Touch For Health
Touch For Health
Touch For Health
experience as emotions), and our conscious interpretations of our experiences. So being aware of our emotions is
actually assessing a highly complex neurological/energetic construct.
Narrative is necessarily abbreviated to fit the limited space available in the abstracted meanings of
words. By also accessing the whole picture of our experience (including visual images, physical/emotional
sensations, sounds, smells, and even taste) we fill in the gaps between our words. We can either follow-through on
this connection by putting our senses and emotions into words, or simply take advantage of the efficiency of just
being aware of and feeling all of these aspects as we balance the energy.
Our premise is that a sufficient flow of information/energy will result in an emotional, physical, mental and
spiritual equilibrium that will allow us to feel whole, to do the things that are most important to us, and to find
greater meaning and joy in life. Creative use of metaphors can enhance our assessment of our own wellness in the
context of our life, help balance our energies towards our goals and help us discover new passions and purposes that
are right for us. Awareness is the key aspect of the process. We may feel a lot better physically, mentally and
emotionally after a balancing, but the true power of TFH is in developing our awareness of the things that we really
want from life and the things that block our energy to accomplish our goals.
The Five Element Metaphors, the Organ Function metaphors and metaphors derived from the test
motions/muscle functions offer a rich resource for exploring the meanings of our experiences, our feelings, our
imbalances and our goals. Using the metaphors helps us to verbalize or at least think about the many possible
aspects of our goals and the related imbalances. When we think about a metaphor related to an imbalance indicated
by a muscle test, we often have that "Aha!" moment of insight. This may be a highly transcendent, sudden,
miraculous moment of enlightenment, like those attained in prayer or meditation, or it may also be a step-by-step
process of development through small, everyday insights as we deal with our problems, our life's work, and seek our
Telos, the purpose in life we were born to fulfill.
The mental exercise of contemplating the metaphor increases parallel processing in diverse areas of the
brain and the whole Soul, bringing more of our innate resources to bear in balancing our energies for our unique
purposes. Just thinking or talking about the metaphor often balances the energy in all of the meridians as indicated
by muscle testing. But thinking about the metaphors also provides all kinds of insights and new perspectives for our
life experience.
What's a Metaphor?
When we use the word "metaphor", we use it in its broadest
sense. We suggest symbolic pictures or actions, figurative or
literal similarities, parallels, Corollaries etc. We are looking for
any imagery that vividly illustrates or represents some
significant aspect of your life.
This is largely a
creative/associative activity. It may help give you specific
conscious insight into your personal life issues, or it may simply
help to "get the juices flowing" in your mind so that more of
your whole system is activated and balanced.
The word Metaphor is composed of two parts, Meta, meaning
higher, larger or changed, and phor, meaning to carry or to
bear. So metaphor literally denotes a word that carries another
meaning- perhaps a larger context, or a higher purpose, or else a
different meaning than is denoted by the literal meaning of the
word, a changed meaning, or a transformed meaning. At the
most basic level, all words are metaphors, symbols (created with
sound, text, pictograms, etc.) which represent something else.
So, when we are working with metaphors at the most profound
level, we are working with all of the functions of Language. We
are tapping into the human meaning-making apparatus,
accessing the power of Sensory Images, Ideas, and Stories.
Sensory images are not just visual, but made up of all of the
elements of perception and experience, the 5 senses,
impressions, emotions, intuitions, associations, reactions,
symptoms. The vast majority of the raw information that we are
exposed to is stored in the form of sensory images or sensememory. Ideas involve some abstract meaning-making related
to our sensory experiences. The realm of ideas encompasses our
thoughts, notions, fancies, suppositions, conceptions, opinions,
views, sentiments, beliefs, intentions, aims, objectives, goals,
aspirations and dreams. We use metaphor to relate our sensememory, ideas and meaning to new experiences and concepts.
We can use a word to signify or denote a specific or particular
thing or idea. This is the use of the symbol or metaphor to show
equivalencies, parallels, likenesses. In literary terminology the
metaphor is a comparison such as,"love is a flame", and the
simile is a comparison such as, " love is like a flame". With this
subtle turn of the phrase we move from one to one
correspondence to mere similarity, analogy, or connotation. The
connotation of words involves varied shades of meaning in
context. Connotation is the meaning of the words found
between the lines -- insinuations, innuendoes, hints, clues,
suggestions, inklings, suspicions, intuitions -- as well as outside
the text -- our personal or cultural associations, reflections,
assumptions, or prejudices. Sometimes we must interpret whole
idiomatic phrases as a single figure of speech. It's not always
enough to know the literal meanings of words. We must also
know where we are and who we are speaking with. Sometimes
if we pause to deconstruct the assigned meanings of words,
phrases or ideas, we can gain surprising insights or find the
release of humor in the absurdity of it. When we take the literal
to be symbolic, or consider the symbolic literally, we are often
freed of our habitual thought patterns, attitudes and postures,
allowing for new ideas, new meanings, new potential for delight
Central Meridian Function The Central Meridian or Conception Vessel is where the used
energy is stored prior to being released with the breath on exhaling.
SUPRASPINATUS: What subtle, small thing or idea do you need to release to reach your goal?
Governing Meridian Function The Governing meridian is a storage vessel for excess or used
energy before this energy is released with the breath.
TERES MAJOR: What are you carrying that has become a burden?
PECTORALIS MAJOR CLAVICULAR: Do you need to hold your chest up or are you too
LEVATOR SCAPULAE: Are you keeping your head on straight/ your nose up, literally or
Anterior Neck flexors: Are you having trouble holding your head up, literally or figuratively?
Posterior Neck Extensors: Are you literally sticking your neck out, or figuratively taking
BRACHIORADIALIS- Are you flexible enough to reach behind you, or ignoring things in
your blind spot?
Spleen Meridian Function 9-11 AM- Are you burdened with toxic dietary, mental, chemical,
spiritual materials? Are you breaking down problems into digestible parts?
LATISSIMUS DORSI: Are you taking swings, striking at things or inhibited from making
large gestures?
MIDDLE TRAPEZIUS: Are you attempting to embrace too much, or do you need to open
your arms wide?
LOWER TRAPEZIUS: Are you attempting to grasp too much, or do you need to embrace
the whole sky?
OPPONENS POLLICIS LONGUS: What do you need to get a grip on? Are you holding on
too tightly?
TRICEPS: Are you reaching out/gathering in enough or not enough, literally or figuratively?
Taste- Sour: Has something that was good gone bad? Do you need to make lemons into
Emotion- Anger: Is your anger directed appropriately (yourself, a person, a thing)? Can
you feel outrage, or passions in general?
Sound- Shouting: Do you need to shout/voice your feelings and ideas? Are you "blowing
hot air", out of self-importance, fear or insecurity?
Fortifies- Ligaments: Do you take precautions? Do you need to "push the envelope"?
Running on reserves or secondary systems?
Personal Power- Birth: What do you need to let out, to give birth to? Need a fresh start?
Starting too many new things?
Worldview/Faith- Infancy/Early Childhood or Intuitive-Projective Faith: Is only one
correct viewpoint? Do you use personal intuition, and dream imagery to find meaning? Are
you dwelling in your own dream-world, ignoring cause and effect, assuming that what seems
right to you will be accepted by others?
Gall Bladder Meridian Function 11 PM to 1AM: Can you digest the heavy parts of your life?
Are you too concentrated, needing dilution?
ANTERIOR DELTOID: Are you able to "take care" of your head, or do you do things that
result in headache. Are the heavy aspects of your life overwhelming you?
POPLITEUS- What seemingly small /unrelated things are a "pain in neck" interfering with
your movements, literally or figuratively?
Liver Meridian Function 1 to 3 AM: How are you handling your multiple responsibilities?
Are you overwhelmed/toxic, or do you need to absorb more?
PECTORALIS MAJOR STERNAL-Are you too open, or do you need to bring in something
cleansing, purifying or nourishing?
RHOMBOIDS- What are you uptight/taking a defensive posture about? Are you holding
onto toxic emotions, etc.?
Climate- Heat: Can you take the Heat, or is the stress and pressure overwhelming? Are
you too passionate, playing it too cool, or getting burned out?
Odor- Scorched: Are you scorched by the elements, traumatic experiences, the passions,
demands, or criticisms of others? Do you take risks, even at the cost of getting scorched?
Taste- Bitter: What regrets or grudges are you Bitter about? What's poisoning you? Too
much stimulation, or not enough?
Emotion- Joy:. Do you need more Love and Joy in your life? Are you masking pain with a
manic attitude/stimulating drugs?
Sound- Laughing: Do you enjoy mirth and Laughter, or avoid experiencing other emotions
by "laughing them off"? Have you laughed at the wrong moment? Have you been made fun
of, laughed at, scorned or ridiculed?
Fortifies- Arteries: Do you have a steady flow and distribution of the fuels and supplies to
maintain your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical vitality? Does some part get poor
circulation and go cold?
Personal Power- Mature: Are you at ease with your limitations? Do you make full use of
your capacities? Are you capricious? Do you experience childlike wonder and joy in life?
Faith/Worldview- Childhood/School Years or Literal/Mythic Faith: Do you have a
narrow, literal interpretation of rules, morals or beliefs? Are you conscious of conventions?
Are you "re-inventing the wheel", "going it alone"? Do you expect precise reciprocity from
Heart Meridian Function 11 AM-1 PM Do you have fluid circulation and communication within
your Soul, or in your daily activities, literally or figuratively? Is there any conflict between your
logical thinking, intuition, wisdom or emotional feelings?
SUBSCAPULARIS- What are you hiding or keeping private? What do you need to reveal?
What do you feel in your heart as opposed to your head?
Small Intestine Meridian Function 1-3 PM What is difficult to absorb, digest or gives you a
stomach ache (physically, emotionally, etc) or inhibits free breathing, figuratively or literally?
QUADRICEPS- Do you need to step up or are you taking steps that are too large? What
mountain are you climbing?
ABDOMINALS- What is your posture and your attitude ? Are you balanced and able to
"make your moves?" or off-center?
Circulation-Sex Meridian Function 7-9 PM How do you feel about reproduction and sex? Are
you creating a legacy in your family, work, play, spiritual community? Do you have circulation
of blood, warmth, nutrition or sexual energy?
GLUTEUS MEDIUS- What little things are you tripping over or bumping into? Do you have
any difficulty holding your legs open, literally or figuratively?
ADDUCTORS- Are you comfortable in the saddle, or saddle sore? Do you need to share
some personal issues, or do you need to keep more things private?
PIRIFORMIS- Do you feel knock kneed, or clumsy? What small, subtle or deep issue is
irritating you, literally or figuratively?
GLUTEUS MAXIMUS- Do you use your gross power to maintain overall stability or relying
on strength when subtlety is needed? Are your sexual urges giving you a pain in the neck
OR is your "head" (thinking) interfering with physical/survival/procreative needs?
Triple Warmer Meridian Function 9-11 PM What gets you hot, physically, mentally, spiritually
or emotionally? Are you constantly fighting or always on the run? What are you willing to
suffer or even to die for?
TERES MINOR- Do you need to open your arms to receive or are you trying to take in too
SARTORIUS- Do you have the strength or passion to "go the distance", or to give your all,
literally or figuratively?
GRACILIS- Do you feel clumsy or shy about your passions, or do your erupting passions
get out of your control?
SOLEUS- Do you know when to stand and fight or when to retreat? Are you overly
aggressive, or fearful, in non-crisis situations.
GASTROCNEMIUS-What are you running to or from? Do you fail to "rise to the occasion"
when there is a genuine crisis? is life a crisis, or an endless series of crises?
Copyright John F. Thie & Matthew Thie 2002; Published by Touch for Health Education, 6162 La Gloria Dr.
Malibu California 90265. All rights reserved.
See The Handy Assessment Chart with Metaphors depicts the 24-hour Wheel (with thumbnail
drawings of the 14 primary indicator muscles), and the 5 elements, for assessment and balancing of 7 Meridian Energy cycles.
On REVERSE is a color coded chart of the TFH Metaphors.