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Schizomid Fauna

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Arachnologische Mitteilungen 38: 1-3

Nrnberg, Dezember 2009

Stenochrus portoricensis new to the Czech Republic (Schizomida, Hubbardiidae)

Stanislav Korenko, Mark Harvey & Stano Pekr
Abstract: A schizomid, Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922 (family Hubbardiidae), was collected in a greenhouse in Brno. This is the rst discovery of a schizomid from the Czech Republic.
Key words: Faunistics, greenhouse, introduced species

The named world schizomid fauna comprises 38

genera and 218 species, but numerous species from
many parts of the world have yet to be described
(HARVEY 2003). In nature schizomids are exclusively
known from tropical and subtropical regions, but three
species have been recorded from greenhouses in Europe: Schizomus crassicaudatus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1872)
from Sri Lanka was imported to France and Zomus
bagnallii ( Jackson, 1908) from South-east Asia was
introduced to Great Britain (BLICK 2006). Recently,
we collected Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin,
1922 within a greenhouse in the Czech Republic.
Stenochrus portoricensis naturally occurs in Mexico
and the Caribbean (ROWLAND & REDDELL 1980,
has been accidentally introduced into many countries
of North and South America (Brazil, Ecuador and
Florida) and even in Europe: Spain (Canary Islands
politically, but not geographically, a part of Europe),
Great Britain and Germany (BLICK 2006, COKENDOLPHER et al. 2006). In continental Europe, the
species occurs only in heated greenhouses, whereas
the Canary Islands populations came from caves and
inside houses (MARTN & OROM 1992, OROM &
MARTN 1992).

Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922

Diagnosis and description: From the other two

schizomid genera (Zomus and Schizomus) found in
Europe, Stenochrus is distinguished by the combiStanislav KORENKO & Stano PEKR, Department of Botany and
Zoology, Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University, Kotlsk 2,
611 37 Brno, Czech Republic, E-Mail: pekar@sci.muni.cz
Mark HARVEY, Department of Terrestrial Zoology, Western
Australian Museum, Locked Bag 49, Welshpool DC, Western
Australia 6986, Australia
eingereicht: 13.7.2009, akzeptiert: 7.8.2009; online verfgbar: 1.9.2009

nation of the following characters: female agellum

with three segments (Fig. 1), anterior process of
propeltidium with only one pair of setae arranged
one behind the other (Fig. 2), metapeltidium entire
(Fig. 2), movable cheliceral nger without accessory
teeth (Fig. 3), and by a mesal spur on the trochanter
of the pedipalp (Fig. 4).
Stenochrus portoricensis can be distinguished from
other species of the genus by the characters of the
internal genitalia of females (see ROWLAND & REDDELL 1980, figs 46-53; SANTOS et al. 2008, fig. 8).
Detailed diagnoses and descriptions can be found in
(1999), ARMAS (2004) and SANTOS et al. (2008).

Greenhouse, Botanical Garden of the Masaryk University,
310 m a.s.l., Brno (4912'17"N, 1635'47"E), 22 October
2008, 1, 1 juv , leg. S. Korenko; same site, 15 January
2009, 2, 1 juv , leg. S. Korenko, E. Lznarov & L.
Sentensk; same site, 28. January 2009, 3, 2 juv ,
leg. S. Korenko, E. Lznarov & L. Sentensk; same site,
5, 4 juv , 5 February 2009 leg. S. Korenko & S.
Pekr (specimens lodged in the Masaryk University, Brno
and Western Australian Museum, Perth).

Natural History
We found specimens under pieces of bark lying on wet
soil. In America, S. portoricensis has been collected in
abandoned arboreal termite nests in a cocoa plantation
(SANTOS et al. 2008), termite and ant nests (REDDELL & COKENDOLPHER 1995), disturbed habitats
(TOURINHO & KURY 1999), caves (ROWLAND &
REDDELL 1980), and under rocks of an urbanised
beach and in litter in metropolitan Rio de Janeiro
(SANTOS et al. 2008).
In the laboratory specimens readily fed exclusively
on collembolans. In the greenhouse we found also thysanurans, ants and spiders in the litter so these might
be preyed upon too. SANTOS et al. (2008) found this

S. Korenko, M. Harvey & S. Pekr

Figs. 1-4: Female of Stenochrus portoricensis. 1. Flagellum (dorsal view). 2. Propeltidium with one pair of setae arranged one behind
the other (dorsal view). Arrows point to the position of setae. 3. Chelicerae (lateral view). 4. Right pedipalp (prolateral view).
Arrow points to the mesal spur of patella. Scales = 0.1 (A) and 0.2 (B-D) mm.

species within ant and termite nests, where it possibly

feeds on woodlice, collembolans, beetles, termites or
All collected specimens (N = 19) were juveniles or
females, suggesting that the population may be parthenogenetic. Males of this species are not commonly
collected (ROWLAND & REDDELL 1980, REDDELL
& COKENDOLPHER 1995, ARMAS 2004), and in
many parts of its range the species is presumably
facultatively parthenogenetic (REDDELL & COKENDOLPHER 1995). Stenochrus portoricensis might be
widely distributed in greenhouses throughout Europe;
therefore, faunistic surveys would be welcome.

We would like to thank M. Tup and M. Chytr for
their kind assistance in the Botanical Garden, and Eva
Lznarov and Lenka Sentensk for their help with collecting schizomids. This study was supported by grant no.
MSM0021622416 provided by the Ministry of Education,
Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. SK was further
supported by grant no. 526/09/H025 from the Czech
Science Foundation.

ARMAS L.F. de (2004): Arcnidos de Repblica Dominicana. Palpigradi, Schizomida, Solifugae y Thelyphonida
(Chelicerata: Arachnida). Revista Ibrica de Aracnologa, vol. esp. 2: 1-63
BLICK T. (2006): Zwerggeisselskorpione in Europa und
auf den Kanarischen Inseln. Internet: http://www.
K. SCHRAMEYER (2006): Schizomida, short-tailed
whipscorpions (Arachnida) introduced into Europe
request for specimens, references & information.
Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society
107: 14
HARVEY M.S. (2003): Catalogue of the smaller arachnid
orders of the world: Amblypygi, Uropygi, Schizomida,
Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Solifugae. CSIRO Publishing,
Collingwood, Australia. 385 pp.
MARTN J.L. & P. OROM (1984): Consideraciones sobre
la presencia de Schizomus portoricensis Chamberlin,
1922 (Arach. Schizomida) en cuevas de Tenerife (Islas
Canarias). Boletn de la Sociedad Entomolgica de
Espaa 8: 265-270

Stenochrus portoricensis in the Czech Republic

OROM P. & J.L. MARTN (1992): The Canary Islands
subterranean fauna: characterization and composition. In: CAMACHO A.I. (ed.): The natural history of
biospeleology. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales,
Madrid. Pp. 527-567
REDDELL J.R. & J.C. COKENDOLPHER (1995): Catalogue, bibliography and generic revision of the order
Schizomida (Arachnida). Texas Memorial Museum,
Speleological Monographs 4: 1-170
ROWLAND J.M. & J.R. REDDELL (1980): The order Schizomida (Arachnida) in the New World. III. Mexicanus
and pecki groups (Schizomidae: Schizomus). Journal of
Arachnology 8: 1-34

(2008): The arachnid order Schizomida in the Brazilian
Atlantic Forest: a new species of Rowlandius and new
records of Stenochrus portoricensis (Schizomida: Hubbardiidae). Zootaxa 850: 53-60
TOURINHO A.L. & A.B. KURY (1999): The southernmost
record of Schizomida in South America, rst records
of Schizomida for Rio de Janeiro and of Stenochrus
Chamberlin, 1922 for Brazil (Arachnida, Schizomida,
Hubbardiidae). Boletim do Museu Nacional, N.S.
Zoologia 405: 1-6

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