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(A Descriptive Research)
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1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai dengan selesainya skripsi saya, saya
akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya, tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun.
2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan
3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi ini.
4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian saya seperti yang tertera pada butir 1,2 dan
3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.
Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.
Ade Haryanto
Makassar, November2015
Ade Haryanto
to the almighty God, Allah SWT, who has given guidance, mercy, and good health,
so that she could finish writing this thesis with the title “Analyzing Students’
addressed to the beloved and chosen messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW
The researcher would like to express his deepest prost profound and gratitude
to his parents, his father Muhammad Basri Betu, his mother Sitti Fatimah and all of
his family for their prayer, financial, motivation, support, and sacrificed.
The writer would like to convey her high appreciation and sincere thanks to
her consultants Dr. Ratna Dewi, S.S., M. Hum and Dra. Radiah Hamid, M.Pd for
their invaluable clear perspective, professional expertise, and motivation along for
The writer realized that many people had given their helps and useful
suggestion for the finishing of this thesis. Without the assistance of them, this thesis
would never have existed. Therefore, the writer would like to express appreciation
1. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M, the Rector of Makassar Muhammadiyah
2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D., the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.
3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department
4. Heartful thanks to all lectures of the FKIP UNISMUH especially to the lectures
Muhammad Zulfikar Sahabuddin Laide and Ridwan who always give motivation,
6. Thank you very much to All Member of EDSA for motivation and support.
7. Thank you very much to her brother Astri Safitri Said who always give support.
8. All lot of thanks to Hj. Sulaeha Apartments for their dedicated and support when I
feeling down and feeling high and everybody that I could not mentioned their
name one by one, may Allah almighty bless us now and forever.
The writer
SURAT PERNYATAAN......................................................................................v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................vi
ABSTRACT .........................................................................................................vii
A. Background ..................................................................................... 1
C. Research Objective........................................................................... 4
A. Research Design...............................................................................19
B. Population and Sample.....................................................................19
A. Findings............................................................................................22
B. Discussion ........................................................................................27
A. Conclusion .......................................................................................29
B. Suggestion ........................................................................................30
BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………… .......
A. Background
internal cohesion of any writing. Transition signals act like bridges between parts
writing. They link the sentences and paragraphs together so that they flow
smoothly and there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. Transition
signals also act like signposts making it easier for the reader to follow ideas. They
help carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one paragraph to
transitional signal happened because the students do not understand well about
using transition signals that is used as sentence connectors. The writer also
concludes that the mistakes that the students have done because of the
that the second year English Department Student have shown average mastery in
using transitions signals. More than half of the students were not able to use
transitions well. The finding is indicated by the fact that the students had mistaken
combines the sentences by adding transitions, the last; many of them ignore the
in paragraph is probably due to several factors. First, the process of teaching and
learning in the writing class has not been running well since one class consisted of
twenty-two students in might be caused the crowded class, the facility was not
supported (for example, the book) since there were students who have book and
students who have not. Second, the students might not be able to understand the
materials explained by the teacher. Third, the students did not have high
motivation to learn sentence connectors. Last of all, the students seldom read the
English texts, such as English newspapers, magazines, and internet article since
they can help students understand the use of transition signals as sentence
connectors in paragraph.
2015/2016”. The result of this research indicates that the students’ ability in using
transition signals is into fair category, its means that the students’ ability in using
transition signal is not good enough, they made many mistakes and errors in using
transition signal. The most difficult transition signal is also and they lack of
Yogyakarta stated that there is a positive and significant correlation between the
concludes that some of the researchers found that the students were not able to use
Transition signal well, it is happened because the students do not understand well
about using transition signals that is used as sentence connectors. The writer also
concludes that the mistakes that the students have done because of the
students’ ability in using Transition signal will affect the students’ writing ability.
essay writing, especially those link the sentences and paragraphs together. Based
B. Problem Statement
Based on the statement above, the researcher would like to formulate the
problem as follow:
1. What Transition Signals are used by the students in their essay sthe Fifth
Based on the research problem above, the purpose of the research is:
1. To find out what Transition Signals are used by the students in their
2. To find out how is the ability of the students in using Transition Signals
reference for the English students in general, and for the teacher to add
E. Scope of Research
researcher will analyze transition signal in the students’ essays. The researcher
phrases : such as, not only, first of all, generally, especially, in the other hand, for
example, even though, as well as, first, second, and Conjunctive adverb: besides,
Subordinating conjunction: as, if, so, because, where, which, that, who, when) in
descriptive text.
1. Definition of Writing
the prediction of the sounds. The symbols have been arranged according to
certain in convention. As rule, however the students do not write just one
out in accordance with certain general principal in which underline the use of
language in communication.
studying to focus our mind on important matters, and learning about them. By
this activity, a person can find the solution of difficult problem, master the
fact even by writing, a person can also communicate their mind that cannot be
done through other way. We can say that writing is the act of expressing
there are two problematic areas namely “what to write and how to write it”. It
or knowledge of the world refers to what the writer knows about the subject
to write.
Graham and Perin (2007:3) explain that writing well is not just an
academic success and a basic requirement for participation in civic life in the
involved. The fact is that writing is not only a means of expression, but it is
also an essential criterion of competence in any field. This means that to write
linguistic system.
(2008: 5):
the act writing into information and tab into information and image
coherent form.
see relationship.
2) Through writing, we can express our ideas and also our feeling
to other people.
By expressing idea through writing, the writer can improve the way
of delivery ideas and opinions in more appropriate way since she can
check and revise her writing before being read by other people.
3. Essay Writing
available and usually only if someone teachers too. People learn writing if
they are member of literate society and usually only if someone teaches too.
but he has to get into water to practice and apply the theories on ourselves.
of the theories and apply that. Writing not just write a paragraph but it can be
write an essay. Oshima and Hogue (1998:101) stated that writing an essay is
means essay writing more complicated than writing paragraph. So if you can
write a good paragraph, you can write a good essay. According to Oshima
and Hogue (1998:101) Essay writing have three main parts, they are:
a. An Introductory
the specific subdivision soft your part topic and or the plan of your paper.
A thesis statement for an essay is just like a topic sentence for paragraph:
the topic.
b. The Body
body will vary with the number of subdivision or subtopics. The body is
the longest part of the essay and can contain as many paragraphs as
paragraphs of the body of the essay are like the main supporting points in
c. The Conclusion
a summary or review of the main points discussed in the body. The only
paragraphs of the body. These are just like transition within a paragraph.
a. You look for ideas. Before we are going to write we must decide
what we are going to write. Identify the audience around and decide
on an appropriate tone.
b. You begin to shape your material. After we look for ideas, the next
c. You begin to write. As you shape the material you begin to write the
new material.
should be understood.
d. List any other reference. To your list any other books, articles, etc.
f. Clear notes from your reading. Clear notes should be written from
the reading.
i. When the notes have been finished, they should be looked through in
there may be too much and some may not be very relevant to the
l. Your material, or ideas, into three main sections for the essay. The
material or ideas should be divided into three main sections for the
According to Bryan (2001:2) for any essay to achieve high marks it’s
At this stage you should be list your question as the first step
to write down an essay. The question as the basic to find out the
b. Research
At this stage you should find out the topic or title by doing
some research in the field. What the topic are going to choose and
c. Planning
At this stage the idea, topic or title have been ready. You
d. Writing
At this stage you began to write the idea with the topic you
e. Revision
1. Transition Signal
Oshima and Hogue (1998:44) states that transition signal such as first,
phrases using in writing to make the sentence and paragraph more coherence
and easier. Think transition signal as traffic signs that tell the reader go
Peha (2003:38) states that transitions these are short phrases like
“Then” or “After a while” or “In the beginning” that help to introduce each
new action in the sequence. It is not necessary to add a transition for each
action, but they can be very helpful at making your sequence flow smoothly.
called “others”. But the writer focus analyzing in sentence connectors and
clause connectors.
a. Sentence Connectors
1) Transition Phrases
2) Conjunctive Adverbs
by commas.
b. Clause Connectors
1) Coordinating Conjunction
for and nor) are used with a comma to join two independent clauses
b) Dad not only washed the car, but he also polished it.
c) The company’s sales increased last year, yet it’s not profit
Yet and but have similar meaning: they both signal that an
2) Subordinating Conjunction
use a comma.
sales increased.
c. Mixed “others”
of competent management.
American English.
C. Conceptual Framework
Student Essay
Sentence Clause
Connectors Connectors
researcher take essay writing for specific subject. In essay writing the researcher
will analyze the transition signal. It consists of two parts: sentence connectors
the basic of this analysis. That’s why the researcher put first line for writing.
A. Research Design
will describe the student’s ability in using different kinds of transition signals in
1. Population
2. Sample
Three are two variables which had been observed in this research. They
Subordinating Conjunction).
1. The data had been found by identifying Transition Signals used by the
2. Students’ ability in using Transition Signals was taken from the correct
The instrument of this research was writing an essay. It was applied in writing
test. It aimed to know the transition signal which was used of the students in
their essay, and to measure the ability of the students in using transition signal
The researcher will use the following formula in analyzing the student’s
a) Scoring
P= Fx 100
F= correct answer
N= maximum score
M = ΣX
Where M = mean
Σ = sum of
X = score in a distribution
N = number of score
After knowing the test result of students’ scores, then, the writer
percentages all the data in formula of Four Level Mastery (Haris, 1968,
0 % - 49% = poor
discussion. The research findings showed the data obtained from the result in
order to know how is the ability of the fifth semester students English Department
writing. The discussion contains the description and the data interpretation.
A. Findings
The data described in this finding was taken from the fifth semester
students’ essays.
a. Sentence Connectors
by a comma. The first are ‘besides’ and ‘also’. It uses ‘to introduce an
connector. The second is ‘however, still and instead’. It uses ‘to contrast’
about the one and the other things. The third is ‘therefore’ and ‘thus’. It
Transition Signal used ‘to introduce an effect/result’ about the topic. The
fourth is ‘for example’. It uses ‘to give an example’ about the topic. The
fifth is ‘third, the first, the second, than, then, that and the last’. It uses
‘to show chronological order’ about the topic. The sixth is ‘in other
TOTAL 23 54 77
The correct usages of sentence connectors were 54, but the wrong usages
sentence connectors, for example: “We can see, in the hospital there are division
of doctor. For example, surgeons and internist.” In this part, we can see that
b. Clause Connectors
form one sentence. They are joined by a comma. The first is ‘and’. It
uses to ‘to introduce an additional idea’ and ‘to compare’ about the
topic. The second is ‘but, although, even though, whereas and while’. It
uses ‘to contrast’ the topic. The third is ‘for, because and as’. It will use
‘to introduce a cause/reason’ about the topic. The fourth is ‘so’. It uses
‘to introduce an effect/result’ about the topic. The fifth is ‘after, as,
before, when, while and until’. It uses ‘to show chronological order’ of
the topic. The sixth is ‘or’. It will use ‘to show an alternative’ for the
topic. The seventh is ‘if’. It uses ‘to identify or clarify’ the topic.
Table 4.2, there are 326 clause connectors by the students. Some
usages of clause connectors were 298. But the wrong usages of using
than the taxi and the people also easily to find public transportation in a terminal.” In
this part, we can see that there is a student using ‘and’ as a clause
student explains about the idea about smoking, so the next sentence gives
transition signal.
Table 4.3 shows that the 30 students’ essays contain 403 transition
70% and it classify in Good Criteria. In clause connectors, there were 298
Criteria. So, the researcher concludes that the students’ ability in using
B. Discussions
still, instead, therefore, thus, for example, third, the first, the second, than,
then, that, the last, in other words, and, but, although, even though, whereas,
while, for, because, as, so, after, as, before, when, while, until, or and if’.
‘however and still’ is used mostly correct in the students’ essays, and there is
‘therefore and thus’ is used in the students’ essays, but those are misused. To
mostly correct in the students’ essays, and there is no wrong usage. To show
mostly in the students’ essays, but there are misused 10 times. To show an
using sentence connector such as ‘in other words’ is used in the students’
‘and’ is used mostly correct in the students’ essays. but there are misused 9
correct in the students’ essays, but there are wrong usage 9 times. To contrast
by using clause connector such as ‘but’ is used mostly in the students’ essays.
connector such as ‘for and as’ is used mostly correct in the students’ essays,
connector such as ‘so’ is used mostly correct in the students’ essays. but there
clarify by using clause connector such as ‘if’ is used mostly correct in the
number of transition signals used divided with the use of transition signal
time 100%. The percentage of the students’ correct numbers are given a score
as ‘also, for example, than, then and that’ are mostly correct. It Transition
Signal is commonly used by everyone and easy to use. The students’ ability
On the other side, the students’ ability in using clause connectors are
connector such as ‘and, for, as, so, or and if’ are mostly correct. It Transition
Signal is commonly used by everybody and easy to use. The students’ ability
A. Conclusion
signal aspects that the fifth semester students English Department University
therefore, thus, for example, third, the first, the second, than, then, that,
the last and in other words. The highest frequency of the transition signal
type sentence connector made by students’ was “also” which used twelve
but, although, even though, whereas, while, for, because, as, so, after,
before, when, until, or and if. The highest frequency of transition signal
type clause connector made by the students’ was “and” which used
2. The students’ ability in using Transition Signals is 87%. It means the use
B. Suggestion
In this chapter, the researcher would like to propose some suggestions that
hopefully would useful for to the lecturer, further researcher and students.
2. The lecturer should give many information about transition signal, its
Byrne, Donn.1990. Teaching Writing Skills. London and New York: Longman
Group UK Limited.
Brown, H. Douglas. 1987. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching
(2nded). New York: Addision Wesley Longman
Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to
Language Pedagogy (2nded). New York: Longman.
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Write down some essays in using transitional signals or make a some paragraphs !
Bontobahari and he graduated his study in 2009. Continued his study to Senior
High School at SMA Negeri 1 Bontobahari and finished it in 2012. In the same
of Makassar.