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Focused Web Crawling in E-Learning System

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The thesis discusses the design of a focused crawler for an e-learning content management system called Intinno. It aims to mine educational content like course pages from university websites.

The thesis is about designing a focused crawler for Intinno, an intelligent web-based content management system. The focused crawler aims to mine educational content from websites to address the scarcity of content problem in existing e-learning systems.

The focused crawler aims to solve the scarcity of content problem in existing e-learning systems, which often leads to the cold start problem. It does this by mining educational content from university websites in the form of course pages.


used Web
b Crawling for E--Learnin
ng Conten
Thessis to be subm
mitted in Partial Fulfillmentt
of the Reequirements for
f the Awardd of the Degreee of

Masterr of Technoloogy
Sciience and En

Suubmitted by:
Udit Sajjaanhar (03CS

Under thhe supervisioon of

Prof. Pabitra Mitrra
ment of Compputer Science and Engineerring
Indian Institute of
o Technologyy Kharagpur
M 2008


This is to certify that the thesis titled Focused Web Crawling for E-Learning Content ,
submitted by Udit Sajjanhar, to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, in
partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Technology is a bonafide record of
work carried out by him under our supervision and guidance. The thesis has fulfilled all the
requirements as per the regulations of the institute and, in our opinion, has reached the standard
needed for submission.

Prof. Pabitra Mitra

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur 721302, INDIA

Udit Sajjanhar
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur 721302, INDIA

A focused crawler is designed to traverse the Web to gather documents on a specific topic. It can
be used to build domain-specific Web search portals and online personalized search tools. To
estimate the relevance of a newly seen URL, it must use information gleaned from previously
crawled page sequences.
The work describes the design of the focused crawler for Intinno, an intelligent web based
content management system. Intinno system aims to circumvent the drawbacks of existing
learning management systems in terms of scarcity of content which often leads to the cold start
problem. The scarcity problem is solved by using a focused crawler to mine educational content
from the web. Educational content is mined from University websites in the form of course
We present a survey of various probabilistic models such as Hidden Markov Models(HMMs) and
Conditional Random Fields(CRFs) and other techniques like using context graphs for building a
focused crawler and finally we describe the design of the system by applying CRFs. The system
consists of the following components: learning the user browsing pattern while he or she shows
how to collect relevant information and using the learnt model to predict a utility score for links
that prioritizes their download.
It is often observed that University websites are structurally similar to each other. Humans are
good at navigating websites to reach specific information within large domain-specific websites.
Thus the user browsing behavior is mapped to a problem of sequential learning where states in
the sequence are pages of the same nature. The model parameters of this learning problem are
estimated with the help of a Conditional Random Field.
During the crawling phase, the focused crawler is required to prioritize the order in which the
links will be downloaded so that the ratio of relevant pages visited to the total number of pages
visited is maximized. This prioritization is done using Reinforcement Learning which estimates
the ability of a partially observed sequence to end up in the goal state by using the probabilistic
model parameters learnt during the training.


Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5


Background ...................................................................................................................... 5


Motivation ........................................................................................................................ 8

Chapter 2: Previous work in Focused Crawling ........................................................................... 10

Chapter 3: Problem Definition ...................................................................................................... 14

Stratergies for crawling .................................................................................................. 15


Content from University Courses ................................................................................... 17


Problem Formulation...................................................................................................... 18


Possible Approaches ...................................................................................................... 20

Chapter 4: Realtional Learning using Graphical Models ............................................................. 22


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 22


Graphical Models ........................................................................................................... 22


Conditional Random Fields ............................................................................................ 27

Chapter 5: Our Approach .............................................................................................................. 30


Model Training ............................................................................................................... 30


Path Foraging ................................................................................................................. 31


Expremental Results ....................................................................................................... 34

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 38

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Background
A Learning Management System (or LMS) is a software tool designed to manage user learning
processes [1]. LMSs go far beyond conventional training records management and reporting. The
value-add for LMSs is the extensive range of complementary functionality they offer. Learner
self-service (e.g. self-registration on instructor-led training), learning workflow (e.g. user
notification, teacher approval, waitlist management), the provision of on-line learning, on-line
assessment, management of continuous professional education, collaborative learning (e.g.
application sharing, discussion threads), and training resource management (e.g. instructors,
facilities, equipment), are some of the additional dimensions to leading learning management
systems [2].
In addition to managing the administrative functions of online learning, some systems also
provide tools to deliver and manage instructor-led synchronous and asynchronous online
teaching based on learning object methodology. These systems are called Learning content
management systems or LCMSs. An LCMS provides tools for authoring and re-using or repurposing content as well as virtual spaces for learner interaction (such as discussion forums and
live chat rooms). The focus of an LCMS is on learning content. It gives authors, instructional
designers, and subject matter experts the means to create and re-use e-learning content more
efficiently [3].
The current learning management systems have a number of drawbacks which hinder their wide
acceptance among teachers and students. One of them is the non availability of free content.
LMSs assume that the content will be put up by users i.e. teachers and students. This leads to
the cold start problem. Instructors who begin to make up a course don't have the material to start
up. Materials presented may lack coverage of the subject area and thus fail to cater information
needs of all students in a class. On the other hand, students while studying or reading a lecture
have to waste a lot of their time in searching for relevant resources from the web.

We aim to build a system which solves the above problem to a large extent. The system uses the
power of Web to solve the cold start problem. While putting up new course, assignment or a
lecture, similar resources would be available from the digital library either by search or by
recommendations. Also when a student reads a lecture he will have to his disposal:
1. Recommended Material: This will save his time in searching for relevant material from
the web.

Learning Material Abstractions: This would help the student to efficiently grasp the
learning content.








Figure 1. Components of the Intinno System

The major components of the system are:

1. Focused Crawler:
This exploits the structural similarity among University websites by learning human
browsing pattern. From the learned parameters, it downloads educational resources with
the goal of maximizing the ratio of relevant pages to the number of pages downloaded.
2. SCORM Module:
The data downloaded by the Focused crawler is unstructured. Educational Data is
represented in SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) [28] format to
enable easier exchange and reuse. This module organizes the unstructured data
downloaded by the crawler and coverts it into SCORM format so that it can be used by
the Application builder in an efficient manner.
3. Knowledge Representation Module:
SCORM format only enables the easier exchange and reuse of Learning Objects [29].
However to build intelligent ITS applications we have to capture the semantic relations
between the documents. This is done by the Knowledge Representation Module which
tries captures the Semantic relations by automatic construction of Ontologies. This is
done by recognition of keywords from documents and then extraction of relationships
between keywords.
4. ITS applications:
These are the end products of the system with which the user interacts. For a student, the
ITS applications recommend similar material so that the time spent in searching for
relevant resources on the web is minimized. Also the ITS applications present to the
student an abstraction over the material that he/she is currently reading. This helps in the
easier grasping of concepts making the learning process efficient.
In this work we describe the focused crawler component of the Intinno System.

1.2 Motivation
The size of the publicly index able world-wide-web has provably surpassed one billion
documents [30] and as yet growth shows no sign of leveling off. Dynamic content on the web is
also growing as time-sensitive materials, such as news, financial data, entertainment and
schedules become widely disseminated via the web. Search engines are therefore increasingly
challenged when trying to maintain current indices using exhaustive crawling. Even using state
of the art systems such as Google, which reportedly crawls millions of pages per day, an
exhaustive crawl of the web can take weeks. Exhaustive crawls also consume vast storage and
bandwidth resources, some of which are not under the control of the search engine.
Focused crawlers [3,4] aim to search and retrieve only the subset of the world-wide web that
pertains to a specific topic of relevance. The ideal focused crawler retrieves the maximal set of
relevant pages while simultaneously traversing the minimal number of irrelevant documents on
the web. Focused crawlers therefore offer a potential solution to the currency problem by
allowing for standard exhaustive crawls to be supplemented by focused crawls for categories
where content changes quickly. Focused crawlers are also well suited to efficiently generate
indices for niche search engines maintained by portals and user groups [31], where limited
bandwidth and storage space are the norm. Finally, due to the limited resources used by a good
focused crawler, users are already using personal PC based implementations. Ultimately simple
focused crawlers could become the method of choice for users to perform comprehensive
searches of web-related materials.
The major open problem in focused crawling is that of properly assigning credit to all pages
along a crawl route that yields a highly relevant document. In the absence of a reliable credit
assignment strategy, focused crawlers suffer from a limited ability to sacrifice short term
document retrieval gains in the interest of better overall crawl performance. In particular,
existing crawlers still fall short in learning strategies where topically relevant documents are
found by following off-topic pages.

The credit assignment for focused crawlers can be significantly improved by equipping the
crawler with the capability of modeling the context within which the topical materials is usually
found on the web [32]. Such a context model has to capture typical link hierarchies within which
valuable pages occur, as well as describe off-topic content that co-occurs in documents that are
frequently closely associated with relevant pages.
The focused crawler for the Intinno system tries to collect the course pages which are rich source
of authenticated educational content. Crawling the whole university and then separating out the
course pages with the help of a classifier is the simplest solution. However such a solution is
highly in-efficient both in terms of Space and Time required. In another scheme crawler learns
the user browsing pattern as the user starts from the University homepage and follows a path
which consists of many non-topical pages to reach the pages hosting course content. Hence a
context driven crawling scheme which learns the link hierarchies among the pages leading to the
relevant page is required to train the crawler.

Chapter 2: Prior Work in Focused Crawling

The first generation of crawlers [33] on which most of the web search engines are based rely
heavily on traditional graph algorithms, such as breadth-first or depth-first traversal, to index the
web. A core set of URLs are used as a seed set, and the algorithm recursively follows hyper links
down to other documents. Document content is paid little heed, since the ultimate goal of the
crawl is to cover the whole web.

a) Standard Crawling

b) Focused Crawling

Figure 2:
a) A standard crawler follows each link, typically applying a breadth first strategy. If the crawler starts
from a document which is i steps from a target document, all the documents that are up to i-1 steps from
the starting document must be downloaded before the crawler hits the target.
b) A focused crawler tries to identify the most promising links, and ignores off-topic documents. If the
crawler starts from a document which is i steps from a target document, it downloads a small subset of all
the documents that are up to i-1 steps from the starting document. If the search strategy is optimal the
crawler takes only i steps to discover the target.

A focused crawler efficiently seeks out documents about a specific topic and guides the search
based on both the content and link structure of the web [4]. Figure 2 graphically illustrates the
difference between an exhaustive breadth first crawler and a typical focused crawler. A focused
crawler implements a strategy that associates a score with each link in the pages it has
downloaded [4, 15, 20]. The links are sorted according to the scores and inserted in a queue. A
best first search is performed by popping the next page to analyze from the head of the queue.
This strategy ensures that the crawler preferentially pursues promising crawl paths.


A variety of methods for focused crawling have been developed. The term focused crawler was
first coined by Chakrabarti in [4], however, the concept of prioritizing unvisited URLs on the
crawl frontier for specific searching goals is not new, and Fish-Search [34] by De Bra et al.
(1994) and Shark-Search [35] by Hersovici et al. (1998) were some of the earliest algorithms for
crawling for pages with keywords specified in the query. In Fish-Search, the Web is crawled by a
team of crawlers, which are viewed as a school of fish. If the fish finds a relevant page based
on keywords specified in the query, it continues looking by following more links from that page.
If the page is not relevant, its child links receive a low preferential value. Shark-Search is a
modification of Fish-search which differs in two ways: a child inherits a discounted value of the
score of its parent, and this score is combined with a value based on the anchor text that occurs
around the link in the Web page.
The focused crawler introduced in [4] uses canonical topic taxonomy. The user specifies a
number of starting points, and browses from these pages. The user matches pages to the best
categories while browsing. This categorization is used to train a classifier which makes relevance
judgements on a document to the topic. A distiller then determines visit priorities based on hubauthority connectivity analysis. Intelligent crawling with arbitrary predicates is described in [22].
The method involves looking for specific features in a page to rank the candidate links. These
features include page content, URL names of referred Web page, and the nature of the parent and
sibling pages. It is a generic framework in that it allows the user to specify the relevant criteria.
Also, the system has the ability of self-learning, i.e. to collect statistical information during the
crawl and adjust the weight of these features to capture the dominant individual factor at that
Similar methods can be found in [20, 36, 37]. These methods have in common that they use a
baseline best-first focused crawling strategy combined with different heuristics based on local
features extracted from the parent page, such as similarity to a query, in-degree, PageRank, and
relevance feedback. All of the methods mentioned above are based on the assumption that on the
Web a relevant page would link to other relevant pages. Thus if the crawler has found a relevant
page then the links extracted out of this page will have a greater probability of being downloaded
as compared to the links extracted from a less relevant page.

Other methods used to capture path information leading to targets include reinforcement learning
[16], genetic programming [38], and Context Graph algorithms [32]. In [16], an algorithm was
presented for learning a mapping performed by Naive Bayes text classifiers from the text
surrounding a hyperlink to a value function of sum of rewards, the estimate of the number of
relevant pages that can be found as the result of following that hyperlink.
A genetic programming algorithm is used in [38] to explore the space of potential strategies and
evolve good strategies based on the text and link structure of the referring pages. The strategies
produce a rank function which is a weighted sum of several scores such as hub, authority and
SVM scores of parent pages going back k generations.
A problem with the approaches mentioned above is that they cannot exploit patterns of pages
along a route leading to a goal page. The only pattern they exploit is the relevance to a specific
topic. However in some cases often pages on unrelated topics might consistently lead to topics of
interest. To explicitly address this problem, Rennie and McCallum [16] used reinforcement
learning to train a crawler on specified example web sites containing target documents. The web
site or server on which the document appears is repeatedly crawled to learn how to construct
optimized paths to the target documents. However, this approach places a burden on the user to
specify representative web sites. Initialization can be slow since the search could result in the
crawling of a substantial fraction of the host web site. Furthermore, this approach could face
difficulty when a hierarchy is distributed across a number of sites.
The Context Graph method, proposed by Diligenti et al. [32] uses backlinks to estimate the link
distance from a page to target pages. Their method starts from a set of seed documents, follows
backlinks to a certain layer, and then builds up a context graph for the seed pages. A classifier is
constructed for each layer using the Nave Bayes algorithm. As a new document is found, it is
classified into a layer. Documents classified into layers closer to the target are crawled first. The
experiments showed that this approach maintained a higher level of relevance in the retrieved
Web pages. However, the assumption that all pages in a certain layer from a target document
belong to the same topic described by a set of terms does not always hold. Also this does not take
into account the case in which multiple pages of similar kind may have to be passed before

transiting to a page of another kind. Graphical models such as HMMs and CRFs are able to
include such cases as well, thereby making the model stronger. Also relying on Search engines
for back links is not a efficient strategy. A complete framework to evaluate different crawling
strategies is described in [39 - 41]. An application of extending digital libraries with a focused
crawler can be found in [42].

Layer 2

Layer 1

Documents in Layer2

Documents in Layer1

Target Document Representation

Figure 3: A context graph represents how a target document can be accessed from the web. In each node a web
document representation is stored. The graph is organized into layers: each node of layer i is connected to one (and
only one) node of the layer i1 (except the single node in layer 0). There are no connections between nodes at the same
level. The seed document is stored in layer 0. A document is in layer i if at least i steps (link followings) are needed to
reach the target page starting from that document.


Chapter 3: Problem Definition

Web being a rich repository of learning content, we attempt to collect high volume of learning
material from web using a web miner [3]. The type of content required for the digital library
would include:
(a) Courses
(b) Assignments
(c) Lectures & Tutorials
(d) Animations & Videos
(e) Quizzes & Questions.
(f) Discussion Forums.
(g) Information of relevant technologies from the industry.
This content can be mined from the following sources:
1. Websites hosting standardized, reviewed and open source course material like MIT Open
Courseware, NPTEL India.
2. Course websites of large international universities.
3. Discussion Forums - Google Groups, Yahoo Answers
4. Websites for animations/videos - Youtube, Google Video and metacafe
5. Websites for general content - Wikipedia, Mathworld
6. Company Websites for product related info and case studies
7. Domain specific websites for questions, tutorials etc.

Figure 4: Pictorial description of sources to be mined for content


3.1 Strategies for crawling the above resources

3.1.1 Open source and reviewed course pages
A general purpose crawler to crawl all the courses from MIT OCW and NPTEL is employed.
Content is structured and thus is easier to crawl. Also it provides us a list of basic courses to
include in the digital library. Courses from MIT OCW can be downloaded directly and the
download data is arranged into folders. The content from NPTEL is ad hoc and cannot be
downloaded directly. Hence, data downloaded from NPTEL will have to be catalogued.
3.1.2 Content from University course pages
Full crawl is not possible in this case and we opt for focused crawling [4]. Focused crawling is
possible due to the following observations in most universities page structures.

Every University page has a page listing all its schools and departments

Every Dept will have a page listing all its faculty members

Every faculty member will have links of the courses on his home page.

The above structure is utilized to tune the focused crawler. The focused first learns this structural
similarity by observing the browsing behavior of a human who intends to reach a course page
starting from the University homepage. This structural similarity is modeled in terms of features
from the pages and the features from the links. Using probabilistic models the focused crawler
learns the features and while crawling it uses the learned features to prioritize the download of
links. The exact scheme is described in Chapter 5.
We also attempted direct search on Google for university course material. Using Google search
keywords of the form: <name of course> course page syllabus etc.. often returns many course
pages. However this approach has the problem of manually listing the names of all the courses in
order to reach them. The problem lies in the fact that we don't have a exhaustive list of courses.
Also since we dont have the list of courses from a particular university, quantifying the recall


for this method would be difficult. Also the number of automatic queries that can be sent to a
search engine are limited and thus this method is not efficient.
Another issue involved for such course pages is that of extraction of learning content from
courses on the web. The data downloaded from a course on the web, may be arranged in various
ways and needs to be processed to extract the relevant information. Here we propose a simplistic
algorithm for doing it in each of the following two cases:
Case 1: All the data of a particular course lies on one page. In this case different kinds of data
will we be under corresponding headings. For example all the assignments of a particular course
will be under the assignments headings and all the questions will be under the questions heading.
To extract data from such a course, we detect the headings on a particular page and we
hypothesize that all the data under a heading is of that type. The algorithm is described in section
5.3.2 and has about 65% accuracy.
Case 2: The course page has separate links for separate kind of data i.e. the assignments are on
one page and the questions on another. We assume that these separate pages have such an anchor
text that indicates the type of content on the page. For example the main course has links to
Assignments / Lectures and Quizzes. To extract data from such a course we assume that type of
content on each page to be given by the anchor text on the hyperlink.
3.1.3 Unstructured data: Discussion forums and animation videos
Full Crawl is irrelevant and is also not possible. Focused crawling is the approach adopted. From
the courses already stored in the digital library now extract a set of keywords, including, (i)
Terms from the name of the course, (ii) Terms from the syllabus of the course, and (iii) Terms
from assignment heading/name, Lecture heading/name.
Next we search for discussions/Animations/Videos from the web which match the above list of
keywords and index the results obtained above with the keywords with which they were found
and the content of the entity obtained.

3.1.4 General purpose collections like WikiPedia

Full Crawl of Wikipedia is possible and can be obtained as a single XML document. However,
full crawl/download may not be necessary and may in fact weaken precision of the search on
digital library. We use a keyword based focused approach described above to limit the pages
being indexed in Wikipedia. Each Wikipedia article can be characterized a lectures or tutorials.
While indexing the articles of Wiki more importance should is given to the headings and the sub
headings on the page.
3.1.5 Websites of industrial corporations
Websites in this category will have to be handpicked and will be few in number. Examples of
company websites includes whitepapers, manuals, tutorials obtained from research lab of
companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft, GE. Handpicked websites of popular corporate training
resources like those offering questions/quizzes on C and those offering tutorials like How Stuff

3.2 Content from university course pages

Out of the above mentioned sources, course websites of different Universities are the richest
source of learning content. The advantages of this content are:

Since this content is hosted on the University site, under the professor/teacher taking this
course, the content is deemed to be authenticated and correct.

2. Also this type of content is used in a real scenario the teach the students and hence is
most relevant to the students.
However, along with being the richest source of valid educational content this type of content is
most difficult to mine. This is due to the fact that this content is non-structured in nature. There
are following difficulties in mining this content:


Every teacher has his/her own way of hosting the content. Some might be putting up the
whole content in a single page while others might be having a more structured
representation of content with different sections for assignments, lectures, etc.

Every University has their own sitemap. A set of rules to reach the course pages starting
from University homepage, if designed for a particular university, might not work for
every case.

One of the solutions to get the course pages from a particular university would be to crawl the
whole university and separate out the course pages from the set of all crawled pages. The
separation of course pages will be done by a binary classifier that will be trained on the prior set
of course pages that can be obtained with the help of a search engine. However crawling the
whole university for course pages would be inefficient both in terms of Time and Space required.
Hence we need a focused crawling [4] technique to efficiently mine relevant course pages
starting from the university homepage.

3.3 Problem Formulation

It is often observed that University websites are structurally similar to each other. Humans are
good at navigating websites to reach specific information within large domain-specific websites.
Our system tries to learn the navigation path by observing the users clicks on as few example
searches as possible and then use the learnt model to automatically find the desired pages using
as few redundant page fetches as possible. Unlike in focused crawling [4], our goal is not to
locate the websites to start with. These are collected from web directories [5] and similar
resource websites. We start from a listing of University homepages and after watching the user
find the specific information from a few websites in the list, we automate the search in the
There are two phases to this task:
1. Training phase: where the user teaches the system by clicking through pages and labeling
a subset with a dynamically defined set of classes, one of them being the Goal class. The

classes assigned on intermittent pages along the path can be thought of as milestones
that capture the structural similarity across websites. At the end of this process, we have a
set of classes C and a set of training paths where a subset of the pages in the path are
labeled with a class from C. All unlabeled pages before a labeled page are represented
with a special prefix state for that label. The system trains a model using the example
paths, modeling each class in C as a milestone state.
2. Crawling phase: where the given list of websites is automatically navigated to find all
goal pages. The system uses the model parameters learnt in the training phase to
prioritize the download of links trying to optimize the ratio of the number of relevant
pages downloaded to the total number of pages downloaded.
Formally, we are given a website as a graph W(V,E) consisting of vertex set V and edge set E,
where a vertex is a webpage and an edge e = <u, v> is a hyperlink pointing from a webpage u to
a webpage v. The goal pages PG constitute a subset of pages in W reachable from starting seed
page PS. We have to navigate to them starting from PS visiting fewest possible additional pages.
Let P : P1, P2, . . . , Pn be one such path through W from the start page P1 = PS to a goal page Pn
PG. The ratio of relevant pages visited to the total number of pages visited during the execution
is called the harvest rate. The objective function is to maximize the harvest rate.
This problem requires two solutions.
1. Recognizing a page as the goal page. This is a classification problem where given a
webpage we have to classify it as being a goal page or not. Often the page alone may not
hold enough information to help identify it as the goal page. We will need to consider
text around the entire path leading to the goal page in order to decide if it is relevant or
not. For example, if we want to get all course pages starting from a university root page,
then it is necessary to follow a path through departments homepages and then through
professors homepage. A course page on its own might be hard to classify.


2. Foraging for goal pages. This can be thought as a crawling exercise where, starting from
the entry point, we want to visit as few pages as possible in finding the goal pages. This
problem is different from the previous work on focused crawling[4] where the goal is to
find all web pages relevant to a particular broad topic from the entire web. In our case,
we are interested in finding course pages starting from a University homepage. We
exploit the regularity in the structures of University websites to build more powerful
models than is possible in the case of general-purpose focused crawlers.

3.4 Possible Approaches

One possible method of solving the problem is to train a classifier that can discriminate the goal
pages from the non-goal pages. Then, extract from the classifier the set of prominent features to
serve as keywords to a search engine that indexes all the websites of interest. By restricting the
domain to each given starting URL in turn, we issue a keyword search to get a set of candidate
pages. We further classify these pages to identify if these are goal pages or not. However this
method cannot provide high accuracy for the simple reason that the goal page itself may not hold
enough information to correctly identify it as the goal page. The path leading to the goal page is
important too.

University Homepage

Dept. listing page

Department Homepage

Faculty List Page

Course Pages

Faculty Homepage

Figure 5: Pictorial description of the Sequential labeling problem for reaching the course pages


A Focused crawler must use information gleaned from previously crawled page sequences to
estimate the relevance of a newly seen URL. Therefore, good performance depends on powerful
modeling of context as well as the current observations. Probabilistic models, such as Hidden
Markov Models( HMMs)[6] and Conditional Random Fields(CRFs)[7], can potentially capture
both formatting and context.
Thus a second approach and the one that we use is to treat this as a sequential labeling problem
where we use Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and the Conditional Random Fields to learn to
recognize paths that lead to goal states. We then superimpose ideas from Reinforcement
Learning [8] to prioritize the order in which pages should be fetched to reach the goal page. This
provides an elegant and unified mechanism of modeling the path learning and foraging problem.


Chapter 4: Relational learning using Graphical Models

4.1 Introduction
Relational data has two characteristics: first, statistical dependencies exist between the entities
we wish to model, and second, each entity often has a rich set of features that can aid
classification. For example, when classifying Web documents, the pages text provides much
information about the class label, but hyperlinks define a relationship between pages that can
improve classification [43]. Graphical models are a natural formalism for exploiting the
dependence structure among entities. Traditionally, graphical models have been used to represent
the joint probability distribution p(y, x), where the variables y represent the attributes of the
entities that we wish to predict, and the input variables x represent our observed knowledge
about the entities. But modeling the joint distribution can lead to difficulties when using the rich
local features that can occur in relational data, because it requires modeling the distribution p(x),
which can include complex dependencies. Modeling these dependencies among inputs can lead
to intractable models, but ignoring them can lead to reduced performance.
A solution to this problem is to directly model the conditional distribution p(y|x), which is
sufficient for classification. This is the approach taken by conditional random fields [7]. A
conditional random field is simply a conditional distribution p(y|x) with an associated graphical
structure. Because the model is conditional, dependencies among the input variables x do not
need to be explicitly represented, affording the use of rich, global features of the input.

4.2 Graphical Models

4.2.1 Definitions
We consider probability distributions over sets of random variables V = X Y, where X is a set
of input variables that we assume are observed, and Y is a set of output variables that we wish to
predict. Every variable v V takes outcomes from a set V, which can be either continuous or
discrete. We denote an assignment to X by x, and we denote an assignment to a set A X by xA,
and similarly for Y.

A graphical model is a family of probability distributions that factorize according to an

underlying graph. The main idea is to represent a distribution over a large number of random
variables by a product of local functions that each depend on only a small number of variables.
Given a collection of subsets A V, we define an undirected graphical model as the set of all
distributions that can be written in the form

for any choice of factors F = {A}, where A:n +. (These functions are also called local
functions or compatibility functions). The term random field to refer to a particular distribution
among those defined by an undirected model. To reiterate, the term model is used to refer to a
family of distributions, and random field (or more commonly, distribution) to refer to a single
one. The constant Z is a normalization factor defined as

which ensures that the distribution sums to 1. The quantity Z, considered as a function of the set
F of factors, is called the partition function in the statistical physics and graphical models
communities. In this chapter we assume that local functions have the form:

for some real-valued parameter vector A, and for some set of feature functions or sufficient
statistics {fAk}. This form ensures that the family of distributions over V parameterized by is an
exponential family.
A directed graphical model, also known as a Bayesian network, is based on a directed graph G =
(V, E). A directed model is a family of distributions that factorize as:

where (v) are the parents of v in G. An example of directed model is shown in figure 6. The
term generative model to refer to a directed graphical model in which the outputs topologically
precede the inputs, that is, no x X can be a parent of an output y Y. Essentially, a generative
model is one that directly describes how the outputs probabilistically generate the inputs.

Figure 6: The nave Bayes Classifier, as a directed graphical model.

4.2.2 Sequence Models

The true power of graphical models lies in their ability to model many variables that are
interdependent. In this section, we discuss perhaps the simplest form of dependency, in which
the output variables are arranged in a sequence. To motivate this kind of model, we discuss an
application from natural language processing, the task of named-entity recognition (NER). NER
is the problem of identifying and classifying proper names in text, including locations, such as
China; people, such as George Bush; and organizations, such as the United Nations. The namedentity recognition task is, given a sentence, first to segment which words are part of entities, and
then to classify each entity by type (person, organization, location, and so on). The challenge of
this problem is that many named entities are too rare to appear even in a large training set, and
therefore the system must identify them based only on context. One approach to NER is to
classify each word independently as one of either: Person, Location, Organization, or Other
(meaning not an entity). The problem with this approach is that it assumes that given the input,
all of the named-entity labels are independent. In fact, the named-entity labels of neighboring
words are dependent; for example, while New York is a location, New York Times is an
This independence assumption can be relaxed by arranging the output variables in a linear chain.
This is the approach taken by the Hidden Markov model (HMM) [6]. An HMM models a
sequence of observations X = {xt} t=1 T by assuming that there is an underlying sequence of states
Y = {yt} t=1 T drawn from a finite state set S. In the named-entity example, each observation xt is
the identity of the word at position t, and each state yt is the named-entity label, that is, one of the
entity types Person, Location, Organization, and Other.


To model the joint distribution p(y, x) tractably, an HMM makes two independence assumptions.
First, it assumes that each state depends only on its immediate predecessor, that is, each state yt
is independent of all its ancestors y1, y2, . . . , yt2 given its previous state yt1. Second, an HMM
assumes that each observation variable xt depends only on the current state yt. With these
assumptions, we can specify an HMM using three probability distributions: first, the distribution
over initial states p(y1); second, the transition distribution p( yt | yt1); and finally, the observation
distribution p(xt |yt). That is, the joint probability of a state sequence y and an observation
sequence x factorizes as

1 p

In natural language processing, HMMs have been used for sequence labeling tasks such as partof-speech tagging, named-entity recognition, and information extraction.
4.2.3 Discriminative Generative Models
An important difference between naive Bayes and logistic regression is that nave Bayes is
generative, meaning that it is based on a model of the joint distribution p(y, x), while logistic
regression is discriminative, meaning that it is based on a model of the conditional distribution
p(y|x). In this section, we discuss the differences between generative and discriminative
modeling, and the advantages of discriminative modeling for many tasks. For concreteness, we
focus on the examples of naive Bayes and logistic regression, but the discussion in this section
actually applies in general to the differences between generative models and conditional random
The main difference is that a conditional distribution p(y|x) does not include a model of p(x),
which is not needed for classification anyway. The difficulty in modeling p(x) is that it often
contains many highly dependent features, which are difficult to model. For example, in namedentity recognition, an HMM relies on only one feature, the words identity. But many words,


especially proper names, will not have occurred in the training set, so the word-identity feature is
uninformative. To label unseen words, we would like to exploit other features of a word, such as
its capitalization, its neighboring words, its prefixes and suffixes, its membership in
predetermined lists of people and locations, and so on.
To include interdependent features in a generative model, we have two choices: enhance the
model to represent dependencies among the inputs, or make simplifying independence
assumptions, such as the naive Bayes assumption. The first approach, enhancing the model, is
often difficult to do while retaining tractability. For example, it is hard to imagine how to model
the dependence between the capitalization of a word and its suffixes, nor do we particularly wish
to do so, since we always observe the test sentences anyway. The second approach, adding
independence assumptions among the inputs, is problematic because it can hurt performance. For
example, although the naive Bayes classifier performs surprisingly well in document
classification, it performs worse on average across a range of applications than logistic

Nave Bayes





Logistic Regression

Linear Chain CRFs

Figure 7: Diagram of relationship between Nave Bayes, Logistic Regression, HMMs and Linear Chain CRfs


Furthermore, even when naive Bayes has good classification accuracy, its probability estimates
tend to be poor. To understand why, imagine training nave Bayes on a data set in which all the
features are repeated, that is, x = (x1, x1, x2, x2, . . . , xK, xK). This will increase the confidence of
the naive Bayes probability estimates, even though no new information has been added to the
data. Assumptions like naive Bayes can be especially problematic when we generalize to
sequence models, because inference essentially combines evidence from different parts of the
model. If probability estimates at a local level are overconfident, it might be difficult to combine
them sensibly. Actually, the difference in performance between naive Bayes and logistic
regression is due only to the fact that the first is generative and the second discriminative; the
two classifiers are, for discrete input, identical in all other respects. Naive Bayes and logistic
regression consider the same hypothesis space, in the sense that any logistic regression classifier
can be converted into a naive Bayes classifier with the same decision boundary, and vice versa.
The principal advantage of discriminative modeling is that it is better suited to including rich,
overlapping features. To understand this, consider the family of nave Bayes distributions. This is
a family of joint distributions whose conditionals all take the logistic regression form. But
there are many other joint models, some with complex dependencies among x. By modeling the
conditional distribution directly, we can remain agnostic about the form of p(x). This may
explain why it has been observed that conditional random fields tend to be more robust than
generative models to violations of their independence assumptions. Simply put, CRFs make
independence assumptions among y, but not among x.

4.3 Conditional Random Fields

Assume a vector f of local feature functions f = <f1, . . . , fK>, each of which maps a pair (x, y)
and a position i in the vector x to a measurement fk(i, x, y)
these measurements and let F(x, y) =

, ,

R. Let f (i, x, y) be the vector of

. For the case of NER, the components of f

might include the measurement f13(i, x, y) = [[xi is capitalized]] [yi = I]], where the indicator
function [[c]] = 1 if c if true and 0 otherwise; this implies that F13(x, y) would be the number of
capitalized words paired with the label I. For the sake of efficiency, we restrict any feature fk(i, x,
y) to be local in the sense that the feature at a position i will depend only on the previous labels.

With a slight abuse of notation, we claim that a local feature fk(i, x, y) can be expressed as fk(yi,
yi1, x, i). Some subset of these features can be simplified further to depend only on the current
state and are independent of the previous state. We will refer to these as state features and
denote these by fk(yi, x, i) when we want to make the distinction explicit. The term transition
features refers to the remaining features that are not independent of the previous state.
A Conditional Random Field (CRF) is an estimator of the form

Pr | ,

where W is a weight vector over the components of F and the normalizing term is:

4.3.1 An Efficient Inference Algorithm

The inference problem for a CRF is defined as follows: Given Wand x, find the best label
sequence, arg maxy Pr(y|x,W)
arg max Pr | ,
arg max Pr | ,

arg max W . F x, y
arg max W .

f y ,y

, ,

An efficient inference algorithm is possible because all features are assumed to be local. Let yi:y
denote the set of all partial labels starting from 1 (the first index of the sequence) to i, such that
the i-th label is y. Let (i, y) denote the largest value of W F(x, y) for any y

yi:y. The

following recursive calculation implements the usual Viterbi algorithm[44]:


W. f y y, x, i ,


The best label then corresponds to the path traced by maxy (|x|, y).


4.3.2 Training Algorithm

Learning is performed by setting parameters to maximize the likelihood of a set of a training set
T = {(xl, yl)}Nl_=1 expressed in logarithmic terms as
log Pr

| ,


We wish to find a W that maximizes L(W). The above equation is convex and can thus be
maximized by gradient ascent or one of many related methods. The gradient of L(W) is the

The first set of terms are easy to compute. However, we must use the Markov property of F and
a dynamic programming step to compute the normalizer ZW(xl), and the expected value of the
features under the current weight vector, EPr(y_|W)F(xl, yl).


Chapter 5: Our Approach

We first describe the model training phase where the user provided example positive and
negative paths from a few websites are used to train a CRF model. We then describe how this
trained model is used to locate goal pages starting from root pages of other websites.

5.1 Model Training

During training, we are given examples of several paths of labeled pages where some of the
paths end in goal pages and others end with a special fail label. We can treat each path as a
sequence of pages denoted by the vector x and their corresponding milestone labels denoted by
y. Each xi is a webpage represented suitably in terms of features derived from the words in the
page, its URL, and anchor text in the link pointing to xi.
A number of design decisions about the label space and feature space need to be made in
constructing a CRF to recognize characteristics of valid paths. One option is to assign a state to
each possible label in the set L which consists of the milestone labels and two special labels
goal and fail. State features are defined on the words or other properties comprising a page.
For example, state features derived from words are of the form
fk(i, x, yi) = [[xi is computer and yi = faculty]]
The URL of a page also yields valuable features. For example, a tilda in the URL is strongly
associated with a personal home page and a link name with word contact is strongly associated
with an address page. We tokenize each URL on delimiters and add a feature corresponding to
each token. Transition features capture the soft precedence order among labels. One set of
transition features are of the form:
fk(i, x, yi, yi1) = [[yi is faculty and yi1 is department]].
They are independent of xi and are called edge features since they capture dependency among
adjacent labels. In this model transition features are also derived from the words in and around
the anchor text surrounding the link leading to the next state. Thus, a transition feature could be
of the form

fk(i, x, yi, yi1) = [[xi is an anchor word advisor, yi is faculty, and yi1 is

A second option is to model each given label as a dual-state one for the characteristics of the
page itself (page-states) and the other for the information around links that lead to such a page
(link-states). Hence, every path alternates between a page-state and a link-state. There are two
advantages of this labeling. First, it reduces the sparsity of parameters by making the anchor
word features be independent of the label of the source page. In practice, it is often found that the
anchor text pointing to the same page are highly similar and this is captured by allowing multiple
source labels to point to the same link state of label. Second for the foraging phase, it allows one
to easily reason about intermediate probability of a path prefix where only the link is known and
the page leading to it has not been fetched. In this model, the state-features of the page states are
the same as in the previous model, the state features of the link states are derived from the anchor
text. Thus, the anchortext transition features of the previous model, become state features of the
link state. Thus the only transition features in this model are the edge features that capture the
precedence order between labels.

5.2 Path Foraging

Given the trained sequential model M and a list of starting pages of websites, our goal is to find
all paths from the list that lead to the Goal state in M while fetching as few unrelated pages. The
key technical issue in solving this is to be able to score from the prefix of a path already fetched,
all the outgoing links with a value that is inversely proportional to the expected work involved in
reaching the goal pages. Consider a path prefix of the form P1L2P3 . . . Li where Li1 is a link
to page Pi in the path. We need to find for link Li a score value that would indicate the
desirability of fetching the page pointed to by Li. This score is computed in two parts. First in
section 5.2.1, we estimate for each state y, the proximity of the state to the Goal state. We call
this the reward associated with the state. Then in section 5.2.2, we show for the link Li, the
probability of its being in state y.


5.2.1 Reward of a State

We apply techniques from Reinforcement Learning to compute the reward score using the CRF
model learnt during path classification phase. Reinforcement Learning is a machine learning
paradigm that helps in choosing the optimal action at each state to reach the Goal states. The
Goal states are associated with rewards that start to depreciate as the Goal states get farther from
the current state. The actions are chosen so as to maximize the cumulative discounted reward.
We apply Reinforcement Learning to compute the probability of a partially-observed sequence to
end-up in a Goal state. Since we cannot predict the state sequence that would be followed by the
unseen observation subsequence, we cannot compute the actual probability of the sequence
ending in a Goal state. Instead, we estimate this probability based on the training data by learning
a reward function R for each state. For each position i of a given sequence x we estimate the
expected proximity to the Goal state from a state y Rix (y) recursively as follows:
, , ,

, , ,

When i = n, the reward is 1 for the Goal state and 0 for every other label. Otherwise, the values
are computed recursively from the proximity of the next state and the probability of transition to
the next state from the current state. We then compute a weighted sum of these positioned
reward values to get position independent reward values. The weight are controlled via , a
discount factor that captures the desirability of preferring states that are closer to the Goal state,
as follows:

where n is the length of the sequence. The final reward value of a state is computed by averaging
over all training sequences x1 . . . xN as


5.2.3 Probability of being in a state

Consider a path prefix of the form P1L2P3 . . . Li where Li1 is a link to page Pi in the path. We
need to find for link Li, the probability of its being in any one of the link-states. We provide a
method for computing this. Let i(y) denote the total weight of ending in state y after i states. For
i > 0, this can be expressed recursively as with base case defined as


, , ,

The probability Li of being in a link state y is then defined as :

5.2.4 Score of Link

Finally, the score of a link Li after i steps is calculated as the sum of the product of reaching a
state y and the static reward at state y.

5.2.5 Algorithm to prioritize links

1. During training, for all training instances, compute R x(y) for all y during the backward
2. Average the R(y)-values computed in step 1 over all training instances
3. During Training,.
a. Maintain a priority queue of links that lead from pages fetched. Since
computation of score requires the -values, those are also maintained along with
the link information.

In addition to the score and the -values, the -values used to compute the label
are also maintained.


c. Initially, the queue contains the URL of seed page with score 0, and the and values are set to 1 and 0 respectively.
4. For each seed URL in the priority queue,
a. Crawl the highest priority link to fetch the target page P.
b. Compute -values and -values for the page P.
c. Label the state P with the maximizing label.
d. For every outlink from page P,
i. Calculate -values to compute the score
ii. Calculate -values to label the link
iii. Enter the link in the priority queue
e. If more URLs are to be crawled then go back to step 4(a).

5.3 Experimental Results

The experiments were planned to be conducted in two phases: We first tested the accuracy of the
CRF-based sequential classifier in distinguishing between positive and negative paths and
segmenting a path. In the second phase we plan to use the trained model to fetch the pages in
foraging mode.
5.3.1 Dataset Description
Dataset was generated with labeled sequences for the course page extraction. This data set was
used to train the CRF to recognize the path leading to course pages starting from the university
homepages. The dataset was built manually by starting from the university homepage and then
for each page visited by the user, recording the label for that page, the page link and the content
of the page itself. Sequences were classified into two categories: positive, the ones that led to the
goal page and negative: the ones that led to irrelevant pages. Training was performed on 122
sequences from 7 university domains. The training dataset included 78 positive and 44 negative
sequences and the model was tested on 68 sequences. The test data included some sequences
from domains that were not included in the training data. The results are shown in Table 2.


Dataset Description

#training Examples


#training Positives


#test Examples


#test Positives




#Features Learnt


Table 1: Dataset Description



Only Goal State



All States



Table 2: Results for classification using CRFs. Classification

accuracy was measured for Goal states and for all states separately.

5.3.2 Feature Extraction

When an HTML page is fetched, the page is represented in DOM structure format
(http://www.w3.org/DOM/) using the Hypertext Parsing suite. The text content from the page is
split into tokens on white-space delimiters (space, tab, etc.). The page-state tokens are extracted
from the head and body fields of the HTML page, while the link-state tokens are collected from
the URL anchor text and the neighbourhood text around the link. To capture the text around the
anchor text of a hyperlink, we extracted tokens from a fixed-sized window before and after the
link. In our experiments, we kept the window size constant at 10. In addition to these, the words
from the relative part of the target URL and the target file extension are also included as tokens.
As an illustration, for the URL http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/ svc/papers/view-publicationsckl2004.html, the tokens extracted from the URL were

svc, papers, view, publications,


ckl2004, and html. Since is a key feature

that usually disstinguishes homepages
departmeental pages, we
w also add as a sepparate token.
Two otheer important features aree extracted frrom the pagee:
1. Nested
patterrns are discoovered by using Suffix trree matchingg. This is a helpful
featuure to
point out pag
ges which haave a list struucture in theem. For exam
mple consideer figure 9 which
shhows a facu
ulty listing page.
Such a page is oft
ften generateed by databaase queryingg and
thhus the HTM
ML used to represent
eaach of the reecurring elem
ments is the same exceppt the
data. Our Sufffix tree mattching algorrithm capturres this repettition in the page and fiires a
ML elementss. This featuure is
feeature if thee page is fouund to contaain such reppetitive HTM
allso found to fire in the Department
2. Headings
in a page are allso an indicaation of the type
of page. We found that
t if a pagge is a
faaculty homeepage then thhe headings in that pagge are generaally from thhe set {Teacching,
coourses, Reseearch Interesst, Publicatioons, Contactt, etc.}. Our heading extrraction algorrithm
parses the HT
TML structuure of the page
and extracts out thhe headings.. If the extrracted
headings belo
ong to the prredefined sett then the heeading featurre is fired. Figure
8 show
ws an
exxample of heeading extraaction.

8: An example
of heeading extracttion from a faaculty homepaage

Figure 9:
9 A page havving a nested HTML
structuure in the forrm of faculty information

5.3.3 Expperimental platform

xperiments on
o the MAL
LLET [14] tooolkit. The basic
mentation off CRF
We perfoormed our ex
is providded in the default
packkage. We modified
thee basic implementation to calculate the
reinforceement learnin
ng values foor each state. We also modified
the forward bacckward algorrithm
to calcullate the vaalues requireed for calcuulating the liink score.Thhe focused crawler
has been
implemennted from scratch
in Perl.
The im
mplementatioon manages the queue of urls by using
MYSQL database inttegration witth the perl coode.


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