lancar.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Fungsi Sosial : menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lalu
Struktur Teks :
1. Orientation: Menyebutkan tindakan/ peristiwa/kejadian secara umum
2. Event: Menyebutkan urutan tindakan/ kejadian/peristiwa secara kronologis, dan
3. Re-orientation: Jika perlu, ada kesimpulan umum.
Unsur Kebahasaan:
1. Penyebutan kata benda dan kata ganti orang ketiga (pronoun): He, She, Rio
2. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense: we went to school yesterday.
3. Menggunakan chronological connection: then, first, second.
4. Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi
5. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan
E. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Media
Gambar, LCD Projector, a unit of laptop
2. Sumber Pembelajaran
a). Buku Teks Wajib
b). Buku pelatihan bahasa Inggris kurikulum 2013
c). Keteladan ucapan dan tindakan guru menggnakan setiap tindakan komunikasi
interpersonal dengan benar dan akurat
d). Contoh peragaan dalam bentuk rekaman audio CD/ VCD/ DVD/ kaset
e). Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII
f). Modul “English in Focus” kelas VIII
g). Sumber dari internet:,,
Pertemuan pertama
Pendahuluan 10’
Salam tegur sapa
Guru Siswa
1. Guru memberi salam (greeting). 1. Siswa menjawab salam.
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. 2. Siswa mendengarkan saat guru
3. Guru memberi apersepsi dan memeriksa daftar kehadiran.
motivasi. 3. Siswa mendengarkan/ mengikuti
4. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan kegiatan untuk motivasi.
tentang kaitan antara pengetahuan 4. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan
sebelumnya dengan materi yang tentang pengetahuan materi
akan dipelajari. sebelumnya.
5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan 5. Siswa mendengarkan
pembelajaran. penyampaian guru tentang tujuan
6. Guru menyampaikan cakupan pembelajaran
materi dan uraian kegiatan. 6. Siswa mendengarkan
penyampaian guru tentang
cakupan materi dan uraian
Kegiatan Inti 60’
Guru Siswa
1. Guru memberikan / 1. Siswa mengidentifikasi gambar
menyediakangambar tentang tentang recount text. (Activity 1)
recount text (Activity 1) 2. Siswa memperhatikan tentang
2. Guru menjelaskan tentang fungsi fungsi social, struktur teks,
social, struktur teks, maupun maupun format penulisan recount
format penulisan recount text. text. (Activity 2)
(Activity 2)
Guru Siswa
1. Guru menyediakan berbagai 1. Siswa mengamati berbagai contoh
contoh recount text yang berbeda recount text yang diberikan dan
untuk ditebak siswa dengan berfikir kritis. (Activity 3)
menyampaikan pertanyaan. 2. Siswa mempertanyakan
(Activity 3) perbedaan gambar tentang recount
2. Guru mengundang siswa untuk text yang disediakan.
bertanya tentangperbedaan
gambar recount text yang
Guru Siswa
1. Guru memberikan recount text 1. Siswa menerima text recount
yang berbeda. (Activity 4) yang yang diberikan oleh guru
2. Guru menyuruh siswa menemukan (Activity 4)
kalimat yang menggunakan simple 2. Siswa mencoba menemukan
past tense yang ada pada bacaan. kalimat menggunakan simple past
3. Guru menjelaskan rumus simple tense yang terdapat pada bacaan.
past tense. 3. Siswa menyimak penjelasan guru
tentang simple past tense.
Guru Siswa
1. Guru membagi siswa dan 1. Siswa duduk berpasangan.
memerintahkan siswa untuk duduk (Activity 5)
berpasangan.(Activity 5) 2. Siswa membuat kalimat dengan
2. Guru memerintahkan siswa untuk menggunakan simple past tense
membuat kalimat menggunakan secara berpasangan.
simple past tense.
Guru Siswa
1. Guru mempersiapkan topik untuk 1. Siswa memilih tema yang
dipilih oleh siswa (Activity 6) diberikan oleh guru. (Activity 6)
2. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk 2. Siswa menyusun recount text
menyusun recount text berdasarkan dengan tema yang telah dipilih.
tema yang dipilih 3. Siswa mengumpulkannya hasil
3. Guru mengoreksi recount text yang recount text kepada guru.
dihasilkan siswa.
Penutup 10’
Guru Siswa
1. Guru melakukan refleksi dan 1. Siswa mengikuti/ melakukan
menyimpulkan hal-hal yang refleksi dan mendengarkan
telah dipelajari. guru menyimpulkan hal-hal
2. Guru menyampaikan informasi yang telah dipelajari.
tentang rencana kegiatan 2. Siswa memperhatikan
pembelajaran untuk pertemuan informasi tentang rencana
berikutnya. kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
3. Guru mengucapkan salam pertemuan berikutnya.
perpisahan. 3. Siswa menjawab salam
H.Mustapa,S.Pd Nurlela,S.Pd
NIP. 196608111989031011 NIP 197604062000122001
A. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya
KI 3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata
KI 4 : Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di
sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori
4. 4.14 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis 4.14.1 Menyusun teks recount
tentang kegiatan, kejadian dan tentang pengalaman dengan
peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan struktur teks dan unsure
fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar.
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai 4.14.2 Menyampaikan teks recount
konteks. secara lisan tentang
pengalaman dengan struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Setelah diberikan recount textsiswa mampu:
1. Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat
2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat
3. Mengidentifikasi unsure kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan
4. Menyusun teks recount tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar.
5. Menyampaikan teks recount secara lisan tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan lancar.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Fungsi Sosial : menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lalu
Struktur Teks :
1. Orientation: Menyebutkan tindakan/ peristiwa/kejadian secara umum
2. Event: Menyebutkan urutan tindakan/ kejadian/peristiwa secara kronologis, dan
3. Re-orientation: Jika perlu, ada kesimpulan umum.
Unsur Kebahasaan:
1. Penyebutan kata benda dan kata ganti orang ketiga (pronoun): He, She, Rio
2. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense: we went to school yesterday.
3. Menggunakan chronological connection: then, first, second.
4. Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi
5. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan
E. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Media
Gambar, LCD Projector, a unit of laptop
2. Sumber Pembelajaran
a). Buku Teks Wajib
b). Buku pelatihan bahasa Inggris kurikulum 2013
c). Keteladan ucapan dan tindakan guru menggnakan setiap tindakan komunikasi
interpersonal dengan benar dan akurat
d). Contoh peragaan dalam bentuk rekaman audio CD/ VCD/ DVD/ kaset
e). Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII
f). Modul “English in Focus” kelas VIII
g). Sumber dari internet:,,
Pertemuan pertama
Pendahuluan 10’
Salam tegur sapa
Guru Siswa
1. Guru memberi salam (greeting). 1. Siswa menjawab salam.
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. 2. Siswa mendengarkan saat guru
3. Guru memberi apersepsi dan memeriksa daftar kehadiran.
motivasi. 3. Siswa mendengarkan/ mengikuti
4. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan kegiatan untuk motivasi.
tentang kaitan antara pengetahuan 4. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan
sebelumnya dengan materi yang tentang pengetahuan materi
akan dipelajari. sebelumnya.
5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan 5. Siswa mendengarkan
pembelajaran. penyampaian guru tentang tujuan
6. Guru menyampaikan cakupan pembelajaran
materi dan uraian kegiatan. 6. Siswa mendengarkan
penyampaian guru tentang
cakupan materi dan uraian
Kegiatan Inti 60’
Guru Siswa
1. Guru memberikan / 1. Siswa mengidentifikasi gambar
menyediakangambar tentang tentang recount text. (Activity 1)
recount text (Activity 1) 2. Siswa memperhatikan tentang
2. Guru menjelaskan tentang fungsi fungsi social, struktur teks,
social, struktur teks, maupun maupun format penulisan recount
format penulisan recount text. text. (Activity 2)
(Activity 2)
Guru Siswa
1. Guru menyediakan berbagai 1. Siswa mengamati berbagai contoh
contoh recount text yang berbeda recount text yang diberikan dan
untuk ditebak siswa dengan berfikir kritis. (Activity 3)
menyampaikan pertanyaan. 2. Siswa mempertanyakan
(Activity 3) perbedaan gambar tentang recount
2. Guru mengundang siswa untuk text yang disediakan.
bertanya tentangperbedaan
gambar recount text yang
Guru Siswa
1. Guru memberikan recount text 1. Siswa menerima text recount
yang berbeda. (Activity 4) yang yang diberikan oleh guru
2. Guru menyuruh siswa menemukan (Activity 4)
kalimat yang menggunakan simple 2. Siswa mencoba menemukan
past tense yang ada pada bacaan. kalimat menggunakan simple past
3. Guru menjelaskan rumus simple tense yang terdapat pada bacaan.
past tense. 3. Siswa menyimak penjelasan guru
tentang simple past tense.
Guru Siswa
1. Guru membagi siswa dan 1. Siswa duduk berpasangan.
memerintahkan siswa untuk duduk (Activity 5)
berpasangan.(Activity 5) 2. Siswa membuat kalimat dengan
2. Guru memerintahkan siswa untuk menggunakan simple past tense
membuat kalimat menggunakan secara berpasangan.
simple past tense.
Guru Siswa
1. Guru mempersiapkan topik untuk 1. Siswa memilih tema yang
dipilih oleh siswa (Activity 6) diberikan oleh guru. (Activity 6)
2. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk 2. Siswa menyusun recount text
menyusun recount text berdasarkan dengan tema yang telah dipilih.
tema yang dipilih 3. Siswa mengumpulkannya hasil
3. Guru mengoreksi recount text yang recount text kepada guru.
dihasilkan siswa.
Penutup 10’
Guru Siswa
1. Guru melakukan refleksi dan 1. Siswa mengikuti/ melakukan
menyimpulkan hal-hal yang refleksi dan mendengarkan
telah dipelajari. guru menyimpulkan hal-hal
2. Guru menyampaikan informasi yang telah dipelajari.
tentang rencana kegiatan 2. Siswa memperhatikan
pembelajaran untuk pertemuan informasi tentang rencana
berikutnya. kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
3. Guru mengucapkan salam pertemuan berikutnya.
perpisahan. 3. Siswa menjawab salam
Kepsek SMPN 1 TIBUSSAN.. Guru Mata Pelajaran
H.Mustapa,S.Pd Nurlela,S.Pd
NIP. 196608111989031011 NIP 197604062000122001
H. Kompetensi Inti
KI : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
2 (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya
KI : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
3 berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata
KI : Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
4 merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di
sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori
4. 4.1 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis 4.14.1 Menyusun teks recount
4 tentang kegiatan, kejadian dan tentang pengalaman dengan
peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan struktur teks dan unsure kebahasaan
fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsure yang benar.
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai 4.14.2 Menyampaikan teks recount
konteks. secara lisan tentang pengalaman
dengan struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar.
J. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Setelah diberikan recount textsiswa mampu:
6. Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat
7. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat
8. Mengidentifikasi unsure kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan
9. Menyusun teks recount tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar.
10. Menyampaikan teks recount secara lisan tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan lancar.
K. Materi Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Fungsi Sosial : menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lalu
Struktur Teks :
4. Orientation: Menyebutkan tindakan/ peristiwa/kejadian secara umum
5. Event: Menyebutkan urutan tindakan/ kejadian/peristiwa secara kronologis, dan runtut
6. Re-orientation: Jika perlu, ada kesimpulan umum.
Unsur Kebahasaan:
6. Penyebutan kata benda dan kata ganti orang ketiga (pronoun): He, She, Rio
7. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense: we went to school yesterday.
8. Menggunakan chronological connection: then, first, second.
9. Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi
10. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan
L. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Media
Gambar, LCD Projector, a unit of laptop
2. Sumber Pembelajaran
h). Buku Teks Wajib
i). Buku pelatihan bahasa Inggris kurikulum 2013
j). Keteladan ucapan dan tindakan guru menggnakan setiap tindakan komunikasi
interpersonal dengan benar dan akurat
k). Contoh peragaan dalam bentuk rekaman audio CD/ VCD/ DVD/ kaset
l). Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII
m). Modul “English in Focus” kelas VIII
n). Sumber dari internet:,,
N. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan pertama
Pendahuluan 10’
Salam tegur sapa
Guru Siswa
7. Guru memberi salam (greeting). 7. Siswa menjawab salam.
8. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. 8. Siswa mendengarkan saat
9. Guru memberi apersepsi dan guru memeriksa daftar
motivasi. kehadiran.
10. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan 9. Siswa mendengarkan/
tentang kaitan antara pengetahuan mengikuti kegiatan untuk
sebelumnya dengan materi yang motivasi.
akan dipelajari. 10. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan
11. Guru menyampaikan tujuan tentang pengetahuan materi
pembelajaran. sebelumnya.
12. Guru menyampaikan cakupan 11. Siswa mendengarkan
materi dan uraian kegiatan. penyampaian guru tentang
tujuan pembelajaran
12. Siswa mendengarkan
penyampaian guru tentang
cakupan materi dan uraian
Kegiatan Inti 60’
Guru Siswa
3. Guru memberikan / 3. Siswa mengidentifikasi
menyediakangambar tentang gambar tentang recount text.
recount text (Activity 1) (Activity 1)
4. Guru menjelaskan tentang fungsi 4. Siswa memperhatikan
social, struktur teks, maupun tentang fungsi social, struktur
format penulisan recount text. teks, maupun format
(Activity 2) penulisan recount text.
(Activity 2)
Guru Siswa
3. Guru menyediakan berbagai 1. Siswa mengamati berbagai
contoh recount text yang contoh recount text yang
berbeda untuk ditebak siswa diberikan dan berfikir kritis.
dengan menyampaikan (Activity 3)
pertanyaan. (Activity 3) 2. Siswa mempertanyakan
4. Guru mengundang siswa untuk perbedaan gambar tentang
bertanya tentangperbedaan recount text yang disediakan.
gambar recount text yang
Guru Siswa
4. Guru memberikan recount text 4. Siswa menerima text recount
yang berbeda. (Activity 4) yang yang diberikan oleh guru
5. Guru menyuruh siswa (Activity 4)
menemukan kalimat yang 5. Siswa mencoba menemukan
menggunakan simple past kalimat menggunakan simple
tense yang ada pada bacaan. past tense yang terdapat pada
6. Guru menjelaskan rumus bacaan.
simple past tense. 6. Siswa menyimak penjelasan
guru tentang simple past
Guru Siswa
3. Guru membagi siswa dan 3. Siswa duduk berpasangan.
memerintahkan siswa untuk (Activity 5)
duduk berpasangan.(Activity 5) 4. Siswa membuat kalimat
4. Guru memerintahkan siswa dengan menggunakan simple
untuk membuat kalimat past tense secara berpasangan.
menggunakan simple past
Guru Siswa
4. Guru mempersiapkan topik 4. Siswa memilih tema yang
untuk dipilih oleh siswa diberikan oleh guru. (Activity
(Activity 6) 6)
5. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk 5. Siswa menyusun recount text
menyusun recount text dengan tema yang telah
berdasarkan tema yang dipilih dipilih.
6. Guru mengoreksi recount text 6. Siswa mengumpulkannya
yang dihasilkan siswa. hasil recount text kepada
Penutup 10’
Guru Siswa
4. Guru melakukan refleksi dan 4. Siswa mengikuti/ melakukan
menyimpulkan hal-hal yang refleksi dan mendengarkan
telah dipelajari. guru menyimpulkan hal-hal
5. Guru menyampaikan informasi yang telah dipelajari.
tentang rencana kegiatan 5. Siswa memperhatikan
pembelajaran untuk pertemuan informasi tentang rencana
berikutnya. kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
6. Guru mengucapkan salam pertemuan berikutnya.
perpisahan. 6. Siswa menjawab salam
Kepsek SMPN 1 TIBUSSAN.. Guru Mata Pelajaran
H.Mustapa,S.Pd Nurlela,S.Pd
NIP. 196608111989031011 NIP 197604062000122001
O. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya
KI 3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata
KI 4 : Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di
sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori
4. 4.14 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis 4.14.1 Menyusun teks recount
tentang kegiatan, kejadian dan tentang pengalaman dengan
peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan struktur teks dan unsure
fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar.
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai 4.14.2 Menyampaikan teks recount
konteks. secara lisan tentang
pengalaman dengan struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar.
Q. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Setelah diberikan recount textsiswa mampu:
11. Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat
12. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat
13. Mengidentifikasi unsure kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan
14. Menyusun teks recount tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar.
15. Menyampaikan teks recount secara lisan tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan lancar.
R. Materi Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Fungsi Sosial : menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lalu
Struktur Teks :
7. Orientation: Menyebutkan tindakan/ peristiwa/kejadian secara umum
8. Event: Menyebutkan urutan tindakan/ kejadian/peristiwa secara kronologis, dan
9. Re-orientation: Jika perlu, ada kesimpulan umum.
Unsur Kebahasaan:
11. Penyebutan kata benda dan kata ganti orang ketiga (pronoun): He, She, Rio
12. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense: we went to school yesterday.
13. Menggunakan chronological connection: then, first, second.
14. Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi
15. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan
S. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Media
Gambar, LCD Projector, a unit of laptop
2. Sumber Pembelajaran
o). Buku Teks Wajib
p). Buku pelatihan bahasa Inggris kurikulum 2013
q). Keteladan ucapan dan tindakan guru menggnakan setiap tindakan komunikasi
interpersonal dengan benar dan akurat
r). Contoh peragaan dalam bentuk rekaman audio CD/ VCD/ DVD/ kaset
s). Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII
t). Modul “English in Focus” kelas VIII
u). Sumber dari internet:,,
Pertemuan pertama
Pendahuluan 10’
Salam tegur sapa
Guru Siswa
13. Guru memberi salam (greeting). 13. Siswa menjawab salam.
14. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. 14. Siswa mendengarkan saat guru
15. Guru memberi apersepsi dan memeriksa daftar kehadiran.
motivasi. 15. Siswa mendengarkan/ mengikuti
16. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan kegiatan untuk motivasi.
tentang kaitan antara pengetahuan 16. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan
sebelumnya dengan materi yang tentang pengetahuan materi
akan dipelajari. sebelumnya.
17. Guru menyampaikan tujuan 17. Siswa mendengarkan
pembelajaran. penyampaian guru tentang tujuan
18. Guru menyampaikan cakupan pembelajaran
materi dan uraian kegiatan. 18. Siswa mendengarkan
penyampaian guru tentang
cakupan materi dan uraian
Kegiatan Inti 60’
Guru Siswa
5. Guru memberikan / 5. Siswa mengidentifikasi gambar
menyediakangambar tentang tentang recount text. (Activity 1)
recount text (Activity 1) 6. Siswa memperhatikan tentang
6. Guru menjelaskan tentang fungsi fungsi social, struktur teks,
social, struktur teks, maupun maupun format penulisan recount
format penulisan recount text. text. (Activity 2)
(Activity 2)
Guru Siswa
5. Guru menyediakan berbagai 1. Siswa mengamati berbagai contoh
contoh recount text yang berbeda recount text yang diberikan dan
untuk ditebak siswa dengan berfikir kritis. (Activity 3)
menyampaikan pertanyaan. 2. Siswa mempertanyakan
(Activity 3) perbedaan gambar tentang recount
6. Guru mengundang siswa untuk text yang disediakan.
bertanya tentangperbedaan
gambar recount text yang
Guru Siswa
7. Guru memberikan recount text 7. Siswa menerima text recount
yang berbeda. (Activity 4) yang yang diberikan oleh guru
8. Guru menyuruh siswa menemukan (Activity 4)
kalimat yang menggunakan simple 8. Siswa mencoba menemukan
past tense yang ada pada bacaan. kalimat menggunakan simple past
9. Guru menjelaskan rumus simple tense yang terdapat pada bacaan.
past tense. 9. Siswa menyimak penjelasan guru
tentang simple past tense.
Guru Siswa
5. Guru membagi siswa dan 5. Siswa duduk berpasangan.
memerintahkan siswa untuk duduk (Activity 5)
berpasangan.(Activity 5) 6. Siswa membuat kalimat dengan
6. Guru memerintahkan siswa untuk menggunakan simple past tense
membuat kalimat menggunakan secara berpasangan.
simple past tense.
Guru Siswa
7. Guru mempersiapkan topik untuk 7. Siswa memilih tema yang
dipilih oleh siswa (Activity 6) diberikan oleh guru. (Activity 6)
8. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk 8. Siswa menyusun recount text
menyusun recount text berdasarkan dengan tema yang telah dipilih.
tema yang dipilih 9. Siswa mengumpulkannya hasil
9. Guru mengoreksi recount text yang recount text kepada guru.
dihasilkan siswa.
Penutup 10’
Guru Siswa
7. Guru melakukan refleksi dan 7. Siswa mengikuti/ melakukan
menyimpulkan hal-hal yang refleksi dan mendengarkan
telah dipelajari. guru menyimpulkan hal-hal
8. Guru menyampaikan informasi yang telah dipelajari.
tentang rencana kegiatan 8. Siswa memperhatikan
pembelajaran untuk pertemuan informasi tentang rencana
berikutnya. kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
9. Guru mengucapkan salam pertemuan berikutnya.
perpisahan. 9. Siswa menjawab salam
Kepsek SMPN 1 TIBUSSAN.. Guru Mata Pelajaran
H.Mustapa,S.Pd Nurlela,S.Pd
NIP. 196608111989031011 NIP 197604062000122001
V. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya
KI 3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata
KI 4 : Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di
sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori
4. 4.14 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis 4.14.1 Menyusun teks recount
tentang kegiatan, kejadian dan tentang pengalaman dengan
peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan struktur teks dan unsure
fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar.
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai 4.14.2 Menyampaikan teks recount
konteks. secara lisan tentang
pengalaman dengan struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar.
X. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Setelah diberikan recount textsiswa mampu:
16. Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat
17. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat
18. Mengidentifikasi unsure kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan
19. Menyusun teks recount tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar.
20. Menyampaikan teks recount secara lisan tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan lancar.
Y. Materi Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Fungsi Sosial : menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lalu
Struktur Teks :
10. Orientation: Menyebutkan tindakan/ peristiwa/kejadian secara umum
11. Event: Menyebutkan urutan tindakan/ kejadian/peristiwa secara kronologis, dan
12. Re-orientation: Jika perlu, ada kesimpulan umum.
Unsur Kebahasaan:
16. Penyebutan kata benda dan kata ganti orang ketiga (pronoun): He, She, Rio
17. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense: we went to school yesterday.
18. Menggunakan chronological connection: then, first, second.
19. Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi
20. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan
Z. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Media
Gambar, LCD Projector, a unit of laptop
2. Sumber Pembelajaran
v). Buku Teks Wajib
w). Buku pelatihan bahasa Inggris kurikulum 2013
x). Keteladan ucapan dan tindakan guru menggnakan setiap tindakan komunikasi
interpersonal dengan benar dan akurat
y). Contoh peragaan dalam bentuk rekaman audio CD/ VCD/ DVD/ kaset
z). Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII
aa).Modul “English in Focus” kelas VIII
bb). Sumber dari internet:,,
Pertemuan pertama
Pendahuluan 10’
Salam tegur sapa
Guru Siswa
19. Guru memberi salam (greeting). 19. Siswa menjawab salam.
20. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. 20. Siswa mendengarkan saat guru
21. Guru memberi apersepsi dan memeriksa daftar kehadiran.
motivasi. 21. Siswa mendengarkan/ mengikuti
22. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan kegiatan untuk motivasi.
tentang kaitan antara pengetahuan 22. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan
sebelumnya dengan materi yang tentang pengetahuan materi
akan dipelajari. sebelumnya.
23. Guru menyampaikan tujuan 23. Siswa mendengarkan
pembelajaran. penyampaian guru tentang tujuan
24. Guru menyampaikan cakupan pembelajaran
materi dan uraian kegiatan. 24. Siswa mendengarkan
penyampaian guru tentang
cakupan materi dan uraian
Kegiatan Inti 60’
Guru Siswa
7. Guru memberikan / 7. Siswa mengidentifikasi gambar
menyediakangambar tentang tentang recount text. (Activity 1)
recount text (Activity 1) 8. Siswa memperhatikan tentang
8. Guru menjelaskan tentang fungsi fungsi social, struktur teks,
social, struktur teks, maupun maupun format penulisan recount
format penulisan recount text. text. (Activity 2)
(Activity 2)
Guru Siswa
7. Guru menyediakan berbagai 1. Siswa mengamati berbagai contoh
contoh recount text yang berbeda recount text yang diberikan dan
untuk ditebak siswa dengan berfikir kritis. (Activity 3)
menyampaikan pertanyaan. 2. Siswa mempertanyakan
(Activity 3) perbedaan gambar tentang recount
8. Guru mengundang siswa untuk text yang disediakan.
bertanya tentangperbedaan
gambar recount text yang
Guru Siswa
10. Guru memberikan recount text 10. Siswa menerima text recount
yang berbeda. (Activity 4) yang yang diberikan oleh guru
11. Guru menyuruh siswa (Activity 4)
menemukan kalimat yang 11. Siswa mencoba menemukan
menggunakan simple past tense kalimat menggunakan simple past
yang ada pada bacaan. tense yang terdapat pada bacaan.
12. Guru menjelaskan rumus 12. Siswa menyimak penjelasan
simple past tense. guru tentang simple past tense.
Guru Siswa
7. Guru membagi siswa dan 7. Siswa duduk berpasangan.
memerintahkan siswa untuk duduk (Activity 5)
berpasangan.(Activity 5) 8. Siswa membuat kalimat dengan
8. Guru memerintahkan siswa untuk menggunakan simple past tense
membuat kalimat menggunakan secara berpasangan.
simple past tense.
Guru Siswa
10. Guru mempersiapkan topik 10. Siswa memilih tema yang
untuk dipilih oleh siswa (Activity diberikan oleh guru. (Activity 6)
6) 11. Siswa menyusun recount text
11. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk dengan tema yang telah dipilih.
menyusun recount text berdasarkan 12. Siswa mengumpulkannya
tema yang dipilih hasil recount text kepada guru.
12. Guru mengoreksi recount text
yang dihasilkan siswa.
Penutup 10’
Guru Siswa
10. Guru melakukan refleksi dan 10. Siswa mengikuti/ melakukan
menyimpulkan hal-hal yang refleksi dan mendengarkan
telah dipelajari. guru menyimpulkan hal-hal
11. Guru menyampaikan informasi yang telah dipelajari.
tentang rencana kegiatan 11. Siswa memperhatikan
pembelajaran untuk pertemuan informasi tentang rencana
berikutnya. kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
12. Guru mengucapkan salam pertemuan berikutnya.
perpisahan. 12. Siswa menjawab salam
Kepsek SMPN 1 TIBUSSAN.. Guru Mata Pelajaran
H.Mustapa,S.Pd Nurlela,S.Pd
NIP. 196608111989031011 NIP 197604062000122001
Sari Ulan Purnama was born on February 13th, 1996 in Buntu sarek. She had 1 brother. She
lives at Buntu sarek, Luwu regency. She is the first child from the couple of H.Nurdin.S.Pd and
Hj. Salma s. She started her education, first was in elementary school at SDN 42 Buntu sarek and
she graduated in 2007. Then, she continued at MTS Bajo, she graduated in 2010. And she
continued at SMA Negeri 5 Palopo and graduated in 2013. In the same time, she entered the
At the end of her study, she could finish her thesis with title THE EFFECTIVENESS OF
Experimental Study Toward Eight Grade at SMPN 1 Tibussan Satap)