Journal Slow Learners
Journal Slow Learners
Journal Slow Learners
Research Paper
KEYWORDS : Slow Learner, Academic
Performance, Responsibilities of the
Teacher and Remedial Teaching.
Teaching is a challenging profession that requires a lot of patience, innovation and motivation from the
teachers in order to bring about an all round development among their students. Inside the classroom there
will be a mixed section of learners based on their level of intelligence and performance criteria. Slow learning is not a learning disability that can be classified as a diagnostic category. It is simply a term used to describe a student with the ability to acquire all necessary
academic skills, but at a rate and depth below that of the average student. Hence the challenge for the teachers is to understand the
students areas of interests and develop a teaching plan to cover syllabus in a given time frame. This paper is mainly focused on the
responsibilities of the teacher on bringing out the slow learners and also it briefly explains on remedial teaching for slow learners to
overcome their problems.
If I cannot learn the way you teach, will you teach me the way I
can learn? (L. D. Child).
Teaching is a challenging profession that requires a lot of patience, innovation and motivation from the teachers in order
to bring about an all round development among their students.
Inside the classroom there will be a mixed section of learners
based on their level of intelligence and performance criteria. It
is among these learners, there will be some who cannot cope up
with the lessons taught inside the classroom as their peers do
and hence these learners are tagged as the slow learners. Hence
here comes the greatest challenge for a good teacher to guide
and help the slow learners improve in fetching good grades
and come out with flying colors. A good student can always get
good grades on his own merits which require very little effort
on the teachers part. But to help a slow learner fetch a good and
suitable grade is a challenge that marks the qualities of a good
teacher. Since, being a teacher faces such problems inside the
classroom and some ways should be adopted in order to help
a slow learner achieve good grades and graduate successfully.
Slow Learner
Slowlearning is not a learning disability that can be classified
asa diagnostic category. It is simply a term used to describe
astudent with the ability to acquire all necessary academic
skills,but at a rate and depth below that of the average student.
Inorder to grasp new concepts, a slow learner needs more
time,more repetition, and often, more resources from teachers tobe successful. Reasoning skills are typically delayed,
whichmakes new concepts difficult to grasp.
In todays world, unfortunately, learning has become a onesize-fits-all process that is not tailored to suit a persons abilities. This conformation of learning is especially true of our conventional school systems. The problem, however, is that not all
children can adapt to such a rigid style of learning. Some children just cannot cope with the fast-paced and rigid approach
that is characteristic of conventional teaching. Due to this, a gap
forms between their true ability and their performance level
and such children are then dubbed Slow Learners.
among these learners and make them believe that they are no
less than others. Encouraging words and phrases may bring
about a positive impact on the slow learners and will boost
them to perform better.
Research Paper
body whom they can rely upon. Hence it is up to the teacher to
fill up that vacuum and enhance these slow learners all round
Saying the same thing over and over, but it helps make a concept more concrete. A slow learner with limited reasoning skills
will take longer to comprehend what may seem easy and almost
natural to us.
It is possible to draw strong academic performance from slow
learners through steady application of practical strategies. Joint
efforts of both parents and teachers are important to achieve
positive results. Knowledge of what you can do as a parent or
teacher to help slow learners enables you to put in your best efforts in the right direction and contribute to the childrens success in later years. Although the effort from the teachers end
is simple, yet the result at the end of the day is great enough to
make a teacher feel proud of herself as well as her learners who
had managed to overcome their weakness and come out with
flying colors.