$50,000 From IL Dept of Commerce To SALF To Provide 1st Aid Training To Chicago Police (2000-01)
$50,000 From IL Dept of Commerce To SALF To Provide 1st Aid Training To Chicago Police (2000-01)
$50,000 From IL Dept of Commerce To SALF To Provide 1st Aid Training To Chicago Police (2000-01)
Ryan: $1.1 Million in Illinois FIRST Projects for Suburban Cook County
SPRINGFIELD -- Governor George H. Ryan announced today that he is releasing $1,162,500 in Illinois
FIRST funding for projects in Suburban Cook County, including $500,000 to the Village of Maywood to
complete the second phase of renovations to the existing public pool.
The completion of the renovation will meet all American with Disabilities Act compliance criteria and
improve recreational opportunities.
This Illinois FIRST project was initiated by State Sen. Kimberly Lightford, D-Chicago
• $100,000 to the Village of Morton Grove to reconstruct and enhance Dempster Street.
This project was initiated by Dudycz.
• $25,000 to Intervention Instruction, Inc. to implement the DUI Prevention Initiative "What's Driving
This project was initiated by Capparelli.
• $50,000 to Ridgewood High School, Norridge to replace the existing fire alarm system.
This project was initiated by McAuliffe and Dudycz.
• $50,000 to Save A Life Foundation, Inc., Schiller Park to purchase equipment and materials.
This project was initiated by Dudycz and Capparelli.
1 of 2
Illinois DeDartment of Commerce and Community Affairs
George H. Ryan
Pam McDonougii
Please be advised that the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs has been
given the responsibility of administering the above mentioned grant. In order for us to begin the
process, you are being asked to complete the enclosed survey form. The information supplied
on this form will allow us to develop a formal grant agreement (legal document).
Once the grant agreement process is completed and all documents are in order, we will
begin the payment process. Be aware that there is no set timeline for grant recipients to
receive their funds; however, processing time is largely determined by the accuracy of
the information contained in the survey.
Please note that the first page of the survey provides some important points to keep in
mind while filling out the survey. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at 217-782-5346.
.mi 1 Z TM
1) Grantee/Project Information
Illinois First Grant Unit
Name of Project Contact/Administrator of Grant {if other than chief executive office)'.
(Enter name of the projea contact person ifsomeone diner titan grantee's chief executive officer)
For entities other than governmental entities, indicate the year that the organization was legally established: /
C" Attach documentation of Good Standing Status. {Availablefrom the IBmois Secretary of State's office.)
(NOTE: You must provide the FEIN number of the entity that will directly receive the grantfundsfrom DCCA. Do not use die FEIN
number of any subgmntee or affiliate of the grantee.)
page 2
Member Initiative Grant Survey
2) Please use the space below to provide a detailed description of the Project, wfcaA will be funded by the grant {e.g..
construction/renovation activities; equipment/land acquisition; deveuypmentlde&my of programs and services [including
administrative activities}; or other «tfWrie).This information will be included in the grant agreement as the Scope ofWork.
The purpose of the Blue Angels program will provide "train the trainer" instruction to
enough police personnel in order to outreach fellow Chicago police officers with on
going basic hands-on Life Supporting First Aid (LSFA), including cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR), training and the development of action plans for emergency/disaster
preparedness. All SALF police instructors will also assist in outreaching local
elementary and high school students with either a one or two hour basic life savine skills
program. 5»*«»
SALF's Blue Angels will establish a working relationship with the Boards of Education
in the Chicago school districts, their teachers, parents, police and school bus drivers
agents with the purpose of demonstrating life saving skills to the students in Chicago
schools. The campaign will recruit 300 Police instructors to outreach to 2500 of their
own police officers for emergency medical/first responder skills as SALF instructors
Among the skills to be taught are "Bystander Basics," a life supporting first aid program,
and CPR training.
SALF Instructors will deliver "on sight" basic LSFA training to the police volunteers
Those police officers volunteering for the Blue Angels program will need some prior
medical background. This background can be in EMS services, paramedic work, CPR
training, or prior nursing experience.
The funds will be used for the cost of supplies, including mannequin sets training
manuals, emergency bystander kits, and completion cards. Additional costs will include
the cost of training 30 instructors and administrative costs
page 2
Member Initiative Grant Survey
If this grant will be funding a social service program (ie., after schoolprograms through a Boys & Gbis Club,job training, Ac), please continue
with questions 3 & 4. If you are not a social service provider, please skip to question 5.
3) Describe any eligibility criteria for participation in your program (it, income level age, employment status, etc.):
4) Provide a detailed description of: a) your program's goals; and b) services provided to eligible clients. If there are different
levels of eligibility {such as ranges of client income), please describe the services provided to each level if they are not identical.
b) /; /
If your program is viewed to be consistent with the goals of the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation
Act of 1996 (PRWORA), further information may be requested.
5) Why is this project necessary? What is the expected benefit of this project (e.j, city will no longer be on IEPA nstriaed status
lisr, unemployed persons will reeev/ejob training, etc)7. /■/, <r- /*, jc ^v-c r IS ■-, ■,- .- -'ev^c s^c ''
.-"77V <■ • •-.• <-• ■ , >. .- .'.--.-".- ■_--/-' > . ,. ^ ■. -y.-c t.^'C v
1 page 4
Member Initiative Grant Survey
7) Attach copies of any public hearings, board meeting minutes, newspaper articles, or other documents that would
evidence local support for this project (ifavailable). fe'/t-sj./^ /»?<?■& 7-^^^ Af^^'^-^'^S
8) Do you anticipate any opposition to this project? CD Yes SI No If yes, please describe:
a) Describe any actions/approvals that must be completed prior to the start of this project, with corresponding time
frames for completion:
b) Provide an estimated monthly expenditure of grant funds once the project starts:
(NOTE: include onfygrantfunds m das estimated monthly cash flow, not any matchingfimdsfrom other sources.)
Member Initiative Grant Survey
10) When completed, this information will be incorporated into the grant agreement as the Project Budget Activities listed
in this budget should be consistent with activities described in the Scope of Work. (See sample budgets on not two pages.)
C-> . -*■ C-
TOTALS yj ^,£.
* For all personnel being paid in-full or in-part with Illinois First Grant Funds, a complete job description must be included.
» This column cannot exceed the grant amount to be received from DCCA.
Save A life Foundation
Additional information for the Blue Angels Program
> Training Equipment: Mannequin sets - 43 mannequin sets at $100 each Includes
lungs and face shields
> Training Materials:
30 Manuals -$1,500
412 Student Books - $824
400 Completion Cards - $40
400 Certificates - $400
30 Completion cards for Instructors - $30
30 Certificates for Instructors - $30
30 Instructor ID's - 30 @ $5 each
30 Instructor shirts - $600 @ $20 each
430 pins - $860
> Instructors: There will be two types of instructors. First there are the SALF
instructors who will train the 30 senior police instructors. These senior police
instructors are the second type, and it is these individuals who will outreach their
fellow police officers with the CPR and emergency first aid skills
> Instructor fees are the fees paid to both the "train the trainer" and the senior police
officers who conduct these classes.
> Overhead: The original amount submitted of $913 is the correct figure. This cost
is for rent and insurance.
> Benefits: cost goes for unemployment insurance.
11) Other Funding: Are other funds necessary to complete this project? E Yes D No
If yes, indicate the amount, source and status of those funds below:
• Amount of other State Funds: S -5rag"' <r^scr t <rs<r& Status: 12 Approved D Pending
• List other Illinois FIRST grants this grantee is receiving this Fiscal Year (FY'01):
• List any other grants this grantee received from DCCA within the last three years (Provide DCCA Grant Number):
Printed Name
page 9
Save A Life Foundation
Additional information for the Blue Angels Program
> Training Equipment: Mannequin sets -43 mannequin sets at $100 each Includes
lungs and face shields
> Training Materials:
30 Manuals- $1,500
412 Student Books -$824
400 Completion Cards - $40
400 Certificates-S4©0-© .JQS^ y
30 Completion cards for Instructors - $30
30 Certificates for Instructors - $30
30 Instructor ID's - 30 @ $5 each
30 Instructor shirts - $600 @ $20 each
430 pins - $860
> Instructors: There will be two types of instructors. First there are the SALF
instructors who will train the 30 senior police instructors. These senior police
instructors are the second type, and it is these individuals who will outreach then-
fellow police officers with the CPR and emergency first aid skills.
> Instructor fees are the fees paid to both the "train the trainer" and the senior police
officers who conduct these classes.
> Overhead: The original amount submitted of $913 is the correct figure. This cost
is for rent and insurance.
> Benefits: cost goes for unemployment insurance.
Date: Wednesday, August 09,2000
Pages: 2
June 7, 2000
You have been selected to receive a $50,000.00 grant for the "Blue Angels" Life Saving Program
through a legislative initiative sponsored by our offices from the 2000-2001 Elinois State budget.
There are several things that need to be emphasized regarding this legislative initiative. First,
since the money for your grant is coming from the Fiscal Year 2001 Illinois State budget, the
funding will not be available until after July 1,2000. Second, although July 1,2000 is the first
day that the funding for legislative initiative is available, it will be several months before you will
actually receive the money for your grant. This is due to the process that each grantee must go
through before an actual check can be cut and usually takes several months to complete. This
process has been established by the Governor's office and includes the following steps:
After the project is released by our offices, a letter goes out to the agency handling the grant,
which we believe in your case is the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs (DCCA),
the Governor's Office and the Bureau of the Budget, indicating our desire to move forward on the
legislative initiative.
DCCA should then send you a project survey form that asks for a detailed description of your
project for their evaluation. After the project survey form is returned to DCCA and the program
staff who is handling your grant finds no problems with it, the agency should forward the request
for release of funds to the Governor's Office. If there are problems with the project survey form,
the program staff at DCCA should be in touch with you to resolve those problems so that the
request can be forwarded to the Governor's office as soon as possible.
Once the Governor's office reviews the project and issues a release, DCCA should send you a
grant agreement package which needs to be looked over and read carefully, signed and returned
to DCCA as quickly as possible. After the signed grant agreement is received at DCCA, a
voucher should be issued and sent to the Comptroller's office for processing. The Comptroller's
office should then send you a check in a matter of days for the amount of your grant.
This process can be frustrating, so your patience is required. If you are having problems or need
assistance, please call any one of our offices and we'll see what we can do to help.
Jesse White
Secretary of State
Department of Business Services
Springfield, IL 62756
Telephone (217) 782-3647 SUBMIT IN DUPLICAT"
This space for use by
Secretary of State
OFFICE Remit payment in check or money order,
payable to 'Secretary of State."
Form NFP 105.10 must be filed in this office in order to change THE REGISTERED AGENT and/or REGISTERED OFFIC
3.) The above corporation organized under the laws of the state of ILLINOIS . pursuant tc
provisions of "The General Not for Profit Corporation Act" of the State of Illinois, hereby makes the following report:
-Rick Bronstoin
NOTE: List all directors above or list them on an additional sheet: Illinois corporations must haveTHREE directors.
5.) The following is a brief statement of the character of the affairs which the corporation is actually conducting:
Training/education in Life Supporting First Aid and emerg. preparedness
6.) Is this corporation a CONDOMINIUM Association as established under the Condominium Property Act?
Yes [j No [x] (CHECK ONE)
Is this corporator a COOPERATIVE HOUSING CORPORATION defined in Section 216 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954?
of Section 9-102 of the Code of Civil Procedure?
Yes Q No \x\ (CHECK ONE)
7.) If a foreign corporation, the address of its principal office in the state of its incorporation is:
<4Please read reverse-side of this report before signing below)
(Xuthonzea Olfickrs Signamre) (Title) mis annual repod. pursuant lo provision! ot m« General Notf
Corporation Act. nas Been tunmeo oy me ana is. 10 ing ee
knowinage ana Muet. inj*. correct, and comotoie
NOTE: When the registered agent changes, the signatures of both president and secretary are required.
7. (If authorized by the board of directors, sign here. See Note 5)
_ The undersigned corporation has caused this statement to be signed by its duly authorized officers each of
whom affirms, under penalties of perjury, that the facts stated herein are true. °nicers, eacn oi
(If change of registered office by registered agent, sign here. See Note 6)
The undersigned, under penalties of perjury, affirms that the facts stated herein are true.
Dated January 30 1999 [
(Month & Day) (Year) lSig)patun\ o\fygistered Agent of Record)
1. The registered office may, but need not be the same as the principal office of the corporation. However the
registered office and the office address of the registered agent must be the same. nowever, me
2. The registered office must include a street or road address; a post office box number alone is not acceptable.
3. A corporation cannot act as its own registered agent.
4. If the registered office is changed from one county to another, then the corporation must file with the recorder
of deeds of the new county a certified copy of the articles of incorporation and a certified copy of the statement
of change of registered office. Such certified copies may be obtained ONLY from the Secretary of State
5. Any change oi registered agent must be by resolution adopted by the board of directors. This statement must
then be signed by the president (or vice-president) and by the secretary (or an assistant secret
6. The registered agent may report a change of the registered office of the corporation for which he or she is
registered agent. When the agent reports such a change, this statement must be signed by the registered
JANUARY 1, A.D. 1987.
lin (Ui
NFP-102.10 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION (Do Not Write in This Space)
Pursuant to the provisions of "The General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986". the undersigned incorporator(s)
hereby adopt the following Articles of Incorporation.
Article 1. The name of the corporation is: SAVE A LIFE. FOUNDATION. INC.
Article 2: The name and address of the initial registered agent and registered office are:
Director's Names Number Street Cltv
Carol J. Spizzirri
Sandra L. Engberg
Lee E. Jungkans
To promote basic emergency first aid and CPR for all public servants.
Is this corporation^ Condominium Association as established under the Condominium Property Act?
□ Yes E] No (Check one)
Is this corporation a Cooperative Housing Corporation as defined in Section 216 of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1954? LJYes E] No (Check one)
A copy of each of the following documents will be provided at the time the completed Proposal Form Is submitted.
U is represented that the p.rticulars and statements contained in the Proposal Form are true and are the basis of this
Policy and are to be considr red as incorporated in and constituting part of this Policy.. However, this Policy shall not be
voided or rescinded and cov srage shall not ba excluded as a result of any untrue statement in the Proposal Form, except as
to those persons making such statement or having knowledge of its untruth.
JMB Insurance Agency, Inc. , 900 North Michigan Avenue. Suite 1700. Chicago. TT. fin.611
NOTE: This Proposal including any material submitted therewith shall be treated in strictest confidence.
Phone: 32.2-474-0400
Fax: 312-474-0404
Save A Life Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
JuneI5. 2000
Held at the offices of:
LaveUe. Motla, Klopfemtein & Saletta, LTD.
9240 West Belmont Franklin Park, Illinois 60131
J'rcMMit Members:
Discussion Action
Call Meeting lo Order Carol Spizzirri called board meeting lo order.
(On tape 1 side I from 000 003)
Minutes of'April 20, 2000 Carol Spizzirri for Dcloris Burnhain who was absent
Carol motioned for the minuies lo be
(On tape I side 1 from 004-0 M)
accepted as present . Hon. Sam Amiranlc,
seconded, motion passed,
Financial Report Carol Spizzirri for Scott Anderson
We will not he getting our fiscal year
(On tape I side 1 from 012 450)
money until mid September for 2001.
Carol motioned that SALI would have lo
generate a loan for $ 100.000. Sam
■ Continuing discussion about the loan
Amiraiite second the motion. It was carried
Hob Motta
New Business
Honorary Chairman
David Hasselhofif, BAYWATCH Productions Medical Director
Stanley Zydlo, M.D
Illinois States Spokesnersnn
Hon. Jesse White, 1L. Secretary ofState Associate Medical Tiirrrtn,
Scott Betzelos, M.D.
Illinois State Ambassador
Mrs. Lura Lynn Ryan, First Udy of Illinois Medical Advisors
Peter Safar, M.D. Professor SRC. Unv. Pitts
Board of Director Henry Heimlich, M.D. OH
Carol Spizzirri, President/Founder SALF Ernest A. Pretto, Jr. M.D. VA Hosp. SRC Pitt
Hon. Sam Amirante Robert Boyd Tober, M.D. FACEPDir.EMS. FL
Scott Anderson Max Koeningsber, M.D. Chicago EMS Dir.
Scott Betzelos. M.D. Mikel Rothenberg. M.D. EMS Educator. OH
Deloris M. Burnam Nicholas Bircher, M.D. SRC. Unv. Pitts
Carlos Cortez CPO Uwe Ebmeyer, M.D. Germany
Bill Kugelmen
Stanley Zydlo, M.D. Blue Aneels Committee
Robert Conroy Sgt. Ron Gaines
Michael Lavelle Hon. Walter Dudycz
Commissioner Martin Sandoval
Margarette Lawless
Wayne Wiberg CPO
Leeat Council
Robert Motta, ESQ.
Advisory Council
US Sen. Richard Durbin, IL
ST. Sen. Walter Dudycz
ST. Sen. Steve Rauschenberger
St. Rep. Mike McAuliffe
St. Rep Ralph Capparelli
Save A Life Foundation
SALF Blue Angels Program Job
Blue Angels Trainers: Train fellow police offices with certified training in basic hands-
on Life Supporting First Aid (LFSA) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training using
demonstration mannequins and first aid kits. Trainers will conduct post-training tests Ind
issue completion certificates. SALF's Blue Angels will also work with the Chicago
Board of Education to provide LFSA and CPR training to school children
your 9rant
Pam McDonough
IM Imi «ami
SM WMt A«ntt Sirwi. Ir.
Iwti III
Nov-14-2000 16:13 Frc-OCCA IL FIRST 217-557-8883 T-917 P 037/065 F-732
I. Budget
II. Special Grant Conditions
III. Scope of Work
IV. Program Terms and Conditions
V. General Provisions
VI. Required Certifications
If you are an individual, enter your name and SSN as it appears on vour
Social Security Card. If completing this certification cor a sole
proprietorship, enter the owner's name followed by the name of the
business and the owner's SSN. For all other entities, enter the name
of the entity (as used to apply for the entity's EIN) and the EIN.
11/14/2000 11:52:15 - 1 -
Nov-14-2000 16:13 From-OCCA IL FIRST
217-557-9883 T-817 p 038/065 F-732
Save A Life Foundation
Grantee Address:
Please indicate any changes below
4825 N. Scott St.
Ste 74-a
Schiller Park, IL 60176-1214
Chief Exec: p /
Phone: 7 *S
11/14/2000 11:52:15 - 2 -
' Sncte 8 Gr3ntee 3deqUately aqcount for recejPts and expenditures of grant
# accordance
-^dJhe Grantee return ^ant funds to the Department in
the provisions of the Grant Agreement
provisions of
accordance with the provisions hereof,
(a) Grantee shall not use funding provided under this Agreement for sectarian purposes.
2.8 MUtTIPI-E GRANT AWARDS. If the Grantee was previously awarded a erant hw
y f 'ln5WSbut The
AWS- Grantee ist rec*uired t0 comply with all
lawS' mcludln5 "mited to th
no* "mitd the fili
filing off any and al
IS ^,Vf^ ,the event that a Grantee is delinquent in filing and/or paying
any fede al, state and/or local taxes, the Department shall disburse grant funds only §
the Grantee enters into an installment payment agreement with said tL authority and
remains in good standing therewith. Grantee is required to tender a copy of any such
installment payment agreement to the Department. In no event may Granted* SSL
grant funds to discharge outstanding tax liabilities. The exeS oMhte Snt
Agreement by the Grantee is its certification that it is current as to the fiL and
payment of any federal, state and/or local taxes applicable to Grantee g
Z5^£822S£&"ma T0 C0MPLY=
The Project described in Part ill and funded under this Grant Agreement, is subject to
review by the external agency(ies) indicated in Section 2.2 hereof Grantee must comp y
with requirements established by said agency(ies) relative to their respective reviews
Any requirements communicated to the Department shall be incorporated into this
Agreement as ollows: (I) as an attachment to this Exhibit 1 at the time of grant
execution; or (.,) if received from the applicable agency(ies) subsequent to execution
. as an addendum to this Agreement. The Grantee is contractually obligated to comply
with such requirements. . wwnpiy
Grantee is responsible for coordinating directly with the applicable external agencyfies)
relative to said reviews. Except as specifically provided below, the Department's
obligation to disburse funds under this Grant Agreement is contingent upon notification
by the applicable agency(ies) that all requirements applicable to the Project have been
satisfied Upon receipt of said notification, disbursement of the grant funds shaM be
authorized in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.3 hereof.
2.1 The Grantee will use Grant funds in accordance with Part I, Budget.
2.2 The Grantee shall continue to provide the programs and services specified in Section
1, above, for the term of the Grant Agreement.
(Non-governmental Entities)
SL ^f'!*10" °f.Perf°rmance A" activities described in Part III hereof which are
chargeable to grant funds provided by this Agreement, must be completed by the grant
period end date set forth in the Notice of Grant Award.
(ii) Expenditure of Grant Funds. AM grant funds provided under this Agreement must
be expended or legally obligated by the grant end date set fort i heNotS ofG^an
Award Grant funds not expended by the grant end date must Te returned to the
Department in accordance with directions provided by the Department
4.2 INTEREST ON GRANT FUNDS. Any interest earned on grant funds provided under
£?feJment mUSt be accounted f°r ^d returned to the Department
with the direct.ons provided by the Department. P^mem in^accordance
P' The Grantee must obtain Prior writt*n approval from the
Department before (PHart IU)- The
changing any GrantSe
of the mUSt °btainspecified
activities prior written aPP™'
in Part from are
III which the
activities by th ^T
Gt T^"
by the Grantee which ^ *« '" ^
are inconsistent r6SUltS
with the in *•setpil^-nVS
purpose forth in the
Appropriation authorizing the grant awarded under this Agreement are not permissible
*ECh0RD'NG/*EP0RTINfi REQUIREMENTS The Grantee is accountable
d'sbu!-sed under this Grant. The Grantee's financial management system
T? *h ^"t
rnnSLf h
^ ^^ CUne^ and comP|ete disclosure S'Te
PrOrid.e,d Under this A^ement. The Grantee shall maintain
effective control and accountability over all funds disbursed and, equipment, property
nl^HTSaCqZed With grant fundS- The Grantee sha" keeP records suffiSSIt to
ZTJn! hanmg °f fU^S t0 a l6Vel °f exPenditure adequate to insure that funds have
been expended in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
4.6 GRANT DELIVERABLES. The Grantee will submit the following Grant deliveries
in accordance with the Grant Agreement provisions referenced herein:
4-8 DUE DILIGENCE IN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. Grantee shall ensure that grant
funds are expended in accordance with the following principles:
(i) Grant expenditures should be made in accordance with generally accepted sound
business practices, arms length bargaining, applicable federal and State laws and
regulations, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
(ii) Grant expenditures should not exceed the amount which would be incurred by a
prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision is made to
incur the costs; and
4-9 LEGAL COMPLIANCE. In addition to complying with the statutes and regulations
specifically referenced in this Agreement, the Grantee is responsible for determining the
applicability of and complying with any other laws, regulations, ordinances, etc. which
govern the Grantee's performance of the activities described in Part III hereof, including,
but not limited purchasing/procurement rules, to the Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS
130/0.01 et seq.) and the Interagency Wetlands Policy Act (20 ILCS 830/1 et. seq.).
A. Grantee Authority. The Grantee warrants that it is the real party in interest to this
Agreement, that it is not acting for or on behalf of an undisclosed party, and that it possesses
legal authority to apply for this grant and to execute the proposed program or project
described in Part III hereof. Grantee's execution of this Agreement shall serve as its
attestation that Grantee has read, understands and agrees to all provisions of this Agreement
and to be bound thereby. Grantee further acknowledges that the individual executing this
agreement is authorized to do so on Grantee's behalf.
C. Grantor Authority. The Department and its payroll employees, when acting pursuant to
this Agreement, are acting as State officials in their official capacity and not personally or as
the agents of others.
D. Governing Law. This Grant is awarded in the State of Illinois for execution within the
State of Illinois. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to Illinois law
as that law would be interpreted by an Illinois Court. Where there is no Illinois law on a
particular subject or issue, then the applicable law will be applied as it would be if interpreted
and applied by an Illinois court.
5-2 SCOPE OF WORK. In consideration for the grant funds to be provided by the
Department, the Grantee agrees to perform the project described in Part III hereof and to
prepare and submit to the Department the reports and other deliverables described in this
A- Non Appropriation Clause. Payments pursuant to this Agreement are subject to the
availability of applicable Federal and State funding from the Department and their
appropriation and authorized expenditure under state law. Obligations of the State will cease
immediately without penalty or liability of further payment being required if in any fiscal year
that this Agreement is in effect the Illinois General Assembly or Federal funding source fails to
appropriate or otherwise make available sufficient funds for this grant.
The Grantee hereby is given actual knowledge of the fact that pursuant to the State Finance
Act, 30 ILCS 105/30, payments under this grant are contingent upon there existing a valid
appropriation therefor and that no officer shall contract any indebtedness on behalf of the
State, or assume to bind the State in an amount in excess of the money appropriated, unless
expressly authorized by law. If this is a multi-year grant, it is void by operation of law if the
Department fails to obtain the requisite appropriation to pay the grant in any year in which
this Agreement is in effect.
B- Total Amount of Grant Limited. The Grantee expressly understands and agrees that the
total financial obligation of the Department under this Agreement shall not exceed the total
grant amount set forth on the Notice of Grant Award and the Grantee agrees expressly to fully
complete the Scope of Work specified in this Agreement and all other obligations under this
Agreement within the stated total consideration.
c- Delivery of Grantee Payments. Payment to the Grantee under this Agreement shall be
made payable in the name of the Grantee and sent to the person and place specified in the
Notice of Grant Award. The Grantee may change the person to whom payments are sent, or
the place to which payments are sent by written notice to the Department signed by the
Grantee. No such change or payment notice shall be binding upon the Department until ten
(10) business days after actual receipt.
A- Records Retention. The Grantee is accountable for all funds received under this
Agreement and shall maintain, for a minimum of three (3) years following the later of the
expiration or termination of this Agreement, adequate books, records, and supporting
documents to verify the amount, recipients and uses of all disbursements of funds passing in
conjunction with this Agreement. This Agreement and all books, records and supporting
documents related hereto shall be available for inspection and audit by the Department, the
Auditor General of the State of Illinois, or any of their duly authorized representatives, and the
Grantee agrees to cooperate fully with any audit conducted by the Auditor General or the
Department. Grantee agrees to provide full access to all relevant materials and to provide
copies of same upon request. Failure to maintain books, records and supporting documents
required by this Section 5.4 shall establish a presumption in favor of the Department for the
recovery of any funds paid by the Department under this Agreement for which adequate
books, records and supporting documentation are not available to support their purported
If any of the services to be performed under this Agreement are subcontracted, the Grantee
shall include in all subcontracts covering such services, a provision that the Department and
the Auditor General of the State of Illinois, or any of their duly authorized representatives, will
have full access to and the right to examine any pertinent books, documents, papers and
records of any such subcontractor involving transactions related to this Agreement for a
period of three (3) years from the later of the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
In accordance with the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act, 30 ILCS 705/1 et seq., the Grantee
must, within 45 days of the expiration or termination of this Agreement, refund to the
Department, any balance of funds which is unobligated at the end of the Grant term specified
in the Notice of Grant Award. For purposes of preparation of grant closeout forms, the
determination of allowable expenditures and excess grant funds shall be based on the premise
that the total Grantee compensation under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount
specified in the Notice of Grant Award.
C. Audit Requirements. If required by Part II of this Grant Agreement, the Grantee shall be
required to have an audit conducted in accordance with the following terms:
(i) The audit shall be conducted by a certified public accountant who is licensed by
the State of Illinois to conduct an audit in accordance with Generally Accepted
Auditing Standards.
(ii) Grant funds shall be included in the Grantee's annual audit, unless the
Department authorizes the Grantee to have a grant-specific audit conducted.
(iii) Upon completion of an audit, an audit report shall be issued and the Grantee
. shall provide the Department with a copy of such audit report.
(iv) The Grantee shall provide the Department with a copy of an audit report within 30
days of the Grantee's receipt of such audit report, but in no event later than nine
months following the end of the period for which the audit was performed. The
Grantee shall send the audit report to the Department at the following address:
In the event of termination for cause, Grantee shall also be subject to any other applicable
provisions specified elsewhere in this Agreement.
Termination for cause may render the Grantee ineligible for consideration for future grants
from the Department. e
3. For Convenience. The Department or the Grantee may terminate this Agreement in
whole or in part when the Department and the Grantee agree that continuation of the program
objectives would not produce beneficial results commensurate with the further expenditure of
funds. The Department and the Grantee shall agree upon termination conditions including the
effective date and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated The
Grantee shall not incur new obligations for the terminated portion after the effective date and
shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. The Department shall allow full
credit to the Grantee for the Department's share of the non-cancelled obligations, if properly
incurred by the Grantee prior to termination.
B. Suspension. If the Grantee fails to comply with the specific conditions and/or general
terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Department may, after written notice to the
Grantee, suspend this Agreement, withhold further payments and prohibit the Grantee from
incurring additional obligations of grant funds, pending corrective action by the Grantee or a
decision to terminate this Agreement. Department may determine to allow such necessary
and proper costs which the Grantee could not reasonably avoid during the period of
suspension provided that the Department agrees that such costs were necessary and
reasonable and incurred in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
A. Nongovernmental entities. The Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold the Department
and/or the State of Illinois, and its officers, agents, or employees harmless from and against
any and all claims, and actions, including but not limited to, attorneys' fees, costs and
interest, based upon and arising out of any services performed under this Agreement by the
Grantee and its officers, employees, agents, independent contractors, subcontractors
subrecipients. volunteers, or other associates. The Grantee shall further indemnify and hold
the Department and/or the State of Illinois and/or its officers, agents and employees
harmless from and against any and all liabilities, demands, claims, damages, suits costs fees
and expenses incident thereto, for injuries or death to persons and for loss or damage'to or
destruction of property because of negligence, intentional acts or omissions on the part of
Grantee, its officers, employees, agents, independent contractors, subcontractors
subrecipients, volunteers or other associates, arising out of any services performed under this
The Grantee further agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the Department, its officers
agents and employees against any liability, including costs and expenses associated with the
violation of general, proprietary rights, copyrights or rights of privacy of third parties arisng
°11 heP^l.cat,on translation, reproduction, delivery, performance, use orPd"spo,i5on^
containedterZ °' ^ ^ Agreement or an* libelous °r any unlawful matter
B. Governmental Entities. In the event that the Grantee is a Governmental Entity it will
Federal and/or 5'? ml6.SS the Department
State constitutions(s) as set out herein to the extent authorized by
and/or laws.
Dursu^TTo thk/L "!"• 3ny d.erTd °r daim relating t0 the transactions or activities
pursuant to this Agreement is made known to either party, the Department and/or the
Grantee will notify the other party to this Agreement in writing in an expedient manner.
Y MnnincATlONS:
Ln^lm ,
agents, employees
w, ■ Grant6e Sha" eStabHsh safeeuards to prohibit officers, directors,
and fam.ly members from using positions of employment for a purpose
hat is. or g,Ves the appearance of, being motivated by a desire for a private gain for
themselves or others particularly those with whom they have family business or othe ties
Safeguards, evidenced by rules or bylaws, shall be established to prohibit persons from
engaging in actions wh.ch create or which appear to create a conflict of interest as described
herein or in Section 2.6 of this Agreement. aescriDea
A. Grantee Responsibility. All applicable Federal, State and local laws, rules and
wTE ZlZZTl* theP^rmance re<>uired by Grantee shall apply to this Agreement and
will be deemed to be included in this Agreement the same as though written herein in full
Grantee is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations
mclud.ng, but not limited to those specifically referenced herein. Except where expressly
?' La"d Trust/Beneficial Disclosure Act ( 7fifi n rs 405/2.1V No grant award funds shall
be paid to any trustee of a land trust, or any beneficiary or beneficiaries of a land trust for any
purpose relat.ng to the land which is the subject of such trust, any interest in such land
improvements to such land or use of such land unless an affidavit is first fL with the
TTTl^r" ^ ^^ * * ld address lSj
C1H H'yr'f Prese"?ti(>" Act (20 ILCS 3420/1 et seq.). The Grantee will not expend funds
o utHi»tSi^fTT\WlllCh
»,Xi n ♦
r6SUlt ^ ^ destruction- alterati°n- renovation, transfer or safe
Jistonc properly, structure or structures, or in the introduction of visual
result in the rZP
change in thelehment!
the character*or* use
^^ of anyPr°Perty' StrUCture or structures, which vii
historic property.
Lu^H^h AP ,,f 80/1' 6t> *«*•>• Grantee wi" make th^ certification
required in this Agreement and will comply with all of the provisions of the Drugfree Workplace
Act that are applicable to the Grantee. False certification or violation of the requirements of
the Drugfree Workplace Act may result in sanctions including, but not limited to, suspension
of grant paymentsi termination of this Agreement and debarment of contracting or grant
opportun.t.es with the State for at least one (1) year but not more than five (5) years
[' freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1 et. seq.). Applications, programmatic reports
and other mformation obtained by the Department under this Agreement shall be
administered pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. The Department shall give Grantee
timely notice in the event it receives a request for information submitted by Grantee relative
to this Agreement.
B Assignment. The benefits of this Agreement and the rights, duties and responsibilities of
the Grantee under this Agreement may not be assigned (in whole or in part) except with the
thTr^nr.i^.0lthe Department actin6 through its Director. Any assignment by
the Grantee m violation of this provision renders this Agreement voidable by the Department.
C Severability Clause, If any provision under this Agreement or its application to any
person or circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, this invalidity
« t th Hhany ° j*1" provision or its application of this Agreement which can be given
effect without the invalid provision or application.
D. Integration Clause. This Agreement, with attachments, as written, is the full and
complete agreement between the parties and there are no oral agreements or understandings
between the parties other than what has been reduced to writing herein. B
E. Comptroller Filing Notice, The Grantee expressly understands that whenever applicable
a copy of this Agreement and any modification, cancellation or renewal is required to be filed
by the Department with the State Comptroller.
The Grantee makes the following certifications as a condition of this Agreement. These
certifications are required by State statute and are in addition to any certifications required
by any Federal funding source as set forth in this Agreement. Grantee's execution of this
Agreement shall serve as its attestation that the certifications made herein are true and
6.1 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW. The Grantee certifies that it shall comply with all
applicable provisions of Federal, State and local law in the performance of its obligations
pursuant to this Agreement.
6-2 CONFUCT OF INTEREST. The Grantee certifies that it has no public or private interest
direct or indirect, and shall not acquire directly or indirectly any such interest which does or
may conflict in any manner with the performance of Grantee's services and obligations under
this Agreement.
6-3 mP-Riqq|NG/BID.ROTATlNG. The Grantee certifies that it has not been barred from
contracting with a unit of State or local government as a result of a violation of Section 33E-3
or 33E-4 of the Criminal Code of 1961 (720 ILCS 5/33 E-3 and 5/33 E!-4).
6-4 PEFAULT ON EDUCATIONAL LOAN. The Grantee certifies that this Agreement is not in
violation of the Educational Loan Default Act (5 ILCS 385/3) prohibiting certain contracts to
individuals who are in default on an educational loan.
6.5 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (42
U.S.C. 12101 et. seq.) and the regulations thereunder (28 CFR 35.130) prohibit
discrimination against persons with disabilities by the State, whether directly or through
contractual arrangements, in the provision of any aid, benefit or service. As a condition of
receiving this grant, the Grantee certifies that services, programs and activities provided
under this Agreement are, and will continue to be, in compliance with the ADA.
A> -A- '*is a Corporation, Partnership, or other entity (other than an individual) with 24
or fewer employees at the time of execution of this Agreement.
D) That it is an individual.
If Option "Au or "B" is checked this Agreement is not subject to the requirements of the Act.
6.3 BID.RIGGING/BID.ROTATING. The Grantee certifies that it has not been barred from
or^fff tWKlthra Unit ^State °r '°Cal g°vernment as a result of a violation of Sect Z33M
or 33E-4 of the Criminal Code of 1961 (720 ILCS 5/33 E-3 and 5/33 E-4).
D) That it is an individual.
If Option "A" or "B" is checked this Agreement is not subject to the requirements of the Act.
(B) orrurriia6 B™plover f any Criminal drug statute conviction for a violation
occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction.
(iii)any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; and
(iv)the penalties that may be imposed upon an employee for drug violations.
(c) Providing a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (a) to each employee
rn7haegworkPlacePerfOrmanCe °f ^ ^ ^ t0 P°St the statement in a Prominent place
(d) Notifying the granting agency within ten (10) days after receiving notice, under part (B) of
oaram-anh r..rt nf ...h..^,, ,^ aboye> from an emp|oyee Qr otherwjse W K } °
(e) Imposing a sanction on, or requiring the satisfactory participation in, a drug abuse
assistance or rehabMitation program by any employee who is so convicted, as required by
Section 5 of the Drugfree Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 580/5. «Hu.rea oy
(f) Assisting employees in selecting a course of action in the event drug counseling
treatment and rehabilitation are required and indicating that a trained referral team is in
(g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drugfree workplace through
implementation of the Drugfree Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 580/5.
If Grantee is an individual, it certifies that it will not engage in the unlawful manufacture
distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance in the performance of
this Agreement.
6.7 ANTI-BRIBERY. The Grantee certifies that neither it nor its employees have been
convicted of bribing or attempting to bribe an officer or employee of the State of Illinois nor
has Grantee or any of its employees made an admission of guilt of such conduct which' is a
matter of record as defined in the Illinois Procurement Code (30 ILCS 500/50-5).
6-8 D'SCRIMINATION/ILLINOIS HUMAN RIGHTS A<rr The Grantee certifies (i) that it will
not commit unlawful discrimination in employment in Illinois as that term is defined in Article
2 of said Act; (u) that it will comply with the provisions of Article 5 of the Act regarding equal
employment opportunities and affirmative action; and, (iii) that it will comply with policies and
procedures established by the Department of Human Rights under Article 7 of the Act
regarding equal employment opportunities and affirmative action.
The Grantee further certifies that, if applicable, it will comply with "An Act to prohibit
discrimination and intimidation on account of race, creed, color, sex, religion, physical or
mental handicap unrelated to ability or national origin in employment under contracts for
public buildings or public works." (775 ILCS 10/0.01 et. seq.)
6'9r SEXUAL HARASSMENT. The Grantee certifies that it has written sexual harassment
policies that shall include, at a minimum, the following information: (i) the illegality of sexual
harassment; (n) the definition of sexual harassment under State law; (iii) a description of
sexual harassment, utilizing examples; (iv) the Grantee's internal complaint process including
penalties; (v) the legal recourse, investigative and complaint process available through the
Department of Human Rights and the Human Rights Commission; (vi) directions on how to
contact the Department and Commission; and (vii) protection against retaliation as provided
by Section 6-101 of the Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/2-105 (B)(5). A copy of the
policies shall be provided to the Department upon request.
Pam McDonough
6. Purpose of Modification:
No Change
8. Signature:
Save A Life Foundation
06/10/2002 10:30:28
Transmittal Cover Sheet for
Illinois FIRST
Request for Modification/Waiver
GRANTEE NAME: ^AUiT A Life 6>t/tUhAnoiJ. /*/£ .
Q The Grantee is requesting a change to the scope of work. I certify that the original scope of
work referenced in the attached Request for Modification/Waiver form is identical to the scope
of work that was included in the grant agreement or subsequent modification(s).
□"The Grantee is requesting a change to the budget. I certify that the original budget included
on the attached Request for Modification/Waiver form is identical to the budget that was
included in the grant agreement or subsequent modification(s).
□ The Grantee is requesting a change other than those enumerated above, which requires Legal
□ The Grantee is requesting a waiver from the audit provisions in the Grant Agreement.
(Division of Audits' Approval of this Waiver: \
□ The proposed mod/waiver will affect a building, land or location other than that originally
submitted for environmental review.
O The proposed changes are within bond guidelines (this is applicable to bond-funded projects
Grarjt Manager or Bureau Coordinator signature Date '
\fi Modification Approved • Grant manager is authorized to enter the modification into GRS and
transmit modification package to Accounting.
D A. SCOPE OF WORK Please briefly detail why the modification to the scope of work is necessary. (A
copy of the original scope showing all proposed revisions must be attached to this request). Note: Revisions
will not be considered if they are inconsistent with the legislation authorizing the grant.
B. BUDGET Using the form on the reverse, please list the original budget items and the requested revised
budget. Note: Requests for an increase in the total grant amount will be denied.
n r PA.7fc extension. Grouse requires additional time to complete the perfbrnianceHJescfibed in Pan Hr- — 1
of the agreement for which grant funds are provided, and requests that it be allowed until , 200_, to
complete such performance. Grantee acknowledges that it has expended/legally obligated grant funds in the
performance required by the grant during the original gram term and that if granted, the extension of time cannot
exceed two (2) years.
CT D. OTHER Please attach a separate page identifying the provision(s) that grantee wishes to modify and a
written explanation supporting the request for change.
(1) All terms and conditions of the grant agreement remain in full force and effect until all performance
required by the terms of the agreement are completed. ■ ■
(2) If the period for performance has been extended, the close-out package referenced in Section 5.4B of the
Agreement must be submitted no later than 45 days following any extended parformance date.
_ (3) This request is limited to the provisions described_herein and in no way impairs the Department's ability to
seek legal recourse against the Grantee for non«compliance with either the provisions stated herein or any other
provisions of the Agreement.
Pam McDonough, Director <-> Ijyy^.
NOTE: Due to the Time Limit on Expenditure of Grant Funds imposed by the Grant Funds Recovery Act
(30 ILCS 705/1 et seq.), the extended grant term granted herein shall be deemed to take effect on
* Waivers will only be approved when the Department determines thai it is in the best interest of the State of Illinois.
+ CJ. I w«J I SOOJ
Approved Budget Prior Period Expenses Paid this CO
Activities fGrantee must Yearfo-Dale Funds Previously en
(As in PART I of Year to Date Report Period
copy from Granl Expenditures Received
Grant Agreement or Expenditures (Grant Funds Only) GO
Agreement PART I or (2+3) (Grant Funds Only)
subsequent (Grant Funds Only)
subsequent modHlcalmnl (Grant Funds Only)
Grantee Certification
Dcca Certihcation
All expenditures from these project funds are for approved project costs only.
Authorized PavmentjS
Further, I certify that supporting documentation on arlwnl ^vpenditwres is on
file in our office, and that I have full signature authority to sign uu behalf of
this agency. Grant Period: 7- / FIF/Bond
Project Manager
Manager of Gran^Onit
or Bureau Coordinator:
Authorized Official - Signature and Title (date) Accounting? (S
* 4
from: To:
Prepared By: £m*LJT. S/>,>-,,os}
Approved Budget Prior Period
Expenses Paid this Year-toOate
(As in PART I of Year-toOate Funds Previously ©
Report Period Expenditures
Grantee Certification
All expenditures from these project funds are for approved project costs only
Further, I certify that supporting documentation on actual expenditures is on
file in our offrce, and that I have full signature authority to sign on behalf of
this agency. Grant Period:
Grant Number D) -I ^U I 5U
Address: QQ5O ft ~> \sm\rPnCr Ai/^ ,\h<-!-< IS- Jul 1 - Sep 30 due Oct 29
-frhtli.fr D Oct 1 • D«c 31 due Jan 31
Report Prepared By: D Jan 1 • Mar 31 due Apr 28
Telephone:, Q Apr 1 • Jun 30 due Jul 31
Number of Persons Directly Benefiting or Served by the Project:, O Final Report due 30 days ahar
Proiact CompiAtad
Describe Significant Activities Undertaken with Grant Funds during the Quartan
I hereby centfy that the information and data in this Program Status Report are true and correct to the best of the
Grantee's (and the authorized representative's) knowledge and belief.
CWl T Title
,Authorized Representative (Print/Type)
Grantee Address:
620 East Adams. Springlield. IL 62701
Report Period
to-t*¥i<& Ul
Final? (Y/N) 00
Approved Budget Prior Period
Grantee Certification
All expendrlures from these project funds are for approved project costs only
Further, I certify that supporting documentation on actual expenditures is on Authorized Payment: $
file in our office, and that I have full signature authority to sign on behalf of
this agency. Grant Period:
Project Manager
Grantee Name: Sflfc J ///>* (S
Grantee Address:
OePt- of Commerce and Community Affairs I cs>
Budget Line Ite^s nr Approved Budget Prior Period Expenses Paid this
Activities fGranteeimici YeartoDale Funds Previously
(As in PART I of YeartoDate Report Period Expenditures Received
copy from Grant Grant Agreement or Expenditures (Grant Funds Only) (2+3)
Aercemenl subsequent (Grant Funds Only)
(Grant Funds Only)
(Grant Funds Only)
Grantee Certification
Occa Certification
All expenditures from these project funds are for approved projecl costs only
Further, I certify that supporting documentation on actual expenditures is on Authorized Payment: $
file in our office, and thai I have full signature authority to sign on behalf of
this agency.
Report P#r'rarf
Grantee ft f rffr fh inrirH-irn \nC
Grant ^^rpi- llui/SU Q Jul 1 • Sep 30 due Oct 29
Address: QQSH u) / fiti\reno7 AvP tSfjrfrf
El Oct I-Dec 31 due Jan 31
3" Jb Q Jen i - Mar 31 diifi Apr 28
Report Prepared
D Aprl-Jun30 due Jul 3 a
Number of Persons Directly Benefiting or Served by the Project:, D Final Report due 30 day& after
Projeei Compitiad
Describe Significant Activities Undertaken with Grant Funds during the Quartur
( hereby certify mat the information ano data in this Program Status Report are true ;ind correct to the best of the
Crantee's (and we authorized representative's) knowledge and belief. r-~ jl
Signature of Authoriud/nepresentative
2 K3
Budget Line Items nr Approved Budget CJ
Prior Period expenses Paid this lii
iiili (Ge jnusi (As in PART I of Yearlo Date Funds Previously CD
Year lo Date Report Period
copy from Granl Gran I Agreement or Expenditures Received
Expenditures (Grant Funds Only) 00
Agreement PApT f subsequent (2+3) (Grant Funds Only)
(Grant Funds Only)
modification) (Grant Funds Only)
Grantee Certification
PccA Certification
All expenditures from these project funds are for approved project costs only
Further, I certify that supporting documentation on actual expenditures is on Authorized Payment: $
file in our office, and that I have full signature authority to sign on behalf of
this agency. Grant Period:
Project Manager:
Manager of GranTUnit
BY: or Bureau Coordinator* ft
Aulhorized Official Signature and Title ca
9? Z
Grantee Name: to
Approved Budget Prior Period
Activities Expenses Paid this Year lo Date
Agreement PART I or
(Grant Funds Only) (2+3)
Grantee Certification
Dcca Certification
All expenditures from these project funds are for approved project costs only
Further, I certify that supporting documentation on actual expenditures is on Authorized Payment: $
file in our office, and that I have full signature authority to sign on behalf of
this agency. Grant Perkfl:7/ 00 -
Grantee M»m»-5foi/» ft I g
ffTM 154
Grant Number:^f-fT-M
Address: ^50
Report Prepared JBy: M I T
p __^__
Number of Persons Directly Benefiting or Served by the Project:
Describe Significant Activities Undertaken with Grant Funds during the Quartnr:
r~ ~> f
I hereby cenify that the information and data in this Program Status Report are true and correct to the best of the
Gipntee's (and the authorized representative's) knowledge and belief.
(Reports are due no later than 30 days aft" compleJn oTal! grant funded project activities)
Describe Activities Completed or Services Delivered with Grant Funds:
c-e. /of3
October 22. 2001
Stanley Zydlo. M.D. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not
Medical Advisor* hesitate to call or write our office.
Peter Safar, M.D.
Henry Heimlich, M.D. Thank you for your assistance in overseeing our reports.
Nicholas Bircher. M.D.
Mark Mitchell, DO. Sincerely.
Emest A. Pretto, Jr., M.D.
Paula Willoughby, D.O.
Brian Churchill, EMT-P
Illinois Stite Chairman Linda Post
Mark Mitchell. D.O. Finance Manager
Program Development
Ellen Schmidt
Chris Hanna
Grantee Name: Stirfe A /./PB /A/a. Pepl. of Commerce and Community Affairs
Granlee Address: pf-fft ///, 620 East Adams
Springlield, IL 62701
Grant Agreement No: Report Period
Prepared By; —from; To:
Data: Report if I
Phone: Final?
Manager of Granl I Jnil
or Bureau Coordlnalor
.Authorized Olfjcjaf Signaltite and Title (dale) Accounting **~"
project activities)
Funos Expend*
Amount of Loai Match Funds Expended on SePn
Amount „ State FunQS Expenae. (noI inc^g^nt) on m,
i nerecy csrtify that tha information and data in this
Grantee's (anottie authonad ^^ are true ano csrrec: to tne oest of trie
All expenditures Irom these project Umds are lor approved project
costs only. Further, I certify that supporting documentation on actual
expenditures Is on file In our office, and that I have full signature
authority to sign on behall ol this agency.
(Reports are due no later than 30fcys afte/coWietionVall grant funded project activities)
Describe Acrivities Completed or Services Delivered with Grant Funds:
Sigriature oi Authori;
I of3
Executive Board
Mav 31.2002
Carol J. Spizzirri. President/Founder
Legal Counsel
Medical Advisors
Enclosed are the Amended Status and Expense Reports of the Save A Life
Peter Salar. M.D.
Foundation for the reporting period Jan. 1. 2002 to March 31. 2002. The
Henry Hcimlich. M.D.
amended forms reflect the amount for Instructor Fees overstated in
Stanlej Zydlo. M.D.
comparison to the budgeted line item amount.
Nicholas Bircher. M.D.
Mark Mitchell. DO Pending approval of the modification request to allow the line item
limest A Prello. Jr.. M.D. "Unemployment Insurance" to include payroll taxes, our final report will
Paula Willoughby. DO reflect an expense for the balance of that line item.
Brian Churchill. KMT-P
Illinois Slate Chairman Please contact me with your comments or for further information that may
be needed. Thank you again for your assistance.
Mark Mitchell. DO
Slalc Development
Hon. In Bock
Ralph DeBartolo
Dill Nolan
Enc. 6 pages
Chris I lanna
Deborah Ann Mulligan-Smith M.D. 9950 West Lawrence Avenue. Suite #300. Schiller Park. Illinois 60176
Man Jean lirschen R.N.. H.S.N
Phone: (847) 928-9683 (888) 892-0606 • Fax (847) 928-9684 • e-mail: saliTcids^salf.org -www.salf.org
Christ1 DeGroot
Assistant Manager
Accounting Office
Enclosed please find Grant Agreement Number 01-124154 between your organization
('Grantee") and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
("Department"). Please review the Agreement carefully to ensure trut the Grantee's
rights and responsibilities are clearly understood. You are encouraged to have the
Agreement reviewed by an attorney. In particular, please note the following:
Beginning Date (Notice of Grant Award). Costs incurred prior to the specified
beginning date are not eligible for reimbursement, unless such costs, have been
identified in the Project Budget and approved by the Department.
End Date (Notice of Grant Award). The Project must be completed by the stated
end date. Modifications for scope of work changes or date extensions must be approved
in writing by the Department and processed prior to the stated end date.
If the terms of the Agreement are acceptable, please complete the fcllowing steps in
order to properly execute the Agreement:
• verify the Grantee"s correct federal taxpayer identification number (FEIN) and
correct legal/business status in the appropriate blanks on pajjes 1-2;
• have an authorized official of the Grantee execute page 2 of the Notice of Grant
Award and the acknowledgment set forth in Part II;
• make any necessary corrections to the Grantee's address; fill in the name, phone
number, and address (if different from the Grantee's address) for the
administrator/project manager; and
• please review Section 6.6 carefully and mark the statement with an "X" as it
relates to the Grantee.
The Grantee's ability to incur costs against the Grant as of the beginning date set forth
in the Notice of Grant Award is contingent upon the Grantee's acceptance of the terms
and conditions as set forth in the attached Agreement. The Department may elect not
to execute the Agreement if any of the terms are changed without the Department's
prior approval, and the Grantee will be responsible for any costs already incurred.
The Department may also elect not to execute the Grant Agreement if it determines that
it is not in the best interest of the State of Illinois to do so. Written notification of such a
determination and the basis therefor will be provided to the address.ee of this letter in
such event.
You will be provided with a fully executed copy of the Agreement after it has been signed
by Director McDonough.
Susan Boggs
Illinois FIRST Grant Manager
If your grant agreement, under Part II, Section 2.5, requires a final
expense and status report; the submittal of the enclosed close-out
package will serve to satisfy the reporting requirements, once your
package is approved by the Department.
If your grant agreement, under Part II, Section 2.5, requires quarterly
status and/or expense reports, you may elect not to submit the reports
for the last period of your grant agreement provided you have already
received the full amount of the grant funds as stated in your grant
agreement^In other words, if you have not received all of your grant
funds, you must submit an expense report to request the remaining funds
prior to the completion and submittal of the enclosed close-out package.
You must continue to meet the requirements of proper cash management for
the rema n1ng term of your grant by limiting cash to an amount necessary
to meet immediate cash needs. Excess cash should be returned to the
Department immediately. Upon final submission of your close-out anv
remaining unexpended cash should be refunded as defined in the enclosed
Christ 1 OeGroot
Assistant Manager
Accounting Office
To : 918479289E84
Status : OK
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
■TO: * S*gt
April 12.2002
Please be aware that your Illinois FIRST grant number 01 -124154 is due to expire on June 30 2002 The
Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, which administers your grant, would like to alert
you to your remaining responsibilities regarding this grant.
• If you will be unable to complete your project before June 30. 2002. the Department will consider a
request for an end date extension. The form you will need to modify your Grant Agreement is
attached. If an extension is necessary, please submit it immediately.
ifrr?,h ^^ SS6rnt gran r '""^ different|y than vour 8rant agreement authorized, you will need to use the
<zttrf c::™ t * :^!* a^mai s™ modification bef°- ^ pj
■**««be dosed.
Z£7*6£7 ° PerCent V3rianCe in 3ny bud*et line item wkhou't a modification, if
you have added any new l.ne .terns or activities, eliminated any line items or activities, or exceeded the
10 percent vanance in any line, you must file a request for a modification.) Please note that
modifications will not be granted if the expenditures are inconsistent with the authorizing legislation and
legislative mtent. Once again, if a modification is necessary, please submit it immediately.
• Some Illinois FIRST projects are required to submit Quarterly Expense Reports and/or Status Reports
Please contmue to submit your reports as instructed by your grant manager, until your grant ends If'
any reports are delinquent, you must submit them before your grant will be allowed to dose.
• If you do not take action to extend your grant, you can expect to receive your Close-out Package in
June; you must complete the package and submit it to the department by August 14. 2002.
If you have any questions regarding the contents of this package, or if you feel you have received this letter
m error, please call your Illinois FIRST program manager. Susan Boggs, at 217-782-5346.
Job number
Document pases
Start time
End time
Pages sent
: Eboga8@commaro
Of your
n or •
Italy In
7?Tu,B^hJZ!*2a wi" b" sP»"t by O6/3O/O2 In «=e«, ^ nocaoa.ry. I will contact you.
Pudge| Line Items or Approved Budget Prior Period Expenses Paid this
Activities (Grantee must (As in PART I of Year to Date
Year to Date Funds Previously
copy froriLGrajii Report Period Expenditures
Grant Agreement or Expenditures Received
(Grant Funds Only)
Agreemen! PART Lor subsequent (Grant Funds Only)
(2+3) (Grant Funds Only)
JMbsequent modification) modification) (Grant Funds Only)
Grantee Certification
All expenditures from these project funds are for approved project costs only
Further, I cerfly that supporting documentation on actual expenditures is on Authorized Payment: $
Ihis'a °eUnrc°Mlce' and that » have '"« ^nature authority to sign on behalf of
Grantee Name:
Grantee Address: Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs
620 East Adams, jprinefield, IL 62701
Grant No:
Prepared By:
. Phone:
Final? (Y/N)
Budget Lint (terns or Approved Budget ?Vior Period Expenses Paid this Year to Date
Activities (Grantee must (As in PART I of Funds Previously
Year to Date Report Period
copy from.Grapt Grant Agreement or Expenditures Received
Expenditures (Grant Funds Only)
Agreemeji! PART I or (2+3) (Grant Funds Only)
subsequent (Grant Funds Only)
subsequent modification! it Funds Only)
Grantee Certification
All expenditures from these project funds are for approved project costs only
Kirlher, I certify that supporting documentation on actual expenditures is on
He in our office, and that I have full signature authority to sign on behalf of
this agency.
... Authorized Official • Signaturp anfrntu idate)
Grantee Name
Grantee Address Uept. of Commerce and Community Affairs
620 East Adamsr Springfield. IL 62701
Grant No: Report Period
Prepared From: To:
Final? (Y/N)
All expenditures from these projeci lunds are lor approved projeci costs onlv
Furlher. I cerl.ly that supporting documentation on ac.u,- 1 'Td ,ures is on Authorized Payment: $
l^'^ ' and tha' ' h3Ve IU" it hri(3i £ Grant Period:
Project Manager:
Manager of Grant Unit
or Bureau Coordinator:
- Authorized Official (date)
(date) Accounting:
Grantee Certification
Dcca Certification
All exuenrlilures from these project funds are for approved project costs only
t-urthei. | certify thai supporting documentation on actual expenditures is on Authorized Payment: $
He in our office, and that I have full signature authority to sign on behalf of
this agency. Grant Period:
Project Manager:
Manager of Grant Unit
BY: or Bureau Coordinator:
Authorized Official Signature and Title (date)
Grantee Name:
Grantee Address: Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs
620 East Adams^prjngfield. IL 62701
Report Period ~
Final? (Y/N)
Budge! Line Herns or Approved Budget Prior Period Expenses Paid this
Activities (Grantee must (As in PART I of Year to Date Funds Previously
Year to Date
copy. fromGr^ni Grant Agreement or
Report Period Expenditures Received
Expenditures (Grant Funds Only)
Agreement p^Rl"! or. subsequent (2+3) (Grant Funds Only)
(Grant Funds Only)
fMbsequentmodUtcation^ modification) (Grant Funds Only)
Grantee Certification
Susan Boggs
DCCA Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
620 East Adams, Mezzanine
Springfield, IL 62701
Board of Directors:
Carol SpiZZini. President/Founder
Hon.Sam Amirante. Vice President
Carlos M. Azcoitia Dear Susan:
Carlos Cortes. Treasurer
Hon. Martin Sandoval. Secretary Our financial report for our $600,000 grant was submitted this
Scott Anderson past Fall and should have been received by yourself. Our
Scott Betzelos. M.D.
audit will be completed early April and a copy will be send to
Deloris M. Burnam
you immediately. If you have any questions or requests from
Robert Conroy
me, please don't hesitate to call.
Michael Lavelle. Esq.
Margarette Lawless
Wayne Wiberg
Thank you again for your help.
Ken Wiesner
Stan Zydlo. M.D.
Medical Adivisors:
Peter Safar, M.D.
Nicholas Bircher. M.D.
Henry Heimlich. M.D.
Mark Mitchell, M.D.
Ernesto A. Pretto, Jr. M.D.
Paula Willoughby. M.D.
Brian Churchill, EMT-P
Program Developmpnt-
la- Bock. Director
IL Central Branch:
St. Johns Hospital, Springfield
Jan Kelley, RN, Facilitator
Susan Boggs
DCCA Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
620 East Adams, Mezzanine
Springfield, IL 62701
Dear Susan:
Attached are letters that we that just sent to Senator Walter Dudycz and Representative Ralph Capparelli
regarding when the money for the Blue Angels program would be made available. As you can see bv the
letter, we are rather complimentary of your efforts. y
Mitchell Newton-Matza
Ralph C. Capparelli
Illinois State Representative (D)
7452 North Harlem Ave.
Chicago, IL 60631
In a recent conversation with Susan Boggs of the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs we
were informed that the grant money for the Blue Angels would be delayed by another month or two ' We
submitted our survey forms in July and August, and today Ms. Boggs, who has been very helpful '
throughout let us know that the paperwork was processed by her department, then sent to the governor's
office but there was no guarantee as to when any grant agreements or releases would be available and
that the money would not be coming shortly. Is there anything we can do to expedite this process?'
Thank you again for all your help and support with our mission.
Mitchell Newton-Matza
Project and Research Director
Date: Saturday, July 01,2000
Pages: 2
Carol J. Spizzirri
Illinois Denartment of Commerce and Community Affairs
George H. Ryan
Governor Pim McDonough
Please be advised that the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs has been
given the responsibility of administering the above mentioned grant. In order for us to begin the
process, you are being asked to complete the enclosed survey form. The information supplied
on this form will allow us to develop a formal grant agreement (legal document).
Once the grant agreement process is completed and all documents are in order, we will
begin the payment process. Be aware that there is no set timeline for grant recipients to
receive their funds; however, processing time is largely determined by the accuracy of
the information contained in the survey.
Please note that the first page of the survey provides some important points to keep in
mind while filling out the survey. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at 217-782-5346.
JI7/7K-7SO0 JI2/SM-7IM
JI7/7IS-1W0 6IW97.O94
Fw J12>»l<-«7}1 . fu tll/MT.lIU » TOO Kd^y MQBM 0814
enpoon for our Blue Angels program was mistakenly left out of
-vey mailing you should have received today. A hard copy of
on is in the mail. Please contact me at (847) 92S-9683 if vou
need anything else. ^
A Life Foundation
To: Susan Boggs
(217) SS7-S883
Comma* QPteaseRepy Q Pteaae Racycfe
Mitchell Newton-Matra
« f $ l
To: Susan Boggs Fax: (217)557-9883
other questions.
ell Newton-Matza
Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
George H R\an
Your executed grant agreement for Illinois FIRST grant 01-124154 requires that vour
orgamza ,on subm.t quarterly reports as a condition of receiv.ng the gram Our
.nd.cate that the following quarterly rePort(s) for your grant has/have^? beer
Reporting Period
°rd.r* ensure compliance with the grant agreement, please mail the quarterly
eport(s) to my attention within 15 business days of the date of this letter Reporting
forms and instructions are attached for your use. If you have any questions regard"nR
your grant, please call me at 217-782-5346 M regarding
jsan tfbggs
Grants Manager
Illinois FIRST Unit
cc: File
This letter summarizes the results of the monitoring visit conducted on May 10, 2000. The purpose of
this visit was to provide an independent monitoring of your fiscal year 1999 General Revenue Fund (GRF)
grant to ensure compliance with the requirements of the grant agreement and to review your fiscal
As a result of the monitoring visit and by reviewing the report submitted by the monitor, the Department
•has found, that Save A Life Foundation is, to date, in compliance with the provisions of your GRF Grant
and no further action on your part is deemed necessary at this time.
Thank you for your cooperation during the monitoring visit. If you should have any questions Dlease
contact our office at (312) 814-3166. '
1. Beginning Cash on Hand
6. Total Grant Amount (Including all
Grantee Release
™ »-■,
The Grantee is a nonprofit corporation for the public benefit and provides
instruction to the community in basic hands-on life supporting first aid
including cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Through this grant for the Blue
Angels Program, the Grantee was able to promote the moral ethical and
compassionate duty to act in another's behalf by teaching life saving first
a.d skills to over 4.000 elementary and high school students, teachers,
parents and business personnel. The grant also provided for the training
supplies necessary for the instructors to teach the classes as well as
materials for those who were being trained to provide bystander and first
responder life saving skills in an emergency situation.
on (nOt
Fu J17/783-6454 »TDD SOO/785-6035 2I7/7BS-2MO
Fu JI2/SI4-4732.TDD S0CV419-0667
Fu 2I7OJ5-26I8.TDD 217/785-0211 Ttx. 6ISW7-I825 ■ TOD Relay 800/526-0844
Prilled on lUcyttod and RecytUble Paper
* Please complete for EACH project
'- brie Jescription) all costs associnted with running the Blue Angels Life
Member Initiative Grant Survey
1) grantee/project Information
{Enter name cf the project contact person ifsomeone other Am grantee's chiefexecutive officer)
E-mail address:
For rntirire other *h*n gygr indicate riw ywr that thf orgiini
O Attach documentation of Good Standing Status. {Avmiaileyhrm Ac ttmou Secretary of State's office.)
page 2 |—
m First-—
Member Initiative Grant Survey
the space below to provide a detailed description of the Project, wftic* mfl 6eA«W *X the grant [p.
^ «**«■* ^hprntntliAxmy of programs and sennces [mduding
The purpose of the5/«^«^/v program will provide "train the trainer" instruction to '
S ALF Instructors will deliver "c ight" basic LFS A training to the police volunteers
Those police officers vokinteeu for the Blue Angels program will need some prior
medical background. This back, ,und can be in EMS services, paramedic worlc CPR
training, or prior nursing experi; e. ^
The funds will be used for the cc of supplies, including mannequin sets, training
manuals, emergency bystander L and completion cards. Additional costs will include"
the cost of training 30 instructors *.nd administrative costs
page 3
Member Initiative Grant Survey
th questions 3 & 4. If you ait not a social service provider, please skip to question 5.
3) Describe any eligibility criteria for participation in your program [i^mcomeleytS. age. employment statjs, etc.):
///A- ■
If your program is viewed tobe consistent with the goals of the federal Perso«dRespoi«baityaiid Work Opportunity R
Act of 1996 (PRWORA), further information may be requested.
5) Why is this project necessary? What is the expected benefit of this project (e.g«diy»ai no longer be mIEPA mtriatdstanu
list: unemployed persons w^reoirejob franm&eft)? 77^r" /&&<?'<?-<£: 7~ /£ &
page 4 |-
Member Initiative Grant Survey
7) Attach copies of any public hearings, board meeting minutes, newspaper articles, or other documents that would
evidence local support for this project (^available). %#*'?'!> /*^f-^^>v^cc s*rs/
8) Do you anticipate any opposition to this project? D Yes 0 No If yes, please describe:
9) Timetable for Completion: Start Date &9 / aV / o £> Completion Date: '** I 3o lc^
(NOTE: Project should not begin prior to fufy 1,2000 and must be completed no later Aan June 30,2001)
a) Describe any actions/approvals that must be completed prior to the start of this project, with corresponding time
frames for completion:
b) Provide an estimated monthly expenditure of grant funds once the project starts:
10) When completed, this information will be incorporated into the grant agreement as the Project Budget Activities listed
in this budget should be consUtent with activities described in the Scope of Work. {See sample budgets on next two pages.)
* For all personnel being paid in-full or in-part with Illinois First Grant Funds, a complete job description must be included.
»• This column cannot fflcwd the grant inwnt>> tn ^* "g»iw*i ftnm nrr*
■I page 6 |—
Member Initiative Grant Survey
11) Other Funding: Are other funds necessary to complete this project? (jZlYes DNo
If yes, indicate the amount, source and status of those funds below:
• List other Illinois FIRST grants this grantee is receiving this Fiscal Year (FT01Y.
• List any other grants this grantee received from DCCA within the last three years (Pmidt DCCA Grant Number):
page 9
Save A Life Foundation
Additional information for the Blue Angels Program
> Training Equipment: Mannequin sets - 43 mannequin sets at $100 each. Includes
lungs and face shields
> Training Materials:
30 Manuals - $1,500
412 Student Books - $824
400 Completion Cards - $40
400 Certificates - $400
30 Completion cards for Instructors - $30
30 Certificates for Instructors - $30
30 Instructor ID's - 30 @ $5 each
30 Instructor shirts - $600 @ $20 each
430 pins - $860
> Instructors: There will be two types of instructors. First there are the SALF
instructors who will train the 30 senior police instructors. These senior police
instructors are the second type, and it is these individuals who will outreach their
fellow police officers with the CPR and emergency first aid skills.
> Instructor fees are the fees paid to both the "train the trainer" and the senior police
officers who conduct these classes.
> Overhead: The original amount submitted of $913 is the correct figure. This cost
is for rent and insurance.
> Benefits: cost goes for unemployment insurance.
08/10/00 13:06 SRVE fl LIFE FOUNDflTION * 12175579883 m<215 p002
30 Manuals-$1,500
412 Student Books-$824
400 Completion Cards - $40
400 Certificates-WeO"©. 7y
30 Completion cards for Instructors-$30
30 Certificates for Instructors - 530
30 Instructor ID's -30 @ $5 each
30 Instructor shirts - $600 @ S20 each
430 pins -$860
> Instructors: There will be two types of instructors. First there are the SALF
instructors who will train the 30 senior police instructors. These senior police
instructors are the second type, and it is these individuals who will outreach their
fellow police officers with the CPR and emergency first aid skills.
> Instructor fees are die fees paid to both the "train die trainer" and the senior police
officers who conduct these classes.
> Overhead: The original amount submitted of $913 is the correct figure. This cost
is for rent and insurance.
> Benefits: cost goes for unemployment insurance.
0*10/00 13:06 SflUE fi LIFE FOUNDRTION * 12175579883 N0.215 P001
Pages: 2
f. ■■
June 7,2000
You have been selected to receive a $50,000.00 grant for the "Blue Angels" Life Saving Program
through a legislative initiative sponsored by our offices from the 2000-2001 Illinois State budget
There are several things that need to be emphasized regarding mis legislative initiative. First,
since the money for your grant is coming from the Fiscal Year 2001 Illinois State budget, the
funding will not be available until after July 1,2000. Second, although July 1,2000 is the first
day that the funding for legislative initiative is available, it will be several months before you will
actually receive the money for your grant This is due to the process that each grantee must go
through before an actual check can be cut and usually takes several months to complete. This
process has been established by the Governor's office and includes the following steps:
After the project is released by our offices, a letter goes out to the agency handling the grant,
which we believe in your case is the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs (DCCA),
the Governor's Office and the Bureau of the Budget, indicating our desire to move forward on the
legislative initiative.
DCCA should then send you a project survey form that asks for a detailed description of your
project for their evaluation. After the project survey form is returned to DCCA and the program
staff who is handling your grant finds no problems with it, the agency should forward the request
for release of funds to the Governor's Office. If there are problems with the project survey form,
the program staff at DCCA should be in touch with you to resolve those problems so that the
request can be forwarded to the Governor's office as soon as possible.
Once the Governor's office reviews the project and issues a release, DCCA should send you a
grant agreement package which needs to be looked over and read carefully, signed and returned
to DCCA as quickly as possible. After the signed grant agreement is received at DCCA, a
voucher should be issued and sent to the Comptroller's office for processing. The Comptroller's
office should then send you a check in a matter of days for the amount of your grant
This process can be frustrating, so your patience is required. If you are having problems or need
assistance, please call any one of our offices and we'll see what we can do to help.
'Illinois -.-'
3. Name and address of the registered agent and registered office as they appear on the records of the office
of the Secretary of State (before change):
_ . . .. . Carol Jean * - Spizzirri
Registered Agent
First Name . Middle Name Last Name
15 Commerece Drive
Registered Office
Number Street Suite No. (A P.O. Box alone is not acceptable)
Grayslake, II 60030 . Lake
. _ City . ~ ZIP Code County
4. Name and address of the registered agent and registered office shall be (after all changes herein reported):
Registered Agent Caro1 Jean Spizzijfri
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Registered Office 4825 N. Scott, St. , Suite 74-A
Number Street Suite No. (A P.O. Box alone is not acceptable)
Schiller Par*, II 6017«* Cook
City ZIP Code County
17479 W DARTMOOR •
Form NFP 105.10 must be filed in this office in order to change THE REGISTERED AGENT and/or REGISTERED OFF
3) The above corporation organized under the laws of the state of ILLINOIS . pursuant
provisions of "The General Not for Profit Corporation Act" of the State of Illinois, hereby makes the following report:
Carol J._-_Spiz2irrJ
«2aroL J.-Spizzirra
NOTE:. List all directors above or list them on an additional sheet Illinois corporations must haveTHREE directors.
5.) The following is a brief statement of the character of the affairs which the corporation is actually conducting:
Training/education in Life Supporting First Aid and emerg. preparedness
6.) Is this corporation a CONDOMINIUM Association as established under the Condominium Property Ad?
Is this corporation a COOPERATIVE HOUSNG CORPORATION defined in Section 216 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954?
. Yes Q ; No Q (CHECK ONE) •
8.) BY
IB annual (toon, punuara to preMsiens d on GtntnU H
a O/ficirs Signature) CoreonMn Aa. nas Bxn namnttf Or <f and is. M im
momiagi and a**, try, coma, ana camowt.
C 5* 16
5. The address of the registered office and the address of the business office of the registered agent, as changed,
will be identical. •- •-••Mr ... ... ..
6. The above change was authorized by: ('X" one box only)
a. D By resolution duly adopted by the board of directors. (Note 5)
b. (2 By action of the registered agent (Note 6)
NOTE: When the registered agent changes, the signatures of both president and secretary are required.
7. (If authorized by the board of directors, sign here. See Note 5)
.-■The undersigned corporation has caused this statement to be signed by its duly authorized officers, each of
whom affirms,under/penalties of perjury, that the facts stated herein are true.
2. The registered office rnustinclude a street orjradaddressTa post office box numberalbne Is"n6t: acceptable.
3. A corporation cannot act as its own registered agent .: - ■ .
4. If the' registered office is changed from one county to another, then the corporation must file with the recorder
of deeds of the new county a certified copy of the articles of incorporation and a certified copy of the statement
of change of registered office. Such certified copies may be obtained ONLY from the Secretary of State.
5. Any change of registeredagentmusX be by resolution adopted by the board of directors. This statement must
then be signed by the president (or vice-president) and by the secretary (or an assistant secretary).
6. The registered agent may report a change of the registered office of the corporation for which he or she is
registered agent. When the agent reports such a change, this statement must be signed by the registered
agent.. . .... ,.'".'... ■
..JANUARY 1, A»D. 1987 »
a, fl
ojsthe, a
(Revised 5-88)
Payment must be made by Certified Check, Cashier's
Check, Illinois Attorney's Check, Illinois C.PA's Check Rl1"9 Fee S50
Pursuant to the provisions of "The General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986", the undersigned incorporator(s)
hereby adopt the following Articles of Incorporation.
Article 1. The name of the corporation is: SAVE A LIFE. FOUNDATION. INC.
Article 2: The name and address of the initial registered agent and registered office are:
Director's Names Number Street Cltv
Carol J. Spizzirri
Sandra L. Engberg
Lee E. Jungkans
To promote basic emergency first aid and CPR for all public servants,
Is this corporation a Condominium Association as established under the Condominium Property Act?
□ Yes g]No (Check one)
Is this corporation a Cooperative Housing Corporation as defined in Section 216 of the Internal Revenue Code
,of1954? DYes E]No (Check one)
Data t>. IQ ?£
A copy of each of the following documents will be provided at the time the completed Proposal Form is submitted.
It is representedthatthe particulars and statements contained In the Proposal Form are true and are the basis of this
Policy and are to b& considered as Incorporated in and constituting part of this Policy.. However, this Policy shall not be
voided or rescinded and covsrage shall not be excluded as a result of any untrue statement in the Proposal Form, except a;
to those persons making such statement or having knowledge of its untruth.
JMB Insurance Agency, Inc., 900 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1700. Chirac. TT,
NOTE: •: This Proposal including any material submitted therewith shall be treated in strictest confidence.
Tbooei 312-474-0400
Vox: 3L2-474-4404
Save A Life Foundation
Board ofDirectors Meeting
June!5, 2000
Held at the offices of:
Lavelle, Motla, Klopfenstein & Salelta, LTD.
9240 Wesl Belmont Franklin Park, Illinois 60131
Present Members: Carol J. Spizzirri, president. Honorable Sam Amiranlc, Bob Conroy. Martin Sandoval, Scott Anderson, Michael Lavelle. Deloris
Ijurnam. Scott Belzclos, MD., Carlos Cortes
Absent Members: Stan Zycllo. MO
Present: Bob Motta esq.
Cat! Meeting to Order > Carol Spizzirri called board meeting to order.
(On tape 1 side I from 000-003)
Minutes of April 20,2000 > Carol Spizzirri for Deloris Burnham who was absent > Carol motioned for the minutes to be
(On tape I side I from 004-011) accepted as present. Hon. Sam Amirante,
seconded, motion passed.
Financial Report > Carol Spizzirri for Scott Anderson > We will not be getting our fiscal year
(On tape 1 side I from 012-450) money until mid September for 2001.
Carol motioned that SALF would have to
generate a loan for SI00.000. Sam
Continuing discussion about the loan Amiranle second the motion. It was carried
New Business
Closing of the Meeting Spizzirri made a motion to close the meeting Motion was seconded by Scott Anderson and
Until August 17,2000 at 6:30 pm @ Motta's office carried.
Honorary Chairman
David Hasselhoff, BAYWATCH Productions
Hon. Rep. Mike McAuliffe, IL, App-Public
Illinois States Spokesperson Safety, Transportation
Hon. Jesse White, IL. Secretary ofState William Nolan, FOP, President, Chicago
Ldg.lt 7
Illinois Ambassador Hon. Sen .Steve Rauschenberger, IL
Mrs. Lura Lynn Ryan
Medical Director
Board of Director Stanley Zydlo, M.D, Director, Rush
Carol Spizzirri. President/FounderSALF Hospital's E. R., Aurora, IL
Hon. Sam Amirante, Associate Judge of the
Circuit Court of Cook County
Scott Anderson, President, Anderson Business
Machines Associate Medical Director
Scott Betzelos, M.D., FA.C.E.P., Medical Scott Betzelos, M.D. F.A.C.E.P., Medical
Director, St. Elizabeth Hospital'sER.
Director. St. Elizabeth Hospital'sE.R.
Deloris M. Burnam, Coordinator, Chicago
Medical Advisors
Regional PTA
Robert Conroy, President, Green Bak
Nicholas Bircher, M.D. SRC. Unv. Pitts
Uwe Ebmeyer, M.D. Germany
Publishing Co.
Henry Heimlich, M.D. OH
Carlos Cortez, CPO, Chaplin, Chicago Police
Mark Mitchell, M.D., Director. St. John's
Hospital ER., Springfield, IL
Michael Lavelle. ESQ.,, Lavelle, Motta,
Klopfenstein & Saletta, Ltd.
Emest A. Pretto, Jr. M.D. VA Hosp. SRC Pitt
Margarette Lawless, VP, Harris Trust and Mikel Rothcnberg, M.D. EMS Educator, OH
Savings Bank Peter Safar, M.D. Professor SRC. Unv. Pitts
Robert Boyd Tober, M.D. FACEP Dir.EMS. FL
Martin Sandoval, Commissioner,
Paula Willoughby, Chicago Fire Department
Metropolitan Water Reclamation Dist
Medical Director
Greater Chicago.
Wayne Wiberg, Chicago Police Department,
CPR/First Aid, Instructor
Stanley Zydlo, M.D., Director, Rush
Hospital's E. R., Aurora, IL
Legal Council
Robert Motta ESQ., Lavelle, Motta,
Klopfenstein & Saletta, Ltd.
Advisory Council
Hon. Rep, Ralph Capparelli, IL
Hon. Sen., Walter Dudycz, IL
US Sen. Richard Durbin, IL
David Fortnan, President, Association ofFire
Fighters ofIllinois
Dan Fortuna, Chicago Fire Fighters Union
U2, Public Relations Director
BUl.Kugelmen, President, Chicago Fire
Department, Local 2 Union
Save A Life Foundation
SALF Blue Angels Program Job Descriptions for DCCA Grant Survey
SALF Trainers: Provide the "train the trainers" instruction to Police instructors with
certified training in basic hands-on Life Supporting First Aid (LFSA) and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, using demonstration mannequins and first aid
kits. Trainers will conduct post-training tests and issue completion certificates.
Blue Angels Trainers: Train fellow police offices with certified training in basic hands-
on Life Supporting First Aid (LFSA) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, using
demonstration mannequins and first aid kits. Trainers will conduct post-training tests and
issue completion certificates. SALF's Blue Angels will also work with the Chicago
Board of Education to provide LFSA and CPR training to school children.
Enclosed please find Grant Agreement Number 01-120390 between your organization
("Grantee") and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
("Department"). Please review the Agreement carefully to ensure that the Grantee's
rights and responsibilities are clearly understood. You are encouraged to have the
Agreement reviewed by an attorney. In particular, please note the following:
Beginning Date (Notice of Grant Award). Costs incurred prior to the specified
beginning date are not eligible for reimbursement, unless such costs have been
identified in the Project Budget and approved by the Department.
End Date (Notice of Grant Award). The Project must be completed by the stated
end date. Modifications for scope of work changes or date extensions must be approved
in writing by the Department and processed prior to the stated end date.
If the terms of the Agreement are acceptable, please complete the following steps in
order to properly execute the Agreement:
• verify the Grantee's correct federal taxpayer identification number (FEIN) and
correct legal/business status in the appropriate blanks on pages 1-2;
• have an authorized official of the Grantee execute page 2 of the Notice of Grant
Award anil the acknowledgment set forth in Part II;
• make any necessary corrections to the Grantee's address; fill in the name, phone
number, and address (if different from the Grantee's address) for the
administrator/project manager; and
• please review Section 6.6 carefully and mark the statement with an "X" as it
relates to the Grantee.
The Grantee's ability to incur costs against the Grant as of the beginning date set forth
in the Notice of Grant Award is contingent upon the Grantee's acceptance of the terms
and conditions as set forth in the attached Agreement. The Department may elect not
to execute the Agreement if any of the terms are changed without the Department's
prior approval, and the Grantee will be responsible for any costs already incurred.
The Department may also elect not to execute the Grant Agreement if it determines that
it is not in the best interest of the State of Illinois to do so. Written notification of such a
determination and the basis therefor will be provided to the addresi.ee of this letter in
such event.
You will be provided with a fully executed copy of the Agreement aft-sr it has been signed
by Director McDonough.
Susan Boggs
Illinois FIRST Grant Manager
Pam McDonough
m I
I. Budget
II. Special Grant Conditions
III. Scope of Work
IV. Program Terms and Conditions
V. General Provisions
VI. Required Certifications
If you are an individual, enter your name and SSN as it appears on your
Social Security Card. If completing this certification for a sole
proprietorship, enter the owner's name followed by the name of the
business and the owner's SSN. For all other entities, enter the name
of the entity (as used to apply for the entity's EIN) and the EIN.
11/14/2000 14:28:24 - 1 -
Nov-I4-2000 15:53 Froa-DCCA IL FIRST 217-557-9883 T-915 POOS F-732
Save A Life Foundation
Grantee Address:
Please indicate any changes below
4825 N. Scott St.
Ste 74-a
Schiller Park, IL 60176-1214
Chief Exec:
11/14/2000 14:28:24 - 2 -
• did the Grantee complete the activities described in the Scope of Work
(Part III) within the Grant Term P
• did the Grantee obtain prior written approvals from the Department for
material changes from the performance of the activities described in the
Scope of Work (Part III)
• did the Grantee expend grant funds within the grant period specified in the
Notice of Grant Award
• did the Grantee adhere to the grant Budget (Part I); if not, variances
should be identified
• did the Grantee obtain prior written approvals from the Department for any
material variances in its expenditure of grant funds
• did the Grantee adequately account for receipts and expenditures of grant
THB Hn)LeXtemal ?''g,n;Off iS outstandin& the provisions of Exhibit 1 apply with resoect
to the disbursement of funds under this grant. respect
!to comply
that awith
fLgn*Off has been recelved jn no waV "-elieves the Grantee of its
any conditions or requirements conveyed b7 S
^TJUnCtl°n ^ *" iSSUa"Ce f th ^
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PROVISIONS: PR.QP ,Mr,,porn ^cTc. Jhe D rtment $ha
The grant awarded pursuant to this Agreement is a one-time award. The State is not
obligated to provide funding in subsequent State of Illinois fiscal years for the project
funded by this grant.
_JL_ Final Reports: Grantee shall submit a Final Status Report and a Final
Expense Report in the format provided by the Department. The Final
Reports are due no later than 30 days following the stated Grant end date.
(c) Close-out Report- The Close-out report described in Section 5.4 hereof is due 45
days following the end date stated in the Notice of Grant Award.
<9 . Additional Information. Upon request by the Department, the Grantee shall,
within 10 business days of its receipt of such a request, submit additional written
reports regarding the Project, including, but not limited to, materials sufficient to
document information provided by the Grantee.
(e) Submma) of Reports. Submittal of reports and documentation required under
Section 2.5 should be submitted to the individual identified in Exhibit 2 hereto.
2.6 FUNDINQ RESTRICTIONS, For purposes of this Section 2.6, the term "principal-
means a partner, officer, director, board member, agent registered aeent or
shareholder of the Grantee, who currently holds such position or acts in such capacity o
who formerly held such a position or acted in such capacity within the 18-month period
rrfnt Z,rH6 c?mTnce™nt -?ate of *» *rantterm that is specified in the Notice of
Grant Award The term "family member" means the spouse, mother, father, sister
brother, son, daughter, son-in-law or daughter-in-law of anv principal Of the Grantee.
By executing this Agreement, the Grantee hereby certifies its compliance with the
following conditions:
(a) Grantee shall not use funding provided under this Agreement for sectarian purposes.
(b) Grantee shall not disburse grant funds to any principal or family member, except as
provided in Section 2.6(e) below. v
(c) Grantee shall not convey property purchased with grant funds to any principal or
family member Further, during the term of the grant agreement specified in the Notice
of Grant Award, Grantee shall use property purchased with grant funds solely for the
purpose of accomplishing the Project described in Part III.
(d) Grantee shall not enter into contracts for services or for the acquisition of personal
or real property to be paid from grant funds with any principal or family member, except
as provided in Section 2.6(e) below. H
(e) Grantee shall expend grant funds for payment only to employees or independent
contractors performing services for Grantee where the services to be performed and/or
the use of property are specifically identified in the Project Budget (Part I) and are
directly related to the activities described in the Scope of Work (set forth in Part III
(0 Grantee shall not, without the express written consent of the Department disburse
any grant funds or convey any property purchased with grant funds, to, on behalf of or
for the benefit of, any registered lobbyist or family member of such lobbyist as the term
is defined in the Lobbyist Registration Act (25 ILCS 170/1 etseq.).
(g) Grantee has read and shall comply with the conflict of interest provisions and other
prohibitions set forth in Section 5.9 of this Agreement.
29 ACKNOWLEPGWgNT, If requested by the Department the
[E^1!»NAT<QN FQR CAHSF Grantee's failure to comply with any of the
s sis :r::n;2 3
Sa w5SSSS£5L«=s? •"•
enl .\
The Project described in Part III and funded under this Grant Agreement, is subject to
review by the external agency(ies) indicated in Section 2.2 hereof Grantee must cornpj
with requirements established by said agency(ies) relative to their respective reviews
Any requirements communicated to the Department shall be incorporated into this
Agreement as follows: (I) as an attachment to this Exhibit 1 at the time of Want
execution; or(ii) If received from the applicable ag,ncy(ies) subsequent o exeafton
as an addendum to this Agreement The Grantee is contractually obligated to comely
with such requirements. . . ■■«« w wompiy
Grantee is responsible for coordinating directly with the applicable external agencyfies)
re lat.ve to said rev.ews Except as specifically provided below, the Dep!rtment?s
obligation to disburse funds under this Grant Agreement is contingent upon notiSon
by the applicable agency(.es) that all requirements applicable to the Project have been
satisfied Upon receipt of said notification, disbursement of the grant funds shaH be
authorized in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.3 hereof.
2.1 The Grantee will use Grant funds in accordance with Part I, Budget.
2.2 The Grantee shall continue to provide the programs and services specified in Section
1, above, for the term of the Grant Agreement.
(Non-governmental Entities)
(i) Completion of Performance. All activities described in Part III hereof, which are
chargeable to grant funds provided by this Agreement, must be completed by the grant
period end date set forth in the Notice of Grant Award.
(Ii) Expenditure of Grant Funds. All grant funds provided under this Agreement must
be expended or legally obligated by the grant end date set forth in the Notice of Grant
Award. Grant funds not expended by the grant end date must be returned to the
Department in accordance with directions provided by the Department.
4.2 INTEREST ON GRANT FUNDS. Any interest earned on grant funds provided under
this Agreement must be accounted for and returned to the Department in accordance
with the directions provided by the Department.
(i) Grant Budget (Part I). The Grantee must obtain prior written approval from the
Department for any expenditures which materially vary from the expenditures set forth in
Part I hereof. For purposes of this Agreement, "materially vary" means any variance
within the line items set forth in Part I which exceeds 10% of the amount established
for that line item or any line item added or substituted for a line item in Part I hereof.
(ii) Scope of Work (Part III). The Grantee must obtain prior written approval from the
Department before changing any of the activities specified in Part III which are
chargeable to this grant. Any revision to Part III which results in the performance of
activities by the Grantee which are inconsistent with the purpose set forth in the
Appropriation authorizing the grant awarded under this Agreement are not permissible.
4.8 DUE DILIGENCE IN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. Grantee shall ensure that grant
funds are expended in accordance with the following principles:
(i) Grant expenditures should be made in accordance with generally accepted sound
business practices, arms length bargaining, applicable federal and State laws and
regulations, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
(ii) Grant expenditures should not exceed the amount which would be incurred by a
prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision is made to
incur the costs; and
4.9 LEGAL COMPLIANCE. In addition to complying with the statutes and regulations
specifically referenced in this Agreement, the Grantee is responsible for determining the
applicability of and complying with any other laws, regulations, ordinances, etc. which
govern the Grantee's performance of the activities described in Part III hereof, including,
but not limited purchasing/procurement rules, to the Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS
130/0.01 et seq.) and the Interagency Wetlands Policy Act (20 ILCS 830/1 et. seq.).
A. Grantee Authority. The Grantee warrants that it is the real party in interest to this
Agreement, that it is not acting for or on behalf of an undisclosed party, and that it possesses
legal authority to apply for this grant and to execute the proposed program or project
described in Part III hereof. Grantee's execution of this Agreement shall serve as its
attestation that Grantee has read, understands and agrees to all provisions of this Agreement
and to be bound thereby. Grantee further acknowledges that the individual executing this
agreement is authorized to do so on Grantee's behalf.
C. Grantor Authority. The Department and its payroll employees, when acting pursuant to
this Agreement, are acting as State officials in their official capacity and not personally or as
the agents of others.
D. Governing Law. This Grant is awarded in the State of Illinois for execution within the
State of Illinois. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to Illinois law
as that law would be interpreted by an Illinois Court. Where there is no Illinois law on a
particular subject or issue, then the applicable law will be applied as it would be if interpreted
and applied by an Illinois court.
5.2 SCOPE OF WORK. In consideration for the grant funds to be provided by the
Department, the Grantee agrees to perform the project described in Part III hereof and to
prepare and submit to the Department the reports and other deliverables described in this
A. Non Appropriation Clause. Payments pursuant to this Agreement are subject to the
availability of applicable Federal and State funding from the Department and their
appropriation and authorized expenditure under state law. Obligations of the State will cease
immediately without penalty or liability of further payment being required if in any fiscal year
that this Agreement is in effect the Illinois General Assembly or Federal funding source fails to
appropriate or otherwise make available sufficient funds for this grant. •
The Grantee hereby is given actual knowledge of the fact that pursuant to the State Finance
Act, 30 ILCS 105/30, payments under this grant are contingent upon there existing a valid
appropriation therefor and that no officer shall contract any indebtedness on behalf of the
State, or assume to bind the State in an amount in excess of the money appropriated, unless
expressly authorized by law. If this is a multi-year grant, it is void by operation.of law if the
Department fails to obtain the requisite appropriation to pay the grant in any year in which
this Agreement is in effect.
B. Total Amount of Grant Limited. The Grantee expressly understands and agrees that the
total financial obligation of the Department under this Agreement shall not exceed the total
grant amount set forth on the Notice of Grant Award and the Grantee agrees expressly to fully
complete the Scope of Work specified in this Agreement and all other obligations under this
Agreement within the stated total consideration.
C Delivery of Grantee Payments. Payment to the Grantee under this Agreement shall be
made payable in the name of the Grantee and sent to the person and place specified in the
Notice of Grant Award. The Grantee may change the person to whom payments are sent, or
the place to which payments are sent by written notice to the Department signed by the
Grantee. No such change or payment notice shall be binding upon the Department until ten
(10) business days after actual receipt.
A. Records Retention. The Grantee is accountable for all funds received under this
Agreement and shall maintain, for a minimum of three (3) years following the later of the
expiration or termination of this Agreement, adequate books, records, and supporting
documents to verify the amount, recipients and uses of all disbursements of funds passing in
conjunction with this Agreement. This Agreement and all books, records and supporting
documents related hereto shall be available for inspection and audit by the Department, the
Auditor General of the State of Illinois, or any of their duly authorized representatives, and the
Grantee agrees to cooperate fully with any audit conducted by the Auditor General or the
Department. Grantee agrees to provide full access to all relevant materials and to provide
copies of same upon request. Failure to maintain books, records and supporting documents
required by this Section 5.4 shall establish a presumption in favor of the Department for the
recovery of any funds paid by the Department under this Agreement for which adequate
books, records and supporting documentation are not available to support their purported
If any of the services to be performed under this Agreement are subcontracted, the Grantee
shall include in all subcontracts covering such services, a provision that the Department and
the Auditor General of the State of Illinois, or any of their duly authorized representatives, will
have full access to and the right to examine any pertinent books, documents, papers'and
records of any such subcontractor involving transactions related to this Agreement for a
period of three (3) years from the later of the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
In accordance with the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act, 30 ILCS 705/1 et seq., the Grantee
must, within 45 days of the expiration or termination of this Agreement, refund to the
Department, any balance of funds which is unobligated at the end of the Grant term specified
in the Notice of Grant Award. For purposes of preparation of grant closeout forms, the
determination of allowable expenditures and excess grant funds shall be based on the premise
that the total Grantee compensation under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount
specified in the Notice of Grant Award.
C. Audit Requirements. If required by Part II of this Grant Agreement, the Grantee shall be
required to have an audit conducted in accordance with the following terms:
(i) The audit shall be conducted by a certified public accountant who is licensed by
the State of Illinois to conduct an audit in accordance with Generally Accepted
Auditing Standards.
(ii) Grant funds shall be included in the Grantee's annual audit, unless the
Department authorizes the Grantee to have a grant-specific audit conducted.
(iii) Upon completion of an audit, an audit report shall be issued and the Grantee
shall provide the Department with a copy of such audit report.
(iv) The Grantee shall provide the Department with a copy of an audit report within 30
days of the Grantee's receipt of such audit report, but in no event later than nine
months following the end of the period for which the audit was performed. The
Grantee shall send the audit report to the Department at the following address:
2. For Cause. If the Department determines that the Grantee has failed to comply with
any of the terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement, or any other Agreement executed
by the Department and the Grantee, including any applicable rules or regulations the
Department may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part at any time before the
expiration date of this Agreement. The Department shall notify the Grantee in writing of the
reasons for the termination and the effective date of the termination. Grantee shall not incur
any costs after the effective date of the termination. Payments made to the Grantee or
recovery by the Department shall be in accord with the legal rights and liabilities of the
In the event of termination for .cause, Grantee shall also be subject to any other applicable
provisions specified elsewhere in this Agreement.
Termination for cause may render the Grantee ineligible for consideration for future grants
from the Department.
3. For Convenience. The Department or the Grantee may terminate this Agreement in
whole or in part when the Department and the Grantee agree that continuation of the program
objectives would not produce beneficial results commensurate with the further expenditure of
funds. The Department and the Grantee shall agree upon termination conditions including the
effective date and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. The
Grantee shall not incur new obligations for the terminated portion after the effective date, and
shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. The Department shall allow full
credit to the Grantee for the Department's share of the non-cancelled obligations, if properly
incurred by the Grantee prior to termination.
B. Suspension. If the Grantee fails to comply with the specific conditions and/or general
terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Department may, after written notice to the
Grantee, suspend this Agreement, withhold further payments and prohibit the Grantee from
incurring additional obligations of grant funds, pending corrective action by the Grantee or a
decision to terminate this Agreement. Department may determine to allow such necessary
and proper costs which the Grantee could not reasonably avoid during the period of
suspension provided that the Department agrees that such costs were necessary and
reasonable and incurred in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
A- Non-governmental entities. The Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold the Department
and/or the State of Illinois, and its officers, agents, or employees harmless from and against
any and all claims, and actions, including but not limited to, attorneys' fees, costs and
interest, based upon and arising out of any services performed under this Agreement by the
Grantee and its officers, employees, agents, independent contractors, subcontractors,
subrecipients, volunteers, or other associates. The Grantee shall further indemnify and hold
the Department and/or the State of Illinois and/or its officers, agents and employees
harmless from and against any and all liabilities, demands, claims, damages, suits costs, fees
and expenses incident thereto, for injuries or death to persons and for loss or damage to or
destruction of property because of negligence, intentional acts or omissions on the part of
Grantee, its officers, employees, agents, independent contractors," subcontractors,
subrecipients, volunteers or other associates, arising out of any services performed under this
The Grantee further agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the Department, its officers,
agents and employees against any liability, including costs and expenses associated with the
violation of general, proprietary rights, copyrights or rights of privacy of third parties arising
out of the publication, translation, reproduction, delivery, performance, use or disposition of
any data developed or furnished under this Agreement or any libelous or any unlawful matter
contained therein.
B. Governmental Entities. In the event that the Grantee is a Governmental Entity, it will
indemnify and hold harmless the Department as set out herein to the extent authorized by
Federal and/or State constitutions(s) and/or laws.
C. Notice. In the event that any demand or claim relating to the transactions or activities
pursuant to this Agreement is made known to either party, the Department and/or the
Grantee will notify the other party to this Agreement in writing in an expedient manner.
A. Conflict of Interest. The Grantee shall establish safeguards to prohibit officers, directors,
agents, employees and family members from using positions of employment for a purpose
that is, or gives the appearance of, being motivated by a desire for a private gain for
themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family business or other ties.
Safeguards, evidenced by rules or bylaws, shall be established to prohibit persons from
engaging in actions which create or which appear to create a conflict of interest as described
herein or in Section 2.6 of this Agreement.
(■) Governmental Entity. If the Grantee is a governmental entity, the Grantee certifies
that no officer or employee of the Grantee and no member of its governing body and no other
public official of the locality in which the program objectives will be carried out who exercises
any functions or responsibilities in the review or approval of the undertaking or carrying out of
such objectives shall participate in any decision relating to any contract negotiated under a
program grant which affects his/her personal interest or the interest of any corporation,
partnership or association in which he/she is directly or indirectly interested, or has any
financial interest, direct or indirect, in such contract or in the work to be performed under
such contract.
Violations of this Section 5.8 (and 2.6 for non-governmental entities) may result in suspension
or termination of this Agreement, and recovery of grant funds provided hereunder. Violators
may also be criminally liable under other applicable State laws and subject to actions up to
and including felony prosecution.
C Bonus or Commission Prohibited. The Grantee shall not pay any bonus or commission
for the purpose of obtaining the grant awarded under this Agreement.
A- Grantee Responsibility. All applicable Federal, State and local laws, rules and
regulations governing the performance required by Grantee shall apply to this Agreement and
will be deemed to be included in this Agreement the same as though written herein in full.
Grantee is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations,
including, but not limited to those specifically referenced herein. Except where expressly
required by applicable laws and regulations, the Department shall not be responsible for
monitoring Grantee's compliance.
B. Land Trust/Beneficial Disclosure Act ( 765 ILCS 405/2.1V No grant award funds shall
be paid to any trustee of a land trust, or any beneficiary or beneficiaries of a land trust, for any
purpose relating to the land which is the subject of such trust, any interest in such land,
improvements to such land or use of such land unless an affidavit is first filed with the
Department identifying each beneficiary of the land trust by name and address and defining
such interest therein.
C. Historic Preservation Act (20 ILCS 3420/1 et seq.1 The Grantee will not expend funds
under this Agreement which result in the destruction, alteration, renovation, transfer or sale,
or utilization of a historic property, structure or structures, or in the introduction of visual,
audible or atmospheric elements to a historic property, structure or structures, which will
result in the change in the character or use of any historic property.
D. State of Illinois Discrimination Laws (775 ILCS 5/1-101. et. seq.V In carrying out the
performance required under this Agreement, the Grantee shall comply with all applicable
provisions of the Illinois Human Rights Act, and rules and regulations promulgated by the
Illinois Department of Human Rights, prohibiting unlawful discrimination in employment.
Grantee's failure to comply with all applicable provisions of the Illinois Human Rights Act, or
applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, may result in a determination that
Grantee is ineligible for future contracts or subcontracts with the State of Illinois or any of its
political subdivisions or municipal corporations, and this Agreement may be canceled or
voided in whole or in part, and such other sanctions or penalties may be imposed or remedies
invoked as provided by statute or regulation.
E. Drugfree Workplace Act (30 ILCS 580/1. et. seq.V Grantee will make the certification
required in this Agreement and will comply with all of the provisions of the Drugfree Workplace
Act that are applicable to the Grantee. False certification or violation of the requirements of
the Drugfree Workplace Act may result in sanctions including, but not limited to, suspension
of grant payments, termination of this Agreement and debarment of contracting or grant
opportunities with the State for at least one (1) year but not more than five (5) years.
F- Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1 et. seq.t. Applications, programmatic reports
and other information obtained by the Department under this Agreement shall be
administered pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. The Department shall give Grantee
timely notice in the event it receives a request for information submitted by Grantee relative
to this Agreement.
B. Assignment. The benefits of this Agreement and the rights, duties and responsibilities of
the Grantee under this Agreement may not be assigned (in whole or in part) except with the
express written approval of the Department acting through its Director. Any assignment by
the Grantee in violation of this provision renders this Agreement voidable by the Department.
C. Severabilitv Clause. If any provision under this Agreement or its application to any
person or circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, this invalidity
does not affect any other provision or its application of this Agreement which can be given
effect without the invalid provision or application.
D. Integration Clause. This Agreement, with attachments, as written, is the full and
complete agreement between the parties and there are no oral agreements or understandings
between the parties other than what has been reduced to writing herein.
E. Comptroller Filing Notice. The Grantee expressly understands that whenever applicable,
a copy of this Agreement and any modification, cancellation or renewal is required to-be filed
by the Department with the State Comptroller.
F. Subcontract and Grants. The Grantee's services, duties and responsibilities specified
herein shall not be subcontracted or subgranted by the Grantee without prior written approval
of the Department, unless such subcontracts or subgrants are provided for elsewhere in this
Agreement. Any subcontracts or subgrants shall be subject to, and conform with, all
applicable State and Federal laws, and shall specifically provide that subcontractors or
subgrantees are subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
The Grantee makes the following certifications as a condition of this Agreement. These
certifications are required by State statute and are in addition to any certifications required
by any Federal funding source as set forth in this Agreement. Grantee's execution of this
Agreement shall serve as its attestation that the certifications made herein are true and
6.1 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW. The Grantee certifies that it shall comply with all
applicable provisions of Federal, State and local law in the performance of its obligations
pursuant to this Agreement.
6.2 CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The Grantee certifies that it has no public or private interest,
direct or indirect, and shall not acquire directly or indirectly any such interest which does or
may conflict in any manner with the performance of Grantee's services and obligations under
this Agreement.
6.3 BID.RIGGING/B1D-ROTATING. The Grantee certifies that it has not been barred from
contracting with a unit of State or local government as a result of a violation of Section 33E-3
or 33E-4 of the Criminal Code of 1961 (720 ILCS 5/33 E-3 and 5/33 E!-4).
6.4 DEFAULT ON EDUCATIONAL LOAN. The Grantee certifies that this Agreement is not in
violation of the Educational Loan Default Act (5 ILCS 385/3) prohibiting certain contracts to
individuals who are in default on an educational loan.
6.5 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (42
U.S.C. 12101 et. seq.) and the regulations thereunder (28 CFR 35.130) prohibit
discrimination against persons with disabilities by the State, whether directly or through
contractual arrangements, in the provision of any aid, benefit or service. As a condition of
receiving this grant, the Grantee certifies that services, programs and activities provided
under this Agreement are, and will continue to be, in compliance with the ADA.
D) That it is an individual.
If Option "A" or "B" is checked this Agreement is not subject to the requirements of the Act.
l«Snnnm" " "°\uS F"*"* a"d the am°Unt °f this Srant is five thousand dollars
($5,000.00) or more, the Grantee is notified that the Drugfree Workplace Act (30 ILCS 580/1
et seq.) is applicable to this Agreement, and the Grantee must comply with the terms of said
Act, as set forth below:
(ii) Specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such
(B) notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation
occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction.
(iii)any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; and
(iv)the penalties that may be imposed upon an employee for drug violations.
(c) Providing a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (a) to each employee
engaged in the performance of the grant and to post the statement in a prominent place
in the workplace.
(d) Notifying the granting agency within ten (10) days after receiving notice, under part (B) of
paragraph (iii) of subsection (a) above, from an employee or otherwise receiving actual
notice of such conviction.
(e) Imposing a sanction on, or requiring the satisfactory participation in, a drug abuse
assistance or rehabilitation program by any employee who is so convicted, as required by
Section 5 of the Drugfree Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 580/5.
(f) Assisting employees in selecting a course of action in the event drug counseling
treatment and rehabilitation are required and indicating that a trained referral team is in
(g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drugfree workplace through
implementation of the Drugfree Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 580/5.
If Grantee is an individual, it certifies that it will not engage in the unlawful manufacture
distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance in the performance of
this Agreement.
6.7 ANTI-BRIBERY. The Grantee certifies that neither it nor its employees have been
convicted of bribing or attempting to bribe an officer or employee of the State of Illinois, nor
has Grantee or any of its employees made an admission of guilt of such conduct which' is a
matter of record as defined in the Illinois Procurement Code (30 ILCS 500/50-5).
6-3 DISCRIMINATION/ILLINOIS HUMAN RIGHTS ACT The Grantee certifies (i) that it will
not commit unlawful discrimination in employment in Illinois as that term is defined in Article
2 of said Act; (ii) that it will comply with the provisions of Article 5 of the Act regarding equal
employment opportunities and affirmative action; and, (iii) that it will comply with policies and
procedures established by the Department of Human Rights under Article 7 of the Act
regarding equal employment opportunities and affirmative action.
The Grantee further certifies that, if applicable, it will comply with "An Act to prohibit
discrimination and intimidation on account of race, creed, color, sex, religion, physical or
mental handicap unrelated to ability or national origin in employment under contracts for
public buildings or public works." (775 ILCS 10/0.01 et. seq.)
6-9 SEXUAL HARASSMENT. The Grantee certifies that it has written sexual harassment
policies that shall include, at a minimum, the following information: (i) the illegality of sexual
harassment; (ii) the definition of sexual harassment under State law; (iii) a description of
sexual harassment, utilizing examples; (iv) the Grantee's internal complaint process including
penalties; (v) the legal recourse, investigative and complaint process available through the
Department of Human Rights and the Human Rights Commission; (vi) directions on how to
contact the Department and Commission; and (vii) protection against retaliation as provided
by Section 6-101 of the Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/2-105 (B)(5). A copy of the
policies shall be provided to the Department upon request.
Your executed grant agreement for Illinois FIRST grant 01-120390 requires that your
organization submit quarterly reports as a condition of receiving the grant Our records
indicate that the following quarterly report(s) for your grant has/have not been received-
In order to ensure compliance with the grant agreement, please mail the quarterly
report(s) to my attention within 15 business days of the date of this letter Reporting
forms and instructions are attached for your use. If you have any questions reeardine
your grant, please call me at 217-782-5346.
Grant! Manager
Illinois FIRST Unit
cc: File
Pam McDonough
0 bcrUM «M
6. Purpose of Modification:
No Change
8. Signature:
Save A Life Foundation
By: _ W
Pam McDonough, Director " Dat
06/10/2002 10:29:49
Transmittal Cover Sheet for
Illinois FIRST
Request for Modification/Waiver
GRANTEE NAME: Sai/jT A UP? fiftr/L^Ail^ /A/r.
Q The Grantee is requesting a change other than those enumerated above, which requires Legal
Q The Grantee is requesting a waiver from the audit provisions in the Grant Agreement.
(Division of Audits' Approval of this Waiver: _ j
□ The proposed mod/waiver will affect a building, land or location other than that originally
submitted for environmental review.
□ The propo^Sd changes are within bond guidelines (this is applicable to bond-funded projects
Modification Approved • Grant manager is authorized to enter the modification into GRS and
transmit modification package to Accounting.
Legal signature Date
05/2B'2802 15:38 SflUE fl LIFE FOUNDATION * 12175579883 NO.632 D02
* ■ »
A. SCOPE OF WORK Please briefly detail why the modification to the scope of work is necessary. (A
copy of the original scope showing all proposed revisions must be attached to this request). Note: Revisions
will not be considered if they are inconsistent with the legislation authorizing the grant.
(0 B. BUDGET Using the form on the reverse, please list the original budget items and the requested revised
budget. Note: Requests for an increase in the total grant amount will be denied.
n r -DATE EXTENSION. jGraniee requires additional time to complete the-performance dcscwbed-io-Part III-
of the agreement for which grant funds are provided, and requests that it be allowed until . 200 , to
complete such performance. Grantee acknowledges that it has expended/legally obligated gram funds in the
performance required by the grant during the original grant term and that if granted, the extension of time cannot
exceed two (2) years.
D. OTHER Please anach a separate page identifying the provision(s) that grantee wishes to modify and a
written explanation supporting the request for change.
i //a/a a Po^t /
Signature for Grantee . Primed Name Date
(1) All terms and conditions of the grant agreement remain in full force and effect until all performance
required by the terms of die agreement are completed.
(2) If the period for performance has been extended, the close-out package referenced In Section 5.4B of the
Agreement must be submitted no later than 45 days following any extended performance date.
(3) This request is limited to the provisions described herein and in no way impairs the Department's ability to
seek legal recourse against the Grantee for non-compliance with either the provisions stated herein or any other
provisions of die Agreement.
NOTE: Due to the Time Limit on Expenditure or Grant Funds imposed by the Grant Funds Recovery Act
(30 1LCS 705/1 et seq.), the extended grant term granted herein shall be deemed to take effect on
* Waivers will only be approved when the Department determines that it is in the best Interest of the State of Illinois.
05/29/2002 15:38 SflUE A LIFE FOUNDATION •> 12175579883 NO.632 003
Grantee Name:
Dept. ol Commerce and Community Affairs
Grantee Address:
620 East Adams, Springfield, IL 62701
Grant No:
Prepared By:
Final? (Y/N)
Budget_Li_neJte_ms or Approved Budget Prior Period Expenses Paid this Year-to-Date Funds Previously
A^iiwitSes CQna^*ee rnusl (As in PART I of Year to-Date Report Period Expenditures Received
copy front Grant Grant Agreement Of Expenditures (Grnnt Funds Only) (2+3) (Grant Funds Only)
Agreernent_PART I pr subsequent <Grant Funds Only) (Grant Funds Only)
subsequenjrtiotljfjcation) modification)
Ctftk 51$ i :\
30 /5D0
Grantee Name:
Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs
Grantee Address:
620 East Adams. SprinRfield. IL 62701
Report Period
Grant No: From: To:
Prepared By:
Phone: 1/00 Final? (Y/N) | A/0
BudgetLineJtems or Approved Budget Prior Period Expenses Paid this Year-to-Date Funds Previously
ActivMies (Granteernust (As in PART I of YeartoDate Report Period Expenditures Received
copy from Grant Grant Agreement or Expenditures (Grant Funds Only) (2+3) (Grant Funds Only)
Agreement PART I or subsequent (Grant Funds Only) (Grant Funds Only)
subsequent modification) modification)
Cmfi/£T/»j fa/ir
to fe&r -
Report Period
Describe Significant Activities Undertaken with Grant Funds during the Quartiir
I hereby cenrfy that the information and data in this Program Status Report are true ;»nd correct to the best of the
Grtfnjee's (and the authorized representative's) knowledge and belief.
Title \h,
Name of Authorized santatiYe (Print/Typo)
Signature of Authorized Representative
BudgeLLineJtems or Approved Budget Prior Period Expenses Paid this YeartoDate Funds Previously
Actjyitjes.(Grantee.must (As in PART I of YeartoDate Report Period Expenditures Received
copy from Grant Grant Agreement or Expenditures (Grant Funds Only) (2+3) (Grant Funds Only)
Agreement PART I or subsequent (Grant Funds Only) (Grant Funds Only)
subsequent modification! modification)
JUl 0
/Ice/: C 51S
¥50 150 /cso
ZW. 150 751) 150
A51L 1 0 {,50
Ml. 589 /soo
0 J2JL
Grantee Certification
Dcca Certification
All expenditures from these project funds are for approved project costs only.
Authorized Payment: $
Further, I certify that supporting documentation on actual expenditures is on
file in our office, and that I have full signature authority to sign on behalf of "
this agency. Grant Period: FIF/Bond
Manager of Grant Unit
or Bureau Coordinator:
Authorized Official • Sifinature and Title (date) Accounting: (date)
Grantee Name:
Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs
Grantee Address:
620 East Adams, Springfield. IL 62701
Report Period
Grant No:
From: To:
Prepared By:
Final? (Y/N) |
BudgeLUneJtems or Approved Budget Prior Period Expenses Paid this YeartoDate Funds Previously
{As in PART I of YeartoDate Report Period Expenditures Received
copy from Grant Grant Agreement or Expenditures (Grant Funds Only) (2+3)
Agreement PART l" or subsequent (Grant Funds Only)
(Grant Funds Only)
subsequent modification^ (Grant Funds Only)
Grantee Certification
All expenditures from these project funds are for approved project costs only.
Authorized Payment: $
Further, I certify that supporting documentation on actual expenditures is on
file in our office, and that I have full signature authority to sign on behalf of
this agency. Grant Period: Ifap ~
02/22/2001 11:48 SflUE A LIFE FOUNDATION ■> 12175579883 NO.670 006
Report PwpawiriI By;
Telephone: /a/? JTg.
Number of Persons Directly Benefiting or Served by the Project:,
(Reports are due no later than 30 days after end of each quarter)
Describe Significant Activities Undertaken with Grant Funds during the Quartur
nf inxirurttyS.
hereby canHy that the information and data in tnls Program Status Report are true nnd correct to the best of the
tee's (and tne authorized representative's) knowledge and Belief.
a of/Authorized Representative (Print/Typa)
4 5
Prior Period Expenses Paid Year-to- Funds
Year-to-Date this Report Date Previously
Budget Line Items Approved Budget Expenditures Period Expenditures Received
Grant No:
rf-2000 09:16 Frm-DCCA IL FIRST 217-557-9863 T-420 P. 005/006 F-124
Report Ptrtod
Grantee Name: =—=^>. gmrvtt +«T) f inc
Grant Number.£L=i2Q23Q O Jul 1 - Sep 30 due Oct 29
Address: Q Oct 1 • Dec 31 due Jan 31
Jan 1 • Mar 31 Q]_ due Apr 28
Report Prepared^ Apr 1 -*Jun 30 due Jul 31
Telephone: ^'j' —■ Final Report due 30 days after
Number of Persons Directly Benefiting or Served by the Project: Project Completed
Describe Significant Activities Undertaken with Grant Funds during the Quartur:
. hereby certify that the information and data in this Program Status Report are true and^correct to the best of the
Grantee's (and the authorized representative's) knowledge and belief, r^ A
Signature of A^thoriad (F^epresen Ttative
Grantee Name: S/)i/£ A Utm /ZUMAAr/ort /a/a Depl. of Commerce and Community Affairs
Grantee Address: 620 East Adams
Springlield, IL 62701
Grant Agreement No: Report Period
Prepared By: From: To:
Date; Report #
Phone: Final?
Describe Significant Activities Undertaken with Grant Funds during the Quarter
I hereby certify that the information and data in this Program Status Report are true anc. correct to the best of the
Grantee s (and the authorized representatives) knowledge and belief.
Title rVp£.L>At/>££
of Authorized Representative
Date 7'.1C'~C>/
Grantee Name:
Grantee Address:
. of Cornice ,Com(ni|nI,yAHa
FEIN* t><io East Adams
Grant Agreement No-
Prepared By-
Sprfoglield, IL 62701
Date; Report Period
rrror Period
•-xpenses PaidI v
* I i a n 4. /> s\
Nov-H-tUQO 1 a: 11 rros-OCCA IL FIRST
217-537-3883 P. 032/065 F-F3Z
Describe Significant Activities Undertaken with Grant Funds during the Quarter
/A 00 /A/
!4enJS JV1 h 2?3t *1 ifrtorTation and to* in this Program Status Report are true ana correct to the best of the
Grantee s (and the autnonzed representative's) knowledge and belief.
Signature of Adttiorii sentative
iC-e. Iof3
||taf p
(Reports are due no later than 30 days after completion of ail grant funded project activities)
Describe Activities Completed or Services Delivered with Grant Funds:
Deloris M. Bumam
Medical Advisors Enclosed are the Amended Status and Expense Reports of the Save A Life
Peter Safar, M.D. Foundation for the reporting period Jan. 1, 2002 to March 31, 2002. The
Henry Heimlich, M.D. amended forms reflect the amount for Instructor Fees overstated in
Stanley Zydlo, M.D. comparison to the budgeted line item amount.
Nicholas Bircher, M.D.
Mark Mitchell, D.O. Pending approval of the modification request to allow the line item
Emest A. Pretto, Jr., M.D. "Unemployment Insurance" to include payroll taxes, our final report will
Paula Willoughby, D.O. reflect an expense for the balance of that line item.
Brian Churchill, EMT-P
Illinois State Chairman Please contact me with your comments or for further information that may
Mark Mitchell, DO.
be needed. Thank you again for your assistance.
State Development
Hon. Irv Bock
Ralph DeBartolo
Bill Nolan
Enc. 6 pages
Chris Hanna
Department of Commerce and Community J\.ffairs
TO: bt
r*» tif/nMliiarBa am
urn Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
George H. Rvan ' ~
Governor Pam McDonough
Director '
April 12.2002
'• Please be aware that your Illinois FIRST grant number 01 -120390 is due to expire on June 30. 2002. The
Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, which administers your grant, would like to alert
you to your remaining responsibilities regarding this grant.
• If you will be unable to complete your project before June 30. 2002. the Department will consider a
request for an end date extension. The form you will need to modify your Grant Agreement is
attached. If an extension is necessary, please submit it immediately.
• If you have spent grant funds differently than your grant agreement authorized, you will need to use the
attached modification form to request a formal grant modification before your project can be closed.
(Your grant agreement allows a 10 percent variance in any budget line item without a modification. If
you have added any new line items or activities, eliminated any line items or activities, or exceeded the
10 percent variance in any line, you must file a request for a modification.) Please note that
modifications will not be granted if the expenditures are inconsistent with the authorizing legislation and
legislative intent. Once again, if a modification is necessary, please submit it immediately.
• Some Illinois FIRST projects are required to submit Quarterly Expense Reports and/or Status Reports.
Please continue to submit your reports as instructed by your grant manager, until your grant ends. If
any reports are delinquent, you must submit them before your grant will be allowed to close.
• If you do not take action to extend your grant, you can expect to receive your Close-out Package in
June; you must complete the package and submit it to the department by August 14, 2002.
If you have any questions regarding the contents of this package, or if you feel you have received this letter
in error, please call your Illinois FIRST program manager. Susan Boggs. at 217-782-5346.
>,. .mo
To : 918479289684
Status : OK
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
DATE: O4/O4/O2
Orant «tOT-12osnp la dua to expire on Juna> SO. 2OO2. In ordor to facilitate tria. tlmoly handling of your
inrtiuiduni r»»«»ri» ynur
y «Mi«t.mai |0 nsMoft. If you
y ana
na going
gng to require ■ dote axlonalon or a
modification to tno opprovad Scops of Work or Budget,
Budget we muot t Initiate
Iitit th
tho proeano ImmodlaMly
IdlMl I
ordor for Legal to hova tlmo to review and approva your raquaat. Rlooso toko a momant, review your
project ond Indicate tne atatua. Pleaso fax thin pago back to mo. If nocooiary, I will contact you.
ALL funds will be spent by O6/3O/O2 In accordance with tna approved Sonpe afWerfc and Budget
in tho Orant Agroamont
ALL funds will be spent by OB/3O/O2. but a Modification to the Soap* and/nr Budget In nacosaary
___ Funds will NOT bo spant by OS/3O/O2 and a date oxianalon la nocesoary
If any pages nuod to t>e msant, ploass call tno aandor. Olhonwlaa, we will aaauma
tranamlttal has boon eomplately received. Thank you.
If your grant agreement, under Part II, Section 2.5. requires a final
expense and status report; the submittal of the enclosed close-out
package will serve to satisfy the reporting requirements once vour
package is approved by the Department. y
If your grant agreement, under Part II, Section 2.5, requires quarternv
status and/or expense reports, you may elect not to submit the reports
——I^h^k* perjotl of vour 9rant agreement provided vou have already
received the full amount of the grant funds as stated in vour grant
agreement. In other words, if you have not received all of your orant
funds you must submit an expense report to request the remaining funds
prior to the completion and submittal of the enclosed close-out package.
You must continue to meet the requirements of proper cash management for
the remaining term of your grant by limiting cash to an amount necessary
to meet Immediate cash needs. Excess cash should be returned to the
Department immediately. Upon final submission of your close-out anv
remaining unexpended cash should be refunded as defined in the enclosed
Christ 1 DeGroot
Assistant Manager
Accounting Office
\ TOO ICCI71S-IM1 'AX 3I»| U-t;]) 10010OMK-CU) «•« ,,,„.. i,« *'"*°
• •» ii.rni-jiii ioDiiiirn.nli
• U/W1-4M4
luiiimi'im too looniiow
5«CJP?LSpiz*1rrl' p
Save A Life Foundation
C/0 Save A Life Foundation
Schiller Park, IL 60176-1216
provided in your close-out packa™ wfto J3** the 'formation
compliance with the close-oCt wSJ
P-isions of
Christi DeGroot
Assistant Manager
Accounting Office
MJ I.,, »«,„,
. in,,.,, ,„„
"in »„». s«,i.
ID0,,,„„.„„, >■«•»-««
B. Grantee's Assignment of j •
c~°~5 Refunds. Rebates a Credits I X j
clo^ou? SnleKlf
1. Beginning Cash on Hand _£_
6. Total Grant Amount (Including all
by.- A b ,*.*«■*«
Grantee Release