Description Title of Invention: Sample Application
Description Title of Invention: Sample Application
Description Title of Invention: Sample Application
Title of Invention : Sample Application
1. This is a sample text. The description must disclose the invention in a manner
sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the
art. It must start with the title of the invention as appearing in Box No. I of the
request. Rule 5 contains detailed requirements as to the manner and order
of the sdescription, which, generally, should be in six parts. Those parts
should have the following headings: Technical Field, Background Art,
Disclosure of Invention, Brief Description of Drawings, Best Mode for
Carrying Out the Invention or, where appropriate (see paragraph 115),
Mode(s) for Carrying Out the Invention, Industrial Applicability, and, where
applicable, Sequence Listing and Sequence Listing Free Text
2. This is a sample text. The description must disclose the invention in a manner
sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the
art. It must start with the title of the invention as appearing in Box No. I of the
request. Rule 5 contains detailed requirements as to the manner and order
of the sdescription, which, generally, should be in six parts. Those parts
should have the following headings:
3. This is a sample text. The description must disclose the invention in a manner
sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the
art. It must start with the title of the invention as appearing in Box No. I of the
request. Rule 5 contains detailed requirements as to the manner and order
of the sdescription, which, generally, should be in six parts. Those parts
should have the following headings:
Technical Field
4. This is a sample text. For the purposes of according an international filing
date, the requirement that the international application be in a prescribed
language is met, in most receiving Offices, if the description and claims (but
not necessarily the other elements of the international application) are in a
language accepted by the receiving Office under Rule 12.1(a) or (c) (see Rule
20.4(c) and paragraph 54). If any of the other elements of the international
application are not in a language accepted by the receiving Office, they may
be corrected later without affecting the international filing date (see
paragraphs 240 and 241).
Background Art
5. This is a sample text. Second translation will need to be furnished by the
applicant in respect of any international application which is filed in a
language which is not a language accepted by the International Searching
Authority which is to carry out the international search and/or a language of
publication; see paragraphs 229 to 236).
Summary of Invention
6. This is a sample text. In certain Offices, however, Rule 20.4(c) is incompatible
with the applicable national law. For as long as that incompatibility continues,
that Rule will not apply for those Offices; all elements of an international
application filed with those Offices as receiving Office must therefore comply
with the language requirements of Rule 12.1 before an international filing date
can be accorded (see Annex C for details).
Technical Problem
7. This is a sample text. What is the effect of failing to file a paper copy of the
international application when the request is prepared using the PCT-EASY
software? A PCT-EASY diskette filed alone - without any corresponding
application papers - does not meet the requirements for according an
international filing date. The paper form of the international application
remains the legally determinative version. Thus, the paper form of the
international application which accompanies a request prepared filed using
PCTEASY must contain the required elements in order to receive an
international filing date. See paragraph 240A for further details about receiving
an international filing date for requests prepared using the PCT-EASY
Solution to Problem
8. This is a sample text. What date is accorded as the international filing date?
The reply to this question depends on whether the requirements for according
an international filing date (see paragraph 222) were fulfilled on the date on
which the international application was received by the receiving Office or following correction of defects in relation to those requirements - on a later
12. [Fig.2] illustrates the work flow in flow chart.
Description of Embodiments
13. This is a sample text. This is a sample text. Can the receiving Office refuse to
treat an international application as such for reasons of national security?
Each ContractingState is free to apply measures deemed necessary for the
preservation of its national security. For example, each receiving Office has
the right not to treat an international application as such and not to transmit
the record copy to the International Bureau and the search copy to the
International Searching Authority.
14. This is a sample text. Compliance with national security prescriptions where
the international application is filed with the International Bureau as receiving
Office will not be checked by the International Bureau; such compliance is the
applicants responsibility. Where an international filing date has been
accorded but national security considerations prevent transmittal of the record
copy, the receiving Office must so declare to the International Bureau before
the expiration of 13, or at the latest 17, months from the priority date.
15. This is a sample text. This example shows how this invention can be helpful.
16. [Math. 0]
( x+ a ) = n x k asda ank
k=0 k
17. [Math. 2]
18. This is a sample text. This example shows where this invention cannot be
19. This is a sample text.
[Table 0]
NFkB mutation
CD79A CD79
ND 0.5
0.2 0.2
This is a sample text.
Industrial Applicability
22. This is a sample text. How does the applicant know whether his application
has been accorded an international filing date or that his application is not
treated as an international application or is considered to have been
withdrawn? Where the receiving Office accords an international filing date to
the international application, it promptly notifies the applicant of that date and
of the international application number; where it decides that the international
application is not to be treated as an international application (because of a
negative determination for lack of compliance with Article 11, or because
First Item
Second Item
Third Item
Sample Item A
Sample Item B
Fourth Item
26. This is a sample text. Published Article on need of new system to make things
Citation List
29. Citation List follows:
Patent Literature
30. This is a sample text. The international filing date will, in the former case, be
the date on which the international application was received by the receiving
Office and, in the latter case, the date on which the correction was received
by the receiving Office. Naturally, any correction has to comply with some
conditions; in particular it has to be filed within a certain time limit. More is
said about this in paragraph 238. Where all the sheets pertaining to the same
international application are not received on the same day by the receiving
Office, see Rule 20.2 and paragraphs 238(b) and 239.
31. PTL1: Patent 2014-000000
32. PTL2: Patent 2014-999999
[Claim 1] This is a sample Claim. First Claim.
[Claim 2] This is a sample Claim. The claim or claims must define the matter for
which protection is sought. Claims must be clear and concise. They must be
fully supported by the description. Rule 6 contains detailed requirements as to
the number and numbering of claims, the extent to which any claim may refer
to other parts of the international application, the manner of claiming, and
dependent claims. As to the manner of claiming, the claims must, whenever
appropriate, be in two distinct parts; namely, the statement of the prior art and
the statement of the features for which protection is sought (the
characterizing portion).
[Claim 3] This is a sample Claim.In principle, under the PCT, any dependent
claim which refers to more than one other claim (multiple dependent claim)
must refer to such claims in the alternative only, and multiple dependent
claims cannot serve as a basis for any other multiple dependent claim.
However, the national laws of most Contracting States permit a manner of
claiming which is different from that provided for in the preceding sentence,
and the use of that different manner of claiming is in principle also permitted
under the PCT.
[Claim 4] This is a sample Claim.For the purposes of those designated States
where that different manner of claiming is not permitted, the applicant must
decide which drafting style to adopt. If that different manner of claiming is
used, amendments may need to be made to the claims during the national
phase in those States which do not permit it. Moreover, the national Offices of
such States, when they act as International Searching Authorities, may
indicate under Article 17(2)(b) that a meaningful search could not be carried
out if that different manner of claiming is used (see paragraph 280).
[Claim 5] This is a sample Claim.An international application should be drafted
so that the claims relate to only one invention or to a group of inventions so
linked as to form a single general inventive concept. This principle is laid
down in Rule 13. Observance of this requirement is checked by neither the
receiving Office nor the International Bureau, but it is checked by, and is
important to the procedure before, the International Searching Authority (see
paragraphs 281 to 287) and the International Preliminary Examining Authority
(see paragraph 398), and may be relevant in the national phase before the
designated and elected Offices.
[Claim 6] This is a sample Claim.Since separate searches and examinations are
required for distinctly different inventions, additional fees are required if the
international search or international preliminary examination is to cover two or
more inventions (or groups of inventions linked as just described).
[Claim 7] This is a sample Claim.The physical requirements are the same as
those for the description as outlined in paragraph 120. Note that the claims
must commence on a new sheet.
[Claim 8] This is a sample Claim.The claims may include tables if this is
desirable in view of the subject matter involved. In this case, the tables must
be included in the text of the relevant claim; they may not be annexed to the
claims nor may reference be made to tables contained in the description (see
paragraph 124).
[Claim 9] The claims may be amended under Article 19 on receipt of the
international search report (see paragraphs 296 to 303); they may also be
amended during international preliminary examination if the applicant has filed
a demand (see paragraphs 345 and 393) and during the national phase (see
Volume II).
[Claim 10]
international search report (see paragraphs 296 to 303); they may also be
amended during.
This is a sample text. The abstract must consist of a summary of the disclosure as
contained in the description, the claims and any drawings. Where applicable, it must
also contain the most characteristic chemical formula. The abstract must be as
concise as the disclosure permits (preferably 50 to 150 words if it is in English or
when translated into English).
[Fig. 0]
[Fig. 0]