Jeong Lee 2006 Listrodromini From Korea
Jeong Lee 2006 Listrodromini From Korea
Jeong Lee 2006 Listrodromini From Korea
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Correspondence Abstract
Jong-Wook Lee, Department of Biology,
Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 712-749, We record a new species, Anisobas prominens n. sp., as well as two known species,
Korea. Email: Neotypus coreensis Uchida and Neotypus nobilitator orientalis Uchida. The genus
Anisobas Wesmael is newly included in the Korean fauna. An illustrated key of
Received 29 March 2006; accepted 10 April species and genera, a description of new species, and diagnosis and photographs of
2006. each species are provided.
doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5967.2006.00022.x Key words: Anisobas, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae, Listrodromini, Neotypus,
new species.
Figures 1–12 Holotype of Anisobas sp. 1 Whole body in dorsal view; 2 face; 3 vertex; 4 transverse furrow behind pronotal flange;
5 supraantennal area; 6 segments 1–6 of antennae; 7 pleuron; 8 scutellum and propodeum; 9 gastrocoelus; 10 lateral view of the last tergite and
sternum; 11 abdomen; and 12 wing. Scale bars, 0.5 mm.
pectinate, simple in male; tergites 1–2 with two Lycaeniphilos Heinrich, 1934: 158. Type species: Anisobas
apicolateral white marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cephalotes Kriechbaumer, 1882. Synonymized by Townes
2 Genus Neotypus (1961).
2 Thorax usually black, scutellum red; hypopygium elon-
gated beyond metasomal apex; body length 10–12 mm
Anisobas prominens n. sp. (Figs 1–12)
(moderate size species) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
N. coreensis Uchida Diagnosis. Female. Body color: black. Flagellum black
– Thorax and scutellum partly or entirely red; tergite 2 except apex of every segment brown, as well as ventral side
apically 1.8× as wide as long; hypopygium not elongated of segments 12–32, with white area of segments 7–11.
beyond metasomal apex; body length 5–8 mm (small size Head black; frontal and temple orbit with narrow white
species) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. nobilitator orientalis longitudinal stripes; median area of mandible reddish
Uchida brown; maxillary pulp brown. Thorax black; posterior corner
and subalarum with yellowish marking; scutellum yellow.
Legs black; apex of femora, tibiae and tarsus of foreleg and
Anisobas Wesmael, 1845
midleg brown. Wing clear; stigma dark brown. Abdomen
Anisobas Wesmael, 1845: 145. Type species: Ichneumon black except basal and lateral area of second tergite and
cingulatorius (Gravenhorst, 1820) (=A. quadrialbatus apicolateral area of third tergite reddish brown, tergites 4–7
cingulatellus Horstmann, 1997). with white apicomedian band.
Antennal flagellum bristle-shaped, with 32 segments, first space wider than base of mandible, with groove; genae 1.5× as
segment 3.0× longer than wide, segment 12 to apical segment wide as eye in lateral view. Supraclypeal area evenly convex,
square-shaped in lateral view. Genae in dorsal view weakly densely punctate; distance between eye and antennal socket
widened behind eyes. Vertex with posterior section as long as as wide as distance between antennal sockets; supraantennal area
ocellar triangle, steeply sloping to occipital carina; ocellar rugosopunctate or punctate, without vertical ridge. Clypeus flat
area convex, distance between median and lateral ocellus and sparsely punctate, apical margin straight or weakly concave.
1.5× as long as diameter of median ocellus; area between lat- Scutellum with complete lateral carinae. Basal area of
eral ocellus and eye sparsely punctate. Occipital carina joins propodeum steeply sloping, 0.3× as long as wide; carinae of
with the hypostomal carina at base of mandible. Malar space propodeum highly elevated. Petiole flat and irregularly
nearly as long as width of base of mandible; gena strongly rugose, with lateromedian longitudinal carinae; lateral petiole
convex, 2.0× as wide as eye in lateral view. Supraclypeal area strongly wrinkled; postpetiole centrally foveolate and striate.
evenly convex, densely punctate; distance between eye and Gastrocoeli 0.6× as broad as distance between them.
antennal socket wider than distance between antennal sockets; Length: body, 10–12 mm; forewing, 8 mm.
supraantennal area rugosopunctate, with medially low and Type species. Holotype. Korea: JJ: Namjeju-gun, Donneko,
short projection. Clypeus flat and sparsely punctate, apical campsite for students,, J.C. Jeong, . Paratypes.
margin straight; lateral margin weakly curved upward, CB: Mount Sobaek, 30.vii.1988, H.G. Kim, 1 GB:
apicolateral area weakly concave; apicolateral margin Gyeongsan, Yeungnam University, 20–27.v.2004 (malaise
forming an angle of approximately 60. trap), 1 JJ: same as holotype, 1.
Thorax: Transverse furrow behind pronotal flange with Etymology. The name, prominens, is derived from the
pronounced median elevation; epomiae strong and high. projection of the supraantennal area.
Mesoscutum densely punctate, convex, as long as wide, with Remarks. A. prominens n. sp. is similar to A. diminitus
weak notauli; subalarum highly elevated, thin and sharp. (Uchida). However, A. prominens is distinguished from
Scutellum convex, raised above postscutellum, slanting A. diminitus by the following characters: supraantennal area
down toward postscutellum in a gradual curve, posterior area with medially low and short projection; eye in lateral view
and postscutellum wrinkled, lateral carina extending to at narrower than gena; distance between antennal sockets as wide
most 0.3× scutellar length; axillary though of metanotum as distance between antennal sockets and eye; posteromedian
weakly wrinkled. Mesopleuron rugosopunctate, with glabrous area rugosopunctate; apical margin of petiole 1.5× as wide
area and short sterauli; epicnemial carina complete, turned as width of petiole at spiracle; and space between gastrocoeli
anteriorly to touch anterior mesopleural margin; mesopleural 0.5–0.6× wider than its width (Figs 1–19).
fovea deep, posterior margin wrinkled. Basal area of propodeum
gradually sloping, 0.5× as long as its width; areola complete,
Neotypus Förster, 1869
as long as wide, median section of posterior transverse carina
angled anteriorly; posteromedial area rugose, 2.0× as wide Neotypus Förster, 1869: 194. Type species: Ichneumon
as long; juxtacoxal carina complete; spiracles elongate, 2.5× lapidator Fabricius, 1793.
longer than wide. Cillimus Tosquinet, 1896: 122. Type species: Cillimus
Areolet of forewing pentagonal, apically narrowed; number adornatus Tosquinet (=Neotypus intermedius adornatus
of hamuli of hindwing 10–13. Tosquinet, 1896). Synonymized by Townes (1951).
Legs slender; apical spur of tarsi long; basitarsus of hindleg
2.0× as long as second tarsus, tarsal claw not pectinated.
Neotypus coreensis Uchida, 1930 (Figs 20 –25)
Abdomen generally punctate: petiole flat and irregularly
rugosopunctate, with lateromedian longitudinal carinae; Neotypus melanocephalus f. coreensis Uchida, 1930: 99.
lateral petiole wrinkled, sparsely setose; postpetiole glabrous Type species: female, type locality (TL): Suweon, Korea,
and centrally foveolate, rarely punctate; spiracle large. type depository (TD): Entomological Institute, Hokkaido
Gastrocoeli 0.5× as wide as distance between them; area University.
between gastrocoeli and base of tergite longitudinally Neotypus melanocephalus f. coreanus Uchida, 1935: 31. Lapsus.
rugose. Tergite 2 apically 1.2× as wide as long; tergite 3 Neotypus lapidator coreensis Ono, 1952: 55; Uchida, 1955: 4;
nearly 2.0× as wide as long. Sternites 4–6 not divided, Townes, Momoi and Townes, 1965: 511; Kim, 1970: 409.
completely sclerotized. Neotypus melanocephalus Kim, 1955: 433; Kim, 1970: 409.
Male. As for female except for the following characters. Misdet.
Flagellum black except white area on segments 9–13. Neotypus coreensis Carlson, 1975: 305; Yu and Horstmann,
Abdomen black except reddish brown basal and lateral area 1997: 669.
of second tergite. Antennal flagellum with 32 –34 segments. Diagnosis. This species is moderate in size (body
Area between lateral ocellus and eye finely punctate. Malar approximately 10–15 mm). Face with two white stripes.
Figures 13–19 Holotype of Anisobas diminitus Uchida. 13 Whole body in dorsal view; 14 segments 1–6 of antennae; 15 wing; 16 pleuron;
17 propodeum; 18 gastrocoelus; and 19 lateral view of the last tergite and sternum. Scale bars, 0.5 mm.
Figures 20–25 Neotypus coreensis Uchida. 20 Pronotum; 21 abdomen; 22 wing; 23 pleuron; 24 propodeum; and 25 hypopygium. Scale bars,
0.5 mm.
Figures 26–33 Neotypus nobilitator orientalis Uchida. 26 Face; 27 vertex; 28 mandible; 29 wing; 30 pleuron; 31 propodeum; 32 hypopygium;
and 33 abdomen. Scale bars, 0.5 mm.
Neotypus nobilitator f. tosaensis Uchida, 1935: 31. Type 1 JJ: Donnaeko, campsite for students,, J.C.
species: male, TL: Japan, TD: Entomological Institute, Jung, 11 Jeju, Jungmun, 27.v.1992, 1.
Hokkaido University. Host records. Lycaenidae: Everes argiades (Pallas),
Neotypus nobilitator Uchida, 1955: 3. Misdet. Everes argiades hellotia (Menetries), Everes argiades seitzi
Neotypus nobilitator var. tosaensis Uchida, 1955: 4. (Wnukovsky), Everes lacturnus (Godart, 1824), Everes
Neotypus nobilitator var. orientalis Uchida, 1955: 4; 1958: 4. lacturnus kawaii Matsumura, Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus),
Neotypus nobilitator ssp. orientalis Yu and Horstmann, Pseudozizeeria maha (Kollar), Pseudozizeeria maha argia
1997: 669. Menetries, Zizina otis (Fabricius) and Zizina otis emelina (de
Diagnosis. This species is small in size (body approximately l’Orza).
5 –7 mm); vertex with posterior section approximately 1.3× Distribution. China, Japan, Korea, Russia.
as long as ocellar triangle, steeply sloping to occipital carina;
pronotal flange high and posterior face concave, epomiae
strong; scutellum strongly convex, shelf-like, with complete
lateral carinae; tarsal claw pectinated in female, not We would like to thank Professor Yoshizawa Kazunori and
pectinated in male; postpetiole smooth; tergite 2 apically Mr Takuma Yoshida for their donation of specimens.
1.8 –2.0× as wide as long, tergites 1–2 with apicolateral This study was supported by a Yeungnam University
white spot, 4 –5 with apical white bands. research grant in 2006.
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