Ursa in South America (Araneae: Araneoidea) : The Spider Genera Heterognatha, Testudinaria and
Ursa in South America (Araneae: Araneoidea) : The Spider Genera Heterognatha, Testudinaria and
Ursa in South America (Araneae: Araneoidea) : The Spider Genera Heterognatha, Testudinaria and
The spider genera Heterognatha, Testudinaria and Heterognatha, Testudinaria and Ursa are uncommon
Ursa in South America (Araneae: Araneoidea) spiders that have not been identified in collections,
making them difficult to borrow. (It is also the reason
Herbert W. Levi for lack of knowledge about their habits.) The specimens
Museum of Comparative Zoology, that have become available were those previously
Harvard University, misidentified in borrowed collections of other araneid
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA genera.
It is hoped that once described and illustrated, these
Summary small spiders will prove more common and their habits
and ecology will become known.
Heterognatha, Testudinaria and Ursa are known
mostly from catalogue listings. The genitalia of all species
A determination key to the American genera of
are illustrated here, most for the first time. Previously Araneidae (Levi, 2002) includes only Testudinaria, but
undescribed males of Heterognatha and Testudinaria not Heterognatha and Ursa.
are described and illustrated. The only known species of
Heterognatha is from Chile. There are nine Testudinaria
species, three of them new: T. bonaldoi from southeastern Material and methods
Brazil, T. debsmithae from Peru to Surinam, and T. gravatai
widespread in Brazil. Testudinaria species are distributed The procedures used are those of the previous revision
from Panama to Misiones Province, Argentina. It is (Levi, 1993). Hoyers Medium was used for clearing
uncertain whether Heterognatha and Testudinaria are epigyna (Levi, 2003). All measurements are in mm.
araneids as the species lack both the specialised araneid eye Specimens were made available from the following
tapetum and the radix of the male palpus, always present in
araneids. They do have the modified, short, cup-shaped
institutions: AMNH=American Museum of Natural
tibia of the male palpus characteristic of orb-weavers. History, New York, USA (W. J. Gertsch, J. A. L.
Examination of their silk glands and knowledge of their Cooke, N. I. Platnick, L. Sorkin); CAS=California
behaviour may determine family placement. The genus Ursa Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA
contains four species; the type species, the Amazonian U. (C. Griswold, D. Ubick); MACN=Museo Argentino de
pulchra, is the only one from America. Ursa pulchra is based
on a single female. A male will be needed for placement of
Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina (C. L.
the species and diagnosis of the genus. Scioscia); MCN=Museu de Ciências Naturais,
Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (E. H. Buckup);
MCP=Museu de Ciências, Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Little is known about the three genera included here. (A. A. Lise); MCZ=Museum of Comparative Zoology,
Most Heterognatha and Testudinaria species have not Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; MLP=Museo de
previously had their genitalia illustrated; they were Universidad Nacional, La Plata, Argentina (C. Ituarte,
known only from the original descriptions of females L. A. Pereira); MNHN=Muséum National d’Histoire
and their listings in catalogues (Roewer, 1942; Bonnet, Naturelle, Paris, France (C. Rollard); PAN=Polska
1955, 1957, 1959; Brignoli, 1983; Platnick, 2004), Akademia Nauk, Warszawa, Poland (T. Huflejt, J.
although Platnick (1993) examined some, and indicated Prószyński); SMNK=Staatliches Museum für
that they are not mimetids. The species of Testudinaria Naturkunde Karlsruhe, Germany (H. Höfer);
have been included in two genera placed in two families, USNM=National Museum of Natural History,
Mimetidae and Araneidae. The only male described was Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA (J.
placed in a third genus and another was misplaced. Coddington, S. F. Larcher, D. G. Furth).
Their familial placement is still uncertain, but both I am grateful to the curators of the collections for
genera are close to the orb weavers, Araneidae. loaning specimens. I also wish to thank Erica Buckup,
The third genus, Ursa, includes four species, of which W. Eberhard, H. Höfer and N. I. Platnick for supplying
only the type species is American. The Amazonian U. locality and/or ecological data and other observations,
pulchra is based on a single female, never previously L. Levi and the editor for carefully reading and correct-
illustrated, and without exact locality. A male will be ing the manuscript, and L. Leibensperger for help in the
needed for its generic placement. laboratory and reading the manuscript.
The standards of description in the 19th and early
20th centuries were different from those of today. Simon
Heterognatha Nicolet
and Thorell in the last part of the 19th century described
hundreds of species without illustrating the critical view Heterognatha Nicolet, 1849: 469; Neave, 1939b: 637; Bonnet, 1957:
of the spiders or their genitalia. Most of these spiders are 2183 (designation of type species, H. chilensis Nicolet, 1849);
Platnick, 2004. The generic name is feminine (Bonnet, 1957).
carefully preserved in various museums. Before the
1950s they were generally kept in a safe place, available Note: The generic name was erroneously synonymised
only to experienced taxonomists visiting museums. In with Araneus by Simon, 1895: 829.
the last 40 years they have at last been freely available to Diagnosis: The genus is distinguished from all other
spider taxonomists. A few have been lost when sent by araneoid genera by the lanceolate outline of the
mail, a hazard outweighed by the great need to correctly abdomen (Figs. 6, 7, 9). Unlike araneid spiders, but as in
unite established names with specimens. Testudinaria, the male palpus lacks a radix (Fig. 10).
186 Heterognatha, Testudinaria and Ursa
The two species described in Heterognatha by Nicolet Description: Female (Chiloe Prov., Chile): Carapace,
from Chile, are here treated as synonyms. sternum and legs yellowish white with black pigment on
eyes (Fig. 6). Abdomen white, venter with white pigment
spots anteriorly and at sides of pedicel. PME 1.2 diam.
Heterognatha chilensis Nicolet (Figs. 1–12, Map 1A) of AME, laterals subequal. AME 1.5 diam. apart,
4 diam. from ALE; PME 1.2 diam. apart, 4 diam. from
Heterognatha chilensis Nicolet, 1849: 470, pl. 5, fig. 3 (\). Specimens PLE. Median eye trapezoid wider than long, slightly
from Chile, in MNHN, examined. Archer, 1963: 22.
wider behind. Height of clypeus 2 diam. of AME
H. margaritacea Nicolet, 1849: 471. Syntypes from Chile in MNHN,
lost. Platnick, 2004. (Fig. 8). Legs with macrosetae. Abdomen lanceolate
Araneus collusor Petrunkevitch, 1911: 285. Replacement name for (Figs. 6, 7). Total length 5.2. Carapace 1.8 long, 1.7 wide
H. chilensis. If chilensis is in Araneus, it becomes a secondary in thoracic region, 1.2 wide behind PLE. Leg I femur
homonym of Epeira chilensis Nicolet [=Molinaranea 2.0, patella+tibia 2.2, metatarsus 1.4, tarsus 1.1. Leg II
magellanica (Walckenaer)]. Bonnet, 1955: 462.
patella+tibia 1.8, III 1.3, IV 1.7.
Aranea collusor: Roewer, 1942: 839.
Male (Chiloe Prov., Chile): Colour as in female except
Note: The specimens in the MNHN are probably not abdomen with pigment patches and grey markings
syntypes. Simon (1895: 829) synonymised Heterognatha dorsally. Distal ends of femora, patellae and distal ends
with Epeira. The International Code of Zoological of tibiae brown. PME 1.2 diam., PLE 1.1 diam. of
Nomenclature Art. 59.3 (ICZN, 1999) permits continued AME. AME 1.5 diam. apart, 4 diam. from ALE; PME
use of the original name if the name is removed from the 1.2 diam. apart, 3 diam. from PLE. Median eye trap-
genus within which it becomes a secondary homonym. ezoid wider than long, slightly wider behind. Height
The name collusor has been used only in catalogues. On of clypeus 3 diam. of AME. Legs with macrosetae.
labels in vials Simon determined specimens as Epeira Abdomen lanceolate (Fig. 9). Total length 4.0. Carapace
nicoleti, but that name has not been published. 1.8 long, 1.7 wide in thoracic region, 1.0 wide behind
No differences are known between H. chilensis and H. PLE. Leg I femur 2.2, patella+tibia 2.4, metatarsus 1.7,
margaritacea. tarsus 0.5. Leg II patella+tibia 1.9, III 1.3, IV 1.7.
H. W. Levi 187
Figs. 1–12: Heterognatha chilensis Nicolet. 1–8 Female. 1–5 Epigynum: 1 Ventral; 2 Lateral; 3 Posterior; 4, 5 Cleared. 6 Dorsal; 7 Abdomen,
lateral; 8 Cephalic region and chelicerae. 9–12 Male. 9 Dorsal; 10–12 Left palpus: 10 Mesal; 11 Ventral; 12 Ectal. Abbreviations:
C=conductor, E=embolus, M=median apophysis, P=paracymbium. Scale lines=0.1 mm (1–5, 10–12), 1.0 mm (6–9).
Variation: Total length of females 3.3–5.8, males paracymbium (Fig. 12: P) appears to be a separate
4.0–4.7. Coloration variable. Illustrations made from sclerite, not part of the cymbium.
specimens from Dalcahue. Material examined: : Ñuble: Los Lleuques,
Diagnosis: The lanceolate outline of the abdomen 6–20 December 1985, 1\ 1_ (L. Umana). Cautin: 30 km
(Figs. 6, 7, 9) distinguishes the species from all other NE Villarrica, January 1965, 1_ 10 imm. (L. Peña,
araneid species. The lightly sclerotised epigynum has a MCZ). Osorno: Pucatrihue, coast of Osorno, 26–28
transverse bar and a posterior depression (Figs. 1–3). March 1968, 1\ (L. Peña, MCZ). Llanquihue: 2–3 km W
The internal ducts could not be followed (Figs. 4, 5). The Ensenada, 18 March 1965, 1\ (H. Levi, MCZ).
palpus (Figs. 10–12) is similar to that of Testudinaria Chiloe: Dalcahue, 1–4 April 1968, 1\ 1_ (L. Peña,
species, but differs in the shapes of the sclerites. The MCZ).
188 Heterognatha, Testudinaria and Ursa
Figs. 13–26: 13–20 Testudinaria quadripunctata Taczanowski. 13–17 Female. 13 Dorsal; 14, 15 Epigynum: 14 Ventral; 15 Cleared. 16
Chelicerae, anterior and posterior; 17 Leg I. 18–20 Male. 18 Dorsal; 19–20 Left palpus: 19 Mesal; 20 Ventral. 21–26 T.
unipunctata (Simon). 21–23 Female. 21 Dorsal; 22, 23 Epigynum: 22 Ventral; 23 Cleared. 24–26 Male. 24 Dorsal; 25, 26 Palpus:
25 Mesal; 26 Ventral. Scale lines=1.0 mm (13, 17–18, 21, 24), 0.1 mm (14–16, 19–20, 22–23, 25–26).
190 Heterognatha, Testudinaria and Ursa
Testudinaria quadripunctata Taczanowski (Figs. 13–20, Natural history: Specimens were found by sweeping
Map 1B) forest floor near Altagracia, Venezuela; in cloud forest in
Rancho Grande, Venezuela; in web in wet, mature stand
Testudinaria quadripunctata Taczanowski, 1879: 135, pl. 2, fig. 44 (\).
Two female and one male syntypes from Amable María [Junín, of banana trees in forest on steep side of Mt. Montabo,
Prov. Tarma], Peru, in PAS, examined. French Guiana, facing ocean; forest savanna in Guyana;
Gnolus quadripunctatus: Simon, 1895: 912; Roewer, 1942: 912; Bonnet, canopy fog sample of Mora tree in Kurupukari,
1957: 2029; Platnick, 2004, in Mimetidae. Guyana; and on trail from forest camp in Bolivia.
Scoloderus soaresi Mello-Leitão, 1945b: 172, fig. 2 (_). Male from Material examined: : Aragua: Maracay,
Pirapetinga, Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brazil. Male holotype lost; not
Rancho Grande, 1200 m, 1–10 August 1987, 1_ (Bordan
in MNRJ, MZSP (R. P. da Rocha, pers. comm.). Brignoli,
1983: 279; Platnick, 2004. New synonymy. & S. Peck, AMNH). Miranda: 35 km N Altagracia,
Guatobo Natl. Park, 400 m, Agua Blanca, 3–10 June
Note: Simon (1895) transferred the species to Gnolus 1987, 2\ 2_ 2 imm. (S. & J. Peck, AMNH, MCZ).
because of the lack of abdominal plates. : Canje Ikuruwa River, 05(70#N, 57(50#W,
Scoloderus soaresi is most likely T. quadripunctata. August–December 1961, 1\ (G. Bentley, AMNH);
The palpus illustrated resembles that of T. quadripunc- Inokrama Forest Research Station, 1 km N
tata. The palpus is small and the base of the embolus Kurupukari, 14–19 January 1996, 1\ 1_ 1 imm. (W.
is incorrectly outlined. Also, the tibial extension in Tschinkel, CAS); Upper Takutu, Upper Essequibo
Mello-Leitão (1945: fig. 2) is actually the proximal end Region, 4.4 km S Gunn’s Strip, 1(36#N, 58(38#W,
of the median apophysis. The sizes match approximately 240 m, 6–15 July 1999, 1\ 1_ (J. A. Coddington et al.,
and both have four black patches on the abdomen. USNM). : Mt. Montabo, Cayenne, 1
Description: Female (syntype): Carapace, legs and January 1982, 1\ (S. Marshall, AMNH). :
sternum yellowish brown (Fig. 13). Legs distally grey Amazonas: São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Maturacá, 12
except for proximal ends of femora. Abdomen yellowish October 1990, 1\ 1_ (A. A. Lise, MCP 1348). :
with two pairs of black patches dorsally, but no sclerites Bení: Estacion Biológica Bení, 14(47#S, 66(15#W,
(Fig. 13). PME about 1.2 diam. of AME, ALE 2 diam., 225 m, 7 September 1987, 1\ (S. Larcher, USNM).
PLE 1.5 diam. AME their diam. apart, 3.5 diam. from
laterals; PME 0.8 diam. apart, 4 diam. from PLE.
Height of clypeus 3.5 diam. of AME. Sternum truncate Testudinaria unipunctata (Simon), new combination (Figs.
behind. Legs without macrosetae (Fig. 17). Total length 21–26, Map 1B)
3.3. Carapace 1.3 long, 1.0 wide in thoracic region, Arcidius unipunctatus Simon, 1893: 327, pl. 7, fig. 6 (\). Seven female
0.7 wide behind lateral eyes. Leg I femur 1.5, syntypes from Serra do Caraça, Catas Altas, Minas Gerais,
patella+tibia 1.4, metatarsus 1.2, tarsus 0.4. Leg II Brazil (E. Gounelle), in MNHN no. 9179, examined.
patella+tibia 1.3, III 0.8, IV 1.2. Gnolus unipunctatus: Simon, 1895: 913; Roewer, 1942: 912; Bonnet,
1957: 2029; Platnick, 2004.
Male (syntype): Coloration as in female. Eyes sub-
equal. AME 0.8 diam. apart, 3 diam. from ALE; PME Description: Female (holotype): Carapace, sternum
their diam. apart, 4 diam. from PLE. Height of clypeus and legs light orange, eyes with little black pigment
about 4 diam. of AME. Abdomen (Fig. 18). Total length (Fig. 21). Abdomen dorsally colourless with posterior,
2.8. Carapace 1.2 long, 0.9 wide in thoracic region, 1.1 discrete, median black spot (Fig. 21). Eyes small.
wide behind lateral eyes. Leg I femur 1.3, patella+tibia Posterior and lateral eyes 2 diam. of AME. AME
1.3, metatarsus 1.1, tarsus 0.4. Leg II patella+tibia 1.2, 1 diam. apart, 7 diam. from ALE; PME 1 diam. apart,
III 0.6, IV 1.1. 6 diam. from PLE. Height of clypeus more than 4 diam.
Note: Males and females were matched because they of AME. Sternum pointed posteriorly. Tibiae I and II
have been collected together both in Peru and Venezuela with two pairs of long macrosetae, tarsi with two single
and have similar markings. macrosetae (Fig. 21). Abdomen dorsally with indistinct
Variation: Total length of females 3.3–3.8, males round sclerites along anterior and lateral margins
2.5–2.8. The black spots have diffuse borders in the (Fig. 21). Total length 3.7. Carapace 1.4 long, 1.3 wide
holotype, discrete in the Colombian specimens, and one in thoracic region, 1.0 wide behind PLE. Leg I femur
female has the black spots bordered by a white ring, 1.7, patella+tibia 1.7, metatarsus 1.2, tarsus 0.4. Leg II
forming eyes. Female from Venezuela has eyes subequal, patella+tibia 1.4, III 1.0, IV 1.3.
male from Venezuela has PME 1 diam. of AME, ALE Male (São Paulo State): Coloration as in female. Eyes
1.2 diam., PLE 1.1 diam. Most illustrations were made on projections (Fig. 24). PME 1.1 diam. of AME,
from female and male syntypes, except Figs. 19, 20 from laterals 1.2 diam. AME 1 diam. apart, 3.3 diam. from
a male from Venezuela. ALE; PME 1 diam. apart, 4.5 diam. from PLE. Height
Diagnosis: The four dorsal black abdominal patches of clypeus more than 3 diam. of AME. Sternum pointed
(Figs. 13, 18) are diagnostic; rarely there are only two posteriorly. Tibiae I and II with two pairs of long
posterior patches. The opening of the epigynum, unlike macrosetae, tarsi with two single macrosetae. Abdomen
that of T. unipunctata, has lateral lips. The area of the dorsally with indistinct round sclerites along anterior
opening is folded backward, so that the opening faces and lateral margins (Fig. 24). Total length 2.7. Carapace
almost posteriorly (Figs. 14, 15). The connecting duct is 1.2 long, 1.1 wide in thoracic region, 0.7 wide behind
coiled (Figs. 14, 15). The male is distinguished by the PLE. Leg I femur 1.3, patella+tibia 1.3, metatarsus 1.0,
proximal keel of the median apophysis (Fig. 20: M). tarsus 0.4. Leg II patella+tibia 1.2, III 0.7, IV 1.1.
H. W. Levi 191
Figs. 27–42: 27–32 Testudinaria bonaldoi new species. 27–29 Female. 27 Dorsal; 28, 29 Epigynum: 28 Ventral; 29 Cleared. 30–32 Male. 30
Dorsal; 31, 32 Left palpus: 31 Mesal; 32 Ventral. 33–38 T. lemniscata (Simon), female. 33 Dorsal; 34–38 Epigynum: 34, 37
Ventral; 35, 38 Cleared; 36 Cleared, dorsal. 34–36 (holotype, Minas Gerais); 37, 38 (Santa Catarina). 39–41 T. gravatai new
species, male. 39 Dorsal; 40, 41 Palpus: 40 Mesal; 41 Ventral. 42 T. geometrica Taczanowski, female sternum and pedicel. Scale
lines=1.0 mm (27, 30, 33, 39), 0.2 mm (42), 0.1 mm (28–29, 31–32, 34–38, 40–41).
192 Heterognatha, Testudinaria and Ursa
Note: Males and females were matched because of clypeus 3 diam. of AME. Total length 2.6. Carapace 1.0
similar markings. long, 0.9 wide in thoracic region, 0.6 wide behind PLE.
Variation: Total length of females 3.3–3.7. Leg I femur 1.2, patella+tibia 1.1, metatarsus 0.8, tarsus
Illustrations made from a female syntype and male from 0.2. Leg II patella+tibia 0.9, III 0.6, IV 0.8.
São Paulo. Note: Males and females were matched because
Diagnosis: The female can be distinguished from the both have been collected in Viamão and have similar
other species by the single dorsal black spot posteriorly markings.
on the abdomen (Figs. 21, 24), and from T. quadripunc- Variation: Total length of males 2.3–2.6. Illustrations
tata by the longer coil of connecting ducts between the made from female holotype and male allotype.
seminal receptacles (Figs. 22, 23). The male can be Other material examined: Paratypes: : Paraná:
distinguished from the other species by the distal spur of Guarapuava, Estância Santa Clara, 22 November 1987,
the median apophysis of the palpus (Fig. 26), and by 1_ (A. Brescovit, MCN 17126). Rio Grande do Sul:
lacking the second shorter spur present in T. gravatai Viamão, 1 October 1994, 1 imm. (A. Lise et al., MCP
(Fig. 41), and also by having a wider embolus (Fig. 25) 8180); Guaíba, Fazenda São Maximiano, 9 January
than that of other species of Testudinaria. Unlike T. 1996, 1_ (A. A. Lise et al., MCP 8218).
quadripunctata, T. unipunctata has legs with macrosetae
(Fig. 21). Testudinaria lemniscata (Simon), new combination (Figs.
Material examined: : São Paulo: Piracicaba, 3 33–38, Map 1C)
July 1944, 1_ (A. Zamith, A. Correa, MCN 27376). Rio
Arcidius lemniscatus Simon, 1893: 328, pl. 7, fig. 7 (\). Female holotype
Grande do Sul: Vacaria, 21–25 May 1982, 1\ (A. A. Lise, from Caraça, Minas Gerais, Brazil (E. Gounelle), in MNHN
MCN 10347); Vacaria, Fazenda dos Pinheiros, 23 May no. 9178, examined and labelled.
1981, 1\ (A. A. Lise, MCN 9731). Gnolus lemniscatus: Simon, 1895: 913; Roewer, 1942: 912; Bonnet,
1957: 2028; Platnick, 2004.
Testudinaria bonaldoi new species (Figs. 27–32, Map 1G) Description: Female (holotype): Carapace yellow,
lateral eyes on dark pigment. Chelicerae, sternum and
Types: Female holotype and male paratype from legs yellowish white. Dorsum of abdomen with trans-
Arroio Pesqueiro, Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, verse white band anteriorly and median longitudinal
30(09#S, 50(57#W, Brazil, 30 May 2000 (A. B. white band posteriorly (Fig. 33); anterior band includes
Bonaldo), in MCN 32869. some white sclerotised spots and marbled lines. Venter
Etymology: The species is named after the collector, of abdomen yellowish. Median eyes subequal, laterals
the arachnologist Alexandre B. Bonaldo. 1.2 diam. of medians. AME 1.5 diam. apart, 3.8 diam.
Diagnosis: Females are distinguished from most from ALE; PME 2 diam. apart, 4.2 diam. from PLE.
species by lacking sclerites on the abdomen and from Height of clypeus 3 diam. of AME. Legs with macro-
others, including T. quadripunctata, by their markings setae (Fig. 33). Total length 3.7. Carapace 1.3 long,
(Fig. 27), the shape of the depression of the epigynum 1.2 wide in thoracic region, 0.8 wide behind PLE. Leg I
and the shorter coil of the connecting ducts (Figs. 28, femur 1.4, patella+tibia 1.5, metatarsus 1.0, tarsus 0.4.
29). Males differ from most species by lacking sclerites Leg II patella+tibia 1.3, III 1.0, IV 1.3.
and from others, including T. quadripunctata, by their Male: Unknown.
markings (Fig. 30) and by having a proximal tooth on Variation: Total length of females 3.3–3.4. Genitalia
the median apophysis (Fig. 32). and eye positions variable. Figures 33–36 were made
Description: Female (holotype): Carapace yellow- from female holotype, Figs. 37, 38 from a female from
white, with sides of thorax streaked black. Legs yellow- Nova Teutônia.
white, with tibiae I–II brown and all femora dusky Diagnosis: Testudinaria lemniscata is distinct from T.
brown. Dorsum of abdomen grey anteriorly with white gravatai and T. quadrimaculata because it has macro-
spots, including transverse light patch in centre, with setae on the legs and the dorsal abdomen pattern has an
white pigment spots at ends of light patch (Fig. 27). PME anterior transverse white or silvery band (Fig. 33).
and laterals 1.5 diam. of AME. AME 1.5 diam. apart, Unlike the other species with no sclerites on the
2.1 diam. from ALE; PME 1.1 diam. apart, 2.5 diam. abdomen, the connecting ducts of the epigynum are very
from PLE. Median eye trapezoid wider than long, wide and thin, and there is no coil (Figs. 34–38).
slightly wider behind. Height of clypeus 2 diam. of AME. Material examined: : São Paulo: São Paulo,
Sternum rounded posteriorly, but not sclerotised. Legs Forest Reserve, 16 January 1959, 1\ (A. M. Nadler,
with only thin white setae on tarsi. Total length 3.0. AMNH). Santa Catarina: Estrada Nova Teutônia,
Carapace 1.1 long, 1.0 wide in thoracic region, 0.7 wide 27(11#S, 52(29#W, 1 February 1996, 1\ (A. Bonaldo
behind PLE. Leg I femur 1.4, patella+tibia 1.5, metatar- et al., MCN 27121). Rio Grande do Sul: Tenente Portela,
sus 1.0, tarsus 0.4. Leg II patella+tibia 1.2, III 0.8, IV 1.1. 29 November 1978, 1\ (H. Bischoff, MCN 8440).
Male (paratype): Carapace as in female. Legs dusky.
Dorsum of abdomen dusky with four light spots and
Testudinaria gravatai new species (Figs. 39–41, Map 1C)
posterior median row of transverse marks (Fig. 30). Eyes
subequal. AME 1.2 diam. apart, 1.5 diam. from ALE; Type: Male holotype from Morungava, Gravataí, Rio
PME 1.2 diam. apart, 2.2 diam. from PLE. Median eye Grande do Sul, Brazil, 11 January 1959 (Ditadi) in
trapezoid rectangular, wider than long. Height of MCN no. 11460.
H. W. Levi 193
Figs. 43–59: 43–50 Testudinaria geometrica Taczanowski. 43–46 Female. 43 Dorsal; 44 Abdomen, ventral; 45, 46 Epigynum: 45 Ventral; 46
Cleared. 47–50 Male. 47 Dorsal; 48 Abdomen, ventral; 49–50 Left palpus: 49 Mesal; 50 Ventral. 51–59 T. rosea (Mello-Leitão).
51–55 Female. 51 Dorsal; 52 Abdomen, ventral; 53–55 Epigynum: 53 Ventral; 54 Ventral, slightly posterior; 55 Cleared, dorsal.
56–59 Male. 56 Dorsal; 57 Abdomen, ventral; 58, 59 Left palpus: 58 Mesal; 59 Ventral. Scale lines=1.0 mm (43–44, 47–48, 51–52,
56–57), 0.1 mm (45–46, 49–50, 53–55, 58–59).
194 Heterognatha, Testudinaria and Ursa
Etymology: The specific name is a noun in apposition Male (Panama): Carapace and sternum orange; eyes
named after the type locality. black, area between median and lateral eyes dusky.
Diagnosis: The coloration pattern (Fig. 39) and two Femora orange, distal articles dusky brown. Abdomen
spurs at the distal end of the median apophysis (Figs. 40, (Fig. 47) orange. Eyes subequal. AME 1.1 diam. apart,
41) distinguish the male from T. quadripunctata, and the 1.3 diam. from ALE; PME 1.5 diam. apart, 2.5 diam.
presence of the second short spur also distinguishes it from PLE. Height of clypeus more than 2.2 diam. of
from T. unipunctata (Fig. 26). Unlike the female of T. AME. Abdomen with large scutum (Fig. 47); venter
lemniscata, the male lacks macrosetae on the legs. The with scuta (Fig. 48). Total length 2.8. Carapace 1.1 long,
female of T. gravatai is unknown. 1.0 wide in thoracic region, 0.6 at lateral eyes. Leg I
Description: Male (holotype): Carapace, sternum, legs femur 1.3, patella+tibia 1.3, metatarsus 0.7, tarsus 0.4.
and abdomen yellow-white (Fig. 39). Eyes on black Leg II patella+tibia 1.1, III 0.7, IV 1.0.
pigment. Legs with black retrolateral line along femora I Note: Males and females were matched because they
and II, a black patch on patellae and distally on tibiae. have been collected in the same location, and have the
Abdomen anteriorly with series of lateral adjacent black same eye arrangement and duskiness between median
rectangles containing white pigment, and posteriorly and lateral eyes.
with five median transverse black marks (Fig. 39); venter Variation: Total length of females 2.8–3.0. Figures 45
without marks. Eyes subequal. AME 1.0 diam. apart, and 46 made from female holotype, others from
2 diam. from ALE; PME 0.9 diam. apart, 3 diam. from Panamanian specimens.
PLE. Median eye trapezoid slightly wider than long, Diagnosis: The female differs from other Testudinaria
slightly narrower behind. Height of clypeus 2 diam. of species by having the abdomen with four large median
AME. Sternum broadly rounded posteriorly. Metatarsi plates and the anterior median peripheral plates are
with only thin white setae. Total length 2.7. Carapace separate (Fig. 43). The greater distance of the PME from
1.3 long, 1.1 wide in thoracic region, 0.7 wide behind each other (Fig. 43) also separates this species from
PLE. Leg I femur 1.5, patella+tibia 1.5, metatarsus 1.1, T. elegans. The epigynum has a transverse swelling
tarsus 0.7. Leg II patella+tibia 1.3, III 0.8, IV 1.2. (Fig. 45). The male has a short embolus (Figs. 49, 50)
Variation: Total length of males 2.5–3.2. Pattern of and the median apophysis lacks spurs or teeth.
rectangles may be much longer in some males than in Natural history: The species was most likely found in
male illustrated. Patellae may have ventral marks, and ground litter in forest on Barro Colorado Island, Lago
sometimes with longitudinal ventral black lines on Gatún, Panama, the favourite collecting habitat of A.
femora or tibiae. Illustrations made from male holotype. M. Chickering.
Female: Unknown. Material examined: : Forest Reserve, Canal
Material examined: : Amazonas: Manaus, Zone, August 1939, 1\ (A. M. Chickering, AMNH);
Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, 26 July 1973, 1_ (L. Barro Colorado Island, Gatún Lake, July 1939, 1\
P. Albuquerque, MCN 33535). Santa Catarina: Rancho (A. M. Chickering, MCZ); 4 February 1958, 1_ (A. M.
Queimado, 12 October 1994, 1_ (A. B. Bonaldo, MCN Chickering, MCZ), 11 January 1977, 1\ (H. Levi,
25833). Rio Grande do Sul: Viamão, 8 December 1992, MCZ). : Pichincha: 47 km S Santo Domingo,
1_ (A. P. Petersen, MCP 2810); 1 November 1994, Río Palenque Sta., 18–30 May 1975, 1\ (S. & J. Peck,
1 imm. (A. A. Lise, MCP 5817); Estação Fitotécnica, MCZ). : Madre de Dios: Zona Reservada de Manu,
Viamão, 23 September 1994, 1_ (A. A. Lise et al., MCP Puesto de Control Pakitza, 25 September 1987, 1\ (D.
5546). Silva, J. Coddington, USNM). : Amazonas:
Manaus, Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke (terra
firme), 7 August 1992, 1\ (M. E. Oliveira, SMNK 1048).
Testudinaria geometrica Taczanowski (Figs. 42–50, Map
Testudinaria geometrica Taczanowski, 1879: 133, pl. 2, fig. 24 (\).
Testudinaria rosea (Mello-Leitão) (Figs. 51–59, Map 1G)
Female holotype from Amable María [Junín, Prov. Tarma], Nanduti roseus Mello-Leitão, 1945a: 241, fig. 18 (_). Male holotype
Peru, in PAN, examined. Simon, 1895a: 907, fig. 971 (\); from Puerto Victoria [near Eldorado], Misiones Prov.,
Roewer, 1942: 911; Bonnet, 1959: 4312; Platnick, 2004. Argentina, in MLP no. 16405, examined. Brignoli, 1983: 276.
Testudinaria rosea: Levi, 2002: 562; Platnick, 2004.
Description: Female (holotype): Carapace and
sternum orange-brown. Legs brown, distal articles Description: Female (Eldorado): Carapace, legs and
lighter, coxae lighter than sternum and femora. sternum orange; cephalic region of carapace black
Abdomen orange-brown (Fig. 43). Carapace fairly high (Fig. 51), chelicerae dusky, distal ends of femora black,
in thoracic region with no thoracic depression. PME articles with indistinct, black longitudinal marks.
0.8 diam. of AME, laterals 1.2 diam. AME 1.5 diam. Abdomen orange (Fig. 51). Eyes subequal. AME
apart, slightly more than 1 diam. from ALE; PME slightly more than 1.8 diam. apart, 2 diam. from ALE;
1.8 diam. apart, about 1.8 diam. from PLE. Height of PME 2 diam. apart, 4 diam. from PLE. Laterals separ-
clypeus more than 2 diam. of AME. Abdomen with ated by 1 diam. Height of clypeus more than 3 diam. of
dorsal and ventral scutes (Figs. 43, 44). Total length 3.0. AME. Legs with weak setae, no macrosetae. Abdomen
Carapace 1.2 long, 0.9 wide in thoracic region. Leg I with dorsal sclerites (Fig. 51); venter with sclerotised
femur 1.1, patella+tibia 1.1, metatarsus 0.7, tarsus 0.3. folds laterally, sclerotised lung covers, and ends of
Leg II patella+tibia 0.8, III 0.7, IV 1.0. genital groove in sclerites (Fig. 52). Total length 3.5.
H. W. Levi 195
Figs. 60–79: 60–69 Testudinaria debsmithae new species, female. 60, 64, 67 Dorsal; 61 Abdomen, ventral; 62, 65, 68 Epigynum, ventral; 63,
66, 69 Epigynum, cleared. 60–63 (holotype, Surinam); 64–66 (Belém, Brazil); 67–69 (Dept. Junín, Peru). 70–79 T. elegans
Taczanowski, female. 70, 74, 77 Dorsal; 71 Abdomen, ventral; 72, 75, 78 Epigynum, ventral; 73, 76, 79 Epigynum, cleared.
70–73 (holotype, Junín, Peru); 74–79 (Panama). Scale lines=1.0 mm (60–61, 64, 67, 70–71, 74, 77), 0.1 mm (62–63, 65–66, 68–69,
72–73, 75–76, 78–79).
196 Heterognatha, Testudinaria and Ursa
Carapace 1.2 long, 1.0 wide in thoracic region, 0.7 wide abdomen (Fig. 60) where T. elegans has only one
behind PLE. Leg I femur 1.4, patella+tibia 1.3, meta- (Fig. 70). It also differs from T. elegans and T. geo-
tarsus 0.9, tarsus 0.4. Leg II patella+tibia 1.2, III 0.8, IV metrica by having the four median abdominal sclerites
1.2. fused into two transverse sclerites, one behind the other
Male (holotype): Carapace orange, cephalic region (Figs. 60, 64, 67). The opening of the epigynum is about
black, narrowing black on thoracic region (Fig. 56). as long as wide and the median anterior edge tapers into
Legs orange, femora distally grey. Sternum and an indistinct median groove (Figs. 62, 65, 68). The male
abdomen orange, sclerites darker (Fig. 56). Eyes sub- is unknown.
equal and small. AME 2 diam. apart, 3 diam. from Description: Female (holotype): Carapace, sternum
ALE; PME slightly more than 2 diam. apart, 4 diam. and abdomen bright orange. Legs black, except coxae
from PLE. Height of clypeus 3–4 diam. of AME. and proximal ends of femora light orange. Eyes sub-
Sternum truncate posteriorly. Dorsum of abdomen with equal. AME 1.3 diam. apart, 1.3 diam. from ALE; PME
one large round sclerite (Fig. 56). Venter with sclerite 1.4 diam. apart, 2 diam. from PLE. Height of clypeus 2
anterior to genital groove and posterior sclerite anterior diam. of AME. Sternum truncate posteriorly. Legs with
to spinnerets, laterally with sclerotised folds (Fig. 57). only thin white setae. Abdomen dorsum with sclerites
Total length 2.8. Carapace 1.2 long, 1.0 wide in thoracic (Fig. 60), venter with round sclerites, a ring around
region, 0.7 wide at lateral eyes. Leg I femur 1.2, spinnerets and sclerotised fold on each side (Fig. 61).
patella+tibia 1.3. Leg II patella+tibia 1.1, III 0.7, IV Total length 3.7. Carapace 1.4 long, 1.3 wide in thoracic
1.2. region, 0.8 wide behind PLE. Leg I femur 2.3,
Note: Males and females were matched because they patella+tibia 2.3, metatarsus 1.5, tarsus 0.5. Leg II
have been collected together. patella+tibia 1.8, III 1.3, IV 1.8.
Variation: Total length of females 2.8–3.7, males Male: Unknown.
2.6–3.0. Some individuals lack black cephalic coloration Variation: Total length of females 3.4–3.8. Holotype
and have only eye region black, some have large black has one indistinct median, posterior peripheral sclerite
patch dorsally on posterior of abdomen. Illustrations (Fig. 60), other specimens have a pair (Figs. 64, 67).
made from specimens from Eldorado, Misiones Prov., Fertilisation ducts of Bolivian specimen very short and
Argentina, Figs. 56, 57 from male holotype. seem to disappear into indistinct round glands before an
Diagnosis: Females can be distinguished from other indistinct opening, and dorsal sclerites have mottled
species with sclerotised plates by having the four median coloration. All available individuals differ in shape of
plates fused into two longitudinal plates (Fig. 51), and epigynal opening, and position of connecting ducts.
by the coil of the connecting ducts being lateral of the Perhaps each collection represents a distinct species, but
seminal receptacles and having a septum (Fig. 55). In the lack of second identical individuals suggests one
slightly posterior view, the septum is seen in the middle variable species. Figures 60–63 made from female holo-
between two depressions (Fig. 54). The male is dis- type; Figs. 64–66 from a female from Belém, Brazil, and
tinguished from the other species by the sclerotised tip of Figs. 67–69 from Dept. Junín, Peru.
the conductor and the transverse position of the median Material examined: : Pastaza: Santa Clara, 4
apophysis (Figs. 58, 59). July 1976, 1\ (P. M. Turner, USNM). : Huanuco:
Material examined: : Misiones: Arroyo Tingo María, Monsón Valley, 10 November 1954, 1\ (E.
Urugua-í, February 1951, 1_ (Partridge, MACN); S. Ross, E. I. Schlinger, CAS). Junín: Utcuyacu [near
Eldorado, 26(28#S, 54(43#W, 1 September– La Merced], 1600–2200 m, March 1948, 1\ (F.
15 November 1964, 1\ 1_ 2 imm. (A. Kovac, AMNH); Woytkowski, AMNH). : Pará: Belém, in forest,
General Belgrano, December 1972, 1\ (M. E. Galiano, July 1972, 1\ (D. G. McGrath, MCZ). : Río
MACN); Piñalito, November 1954, 2\ (R. D. Schiapelli, Huarinilla, tributary of Río Coroico, near Coroico, Nor
DeCarlo, MACN); Santa María, October 1943, 2\ Yungas Province, 60 km NE La Paz, 31 July 1993, 1\
(Excursión M. J. Viana, MACN); December 1948, (A. D. Brescovit, H. Höfer, MCN 2417).
1\ (Excursión M. J. Viana, MACN); November 1955,
1\ (R. D. Schiapelli, DeCarlo, MACN); September
1956, 1_ (Excursión M. J. Viana, MACN); November Testudinaria elegans Taczanowski (Figs. 70–79, Map 1F)
1958, 1\ 1_ (M. J. Viana, MACN). Testudinaria elegans Taczanowski, 1879: 134, pl. 2, fig. 43 (\). Female
holotype from Amable María [Junín, Province Tarma], Peru,
in PAN, examined. Roewer, 1942: 911; Bonnet, 1959: 4312;
Testudinaria debsmithae new species (Figs. 60–69, Map Platnick, 2004.
Description: Female (holotype): Carapace, legs and
Type: Female holotype from Voltzberg-Raleighvallen abdomen orange; eyes with black pigment (Fig. 70);
Nature Reserve, Saramacca Province, 04(32#N, some black between AME. PME 1.1 diam. of AME,
56(32#W, Surinam, 1 February 1982 (Deborah Smith laterals 1.2 diam. AME 1.2 diam. apart, 2 diam. from
Trail), in MCZ. ALE; PME 1 diam. apart, 3 diam. from PLE. Median
Etymology: The species is named after the collector eye trapezoid almost square, slightly wider in front.
and arachnologist Deborah Smith. Height of clypeus 2.7 diam. of AME. Sternum truncate
Diagnosis: This species differs from T. elegans by posteriorly. Legs with weak setae. Abdomen with
having a pair of anterior peripheral sclerites on the weakly sclerotised dorsal plates, often difficult to
H. W. Levi 197