Role of Building Facade: Department of Civil Engineering, R.V.C.E 1
Role of Building Facade: Department of Civil Engineering, R.V.C.E 1
Role of Building Facade: Department of Civil Engineering, R.V.C.E 1
Faades are the first aesthetical feature of a building that distinguishes one building from
another. Its distinctive appearance is often the subject of controversial debate. Nowadays,
Unitized Curtain Wall system is commonly used for new high-rise buildings; it becomes a
major investment in both construction and long-term success of the building. Compared to
reinforced concrete structure, unitized curtain wall is new technology in the construction
The building envelope remains one of the most important exterior elements for building
functionality. While the faade is an elegant component that helps to define the unique
architectural aesthetics of the building, it also has the critical role related to energy
performance and interior function of a building. As technology continues to improve,
different options for improvement become available for incorporation into building facades.
These elements are geared toward improvement of the building envelope performance. By
definition, the curtain wall is an independent frame assembly with self sufficient components
that does not brace the building structure.
While curtain wall systems are proprietary systems, there are many available to the industry
but not all systems have the same function. In commercial and similar buildings, the building
envelope components, especially, the curtain wall provides two key functions: Weather
barrier against the environmental factors for air and water infiltration and light transmittance
to the interior space.
At times, the professional community misapplies material choices and system application to
environment due to a lack of understanding or familiarity of said systems. The existing
buildings thus provide reference information demonstrating the merits and/or lessons learned
from those choices. The importance of dialogue and knowledge sharing with the construction
community should not be understated. Review of components and functions are important in
relating to how the building performs. Not only are component choices in the curtain wall
important, the installation scheme of the system and subsequent maintenance by the building
management are complementary of the performance of the curtain wall.
Structural Glazing systems are a brilliant, cost effective solution for contemporary glass
design. Structural Glazing systems consist of a fully or partially framed internal finish, with
the glass structurally glazed/adhered to the outside face. All to produce a complete flush
silicone jointed external finish. Whilst the framed internal appearance is more traditional,
structural glazing provides a high flexibility in regards to the sections utilised and framework
From a weathering perspective, Structural Glazing systems are typically reliant on the
application of sealant. Therefore once a Structural Glazing system has been installed and
initially tested under severe weather conditions (assuming the seals not subsequently
damaged/punctured), weather integrity should be maintained for at least 10 years from
application (the warranty associated with this product). As structural glazing systems do not
rely on internal weep systems and subsequent drainage, they may be installed at as low as 3-5
degrees pitch (subject to application). In fact external walk on glass specifications are often
installed as low as 1 degree pitch. The system comprises of structural glazing tapes, a
polyurethane structural adhesive (air cured) and the internal face of the glass black primed
locally over all supporting framework. The glass is provided with a black spacer and silicone
seal as standard, providing a complete black reflective appearance, which conceals the
internal frame. Technically the glass does not need to be 4 edge supported (unless in
conjunction with a walk-on glass design), making it feasible for many applications to contain
unsupported glass to glass silicone joints. It is important whilst installing structural glazing
that the conditions and environment are correct for the product utilsed.
Some adhesive methods involve UV light curing through the glass, which in turn may
become less effective over spacer bar details. All vertical structural glazing at height should
also be mechanically retained. Most structural glazing structures will require perimeter
may be
partially apparent
4.2 Temperature
Temperature creates two kinds of problems in curtain wall design, they are:
- the expansion and contraction of materials; and
- the necessity to control the passage of heat through the wall.
It is the effect of solar heat on the wall which creates one of the major concerns in aluminium
curtain wall design, which is thermal movement. Temperature fluctuations, both diurnally and
Department of Civil Engineering, R.V.C.E 8
4.3 Water
Water, in form of rain, snow, vapour or condensate, is probably the most persistent cause of
potential trouble. As wind-driven rain, it can enter very small openings and may move within
the wall and appear on the indoor face far from its point of entrance. In the form of vapour it
can penetrate microscopic pores, will condense upon cooling and, if trapped within wall, can
cause serious damage that may long remain undetected. Leakage may be a problem in a wall
built of any material.
Most masonry walls, being porous, absorb a good deal of water over their entire wetted
surface, and under certain conditions. Some of this water may penetrate the wall, appearing
as leaks on the indoor side. But the materials used in metal curtain wall are impervious to
water, and potential leakage is limited to joints and openings. Though this greatly limits the
area of vulnerability, it greatly increases the importance of properly designing the joints and
4.4 Wind
Wind acting upon the wall produces the forces which largely dictate its structural design. On
the taller structures in particular, the structural properties of framing members and panels, as
well as the thickness of glass, are determined by maximum wind loads. Winds also contribute
to the movement of the wall, affecting joint seals and wall anchorage.
The pressures and vacuums alternately created by high winds not only subject framing
members and glass to stress reversal, but cause rain to defy gravity, flowing in all directions
4.5 Gravity
Gravity, unlike the other natural forces, is static and constant, rather than dynamic and
variable. Because of the relatively light weight of materials used in curtain walls, it is a force
of secondary significance, rarely imposing any serous design problems. It causes deflections
in horizontal load-carrying members, especially under the weight of large sheets of heavy
glass, but because the weight of the wall is transferred at frequent intervals to the building
frame, gravity forces affecting structural design are generally small in comparison with those
imposed by wind action. But far greater gravity forces, in the form of floor and roof loads, are
acting on the building frame to which the wall is attached. As these loads may cause
deflections and displacements in the frame, the connections of the wall to this frame must be
designed to provide for sufficient relative movement to insure that displacements do not
impose vertical loads on the wall itself.
5.1 Air Infiltration Test
Utilizing a chamber on the interior or exterior of the specimen, the rate of air leakage through
the fenestration assemblies is determined at the project specified pressure differential induced
across the assemblies. The air leakage rates determined are compared against the acceptable
rates identified for the project.
In this test, lab personnel pump air from the chamber with a blower while measuring the
amount of air being removed while maintaining test pressure, often 6.24 psf (pounds per
square foot), the equivalent of a 50 mph wind. Using plastic film sequentially removed, the
lab determines how much air is passing through each element of the mockup. This test
procedure is ASTM E283 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage
Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences
Across the Specimen
Facade failures usually fall into two broad categories:
(1) unexpected behavior leading to undesirable outcomes or
(2) inability to resist design loads or unforeseen forces.
The first failure category, unexpected and undesirable facade behavior, is usually
visually evident. However, the second category, the inability of the facade to
resist loads, is often not easily detected until distress is advanced or severe. The
direction and magnitude of forces that act on building facades may not always
be clearly understood. Design-level wind or seismic loads may not occur during
the service life of the building, which means that the facade supports are not
tested in service for these loads. Also, the capacity of facades and their supports
to resist forces may gradually diminish over time due to deterioration or fatigue.
Department of Civil Engineering, R.V.C.E 13
failures are
category of failures.
Recognition of facade failures beneath the surface is more likely with certain wall
systems. Thin facades tend to show bulges and displacements. Brittle facade
materials crack and spall. Facades that are not designed with adequate support
redundancy or facades that have tensile forces imposed on weak points (e.g.,
along mortar-bedded masonry joints or stone rifts) are more vulnerable to failure.
Other problem-prone facades include adhered ceramic or stone tile veneers
without supplemental mechanical attachments, highly anisotropic (differing
strength properties depending on the orientation) or variable-strength stone
panels, and composite facades that combine unproven and incompatible
materials. Hidden and premature failures are commonly associated with facade
systems that mimic but are inferior to traditional stone or brick which are popular
for economic reasons. The shorter economic life and the mode of failure of such
facade systems need to be understood to fully appreciate the cost/benefit
compromise. Synthetic stucco, cementitious panels, and cultured stone facade
systems, which are in common use today, offer a cost-effective option for
developers and owners. However, non-durable components, incomplete or
deficient design details, and inadequate flashings and internal weather resistant
barrier systems, frequently compromise the ability of these systems to resist
deterioration and air and water penetration.
performance characteristics.
e) Inadequate durability- e.g., corrodible, mild steel anchors or embedments
exposed to moisture, degradable facade materials subject to strength loss or
f) Poor constructability - e.g., complex anchorage assemblies, reliance on
precision facade or support installation, difficult construction environment,
insufficient accommodation for construction tolerances.
g) Inadequate water management system - e.g., absent or poorly configured
internal flashings, obstructed water drainage paths, potential to retain water
behind the facade, reliance solely on surface seals.
h) Potential warning signs - e.g., location and orientation of cracks may indicate
restrained movement or material degradation; stains may indicate corrosion
of underlying mild steel supports; movement at ends and corners of long or
tall walls may indicate ineffective facade expansion joints and accumulated
differential movement that may have damaged underlying facade supports or
anchors. The presence of these symptoms indicates potential latent facade
The curtain wall is a defining aesthetic element on the building and its inherent tasks include
providing protection and comfort from the elements. The effectiveness of its performance is
also related to the level of maintenance implemented at the facility. Since there are so many
components involved in a curtain wall system, the design, installation and workmanship all
contribute to its successful performance. As technology introduces new components into the
construction market, it is important to access the synergy of these components and
qualitatively access what improvement can be achieved. Curtain wall maintains a key role in
the performance of a building. Prior the design consideration familiar with the natural effects
on curtain wall system is necessary.
Department of Civil Engineering, R.V.C.E 15
McFarquhar, D. G., "The Crown and the Curtain Wall'', Civil Engineering Magazine,
August 1992