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2006 TOUCH FOR HEALTH Annual Meeting Repor

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T ouch for Health

Kinesiology Association
408 North Main Street, PO Box 392
New Carlisle, OH 45344

This year's theme, "Pathways to Wellness," affords us the opportunity to present an

eclectic mix of ideas that bring greater vitality to our lives.
Our journal and accompanying conference presentations present practical suggestions
to relieve physical, emotional and psychological imbalances and to realign ourselves to
a more healthful state. Whether it is allergies that are plaguing us or our equilibrium
askew due to physical compensations, our goal is simple: to assist you in achieving a
greater state of wellness by introducing you to some key concepts of holism and the
practical skills you can use on yourself or your loved ones.
Achieving a state of wellness means living a higher quality of life and experiencing a
peace that goes beyond what material wealth and external situations can offer. In fact,
those who "have it all," claim that there is no greater wealth. The state of wellness is
priceless. Achieving wellness is achieving real wealth. It allows you to leave anxiety,
drama and disease behind you. It connects you with the means to inner-peace, physical
health and with positive like-minded people who help encourage and support your
personal well-being. Touch for Health harnesses all that is wellness.
We trust that the articles contained herein will add to your understanding of the many
pathways to wellness. By using Touchfor Health principles and techniques to remain
in balance, incorporating the new ideas found in this journal, and sharing your insights
and skills with those you love - we grow our ability to thrive and live a state of
Thank you for joining us, and may we all live long and prosper.

Robert Aboulache
Touch for Health Kinesiology Association

Teaching wellness to the world












Table of Contents

The Legacy of Dr. John F. Thie and Future

Directions of Touch for Health Worldwide
by Matthew Thie


The Crystal Guy

by Gene Jackson


The John F. Thie Memorial Research Project

by Earl Cook


Bypassing the Stress Reaction

by Wayne Topping, PhD, LMP


Self-Mastery: The Pathway to Wellness

by Diane Allan


The Rossiter System: Unlocking

the Body's Pain, Unlocking the Power of the Foot
by Richard H. Rossiter


How to Relieve Stress Pain &

Learning Blocks Without Drugs
by Elizabeth Barhydt, Ph.D, M.T.
& Hamilton "Hap" Barhydt Ph.D


Let the Healing Begin - Within

by Richard E. Simmons, M.D.


Getting People to Try Touch for Health

by Larry Green



and AK

by Sheldon C. Deal, D.C., N.M.D., D.I.B.A.K.


Touch for Health-Kinesiology? Old-Fashioned?

Or Ready for the Future
by Deli Meier-Estrada


Putting on Our Thinking Caps

by Carol Gottesman



The Legge Method of Allergy Elimination

by Michael Legge


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for Peace of Mind

by Bonnie Marianna











Wednesday, July 12th
by Rob Aboulache & TFHKA Board
Keynote: Memorial and Celebration of the Life of John F Thie, DC
by Matthew Thie, MEd







The Legacy of Dr. John F. Thie and Future

Directions of Touch for Health Worldwide
by Matthew Thie

Dr. John F. Thie's

contribution and his
legacy will live through
so many people who
will continue in the
techniques and spirit
of Touch for Health.
He counted his diagnosis
(of aggressive Cancer
in February of 2005)
as a blessing, because it did give him the
opportunity to visit with so many of his friends
and have his family gather around him, and
know that he is loved and his life has made a
positive contribution in the lives of those he has
known, and even many people he will never
know. He made a contribution in his profession,
and to humanity through his work. And he
danced to his own tune. It was a good life.
His presence and support is missed in his
family, church and community, the profession
of chiropractic, the International College of
Applied Kinesiology, and throughout the field
Touch for Health & Energy Kinesiology. Yet his
words and deeds remain as a touchstone as we
go forward in our lives. Carrie and Matthew
Thie carryon the Mission of Touch for Health
Education, with assistance from grandchildren
Tim and Destine Thie. But every person who
touches for the purpose of health carries on in
the legacy of John Thie. This includes all the
TFH Association members, Instructors and
Students, in the USA and Worldwide. So many
people continue to use the concepts, system
and techniques of TFH, each one teaching
one, and making the world a better place, one
person at a time. The IKC continues its mission
of training TFH Instructors internationally,
and the EnKA (Energy Kinesiology Assoc.)
shares a parallel mission with the TFHKA

in creating a support and network for

practitioners, instructors and students, and
awareness among the general public, as does
the IASK (International Assoc. of Specialized
Kinesiology) on an international level.
Touch for Health has been acknowledged as
a foundational training by most all of the
international kinesiology associations, and
is a key part of the training at kinesiology
institutes and within most of the different
kinesiology training programs. I think that
TFH will remain a common denominator
and common language among all people
who practice any form of energy balancing
with muscle testing. More and more, people
are recognizing that within the philosophy
and techniques of the TFH system, there
is a great deal to study, so more hours are
being devoted to study in depth. The IKC is
approving more courses that allow a deeper
understanding of the standard TFH Synthesis.
In England they have developed a Professional
TFH Practitioner training program. I think
that this is an approach that will eventually
be implemented worldwide. I think that
Kinesiology will enter another major growth
period and become much more known and
integrated within all of the healing professions,
as well as contributing to the needed shift
back to empowering individuals to create and
maintain their own Wellness, rather than wait
until they are sick enough to go see a doctor.
Another association that has acknowledged the
legacy of John Thie's work, and the TFH system
is the Association of Comprehensive Energy
Psychology (ACEP). Currently, this is perhaps
the fastest growing group using kinesiology
and energy work, with an attending explosion
of available academic writing on the subject
and a greater emphasis on scientific rationale




and professional research. This is creating

an ever greater need for the fundamental
knowledge and skills of TFH. We will need to
expand the base of instructors as well as work
to create awareness of what we have to offer
and where the training is already available.
Our existing associations are working
towards that end and both the structures
for disseminating information and the
participation of members are improving. In
addition, the Energy Kinesiology Awareness
Council was founded to coordinate and unify
our efforts at enhancing communication within
the Energy Kinesiology field, and increasing
awareness of the benefits of TFH and Energy
Kinesiology among the general public.
There are several significant developments
that Dr. Thie was very satisfied to see realized
before his death. Dr. Thie was able to see the
final galley copy of TFH The Complete Edition
and we firmly believe that this enhanced
and expanded reference will be a quality
resource for years to come, as a platform
for practitioners and instructors to promote
their programs, as a reference for balancing
and a tool for learning and teaching.
Dr. Thie was very happy to see the adoption
of the eTouch program by many practitioners/
instructors, and many new to TFH. Dr.
Thie dreamed and worked for many years
to create this teaching, learning and recordkeeping tool and make it available to the
public. Dr. Thie was especially grateful to
Earl and Gail Cook who are the "Angels"
who made this project finally real and also
created the eTouch Internet Gateway to
upload sessions for our worldwide research
project, now named the John Thie Memorial
Research Project (www.etouch4health.com)
which will gather outcomes from thousands
of participants around the world. Dr. Thie
was able to participate in some of the initial
tests of the Internet Gateway which is now up
and running and we are now recruiting the
initial participants whose efforts will attract
many more, and eventually attract greater
funding and more extensive research projects.
The original vision, of having someone in every
family who can do some basic TFH energy



balancing, has never changed. That goal has

not been forgotten by so many TFH instructors
and practitioners and it is still part of the
mission of the IKC and Kinesiology associations
worldwide. We are still developing ways that
TFH can be used by families, children and
lay people to have happier lives and function
better. The IKC is working on some training
programs that will be even more accessible
to all people. At the same time, there is an
ongoing development of professionalism
and ethics in the emerging field of Energy
Kinesiology. Professional Trainings in TFH
specifically are being developed and the TFH
system forms a core element in many of the
professional Energy Kinesiology trainings.
I (Matthew Thie) continue to enjoy and grow
in my role as a TFH Instructor, teaching TFH
synthesis (TFH 1-4 and TFH Proficiency)
in Los Angeles. I am also carrying on in my
father's tradition of teaching Clinical Intensives
(Covering TFH 1-3 in an immersion approach)
at Serra Retreat in Malibu. As an IKC Trainer,
I am currently teaching the TFH Advanced
Training (Instructor Training Workshop) in
Los Angeles, Puerto Rico and Mexico, and
I am developing an Advanced Clinical TFH
Intensive seminar building on the skills of TFH
1-4, and incorporating many of the additional
ideas that Dr. Thie shared in his workshops.
This will be offered again in June of 2007. I
have shared the TFH Metaphors around the
world, with more than 1,000 students, and
now want to focus on sharing this additional
aspect of TFH in the USA, as well as recruiting
more Instructors and Trainers to add this
material to their teaching programs/practices.
Many TFH In-Depth Courses are being
developed around the world, devoting additional
time to the concepts and details of Five Element
Theory, body mechanics and muscle function/
testing, Posture Analysis, Goal-Setting and
Metaphor, Pain Control, Interview/History
Taking, Communication skills, Practice
Management, and other relevant topics.
It is exciting to see the rapid proliferation of so
many ways to learn, teach and apply Touch for
Health specifically, and Energy Kinesiology in
general. Part of the legacy of John Thie is the
specific Model and philosophy embodied in the




Touch for Health system: making Educational,

Non-Diagnostic, Wellness-Oriented Energy
Balancing available to everyone regardless
of prior learning and without the need for
licensing and regulation in order to touch
one another for the purpose of health.
John Thie remained committed to a
philosophy of freedom and dedicated to
sharing the truth. The most important
message I would have for kinesiologists is
to seek the truth and share it freely with
everyone, for the greatest common good.
Thank you to all of the people who take
time from their lives to use their own
hands to help the people in their lives to
feel better and enjoy their lives more. This
is the legacy that we can all continue.

Features of "Touch for Health:

The Complete Edition"



Taking and the Creative use of Metaphor to

create self-awareness and change. Simply
contemplating the related metaphors, whether
silently or through dialogue, has been shown
to often balance the meridian energy as
indicated by muscle facilitation as well as
changes in posture, attitude and energy.
People consistently find the Metaphors add
depth, meaning and FUN to the process J
We firmly believe that the quality, affordability
and accessibility of the original TFH Manual
has played an important part in the growth
of TFH and Energy Kinesiology worldwide,
improving the lives of millions of people,
and remaining a holistic health "best-seller"
for 30 years. The Complete Edition is now
an even better introduction for the general
public to many holistic/energetic, Wellness
oriented concepts, and the foundational
training in Energy Kinesiology for everyone,
regardless of prior training or experience.

For 30 years now Touch for Health, John F.

Thie DC's simple, safe system, distilled from
concepts and techniques of Effective InterPersonal Communication, Chiropractic, Applied
Kinesiology and Traditional Chinese Medicine,
among others, has been used successfully by
lay people as well as in the clinical setting.
Chiropractors as well as Medical Doctors,
Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Nurses
and even Psychologists have found that the
holistic approach of balancing the muscular
posture together with the Life Energy flow
(the acupuncture meridian system: the Chi) is
powerful both as treatment and as education
of patients and clients. Patient satisfaction
and clinical outcomes are improved
when the individual
can become more
aware and empowered
in their own
self care and health maintenance.

Our intention is that The Complete Edition will

continue to serve as the premiere manual and
textbook for learning, teaching, and practicing
TFH and Energy Kinesiology, and be a catalyst
for a new era of growth and accessibility of this
amazing work: A key Reference for the standard
IKC (TFH I-IV) Training; A resource for
independent experimentation and investigation
(a map for self-teaching as an untold number
of people have used it over the years!); A
Resource and Guide for diverse educational
and clinical settings (From community centers
and community colleges to the top academic
institutions, from home-school/home-care to
Institutions and clinics of modalities such as
Massage, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Sports
Training/Therapy, Coaching, Psychology,
Complementary and Alternative Medicine as
well as orthodox allopathic bio-medicine.)

Touch for Health: The Complete Edition, Coauthored with Matthew Thie, M.Ed., is a
completely revised and expanded and improved
version of the classic work. In full color and
double the page-count of the original edition,
it retails for $28.95, slightly less than the
previous edition. Covering the complete TFH
1-4 Syllabus of the International Kinesiology
College, as well as Dr. Thie's detailed insights
into Goal Setting, Pain Control, History

The new edition features a sturdy spiral

binding, protected by a bookstore friendly hard
cover and convenient dimensions. There is Full
Color throughout, with improved photographs
of the 42 muscle tests, both lying and standing,
and more detailed muscle anatomy illustrations,
showing both surface contour/landmarks and
the underlying skeletal structures. As with
the original book, The Complete Edition has




printed tabs that can be cut for quick reference

to the meridians/muscles and an overview of
all 42 muscles as "thumbnail" illustrations,
in both meridian and anatomical order.
There are numerous additional tables and
diagrams, including the patterns of the 24hour Wheel and 5-Element cycles, Acupressure
Holding Points Theory, and multiple recordkeeping forms for home or clinical use.
Also included are inspiring TFH Success
Stories, illustrating the types of benefits and
transformations people have experienced.
I would like to thank Gary Peattie and
the entire staff of our publisher Devorss &
Company, for the massive amount of work and
resources they put into The Complete Edition,
and I encourage all of our TFH'ers to
express their thanks as well, and take
advantage of this tremendous
Make sure all of your current and former
students and/or clients READ this new edition,
and go ahead and renew your commitment to
educating your community in these methods to
Develop Awareness, Balance Posture and Life
Energy, & Enjoy Life; The Event Managers
at your local bookstores,
the big chains like Barnes & Noble or
Borders, will be happy to coordinate
of this easy, simple,
safe system of Energy Kinesiology (muscletesting and energy-balancing) with goal-setting
and creative visualization to help you:
Clarify your personal
vision & Passions
Clear mental/ emotional/
physical and energetic blocks



"Touch for Health: The Complete

Edition," Recommended Reading
Touch for Health: The Complete Edition, covers
the complete IKC TFH 1-4 Syllabus, as well
as Dr. Thie's insights into Goal Setting, Pain
Control, History Taking and the Creative use of
Metaphor to create self-awareness and change.
TFH Instructors,
will want to read
over the following sections so that you
are aware of additional information and
techniques beyond your 1-4 Manuals:
Introduction, Muscle Testing*, 16-24,4147, Goal Setting, 72-73; 87-89; 303-314
Pain Control & History Taking, 326-331,
Assessment Balancing, Simple Model (No
Over-Energy): Wheel, 236-238; 25E, 40244, Creative use of Metaphor * 66,67;
215-223; Four Health Roles: 333-334
(Not IKC
1-4) described in The Compete Edition
Attractor Value: 312, Fishing for Issues:
308, Reactive Muscle Shortcut: 293, Test
Also/ Related Muscles: 65; Opposing
Muscle Strengthening, 277, Sedating &
Re-strengthening, 278, Repeated Muscle
Testing, 276, Food as Metaphor, 323

*TFH Pocketbook with Five

Element Metaphors
Introduction 3-6 , Options for Balancing 1821, Touch Reflexes review 12-17; 21-28,
ADDITIONAL Tips on Muscle Testing
28-39, Five Elements 74-80, Metaphor
Protocols Fix-as-go & Assessment, 4
Health Roles 182, Reference: Details of 111
TFH Metaphors 93-177

Relieve pain and tension

Balance your energy flow to
enhance your personal bests,
achieve more consistent and
frequent peak performances
and reach your life goals.

The following table provides a suggested

guideline for students and teachers of
TFH for relating the different sections
of the new Complete Edition to the
regular TFH Synthesis syllabus.

This is a Win/Win/Win Process, increasing

awareness and access for the Wellness of
the public, bringing more traffic and sales
into the bookstores, and building up the
profile of local instructors/practitioners,
increasing their volume of students/clients.




TFH Level

Reading Recommended for Students

Before TFH 1

Foreword, I-iv; Intro, v-xxii; Evolution ofTFH, 3-15


Muscle Testing 16-24; Posture 26-29; Meridians 3036; Review Pre-tests and Touch Reflexes 36-66
Test Also/ Related Muscles: 65; Opposing Muscle
Strengthening, 277 [Review TFH 1 techniques]


Before TFH 2

Test Also/ Related Muscles: 65; Opposing Muscle Strengthening,

277; Review Muscle Testing*, 16-24,41-47
*( Pocketbook :Tips on Muscle Testing, 28-39)


[Review TFH 2 techniques as written in course

manuals vs. in Complete Edition]

Before TFH Metaphors

(For Instructors who have
had 1 Standard update, the
Metaphor workshop counts
as a subsequent update.)

Goal Setting, 72-73; 87-89; 303-314

Creative use of Metaphor * 66,67; 215-223;
(NOTE: The metaphor workshop can be taken any time after TFH 2,
and is not required for attending TFH 1-4, Proficiency or the ITW)

During Metaphors

(TFH Pocketbook: Introduction 3-6; Five Elements 74-80;

Metaphor Protocols Fix-as-go & Assessment)

Following Metaphors

(Pocketbook: Review Details of 111 TFH Metaphors 93-177)

Before TFH 3

Review Details of Wheel and Five Element Balancing, 236-238; 240-244


[Review TFH 3 techniques as written in course

manuals vs. in Complete Edition]

Before TFH 4

Review tests of 42 muscles Lying and Standing, 92229; Preview Anatomical order 284-289


[Review TFH 4 techniques as written in course

manuals vs. in Complete Edition]

Before Proficiency

4 Health Roles: 333-334;

Pain Control & History Taking, 326-331
TFH Database: 238-239
(Pocketbook: Tips on Muscle Testing 28-39)

During Proficiency

TFH Database and be sure you are comfortable

with all of the techniques listed- 238-239
Database approach mastery 238-239
Non-Standard techniques (Not IKC 1-4)
described in the Complete Edition:

Value: 312

Fishing for Issues: 308

Before ITW

Reactive Muscle Shortcut: 293

Test Also/ Related Muscles: 65; Opposing
Muscle Strengthening, 277
Sedating & Re-strengthening, 278
Repeated Muscle Testing, 276
Food as Metaphor, 323





















Thursday, July 13th

Laying on of Stones for Chakra Balancing and Alignment

by Gene Jackson

The John Thie Memorial Research Database

by Earl Cook

Marketing to Massage Therapy Schools

by Jerry Blackburn
(no article submitted)

Bypassing the Stress Reaction

by Wayne Topping, PhD







The Crystal Guy

by Gene Jackson

Kyanite Chakra


Throat: Light Blue Stone


Third Eye: Indigo Blue Stone


Crown: Violet or Clear/White

Have the person

stand in front of
you with their
arms uncrossed


(Optional) Peace Chakra/

Thymus: Robin Egg Blue stone

Starting at
the CROWN,
take the kyanite
and move down the chakras.

Use a laser wand crystal over

each of the chakras to further
open and balance them.

Use a shard crystal to "paddle"

the aura over the entire body
and blend the energies.

Move back up the body, stopping at

each chakra to open and re-balance it.

Move the kyanite in a clockwise or

counterclockwise direction depending
upon what feels intuitively correct. When
the chakra feels open, move to the next.

Use any other healing technique

you want to combine with
the stones at this time.

Remove the stones starting at the crown

and working down from the root.

Make sure the person is back in their

body and grounded before getting up
from the table or letting them drive.

Gene's Basic Stone Layout

Have the person lie on the table with
their arms and legs uncrossed.
Say a prayer for the highest wellbeing of the recipient, yourself
and the universe in this healing
session, with harm to none.
Work from their left side (heart side).
Sweep your kyanite wand from the
root to the crown chakra and down
again to align and open the chakras.
Starting at the Root chakra, lay
stone(s) on each of the chakras.
Basic Chakra layout:




Root: Red or Black stone


Sacral: Orange Stone


Solar Plexus: Yellow Stone


Heart: Green or Pink Stone

Remember to cleanse your stones

(smudge, water, beaming white light,
rice, candle flame) after each use.
Gene Jackson













The John F. Thie Memorial Research Project

by Earl Cook

In this presentation,
I will examine why
research is necessary
and beneficial for
the Touch for Health
healthcare model. I will
give a basic overview of
the scientific method,
examine different
research methods
available and offer
recommendations for the types of research that
we should conduct. We have been developing
a set of research tools over the past five years
and we examine why they are applicable
to our research efforts. I will also present
initial results from our research and plan to
conduct a test of the entire system from the
riverboat that conference attendees will be on
while touring the riverfront of Cincinnati.

A short history of our research project

Dr. John Thie talked for over 30 years about
the need for an organized research effort into
the efficacy and outcomes produced when
using the Touch for Health techniques. As the
eTouch for Health software was developed,
many features were built into the software,
at the request of Dr. Thie, with an eye on the
future and its function as a research tool. The
Gateway software drops into existing copies
of eTouch so that Participating Research
members can then submit actual results
(minus personal identifying information)
through the Internet to the online database.
In his last public appearance at the TFHKA
conference in Durham, North Carolina, Dr.
Thie used the eTouch software and Gateway to
successfully submit the results of his onstage
balancing session to the research database.


After over five years of development, the tools

are now in place to allow this project to happen.
In research, it is extremely important to have
an organized, consistent and thorough means
of record keeping and tools in place to use in
the research. The eTouch for Health software
is the tool that allows TFH Researchers to
conduct sessions and record the results that
is consistent among all eTouch users around
the world. Many of the entries are automated
to a high degree, which makes it easier for
the researcher and ensures a higher degree
of accuracy for the research purposes.

Why conduct a formal

research project?
Clearly define and explain the benefits
of Touch for Health in legally and
scientifically acceptable terms that
are backed by research. Today, we are
limited by what we can say about the
benefits of TFH energy kinesiology
balances. With research that backs
up and supports what we know, we
will be able to expand our statements.
Here is an example of something that
we wish we could say ... "The TFH
Energy Kinesiology techniques have
been proven in research to be the most
effective and cost-effective means to
reduce physical, emotional and mental
pain and allow people to lead fuller,
more productive and happier lives."
Make ourselves relevant. Energy
kinesiology has been practiced for
almost 40 years around the world,
yet, in formal research projects being
conducted by academia, government
and healthcare professionals, TFH
is not showing up in the list.




Provide a data source for researchers

conducting Case Studies and preparing
articles for peer-reviewed journals
Pave the way for formal research
grants. Before we can expect to be
awarded a formal research grant,
we must show that we are already
conducting research and can show
our studies, techniques and results.
Build a foundation for research that
will allow researchers to find new and
now-unimagined new techniques and
ways to use TFH energy kinesiology.

What type of research

should we conduct?
Quantitative, qualitative, quality of life,
or double blind clinical studies with
randomly selected subjects and testers?
There is a general agreement in the scientific
community that formal research conducted
using scientific methods is needed to explain
phenomena in our would. There is much
less agreement and, often times, outright
controversy over the methods used to test and
prove these phenomena. Some methods work for
some study areas while others don't. Some hold
that the double-blind study is the only method
to be used, but it is sometimes impossible to
use this technique and the ethics of using this
technique have come into question. How would
we even conduct such a test in Touch for Health
when we are so actively involved in helping
people? We think that there are better ways.
Often, there are combinations of methods,
i.e., quantitative and qualitative. While it
is acceptable to select and use methods that
are most appropriate for testing and proving
your hypothesis, it is essential to perform
the research, tests and observations with
objectivity and thorough and consistent
record-keeping while using structured tools.
Some common qualitative methods are
observations, in-depth interviews and focus
groups. In the National Science Foundation
article, Overview of Qualitative Methods
and Analytic Techniques, the authors
state, "Observations are carried out using
a carefully developed set of steps and



instruments. The observer is more than just

an onlooker, but rather comes to the scene
with a set of target concepts, definitions,
and criteria for describing events. While in
some studies observers may simply record
and describe, in the majority of evaluations,
their descriptions are, or eventually will be,
judged against a continuum of expectations.
Observations are usually guided by a
structured protocol. The protocol can take a
variety of forms, ranging from the request
for a narrative describing events seen to a
checklist or a rating scale of specific behaviors/
activities that address the evaluation question
of interest. The use of a protocol helps assure
that all observers are gathering the pertinent
information and, with appropriate training,
applying the same criteria in the evaluation."
This article continues by stating, "The
protocol goes beyond a recording of events,
i.e., use of identified materials, and
provides and overall context for the data.
The protocol should prompt the user to:
Describe the setting of the
program delivery, i.e., where the
observation took place and what
the physical setting was like;
Identify the people who participated
in these activities, i.e., characteristics
of those who were present;
Describe the content of the
intervention, i.e., actual activities
and messages that were delivered;
Describe the interactions
between implementation staff
and project participants;
Describe and assess the quality of
the delivery of the intervention; and
Be alert to unanticipated events
that might require refocusing one
or more evaluation questions"
Our protocol tools, eTouch for Health, the
Internet Gateway and online research
database have been designed to be both
quantitative and qualitative tools and
record details about the participants,
results of the tests, techniques used and
comments made by subject or researcher
in their observation and intervention.




So that 'apples-to-apples' comparisons can be

made accurately, eTouch for Health codifies
the TFH model so that meridians, muscles and
techniques all have identifying codes while
testers and subjects also have IDs. Important in
the whole research and quantifying process is
that we enter before and after values for goals
or for conditions when we balance subjects.
These before and after values are extremely
important and are used by the online research
database to calculate the 'Improvement
Factor' for each of the sessions submitted to
the database so that the effectiveness of the
intervention can be measured quantitatively.
This number, expressed in a percentage, shows
how much improvement was measured in
the TFH intervention. There will be a large
amount of aggregate data that can serve as
the source for further statistical research as
the dataset grows in volume and diversity.
From our research efforts so far, we think that
the qualitative and quality of life research
methods best fit the holistic reality of the TFH
synthesis. Qualitative research involves indepth interviews, observations and detailed
note-taking ... things we already do in TFH,
especially if you are already using eTouch for
Health in your sessions. In Touch for Health,
we are actively involved in helping people
improve their lives as we work with them
defining meaningful goals, reducing stress
and improving confidence and self esteem
and measuring the progress as a result of
our interventions. Collecting this data in an
organized and consistent manner so that tests
and results can be repeated and replicated
by others is essential in our research and our
tools provide a good protocol for researchers.
Our research experience has identified a
quality-of-life (QOL) research tool that has
been accepted by the scientific community
and will fit our research. This tool, the SF36 Health Survey measures before-and-after
intervention values for the subject's quality
of life when asked questions concerning
mental, emotional and physical well-being.
The Case Study is also an important research
tool that we think fits the nature of TFH
and can be used in proving the hypotheses
that are being proposed as research topics.



A future proposed study design may include

the SF-36 QOL research tool to measure
subject values before the study begins and
at the conclusion of the study to measure the
effectiveness of the TFH interventions. This
tool, which is commonly accepted in the health
research community, can produce the values
that can be compared to other research projects
in other disciplines. But, since this tool does not
collect or produce the background supporting
evidence necessary in a formal study, the
eTouch, Gateway and online Research Database
will collect the supporting evidence for the
study and serve as the source for further case
studies and analytical and statistical research.
The database of results also provides
comparative analysis so that patterns can be
spotted graphically as the key measurements
of meridian energy status is presented along
with energy blockages and energy 'beaver
dams'. Identifying common patterns in the
results is a powerful way to find trends and
effective techniques and it is hoped that the
graphical nature of the display of these results
will allow patterns to be easily recognized.
eTouch and the research database are both
built upon relational database techniques
and are analogous to the 'relational'
makeup of the body in its holistic state.

What is the scientific method and

how does it affect our research?
The scientific method has four steps:
1. Observation and description of a

phenomenon or group of phenomena

2. Formulation of a hypothesis to
explain the phenomena or alternately
a reasoned proposal suggesting a
possible correlation between or among
a set of phenomena. It is essential
that the outcome not be known, If
it is, then it is a consequence and
should have already been considered
while formulating the hypothesis.
3. Use of the hypothesis to predict
the existence of other phenomena,
or to predict quantitatively the
results of new observations




4. Performance of systematic experimental

tests of the predictions by several
independent experimenters and
properly performed experiments
Other important guidelines
to be considered are:
If the tests verify the hypothesis then it
may become a theory. If the tests do not
verify the hypothesis then it
must be rejected or modified.
Results must meet predictions
Scientist's bias must be reduced or
removed from influencing the outcome
Bias can be sorted out by many
performing the same tests with
all having different bias

What are the hypotheses that

we will use in our research?
During 2004, we were working with a local
university in Atlanta, Georgia to design
and conduct a formal research study. The
university has a physical therapy department
that includes a group of Chinese doctors that
are working to integrate Eastern and Western
techniques. In this study, the plan was to
have 30 graduate PT students participate in
a study where we would use the standardized
SF-36 health survey to measure before and
after general physical, emotional and mental
aspects of the participants while we planned
to use eTouch and the Research Database to
collect the specific data for each balancing
session that was performed on the students.
Unfortunately, we were only able to get seven
commitments from the busy students and
the study did not proceed. During the design
of the study, Dr. Thie, Research Director
for the IKC, created a group of hypotheses
that we wanted to study as we build our
theories. These hypotheses are listed below:
Proposed Hypotheses for formal Touch for
Health Research submitted by Dr. John Thie:
Balancing will relieve pain,
improve pain-free range-of-motion
and provide greater balance in
Balancing the muscles as



indicators of meridian energy will

improve the posture and subjective
personal feelings.
We hypothesize that balancing will allow
a quicker time of recovery after injury
and a lessened time for recovery after an
athletic performance.
Balancing will create a
subjective feeling of 'wellness'
and less stress.
Recovery time from surgery
will be reduced when:
1. Balancing is done prior to the

surgery so that the subtle energies

will be in balance before a successful
surgery procedure
2. Balancing the subtle injuries
after the surgery
by either:
a) Balancing the person using pain
or discomfort when positioning
the limbs as the
muscle indicator.
b) Using a surrogate
for balancing
Balancing the subtle energy will
reduce the need and frequency
for pain medication.
As we build our foundation for research
there are other theories (hypotheses?)
that our research will be based upon:
There exists a phenomena described
as an energetic meridian system in
the body that was known about over
5,000 years ago by the Orientals and
is known as chi, ki, ka, the life force.
This energy flows in predictable patterns
and has polarity (Yin and Yang)
Blockages in this flow can be identified
and intervention will restore the flow
and balance of the bodily energy system

Challenges facing us in
our research efforts
Touch for Health is holistic/wholistic and the
entire synthesis is extremely wide in aspects
and tall in content. One task at hand is to
resolve this challenge is to explain TFH and




energy kinesiology by identifying what is a

theory, what are the hypotheses and what is
the model in the TFH Synthesis? Presenting
TFH in a consistent manner in which we
use scientifically acceptable language will
be a key goal as we conduct research.
In TFH, our primary testing tool is 'US'! We
are an active participant in the intervention
as we participate in evaluating the result of
a muscle test; therefore, we are the testing
'instrument'. How do we overcome the skeptic's
viewpoint that this is too subjective?
In TFH, we encourage our subjects to
communicate to us what they think the result
of the intervention in after and before tests.
We muscle test and then ask the subject if
they think the muscle locked or not? Having
the subject be the primary decision-maker in
this process helps to overcome any subjectivity
that the tester may be introducing. The
tester, though, must observe the subject and
look for signs of muscle recruitment or body
language that indicates that the subject is not
communicating a correct assessment of the
test results. This partnership in the testing
and balancing process is the key to keeping the
process objective as we conduct our research.
The TFH curriculum and literature stress
the importance of objectivity and encourage
the finer points of how to develop increased
accuracy in testing by improving the
muscle-testing technique of the tester.
We also increase the probability of accuracy
and reduce the margin of error by having
a large data set and a large number of
researchers performing the same tasks of
testing and balancing and recording the
results using the same tools. When multiple
testers obtain similar results when using the
same techniques, we decrease the margin
of error while also increasing the level of
objectivity present in our research efforts.
We prove that the results are repeatable by
having other objective persons perform the
same procedures. We can make predictive
statements of what an intervention
will accomplish and then outline the




processes to achieve these results and

other researchers can then duplicate our
tests and therefore validate our results.
In our early efforts, one of the first challenges
to our methods was by a researcher who said
that our testing techniques were too subjective
and a machine was needed to evaluate the
results of a muscle test scientifically. This
presents a real challenge for us, because can
we design an 'instrument' to measure what
we measure? Can an instrument be designed
that is sensitive enough to detect the 'locking
point' of a muscle test and adjust the amount
of force to account for the muscle being tested
and the specific strengths and weaknesses of a
subject? We sometimes 'conduct' energy at the
same time we are a measuring and evaluating
states of energy and the results of a muscle test.
So, we are the 'instrument' that is part of the
intervention. Should we wait until a scientific
instrument is designed that can perform a
muscle test and then evaluate the results
before conducting research? It is our opinion
that we cannot wait for the invention of such
an instrument and that we should precede
with our observational, in-depth interviewing
and case study approaches until such an
instrument is available. We will welcome
having such a device to aid in our research, but
until one is available, we will proceed using
the best instrument that we have available
which turns out to be us! But, in doing so,
we must be as objective as humanly possible
in interpreting the results of a muscle test.
A key factor in conducting a formal scientific
research study is starting with a 'not
knowing' mental attitude. It may seem to
be impossible, but we must take an attitude
that we do not know anything about what
we use everyday. We then formulate our
hypotheses to explain the phenomena of
TFH and perform our testing in an objective
nature and record the results of before and
after our intervention. This 'state-of-mind' is
very important as we conduct our research.
The most important value that we use to assess
the effectiveness of our intervention is the
value that the subject conveys to us about their




level of pain, discomfort and general sense of

well-being after our intervention. We use these
measures constantly as we work to improve
the health and well-being of those we work
with. There is an impressive history of positive
outcomes in Touch for Health. We must make
now make a concerted effort to record these
interventions so that we will have the data
to prove that the use of the Touch for Health
protocols are predictable, repeatable and do
improve the quality of life of our subjects.

The Dr. John F Thie Memorial

Research Database is now functional!
The John F. Thie Memorial Research Database
is now functioning! This is a call for the
Touch for Health worldwide community to
begin participating in these groundbreaking
efforts. There are two ways to participate.
First, Participating Members will be actively
participating by testing, balancing and
submitting results to the online database
via the Internet. Supporting Members
will be helping the efforts of the research
project with their dues and interest in the
research program. For more information
on joining the efforts, please go to www.
touch 4health.com/research/info.html
In a statement from 1991, provided by Dr.
Joseph Keating, PhD, biographer of Dr. Thie,
it is evident how long this project has been
in the works. In 1991 (Winter): Touch For
Health [published by the TFH Foundation]
Dr. Thie states, "We need evidence that the
application of the TFHS gives the results we
say it does. We all believe in the effectiveness
of the TFHS interventions, their economy
and their ability to help the whole person
in the physical, intellectual, chemical,
emotional, social areas, the reaching of goals
and the healing of past unhealed wounds.
I believe we can prove what we are doing! All
practitioners and teachers worldwide need to
participate and be involved in generating new
knowledge about what does and does not work
in the teaching and practice of TFHS. We
must be part of the improvement of the quality
of the TFHS as it is used and taught.
All practitioners, teachers and providers (PTP)
of the TFHS can participate in developing



international databases on the changes

resulting from interventions with the TFHS.
Our knowledge of what are the outcomes
of our interventions must be scientifically
gathered to justify the public's continued
and increased use of the TFHS. Proof
will allow its PTP to compete in a truly
free market in the world of health care."
A few years back in my computer software
development career, I worked on a project for
a research group that is part of a children's
hospital in the U.S. that is known as one of
or the top facility for conducting research on
children's diseases. The project in which I
was involved would allow the research staff
to dynamically create clinical trial questions
in a database and then email these to
selected researchers around the world. These
researchers would then submit their results
via the Internet to a central database where
they would be available to the researchers.
Six years later, many of the same tools and
concepts were used in the development of
eTouch for Health, the Gateway and the
online database. One big difference in our
approach is that our research tool (eTouch
for Health) is already in the hands of the
potential researchers. With our system,
we do not dynamically create clinical trial
questions, but we do have the ability to email
all researchers and ask them to focus on
one specific area, use the same techniques,
submit the results so that all the data is then
available for comparison by analysts and other
researchers, This capability is very powerful
and can be a useful feature in future research.
There will be two types of membership
available as we launch the John Thie Memorial
Research Project: Participating and Supporting
Memberships. Participating members will
actively participate in the project by conducting
sessions, recording the results in eTouch for
Health and then submitting the results through
the Internet to the Online Research Database.
Supporting members will assist the project
through their dues and interest in the progress
of the project. Both types of membership are
important and vital in the success of the project.





Initial Results from the Research

Database and a live test in Cincinnati
In my presentation at the Touch for Health
Annual Conference in Cincinnati, I will present
initial results from the research efforts. As part
of a demonstration of the flexibility of the tools,
I want to conduct a Touch for Health balance
on the riverboat when we take our Tuesday
evening cruise. Then using the free wireless
capabilities of the Cincinnati riverfront, I
want to submit the results wirelessly from
the boat through the Internet to the central
database. During my presentation, I will then
show these results. One of the strengths of
Touch for Health is that it can be performed
anywhere and at anytime. This test is meant
to demonstrate this fact and that the tools are
flexible enough to match the strengths of TFH.
Touch for Health is designed to be available
to both professional healthcare providers as
well as for the layperson. Can both of these
groups achieve similar results? The research
project will track the results for each group so
that comparisons can be made by using the
improvement factor as the value for comparison.
Which techniques provide the most
improvement? Does focusing on Goals provide

Qualitative Methods in Health Research by Office
Of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research,
National Institutes of Health, U.S. Government:
Overview of Qualitative Methods and
Analytic Techniques, National Science
Foundation, U.S. Government: http://www.
nsf.gov/pubs/199 7/nsf9 7153/chap_3.htm
Research Methodologies in Science Education:
The Qualitative Quantitative Debate by Julie
C. Libarkin, Science Education Department,
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics:
The Scientific Method by Jose Wudka, UCR
Physics: http://physics.ucr.edu/~wudka/




more improvement in outcomes than focusing

on individual conditions? What techniques are
most effective in each situation? How much
difference in improvement factors do performing
pretests provide? We think that we can predict
these answers, but will the results support
our predictions? These are just some of the
answers that we expect the research database
to provide in addition to providing the overall
foundational data to support the proof that the
Touch for Health Synthesis is one of the most
effective models for improvement overall wellbeing of those that receive TFH interventions.
The call goes out to Touch for Health
participants around the world to become part
of this groundbreaking and historical effort.
Become an active participant in Dr. Thie's
dreams as this project becomes a reality and
help Touch for Health grow into the future.

Earl Cook
President, Laser Solutions, Inc., IKC Research
Technical Director, TFHKA Research Member
and IKCITFHKA TFH Instructor
Developer of the eTouch for Health, TFH
eCharts, Research Gateway and Online
Research Database software systems

Appendix E: Introduction to the Scientific Method,

Rochester University: http://teacher.pas.rochester.
edu/phy_labs/ AppendixE/ AppendixE .html
Scientific Method, Wikipedia: http://
Quantitative Method, Wikipedia: http://
Qualitative Research, Wikipedia: http://
Double-Blind, Wikipedia: http://
Clinical Trial Management: http://
Placebo-Effect, Wikipedia: http://
Pseudoscience, Widkipedia: http://



SF36 Health Survey: http://www.qualitymetric.com/

Introduction to Case Study by Winston Tellis:



The Qualitative Report, Using Case Study

Methodology in Nursing Research by Donna M.
Zucker: http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/aindex.html

Application of a Case Study by Winston Tellis:


The Qualitative Report, Interviewing Exercises:

Lessons from Family Therapy by Ronald J. Chenail:

Reformatting Reporting Methods for Case Studies

by Dan Bachor, PhD, Univ. of Victoria:

Keeping Things Plumb in Qualitative

Research by Ronald J. Chenail: http://www.
nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR3- 3/plumb.html














Bypassing the Stress Reaction

by Wayne Topping, PhD, LMP

Many of us claim we
want to integrate
positive changes into
our lives, yet most of
us struggle in this
area. We shall examine
some outstanding
research concerning
troubled marriages
that identifies a major
problem that prevents such changes from
taking hold. Then we'll consider solutions that
arise from taking a kaizen approach to life.

How would you feel if a former classmate at a
twenty-fifth class reunion said to you, "Wow!
You haven't changed a bit." Now, if it is in
regard to personal appearance - trim waistline,
full head of hair, unwrinkled face - you would
probably be delighted. However, what about if
the comments related to your character and
behavior? That wouldn't be so cool! Because,
the reality is -- as much as we would like to
make certain improvements -- it is actually
quite difficult for the average person to change.
Let's look at some marriage research that
shows why it is difficult to institute selfimprovement. Then we'll look at a concept that
should make it easier for a person to change.

Why Marriages Deteriorate

For years I had wondered why marriages often
deteriorated into the nagging wife-withdrawn
husband scenario. I had observed it empirically
but had no way to rationally explain it. Once
I was introduced to the research of clinical
psychologists John and Julie Gottman my
questions were answered. For more than 23
years, the Gottmans and colleagues have been

studying marriage to answer questions such as:

Why do some relationships click, while
others just tick away like a time bomb?
How can you prevent a marriage
from going bad - or rescue
one that already has?
After extensively examining over 3000
relationships in the "love lab" at the University
of Washington in Seattle, they have some
answers. Their knowledge of what causes
marriages to succeed or fail is now so precise
that Dr. Gottman can observe and listen to
a couple interacting for an hour and predict
with 95 percent accuracy whether that couple
will still be together in 15 years' time, fifteen
minutes and his success rate is around 90
percent (Gladwell, 2005). How is that possible?
In the "love lab," while a couple discusses any
issue from their marriage, their responses
are measured in a number of ways; they are
video-taped on camera from various angles,
they are observed through a one-way mirror
system, electrodes on their chests measure
their heart-rates, devices taped to their fingers
monitor their pulse and how they sweat in
response to stress, sensors clipped to their
ears record how fast blood flows from their
hearts to their extremities, and a shifting
platform beneath their chairs measures how
much each partner wiggles during the session.
After recording the physiological responses to
stress, the researchers have reached a number
of conclusions. I'll share two here that answer
the question I posed above and will provide
a segue into the second part of my talk.
In simplified terms, in an emergency situation
the brain and body are wired up to react in
a number of predictable ways that have been
characterized as the "fight or flight" response.




We fight off the aggressor or we run out of

harm's way. In a troubled relationship, the
flight response will appear as withdrawal or
stonewalling. The Gottmans found that in 85%
of marriages the stonewaller is the husband.
Why? This is primarily because the male
cardiovascular system is more reactive than
the female cardiovascular system and slower to
recover from stress. For example, if a man and a
woman hear a very loud, brief sound like a tire
blowout, most likely his heart will beat faster
than hers and stay elevated for a longer period
of time. His blood pressure will also become
more elevated and stay higher longer. Since
marital confrontation that activates vigilance
takes a greater physical toll on the male, it is
no surprise that men are far more likely than
women to resort to avoidance strategies.
The Gottmans have discovered that more
than 80% of the time it is the wife, who is
constitutionally better able to handle stress,
that brings up sensitive issues. The husband,
who is less able to cope with it, will attempt to
avoid such subjects. He may become defensive
and stonewall. Or he may even become
belligerent or contemptuous in an attempt
to silence her. Typically a wife may say, "We
need to go for some marriage counseling." The
husband's response is likely to be, "You can go.
You're the one that's messed up. I don't need
any help." Truth is, he's more afraid of it. If the
couple don't get help, the husband will often
distance himself from his spouse. That can lead
to divorce, or a dead marriage, in which they
maintain separate, parallel lives in the same
home. They no longer feel connected to each
other and have given up on the relationship.
These couples desperately need help. However,
this research illustrates that it is difficult to
bring about change when you are in survival
mode. What can be done? Kaizen to the rescue!



production. Accordingly, the United States

government created management courses
called Training Within Industries (TWI) to
meet this need. Instead of encouraging radical,
more innovative change, one of these TWI
courses exhorted managers to implement
what it called "continuous improvement"
- i.e., to look for hundreds of small things
you can improve. Rather than being a totally
inadequate response, this concept of continuous
improvement resulted in a profound acceleration
of America's manufacturing capacity. One of
the most vocal advocates of this approach was
a statistician called Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

Fast-forward a few years. Now it is after the
war and General Douglas MacArthur and
his forces are occupying Japan. MacArthur
is concerned about an invasion from North
Korea and sees that it is in America's best
interests to have a stronger Japan. Achieving
a thriving Japanese economy would require
improved worker efficiency and raised
business standards. Ironically, at a time when
America no longer sees a need for "continuous
improvement" the United States government
TWI specialists go to Japan to introduce
such concepts to the Japanese. They are very
receptive. Dr. Deming is involved in their
trainings and, behold, the Japanese economic
miracle. In fact, the Japanese are so impressed
by the idea of small, comfortable steps toward
improvement that they coined the term kaizen
to describe it. Interestingly, one of my friends
who works for Boeing told me that he keeps
hearing management talking about "kaizen this
and kaizen that"! What was once an American
idea has now come back into American industry.
How does it work? In Dr. Robert Maurer's
book One Small Step Can Change Your Life:
The Kaizen Way, the underlying physiological
responses are summarized in this way:

The Development of an Idea

In 1940 France fell to Nazi Germany.
America's allies needed shipments of military
equipment desperately. Moreover, it was
becoming increasingly more obvious that
America would eventually enter the war.
American manufacturers would need to step
up quality and quantity of their armament


Large goal - fear access to cortex restricted - failure

Small goal - fear bypassed cortex engaged - success




We, kinesiologists, understand the first line.

Innovation, i.e. shocking and radical reform,
is sufficiently stressful that the individual
goes into the fight/flight response, the frontal
lobes of the brain shut down and the person
goes back to reacting out of the midbrain for
survival. If change is the goal, we're doomed to
failure. In kinesiology, our response has been
to use techniques such as emotional stress
release to restore brain function to the frontal
cortex. While these approaches work, taking a
kaizen approach in addition increases chances
for a successful outcome, especially when we
consider clients with posttraumatic stress
disorder who have been severely traumatized
and clients who are in a troubled relationship
such as the marriages described earlier. With
kaizen, the changes are deliberately made to
be sufficiently small that they don't activate
the vigilance response, which would put the
individual into fight/flight. Because kaizen
allows the control of the brain to remain in the
frontal lobes, the person can entertain new
options, new dendritic connections are being
made and the person can head on towards
success. This approach is consistent with what
I have observed among peak performers. They
advocate that people who are serious about
being successful should do something small
every day to advance them toward their goals.
Every small step is a step forward. While
each in itself is very small, if they accumulate
enough of them they will achieve their goals.
Recognizing Kaizen in Action
The Kaizen approach can be recognized in
other areas as well. For alcoholics to consider
going the rest of their lives without drinking
is inconceivable. It would create such stress
that they would go back to drinking. However,
if the goal becomes that of going for a single
day without drinking, for many that is
conceivable, yet if done continuously results in
a life of sobriety. Einstein described the power
of compound interest as the eighth wonder
of the world. To illustrate, if a fifteen-yearold were to invest $7 (U.S.) each month and
compound it at 15% per year, by age 65 they
would have more than $1 million. At age 50,
it would require an investment of $1500 per
month (Givens, 1991). The latter is such a
large amount it is not conceivable for the vast



majority of people. The former is so plausible

that all that prevents it is a lack of knowledge
and the development of the habit of putting
the investment aside regularly. However, as
with kaizen, a small continuous effort results
in profound results. An accountant friend of
mine, Eric Bowen, was contemplating (and
calculating) one day what the daily difference in
effort and achievement was between Bill Gates
(two years his junior) and himself. He came
up with what he calls The 0.1% Principle:
"One-tenth of one percent improvement
every day over the previous day will
make a million-fold difference in
one's lifetime achievement. One-tenth
of one percent improvement every
day makes the difference between
a common person's achievements
and those of the great leaders, the
great inventors, the Nobel Prize
winners, and the billionaires."
I'm sure the Japanese would approve!
Dr John Gottman, in his books (1999,1994),
educates people as to the "four horsemen of
the apocalypse," the factors that are most
destructive to relationships. While dramatic
changes in a relationship are probably doomed
to failure, one of the major strategies advocated
(Gottman and DeClaire, 2001) is that of
bidding for connection, where a "bid" is the
fundamental unit of emotional communication;
this can be a question, a gesture, a look, a
touch -- any single expression that conveys
the message, "I want to feel connected to you"
-- would certainly fit into the kaizen model.

How Can We Apply Kaizen

with Our Clients?
If the client's proposed change is
considerable, there is increased chance for
failure. Therefore, we can use the kaizen
approach to greatly increase the likelihood
of a successful outcome for the client in
numerous ways, regardless of the goal.
Have the client commit to doing
something toward the goal every
day, no matter how small.





Spend two minutes each day imagining

(sculpting) an ideal marriage.
Spend five minutes a day
decreasing credit card debt.
Spend five minutes a day cleaning
up excess paperwork.
Questions are a great way to engage the
brain in a playful way, for example,
How can I improve my communication
with my spouse in some small way?
What would an ideal marriage look like?



changed a bit!" he or she will be saying,

"Wow, you've changed! How did you do it?"
Wayne Topping, PhD, LMP, is a former geology
professor who became a TFH instructor in
1977. He has training and certifications
in many kinesiologies including extensive
training with John Barton of the Biokinesiology
Institute. Wayne has taught in 22 countries
and written 23 books and workshop manuals.
He is founder of Wellness Kinesiology with
its 17 courses and is a Touch for Health
faculty member for the United States.

If it is difficult to generate answers to the

questions listed above, Dr. Maurer advocates
repeatedly asking the same question so
that the hippocampus (the part of the
brain that stores information) will have
no choice but to eventually answer it.

Topping International Institute, Inc.

2505 Cedarwood Ave, Ste 3
Bellingham, WA 98225
United States


Information about classes is available on
the website www.wellnesskinesiology.com

Apply the kaizen strategy to your own life

and at some future class reunion, instead of
a former classmate saying, "Wow, you haven't

Givens, Charles J. More Wealth Without Risk.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991.
Gladwell, Malcolm. Blink. New York:
Little, Brown and Company, 2005.
Gottman, John M. with Nan Silver. The Seven
Principles for Making Marriage Work.
New York: Crown, 1999.
Gottman, John M. Why Marriages Succeed
or Fail ... And How You Can Make Yours
Last. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.
Gottman, John M. and Joan DeClaire. The
Relationship Cure. New York, Crown,
Maurer, Robert. One Small Step Can Change
Your Life: The Kaizen Way. New York:
Workman, 2004.


Dr. Wayne Topping



















Friday, July 14th

Self Mastery: The Pathway to Wellness

by Diane Allen

The Power of the Foot

by Richard Rossiter

How to Relieve Stress Pain & Learning Blocks Without Drugs

by Elizabeth Barhydt, Ph.D., M.T. & Hamilton "Hap" Barhydt, Ph.D.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About TFHK and the IKC
by IKC Faculty

Let the Healing Begin

by Richard Simmons, MD

Massage Therapy Techniques for the TFHK Practitioner

by Jerry Blackburn

Marketing Your TFHK Classes

by Larry Green

New Developments in Kinesiology

by Sheldon Deal, DC







Self-Mastery: the Pathway to Wellness

The Mind-Body Connection
by Diane Allan

The path to wellness
begins and ends
with self-mastery.
Self-Mastery is
understanding your
divine-self and choosing
to conduct your life in
a way that supports
everyone and everything
in the universe. In this
presentation, Diane will share her personal
story and use Holistic Kinesiology to
explore the consequences of limiting beliefs.

"All meaningful and lasting change

starts first in your imagination
and then works its way out.
Imagination is more important than
knowledge." - Albert Einstein

"Wedo not see things as they are, we
see things as we are" - Anais Nin
The first decision you must make on the
pathway to wellness is to discover what you
believe about the universe. Do you believe
you live in a friendly universe or do you live
in a hostile universe? Who are you? Where
did you come from? Why are you here? What
is your purpose? Do you live your life by the
wisdom you have acquired or the beliefs you
have been given? Behind the roles you play, the
strategies for getting by, the defenses against
being hurt, who are you? Is it difficult to see
yourself as you really are; has conditioning
trained you to be materialistic, or to constantly
defend or prove your worth or point of
view? How do you really see your world?


Mastery is not a place, but a process. The path

to wellness or self-mastery could be defined
as a process of accumulated philosophic
or scientific learning. Experiencing and
investigating life to gain knowledge when
accompanied by a desire to live and act
according to the wisdom that has been revealed
is self-mastery. Self-Mastery is having the

Courage to Use Your Own Intelligence.

"You must be the change you wish
to see in the world." - Gandhi
When humans begin to search for the cause
of events instead of reacting to the events, we
acquire the information needed to consciously
change our lives. This journey of changing
old patterns and perceptions transforms our
reality. This conscious shift begins with the
understanding of self. If you have a pain, do
you take a pill or do you seek out the cause?
If you have an unpleasant experience, do you
blame someone else, or do you seek to see what
you are telling yourself? Understanding the
conscious and unconscious choices you make
is the first step in intentionally creating your
reality. This self-awareness is a cornerstone
of self-mastery. Achieving self-mastery will
change your life and the lives of those you
consciously or unconsciously touch forever.

The Foundations of Self-Mastery

and the Creation of Health
The mind-body connection to health and
wellness was first introduced to me through
my own illness (an autoimmune disorder) and
Dr. Bernie Segal's book, Love Medicine and
Miracles (Segal, 1986). Dr. Segal's book is about
how "exceptional" cancer patients take charge
of their lives by finding their authentic self and




following what they feel is their own true course

in life, and how this can lead to "self-induced"
healing. This wonderful book was the beginning
of many life changing ideas, concepts and
events, for me personally and professionally.
The Encyclopedia of Britannica states: Energy
exists in various forms-including
potential, thermal, chemical, electrical and
can be converted from one form
to another ("energy" Encyclopedia Britannica
online). For example, fuel-burning heat
engines convert chemical energy to thermal
energy; batteries convert chemical energy
to electrical energy. Though energy may be
converted from one form to another, it may not
be created or destroyed; that is, total energy
in a closed system remains constant. All
forms of energy are associated with motion.


of Quantum

Behavior: Wave-Particle


Physical science tells us everything is made

of atoms. Atoms are made of electrons,
neutrons and protons. They all hold a charge.
They are in a constant state of motion and
are just like a community working together
to create something. At the quantum level,
our understanding of atomic structure and
quantum mechanics and the effects were
discovered and described early this century
by Earnest Rutherford, Max Planck and Niels
Bohr. It has been observed that when we focus
on the particle it becomes a wave. When we
focus on the wave it becomes a particle. At
the cellular level this energy works together


to become something. It has the potential

to be converted into something new.
("Wave-particle duality" Encyclopedia
Britannica, online)
What does this information say about our
ability to become something, experience
something, or to have something? Could
the human body, just like the electrons,
neutrons, protons and atoms it is composed
of, be a community of cells working together
with a focus on balance and health? If this
is true, could disease, be a community
of cells that have lost their balance and
are not focused on the same intent?

The Belief in Two Powers:

The CONSCIOUS mind, the

Keeping this definition in mind, we can begin

to understand that if everything is energy in
motion, then our thoughts are also a form of
energy. Energy may be converted from one form
to another but not created or destroyed. Total
energy in a closed system remains constant.
Could everything already exist in this closed
system we call earth? Could the laws of energy
apply to our thoughts and remain constant?
Quantum science has proven that potential
energy resides at the level of the particle and
wave. Our thoughts reside at the quantum
level where the potential "to become" lies in our
imagination. When seen through our minds
eye, what we imagine can become our reality.


mind and the



We need to retrain the imaging faculty. The

thinking self or conscious mind is what you
are focusing with in the moment. It sees
life as it appears. It can focus forwards and
backwards. It has free will, which is the
ability to stop a behavior and create a new
response. It also sees life with two powers.
Good and Bad. It is where polarity exists.
The subconscious mind is an emotionless
database of stored programs. It is power without
direction. What a person feels deeply or images
clearly, is impressed upon the subconscious
mind, and carried out in the minutest detail.
You can get a clue to your own personal
programs or limiting beliefs by observing
your parents and then noticing your own
fundamental behaviors, beliefs and attitudes.
The subconscious mind always operates in the
present moment. It is always on duty, managing
the behaviors required at the moment without
conscious supervision. It is a programmable
"hard drive" into which your own life
experiences are downloaded. The programs
are stimulus-response activated. Pleasure,
pain, emotions and external events activate
the programs. When a stimulus is perceived
it will activate a behavior response that was
learned when the signal was first experienced.





The superconscios mind is the realm of perfect

ideas or the place where Infinite Intelligence
resides. Plato spoke of "perfect pattern" or
the divine design for each person. There is
only one power residing in the superconscios.
There is no polarity. This power is called
divine perfection or love. Anything that is not
love comes from the conscious mind and the
subconscious mind of programmed beliefs. In
this place of perfect ideas we use our words,
thought's imagination and ideas to heal,
bless and prosper everyone and everything.
Our lives are a reflection of our beliefs and
fears. These beliefs and fears - usually
subconscious, are the cumulative effect of
life-long "programming." As a result of past
negative programming, we sometimes think
and behave in self-defeating ways. Changing
subconscious beliefs and discovering fears
that may be sabotaging us is similar to
reprogramming a personal computer.
Every event in your life whether with family,
job, friendship, romance, love, or betrayal have
all provided you with important emotions and
feelings, which will lead you to self-mastery.

Limiting Beliefs

Universal Fears

Hopeless - not possible

Helpless - not capable
Worthless - not worthy
Blameless - not responsible
Useless - not desirable


Beliefs for Self-Esteem:

1. I deeply appreciate and accept myself.
2. I love myself unconditionally.



passionate relationship.
3. I am ready for a powerful, intimate
relationship in my life now.
4. I am willing to risk loving
and being loved.
5. It's okay for me to express my
truth in a relationship.
6. It's okay for me to grow and
change in a relationship.
7. It's easy for me to receive
love from others.
Beliefs for Spirituality:
1. I believe in (Divine Intelligence,
God, Buddha, Allah, Great Spirit).
2. I am loved by (Divine Intelligence,
God, Buddha, Allah, Great Spirit).
3. I trust (Divine Intelligence, God,
Buddha, Allah, Great Spirit.).
4. I love (Divine Intelligence, God,
Buddha, Allah, Great Spirit, etc.).
5. I am a necessary and important
part of the Divine plan.
6. I am guided & protected by
(Divine Intelligence, God, Buddha,
Allah, Great Spirit, etc.).
7. I have a personal relationship with
(Divine Intelligence, God, Buddha,
Allah, Great Spirit, etc.).
Beliefs for Personal Power:
1. I trust the decisions I make.
2. I trust the Divine guidance
I am receiving.

4. I am confident and self-assured.

3. I acknowledge my ability and

responsibility to make a positive
difference in the world.

5. I am proud of my results,
comfortable with my successes

4. I actively embrace the opportunities

that come with change.

6. I am proud of my results,
comfortable with my failures.

5. I am true to my personal vision.

3. I deserve the very best life has to offer.

7. I am a good person.
8. I do my best and my best is good enough.
Beliefs for Relationships:
1. It's easy for me to give love to others.
2. I am worthy of an intimate,


6. I am willing to take the risks necessary

to live my life openly and honestly.
7. I give myself permission
to do what I love.
Beliefs for Grief and Loss:
1. I release all guilt, shame and




blame resulting from my past

thoughts and actions.
2. I forgive myself for love and
affection I withheld in anger
from others and myself.
3. I fill my mind with positive,
nurturing and healing thoughts.
4. I acknowledge my feelings as a
necessary part of my healing process.
5. I know when it is time to let go, and I do.
6. Everything happens in Divine Order.
7. I have faith in my future and myself.
Your mind, when programmed with love and
acknowledgement, creates happiness and
abundance. Your mind, when programmed
with beliefs supporting fear, shame, blame
and guilt, creates hard or difficult experiences.
These experiences are filled with pain and
suffering. TO THINK IS TO CREATE. What
are you creating: Something old or something
new? Changing the old programs enables
you to rewrite the software of your mind.
Self-mastery is using The Power of Thought
to create positive change and requires an
understanding of one's own power and
a strong sense of self-determination.
In his famous 1784 essay "What
Is Enlightenment?", Immanuel
Kant defined enlightenment:
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his
self-caused immaturity. Immaturity
is the incapacity to use one's own
understanding without the guidance
of another. Such immaturity is selfcaused if its cause is not lack of
intelligence but by lack of determination
and courage to use one's intelligence
without being guided by another. "

Science, Self-Mastery and Faith:

We have two choices in life Grow and learn or defend
David Hawkins M.D., PhD, in his book,
Power vs. Force, describes two general
classes of people: believers and non-believers.



The pessimistic position of non-believers is

everything is false until proven true stems
from fear; the optimistic believers acting from
self-confidence say things are true until proven
false. His book is the study and mapping
of the energy fields of consciousness using
kinesiology. He states, "Living things all react
to what is life-supportive and what is not; this
is the fundamental mechanism of survival,
Inherent in all life forms is the capacity to
detect change and react correctively." By paying
close attention to your thoughts, perceptions,
beliefs, attitudes and feelings, his Map of
Consciousness (Pg. 30-53) can help you identify
in the moment, where your consciousness lies.

The Power of Thought is the ability

to use the mind to create change
Our subjective mind creates duality. The
law of attraction, like the law of gravity, is
ever present and always in effect. Simply
stated: Like attracts like. In achieving selfmastery and wellness it is important to
understand and master the universal laws
that underpin our existence. Our thoughts are
like magnets; what we think about returns
to us and create our physiology. To create
wellness in our lives, we need to investigate
our thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and
beliefs and learn to think thoughts of health,
happiness and prosperity. Every thought
you have has a corresponding action in the
body. Man's conscious thought, acting through
universal law, may change any condition in his
experience, provided he can clearly conceive
of that condition as being changed. The only
limit is in man's desire to search out the truths
of these laws and constructively use them.
The Placebo Effect is one of the most
extensively documented and widely accepted
forms of the power of thought. The placebo
effect occurs when the mere belief in the
remedy renders the remedy effective.
However, according to Dr. Larry Dossey in
Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and
the Practice of Medicine, the placebo effect
has contaminated even double-blind studies
(Dossey, 1993). This suggests: Experimenters'
and physicians' beliefs about a remedy can be
communicated to their patients subliminally,
if not telepathically. Even in the Bible, the






faith in the cure was one of the essential

elements in healing in statements attributed
to Jesus (Matt: 17:20, 13:58, and Mark 6:6).

Beliefs, Conscious Creation and SelfMastery: Your Beliefs Establish The

Limits Of What You Can Achieve!

Just how do beliefs and emotions create change?

If we use the human body as a model for
creation, a good example would be the body's
response to an emotion. In the first step, a
belief is held (a habit or state of mind in which
trust or confidence, is placed in some person
or thing). In the second step an emotion ... a
state of feeling that, creates a physical reaction
and physiologically involves a change ...
prepares the body for immediate action. All
there is: is mental action and reaction.

Our outward life experience is the result of

our inner mental beliefs. Our actions, which
create our experiences, are the direct result
of our thoughts. Our ego bombards our mind
with many cleverly devised patterns of nagging
thoughts, fears, doubts, suspicions, reasoning
and theories. The ego knows our strengths
and weakness, our beliefs and fears. Our ego
has created concentrated areas in our mind
where a particular group, activity, or set of
opinions is concentrated. This area keeps us
in prison due to a certain way of thinking.
Barriers are in your mind; change your
thinking, and influence your life experiences.

Belief + Emotion

= Change

Just how did this perfect response system get

confused. Remember, like attracts like. The
emotions of fear, guilt, anger and resentment
draw to us what we focus upon. Many people
are adept at focusing on problems and can
articulate very clearly what isn't working in
the world. Imagine what that person's life
might be like if he/she was focused on what
they wanted. Learn to be happy with who you
are! Happiness is a choice not an emotion.

FAITH is taking the first step even when

you don't see the whole staircase. Your
expectations set the boundaries for your
life. Everything is energy in motion. Dare
to believe for the impossible. Conceive it in
your heart and see through eyes of faith.
Don't settle for anything less than the best.
First, evaluate yourself. What kind of beliefs
do you have about yourself? Be honest. Are
they positive, neutral, limiting or negative?
What you believe about yourself has a greater
impact than what others believe. Do you have
different types of beliefs for different areas of
your life? Look for incongruence. Examples
in your life might be you may believe you
are a successful doctor or practitioner, but
have a lifeless marriage. Or you may see
yourself as active and healthy, but struggling
financially. Do you believe in some medical
diagnosis being the only outcome and certain
treatments the only options? If so it is time
to step out of the box. Let go of old collective
conscious beliefs and focus on new outcomes.


Roger Banister ran a 4-minute mile. A few

decades ago no runner could break this
record now more than 336 others have. He
moved beyond the barriers by training,
focus and having the belief he could do so.
Banister broke a perceived limit in human
capacity. Once he broke through that limit,
he shifted beliefs about what was possible.
Once those beliefs shifted, many others
were also able to cross that barrier. We see
this happen all the time in the worlds of
athletics, medicine, science and technology.
"Responsibility is about living in the
present moment. We cannot change
the past. We can only affect the
future by what we think and do in
the present." - Science of Mind

You can't unscramble eggs. Fostering the

positive creates successful solutions. Letting go
of the past, instead of using the past emotional
wounds as an excuse for making poor choices
today, is preferred and powerful. Speak positive
words about every situation you face. Your
words affect others. What are you passing
to others? Learning to send negative energy
projections back to the sender enables you to
maintain a positive frame. Example: I can
see you are very angry, thank you for telling
me; I might be angry also if I were you.




While Kinesiology is the allopathic study of

muscle movement, Holistic Kinesiology
also includes the study of all natural body
energies and their effect at the physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Holistic
Kinesiology acknowledges the relationship
of the mind, body, and spirit and is a great
tool for discovering limiting beliefs. Many
of our beliefs are hidden from our conscious
mind, but they still affect our decisions and
our life. They affect what we attract into our
lives. What do you expect to happen in your
life? Think about your relationships, your
job, your community and your life. Be honest.
What are your limiting beliefs? When a client
or patient comes to see you and they have a
diagnosis where does your mind go? Are you
open to the possibility of spontaneous healing?

The Path to Well ness

and Self Mastery
Wellness begins when a person understand
that their life is in their control. What
differentiates self-mastery from self-doubting
is being willing to show up for life and not be
passive. A continued focus on what is wrong
lessens the flow of our creative abilities keeping
us stuck in our emotions and old realities.
You will never rise above the image you have
of yourself. Who do you think you are?
Understanding your Divinity
and choosing to conduct your life
in a way that supports everyone
and everything on the planet
Faith is required because
your expectations set the
boundaries of your life
Begin to look inside for answers
instead of casting blame. Why
did I react this way?
Understanding the law of
attraction (like attracts like)
Figure out if you are coming from a
place of compassion, polarity or denial
Giving up the need to be right
and the use of fear, shame, blame
and guilt to control others
Understand that your life is in your
control and you are not a victim
(you only have a victim story)



Understanding no one can

make you feel anything
Deciding to rewrite the 'software' of your
mind in order to change the 'printout' of
your life (It is all in the programming. In
order to change your life it is important
to conquer and transcend the challenges
of life by changing your thinking and
feelings, reactions and behaviors.)
Believing that you have a unique
purpose and potential in the world
and it is up to you to discover
what it is and how to use it.
Use the power of thought to
create positive change
Have a strong sense of selfdetermination to accept the perfection
in every event knowing it is an
opportunity to gain wisdom
Become Compassion; "acquire the ability
to witness an event without judgment"
Deciding to articulate new beliefs and
lead others to new understandings
of health and wellness

The Golden Rule

The golden rule is expressed in many of the
world religions and in many cultures. Different
words are used but all say the same thing; " Do
unto others as you would have them do unto
you." To apply the golden rule adequately, we
need to be able to imagine ourselves, vividly
and accurately, in another person's place on the
receiving end of our actions. In order to do that
there must be a desire to know our beliefs and
understand what effect our beliefs and actions
have on our lives and the lives of others.
Centuries ago, when Greece was considered
the epitome of Philosophy and Civilization, the
words 'Gnothe Seauton' which means 'Know
Thyself' were inscribed over the entrance to
the Apollo Delphi an Athenian Temple.
I challenge everyone to "Know Thyself" to
discover who you think you are and then decide
who you are to become. Always remember
a belief is a state or habit of thought in
which trust or confidence is placed in some
person or thing. Wisdom is the perfection of







knowledge about the most important truths

accompanied by an inclination of the entire
human nature to live and act accordingly.

"Imagination", "What Life Means to Einstein: An
Interview by George Sylvester Viereck," for the October
26, 1929 issue of The Saturday Evening Post.

"Wave-particle duality" Encyclopedia

Britannica from Encyclopedia Britannica
Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/
eb/article?tocId=9076323 [Accessed 2006].

Nin, Anais 1903-1977) US (Frenchborn) author & diarist

Immanuel Kant (1784) essay

"What Is Enlightenment?"

Segal, B. (1986). Love, Medicine and

Miracles. New York: Publisher.

David Hawkins M.D., PhD, Power vs. Force,

"Energy" Encyclopedia Britannica from Encyclopedia

Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.
com/eb/article?tocId=9363715 [Accessed 2006].


Dossey, L. Dr. (1993) Healing Words: The

Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine
Harper San Francisco: Publisher.













The Rossiter System: Unlocking the Body's Pain, Unlocking

the Power of the Foot Richard Rossiter, a Certified Advanced
Rolfera, has refined a powerful system of two-person stretching
techniques that quickly and powerfully prevent and relieve pain ...
by focusing exclusively on the body's connective tissue system
By Richard H. Rossiter
When I graduated from
the Rolf Institute in
1983, I was infused
with energy and
well-trained in the
principles, practices,
the recipe and language
of Rolfing. But when I
opened my practice and
began receiving phone
calls from prospective
clients, their reality didn't match my training.
"I hear you do Rolfing," went the typical
phone-call inquiry. "Can you fix my low
back pain?" If it wasn't a low back problem,
it was an achy elbow, a stiff shoulder,
a painful knee, a case of carpal tunnel
syndrome or something else causing pain.
I wanted to respond with an enthusiastic
"Yes!"... but my official Rolf response
instead went something like this: "If the
body is realigned with gravity, and if I can
recreate the flow and get harmony in your
body, yes, your pain can be alleviated."
Not only was that response a mouthful...not
very many people understood what I was
talking about. And in true Rolfing fashion,
I felt compelled to schedule 10 one-hour
sessions to fully get rid of their pain.
Their next most common questions were
"OK, how few sessions will it take to get that
fixed? And how much is this gonna cost?" It
was obvious they were as concerned about
as their pain as they were about their time
and their wallets, and caller after caller
kept throwing the same questions in my
face: how few sessions, and how much?
Today, 20 years later, I still get similar
calls, but my responses and my approach to
Integration have
changed completely, thanks to a combination of:


The challenges presented by

my clients over the years

A rethinking of what causes structural

pain - and what gets rid of it

The ability to work early in my career

with a neurosurgeon who referred to
me his most difficult patients, and

The willingness of my clients to test

new techniques and movements,

Eventually, I created a system of powerful,

tissue-changing techniques called The
Rossiter System. Over the past five years,
I have begun taking The Rossiter System
to the bodywork community - massage
therapists, Rolfers/structural integrators,
healing touch therapists, nurses, physical
therapists, chiropractors athletic trainers
and the lay public. No matter where I go or
which audience I teach, the frequently asked
questions are the same, and I hope to answer
them in this paper - both to explain what
The Rossiter System is and how it works, but
also to give bodyworkers of all backgrounds
and training a sense of how these techniques
work quickly and effectively to prevent/relieve
pain and address the root causes ... and not
just the symptoms ... of structural pain.

What Is The Rossiter System?

The Rossiter System is a series of more than
100 powerful stretching techniques that two
people do together to quickly and powerfully
change large volumes of connective tissue
in short amounts of time. The upper-body
techniques are arranged in 10 levels, each level
building on the knowledge and foundations
of the one before it. The higher the level, the
more challenging the techniques and the
quicker the results. The Rossiter System also
has specific sets of techniques for low back/
sciatic region, hips, knees, feet and hands.




Each technique has to meet four qualifications

to be included in the system: it has to be:
Teachable to anyone
Easy to learn

Able to produce consistent results

Each technique has a name, a specific use,

written instructions and an accompanying
video. One of the most powerful techniques,
for example, is called Hole in the Shoulder
for opening the shoulder girdle. Two of
the elbow techniques are called Bicep and
Bicep Torque. One of the most powerful
foot/ankle techniques is the Lower Calf
Crunch, and something called Double Claw
can help open up the hand and wrist.

What makes these techniques

different than say Pilates, stretching
or traditional massage?
First, the techniques are based on two
concepts: weight and movement. The therapist/
provider (called the "Coach" in the Rossiter
framework) uses the foot to add weight to
the client's body before and during each
technique. The foot adds warmth to the
tissue, allowing it to stretch more easily and
freely, and it anchors tissue in place while
the client executes each technique's specific
movement(s). The client is called the Person
in Charge (PIC), because he/she is in charge
of finding the pain in the body and working
hard to stretch it out. Each technique requires
determined and active movement by the PIC.

Why use the terms "Coach" and "PIC"

instead of therapist and client?
In the Rossiter System way of thinking, getting
out of pain is a team approach. The Coach
has the knowledge of the body/anatomy/tissue
and can help "coach" the client, literally out
of pain by knowing how, when and in what
order to use the techniques. The PIC, in turn,
knows exactly where pain exists and moves in
his/her body, and with the Coach's instruction,
encouragement, badgering and guidance,
can find the pain, stiffness and tightness,
follow it through the tissue and stretch it
out so that it resolves and moves out of the



tissue very quickly. With this relationship,

the PIC takes responsibility for healing and
recovery, and both share in the results. The
therapist isn't put on a pedestal as an expert,
and the client becomes an active participant
in his or her own health. The PIC, not the
Coach, gets credit for successful results.

What is a typical Rossiter

session like?
First, it's called a "workout," not a session. And
it's much different than a traditional massage,
healing touch or therapy session. And there's
no need for the client to undress. All Rossiter
workouts are done with the PIC fully clothed.
The PIC typically lies on the floor on a foam
mat (a few of the techniques are done in a
straight-back chair). The Coach stands next to
the PIC and uses his/her foot to add weight to
the PIC's body and then instructs the PIC on
each technique ...when to move, how to move,
where to move, etc., constantly adding verbal
encouragement and instruction to the process.
No table work is ever needed, although it's
an option. Before each technique is done, the
PIC moves into a position called "Locking."

What is "Locking" and why is it done?

Locking, in my way of thinking, is the position
that integrates each technique into the
PIC's body. Locking involves three specific
movements. First, the PIC pushes out with
the heels and pulls the toes toward the torso,
engaging or "cocking" the long sheaths of
connective tissue at the backs of the legs. (The
PIC does NOT engage the low back, and if
he/she does, is instructed to use only the legs).
Secondly, the PIC sweeps the opposite arm out
to the side with the palm facing outward and
the fingers pointed to the ceiling, resting it so
that the arm is perpendicular to the body. This
engages the large sheaths of connective tissue
of the arm, hand and upper side torso. And
lastly, the PIC naturally rolls the head down
and away, so that the nose is pointing toward
the shoulder (this is not a tilt, not a lift, but a
natural roll down and away and must be done
correctly to avoid headaches). These movements,
along with normal breathing, engage the
sheaths of fascia in the upper neck and
shoulders. If the PIC is doing a technique on





the right arm or right elbow, Locking is done on

the left side of the body; and vice versa. When
the PIC is in this three-movement "Locking"
position, the body's head-to-toe network of
fascia/connective tissue is engaged or "cocked"the true essence of integration of connective
tissue. The PIC is asked to keep breathing
normally and to keep the eyes wide open - a
way to ensure the PIC is always present and
participating. THEN and only then does the
technique begin on the other side of the PIC's
body. (For floor techniques done face-down,
some modifications are needed for Locking,
but the concepts remain the same and some
form of Locking is almost always involved).

How is each technique used?

Give some examples
Anyone who learns the Rossiter System
learns the guidelines that govern the use of
techniques. First the techniques are done three
times each, about 10 seconds each repetition.
With each subsequent repetition, weight is
moved about one-quarter inch to address a
slightly different but equally broad area of
tissue. The same side/same foot principle
applies as well, meaning if you're delivering a
technique on the PIC's right side, you use your
right foot. If the technique is on the PIC's left
side, you use your left foot. That keeps your
body, as the therapist, balanced as well. The
PIC is asked frequently to compare what the
stretched side/body part feels like compared
to the un-stretched/unaddressed
side or body
part. Communication is important, and the
PIC and Coach must talk constantly to discuss
results, sensations, placement of weight, etc.
The PIC determines the amount of weight, the
PIC determines the amount of the movement,
but the Coach encourages maximum effort and
participation for all techniques for best results.
Once you get the hang of The Rossiter System,
you can do a full workout in 20-30 minutes.

Are there some clients who can't do

The Rossiter System techniques?
Many of the same guidelines that govern
which clients are eligible (or not eligible) for
other types of bodywork apply to Rossiter
techniques as well. The primary difference
with Rossiter is that clients must be able get




onto and off the floor by themselves. One of the

Rossiter System's benefits is that it's attractive
to potential clients who might not ever pursue
other modalities, such as people who do not
want to undress, people who are obese/bodyconscious, even big beefy athletic types whose
tissue is so dense that the practitioner's hands
aren't able to penetrate it well. It's particularly
well-suited for clients who want to take an
active, conscious role in their own healing and
recovery ... people who want to do more than
just lie on a table and let someone else work
on their body. They want to do the moving, the
stretching, the feeling, and the sensing of their
own tissues. Once they "get it," they understand
the huge difference that Rossiter techniques
can make in their own bodies, and they're
amazed at how quickly the results can be felt ..
In my 20 years as a bodyworker, the clients
who got the best results were those who truly
wanted to be active participants and do the
hard work needed to get better Within minutes,
they're saying things like, "It feels lighter,"
"It feels looser," "It hasn't felt this fluid in 5
years," or "Oh, my gosh ... the pain is GONE.".

How did you develop the Rossiter

System? What's its evolution?
One of my first successful clients happened
to be a neurosurgeon who - although he
offered back surgery to his own patients
- was interested in every possible alternative
except surgery for his own chronic back pain.
Impressed by the results he received from my
Rolfing intervention, he began referring to me
what I refer to now as his "basket-case" patients
- the ones for whom he'd run out of options.
They'd had multiple surgeries. Their joints
were swimming in cortisone. Some were legally
disabled or unable to return to work because of
worker's compensation injuries, or-more likely
- the surgeries and treatments foisted upon
them by the workers' compensation system.
Their presence in my Rolfing practice forced me
to re-think the tenets of my training, especially
about which body parts get "worked on" during
each of the 10 sessions. And re-thinking the
tenets of my training forced me to try new
things in my practice, particularly with clients
who were good at giving feedback about what
was happening in their own bodies. Through




trial and error, I started experimenting.

When I'd work on a particular part of their
body, I'd ask them to describe how it felt, how
it changed, how it moved, which approaches
were more powerful, which produced the
quickest and best results. Over time, it became
clear that I alone couldn't resolve their pain
completely. By asking THEM to move while
I worked their tissue, I doubled my results.
By making them stretch and elongate their
own tissue while I applied weight, they were
suddenly getting the results I felt they should
be getting - and getting them immediately.
Most importantly, I began to pay attention to
my own body. After a day of Rolfing, I watched
my clients leave my office - moving freely,
thanking me for making them feel better,
proclaiming easier freedom of movement
and less pain ...while I went home hurting
like hell. My thumbs and fingers ached.
My palms and hands hurt. My elbows and
shoulders hurt and bothered me into the
evening and sometimes made it difficult to
sleep. How long, I began to wonder, could I
keep subjecting my own body to this kind
of physical demand before it gave out of me?
And what would I do with my career then?
In time, I began experimenting with my feet.
Instead of kneading/pushing/poking
my hands, fingers and shoulders, the feet
provided a flat and powerful surface that
allowed me to anchor a PIC's tissue in place
while he/she stretched under my direction.
And clients, I've found, are much more
willing to accept weight, delivered slowly and
deliberately by the broad/flat foot, than they
are to endure the pointed, painful probing
and digging of sharp fingers and elbows.
Anyone trained in various forms of
bodywork would look at a Rossiter System
workout and see elements of Rolfing/SI,
Shiatsu, massage therapy, Thai massage
and other modalities. But what's really
going on is a powerful combination of those
things and something else: client-driven,
practitioner-coached bodywork that deeply
and powerfully changes a large volume of
connective in a very short amount of time.



What The Rossiter System excels at, is creating

and re-creating the original "space" that the
body is designed to have. As soon as you put
back into the body its originally designed
space, pain goes away. Often, you can't take
remove or change a client's pattern or habit
or lifestyle. No matter how much bodywork
clients seek out, they will still walk and run
the same way, return to the same job, stand
the same way, perform the same tasks, repeat
the same bad habits and play the same sports.
The practitioner's role, then, is to remove the
stress lines that create the pain on a regular
basis in the client's body. What you can do
is give them as young a body as possible by
maintaining its youthful "space." Your clients
may not have a choice in the work they do,
but you can give them powerful tools and
techniques that can prevent and relieve pain
as often as they need it wherever they need it.
The bottom line is that all our clients want
to do is get out of pain and feel normal
again. The Rossiter System uses common
language, common techniques and commonly
understood practices to help them do that
- quickly, inexpensively and effectively.
They FEEL the results immediately,
and that's what counts most to them.

How quickly are

results delivered?
Most of the actual tissue work in a Rossiter
workout can be done in 30-40 minutes. What's
guided me personally is this question: What
is the most I can do in the least amount of
time to get maximum results? I'll let other
practitioners answer this question as well.
Because each practitioner, I've found, uses the
Rossiter techniques differently and adapts the
system differently into their own practices,
their own philosophies and their own needs.
Roberta Eichman, 25-year massage therapist
and Aston Patterninga specialist, Durango, CO:
"Most people who do the Rossiter System 'get it,'
and those who do are so grateful. They realize
something different is going on that's going to
make a difference, and they see it within the
first two moves. You can see it on their faces.
This is different than any massage they've





had. This is different than any bodywork

they've had. This is a better way of getting
at things ... it really addresses tissue threedimensionally ...you can get the underneath
side, the wrap-around, the places you can't
penetrate with your hands. Whatever clients
need to happen, they can find it with movement
and weight if you're coaching them right."
Jean Loose, Grand Junction, CO, nurse for
36 years, massage therapist for 18 years, SI
practitioner for 4 years: "I can now do in five
minutes with Rossiter techniques what used
to take me 30 minutes of SI work. Rossiter
just works so much faster than any SI things
I ever did. Clients seem to be able to move
through the weight of a foot much easier than
they can through my fingers or hands digging
into the surface area. And it's a lot easier on
my body. I was getting to where it SI was very
difficult for me, it was just so much hard work
and my sessions were an hour or 90 minutes.
I could do only a couple of SI sessions a day.
With Rossiter, it's so much easier to do."
Steve Lakoff, King of Prussia, PA, 6-year
Rolfer; "I've switched almost entirely to using
the Rossiter techniques. I rarely use my hands
any more. In fact, I try to avoid using my
hands. I use my feet. I do 15-20-minute sessions
and I usually focus my pitch, my advertising,
on getting rid of their pain. If they have a
shoulder problem, I don't try to sell them the
10 series. I'll say 'let's fix your shoulders.'
To really build my practice, I focus more on
getting rid of their specific problem in the first
session. When they walk out that door, I want
them to be happy. I want that problem they
called me about to at least be significantly
better. And I guarantee that. I tell them, if
you don't feel significantly better, I won't take
your money. For the most part, my sessions
are all geared around Richard's techniques."
Dr. Jane F. Bourgeois, chiropractor for 15
years, Iowa City, IA: "I sometimes use massage
therapy as an adjunct in my practice, but when
I put the Rossiter method to work on bodies
that have seen much more of a torsion pattern,
say from the impact of a car accident, I've seen
what's like an unfolding of the body, a body
that's willing to release so much more. It's




beautiful to watch. Knees and shoulders are

two of the biggest joints that start to 'talk' to
us early in life, even if there's just one incident
that has set off a problematic, kinetic chain
that affects the rest of the body. And there's
nothing that has ever gotten to the knee
problems with such an unbelievably quick
turn-around response time as the Rossiter
techniques. It's like a gift to the basement
of the memory pattern .. .I've had years and
years and years of bodywork, and the first
time (my massage therapist) did the Rossiter
method on me, I said, 'Who is this man? I've
got to hook up with his work. It's brilliant.'"
Janet Stanfield, Auroroa, CO, energy work
practitioner for 7 years: "The type of work I
was doing before ... energy work, kinetic muscle
testing ... helped find out from the person what
the underlying cognitive factor is for their
disease/condition. What happened is that people
would feel good after I did this body-balancing
technique, but 2-3 days later, the lower back
would hurt again, or the rotator cuff was flaring
up again. Now, with the Rossiter techniques, I
can address and resolve the connective tissue
problems right from the start. What I love
is that Richard figured out the fastest way
to do it in the shortest amount of steps. And
once I get their pain out of the way quickly,
I can begin to deal with the emotional and
stress factors that are going on underneath."

"Achive the work in as few

moves as possible"
One of the things I remember from my training
is this piece of advice handed down from Ida
Rolf: "Strive to achieve the work in as few
moves as possible." That's what I've tried to
do, and part of getting to that point meant
thinking differently about how best to change,
lengthen and loosen large volumes of fascia
and connective tissue. I'd say that 99% of the
general public still has no clue what Rolfing/
SI is, what it's about or how it works. That
may be true of energy work/healing touch as
well. But they know about stretching. They
know how much their bodies hurt, and they
know they want healing approaches that work
effectively and safely. They want their pain to
go away, and they want it to go away as quickly
as possible. That, to me, is key. And how you




get there is up to you. I consider The Rossiter

System another "tool" for your toolbox ... whether
it's visceral work, healing touch, energy
work, cranial-sacral work, myofascial release,
whatever ...it's another tool to affect change in
the body's tissue in order to get rid of pain and
restore the body to a place that feels normal,



loose and pain-free. Rossiter techniques,

in my opinion, are the best, fastest tools to
get there for your clients and for yourself.
Richard H. Rossiter,
Certified Advanced Rolfer/creator
of The Rossiter System

About the author

Richard H. Rossiter is a certified advance Rolfer since
1983 and CEO/Founder of Rossiter & Associates.
He is coauthor of two books, Overcoming Repetitive
Motion Injuries the Rossiter Way (1999; New
Harbinger Publications) and the self-published
Surgery Sucks!!!! Fix Your Body Without Needles,
Knives, Scalpels, 'Scopes, Lasers or Other Sharp
Stuff! (2004; Rossiter & Associates at http://
surgerysucks.com). He lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.














How to Relieve Stress Pain Be

Learning Blocks Without Drugs
by Elizabeth Barhydt, Ph.D, M.T.
& Hamilton "Hap" Barhydt, Ph.D

Never again be stuck for

an answer to that most
common of questions,
"What can I do
for myself?"
Do you suffer from
any of the following?
Back Pain
Knee Pain/Foot Pain
Carpal Tunnel Pain
Neck/Shoulder Pain
Tendonitis. Etc
CONDITIONS, but the basic cause of these
conditions is what we call Repetitive Muscle
Stress (RMS). Muscles, we discovered, are the
Missing Link to our aches & pains. We need to
restore the muscle tone that was lost by doing
repetitive or strenuous activities or caused by
accident or injury. Muscles pull bones; bones
do not pull on muscles. When we balance the
muscles, the pain will diminish and when given
time to heal, the pain go away completely.
Repetitive Muscle Stress may occur with
any activity involving repetitive or strenuous
motion. Ask any computer operator, grocery
store clerk, beautician, meat packer,
dentist or musician, just to name a few.
RMS is also a factor in many athletic
activities. We have seen these balancing
exercises improve basketball, golfing,
hiking, and aerobic exercise performance
and would expect significant improvement
in most athletic and dance activities.

Muscles have to work together in groups

or in pairs. For example, if you want to
raise your arm, the muscles under the
arm must relax, or it may create pain. If
you have neck stress from even turning
your head, other muscles have to relax.
The signal has to come from the brain to
relax the muscles. However, if the signal
has been blocked by stress or an injury,
the result may create pain. This is why
we say we work with the body-mind.
However the bottom line is restoring the loss
in muscle balance and strength triggered
by the repetitive activities. Major factors in
RMS are Reactive and Frozen Muscles.
In a typical repetitive activity, certain muscles
soon tire. As the activity is continued the
muscle tone, or energy level, is altered to
compensate. Gradually more and more reactive
muscle interactions are set up. A reactive
muscle is a muscle that weakens, when another
muscle is activated. Often the person has the
feeling of getting weaker and weaker as they
continue to attempt to perform an activity,
while other parts of their body tighten up.
In our modern high stress society it is not
uncommon for a large number of our neck
and shoulder muscles to be chronically
frozen, or hypertonic. This not only leads
to stiffness and pain, but also results in
a continuous, fatiguing energy drain.
We carry much of our stress in our neck
muscles. When these muscles tighten up, they
cause other muscles in the body to weaken
whenever you move your head. In other words,
other muscles in your body tend to become
reactive to your neck muscles when you are
under stress. This stress can be reduced with
our simple self-help neck release exercise





Sample technique:
This technique sends a signal to the
brain to release the tension in the neck
muscles and also corrects reactive
interactions with other muscles.
There are muscle fibers in the neck
that run up and down on the neck.
Do some neck rolls; look up with the
head, then look left, right & down



can pretend that your thumb and index

finger is a little "Packman" gently nibbling
on your neck. This activates the sensor
cells under the skin and sends a signal
to the brain to relax the neck muscles.
Benefits of the Neck Release:
Computer operators repetitively
look from their display down to
their keyboard or over to material
they are working with.
Reduce hyperactivity in school
children who tend to repetitively look
up at the teacher or looking down at
their desks or around the room.
Improve performance in sports
requiring looking down and up as
in golf, basketball, and tennis.
Can also be helpful in reducing vertigo
and balance problems, particularly
in older people, by eliminating weak
muscles in their legs when looking down

Gently pinch the neck muscles in and UP

and DOWN direction with your thumb
and index finger. Work on each side of your
neck from front to back and on both sides.
Keep your thumb facing downward. You

Elizabeth Barhydt, Ph.D, M.T. and Hamilton

"Hap" Barhydt, Ph.D developed these new self-help
techniques as a result of more than two decades of
research and experimentation. They taught their
work in 13 countries. They have three books, and a
Elizabeth healed herself from arthritis, bursitis,
headaches, back pain etc.At the age of 70, Elizabeth
walked a marathon, 26.2 miles without pain.


Most people when they get up from a

sitting position, their natural tendency
is to look down. As a result, the
reactive muscles in the neck signals
the muscles in the legs to go weak.
This simple Neck Release technique
may eliminate most vertigo problems.

The Barhydts founded Loving Life, a non-profit

organization, in order to share their findings with the
millions that suffer daily from pain. The organization's
vision is to teach people how to relieve stress and pain
while increasing their energy level and quality of life.
http://www.lovinglife .org
702-547-HOPE (4673)













Let The Healing Begin Within

by Richard E. Simmons, M.D.

Wayne Dyer, a popular

psychologist, once said
that when you squeeze
an orange, the only juice
you get is orange juice.
The same is true for
human behavior. When
Jesus was squeezed,
He was so full of love
for His tormentors
that he asked God to
forgive them. So the question before us is "How
do you respond in a stressful situation, when
someone is angry with you or is critical of you?
My theory is that everyone of us should
continually be aware of the kind of vibrations
we radiate not only in our professional roles,
but also in our personal lives. A Greek
philosopher once said "the unexamined life
is not worth living." We are all aware of the
biblical saying "love your neighbor as yourself."

We all give love to others in proportion to the

love we have for ourselves. Mother Teresa
was well aware of this when she required
each of the nuns who worked long hours in
her hospitals to set aside one hour per day for
personal use. Do we give ourselves the same
luxury? We are all on a journey of healing
which ends only when our physical body has
reached the end of its earthly journey.
In his book Self-Esteem, Mathew McKay,
Ph.D., states "the essence of self-esteem
is compassion for yourself." You forgive
yourself for mistakes (lessons you needed
to learn). You have reasonable expectations
of yourself. You set attainable goals.
You see yourself as basically good.
Let's take an assessment of how you go through
life. It is called The Coopersmith Inventory
from the University of California at Davis.

Read each sentence and then place an X under the appropriate column:
Like Me

Unlike Me



Things usually don't bother me.

I find it very hard to talk in front of a group.
There are lots of things about myself I'd change if I could.
I can make up my mind without too much trouble.
I'm a lot of fun to be with.
I get upset easily at home.
It takes me a long time to get used to anything new.
I'm popular with persons of my own age.
My family usually considers my feelings.
I give in very easily.
My family expects too much of me.
It's pretty tough to be me.
Things are all mixed up in my life.
People usually follow my ideas.
I have a low opinion of myself.
There are many times when I would like to leave home.
I often feel upset with my work.






Like Me Unlike Me (Continued)


I'm not as nice looking as most people.

If I have something to say, I usually say it.
My family understands me.
Most people are better liked than me.
I usually feel as if my family is pushing me.
I often get discouraged with what I'm doing.
I often wish I were someone else.
I can't be depended on.

It is fairly easy to score with 4 points for each

positive answer. The maximum score would
be 100 for those with the highest self-esteem.
So now that you have had a chance
to look at yourself and realize there
may be some baggage you are carrying
around that is not useful personally or
professionally, what can you do about it?
Start by accepting yourself right now just as
you are. If you have a hard time with this
idea then tell your best friend or join a small
group where you can be heard and accepted
even if you don't at the moment accept yourself.
If others can love you with your faults, it
becomes easier for you to love yourself.
Please don't fall into the trap of blaming your
genes or the rough environment you had to
endure as a small child. Blaming others for
your issues only locks in the unhealthy baggage
most of us carry around. It can be helpful to
look at how you got into this predicament but
only if you are willing to heal the hurts.
The most therapeutic program the
author has experienced is the Hoffman
Quadrinity Process. More information is
available from a very spiritual colleague
Peter Kolassa at 1-800-741-3449.
Dr. McKay's book mentioned above is
another helpful guide for increasing your
self-esteem and compassion for yourself. It
is really a very useful guide for therapists
who are trying to help their clients.
We often hear about how stressful life can
be. Physiologically stress is a very useful
tool for the human body since it fires up our
sympathetic nervous system. We need this for

our protection as in the fight or flight response.

Unfortunately prolonged stress causes our
body to develop various types of physical
illnesses. We all need to overcome this with its
counterpart, the parasympathetic system which
calms us down, as with meditation or prayer.
One of my favorite tools I use with my patients
is the formula E + R = O. The E stands for
event, the R for response and 0 the outcome.
For example: a coworker says something unkind
about you (the event). If your response is out
of fear rather than love then you will retaliate
in kind. The outcome is thus anger and a
separation. But guess what? The outcome is
not dependant on the event (life's stressors)
but on your response to the event. If you
responded to the event with love and tried
to understand why the other person would
say such things the outcome could be more
understanding and love between the two of you.
You have probably heard the expression,
happiness is an inside job. It is so easy in our
culture to see things, events, or other persons
as being responsible for our good feelings. If
your happiness rests on only one or two items,
and something goes wrong with one then you
will immediately feel threatened and fearful.
We all need at least four things in our lives
that make us happy. If you are deficient is this
regard, then open up some new avenues so that
your life becomes more balanced. Look at how
often when a marriage turns sour one or both
partners can be devastated. Life is going to
throw us curveballs to test us and to teach us.
One of my favorite psychiatrists is Brian
Weiss, whose book Many Lives, Many Masters
opened my eyes as to the purpose of our soul.
I have alluded to the idea of how we are all on
a spiritual journey temporarily housed in a





physical body. Life throws us many challenges

in order that we might become more loving and
spiritual. Some benefit from such challenges,
others succumb and develop emotional and or
physical problems as a result. Many patients
with cancer have stated that their disease
was a wake up call to make much needed
changes in their lives. They are grateful for
the learning and healing this ordeal provided.
The final thought has to do with learning to
love yourself and elevating your self-esteem. It
may be helpful to read books such as the ones
mentioned above, but this alone will not erase
many of our deeper and more life affecting
behaviors. My observations of people who
have undertaken this healing journey is that
they are more successful when undergoing
emotional release through an experiential
process. Trying to go it alone does not work
very well. We need other people in our lives
who want to travel along the same road. Join a
talk it over or sharing group. For this concept
to work the group must adhere to certain rules,
such as strict confidentiality, total honesty,
acceptance--not judgment--and commitment
to the group as an important priority. The
group will fail if we try to be therapists to
one another. Noone has all the answers to
your life so pontification is just an ego trip
not helpful for another person's growth.
If you always do what you've always done,
you'll always get what you've always gotten.
Change is good. Embrace it. Find new
paths for yourself so that your life may be
increasingly meaningful and satisfying. We
can shed the baggage which was thrust upon
us when we were helpless little beings. Stop
being a victim of the past and make your
life one you feel blessed to have lived ..

Not Such a Silly Goose

When you see geese heading south for the
winter ... flying along in V formation ... you
might consider as to why they fly that way.
As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an
uplift for the bird immediately following.




By flying a V formation, the whole flock

adds at least 71 percent greater flying
range than if each bird flew on its own.
People who share a sense of community
can get where they are going more
quickly and easily because they are
traveling on the thrust of one another.
When a goose falls out of formation it
suddenly feels the drag and resistance
of trying to go it alone, and quickly gets
back into formation to take advantage of
the lifting power of the bird in front.
If we have as much sense as the goose,
we will stay in formation with those
who go in the same way we are.
When the head goose gets tired it rotates
back in the V, and another goose flies point.
It is sensible to take turns doing
demanding jobs ...with people or geese.
Geese honk from behind to encourage
those up front to keep up the speed. What
do we say when we honk from behind?
Finally ... and this is important ...when a goose
gets sick, or is wounded by gunshots and falls
out of formation, two other geese fall out with
the goose and follow it down to lend help and
protect. They stay with the wounded goose
until it can fly or until it dies; and only then do
they launch out on their own, or with another
formation to catch up with their group.
If we have the sense of a goose we
too will stand by each other.













Getting People To Try Touch For Health

by Larry Green

Abstract.- Touch For

Health is an energy
modality that is
unknown to many
people. How can you get
people interested and
willing to experience it.
This talk will focus on
strategies for enrolling
people into letting you
balance them. If time
allows in the presentation I will talk about how
to work with people so they recognize the
positiveness of the experience and see/hear/feel
the value of TFH.
Whether you us TFH professionally with paid
clients, or, with friends and family, there are
probably more people who you would like to see
experience a TFH balance.

I believe TFH will work

for me with clients
I am confident my clients
will benefit from TFH
I am comfortable about what others
will think of me if I do this weird
energy work (or ad in all your
negative, fearful descriptions)
I deserve to succeed at TFH
( or work, life etc.)
I am committed

to doing TFH

It is safe for me to do TFH

I am accepted if I do TFH
It is acceptable for me to do
TFH (Acceptable to me, my
parents, peers, friends, God)
I am allowed (I allow myself) to do TFH
I have a right to use TFH.

There are two main areas that may have

stopped you from doing more balances.
1.) Any of your 'stuff' that stops you from
presenting TFH as an important and effective
option 2.) The people you want to share this
with may have said. "No thank you."


To address the first point we should work
with our skills in TFH and get a goal(s)
balance. Some possible goals to balance forI am comfortable and confident
approaching and/or presenting TFH to
(general others or specific others e.g.
peers, teachers, family, mother, etc)
I am comfortable and confident
doing TFH with others
I am comfortable asking to
get paid to do TFH


I have a right to get paid for

using TFH. (I am allowed, I
deserve, it is acceptable, etc)
I am worthy to get paid $
using TFH. (per session, per week)
I am willing to let go of
everything stopping me from
using TFH (or succeeding)
I accept/ allow myself to be
powerful with TFH.
Others accept/ allow me to be
powerful (or succeed) with TFH
I will be forgiven if I do TFH
I am comfortable (acceptable)
'selling' myself and/or TFH.
The possibilities that can be added to the list
are quite long. It may be useful to explore ALL
the blocks in your way, and balance for them.
Use muscle testing to identify any and all






specific places you hold yourself back from

sharing TFH.

how it works, rather than letting them explain


In addressing the second point we are talking

about marketing and selling. Marketing is
informing the public that a product exists and
the utility of that product (why you should use
it). Sales is asking someone to buy the product.
You may need to go back to step 1 to clear
issues you have about marketing and selling
the product called TFH. This section is about
sales and how to 'sell' more people on using
TFH. Information about marketing can be
found in other places, including the author's
regular column on marketing in the TFHKA

Ask for the sale.- This is a common theme in

sales training, People pitch the product but
aren't comfortable asking the person to sign
up. If this is you, go back to step 1 and get
a balance. If you are comfortable asking the
person to come see you, notice what else might
get in your way (your beliefs about their/your
financial situation, your belief about their
openness to TFH, Your comfort level asking for
money, Your beliefs about how your integrity is
perceived? Are you focused on them achieving
their goal or you achieving your goal of getting
paid?, etc).

Once you feel clear about step 1, there are

many well known strategies for sales. I will
touch upon some of them here, but this is not
a comprehensive list of all the approaches
and methodologies known about sales and

Be enthusiastic!- Ever notice how you pick up

on other people's enthusiasm? People will be
drawn as much to your energy and aliveness as
they are to the 'reasons' TFH is good. Show how
enthusiastic you are for TFH.

Many people consider 'sales' a negative

or charged word, and don't want to
'sell' themselves or their service. If
this is you, go back to step 1.


Oversell.-In sales they say it is far easier to sale
another product to a satisfied customer than to
find a new customer, Wait a day or three after
balancing someone and call them as a follow-up.
Ask how they are doing and do they notice the
differences. Then ask them what other issues in
their lives they would like to clear using TFH.
Referrals.-Ask for referrals. When you get a
good result, ask the person if there are other
issues in their life they would like to work on
with TFH. They are referring them self. Ask if
they know anyone who they think would benefit
from this work. It may help to suggest possible
categories- people from work, family, church,
social clubs, neighbors. As they think through
each list, other possible people may come into
their awareness. Ask them if you can call
and say "So and so asked me to call you." It is
great if they first tell the person about how you
helped them. Remember, it will probably work
far better for you to describe what TFH is and

Enthusiastic or emotional agents.- You may

have clients who LOVE what you do and talk
it up to everyone. Offer to support them in
selling your services. Would they like to hold a
meeting at their house for you to talk and do a
demonstration on stress release skills? Do they
need brochures from you? How about a half off
coupon for the first session that they can give
Handling objections.- Most sales training
teaches people to handle objections and then
re-ask for the sale. If someone says they are not
interested, ask them the reason they don't want
to do TFH. Ask them what is stopping them
from trying it. Whatever the reason, really
listen and try to understand their concern.
Then address it and ask if they are ready to
try it now. Sometimes people have only one
objection, sometimes a few (sometimes many
because they may not be sharing the
main one). In sales they say a "No" answer is
temporary until you clear all the objections,
then they will say "Yes". Sometimes people will
surprise you, but try not to alienate people by
over pestering. Pay attention to the energy, the
vibes. Have fun. Be enthusiastic. Hold their
best intention while talking with them.





80/20 Rule.-In sales they have a rule called the

80-20 rule. This 'rule' says that 80% of your
sales will come from 20% of your clients. What
this means is that you may have some reliable
and regular clients who will use TFH much
more than many other clients combined. Treat
these people who are your best clients like they
are your best clients. Appreciate them, support
them, encourage them.




Intention.- As you do any of these sales

approaches, hold the other person's best interest
in your intention, they will pick up on that. We
are energy workers, so we have to honor that
energy works.













Neurotransmitters and AK
{Based on the book, "Edge Effect",
by Eric Braverman, M.D.}
by Sheldon C. Deal, D.C., N.M.D., D.I.B.A.K.

First of all, we as
Kinesiologists are
working every day with
the nervous system. We
work tirelessly to release
our patient's innate
potential for optimal
function. We do this, as
you all know, through
a variety of techniques.
However, we are all
working against patterns and compensations
which may very well be as old as our patient.
The nature of these patterns are structural,
emotional, chemical, and above all, neurological,
and that is why we are Kinesiologists. So in
the hierarchy of our nervous system the brain
rules supreme. If we can successfully recruit
the brain in helping us reduce interference,
then our results could be dramatically better.
We live in the information age. All of us
work hard just to keep up with the latest
information in our field and things that affect
our daily lives. And the information just
keeps coming faster. I see the results of this
pace in my practice every day. We stay in
sympathetic overdrive and people are either
anxious or depressed and we are one of the
many places they go looking for answers.
Some people, as always, just need a little
AK and some sound advice and they are on
their way. On the other hand, far too often,
people need a whole lot more. This is one of
those pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that can be
of enormous benefit to you and your patients.
The major premise of this paper is that if we
restore proper balance of the four primary
chemical messengers or neurotransmitters
can restore or create whole body well-being. Or
as we Kinesiologists like to say, take the body


out of dis-ease. The four neurotransmitters

are dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA,
and serotonin. Each of these has its own
significant properties and actions and it is
possible to have a deficiency or excess. We
will address some of the likely reasons for
imbalance including chemical, nutritional,
hormonal, emotional, and electromagnetic.
Another concept we will discuss in some
detail is dominance. Each of us has a genetic
or inherited dominant neurotransmitter
and this contributes to our personality and
general behavior. Once you and/or your
patient discover this you are on your way.
You simply go to the indicator that is your
dominant neurotransmitter by putting your
hand over the appropriate skull bone. This
will show tendencies for your personality,
types of illnesses to which you are likely to
be predisposed, hormonal imbalances you
may have, foods you may crave, foods and
supplements that are best for you, drugs that
may benefit you, and so on. This information
is exciting as we are all very curious and
love to learn more about ourselves. Almost
everyone I have tested this on gets very
involved and excited to learn more about
themselves. As an example, I had a patient
who was acetylcholine dominant and according
to our findings, this patient should crave fat,
especially if they are deficient, which is the
case and has been, off and on, their whole life.
These four neurotransmitters
are associated
with four different skull bones. Which one
is out of balance can be detected with the
edge of a monopolar magnet as opposed to
the dominant neurotransmitter, which can
be detected with the palm of your hand. The
nutrients used for a chemical correction are
pretty much adaptogens, meaning that they




help whether the neurotransmitter

is in excess
or deficient. After you find the skull bone
indicator with the edge of the magnet, now you
can use the North side of the magnet to show a
deficient condition. You can use the South side
of the magnet to show an excess condition.
The following chart can be used to help
determine which nutrient is needed:



or becoming paranoid. If a deficiency occurs

you cannot react as well to sensory stimuli and
you become forgetful and lose some working
memory. The major nutrients for support
are choline and phosphatidyl choline.
The GABA nature is calm and steady. If this
is your nature you are very dependable and
you thrive on and create organization. If an
excess occurs you will become more dependent
on your spouse and authority figures and pay
too much attention to the judgment of others.
When there is not enough available you become
anxious, nervous, and irritable. Two nutrients
that may be helpful are inositol and GABA.

I will give you the basic breakdown of each
and its major nutrient, but
this will in no way do justice to the amount and
quality of information available in the book.

Dopamine is associated with high-voltage

beta waves from your brain and affects the
power of your body and mind. With normal
levels you are powerful and quick with fast
reflexes. These people are doers; they know
what they want and how to get it. They are
usually less comfortable with emotions and
feelings. If in excess, this nature can become
too intense, aggressive, driven, and possibly
violent. In deficiency, this person will feel
less energetic, less powerful and have trouble
thinking clearly. The best nutrients for this
nature are phenylalanine and tyrosine.
If you are an acetylcholine nature, you are
adept at working with your senses and view the
world in sensory terms. You are highly creative
and open to new ideas. If in excess, you can be
in danger of giving too much of yourself away

Finally, the serotonin dominant is

characterized by enjoyment and a sense of
fun. You are usually flexible and live in the
moment. In excess, this person feels inferior,
inadequate, shy, sad, and fearful. In the case
of not enough serotonin this person will lose
their ability to recharge their brain. They
are unable to get a restful sleep and are overtired. Calcium and fish oils are the main
supplements to strengthen serotonin.
In conclusion, this paper offers a how-to-guide
for you and your patients to help support one
of the most important and complex organs in
the body. One of the things I like most about
his book is the fact that tests are included
that the reader can take and get individual
results. It makes the book much more practical
and meaningful. I have used this technique
in my practice for almost one year now and
have had great success with some otherwise
very difficult patients. The last third of
the book rehashes the same information,
only focuses on memory which can also be
helpful. I hope you find this informative and
relevant for yourself and your patients.

1. "The Edge Effect", by Eric Braverman, M.D.
2. Knights of the Roundtable presentation by
Hans Wakeman, D.C., February 2006














Saturday, July 15th

Good Reasons That TFH is Ready for the Future

by Ueli Meier-Estrada

Putting on Your Thinking Caps

by Carol Gottesman

The Legge Method of Allergy Elimination

by Michael Legge

Emotional Freedom Techniques

by Marianna






Touch for Health-Kinesiology?

Or ready for the future?




by Ueli Meier-Estrada,

Balancing my son Jan I

remember the powerful
and helpful balances
I got from Dr. Thie
towards my life-goal
of being a father ...
With the 14 main
muscles of the Touch
for Health-Kinesiology I
would like to show and
explain you in an easy and playful way, why the
Touch for Health-Kinesiology will continue to
be important for health services in the future.
(Central Meridian)
What do we have to let go? (or accept?)
Teres major (Governing Meridian)
What burden or load do we have
to get rid of? (or to endure?)
I combine these two meta-energy-systems
with the ethical guidelines of the Swiss
Non-Medical Kinesiology Associaton
(SVNMK/ASKNM). Being a non-medical
professional I need the ethical guidelines
for my work. These guidelines describe and
clarify the way I accompany my clients:
The kinesiology I represent is
non-medical in terminology and
content. I do not use medical
terms, make no diagnoses and do
not prescribe medication in any
form. According to the statements
of Dr. John and Matthew Thie
(January 16, 2004) and Dr. Paul &
Gail Dennison (January 23, 2004).


I work within an educative,

energetic and salutogenic model.
Non-medical kinesiology is a field
of its own but can be applied to
complement medical treatment.
I do not treat illnesses. I ask my
clients to seek medical consultation
in case of physical problems, pain
or psychological stress situations.
I accept medical diagnoses but am
aware of the fact that my own work
is educative, energetic and integral.
I state clearly that I do not exploit
client relationships
in financial,
emotional, religious, social, sexual
or bodily terms. Sexual acts and
during and outside
meetings (up to one year after
the end of the accompaniment)
are under no circumstances
allowed for reasons of ethical
behaviour and responsibility.
I recognise that muscle tests
are limited in their explanatory
value. A muscle reaction is not a
final answer to a simple Yes/No
question and cannot be regarded
as a definite decision in terms
of the clients' goal formulation/
orientation. Through the use of
muscle tests I assess together
with the client stress factors and
energy imbalances. My tests are
simple and clear. I explain the
procedure of balancing to my
clients in comprehensible




I work in partnership with my clients

and recognise the fact that before,
during and after balancing final
responsibility lies with the client. If I see
no change for the better in the client's
condition I openly discuss this with him
or her and end the accompaniment.
I am continuously extending
my professional training and
personal education. I inform my
clients about my present level of
training and I am well aware of my
professional and personal limits.
Medical persons are welcome in
the Swiss Non-Medical Kinesiology
Association. As a member of the
association I represent, maintain
and promote the educative,
energetic and integral model of
the non-medical kinesiology.
I fully acknowledge that the invoices
sent to the health insurance companies
must correspond exactly with the
services rendered. It is forbidden to
bill other methods applied under the
term of non-medical kinesiology.
Pectoralis major clavicularis
(Stomach Meridian)
Have we got to show more pride
o rare we too proud?
The Touch for Health-users should definitely
take more pride in their work. Eventhoug
80 % of the users are more or less amateurs,
housewives and -husbands, they don't need to
hide. The use of Touch for Health-techniques
by housewives and -husbands has already
helped many families a lot. Therefore
all Touch for Health-users can say with
conviction: "I am proud of being "only"
a Touch for Health-practitioner!"



honest, even this problem can be solved.

These are the most important qualities
in energetical consultation of people, who
have to face difficult situations in life.
(Heart Meridian)
What do we hide or what do we keep to
ourselves? (What do we have to reveal?)
It is time to put more effort and energy into
research. Touch for Health-related associations
could contribute enormously. I think of
research-groups that get paid for their work
and effort. We should analyse our experiences
and e.g. spread the results over the internet.
(Small Intestine
Should we risk greater steps?


Especially in the field of Touch for

Health-training we should offer and
acknowledge many more consolidated
Touch for Health-courses with all the
general Touch for Health-techniques.
Peroneus (Bladder Meridian)
Do we feel free in our movements?
Amateurs and non-medical Kinesiologists get
less and less space for "free" movement (e.g. in
Switzerland). More and more competent people
capable of energetic work are put off especially
by the amount of training lessons in anatomy.
So they do not want to start a Kinesiology
training any more. More medical knowledge
can lead us to medical diagnosis. We need to
stand up for that if we want to continue energywork without medical knowledge. Therefore we
have to emphasise on the ethical guidelines and
extend them. Ethical guidelines are important
in everyday work, so they should be valid
for the job as well as for our private life.

dorsi (Spleen Meridian)
Are we able to break our problems
down into "small portions"?

Psoas (Kidney Meridian)

Do we drink enough water? Do we
take care of our spiritual, emotional,
mental and physical purification?

When we look at this muscle we have to do

a lot to make "small portions" out of it. The
Latissimus dorsi is one of the largest muscles
in our body. Anyway, if we are flexible, full
of ideas, humorous open, intuitive and

During a 14 Muscle-Balance the Psoas

is the sixth muscle on the meridian-clock
(starting stomach meridian). Now half of
the "game" is done and it is definitely time





to drink some water. When we lecture to

drink water, so we actually drink enough
ourselves? Is it possible that we stand up for
something as amateurs or professionals but
we don't stick to it in our spare time? It is
very important when we accompany people
that we try to live according to the ethical
guidelines. Otherwise we lose our credibility.
Especially professional users should set a good
example and stick to the ethical guidelines.
Gluteaus medius (CirculationSex Meridian)
What are the small things we stumble over?
Many amateur users often stumble over their
own inability to use the Touch for Healthtechniques in a self-confident way. The Touch
for Health-Kinesiology is the basis of many
methods in Kinesiology. It has "survived" for 40
years now. So it makes sense to use the Touch
for Health-techniques with joy, pride and selfconfidence as well as to teach them this way.
Teres minor (Triple Warmer Meridian)
In what respects should we be open-minded?
Despite of the ongoing discussions about
recognition, diplomas, certificates, training
and continuing education we shouldn't
forget the most important aspect of our
job. This is our client, a woman, a man or
a child. Somebody who has decided to be
accompanied and needs consulting. This is
what we have to be open for and stay open.
Only our client decides whether we have
done a good or a bad job. The appreciation of
the insurance or other institutions doesn't
guarantee that we find clients. Therefore
it is so important that we don't forget the
actual person while doing our job.
Deltoideus anterior
Do we do things that cause "headache"?
When amateurs and professional Kinesiologists
without medical pre-education or medical
studies start to use medical terms all of a
sudden it can cause "headache". All of us know
that working according to the holistic and
wellness orientated or the salutogene Touch for




Health-Kinesiology-concept is safe, legal and

effective. TfH-Kinesiology doesn't need orthodox
medical terminology or technology. To use it you
don't need special medical training or studies.
Pectoralis major sternalis
What do we have to "detoxicate"?
The idea and opinion that amateurs are not
able to seriously accompany their clients
should get "detoxicated". Amateurs are very
often the ones who do a particular good job
with simple Touch for Health-Balances.
Serratus anterior (Lung-Meridian)
Have we lost our voice?
Especially the non-medical movement needs
a more powerful voice and support towards
authorities, institutions and people with
medical education. The non-medical and
simple Touch for Health-Kinesiology holds an
important part in health services. Nevertheless
we should repeatedly point this out with a
powerful voice. If we get pushed into medical
training structures, we have to raise our voices.
Tensor fasciae latae (Large
Intestine Meridian)
Why do we lose our composure and
self-control? (How can we maintain
our composure and self-control?)
The effects of simple Touch for Health-Balances
have supported me for many years now. They
helped me to keep myself under control and
stay calm even in difficult situations of my
life. For that reason I am always happy with
the results of the goal-orientated Touch for
Health-Balances and techniques. I use these
techniques thankfully with pleasure and
appreciation towards the founder Dr. John
F.Thie and his wife Mrs. Carrie Thie. His
helpful way opened my mind and his powerful
balances brought light into my life. One bright
light is my son Jan who was born in May 2001.
Certainly the Touch for Health-Kinesiology
will continue to contribute to the wellness of
people with its simple and clear techniques in
future. Now I have to think of the statement




before: "I am proud of being "only" a

Touch for Health-practitioner!"
With this statement I wish all of you a lot
of joy, respect, gratitude, intuition and pride
with your work as amateur or professional
Touch for Health-Kinesiology user.



Keeping in touch
Ueli Meier-Estrada
M. U.M. Zentrum Switzerland
Hirtenbiindtenweg 15, CH-4102 Binningen
Tel. ++41 61 72201 44, Fax ++41 61 722 01 45
e-mail: mum@mumzentrum.ch














PuHing on Our Thinking Caps

by Carol Gottesman MEd, RN,C, PC, HNC

Abstract: This article

is about utilizing
acupressure and
movement techniques
to improve learning and
athletic performance.
I will explain basic
Kinesiology for
Learning theories,
share personal results
of working with these
methods, and demonstrate techniques.
The main focus of the demonstrations is
Dennison Laterality Repatterning for vision
and movement, and balancing for a goal.
Lets put on our thinking caps. Do this
by unrolling the cartilage starting at the
top of your ears, and going down to your
ear lobes. There now, isn't that better?
This technique improves auditory
comprehension. In my younger years this
was not a problem for me. However, as I am
maturing, I sometimes find that I am hearing
words, but not comprehending their meaning.
After I do this technique, I am able to better
comprehend. Many times, children with
learning disabilities have this auditory problem,
because they cannot block out all the stimuli,
and they short circuit. They then become
rowdy because they cannot comprehend what
is being said to them. Doing this technique
tunes them in to what you are saying. Their
behavior becomes more appropriate, and they
are more easily able to focus on the task a hand.
You already know and are using some of the
Kinesiology for Learning methods because they
have been incorporated into Touch for Health as
Super Learning techniques to improve learning
and retention of information. They are the three
prechecks (switching, Central Meridian Zip-

Ups, and the Dehydration Check), balancing

eyes and ears, cross crawl, and ESR points.
I have been teaching Kinesiology for Learning
for the last 19 years to teachers, students,
and parents. These techniques are helpful
for anyone because they help to improve
learning, whether a person has learning
disabilities or is working on a PhD. Athletes
can utilize these techniques to improve
whole body and hand/eye coordination. A
high school basketball player came to me
with the desire to improve his shooting
percentage. He was missing baskets because
he was trying too hard from a left brain
perspective and missing the right brain
rhythm and flow. The techniques allowed
him to integrate right/left brain. He said,
"I don't care what the students think. I'm
using these techniques because they work."
He ended up with a basketball scholarship
to college where he set records, and is now
playing on the team opposite the Harlem Globe
Trotters. I worked with a 6 year old Asperger's
Syndrome client, to help him to concentrate,
and eventually to read. Another client I
worked with was a 5 year old, blind boy with
cerebral palsy. After balancing him for
vision and movement, he went to Physical
Therapy, where for the first time, he
reached for the rope when he was put on
the swing. The balancing helped him with
his proprioception, knowing where his body
was in space, even though he couldn't see.
This is what Kinesiology for Learning is
all about. It is acupressure and movement
techniques that reset circuits to integrate right/
left brain and improve learning. The benefits
are improved comprehension, concentration,
coordination, confidence and calmness. Phillip
Crockford developed Kinesiology for Learning





in 1987, using portions of Paul Dennison's

Educational Kinesiology model. The following
information is taken from his workbook.

Basic Theories
Right/Left Brain Integration
For any learning to take place, the right and
left hemispheres need to be working together
in an integrated way. According to the
Neuropsychology model of the brain's processing
in Philip Crockford's "Kinesiology for Learning"
workbook, the left brain is focal, analytical,
and serial. It is the "try brain", where language
takes place. It is under conscious control. The
right brain is diffuse, holistic and simultaneous
in its processing. It is the "reflex" brain, where
automatic reactions take place. It is unconscious
and receptive, and into the rhythm and flow.
When you experience difficulty with learning,
the two halves of the brain aren't working
together in an integrated way. There is either
too much try brain, with not enough ability
to process the whole picture and relax into
learning, or too much reflex brain, with not
enough ability to concentrate and process
logically. Parallel processing is a stressful
compensation in which the person switches
back and forth from left to right. This is
an exhausting process, and may account
for people falling asleep while reading.



the left brain doesn't let go of control, and you

continue to put a lot of effort into accomplishing
the task. Dennison Laterality Repatterning
improves the connections across the midline of
the brain to increase brain integration. This
allows the left brain to let go of control, and the
right brain to get into the rhythm and flow of
the activity. You can feel this happen when you
start to move effortlessly through the motions.
There are three phases to Dennison Laterality
Repatterning; testing, repatterning and
integration. In the testing phase, you test to
see if the body is functioning in the homolateral
(one-sided) or bilateral (integrated) mode for
movement and vision. In the homolateral state
you are using only one side of the brain or body
and are unable to access both hemispheres
simultaneously. This blocks integrated thinking
and movement. In the bilateral state you can
access the full resources of both hemispheres.
In the bilateral state you will switch on for
cross crawl and off for homolateral crawl. In
the parallel processing state, you will switch
on for both cross crawl and homolateral crawl.
When you switch off for cross crawl and on
for homolateral crawl, your body prefers
homolateral movement and is switched off by
using both hemispheres together for movement.
When you switch off for both cross crawl and
homolateral crawl, your body is disorganized
and switched off by any kind of movement.

Stress Management Model

Various kinds of stress on the body-mind will
interfere with brain integration, and thus
learning. As stress goes up, integration goes
out. This happens to everyone to a certain
extent, but with children who have learning
disabilities this is very apparent. They are
not able to block out external stimuli, and can
more easily become stressed, thus affecting
their ability to concentrate, and comprehend.

The interpretation of the visual field test

is similar; you are testing integration in
a different area of the brain and the same
principles apply. For example, in the bilateral
state you will switch on for looking at an X
and off for looking at parallel lines (II).

Dennison Laterality Repatterning

The purpose of this testing is to make you,

your brain and your nervous system aware of
the homolateral state. This indicates the area
needing help, so that the corrective information
that comes next will go where it is most useful.

When you first learn something, like doing a

dance step, the left brain is active, as you focus
a lot of attention on a small area of activity, and
break down the pieces. However, as you learn
the step, the right brain takes over and the
steps become automatic. In certain instances,

In the repatterning phase, you first ask the

body's permission by saying, "I am (or this
person's body is) ready for repatterning", and
muscle test. Next, to determine which eye
mode causes a switched on response, look up to





the right (with eyes only, without moving the

head) and muscle test, then look up to the left
and muscle test. The eye mode that resulted
in the switched on response will be the eye
mode that activates the reflex brain for this
person. The activation of the reflex brain allows
you to cross the midline easily and naturally,
without the need for conscious control.
Now do cross crawl with your eyes in the
appropriate eye mode to activate the reflex
brain, and anchor the result with a switched
on muscle test. Next, do homolateral crawl
with your eyes turned down in the opposite
direction, to activate the try brain, and
anchor the results with a muscle test. Your
muscle will be switched off by this activity,
signifying that the try brain can let go of its
need for total control; it can relax to allow
the reflex brain to work for movement.
The integration phase completes the
procedure by using an integration metaphor
and then retesting to be sure that the
simultaneous activation of both hemispheres
has taken place. This retesting verifies and
anchors the result of the integration.
The integration metaphor brings the two
hemispheres together and anchors the result
with vision, touch, and movement (including
proprioception or internal awareness of body
position). Through the integration metaphor
you do a symbolic moving, touching, seeing
integration, by spreading your arms wide apart.
Imagine that half of your brain is in each hand,
and then slowly bring the hands together at
eye level to clasp the fingers together with
the thumbs crossed. You will enhance the
effectiveness of this step by breathing smoothly,
relaxing and at the same time allowing yourself
to feel the two brains working together.



communicate through the systems the brain

understands best. Vision, touch and movement
are the communication systems the brain
understands best, and by which a baby learns
about its environment from the time it is born.
Next, cross crawl, and as you do so, look
in all different directions. These eye
movements activate several different parts
of the brain. Anchor this with a switched
on muscle test. Now do homolateral crawl
with eyes moving in all directions. Anchor
this is with a switched off muscle test. Look
at an X and anchor this with a switched
on muscle test. Then look at the parallel
lines(II),and anchor this with a switched
off muscle test. These two tests indicate
integration at the level of the visual field.
After repatterning, the brain has learned to use
the reflex brain for crossing the midline. Now,
any exercise which follows this pattern will
be beneficial because it will enable the brain
to reinforce its newly effective mode. Looking
at an X will also have a reinforcing effect.
Just as in Touch for Health, you can do a basic
balancing of the energy or you can balance for
a goal, in Dennison Laterality Repatterning,
you can do a balance for movement and vision,
or you can balance for a goal. Personally, I
have found Dennison's balancing for a goal to
be very powerful, both for myself and for my
clients. One example was when I worked with
a psychiatric nursing student who was unable
to talk over the loud speaker. The day following
balancing her for this goal, she walked up to
the loud speaker and announced exercise class
for the patients, in such a melodious relaxed
voice that I didn't recognize that it was her.
A checklist to assist you in using Dennison
Laterality Repatterning for a goal follows.

If you want to effectively give the brain

important new information, it is best to

Carol Gottesman MEd, RN,C, PC, HNC

1355 Willowood Dr., Hubbard, OH 44425
(330)7590797 e-maii.carolgottetioyohoo.coni





























































1. Crockford, Phillip. Kinesiology for Learning.
Touch for Health Foundation,1987.
2. Dennison, Paul, PhD. Brain Gym. Glendale,
CA: Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., 1986.
3. Dennison, Paul, PhD. Brain Gym:
teacher's edition. Glendale, CA:
Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., 1989.



5. Dennison, Paul, PhD. Personalized Whole Brain

Integration. Glendale, CA: Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc.
6. Dennison, Paul, PhD. Switching On.
Glendale, CA: Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., 1981.
7. Hinsley, Sandra. Brain Gym Surfer.
Stuart, FL: Hinsley & Conley, 1989.
8. La Tourelle, Maggie. Thorsons Introductory
Guide to Kinesiology. Hammersmith,
London: Harper Collins, 1992.

4. Dennison, Paul, PhD. EduK for Kids. Ventura, CA:

Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., 1984.














The Legge Method of Allergy Elimination

by Michael Legge


The Legge Method is

a safe, noninvasive
way of rebalancing
the body's energy by
the healing power
of music. The Legge
Method is the result of
many years of research
~Ito combine Chinese
Medical Theory with
Western Music Composition.


Unique in its comprehensiveness and precision,

the Legge Method is able to restore a sense
of well-being in the patient by means of 384
compositions, each highly differentiated.

The idea for the Legge Method for energetic
rebalancing and allergy elimination began
when composer Mike Legge was introduced to
Chinese Medicine by acupuncturist Nicolette
Schwartzman. Seeing all energetic imbalances
as falling into one of five categories, the
Chinese over four thousand years ago created
healing music among the modalities to address
these imbalances. Their compositions work to
affect the body and mind to rebalance these five
categories: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal or Water.
For Legge who had long been interested in
music's potential as a harmonizing influence,
this introduction to Chinese music provided
the stimulus to build on this ancient and
validated system. Why limit a healing music
to only five pieces, each based on a separate
tone, when greater differentiation was possible?
If each key could have one of 5 different
Chinese notes added to it, 60 different healing
pieces could be used. This system was further
developed into 120 discrete pieces of music

with the introduction of two different time

signatures, what Legge termed yin and yang.
After further research, it was determined
that not just one but two extra tones from the
Chinese pentatonic scale could be harmonized,
thereby expanding the original 120 to 360.
But would this system work as a rebalancing
tool? Clinical trials on patients found it to
be definitely effective. Up to this point, the
Legge Method was used to effect a general
rebalancing in the body.The final step as
a modality to eliminate specific allergies
came with the introduction of specific
allergens into the testing protocol.
In the Legge Method, we're working with
the energetic healing and rebalancing
power of sound in the form of music. Each
of the 360 pieces has its own integrity and
application according to the patient's need.
Another way of putting it is that each piece
is a potential prescription, the means to
rebalance or neutralize a disharmony.
Of course, using sound or music to heal is
nothing new and the Legge Method has
carried it much further with other musical
resources to present a safe, precise and effective
healing modality. In fact the practitioner
of the Legge Method is able, by kinesiology
testing, to determine which of the meridians
in the Chinese medical model is the actual
one being rebalanced by the music.

Musical Concepts:
Traditional Chinese Music
Traditional Chinese Music was composed in
the pentatonic scales, where each mode would
span two or more octaves. The tones and modes
were related to the Elements. Today, except
for the traditional orchestras, the Chinese





play in the diatonic scales. The Legge Method

employs concepts from both East and West.
Pop musicians often use pentatonic scales
in solos with the harmony containing chords
built from the diatonic scales. Some chords
may even contain tones outside the scale.
Repeated tests with the patient base at
the Bucks County Health Center indicated
that only the two main time signatures are
relevant. The Yin polarity vibrates to 3/4 time
and the Yang polarity vibrates to 4/4 time.
Also, the composition was repeated five times.
The reason for repetition is that in order for
the healing musical patterns to have their
effect a retraining of energy is necessary.
Since anyone of the twelve keys could be
used in treating energetic imbalance, there
must be a rationale that underlies the system.
The twelve keys are relevant to the twelve
meridians in the meridian system. Further,
one patient may require one key while
another patient could require a different
key in addressing the same allergy. In
order to get a fix on the patient's system the
Legge Method practitioner tests, through
kinesiology, the tone or key of that center.

Musical Concepts:
Music for the Legge Method
Anyone scale has seven tones so there are five
non-harmonic tones from which to choose. The
healing music composed by Mike Legge is in
two layers - tonal with one non-harmonic toneand tonal with two non-harmonic tones. These
layers are available in all twelve keys both 3/4
and 4/4 time (360 healing music compositions).
At a more discreet level the modal sequence of
each and every composition is in optimum order.

The Training Program

In this course the participants

need to learn:

Chinese Five Element Theory

Concept of Yin and Yang
The 12 Meridians and 12 Organ systems
The Chinese biological clock
The use of Kinesiology and the
pendulum to test patients




Musical keys and how they relate

to the meridians and organs.
Vibrational impact of the healing music
What is an allergen?
Why do we react allergically?
Allergies and the immune
system: a vicious cycle
Testing for allergens with dilutions
What is the most important
allergen to clear first?
How to ask the right question
Understanding how to test for
the prescriptive music
What computer to use
Sound cards, notation software, musical
directory and sub directories
Analog versus digital
CD's, Midi files, MP3's

What can a patient expect

from a session?
A highly trained Legge Method Therapist
will test for energetic imbalances, often
specific ones at the request of the patient.
For example, the patient may complain of
a certain allergy. The therapist, following
a strict protocol, determines which musical
composition will neutralize that allergy. Key,
time signature and non-harmonic tones are
tested by applied kinesiology to determine
which piece of therapeutic music is needed.
The patient then listens to the composition
and is tested again. In this example, the
patient would no longer test as reacting
negatively to the allergen. If necessary,
the patient will listen to the same music
again, or to another if testing reveals that
is what is needed to complete the process.
The treatment is very powerful yet
gentle because the music brings harmony
into the patient's energetic system.
There is no negative reaction because
the body is healing in its own way.




The Founders
Mike Legge holds a Master of Arts Degree in
Music Composition. He studied classical guitar
under David Harris and jazz guitar under Joe
Cinderella. He is also a certified hypnotherapist.
He is a Research Scientist in Health
Systems with the New Jersey Department
of Health and has a private practice where
he treats patients with hypnotherapy
or the Legge Method healing music.



Nicolette Schwartzman L.Ac. is a national

board certified acupuncturist with a
background in homeopathy, energetic
medicine, nutrition and biology. She has
been practicing in Pennsylvania since 1986
and since 2005 also in North Carolina.
Together they teach workshops
throughout the United States.














Emotional Freedom Techniques

{EFT}for Peace of Mind
By Bonnie Marianna


Not enough time, too

much stress, long
hours at work, family
obligations. Whew!
Too much to do & to
little time to do it. Does
that sound familiar?
Where do you put your
stress? Where do you
store the "Woulda,
coulda, shoulda's?
Maybe it's time to take a big breath and
quiet the inner voice of our judge. EFT has
the ability to free the body, the mind & the
spirit. Release the baggage of the past. Live in
the now, bring more joy into your life. Erase
those old scripts that keep you in the past.
Sound too easy? That is the beauty of EFT. It is
so simple children can learn it and so effective
it really works. In just a minute or less you can
diffuse the emotional intensity and get clues as
to what is really going on. EFT was born about
10 years ago when Gary Craig (its founder)
took the training he had in TFT (Thought Field
Therapy) and made it simple! No separate list
of protocols for each emotion. Just a simple
tapping recipe was born. One of the blessings
of EFT is that once you know the points to
tap/rub you have help at your fingertips.
You don't have to be a therapist to use it.
What is your "self talk"? Is it serving you?
When change is desired do you meet resistance?
Does the self talk say we can't leave our
comfort zone, it's not safe? Stretch your
comfort zone, create real change that lasts.
What has EFT been used for? The saying is
"Try it on Everything". It only takes seconds
to do a round of tapping. What have you got
to lose. So EFT practitioners all over the
world have done just that. We have used it for
anger, pain, reaching goals, relieving jet lag,
fear of flying, smoking, weight issues, and the

list goes on. Individuals use EFT, doctors,

dentists, veterinarians,
teachers, and children.
Here's the basic recipe:
1. Identify an issue/problem

you want to work with

2. Tune into this issue. On a scale
of 0-10 (1 almost no emotion-lO
intense emotion), how would you
rate your response to this issue?
3. Pick a specific part of the issue
to work with. EX: Fear of lying.
What is it about flying that causes
the most anxiety? Take off? Being
miles in the air? Landing?
4. Here are the tapping points. You
can tap, rub, or hold them
KC= side of hand by little finger
EB:= eyebrow, inside edge
(toward center of forehead)
SE= side of eye (outside of eye)
UE= under the eye
UN= under nose (between nose & lip)
CH= chin (between lips
& bottom of chin)
CB= collarbone
UA= under arm (about
4" down from armpit)
TOH= top of head (on crown)
That's the basic recipe. Tap/rub
approximately 5-7 times at each point.





Want to try it? Let's tap:

What number would you give for
memories held in your body? Now
tap/rub the KC point and say:
I forgive my physical body for keeping
these memories in my tissues. It
was only protecting me.
Repeat this 2 more times.
Now tap the points in order & say:
EB: forgive my body
SE: protecting me
UE: forgive my body
UN: protecting me
CH: forgive my body
CB: protecting me
UA: forgive my body
TOH: protecting me
Take a couple breaths to your comfort
level. Now what is that number? Same?
Lower? Did something specific surface?
Tap at the KC point again:
I release my emotional body from the burden
of storing these memories. I am ready to
move forward. Repeat 2 more times.
EB: release memories
SE: move forward
UE: release memories
UN: move forward
CH: release memories

Bonnie Marianna has trained extensively with the

founder Gary Craig. She teaches approved Level
1 and 2 classes in EFT She has been an EFT
practitioner for 6+ years and uses it daily in her
own life. EFT is taught to all clients for self help.
Her practice includes Massage, Reiki, Hypnosis,
EFT for personal and business coaching.



CB: move forward

UA: release4 memories
TOH: move forward
Again take some breaths
check in with yourself.



EFT is effective for many issues. If you find

you are having difficulty you may wish to
work with an experienced EFT practitioner in
person or on the phone. Yes, I did say on the
phone. Another benefit of EFT is its ability to
be used over the phone as well as in person.
Did I just stretch your belief? You could tap for
that!EFT sessions can even be done by email.
Now I have really stretched your beliefs.
What would it be like to release the burdens
from the past and achieve levels of peace that
seemed impossible? Take a moment to think
about that. How would your life change?
I invite you to visit these web
sites for more information:
For research about eft go to the emofree site or,
www.eftupdate.com or www.eftdownunder.com
Have fun, get results, keep tapping.
Use it for everything!














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