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Catalogue of Seals and Whales in The British Museum

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The document provides a catalogue and descriptions of seal and whale specimens contained in various collections including the British Museum. It includes descriptions of species, anatomical details, and discussions of which species are still needed in the Museum collection.

The document is a catalogue of seal and whale specimens in the British Museum and other collections. It provides descriptions of the specimens and species.

The document describes various species of seals including Stenorhynchus, Monachus, Pagophilus, and Cystophora. It also describes whale species such as Balaenoptera, Physeter, Kogia, and various dolphin species.






F.R.S., V.P.Z.S., F.L.S., &c.








Tnis Catalogue contains an account of


the specimens of Seals

and Cetacea, and their bones, that are contained in the British

Museum, and a

description of the specimens which are contained in

other collections, in order to s'how

desiderata to the



are the species which are


of the woodcuts are the

papers published in the





were prepared

to illustrate

Proceedings of the Zoological Society,'

which have been kindly lent by the Council of that Society

for the




Dec. 15, 18G5.




Family Phocidje























11. Halichcerus










15. Callorhiuus


44, 368








49, 368



17. Otaria




Suborder I. Cete
I. Mysticete
Fam. Bal^nid^






3. Hunterius
4. Caperea
101, 371
5. Macleayius
103, 371
6. Palseocetus
Fam. Bal^nopteeid^ .... 106
1. Megaptera
longimana .... 119, 373
2. Poescopia
126, 373





3. Eschrichtius
133, 373
4. Benedenia
5. Physalus
antiquorum .... 144, 374
158, 374
160, 380
? australis
? fasciatus
? Iwasi
6. Cuvieriiis


? Buriiieisteri



Baling PTERiNA




Fam. Catodontid^ ....







Sperm Whale
South African Sp.W.
Indian Sperm Whale


South-Sea SpenuW.
lii-etrtii ?








Fam. Platanistidjk







Fam. Delphinid.^








compressus .... 234, .394






pseudodelphis ....

? fluv-iatilis



? rostratus






245, .398
















215, .391
217, 391


240, .395



386, 392

.... 226, 393
228, 393



? antarcticus






.... 257,
? Guianensis


258, 400
201, 401



204, 400
4*. Sotalia
39.3, 401
5. Lagenorhynchus
.... 207


? Nilssonii

















290, 402
301, 402


Fam. GLOBiocEPiiAxiDiE.
1. Globiocepbalus
macrorbyncbus .... 320
2. Spbferocephalus
Fam. ZiPHiiDiE
1. Hyperoodon
2. Lagenocetus
3. Epiodon
4. PetrorbjTicbus
5. Berardius
0. Zipbius
7. Diopiodon
Suborder II. Sirenia
Fam. Manatid^
1. Manatus
2. Halicore
3. Rytina
Additions and Corrections 367








Cutting-teeth f or | or A or |, conical or truncated; canines

sometimes elongated grinders ^.| or ||, more or less lobed


or plaited.
Head rounded ; face more or less produced ; ears, very
small, rudimentary, or none external ; eyes large, only slightly
Body elongate, hairy, attenuated behind; teats 2 or 4,
Feet short, enveloped in the body the fore feet short

the hind feet directed backwards, and close

toes five-elawed. Tail very short, depressed, sharp-edged

fingers five- clawed


on each


Fera (partim), Linn. S. N. i. 55.

Bruta (part.), Linn. S. N. i. 48.
Phoca, XwM. S. N. i. 55; Pennant, Syn. Quad. 330; Grmj, Gnfftfh'a
A. K. V. 175.
Phocadfe et Trichecidte, Gray, LoncL Mefl. Repos. 1821, 302.
Phocidaj et Trichechida3, Gray, Ami. Phil. 1825, 340.
Phocidfe, Gray, Zool. Ereh. 4- Terror Cat. Seals B. M.l, 18-50.
jNIammiferes a nageoires, Anipliibies, Desni. N. Diet. Hist. Nat. xxiv.

34, 1804.

Amphibia, Gray, Lond. Med. Repos. 1821, 302


Fam. R. A.

51, 1830.

Phocaceeraa, Nilsson, Vetetisk. AJcad. Handl. 1837, 235 lUuin. Figurer

Skand. Fauna, 1840, trand. by Br. Peters, Wieym. Arch. vii. 301.
(Piimipedia) Ruderfiisse, Illic/er, Prodr. 138, 1811; Rdppell, Verz.

Senck. Samnd. 167, 1845.

Les Phoques et les Morses, F. Cuv. Diet. Sci. Nat.
Duvernoy, Tab. R. A.
Tetraptervgia, J. Brookes, Catal. Mas. 36, 1828.
S. Amph. 27, 18.30.
et Otaria), Latr. Fam. R.


463, 465, 1829

Ursi (part.), Wayler, N.

Cynomorpba (Phoca

A. 51, 1825.

Brocha (Morse), Latr. Fam. R. A. 52, 1825.

Phoques, F. Car. Dents des Mamm. 113, 1825.

Ampliibies quadriremes, Duwrnoy, Tab. Aniyn. Vert,
Qiiadrupeda Nectopoda sou Plectropoda, G. Fischet-, Zoognom, 12.
Nectopoda, 2. I'imiipeda (pari.), G. Fischer, Zoognom. 15.
Phocidai seu Brachiociontia, J. Broohes, Cafal. Mns. .30, 1828.
Trichechidfe seu Campodontia, J. Brookes, fatal. Mns. 37, 1828.
Otariadse, J. Brookes, Catal Mns. 37, 1828.

Their limbs are short and fiii-likc, supported by the same number
of bones as those of other carnivorous mammalia ; the arm and leg
bones are much shorter ; the fingers and toes are armed with claws,
and are webbed together. They swim with facility, and dive for a
long period. On land they scarcely use their limbs in walking,
the fore arms resting inactive on the sides, and the hind feet close
they move, by the action
together, parallel on the sides of the tail
of the ventral muscles, in short jumps, or by wriggling themselves
They have very large, scarcely convex
alternately from side to side.
the nostrils are closed by their own elasticity, and opened at
the will of the animal their sense of smell is veiy acute, and the
convolutions of the bones and membranes of the nose are much


Of all the families of Mammalia the species composing that of the

Seals (Phocidce) are the most difficult of detennination, partly on
account of their great resemblance to one another in external characters, and the changes which they undergo in colour and form
during their growth, but more especially on account of the
of observing



in their natural habitations.

M. de

two brothers Cuvier, and

Lund, have done much to elucidate
the characters of the European species and those frequenting the
the species found in the North
eastern coast of JN^orth America
Pacific are only known by the descriptions of Steller, Pallas, and
Temminck. Many naturalists have been inclined to consider them
as identical with those found in the southern part of the Pacific
Ocean, believing that the species migrate from one half of the world
to the other, though we have the testimony of most voyagers that
Seals are very rarely found between the eqiiatorial line and 21

The labours


Blainville, the

especially of Professor Nilsson of

north latitude.


have not been so well

want of sufficient materials. Cuvier, when he
Ossemens Fossiles,' jiossesscd only eight skulls, belonging

Seals of the Southern hemisphere

studied, from the

wrote the


Phoca Leptonyx, 2. P. elephantina, 3. P.pusiUa,

but as several of these had been brought home
without the skins, he could only refer them doiibtfully to established
Indeed, almost the only knowledge that we have of the
Seals of the Pacific is derived from the observations of Cook, and the
Forsters, who accompanied that intrepid naNngator as naturalists
and the materials wliich they brought home were well collated by
Pennant in his History of Quadrupeds,' a work of very extraordinary merit considering the date of its publication. England might
then fairly be described as taking, as she should do, the lead in
to four species (viz. 1.
4. P. leon'ma ?)




This period has not been fairly estimated by the

who, at the opening of the Continent
after the war, appear to have been so dazzled by the brilliant progress made by the Professors ai:)pointcd by Napoleon, that they overlooked the fact that these men were only following in the footsteps
of Pennant, Latham, Solander, the Forsters, Fabricius, and others
(who were either Englishmen, or had been fostered by the scientific
men of this country), as Linnaeus followed in the footsteps of Ray.
scientific zoology.

modern school of


Besides the particulars given by Cook and Forster in the account

of their voyages, Forster communicated to Buffon the figures of two
of the species he had observed, accompanied by details of their
organization and habits, which were printed in the supplementary
volumes of Buffon's ' Natural History,' and form the most complete
and best account we have yet had of the history of these species.

Peron and Lesueur, in their record of Baudin's voyage, indicate

Seals found in the South Sea, and give fuller details of the
Sea Elephant, they having been so fortunate as to fall in with some
males of that species but the Natural History of the voyage was


never published, so that we are indebted to Cuvier (Oss. Foss. v.) for
the description of the only Seal they brought home, which appears
to have been the Fur Seal of commerce.

In the Zoology of Captain Duperrey's Voyage of the Coquille,' a

but the skull
is figured under the name of Phoca molossina
and skin now in the Paris Museum, as Nilsson has correctly observed,
In the Voyage of the Astrolabe
are only the young Sea Lion's.
two other southern Seals are figured one called Otaria cinerea,
Peron, which appears to be the Fur Seal of commerce, and the Otaria
ousfralts, which, is very like the ArctocepJialus lohatus, described from
a skull in Mr. Brookes's collection many years previously. It is to



be regretted that the figures here referred to, especially of the skull,
are so bad as to be utterly useless for the determination of the species
without comparison of the original specimens.

In the French 'Voyage to the South Pole,' figTires are given of the
Sea Leopard and the common White Antarctic Seal, the two most
common species found everywhere in these regions on the packed
the latter is named Phoca carcinophaga.

Mr. W. Hamilton has given an account of the Seals and other

marine mammalia, in Sir W. Jardine's Natiu-alist's Library,' which
contains a carefully compiled account of these animals, and some
original figures from the specimens in Ihe Edinburgh and Liverpool
Museums but, unfortunately, Mr. Stewart, the draughtsman, has
been more intent on giving them an artistic efi^ect than on attending
to their zoological characters.
Thus, some which should have no
claws on their hind feet have large ones, and sometimes one too many
for any mammal
and the toe-membranes of all the Eai-ed Seals or
The same author
Otaries are represented as hairy instead of bald.
has given an account of the Fur Seal in the Annals of Natural
Historv,' which he considers as diff'erent from the Sea Bear of Forster
B 2


and other South-Sea navigators.

According to Dr. Hooker, the Fnr

Seals of the Falklands rarely exceed 3| or

Seamen have long divided the

feet in length.

on account of the great difBuffon

ference in their form, into the Earless and Eared Seals.
adopted the division and Peron, in his account of Baudin's Voyage
(ii. 37), gave the name of Ofaria to the Eared Seals.
Cuvier and
most naturalists have adopted this name.

In the 'Medical Repository' for 1821, p. 302, I considered the

Seals as forming an order, named Awj^hih la containing two families
Phocadte for Plioea and Otaria, and Trichecidce for Trichecus.

Dr. Fleming, in 1822, placed the Otters (Lutra), Sea Otters (Enhydra), Seals (Phoca), Ursine Seals {Otaria), and Walrus {Trichecus)
in a single group, which he called Pulmata.
Phil. ZooJ. ii. 187.


Vrolik, in 1822, in his ' Thesis de Phocis,' divides the Seals

into five tribes:
I. Phocce sine aurindis: Trihus prima, P. ^^tuTrihus secunda, P. monachus Trihus fertia, P. mitrata Trihvs
qm(rta, P. proboscidea.
II. Otarice {Phocce aiiiiculata')


quinta, P. leonina, &c.

In the Annals of Philosophy for 1 825, I considered the genera

Phoca and Trichecus as each forming a familj', and proposed to
ears none
divide the Seals thus
I. Grinders manj'-rooted
simple. \. Stenorhiinchina,YQ\-d^msi and Stenorhynchus. 2. Phocina,
II. Grinders with simple roots, or with divided roots, and
4. Otariina, Otaria
Avith distinct ears.
3. Euhydrina, Enhj'dra.
and Platyrhynchus. 5. Steiumatopina, Stemmatopus and Macro'



M. F. Cuvier, in 1825, in the * Dents des Mammiferes,' 118, divides

the Seals into those which have many roots to the grinders, including
P. vitidina, P. Leptonyx, and P. mitrata, and those witli simpleIn 1829, in the
rooted grinders, as P. ursimi and P. prohoscidea.
article Zoologie in the
Diet. Sci. Nat.' lix. 367, he divides them
1. Les Phoques proprement dits, including the genera Calloc*phalus, Stenorhynchus, Pelagius, Stemmcdopus, Macrorhinus, ArctocephaJus, and Platyrhynchus, and 2. Les Morses, for the genus Trichecus.
In a paper on the genus, in Mem. Mus.' xi. 1827, 208, he
proposed to divide them into the following subgenera pin ced in three



1. CallocejJmhis (vituSkct. 1. Grinders similar, double-rooted.

linus); 2. Stenorhynchus (leptonyx) ; 3. Pelagius (monachus).

Sect. 2. Grinders simple-rooted


(cristatus); 5.

Sect. 3. Grinders simple-rooted




Platyrhynchus (leoninus).
given in Fischer, Syn. Mamm. 230,

lus (ursinus)

ciitting-tceth ^.

Macrorhinus (proboscidalis).







abstract of this

Mr. Josluia Brookes, in the Catalogue of his Anatomical and

Zoological Museum, 36, 1828, divides the Tetrapteryyia, or Seals,
into three families: A-iz. 1. Phocidce or Brachiodontia
2. Otariadie;


3. Trichechida' or



(Fam. Eeg. Auim.), in 1825, proposed

two families:
for Phoca and Otaria
2. Brocket, for Trichechus.

to foiTQ the Seals

into an order, Amjyluhin, containing



Wagler (Natiirl. Syst. Amphibian), in 1830, places the Seals in the

order Ursi, and divides them into three genera:
1. Phoca (monachus)
2. lihinophoca (prohoscideus)
3. Trichecus (rosmarus).

Professor Nilsson, in 1837, in a monograph of the species of Seals,

proposed to divide them into seven genera, distributed in two sections, thus
Sect. I.
2. PeJagius (monachus)
1. Stenorlujnclms (leptonyx)


PJioca (vitulina).

Sect. II.



Halichoems (grypus)
(proboscidea and cristata)


Trichecus (rosmarus)
Otaria (jubata and


Akad. Handl. 1837, 235 Skand. Faima, no. 20,

This essay is translated into German by Dr. Peters in Wiegmann's Arch. vii. 301.
ursina). See Vetensk.


In Loudon's Magazine of Natural Histoiy' for 1837 (i. 583) and

Zoology of the Erebus and Terror is proposed the arrangement which is followed in this Catalogue.

in the



Mr. Turner, in 1848, proposed the foUowing arrangement of the

family Phocichv from the stxidy of skulls
II. Trichecina:
I. Arctocephalina: 1. Otaria; 2. Arctocephalus.
5. Cystophora ; 6. Hali3. Trichecus.
4. Morunga
III. Phocimi
9. Leptonyx; 10. Stenochoerus
8. Lobodon
7. Ommatophora
rhynchus 11. Phoca. Proc. ZooL Soc. 1848, 88 Ami. ^ Mag. Nat.
Hist. 1848, iii. 422.

Synopsis of the Tkibes and Gteneea.

A. Grinders two-rooted; ears none; toes simjile, of fore feet short, of
liind feet tineqiud, the outer on each side lonijest, the middle shortest;
the 2'>ahns


soles hairy.

Cuttiny-teeth i; hind feet nearly clawless; muffle hairy on the edye

and betiveen the nostrils ; fore feet trianyidar ; tcrist very short.


First, second,

and third front


sinyle-rooted, the rest two-rooted




the first front loicer yrinders

hirer jaio moderate.

Skull and muzzle elongate

grinders unequally lobed.


The front yrinders of each jaw sinyle-rooted, the rest two-rooted.

Lower jaw weak, tvith obtuse anyle ; orbits very larye.
Leptonyx. Skull broad, depressed behind muzzle short, broad


gTinders subcompressed, with a small subcentral conical tubercle

and a very small posterior one; lower jaw narrow behind, without
any hinder angle ; fore feet clawed.


Skull broad, depressed behind muzzle very short,

broad orbits very large grinders small, compressed, with a central
incurved lobe, and a small lobe on each side of it; fore feet very

slightly clawed.


tt Luwer jaw strony,




an acute angle


orbits ?noderafe.

aud muzzle elongate

griuders compressed,
elongated lobes, the centre one longest and


tliree cylindrical



Skull broad, depressed behind muzzle short, broad

giinders small, conical, thick, with a small anterior and
posterior lobe lower jaw broad, vnth. a distinct posterior angle
upper cutting-teeth transversely notched palate angularly notched


orbits lax'ge

; the first grindei' in each jaw single-rooted, the rest

two-rooted; muzzle bald, callous hetioeen and above the nostrils, and
divided by a central groove ; wrist rather exserted ; fingers subequal

Cutting-teeth |


claivsfive, large.


diverging; Imuer edge of lower jaw rvimdedf

simple; palate angularly arched behind; angle of loicer jaw blunt,

Branches of



sloping behind.

Callocephalus. Muzzle rather narrow whiskers waved toes gradually shorter web between the hind toes hairy hair subcylindrical


under-fur thin.
* Branches of lower jaw diverging; lowo' edge
of loicer
the inner side.



Palate angularly notched behind


dilated on

angle of lower


blunt, sloping behind.

Palate truncated behind angle of lower jaw acute,

erect behind, with a notch above the basal tubercle muzzle rather
Eroduced ; whiskers waved toes gradually shorter web between
ind toes baldish ; hair dry, flat, close-pressed, without any imder-




*** Branches
of lotverjaiv arched on the side and wide apaii, ; lower edge
produced on the inner side behind the symphysis ; palate arched.


Tubercle on inner edge of front part of lower jaw elonteeth moderate ; angle of lower jaw simple, with
a distinct notch above it.


gate, sharp-edged



Tubercle on inner edge of front part of lower jaw blunt,

teeth small angle of lower jaw with a roimded lobe on
inner side above the basal tubercle muzzle broad, short forehead
convex whiskers smooth, simple ear-hole large fingers unequal,
the third longest, second and fom-th long, the first and fifth shorter,

neai'ly equal.


Grinders with single root (except the two hinder grinders of Halichoerus).


Ears without any conch; toes simple, offore feet exserted, of hind feet
large, the inner and aider ones large and long, the three middle ones
shorter ; palm and sok'S hairy, sometimes chaff)/ and callous from
wear; nntfile hairy to the edge and between the no^rils.

* 3ftizzle large, truncated, simple; canines large; grinders lobed, ivhen

old truncated.
11. IIai.ichcerus,


Muzzle broad, rounded; cutting-teeth


conical, the

grinders |^,

two hinder of the upper and hinder one of the lower jaw



double-rooted, the rest simple canines moderate whiskers crenumuffle hairy palm and soles hairy claws 5-5, elongate.


Muzzle very broad, truncated, swollen and convex



muffle, palm, and soles chaffy, callous, with the hair more or
cutting-teeth | in
less worn off in the adult (hairy when young ?)
youth, f in adult ; giinders 4-4, truncated, all single-rooted ; camnes


of upper

jaw very

large, exserted.

** Muzzle
of the male 7cith a dilatile appendage; cutting-teeth^; grinders
with a large swollen root and a small, compressed, simple, plaited
croion; mirffle hairy.

Nose transversely wrinkled above, exsertile muzzle of

the skull broad, truncated in fi'ont forehead convex hinder palatine
bone short, transverse hair flat, truncated, close-pressed whiskers
round, rather waved, thick front claws obsolete crown of grinders


finely plaited.

Nose of male with a large compressed hood extending

to the back of the head ; muzzle very broad, hairy ; nostrils large
muzzle of skull broad, narrowed on each side in front ; forehead flat
palatine bone broad, square ; hair elongate, cylindrical ; whiskers flat,
waved ; claws 5-5, distinct crown of grinders strongly wrinkled.



subcylindrical distinct external conch ; toes of the hind

feet stibeqnal, short, with long me^nhranaceotis Jlaps at the end; fore
feetfin-Wke ; palm and soles bald, longitudinally grooved ; nose simple,
with a rather large callous muffle above and betxoeen the nostrils

Ears with a

cutting-teeth |, upper often bifid; grinders -^^




Cutting-teeth subequal face of skull short; forehead convex, regularly rounded from the end of the nasal bone to
the middle of the vertex nasal opening small palate rather concave,
contracted behind, short, nearly reaching the middle of the zygomatic
arch lower jaw short, thick, flattened, expanded beneath just in
front of the condyle.



Cutting-teetli subequal face of skull elongate

forehead flattened, and nearly horizontal from the nasal bone to the
vertex nasal opening large, high palate rather narrower behind than
in front, rather concave, short, not reaching behind the middle of the
zygomatic arch lower jaw narrow, with a crest-like ridge behind,
beneath, just in front of the condyle.


Muzzle broad, high in front forehead rather convex

occiput high cutting-teeth |, upper and outer one very large, like
canines; grinders of adult wdth very large roots and small, compressed, lobed crown palate-bone rather wider behind than in front,
long, extending nearly to the articulation of the jaws behind lower
jaw broad, dilated in fi'ont and behind at the angle upper jaw elon-



and dilate with age.




^t^, two-rooted ; cars none; toes simpk, of the fore feet

of the hind feet unequal, the outer on each side longest, the middle
shortest ; the pabns and soles hairy.
(See fig. 1.)



The skiill has no postorbital process nor alisphenoid caiml. The

mastoid process is swollen, and seems to form part of the auditory



Fore and hind



Phoca, Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 175, 1827.

Phoca, Sect. I., F. Cuvier, Mem. Mus. xi. Nilsson, Wieym. Arch,
vii. 306
Skand. Fauna, n. xx.
Phocidse seu Brachiodontia, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 36, 1828.
Phoques, les dents ont les racines multiples, I. Cuvier, Dents des




38, 1825.

(part.), Turner, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1848, 88.


Gray, Cat. Seeds B.


Cutting -teeth

and between





hind feet nearly

claivless ; mnffie

Stenorhvnchina, Gray, Ann. Phil. 1825, 340;

Zool. Erehus ^ Terror
Cat. Seals B. M. 5,

The first,


to the


the nostrils ; fore feet triangular ; wrist very short.


and third front apper and

sinyle-rooted, the rest tioo-rooted





583, 1837;


the first front lower yrinders


moderate, rather weak;

orbits large.


Skull elongate muzzle elongate grinders rather compressed, with

a large lobe in front, and three lobes behind the larger central one.


car-conch none externally muzzle broad nostrils

whiskers rigid, tapering, waved. Skull
elongate, rather depressed
nose broad, rather produced

ovate, hairy to the edge


moderate ; the petrose portion, of the temporal bone very convex,

nearly hemispherical.
Cutting- teeth ^ the upper middle ones moderate, with a smaller,
rather compressed ctiown ; the two others large, conical, like the
canines ; the lower pair small ; the two middle ones siibcylindrical,
rather internal, projecting forwards and rounded at the end ; the


outer ones rather larger, blimt.

the upper




triangular, subtrigonal, lobed


conical, curved, small,

with large swoUen roots

the crown

lobes rather recurved at the tip, the

Fis. 2.

Lobodou carciuophaga.

Skull and hinder grinder.

larger lobe with one, or sometimes a second, small lobe in front,

with three lobes behind




upper one smaller, with a single

large root, the second, third, and fourth nearlj' equal,

and the fifth

smaller and more compressed the second and third have the root
only divided at the base, the fourth and fifth have the root divided
nearly to the crown, and diverging the first under is smallest and
single-rooted, the rest are all similar, 2-rooted, the third being the
largest, and the fifth most compressed in the crown. The symjihysis
of the lower jaw is very long.
The teeth of the younger animals have a rather broader crown,
Avith rather shorter tubercles, a rugose siu'face with some smaller
tubercles on the inner side, near the base of the hinder lobes, but
separated from them by a groove.
Body tapering behind. The fore limbs moderate, rather elongate,
triangular, hairy above and below ; toes 5, tapering, with a narrow,
thick, haiiy web between them ; claws 5, elongate, acute, subequal.
The hind limbs large, broad, triangular, hairy above and below the
outer toes on each side of the foot very large, broad, rounded at the
end ; the three middle ones smaller, narrow, tapering, with a thick
hairy Aveb between them ; the central one smaller and shorter ; all
Tail short, conical, depressed.
Fur close-set, rather rigid, directed backwards, soft at the end
the hairs flat at the base, tapering to a fine point, without any underfur at the roots.
Inhab. Antarctic Ocean.



LoLodon, Graii, Zool. Erehus Sf Terror Cat. Seals B, M. 5, 9.

Phoca, sp., Hoinh. t^ Jacq. Voy. Pole Sud (no description).
Stenorhynclms (part.), Owen, Ann. Mag. N. H. 1843, xii. 331.

Haliclioerus, sp., T. Peule.

is more nearly allied to Stenorhynclius than to Phoca,
which the French surgeons have referred it but still it differs so
much from that genus in the conformation of the skull and in the
lobing and rooting of the teeth, that it can scarcely be left in it.
The latter peculiarity appears to have escaped Prof. Owen's research,
as in his generic character of Stenorhynchus he says, '" Anterior
molars with one root, the rest with two roots," while in this genus
the three front ujiper molars are single-rooted, a character by which

This genus


fi'om all the other

it differs


genera in the family.

Lobodon carcinophaga.

Head, back, hind

Crab-eating Seal.

and upper part of the tail pale olive fore

feet, side of the face, body, and tail beneath yellowish white
hinder part of the sides of the body and the base of the hind fins

yellow-spotted, spots unequal, often confluent

upper ones smaller, dusky.

whiskers white, the

Phoca carcinophaga, Honih.

(skull, good
8f Jacq. Voy. Pole Sud, t.
not described) Pucheran, Voy. d' Urinllc, t. 10, 10 a.
Lobodon carcinophaga. Gray, Zool. Ereb. S,- Terror, Mammalia,2. 1. 1,
Cat. Odeol. Spec. B. 31. 32
t. 2 (skull)
Cat. Seals B. M. 10.
Stenorlivnchus serridens, Oioen, Ann. 8f Mag. N. H. 1843, xii. 331
Proc.''Zool. Soc. 1843, 131; Cat. Ost. Mus. Coll. Surg. 641.
Halichcerus antarctica, T. Peak, U. S. Explor. Exped. 30. t. 5, skull,
ed. Cassin, 25, 1858, fig. skull, not good.
fig. p. 31, 1848
See Stenorlivnchus vetus, Leidy, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. vi. 377,
fig. tooth, said to be found in the greensand of New Jersey.

Inhab. Antarctic Ocean, on the packed





Antarctic Seas.
Presented by the
Skull: three-parts grown.
Lords of the Admiralty, from the Antarctic Expedition.
figured ' Zool. Erebus & Terror,' t.
adult. Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Expedition. Presented
by the Lords of the Admiralty.
Skull adult. Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Expedition. Presented

by Lieut. W. Smith, R.N.

d. Skull


Antarctic Seas.

Antarctic Expedition.


Antarctic Expedition.


by Lieut. W. Smith, R.N.




Antarctic Seas.

by Lieut. W. Smith,


R.N. See

Fig. 2, p. 9.

young. Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Expedition.


by the Lords of the Admiralty.

Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Expedition. Presented by
the Lords of the Admiralty.
Skull. Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Expedition. Presented by the
Lords of the Admiralty.

g. Skeleton.


The skeleton and skull of this animal are described in

Owen, Cat. Osteol. Mus. CoU. Surg. 641. no. 3937.






Lower jaw


in each Jaw sinyle-rooted, the fcst two-rooted.

The Jirst front yrinder


an obtuse anyle behind ;

iveak, with

orbits very laryc.




broad, depressed behind; muzzle short, broad; grinders

subcompressed, with a small subcentral conical tubercle and a very
small posterior one ; the lower jaw narrow behind, without any
hinder angle fore feet clawed.

Head flattened

muzzle broad, rather short, rounded muffle hairy

between aud to the edge of the nostrils nostrils ovate whiskers
compressed, slightly waved ears, no external conch. Skull slightly
depressed, expanded behind nose rather short, broad, high above
orbits rather large the petrose portion of the temporal bone convex,

Cutting-teeth |-, conical, rather recurved, those of the upper jaw
largest ; the middle in each jaw smaller
the outer upper much



^k, large, conical,

curved, rather compressed, upper

Grinders ^, moderate, rather far apart, parallel to the edge

of the jaw, compressed, with subcentral, conical, prominent tubercle ;

the second, third, and fourth, in the more perfect specimens, with a
small conical tubercle on the hinder edge, and a sharp-edged ridge
round the inner side of the base ; the front grinder in each jaw
smaller, and with a single conical root, the rest all 2-rooted nearly
to the crown.
Lower jaw slender, with a short symi^hysis in front,
and narrow, without any angle at the hinder part of the lower edge.
Fig. 3.

Leptouyx Weddellii.





last grinder.

Fore feet small, elongate, triangular, hairy above and below, with
graduated, distant, marginal claws hind feet moderate
two marginal toes largest, rounded at the end ; claws small, rudimentary, two middle largest.
Fur short, adpressed, without any under-fur; hair slender, tapering,

slightly flattened.

The skuU
of a skull of

of this genus resembles in





it differs

respects Cuvier's figure



in all the grinders



being placed more longitudinally, and in the lower jaw being slender,
and without any angle on the hinder part of the lower edge. It is
far more nearly allied to that genus than to Stenorhi/nchus, to which
Prof. Owen (Ann. N.H. 1843, xii. 331, 332) has referred it observing
that his Sien. serridens (our Lohodon cancnvora) shows modifications
of the molar teeth which would give it a better claim to subgeneric
distinction than the /Sten. Weddellii (which, he observed, is the type
of the subgenus Lcptonjix of Mv. Graj") has been supposed to possess.
Prof. Owen made this remark, and drew up his specific character,
without having seen the teeth of this species for the skull was not
then removed from the skin, and the specimens in the British Museum
were stuflPed with the mouth nearly closed.
This animal is easily known from Stenorhtinchus by the shortness
of the wrist and the triangular form of the fore feet, being intermediate in this respect between that genus and Ommatophoca.
Mr. Swainson, in 1832, applied the name of Leptonix to a genus
but the former
of birds, and in 1837 the same name to a second
had before been named Pferoj^tochos, and the latter Cornjiliosjnza, so

name may still be tised for the Seal.

Inhab. Antarctic Ocean.

that the

Leptonyx, Gray, Mar/. N. H. 183G Zoul. Voj/. Erebus

Mamm. ; Cat. Seals B. M. 6, 14 not Stvainson.



Fahe Sea Leopard.

Leptonyx Weddellii.


Fulvous, with the front of the back and a line down the back
blackish grey whiskers brown, tapering.
Female and young blackish grey above sides with a series of
longitudinal yellowish spots.

Phoca Leopardina, Jameson, Weddell, Voy. South

not good Spec. Mus. Edi)i.


22, 24, 134,


Sea Leopard, or Leopard Seal, Weddell, Voy.

S. Pole,


22, 134.

Otaria? Weddellii, Lesson, Bull. Set. Nat. vii. 34, 438, 1826.
Stenorlijaiclms Weddellii, Lesson, Mumm. 200 ; Owen, Ann. ^ Mag.
N. H. 1843, xii. 333.
Leopard Seal, Hamilton, Nat. Libr. 183. t. 12 (from Capt. WeddelVs

Leptonyx Weddellii, Gray, Maq.



5 (animal),




Cat. Seals

Zool. Voy. Erebtis

M. 16.


Santa Cruz. Presented by Capt. Fitzroy,

specimens described as Leptonyx Weddellii,



Il.N., 1833.^

South Orkney, Weddell.

Inhab. Antarctic Ocean.

a, h.

N H. 1836


Gray, Mag. N. H. 1836 Cat. Ostcol. Spec. B. M. 31.

N.B. When this species was first described, I thought it was the
Leopard Seal of Weddell. I was afterwards induced to believe that
I was mistaken, as the name Sea Leopard was applied by the whalers
but it would appear that they used the
to Stenorliynelms Jjeptonyx
same name for the two Seals and I have convinced myself, by examining the teeth of Weddell's specimen in the Museum of the University of Edinburgh, that my first opinion was correct.




Presented by the Lords

Antarctic Sea.
Specimen described and figured in ' Zool.
of the Admiralty.
Erebus and Terror.'




River Santa Cruz, cast coast of Patagonia.

by Capt.


Skull of specimen a.

River Santa Cruz, east coast of Patagonia.


Capt. Fitzroy.
Skull of specimen h.
Skull. Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Expedition.
Lords of the Admiralty. The skull figiu-ed in




Presented by the

Zool. Erebus



xintarctic Seas.

Antarctic Expedition.

Presented by the

Lords of the Admiralty.



Skull broad, depressed behind muzzle very short, broad orbits

very large ; grinders small, compressed, with a central incurved lobe,
and a small lobe on each side of it fore feet very sKghtly clawed.


short, broad


nostrils ovate

ears small, with no internal conch

muzzle very

muffle hairy between and to the edge of the nostrils

whiskers tapering, conical. Skull depressed, expanded

behind orbits very large nose very short, broad, truncated in front,
high behind petrose portion of the temporal bone convex.
Cutting-teeth ^, small, conical, sharply recurved at the tij).
Grinders small, compressed, with a subcentral, rather large, broad,
slightly incurved lobe, having a very small lobe on the inner side of

Fig-. 4.



Skull and hinder grinders.

and a larger conical one in the middle of its hinder edge

the front grinder of each jaw is smaller and thicker, with a single
conical root, the rest aU with two diverging roots to the crown.

its front,



Lower jaw rather slender, with a short symphysis in front, and rather
narrow, with a thick rounded edge in the hinder part of the lower
edge in the place of the angle.
Fore feet moderate, elongate, triangular, hairy above and below
toes 5-5, tapering, subequal, separated by a thick, narrow, hairy
web claws two or three, very small, rudimentary, horny, acute.
Hind feet large, broad, triangular, hairy above and below the outer
toes on each side of the foot very large, broad, rounded at the end
the middle ones small, narrow, tapering, with a thick hairy web
between them the central one smaller and shortest all clawless.

Tail short, conical.

Fur very close-set, rather rigid.

Inhab. Antarctic Ocean.
Ommatoplioca, Gray, Zool. ErchtcsSf Terror


Cat. Seals



Ommatophora, Turner, Proc.



Zool. Soc. 1848, 88, misprint.



Large-eyed Seal.

Greenish yellow, with close oblique yellow stripes on the side,

pale beneath.

Seals B.



Rossii, Gray, Zool. Erehm Sf Terror, 3I(nmn. t. 7

8 (skull and teeth) Cat. Osteal. Spec. B. M. 31 Cat.


Inhab. Antarctic Ocean.


Stuffed skin.


Presented by the Lords of the

Antarctic Ocean.
From the Antarctic Expedition.

Figured in Zool. Erebus & Terror,' t. 8. f. 1, 2 k 4.

and second grinders of the upper jaw are small, with a
on the right side both these teeth are united
single conical root
together in one cavity and as there are four other grinders on each
side, it would appear as if there were front grinders of two sets.
The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth of the same jaw have a compressed,
single, tapering root, with a deep central groove nearly dividing it
into two parts, the groove being deepest and most distinguishable on
In the lower jaw the front grinder has a double
their outer side.
crown, with a thick single root, tapering below, as if formed of two
teeth united together by their roots the second and third grinders
have a broad, compressed, single root, divided by a rather deep,
and the fourth and fifth
central, longitudinal groove on each side
grinders each have two tapering, nearly parallel roots, well separated
In this skull the palate is rounded
at the base from each other.
behind, and the suture between the two bones is much more nearly
in its centre.
I do not recollect to have observed such a malformation, or soldering together of the roots of the teeth, in any other Seal.

Skull of a.




Skull and skeleton.

skull has the first upper and lower grinder with a
subcylindrical root, tapering to a point beneath, and
other grinders has two conical separate roots diverging
The palate is broad and rather truncated
the collar.
c, d.


single large

each of the
nearly from
behind, and





the transverse suture between the two bones in the palate is rather
more than two-thirds the distance from the inner edge of the cuttingteeth.

Figured in < Zool. Erebus & Terror,' t. 8. f. 3, 5.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty.



These skulls differ considerably from one another in the form of

the palate and in the teeth but it is probable that the teeth of the
skull (6) belonging to the skin (Zool. Erebus & Terror, t. 8. f. 1, 2, 4)
are a malformation.

tt Loioerjaw strong, with an acute angle hehind;


orbits moderate.


Skull elongate ; muzzle elongate grinders compressed, with thi-ee

cylindrical elongate lobes, the centre one longest and largest.

Head elongate ; ear-conch none externally ; muzzle broad, elongate ; muffle hairy to the edge and between the nostrils ; nostrils
acute ; whiskers slightly waved. Face elongate, rather compressed
nose tapering, rather produced and compressed on each side orbits
moderate the petrose portion of the temporal bone rather convex.
Cutting-teeth ^, conical, acute, incurved, granular, and with a
cutting-edge on each side in a regular row; the two outer larger ; the
upper much larger than the lower, and separated from the canines
by a broad space. Canines conical, with sharp cutting-edges within

and on the

sides, the



Grinders ~, with moderate roots,

separated from the crown by a narrow groove ; the crown compressed,

divided into three elongate lobes, the centre lobe much the largest,
longest, and subcylindrical, the anterior and posterior lobes conical


Stenorhynchus Leptonyx.

Skull and gTinders.

the bases of the lobes are surrounded by a sharp-edged ridge, with

small, short, conical tubercles on the inner side, the larger one
being at the base of the separation of the hinder from the middle
the front grinder in each jaw is rather tlio thickest, with a





single thick conical root; all the rest have tsvo rather diverging
roots, di\d(le(i nearly to the crown
the hinder tooth in each jaw is
rather the smallest.
Symphysis of the lower jaw short.
Body tapering behind. The fore limbs moderate, rather elongate
the toes are rather larger than the Avrist, and each furnished with
The hind limbs are rather large, of
a small nearly terminal claw.
two nearly equal lobes, destitute of any claws the three middle

toes small, tapering.

The fur close-set, short, without any under-fur hairs flattened,

tapering at the tip to a point.
, In the young skull the grinders are well developed, while the
cutting-teeth are small and far apart the hinder grinders have four
lobes where they have only three in the adult.
Mr. MacMurtrie, in his translations of Cu^ier, erroneously adds to
the generic character in the text of the author, " but with single
roots ;" this is repeated in the reprint of the American edition published by Orr, i. 98.
the two lower middle
Dr. Knox observes, " Teeth, -f f
cranial, 4 ; cervical, 7
incisors peculiar.
dorsal, 14


lumbar, 6; sacral, 3; coccygeal, 13=47.

" The nostrils opened much after the manner of the Cetacea, in
the form of elongated fissures, one inch from the extremity of the
snout the pelvic extremities very large and far back tail extremely
The skin was hairy. The stomach contained numerous fish;

bones, a few feathers (gulls'), aild some considerable portions of a

pale-green, broad-leaved, marine Fucus ; thousands of a small, hard,
round, white worm (parasitical) pervaded all parts of the intestines.
The intestinal tube measured 71 feet 10 inches caput caecum, 1 inch
9 lines diameter of small intestines, 1 inch ; of large intestines, 1 inch
6 lines. Liver weighed 14 lbs. ; kidneys, 2 lbs. each spleen, 1 lb.

of the aorta gave off" an extremely short

innooninata, which di\dded it into a right carotid and subclavian,

heart, 6 lbs.

The arch

and left carotid the left subclavian came off" separately. It resembles
Tiedemann's third variety, pi. 3 (copy published in Edinburgh)."
Inhab. Antarctic Ocean.

Stenorhvnchus (Stenorhynque), F. Cnv. Diet. Hist. Nat. xxxix. Mhn.

Mus. xi. 190 Diet. Sci. Nat. lix. 403 ('1829) Nilssm, Wiepn. Areh.
vii. 307; Skand. Fauna; Gray, Zool. Ercb. 8f Terror, Mamm.
Seals B. M. 0, 11.
Phoca, sp., Home; Blainville; F. Cuv. Dents des Majum. t.


Stenorhynchus Leptonyx.

Sea Leopard.

Grey, paler beneath, with small black spots on the sides of the
neck and body, and with a few smaller white spots on the sides
upper part of the hinder limbs dark, pale-marbled.

Phoca I^eptonyx, Mainv. Journ. Phi/s. xci. 288, 1820 Desm. Mamm.
247, from Home's speeimen ; Cur. Oss. Foss. v. 208. t. 18. f. 2
Gray, GriJptlCs A. K. v. 178 Bhdnv. Osteocfr. Phoea, 1. 1, ct t. 4. f.

Cuvier, Dents des Mamm. 1 IH. t. 88 a.

Georgia, Hotne, PJiil. Trans. 1822, 240. t. 29, skull.

skull (Mils. Paris)

Seal from






riioque quatrieme, Blainv. in Besm.



243, note

see Cnv. Oss.

Foss. V. 207.

Leptonyx, F. Ciw. Diet. Sc. Nat. xxxix. 549. t. 44;

190. "t. 13. f. 1; Dents des Mamm. 118. t. 38 a
Nilsson, Wiegm. Arch. vii. 307
Skand. Fauna, t.
Gray, Zool.
Frehus i<f Terror, 3Iamm. t. 3 ( animal), t. 4 (skull) Cat. Osteol. Spec.
B. M. 31
Cat. Seals B. M. 13
Blainv. Osteoejr. Phoca, t. 5. f. 9
(teeth and skull)
Oiven, Ann. N. H. 1843, xii. 332.
Plioca Homei, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 417.
Phoca (Stenorhynche) Leptonvx, Blainv. Pucheran, Dumont d' Urville,

Mem. Mus.





The Small-nailed

Seal, Hamilton, Nat. Lib. 180. 1. 11 (nails too large).

Stenorhj'nchus aux petits ongles, Homhr. ^ Jacq. Voij. it Pole Sud, t. 9.

Sea Leopard of the Mltalers.

Sea Bear of New Zealand, Kno.v, in letter.
Plioca m'sina, or Sea Bear, Pollach, JVciu Zealand.
Inhab. Antarctic Ocean, on the packed ice.
North shore,
N. S. W., G. Bennett. Drawn by Angas.



Skin adult stuffed. Antarctic Ocean. Antarctic Expedition.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty.
b. Skin
adult unstuffed.
c. SkuU.
cl. Skull.
Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Expedition
Presented by the
Lords of the Admii-alty.
SkuU figiu^ed in Zool. Erebus & Terror,' t.
e. Skull.
Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty.
Presented by Dr.
Port Nicholson, New Zealand.
/. Skeleton.
Frederick Knox.
g. SkuU. Antarctic Seas. Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty.
SkuU and bones of the body. Antarctic Seas. Presented by the
Lords of the Admiralty.
i. SkuU.
Antarctic Seas.


The skull of this Seal is described by Prof. Owen in Cat. Osteol.

Mus. CoU. Surg. 642. nos. 3938-3941, and in Ann. N. H. 1843, xii.
331, he says the Sea Leopard is distinguished from it " by the spotted



Skull broad, depressed behind muzzle short, broad orbits large

grinders smaU, conical, " thick, with a small anterior and posterior
lobe;" lower jaw broad, with a distinct posterior angle; "upper
cutting-teeth transversely notched " cutting-teeth ^.
Inhab. Mediterranean.

Monachus, Fleminq,

Phil. Zool.


187,1822; Nikson, Vet. Akad. Handl.

1837, 2.35 Gray, Cat. Seals B. M. 17.

Pelagios (Pelage), F. Cuv. 3fem. Mus. xi. 193, 196. 1. 13, 1827; Gray,
Zool. Erehiis 8f Terror, Mamm. 3.
Pelagius, F. Cuv. Diet. Sci. Nat. lix. 463, 1829 Fisc?ier, Si/n. Mamm.

irieymann, Arch. vii. 308 Nilsson, Vet. Akad. Handl. 1837,

Skand. Faioia, xx. t.
Heliophoca, Gray, Ann. Sf 3Iag. N. H. 18.54, xiii. (from young animal ).




albi venter.



Cniier, Oss. Fuss.

Muzzle rather elongate, broad, hairy, with a slight groove between

Fore feet
the nostrils whiskers small, quite smooth, flat, tapering.
short; fingers gradually shorter to the inner one; claws 5, flat,
truncate. Hind feet haiiy between the toes ; claws very small hair
Skull depressed
short, adpressed, with very little or no under-fur.
nose rather depressed, rather elongate, longer than the length of the
zygomatic arch ; palate angularly notched behind. Cutting-teeth ^,
large, notched within, the middle upper much smaller, placed behind

the intermediate ones. Canines large, conical, sharp-edged. Grinders

||, large,

crowded, placed obhquely with regard to the central pala-

with several small conic rhombic

in front below, with diverging
branches, the lower edge of the branches rounded, simple.
grinders, except the two first in both jaws, are implanted by two
their crown is short, compressed, conical, with a cingillum
strongly developed on their inner side, and developing a small anterior and posterior accessory cusp ; the upper jaw is much less deep
than in Halichcerus the canines are relatively large, and the nasal
bones are much shorter.
The feet, palate, and teeth resemble those of the genus Callocephalus (C. comnnmis), but the grinders are larger and less deeply
lobed and it has the smooth whiskers of the restricted genus PJwca
It differs from the latter genus in the depressed form
(P. harhata).
of the skull, the large tubercular grinders, and the angular termina-

tine line;


large, conical,

Lower jaw angulated

tion to the palate.

As the other subtropical Seal, Phoca troincalis (Gray, Cat. Seals,

M. 28), from Jamaica, described from an imperfect skin without
a skull, has similar small smooth whiskers, it may verj^ probably,




skull has been examined, be found to belong to this genus,

form of the family.

will then prove to be a subtropical








I'lioque a ventre blauc, Bi(jfo)i, H. N. Siipp. vi. t. 44; Cuv. li. A. i.

IGG Oss. Foss. v. 208. 1. 17. f. 1 (skeleton), f. 2, 3,4, 5 (skull) LohRanzuni, Opusc. Scietd.
stein, Obs. Anat. Comp.
Plioca Monachus, He7-)n. Bed. Abh. 1779, iv. t. 12, 13 Desm. Maimn.

Plioca Hermann!, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii.
Pelagios Monachus, F. Cuv. Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxix. 550; Ann. Mns.
1813, XX. 38; Mem. Mas. xi. 193. t. 13 (skull); Blainv. Osteog.
Phoca, t. 5, 7, 8, 9 Owen, Cat. Osteol. Mus. Coll. Surg. 643.
Pelagius Monachus, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna ; JViegm. Arch. viii. 309
Gray, Zool. Erebus iif Terror.
Monachus Mediterraueus, Nihson, Vet. Akad. Handl. 1837, 235.
Plioca albiventer, Bodd. Blench. 170.
Phoca bicolor, Shaw, Zool. i. 254. t. 70, 71.
Phoca leucogaster, Peron.
Phoca vitidina, Wolf, Abbild. i. 18. t. 4 (good).
Phoqiie Moine, F. Cuv. Ann. 3h(s. xx. 38.

Pied Seal, Penn. Quad. ii. 173.

Heliophoca Atlantica, Gray, Ann.


Mar/. N. JI. 1854,



P. Z. S. ;854.

Phoca leporina, Verremix, not Lepechin,

Mediten-anean Seal, Shaw, Zool.



Inhab. Mediterranean, Algiers. S. Atlantic, Madeira, MacAnclreiv.

In Cumara das Lobos, Fimchal, Knight. Canaries, Isle Lobos?



Adult animal.


N. Atlantic, Deserta Grande Island.

N. Atlantic, Deserta Grande Island.
MacAndrew, Esq., F.R.S. Specimens described as Helio-



plioca Atlantica.


imperfect skull of this Seal



described in Cat. Osteol. Cull.

Coll. Surg.

The Trustees of the British Museum purchased the dead body of

a Seal which had been exhibited in London as the " Talking Fish,''
The proprietor, an Italian, at fii'st said that it was from the coast of
South America, but afterwards admitted that it was from one of the
ports on the north side of the Mediterranean ; and on examination
it proved to be the Monk Seal {Phoca albiventer), the type of the
genus Momichus of Fleming and Pelagios of F. Cuvier, a genus which
was one of the desiderata in the Museum Collection,
The comparison of the skull of this animal with the skulls of the
Seal from Madeira, which I described in the ' Annals and Magazine
of Natural History' for March 1854, under the name of Heliophoca
Atlantica, has shown that the latter animal is the same as the Mediterranean Seal.
The British Museum has since received from M. Yerreaux a very
good skeleton of a Seal from Algiers, under the name of Phoca leporina, which is evidently the same as the Phoca albiventer of Cuvder
(Oss. Foss. V.



These facts are interesting as showing that the Seal which was
formerly believed to be confined to the north shore of the Medi-





terranean is also Ibuud on the southcru one and on the islaiuls of

the Atlantic P. Z. S. 1864.




Jamaica Seal.


hair very short, strap-shajied, closely adpressed,

black Avith a slight grey tip ; whiskers short, thick, cylindrical, regularly tapering, without any appearance of wave or twist ; fingers

gradually shorter.


B. M.

tropicalis, Grat/, Cat. Seals


Inhab. Jamaica.

Skin, imperfect, without skull.

Skin referred to in description of Cystophora Antillarum, Gray,

Proc. Zool. Soc. 1849, 93.

Cutting -teeth &



the first front grinder in eacli


muzzle bald and callous between* and above tlie

nostrils, and divided by a central groove; tvrist rather exserted
fingers subequal ; claws 5*5, large.
the rest two-rooted ;

Phocina, Gray, Ann. Phil. 1825, 340 May. Nat. Hist. 1837, i. 583
Zool. Erehus S, Terror, 3
Cat. Phocidce B. M. 20.
Phocaceerna, 1, Nilsson, Vet. Akad. Handl. 1837 Wieym. Arch, vii.;
Skand. Fauna, t.
Phoca, Nilsson, Vet. Akad. Handl. 1837 ; Wieym. Arch. vii. ; Skand.
Fauna, xx. 1840.
Callocephalus, F. Cuv. Mem. Mas. xi. 1827.



whiskers waved ; fingers gradually shorter ;

palate angularly notched behind ; hair subcylindrical ; under-fur
thin ; web between the hind toes hairy.
The branches of the lower
jaw diverging the lower edge of the lower jaw rounded, simple, the
angle blunt, sloping behind ; grinders large, crowded. (Fig. 7.)

Muzzle rather narrow

Inhab. Northern Ocean.

Callocephalus (Callocephale), pt., F. Cuv. Mem. Mus. xi. 182, 1827;
Diet. Sci. Nat. lix. 463, 1829 Fischer, Syn. 230 ; Gray, Zool. Erebus




Callocephalus, *, Cat. Phoc. B. M. 21.

Phoca, sp., Linn. Fleminy, Phil. Zool. n. 187; Nilsson, Skatid. Fauna,


Callocephalus vitulinus.



Finely sprinkled with blackish and whitish, and with greyish brown
and yellowish grey along the back, usually unspotted and blackish
the underside of the body whitish a widish, paler, unspotted ring
round each eye, and over each eye a small roundish spot, ft\)m which
Edge of lower jaw rounded below in front, with
a bristle proceeds.
Grinders large, rather crowded and oblique.
a short symphysis.





Fio-. 7.

Callocephaliis vitulinus.

Skull, g-riuder, and palate.

Phoca vitulina, Linn. Nilsson, Vet.Akad. Handl. 1837; Skand. Fauna

Wiegmann, Arch. vii. 316; Gray, GriffitKs A. K. v. 176; Blainv.

Osteog. Phoca, t. 2, 5, 9 Gaimard, Voy. Islande, 1. 11. f. 1, 2 (skull)

Ball, Trans. Roy. Irish Acad, xviii. t. 4. f. 11-13, t. 5, t. 6
Brit. Seals, t. 8. f. 23-25 (auinial), t. 9. f. 26-32 (anat.).
Phoca communis, Linn. Mas. Ad. Frid. i. 5.
Phoca canina, Pallas, Zool. Rosso- Asiat. 114.



Thienem. Nat. Bemerk. 61,


6, 7,

Bidl. Sci. Nat.

V. 216.

var., F. Cuvier, Mamm. Lith. ix. t.

Mhn. Miis.
182. t. 12. f. la,h,c.
Phoca variegata, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. 359.
Callocephalus vitulinus, F. Cuvier, Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxix. 540 Gray,
Zool. Frebus ^- Terror, 3
Cat. Osteog. Sjiec. B. M. 32 ; Cat. Phoc.

Plioque commune,

B. M. 21.
Seal, Penn. Brit. Zool. i. 71. t. 48.
Common Seal, Parsons, Phil. Trans, xlvii. 120, t. 6
Bell, Brit. Quad. 263.
Phoca Linntei, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 414.
See Hund, Blumenb. Ahbild. t. 73.

Veau marin, Perrault, Anim. i. 187. t. 97.

Phoque commune, Buffon, H. N. xiii. 333.
R. A.



Oss. Foss. iv. 278, v.

Lith. t.




Penn. Syn. 339


vi. t.



F. Cuvier, Anti. Mtis. xvii.

377: 3famm.
Var. ? Phoca commimis octonotata, Kutorqa, Bull. Soc. I7np. Nat.
Mosq. 1839, 189. t. 13. f. 1, t. 14. f. 1, 2, 3, t. 15. f. 1, 2 & 5, t. 16.









Var. ? Phoca communis undulata, Ktdorga, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosq.
1839, 189. t. 13. f. 2, t. 14. f. 4-6, t. 15. f. 3, 4, t. 17, t. 18. f. 2.
Var. ? Phoque a fortes moustaches, Mus. Paris fide Nilsson, Wiegmann, Arch. vii. 311.

Inhab. North Sea.



Caspian Sea.


Skin stuffed. Belfast. From Mr. "VV. Thompson's Collection.

c. Skins
From Dr. Moller's Collection.




Dr. Mantell's Col-

Skull of specimen from coast of Europe,

Skeleton of specimen from coast of Holland.

Presented by the


Coast of England.





Greenland. (Fig.

7, p. 21.)


Zoological Society.

From Mr. Warwick's



hisipidus or P. anmdatiis,^^


" Phoca


Middle toe of the fore flipper the largest, the others on each side
decreasing in length, so that the two dnter are half an inch shorter
than the middle one the hind flipper with the outer toes largest
and connected by a thick membrane, containing three of the slender
and shorter toes. Sabine, Boss's Voy. 12.
young Seal became so entirely domesticated and attached to the
ship, that it was frequently put into the sea and suffered to swim at
perfect liberty, and when tired would return of itself to the boat's
Sabine, Boss's Voy. 13.
side to be taken in.

Lower jaw

Back and


not observed.

Caspian Seal.


with irregular, thickish,

sides grey-bro-^Ti, dccoi'atcd

the sides of the mouth gradually of a pale yelyellowish rings

Length 4 feet.
lowish ; hairs of the beard thick, pale.

Phoca Caspica, Nilsson, Vetensk. Akad. Handl. 1837; Skand. Fauna;

Wiegman, Arch. vii. 313.
Phoca canina, var. Caspica, Pallas, Zool. Rosso-Asiat.
Phoca vitulina /3. Caspia, Gmelin, S. N. Fischer, Syn. 675 Gray,


A. K.

\. 173.

Callocephalus Caspicus, Gray, Zool. E.

4- T.

Cat. Phoc.

B. M. 24.

Inhab. Caspian Sea.

3. Callocephalus

Whiskers waved

Phoca dimidiata,



dark grey above

and beneath


Mus. Leyden.
Callocephalus dimidiatus, Gray, Cat. Phoc. B. M.

Inhab. Norway.


piirc white.



Mus. Leyden.

be only a particular state of one of the preceding species.



The branches of the lower jaw diverging lower edge of the lower
jaw dilated on the inner side, with the angle blunt and sloping be;

hind (see fig. 9, e, p. 28)

Inhab. Northern Seas.
Papomys, Gray, P.

the palate angularly notched behind.

Z. S. IfiOO.

**, part.,

Gray, Cat. Seals B. M.




Back blackish







on it, or on its side, there are largish, oval, whitish,

thin rings (from 11" to 2" long)
the circle round the eyes is of one
colour the hairs of the beard are thin and brown
the grinders

rather far apart, and straight as regards the margin ; fur short, crisj),
recurved at the tip lower jaw dilated and inflexed beneath in front.
Younrj greenish black (not eyed like the adult), beneath paler.

Dan. Prodr. viii. j O. Fair. Fauna Grcenl.

Fischer, Si/n. 577 Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 178.
Phoca hispida (part.), Frxl. Syst. 589.
Phoca hispida, O. Fahr. Skrivi. Nat. Selsk. i. 74. t. 12. f. 1 (skidl).
Phoca Bothnica, G)nelin, S. N. i. 63.
Calloceplialus fcetidus et C. hispidus, Gray, Cat. Seals B. M. 23.
? Phoca concolor, Dchay, N. H. New York, 54.
? Phoca equestris, Pallas, Zool. Rosso- Asiat. iii. 40
Schrenrk, AmurLande, i. 182. t. 0. f. 1, 2 ( c? ), f 3 ( $ ), uniform-coloured.
Phoca fasciata, Slunv, Zool.
Phoca annellata, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. 362. t. 38; Thienem. Nat.
Bemerk. 83. t. 9-12 Bnll. Sci. Nat. v. 261 Wiec/mann, Arch. \\\.
312; Gaimard, Voyage Islande, t. 11. f. 7; Ball, Sketches Brit. Seals,
1. 11. f. 36 (skull), cop. Tliienemann
Badde, lieisen in Suden von OstSibirien, 1862, i. 296. t. 1-3 (animal, skull, and other boues).


fo3tida, Miiller, Zool.

Phoque commune, F.





iv. t.

cop. Hamilton,


Calloceplialus discolor, F. Cuvier, Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxix. 545; 3Ieni.

Mas. xi. 186.
Phoca (CaUocephalus) hispida, F. Cuvier, 3fem. 3fus. xi. 189. t. 12.
f. 3, g, h, i (skull)
Gaimard, Voy. Isl. 3Iamm. t. 11. f. 1, 2 (skull).
Phoca discolor, Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 177.
Phoca Frederici, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 416.
? Phoca Schreberi, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 414 (part).
Calloceplialus hispidus (part.), F. Cuv. Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxix. 547.
CaUocephalus aunellatus, RiippeU, Verz. 167 ; Gray, Zool. E. 8c T. 3.
? Ribbon Seal, Penn. Arct. Zool. i. 165.
Kuma of the Tugunsen, near Baikal.
Nerpa of the Bassians.

Inhab. North Sea.





Lake Baikal.

Skin stuifed,
Specimen stuffed. North Sea.
skull of specimen b.
Specimen stuffed. North Sea.
Skull of specimen d.

Herr Gustav Radde gives the measurements of three skulls oi Phoca

from the East Sea, one Phoca Caspica from the Caspian, and
four P. annellata
three from the East Sea and one from Lake Baikal
(see op.


p. 301).


have received a Ringed Seal (Pagonu/s fo'tidus) that was born

" It was
in the Zoological Gardens and died soon after its birth.
entirely covered with closely-set, well-developed fur of a silver-grey
colour, being rather browner on the upper surface.
It is 2 feet
8 inches long, from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail the fore
paws are 0, the hinder 8 inches long, and the latter are 7 inches



wide when expanded. The webs of the feet are covered with hair,
and the claws are well developed and black. The whiskers are white,
well developed, and slightly waved."
Proc. Zool. tSoc. 1S(J2, 202.
The Seal of the Severn, which Professor Nilsson regarded first as
P. anneUafa and then as P. Grcenlamlica, Mr. Ball thinks, from its
small size and the form of the intermaxillarj' bones, is neither, and
that it has yet to be determined,
Ball, Proc. lio)/. Irish Acad. 183G,
19. f. 32-35.

Pagomys ? Largha.



Muffle bald, narrow, with a central groove ; whiskers compressed,

waved ; shining ashy white, with numerous scattered, small, oval
black spots, smaller and closer on the back ; feet brownish ash ; claws
long, black
no under-fur.
Young yellow ; back dark grey, from the skin being visible through
the pale hair ; hair short, flattened web baldish.
Var. Spots larger, more equally scattered (Japan).
Skull and teeth
like P. oceanica, Temm.

Phoca Larglia, Pallas, Zool. Rosso-Asiut. i.

Phoca uunmiularis, Tenwi. Fauna Japon. c.


Schrenck, Amiirt.
Lande, i. 180 Middendorff, Reise aussersten ^'c. i. 122.
Chien de mer de Di^troit de Behring, Char is, Voij. Pictoresque, t. 8.
Callocephalus Largha, Grai/, Cat. Phoc. 24.
Phoca Chorisii, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 417 Fischer, Syn. 24.
Phoque tigre, Krasehennenikow, Hist, Kamtsch.
Phoca tigrina, Lesson, Mamiel, 550.
? Phoque de Steller, Kraschenn. Hist. Kamtsch. 107.
Pagomys ? nummularis, P. Z. S. 1864, 31.

Inhab. North Pacific.

Japan, Mus. Leyclen.

East Shore, Kamt-

schatka, Pallas.

This species is only known from some sldns and three fragments
of skulls in the Leyden Museum, which were sent to me for comparison by the energetic Curator of the Leyden Museum.

The fragments

of skulls above referred to consist of the face-bone

and the lower jaws of three specimens the most perfect specimen
has part of the orbit and the upper part of the brain-case attached
to it.
They are all from very young specimens, of nearly the same
and, unfortunately, the most perfect one is without the hinder

portion of the palate, so that one cannot make sure that it has the
same form of the palatine margin that is found in Pagomys but
the part of the side of the palate that is present, when compared
with the same part in Pagomys, leads one to think it most likely to
be of the same form as in that genus.
The general form and size of the face, and the form of the teeth,
are very similar to those of a skull oi Pagomys foetichis of the same
It only diflfcrs from the latter in the lower jaw being rather
shorter and broader, in the grinders being larger, thicker, and rather
closer together, in the central lol)e of the grinders being considerably larger, thicker, and stronger, and in all the lobes of the grinders

being more acute.

The lower margin

of the lower







Pagomys fa'tidus but the jaws behind the dilamore from each other, leaving a wider space between
them at the hinder part. The form of the hinder angle of the jaws
The orbit is rather smaller and
is very similar in the two species.
more circular for in P. fostulus it is rather oblong, being slightly

front, just as in

tation diverge

The forehead appears, as far as one can judge

longer than wide.
by the fragments, to be flatter and broader, and the nose rather
shorter. (?ra//, P. Z. S. 1864.
The lower jaws short and broad the grinders thick, with abroad
thick central lobe, and nearly side by side (in the skulls of the young
The following measurements show the difference between the two


P. faiidns. P. mmwnihtria.
in. 12ths.
in. 12ths.




of lower
of lower

to hinder

end of





of upper teeth-line
of three grinders
at outside of hinder notch

Length of orbit

The Phoca nummularis

with Phoca Largha








2 11


of Japan has been considered to be idenof Pallas, from the east shore of Kamts-

t'lgre of Kraschennenikow (which has been named Phoca tigrina by Lesson), on

the strength of their coming from nearly the same district but I
am not aware that specimens of any of the latter species exist to
verify the union and determine what are the species described under
these names.
Grag, P. Z. S. 1864.

chatka, the Phoca Chorisii of Lesson, and the Phoque



muzzle rather
fingers gradually shorter
produced hair dry, flat, close-pressed, without any under-fur web
between the hind toes baldish. Lower jaw with the branches diverging, dilated and inflexed beneath in front, so as to close in the front
part of the gullet the angle acute, erect behind, with a notch above
Palate truncated behind

the basal tubercle grinders rather distant.

Inhab. Northern Ocean.

(Fig. 8.)

Calloceplialiis , F. Cuvier, 3Icm. Ifus. xi. 1827.

Pagophilus (subgen. of Callocephalus), Grai/, Zool. Erebus
Pagophilus, Cut. Phocidce B. M. 25.


Pagophilus Grcenlandicus.



Terror, 3.


Grey or whitish, with large and small black spots ; hairs of the
beard waved on the edges the cutting-teeth diminish in size the
grinders separate, straight edge of the mouth oblique. Length from





Pagopliilus Grcenlandiciis.


Until six or seven weeks old white,

called White Coats at Newfoundland at one year old they have small spots at two years old
they have large spots, and the males are called Bed Lampiers at
three years old the males and females have the harp- shaped band,
and are then called Saddlebaclcs. Juices, Newfoundland.

Phoca Groenlandica, Midler, Zool. Dan. Prodr. 8 O.Fabr. Fauna Gra;nl.

11; Thiemmami, Nat.Bemerk. t. 14-21 Bidl. Set. Nat. v. 261. t. 15


F. Cuv. Mem. Mus. xi. 186. t. 12. f. 2 ; Ndsson,

18, t. 19 (skull)
Skatid. Fauna, i. 370. t. 37 (young)
Wieqm. Arch. vii. 314 Gray,

Griffith's A. K. ii. t. 91 d>, t. 92, v. 177; Bad, Sketches of British

Seals, 1. 12. f. 37-39 (skvdl), Mus. Paris
Volkmatm, Anat. Anitn. i.
t. 4. f. 1, 8_; Oiven, Cat. Osteal. Mus. Coll. Surg. 646.
Phoca oceanica, Lepech. Act. Petrop. YITl, i. 295. t. 7 & 8 Fisch. Syn.
238 Hamilton, Seals, t. 7.

Callocephalus oceanicus, Lesson, Man. 196.

semilimaris, Bodd. Flench. 170.


dorsata, Pallas, Zool. Rosso-Asiat. 112.

xiii. 412.
annellata, Gaimard, Voy. Islande, t. 11. f. 7, 8, 9.
Callocephalus Groenlandicus, F. Cuv. Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxix. 546 Mem.
Mus. xi. 186. t. 12. f. 2, d, e,f; Riippell, Verz. Senck. Samml. 169.
Pagophilus Groenlandicus, Gray, Cat. Phoc. B. M. 25. fig. (skull),
? Phoca Alhini, Alexandra, Mem. Torin. 1850, ii. 141. 1. 1-4 (skeleton).
Saddleback of Northern Sealers, Wallace, Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinh.
1862, 392.
Phoque a croissant, Buffon, II. N. Suppl. 325 ; Cur. R. A. i. 166.
Harp Seal, Penn. Quad. ; Griffith's A. K. t.
Bell, Brit. Quad. 269
Miilleri, Lesson, Diet. Class.

Hamilton, Seals, t. 7 Jukes, Neufoundland.

Swart Slide, Eyede, Grccnl. 62, fig.
Attarsoak, Crantz, Grmd. 163.
Young. Phoca lagura, Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. 206 Fischer, Syn. 238
Blainv. Osteoq. Phoca, t. 9 (? dentition)
Gaimard, Voy. Islande,
t. 11. f 6 (skiill)
Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 177.
Callocephalus lagurus, F. Cuv. Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxix. 546.
Phoca albicauda, Desm. Mamm. Supp. ^il, from 3Ius. Paris.


Desniarestii, Lesion, Diet. Cla,<is. H. JN^. xiii. 416.

Pilavi, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 41().

Inhab. North Sea.






North Sea.


b-d. Adult stuffed.

From Mr. Brandt's Collection.
e. Skin.
From Dr. Moller's Collection.
f-j. Skulls.
k. Skeleton.
From Mr. Brandt's Collection.
From Dr. Moller's Collection.
I, m, n. Skulls.
Greenland. From Dr. Edward Riip0. Skull of a young specimen.
pell's Collection.
The front of the lower edge of the lower jaw
of this young specimen is scarcely dilated.

The skeleton and two skulls of this Seal are described in Cat.
Mus. Coll. Surg. 646. no. 3961.
" Several Harp Seals are now seen in the deep sheltered voe at

Osteol, Coll.

Balta Sound.
" This Seal can scarcely be considered very rare here, but it is said
only to occur in bad weather, and certainly the present visit forms
no exception to the rule, the wind having for some days been blowing
heavily from the north-east, accompanied by sleet and snow."
H. L. Saxhy, Balta Sound, Shetland, March 14, 1864, 'Zoologist,'
1864, p. 9099.
At a brewer's in Spring-grove Lane, Isleworth, there is a stuffed
specimen of a Seal that was caught on the 25th of March, 1858, in
the river Thames at Isleworth, which appears to be a young specimen
of this species
unfortunately the bones which would have determined the question were destroyed, or at least not kept.
" The Ground Seal, which forms the larger j^art of the prey of the
Northern sealers, has the colour and markings like the male Saddleback, but it is more robust it is perhaps Ph. leporhia, or the Hare
of the- ^ear'WaJlace, Pvoc. Roij. Phys. Soc. Edinh. 1862, 390.
This cannot be, as that has not the mark on the back.
M. Gaimard, in his 'Voyage to Iceland and Gi'eenland,' Mammalia,
pi. 11, devotes a plate to the skull and teeth of the Seals of Iceland and Greenland but he does not pay any attention to the form
of the lower jaw, except incidentally, when representing the teeth
of the lower jaw of his P. anneUata (t. 11. f. 9). I may observe that
this author names on his plates what we call Phoca annellata P. hispida, and what we call P. Gh'oenlandica P. annellata.
P. Z. S. 1864.





palate of the skull arched out behind.

Cutting-teeth ^.
Grinders 3 or 5, lobed, compressed. The lower jaw strong, bowed
out on the sides, thick in front, and with a low crest on the inner
side of the lower edge near the front ; the ramus of the lower jaw
erect, with a tubercular prominence beneath the notch at the angle.
Skin &c. unknown.
(Fig. 9.)
Inhab. Northern Seas.
Halicyon, Gray, P. Z.


1864, p. 28.

In Pagophihis Grcenlandicus and Halicyon Richardi the angle of

the lower jaw is far back, and the hinder edge of the ramus ascends



nearly perpendicularly, with a notch at the hinder end, as shown in

In Phoca harhata the Ibnn of the lower jaw and ramns is
nearly similar ; but instead of a notch near the angle, the inner edge
and see Cat. Seals
is produced inwards into a rounded lobe (b, fig. 9
B. M. p. 27. f. 9).

/, fig. 9.

Fio-. 9.





Skull of Halicyon liicharcli.

of lower jaw of Phoai barbata, to show the dilatations and
inflexious of the lobe over the angle.
End of the lower jaw of Paf/omj/s faiidus. The end of the jaw of
CaUoccphuhis vitulimis is somewhat similar.
liower edge of the lower jaw of ILtUcyoii Pichanli.
I>ower edge of the lower jaw of Phoat barbata.
Lower edge of the lower jaw of Patjophilun GraithDuJicufi. Tlie jaw
of Pagoinys fcutklus is somewhat similar, hut much smaller.


In CallocephaJas



C. (Paf/onii/s) futidns,

on the con-





the angle of the lower jaw is more towards the front, and the
hinder edge of the ramus ascends obliquely, with the notch considerP. Z. IS. 1864.
abl)^ in front of the condyle (see c, tig. 9).
The skull of Halicyon resembles that of Cullocej)halus hispidus and
Pagophilus Onmlandkus in the dilatation of the front part of the
lower edge of the lower jaw but it agrees with Calloceplialus hispidus most in the greater development of the face, and in the concave
edge of the hinder part of the palate.

It differs from these skulls

1. In the dilatation of the lower

jaw not being extended so far

back, only occupying the first two-fifths of the length of the jaw
while in the other two species it occupies full half the length of
that bone.
2. In the sides of the lo-^^er jaw being much wider apart, and
arched outwards, making the space between them much wider behind, agreeing in this respect with Phoca barhata.
3. In the front of the lower jaw being thick and swoUen, and
with only a slight ridge on the middle of the lower edge in front
and the jaws in this part being weU separated from each other, not
thin, concave inwardly, and with a well-developed inferior edge on
the inner sides, those of the two sides of the jaws being parallel and
near together in the centre.
The angle at the hinder lower edge of the lower jaw is much
more produced, and with a more prominent tubercle, than in either
Calloceplialus hispidus or Pagophilus Groenlandicus.
4. The hinder edge of the palate being concave forwards, and not
straight and transverse as in Pagophilus, nor angularly cut out as in
Gray, P. Z. S. 1864.
In the younger specimen the edge of the jDalate has a slight prominence in the middle of each side ; but this is evidently an accidental deformity, as the prominences are not of the same size in the
two sides. In the advilt skull the two sides of the palate are evenly
arched out.
The lower jaw most resembles that of the restricted genus Phoca
(of which P. barhata is the type) in being solid and strong, and in
the two sides being arched out, leaving a very wide oval space between them, the front part of the space being continued by a
tubercle on the inner edge of the front of the jaw, a short distance
from the symphysis.
In Phoca the tubercle on the inner side of the lower edge is short,
rounded, blunt, and more or less rugose ; in the new Seal, HaUcyon,
In Phoca the teeth are small,
it is a short-edged, elongated ridge.
erect, and fai' apart in Ucdicyon they are larger, closer together, and
distinctly three- or five-lobed.
In Halicyon the hinder edge of the ramus of the lower jaw is simple,
with a distinct notch between it and the tubercular angle of the jaw.
In Phoca the hinder edge of the ramus is inflected, forming a large
half-oblong lobe, convex in front and concave behind (6, fig. 9).
It is very interesting to observe that there is a representative
genus on each side of the Arctic Pole; and this agrees with my



previous experience
that each species of Seal has a limited, indeed
I may say a very vreU-defined and very limited, geographical distribution.
Though the species are very difficult to distingmsh by
their external characters, yet the skeleton, and especially the skull,
affords wcll-niarked and very definite characters.
M. Lepcchin described a Phoca oceanica (Act. Petrop. 1777, 259.
t. 6 & 7), which has been considered the same as Pufjopliilus Groenlandicus, as abundant on the ice around Nova Zembla.
It woidd be
desirable to see the skull of a specimen from that locality, and thus
discover which species extends itself so tar north as those islands.
Phoca oceanica, in its young and old state of fur, resembles PagopJiilus Groenlandicus ; but imfortunately we have only a very limited
knowledge of the external appearance of this new Seal {Halicyon
RicliarcU) from Vancouver's Island.

The study of a large series of specimens of several species of

Seals shows that the form of the lower jaw, though hitherto little
attended to by zoologists, affords a very good character for the disGnuj, P. Z. S. 1864, 28.

tinction of the species."





Halicyon Ricliardi,

when young,

sp. nov.


Ilalicyou Ricliardi, Gray, Pruc. Zool. Soc. 18G4, 28.

Phoca Groenlandica, Middoido/ff, Reise




den aiisscrden N. uud O.


Inhab. Fraser's Hiver and Vancouver's Island.

Mr. Charles B. Wood, Surgeon of H.M.S. ' Hecate,' has very kindly
sent to the British Musciim, along with other interesting specimens
from the north-western part of North America, the skeleton of a
Seal from Fraser's Eiver, and the skuU of a Seal obtained on the
west coast of Vancouver's Island.

The skull was procured from the natives, who were towing the
animal alongside of their canoe. They refused to part with the
entire animal, but were at length induced to sell the head.
The examination of the skulls shows that the two Seals evidently
belong to the same species, the specimen from Fraser's Hiver being
adult, and the other not quite so old. Mr. Wood observes that " the
younger Seal was captured among the islands in Queen Charlotte's
Sound, at the north end of Vancouver has a fur of a dark brown,
almost black colour and is unlike that from Fraser's River, which
is lighter and less timid, being often seen seated on a log floatingdown with the current." P. Z. S. 1804.
This species, at the request of Mr. Wood, is dedicated to Captain
Richard, the Hydi'ogTapher to the Admiraltj^ and Captain of H.M.S.
Hecate' when these Seals were collected. I have the more pleasure


tlie Museum has received many verj' interesting

specimens collected dm-ing the voyage of the Hecate," sho-\ving the
interest which her C!ommander takes in the natural sciences, which
I have no doubt will receive additional encouragement in the new

in doing this, as




which he has won by




hydrographic and

scientific quali-




lluzzle broad, short ; forehead convex ; whiskers smooth, tapering ear-hole large ; fingers unequal, the third longest, second and
fourth long, the first and fifth shorter, nearly equal palate with a
semicircular edge behind.
Forehead arched grinders small, far
apart, often much worn
The branches of the lower
teeth small.
jaw arched on the sides and wdde apart ; lower edge produced, forming a blunt rugulose tubercle on the inner side behind the symphysis ;
the angle of the lower jaw with a rounded lobe on the inner side
above the basal tubercle. (Fig. 10.)
Female. Teats 4.

Inhab. Northern Seas.

Phoca, sp., Linn. &c.
Phoca, Gray, Zool. E.SfT.; Cat. Phocidce B. 31. 26.
Callocephalus, sp., F. Cuvier, Mem. Mus. xi. 1827.
Fio-. 10.



Male. Black



Skull, grinder,

Phoca barbata.


Leporine Seal.

belly yellowish, black-dotted. Female. Beneath grey.

Phoca barbata,

O. Fahr. Skrivt. Nat. Selsk. i. 1-S9-159. 1. 13. f. 3 (skull)

Faun. Groenl. 15 ; Mull. Zool. Dan. Proclr. viii. Nilsson, Skand.
Faun. i. 374; Wiegm. Arch. vii. 817; Thienem. Nat. Bemerk. i.
t. 1, 2, 3, t. 4 (skull); B^dl. Set. Nat. v. 261; F. Cuv. Mem. 3Ius.
Gray, Cat. Osteol. ^ec. B. 31. 32 Zool.
xi. 184. t. 12. f. 4, A;, /, m
Frebus Terror Griffith's A. K. v. 178 Fischer, 8i/n. 240 Blainv.
Osteoff. Phoca, t. 9 (dentition) ; ? Temm. Fauna Japon.



Calloccphiilus barbatus, F. Cuv. Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxix. 547


Verz. 1(37.

Plioca \^iT^o\:m&.,Lepcch.Ac.t.Petrop. i. 264. t. 8, 9; O. Fubr. Skrivt. Nat.

Sekk. i. 164; Fischer, Si/n. 2-37; Gra>/, Griffith's A. K. v. 178.
Phoca Lepechinii, Lesson, Diet. Class. II. N. xiii. 415.
CaUocephalus Leporinus, F. Cuv. Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxix. 545.
? Pboca maxima, Stcllcr, Nov. Comm. Petrop. ii. 290.

Leporine Seal, Peiui. Quad. 177.

? Sea Calf, Parsons, Phil. Trans,



Diet. Class. II. N. xiii. 414, from

Phil. Trans, xlvii. 121, cop.


Supp. vi. t. 14.
Phoca Parsonii, Lesson,

Long-bodied Seal, Parsons,


Grande Phoque, Bufon, H.

Great Seal, Penn. Syn. 341.

u. 469. 383.






Inhab. North Sea and Japan, according to Temminck.

Skin sold as an article of commerce in Jaj)an.


length 8

North Sea.


From Mr.

Brandt's Col-


Skin: adult.

North Sea.

From Mr.

"Warwick's Collection.

The Laclitah, Stellcr, Nov. Comm. Petrop. ii. 290 = Phoca Lachtah,
Desm. N. Diet. H. N. xxv. 5S8 = P/ioc ncmtica, Pallas, Zool. llossoMidAsiat. i. 108=P/wca harbata, Schrenck, Amur-Lande, i. 181

den dorff, Reise aussersten (fee. i. 122=Phoca alhigena, Pallas, Zoogr.

Rosso- Asiat. 107 of Behring's Straits, has been referred to Phom
harbata, but PaUas describes the fingers as subequal and webbed to
the end, which scarcely agrees with that animal.
The body is ventricose the hair very short (5 lines), rigid, silvergrey back brown-lettered tail very short.
The 31ara7cu= Phoca Ochotensis, Pallas, Zool. Rosso- Asiat. i. 117;
with soft fur, and pure white when
Schrenck, Amur-Lande, i. 181
young, from the North Pacific, also requires further examination.





Grinders -^ or

^ with


root {except the two hinder grinders

of Halichoerus).

A. Ears, conch
the inner

Toes si7nple, offore feet exsertcd, of hind feet large

outer ones large, long, the three middle ones smaller ; palm



and soles hairy (sometimes

to the


edge and between the



2, part., JSllsson,

callous icith tvear).



Skand. Fauna

Muffle hairy

Wiegm. Arch.



Phocina-, part., Turner, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1848, 88.




large, trtmcafed, simple


canines large

grinders lohed or


Cetfe, part.. Gray, Ann. Phil. 1825, .346.

Trichechina, Gray, Zool. Erebus (^- Terror, 3.
Trichecina et Pliocina, part., Turner, P. Z. S. 1848, 88.
Trichecliid*, Gray, Ami. Phil 1825, 340.
TrichechidaB sen Campodontia, /. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 37, 1828.
Les Morses, F, Cuvier, Diet. Sci. Nat. lix. 465 Dents des 3famm. 233.



Muzzle broad, rounded ; cutting-teeth ^ grinders |?, conical, the

hinder two upper and one lower double-rooted, rest simple canines
moderate whiskers crenulated muffle haiiy, becoming baldish with
Palate of skull
age palm and soles hairy claws 5-5, elongate.
with a narrow rounded notch behind; lower edge of lower jaw

rounded, not dilated or inflexed in front.

Fig. 11.

Halichoerus Gi}pus.


Halichcenis, JVilsson, Vet. Akad. Handl. 1837; Skand. Fauna,

Wiegm. Arch. vii. 318.
Halychoerus, Honischuch, Isis, 1824, ^-iii. 810 Bull. Sci. Nat.
Phoca, sp., O. Fabr. ; Lichtenstein.



v. 104.




Phoca grypus,

Grey Seal.

Halichcerus Grypus.

O. Fabr. Skrivt. Nat. Selsk.







Halichcerus gTj'pus, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. 377. t. 34. f. 1, 2 Wiegm.

Arch. vii. 818.
Phoca grjphus, Licht. lierl. Acad. 1821, t. 1. f. 1, 2 Blainv. OsUog.
Phoca, t. 9 Fischer, Syn. 239.
Phoca hispida, Schreb. Sduyeth. .312. t. 86 Hamilton, t. 8.
Phoca Halichcerus, TJiienem. Nat. Bemerk. 142.
Phoca leporina ?, Licht. in Haude und Spinersch, Zeittmg, n. 46.
Phoca Ochoteusis, Pallas, Zool. Rosso-Asiat. i. 117.
Ilalychan-us griseus, Hurnsch. Isis, 1824, 810; Bull. Sci. Nat. v. 104.
Plalichcerus griseus, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, 377. t. 34. f. 1,2 Hamilton,



Haliclioerus gryphus, R. Ball, Ti-ans. Roy. Irish Acad, xviii. t. 1 (male

and female), t. 2, 3 (skull, teeth, &c.) ; Sketches Brit. Seals, t. 1, 2,
& 7. figs. 1-22 Cat. Seals B. M. .30.
Grey Seal, Bell, Brit. Quad. 284. f.
Seal from South Sea, Home, Phil. Trans. 1822, t. 27 (skull).
Younq. Phoca scopulicola, TJiienem. Nat. Bemerk. 1824, 59. t. 5 ( c^"
Fischer, Syn. 237.
Bull. Sci. Nat. v. 261
Phoca Thienemanui, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 415.
Callocephalus scopulicolus, Lesson, 3Ian. 199.

Inhab. Nortli coast of Europe (Ireland and Scotland).



Adult stuffed. Coast of Northumberland.

Half-grown stuffed. Fern Island. Presented by J. P. Selby, ^sq.
Skull of a.
Fern Island.
Fern Island. Presented by J. P. Selby, Esq.
Skull of b.

Mr. Ball states that the habits of the Irish Seal differ so much from
those ascribed to it in the Baltic, that he thinks it may, on compaThe colour of the Irish animal
rison, prove to be a distinct species.
varies so much, from sex, age, season, &c., that it cannot be regarded
the brain is very small compared
of value as a specific character
with that of Phoca, and its intellectual power bears the same pro;

It may always be distinguished from other Seals by its
straight profile, fierce aspect, and greater proportionate length.
Royal Irish Acad. Dec. 1836, p. 18.
The skull figured by Mr. Clift in Home's paper in the PhU. Trans.

27, with other bones of the body, is in the Museum of the

Owen, Cat. Ostcol. Coll. Mus. Coll.
Surg. p. 643. no. 3943, from a specimen given by Mr. Oxendon to
Mr. Hunter). It was shot in the Orkneys.
The " Grey-bearded Seal from Orkney " (Home, Phil. Trans. 1822,
t. 28, skull, cop. Ball, f. 31), Mr. Ball regards as the skull of Phoca
vittdlna with some teeth of P. Grcenlandica inserted in the upper



lloyal College of Surgeons (see


Ball, op.cit. Dec. 1836, p. 18.

MM. Hornschuch and Schilling

(Wiegmann's Arch. 1851, 22) pro-

pose to separate the genus into three species


=if. griseus, Nilsson.

macrorhynclms, Hornschuch & Schilling, 1850.
H. pachyrhynchus, Hornschuch &, Schilling, 1850.

H.f/rypiKs, 0. Fabr.

2. II.

See also Lilljoborg, Arskrift. Kongl. Vetensk. Soc.

Upsal, 1860, 297;



Overs. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. 1860, 698; Arch. Naturg. 1801,

AU the specimens I have seen seemed to belong to a single



Muzzle very broad, truncate, swollen and convex above ; muffle,

palm, and soles chaffy, callous, with the hair more or less worn off in
Cutting-teeth A in young, ^ in
the adult (hairy when young?).

grinders || in adult, truncated,

upper very

large, exserted.



Eyes prominent




The skin is covered with small ovate scales. Nose with very rigid,
Fore feet
white, compressed, pellucid bristles, rounded at the end.
small outer and hinder edge of the upper side bald, rest covered with
hair front claw rudimentary ; skin of the soles rigid, warty. Hind
feet rather large ; first and fifth toes elongated, with a distinct flap
and rudimentary claw ; three middle ones shorter, with subacute
Tail rudimentary.

Fig. 12.

Trichechus Rosmarus.



The skull differs fi-om the other Earless Seals in having a distinct
alisphenoid canal, like the Eared Seals and it agrees with the Earless ones in having no postorbital process, and the mastoid process
strong and salient, its surface continuous Avith the auditory buUte.
In the young there are in the upper jaw three incisors on each
side, the first or inner extremely small, the second a httle larger,
and the third or outer disproportionately large, being equal to the
D 2



The canine tooth

largest grinders.


displaced, being thrust out-

wards beyond the line of the other teeth. There are five grinders
with single roots, the fifth very small. In the lower jaw there are
five grinders.
In the adult the incisors are obliterated, except the
The fifth grinder also disappears, and
lateral pair of the upper jaw.
sometimes the fourth. Mcm/illiv. Nat. Lib. vii.
In the very young the cutting-teeth ^, all, especially the two upper






^, upper

elongate, lower conical like the

Rapp, Bull.

small, rather compressed.


Nat. xvii. 280.

The young Walrus has three teeth in each premaxillary bone, and
two on each side of the fore part of the mandible. They soon disappear, except the outer pair of the upper incisors, which remain
close to the maxillo-premaxillary suture on the inner side of the long
canine tusks, and, by their thick obtuse form, seem to commence a
series of small and simple molars.
In the adult there are usually
three molars on each side behind the permanent molariform incisor,
and there are four similar teeth on each side of the lower jaw. Owen,
Cat. Osteol. Series Mus. Coll. Surgeons, p. 630. no. 3860.
The skeleton is described by Prof. Owen, op. cit. p. 630. nos. 3860
to 3919.

Odobenus, Brisson, Rhjjne. Anim. 48.

Rosmarus, Scopoli, Introd. H. N. 1777.
Nilsson, Vet. Akad. Hand!. 1837
Trichechus, Linn, Syst. Nat. i.
Skand. Fauna, t.
Wiegm. Arch. vii. 322 Fleming, Phil. Zool.
Ilap2i, Bidl Sci. Nat. xvii. 280
Fischer, Syn. 678
F. Cm.
XL. 187
Gray, Cat. Seals B. M. 30.
Bicl. Sci. Nat. lix. 465, 1829
(Tribe) Tricliecina, Tur7tcr, Proc. Zool Soc. 1848, 88.
Morse, F. Cuvier, Bods des Mamm. 233. t. 95, 1825.
Tncliecliida3 sen Campodontia, J. Brookes, Mus. Caicd. 37, 1828.

M. F. Cuvier thinks the Morse forms an isolated familj^ distinguished by the great breadth of its muzzle, the length of its upper
canines, and the form of its teeth.
It has the same organs of movement and intestinal canal as the Seals. D. S. N. lix. 465.
Professor Baer illustrates his paper with a map showing the geographical distribution of the Walrus in the Arctic Sea.
For the chase and uses of the Morse, sec Wrangel, Nordkiiste von
Sibirien,' ii. 319, 320.


Pale brown

Trichechus Rosmarus.

when young




old nearly white.

Trichechus Rosmarus, Linn. S. N. i. 39 Midler, Prod. Zool. Dan. i.

Schrcher, Sdageth. 262. t. 79 Nilsson, Wicgm. Arch. vii. 322 Blainv.
Osh'og. Phoca, t. 1 & 4
Fischer, S)/n.' 243
Baer, Mem. Acad.
I'efersb. iv. 97. t. 4, 1838
Mem. 3Ii(s. vii. t. 9 Gray, Cat. Seals
B. M. 32 Owen, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1853 Ann. cy Mag. Ned. Hist.
1855, XV. 220; Ced. Osteol. Coll. Mus. Coll. Surg. G31.
IJosmarus arcticus, P(dlas,Zool. Rosso- Asiat. \.2(S2; Schrenck,AmurImhcIcjI. 179; Volkmann, Anat.Anim. Tab. 1831, t. 10. f. 3 (skull).


12. TRicHEcntJS,

Tricheclius obesus et T. divergens, Illiger.

Hossmarus, 01. 3agnus, Hist. Reg. Septentr. 757, fig-. Gemicr, Aqitat.
249, 250, fig.
Walross, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. 388.
Walruss, Bell, Brit. Quad. 282.
Pboca Rosmarus, Linn. S. N. ed. 10. i. 38.
Arctic Wallnis, Penn. Si/n. 335
Cook's Last Voy. iii. 262. t. 8, fig.
Shaw, Zool. i. 231. t. 68, 69 Nat. 3Iisc. t. 76.
Morse ou la Vache marine, Buf. H. N. xiii. 353, 415. t. 54, 55.
Morscli, J. G. Gmelin, Sihirien, iii. 165.
Wallross, Mart. Spitzb. 78. t. V.th; Egede, Grocnl 61, fig. ; Stelle);
Kamtsch. 106.

Inhab. North Sea.











Brit, adult.

North Sea. Greenland ?

North Sea.
North Sea. Presented by General Thomas Hard-


Tooth, longitudinally divided.

d. Skull of

/. Foetus, in spirits.

g, h, i:

Three teeth.



KeUett, R.N., H.M.S.


Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray.


coast of America.

Presented by Ca})tain



Skull of young.

Presented by the Linnean Society.

In the Proceedings of the Zoological Society for 1853, p. 112, is

a paper by me " On the attitudes and figures of the Morse," as given
at various periods by different authors, with copies of some of the
more interesting examples, arranged in chronological order, sliowing the extraordinary notions that the older naturalists had of the


Sea Horses are said to be found in abundance on the seaward part
of the island of St. Lorenza near CaUao, mentioned in M. BoueUi's
* Travels in Bolivia,' i. 90 & 128.
I have never heard of the genus
Tricheclius living out of the Arctic Ocean, and should have believed
that the author had mistaken the Seci Bear (Otaria leonina) for the
Sea Horse, if he did not describe " the two great white tusks projecting from the mouth on either side,'' and fiu'ther observe that " the
tusks are of great value and fonn an important article of commerce"
(see i. 90), which cannot apply to the tusks of the Sea Bear.
It is to be observed that the Peruvian continuation of the Antarctic
current runs up the shores of Chili and Peru (see Journ. Boy. Googr.
This may explain why Seals are
Soc. 1853) and chiUs that coast.



near the tropics in these seas.



Muzzle of




males tvith an


grinders tvith a large swollen root,

plaited croivn.
Mujffle hairy.


and a

Stemmatopina, Grarj, Ann. Phil. 1825, 340.

Cystophorina, Gray, Zool. Erchus S)- Terror, 3
Cvstophora, Nilssan,

Vet. Akcul. liandl.

Cuttinrj -teeth

small, comjjressed, simple,

Cat. Seals B.

Skaml. Fatiiiu



Wiajm. Arch.


Mirounga, Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 179, 1827.

Phoca, 2, F. 'Cuvier, Mem. 3Lis. xi. 196.



Nose of the male with an elongated tubular proboscis muzzle of

the skull broad, truncated in front forehead convex hinder palatine
bone short, transverse. Hair flat, truncated, adpressed whiskers

round, rather waved, thick.

Claws, front obsolete, hinder distinct.

Fiff. 13.




The head broad, short, truncated in front, with a tuft of bristles

over each eye, and one on each side of the middle of the muzzle
upper lip longer than the lower the forehead convex ; the nostrils
of the male "are wrinldcd, and can be blown up into a crest"
(Forster), " with an elongate tubular proboscis " (Peron) ; of the
female simple, rounded, with a haiiy muffle between and around the

edge of the nostrils.

Cutting-teeth |, far apart, conical, the two middle upper smaller,
the rest nearly equal; the grinders with large, swollen, subcyHnthe
drical roots, and a small, compressed, simple, plaited crown
hinder palatine bones short, transverse.


The whiskers


are very long


large, ruundish, very slightly


pressed, rather waved.

The fore feet are rather small, oblong, obliquely truncated, the
wrist being nearly as long as the feet, with five elongated claws, the
the hinder feet are moderate, the marginal toes
first the smallest
upon each side large, rounded, the three middle ones very small,
tapering all clawless.
The tail conical.
Fur short hair short, flat, broad and rounded at the tip in the
adult, rather more tapering in the young
hair on the lips rather




and slightly


Inhab. Southern Ocean.

part., Grmj, Griffith's A. K. v. 179, 1827.
Morunga, Gray, Cat. Osteal. Spec. B. M. 33 Zool. Erehus
Macrorhinus (Macrorhiue), F. Cuvier, Mem. Mtis. xi. 200. t.
Diet. Sci. Kat. lix. 464, 1829
Fischer, Sipi. Mamm. 230.






Cystophora, part., Nilsson, Wicc/m. Arch. vii. 324.

Macrorlipia (mispiiut), Gray, Griffith's A. K. i. 180.
Rbiuophora, Wagler, Kat. Si/st. Amph. 27, 1830.

This genus has many characters in common with the Crested Seal
of the IN^orth American continent, but differs especially in the nose
being provided with a proboscis, while in that genus it has a hoodlike swelling proceeding up the nose to the back of the head.
The male and female arc so different in size that Lord Byron misWeddell, Voy. 84.
took them for mother and young.
Pallas (Zool. llosso-Asiat. i. 106) describes the skull of this species
as the skuU of a Sea Lion, brought from the Cape of Good Hope by

Mr. Tulbagh.



Sea Elephant.

Sea Lion and Lioness from Juan Fernandez, Anson,

World (1786),


round the

122. t. 19, copied Pernetf>/, Voi/. lies Malouines,

ii. 47. t. 9*. f. 1, and altered t. 8*. f. 1 ; hence
Phoca leonina, Linn. S. N. i. 55 ; Schreber, Sauyeth. 297. t. 83 a

JBlainv. Osteoy.



5, 9.

Bottle-nosed Seal, Shaw, Zool. i. t. 73; Penn. Quad. ii. 631 (with an
original description of the female).
Phoca Ansouii, Desm. Mamm. 239, 369 (part only),
Mu'ounga Ansonii, Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 180.
Grand Phoque a museau ride, Buffon, Suppl. vi. 316.
Anson's Sea Lion, Forster, Voy. round the World, ii. 527.
Phoca major, &c. n. 5, " Manate from Nicaragua," Parsons, Phil.
Trans. 1751, 121 (female).
Phoca elephantina, Molina, Sayyio, 260 (1782).
L'Elephant marine, ou Phoque a trompe, Phoca proboscidea, Peroti 8f
Lesueur, Voy. Terres AuMr. ii. 34. t. 32
Handlton, Seals, t. 10, 17

Cuvier, Oss.' Foss. v. t. 18. f 1 ; i^. Cuvier, Mem. Mus. xi. t. 14. f. 1
De7its des 3Iamm. 123. t. 39 a.
Phoca proboscidea, Hamilton, Jard. Nat. Lib. t. , Mus. Liverpool.
Cystophora proboscidea, Nilsson, Vet. Akad. Ilandl. 1837; SIcand.

Fauna Wieym. Arch. Owen, Cat. Osteol. Coll. Mus. Coll. Sury. 638.
Mirounga proboscidea, Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 180, 1827.
Morunga elephantina, Grai/, Cat. Osteol. Spec. B. M. 33 Cat. Seals

B. M.





niariinis (Cap. B. S.), Pallas, Zool. Rosso- Asiat.

i. lOG.
53, 84, 134.
Macrorhvnclnis proboscideus, Gray, in Brookes's Mns. Cat. 36, 1828.
Phoque giis argent(5 a os nasaux tres courts, Mas. Paris, fro?n M.

Sea Elepliant, Weddell, Voy.

Dubison = Ctivier,


dubia, Fischer,

Oss. Foss. v.




Nihson, Wicym. Arch.



Plioque des Patagons, F. Cnvier, Mom. Mus.jL. 203. t. 14. f. 2,

Mirounga Patagouica, Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 186.
Stenimatopus Pataclionicus, /. Brookes, Cat. Mas. 36, 1828,
Rbinopliora proboscidea, Wayler, Nat. Syst. Amph. 27,

d, e,f.

Inhab. Southern Ocean,



Sknll of young,
Adult: stuffed,

Presented by the Lords of the

Skeleton of 6, Antarctic Seas, Antarctic Expedition. Presented by

the Lords of the Admiralty.
Skull figured in ' Zool. Erebus &


Antarctic Ocean,
Antarctic Ocean,


Skin, with skull,

Skin of young male.

Cape of Good Hope ?

Antarctic Seas, Antarctic Expedition.
Presented by the
Lords of the Admiralty.
Antarctic Seas, Antarctic
g. Skull and imperfect skeleton of young.
Presented bj^ the Lords of the Admiralty.
h. Skeleton of specimen e. Cape of Good Hope ? Prom Mr. Bartlett's




The skulls of different ages of this species are described by Professor

Owen, Cat. Osteol. CoU. Mus. Coll. Surg. p. 3G8. no. 3920. Among
is the anterior portion of the jaws of the Sea Lion from the
South Seas, described and figured in Anson's Voyage round the
World, p, 122, t, 19 (see no, 3923).
See Pcron on the Sea Elephant, Freycinet, Voy. Aiistrale ; translated in Brewster's Edin, Journ, of Science, 1827, vii, 73.




Nose of the male with a large compressed hood, extending to the

back of the head muzzle very broad, hairy nostrils large. Muzzle
of the skuU broad, narrowed on each side in front forehead flat
palatine bone broad, square. Hair elongate, cylindrical whiskers flat,
waved. Claws 5-5, distinct.

Cystophora, Gray, Zool. Erebus Sf Terror, 4.

Skand. Fauna
Cystophora, sp., Nilsson, Vet. Akad. Handl. 1837
Wteym. Arch. vii. 326.
Mirounga, part., Gi-ay, Griffith's A. K. v. 463.
Slonimatopus (Stemniatope), F. Cuner,3Iem. Mus. xi, 196. 1. 13, 1827;
Diet. Sci. Nat. lix. 464 EXseher, Syn. 230,

The young is

young of Pa(ioph'das Greenland ie us in external

appearance, but it is easily known from that species by the hairiness
of the muffle between the nostrils, and by the teeth not being lobed,
like the

but only plaited on the surface,



(See also Nilsson,

Wicgm, Arch,


Fio-. 14.

Cystopliora cristata.

Cystophora cristata.




Outer cutting-teeth and the canines narrow, compressed.

cristata, Erxl. Syst. 590; F. Ciw. 3Iem. Mus. xi. 196. t.l3. f. 3;
O. Fahr. Skrivt. Nat. Selsk. i. 120. 1. 12. f. 2; Deka;/, Ann. Lye. N. Y.
i. t. 7; Fischer, Syn. Mamm. i. 241 ; Blainv. Osteog. Phoca, t. 5 (skull),
Hamilton, t. 14 ; Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Franq. t. 42
t. 9 (teeth)


(animal and skull, young).


mitrata, Milbert, MS. ; Ctiv. 0.ss. Foss. v. 210. 1. 18. f. 3; F.Citv.

Mamm. 122. t. 89. t. 38 B ; Fischer, Syn. Mamm. 241

Dents des




leucopla, Thienem. Bemerk. 102. t. 13 (young) ; Bull. Set. Nat.

V. 261 Fischer, Syn. 257, 675.
Mirounga cristata, Gray, GriffitNs A. K. v. 463.
Cystophora cristata, Nilsson, Vet. Akad. Handl. 1837 ; Skand. Faun. ;
Wiecfm. ArcMv, vii. 327 Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1849, 91 ; Cat. Ost.
Coll. B. M. 32 ; Cat. Seals B. M. 36.
Stemmatopus cristatus, F. Cuvier, Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxix. 551 ; Mem.
Mus. xi. 196. t. 13. f. 3, g, h,i.
Stemmatopus niitratus, Gray, in J. Brookes' s Mus. Cat. 36, 1828.
Phoca leonina, Linn. S. N. i. 55 Mohr, Isl. Nat. 2 Miiller, Prodr.
Zool. Dan. viii.
O. Fahr. Faun. Grcenl. 7 ; Wallace, Proc. Roy,
Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1862, 393.
Cystophora borealis, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. 383.
phoca cucullata, Bodd. Eleneh. 107.
Phoca dimidiata, Cretzschmar fide Rilppell.
Seal with a caiU, Ellis, Hudson's Bay, 134. t. 6. f. 4.
Klapmyds, Egede, Groenl. 46.
Klap myssen, Egede, Groenl. 62.
Hooded Seal, Pen7i. Syn. 342 ; SJiaiv, Zool. i. 262.
Phoca Isidorei, Lesson, Rev. Zool. 1843, 256 ; Echo du Monde Savant,
1843, 228.
Seal new to the British shores, W. B. Clarke, Aug. 14, 1847, 4to
figiu'e of Seal, skull, &c.


Inhab. North Atlantic.



by the





Coast of Europe. He d'Oleron, Mus. Paris lliver Orwell, 29tli June,

] 847, Mus. Ipswich.
Very young, grey, without spots when wet. Called Bliie-bacJcs in



Skin, stuffed, of adiilt male.

Skin, stuffed, of adult male.
Skin, stuffed, of adult female.

d. Skin, stuffed, of


half-grown young.

leucopla, Thienem. Bemerk. t. 13, 1824.

niitrata, Milbert, in Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 210.

Crowns worn the roots of the
2nd, 3rd, and 4th rather enlarged, oblong club-shaped, rather
elongate the root of the 5th grinder compressed, of the left side
simple, of the right partiallj^ divided into two short roots continued
Specimen No. 1 described Froc. Zool. Soc
in grooves on each side.
1849, 92.
Greenland. The
b. The skvdl of an adult or aged specimen.
crowns plaited the roots of all the grinders enlarged and short,
club-shaped and simple, separated from the crown by a narrow
Specimen No. 2 described P. Z. S. 1849, 92. "
Greenland. The crowns plaited
0. Skull of an aged specimen.
and tubercular, the roots of the grinders rather enlarged the roots
of the 3rd grinder rather compressed, simple, with a groove on the
outer side of the 4th and 5th grinders, scarcely enlarged, and divided
Specimen No. 3 described P.Z.S.
into two distinct diverging roots.
a. Skull of adult.


1849, 92.
d. Skull, without lower jaw, of nearly adult. Greenland. "Wanting the grinders ; but the cavity for the grinders shows that the 4th
grinder on both sides had a short clavate root, with a slight central
groove on the outer side, and the 5th grinder on each side had two
Specimen No. 5 described P. Z. S. 1849, 92.
separate roots.
Greenland. The crowns of the
e. SkuU of a half-grown animal.
grinders plaited and tubercidar ; the 4th grinder on each side with
ovate, short, simple roots, and the 5th grinder with compressed,
truncated, simple roots ; the grinders are rather further apai't than
Specimen No. 6 described P. Z. S. 1849, 92.
in the preceding skull.
Greenland. The crowns of the
/. Skull of a very young animal.
the 4th and 5th grinders of
grinders are very distinctly plaited
both sides have two distinct roots, and the 3rd grinder has a groo^"e
down the middle of the outer side. In all these skulls the grinders
are close together, forming a nearly continuous line.
No. 7 described P. Z. S. 1849, 92.
Greenland. The crowns of the few
Skull of nearly adidt.
grinders remaining plaited ; the root of the 4th and 5th grinders of
the left side, as shown by the cavities, divided into two roots of the
4th grinder of the right side simple, with a slight groove on the outer
side ; and of the 5th grinder two-rooted, like the similar grinder on
Specimen No. 4 described P. Z. S. 1849, 92.
the outer side.
The specimen found in the Orwell was uniform dark grey above,


14. cYSTOPnoRA.

darker over the basal parts of the hinder extremities, and yellowish
white beneath. 40 inches long.

The skull and dentition of this species are described

in Cat. Osteol. Coll. Mus. Coll. Surg. p. 640.

Cystophora Antillarum.

by Prof. Owen

West Indian Hooded Seal.

The outer upper cutting- teeth and the canines

Skull, face broad.

broad, strongly keeled on each side and longitudinally plaited within.

Fur grey-brown Kps and beneath yellow.

Cystophora Antillarum, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1849, 93 Zoul. E. cV T.

t. ined.
Mag. N. JI. 1850, 58; Wiegm. Arch. 1851, 29.


luhab. West Indies.


Stuffed specimen. West Indies, Jamaica, Mr. Gosse.

The face is broader than the
Skidl of a very young specimen.
skull of C. crisiata of the same size. The crowns of the teeth are
plaited and tubercular
the 4th grinder has only a single root,
the 5th grinder has two. West Indies, Jamaica, Mr. Gosse.
(Specimen described, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1849, 93.)


Cystophora ?

sp., Cassin, U. S.

Exploring Exped.

Mamm. 26,


" Jan. 20, 1839. Coast of South America, between Rio de Janeiro
and the Rio Negro, at 9 a.m., a Seal appeared about the bow of the
vessel, easily keeping ahead and frequently coming to the surface.
Our distance from the nearest land was 13.5 miles, thoiigh the water
was green as if on soundings. "\Mien swimming below the surface
the animal might almost have been mistaken for a shark, except that
and another remarkable
its body was much more flexible in turning
difference was that it appeared to swim entirely by means of its pectoral flappers, the tail being extended and apparently inactive."
Dr.Piclcering's Journal, quoted in Cassin's U.S. Exploring Expedition,



" Cystophora proboscidea ?, a young male Seal from the lies Creusettes," Owen, Cat. Osteol. Coll. Mus. Coll. Surg. 640. no. 3939.

Inhab. " lies Creusettes."

This skull differs from Cystopliora cristata in the greater length of
the enamel crowns of the canines and the smoother character of the
The crowns of the molars are relatively larger, are separated
by a less marked constriction from the fang, and the enamel does not
The palatal process of the
present the same wrinkled character.
palatines forms a transverse quadrate plate more deeply emarginatcd



probably have belonged to a young individual of C. probosop. cit. p. 640.




B. Ears with a snbcylindrical, distinct, external conch.

Toes of the hind
feet suheqital, short, with Ion;/ membranes at the end; fore feet fin-like ;
jjalvi and soles bald, lonyitudinally grooved.
Nose simple, with a rather
large callous muffle above and between the nostrils ; ctitting-teeth | tipper

often bifid; grinders





skull has a postorbital process,

an alisphenoidal canal, the

mastoid process strong and salient, standing aloof from the auditory
Arctoceplialina, Gray, Zool. Erebus ^ Terror, 4
Turner, Proc. Zool.
Soc. 1848, 88.
Otaria, Peron, Voy. Terres Austr. ii. 118 Desm. Mamm. 248 Fleming,

187; Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 182 Nilssoii, Vet. Akad.

Handl. 18.37 Skand. Fauna Wiegm. Arch. vii.
rhoca, 3, F. Cuvier, Mem. Mus. xi! 205.
Otariadse, J. Brookes, 3Ius. Cat. 36, 1828.
Phil. Zool.



Fig. 15.

Arctocephalus Hookeri.


Fore foot and hind



forehead convex, regularly rounded from the end

the nasal opening is
of the nasal bone to the middle of the vertex
small the palate rather concave, contracted behind, short, nearly
Lower jaw short, thick,
reaching the middle of the zygomatic arch.
flattened, expanded beneath just in front of the condyle.


face short

Callorhinus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859, 357,

Arctocephalus, *, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859, 117.
Arctocephalus, sp., F. Cuvier.


Callorhinus ursinus.

Northern Fur- Seal.

Adult male grey-black hair of the liack long, black, reddish, with
a subterminal band and a short grey tip under-fur short, woolly,



the hair of the neck and front of the body longer, forming a
kind of mane hps and nose reddish whiskers very long, strong,
Avhite, smooth, tapering to a fine point.
Skull short, forehead very
convex and rounded. P. Z. S. 1851), 102.


Fiff. 16.

CaUorhinus ursinus.


Palate rather concave in front, nari'owcd and flattened behind,

with a deep narrow hinder aperture, which has a regular ovate front
edge outer upper cutting-teeth moderate orbit very large zygoma
very strong; grinders small. P. Z. ^, 1859, 117.

Ursus marinus,


Nov. Cormn. Petrop.






ursina, Schreh. Sdm/eth. iii. 289. t. 82 Gmel. S. N. i. 62 Shmc,

Fischer, Syn. 231 ; F. Ciiv. 3Iem. Mus. xi. 205.
Zool. i. 265. t. 72





1 (skull ?).

Otaria ursina, Desm. in Peron 4" Lestieur, Voy'.\\. 41 Nouv. Diet. H. N.

XXV. 595 3Iamm. 249 Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 182 Wagner, Bull.
Akacl. Miinchen, 1849, 168; Wiegm. Arch. Nat. 1849, 39 Schrenck,



Otaria ursina, var., Mus. Leyden.

Otaria Fabricii, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 419, from O. Fabr.
xiii. 420.
Otaria Krasclieuneuikovii, Lesson, Diet. Class. H.
Chat marin, Kraschennenikow, Hist. Kamtsch. i. 306.
Ai'ctocephalus ursinus, F. Cuv. Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxix. 554; Crrai/, in
Brookes' s Cat. 3Ius. 37 Zool. Ereh. 8f Terror, 3 Cat. Phoeidce B. M.
41 P. Z. S. 1859, 103, 107. t. 68 (skull) Nilsso7i, Wiegm. Arch,
Ursine Seal, Penn. Hist. Quad. ii. 526, 531.
Ours mariu, Baffon, Supp. vi. t. 47 Chv. Regne Anim. i. 167.
Sea Bgars, Forster, Cook''s Second Voy. ii. 203.
Young. Plioca nigra, Pallas, Zool. Rosso-Asiat. 107 ?
CaUorhinus ursinus. Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, 357.

Inhab. Northern Pacific Ocean, Kamtschatka.

Sea of Ochotsk, Schrenck.

Skin of adult male.



adult male.

Soc. 1859, 103.

Skins collected to


Behring's Straits.

Described in Proc.


sell to

the Chinese.

Behring's Straits.




Pallas described a small Seal from the Kurile Islands (Zool. Rossoi. 107), which he regards as the same as la petite Fhoque of


BufFon (P. pusilla, Gmclin), under the name of P. nigra.

Steller figures and describes a large Seal under the name of Ursiis
marinns (Nov. Comm. Petrop. ii. 331. t. 15), which is the authority
for the Ursine Seal of Pennant (Quad. ii. 526) and PJioca ursina of
Schreber, Gmelin, and most succeeding authors.
Forster, in Cook's Second Voyage (ii. 203), appears to speak of
the same animal under the name of " Sea Bear."
No specimen of this species existed in any of the Museums which
I visited on the Continent or in England, nor could I find a skull of
the genus from the Northern Pacific Ocean yet I felt so assured,
from SteUer's description and the geographical position, that it must
be distinct from the Eared Fm'-Seals from the Antarctic Ocean and
Australia, with which it has been usually confounded, that in the
Catalogue of Seals in the Collection of the British Museum ' I regarded it as a distinct species under the name oi Arctocephalus ursinus,
giving an abridgment of Steller's description as its specific character.
The name Arctocephalus ursinus is usually applied to the various
species of Eared Fur-Seals found in the different English and Con;


The British Museum has just received from Amsterdam, under
the name Otaria leonina, a specimen of the Sea Bear from Behring's
Straits, which was obtained from St. Petersburg.
It is evidently

new genus allied to Arctocephalus, and agrees

with the Sea Bear, Ursus marinus of Steller, and
not with the Sea Lion or Leo marinus of that author, which is called
Otaria Stelleri in the catalogues, and was confounded with Otaria
leonina of the Southern Pacific Ocean by Nilsson and most modem
The latter animal is still a desideratum in the British
Museum and other European Collections.
The skin is 8 feet long, and agrees in all particulars with SteUer's
description of the adult male of the species, and is most distinct in
external character and colour from the Fur-Seal (ArctocepJialus
Falklandicus) of the Falkland Islands and from A. lobatus from
not an Otaria, but a
in all its characters



equally distinct from the various skulls of all the

Fur- and Hair-Seals) which
a^e in the Collection of the British Museum, and is easily known
from them by the shortness of the face and the height and convexity


species of the ^qtvu?, Arctocephalus (both

of the nose.
The skull of this specimen

is quite distinct from the skull of the

Arctocephalus Gilliesjni of California, recently described by Dr. MacBain in the ' Proceedings of the Physical Society of Edinburgh,'
under the name of Otaria OiUiespii, from a skull in the Edinburgh
Natural History Museum, of which we have a cast in the British
Museum but we are not able to ascertain with certainty whether
this is a Fur- or Hair-Seal, though, from the length of the palate,
compared with the width of the skull at the hinder grindei's, I am
induced to believe tliat it may belong to an animal which has a soft



This proves that the Seals from the different parts of the
west coast of America are distinct from each other, each specimen
having a specific geographical range.




Muzzle rather tapering in







upper nearly

Palate of the skull rather narrower behind

than in front, short, scarcely reaching to the middle of the zygomatic arch.
Lower jaw-bone narrow, rounded below, without any
angle behind.
The face and skull rather elongate the forehead flattened, and
nearly horizontal from the nasal bone to the vertex the palate rather
concave, contracted behind, short, not reaching bej'ond the middle of
the zygomatic arch the nose-aperture large, high the lower jaws
moderate, with a crest-like ridge behind, beneath, just in front of the

The crest-like process on the hinder part of the under edge of the
lower jaw difiers somewhat in shape and development in the different



nowhere resembles the


expanded disk found

in a

similar situation in the lower jaw of the preceding genus.

Nose simple, with a rather large callous muffle above and between
the nostrils. Whiskers cylindrical, thick, round, tapering, not waved ;

hinder ones largest.

Ears with a subcylindrical,

distinct, external

Fig-. 17,

Arctocephalus Hookeri.

Skull, palate,

and grinder.

The fore feet elongate the palms bald, longitudinally grooved

claws five, very small, rudimentary, scarcely visible. Hind hmbs
The hind feet elongated the soles
rather produced the legs free.
the toes subequal, short, webbed, and
bald, longitudinally grooved

each furnished with a long membranaceous expansion, the

the membranaceous expansion bald.

web and



Arctocephalus, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1859, 358.

Arctocephalus (Arctocepliale), F. C'nrier, Mem. Mus. xi. 206. t. 15.
f. 1
Diet. Sci. Nat. lix. 4G3, 1829
Fischer, Syn. 230 ; Gray, Zool.
Erchus 4- Terror Turner, P. Z. S. 1848, 88.
Otaria, sp., Peron; Nilsson.

Dr. J. Miiller (Wicgm. Arch. 1841, p. 333) described two species,

Otaria Chilensis, and Arctocephalus Lamairii from Australia ; but
0. Chilensis is probably 0. leonina, which is the only Eared Seal I
have seen from the west coast of South America, and the latter is
Arctocephalus lohatus.
In the Leyden Museum (1845) there are four specimens of FurSeal, all named Otaria ursina ; they are of a black or dark grey
colour, with white tips to the hair and reddish under- fur
the largest
is 4 feet long.
One is from the Aleutian Isles, one from New Holland, and two from the Creusette Isles.
The Haii'-Seals in the same museum, and the skull from Brookes's
museum, which I described as Arctocephalus lohatus, are called

0. Stelleri

some are

said to

come from Japan and others from New

In King's Narrat. Austral, ii. 414, 1828, I pointed out the distinction between the Fur-Seal of New South Shetland and the HairSeal of Australia.
The skull from the cabinet of
(Oss. Foss. V. 222.




4), is

M. Faujas, which Cuvier figures

much more like the skull of an adult

Arctocephalus than of Otaria juhata; the outer and upper cuttingteeth are scarcely larger than the others.
There are ten skulls of this genus in the Paris Museum
From the Cape of Good Hope.
1 & 2. Adult and half-grown.
The palates become narrower behind. The front outer upper cuttingteeth rather large ; grinders large, all except first and hinder upper
with two lobes (see Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 221. t. 18. f. 5).
3. Old skull, from M. Parzudaki.





MM. Quoy

and Gaimard.

Adidt. From Port Jackson. Phoca cinerea. Very little different

from the adult from the Cape of Good Hope.
6 tk 7. Imperfect. King George's Sound. MM. Quoy and Gaimard (Cuv. Oss. Foss. V. 222).
Auckland? The ' Zelee,' 1841.
8. Adult.
The grinders larger,
9 <fe 10. From America, by M. d'Orbigny.
more acute, and rather further apart.
The Eared Seals (Aretocephali) have been divided into Fur- and
Hair- (Eared) Seals by the sealers. A. HooTceri and A. lobatus are
called Hair-Seals because they are destitute of any under-fur ; but
this appears to be the case only with the older specimens
for the
young of A. lohatus is said to be covered with soft fur, which falls
off when the next coat of hair is developed.
The undor-fm- is well
developed in the adult specimens of A.ursinus and A. Delalandii and
the half-grown specimen oi A. nigrescens, and entirely absent in the
adult A. Iloolicri and half-grown A. lohatus in the Museum Collection.
In Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859, p. 107, I divided this subgenus into two



sections, separating A. Hooheri from the other species ; but I had

only young or half-grown specimens of the skuUs of this species
and since I have obtained the young skull from California, I am
induced to believe the slight convexity of the forehead and the slenderness of the lower jaw to be dependent on the age of the specimen,
and that most probably the forehead of the adult animal becomes
flatter and the lower jaw stronger as the animal increases in age.
The species of this genus are scattered over the world.
A. Monteriensis, A. Califormantis, and A. Q-'dliesjiu are from California.





and A. FalMandicus from the Falkland

Islands and Cape Horn.

A. Delnlandii from the Cape of






Good Hope.
and A, australis from Australia.

Skidl short and broad.

Hinder edge of the palate


transversely truncated.

Arctocephalus Monteriensis.

Skull broad face short ; palate rather concave in front, nearly

behind, the hinder aperture somewhat contracted, with a
nearly sti-uight transverse hinder edge.
Teeth large the lower jaw



Arctocephalus Monteriensis, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859, 357.



(skull), p. 360.

Inhab. California (Monterey). Called Loho marino by the Spaniards.


" Skull and tongue bones of the Californian Sea Lion (Spanish
Lobo marino), taken near Monterey A. S. Taylor, July 1858."
Presented by J. H. Gurney, Esq., M.P.

This skull is as large as, and very like in external appearance to,
the skull of the adult Otaria leonina, or Southern Sea Bear of the
southern part of the west coast of America, which we have in the
British Museum from the coast of Chili.
The skulls of the Loho marino and Otaria leonina are easily distinguished, and, when they are more closely examined, prove to
belong to two different genera. The Californian skull has the short
flat palate, contracted behind, of the genus Arctoee/dudus, and the
other the very long deeply concave palate, nearly as wide behind as in
front, of the genus Otaria.
It also has the high nose, with a nearly
horizontal facial line over the nose, of the former genus, instead of
the low nose shelving towards the edge of the upper jaw of the Otaria
or Sea Lion of Chili.
The adult skull is more than double the size of the adult skulls of
the other species of Arctocephali which we have in the Museum Collection, and shows the existence of a Seal of very large size in these
as large as the Soa Lion of Chili.
The skull has been compared with the skulls of Arctoceplial as Delalandii, from the Cajje, figured in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858, t. 69



Arctocephalus lohatus, from Australia

Arctoceplialus Gilliespii, from California,


c. t.


Callorhinus ursinus, from Behring's Straits, I. c. t. 68

Arctocephalus nigrescens, from the Falkland Islands ?
The only one that nearly approaches it in size is that of the very
old A)xtoceplialus lohatus from Australia ; but this skull is at once
known from that of the Monterey Sea Lion by having a rather deeply
concave palate, much narrowed behind, and with a semicii'cular edge
to the hinder palatine opening
while in the Monterey Sea Lion the
palate is nearly flat, slightly concave in front, and not so eonti'acted
behind, and with a transverse hinder margin to the posterior

The Monterey

species is very distinct

from A.

Gilliespii, also



smaller (not more than

one-third of the size), has a much narrower skull -with a longer face,
and a very different form to the hinder palatine opening.
The Monterey Seal may be the " Lion marin de la Califomie " of
Choris, Voy. Pittoresque,' t. 11, from which Fhoca Call for niatia of
Fischer's SjTiopsis Mammalium,' p. 231, and the Otaria Californiana
of Lesson have been derived ; but the accounts of the species are so
very slight, that there is nothing but the habitat and the name to lead
one ; and we already have two very distinct species of Sea Lions,
California, which, besides being very



Arctocephalus Montenetisis and A. Gilliespii, from California.

** Hinder edge of the palate slightly arched, semicircidar.

Arctocephalus lobatus.

Face of skull moderately elongate ; palate deeply concave, narrowed behind, hinder aperture with a semicircular front edge lower
jaw rather short, strong; the outer upper cutting-teeth are large
and compressed.
Canines very large, strong, rugulose, thick at the base. Grinders
large, with a rugose keel round the inner side of the base
the first
and second with one small lobe third, fourth, and fifth grinders
with a distinct front and hinder lobe. The flaps to the hind toes

short, not so long as the toes.

Otaria cinerea, Gray, in King, Narrat. Atistralia,

K. V. 183 (not Peron ?), 1827.





Arctocephalus lobatus, Gray, Spic. Zool. i. t. (skull) Bull. Sci. Nat.

Cat. Phoc. B.M.U;
xvi. 113 in J. Brookes's Cat. Mus. 37, 1828

P. Z. S. 1859, 110, 360.

lobata, Fischer, Syn. ii. 574.
Otaria Lamairii, J. Midler, Wieym. Arch. 1841, 334.
Otaria Stelleri {3Im.Leyden,184o),Fai(n.Jaj)on.t. 21, 22, 23 (animal),
t. 22. f. 3 (skull).
Otaria jubata (part.), Gray, Cat. Osteol. Coll. B.M. 33.


Tormg covered

ftir is


^vith soft far,





the next coat



coast of Australia.

Skins of half-grown.

Houtman's Abrolhos,

Port Essington.

JJr. Gilbert.



Houtman's Abrolhos, Australia.

Gould's Collection.
Houtman's Abrolhos, Australia. From
e. Lower jaw, half- grown.
Mr. Gould's Collection.
Houtman's Abrolhos, Australia. From Mr.
/. Teeth, very j'oung.
Gould's Collection.
Teeth, very young.
Houtman's Abrolhos, Australia. From Mr.
Gould's Collection.
Black forehead and crown pale yellowish.
Stuffed skin of adult.
N.W. AustraKa. Presented by His Excellency Sir George Grey,

Jaws of


From Mr.



Very rugose

veiy like adult skull of Otaria

short and much contracted behind, the
teeth more lobed, and with a tubercular ridge below, like the
younger skulls. N.W. Australia. Presented by His Excellency



leonina, but the palate


Sir George Grey, K.C.B.

Professor Owen describes a mutilated skull and jaws of a Sea Bear

(Arctocephahis australis) found eighty miles inland in South Australia,
presented to the Museum of the College of Surgeons by Dr. Eobson
(see Cat. Ost. Coll. Mus. CoU. Surg. p. 647. nos. 3964 & 3965).
*** Hinder edge
of the palate large, gradually contracting into an angle
in frmit.


Arctocephalus Californianus.

Arctocephalus Monteriensis, junior?, Gray, P. Z.


1859, 357.

The young animal is blackish, silvered by the short white tips

those on the nape and sides of the hinder
to the short black hairs
part of the body ha\ing longer white tips, making those parts whiter
and more silvery. The under-fur is very abundant, reaching nearly
The end of the nose and sides of the face
to the end of the hair.
are whitish.
The whiskers are elongate, rigid, smooth, and white.
The hind feet are elongate, with rather long flaps to the toes.

Inhab. California.
The skull is very small for the
doubted its belonging to the skin
following label

the skin, and I should have

were not accompanied by the

size of
if it


" Skull of the Fur Seal I sent last year. It is very imperfect, from
my forgetting where I had p\it it but it must do until accident throws another in the way the other bones were lost.
A. S. Tai/loi-:' Presented by J. H. Gurney, Esq., M.P.



the skull of quite a

young animal, with what I am induced

young skulls of most of

to believe are its milk-teeth, and, like the

It also
the sjDecies of this genus, is very unlike the adult form.
from the adult A. Monteriensis in the form of the hinder opening
of the palate, which is very large and gradually contracted to an
angle in front of the mouth.
I am not aware that the form of this
It is not so in the only
part is changed by the age of the specimen.
species with which I have the opportunity of comparing it, that is




to say, in a series of skulls of different ages

from the young

adult, of a Seal of the allied genus Otaria (0. leonina).

The skin is so like that of Arctocephalus nhjrescens, that

to the

we were

induced to regard it as a second specimen of that species before we received the skull.
But the skuU of the original specimen of that Seal
shows that the adult animal and skull are not nearly half the size of
the animal and skull of the Loho marino of Monterey.


Arctocephalus nigrescens.

Skull broad ; face rather elongate

palate slightly concave, flat
behind, hinder aperture narrow, with a nearly straight hinder edge.

Arctocephalus nigrescens, Gray, Zool. Erehus

skuU (iuedit.) ; P. Z. S. 1859, 107 & 360.




Inhab. Falkland Islands ?


SkuU from a half-grown specimen.

This skull is very like that of A. Delalandii, but differs considerably in the form of the front edge of the hinder palatine aperture
the outer cutting-teeth and the canines are moderately slender, and
similar in form, but the latter are much the larger.

*** Hinder edge of the palate contracted, ovate.


Arctocephalus Delalandii.

Face of skull rather short ; forehead flattened from nasal bone to

the vertex ; palate concave, hinder aperture narrow, with a rather
acute, ovate anterior edge; teeth large; lower jaw rather short,
Hair rigid, under-fur small in quantity, reddish brown.
Arctocephalus Delalandii, Gratj, P. Z. S. 1859, 107. t. 69 (skull),
Otaria ?eronii, A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Joiirn. ii. 62.

p. 369.

Otaria Delalandii, F. Ciivier, Diet.
Foss. V. 220. t. 18. f. 15 (skull).


Nat. xxxix. 423

Cuoier, Oss.

Phoca pusilla (part.), Fischer, JSyn. 3Iamm. 232.

Junior ?
Le petit Phoque, Buffon, Hist. Nat. xiii. 341. t. 63.
Little Seal, Penn. Quad. 243, from Buffon.
Plioca parva, Bodd. Flench. 78, from Buffon.
Phoca pusilla, Schreb. Sduf/eth. 314. t. 85, from Buffon.
I)ict. xxv. 600.
Otaria pusilla, Dcs7n.
Otaria Peronii, Desm. Mamm. 250, 382; Encyc. Method,





from Buffon.

Loup mario,

Par/es, Voy. aid.

du Monde,



Inhab. Cape of Good Hope.


Adult stufted. Cape of Good Hope.

Cape of Good Hope.
Skin of young Avith the iinder-lur dark brown.

Hope ?

Cape of (Jood




Skin of young with the under-fur dark brown. Cape of Good

Skull of a very young specimen. Cape of Good Hope ? or Falkland
Presented by Sir John Richardson.
Islands ?


from the Cape, and one half-grown, habitat

These skulls agree in the form of the hinder palatine
opening, but vary in other respects a little from each other the two
adult ones differ in the aperture of one being wider and shorter than
that of the other in the young skull the front edge of the aperture
the outer
is more acute in the centre than in either of the others
cutting-teeth of the upper jaw are large, but much smaller than the
very large canines.
Cuvier (Oss. Foss. v. 220) observes that Delalande brought from
the Cape a young specimen 3 feet 6 inches long, of a reddish-grey
colour, the ends of the hairs annulated with grey and blackish, rather
paler beneath
the whiskers strong, simple, and black the feet
and two skeletons of young, and
black the under-fur soft, woolly ;
This skull is figured (Cuvier, Oss.
the skull of an adult specimen.
Foss. V. 1. 18. f. 5)
but unfortunately the palate, which is the most
characteristic part of the skuU, is not figured nor described.
palate of the skull of the j^ounger specimen is described thus:
" Le palais est plus etroit, se porte plus en arriere et est echancre
par un angle plus aigu."
Buffbn notices a young Seal, which he calls the petit Phoque
(vol. xiii. t. 53), on which the Phoca pusiUa of Schreber and succeeding authors has been founded, which is probably the young of
skulls of adults


this species.

Daubenton states (Hist. Nat. xiii. 413) that the specimen figured
by Buffbn came from India but it is probable that it was brought
from the Cape of Good Hope in a ship coming from India, No Seal

has as yet been described as inhabiting the coast of India.

Fischer confounded with Phoca pusilla of BuiFon a Seal from Rottennest Island, on the eastern coast of Australia (Syn. Mamm. 232),
Mr, Burchell, in the hst of animals he collected in South Africa,
mentions " a Seal, 10| feet long, killed in Table Bay, 19th May,
1815, and of very rare occiirrence on the coast of the colony."'
Dr. Andi-ew Smith describes a specimen 8^ feet long, and observes,
" the young when between 2 and 3 feet in length are nearly quite
Soutli African
black, and are called Sea Dogs by the colonists."
Quart. Journ. ii. 62.

Shtdl narrow, elongate.

Hinder edge of the


jyalate transversely truncated.

Arctocephalus Hookeri.

Skull narrow, elongate palate deeply concave in front, narrow

and rather concave behind, with a deep hinder aperture, which has
a transverse truncated front edge with a slight central lobe directed
backward outer upper cutting-teeth very large, conical, acute orbit
moderate; zygoma slender angle of jaw bent inwards.



Flaps of the hinder toes elongate, unequal, of the outer toes on

each side longest. Canines moderate. Pale yellowish.
Canines slender, conical. Grinders small, conical, smooth, without

any tubercles at the base the two front smaller the third and fourth
with a single lobe in front the fifth with a lobe in front and behind.
Whiskers round, very thick, black or whitish, smooth, not waved,
hinder largest fur brown-grey, shghtly grizzled, pale, nearly white

beneath hair short, close-pressed, rather slender, flattened, black

with whitish tips, the tips becoming larger in the underpart of the
Feet reddish or blackish front claws small, rudimentary
hind claws 5, the second and third largest, the fourth and fifth and
then the first smallest ; toes moderate membrane of the toes elongate, longer than the toes, the outer one broadest and largest, the

rest nearly equal.

Arctocephalus Hookeri, Gray, Toy. Ereb. ^ Terror^ t.

Spec. B. M. 33; Cat Seal's B. M. 45. fig. 15 (skull)

Cat. Osteol.

P. Z. S. 1859,

107, 360.

Hair Seal, Weddell, 141

Inhab. Falkland Islands and Cape Horn,

Falkland Islands.
Skin, stuffed.
Falkland Islands.
Skin, stufied, with teeth.
Falkland Islands. Antarctic Expedition.
c. Skeleton, full-grown.
Skull figured in
Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty.
' Zool.
Voy. Erebus & Terror,' t.
Antarctic Expedition.
Presented by the Lords of the
d. Skeleton.


Antarctic Expedition.

Skull, imperfect.

Presented by the Lords

of the Admiralty.
Antarctic Expedition. Presented
/. Skull, imperfect.
of the Admiralty.
South Sea. Mr. "Warwick's Collection.
g. Skidl.


skulls of four half-grown specimens are

by the Lords

aU very uniform


their characters.



in the

to belong to the



a skull of a very young Seal which appears


In three of the skulls the outer upper cutting-teeth are very large
size of the canines, and hlfe them in
In one skull (perhaps of a female '?) the upper outer canines
are much smaller and more slender, not half the size of the same
teeth in the other skulls of the same size, and the canines themselves

and acute, more than half the

much more slender; the front of the palate is also more

concave. G^ray, P. Z. S. 1859, 107.
The skull of A. IlooJceri, in the concavity and comparative greater
width of the palate behind, and in the form of the hinder palatine
opening, most resembles that of the genus Otaria but it is very
distinct from the skulls of that genus.
The Eared Seal (Pennant, Quad. 2G8 PJioca Jlavescens, Shaw,
Otaria Jlavescens, Dcsm. Mamm. 252
Zool. i. 260. t. 73
Griffith's A. K. V. 183), 22 inches long, may be a young specimen of

are also



it is not stated if this Seal has under-fur or not.

of Otaria Forsteri of the size mentioned is blackish.

this species, but

The young


Hinder edge of the lialate contracted,


Ar otocephalus



Skull elongate, narrow ; the face much elongated ; palate shghtlj

concave, front edge of the hinder aperture ovate ; lower jaw elongate,
Otaria Gilliespii, Machain, Rep. Phys. Soc. Edinh. 1858.
Arctocephalus Gilliespii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, 107. t. 69,




Inhab. California.

by Dr. Macbain, now in the

of the College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, was sent to the
British Museum, from which the figure in P. Z. S. 1859, pi. 70, was
The species is at once known by the length of the face in all the
skulls we have of the genus, a line drawn across the palate at the
cast of the original skull described


front edge of the zygomatic arch leaves one-third of the palate behind
the line, and two-thirds in front of it while in this species it leaves
only one-fourth behind, and very nearly three-fourths in front of

the line.

The skull has only four grinders on each side in the upper jaw,
but one has evidently fallen out in front of the series and one behind and the fifth grinder of the complete series, which is usually
in a line with the front edge of the zygomatic opening, is in this

species rather in front of


The following are the measurements of the

inches and eighths


skuUs in




Ursine Seal (part.), Perm. Quad.

liuffon, H. N. Supp.

Ours marin,



vi. ;}3G.


Otaria Forsteri, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N.





Forsteri, Fischer, Si/n. 2-'>2.

Falkland Isle Seal, Penn. Quad i. 275, ii. 521 (from Roy. Soc).
Phoca Falklandica, Shaic, Zool. i. 256 ; Gray, in King^s Narrat. Australia,




A. K.

v. 18.S.

Otaria Falklandica, I)esm. Mamm, 252 Fischer, Syn. 233.

Otaria Slla^vii, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 424.
Seal or Sea Bear of Forster, Hamilton, Nat. Lib. 261. t. 22.
Otaria Falklandica. (Fur Seal of commerce), Hamilton, Nat. Lib,
Ann. iV: //. 1839, ii. 81. t. 4.
Otaria Guerini, Qxoy et Gaim. Voy. Uran. 71.
Platjo-liiniis Uranige, Lesson, Man. 204.





Otaria Hauvillii, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N.





Hauvillii, Fischer, S)/n. 243, both from Cav. Oss. Foss. v. 220.
Sea Bear, in Brit. Mus., Hamilton, Nat. Lib. 266. t. 23.
Phoca pusilla (adult ?), Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. 220. t. 18. f. 5 (skull).

Otaria ursina, var., Jfus. Ley den.
Sagg. 260; Shaw, Zool. i. 260; Fischer, Syn. 234,
Porcine Seal, Penn. Syn. 178.
Otaria porcina, Desm. N. Diet. H. N. xxiv. 602.
Otaria Molinfei, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 425.
? Otaria Chilensis, J. MiilJer, Wiegm. Arch. 1841, 333 (skull only).
? Otarise IlUoae, Tschudi, Mamm. Consp. Peruana ; Fauna Peruana,
? Phoca porcina, Jlolina,



Grew, Mus, 95 ; Parsons, Phil, Trans, xlvii. t. 6

Phoca longicoUis, Shaio, Zool. i, 256.
Phoca Weddellii, var., Fischer, Syn. 240.
? Otaria coronata, Blainv. in Desm. Mamm. 251; Gray, Griffith's A. K.
V. 182.

Penn. Qtiad.



Inhab, Antarctic Ocean,


Falkland Islands, CooTc,

South Orkney and South Shetland, Weddell.

? Chili,


Skin of adult, female, without skull.

Skin of young with the under-fur grey,
Falkland Islands.
(" The adult is 5 feet long, and its skin worth 15 dollars.")
Presented by Sir John Richardson, M,D.


Arctocephalus cinereus.

Grey; hair of neck rough, elongate, yellowish; hairs yellowish

white and blackish under-fur red. Length 7 feet.

Otaria cinerea, Peron, Voy, Terr. Austr. ii. 54? 77; Desm.3famm. 251;
Quoy et Gaim. Voy. Astral. Marnm. 89. t. 12, 13 & 15.
Phoca cinerea, Fischer, Syn. 233 ?
Otarie (Oran du M. Gaimard), Cuvier, Oss. Foss, v. 222.
Otaria ursina, var., Mus, Leyden,
Young, Darker; hair black, silky.
Quoy, I. c, 1. 13.

Inhab. South coast of Australia.

Imperfect skull, Mus. Paris.
Port Western, Quoy. Kangaroo Island, Peron ?



Peron indicates a species from Eugene Island, Australia, under

name of Otaria albicoUis, Peron et Lesueiir, Voy. ii. 118 Desm.
Mamm. 251 Phoca alhicoUis, Fischer, Syu. 233.
Cuvier observes, " this species has the anns placed far forwards,
and not as in other Ofarltv " (Oss. Foss. v. 223), and " the only
Otaria brought home by Peron (hence probably his 0. cinerea) was
2 feet 9 inches long it is rather whiter than the specimens from the
Cape" (Oss. Foss. v. 221). The skull is not mentioned.
Peron, in speaking of the productions of " Isle de Decrees," says
" The haii- of this animal
they found a new Seal 9 or 10 feet long.
but its skin
is very short, very hard, and very thick (tres grossier)
is thick and strong, and the oil abundant."

10. Arctocephalus australis.


flaps to the hind toes moderate ; grey, with yellow reflexhead, cheeks, and side of muzzle whitish, beneath fulvous
neck thick limbs beneath blackish whiskers strong, flat, white.


Otaria australis, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. Astrol. 3fa>u)n. 9. 1. 10-1 4 Nilssoti,

Vet. Akud. Handl. 18.37 Skand. Fauna; Wiegm. Arch. vii. 322.

Inhab. South coast of Australia, " King George's Sound," Quoy.

Most probably the same as A. HooTceri.

What is the Black Seal of the coast of New Holland ? There is a

male, presented by J. B. Boisley, in the Australian Museum, Sydney
{Otaria, sp., no. 36. Cat. p. 7).
It is very doubtful if either of these species differs from A. Johatus.


Face short, shelving the nose-aperture large, oblong ; the forehead flat, shelving from the edge of the nose-bone to the middle of
the palate very concave, decurved deeper with age,
the vertex
ear elongated, extending nearly to the
scarcely contracted behind
the lower jaw with a crest-like ridge
articulation of the lower jaw
on the inner side of the hinder part, just in front of the condyle.
Muzzle broad, high in front forehead rather convex occiput
high cutting-teeth -|, the upper outer ones very large, like canines
grinders (of the adults) with very large roots and small, compressed,
lobed crowns palate -bone rather wider behind than in front, long,
extending nearly to the articulation of the lower jaw behind lower
jaw broad, dilated below in front and behind at the angles; the
upper jaw elongate, and dilate with age.
Head short, broad chin large muzzle truncated mufile bald,
forming a distinct disk between and above the nostril ears small,
Fore feet rather large claws indistinct tail very
short, conical.
Hind feet large, with the three middle claws long,
short, conical.
subcylindrical, the fifth or inner one rudimentary; toe-flaps very
long, the outer one broad, second, third, and fourth rather longest
and narrow, the fifth shortest, all much longer than the very short




Fm- rather rough,


of the head, neck, and chin longer


under-fur none.
Fig. 18.

Otaria leouina.



have been mistaken for the

form of the hinder part of the palate,
which is little altered by the age of the specimens, at once sejiarates
the two genera.
I was formerly inclined to believe that the form of
the hinder part of the palate altered but the examination of the
sldn, with its skull attached, of an adult Arctocephalus lohatics has
proved that it does not alter.
skulls^ of the adult Arctocephali

skulls of this genus, but the

Otaria, sp., Peron


Lesueur, Voy. Terr.Austr.

Akad. Hcmdl. 1837

Desm. Mamm.


Skand. Fauna, t.
Wie(/m. Arch. vii.
PIatyrh\Tichus (Platyrhinque), F. Ciivier, Mem. Mus. ix. 209. t. 15.
f. 2
Diet. Sci. Nat. lix. 465
Gray, in Brookes's Cat. Mamm. 37,
1828; Fischer, Syn. Mamm. 231.
Otaria, Qray,Zool. Erehus S,- Terror P. Z. 8. 1859,360 Turnei; P. Z. S.
Platja'hinus, Lessmi, Manuyi. 204.



doubtless a great difference in the development of the

and female Seals, but unfortunately the sex of the
specimens from which the skulls have been derived is often not
marked. In the only species where I have been able to observe this
fact, almost the only difference was in the size and in the strength of
the markings on the skull, and in the size of the canine teeth.
full number of the teeth of these animals is developed early in life
and the canines of the second set are gradually developed, the roots
being far in the socket, and protruded as the jaw enlarges.
The changes in the form of the palate and in the distance between
the teeth of the same set in the younger and older skulls of the same
species after they have obtained their fiiU set of teeth are very great
quite as much as the difference in the external form of the skull
produced by the development of the occipital ridges, ifec.
P. Z. S.
1859, 360.

skull in the mule



Southern Sea Bear.

Otaria leonina.

Deep brown.
Voi/. ii. 203 ; Forster, Voy. round the World, ii. 512
Weddell, Voij. 198.
Leonine Seal (part.), Penn. Quad. ii. 534.
Phoca i ubata, Schreh. Sdugeth. 300. t. 83 Forster, Icon. ined. G. 4
Desc'ript. Anim. 317
Pander Sr D' Alton, t. 3. f. 1), t. 2. f.
Otaria j ubata, Besm. Mamm. 248, 380 {E. M. t. 109. f. 3) ; Gran,
Griffith's A. K. v. 184.
Otaria Pernettyi, Lesson, Diet. Class. H. N. xiii. 420.
Phoca Scout, iiodd. Flench. 172.
Le Lion marin, Bnffon, Hist. Kat. Supp. vi. 358. t. 48 & 49 ; Forster,
Cook's Voy. iv. 54 (from Forster' s MSS.), copied; Pernetty, Voy. ii.

Sea Lion, Cook,




Leonine Seal, Shaui,

in Zool.




74 (altered).

Otaria Forsteri, Lesson.

Phoca Ansonina, Blainv. Joiirn. Phys. 1820, 299.

Phoque a criuiere, Cuvier, It. A. i. l67.
Phoca leonina, Plainv. Ostcog. Phoca, t. 6 (skull)
Molina, Sagy. 282-341.
Otaria leonina, Peron, Voy.




9 (dentition)


Desm. 3famm. 240.

Otaria Cliilensis, 3Iidler, Wieym. Arch. 1841, 334.
Mirounga Byronii, Gray, Griffith's A. K. v. 181.
Sea Lion, Island of Tinian, Byron in Mus. Coll. Surg.

Phoca B)Tonii, Blaini\


Otaria, sp., Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. 223.

Platyrhvnchus (leoninus), F.Cuv. 31em.
skull) 'J. Brookes, Mus. Cat. 37.







2 (adult

Otaria platyrhynchus, Miiller, Wiegrn. Arch. 1841, vii. 333.

Otaria molossina, Lesson, Voy. Coq. 109. t. 3 (young), Jide skidl Mus.

Phoca molossina.

Lesson, Btdl. Sci. Nat. viii. 96.

Lesson's Otary, Hamilton, Nat. Lib. t. 24, from Lesson.
PlatjThynchus molossinus. Lesson, Man. 203.
PlatyrhjTichus Uranite, Lesson, Man. 204 ?
Otaria Guerini, Quoy Sf Gaim. Zool. Uran. 71 ?
Sea Lion of Forster, Hamilton, Nat. Lib. 1. 18.
Sea Lion of Penietty, Hamilton, Nat. Lib. t. 19, from Edinb. Mus.
Sea Bear of the British Museum, Hamilton, Nat. Lib. t. 23 ?

Inhab. Southern Pacific Ocean.


Skin of adult, stuffed. West coast of S. America. Vera Cruz.

Presented by Captain Fitzroy, E.N.
Vera Cruz.
h. Front of lower jaw of a.
"West coast of S. America.
Presented by Captain Fitzroy, R.N.
West coast of S. America. Chili? From
c. Skull of half-grown.
Mr. Bridges' Collection.
d. Skull, young.
W. coast of S. America, Presented by Sir John
Richardson, M.D.


from Tinian Island by Com-

skull of the Sea Lion brought

modore Byron in 1769




Cat. Ost. Coll.

in the




several skulls of this Seal are described


of the College of Sur-

648. no. 3966, where

by Professor Owen.





Otaria Stelleri.

Leo marinus, Stdler, Nov.

Phoca jubata, Ginel. S.

Otaria jubata, Peron

Leonine Seal (part. ),


Northern Sea Bear.

females tawny.

Cotitm. Petrop.


LcsHcitr, Voij.








40 (not Desm.).


Stelleri, Fischer, Si/n. 231.

Otaria Stelleri, Lesson, I). C. II. N. xiii. 420 /. 3Iiillcr, Wieg^n. Arch.
vii. 330, 333.
Otaria Califoi"niana, Lesson, D.
II. N. xiii. 420, from
Lion marin de la Californie, Vhloris, Voij. Pitt. t. 11.
Phoca Californiana, Fischer, Syn. Mamm. 231.
Otaria jubata (part.), Nilsson, Vet. Akad. Handl.; Skaiid. Fauna;
Wie(/ni. Arch. vii. 381.

Inhab. Northern Pacific Ocean.

I do not believe that there is a specimen of this species in any
museum, nor any remains of it. The specimen sent from St. Petersburg under the name of Otaria honina was the Ursus marinus of
Steller, and is, like the genus which I have called CaUorhinus, more
allied to Arctocejjhalus than to Otaria.
Yet I have such faith in the
accuracy of Steller that I have decided to retain it in the list, and
hope some day to receive a specimen with its bones, or at least its





Teeth all similar, conical; or dissimilar, ridged; sometimes not

Palate often furnished with transverse plates of baleen or whalebone.
Body fish-shaped, nearly bald, ending in a horizontal tail.
Front limbs short, fin-shaped.

Mammalia, Cete, Linn. Sj/st. Nat. ed.

Besm. N. D. H. N. xxiv. 35, 1804




Zool. Spec. iii. 337 ; Gray,

Ceti, Waf/ler, Ampli. 1830.

Les Cetac^s, Cuvier, Tab.


Link, Beytr. 1795


Fischer, Stjn. 1828

Phil. 1825.

Ekm. 1798 R. A.


271, 1817, ed. 2.



F. Cuvier, 1829.
CetaceiB, Brisson, R. A. 217, 1762 ; Gray, Med. Rep. xv. 309, 1821.
M. a nageoires (pars), Desm. N. D. H. N. xxiv. 32, 1804.
Natantia, Illiyer, Prodr. 139, 1811.
M. pinnata et pinnipedia (pars), Storr, Prodr. Mamni. 1780.
Bipedes, Latr. Fam. Nat. 64, 1825.
8irenia et Cete, Selys-Lonychamps, 1842.
Cetacea et Amphibia (pars), Rafin. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815.

Cete, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 1.

Cetacea, R. Knox, Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. 1858, iii. 63 Gray, P. Z. S.
1864, 195 ; Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863 ; Ann. ^ Mag. Nat. Hist. 1864,
xiv. 345.

Synopsis of the Families.

Suborder I. Skin stnooth, bald. Teats 2, inguinal. Limbs claidess ; fore
limbs Jin-shaped ; hinder united, forming a forked horizontal tail.
Nostrils enlarged into blowers.



Teeth rudimentary : they never cut the gums.

Section I. Mysticete.
Palate furnished loith transverse fringed horny i^lates of baleen or

Head large, depressed. Nostrils separate, hugifudinal.

Tympanic bone single, large, cocldeate, atGullet very contracted.
tached to an expanded 2ieriotic bone which forms part of the skull.

Dorsal fin none. Belly smooth. Baleen elongate, slender.

Pectoral fin broad, trmicated at the
Vertebrse of neck anchylosed.
end fingers 5. Tympanic bone rhombic. Maxillary bones narrow.



Dorsal fin distinct Belly longitudinally plaited.

Maxillary bones broad. Pectoral fin lanceolate
Tympanic bone oblong or ovate.
Vertebrfe of neck free.


Baleen short, broad.

fingers 4.


Teeth well developed in one or both jaws, some11. Denticete.
Palate nithotit baleen.
Head large or moderate
times deciduous.
tympanic bones 2, suhsimilar, united, free in a cavity in the base of


the shall.

A. Nostrils

longitudinal, 2Mrallel or diverging, covered tvith a valve,

and more developed. Pectoral broad, truncated;

one often larger

fingers 5.

Head blunt back of tlie skull concave.

in the lower jaw, fitting into pits in the upper.





Teetb only

Head longly beaked back of the skull covered with

the reflected edge of the maxillaries. Teeth in both jaws compressed.

B. Nostrils united into a single transverse or ci^escent-shaped blower.

Pectoral fin lanceolate.
in both jaws, often deciduous.



Head beaked. Teeth

Back ^\*ithout any fin,



rugulose, crowns with an internal

keeled behind.


beaked. Teeth simple, cylindrical, conical,

smooth, in the whole length of both jaws, sometimes deciduous.
Back rounded. Dorsal fin falcate, rarely wanting. Pectoral fin
moderate, on the upper part of the side of the body fingers 4- or






cylindrical, simple, in

the front of both jaws. Dorsal fin falcate. Pectoral fin low
on the sides of the body fingers elongate, many-jointed.






pi'essed in the front or side of the

Pectoral fin low

down on

Teeth few, cylindrical or comlower jaw only. Dorsal fin falcate.

the sides of the body

fingers 4- or 5-


Suborder H.


Skiii rather

hairy ; tvhiskers rigid. Limbs clawed.


Teats 2,

Nostrils 2, apical.

Grinders none, or flat-crowned.

Front of jaws covered

with horn.




Skin smooth, without hair.

Limbs clawless ; fore limbs fin -like
hinder caudal, horizontal, forked or rounded. Teats 2, inguinal.
Nostrils enlarged and close together, called blowers.
Teeth conical, all similar, often not developed, and absorbed. Palate
often furnished with transverse pendent horny plates of baleen or
whalebone fringed on the edge.

Cete, Gray, Ann. Phil. 1825; Selys-Longchamps, 1842; Gray, Cat.

Cetac. B. M. 1850, 5.
CetAcea, Blumenhach Tiumeril, Z. A. 1806 Lilljeborg, Ofvers. 2.
CetacefB carnivorte. Gray, Med. Rep. xv. 309, lH21.
(Souflleurs) Hydraula, Latr. Fam. Nat. 1825, 65.
Natantia, Cete, lUiger, Prodr. 141, 1811.
Cete /S, Fischer, Syn. 1828.
Mammalia piunata, Storr, Prodr.
nun. 1780.



C^tac^s, Cuv. Tab. Mem. 1798 ; Duvernoy, Tab. Anim. Vert.
Spiracules, J. Brookes, Cat. Mtis. 38, 1828.
Bahenidee, RilppeU, Verz. Senck, Saminl. 186, 1845.
Cetacea vera sen Cariiivora, Oiveu, Cat. Mas. Coll. Surg. ii. 439.

Dr. Peters objects to the tail being considered the representative

of the hind feet of the Whale.
He observes " Prof. Reinhardt discovered only a rudiment of a femur in Balcena Mysticetus, all other

[whales] having the pelvis without the vestiges of Hmbs. You know
very well that the horizontal tail-fin is only an expansion of the
soft parts.
How did this expression escape you ? " Letter, 24th
Nov. 18G4.
I am stiU. not convinced that the tail does not represent the hiad
members, at least analogically if not actually.

known the Dolphin {Delphinus

and the Phocsena (P. vulgaris);

Belon and Rondelet appear to have

Delphis), the 'Ondre' {D. Tursio),

but their account of the Spermaceti Whale


very indistinct.

and figured the Sperm Whale in

a recognizable manner, from two specimens thrown on the coast of
Holland in 1598 and 1601 ; and Johnston (t. 41 & 42) well figures
Clusius, in 1605, first described

one of these specimens.

In 1671, Martens, in his 'Voyage to Spitzbergen,' gave a descripWhalebone Whale, the " Fin-fish " (Balcenoptera Physalus), the Weise Fish (^Beluga Catodon), and the Butzkopt
(Orca Gladiator) ; and his figiu'es of the first and second have been
the chief authorities for these animals mitil this time.
tion and figure of the

In 1692, Sibbald published a small quarto pamphlet, with three

Whales which had come under his observation.
T. The Small \\Tiales with teeth
He divides them into three groups
in both jaws, of which he notices three the Orca (0. Gladiator),
the Beluga, and one from hearsay, which from its size was probably
II. The larger Whales with teetla
a Porpoise (Phoco'na vidgaris).
in the lower jaw:
1. the Sperm Whale; and 2. the Black Fish.
And III. The Whalebone Whales, of which he describes three specimens. The arrangement he proposed is the one used in this Catalogue
and his work forms the groundwork of all that was known on the
larger Cetacea up to the Linnean time
but Artedi and Linnaevis
committed the mistake of regarding individual peculiarities resulting
from accidental circumstances as specific distinctions, so that three
[There is a later
of their species have to be reduced to synonyma.
edition, edited by Pennant, which appeared in Edinburgh in 1773.]

plates, describing the

In 1725, Dudley, in the ' Philosophical Transactions (No. 387),

Whales now recognized by the whalers, except the
2. the ScragBlack-fish viz., 1. the Right or Whalebone Whale
Whale 3. the Fin-back Whale 4. Bunch or Humpback Whale
and 5. the Spermaceti AMiale. Cuvier, in his historical account,

describes all the


scarcely siifiiciently estimates either Sibbald' s or Dudley's contri-


Bonnatcrre, and after him Laccjiede, in their Catalogues, collected

together vnth. great industry all the materials they could find, in



way ; hence they (the latter especially)

formed a number of species on most insufficient authority for example, they made a genus on the otherwise good figure of the Sperm
Whale figured by Anderson, because the artist had placed the spout
on the hinder part of the head and a division of a genus for the
Fin-fish of Martens, because he did not notice in his description or
Yet the characters given by Lacepede,
figure the fold on the belly.
and genera formed by him, have been used in our latest works, some
even in Cuvier's last edition of the 'Animal Kingdom' and many
of these species stiU encumber our Catalogu.es,
every work that came in their

Cuvier, dissatisfied with this state of things, in his Ossemens

examined the various documents and consulted the authorities which had been used by Lacepede ; but he appears to have
undertaken the work with a predisposition to reduce to the smallest


Thus, he
species which his predecessor had described.
concludes that there are only eleven species of Dolphins, one NarAvhal, one Hyperoodon, one Cachalot or Sperm Whale and he appears
to think there are only two Whalebone Whales the Eight Whale
and the Finner. To make this reduction first, he believes that the
Humpbacked Whale of Dudley is only a whale that has lost its fin,
not recognizing that the Cape Rorqual, which he afterwards described
from the fine skeleton now shown in the inner court of the Paris
Museum, is one of this kind secondly, that the Black-fish and the
Sperm Whale are the same species an error which must have arisen
from his not having observed that Sibbald had figured the former,
for he accuses Sibbald of twice describing the Sperm Whale
when he comes to Sehreber's copy of Sibbald's fig-ure, he thinks the
figure represents a Dolphin which had lost its upper teeth, overlooking the peculiar form and posterior position of the dorsal fin, and the
shape of the head, which is unlike that of any known Dolphin. This
mistake is important, as it vitiates the greater part of Cuvier's
criticism on the writings of Sibbald, Artedi and others, on these
animals. Unfortunately these views have been very generally adopted
without re-examination. But, in making these remarks, it is not
with the least desire to underrate the great obligation we owe to
Cuvier for the papers above referred to for it is to him that we are
indebted for having placed the examination of the Whales on its
right footing, and for directing our inquiries into the only safe course
on these animals, which only fall in our way at distant periods, and
generally under very disadvantageous circumstances for accurate

number the

examination and study.

In 1828, Mr. F. J. Knox, the Conservator of the Museum of the

Old Surgeons' Hall in Edinburgh, published a Catalogue of the Anatomical Preparations of the Whale, in which he gives many interesting details of the anatomy of the Bahma maxhna and B. minima,
which had been stranded near Edinburgh, of the foetus of B. Mysticetus from Greenland, and of Delphinus Tiirsio (D. hiicoj>lewus),
D. Delpliis, Phocffna cflmminiis, iSoosoo Ganf/eticus, and Halicore IncUbut the paper has been very generally neglected or overlooked.
In 1858, Dr. 11. Knox published " Contributions to the Anatomy



and Natural History of the Cetacea " iu the Journal of the Linnean
Society, vol.


p. 63.

M. F. Cuvier's 'Cetaces' (Paris, 1836) is little more than an expansion of his brother's essays, with a compiled account of the
species ; but he has consulted with greater attention the works of
Sibbald and Dudley, and has some doubts about the finned Cachalots
being the same as the Sjjerm Whale (p. 475), but at length gives up
the subject.
He has found out that the Humphached Whale is
evidently a Rorqual (p. 305), but does not record it as a species, nor
recognize it as the Cape Rorqual, nor as Dr. Johnston's Whale
latter he incorrectly considers the same as Balama Phi/salus.
combines together as one species Quoy's short-finned Rorqual of the
Falkland Islands with Lalande's long-finned Whale of the Cape
He is in great doubt about the hump of the Cachalots
(p. 352).
his remarks on that subject and on the Cachalots of
(p. 279)
Sibbald show how dangerous it is for a naturalist to speculate
beyond the facts before him.


William Jardine's Whales, iu the ' Naturalist's Library,' is

an abridgement of M. Lesson's compilation, with some exfrom Knox and other English writers on the subject.


Eschricht, in his

Nordischcn Wallthiere,'j3,


into four groups, according to their food, thus

1. Sarlcophagen

7, divides the




Physeter, Rhynchocete (Hyperoodontina,
Gray), Monodon, Beluga, Globiceps.
Iclithyophagen Phoctena, Delphinus, Platanista, and Ogmo:

balsena, Eschricht,


= Balaeuoptera.

further proposes to separate these groups into Zahmvalle (or
Tooth-whales), which includes all the genera in the first three groups,
except Ogmohcdmia this genus he places with Leiohcdcena in the
second group, which he calls Bartenwcdle, which is synonymous with

Leiobalsena, Eschricht,


Balcena of Linne.
Eschricht, in the Danish Transactions,' has published several most
interesting papers on the anatomy and development of the Whales of
the North Sea, especially of the Fin- whale {Balamoptera rostrata),
the Naebhval (Hgperooclon), and the Nordhval {Bcdcfna Mgsticetus),
and with Professor J, Reinhardt he has piiblished a complete treatise
on the osteology of the latter species.

Dr. Ludovicus Reichenbach, in his



MammaHum Iconibus

(8vo, Leipsic, 1855), divides the Whales into foiir famihes

and seven genera, thus
II. Narwalina.
I. Balaenina.
\. Balcena.
2, Monodon. III. Delphinina. 3. Physeter; 4. Delphinus. IV. Manatina.
5. Rytlna
6. Hcdicore
7. MancUus.



Mr. Edward Wakefield has given a very good chronological history

of Whales and Whaling in Simmonds's Colonial Magazine for July
1844, p. Ill he quotes the Histoire gcnerale des Peches anciennes
et modemes,' by S. B. Noel (vol. i. 1815), the rest of the work
remaining in MS. in the librarv of the late Baron Cuvier.





The British species are no better known

work they are left in nearly the same

for in Fleming's excel-

when Linnaeus
published his twelfth edition of the ' Systema Naturae '; and Mr.
Bell's account and figiu'es are chiefly derived from preceding authors.
In the former edition of this Catalogue I Avas led to take three or
four species from the list of British species I determined the specific
identity of one hitherto neglected, and added two or three species for
the first time to our fauna.
In the ' Annals and Magazine of Natural History for 1846,
vol. xvii. p. 82, I gave a list of British Cetacea, raising the number
to seventeen, and added Lagenorlnjnclius alhirostris and Grampus
Cuvieri to the previous list.
In the 'Proceedings of the Zoological Society' for 1864, p. 195,
I published a jDaper '' On the Cetacea which have been observed in
the Seas surrounding the British Islands,'' in which I describe thirty
species belonging to twenty genera. Fleming only indicates as British
sixteen species of Cetacea, which Jenyns and J3ell had reduced in
their works to fourteen species of the Order.
The size of the head, compared with that of the body, varies
In the newly-born
greatly according to the age of the specimen.
whale the head is small and it enlarges regularly, but at a more
In the
rapid rate than the body, as the whale increases in size.
Greenland Whale the adult head is two-fifths of the length of the
The species of the different families have a very great similarity
when examined externally, and, as a whole, the best character for the
genera and species is to be obtained from the examination of the
skeleton, and especially of the skull, cervical vertebrae, and the bones
But here, as in other vertebrate animals, it
of the fore limbs.
requires great care to observe the external characters of the animal
and the peculiarities of its osteology, so that the outer form, colour,
&c. may be known, at the same time as the osteological characters,
and that the variations of either the skeleton or the oxiter appearance
may be corrected by the double comparison.
We have until lately been chiefly indebted to Sibbald, John
Hunter, and Dr. Knox for the anatomy of the larger whales.
More recently Eschricht has given an excellent memoir on the
Right Whale, and on the long-armed and smaller Finner Whale, the
account of the latter being chiefly derived from dissection of the foetal
or newly-born specimen.
No series of animals are more difiicult to observe and describe
than the large Whales and Dolphins. They are only seen at distant
periods, and generally either isolated or each kind and age in the
same school or herd. They are only seen aUve at a distance from
the observer, and generally in rapid motion and under unfavourable
circumstances for stud)^
They are unwieldy to collect and compare.
It is almost impossible to preserve their skin, it being very thin and
apt to crack and curl up ; and when preserved, they are difficult to
keep without deterioration, on account of the fat and salt they contain,
and the odour they emit, especially in damp weather. For this

state as




and some other museums, they have prepared a

models to ilhistrate the genera.
When the larger kinds are cast ashore, they are seized hy the
lord of the manor or some other person and sold for their blubber,
and their bones are often sold for manure or, from some difficulty
respecting the ownership, they are left to rot on the beach, as was
the case with the skeleton of the Sperm Whale cast ashore at Whitstable, Kent, and prepared by Mr. Gould for the Zoological Societjin 1829.
The putrefying of the flesh and the preparing of the oil render a
stranded whale by no means a desirable neighbour so that it is not
to be wondered at that they are usually got rid of as soon as possible, and that the naturalist has seldom the opportunity of examining them even in England, where the means of travelling are easy
reason, in the Paris
series of phister



new difficulty has arisen agriculturists have found

that they are good manure, and as soon as any of tliem, especially of
the smaller kinds, are caught or thrown ashore, they are carried
inland and buried, as was the case with a school of DeJphinns Orcn
llecently a

lately taken near Bridgewater.

Yet they are objects of general interest; and when they are cast
ashore near populous places they are often shown for a time, and the
smaller species are sometimes even carried far inland and exhibited
and the only chance that the zoologist has of examining fresh specimens of these animals is to watch for their occurrence and hasten to
see them while they are in a more or less complete state.
I am by no means convinced that all the species in the following
Synopsis are distinct.
It is rather to be regarded as a collection of
the accounts of the Whales of different localities, derived from the
specimens and other materials at present at our command and I
have endeavoured to select from these sources what appeared to
afford the best characters for defining them, so as to furnish to those
naturalists who might enjoy the opportunity of observing the animals,
a short abstract of what has been observed with regard to them, and
a reference to where they may find a more detailed account of
each kind. I have been induced to adopt this course, as whenever
I have had the opportunity of examining and comparing the proportions of the alhed species from distant seas, and of comparing their
bones, they have invariably proved to be distinct, which leads me to
believe that many of the other species from different seas, which
have been regarded as the same, will be found to be distinct, though
representatives of those found in other seas.





they never cut the jaics, and are absorbed.
Teeth rudimentary
furnished with transverse fringed horny plates of baleen or ivhalebone,
forming a ^^ screening-up'paraius.'^ Head large, depressed. Blotvers

Spout double. Eyes

longitudinal, each covered xvith a valve.
Gullet very contracted.
small, near angle of the mouth.
bones large, conch-like, attached to an expanded periotic bone, which
forms part of tJw skull. Lacrymal and malar bones thin, small. Living

far back,

on mollusca and


Balajna, Cuv. Tab. Elem. 1798 Lesson, N. Tab. Reg. Anim. 201.
Ealsenadfe, Gray, Lond. Med. Repos. xv. 310.
Les Baleines, F. Cuv. 1829.
Cete, Illiger, Prodr. 141, 1811.
Cetacea edentula, Brisson, R. A. 218.
Edentt^s abnormaux, Blainv. 181G.
Cete hydrajoglossi, B, Wagler, N. S. Amph. 33, 1830.
Cetaces, Lesson, N. Tab. Ri-g. Anim. 197, 1842.
Cetacea, Rafn. Anal. Nat. GO, 1815.
Riiderer Wale, Oken, Lehrb. Nat. 661, 1815.
Balenidia, Rafin. Anal. Nat. 61, 1815.
Zool. Erebus Sf Terror, 15
Bal;T3nid3, Gray, Ann. Phil. 1828
Mamm. B. M. ; Cat. Cetac. B. M. 5, 1850 Selys-Longchainjis, 1842.
Vemiivora, Lesson, N. Tab. Rig. Anim. 201.
Bale, Oken, Lehrb. Naturg. 663, 1815.
Les Baleines (Baleniens), Geoff. Leqons, 3Iamm. 67, 1835 ; Duvernoy,
Ann. Sci. Nat. 22, 1851.
Bartenwalle, Eschricht, Nord. Wallthiere, 7, 1849.
(Baleen Whale) Balsenidae, Owen, Cat. Osteol. 3Ius. Coll. Surg. ii. 439.
Balsenidfe, " /. Gray," Bardhwalar, Lilljeborg, Ofversigt, 39, 1862.
Balsenoidea sen Mysticete, Flotver, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 388.

" Teeth never functionally developed, but always disappearing before the close of the intra-uterine life. Upper jaw provided with plates
of baleen. Sternum composed of a single piece, generally broader

than long, and connected only with the first rib. No costal sternal
bones all the ribs at their upper extremity articulating only with

the transverse processes of the vertebrae their capitular processes

when developed rudimentary, and not forming true articulations with
Eami of the mandibles curved, their
the bodies of the vertebrae.
anterior ends meeting at an angle and connected by fibrous tissue,
without any ti-ue symphysis. Skull symmetrical. Maxilla produced
in front of, but not over, the orbital process of the frontal.
bones well developed, symmetrical. Lacrymal bones distinct from
the yvigui:'Flower, P. Z. S. 18G4, 388.
M. Geoffrey observed rudimentary teeth in the lower jaw of a
Ann. (hi Mus. x. 3G5. Eschricht figures them in the
foetal whale.
Danish Tranmctions, 1843, xi. t. 3.
foetal jaw of a Megaptern.
The substance called Whalebone is of the same nature as horn it
is wholly composed of animal substance, and extremely elastic.
Hunter, Phil. Trans. 1787. It is called /anoH by the French. The
Scotch even at the time of Sibbald called it baleen, probably from the
French. Fleming, Wern. Trans. 203.
The baleen or whalebone has generally been considered as the



but this must be a mistake, for Mr. F. J. Knox

teeth of the Whale
" In the foetal B. Mystlcetus sixty to seventy dental pulps
were found on each side of each jaw, making the whole number
amount to from 260 to 300. The preparation (n. 56) exhibits a
had these pulps been conportion of this gum with twelve pulps
fined to the upper jaw and corresponded to the number of baleen

woidd have formed a strong analogy between the baleen

and teeth but the number of baleen plates in the Whale greatly
exceeds the number of dental pulps, and the lower jaw, which contained an equal number of pulps with the upper, has neither teeth
nor baleen in the adult whale. Their presence therefore in the
foetal Mysticetus forms one of the most beautiful illustrations of the
The teeth in the
unity of organization in the animal economy.
Balcena never cut the gum, but become gradually reabsorbed into the
system the very cavity in which the germs were lodged disappears
whilst, to suit the purposes of nature, the integumentary system
furnishes the baleen, which is evidently a modified form of hair
and cuticle." Knox, Cat. Prep. Whale, 22. Professor Eschricht also
has shown that the foetus of Megaptera Boops (Danish Trans. 1845,
xi. t. 4) has numerous teeth on the edge of the jaw, though they are
plates, it

never developed.

am inclined


regard the baleen as a peculiar de-

velopment of hair in the palates of these animals, and somewhat analogous to the hair found in the palates of the genus Lepus. (See also
Romseau, Rev. Zool. 1856, 193, 257, 305, 353 Raimi, Ann. Set. Nat.
1836, 266 and Meyer, Nov. Act. Acad. Leop. N. C. 1855, xxv. 449.)
From the examination I have been able to make of the baleen of
Balcenoptera rostrata, and of different masses of small blades of
Baloina australis, it would appear as if there were, at least in these
two species, two or more series of baleen on each side of the palate
the external series being formed of large triangular blades placed at
a certain distance apart and the internal, in BaJcenoptera rostrata,
composed of smaller, much thinner, triangular pieces, placed much
closer together, and forming a very dense screening-apparatus
in Balcena australis the inner series is formed of numerous separate
narrow strips of whalebone, each ending in a pencil of hairs, which
vary in size from that of small twine to that of tape half an inch
wide these are placed behind the others, and gradually increase
They are
in size from the innermost to the broad external series.
early deciduous, and the groove in which they are placed becomes
filled up and solid.
Mr. Knox (Cat. Prep. Whale) gives the best account of the development, position, and distinction between the baleen of the ^Tiales
of the North Sea which has come under my observation, and it agrees
with the observations I had made on the subject before I could procure his pamphlet.
In Balcena maxbnus, Knox (Physalus antiquorum), 314 external
towards each
or labial plates (baleen) were counted on each side
extremity these plates degenerate into bristles, and admit of being
Towards the mesial line the baleen as a
counted with difficulty.
mass diminishes gradually in depth, giving the whole palatine surface



an elegant arched form. The 314 external or labial plates do not

extend to the whole extent in a transverse direction, but a system of
numerous small and narrow plates succeeds the external ones. For
each external plate, twelve (internal) smaller ones could be easily
counted so that the number of plates which could be counted, and
not including the bristly terminations towards the snout, pharynx,
and mesial line, stand thus external or labial plates, 314 internal
small plates, corresponding to each external one, 12 total number
The longest plate of baleen is placed about
of baleen plates, 3768.
the centre of each of the sides, and measured 26 inches in length and
15 in breadth. The substance when recent is highly elastic and verj^

heavy the whole weighed nearly two tons.

In Balccna minimus, Knox {Balcenoptera rostraia), 307 external
towards each
or labial plates (baleen) can be counted on each side
extremity these plates degenerate into fine bristles, which were not
The plates hang perfectly i)arallel with each other, and
from their closeness and fringed lingual aspect, must act as a very
perfect filter in collecting the minute molluscous animals, and at the
same time enable the whale to eject the water.
The baleen or whalebone aftbrds good characters for the separation

It is short or long according to the

of this family into sections.
species of Whale, being modified entirely by the more or less arched
form of the upper jaw. Mr. Knox first pointed out this curious

and important fact. The usual conclusion come to by all persons

was, that the size of the whale corresponded to the length of the
bone or baleen. Now this is only good with regard to one species of
Whale, and not at all to the whole group of "Wlialebone Whales,
Whale, 8.
of the smooth -bodied Whales without any back-fins
(Baloena) is elongate, much longer than broad at the base, and gradually attenuated, and edged with a fringe of equal, leng-thened, fine,
soft bristles. The baleen is internally formed of a thin layer of fibres,
covered on each side with a thick coat of enamel' when dry and
out of the mouth, the blades are flat.
The whalebone of the plaited-beUied Whale with a bunch (Mega-




The whalebone


ptera) or a dorsal fin {Balcenoptera) is short, broad, triangular, not

much longer than broad at the base, and rapidly atteniiated, and is
edged Avith a series (sometimes rather crowded) of elongate, rigid,

imequal bristle-like fibres, which become much thicker and more

and at the tip. The baleen is internally formed of a more
or less thick layer of thick fibres, covered on each side with a thin
layer of enamel, and when dry and out of the palate they are curled
up and somewhat spirally tmstcd.
The thickness of the plate of baleen depends on the number of
In the baleen oi Balcr-na maaimifs there are 506 bristles in
the thickness of the plate, and by a nide enumeration there appeared
The whole breadth of the
to be at least 130 bristles in each inch.
plate being 5^ inches, gives us 747 bristles entering into its compoThese bristles are matted together to the extent of 1 1 inches
on the external and 5 inches on the internal margins, by a substance
rigid near



minute laminae or scales, and which may be seen by the aid of a

microscope to invest the free bristles at the fringed extremity of the
We have often observed the facility with which some baleen
can be spht up, and were struck with the fact that the baleen of
The removal of the external
Bala>na maximiis would not split.
lamina in the plate under description shows the cause of this about
6j inches from the root of the plate, many of the bristles have
deviated from their direct parallel inclination, and become intimately
It has been attempted to
twisted and interwoven Avith each other.
prove the age of the Whale from an examination of the baleen, in the
same manner as we judge of the age of cattle by certain annulated
markings on the horns. On the plate before us we can distinctly
perceive numerous transverse lines crossing the course of the bristles
at right angles. If these transverse lines indicate a periodical check
to the growth of the baleen, then the age of the BalcBiia maximus
would be 800 to 900 years old, that being the number of transverse
Knox, Cat. Prep. Whah, 9.
lines on the longest plate of baleen.
The baleen of the Bahence is alone designated Whalebone (or rather
The baleen of the
Whale-Jin, as it is usually called) in commerce.
other genera of this family is called Finner-Jin or Hmnphaclc-Jin.
The wholesale dealers in baleen, in the London Directory,' are
called Whale-fin Merchants, and whalebone occurs under the name
In the London New Priceof Whale-fin in the Price -current.'
current' for 1843, the South Sea Whale-fin varied during that year
from 2001. to 3051. per ton and there is no price named for Greenland Whale-fin. (See Maceull. Comm. Diet. i. 1344.)
The baleen was formerly thought to be the tail of the animal.
(See Blackstone, Comment, i. 233, quoted by Macculloch, Comm.
Diet. i. 1344.)
The skulls of the different genera differ considerably in external
form, from being nearly as wide as the lower jaw, as in Sihbaldius,
to being very narrow so as only to form a narrow central arch, as
in Balcena.
The genera may be thus arranged according to the
width of the skull:
2. Balcenojitera
1. Sibbaldius
3. Megaptera',
4. Physalus
6. Balcena.
5. Eiibakena
The width chiefly depends on the lateral expansion of the maxilla.
In Balcena it is band-like and in Sibbaldius very broad, being more
than twice as wide as the intermaxillary bones.
The food of the Whale is stiU a much-disputed point. It is now
generally admitted that the Mystketus lives only on small Medusas,
shrimps, &c., but that the other species of Whalebone Whale devour




inconceivable quantities of fish ; for instance, M. Desmoulins states

that " 600 great cod and an immensity (probably as many thousand)
of pilchards have been found in the stomach of a single Borqual.^'

Mr.F. J.KnoXjin dissecting theBalama maximus,'wh.ic]\iii aBorqiial,

saw no caAdty in the course of the viscera which could have contained
six cod of ordinarj' size
that of B. minimus was empty, although

the Firth of Forth, particularly at and above Queensfeny, abounds

at all seasons with herrings and other fishes and their fry. The want
of teeth by no means renders it impossible that the Balcena with



baleen can live on large fishes ; but the extreme narrowness of the
gullet (that of B. maxtmus barely allowed the passage of the closed
human hand, and that of B. minimus was certainlj' narrower than
that of an ordinary-sized cow), added to the want of teeth, and the
Avant of proper authenticated information on the subject, are strong
arguments in favour of the hypothesis that they do not. Knox, Cat.
Prep. Whale, 16.
Professor Eschricht proposes to divide the \\Tiales into gi'oups
according to their food, as given at p. 65.
I suspect that they vaiy
their food to a considerable extent at different periods of the year
and under different circumstances.
Professor Eschricht (in Fordhandl. Skand. Naturf. Kiobenh. 1847,
8vo, 18-19, p. 103) has published a paper on the geographical distribution of some of the Northern Whales, with a map, by which it
appears that Balcena Ili/sticetus in Baffin's Bay lives in from latitude
65 to 69 in December to June, and in July and August ascends
to 77.
The FinnoUc lives in lat. 76 in the summer, on the coast of
North Greenland, and in lat. 69 in South Greenland. The Keporhak
in lat. 76 in North Greenland, and in lat. 62 in South Greenland.
Tlie rarity of theii- occurrence, the difficulty of naturalists examining them when they do occur, and es2)ecially of comparing them
with other specimens, explain why the Whalebone \\Tiales have
been so imperfectly known and, when observed, the sjiecimens are
so large that it is almost impossible for the eye of the natiiraUst to
take them in as a whole, and to compare the parts in detail.


aHko externally, that naturalists and

the opportunity of examining them have been
inclined to regard the different specimens observed as only states of
growth of the same species ; and, for the same reason, the specimens
which have been observed in different parts of the world have been
regarded as alike and thus the belief has become generfil that the
species of Whalebone Whales have a very extended geographical

allied species are so

who have had


The examination and comparison of the few skeletons that have

been collected have shown that there are many more species than
has been generally supposed, and seem to lead to the conclusion
that each species of Whalebone Whale has only a comparatively
limited geographical range and the observation of whales seems to
make it probable that some of them make jieriodical migrations
within these limits.
The study of the subject, and especially of the bones that have
been collected, has led me to the following conclusions

That, though the adult Whalebone Whales have a large head

compared with the size of the body, the head of the foetal specimen
is short, and that it increases in size, and especially in length, much
more rapidly than the rest of the body. This is veiy a])parent in
the llight or Gi'ccnland Whale, where the head of the adult is twofifths, while that of the new-born is only two-sevenths of the entire
These differences are shown by Eschricht in
length of the animal.
his figures. The head of the new-born and of the adult Cape Whale1.

bone Whale show the same difference but the head in both states
is smaller, compared with the entire length of the animal, than in
the northern or Greenland species.
2. That the bones of the Whalebone WTialcs in the very young
state are the same in number, and nearly the same in form, as in
the adult animal, the bones only becoming more or less completely
ossified, which they appear to do very slowly, and in some species
even moi'e slowly than in others so that the notion that the number
of vertebra? increases with the growth of the animal, which has been
entertained by some naturalists, is a mistake.
3. It also appears that certain parts which become ossified in most
kinds of Whalebone Whales do not become so in others. Thus, the

lateral processes of the cervical vertebrae of Mer/rqjtera , Benedenia,

to be nearly of the same form in the young and
cartilaginous state that is to say, they have the usual form of these
bones in the BaJaniopteridai ; and though the entire lateral process
becomes ossified in Plnjsalus and tSihhahlius, the end of the process

and Phi/sahis seem

remains cartilaginous at least to a mxich greater age, if not always,

Naturalists obser\-ing this
in the genera Megaptera and Benedenia.
apparently imperfect development of the bones in the latter genus,
have been induced to believe that it arose from the youth of the
specimens observed, instead of being a peculiarity of the genera,
overlooking the fact that the skeletons of the oldest Megapterce that
have been examined show the same apparently imperfect development and truncated form of the bones.
4. The general form of the baleen, the comparative thickness of
the enamel, and the fineness or coarseness of the internal fibres
which form the marginal fringe, and the internal structure as shown
by the microscope, all present good characters for determining the

and for separating the Whalebone Whales into natural

groups, as I have shown in the Zoology of the Erebus and Terror.'
The qualities of the whalebone or baleen from various localities,
and hence from different kinds of Whales, have been observed, and
have led to their employment for different purposes by the handicraftsman according to their goodness and rarity, they fetch very
an instance of the practical working
different prices in the market
man and the trader being in advance of the scientific zoologist.
5. The difference in form of the tympanic bones is great, and
affords good characters, not only to separate the species from one
another, but also to group them into families and genera.
6. The fact that some Whalebone Whales have the first rib furnished with a double head, one head attached to the last cervical and
the other to the first dorsal vertebra, which had been observed by
Rudolphi, Yarrell, Dubar, and Schlegel, though apparently considered
as only to be found in the young state of the species by the latter
author, disappearing as the animal increases in age, proves, I believe,
to be a permanent peculiarity of considerable importance, and justifies
Lilljeborg in using it as a character for the discrimination of the
species, and even for separating the Whales into groups or genera.




it is

not a peculiarity of the young state


proved by





seen well developed in the skeleton of the gigantic Ostend "Whale,

at Charing Cross and in other places.
This peculiarity is found both in the llight Whales and in the
Indeed, when the skeletons of the specimens from different localities can be examined, there are no want of characters to separate
the Whales into genera and species ; as, for example, the breadth
of the upper jaw, the size and form of the ramus of the lower jaw,
the form of the lateral processes of the cer\dcal vertebrte, the number
of the dorsal and caudal vertebrae, the form and size of the articulating surfaces of the vertebrae, the form and number of the ribs, the
form of the os hyoides and of the sternum, the shape of the scapula
and the development or non-development of the coracoid process, the
form and proportions of the bones of the arm, and the number and
comparative length of the bones of the paddle. I am con\dnced that,
when more skeletons have been collected, the number of the species
of these animals will be greatly increased, especially if the bones of
the skeletons are kept separate, and not set up, so that the bones of
the different species can be accurately comjiared.
For it is to be
observed, probably from the eye not being able to take in the peculiarities of so large a subject, that some of the best comparative
anatomists, as Eschricht and Van Beneden, have regarded skeletons
from very different localities, as the Megapterce from the Northern
Seas and from the Cape, as the same species, from a comparison of
set-up skeletons, which were at once declared to be distinct when
the separate bones were compared in detail.
Mr. Flower, in his excellent paper " On the Skeletons of Whales
in the principal Museums of Holland and Belgium" (Proc. Zool. Soc.
1864, 384), observes that in studying and describing Whales or their
skeletons it is most important to ascertain the age of the specimen.
The animals may be divided by their skeletons " into three periods

which was formerly exhibited

of growth."
1. In the first, aU the epiphyses of the vertebral column and of
both ends of the humerus, radius, and ulna are still separate, and
the processes of the vertebrae are very incomplete.
The animal
remains in this condition until it has attained to more than half the
length of the adult.
This stage of growth may be designated as
" young.
Towards its close the majority of the bones lose the spongy
character of the "very young" animal, and acquire the form and
structure characteiistic of succeeding ages.
2. In the next stage, both epiphyses of the humerus, those of the
upper end of the radius and ulna, and those of the bodies of the
anterior cervical and the anterior caudal vcrtebne are imited, while

those of the greater part of the column are still free.

The ossification of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebra;, although
often still incomi^lete at the ends, has gone on so far as to give them
in great measure the characteristic form seen in the adult.
This is
which skeletons are frequently seen in museums. The
animal in this stage, which may be caUed " adolescent,'^ has attained


its full size.



last state, or the perfectly

tebral epiphj'ses are anchylosed.

rarely seen, but those of Mi/jje radon


" adult," in which

Siich adult skeletons of


the ver-

Whales are

and other Delphinidae are not

in collections.




Dorsal fin none. Belly smooth, without any longitudinal folds.

Baleen elongate, slender. Vertebrae of neck anchylosed. Pectoral fin
broad, truncated at the end fingers 5, short phalanges
Tympanic bone rhombic. Rostrum narrow, linear, rounded the
maxilla narrow, linear, rounded.
Lower jaw with only a rudimentary coronoid. Sca])ula high, narrow, nearly as high as Avide,
with a distinct coraeoid process. The second cervical vertebra (or
axis) with a small, short, broad lateral process without any basal

perforation (except in Pahfocetus'?).

The lateral processes of the
cervical vertebrte anchylosed the lower processes of the second and

and laminar.
or whalebone is narrow, elongate, very gradually tapering, fi-inged on the inner edge with numerous fine, soft, flexible
third are Avell developed, the others are rudimentary

The baleen

uniform length, consisting internally of a thin

layer formed of several series of fibres, covered on each side by a
thick coat of enamel.
fibres of a nearly

Balfenidt'B, Grai/, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864.

Balpena, Gray, Cat. Cctac. 9 Rajin. Anal. Nat. 61, 1815
Wallfische (Balteua), Schlegel, Ahluincll. 36.
Leiobalfena, Esch. WalltJi. 7, 1849.
Balsena, sp., Lin?i.
Pliger, Prodr. 142, 1811,
Baloeua, Lesson, N. Tab. Peg. Anim. 202.
Balaena, a, Fischer, Syn. Mamm. 521.


" They live in the ocean, but come into the shallow and sheltered
bays to bring forth their young.
" They roar hke an enraged bull. The females are generally the
BeaJe, 13, 14.


" The bones of the cranium are greatly arched, so as to leave a

wide interval between the upper and lower jaw. The rostrum narrow and compressed at the base the orbital process of the frontal
very much prolonged and extremely narrow and roimded on its upper
Flower, Proc. Zool. >:ioc. 1864, 389.
" The length, Like the breadth (of the baleen), is a mere consequence
of the extreme naiTowness of the palate in the Mystk-ete compared to
Knox, Cat. Prep. lFA/e,29.
that in the Balcena^Physahisymaximus.'"'
Through the kindness of Messrs. Smith and Siramonds, and Mr.
Smith of Messrs. W. WestaU & Co., Whale-fin Merchants, I have
been enabled to examine numerous specimens of the whalebone or
baleen received from diff'erent countries, and to compare their peculiarities as exhibited during its preparation.
The fins or whalebones of each series together are called a '' side
of bone "
the largest are in the middle, wlience they gradually






side is called the

nothing at each extremity

" sample blade."

the largest fin on the

Three distinct kinds are known in the trade:

1. The Greenland,
from Greenland, Davis' Straits, and various jjarts of the North 8ea,
which is the best. 2. The South-Sea, or Blacl-Jish whale-fin, brought
by the South-Sea whalers. And, 3. The North-ivest Coaat, or American whale-fin, which was first imported about five years ago, and
at first sold at a high price, but it has now fallen, and is considered
as only a large kind of South-Sea. But from the examination I have
been able to make, I believe that these three kinds are each produced
by very different species of Whales.

The three kinds are verj^ different in shape. The outer edge of
the Greenland is curved considerably in that of the North-west
Coast it is much more straight, and in that of the South Sea almost
Zoology of the
quite straight.
Figs. 3, 4, and 5, in plate 1 of the
Erebus and Terror,' represent the three difi'erent kinds in the same
position, and on the same scale, being one-fourteenth of the natural
The fibres on the edge in the Greenland and
length and breadth.
Marcjined Whales are very fine, flexible, and long, forming only a
thin series in the South Sea they are rather coarser but in the
North-west Coast much thicker and coarser, quite bristly, and much
more so towards the apex, and they are more erect and form a thicker
series, approaching in that character to the baleen of the Finners.
The following are the measurements of the samples of the different
kinds of "ivhale-fin'^ in the British Museum:



Length of blade, entire ....


at base
at middle





Thickness at base
Thickness at middle
Thickness at f length









2 4




f length

of hair at end



" has the hair on its edge generally stripped

but this
clean and bright when it is brought to England
may be from the care the North-Sea whalers take in collecting and
cleaning it (as described by Scoresby, Arctic Regions, i. 418); and

The Greenland "fin




the blades are brought home in bundles of about a hundredweight

each. On the other hand, the North-west Coast "fin " and the South" have the hair left on the edges
they are brought home in


bulk, and are always covered with an ashy- white soft laminar coat,
This coat has
looking like the rotted external la5'ers of the enamel.
to be scraped off" with large knives before it is used or prepared, and
the surface after the scraping is not so polished and rcsjjlcndent as

that of the Greenland "fins.''

The whalebone is boiled for about twelve hours, to render it soft
before it is divided into strips ; it then divides verj' easily.



when softened, are split by a small machine into

very narrow strips like bristles, and used for bristles to make
brooms, &c.
For every economical purpose the Greenland " fins " are preferred,
and last much longer, even when divided into the false bristles and
the Greenland fin will alone do for the finer work, such as the strips
for plaiting for bonnets, or to make ladies' riding-whips, or the
the white strips for these
covering of telescopes and other tubes
purposes being taken from pale longitudinal lines on the enamel of
the Greenland fins.
The Australian baleen of Balcana marginata is nearly equally fine,
and if imported might, from its natural white colour, be very useful
for many economical purposes, notwithstanding its small size.
There is a dried foetus of this whale in the Derby Museum at
Liverpool the upper Hp is very large and dependent and a similar
di'ied foetus in the Museum of the Philosophical Society of Hull.
I could not observe any appearance, even a rudiment, of the baleen
but the mouth is closed.
The following paragraph from the Daily News of the 20th of
December, 1849, gives some idea of the quantity of whalebone now
" The receipts of whalebone in the IJnited States since
January have been 2,285,095 lbs., and the exports to date were as
follows:To North Europe, 587,926 lbs. to France, 515,351 lbs.
to other parts, 9296 lbs., making a
to Great Britain, 378,449 lbs.
The receipts for the last eight years
total export of 1,491,022 lbs.
were 18,912,200 lbs., and the exports 11,299,811 lbs. The quantity
taken for consumption during the same period was 7,612,389 lbs.
The stock in the United States at that date was estimated at 903,000
New York,
viz. in New Bedford and Fairhaven, 368,000 lbs.
smaller pieces,



275,000 lbs. in aU other places, 260,000 lbs."

These whales yield the train oil of commerce ; but train appears
they refer to the train
to be appUed by the whalers as we use drain
of the blubber when speaking of the oil of Dolphins, &c., and appear

to call all blubber-oil train, in contradistinction to head-matter, or

spermaceti, which Sibbald says is called " ivhale-sJiot " by the English

by the Dutch whalers.

the elongated form of the periotic bones and the more or less
rhombic form of the tympanic bone are characteristic of the Right
Whales or the family Balamidai, so the tympanic portion of each
species has a peculiar and specific form, and may be used for the
specific character of the species, in the same manner as I have shown,
Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' that the existence of
in the
several species of Right Whales may be proved, and, indeed, the
species characterized, by the form and the internal structure of the

it is

stiU so called



Unfortunately, when species arc determined from these characters,
the outer form of the animal is unknown ; and, unless the ear-bones
and baleen are obtained from the same specimen, there is the fear
one characterized by the earthat one may be giving two names
bone, and the other by the baleen of the same animal, and vice versa.



it is so important that we should avail ourselves of

every assistance in determining the species of these animals which
are so difficult to observe, that one must run the risk of making
such a mistake, as it can easily, be corrected when the opportunity
occurs to some competent naturalist to examine a specimen containing
both the baleen and the ear-bones.
The tympanic bones are often found fossil. Professor Owen, in
the Hist. Brit. Fossil Mammals,' has named and figured the carbones of the genus Balcena which have been observed in the Crag ho
has named them as if he regarded the following as distinct species
2. B. de/inlfa, fig. 222; 3. B. gihhosa,
1. Balmia ajjinh, fig. 221
These bones are all very imfig. 223 ; 4. B. emanji nata fig. 224.
perfect, and the figures of the two latter are not sufficient even to
decide whether they belong to the genus Balama or to Fhi/salvs.
They differ in the recent genera, thus
Tympanic bone rhombic apertixre oblong, only slightly contracted
at the iipper end, and about two-thirds of the length of the
BAi^iiNA, Eubal.t:na, and Hunterius.
Tympanic bone irregular rhombic aperture irregular, much contracted at the upper end, and the wide part not half the length
of the bone.
" Dans les galeries d'anatomie comparce du Museum de Paris parmi
les preijarations des os d'oreille nous avons trouve dans un meme
cadre une caisse tj'mpanique de Balcena Mysticetus, une autre de
Balcena australis, une de Pierohalcena communis, et une de Pferohalama cfigas."
Van Beneden, in Mem. Acad. Hoy. de Bru.velles,18Gl,

Yet I thiuk


xxxii. 38.

Synopsis of the G-eneba.

Atlas united icith the other cervical vertcbrce into one mass


the lateral

of the axis small, broad, solid.

A. lialccn thin, polished, tcith a thick enamel coat and a Jine fringe.



First rib slender near, and undivided at the vertebral end.

aperture nearly as long as the bone.

Tympanic bone square

B. JBalecn thick, not jjolishcd, with a thin enamel coat and a coarse thick


First rib broad at the vertebral end.

aperture nearly as long as the bone.

Tympanic bone


IIuNTERius. First rib broad, with a double head at the vertebral end.
Tympanic bone square aperture nearly as long as the bone.



the wide

? Baleen
? Tympanic bone irregular
First rib
aperture irregular, nuich contracted at the upper end, and
part not half the length of the bone.

Atlas free


single tnass




the other cervical vertehrce, which are united info a

of the avis rounded.

the lateral j)rocess


lateral process of the axis truncated.


slightly perforated.

lateral process of the axis

produced, rounded,




In the skeleton of the adult male BaJcvna Mysticetus, which is

41 1 feet long, figured by Eschrielit and Reinhardt (t. 2), the head
In the newoccupies two-fifths of the entire length of the skeleton.
born specimen figured on the first plate of their interesting essay, the
body is much longer, and the head only occupies about two-sevenths
of the entire length, showing that the head increases in length at a
This seems general in whales for the
greater rate than the body.

skull of the footal Eahalccna australis, figured

by Professor Huxley

'Elements of Comparative Anatomy' (fig. 107, on p. 270), is

and broad for the genus the skull of the foetal and young
Balcenoptera roi^trata, figured by Eschricht, is shorter than the adult
and that of the foetus is very short indeed.
The frontal bones of the skull of the foetal or new-born specimen
are broader and shorter than in the adult, as may be observed in the
figures of Cuvier, Eschricht, and Huxley.
in his



Atlas united


the other cervical vertehrce into one mass.

A. Head very large ; of adult,

Baleen elongate,

two-Jiftlistlie entire length.

slender, with a single series of very fine elangate centralfibres, for jning
a fine fiaccid fringe. Enamel thick, polished.



The tympanic bone

rhombic aperture oblong, only slightly contracted at the upper
end, and about two-thirds the length of the bone.
first rib

like the others, single-headed.

Balrena, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 201

18G4, xiv. 348.


May. Nat. Hid.

Fiff. 1.

Balaena Mysticetus.

Ctiv. Oss. Eoss, v.





Head about two-thirds of the entire length, rather blunt, swollen,

with a slight beard consisting of a few scattered white hairs on the
anterior extremity of both jaws (Scoresby, Arctic liegions, i. 458).
Skull high and contracted behind the frontal very narrow, marginal, directed backwards
tympanic bone rhombic, large, aper;



turc oblong, only eliglitly contracted at the upper end, and about
two-thirds the length of the bone orbits small (see Cuvier, Oss. Foss.
Baleen narrow, elongate, very gradually
V. t. 25. f. 9, 10, 11).
internal fibres few, in a
tapering, tough, flexible ; enamel thick
single series, very slender, forming a beautiful thin flaccid fringe.
Cervical and the first dorsal vertebrae united by their bodies (see

Cuv. Oss. Foss. V. 380. t. 26. f. 18).

as broad, with a broad acromion (Cuv.

Blade-bone about as high

t. 2(3. f.

Pelvis of three


Fio:. 2.

Baltena Mysticetus,


Eschr. Nord. Hvalcr,





The frontal bone short, broad, and band-like, obliquely truncated

over the orbit. The upper maxillary bone and intormaxillaries are
very narrow, linear. The nasal rather large. The lower jaw is
thick and rounded, with scarcely any ramus near the base (Eschr. &
Reinh. Nord. Hvaler, t. 5. f. 1). Humerus short fore-arm bones
The pectoral fin moderate,
nearly twice as long as the humerus.
with five short unequal fingers, and a short spur on the inner side at
the base of the first finger the middle fiiiger longest, then the
the outer or little finger very short and rudisecond, then the first
mentary (see Eschr. & Reinh. op. cit. t. 2. f. 1, & fig. p. 578). Phalanges
The cervical vertebrcc of the adult are all anchyloscd together by
The neural arch and the lateral processes, and sometimes
the body.
the first and even the second dorsal, are anchylosed Avith them.
the young the first five cervical vertebrae are united into a mass by
the bodies the sixth free, with rudimentary inferior lateral processes
the seventh free, without any inferior process (see Eschr. & lleinh.
op. cit. t. 2. f. 3, & fig. p. 552).
The blade-bone three-sided, nearly equal-sided, as high as wide at
the upper edge, with a small anterior coracoid process (see Eschr. &
lleinh. op. cit. t. 2. f. 1, & fig. p. 574).
The first rib narrow above, with a single head, and without any
internal dilatation, rather broader at the end near the sternum, and
rounded at the end. The second rib is simple, rather longer, and




with a broader articulating surface (see Eschr.




oj). (it. t.



" The number of vcrtebrfe 54. Pairs of ribs 13. Head more than
Nasal bones long and narone-third the total length of the body.
row ; orbital processes of frontals much elongated, sloping backwards,
and very little dilated at their extremity. Cervical vertebra3 all
Baleen-plates very long, and narrow at the base."
Flotver, P. Z. S. 1864, 390.
There seems to be some variety in the union of the cervical vertebra?.
According to Eschricht the B. Mi/sticetus has the first five
cervical vertebroe united, and the sixth and seventh free.
Mr. Elower
(Proc. Zool. Soc. 18G4, 391) describes this as the character oi Euhalcena, and gives the cervical vertebroe all anchylosed together as
the character of Balceua (p. 390).
The specimen I have examined
agrees with Mr. Flower's description.


The Right Whale.

BalsBna Mysticetus.

There are two

on each side
of the lower lip and, according to Scoresby's figure, the head is twosevenths, the fins one-thii'd, the vent two-thirds, and the sexual
organs four-sevenths from the nose.
Females larger than the males.
The nose of the skull is regularly and gradually arched above,
rather wide behind, near the blowhole ; the nose and the intermaxillary bones regidaidy taper in front. The hinder end of the
jaw-bones is obliquely produced behind, and the frontal bones are
narrow, nearly linear, and oblique ; temporal bone narrow, oblique.
The baleen is very long, varj'ing from 9 to 12 feet, linear, tapering very gradually, of nearly the same moderate thickness from end
to end, and covered with a polished grey or greenish-black enamel.
The internal fibres occupy a small part of the substance, arc parallel,
of a fine unifonn texture, and black.
The enamel, which forms by
far the greater part of the substance, is generally blackish
but sometimes, especially on the inner side of the " fin," it is paler in longitudinal stripes.
The fibres on the edge, lilie the internal fibres of
which they are a continuation, are very fine and black. The "fins"
or pieces of baleen are fiat, or as the merchant calls them " kindly,"
so that they produce straight pieces fit for the better kind of parasols
and umbrellas, &c., when cut into strips.

series of tubercles

Balfena Mysticetus arctica, Schleqel, Ahhandl. 36.

Bala^na Mysticetus, Limi. S. N. i. 105
GmeUn, S. N. i. 223 MiiUer,
Zool. Dan. 6
Schreb. Sdiajeth.
Erxl. Si/st. 601
O. Fahr. F. G. 32
t. 322
Cuv. Reg. Anrm. i. 285, ed. 2. i. 296 Oss. Foss. v. 301. t. 25.
f. 9, 11 (adult sliuU, . M.), t. 26. f. 25
Lesson, (Euvr. Bufun, i. 294.
1. 11
Desm. 3famm. 527, 798; Diet. Class. H. N. ii. 160; Camper,
Cetac. t. 4, 5, 6 skull of j'oung) Fischer, St/n. 521 Volfonann, Anat.
Anim. Tab. 1831, t. 9. f. 5 (skull, fa-tus?) Bell, B. Quad. 514, fig.
Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, 642; Turton,B. Farnui, 15; Fleming, B. A.
33 Je7iym, Man. 46 Gray, Zool. Erehis ^- Terror, 15, 47. t. 1. f. 4
(baleen) Cat. Mamm. B. M. 104 Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 12 Proc.
Zool. Soc. 1864, 200
Lilljeborg, Ofvers. 107.



Balcena Mysticetus, Lesson, N. Rey. Anim. 202.

The Right

or Whalebone Whale, Dmlby, Phil. Tram, xxxiii. 256

Scoresby, Arctic Regiom, i. 448. t. 12. f. 1.
Balsena Cxrcenlandica, Li^m. Mus. Ad. Frid. i. 51.
Bakena vulgaris, Brisson, Rec/. Anim. 347.
Balfena vulgi, Aldrov. Pise. 688.
Balfena vulgo dicta, Rondel. Pise. 475. fig.
Balfena Roudeletii, Willvghh. Pise. 35.
Balpena Physalus, Pallas, Zoogr. i. 289 (not Sgn.).
De Balsenis hujusniodi Bipennibus, Sihbald, Pal. 27.
Balsena Mysticetus borealis, Knox, Cat. Anat. Prep. Wliale, 21.
Nordhval, Eschricht
Reinhardt, Kong. Danish. Vidensk. 1861, 46

1. ? Balfena glacialis occidentalis, Klein,Misc. Pise. n. 12
Zool. Dan. Prod. 7; Bechst. Naturg. Deutschl. 1238; Virey,in Nouv.
Diet. Sci. iii. 183 Desm. Mamm. 527.
Balajna Islandica, Brisson, Reg. Anim. 350.
Balsena Mysticetus, /3. Islandica, Ginelin, S. N. i. 223 Fischer, Sgn.



Nord Caper, Bonnat. Cet. 3

Did. Sei. Nat. iii. 438.
Nord Kapper, Fgede, Groenl. 55.


Laeej}. Cet. 103.




Nordcaper, Anders. Isl. 219; Crantz, Grmil. 145.

Var. 2. ? Rock-nosed Whale, Gucrin, in Jameson's Neiv Edinh. Phil.
Joxirn. 1845, 267.

Inhab. North Sea.


Skull and lower jaw.

h, c.


North Sea.

plates of whalebone.

Oss. V. tab. 25.

The specimen figured in Cuv.



Presented by Messrs.

Smith and Simmonds. The specimens figured in the

the Erebus and Terror,' p. 47. tab. 1. fig. 11.


plate of whalebone.

In Balcena the


Voyage of


atlas is united to the other cervical vertebrae.


with the lateral process on the upper

part of the lateral edge
the process has a straight upper edge and
a slanting lower one, gradually shelving down towards the lower
part of the side of the body of the vertebra, where it is confluent
with the upper part of the base of the large, thick, lower lateral
atlas has a nearly circular body,

process of the second cervical vertebra.

The upper lateral process of the second vertebra

is large and well

developed, bent forwards at the end, coherent with the outer end of
the upper part of the lateral process of the atlas.
The upper lateral processes of the third and succeeding vertebrae
are similar, but smaller, and united at the end to the upper proThe lower lateral processes
cess of the preceding cervical vertebra.
are less developed, and unfortunately they are imperfect in the
The atlas and other cervical vertebrae of the Lagocetus lafifrons
The body of the vertebrae is
are all united into a single mass.
nearly circular, with a verj^ large superior conical process formed of
the united neural arches and on the lower part of each side, on a
level with the lower edge, are two large, thick, conical processes,




formed of the lateral process of the atlas united to the lower lateral
processes of some of the other cervical vertebrce.
The upper lateral processes seem to be scarcely developed, as the
mass shelves down above towards the lower edge, and has on its
upper part a series of perforations on each side, showing the axes of
the nerves and vessels between the united vertebrae.
The cervical vertebrae of a Balcena in the British Museum, that
was dredged up at Lyme Regis, are united together not only by the
body of the vertebrae, but by the neural arches, which form a large
vaulted arch, and by the lateral processes.


Cervical vertebrae of Balcvna



The lateral processes of the atlas are large they arise from the
exterior side of the articular cavity, the edge of the upper side being
on a level with the top of the concavity, and the blunt end is rather

curved up

the underside gradually shelves from the blunt outer

margin of the articular cavity.
The upper lateral processes of the second, third, fourth, fifth,
sixth, and seventh cervicals are all united together at the ends, the
process of the second vertebra being the thickest, largest, and bent
it is united to the hinder surface of the end of the lateral process of
the atlas by a thick osseous band.
The upper lateral processes of
the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh are thinner and smaller,
diminishing in size as they proceed backwards ; the process of the
third is directed backwards to meet the end of the fourth, which,
like those of the fifth, sixth, and seventh, is directed rather forwards
towards the head.
The lower lateral process of the second vertebra is very large, thick,
confluent with the lower part of the lateral process of the first vertebra or atlas, but produced far beyond it, and thickened below and
at the end, which is considerably dilated.
The lower process of the
third vertebra is much smaller, or rather compressed, than that of


to the lower




the preceding one and the lower processes of the fourth vertebra
are similar, but much smaller still, and also shorter
they are confluent together at their base, and with the base of the process of the
second vertebra. The other vertebra? are without any lower lateral
The neural canal is very large, nearly circular in front,
being almost as high as wide at the hinder end it is transverse,
trigonal, nearly four-fifths as wide as the width of the articulating
surface of the first dorsal vertebra, and about two-thirds as high as
The outer surfaces of the united arches are very convex and
broad, with a broad triangular disk in front marked with a central
and the upper surface is keeled, with convex sides behind.
This mass is so unlike the mass of the cervical vertebrsB of the
Greenland specimen of Bcdcena Mysticetus in the College of Surgeons
(which, through the kindness of the Council of that body, I have
been enabled to examine and figiu'e), that I am inclined to think it
may belong to another species, and is probably the cervical vertebrae
of the whale which Eschricht has described under the name of
Balama Bi.<<cai/ensis. They differ in the form of the lateral processes
of the atlas and other vertebra), and in the manner in which they are
soldered together, and especially in the external form of the neural

Fio-. 4.

Cervical vertebras of Balcena Mysticetus.

It has



Coll. Siurg.

been observed at Peterhead, 1682 (Sihhald). ?Tynemouth

Coast of Zetland, occasionally Barclay : see Bell,


B. Q. 518).
There are a skuU and a complete skeleton, from Greenland, in the
Museum of the College of Surgeons a skeleton at Copenhagen, and
another at Brussels a skull of the adult at Kiel ; and the head of a

young animal


at Ley den.
magnificent skeleton of Balcena Mysticetus in the Brussels
is the only one to be seen at present in any museum in




Europe, except at Copenhagen. The singular effect produced by the

enormous size of the head, as compared with the remainder of the
skeleton, must be seen to be fully realized.
" The cranium is 18' 9" long in a straight line, the vertebral column
31' 6", making a total of 50' 3".
The epiphyses of the arm-bones
are united at both ends, as are those of all the caudal vertebrffi, l)ut
not those of the limibar and dorsal vertebrse so that the animal was
The vertebral formula is
in a late period of the adolescent stage.
The tail is quite complete. This
C. 7, D. 14, L. 10, C. 23=54.
is the normal total number, according to Eschricht and Reinhardt
but an individual pecidiarity consists in the development of an additional rudimentary rib on the left side, about 18" long, and articulating
with the transverse process of the fourteenth vertebra behind the

This vertebra is therefore reckoned among the dorsal instead
The ordinary number of dorsal vertebroe and
of the lumbar series.
pairs of ribs is thu'teen.
The last two lumbar and first three caudal
vertebrae are enveloped in an immense mass of exostosed bone.
even the pelvic bones are present,
skeleton appears quite perfect
though not yet articulated. There are two bones on each side, differing considerably in the details of their conformation from the same
bones in the skeleton which has been lately received, though not yet
mounted, at the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons." Floiver,

P. Z. S. 1864, 41 G.
" There is a skull of a very young individual in the Ley den Museum,
It is 5' 2" in length, and 2' 10|" in
in not very perfect condition.
greatest breadth across the squamosals. The elements of the occipital
bones are distinct but the parietal is already anchylosed with the


supraoccipital along the upper margin of the temporal fossa.

basisphenoid is distinct from both the presphenoid and basioccipital,

though the union with the latter is the more advanced of the two.
At this stage the skull diflers much from that of the adidt animal.
Besides the proportionately greater size of the cranial cavity, the
orbital processes of the frontals are shorter, and broader at theii*
extremity, the maxillaries are less arched, and the skull generally
much more depressed." Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 394.
The ear-bones, with the tympanic in situ, are represented by

Eschricht (Nord. Hvaler, t. 5. f. 4). The tympanic boue is sixbrhombic the upper surface flat, with a large, subangular, rugose
prominence occupying about two-thirds of the upper inner side the
upper margin roimded, the outer edge rather sharp and slightly
arched the lower edge flat, truncated, with a sharp upper and lower
There is a deep
edge, which is angulated at the lower outer corner.
groove between the inner dorsal prominence and the lower edge.
The lower surface convex, vnth a large oblong opening of nearly
equal width the whole length.
The specimen of the ear-bones in the British Museum is rather
sea-worn and poHshed but I have compared it, through the kindness
of Mr. W. H. Flower, with the ear-bone of the skeleton which the
Royal College of Surgeons has just received from Greenland.
In_the British Museum there is a pair of ear-bones, Avhich evi;



dently came from the same animal, very like the former, and must
belong to this or a very nearly allied species. They chiefly differ from
the ear-bones of B. 3Iifsticetus, above described, in the whole surface
being smooth, with only a little rugosity on the dorsal prominence
on the inner edge, and in the angle of the outer upper and lower
hinder edges being sharper and more marked ; the outer hinder angle
of the dorsal surface is also more concave.
I propose to regard it
These bones
for the present as a variety, B. M. angulaia (fig. 5).
are said to have been found in the Orkneys but I have not much
confidence in the accuracy of this habitat, as they were by some means
confounded with the ear-bones of Physalus Duguidii which were sent
from Orkney by Mr. Heddle.


Tympanic bones of Balana


Mysticetus, var. angulata.

In the British Museum there are two tympanic bones, which differ
from all the above in the hinder end being flattened above, bevelled
but they are so imperfect that
off, narrow, and rounded on the edge
I do not think I am justified in noticing them more particularly,
though I believe they indicate another species of Balcena. They
are both without any locality, and were purchased of dealers, one
along with the ear-bone of the Greenland B. Mysticetus.
Mr. Scoresby, jun., gives the best description of this whale, in
the Mem. Wern. Soc. i. 578. 1. 12 :
The full-grown whale is from 50 to 65 feet in length, and from
30 to 40 feet in circumference just before the fins. It is thickest a
little behind the fins, and from thence gradually tapers towards the
It is cylindiical from the neck until near about the junction of
The head has a trithe tail and body, where it becomes ridged.
angular shape. The bones of the head are very porous and full of a
fine kind of oil. When the oil is drained out, the bone is so light as
The jaw-bones are from 20 to 25 feet in length,
to swim in water.
curved they give the shape to the under part of the head, which
is almost perfectly flat, and is about 20 feet in length by 12 feet in




The spout-holes are like two

the lips are firm and hard.
which form an acute angle with each other. The eyes are very
The throat is so narrow as scarcely to admit a hen's egg.
The fins are from 4 to 5 feet broad and 8 or 10 feet long. Tail horizontal, 20 or 30 feet wide.
" The colour is dark grey and white, with a tinge of yellow on the
lower part of the head the back, upper part of the head, most of
the belly, the fins, tail, and under part of the jaws are deep black
the fore part, the under-jaw, and a little of the belly are white,
and the junction of the tail with the body grey. They are somebreadth


times piebald. Under-sized whales are almost entirely pale bluish,

and the suckers are of a pale blackish colour. The blubber is from
10 to 20 inches thick."
" Spiracles two, longitudinal, placed nearly parallel to each other
upon the top of the crown bone, about 14 feet from the tip of the lip ;
Eyes on the sides, about 5 feet from
they are about 6 inches long.
the crown bone and 16 feet from the tip of the lip, and about 1 foot
above and rather behind the angle of the mouth. The under-lip and
the throat white ; a broad white band extends across the abdomen,
between the male organ and the vent, which almost meets on the
back ; the middle part of the lower surface of the tail white ; on the
edges of these white patches are many black blotches, giving the
animal a piebald appearance. Length 46 feet, of fin 9 feet. Baleen
9| feet long:'Boss, Voy. of H. M.S. Isabella, ii. 152.
The Nord Caper, Anderson, does not appear to difier from this
It is said to be thinner, and infested with barnacles ; this
would lead one to think that it was established on a specimen out of
Lacepede's figui-es above cited, from a drawing by Backstrom, communicated by Sir Joseph Banks, are the best figures of
the Right Whale, after Scoresby's.
variety, or probably different species, is thus noticed by M.
It is
Guerin, the surgeon of a whaler, as the Rock-nosed Whale.
said "never to leave the coast, and even to make the circuit of the
The most important point (of diiference) is the comparative
The head is always considerably more
size of the head and body.
than 1, while in the true B. Mjjsticetus, as stated by Scoresby, it is
The whalebone is longer in comparison
less than i, or as 16 to 51.
to the length of the animal, but the laminae are thinner for their
length ; the body is broader and terminates more abruptly ; the skin

dark velvet-brown, and has fewer spots and yields less oil. The
whalers in general seem to think that it is merely a difference of age
that causes this difference in their external characters, but cubs or
sucklers are as often found amongst the Rock-noses as amongst the
the former must have attained the age of
Middle-Ice Whales
Guerin, in Jameson^s N. Edin. Phil. Journ. 1845, 267.
In some individuals the baleen is yellowish white, the fibres and

enamel of a pale coloiu'.

There is the stuffed skin of a foetal specimen, 29 inches long, from
Mr. F. J. Knox's Collection, in the Anat. Mus. Univ. Edinb. the lower
lips have a broad flap, which is to cover the baleen when developed.



There is also the skeleton of the same foetus, prepared by Mr. Knox.
The bones of the head are ossified, and show the characters of the
genus that is, the upper jaw is high, arched, and its sides are only
slightly keeled, not depressed and expanded as in BuJcpnoptera, &c.
The jaws show the grooves for the teeth. The rest of the skeleton
These specimens are described by Mr. Knox,
is only cartilaginous.
Cat. Anat. Prei^. Whale, 21,
There is the skeleton of a half-gTown specimen, brought home by
M. Guerin, in the Anat. Mus. Univ. Edinb. (head 6 feet long?).
Mr. Knox gives some observations on the lactiferous glands of a
foetal specimen in the account of the dissection of nBalama rostrata.
The foetus is also described by Iloussel do Vauzeme, Ann. Sci, Nat.
Zool. 1834, ii. 125; L'Institut, 1833, i. 106, and 1834, ii. 289;
Wyman, Proc. Boston See. N. H. 1850, iii. 355 (foetus).
The embryo of a whale in spirit was presented to the Nat. Hist.
Soc. of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in 1836, by J. Stevens, Esq.
A foetal specimen is figured by Camper (Cetac. t. 1. f. 1, 2). It is
probably from a dried specimen, and the head is very slender.
It is
to be observed that it is longer in proportion to the length of the body
than the very young specimen of 5. attstrcdis, 17 feet long, figured
by Delalande, Diet. Class. H. N. t. 140. f. 3.
The Icelanders distinguish two kinds of Whale, that of the North
(Nonl Hvale) and that of the South. They say that the skin of the
latter has white calcareous crowns ( Coronulce) which are not found in.
(See Van Eeneden, Bull. Sci. Belg. 1860, xxii. 460.)
the former.
Each species of Whale has its own peculiar kind of sessile Cirripede one has the Coromda, another the Diadcma, and a third the
They are all sunk in the surface of the skin, with the
aperture for the free valve, or operculum as it is called, alone exposed, and as they grow in size the deeper they sink into the skin.
Some genera allied to Coronidcc are found on the shells of turtles,
and on the outer surface of shells that are partially covered by the
mantle of the animal. The Whales have also pedunculated Cirri" This Whale
pedes, as Otions, on them these were early observed.
hath naturally growing upon his backo white things like unto BarCoromda Bahpnaris is found on
nacles " (Purchas, Pilgrims, 471).
the Bight Whale of the Arctic Seas (see Pontoppidan, 78, 81).
Some observations on the osteology are given by Professor Owen
in Cat. Osteol. Mus. Coll. Surg. ii. 439 Jt 441.
Professors D. E. Eschricht and J. Ileinhardt, in " Om Nordhvalen,
Balccna MysfieetKS,'" published separately in Copenhagen in 1861, and
in the fifth volume of the Transactions of the Danish Boyal Academy,
have given a very full account of the osteology of this animal and
its allies in the North Sea.
The male and female " Balcine franche," figured by Duhamel,
Peches, ii. t. 1. f. 1, 2, and which are copied in the 8vo edition of
Bloch, Eische, t. 1, seem like figures made from description by an
artist who had the figure of a Dolphin, or rather Grampus, in his
The baleen is drawn as if it was attached to the lower jaw,
and projects from the mouth in front. The same figure, with a series




of teeth in the lower jaw in the place of the baleen, and with a small
dorsal on its back, again appears in Dnhamel (iv. t. 9. f. 2), under
the name of " Baleine en Guinee," from the Eiver Gaboon, where,

he says,

it is


Grampus by the English.


Balsena Biscayensis.

Baleine de Biseaye, Van Bcnedcn, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1861, 462.
Balsena Biscayensis, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, 200.
Baleine franche du golfe deHiscnye, BschHcIit, Cotnptes Re)idus,\SQO
Actes de la Soc. Linn, de Bordeaux, 1. 13. 4'' livr.
Baliena Eubalaena Biscayensis, Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 391.

A female and its young,

Inhab. Bay of Biscay, St. Sebastian.
Skeleton at the Museum of Pampeluna.
Jan. 18G0.
The Right Whale of the Bay of Biscay (B. Biscayensis) is regarded
Gray, F.Z.S.
as a different species by Eschricht and Van Beneden.
1864, 200.
Cuvier observes that the Bight Whale was formerly taken in the
Gulf of Gascony, but that now it is only found on the shores of
(See Cuv. Oss. Eoss. ed. 4. vii.
Greenland, Iceland, and Spitzbergen.
252 ; also Eschr. & Reinh. Nord. Hvaler, p. 479, note.)
" MM. Eschricht and Reinhardt (Om Nordhvalen) have conclusively proved that the habitat oi B. 3Iysticetus is, and always has been,
exclusively confined to the Polar Seas, and therefore that it has no
The Right Whale of the
claim to a place in the European fauna.
North Atlantic, formerly chased by the Basque whalers, belongs to
this section (Euhalama) of the family." Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 391.
M. Eschricht observes, " Le squelette de Pampelune m'occupe tout
C'est tout ce qu'il y a
plein, m'ecrit-il a la date du 18 mai dernier.
II est presque monte, et I'enorme difference avec
de plus curieux.
le Mysticetus depasse tout ce que j'cn avals juge lors de mon sejour a
Pampelune. Eigiu-ez-vous, ajoute-t-il, qu'il n'est pas plus developpe
que le squelette d'un Mysticetus de peine un an, I'ossification des
vei'tebres n'est pas encore avancce jusqu'aux apophyses transverses,
et les arcs qui ne sont pas meme unis des deux cotes sont encore
separes du corps et cependant la colonne vertebrale a la largeur du
Mysticetus de trois ans et demi." (See also Eschricht " Sur le Developpement du questionnaire relative aux Cetaces," Actes de la Soc.
Liiin. de Bordeaux, xxii. Hvr. 4.)
This theoiy appears to require further examination. Icebergs are
annually carried out from the Arctic Seas to the North Atlantic, and
it is probable that Right A\Tiales may sometimes accompany them.
I have not been able to find any details of the skeleton at Pampeluna, so that I have no authority for placing B. Biscayensis in a
different genus

from B. Mysticetus.



The Western Australian Whale.

Balgena marginata.

The baleen very

long, slender (nearly eight times as long as wide

at the base), pure white, thin, with a rather broad black edge on the
outer or straight side.

Balaena marginata, Gray, Zool. E. ( T. 48. t.

Cetac. B. M. 1850, 14; P. Z. S. 1864, 200.



1 (baleen)


Inhab. Western Australia.

Three plates of baleen. Length 20 inches width at the

Western AustraHa.
base 2 inches 6 lines.
Presented by
The specimens figured in the Voyage of
J. Warwick, Esq.
the Erebus and Terror,' tab. 1. fig. 1.

a, h, c.


This species is only known from three laminae of baleen. It is much

smaller and broader, compared with its width at the base, than, and
is differently coloured from, the baleen of any of the other species.
This is undoubtedly a very distinct species. The baleen is of
nearly the same structure as that of the Greenland Whale but we
do not know what may be the form of the first ribs, or of the bones
of the other parts of the skeleton.



The Scrag Whale.

Balsena gibbosa.

Scrag Whale.

Is near akin to the Fin-bach,

but instead of a

upon its back, the ridge of the after-part of its back is scragged
with half-a-dozen knobs or knuckles. He is nearest the Right Whale
(B. Mysticetus) in figure and quantity of oil.
His bone (whalebone)


white, but won't split."


" A Scrag Whale," Dudley, Phil. Trans, xxxiii. 259 and JVhalers.
Balsena gibbosa, Erai. Syst. 610 (from Dudley) Gmelin, S. N. i. 225 ;
Bonnat. Cet. 5 Lacep. Cet. 113; Virey, Nouv. Diet. H. N. iii. 185;
Gerard, Diet. Sci. Nat. iii. 440 Desin. Mamtn. 528 ; Fischer, Syn.
523 Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 18.
Balaena gibbis vel nodis sex, B. macra, Klein, MSS. Pise. ii. 15.
Balaena bipennis sex in dorso gibbis, Brisson, R. Anim. 351.
Knotenfish oder Knobbelfish, Anders. Isl. 225 ; Crantz, Gronland, 146.
Bunched Mysticete, Shaw, Zool. ii. 495.

Inhab. Atlantic Ocean.

Dudley's account is copied by Anderson, Crantz, and




Cuvier thought the Scrag Whale (B. gibbosa) was only a Rorqual
267) which had been mutilated but I suspect, from
Dudley's account of the form, that it must be a Balcena, jirobably
well known formerly.
Indeed Beale (Hist. Sperm Whale) speaks of
it as recognized by the whalers now.
" Scrags" is the whalers' name for young specimens of the Right
Whale. (See Dieffenbach, New Zealand, i. 45.)
Bonnaterre and all succeeding authors have referred to this genus
the Humpbaclced Whale of Dudley, not understanding his description of the belly being " reeved," that is, plaited they call it Balcena
(Oss. Eoss. V.







long ; of adult, about one-fourth the entire length. Baleen elongate,

hroad at the base, with several series of rigid central fibres, forming a
rigid fringe.





Eibs 15.15; first like the others, single-headed.

rhombic, nearly like that of Balcena. Head large
one-fourth the entire length.
Vertebrae 52.
Eubalffina, Grai/, Proc. Zool. Soc. 18G4, 201
xiv. 348.

Skull broad and depressed behind.


Tympanic bone


of adult, about

3fag. N.

H. 1864,


frontal bones broad, band375. t. 25. f. 1-4 of young,

and f. 5-8 of adult animal). Tympanic bone rhombic, large aperture oblong, only slightly contracted at the upper end, about twothirds the length of the bone.
Baleen thick, rather brittle enamel
thin internal fibres numerous, thick, in several layers, rather intertwined, forming a thick rigid fringe.
Cervical vertebrae all united
by the neural apophyses into a single crest (Cuv. op. cit. t. 26. f. 13).
like, transverse (see Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. p.


Eubalaena Capensis, jun.


Cuv. Oss. Foss. v.





Ribs 15 15, all simple -headed, the last four pairs not reaching
Sternum oblong (Cuv. t. 26. f. 11). Blade-bone flat,
the vertebrae.
rather broader on the upper edge than high, with a prominent acromion (Cuv. t. 26. f. 7). Arm-bones short forearm-bones very short,
Fingers 5, short, the middle
scarcely longer than the humerus.
longest, the second, first, and fifth successively shorter (Cuv. t. 26.
Os hyoides (see Cuv. t. 26. f. 14).
f. 23).
Cuvier observes that the skulls of B. Mysticetus and B. austraUs
diifer more from one another than the skulls of the species of Rorquals
(Oss. Foss. V. 375).


Eubalsena australis.


Cape Whale.

Skull convex.
The nose of the skull high,
Uniform black.
straight, and rather suddenly bentdown in front
the nose and the



intermaxillary bones contract in the middle, and then continue of

the same width in front. The hinder part of the jaw-hones is nearly
perpendicular, and the tciuporal bones are broad and erect.
O^s. Foss. V. t. 25. f. 5-7.


and the hinder part of the jawCuv. Oss. Foss. v. t. 25. f. 1-3.
Cervical vertebra) all (1-7) anchylosed by the neural arches into
one crost. Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 378.
The baleen is about 6 feet long, elongate triangular, rather rapidly
tapering to a fine point.
The internal fibres are rather coarse, but
much finer than in B. Japonica.

foetal skull is shorter, lower,




Balaena australis, Desmoulins, Diet. Class. H. N. ii. 101. t. 140. f. 3

Gray, Cat. 3famm. B. 31. 104 ; Zool. Ereh. ^- Terror, 15,
48. t. 1. f. 3 (baleen).
Eubalsena australis, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 202.
Baleine du Cap, Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 3G8. t. 25. f. 1-4 (skull of foetus),
f. 5-8 (skull of adult), t. 20. f. 7, 11, 1.3, 23, t. 27. f. 10, 15 (ear;

bones), 24.

Bala3na antarctica, Oioen, Brit. Foss.

The Cape Whale,

or Right


Mamm. (not Gray).

of South-Sea Whalers, Bennett,

Narr. IVliaUng Voyage, ii. 229.

Southern Whalebone Whale, Nunn, Narrat. Favourite, 181.
Common Black Whale, Ross, Antarctic Voy. i. 109, ii. 327 ?

Inhab. Sea near the Cape of Good Hope, Dehdande.



fig. ?

Skeleton and


Cape of Good Hope.

plates of " South-Sea whalebone,"

Bone of forearm.

6, c.



Ocean ?


sented by Messrs. Smith and Simmonds.

The specimens figured
in the ' Voyage of the Erebus and Terror,' p, 48. tab. 1. fig. 3.



plates of whalebone.



Skull (imperfect), with the lower jaw, the vertebra) of the neck,
the ribs, and the blade-bone.
Cape of Good Hope.


and five cervical vertebrce are united into one by

and all the spinous processes are soldered into one crest.
Eibs 15 15 the last four and the first two do not attain the body
of the vertebra), and are not attached to the transverse apophyses.
The first pair is flat and very broad, especially at the sternal end.
The last three are slender and short. Vertebrae 49, \ii. nuchal 7,
The chevron bones commence on
dorsal 15, lumbar and caudal 27.
Tlio spinous
the eleventh and twelfth, and end at the twenty-sixth.
processes form a nearlj^ uniform series, inclined forwards.
thumb has two, the index four, the middle finger five, the ring
finger four, and the little finger three joints, all ending in a cartiatlas, axis,

their bodies,

laginous dilatation.
Can. Oss. Foss. v. 379.
The tymjianic bone is subcubical and rugose; the back is much
swoUen ; the inner edge is protuberant, and forms an angle with
the siirface nearer the outer margin ; the upper portion is prominent and subangular, and separated from the lower portion by
two irregular depressions the hinder margin is thick, convex, and
rounded the lower surface is rather flattened, Avith an irregular;




oblong, rather kidney-shaped aperture, which is very strongly plaited

on the hinder margin, and nearly as long as the bone. The periotic
bones, with the tympanic bones hi situ, are figured by Prof. Huxley
in Elem. Comp. Anat.' fig. 109, from a specimen presented to the
College of Surgeons by Dr. G. Bennett.
There are three specimens

similar to this figure in the British Museum

two, presented by
H. H. Russell, Esq., as the ear-bone of the Sperm Whale and one
from South Africa, presented by G. Byham, Esq., to the Palaeonto:



Var. ? In the British Museum there is a specimen of the periotic

bones, with the tympanic bones attached, which was received, without
any habitat, from Dr. Mantell. In several particulars it is very like
the specimen of E. australis but the hinder edge of the tj^mpanic
bones, instead of being very thick and roxmded, is much thinner than
any other part, and the periotic bones are much broader and more
expanded. It may be only a variety of E. australis. I think it is
right to give a short notice of it, for the sake of drawing the attention of future observers to the peciiliarity.
Var. ? In the British Museum there is another imperfect worn
tympanic bone, without any habitat, which resembles those of E.
australis in general appearance but the hinder margin is shelved off
and thin, instead of broad and rounded as in the typical specimens
This may indicate an allied species, or only a
of that species.


MM. Van Beneden and 2\.dolphe Milne-Edwards inform me that

the first rib in both specimens in the Paris Museum, from the Cape,
has a single head, very like the second one.
The skull and cervical vertebrae of the foetus from the South Seas
are described by Prof. Owen in Cat. Osteol. Mus. Coll. Surg. ii. 440.
The skull of this foetus and the ear-bones of the adult are figured by
Prof. Huxley in Elem. Comp. Anat. f.lOTat p. 270, and f.l09 at p. 273.
Mr. Warwick has kindly sent me some notes and the following
measurements of a female whale of this species taken at False Bay
Fishery, said to be full-grown, and considered by the whalers as of
large size :
" Total length


Height of the body

Length of the head


of tail

Length of ribs
Diameter of gullet
" I could not pass



my hand

through the gullet.

Number of verthe conversations I have had with the whalers,
I do not think the Cape Whale ever attains the size of the Greenland
These whales of the Cape I constantly found covered wdth
Tubicinella Balcenaruni and Coronula Balcenaris but the Spermaceti
Whale was seldom or never so covered they occur principally on the
head, where they are crowded, and but rarely on the body, and then
only single scattered ones.''

tebrae 52.





In False Bay they carry on the fishery from the shore, and during
the time Mr. Warwick was there, only one bull out of sixty specimens was killed, the females coming into the bay to bring forth their
young. He skinned one which was supposed to be not more than
eight or ten days old ; it was 20 feet long.
The females wdth their calves approach the shores of the Cape
about the month of June. The female whales, at the end of the period
of gestation, seem to visit the bights and inlets of the country which
are next to their feeding-grounds.
The same is the case round Van
Diemen's Land and New Zealand.
" If 13 feet be the size of the calf in the Northern seas at the
period of birth, as stated by Mr. Scoresby, it will be found to be
much inferior to what is observed in the South Sea, for I have myself
seen more than one extracted from the uterus which had attained
the length of 19 feet."
A. Smith, South Afr. Quart. Journ. p. 130.
The baleen of this animal is sometimes called the Whale-fin of
the " Blackfish," the name that has been applied to the Physeter
Microps and to an Orca.
There are sometimes imported with the baleen a few yellowishwhite "fins," which seldom exceed 2 feet in length; in these, the
fibres as well as the enamel are white
they are not so transparent
as the pale variety of the Greenland fins before referred to
have the same coarse texture, and are brittle like the black southern
specimens ; and as they do not take so good a polish, they cannot be
used for making shavings for plaiting, &c.
There has lately been brought by the South-Sea ships several
hundredweights of a very small kind of whalebone, which is implanted in the remains of the palate, in three or four series, gradually
diminishing in size towards the innermost series ; each piece is linear,
compressed, from ^ to ! of an inch wide, rounded on the edge,
varying from 5 to 8 inches in length, and ending in a tuft of black
hair-like fibres. In texture, colour, and external appearance it exactly
agrees wdth the baleen of the Southern Whales, and I suspect it must
form the inner part of the "screening-apparatus" of that animal;
and if that be the case, the existence of these separate pieces near the
middle of the roof of the mouth will form a very peculiar character
in this kind of whale.
I am further strengthened in this belief by
perceiving amongst some short pieces of " Southern Whale-fin," probably forming the end part of a " side," at the inner, or shorter, or
palatine edge of each blade, two or three small, separate linear processes of whalebone ending in a parcel of hairs, similar to the pieces
above described, but of a smaller size and rather more wavy.
Scoresby, who gives a very detailed account of the position of the
baleen in Greenland Whales (Arct. Reg. i. 457 and ii. 415), does not
mention anything of the kind in that animal ; but it is described as
occixrring in the Fin-back by Mr. F. J, Knox (see Cat. Anat. Prep.


7. n. 5).

The Black Whale


New Holland.

from the


or Right Whale is the one chased on the coast

During the winter season many boats are sent out




" The whale feeling herself covered and uncomfortable from

skin, strikes in from the mouth of the river
(Murray), and there plays and gambols for hours just outside or
among the breakers. Having roUed the barnacles off in the fresh
water, she takes to sea.
It is the knowledge that the fresh water
kills the barnacles that brings her in.
Whenever it was practicable,
barnacles on her


whalers, as weU as those of the opposition fishery, were glad to

take advantage of this peculiarity of the fish."
Cadell, Journ. Bay.
Geogr. Soc. 1855, 179.
This is most probably distinct from Eubalcena australis (Balcena
australis, Yoy. Pole Sud).
Captain Sganzin (Mem. de la Soc. du Mus. H. N. de Strasbourg,
iii. 2) states that Tuhicinella Balcenarum is found on the
whales which are taken accidentally on the coast of Madagascar,
but never on the young whales which are caught in the Canal of
St. Maria.
The latter have rarely some specimens of the Coronula
Diadema attached to them. The old whales which are stranded on
the shores of St. Maria, on the contrary, are often covered with
large numbers of the Coronula Balcenaris.
Mr. Holdsworth has presented to the British Museum a specimen
which had been received from an American whaler, as " the Bonnet
of Balmia Mysticetus, obtained at the Sandwich Islands."

Fiff. 7.

The specimen is oblong, 11 inches long, and 8 inches wide, very

irregular in outline, with a very rough pitted surface, four of the pits
being much larger than the rest, and dividing the surface into six

The whole substance seems to be formed of irregular

layers placed one under the other, the lowest layer being the



last formed
and each of these layers is more or less crumpled
and plicated on the surface, giving the irregular appearance to the



The lower layer is attached to the skin of the whale, a part of the
skin being attached to the inner surface of the mass or " bonnet," as
it is called.

On showing

the specimen to a foreign zoologist, he stated that it

of a whale, formed by the adhesion

was an excrescence on the skin



and that the irregularities on the

surface of the bonnet were caused by the attachment and wearingaction of these animals.
This is quite a mistake the Coronuhe sink themselves into the
epidermis of the whale, as is also the case with the genus Tuhicinella.
of the barnacles called Coronula,

have seen numeroixs specimens of both these animals in situ, and

the skin roimd the cirripedes is scarcely altered in structure, and
offers no resemblance to the horny excrescence called the bonnet.
Any one who examines the bonnet will find that the plate of horn
of which it is formed is plicated and folded when deposited ; and this
explains the irregidarity of the general form of the body.
The zoologist referred to has since said that he believes it is caused
by the irritation of the whale-louse, and that the irregularities on
the surface are caused by them. This may perhaps have arisen from
the surface of the specimen being covered with whale-hce when it
was first procured from the whaler ; but this may be only because
the hollow on the surface forms a good hiding for them and I think
the supposition that they are the origin of the wart or horn requires
further observation.
Mr. Holdsworth has since sent to the Museum a much smaller
specimen, also obtained at the Sandwich Islands, which is oblong,
but the upper surface is not so
elongate, and more symmetrical
It is 6 inches long and 2g wide.
evenly channelled.
It is spoken
of by the whalers as a wart on the tip of the nose, and is commonly
called the " Whale's bonnet."
I do not recoUect observing any account of tliis " bonnet," or giant
corn, or rudimentary frontal horn, as it may be regarded, in any
account of the Right Whale, nor in that of the Spermaceti Whale.
I have specially searched for it again in works by persons who have
seen these whales alive, but without success.
It has been suggested by Mr. Holdsworth that the bonnet may
be a natural development, and possibly characteristic of the species ;
he thinks that the "pale prominence" on the nose oi Balcena antarctica, as figured in Fauna Japonica,' pis. 28 & 29, may be intended
In the description this part is only described as
to represent it.
" une forte preeminence teinte de blanc."
In the excellent drawing of the male whale from the coast of
New Zealand, which I figured under the name of Bahena antipodarum, in Dieffenbach's New Zealand,' vol. ii. 1. 1, there is a rough
roundish prominence on the front of the lower jaw, as well as on the
front of the upper one.
I believe that a prominence of the kind is to be observed in all
the species of the genus Bahena, although I have never seen them
described as hard and horny but that is no reason why this may
Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1804.
not be the case.




Eubalsena Sieboldii.

The Japan Whale.

Black the middle of tlie belly to the vent, and a spot on the chin
and over the eye, white the nose with a rounded prominence in



The head



two-fifths of the entire length

the pectoral fin


large, pointed.

Bahena Sieboldii, Gray, Ann. 4- Mag. N. II. 1864, xiv. 349.

Balfena australis, Temm. Fauna Japan, t. 28 & 29.
Balaena Japonica, Gray, Zool. E. S)- T. 15, 47. t. 1. f. 2 (baleen)
Cetac. B. M. 1850, 17.
? Balfena Japouica, Lacep.Mcm.Mus, iv.473
Desm.Mamm. 528, 802

Fischer, Si/n. 522.

? Balfena lunulata, Lacep. 3Ieni.
Fischer, Si/n. 522.




Desm. Mamm. 528, 803

Inhab. Japan, visiting the coast periodically. The head is often

covered with barnacles (cirripedes).
This species is only described and figured from a model, made in
porcelain-clay by a Japanese, under the inspection of a Japanese
whaler and M. Siebold; but no remains of the animal were brought
to Europe
so that we do not know whether it is a Eubalcena or a
Hanterivs, or if it may not be an entirely new form.
B. Japonica and B. lunulata, Lacep., are from Chinese drawings
They difi'er in colour from Temminck's figm^e.
Var. ? 1. IS'orth-west Whale, Balaena Japonica ?, Gray, Zool.
Erebus & Terror, 15. t. 1*. f. 2 (baleen). Var. 1. Gray, Cat. Cetac.
B. M. 1850, 17.

a, h.


plates of "

North-west Coast "Whalebone." North-west

Presented by Messrs. Smith and Simmonds.'
The specimens figured in the Voyage of the Erebus and Terror,'
coast of America.


p. 47. tab. 1. fig. 2.




plates of "

coast of

North-west Coast Whalebone."

North America.

The baleen


nearly as long as the Greenland, varying from 7

for the same length it is nearly
twice as
it gradually diminishes in thickThe enamel, when the outer coat is removed,
ness towards the ends.
is not so polished as that of the Greenland, and when cut through,
the central fibres are thicker, tubular, and occupy about one-fifth to
one-eighth of the thickness much more in proportion than they do
in the Greenland fins, and the enamel and fibre are coarser in texto


and slender; but

thick in substance, and


feet long,

ture and


much more


fins or blades of this

whalebone are generally flexuous, or

" not kindly," so that when cut into strips they have the defect of
being variously bent, and tapering towards the end, which, with
their brittleness, greatly reduces their value.
Mr. Bennett observes that " the Right Whale, so abundant and
so little molested in the northernmost waters of the Pacific, or off" the
north-west coast of America, is probablj' identical with the Greenland species " (Whaling Voyage, ii. 229). The whalebone or baleen
shows it is more allied to the Cape species, but apparently distinct



" There are three vertebrae, a pair of humeri, and a pair of scapulae,
which I have referred to Balaena australis, Desmoulins, in the Museum



of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta.

Probably from the coast of India."




Balcena indica, Blyth, Joixrn. Asiat. Sec. xxviii. 488


Mus. As. See. Beng. 93? Inhab. Indian Ocean; Bay of Bengal.
Arabian Sea, occasionally entering the Persian Gulf.
Chamisso figures a species of Whalebone Whale as Balcena Kiiliomoch, found in the Aleutian seas, from a wooden model made by the
Aleutians (see N. Act. Nat. Cur. t. 17. f. 1). It is noticed as B. Clummal- by Pallas (Zool. Ilosso-Asiat. i. 288).



Ribs 15.15; fii'st double-headed, the rest single-headed. Tympanic

bone rhombic, nearly like that of Balcena. Head large, forming
above one-fourth of the entire length of the adult.
Hunterius, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864 ; Ann.


Mag. Nat.

Hist. 1864,

xiv. 349.

The first rib very broad, with two heads, attached to the transverse
processes of the first and second dorsal vertebrae ; the sternal end
The first four cervical vertebrse soldered together,
deeply cut out.
Vertebrae 55
the second and third with lateral processes beneath.
scapula, atlas, and cerdorsal 16; lumbar 8; caudal 24
(or 57)

vical vertebra?

The tympanic bone

like that of Balcena


Baleen elongate, thick enamel coat thin, the central fibres coarse,
forming a rather rigid fringe.
" Total number of vertebra? 57 or 58. Pairs of ribs 15. Head less
than one-third of the total length of the body. Nasal bones short
and broad ; orbital processes of the frontal moderately long, and
widening considerably at their outer extremity, directed horizontally
BaleenFirst five cervical vertebra? only anchylosed (?).
Flower, P. Z. S.
plates moderately long, and broad at the base."

1864, 390.

Hunterius Temminckii.

Balaena australis, Tenini. Fauna Japon. t. 28 & 29.

Balfena Mysticetus antarctica, ScJiIcgel, Ahhnmll. 1841, 37.
Hunterius Temminckii, Gray, Ann. S^- Mag. N. H. 1864, xiv. 349.

Inhab. Cape of Good Hope (HorstocJc).

(and skull of adult ?), Mus. Leyden.

Skeleton of young animal

" It does not quite attain to the size of Greenland Right WTiales.
is proportionally smaller (taking up only a fourth of the
entire length of the animal), but it becomes wider near the eyes.
The snout is broader, with a hard elevation near the front part,
Upper jaw along the posterior part
slightly humped at the point.
of the angle of the mouth much deeper downwards, and arching
from the outside. Whiskers somewhat shorter. Pectoral fins a
Caudal fins not
trifle longer, and more firmly spined at the point.
The white of the underside limited to only a
so deeply incised.

The head




The skull is proportionally smaller than

small portion of the belly.
in the Greenland Right Whale, much higher and broader behind.
The muzzle viewed from above bulges at the sides. The frontal
bone and the hindmost excrescence of the upper jaw are not oblique
from behind, but (at least in matui'ity) laterally flattened; finally,
the lower jaw is much more powerful.
" Our skeleton has seven vertebra3 in the neck, of which the first
four are soldered together, and only the second and third have lateral
There are 15 pairs of ribs, of which only those
processes beneath.
nearest the middle, viz. the third to the seventh, are provided with a
small crown they do not, however, reach the vertebrae of the body.
" The fii'st rib is unusually broadly and deeply inserted into the
end of the sternum, or running straight out into two processes, and
divided at the vertebral ends by a deep notch into two knobs, it is
fastened to the lateral processes of the first and second vertebrae.
There are onlj^ 10 dorsal vertebrae, 8 lumbar, and 24 caudal. The
flipper has five well- articulated digital and clearly developed metaSchlegel. Ahhandl. 1841, 37carpal bones."

Fio-. 8.

Leyden Museum.
(From a sketch by Mr. Gerrard.)

First rib of Himterius Temminckii, in the

Mr. Flower has given me a drawing of the ear-bone from the same
specimen it is rhombic, very thick and swollen, like, but rather
wider than, the ear-bone of Euhalmia australis.
" A very fine skull of an adult and a nearly complete skeleton of a
young incUvidual, both obtained from the Cape of Good Hope by
Dr. Horstock, are contained in the Leyden Museum.
These are

by Schlegel in his ' Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete

der Zoologie,' &c. (Leyden, 1841), part 1. p. 37.
"The skull is 13' 5" in extreme length. To any one accustomed
to the appearance of the skuH of the adult B. Mysticetus, the differential characters exhibited by this specimen are very striking.
The size is much inferior, both absolutely and as compared with that
of the body of the animal.
Its general contour is less regularly
arched, as it rises abruptly in the occipital region to a very prominent
and rounded eminence at the junction of the supraoccipital, frontal,
and nasal bones, and then slopes gradually down to the apex of the
The articular processes of the squamosals are broader and
less elongated.
The supraorbital processes of the frontal are, as
noticed by Schlegel, directed more horizontally outwards, shorter,

briefly described




and very much

The orbital
stouter, especially at the extremity.
processes of the maxillary are also stouter. One of the most marked
differences from B. Mysticetus, and one which I have not before
seen noticed, is the great breadth and comparative shortness of the
nasal bones, and consequent great width of the posterior margin
The part of the upper surface of the two
of the nasal aperture.
nasal bones uncovered by the frontal is 13g" broad and 11" long;
in a skull of B. Mystkehis, 17' in length, they are but 7" broad and
11" long. The malar, lacrymal, and tympanic bones are absent
from this skull.
" The skeleton is that of a young animal the epiphyses of all the
vertebrae and of both ends of the humerus, radius, and ulna are not
united. It wants the lacrymals, malars, sternum, hyoid and pelvic
The entire length is 31' 4", of which the head occupies 7'.
The total number of the vertebrae is 56 and one, or perhaps two,
may be wantrng from the end of the tail. The first five of the
the bodies of the other two
cervical vertebra3 are united together
are greatly compressed and close together, but not anchylosed There
are fifteen pairs of ribs. The first, as described by Schlegel, is of very
singular shape, being divided at the upper end for a distance of 6"
into two broad flat heads, anterior and posterior, and 'v\ndening exceedingly at the lower end, in the middle of the border of which is
It is 34" in length, measured in a straight line, 4" in
a deep notch.
breadth at the middle, and 12^" at the lower end. The two divisions
of the upper end are attached to the transverse processes of the first
and second dorsal vertebrae, which disposition induced Schlegel to
but this is probably an
assign 16 dorsal vertebrae to this specimen
error of the articulator, as in the Fin-Whales with double heads to
the first rib, these are connected with the seventh cervical and first
dorsal vertebrae
and in B. Mysticetus the head of the first rib is

placed altogether in front of the transverse process of the first dorsal

vertebra, being intimately connected with the seventh cervical.
" The second rib is very thick and broad at the lower end. The
last rib is much shorter and more slender than the others.
are nine chevron bones present.
The scapula is 26" broad and 24"
high, with very short acromial and coracoid processes. The humerus
15" long. The radius 16g" long and 10" broad at its distal end.
The vino. 8" broad at the same part. The thumb is absent ; the
digits difier but slightly from each other in length.
The second,
third, and fifth have, besides the metacarpal bones, each four phalanges the fourth has five
but, as they are artificially articulated,
these numbers are not entirely to be depended on."Floiver, P. Z. S.
1864, 396, 397.
The baleen sold in the market as " North-west Coast whalebone,"
which I figured in the Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' 1. 1. f. 4,
is quite distinct, and fetches a diff'erent price from that called
" South-Sea whalebone," which is said sometimes to be brought from


the Cape

showing that the "Whalebone Whale of the North

a distinct species.







The tympanic bone irregular rhombic, aperture irregular, much

contracted at the upper end, and the wide part not half the length
of the bolie.
The scapula, atlas, ribs, and cervical vertebrae not observed.
Caperea, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 202
Nat. Hist. l8G4, xiv. 349.


Caperea antipodarum.

Baliicna antipodarum,



The New Zealand

Gray, Dieffenhach,





Right Whale, Polach, Netv Zealand, ii. 401.

Balajna autarctica, Gray, Zool. Erebus 8f Terror,




Cete, 10.



B. M. 1850, 18 (not Lesson nor Otven).

Balaena Caperea antipodarum. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 202.
Caperea antipodarum, "Gray, Ann. ^ Mag. Nat. Hist. 1864, xiv. 349.

Inhab. New Zealand Jackson Bay.

Described from a very accurate drawing of a specimen taken in
Jackson Bay it is very like Tcmminck's figure of B. mistralis, but
there is a roundish prominence on the front of the under jaw similar
to the one on the nose
the latter only is figured in that species the
pectoral fin, as in that species, is about two-sevenths from the chin.
M. Milne-Edwards informs me that there is a skeleton of this
whale in the Paris Museum.

Fiff. 9.

Tympanic bones

of Caperea antipodarum.

the upper and outer margin

the back regularly
the lower edge truncated
convex, with a smooth, broad, slightly depressed portion just above
the middle.
The lower truncated end veiy broad, Avith a regular
convexity on the inner half, and keeled on the outer haH' of the upper

The tympanic bone oblong, rugulose

thick and rounded




; the lower margin angular.

The lower surface is moderately
convex, the aperture very irregular, narrow, and contracted above,
truncated below (see fig. 9).
Inhab. New Zealand ; Otago {Mr. Stuart).
" The beach at Toiy Channel, New Zealand, was covered with re-

mains of whales'

huge shoulder-blades, and fins."

Zealand, i. 35.
The figure in Dieifenbach's Voyage ' " is from a cow whale 60 feet
long, drawn while afloat, so that its shape was unaltered.
The Black
Whales of New Zealand appear to be inferior in size to those of the
Northern seas. The cow whale figured was regarded as being of
an unusually large size. Scoresby says he has measured Greenland

skulls, vertebrae,







feet long."

" The male or bull whale is very rai-ely caught on the shores of New
Zealand, as it never approaches the land so near as the female and
young do, and is more shy and wild. The season in which whaling
In the beginning of May the
is carried on is from May to October.
cows approach the shallow coast and smooth waters for the purpose of
bringing forth their young. This period lasts about four months, as
in May whales are seen with newly-born calves, and cows have been
During the same month also copukilled in July in full gestation.
In company with the
lation is sometimes observed by the whalers.
cows are also the calves of the preceding year or years it is uncertain at what age the whale attains its full size or leaves its mother.
The young whales are called iScrac/s, and they yield about four
The full-grown foetus is 14 feet long."
tuns of oil.
" The whale is a truly migratory animal. They arrive at the coast
of New Zealand in the beginning of May from the northward, and go
through Cook's Strait, keeping along the coast of the Northern

They are
Island, and pass between the latter and Entry Island.
never seen on the opposite coast, nor do they enter the northern en-

From Entry Island they sweep

end of October they go either to the
eastward or return to the northward. From the month of June
they begin to show themselves near Chatham Island, where their
numbers increase with the termination of the season in the latter
During the six remaining months of the year, the ships
cruising in the whaling-ground fall in with many whales.
whaling-ground extends from Chatham Island to the eastward of
the northern islands of New Zealand, and from thence to Norfolk
trance of


Charlotte's Sound.

into Cloudy Bay,



at the



" The results of the whale-fishery on the coast of New Zealand are
amount in the British market, owing to the indiscriminate slaughter of the fish during the last fifteen years, without due
regard to the preservation of the dams and their young. The shorewhalers, in himting the animal in the season when it visits the
shallow water of the coast to bring forth the young and suckle it in
security, have felled the tree to obtain the fruit, and have thus taken
the most certain means of destroying an otherwise profitable and
important trade."
of very small




" The whales approach the shores and bays with the flood-tide, and
them with the ebb. In their migration they seem to be influenced by the direction of the tides. Whales are often seen in places
where the depth of the water does not much exceed their own
breadth, rubbing their huge bodies against the rocks, and freeing
themselves of the barnacles and other parasitic animals with which
they are covered."
" The maternal affection of the whale for its young is very great.
As soon as the mother observes a threatened danger she clings as it
were to the calf, tries to hide it, and often takes it between her
fluke-fins and attempts to escape.
The affection of the whale for
her young is the principal means of her destruction. The calf, inexl)erienced and slow, is easily killed, and the cow is afterwards a sure

It is not known in what manner the cow suckles her calf.

The whalers deny that they can or do. The teats are two in number,
situated in membranous folds on both sides of the genital organs,


and are small in size."

" The cow was a velvet-like black, with the exception of a milkwhite spot round the navel. They are said to be sometimes speckled
and entirelj^ cream-coloured, which are albinos.
" The calf said to be six weeks old was 24 feet long. The brain
weighed 5 pounds 1 ounce. The baleen was very soft and useless.
There were 200 plates on each side of the roof of the upper jaw.
" About 120 whales are captured yearly at four stations.
The whalers easily distinguish the bull from the cow at a considerable distance, the elevation near the spout-holes, called the top-

the water."


much higher

in the bulls, and this part

Dieffenbach, Neiv Zealand, i. 44-54.


always above

What is Balcena australis, " Desmoul.," Schrenck, Amirr-Lande,

193; Balcena antarctica, Schlegel, Fauna Japon. Mamm. 18?
Inhab. Island Sachalin: called " Kalm."

Lesson, CEuvr. Buffon, i. 391 (Tab. Eeg. Anim. 202)

N. S. Amph. 33, give the name of " B. antarctica " to the " Right or
Black Whale of the whalers of the Antarctic seas."


Atlas separate from the other cervical vertebrtB, which are all united into
a sinf/le mass ; the Imver lateral ^jrocess of the second and third cervical
vertebrce rounded.


Macleayius, Gray, Proc. ZjoI. Soc. 1SG4.


with short, broad, truncated

occupying the upper two-thii-ds of the side of the
body of the vertebra, the lower side of the body forming a section of
the neural arch strong, with a high central ridge forming a
a circle
atlas vertebra distinct, separate,

lateral processes

distinct keel.

The second,

and seventh cer\-ical verand neural apophyses

process rudimentary, more or less anchylosed

third, fourth, fifth, sixth,

tebree united into a single

the upper lateral

mass by

their bodies



lower processes of the second and third cervical vertebrae large, thick,
the neural arches very broad and strong, united
short, truncated
together, the anterior one forming a large, broad, convex, hood-like

body over those of the other cervical vertebrae.

This genus is established on the cervical vertebrae existing in the
Museum at Sydney, New South "Wales, of which Mr. Krefft has sent
me a photograph, showing the atlas and other cervical vertebrae, seen
in front, and the cervical vertebrae ^vithout the atlas, seen obliquely.
These latter bones seem to me to clearly indicate a species of whale
which has not yet been described. On a comparison of them with
the figures of the cervical vertebrae of the BaJcena Mystketus (Cuv.
Oss. Foss. v. t. 26. f. 18) and of Euhalcena austndis (Cuv. Oss. Foss. v.
t. 26. f. 13), they appear to be more nearly allied to the genus EuThese
halcena than to Balmia, but are very distinct from either.
bones differ from both those genera in the atlas being separate and
free from the other cervical vertebrae, instead of being all imited
In this respect they agree with the
together into a single mass.
but they cannot
cervical vertebrae of the Sperm "VVhale (Cafodon)
belong to that genus, on account of the general form of the vertebrae,
and especially the form of the neural arch. In both these particulars
they much more nearly resemble the genera Bala;na and EubaJcena.

Genera which have the cervical vertebrae united into one or two
masses may be distinguished thus

A. The neural arch of atlas with a strong

edge, forming a keeled crest.


lateral processes

of the atlas on the

tvell-developed ridye an its tippet-

tipjjer j)art

of the



atlas vertebra nnited loith the other cervical vertebrce into a single body.


Balaena and Eubalaena.



atlas vertebra free



from, and separate from,

the other cervical ver-


lateral 2'ocess of the athis and other cervical reiiebrce on the lotoer
part of the side of the body. Ilyperoodon and Lagocetus. Orca
crassidens ?


B. The neural arch of atlas


scarcely raised, heeled on the x<ppcr edge

lateral processes very wide, occupying nearly the whole side-edge

body of the vertebra,


of the



The form of the atlas at once distinguishes this genus from Catodon, or the Sperm "VVTiale. In that genus the atlas is oblong, transthe lateral processes occupy the entire side of the body of
the bone, and are truncated at the end the lower edge is gradually
curved from the centre to the end of the lateral processes the ujjper
edge is rather shorter, the middle part over the neural arch being
only slightly raised and keeled, and scarcely higher than the upper
outer edge of the lateral processes.
I have named this genus after Mr. MacLeay, the former Secretary
of the Linnean Society, and his son William Sharp MacLeay, two
naturalists who have done so much for science ; and to the latter


everj^ student of



Whales must be indebted

for his

Sea Sperm Whale and the very extraordinary

work on the South

Etqihi/setes Grcojii.

Fi<r. 10.

Macleayius Australiensis.

Front view of


and cervical


Fig-. 11.

3Iacleayms Australiensis.

Oblique view of the second to the seventh

cervical vertebras.



I have ventured to make these fragments of an animal (as they

be called) into a genus for I think we can only study the
gigantic whales as we study fossils, from the parts which are preIt is to be hoped that at some future time more
served to us.
perfect skeletons will be collected and preserved, and then the


description of the genus will be filled up.





cervical vertebra with a prominent

with a small basal perforation. The third

The second


lateral process

to fifth cervical


Paleocetus, Seelcy, Geo!. Journ. 18G5.

This genus, in the form of the lateral process of the atlas or second
some resemblance to the Finner Whales {BaIcenopteridce).
It is probable that when it is better known it wiU
form a family (Pal reocet idee), to be placed between Bcdcenklce and
See also Professor Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm. pp. xv
PalceontoJogy p. 355.
&L 520

cervical vertebra, has


Palseocetus Sedgwickii.

Paleocetus Sedgwickii, Scclei/, Gcul. Jown. 18(io, tab. f. 1, 2.

Fossil in the Crag. The cervical vertebra, Woodwardian Museum,




Baleen short
Belly longitudinally plaited.
Dorsal fin distinct.
and broad, triangular, twisted. Maxillary bones broad, expanded,
Frontal bone flat,
sharp-edged. Tympanic bone oblong or ovate.
expanded, broad over the orbit orbit large. Pectoral fin lanceolate
ScaVertebra? of neck free, or some rarely anchjdosed.
fingers 4.
The lateral
pula broader than high, with or without a coracoid.
process of the axis or second cervical vertebra produced, ring-like,
with a basal jjerforation. The ring is not completely ossified until
adult age, so that the skeleton sometimes presents two short pro;


more or

less encircling a basal aperture.

Baliienoptera, Lncep. Cetac.

Mysticetiis, Wagler, Si/st. Amph.
Iiorqualus, F. Cuvier, Cetac.
Batenid:e (b.), Gray, Cat. Cetac.

B. M.

Finne-tisch, Balpenoptera, Schlegel, Abha)idl. 1841, .38.

Ann. ^- 31ag. N. H. 18G4, xiv.
Balreiiopteridaj, Greaj, P. Z. S. 18(j4

" The head less than one-fourth of the total length of the body.
A dorsal fin. Skin of the under surface of the thi'oat and chest proThe bones of
vided with numerous parallel longitudinal furrows.
The rostrum broad at the base,
the cranium very slightly arched.
The orbital processes of the frontal
gradually tapering, depressed.
Tymluoderately prolonged, broad, and flat on llic upper surface.
panic bones elongated, ovoid. The coronoid i)r(Kcss of tlie lower jaw



more or less developed. Baleen-plates short. Cervical vertebrae

usually all free. Hand narrow and tetradactylous."
Flower, P.Z. IS.
18G4, 391.
The anatomy of these animals, and especially a description of their
bones, has been given by Albers, Anat. Comp. 1. 1
Camper, Cetaces,
t. 11 & 12; Rudolphi, Berl. Abhandl. 1820, t. 1-4; Cuv. Oss. Foss.
v. 5G4. t. 2Q. f. 5; Eavin, Ann. Sci. Nat. 1841, 337; and by Van
Breda, Van der Linden, and J. Dubar, in separate pamphlets on the
specimen cast ashore at Ostend, which was exhibited in London
some years ago ; and the anatomy of Megaptera and Balceiioptcra
has been given in detail by Eschricht, who has carefully examined
foetal specimens of these whales.
Cuvier (Oss. Poss. v. 2G4) figures the skull of a specimen described
by Lacepede, from the Mediterranean, under the name of Rorqual de
la Mediterranee (t. 26. f. 5), and he gives a copy of the head of the
skeleton of Balcena rostrata of E-udolphi (Berlin. Abhandl. 1820,
t. 1, 2, 3, 4), under the name of liorqual du Nonl (Oss. Foss. v.
t. 26. f. 6).
Polach (New Zealand, ii. 407) describes these whales as having
three fins on the back ; this is probably only a false translation of
Kay's B. tripennis, referring to its having a dorsal as well as two

pectoral fins.
0. Fabricins

(Fauna Grocnlandica, 36) describes B. Boops with the

blower on a common tubercle, and covered by a common valve
From the study of Professor Eschricht's paper, and from personal
communication with him, and from the examination of the several

skeletons of this genus, in different collections, I am satisfied that

there are several distinct species.
The proportions given by the tables quoted in the previous edition
of this Catalogue, and the measurement of other specimens (aU of
which I drew from scale on paper), have shown that they were
permanent, and to be considered as specific or generic distinctions
rather than variations in the growth of the same species. These dis-

were further confirmed by the examination of the skeletons

was found that the bones of the neck of the small siiccies
(which had been considered to be the young of the larger ones) were
anchylosed together, while those of the larger ones were free and
it also showed that the form of the lateral process of the nuchal
vertebra was the same in specimens of different sizes from the same



proving that the structure of these bones depended on the

mobility of the neck of the different species, fitting it for their
different habit and manner of life, indicated by the size of the fins
and other external characters.
It is only necessary to refer to Dr. Jacob's very interesting paper
in the Dublin Journal of Science for 1825, p. 332, where he attempts to prove that all the Finner Whales found in the North Sea
To show how dangerous it is to reason on
are of one species.
such subjects, his arguments are scattered to the wind directly a
The examination
reference and comparison is made to specimens.
and comparison of the skeleton, after making every allowance for






which may take place



the development of the bones

may occur in individuals of

during growth and the variations that

the same species, show that the species of Finner Whales which
inhabit the northern hemisphere are much more numerous than was
formerly suspected; and it is probably the same with those that
inhabit the southern half of the globe.
Professor Eschricht, in 184G, had so little confidence in the number
of species of Whales inhabiting the North Sea, that he considered
that he had made an advance when he thought it was proved that
there were at least three different species having their abode in the
North Sea (4th Mem. p. 157).
Cuvicr, in his essay in the Ossemens Fossiles,' admits three kinds
of Finner each of them now forms the type of a genus llorqual du
Ca^:= Megaptera Rorqual de la Mediterranee P7(j/sa?((s; liorqual
du 'Nord= Sibbaldius and Baltenoptera. Van Beneden, in 1861,
progresses one step fui-ther he admits four
that is, separates the
Rorqual du Nord into two species: thus, 1. Pterobahena minor=
Balcenoptera ; 2. Pterobahena communis =P7u/saliis (and perhaps
Benedenia); 3. P. c/ig((S=:SibbaJdms 4. Kjiphobalcena longimana
Megaptera. (See Nouv. Mem. Acad. Roy. Brux. 1861, xxxii. 38.)
The whalers recognize three kinds: 1. The Humpback {Megapterina)
2. The Finner (Phgsalhia)
3. The Beaked Whales
(B(dcenoptenna), considered in this Catalogue as tribes.
" Sometimes chase is given to the Finback and the Humpback
Whales, but these are seldom caught, not only on account of their
superior cunning, greater wildness and celerity
by means of which
they are enabled to run out the longest line but also because giving
less oil than the Black Whales they are not so frequently pursued."
D'leffenbacli, Netu Zealand, i. 42.
It is possible, indeed not improbable, that the lateral processes of
the cervical vertebrae of all the Finner Whales are more or less ringlike in the cartilaginous state, and that the different form of the
processes seen in the prepared skeletons may depend on the extent
to which the cartilage becomes ossified.
If this is the case, the extent to which the cartilage does become ossified seems to be different
in the various species, and therefore offers a good character by which
In some species the ring is entirely ossified,
to determine them.
while in others a large, and in others, again, only a small part of the
base of the lateral processes becomes bony.
In species which have
a great part of the processes ossified, sometimes the two processes
unite into a ring on one side of the vertebra, and the processes keep
separate on the other. Yet, as far as I have been able to examine
the subject, the extent to which the processes become ossified seems
to be a good character of the species
of course liable to a certain
extent of variation, as all characters are.
Some authors even seem
to believe that the lateral processes of the cervical vertebrae are liable
to great variation in this respect during the age and decadence of
Yet the special form of the lateral bones which form
the animal.
the more or less perfect rings, the comparative thickness of the upper
and lower processes with i-espcct to each other, and their thickness



compared with that of the processes of the same vertebrae in other

seem to afford most excellent specific characters, and such
as do not appear to vary, so far as I have as yet examined them, in
the different ages of the same kind of Whale.
These characters have shown that we have several kinds of Finner
Whales inhabiting our shores and I have little doubt that when the
skeletons of the whales that inhabit other seas have been similarly
examined and compared, there will be found to be many more species
of these animals than has hitherto been supposed.
Indeed this is
proved to bo the case when we examine and compare the baleen, the
ear- bones, and other remains brought from different localities.


" It




much in determining specific identity of new or littlewe can show, among those that are well known,

species, if

the usual amount, and what the limit, of variation in size

that it is at least probable that the same laws
govern the different members of a group so well defined as the
Whales. No species of Baloenoid Cetacean is so well determined as
the Northern Right Whale {Balcena Mysticetus), and of none are we
able to adduce any approach to the number of instances of the size
that various individuals of the species have attained.
skeleton in
a late stage of the adolescent period in the Museum at Brussels
measures a little over 50' in length and Scoresby, as is well known,
states that out of 322 examples examined by him, not one exceeded
60' in length ; indeed the largest measured was 58', being one of
the longest, to appearance, that he ever saw.
The adult animals
must then have a tolerably limited range of variation, within a few
Again, the common and well-marked
feet of either side of 55'.
species Balai)ioptera rostrata, the dwarf of the family, is still in
the adolescent stage at 2o' long, and there is no instance recorded in
which it exceeded 31'. The adult Humpbacked Whale {Megaptera
longiniana) appears to range within 45' and 50' in length.
In the


we may assume

common Fin- Whale {Phi/sahis antiquorum) we have evidence of

variation at an adult age, and in the same (male) sex, of from 60'
(Eosherville Gardens) to nearly 70' (Alexandra Park and Antwerp
Zoological Gardens).
It is possible that this species may sometimes
attain a few feet longer, but aU the cases in which this is stated require fresh investigation.
The alleged length of a whale in the flesh
is rarely to be depended on, and even the given measurements of
skeletons are often inaccurate, as much depends upon the method of
articulation. Size being in the popular mind a point of vital importance in a whale, the tendency to exaggerate this quality is a constant obstacle to exact investigation.
may conclude, then, that
all the evidence at present available tends to prove that the idea
which some naturalists entertain, that whales have no definite limit
to their growth, is incorrect, and that, as in other mammals, there
is an average size to which each species attains, subject to individual
Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 387.
differences within a moderate range."
" The number of vertebrae and number of ribs have been supjjosed
to be subject to considerable individual variation, partly in consequence of several distinct species having been confounded, and partly




from the loose way in which these bones have been counted from
but, in fact, subject to the
exceptional circumstances about to be mentioned, they are quite as
constant among the Cetacea as among other Mammalia, and arc
therefore characters of the highest importance in determining species.
Eveiy example of Balamoptera rosfrata that I have examined in
museums, or found recorded, has eleven pairs of ribs, and a total
number of vertebrae amounting to 48 or 50. In like manner skeletons of Physalus antiquorum, Avhen complete, appear always to have
15 pairs of ribs and 61 or 62 vertebrae ; Megaptera longimana has
14 pairs of ribs and 53 vertebrae Balcena Mysticetus 12-13 pairs of
ribs and 54 vertebrae.
It frequently happens that the last pair of
ribs only attain a rudimentary condition, and, their heads not arti-

defective or badly articulated skeletons

culating with the vertebrae, they are lost in preparing the skeleton.
This condition of the last (15th) pair of ribs is well seen in the skeleton of Physalus antiquorum in the Alexandra Park, prepared by
Mr. Gerrard, jun. ; they measure, the one 19|" in length, the other
27", and taper to a point at their upper extremit)', being suspended
in the position they originally occupied, far removed from the versmall rudimentary additional rib, or pair of ribs,
tebral column.
attached to the first lumbar vertebra, is sometimes developed but a


formed pair of ribs above the normal number


I believe, never

met with.
Fiff. 12.

Sternal bones of

Fin-Whales of


Pltysalun antiquonim.


Sihbdldiits Svhleyelii.


Bulcenoiptvra rostrata.

different genera, ^^i\\ nat. size.

Alexandra Park.
Mns. Leyden.
Mus. Hoy. (^oll. Surg.
Flower. P. Z. S. 1864, 393.



"As to the number of vertebrae, a small amount of latitude may

usually be allowed on account of the difficulties connected with the
Very often in specimens in museums
terminal bones of the tail.
several of these are wanting, owing to carelessness in preparing the
skeleton ; and, by a less excusable carelessness, the circumstance may
not be noted in published accounts of the number of vertebrae posBut even if all are present, slight discresessed by the specimen.
pancies in enumeration readily occur.
In early periods of life, the
although certainly formed in cartilage, is not ossified,
and the penultimate has so much the appearance afterwards assumed
by the last, as frequently to be taken for it or, again, later in life
two or even three of the terminal vertebral elements grow together
so as to form a single osseous mass, which is counted as one or several

last vertebra,

bones according to the discretion of the observer. Therefore, even

in well-described skeletons, a discrepancy of one or two in the given
number of caudal vertebrae is of no great consequence but there is
no evidence to prove the occurrence of any greater variation in any
given species."i^'^oM/er, P. Z. S. 1864, 388.

Upper surface of nasal bones of Whales of



different genera, yV^li

'^^^- ^i^^-

BalcBna Mysticetus. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surg.

Hunterius, Mus. Leyden.
Meyaptera longimana. Mus. Brussels.
Mus. Roy. Coll. Surg.
Phijsalus antiquorum.


Sihhaldius Schleyelii.


Balcenoptera rostrata,

Mus. Leyden.
Mus. Roy. Coll. Surg.
Fhiver, P. Z. S. 18 04, 390.



Cuvier (Oss. Fos. v.) determined by the form of the head three
kinds of Finncr Whale, bnt he was doubtful if they might not be
These kinds are the types of
varieties of age of the same species.
Me(/(ipfera, llorqual de la
viz. liorqual du Cap
three genera
PJii/salxs, Rorqual du Nord
" In the first three columns of the followiug Table are given the
actual length of the cranium, greatest breadth (at the squamosals
behind the orbit), and breadth across the middle of the beak, in
and in the last two, the proportionate breadth of the skull
and beak to the total length, the latter being reckoned at 100.



and as this animal was 87 feet

bited some years ago at Charing Cross
in length (larger than the ordinary size attained by the common
Fin-Whale), he has given it the specific name of gigas. Unfortu;

nately this skeleton, having been shipped for the United States, is
no longer available for examination and the only descriptions and
drawings we have of it are not made with the scientific accuracy
necessary to settle the question. It certainly agrees in many important
the number of vertebrae (54, a few wanting from the end of
the tail) and of ribs (14), the double head of the first rib, and the
small broad sternum.
Its generic identity is therefore undoubted.
" One difficulty which arises in my mind is about the size. The
32'-long examples of Sihbaldius at Leyden and Brussels are, as I
have said, in the young stage but stiU the general condition of the
bones shows them to be by no means in the earliest period of youth.
A common Fin-Whale (Phgsah(S antiquorum) that I examined at
the Hague, 40' long, had the bones much softer, more spongy, and
incomi)lete at the ends of the processes than in either of these
whereupon I should a priori have said that the latter belonged to a

was smaller than the common one. As far

young of Fin-Whales are from one-fourth
to one-third of the length of the mother at the time of birth, which
would give a very early age to our specimens if derived from such
a parent as the Ostend Whale. As these speculations upon the size
and growth of Whales are, however, based upon very slight foundation, I must still admit the possibility of the specific relationship of
species which,


we know at



present, the

the Ostend Whale with the representatives of Sihhahlius Jaticeps in

Floiver, P. Z. S.
the museums of Berlin, Leyden, and Brussels."
1864, 399, 400.
The examination of the skeleton has shown that there are several
species found in the North Sea, charactei'ized by the bones of the
neck and by the external colour and I think there is little doubt
that, when we have had an opportunity of comparing the skeletons
of the Finner Whales found in other seas, especially of those in the
southern hemisphere, it will be seen that they are perfectly distinct
from those here described.

Synopsis or the Gtenera.


Pectoralfin very lony, with 4 very long fingers

Cervical vertehr<s often
Vertehrce 55 or 60.
Nenral canal
Lateral jyrocess of axis tardily ossified.
large, high, trianytdar.
Pibs 14 or 15. Megapteriua, or Hunch-

Dorsalfin low, broad.

of many phalanges.

backed Whales.

MeCtAPTEra. Blade-bone without acromion

or coracoid process.


of cervical vertebrfe subcircuhir.


Blade-bone with small coracoid process.


of cervical

vertebrfe nearly square.

Blade-bone with large coracoid process. Bodyof cerThe neural canal

vertebrfB separate, small, roundish, oblong.
very broad, high.



compressed, falcate, ahmit thrce-fmirths the
Pectoral fin nioderate, xvith 4 sltort
Cervical vertehrce
Vertehrce 55 or G4.
Jinyers of 4 or G jjhalanges.
Neural canal ohlong, transverse. Hibs 14 or 15.
not anchylosed.
Physaliua, or Firmer Whales.

Dorsal Jin



entire lemjfli




the nose.

60 or 64.

First rib single-headed.


of skull narrow, attenuated, with straiglit

Second cervical vertehra with two short truncated
slanting sides.
First rib single-headed.
lateral processes.




Physalus. Rostrum of skull narrow, attenuated, with straight slanting sides. Second cervical vertebra with a broad lateral process with
a large perforation at the base. First rib singie-headed. Stenium




in front.

with a long slender hinder process.

Rostrum of skull broad, the outer side curved, especially

The second cervical vertebra with two short thick lateral
Sternum oblong ovate, transFirst rib single-headed.
** Vertehrce 55.


First rib double- headed.

Second cervical vertebra with a broad lateral process

First and second ribs double-headed.
perforated at the base.
jaw compressed, with distinct coronoid process. Vertehrce 55,



compressed, about two-thirds of the entire length

Pectorcd moderate, with 4 short Jingers. Vertehrce 50.
Keui'al canal broad, triCervical vertehrce sometimes anchylosed.
Ribs 11 11, Balfenopterina, or Beaked Whales,

DorsalJin high,



the nose.


Bal>s;nopteiia. Second cervical with a broad lateral expansion perFirst rib single-headed.
Lower jaw with
forated at the base.
conical coronoid process.

The student must not run away with the idea that, because the
characters of the genera here given are taken from a few parts of the
skeleton, they are the only differences which exist between the skeleThe form of the head and
tons of the different genera and species.
the pecidiarities of the cervical vertebrae, of the ribs, and of the
blade-bone have been selected after a long and careful comparison of
the skeletons, as the parts which afford the most striking characters,
that can be most easily conveyed to the mind of the student in a few
words, and therefore best adapted for the distinction of the genera


careful examination of many skeletons has proved to me

that is to say, that
that almost every bone of each genus is peculiar
no bone is exactly alike in any two genera but the difference between them is often very slight, so slight that it would be almost impossible to convey an accurate conception of it to the reader by words
Though the same
alone, yet it is permanent and characteristic.
bones of the different skeletons of the same species of Meijnptera or
Physalus which I have examined offer a certain amount of variation
in minor particulars, yet almost every bone of each species has a
character of its own; so that a person conversant with the subject,
and fresh from the study and comparison, can say at once to which





genus or species any bone that might bo shown to him belongs, even
if it were only a phalange or a rib.
The ear-bones of each genns, as far as I have been able to examine,
seem to afford verj^ good characters but, imfortunately, they are
often sent to the Miisenm separate from the skull and other bones
of the animal to which they belong.
Skeletons of whales are shown in museums and gardens, without
any large and expensive Imilding; indeed slight special buildings
In Paris, the whale's skeleton
are best, permitting more ventilation.
is exhibited under a glass roof in the quadrangle of the Museum
at Antwerp it is shown in a building formed of galvanized iron
they are shown in a similar manner at Edinburgh, the Isle of Wight,

and other



PectoralJin vert/ lonff, ivith 4 ver]/ long Jinrfers

55 or GO. Cervical rertebrce often anclujlosed.
Lateral /jroces:^ of the axis tardily ossified. Neural canal
lare/e, hi(/h, triangular, as high as broad. Ribs 14 or 15. Coronoid process of lower Jaw rudimentary.
Frontal bone broad, narroived at the
orbital end. Orbit moderate. Megapterina, or Iluncbbackud Whales.

Dorsal fin low, broad.

of mam/ pludanc/cs.


Balajuopterus, Geoffr. Lc<^ons, Mamm. 67, 1835.

Megaptera, Gray, Zool. Ereb. 8f Terror, 16 Cat. Cetac. B. M. 23, 1850
P. Z. 8. 1864," 203.
Megapteron, Gray, Zool. Ereb. ^- Terror, 51.
Mysticetus, sp., IVagler, N. S. Amph. 33, 1840.
Balsenoptera, Boops, Bra)idt, Voy. Alt. Orient. 4to, 1845.
? Cyphonotus, R(Jin. Anal. Nat. 6l, 1815 (no character uor type).
Kyphobalfena, Eschricht, Nord. JVallthiere, xv. 1845, fol.
Balsenoptera leucopteron. Lesson, in. the Nour. Tab. Peg. Aiiim. 202,

gives this




La Humpback

des pechcurs'''' of the




Rorqual du Cap, Cur.

Megapterina, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, 205.
Megapterinai, Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 391.
Bunch Whale, Dudley, Phil. Trans, xxxiii. 1725, no. 387, p. 258.
Humpback Whale, Whalers, Beale, Hist. Sperm W.12; Gray, P. Z.

1864, 350.
Balajua nodosa, Bonnat. Cet.
Balaenoptera (pars), Lacep.



The Bunch Whales are easily known from the Finners (Balcenoptera) in being shorter and more robust, the skull nearly one-fourth of
the eiitire length, the head wider between the eyes, the mouth larger,
the lip warty, and the nose large and rounded
the plaits of the
belly and throat are broad
the dorsal is more forward the pectoral
larger and narrow, about one-fifth of the length of the body ; and the
tail is wider, and the lobes generally more pointed.
The skull of this genus is intermediate in form between that of
Bahrna and Balcmoptera.
This kind of whale was noticed by Dudley (Phil. Trans, xxxiii. 258)
He says, "The Bunch or Hiiniphacl-ed Whale has a bunch standing
this bunch is as
in the place where the fin does in the Fin-back
plug pointing
big as a man's head, and a foot high, shaped like






The bone (whalebone)


not worth much, though

fin (pectoral) is sometimes

18 feet long, and very Avhite. Both Fia-hacls and Humphacls are
shaped in reeves (folds), longitudinally from head to tail, on their
belly and sides, as far as their fins, which are about halfway up

better than the Fin-hacl\


the sides."
This description is the origin of Balxena nodosa of Bonnaterre and
other authors.
The French authors have eAadently not understood
the word " reeves," and have therefore arranged these with the
smooth-bellied finless whales and Bonnaterre translates the position
of the fins on the sides into " presquo an milieii du corps," instead
of haKway up the sides.
Dudley, when speaking of the Spermaceti
Whale, saj^s, " He has a bunch on his back Hke a Humpback,"
which explains what he means by a bunch.
The Humjibacks are well known to the whalers, for Beale says,
" The Humpback Whale possesses, like the Greenland Whale, the
baleen, and spouts from the top of the head, yet has a hump not
very dissimilar to that of the Sperm Whale." (p. 12.)

Professor Eschricht, in the ' Danish Transactions,' 1840, has

figured the dorsal fin of this genus, and shows that it is more pro-

perly a bunch, as Dudley calls


than a


Cuvier (Oss. Foss. v. 367) thinks that the Humpback \Vhale

was probably only a Avhale of another kind whose fins had been
injured, not recognizing in his Cape Horqual the genus of whale
here noticed.
Olafsen speaks of a whale under the


of Hnufuhalcr (Fi'cnch

22), which is said to have a smooth belly, and a horn

instead of a fin on the back ; but the account of the animals in this




evidently only a compilation, and this appears like an incor-

rect translation of Dudley.

" The Humpback of the southern whalers

Dr. Bennett observes
derives its trivial name from an embossed appendage or hump
on the posterior part of the back. It has two spiracles or nostrils

on the summit of the head, and its mouth is furnished with

Wlien seen on the surface of the water,
plates of short whalebone.
it bears a close resemblance to the Sperm WliaJc in colour and the
appearance of the hump, as well as in a habit it has of casting its
tail vertically in

wards the


the air ; when about to dive, the hump slopes toa more oblique manner than does the similar


Sperm Whale.
seldom molested by whalers, and is never a chief object of
their pursuit, although the oil it produces is superior to that from
the Right Whale (BaJama), and but little inferior to sperm oil.
"It is a species (genus?) fre(iuently seen in the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans, where it occivrs in small herds, and seldom at any
considerable distance from land, although the vicinity of the most
Examples arc
abriipt coast woidd ajjpear to be its favourite resort.
occasionally seen in the neighbourhood of the islands of the Pacific,
and very frequently in the deep water around the island of St. Helena.
ajipendage in the

" It





latitude in which we noticed the species (genus)

the highest north latitude 4U, on the western side of the
continent of America.
Most abundant off the bold coast of Cape
Bennett, WTiaUng Voyage, ii. 232.
St. Lucas, California."

The highest south

Avas 49

Captain Sir James Koss observed them as far south as 71


Professor Eschricht believes the Keporlcul: of Greenland and the

Bermuda ^\ hale to be the same species, and that it migrates from
Greenland to Bermuda, according to the season and he states that
he cannot find anj- sufficient distinction in the skeleton of the Cape
specimen in the Paris Museum, to separate it as a species from the

Greenland examj^les.
Schlegel considers Balcena lonc/imana of the North Sea, the
Rorqual du Cap, and the drawing he received from Japan, as all
belonging to a single species, though he owns there are diff'erences
between them. I am inclined to doubt these conclusions, and therefore, until we have more conclusive e\-idence, have considered it advisable to regard


as separate

especially as Cuvier's (Oss. Foss.

381) description of the union of the lateral processes of the cervical vertebra? of the Cape specimen is very different from that of
the lateral processes of the Greenland specimens in the Museum,
received from Professor Eschricht (see Proc. Zool. Soc. 1847, 88).



Hunchhaclced nhaks.

Blade-bone without an acromion or coracoid process. Body of the

Neural canal broad and
cer\"ical vertebra} oblong, wider than high.
First lib single-headed, without any internal process.
Megaptera, Grai/, Ann.


May. N. H. 1864,

207, 350.

Pectoral fin elongate, about one-fifth of the entire length of the

animal. Dorsal fin low, truncate. Second cervical vertebra with two
short truncated lateral processes. First rib simple-headed, without
any internal process.
Head broad, moderate, flattened. Throat and chest with deep
longitudinal folds.
Dorsal fin low or tuberous, behind the middle

The pectoral very large, one-fifth of the entire length

of the animal, as long as the head, consisting of only four fingers.
The eyes above the angle of the mouth. The navel is before the
of the body.

front edge, the male organs under the back edge of the dorsal, and
the vent nearer the tail the female organs are behind the back edge
of the dorsal, with the vent at its hinder end.

Skull nose narrow, broad behind, and contracted in front.

Temporal bone broad.
Interorbital space wide.
The upper maxillaiy
bone is rather broad, with a convex outer margin the intermaxillaries are moderately broad
the nasal very small.
The frontal bone
is broad, much and gradually narrowed and contracted over the orbit.
The lower jaw slender, much arched, subcyhndrical, with a compressed ridge-like ramus near the base (see Eschr. ct Keinh. f. a,
Cervical vertebrae well developed, more or less anchylosed.
p. 542).



The atlas vertebra witli an oblong body, and with a large and short
broad lateral process from the upper part of each side. The upper
and lower lateral processes of the second cervical vertebra very thick,
short, blunt, and separated at the ends
of the other cervical verNeiu'al arch of the cervical
tebra) slender, more elongate, separate.
vertebrte strong, high, with a large subcircular cavity for the spinal

The bodies of the cervical vertebra? oblong, roundish, or

The scapiila short and
subquadi'angular, rather wider than high.
The annbroad, without any, or a veiy small, coracoid process.
bonc long w^i'ist with a broad flat spur the fingers four, elongate,
very iineciual in length, the third longest, the second rather shorter,
the fourth much shorter, and the first shortest ; the longest is formed
of eight joints (see Eschr. Dan. Trans. 1845, t. 2. f. D, & t. 3. f. 4).
The front ribs thick, oblong, compressed, without any swelling or
compressed dilated jjart near the condyle.
The baleen is short, broad, triangular, much longer than broad at

the base, rapidly attenuated, edged with a series of bristle-like fibres,

which become much thicker and more rigid near and at the tip.
Rather twisted, especially when dry. The tympanic bones are like
those of the Balanioj^terce, oblong, but shorter and more ventiicose.
The foetal specimens exhibit niTmerous rudimentary teeth in both
These are figured by Eschricht (Danish Trans, iv. t. 4. f. a, b)
from specimens 35 and 45 inches long (copied Zool. Erebus & Terror,

30. f. 2-14).
" Orbital process of frontal

much narrowed externally. Scapula

high and narrow acromion and coracoid process absent or rudimentary. Metacarpus and phalanges greatly elongated. Vertebrse 53.
Uibs 14. Coronoid process of lower jaw low, obtuse. Nasal bones
narrow, pointed at both ends, rising to a sharp ridge in the middle
line, and deeply hollowed at the sides:' Fhtver, P. Z. S. 1864, 391.
In the foetal state the forearm -bones are very miich longer than
The third finger is the longest, but not much longer
the humeriis.
than the second the fourth, and then the first, are shortest. The
spur at the wrist is falcate. The first finger has 3, the second 8, the

tliird 8,



and the fourth 3 phalanges,

(See Eschricht, Wallthierc,


In the


Catalogue of Cetacea,'

p. 24,

by a

slip of

the pen, the


end near the vertebra.

The cervical vertebra? are liable to be more Oi less anchylosed
In two specimens, one of M. longhnana, in the Museum,
In the young specimen in the
all the cervical vertebra? are free.
Derby Museum at Liverpool, which is probably M. lonf/imnna, the
second and third cervical vertebra? are very thin, and anchylosed both
by the body and the neural arch. In the specimen of M. Foeslcop in
I'aris, according to Cuvier, the second and third ccr\acals are united
by the upper part of their body and in a specimen, apparently of
the same species, from the Cape, in the British Museum the second
and third cervical vertebrae are only anchjdosed by one side of the
The breast-bone is irregular
neural arch, and free everywhere else.
rhombic; in one specimen of M. loiigwuina from Greenland it is
rib is incorrectly said to be forked at the



pierced with a large central perforation

of the same species it is imperforate.

in another adult specimen

Fig. 14.

Megaptera longimana.


Megaptera longimana.

Esch: Nordhv.





Humpbacked Whale.

Black pectoral fin and beneath white, black varied ; lower lip
with two series of tubercles pectoral nearly one-third of the entire
length dorsal elongate, the front edge over end of pectoral ; throat

and belly grooved.

Female upper and lower

obscure protuberance.

lip with a series of tubercles ; dorsal an

Johnston, Trans. Neiuc. N. H. Soc. t. 1.

Baljeua musculus, Ascan. Icon. Rer. Nat. iii. t. 26, cop. Bonnat. Cet.
E. 31. t. 371; Schreb. Sliufjeth. t. 335.
PBalfena Boops (Keporkak), O. Fahr. Faun. Orccnl. 36? (notijwn.)
Turf on, Brit. Fauna, 16 Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, 639.
Kepoi-kak, Langliaandede Finlival, or Balfena Boops, Eschricht, K.
Danske Vid. Selskabs Afh. 1815, xi. 239. t. 1, 3, 4.
Kypliobalaena (Boops), Eschricht, Nord. Wallthiere, 1849.
Kyphobalfeua longimana, Van Beneden.
Kypliobala^na Boops, Eschricht, Nord. Wallthiere, 1849.
Balsena longimana, Rudolphi, Mem. Acad. Bcrl. 1829, 133. t. 12 (mas),









Balaenoptera longimana, Bapp, Cetac. 35.

Whale, Johnston, Trans. Newcastle N. H. Soc.




1 (female,



Megaptera longimana, Gray, Zool. E. Sf T. 17 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1847,

92 Cat. Cetac. B. M. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 207. f. 5, 6, 7 Ann. ^^



1864, xiv. 350.

Megapterou longimana,

Oraij, Zool. E. ^- T. 51

Proc. Zool. Soc. 1847,


Inhab. North Sea


of the

Maese {Rudolphi).


a. Stuffed

specimen, young.

lection, as Mefjapteron

Professor Eschricht'n ColBoops, Eschricht.



Skull of adult.


Professor Eschriclit's Collection.

Baleen of skull h. Greenland. Professor Eschricht's Collection.

Professor Eschriclit's Collection.
d. Skeleton.


The cervical vertebrae are all free. The second cervical vertebra
has two very large, thick, converging lateral processes, as long as
the third, fourth,
half the diameter of the body of the vertebra
fifth, sixth, and seventh have elongated slender superior lateral processes which bend rather downwards, and the sixth and seventh
the fourth and fifth have a very short rudimentary
rather forwards
the other
inferior lateral process, which is smaller on the left side
vertebrae are without any.
The upper part or the spinous process of the second vertebra is
very large and convex, covering this part of the next vertebra.
Gray, P. Z. S. 1847, 92.

Fiff. 15.

Atlas vertebra of Mer/apiera lonf/imanft.

Extreme width 20 inches

height 13 inches.

Var. 1. The cervical vertebrae are all free. The second cei-vical is
very thick the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh are thicker and
of nearly equal thickness, the seventh being rather the thickest.
The upper lateral processes are developed and nearly equal in all of
them, those of the third and fourth being directed backwards, the
fifth straight out, and those of the sixth and seventh directed
backwards at the end. The lower lateral processes are generally
wanting the fourth and fifth vertebrae have a rudimentary process
on each side the processes are of very unequal length on the two
sides of the same vertebra, the largest being not more than an inch
and a half long, and the rest mere rounded tubercles. The breastbone is irregular subrhombic, with a large central perforation.




In a second imperfect skeleton in the British Museum, which had

been mounted, the ccrvicals are all free. Fourth cervical like that
but it has elongated, simple, straight
in the Greenland specimen
Seventh like that bone in the
lower lateral processes on each side.
Greenland specimen, without any lower lateral process.

Fio-. 10.

Second cervical vertebra of Meyaptora


Fig. 17.

Fiflli cervical

vertebra of Meyaptcra lonyiniana.




Sternum rhombic, without any central perforation. The tj^mpanic

bone is oblong, ventricoso, smooth, very solid, -with a rough depresIt is very like that of the genus
sion on the convex outer side.
Physalus, but shorter, more ventricose, and more solid.
Fio-. 18.


of the first and second ribs of Mcyaptcra /oiii/iinana.

The second and

third cervical vertebra} very

The body
of the cervical vertebroe oblong, transverse, much wider than high.
The neural arch rather slender, with a subcircular oblong cavity,




thin, anchylosed together

by the body and neural


is fully two-thirds as high as wide.

Skeleton in the
Inhab. Estuary of the Dee (18G3, TJios. Moore).
Free Museum, Liverpool a young female 31 feet long.
The atlas is very thick the second cervical
the atlas, with the upper and lower lateral processes separate, short
the fifth, sixth, and seventh cervicals all similar to the third and
The second
the fifth thin, and the seventh the thickest.
cervical vertebra has two short broad thick processes, with a rounded
interrupted perforation between them
the third and fourth have a
thin long shelving-down upper, and a short straight lower process
the fifth, sixth, and seventh are similar, but have only an upper lateral
the fifth is the thinnest, and the seventh the thickest.
arms were 1 feet long the cartilage between the bones of the anns
and the fingers is nearlj' half as long as the arm-bones there are
four bones immersed in it, small, variously shaped and sized the
cartilage between the elongated finger-bones is nearly half as long as
the phalanges
the phalanges nearly all of the same oblong shape,
and subsymmetrical in form. The bones of the skull are so fragile
as scarcely to bear their own weight.
Moore, in the lithographic Naturalist's Scrap-Eook (printed in
the blubLiverpool) for July 17, 18(33, observes, " It yielded no oil
ber was like a cow's udder, as exposed in the market for sale in
Length 31 feet 4 inches. Bought by a manufacturer of
" All black belly motoil and grease, who made nothing of it."
pectoral fins milk-white, with a black
tled and streaked with white






blotch here and there.

Baleen very closely packed together, thii-tythe largest blade was nearly 2 feet long."
eig-ht blades in a foot
" Female length 31 feet 4 inches, of gape 8 feet, from snout to eye
8 feet, of eye '3 inches, from snout to base of pectoral 11 feet, of pectoral 10 feet
extreme width of tail 11 feet, from snout to beginning
of hump 18 feet, of hump 3 feet 3 inches, from snout to cloaca 21 feet.''

" Stomach contained shrimps."

Eschricht figures a new-born specimen of this species, from Greenland, which was 35 inches long
it has several series of bristles on
the lips, parallel with the gape (see K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. xi. t. 3.
f. 1, and the teeth as seen in the jaws, t. 4).
" There is a nearly complete skeleton of a young animal, obtained
from Greenland through Eschricht, in the Leyden Museum. It is
28' 7" long, of which the skull is 7' 7".
There are but thirteen ribs
IwosentrFJoiuer, P. Z. /S. 1864, 397.
In the Museum at Louvaine is a " complete skeleton of young,
32' 2' long, of which the head is 8' 6".
Vertebree: C. 7, B. 14, L.
and C. 31 52. Ribs 14 pairs. Sternum with a very deep notch
Upper and lower transverse proin the middle of the upper border.
cesses of the axis more open at the ends than in the Brussels speci;


Upper processes

of the third, fourth, fifth,

and sixth slender,

almost straight, and of nearly equal length lower processes much

shorter, and gradually diminishing from the third to the sixth absent
in the seventh." i^/oH'-, P.Z.S. 1864, 418.
There is " a very fine and complete skeleton, 46' long, of a nearly
The vertebral formula is
adidt individual in the Brussels Museum.
Bibs 14 pairs. The enormous size of
C. 7, D. 14, L. 11, C. 21
they measure 12' from
the fins is grandlj- displayed in this specimen
The cervical
the head of the humerus to the tip of the phalanges.
vertebrae are all free the second to the fifth have the upper and lower
transverse processes separate in all, but not complete at the ends.
Those of the second are short, thick, and convergent, but still with
a wide interval between their ends this, according to Eschricht, is
completed in the living animal by cartilage, which may in old age
become ossified but the tendency to it is certainly less than in the
Balcfnopterido}. According to the same excellent authority, the processes of the succeeding vertebrae are not continued in cartilage so
so that we could never expect to find osseous rings
far as to meet
on them. In the Brussels specimen the upper processes increase, and
the lower ones decrease in length, from the third to the fifth.
Flower, P. Z. S.
is no inferior process on the sixth or seventh."
1864, 416.
Dr. Johnston's description chiefly diifers from Budolphi's in both
lips having a row of tubercles, and in the dorsal being said to be a
small obscure protuberance biit the animal was Ijdng on its back,

sunk in the sand.

Budolphi (Berl. Abhandl. 1829,

t. 1, 4) figures the bones of this

with enlarged details of the skull. They nearly resemble
the skull of the Cape Borqual of Cuvier in form, but the nasal boTies
arc broad, and nearly of the same width from the front of the blow-




where they gradually taper the temporal bones

appear more quadrangular. The skeleton is in the Berlin Museum.
It was taken in the Elbe, 1822.
According to Professor Eschricht, this is the most common whale
In the Danish Transactions he has given a
in the Greenland seas.
figure of this species, and a very detailed account of its anatomy and
development, chiefly founded on the examination of the foetus.
He observes, " This animal is always infested with Diadcma Bcthvminini, and with a species of Otion, which he regards as now, while
the Cirripedes are never found on any species of Bala'iinjdera.
the other hand, the Tuhkinella, Coronida Bcthcnaris, and Otions arc
often found on the Balcena Mysticetus or Right Whale of the Southern
Seas " (see Eschricht, 144).
The following descriptions must be referred to this species with
doubt, as both agree with true Balcoiopterai in the position of the
genital organs and vent compared with the dorsal fin, and Fabricius
especially saj's the pectoral fin is composed of five fingers.
Ascanius (Icon. Rer. Nat. iii. t. 26) gives a figure of a female
holes to near the tip,



Rorqual with a plaited belly, 60 feet long, from the North Sea, which
he thought might be B. musculus of Linna3us (it is not Avell copied
by Bonnaterre, E. M. t. 3. f. 1, and Schreber, t. 33-3) it has a
large pectoral fin, about two-ninths the length of the body; but
the drawing is not so good as the others in the work, and the fin is
so awkwardly applied to the body, that perhaps its size may depend
on the incompetence of the artist. The dorsal fin, which is only

indicated as if doubtful in the original figure, is continued to the

tail, but in Bonnaterre's coj^y it is represented as of equal authority
with the other part.
0. Fabricius (Faun. Grcenl. 37), five years after, described a
Balcenoptera under the name of B. Boops, Linn., which appears to
" Pinna) pectorales magn,
differ from B. Plvjsnlus, for he says
obovato-oblonga?, margine postica Integra, regione cubiti parum
fractae, antica autem rotundato-crenatoe." And, he continues, "Ante
nares in vertice capitis tres ordines convexitatum circularium, huic
" Pinna dorsalis compressa, basi latior,
forsitan peculiare quid,''

apice acutiuscula, antice sursum repanda, postice fere perpcndicularis," and " Corpus pone pinnam dorsalem incipit carina acuta in

pinnam caudalcm usque pergcns."

Rudolphi, and after him Schlegel, refer B. Boops, 0. Fabricius,
and Professor Eschricht has no doubt that Balama
to this species
Boops of 0. Fabricius is intended for this species, as it is called
If this be the case, Fabricius's deKeporlcal- by the Greenlanders.
scription of the form and position of the dorsal fin and the position

of the sexual organs

is not correct.
Brandt, in the list of .Utaian animals (Voy. Alt. Orient. 1845, 4to),
has adopted this opinion, and formed a. section for Balimoptera
longimana, which he calls Boops, merely characterized as " Pectoral
Schlegel refers the Rorqiialus minor of Knox to this species, probably misled by the inaccurate figures of this species in Jardine's




Nat. Lib. vi. t. 6. He points out that Rudolphi and M. F. Cuvier,

in their description of B. longimcma, have confounded the figure of

du Cap aud Rorqual du Cap,


Faun. Japon. 21,

of Cuvier's





Gervais (Zool. et Paleont. Frang. t. 38. f. 7) figures some tympanic

hones under the name of Rorqiudus de Bayonne. They are very like
those of Megaptera longimana, and are larger than those of Balcenoptera rostrata.


Blade-bone with a small coracoid process. Body of the

vertebrae nearly square, with the angles rounded.
Inhab. South Sea.
Megaptera, Poescopia, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 18G4, 207
N. H. 18G4, xiv. 350.





Fi-r. 10.


vertebra of Megaptera Lalandii.

fifth cervical

Bibs 14; the second, third, and fourth attached to the vertebra?,
the rest to the processes.
Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 382.
Vertebra? 52.
The humerus very short forearm -bones nearly twice as long as
the humerus fingers 4, very long, the second longest, twice as longas the lower arm-bone. Phalanges, the third finger nearly
as long as the second, the first and fourth much shorter, not half as
long as the first, thicker.
Cuv. Oss. Foss. vi. t. 26. f. 22.
According to Cuvier, it differs from the Greenland Megaptera in
the following particulars



Axis vertebra distinct (Cuv.

second and third cer20) the fourth (t. 26.

Blade-bone short, much broader
f. 21), fifth, sixth, and seventh free.
than high, with a small acromion (Cuv. t. 26. f. 9). Humerus short,
the forearm-bones elongated hand very long fingers four,
very long, the two middle much the longest (Cuv. t. 2(). f. 22).
Pelvis crescent-shaped (Cuv. t. 2(!. f. 24).
t. 2C). f.


vicals united l)y spinous apophj'ses (t. 26.


The cervical vertebra; which are in the British Museum (see fig. 19),
received direct from the Cape, present several very important characters, especially the square form of the bodies of the vertebrae, which
but perhaps Professor
afford most striking specific distinctions
Eschricht may not have been able to examine the form of this part,
as the skeleton in the Paris Museum is articulated, and the articular
surfaces of the cervical vertebrae arc not shown.

Professor Eschricht, who seems to have formed a theory that the

of species of Whales was very limited, states that he could
not find any distinction in the skeleton of the Cape specimen in the
Paris Museum to separate it as a species from the Greenland examples.
I cannot make any observation as regards the Paris skeleton ; but it is said to have been brought by Delalande from the
Cape, and is probably from those seas.
M. Van Beneden, in his " liescarches on the Cetacea of Belgium,"
also regards the Cajie species as the same as the Greenland one (see
Nouv. Mem. Acad. Roy. Bruxelles, xxxii. 38, 1861). He now considers them as distinct, and is about to puljlish a desci'iption of the
Paris skeleton.



Poescopia Lalandii.

The Cape HamphacTc.

Blade-bone with a very small coracoid process (Cuv. Oss. Foss.

Dorsal nearly over the end of the pectoral.
Intert. 29. f. 9).
maxillary narrowed and contracted in front. Temporal bone broad,
" Second and third cex-vical vertebrae united by the
upper part of their body.''
Eorqual du Cap, Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 370. t. 26. f. 1-4
21 (verteb.),f. 9 (blade-bone), f. 22 (fins), f. 24
(tongue-bone) all from Dclalaxde s speviincn.

(.-kiill), t.


26. f.l9-





Balfena Poeskop, UesiiioHlins.

I>aln3na P>alfenoptera Poeskop, Dcsjuouluis, Diet. Class.





from Ik'lulamles MSS.

Balasna Lalandii, Fischer, Syn. 525, from Cmier.
Bala3uoptera Capensis, Smith, S. African Quart. Jouni. loO.
Megaptera Poeskop, Grai/, Zool. F. cV T. 17 Cat. Cctac. B. M. 1850, 29.
Eorqual noueux, Vo;/. Pole Sud, t. 24 (fern, not described).
Bala3noptera leiicopteron, Lesson, JV. Tab. liiy. Aiiim. 202.
Himipbacked Whales, lioss, Antaretie Voy. \. 161, 191(?); Mitchell,
Trav. Au4r. ii. 241 (?) Beale, II. Sperm W. 12,30 (?).
Megaptera Poescopia Lalandii, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1804, 207
Ann. c^- Mag. N. IL 1864, xiv. 350"

Inhab. Cape of Good



Hope {Delalande)

called Poeskop. Skeleton,





Cape of Good Hope. Purchased. The two

Anterior Avith
are united on one side and free on the other.
short lower lateral process, sixth and seventh without any lower
lateral process.

Cervical vertebrte.

" Head depressed, slightly convex above, with a small projection

on each side of spiracle ; the apex of the upper jaw acutely rounded
lower jaw much longer and broader than the upper jaw, and with
three or four subglobular elevations on each side near tip.
slightly arched, with a carinated and slightly elevated hunch towards
the tail, highest about its middle, whence it slants off to each
hinder part of the body carinated above and below.
Throat and breast strongly marked with elevated longitudinal rugte,
with deep corresponding furrows between them. Eyes a little above
the opening of the spiracles rather in
the angle of the mouth
Laminae of whalebone 300 on each side, of a bluish
front of them.
colour, and margined on the inner side with stiff horny bristles.
" Back and sides black belly dull white, with some irregular
Pectoral fin narrow, both its anterior and posterior
black spots.
edges irregularly notched upper surface black, under surface pure
white. Hinder edge of tail tin nearly square, with a slight notch at
its middle, opposite the back-bone, on each side of which it is slightly
convex, towards points a little concave.
" Length from tip of lower jaw to hinder margin of tail fin 34| feet,
from tip of lower jaw to angle of mouth 7^ feet, from tip of upper
jaw to angle of mouth 6 feet, from angle of mouth to base of pectoral
fin 9 feet
"oddth of pectoral at base 2 feet, near point 1 foot
Length of whalebone near angle of
of tail from tip to tip 9 feet.



" Inhab. the seas about the Cape of Good Hope. The Humpback
of the whalefishers.
" The only specimen of the species which I have had an opportunity of examining had lost the skin of the hinder portion of the
back before I saw it, so that I am unable to describe the hunch from
my own observation. Those who have been in the habit of seeing
and killing this species all agree as to the character of the hunch,
and from what I have myself observed at a distance through a telescope, I should feel inclined to regard their description as correct.
They unite in asserting that there is nothing of the appearance of a
regular fin and all that I could distinguish, from watching the animal
when in motion, and partly above the surface of the water, was a
sort of semilunar elevation towards the tail and somewhat above the
line of the back."
A. Smith, African Quart. Journ. p. 131.
Delalande's account was published by Desmoulins, who merely
gives the following particulars, except what appears to be common to
He says, " it has a boss on the occiput, and its dorsal is
the genus.
nearly over the pectoral " in the European and Bermudean figures
it is over the end of these fins.
Cuvier's figures of the adult skull differ from Budolphi's figure of
M. lonrjimana in the intermaxillaries being narrower and contracted
in front of the blowers, and then rather widened again and linear.



which made
is broader and more triangular
be a distinct species before I obtained the cervical

and the temporal bone






M. Dcsmonlins, in describing this species, pointed out the most

important character of the genus, viz. the length of the pectoral.

The following species are prol^ably Mctj(q->term(e, but they are too
imperfectly known to determine to what genus they belong.

Megaptera Novae-Zelandiae.

The tympanic bones very like those of M. hnghnana, but shorter

and more swollen, and the periotic bone broad and expanded the
rest of the skeleton, unfortunately, is unknown.

Megaptera Novaj-Zelandite, Gray, Proc.

Mag. N. H. 1864, xiv. 351.


Zool. >Soc. 18G4,




Flo-. 20.

Ear-boues of Megaptera NovfP-ZelamJice.

The specimens in the British Museum of the bones of the car, with
tympanic bones attached, were sent from New Zealand by Mr. Stuart,
and are very like these bones in the Mer/aj/tera longimana from
(Jreenland in the Museum collection, but differ in the tympanic bone
being rather shorter and more swollen. The latter is nearly regularly oblong, and very convex at the upper part, with a somewhat
liemispherical outline, and rather wider below.



The bones attached to the tympanic are broad and expanded, very
unlike the same bones in the Greenland species.
This species may be the same as the one from the Cape ; but it is
well to indicate the existence of a Humpbacked Whale in this district, in the hope of inducing naturalists to give an account of it, or
to send a skeleton of it to England for comparison.
M. Van Beneden states that there is the incomplete skull of a
Megaptera, brought from Java by Professor Eeinhardt, in the Leyden
Museum, but Mr. Flower informs me that it is more like the skull
of a young Sihhaldius.
Megaptera? Burmeisteri.


Balaenoptera allied to B. Lalandii, Bnrmeister,

Inhab. coast of Buenos Ayres. Mus. Buenos Ayres. Skeleton

complete, without the fore fins (Burmeister).
The skeleton is allied to B. Lalandii of the Cape of Good Hope,
figured in Cu\-ier's ' Ossemens Fossiles.'
The shape of the skull is



14 14.

" The vertebraj are also peculiar. After the fourteen dorsal, which
bear the ribs, follow twelve lumbar without any under jirocesses
(ha;mapophyses), and then follow three with processes.
The fii-st of
these is very remarkable for the shortness and peculiar figure of its
small transverse processes, and especially for the very large size of
the body of the vertebra, which seems to me to indicate clearly the
sacral vertebra, or the beginning of the tail."
Burmeister, Letter,
24th Sept. 1864.


Megaptera Americana.
bcUy white

The Bermuda Humphach.

head with round tubercles.

Whale (Jubartes?), Phil. Trans, i. 11 (1665).

Buuch or Humpbacked Whale of Dudley, Phil.

Trans, xxxiii. 258.

Baljena nodosa, Bonnaterre, Cet. 5, from Dudley.

Megaptera Americana, Gray, Zool. Ereh. 8)- Terror, 17.
Megapteixm Americana, Gray, Zool. Ereb. S; Terror, 52.

Inhab. Bermuda, March to end of May,


when they


have a tracing of the Bermuda Whale, but do not know whence

said to be common in that island.

It is very
Megaptera longimana, but the dorsal fin is represented as lower, and the tail ^vider. This is doubtless the whale
described in Phil. Trans, i. 11 and 132, where an account is given of
the method of taking it.
It is described thus
" Length of adult
88 feet the pectoral 2G feet (rather less than one-third of the entire
length), and the tail 23 feet broad.
There are great bends (plaits)
underneath from nose to the navel a fin on the back, paved with
sharp, like the ridge of a house, behind
fat like the caul of a hog
head pretty bluff', full of blimps on both sides back black, belly
white, and dorsal fin behind."
" Upon their fins and tail they have a store of clams or barnacles,
upon which he said rock- weeds and sea-tangle did grow a hand long.




it is

like the figure of




They fed much upon grass (Zostera) growing at the bottom of the
in their great bag of maw he found two or three hogsheads of a

greenish grassy matter."

Phil. Trans,



Baleen from Bermuda, called Bermuda Jinner,


it is

similar to the baleen of the


extensively im-


Grey Finner.

The Kuzira.

Megaptera Kuzira.

Dorsal small, and behind the middle of the back the pectoral fin
rather short, and less than one-fourth the entire length of the body
the nose and side of the throat have round warts
belly plaited.

Balaena antarctica, Teinm. Faun. Japan. 27.

Balsenoptera antarctica, Temm. Faun. Japan, t. 30 (not t. 23).
Megaptera antarctica, Gray, Zool. Freb. i^ Terror, 17 Cat. Cetac. B.

1850, 30.
Balasuoptera longimana, Schrenek,




Inhab. Japan, ? Amur-Land.

Skull in Mus. Leyden,^(7e Van Beneden.

The figure in the Fauna Japonica is from a drawing brought

home by M. Siebold, not accompanied by remains. M. Siebold ob'


serves that the Japanese distinguish three varieties

1. Sato Kuzira.
Black; nose more elongate and rounded, and the
pectoral long the belly and lower face of the pectoral are grey, with

white rays.

Nagasu Kuzira.



nose more pointed

the belly has ten

In both, the lower jaw is larger than the upper.

Distinguished from the first because the back
3. Noso Kuzira.
and fins are white-spotted. Faun. Jap. 24.
Chamisso figures a species of this genus from the Aleutian seas,
under the name of Aliomoch or Aliama when young, Aliamaga dach
(N. Acta Nat. Cur. xii. 258. t. 18. f. 5 Fischer, Byn. Mamm. 527.
and Pallas (Zool.
n. 4), from a wooden model made by the Aleutians
The pectoral fins are
Rosso-Asiat. i. 288) calls it Bakena Allamack.
long they, and the underside of the tail are white.
Pallas, under the name of ^. Boopsl (Zool. liosso-Asiat. i. 291),
describes a whale which appears to belong to this genus, found at
The head
Behring's Straits by Stellcr, when he was shipwrecked.
was 1, the pectoral fin 4-, the entire length, and the vent -{'-^ from
length, 50 feet
the head, as shown by the following measurements
head, 12 feet pectoral fin, 10 feet long and 5 feet wide tail, 16 feet
If these measurements
wide, and the vent 35 feet from the head.
are correct, the pectoral fin is shorter and much wider than it




in this genus.


jiosition of

the dorsal fin



In the Zoologia Rosso-Asiat. 293, Pallas described a whale under
the name of B. musculus, observed by Merle at Kamtschatka.
was long and slender, ash-brown, white-clouded above, snow-white
beneath, and spotted on the sides. It was 22 feet 6 inches long; the
dorsal was 6 feet from the tail, and 1 foot 11 inches high
the fin the back was two-keeled the pectoral fin was rounded at the




end, and 10 feet 7 inches distant from the tip of the beak, 4 feet
2 inches long, and 1 foot 2 inches wide behind the vent, 7 feet
before tlie tail, and 3 feet from the vent, is a kind of white fin, and
the genital organs are 1 foot 3 inches before the vent.
If this description and these measurements are correct, it must be a most
distinct species, if not a peculiar genus
the pectoral fins are nearly
in the middle of the body and I know of no whale with a fin behind
the vent beneath, and with the genital organs nearly under the
The pectoral is almost one-fifth of the entii'e length.
Schrenck (Amur-Lande, i. 192) mentions a whale called Keng,
wliich he refers to '' BaJti^noptera longimana, Rudolphi," as inhabiting the south coast of the Ochotskian seas.
Forster, in Cook's Voyage,' appears to have met with a species of
this genus between Terra del Fuego and Staten Island.
He says,
" These huge animals lay on their backs, and with their long pectoral
fins beat the surface of the sea, which caused a great noise, equal to


the explosion of a swivel."

Lesson (Tab. Reg. Anim. 202) gives the name of B. leiicopteron to
the " Humpback of the whalers in the high southern latitudes."
Mitchell (Travels in Australia, ii. 241) speaks of a Hunchbacked
Whale which inhabits Portland Bay, Australia FcHx.
This genus is also found in the seas of Java, for there is an imperfect skull, brought from that country by Professor Keinhardt, in
the Leyden Museum.
F. Japan. 24.
In the Museum of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta, there are portions
of a Whale skeleton, presented by Mr. Swinton, as recorded in the
' Gleanings of
Science,' ii. 70. They consist of a nearly perfect skidl,
a rib, an injured scapula, and 34 vertebrae.
Mr. Blyth thinks this
species agrees vfith the Rorqual da Cap (Cuv. Oss. Foss. viii. 276.
t. 227. f. 1, 4).
A Megapteron, according to Gray (see Proc. Zool.
Soc. 1847
Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1847, 282).BIgth's Reports.
The Rorqual noueux, Hombr. & Jacq. Zool. Dumont d'Urville, t. 24
{Balcmioptera Astrolabio', Pucheran, Mag. Zool. 1854, and Arch. Naturg. 1855, 42), is probably a Humpback Whale.



Dorsal fin
Pectoral fin
The lower jaw-bone
rather compressed, with a very low, slightly developed coronoid
process. Cervical vertebrae free ; the second
?, the third, fourth,
and sixth with the lateral processes elongate, and separate at the
end body small, thick, solid the canal of the spinal marrow very
wide, trigonal, and nearly as wide as the body of the vertebra, almost
as high as vsdde, with rounded angles.
The blade-bone broader
than high, with an arched upper edge, and with a strongly developed
acromion and coracoid process. Breast-bone trigonal, rather longer
than wide front part arched out on the front edge, truncated at the
the hinder part at first suddenly tapering for haK its length,
then gradually tapering to a point behind. Vertebrae 60. Ribs
15.15; the first rib simple-headed ; the first, second, and third




with a compressed slender process below the condyle. The humerus

short, thick
the forearm-bones broad, compressed, rather longer
(about one-third) than the humerus.

Fig. 21.

Third cervical vertebra, lower jaw, blade- and breast-boue o? Eschrichtius

(From drawings by Professor Lilljeborg.)
Professor Lilljeborg refers these bones to the genus Balamoptera,
because the blade-bone has a well-developed acromion and coracoid
process as in that genus, and because they are not developed in
Megaptera longhnana but the acromion is partially developed on
the blade-bone of J/. Lalandii from the Cape, and there is no reason
why it may not be more developed in another species allied to it.
He says, " it is distinguished from D. lomjimana by the strongly
developed acromion and coracoid process on the blade-bone."
I am induced to refer it to Mcyapterina on account of the form of




the canal of the spinal marrow of the cervical vertebrae, and the want
of development of the ramus of the lower jaw.
The ribs and the blade-bone are more like Physalus than Meyaptera.
This combination of characters induces me to think it should

form a genus by itself.

These observations are founded on some drawings of the bones
of the tropical specimen which Professor LiUjeborg has kindly sent
to me.

Eschrichtius robustus.

The Gmsb Whale.

Balfenoptera robusta, Lilljehory, Foredag Kiohenh. 1860, t. 611. f. 1, 2

Skand. Hvalartade, 77.
Megaptera ? Eschrichtius robustus, Gray, Anri. 8f Mag. N. H. 1865.
Eschrichtius robustus, Crray, P. Z. S, 1865.

Inhab. North Sea.

The British Channel ; Babbicombe Bay, Torbay, Devonshire (.Mr. Pengelly, 24th Nov. 1861).

Cast of the

fifth cervical vertebra, from a specimen cast ashore

Babbicombe Bay, Devonshire, 1861. Presented by Mr. Pen-



The Danish skeleton was discovered buried from 2 to 4

the surface, about 840 feet fi'om the beach, and about 12
above the surface of the sea.
third, fourth,

15 feet


It is imperfect, ha\'ing only the first,

and sixth cervical

vertebrae, a right scapula, a left

humerus, the right lower arm-bones, six carpal, four metacarpal,

and four phalangeal bones. Approximate length 45 or 50 feet
length of imder jaw 8' 2" breadth of atlas 1' 5|" thickness of body
of third cervical 2\, breadth of body
8f inches, width of including
transverse processes 2 feet; length of breast-bone 11| inches,
breadth 1 foot length of shoulder-blade 2' 8|", width 3' 6|" length
of humerus 1' 9^", width 11 1"
length of radius 2' 3", breadth in
middle 7" ; length of ulna 2' 2^", breadth in middle 4".

Fio-. 22.


cervical vertebra.


The body of the fourth or fifth cervical vertebra of this whale

was cast on the shore of Babbicombe Bay on the 24th of November,



1861. It is very thick, and of nearly uniform thickness front and

hinder articulations nearly flat
the sides nearly straight, the lower
side heing the widest or most arched out.
The upper and lower
lateral processes are verj' strong, the upjjcr one suhtrigonal, and bent
down nearly on a level with the articulating surface of the centrum
the under one rather compressed above, broader, rather flattened on
the lower edge.
Width of the body 7^, height 6 inches the upper
process 3-|, and the lower 4^ inches
but they are evidently bi'oken,
and the ends worn.


Dorsal/In high, compressed,

falcate, about three-fourths of the entire

Pectoral Jin moderate, with 4 short Jingcrs
Cervical verVerfebrce 58 or G4.
of not more than 6 phalanges.
febrfs not anchylosed ; hodg oblong, transverse ; neural canal oblong,
transverse, broad and low.
liibs 14 to 16, first with an internal
compressed process. Loicer jaw icith a conical coronoid jtt'ocess.
Physalina, or Finner Whales.



the nose.

Physalina, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1864, 211.

Bahiena tripennis, Sibbald, Phal. 1692.
Balenap terns, sp., Lacep.
Balenopteriis, sp., Lacep.
F. Cuv. D. S. K. Ixi. 518.
Balsenoptera, sp., Lacep. Cet.
Bal^noptera, Sect. 2 & 3, Grag, Zool. Ereb. Sf Terror, App. 50, 1846.
Pterobaloena (pars), Eschricht, Nord. Wallthiere, 1849.
(Catoptera or) Cetoptera, Rqfin. Anal. Nat. i. 219, 1815.
Mysticetus, sp., Wagler, N. S. Amph. 33.
Baleena, sp., Linn.; Pliger, Prodr. 142, 1811.
Physalis, Fleming, Brit. Anim. 1828.
Physalus, Lacep' Cet.
Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1847, 90 Cat. Cetac.
1850, 34 Prandt.
Physelus, Rafn. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815.
True Finners, Grag, Ann.
Mag. N. H. 1864, xiv. 351.

" Orbital process of frontal nearly as broad at the outer extremity

Scapula low, broad, with a
as the base, or somewhat narrowed.
Metacarpus and phalanges of
long acromion and coracoid process.
moderate dimensions.
" Van Beueden (" Faune Littorale de Belgique," Acad. Roy. Belg.
1860, xxxii.) has recognized the distinctive characters of three species
belonging to this group, which he calls Pterohalcena communis, P.
rjigns, and P. minor.
Dr. Gray (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 215) constitutes these three species as the tj'pes of distinct genera, which he
has named Physahis, Sihhaldius, and Balanoptera he also makes
a fourth genus, Benedenia. Although I am as little disposed as any
one to multiply generic names (a tendency of modern times of which
we are all apt to complain), I cannot help admitting that, if the
genera of Whales are to be at all equivalent in value to those now
generally received in other groups of mammals, the first three of
Of the genus Benedenia I speak with
these are perfectly vaHd.
more hesitation, as it is constituted only upon the examination of
a very young individual, which I confess I am unable to distinguish
from a Physalus. As the diagnostic characters given by Dr. Gray




are brief, and limited to certain parts of the organization, I may be

permitted perhaps to give more detailed characters taken from the
skeleton generally, which will, I think, fully confirm his views as far
Into those characters, taken from the
as these genera are concerned.
external form, position of dorsal fin, or from the visceral anatomy, it is
not my purpose to enter at present."
Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 391.

A. Vertebrcs 60

to 64.


Thejirst rib single-headed.


The maxilla gradually and regularly tapering

in front, with a
Second cervical vertebra with two short truncated lateral processes first rib simple-headed, with a compressed
internal process.
Neural arch of cervical vertebrae oblong, transverse, broad and low, not more than two-thirds the width of the
body of the vertebrae coracoid process distinct, high behind.

straight outer edge.

Physalus, Rorqualus, Gray, Cat. Cet.

Benedeuia, Gray,P.Z.S.im^,21l; Ann.



Pectoral fins moderate ; dorsal fin falcate.

Skull rather broad
maxillae broad, with nearly straight outer margins.
The second
cervical vertebra with two separate, broad, strong, nearly equalsized lateral processes, which are rather expanded and truncated at
the tip (as in Megaptera). The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical
vertebras with elongated slender upper and lower lateral processes,
which are attenuated and separated at the end (not forming rings).
The bodies of the cervical vertebrae oblong, transverse ; the canal of
the neural arch low, oblong, transverse, much mder than high. The
scapula short, broad, with a strong, well-marked coracoid process.
Vertebrae 60.
Eibs 15, all simple the front ones compressed
and dilated at the end the first with a bi'oad rounded lobe on the
inner side the second with an elongate, slender, rounded internal

Fiff. 2.S.


Brit. Miis.

is only described from the skeleton of a young specicombines the characters of MegajJtera and Physalus. Its
second cervical vertebra has the form of that of Megctptern and it
has the low neural arch and the oblong transverse canal for the
spinal marrow, the blade-bone with the strong anterior process, the
same kind of front ribs, and the short pectoral fins of the genus

This genus






It has been suggested to me by a comparative anatomist of considerable experience that perhaps the lateral processes of the cervical

whale might be lengthened in the adult, and the

end of the upper and lower processes ixnited into a broad expanded
plate as in the genus Physalus.
In the skeleton of the small foetus of BalcPMoptera, only 9 inches
long, figured by Eschricht in the Royal Danish Transactions for
1840, t. 14. f. 2, the lateral processes of the second vertebra are very
nearly of the same shape as in the adult, forming a broad expansion,
with a perforation at its base. The cervical and other vertebrae of
this foetus seemed to agree, in all details of form, with the same
bones in the adult.
I do not deny that the lateral process of the first cervical vertebra
may not be continued in cartilage, and be of the same form as that
of the genxis Phi/salus but at any rate we have no proof, if this be
the case, that the cartilage at the end ever becomes ossified in this
genus any more than in the genus Mef/ajJteni both genera agreeing
in the equahty of the thickness and strength and shortness of the
vertebrae of this



lateral processes.
Fig. 24.

Second cervical vertebra of Benedenia Knoxii.

Extreme width 19 inches; height 10 inches.

The genera Megaptera and Benedenia have separate, short upper

lateral processes, which are rather dilated and truncated

and lower

at the end, having an interrupted circular perforation between their

inner bases.
It has been suggested that, in the latter genus at
least, the separated processes may be only the imperfectly developed
state of the broad lateral process of the genus Physalua, the end
that is wanting in the skeleton probably existing in the living animal
Bnt if this should be the case (which I
in the state of cartilage.
much doubt), the form of the margin of the perforation and the i)erforation itself must undergo great change during tlie ossification of




the end of the process for there to be any resemblance between tlje
genera and that of the gemis Physalus.
From what I have observed, I believe that no such change takes
place, and that the form of the processes and the situation of the
perforations afford good characters for the separation of the species
into groups and the species from each other,
lateral processes of these

Fiff. 25.

Fifth cervical vertebra of Benedenia Knoxii.

Fiff. 26.

First and second ribs of Benedenia Knoxii.



Benedenia Knoxii.

Balsenoptera antiquorum, junior, Gray, Cat. Osfeol. Spec. 142.

Physalus (Rorqualus) ]5oops, Gray,' P. Z. S. 1847, 91 j Cat. Cetac.
41, 1850.
Benedenia Knoxii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, 212. f. 8, 8 a, 8 b.

The lower jaw with a distinct, low, long impression ; coronoid

process as high as half the height of the lower jaw-bone.
the upper lateral pi'ocesses bent down the lower
vertebrae all free

ones ascendant at the end, with a more or less acute angle on the
lower edge near the base. The second cervical vertebra moderately
thick; the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh rather thin, and
The upper lateral pi'ocesses of the
all nearly of the same thickness.
of the fifth
third and fourth very slightly bent back at the end
of the sixth and seventh broader and
similar, but nearly straight
stronger to the end, and rather bent forwards towards the head at
The lower lateral processes of the third, fourth, and fifth
the end.
vertebrae compressed, high, nearly similar, and nearly equally strong,
with an obscure angular prominence on the lower edge near the base ;
of the sixth vertebra not so long, high, and compressed at the base,
tapering at the end, and with a decided angular projection on the
lower edge, where the end bends up. The seventh vertebra without
any lower lateral process on either side. The breast-bone broad
above, with an arched upper edge, narrow and rather produced below,

The front
sides, and without any central perforation.
second, and third) ribs thin, compressed, dilated at the end
the first with a short, broad, rounded, the second with a larger,
slender, produced process on the inner side.
The skull is 108 inches long and 54 broad at the broadest part of
the brain-case, 34 at the base, and 25 in the middle of the upper
jaw. The lower jaw is 118 inches long.
with concave


Skeleton of animal taken on the coast of Wales and towed into

Liverpool in 1846.

The length

the head is 9 feet long the vertebrae are

is 38 feet
number, and there are 15 pairs of simple ribs.
The specimen here described was mentioned in the papers of the
day as a Spermaceti Whale
This whale, or some of the same genus, has also probablj* been
caught on the coasts of France and Spain. M. Van Beneden, having
met with skeletons of whales, one at Baj'onne and the other at
Abbeville, which he considered the young of Physalus antiquorum,
observes that, in both, the two apophyses of the axis were not yet
united the ribs, he observes, are wanting (Nouv. Mem. Acad. Roy.



Bruxelles, xxii. 37).

I am aware that Eschricht and Reinhardt (Essay on the Northern
Whale) seem to doubt the distinctness of this sjiecies. Unfortunately
I do not understand Danish sufiiciently to quite make out what is
their objection
but I feel that, excellent as is their essay on the
animal which they describe, some part of their argument would be
much modified if they had been able to examine a larger collection

;; ;




of skeletons from difierent localities,



they could have examined

those in other museums and from other localities more in detail

but they give their opinions on specimens which they have not seen,
and, like many other Continental naturalists, without making sufficient allowance for the very large extent of the collection in England,
or considering that the species here described are not separated until
There is an inclination
after careful consideration and comparison.
in many of the Continental naturalists to believe that all the species
they do not possess are the same as, or only slight variations of,
those they have
an idea that is a fertile source of confusion and
error in reasoning.
This theory of the limited number of species of
Whales greatly detracts from the value of M. Eschricht's observations
on the anatomy of Whales, in his papers in the Danish Transactions'
for he constantly speaks of variations which would only be true if
they were found in the same kind of Whales, but are peculiarities
and important differences when they are found in different species
or kinds of animals.




Pectoral fin moderate. Dorsal fin falcate, three-fourths the entire

length from nose.
Cervical vertebra? all free
the second with a
broad, expanded lateral process, with a large perforation in the upper
part of its base. Neural canal of cervical vertebrae oblong, transverse,
broad and low, not more than three-fourths of the width of the body of
the vertebrae. Tympanic bone oblong, elongate. Vertebrae 60 or 64.
Ribs 14 to 16. First rib simple, compressed, not divided head with
a compressed internal process near the condyle.
Lower jaw thick,
convex on the sides, with a conical coronoid process.

Physalus, Lacep.
Gray, P. Z. S. 1847, 88
P. Z. S. 1864, 215
Physalis, Fleming, B. A. 1828.
Physeliis, Majin.
Balaena tripennis, B.aij (Razorback).
BalajDopterus, sp., Lacep.
Balsenoptera, sp., Lacep.
Pterobala^ua, sp., Eschr.
Ogmobalffina, Eschr. WalUhiere, 7, 1849.

Cai. Cetac. 34,

The head elongate, flattened, about one-eighth the whole

The eye is near the angle of the mouth, and the blowers



covered by a valve and separated by a longitudinal groove.
throat and chest with deep longitudinal folds and very dilatile.
dorsal fin compressed, falcate, three-fourths the length of the body
from the nose, behind the line over the orifice of generation. The
pectoral moderate, about one-eighth the length of the body, oneThe
fourth the length of the body from the nose, of four fingers.
vent under the front of the dorsal fin. Male organs two-fifths from
the chin, in front of line of dorsal female near vent.
60-64 cervical vertebrae all separate and free. The skull is broad,
depressed nose broad, gradually tapering, with straight sides, with
a narrow interorbital space (Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 373. t. 26).



and intermaxilla narrower than in Megaptera (see Eschr. <fe E-einh.

Nordhv. t. 3. f. 3). The baleen is short, broad, triangular, rather
longer than broad at the base, and edged with a series of elongate,
unequal, bristle-like fibres, which become much thicker and more
It is internally formed of one or two
rigid near the upper tip.
crowded layers of thick tubular fibres, covered on each side with a
thin coat of enamel, which becomes thinner and thinner near the
always twisted.
edge, where the fibres are free

Fi<r. 27.

Physalus antiquorum.

Eschr. Norclhv.








Fiff. 28.

Physalus antiquorum.

C?<f. Oss.



" Total number of vertebrae 61-64. Ribs 15 (or 16) pairs. Orbital
process of frontal bone considerably narrowed at its outer end. Nasal
bones short, broad, deeply hollowed on their superior surface and
anterior border.
Rami of the lower jaw massive, with a very considerable curve, and a high, pointed, curved coronoid process.
arches of the cervical vertebrae low spinous processes very slightly




Transverse process of the atlas arising from the upper
half of the side of the body, long, tapering, conical, pointed directly
Upper and lower transverse processes, from the second
to the sixth vertebrae, well developed, broad, flat (and united at the
ends in the adult, forming complete rings ?). Head of the first rib
simple, articulating with the transverse process of the first dorsal
Second, third, and sometimes the foui'th ribs with capitular processes, reaching nearly to the bodies of the vertebrae.
Sternum broader than long, in the form of a short broad cross, of
which the posterior arm is very narrow it might perhaps be compared to the heraldic trefoil ; it is subject, however, to considerable
individual modifications." i^/ower, P. Z. S. 1864, 392.
The upper maxillary bone is rather broad, gradually tapering,
with a straight outer edge the intermaxillaries are moderate, and
the nasal very small.
The frontal bone is broad and short, suddenly

narrowed on the outer

and truncated over the




lower jaw slender, arched, with a distinct elevated ramus near the
base (see Eschr. & Eeinh. p. 544).
The atlas vertebra with a subcircular body
the lateral processes cylindrical and near the middle
of the side.
The second cervical vertebra has a broad, more or less
elongated lateral process, which is pierced near the base with an
oblong perforation the upper margin of the perforation is narrow,
and the lower edge much broader. The other cervical vertebraa
have two lateral processes, which are often united at the ends into
a more or less broad ring.
The body of the cervical vertebrae is oblong, transverse, broader than high.
The neural arch is long, with
an oblong transverse canal for the spinal marrow, which is much
broader than it is high. The front ribs compressed, thin, with a
broad, more or less elongated expansion on the inner edge near the
The scapula high, with a broad coracoid process near the


The baleen forms three or four concentric lines on the palate, the
rows forming transverse lines. The plates of the inner rows are
they are all fiinged on the
short, of the outer elongate triangular
inner obhque side. (See Ravin, Ann. Sci. Nat. v. 270. t. 11. f. 5-10
see also Rosenthal, Abhandl. K. Acad. Berlin, 1827, 127.)
The shape of the lateral process of the second cervical vertebra
seems to be a good character of the genus. The perforation at the
base of it is rather above the middle of the base of the process, so
In the genus
that the upper margin is narrower than the lower.


it is

nearly in the centre of the base.

" The first pair of ribs is not articulated to the first dorsal vertebra,
nor to any vertebra whatever the head of it is buried in a mass of
ligament which connects all the upper lateral processes of the cer\ical and the first dorsal vertebra together.
" No articulating surface exists in these processes on the first dorsal
The articulating surfaces are well marked on all the other
dorsal vertebrae. This shows the use of the lateral apophyses and their
Heddle, P. Z. S. 1856, 197.
great development in some species."
" In a glassy sea near Wick, a Finner rushed round us in every



with its upper jaw above the water, blowing with great
and noise, and diving sometimes tranquilly, sometimes in a
seething wave created by its hn and tail.
It was evidently feeding
on herrings, as every now and then it would rush lieadlong into portions of the sea where the smooth surface was broken by the shoals
of fish. The blowholes were at times flat and uuprojecting, at others
boldly prominent, the animal evidently having the power of raising
or depressing these organs. The Pin-whales of Orkney and Caithness

Ueddle, P. Z. S.
every season are observed in jmrsuit of herrings."
These animals are often called Razor -hacTcs and Piked Whales by
the sailors.
The baleen or fin of the Finners is only used to split into false
bristles, but for this purpose they are inferior to the Southern or
lowest kind of baleen of the Baloino}.
Martens (Spitz. 125. t. 2. f. c) figures a whale, under the name
but, as there
of Fin-fish, which agrees in all points with this group
are no folds on the belly in the figure, Ray, and after him Brisson and
Linnaeus, established for it a species under the name of Balama PhyAs, however, the name Fin-fish, used by Marsalus (S. IN", i. 186).
tens, is the one now given by the Greenland whalers to these fin-backed
whales with plaited bellies, and as Martens does not mention the
colour, nor say a word about the bellj% and as Scoresby says, from
report, that the skin of the Fin-fish is smooth, "except about the
sides of the thorax, where longitudinal rugoe or sulci occur," I
think there can be little doubt that this whale was only a common
Finner, and that the absence of the plaits arose from a mistake of
This renders the existence of the section which Lacepede
the artist.
calls liorqnals a ventre lisse, and which Dr. Fleming transformed into
a genus under the name of Phi/salis, very doubtful.
Lacepede referred to the smooth-bellied Ilorquals the " Hunchback " of Dudley, who distinctly says the belly is " reeved " ; but

Lacepede did not understand that word to be synonymous with


Sibbald (Phalsenologia Nova, 1692) figures two specimens of Finon the coast of Scotland. Eay (Hist. Piscium, 17)
Brisson and Linna;us regarded them as
noticed these specimens.
Linnaeus designated the one with the skin under
separate species.
the throat dilated, probably by the gas in the abdominal cavity, B.
muscuJiis, and the other with this part contracted and flat, B. Boops.
I proved, by the examination of the specimen we have in the British
Museum, when alive, and M. Eavin observes (Ann. Sci. Nat. v. 275),
so that these characters appear to
that tills skin is very dilatable
depend on the manner in which the specimen might lie when drawn,
and the quantity of gas which might have been produced by the
These species have been retained by
decomposition of the interior.
Turton, Fleming, Jenyns, and other authors who have compiled
works on the British fauna, except Bell, who cut the Gordian knot
by uniting them and the Baloina rostrata of Hunter into a single
The author who appears to have best understood the
ners, caught




British species is Mr. F. J. Knox, who took some pains to examine

these animals and their anatomy.
For the pnrpose of convenient comparison the bones of these large
animals (indeed of all animals) are best kept separate.
I believe
that it is having them separate that has enabled me to determine
some of the species here mentioned which had before been overlooked,
a single specimen of each family or genus being mounted to show
the general form of the animal and the position the bones naturally
bear to each other.
Ray calls these whales Balcena tripennis, thus separating them
from those which have no dorsal fin but Polach misunderstood him,
and says they have three fins on their back.
Mr. F. J. Knox, having purchased a whale 84 feet long, which
was stranded near North Berwick on the 5th of October, 1831, and
another 10 feet long, taken in the stake nets at Queensferry, Firth
of Forth, in February 1834, determined by anatomical differences
that they were distinct species, in a Catalogue of Anatomical Preparations illustrative of the Whale,' by F. J. Knox, Conservator of
the Museum in Old Surgeons' Hall, 8vo, Edinburgh, 1838.
He distinguished the former by the name of Balcena maximus borealis, and
the latter as Balcena minimus borealis.
As no description of the
colour of the animal, or any account of the nuchal vertebrae, is given,
it is impossible, from his account, to determine the species of the
former but the catalogue contains some most interesting particulars
relative to the anatomy of these animals.
Fortunately the skeleton of the larger whale was purchased by
the Town Council of Edinbm-gh, and was exhibited in the Zoological
Gardens of that city. As far as it was possible to examine it at the
height at which it was suspended, it appeared to be a Physalus ; and
the same as, or very nearly allied to, the species described in this
Catalogue under the name of P. antiquormn. This skeleton was last
year moved to the New Museum, but the walls would not support
the weight, and they have to be rebuilt.
The B. minimus borealis
appears to be a young specimen of the B. rostrata or Pilce Whale of
Hunter. Mr. F. J. Knox's drawing of this specimen, as suspended,
in the act of swimming, is rej^resented in Jardine's




This was the first time that the Northern Finners had been separated on an actual examination and comparison of specimens.
the pamphlet in which these observations were published being a
mere guide to the exhibition, has been overlooked, and I could only
procure a copy after great trouble, and from the family of the





and lower

lutefal processes

of the

third, fourth, Jifth, aiul sixth

cervical vertehrce elongate, united, forming a ring

the bodies

of the cer-

high, the upper and

lower edge nearly straight; the lateral process of the second cervical

vical vertebra oblong, transverse,

Ribs 14


much wider than


Physalus antiquorum.

Slate-grey, beneathi whitish.



Ealeen slate-coloured

under edge

bhickish, inner edge pale streaked.

Razorback of the whalers. " B. Physalus, Linn. B. Gibbar,

Scoresby, Arct. Reg.




maximus borealis, Knox, Cat. Prep. Whale.

Great Northern Rorqual {Knox), Jardine, Nat. Lib. t. 6 (skeleton).
Phvsalus antiquoi-uui, Graii, P. Z. S. 1847, 96 Cat. Cetac. 38 P. Z. S.
l8G4, 21G. f. 9-12 HeJdle, P. Z. S. 1855, 195, fig. verteb. bad.
Rorqual de la Mediterrauee, Lacep. t. 5. f. 1 ; Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v,

370. t. 26. f. 5.
Bala3na, Shatv, Zool. Misc. t. 720, from Lacep. t. 5. f. 1.
Bala^na antiquorum, Fischer, Syn. 525 (from Cuiier).
BalaBuoptera antiquorum, Gray, Zool. E. ^' T. 50.
Balpeua Physalus, Turton, B. F. 15; Jetiyns, Man. 47; Nilsson, Skand.
Fauna, 636.
Balsenoptera Boops (part.), Fleming, B. A. 31 Jcnyns, Man. 47.
Balasna musculus, Turton, B. F. l6 Jenyns, Man. 47 ; Malmgren,
Arch. Nat. 1864, 97.
Balsenoptera musculus, Fleming, Brit. Aniyn. 30 ; F. Cuv. Cetac. 335
Fschr. SfReinh.
Nordhv. t. 3. f. 2 (skull), t. 4. f. 6; Lifljeborg,
I. c. 42
Malmgren, Arch. Nat. 1864, 94.
Balpenoptera acuto-rostrata, Scoresby, Arct. Reg, i. 485. t. 13. f. 2.
Balajnoptera Boops, Bell, B. Quad. 620. f. 1.
Baltenoptera Physalus, Schleg. de Dieren, 101. t. 20.
Rorqualus antiquorum, Gervais, Compt. Rend. 1864, 676.
Balsena Physalus, O. Fabr. Faun. Grcenl. 35.
Physalus vulgaris, Fleming, Brit. Anitn. 32.
Balaenoptera Gibbar, Scoresby, Arct. Reg. i. 478.


Balsenoptera arctica, Schleg. Abhandl. 10. t. 9.

Bala3noptera borealis (part.), Rapp, Cetac. 51.
Pterobalaena communis, Eschricht, Van Beneden, Ball. Acad. Bru.r.
Nouv. Mem. Acad.
ser. 1. 1857, i. 39;)
Bull. Acad. Belg. xxii. 464
Brux. xxxii. (1861) 37; Arch. Naturg. 1858, 57.
Baleine de Sainte Cyprien, Companyo, Mem. 4to, 1830 ; Carcassonne
^- Farines, Mem.
F. Cuv. Cetac. 337.

The following may probably belong



to this species

Balpeua tripennis qua) rostrum acutum habet, Sibbald, Phalanol. 29.

t. 1. f. 1), E, cop. Bonnat. Cet. E. M. t. 3. f. 2; Schreb. t. 354.
Nov. 17, 1690, O. S. (46 feet long).
Pike-headed Wliale, Penn. B. Zool. iii. 40.
Baljena J5oops, Linn. S. N. i. 106.
Bala3na borealis, var. Jioops, Fischer, Syn. 524.
Bahienoptcra Jubartes, Lacep. Cet, 120. t. 4. f. 1.
Jupiter-iish, Anderson, Lsl. 220.
Pike-headed Mysticete, Sha^v, Zool. ii. 492. t. 227.
Bahena tripennis qure maxillam inferiorem rotundam &c., Sibbald,
Phalcenol. 33. 1.3; (edit. 1792)78. t.3, cop. Bo7mat. Cet. E. M. t. 3. f. 1.
Round-lipped VVliale, Pennant, Quad. iii. 42.


Balsena musculus, Linn.







Syn. 524.
Baljenoptera Rorqual, Lacep. Cet. 12G. t. 1. f. 3,
Under-jawed INIysticete, SJiaio, Zool. ii. 495.
Fiiine Fische, Eyede, Groenl. 48, fig.
Fin-fisch, Mart. Spitzb. 125. t. Q. f. c, cop. Fin-backed Mysticete,
Sliaio, Zool. ii. t. 227
Enc. Meth. t. 2. f. 2.
Balajua Physalus, Linn. S. N. i. 100 Schreb. Sdugeth. t. 333, from MarJ^alfiena borealis musciilus, Fischer,











Baliena Gibbar, Desm. Mamm. 528. Balaenoptera Gibbar, Lacep. Cet.

114. t. 1. f. 3, from Martens.
Balaena edentula, &c., Ray, Syn.
Fin Wbale, Neill, JVern. Trans, i. (1811) 261 (^ 43 feet long).
Baliena sulcata, Walker, MSS. ? Neill, Wern. Trans, i. 212 (41 feet
long, Burntisland, 10th June 1761).
Balaena sulcata arctica, Schleycl, Verhand. Nederl. Ins. i. 1828, t. 1, 2
Abhandl. t. 6. f 1, 2.
Balajnoptera arctica, Schlegel, Ahhandl. ii. 10. t. 9 (length 40^ feet).
Balfenoptera sulcata, Jacob, Dublin Journ. Sci. 1825, 333,

Inhab. North Sea

North Berwick, 1831 {F. J. Knox) ; skeleton

Coast of Hampshire, 1842 skeleton at Black Gang Chine.
Plymouth, 1831 skeleton in British
Museum. The Hope Reach, near Gravesend, 1858 or 1859 ? skeleton at Rosherville Gardens, 1864.
Alloa, Frith of Forth {Neill),
Burntisland, 10th June, 1862 ( Walher).
Plymouth, 1863
(Gerrard) skeleton in Alexandra Park.

at Zoological Gardens, Edinburgh.




From the

Needles, coast of Hampshire.

skeleton at Black Gang Chine.
Several plates of baleen united together,
plates of baleen.

From Mr.

Miiller's collection.

Skeleton, 74^ foot long.

Fig. 29.

Atlas vertebra oi Physalus antiquorum, from Devonshire.

Extreme width 26 inches

height 13 inches.

In the normal state of the cervical vertebra) of this species, both

the upper and lower lateral processes of all of them are developed



and united into

This is the case in the skeleton in the Eritish

from the Thames, in Rosherville Gardens. But
tliis is suljjcct to some variation
in the specimen from Pl5-mouth,
prepared by Messrs. Gerrard, now in Alexandra Park, the lower
processes of the sixth and seventh cervical vertebra) are abortive
the sixth they are reduced to small tubercles, and ai'e entirely

Museum, and


in that,

wanting- in the seventh.



Second cervical vertebra of Phj/aalus antiqxunini, from Devonshire.

Extreme width 43 inches


heio-ht 13A inches.

of articidar surface 10 inches


height 8 inches.


Fifth cervical vertebra of Phi/.sahis antiquontm, from Devonshire.

width 3oi inches heiglit 10^ inches.

of articular surface 12 inches; height 7^ inches.



The different English skeletons of this whale which I have examined and which are adult, or at least nearly of the same size (that
is, from 70 to 80 feet long), exhibit considerable variation in the form
and in the size of the perforation, and in the development of the
rings of the lateral processes of the hinder cervical vertebra?, showing
that there are several species, or, what is more probable, that their
bones are liable to a considerable amount of variation.
The Briti.sh Museum specimen was found floating on the sea in a




decomposed state, on the 2nd of October 1831, in Plymouth 8onnd,

and is said to have been 102 feet long and 75 feet in circnmference
but most likely the abdominal cavity was distended by the interhal

It formerly trtiveUed the country, curiously mounted in three
caravans, the first containing the head, the second the thorax, and
when placed one after the other so
the third the middle of the tail
as to exhibit the parts of the skeleton in their proper situation, the
ends of the caravans were removed, and the cervical vertebrae, the
lumbar vertebrae, and the caudal vertebrae were suspended in their
proper situation between or beyond the caravans. The proprietor

had placed a blade of Greenland whalebone ( Bahma Mtjsticetus) on

one side, and several blades of South- Sea whalebone {Balcvna austral'is) on the other side of the upper jaw, in the place of the true
baleen of Balcpnoptera.

Fio-. .32.


Tympanic bones

of Physalus antiquornin, from Devonshire.

The cervical vertebrae are all free and separate the second \vith
the third, fourth,
a broad lateral expansion, pierced at the base
fifth, and sixth with rings, the ring of the third being the broadest
the seventh with only a superior lateral process, without a small
tubercular rudiment of a lower process the lateral processes of the
second and third cervical bent backwards, of the fourth straight,

and of the fifth and sixth bent forwards. The hinder vertebrae large
and heavy. Caudal vertebrae without chevrons 7, with chevrons 10,
lumbar 17, dorsal 13, and cervical 7 = 54. The sternum is sinuous

but the front edge


truncated, on a line with the widest part


it is



18 inches wide and 141 inches h)ng. The transverse apophyses are
body of tlio vertebra, and the latter is oblong, half

as broad as the

The lateral processes of the cervical verlonger than the width of the body of the vertebra;
the lateral process of the second cervical has a small, nearly central
perforation, and this perforation gradually becomes larger on each
succeeding vertebra, until it nearly occupies the whole disk of the
the seventh being formed with only a
lateral process in the sixth
narrow elongated process from the upper edge, the lower process
being reduced into the form of a small tubercle. The ribs are
The lumbar vertebra; are tbick and large both these characters must render this Finner much more powerful and active in
The lower jaw is 17 feet long;
the water than any of its allies.
the blade-bone 32 inches by 51,
The upper arm-bone is 20 inches
long by 10| wide ; the lower arm-bone 31 inches long. The chestbone is 28 inches wide and 18 inches long. The lumbar vertebra?
are 1 1 inches long and 14 inches wide the first rib 59 inches long
and lOg inches wide at the sternal end.
There is a nearly perfect skeleton of this species (which I some
years ago visited in company with Professor Eschricht) exhibited at
Black Gang Chine, in the Isle of Wight, which was caught in April
1842, near the Needles. When first found, it was dark grey above
and whitish beneath.
The baleen is slate-coloured, with white streaks on the near or
inner side nearly black and Avith a few darker streaks near the
The skull is 16 feet
outer or straight side.
It was 75 feet long.
7 inches long, 5 feet wide at the notch, and the edge of the beaik
from the notch is 12 feet long the lower jaw 16 feet 9 inches the
upper arm-bone 2 feet, and the larger forearm-bone 33 inches long.
In this skeleton the scapula and the chest-bones are wrongly placed,
and the bones of the carpus and finger. The lower processes of
the vertebrae, as well as some of the smaller parts of the head, are
There are 7 cervical vertebrae ; the second very broad,
with a very large lateral process, on each side pierced with a hole
near the body
and the three following have a ring-like lateral
There are 14 thoracic vertebra). The ribs are long the
first simple, shortish and broadish, the rest almost of equal size and
length, the last being very nearly as long as the others. The lumbar
vertebra; are 15, with considerably thicker bodies than the others.
Caudal vertebra) 18, exclusive of those contained in the fin of the
tail, which is preserved entire.
The skeleton at Kosherville is said to be 70 feet long, and was
taken in the Hope Reach in 1858 or 1859.
The lateral process of
the second cervical is large, elongate, produced, obliquely truncated
at the upper edge ; the perforation is moderate, not half the length
of the process, on a line with the lower edge of the opening.
lateral processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebra;
are narrow, ring-like, thin, with a large central cavity the seventh,
like the dorsal, has only an upper lateral process.
Lower jaw 13 feet
long paddle 14 feet.
as "broad again as high.

tebrae are





In the skeleton from Plynioutli, iiroparcd by Mr. Gcrrard, now in

the Alexandra Park, the lateral processes of the second cervdcal are
large, produced, obliquely truncated, with a moderate-sized oblong
perforation, not half the length of the process, on a line with it, and
not more than one-third of the length of the lower edge ; of the third,
fourth, and fifth vertebrae ring-like, not quite so long as those of the
second vertebra, slender, thin, and weak the processes of the fifth
vertebra are the thickest and strongest, especially below ; the sixth
has upper processes only, which are very thin and slight in the

seventh they are like the sixth, but much thicker and larger, and
bent back so that the two processes are close together at the upper
edge the sixth vertebra has small short tubercles in the place of
the lower lateral process none are present in the seventh vertebra.
The bodies of the second and third cervical vertebrae are oblong,
transverse, much broader than high.
The OS hj^oides elongate, transverse, broad in the middle, more
or less tapering at each end, with a deep wide notch in the middle
of the front edge, which has an elongate thick cylindrical process
on each side of it, and a slightly rounded scollop in the middle
of the hinder edge, with a slight prominence at each end of
The forearm-bone half as long again as the humerus. The
breast-bone is subtrifoliate, the ujiper part very broad, subtrigonal, with a slight broad notch in the middle of the upper sides,
and the hinder part more or less produced into a kind of broad flat
The shoulder-blade with a large coracoid and acromion
the upper edge arched, angle acute at each end, hinder end
The skeleton of a specimen, taken at Margate in 1850, was exhibited at Shoreditch in 186-4.
It was not quite adidt, and not in a

good condition.
Dr. P. Neill describes a male Fin- Whale stranded near Alloa in
It was 43 feet long.
the Frith of Forth, on the 23rd October 1808.
The dorsal fin, called a, pilce by the whalers, was placed far down the
back, about 1 2 feet from the end of the tail, and nearly over the

The lower jaw rather the longest, 14 feet long, and somewhat
wider than the upper. The tail was 10 feet wide. The blubber was
2 inches thick, firm in texture, not unlike the fat of pork. The

baleen dirty bluish.

specimen came ashore near Bui'ntisland, 17th Nov. 1690,

was 46 feet long.
Walker mentions one from near Burntisland, 10th June 1761,
46 feet long (see Neill, Mem. Wern. Soc. i. 201).
This species seems to be not uncommon, and most usually conies

0. S. ;


Cornish coast in the winter.

female was found dead at sea, and towed into Plj-mouth, 27th
Length 79 feet {Cowh). Gullet found filled with a
Sept. 1831.
large quantity of pilchards, by which it was supposed to have been
8aid to have visited the coast before.
Plymouth, 1831, Dr. Moore (Loudon's Mag. N. H. i. n. s.). It
had frequented the Cornish coast a long time previously in pursuit
to the



of young herrings, multitudes of which it was seen to devour.

Couch, Cornish Fauna, 9.
Several sijecimens of this enormous species are seen on the Cornish
coast every year, feeding on the smaller gregarious fishes.

Cornish Faiina.

Mr. Hcddle observes, " The pectorals (of this and the Laman
Whale) measured from tip to head of humerus exactly -^ths of the
The head of each bears very nearly the same
length of the body.
proportion to the whole length.
The cervical bones were so alike
that one dra"ndng would do for either, except with some very minor
In the Laman Whale the upper and lower transverse
processes of the fifth cervical vertebra are united, and the lower
process of the sixth is short, whereas in the Copinshay Whale the
transverse processes of the fifth are not united, and the lower process
of the sixth is as long as those of the third, fourth, and fifth."
The comparative union and disunion of the processes of the second
vertebra, the comparative length of the processes as regards the
body of the vertebrai, and the form of the angular aperture of the
ring appear to constitute the best characters for the separation of

the species.

" The Orkney Whales seem to resemble P. Boops of the Museum

Catalogue in some respects, but then the processes are longer, and
the wing of the second cervical vertebra in the Orknej- Whales, Avith
its perforation, is very different from the short development of the
second cervical in P. Boops. In P. antiquorum the processes rise
from the plane of the body of the vertebne in the Laman and
Copinshay Whale they fall (see figs. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 195, 196).
In fact, in some points the Oi'kney Whales seem to connect the
characters of the two sections of Dr. Gray's genus Physahis, resembling, however, P. Boops more than P. antiquorum.
The colours of
the whale were identical wdth those of the Laman Whale.
under jaw is wider. The length from the tip of the under jaw to
the notch in the tail is 45| feet, from tip of upper jaw to eye 8^ feet,
to anterior pectoral 15 feet, tip of lower jaw to penis 2S feet, to
anus 31 1 feet, length of pectoral to anterior junction 4| feet, length

of cranium lOg feet.

"The epidermis was ^^^th of an inch thick, easily torn, and finely
Where black, the
striated, except on the fins, tail, jaws, lips, &c.
pigment was easily removed by washing, and from the inner siirface
was readily communicated to the fingers.
" Where the body was black, the furrows and their interspaces
were black also, being covered with skin of the same texture as the
AVhere the black of the body began to wash off into the
white of the lower parts, the furrows were black and the interspaces
On the lower surface, where the colour was white, the
pure white.
plica3 when separated were lined witli a rosy epidermis.
62 viz. cervical 7, dorsal 15, lumbar and caudal 40 the last not
The last six dilarger than a walnut, and partly cartilaginous.

minished in circumference

Eibs 15 15
the first
and fourth with necks directed for-


pair simple, the second, third,




wards, but not reaching' the bodies of the vertebrae, the rest simple.
greatest length of the cranium was 1 1^ feet, the greatest length
of the lower maxilla 11 J- feet, from the tip of the pectoral to the
head of the humerus 6^ feet. The colour of the back of the head
and of the sides to a line passing from the tail beneath the pectoral,
The jaws, and under and upper sides of both pectorals and
tail, black.
The black vaslied off at the sides into a brilliant white,
of which colour were all the other parts, except the hollows between
the folds.
Scattered irregularly over the back were grepsh spots,
three or four in a square foot, resembling the appearance produced
by touching the skin with a slightly whitened finger. The polished
surface gave the whole body a greyish appearance, and it was said to
be greij.
" The baleen towards the snout gradually gave place to narrower
plates, three or four occuppng the place of one.
This change commenced from the inside. At the snout the plates were still more
broken up, and there assumed the appearance of small, slightly compressed rods of baleen, of the thickness of a crow-quill, each tipped
with a tuft of long white bristles. The baleen completed the circuit
of the snout at a distance of 4 inches within the upper lip.
At the
snout, the base of the baleen was 1 inch in width, gradually increasing until, where the largest plates were inserted, it attained the
breadth of 9 inches, whence it decreased to a rounded point at the
interior angles of the mouth.
Here the baleen entirely resolved
itself into white hair, which took its rise from the gums, without the
intervention of the quill -like rods of the anterior extremity.
" The gum (or cheese of the whalefishers) was from 2 to 4 inches
thick, and between the bones of the jaw intervened a callous bed of


muscular substance.
" The tongue flesh-coloured above, and beneath leaden grey,
without distinct edges, of a very loose tissue.
" The throat easily admitted the closed hand.
" The trunk only separated from the head by a very slight depression behind the spiracles, the upper edge forming a beautiful and even
curve from head to tail, with the exception of the i)rotuberance of
the dorsal fin.
" The exj)ansion of the tail contiiuied 2 or 3 feet along the side of
the trunk, giving, with the dorsal and ventral keels, a rhomboidal
form to that part of the animal. These keels consist entirely of
fatty tendinous substance, permeated through their entire length by
strong round tendons an inch in diameter, and when these were
removed the parts became round like the rest of the tnink.

A female

length from point of lower jaw to notch in tail 50 feet,

23| feet, point of lower jaw to umbilicus
to termination of the plicte 26 feet, to reproductive organ

girth beneath the pectorals

24| feet,
30 feet.
" The external ear

in a shallow groove,

with small aperture the

size of a quill.

" The blowholes (see P. Z. S. 1850, t. 45. f. 1, 2, 3) in a hollow on

the siuumit of a low rounded eminence, immediatelv in front of a



deiji-ession directly over the eyes, with a shallow groove between

them, and with a ridge in front gradually disappearing ere it reaches
the snout. The sides of the blowholes elastic, opening laterally. The
nares, each 4 inches in horizontal diameter, protected above and at
the sides by cartilaginous arches, which extend nearly to the surface
of the spiracles behind. The whole lining of the spiracles, breathingThe septum
canals, and bronchial cavities was of a deep black.

between the nares membranous.

" The eyes on bony prominences which projected outwards and
downwards about 4 inches long. The conjunctiva whitish, the iris
very dark brown, the crystaUine lens two-thirds of an inch in dia;



lower jaw covered for nearly half its depth by strong firm
turned inwards above. The jaw nowhere projected much over
the folds on the throat, and beneath the eye passed imperceptibly
into the general surface. The lower jaw fitted accurately into hollows
in the upper.
The baleen extended from within 4 inches of the
snout to the angles of the mouth. The plates in the middle of the
series largest.
The back of the mouth and the throat thinly covered
with soft white hair, inserted on the wrinkled skin.
"An ideal section of both jaws, partially opening, showing the
palatine ridge, the projecting baleen, and the overlapping under-lips,
with the tongue in the distended pouch, is represented in P. Z. S.
1856, t. 45. f. 6."
" The broad wing of the second cervical of the Nyhster Whale was
perforated by a hole as in the Copinshay and Laman "Whales, and
The external
the vertebra3 appeared to correspond with theirs.
The length was 65 to 68
characters and colour also corresponded.
feet, the pectoral from the head of the humerns nearly 8 feet, the
cranium 15 feet long. The blubber or specie was 8 or 10 inches
They are not P. Boops, for three out of the four specimens
captured, all of which were examined, agreed with each other, and
differed from P. Boops in the upper and lower lateral processes of
the second cervical vertebra being united, leaving a subcentral iova.men:'Heddle, P. Z. S. 1856, 187-198.
Mr. F. J. Knox, under the name of Balama maximus borcalis, Knox
(Cat. Prep. Whale, p. 5, and Edin. New Phil. Journ. 1833, 181),
notices a specimen of a whale found off North Ber^^'ick which was
80 feet long, the head 23 feet, and the tail 20 feet wide from tip to
He describes it as having 13 dorsal and 43 lumbar, sacral, and
caudal vertebrae (Edin. N. Phil. Journ. 1834, 198). The skeleton of
this whale, purchased by the Town Council, was in the Zoological
Gardens, Edinburgh, and is figured in Jardine's 'Naturalist's LiIt was last year removed to the New Museum in
brary,' vi. t. 5.
Edinburgh, but on suspending it from the roof, the walls yielded to
the weight, and it had to be removed.
The baleen is black ? Cervical vertebra) separate. Second lateral
process very large third, fourth, and fifth large, ringed sixth very
unperfect, upper process elongate, bent down, lower short, rather
seventh ui)i)er process elongate, lower wanting.


5. rnrsALug.

and fourth cervicals thinnest and of nearly equal thickness,

rather thicker, sixth thicker still, seventh thickest, and the
Ribs 15 15, first
thoracic vertebrae becoming gradually thicker.
narrower at the vertebral end, second, third, and fourth dilated and
produced on the inner side of the vertebral end, rest simple. Chestbones in three series first simple, second larger with processes, third
cordate, with the first pair of ribs on the hinder end.


10 caudal, 15 with chevron, 17 lumbar, 15 thoracic, 7 cervical.

A dead specimen occurred in the Channel, near Brighton, 63 feet
The baleen was called the gills by the
long, 29th December 1830.
Mcmtell, Mar/. N. H. iv. 1G3. At Overstrand,
fishermen at Brighton.
And at
Norfolk, March 1822; length 57 feet, pectoral 6i feet.
Cromer, autumn 1822.

M. Van Beneden described the skeleton of a whale found by the

fishermen near the Isle Urk on the 23rd November 1851, and
floated to the Isle Vlieland, which is now mounted in the Gardens
" It is a male, 22 metres long and 12 metres in circumference, and
the head 5| metres. The head and back bluish grey the belly white.
The dorsal was half a metre long, and 3 metres from the tail.
" The skeleton is 21 metres long. The baleen black, white on the

SkuU like that described by

all white.
Cervical vertebrae 7, all free, of the same thickness
(not complete) ; the second wdth enormoiis transverse apophyses,
40 centimetres wide, with a perforation 18 centimetres in diameter.

inner side, the front plates



in the fourth to
fourth, fifth, and sixth with a circle
the seventh the apophyses diminish consecutively in length in the
seventh the circle is incomplete.
" The vertebrae 61. The dorsal 14 or 15 ; the body of the first very

The ^third,

The lumbar
thin, like the cervical, gradually becoming thicker.
vertebrae 15, very large and strong, with 17 chevron bones.
ribs 1 4, or perhaps 15 pairs ; the first simple, without any appearance
The sternum triangular, short in front, and subtriof ossification.
without any hole. No lacrymal bone."
Eschricht has observed that the number of vertebrae in whales
varies according to the species, but is fixed in each, there being the
same number in the foetus as in the adult.
" In the Zoological Gardens at Antwerp is a very fine articulated
The specimen has
skeleton of a male (Physalus antiqiwrum, Gray).
already been the subject of a paper by Professor Van Beneden, entitled " Siu' une Baleine prise pros de I'ile Vlieland, et dont le squelette est monte an Jardin Royal de Zoologie d'Anvers " (BuU. Acad.


BruxeUes, 2^


i. 1857, p. 390).
complete, with the exception of one of the pelvic
bones, the tympanic bones, the last pair of ribs (probably), and
one or two caudal vertebrae. As at present mounted, the intervertebral spaces appear to me too wide, especially in the cervical and
caudal regions and yet the skeleton measures in a straight line but
07' 6", viz. 15' 4" for the skull and 52' 2" for the vertebral column.
The length of the animal is given by Van Beneden at 22 metres, or



The skeleton




72' ] ".
It exhibits all the signs of adult though not extreme age.
All the epiphyses of the vertebra) are completely joined, as well as
those of the humerus and the upper end of the radius and ulna.
Those of the lower end of the last two bones are partially united.
The upper border of the scapula is still incomplete towards the two
The number of vertebra) is sixty-one, the last being
modelled in wood but from the character of the sixtieth I should
say that there ought to be two behind it.
Seven are cervical and
fifteen dorsal, and, according to Van Beneden, fourteen or fifteen
lumbar, though the place of attachment of the first chevron bone in
the skeleton indicates but thirteen as belonging to this series.
characters of the atlas and the other cervical vertebra) arc quite
typical of the species
the upper and lower transverse processes,

from the second

to the sixth inclusive, are united to

form complete

The breadth of the atlas is 25" of the axis 44" of the

third 37".
The aperture in the base of the great wing-like lateral
process of the axis is 6^" long and 3" deep.
The inferior process of

the seventh is represented by a tubei'cle.

" The cranium and lower jaw present little worthy of special notice,
except that the articular jjrocesses of the squamosals ai'e unusually
developed laterally, giving great breadth to the posterior part of the
The dimensions are given at p. 166. A circumstance that I
have not observed in any other Whalebone Whale is that a considerable mass of bone of irregular form projects forwards from below
the nasal bones in the trough of the vomer, to the extent of about
two feet, only attached posteriorly. This is evidently an ossification
developed in the ethmoidal cartilage.
" There are fourteen pairs of ribs present but as the fourteenth has
not the characters usually met with in the last rib, and as the fifteenth
vertebra has the end of the transverse process thickened and showing
traces of an articular surface, it is most probable, as Tan Beneden
supposes, that the fifteenth pair has been lost, and therefore that
the skeleton, if complete, would present no exception to the normal
number. The first rib is simple, 51" in extreme length, and 13^" in
breadth at its lower end.
The second and third have capitular
processes which reach nearly to the bodies of the vertebra)
that of
the second is rather the longest.
There are corresponding rough
tuberosities on the sides of the bodies of the first and second dorsal
The neck becomes rudimentary in the fourth, and obsovertebrae.
lete in the fifth and all succeeding ribs.
" The sternum is trifoliate, diff'ering from the one figured at p. 110
chiefiy in having the posterior jirocess shorter, broader at the base,
and more tapering to the point. Its extreme length is 19", and breadth
The hyoid has the usual sliape its extreme breadth is 38",
and length 14". The stylo-hyals are 19" in length, and 5|" in
greatest breadth.
" One pelvic bone is present, suspended on the left side
the other
It is 15" long and 3" in greatest breadth,
is modelled in wood.
simple, straight, muph compressed, slightly twisted on itself, broader
generally at one end than tlic other, but pointed at both extremities.




is smooth and rounded, but furrowed by a deep linear

the other is irregularly tuberculatcd and sinculated.
form is quite different from that of the pelvic bones of the specimen
in the Alexandi'a Park, where they are each 18g" long, gently ciu'ved,
flattened, quite smooth along the edges, and with a prominent angular
projection from near the middle of the convex border.
" The scapula is 31" in height and 51" in breadth; the acromion
is 12" long
The humerus 19" long, 9" in greatest
the coracoid o^".
The radius is 32" long,
diameter, and 26|-" in girth at the middle.
7^" in breadth at the upper and 9" at the lower end. The ulna
36" in extreme length, from the end of the olecranon, 30" from the

One edge

middle of its surface for articulating with the humerus, 10" in breadth
above and 6^" below. There are six ossifications in each carpus.
The phalanges appear complete. It should be stated that the latter
are not very exact, as the ends of the bones are more or less conThe baleen
cealed by the composition which replaces the cartilage.
The largest plates measure about 28" in
is present in both sides.
" The recent discovery of a large number of fossil remains of Cetaceans in the excavations occasioned by the fortification of the city of
Antwerp has given a great impulse to the study of the osteology of
the existing members of the order in Belgium, and, chiefly by the

exertions of Professor Van Beneden of Louvain, a very fine collection

has been brought together, in great part obtained from the Northern
seas, through the cooperation of the late Professor Eschricht of
Copenhagen. Many of the specimens enrich the admirable anatomical collection of the University of Louvain but most of the larger
ones have passed from the hands of Van Beneden to the lloyal
Museum of Natm-al History at Brussels, where they are arranged
and displayed to great advantage, under the able direction of M. Du
Bus."Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 414-416.
" In December 1841 a male Fin-Whale about 40 feet long was
stranded at Katwijk-aan-Zee, about six miles from Leyden.
Schlegel gave a figure and description of its external characters,
with some notes on its anatomy, in the second part of his Abhandlungen.' The skeleton passefl into the hands of a person at
Scheveningen, at which place it was for some time exhibited.
has been transferred to the Leyden Museum.
" The skeleton was evidently that of a very young individual of the
genus Fhj/salus, agreeing in every particular, as far as I could ascerThe bones were spongy, and the epitain, with P. anfiqnorum.
physes on the limb-bones and vertebra; all non-united, even that on
The skull was about 9 feet long the
the hinder surface of the axis.
nasals were deeply excavated the orbital process of the frontals
narrowed at the extremity. The lower jaw had a considerable curve
and a long coronoid process. As mentioned by Schlegel, the verteThe form of the
bral formula was C. 7, D. 15, L. 14, C. 24=60.
atlas and of the bodies of the cervical vertebrae were as in Phi/salns
generally the transverse processes were not developed, being in fact
mere stumps. The upper and lower processes were not united even




The lower process of the fifth very short. Ribs 15 pairs

with a simple head. Sternum small, nndcvelopcd, with
two broad lateral lobes at the anterior jiart, and a deep notch between
them on the front border, prolonged posteriorly into a handle-like
process; its entire length was 9", its breadth 10".
Scapula 20" in
height, and 32" in breadth. Humerus 14" long, lladius 22" long."
Floiver, P. Z. S. 1864, 409.
" A fine cranium from the Jutland coast, in the Louvain Museum,
about 15' in length. It is rather narrow posteriorly in proportion
to its length
and the nasal bones, though of the general form characteristic of the genus, are very narrow, and pointed at their hinder
ends." iP/ower, P. Z. S. 18G4, 418.
" A skull of a young specimen in the Lcydcn Museum, agreeing in
all its characters with P. antiquorum, Gray
marked BaJcenojHera
Phi/salus, Mcr Sept.'
Its length, from the condyles to the tip of
the beak in a straight line, is 10' 6". "Flower, P. Z. S. 18G4, 397.
Pallas, under the name of B. Phi/sahis (Zool. Ilosso-Asiat. 290),
described a specimen of this genus fomid in the North Sea in 1740.
It was 84 feet long
the pectoral 9, the head 22 feet long, and the
tail 14 feet wide.
He describes the skin as brown.
The young male, 42 feet long, caught near the mouth of the Somme,
on the coast of France, described and figured by Ravin (Ann. Sci.
Nat. X. 26G. t. 11, xv. 337. t. 9), under the name of Balcenoptera
rostrata, from the form of the skull, seems to be a species of the
genus Physalus, probably P. antiquorum but the details of the skeleton have not been given.
The tympanic bones are drawn of a very
small size {I. c. t. 9. f. 2 r, 3 r).
It is described
" Black above, beneath white. Pectoral black. Dorsal and caudal
with white scar on the edge. Baleen of the first part of the series
white of the rest blackish blue, the colour changing suddenly from
one to the other.
" Inhab. coast of France, Somme {Bavin)."
M. Ravin (Ann. Sci. Nat. n, s. xv. t. 9) figures the skull but
althoiigh it resembles generally Cuvier's figure above quoted, it is
shorter and broader in proportion, being only twice the length of the
width of the jaws in front of the orbit.
Lacepede (Cetac. t. 5, 7) describes and figures a whale, stranded
near the Isle of Marg-uerite on 20th March 1797. It is described
as 00 feet long; distance from nose to pectoral 14^, thence to dorsal
But there must be some mistake,
10|, and from dorsal to caudal 8-|.
The pectorals are 5 feet long (that
as this accounts for only 34 feet.
is, only one-twelfth of the total length), and all black.
figured the skull of this whale (Oss. Foss. t. 20. f. 5), and founded
on it his Rorqual de la Mediterranee. M. F. Cuvier (Cctac. 334)
regarded this as the type of his Balo'na nmsculus. The skull and
some of the bones are at Paris (see Gervais, sur la Baleine de la
Mediterranee, 8vo, 1862, Montpellier).
M. Com])aiiyo describes a male Avhale cast ashore near St. Cyi)rien.
The entire length was 82 feet, t)f the head 16 feet and the i)ectoral
was 13 feet long. Vertebra) 61, viz. cervical 7, dorsal 14, lumbar
in the axis.






It Was dark grey, with the throat and sides

15, caudal about 25.
of the pectoral white ; the belly blue, white-banded
the pectoral
M. F. Cu\'ier refers this to the B. miisculus, or Mediter;

ranean Korqual. The skeleton was at Lyons in 1835.

M. Van Beneden (Ann, Sci. Nat. n. s. vi. 159) says the tympanic
bones brought from Iceland by M, Quoy belonged to the B. miisculus
of Cuvier (P. antiquorum).
Lesson records a young female taken at He d'Oleron, 54 feet long,
10th March, 1827.
There is a skeleton in the Zoological Gardens, Antwerp (see Bull,
Acad. Hoy. Brux. xxiv, 3). A skeleton not mounted, Museum Paris.
And a skeleton, Museum Louvaui, 1836, GO feet long Holland,
Professor Eschricht has two heads of this species at Copenhagen,
from Greenland, There are a head and some vertebrae at Paris, and

some vertebrsB at Berlin.

M. Van Beneden observes that the Rorqual cle la Mediterranee of
Cuvier is the Mysticetos of Aristotle and the Musculus of Pliny. It
is the only whale that has as yet been observed in the Mediterranean.
It may be doubtful if the Mediterranean whale is the same as the
one from the Atlantic Ocean here described, Cuvier described the
species from the head of a specimen, now in the Paris Museum, which
was cast ashore on the Isle of Marguerite on the 20th of March 1797.
M. Van Beneden says it is the same as his Pterobalcena communis,
but at the same time he observes that the skuU of the specimen from
Antwerp which he describes has " la plus grande ressemblance avec
cette qui a ete decrite par Rudolphi, et qui se trouve au Museum de

elle offre




Now, ProM. Cuvier's Eorqmil clu


fessor Rudolphi's specimen is the type of

Nord, which

is separated from the Mechterranean Korqual on account

of the very great difference in the form and proportions of the head.
However, the Antwerp specimen has the simple first ribs of the
true Physalus, and I suspect that in comparing the skuU with the
Berlin skull some characters must have been overlooked.
" It is seen from time to time on the French coasts, especially those

and the Var. In 1862 a female, with

her young, remained for more than a month chiefly in the small bays
of Paulilles, Port-Vendres, and Collioure,
This was perhaps the
cetacean which, some months later, ran ashore at the rock of Borro,
on the Spanish coast, and was towed to Llanza, where M. Gervais

of the Pyrenees orientales



This species is found in the Mediterranean, M, Gervais observes

that " such Cetaceans rarely run aground on the sandy shores of
Languedoc and La Camargue but the great whale with a channelled belly, mentioned by Dalechamp as having come ashore in his
time near Montpellier, must be regarded as a Rorqual, and the jaws
of this species preserved at Frontignan have probably a similar


" There



a skeleton of a whale 17 feet long in the museum of

The large whale taken at St. Cyprien has been de-



scribed by Farincs and Carcassonne as Balcenoptera Aragous.

at 8t. Tropez, in 1831^
those of the He Sainte Marguerite, one in
1797, described by LaeepO'do and Cuvier, and the other in 1804;
and two or three others taken near Toulon, of which the skull or

the entire skeleton have been preserved."

Comptes liendus, 28 Nov.
1864, 876 Ann. Sf Mmj. N. H. 1805, xv. 77.
Albcrs (Icon. Anat. 1822, t. 1) figures, under the name of Balcena
Boops, the skeleton of a whale cast ashore at Vegisack, near Bremen,
in 1009.
The length was 29 feet; length of pectoral fin 3, width
of tail 9 feet.
Camper (Cetac. 74. t. 11, 12) figures the skull of this
Cuvier says he compared this skuU with the one from
He St. Marguerite, figured by Lacepede, and could see no difference
between them. Albers's figures would lead to the idea that the
lower jaw was scarcely wider than the upper this is corrected by
Camper. Professor Eschricht considers Albers's specimen the same
as Hunter's B. rosfrata
but it agrees with the whales of this genus
in having 34 and 35 lumbar and caudal vertebrae.

The upper and

lotver lateral processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth

cervical vertebrce elongate, slender, free at the ends ; the upper one bent


; the lateral process of the second cervical large, truncated.
of the cervical vertebrce oblong, ovate, not much broader than high ; the
upper edge concave ; the lower very slightly convex. Bibs 15 15.

2. Physalus Dugiiidii.
The Orkney Whale (Physalus Duguidii), Heddlc, Proc. Zool. Soc. 185G,
187, Mamm. t. 44 & 45, anat. J & ?
Arch. Katun/. 1858, 56.

Physalus Duguidii, Gray, P.

Mat). N. H. 1864, 352.

Z. S. 1864, 221.


13, l4, 15;

Hihab. Orkney {Heddle).

AthiH of




Avidth 21 inclies; height 12^ inches.




Cervical and part of dorsal vertebra)


and the baleen

in the British

Museum. Length 50 feet.

The xippcr lateral processes

of the third, fourth, and fifth cervical

vertebra} are very slender and bent dovs'n, with two slight angular
ridges on the outer edge
the lower processes are much thicker and
bent up at the end, with a broad fiat lower edge near the base, which

forms an angle at the end. The bodies of the cervical vertebra? are
roundish oblong, rather wider below than above, about one-fourth
the width wider than they are high.
The form of the body and the
slenderness and form of the lateral processes of the cervical vertebrae
seem to separate this species from P. antiquoriim, as well as the
separate form of the lateral processes.
In the Plymouth specimen
of the latter in the Museum, the bodies of the cervical vertebrae are
oblong, transverse, being one-third the width broader than high.

Fitr. 84.

Second cervical vertebra of Physalus

Extreme length, measured by a

Articulating sm'face


Soi inches height 12 inches.

height 7 inches width 11 inches.



Fifth cervical vertebra of Physalus Duguidii.



The short baleen forms the front part of the series, in which the
layer in the middle is dark slate-coloured, and the intermediatesized blades are more or less slate-coloured on the outer and white
on the inner side. The breast-bone is lozenge-shaped, with a large
central perforation.
Mr. Heddle gives a long account of this species in his paper in the
Proceedings of the Zoological Society' above referred to.
** The upper and lower lateral processes of the third, fourth, and fifth
cervical vertebrce short, strong, separate, directed latendhj ; the lateral
Ribs 10 10.
process of the second cervical short, truncated.


Physalus Sibbaldii.

Physalus (Eorqualus) Sibbaldii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1847, 92 Cat. Cetac.

42 P. Z. S. 1804, 222. fig. 15 a Ann. S,- May. N. 11. 1804, xiv. 382.

Inhab. North Sea, ascending rivers in the Humber, Yorkshire.

Skeleton in Museum of the Hull Koyal Institution and Literary

and Philosophical Society. Length 50 feet.

The skeleton in the Hull Philoso2)hical Society's Museum is 47 feet
the arm or paddle is rather
long, and evidently of a young animal
more than 6 feet long. The baleen is all black. The lower jaw
Vertebrae 64
strong, with a conical, large, well-developed ramus.
Breast-bone wanting.
cervical 7, dorsal 16, lumbar and caudal 41.

cervical vertebrae are all separate ; the second cervical vertebra

has a broad lateral expansion, and is oblong, obliquely truncated
from the wide upper to the narrow lower edge, and with a small
oblong subcentral perforation near the base the third, fourth, fifth,
sixth, and seventh cervical vertebra3 have a straight, rather elongate
lateral process, which projects straight out from the body of the
vertebra, and the upper and lower ones are of nearly equal length.
The ribs 16.16, all simple. The end of the first rib, near the verand the head of the first and second rib is
tebra, has a single head
compressed laterally, and with a slender internal process.
articulating surfaces of the cervical vertebrae are oblong, transverse,
much broader than high.


Fi^. 30.

Second and

oiVhysalus Sibbaldii.
by Mr. Harrison, of Hull.)

fifth cervical vertebra;


a slvctcli


" The form of the head

wide at the








like that of Kaviu's figure of the

10 feet 10 iuches long, 4 feet 8 inches

and 2 feet 9 inches wide at the base of the beak.
9 feet 8 inches long without allowing for the

skull of P. cmtiquorum.

The lower jaw


It is


Finner Whales that have been only im.perfectly noticed.




The Southern Finner.

Quoyii, Fischer, Syn. 526.

Bal;ena rostrata australis, Desmoulins, Diet. Class. H. N. ii. 166.
Bakenoptera australis, Gray, Zool. E. Sf T. 61.
Balfenoptera australis, Southern Rorqual or Finback, Nunn. Narrat.
Favourite, 183, tig.
Phj'salus ? australis, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 44.

Inhab. Falkland Islands {Qaoy).

ii. 164), under the name of Balcena
whale seen by M. Q,uoy on the shores
of the Falkland Islands, which he says was exactly like B. Physalus.
It was 55 feet long, and the pectoral tin 6 feet 3 inches
that is,
about one-eighth of the entire length, the same as in Balcenoptera
Physalus biit he says the dorsal tin was over the male organ
character which, as far as I know, is peculiar to the Humpback
Whale {Megaptera) thus presenting a combination of characters
which, if correct, will not only prove it to be a distinct species, but
one forming a section by itself.

Desmoulins (Diet.


H. X.

rostrata australis, describes a

Lesson (Tab. Regne Anim. i. 202) gives the name oi Balcenoptei a

Fin-back of the whalers of the South Sea." It is
most probably intended for this species, as Falkland Islands is given
for the habitat
but it may be Megaptera PoesTcop, or perhaps a
australis to the "

confusion of the two.

" The Fin-backed Whale of Desolation, near Kerguelen's Land, is

The whalebone short. The dorsal tin is arched
about 30 feet long.
backwards, nearly over the pectoral, or, some tishcrmen say, a little
behind the middle of the back. The upper surface is black, Hghter
The spout is single, much higher than that of the Right

Whale (Baloina)

in the

same latitude."

Nunn''s Narrative.


drawings of the whalers, represent the body only

as rather more than three times the length of the head.
tigures, after the

" From the description I have received of the Fin-tish (Balcenoptera Rorqual), which often appears in the bays of both the western
and eastern coasts of Africa, I feel disposed to regard it as the
It may, however, prove to be a difterent species when
those who can note its characters shall have an opportunity of examining a dead specimen. It is here rarely attacked by the fishers,
being considered dangcroiis, and of little value from its yielding but
About twelve years ago one was killed
a small proportion of oil.
in Table Bay which measured 95 feet."
A. Smith, African Quart.



Physalus Brasiliensis.


Balsenoptera Brasiliensis, Grmj, Zool. E.


^- T.

Cat. Ost. Spec.



Physalus Brasiliensis, Graij, Cat.




1850, 43.

I have also received from Mr. Smith specimens of what is called

This baleen is black ; the fibres on the edge
in trade Bahla Firmer.
of the larger flakes arc pnrplish brown, and of the smaller or terminal
They are 35 inches long by 11| inches wide;
ones paler brown.

and the smaller, 10 inches long and 4 inches wide at the base. Thi(^
so different in appearance from the other baleen of this genus that


I propose to call


Balcenoptera Brasiliensis.

Three plates of baleen, " Bahia Finner."



The Peruvian Finner.

Physalus ? fasciatus.

" Lower jaw scarcely longer than the upper head and back ashbrown ; belly whitish tips of fins and a streak from the eye to the
middle of the body white. Length 38 feet."

Balsenoptera, n. s., TscJnifK, Mam7n. Consp. Peruana, 13.

Bala^noptera Tschudi, Reich. Cetac. 33 ; IViec/m. Arch. 1844, 255.
Physalus fasciatus, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 42.

Inhab. coast of Peru.



Physalus Indicus.

Lower jaw remarkably


Balfenoptera Indica, Great Borqual of the Indian Ocean, Blyth, Journ.

A. S. xxi. 358, xxii. 414; Pep. Asiatic Society Calcutta, xxviii. 5;
Frie7ul of India, 1842, Sept. 15.
Balsenoptera, sp., Heuylin, in Sitztmysher. d. Math.-naturw. Acad. d.
Wissensch. zu Wien, 1851, vii. 449.
Physalus, sp., Flotcer, P. Z. S. 18G4, 408, note.




Mr. Blyth records the following

Chittagong coast, 15th August 1842, 90 feet long and 42 feet

in diameter.




feet long.

Lower jaw remarkably

the coronoid process well developed.

inches long.

Length 2 1



Radius 38|


A large jaw-bone of a Whale {Asiat. Res. xv. Append. p. xxjfiv).


Yertebra and cranium of a Whale {Asiat. Bes. xvii. 624, and

Glean, of Science,



and lower jaw, 10 feet long, from Arakan.

Museum of the Calcutta Medical College.


In the

"V^Tiales seem to have been not unfrequently stranded on the coast

of Mekran. Thus ]!^earchus, the commander of Alexander's fleet from
the Indus to the Persian Gulf, b.c. 327, described the Ichthyophagi
of that woodless region as using the bones of whales for buildingpurposes (see Vincent's Voyage of Ncarchus, p. 267-269, quoted by

" Whales are very rarely seen " in Ceylon

" a dead one






sionally stranded.
The skeleton of one cast ashore some twentyyears ago at Mount Lavinia is still in the museum at Colombo."
Kelaart, Prod. Faunce ZeyJonicce, 1852.
" Whales are frequently captured within sight of Colombo."
Tennent's Ceylon.
" Whales are very common on the coast of Alipi, South Malabar.


and occasionally Swedish ones,

call at Cochin for

no English whalers ever
come here that I have heard of. One [whale], said to be 100 feet
long, was sti-anded on the coast.
I saw some of the vertebrae and
ribs about three years ago.
Last year another, 90 feet long, got
among the reefs in Quilon, and was murdered by some hundreds of
natives with guns, spears, axes, &c., and was cut up and eaten,


stores during their cruises for them, but

salted and dried as well as fresh.

The Eoman Catholic fishermen
of the coast pronounced it ' fii'st chop beef.'
" The Maldives and Seychelles are said to be the headquarters of
the whalers who seek for these whales.
I am soriy I never noticed
the jaw-bones sufficiently, for I saw them on the beach."
Hev. H.

Baker, of

Ali])i, S.



Malabar, quoted by Blyth.

The Jajpan Finner.

Physalus ? Iwasi.

side white-spotted

belly white.

Balsenoptera arctica, Schlegel, Faun. Japmi. 26.

? Iwasi, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 42.
Balsena sulcata antarctica, Schleyel, Abh. 43 Faun. Japon.



t. .30.

Inhab. Japan.

A species

of this genus

Kuzira. It is very rare.

was about 25 feet long



One was


Japan under the name of Iiuasi

1760 at Kii, which

cast ashore in

black, belly whitish, sides white -spotted.

from the other whales by the head being smaller,
narrower, and more pointed, and the pectoral shorter. It was driven
ashore by the SaJcanata (Grampus). No remains of this species were
brought home by M. Siebold. Temminck (Fauna Japonica) regards
it as identical with the Northern species.
It is very desirable that
the bones of the Japan and Northern specimens should be accurately
compared. It may be observed that several animals, the Mole and
the Badger for example, were formerly said to be like the European
species, but I'ecent research has shown that they are distinct, and




now so considered in the Fauna Japonica.'

The following species are described by Lacepede from Chinese
dra'^dngs (see Mem.Mus.iv. 473):
Bakenoptera _pmictidata, B.niyra,
they are


B. ccerulescens, and B. maculata.

" Razorbacks occur in the Strait of Formosa.
Some Americans
fitted out lorchas for their capture, and erected boiling-houses at
Swatow, but they said they yielded too little oil to compensate for
the trouble and risk incurred in their capture, as they are dangerous
creatures to meddle with.
They have very large flat heads and
smooth backs. Seldom a year passes but one is stranded someM 2



wliere in the \'icinage of Swatow."^



Asiatic Soc.

Benr/al, 1863.

Physahis antarcticus.

Balienoptera autarctica, Orai/, Zool. E. i^- T. 51.

Physalus antarcticus. Gray, Cat. Cetac. B, M. 1850, 43.

There has been imported from New Zealand a quantity of finneror baleen, which are all yellowish white this doubtless indicates


a different species.

The Fiiiner Whales also inhabit the Columbian shores. Lewis

and Clarke mention the skeleton of a Rorqual found near the
Travels, 422.
Columbia lliver, 105 feet long.
Chamisso, in his accounts of the wooden models of whales which
were made by the Aleutians, of the species found in their seas, which
he deposited in the Berlin Museum, and described and figured in the
N, Acta Nat. Cur. xii. 212, figures three kinds of this genus viz.
AhuqnUch, t. 16. f. 2; Munyidach, t. 16. f. 3; and Agamachtscliich,
t. 18. f. 4, the B. Ar/amachschil; Pallas, Zool. Eosso-Asiat. i. t. a.

If reliance is to be placed on the wooden models made by the

Aleutians, which have been described and figured by Chamisso
many of them are not bad representations of known genera there is
a genus found at Kamtschatka which has not yet been described.
It is called Balmia Tschiel-agluk by Pallas (Zool. Rosso-Asiat. i. 289 ;

Nov. Act. Nat. Cur, xii. 259. 1. 19. f. 6). It has no dorsal fin, and a
smooth belly and chest the upper and lower part of the under
portion of the body are slightly keeled the head rounded, like BalceThe
noptera, with the blower on the hinder part of the crown.
lower side of the tail and the pectoral are white.



The rostrum of the skuU very broad, continued as far as the

middle with very little diminution of width, and then roimded
outer margin much more convex in the front half. Maxillary bones
broad as in Megapteru. The atlas with short, thick, rounded lateral
processes growing straight out of the upper half of the sides of the
body. The axis vnth two short broad lateral processes which do not
The cervical
completely unite, having a regular oval basal aperture.
vertebra) with oblong rounded bodies, with upper and lower lateral
processes which are not united into a ring. The neural canal transEibs 15 15 head
Vertebroe 64.
versely oblong, flattened above.
the second and third each with a well-developed
of first undivided
capitular process, which is longest and most slender in the third.
Stermim irregularly oval, notched in front. The scapula with a disThe humerus moderate. The radius
tinct acromion and coracoid.
Phalanges long.
and ulna much longer than the humerus.
This geiins is intermediate between Phgsala.s and Sihhaldiits it
has the broad rostrum of the latter and the vertebra? and ribs of the
former, and a peculiar sternum.







Cuvierius latirostris.

Flower, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1804; 410-414.

Skeleton of yoiing specimen in the museum

Inhab. North Sea.
of the late Professor Lidth de Jeude, at Utrecht.
" In the collection of the late Professor Lidth de Jeude, at Utrecht,
It was obtained on the coast of
is a fine skeleton of a Fin-Whale.
The epiphyses were deHolland.
It was from a young animal.
tached from both ends of the bodies of all the vertebree between the
also from both ends of
axis and the last two or three of the tail
The exoccijntal, parietal,
the humerus and bones of the forearm.
and squamosal bones were non-united ; and moreover the processes
of the vertebraj were imperfectly ossified, as shown by the conchtion
of their ends, and their shortness compared with the large size of
the bodies of the bones.
It was more advanced, however, than the
specimen examined at the Hague.
^' The length of the cranium is 9' 10"; of the vertebral column, the
bones being placed close together, without the epiphyses, 31' 2" to


must be added

at least 5 feet for the thickness of the epiphj-ses

and the intervertebral spaces so tliat the whole animal could not
have been much short of 50 feet in length. The number of vertebrte
is C. 7, D. 15, remainder (of which 15 or 16 are lumbar) 42 = 04.
The column is quite complete, and ends, not in an elongated bone
composed of two or three centrums anchylosed, but in a small, flat,

bone half an incli in diameter. The penultimate

vertebra is simple, short, rounded at the edges, and about an inch in
The one before this is much larger in every direction,
increasing rapidly at its anterior end.
" The craniimi presents-many of the characters before attributed to
the genus Physalus, but with some peculiarities that I have not met
with in any other specimen. The n;ost remarkable of these is the
great width of the rostrum, which, instead of gradually and steadily
contracting from the base to the apex, as in P. antiquorum and the
members of the genera SihhaJdivs and Bcda'noptera, continues as far
as the middle with very little diminution of width, so that the outer
border is much more strongly convex in the anterior half.
This is
occasioned by the width of the maxillary bone, which more resembles
The great difterence of the proporthat of Megaptera longimana.
tional breadth of the beak to the length of the cranium in this
specimen, as compared with other Fin-Whales, is seen in the Table at
I may mention also
p. 112, and in the Table of dimensions below.
that the breadth of the palatine surface of the maxillary, measured
in a straight line, at the middle of the beak, is 16", whereas in the
circular, disk -like

cranium of a Common Fin-^Miale (P. antiquorum) in the Museum

of the Royal College of Surgeons, of almost the same length (viz.
9' 3"), it is biit 11 g".
The na-^al bones are very broad and short,
raised to a ridge in the middle line, and hollowed on each side on
the upper surface and anterior border, though to a less extent than
in the


in its general



orbital plate of the frontal resembles

form that of PJn/sahis antiquorum, but


rather less



narrowed externally. The lower jaw is massive, has a high, pointed

coronoid process, and a considerable but not excessive curve.
'Dimensions (in inches) of Skxlls of different examples 0/ Physalus
antiquorum and of the specimen at Utrecht.

Length of skull in a straight line
Breadth of condyles
Breadth of exoccipitals
Breadth of squamosals (greatest breadth
of skull)

186 179 126 111

14i lU
54 39









37i 38
34 35
30 29





Orbital process of frontal, length
Orbital process of frontal, breadth at base \
(from curved border of maxillary to \ 22
32 35
hinder edge of orbital process of frontal) J
Orbital process of frontal, breadth at upper 1
surface of outer end
Nasals, length
Nasals, breadtli of the two, at posterior end
Nasals, breadth of the two, at anterior end
Length of beak (fi-om curved border of |
133 132 119
maxillary to tip of beak)
Length of maxillary
145 142. 137
Projection of maxillary beyond premaxillary
Breadth of maxillaries at hinder end
Breadtli of maxillaries across orbital pro84
cesses (following curve)
Breadth of beak at base (all the measurements across the beak include the curve
54 55
of the upper surface)
Breadth of beak at one-quarter of its length
45 42
from base
Breadth of maxillary at the same point...,
14i 13^
Breadth of premaxillary at same point ....
Breadth of beak at middle
36 32
Breadth of maxillary at middle
9i 10
Breadth of premaxillary at middle
Breadth of beak at three-quarters of its
18^ 23
length from base
Breadth of maxillary at same point
Breadth of premaxillary at same point
Length of lower jaw in a straight line
112 180 177
Height at coronoid process




Length of supraoccipital
Length of articular process of squamosal








of curve (greatest distance of the

inner surface of the jaw from a straight
line drawn between the extremities) ...


























Flower, P. Z. S. 18G4, 411.

" In all the characters by which the atlas of Physalus differs from
that of Sibbaldins, the present specimen agrees with the former.




transverse processes are short, thick, and rounded, growing

straight out of the U2)per half of the sides of the body of the bone,
It measures 14A" in
but, as said before, incomplete at their ends.
height, and 23" in extreme width ; 16" across the articular surface
for the skull, each facet being 12|" in height and 6" in width
The neural canal
their lower end these do not meet by a space of 2".


10" in height, 51" wide at the upper end, contracts rather above
middle to 3|", then expands somewhat again. The body of the
with the processes, it is
axis measures 16" across and 7g" in depth
24|" wide and 16|" high the neural canal is 6^" wide by 5|" high.
The upper and lower transverse processes do not completely unite,
although they approach on one side within half an inch, on the other
not quite so much their extremities, however, are not ossified.
opening between them is regularly oval, 4|" long and 3^" wide.
" The bodies of the remaining cervical vertebrae are rounded obthe
longs, their arches are low, and their spines little developed
neural canals transversely elongated, and flattened above from the
third to the sixth, each has an upper and lower transverse process,
the upper ones rising somewhat from the body of the vertebrae, before
taking their outward and downward course, very thin, especially at
their concave margin, gradually and very slightly decreasing in length.
The lower processes somewhat shorter, and considerably broader,
though thin vnth a tuberosity on their under edge near the base ;
decreasing regularly in length, that of the sixth vertebra being
In the seventh vertebra the upper
notably shorter than the others.
process is wider than in the others, and the lower one is reduced to



a mere tubercle.

" Dimenslo'iis of

the Cervical VertebrtB (in incJies).




" A bone which, from its general appearance, texture, and surface,
presume mxist be the sternum, especially as there was no other which
could have represented this portion of the skeleton, presents most
anomalous characters. It is very flat on both surfaces, a little more
than 1" in thickness, of an irregularly oval form, being larger on one
side than the other, and slightly produced at what I suppose would
be the posterior border, and notched in the anterior. It is only 5f
in its greatest diameter (transverse), and 4" in the other direction.
Certainly the condition of the edges gave evidence of a bone incom-

pletely ossified



verj' small size, especially in the antero-

of the dimensions of the one

under examination, is very remarkable.
" The body of the hyoid I was unable to find
but the stj'lo-hyals
are slightly curved, compressed, with a thick convex border, and a
thinner concave border, rather larger at one end than the other 14"
jiresenting, in
in length, 4;|" in greatest width, and 2" in thickness
fact, the usual form seen in the genus Phymlus.
The scapula and
arm-bones had also the ordinary form the former is 21" in height,
and 35^" in breadth the acromion 7|" long, and 3^" in breadth
The humerus
the coracoid 2^" long the glenoid fossa 10|" by 7".
is 17" long, 1^' va. longest diametei", and 20" in circumference at the
The radius is 27" long, 6" in breadth at the iipper end,
4-|" at the middle and 7|" below, and 3" thick at the middle.
ulna is 25" long, 7" across at the top, 3^" at the middle (and 2" in
thickness), and 5|" at the lower end.
The circumference of the two
bones together at their middle is 20^". The metacarpal bones are
long for the size of the animal, being respectively, beginning at the
radial side, 6", 8", 6|", and 4;\"
whereas the same bones in the
adult Common Fin- Whale in the Antwerp Zoological Gardens are
4|", 6", 6", and 4^"
and in the specimen in the Alexandra Park
4|-", 6", 5",
The phalanges are long, and rather diff'crent in
number from those in the specimens of the Common Fin- Whale which
I have examined, being 4, 5, 5, and 3 in the several digits, commencing on the radial side with No. II. In the Antwerp PJnjsalus
they are 2, 7, 6, and 3. But, as in both cases they have been artificially articulated, much importance cannot be attached to these
" This skeleton differs in some respects from any other that I have
seen, nor can I identify it with any published description sufiiciently
detailed for exact comparison. That it belongs to the genus PJiysahis
as above defined there is little question.
The only difiiculty is in
the form of the sternum.
It must be remembered that the indiA-idual
was young, and the bone, being slow of development, is subject to
considerable variation in form during growth, and also, when fully
grown, to great individual diversities of form. It scarcely seems
advisable, therefore, on account of this one specimen to modify the
generic diagnosis as regards this bone, though such a course might
be necessary if a very small oval, transverselj^ elongated sternum were
found characteristic of the adult animals belonging to the species.
I think that there can bo no question that this character, together

posterior direction,

for a Phi/salas




with the additional two caudal vertebne, the wide maxillaries, the
more elongated metacarpals, and the slight dift'erences in the form
of the cervical vertebrae and the ribs, are sufficient to establish a
well-marked species and, unless it can be identified with any that
has been previouslj' described, I would suggest the name of latirosfris
as an appropriate designation."
Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 411-414.

The first

B. Vertehrte 55.

rib double-headed.


The second cervical vertebra with a

broad elongated lateral process, perforated at the base. The first
and second ribs double-headed. Lower jaw compressed, high, flat
on the sides, with a conical coronoid process. Vertebrae 55 or 56.
Ribs 13 13 or 14 14.


pectoral fins moderate.

Balsenoptera, sp., Gray.

Pterobalfeua, sp., Eschricht, Van Bcneden.
Sibbaldus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 223 Ann.
1864, xiv. 352.
Sibbaldius, Flower, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 392.


Maq. N. H.

Pectoral fin one-eighth of the entire length; and the dorsal fin,
opposite the opening of the vent," nearly three-fourths of the entire
Skull very broad.
length from the nose.
Maxillary bones very

broad, gradually tapering, with nearly straight outer edges.

intermaxillaries moderate, linear.
The frontal bones broad, bandlike, with a wide sinuous edge over the orbits.
Nasal bones small.
The lower jaw slightly arched, compressed, with a conical ramus
near the condyle. The lateral process of the second cervical vertebra
expanded, with a basal perforation (Rudolphi, Berl. Trans. 1822,
Tympanic bone oblong, ventricose (see Dubar, t. 4. f, 1
t. 1. f..2).







lateral processes of the second to the sixth

cervical vertebrae separate, elongate.

The arm-bones

strong, the

forearm-bones nearly double the length of the humerus. The scapula broad, with a large, well-developed coracoid process in front.
The hand with four rather short fingers the second and third equal
the inner or fourth rather shorter than the first.
and longest
Phalanges Vertebne 54.
Ribs 13 or 14. The first rib
slender, with a process on the side near the condyle, as if the rib
was divided into two somewhat similar lobes above (Rudolphi, t. 5.
According to Diibar, the first rib is articulated to the first
f. 6).
and second dorsal vertebrae.
The under jaw less curved but the great character is that the
front rib is split into two separate parts near the condyle, or doubleheaded as Dubar calls it. The tympanic bones are short, oblong,
swollen (figured in situ in the skull, Rudolphi, I. e. t. 3. f. 6).
" Total number of vertebra? 56-58. Ribs 14 pairs. Orbital process of frontal bone nearly as broad at outer end as at the base.
Nasal bones elongate, narrow, flat, or very slightly hollowed on the
sides of the upper surface, obliquely truncated at the anterior end



Lacrymal bones thickened and rounded at the

13, e, p. 111).
outer end. Lower jaw with a comparatively slight curve, and a low,
Neural arches of the cer'vdcal
obtusely triangular coronoid process.
Transverse process
vertebi'ae high, and their spines well developed.
of atlas arising from upper two-thirds of side of the body, short, and
deep from above downwards (fig. 41, p. 181 fig. 42, p. 182). On
the hinder border of the under surface a median pointed triangular
process, directed backwards and articulating with the axis.
and lower transverse processes of the second to the sixth vertebrae
inclusive well developed, broad, and flat (united at their ends in the
Lower process of the sixth short, broad,
adult, except the sixth ?).
and much twisted on itself. Head of the first rib bifurcated into an
anterior and posterior division, articulating with the extremities of the
transverse processes of the seventh cervical and fii-st dorsal vertebrae
Second, third, and fourth ribs with short capitular prorespectively.
cesses. Sternum very small, short,and broad, somewhat lozenge-shaped
Stylohyals very broad and flat (fig. 48, p. 184).
(fig. 12, 6, p. 110).
" Type species, S. latkeps, Gray
Flower, P.Z.S. 1864, 392, 393.



Sibbaldius laticops (from Rudolphi).






Professor Schlegel seems to think that the bifurcation of the first

mark of youth, for he observes, " It appears that in old
specimens of the Bahmoptera Physalns this bifurcation is grown to
This singular character has often induced me to
one solid mass
believe that the first rib, as it is called, is only the horns of the os
rib is a

Letter, 24th Auguf^t 1864.

observe, in reply, that the full-grown specimen described
as the " Ostend Whale " had the bifurcation well developed.



Dorsal jftn compressed, falcate, two-thirds of the entire length from the nose,
First rib shm-t, dilated at the sternal end. Sternum with
liibs 13 13.
an elongate, narrow posterior lobe. Rudolphius.


Sibbaldius laticeps.

Upper jaws wide, in the skuU only twice

Black, beneath white.
as long as the width of their base in front of the orbits ; the lower




jaws slightly curved and scarcely wider than the edge of the upper
Pectoral fin one-eighth of the entire length, and rather more
than one-third, and the dorsal nearly three-fourths, from the nose.
The length was 31 feet 1 inch, from nose to the eye 2 feet 9 inches,
to blower 3 feet 11 inches, to pectoral 3 feet 6| inches, to the front
of the dorsal 19 feet 2 inches, to the vent 21 feet.
Balfena rostrata, Rtidolphi, Bed. Abhandl. 1820,


1 Tnot Hunter)

Brnndt Ratzeb. Med. Zool. i. 119. t. 15. f. 3, t. 16. f. 12 Gray, Cat.

Cetac. B. M.
Rorqual du Nord, Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. 5G4. t. 26. f. 6 (copied from



BalfBnoptera laticeps, Gray, Zool. E.




(from Rudolphi)


B. M. 37.

Balsena borealis (part.), Fischer, Syn. 524 (from Cuvier).

Balsena Physalus (part.), ISiihson, Scand. Fauna, 635.
Pterobalsena Boops (part.), Eschricht, K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. 1849,
130, 131.

Baljenoptera borealis (part.), Rapp, Cetac. 51.

Inhab. North Sea.



feet long.

skeleton in Mus.
Holstein, 1819 (EudoJpJd)
Zuyder Zee, 1816, skeleton in Mus. Leyden.

Fig. 38.

First rib of Sibhaldius laticeps.

(From Rudolphi.)

The blade-bones with an elongated coracoid process, bent up towards the upper edge of the bone, and oidy a very rudimentary
acromion the upper edge arched the ends acute, the hinder one

The forearm-bones are slender, rather dilated at

rather produced.
each end, more than twice the length of the short thick humerus
the ulna with a rounded dilatation on the upper end (olecranon).
Fingers 4, moderately long ; the two middle longest, subequal, each
of seven joints ; the first shorter, of four joints ; and the fourth
Rudolphi, t. 1. f. 1.
still, of three joints.
Length from nose to front of eye
Entire length 31 feet 1 inch.
5 feet 3 inches, to pectoral fin 9 feet, to dorsal fin 19 feet 2 inches,
to vent 21 feet length of pectoral fin 3 feet 6 inches, breadth of
pectoral fin 8 inches.
The OS hyoides broader in the middle, the end rather tapering and
bent up towards the front, the middle of the hinder edge produced
The tymout into broad rounded lobes (see Rudolphi, t. 4. f. 1, 2).
panic bones are short, oblong, swollen they are figured in situ in
Dorsal fin two-thirds of the
the skull (Rudolphi, I. c. t. 3. f. 6).




(Length 31 feet, dorsal 19 feet.)

length from tlie nose.
Lilljeborg describes the dorsal fin as of the usual size, and the baleen


as black.

Cuvier copies the figure of the head of this whale as that of the
Northern llorqu.al, and points out its distinctions from that which he
had received from the Mediterranean. The nasal bones appear much
broader than in the small common Finncr, Bahenoptera rostrata.
Synopsis Mammalium,' gives the name of
J. B. Fischer, in his
Balcena borealis to the Rorqual da Nord of Cuvier, which is established
on the BaJcfna rostrata of Kudolphi. He adds the account of the
Ostend Whale to his synonyms, and gives the bifid head of the first
but he mentions the Balcena
rib as one of his specific characters
Boops and B. Muscndus of Linne, and B. rostrata of Midler, as pro'

bable varieties of this species.

M. Van Beneden, who regarded this as the young of the following, observes that the skeleton in the Berlin Museum, from Holstein,
and also states that there is a skeleton, not quite
is not quite adult
adult, in the Leyden Museum, from the Znyder Zee (1816).
" A skeleton in the Leyden Museum, marked Balamoptera PhyThis is no. 17 of Eschricht's Hst (Unsalus, Vinvisch, Zuider Zee.'
tersuchungen liber die Nordischen Wallthiere, Leipzig, 1849), according to which it was taken in the Zuider Zee, near Monnikendam,
Aug. 29th, 1811, its length being 32' Rheinland. The skeleton is
perfect, with the exception of the hyoid and peMc bones.
The entire length
malars, lacrymals, and tympanies are present.
(including the skull, which is 6' 7") is 29' 7"; but the bodies of the
vertebraj are placed close together, so that 2 or 3 feet shoidd be
added for the intervertebral spaces. The animal was young the
epiphyses of all the vertebras, including that of the hinder surface
of the axis, are separate from the bodies, as well as those of both
ends of the humerus, radius, and ulna. The vertebral formula is
55; but the last caudal is
C. 7, D. 13 or 14, L. 16 or 15, C. 19
elongated, and really consists of two bodies anchylosed, with even a
minute rudimentary third. The cervical vertebrae exhibit all the chabut their lateral processes are, as the
racters peculiar to the genus
The atlas has
surface of the bone shows, incomplete at the ends.
a deep, compressed-from-before-backwards, short transverse process,
and a backward-directed, median triangular projection on the under
surface of its body for articulation with the axis. The five following
vertebrai have each an upper and lower transverse process, but not
not quite, even in the
united together at their ends in any of them
The processes are of tolerably equal length throughout,
except the lower one of the sixth vertebra, which is shorter and
broad, and twisted on itself so that its flat surface is horizontal at
The upper processes are slenderer than the lower, and
the end.
become more so posteriorly. The spaces between the iipper and lower
processes, in vertical height, are in the second 2"-2, in the third 4"-2,
The spines
in the fourth 4"-2, in the fifth 4"-l, in the sixth 4"-7.
are comparatively well developed, especially that of the axis.
"There are thirteen pairs of ribs present but it is probable that





The first has a hljid articuhir head,

the posterior pair are wanting.
It articulates by this
the cleft extending to the depth of 5 inches.
with the transverse processes of the seventh cervical and first dorsal.
Its extreme length in a straight line is 'ZV its breadth at the middle
2|", at the lower end 41-". The second, tliird, and fourth have short
ca^iitular processes, not reaching halfwaj' to the bodies of the vertebrce.
These processes are absent in all the others. The longest
rib (the fifth) is 41" in a straight line, the twelfth is 81", and the
thirteenth 30".
There are ten chevron bones present. The sternum is remarkably small for the size of the animal, a transversely
elongated lozenge in shape, 4" in antero-posterior and 8" in trans;

verse diameter.
" The scapula


as usual in the family,


breadth 25".

The humerus


elongated trans-

Its length is 14", its

and has a long acromion process.

10" long; the radixis 18|", and pro-

portionately slender.
The hand, artificially articulated, is 18" long
the second digit has, besides the metacarpal, three bones, the third
three bones, the fourth six bones, the fifth three bones.
numbers are probably not correct, as they do not correspond with a
natural skeleton of the hand of the same species at Brussels.
" The upper surface of the orbital plate of the frontal is almost of
The malars are very thin the outer end of the
a rhomboid form.
The nasal bones
lacrymals forms a thick, projecting, rounded knob.
are almost straight across their anterior ends, slightly longer at the
middle, and sloping away at the sides their upper surface tolerably
flat, but raised to a low ridge in the middle towards the anterior

The dimensions of
end, and slightly hollowed on each side of this.
the cranium are given in the Table at p. 180, compared with those of
The inferior maxillaries have low,
other specimens of the genus.
They are articulated too
obtusely triangular coronoid processes.
close to the head, and their upper edge rotated too much inwards.
This position greatly diminishes their ciu've as seen from above, and
I was much interested
causes their extremity to bend downwards.
in observing this, as it explains away a great peculiarity in the figure

Museum by Rudolphi (Abhandlungen

Acad. Berlin, 1822), in which the same mode of articulating has
caused some misconception as to the character and relation of these
bones, the more important to be rectified, as this is the only figure
extant of the skull of any member of this genus.
" There can be little doubt that this skeleton is identical with
at least, a
the above-mentioned specimen described by Rudolphi
careful perusal of his description and figure (for I have not seen the
In habitat, age, size,
skeleton) leaves this impression on my mind.
number of vertebrae and ribs, and all other important osteological
characters they agree.
There are certainly slight differences in the
proportions of the parts of the cranium, but not greater than are found
among different individuals of undoubtedly the same species and it
is possible that even these may arise from inaccuracies on the part
of the artist.
Some of the evidence also is wanting to make the
comparison complete for instance, the sternum from the Berlin
of the whale in the Berlin



In assigning
specimen, and the hyoids from the one at Lej^den.
only five vertebrae to the cervical region, Rudolphi is obviously in
error, being probably misled by the mode in which the skeleton was
He states that the transverse processes of the cervical
vertebrae have all (that is, the first five) very large holes.
If this is
strictly correct (that is, if the holes are completely surrounded by
bone), it indicates a more advanced state of ossification than in the
Leyden specimen a circumstance, of which the pecvdiaritj is somewhat diminished by the fact that the skeleton of a whale of the same
species, and of almost exactly the same size, in the Brussels Museum
is in a condition intermediate between the two, the processes of the
second and third vertebrae being completely united, but not those
In calling his specimen Balcena rostrata,
of the fourth and fifth.
lludolphi was acting upon the idea, then prevalent, of the specific
unity of many of the northern Fin-Whales now known to be distinct.
Dr. Gray seems to have been the first to point out that it differed
from all whales which had been previouslj^ described with anything
like definite accuracy, and gave it the name of Rudolphi's Finner
Whale,' Balcenoptera Jaticeps (Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,
1846); this name therefore has the right of priority for the species."
Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 397-399.
In the Brussels Museum " there is a veiy interesting skeleton,
almost the exact counterpart in size to that in the Leyden Museum.
It Avas obtained by Eschricht from the North Cape. The condition of
the epiphyses shows that it is young, they being all non-united both
but the ossification of the
in the vertebral column and long bones
transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae has proceeded further
than in that at Leyden. The skeleton is well articulated, and gives
now a total length of 31' 8" ; but about 6" must be added for the
end of the tail, which is wanting. The dimensions of the skvdl are
given in the Table at p. 180. The nasals are narrow, cut off" nearly
straight at their anterior ends, shghtly hollowed on each side above.
The lacrymals are thickened at their outer edge. The orbital proLower jaw light, little
cesses of the frontals broad externally.
curved, and with a short triangular coronoid process,


*' There are 7 cervical, 14 dorsal, and 32 lumbo-caudal vertebrae

present about 5 of the latter are absent, which would make a total
The atlas has the usual characteristics of the genus. The
of 58.
transverse process of the axis forms a complete ring, the aperture of
which has a length of 2|" and height of 2". The whole process is
5^" long, but is incomplete at the end ; it is 5|" in height at the
middle, and the opening is situated much nearer the upper than
In the third vertebra also the
the lower margin of the process.
upper and lower processes are united in the fourth, fifth, and sixth
they are separate. The lower one of the sixth is shortest, broad, and
twisted on itself.
In the seventh the inferior process is represented
by a small tubercle.
"There are 13 ribs present on the right side, and 14 on the left.
The fourteenth is very much thinner than the others, twisted backwards at its lower end, with a very slender head, articulated to the




The first pair of ribs have double

transverse process of the vertebra.
heads but the anterior head on both sides is very incompletely developed, and on the right side completely detached from the remainder
of the bone ; it has a pointed end below, merely applied to the main

had been lost in maceration, this rib

be simple. On the left side it is anchyIt would be interesting to ascertain, by the
losed, but very slender.
examination of younger specimens, whether this anterior head has
always a separate centre of ossification, as it is not improbable that
this singular double-headed bone is in reality formed by the coalesThe second, third, and fourth
cence of two originally distinct ribs.
ribs have small capitular processes.
The stylo-hyals are very flat,
but not so broad proportionately as in the Java Whale, being 11"
part of the rib

so that if it

might have been supposed


long and 3^" in greatest width. The bones of the fore limbs present
the same general characters and proportions as in the Leyden specimen from the Zuyder Zee. The sternum is absent.
" This specimen has been previously mentioned in this paper as
an example of Sibbaldiits Jatkeps, Gi'ay, presenting some interesting
individual deviations from that at Leyden, referable to the development of the two skeletons not having proceeded pari passu in all
parts of the system."
Floiver, P. Z. S. 1864, 417.
** Dorsal
fin very

s^nall, far behind, and placed on a thick prominence,

nibs 14 14 ; fiist short, sternal end very broad and deeply notched,
Os hyoides transverse ; sides
Sternwn ivith a broad short hinder lobe.


hinder edge cut out in the middle.


Sibbaldius borealis.

The Flat-hack.

Sibhaldus borealis, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, 223 Ann. ^ Mag. N. H.

1864, xiv. 352.
Baleine d'Ostende, Van Breda, en letter bock, 1827, 341 Dubar, Osteographie, BrKxelles, 8vo, 1828, t. 1-10; Bernaert, '^Notice sur la
Baleine echouee prl'S d'Ostende,^' Paris, 1829.
Baleinoptere d'Ostende, Van dcr Linden, 1828, Bruxelles, 8vo.
The Osteud Whale, Guide to the Exhibition at CJiaring Cross, tvith
drawings by Scharff.
Groat Northern Rorqual, " R. borealis, Lesson,^'' Jardine, Nat. Lib.
125. t. 5 {from Schurf).
Balsena borealis (part.), Fischer, Syn. 524 (from Dubar).
Bahenoptera Rorqual, Dewhurst, Loudon Mag. N. H. 1832, v. 214.
Balfeuoptera gigas, Eschr. Sc Reinh. Nat. Bidrag, af Groenland, 1857
Lilljeborg, I. c. 56, 57
Malmgren, Arch. Naturg. 1864, 97.
Pterobalasna Boops (part.), Eschr. K. Dansk. Vidensk. 1849, 134.
Pterobalfena gigas, Van Beneden, Mem, Acad. Roy. Sci. Brux. 1861,

xxxii. 37,


463 (not characterized).

Balffiuoptera Boops, Yari-ell, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, 11.

Baltenoptera tenuirostris. Sweeting, 3Iag. Nat. Hist. 1840,



Inhab. North Sea.

" A whale was observed floating dead in the North Sea between
Belgium and England," and towed into the harbour of Ostend on
The skeleton was exhibited at Charing
the 4th of November 1827.
Cross, and is now, I beheve, in the United States.



This specimen was 102 feet long, the lower jaw 21| feet long,
Ribs 14 14. The atlas
fins 13| feet long.
Vertebrae 54.
{Duhar, t. 6. f. 1): the second cervical vertebra with large lateral
processes, pierced with a large hole
the third, fourth, and fifth
with two lateral processes on each side, which are not formed into
the fifth oft'ers a rudiment of a
a complete ling as in the second
The first rib double-headed, articidated to the
spinal apophysis.
IJones of the ears {Dulxir, t. 5. f 1 )
th'st and second dorsal vertebrie.
OS hyoides (t. 5. f. 2); breast-bone (t. 0. f. 4) not pierced, short
and broad, with a broad hinder portion. The vertebral column '61
Dubar's figures rejiresent the second, third, and fourtli cervical vertebra; as with a ring, and the fifth, sixth, and seventh with defiexed
upper and straight lower sei)arate lateral processes. Eibs, first (t. 8.
second (f. 2) with
f. 1) with two heads, very broad at lower end;
fourteenth (f. 3) (juite simple.
rather elongate internal process
Shoiddcr-blade short and very broad
Pelvic bones (t. 9. f. 1, 2).
on the external edge, with a large lobe for the ridge (t. 10). Pectoral
Pingers four the second and third nearly of
fin and bones (t. 11).
equal length, and longest the fourth or outer shorter, longer than

and the



or inner.
\s. 39.

First rib of Sibhaldius borealis.

(From Dubar.)

The upper jaw narrower and shorter than the lower, so as to be

embraced by the lower a tuft of horny round filaments or long hairs,
united at their roots by a common membrane and divided at the end
Eyes rather high and
into small points, at the tip of the snout.
Ear-hole near the eye, but a little
very near the angle of the mouth.
Hinder part of the back keeled. Dorsal fin rather
further back.
less than three-fourths of the entire length from the end of the nose,

exactly opposite the vent. Skin polished, black above, white beneath.
Length (entire) 25 metres, of mouth 4-8, to pectoral 6'i), to navel
13-7, to front of vagina 18*1, to front of vent 18'1.
Length of pecThe atlas transverse. The
toral fin 3-1, width of pectoral 0-65.

above the middle of the

gradually tapering at each end, and with a deep notch in the middle
Tym])anic bone obof the hinder edge (Dubar) (Scharff^s Jh/mr).
long, very imperfectly figured as the o,? <fn rorlur (t. 5. f. 1).
lateral processes thick, elongated, rather

side {Duhar,






os hyoides broad in the middle




upper part broad, three-lobed, with a linear elongate hinder

lobe (Dnhar,


(In ScharfF's figure


it is

represented as shield-

with four nearly square rounded lobes.) The first rib is trigonal, rather short, curved, and very broad, and with a rather deep
notch at the sternal end (as broad as one-third the length of the
outer edge). (Dubar, t. 8. f. 1 (8 feet long).)
The second rib slender,
subcylindi'ical, with a rather long subcyHndrical process on the
inside, just below the condyle {Dubar, t. 8. f. 2).
The last lib
slender, subcylindrical {Dubar, t. 8. f. 3).
The blade-bone with a
large coracoid process and acromion, the former broad, flat, rather
bent up at the end {Dubar, t. 10). The humerus very short and
thick, not longer than broad.
The radius and ulna nearly twice as
long as the humerus, the ulna with a long flat olecranon process.
The fingers 4, slender, tapering the second and third longest and
nearly equally long, of 7 joints
the fourth shorter, of 5 the first
shortest, of 4 joints, nearly half the length of the second {Dubar,



Lilljeborg describes the " dorsal fin as very smaU, situated far behind and placed on a thick prominence " (?. c. p. 57), and, according to
Dubar's measurement, it was three-fourths the length from the nose.
" Prom the calculations made by M. le Baron Cuvier and the

Professor of the Jardin du Roi, this enormous cetaceous animal must

have lived nine or ten centuries." H. Mather's account of the Ostend
Whale, 1831, 8vo.
Mr. YarreU (Proe. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 11) notices a female of
this genus under the name of " Balcenoptera Boops."
It was
stranded at Charmouth, Dorsetshire, on Feb. 5, 1840.
It had no
warts about the lips back black; underside white pupil oval, withLength 41 feet. Pectoral fin 5^ feet long, base
out any eyelashes.
Dorsal small, conical,
10|^ feet from tip of nose, and 1^ foot wide.
Skeleton 40 feet long, head 10 feet.
11 feet in advance of the tail.
Vertebrae 60, viz. 7 cervical, 15 dorsal, 16 lumbar, 15 caudal, and
with 7 caudal bones. Eibs 14/14 the fii'st double-headed, and attached to the first two vertebrae each of the other ribs is attached
The dorsal vertebrae exto a single vertebra, and has a single head.
" The subcutaneous layers of fat varied in
ceed the ribs by one.
" In other details the skeleton agreed
thickness from 3 to 5 inches."
with Dewhurst's description of the Ostend Whale.' "
" Head, back, tail, and outside of the pectoral fins black inside
of the pectoral fins, throat, breast, and belly beautiful white ; inside
tongue, palate, and the S2)aces intervening
of the under jaw black
between the reefs on the belly pink. The under jaw the widest, and
end of both jaws rounded.
projecting 9 inches beyond the upper one
The muzzle longer and more attenuated than in Balcena. The spiracles longitudinal, like slits or fissures, nearly meeting in front, and
gradually diverging behind to a distance of about 3 inches.
Female 42 feet long, weighing
bluish black and yellowish white.
25 tons. Blubber varied in thickness from 3 to 5 inches yielded
Siveeting, Mag. Nat. Hist. 1840, p. 342.
three hogsheads of oil."
The accounts in the Mag. of Nat. Hist.' and in the Proe. Zool.






Soc' 1840, p. 11, are evidently from the same animal, but there are
some discrepancies between them. Mr. Sweeting says, breadth
21 feet Mr. Yarrell says, girth 21 feet. Mr. Sweeting, total weight
25 tons Mr. Yarrell, probable weight between 20 and 25 tons.
Mr. Sweeting, length of skeleton 41, and head 11 feet Mr. Yarrell,
Mr. Sweeting says, " For the discrepancy as
40, and head 10 feet.
to the number of vertebrse, &c., I am of opinion that this species
has not been described before, and I have proposed for it the name
Balcmoptera temdrostris " (Mag. Nat. Hist. 24th March, 1840, 342).
The skeleton here described was sold, about sixteen j-ears ago
(1859), for five pounds, to Mr. Freane, and it was stated to have
been sent to London as a present to the British Museum, but it has
never been received, and I cannot find any further account of it
probably it was sold for manure.
B. temdrostris is the earliest name
given specially to this species, but it cannot be used for a whale
with a broad nose or beak. This is most likely the same as the
" Ostend "Whale," or a nearly allied species.
The dorsal fin is
described as small, conical, and three-fourths the length from the


*** DorsalJin unknown.

First rib ehnffcite, dilated at sternal end.

3. Sibbaldius Schlegelii.

Balsenoptera Physalus, from Java, Schleyel, Mies. Leydeti.

Baleenoptera Schlegelii, Flower, MS.
"Megaptera (from Java)," Van Beneden, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, 208.
Balfeuoptera longimana, Schleqel, Mus. Leyde^i.
Sibbaldus Schlegelii, Gruxj, Ann. i^ Mar/. N. H. 1864, xiv. 352.
Sibbaldius Schlegelii, Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 408, 419.

Inhab. Java.

Skeleton, Mus.

Leyden (young); skuU, Mus. Leyden.

Fig. 40.

First rib of Sibbaldius Schlegelii


Mus. Roy.

Coll. Surgeons.

genus in the Museum of the

not this, would seem to inThe origin of i.he specimen is unknown.

There is the first rib of a whale of

Royal College of Surgeons, which, if
dicate a fourth species.



it is




" The Loyden Museum during the present year (1864) has received
the skeleton of a Fin-Whale taken on the north-west coast of the island
of Java. The hands, from the carpus downwards, the pelvic bones, and
some of the terminal caudal vertebrae are wanting, also the lacrj-mals
and malars from the skull in other respects the skeleton is complete.
Not being yet articulated, the separate bones could be examined
with great facility. Both epiphyses are anchylosed to the bodies of
the iirst three cervical vertebrae ; the anterior epiphyses only are
united on the fourth and fifth.
From this, as far as the ninth caudal,
inclusive, they are detached
on the tenth caudal the hinder, and
on the succeeding ones both epiphyses are firmly united. On the
humerus the upper epiphysis is partly, and the lower one completely,
united to the shaft, all traces of the original separation of the latter
having disappeared. The upper epiphyses of the radius and ulna
are in the same condition ; but those at the lower end are separate.
The transverse processes of the cervical vertebra) show, from the
condition of their terminal surfaces, that they are not quite complete.
The upper edge of the scapula appears completely ossified in the
middle, but must have been cartilaginous towards the two extremities.
These conditions taken together show that the animal was in the
adolescent stage, and had probably attained very nearly its full size.
" The skull is 9' 8" long in a straight line ; the vertebrse, placed
close together and without their epiphyses, measured 30" ; so that,
allowing for the epiphyses, intervertebral spaces, and the end of the
tail, the animal could not have been less than 45 feet long.
" The number of vertebra) present is 54
and 3, or probably 4 of
the caudal are wanting, raising the total number to 57 or 58.
these, 7 are cervical, 14 dorsal, and about 13 or 14 lumbar ; but,
the articular surfaces for the anterior chevron bones not being well
marked, I could not be certain where the tail should be considered

There are foiu'teen pairs of ribs,

" The skuU presents the general characters of the genus Sihhaldius.
The only important difference that I could find between it and the
specimen from the coast of Holland is in the form of the orbital
process of the frontal bone, which is narrower at its outer end,
approaching more to the form characteristic of Physalus, although by
no means so narrow as in this. The nasals (fig. 13, e, p. Ill) are long
and narrow, nearly flat on their upper surface, and slightly shelving
downwards from the middle Hne. Their anterior border is rather
the reverse in
less produced near the middle line than at the sides
this respect to the Zuyder Zee specimen.
The tympanic bones are
4"-6 long, 3"-5 in greatest breadth, and 2"-5 thick.
Their form is
seen in the annexed woodcut (fig. 47).
The lower jaw has a very
slight curve and a low coronoid process, the highest part of which is
20" from the hinder end of the bone. It is triangtdar in form,
rounded at the apex, with a base about 4" in breadth, and rising
about 2\" in height. The principal dimensions of the skull in
inches are given in the following Table, compared with those of
the skulls of the two other specimens of the genus mentioned in this
to begin.


N 2




Length of skull in a straight lino

Breadth of condyles
Breadth of exoccipitals
Breadth of squamosals (greatest breadth of
Length of supraoccipital
Length of articular process of squamosal


Orbital process of frontal, length

Orbital process of frontal, breadth at base
Orbital process of frontal, breadth at outer end
Nasals, length
Nasals, breadth of the two, at posterior end
Nasals, breadth of the two, at anterior end
Length of beak, from middle of curved border of maxillary to the tip of premaxillary
Length of maxillary
Projection of premaxillary beyond maxillary
Greatest width of nasal aperture
Breadth of maxillaries at posterior end
Breadth of maxillaries across orbital processes (following the curve)
Breadth of beak at base (following the curve)
Breadtli of beak at middle (following the curve)
Breadth of maxillary at same point
Breadth of premaxillary at same point
Length of lower jaw in a straight line
Height at coronoid process

Height at middle

Amount of curve

(greatest distance of the inner surface

of the jaw from a straight line drawn between the ex-






The neural arch is high and massive, and the spine well developed.
The lateral processes are large wing-like plates, directed somewhat
backwards, with a regularly oval perforation rather above the middle
of their base.
The dimensions are given in the figure, which is
dx-awn to scale, regardless of perspective.
Fig. 41.


anterior surface.

" The third, fourth, and fifth vertebrae much resemble each other
they have rounded oblong bodies, high triangular neural canals,
spines gradually increasing in length, and well-developed upper and
lower transverse processes completely united together at the ends,
leaving large oval spaces between them.
In the sixth the transverse
processes do not meet by the space of 3 inches ; and I doubt if they
ever would meet in the process of growth, on account of the different
planes of their ends.
The upper one is long, with its flat surface
almost vertical the lower one, short and broad, with a stout conical
tuberosity projecting forwards and downwards from its base, turns
so completely on itself that its broad terminal end is directed horizontally
it is, moreover, very nearly complete.
The peculiar form
of this process is highly characteristic of all the specimens 1 have
examined of the genus Sibbaldius, though it is best marked in the
one under consideration, being the most mature. It should be mentioned that, when the series is placed togethei;, a gradual approach
to its form is seen in the lower processes of the antecedent vertebrae.
The seventh cervical vertebra has no trace of an inferior transverse
The thicknesses of the under surface of the bodies of the
last five cervical vertebrae, and of the first two dorsal (without the
epiphyses), are respectively 1-5, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 2, 2-25, and 2-5 inches.
The width of the first dorsal vertebra across the transverse processes
is exactly the same as that of the last cervical, 23"
the second is 3"

The transverse processes

and of the
lumbar vertebrae are very broad in the antero-postcrior direction.

of the posterior dorsal



and the spines are high. In the second lumbar vertebra, which
the largest, the extreme width is 40" and the height 29".

Fig. 42. Atlas

Fig. 43. Axis

imder surface.


anterior surface.

" The ribs generally are slender, the first much shorter, broader,
flatter than any of the others.
The vertebral end of this is
split to the depth of about G" into two flat broad plates, of which
the anterior is slightly the longer this brings their articular surfaces, when the rib is placed in its natural position (?'. e. somewhat
sloping backwards), exactly on a level, and proves that they must
have articulated with the equal transverse processes of the seventh
cervical and first dorsal vertebra), and not with those of the latter
and the second dorsal vertebra, which is 1^ inch shorter. This rib
is 321" i'l length in a straight line, 4^" wide at the middle, and 8"


at the lower end

Its general
in thickness at the middle it is l"-2.
form closely resembles the figure given by Dr. Gray (P. Z. S. 18(J4,
]). 224) from a specimen in the Museum of the lioyal College of
ISurgeons, but it is rather broader in proportion to the length.
second, third, and fourth ribs have large articular heads and only


Fig. 44

Tis. 46

Fig. 44. Fifth cervical vertebra anterior surface.

Fig. 45. Sixth cervical vertebra ; anterior surface.
Fig. 46. The same ; inferior surface.




produced capitular processes. The Becond rib is 45" in

length, the third 60", the fourth 01", the fifth 62^", the sixth
01^", the seventh 61^", the ninth 57", the twelfth 51", the thirteenth
49", and the fourteenth 48".
They gradually decrease in breadth


from the



on itself it has a
no corresponding surface on

last is considerably twisted

small, flat articular head, but there


the foiu'teenth dorsal vertebra, which

extremity than the succeeding ones.
there is a distinct articular surface.


only slightly thicker at the

the thirteenth vertebra


" The sternum (fig. 12, h, p. 110) is small, in the form of an irregular transversely elongated lozenge, the posterior angle being narrower and more produced, and the anterior more rounded, than in
the Zuyder Zee specimen ; so that it approaches more the form seen
Its length is 8^", and its breadth 12-|".
in the genus Plujsahis.
" The scapula is low and broad, with a long acromion and weUdeveloped eoracoid process. Its breadth is 40", its height 22f"
the acromion 10" long, and 3" in depth the eoracoid 4" ; the gleThe humerus is 15" long, by 6" in diameter
noid fossa 8^" by 5^".
The radius is
in the middle of its shaft and 7^" at the lower end.
24:^" long in a straight line, 4"-G broad above, 3"-7 at the middle,
and 5"-3 at the lower end. The ulna, which is 25" long, including
the olecranon projection, is 7"'5 broad above, 2"-7 at the middle, and
4"-5 at the lower end.
The thickness of the radius at the middle is
2"-2; that of the ulna l"-8.


Fijr. 47.

Fig. 47.
Fig. 48.


Tympanic bone half nat.

One of the sitylo-liyals.



The hyoid bone, formed of the completely united basi- and thyrois flatter and deeper from before backwards, and the latcial



processes are smaller and



more tapering, than

in Fh)/salus


otherwise its general form is not dissimilar.

Its extreme width in
a straight line is 25" its antero-posterior length 10|".
The stylohyals (fig. 48) present a remarkable modification in foi'm.
of the usual subcylindrical shape seen in Phijsalus and Balcenoptera,
they are very broad and flat, and much curved, having a convex
rounded border and a concave thin edge, their flat surface having
somewhat the form of a crescent with truncated ends, 15" long by
6" broad.
Their greatest thickness at the convex border is about
The ends are not alike, one being narrower and thicker, the
other broader and flatter.
The two bones are precisely similar.
" In the present case I have carefully compared the skeletons
(that from Java and those from the European coast) together.
have even had the advantage of placing many of the bones of the two
in the Leyden Museum side by side
and I confess that, allowing
for difi'erence of age, it is difficult to fix upon any characters in
which they decidedly differ. The stylo-hyoids in the first, it may
be said, are broader than in the Berlin or Brussels specimens, the
sternum larger and of more definite cross-like form than in the
Leyden skeleton, the transverse processes of the vertebrae are more
developed and united at their ends than in either of these but such
characters are of no value for specific distinction.
One, however,
does appear to me of some importance, and that is the form of the
orbital plate of the frontal, so decidedly narrower at the outer end
in the Javan cranium than in the three specimens from Europe
but it is possible that even here age may cause the difference.
Eschricht has laid great stress upon the little dependence that can
be placed upon the proportions of the bones of the head in makingout the specific characters of Whales.
It is rather curious that the
tympanic bones, though agreeing in general form, are actually smaller
in the Java than in the Zuyder Zee skeleton, being less in length by
0""3, and in breadth by nearly the same amount.
" Moreover, although a comparison of osteological details of the
immature bones of the other specimens with those of the adult Ostend
example was not likely to throw much light upon the subject, here
the case is different; as far as can be made out from the descrii^tions
and drawings given by Dubar of the Ostend skeleton, there are
notable differences, as in the form of the atlas, of the first rib, of the
stylo-hyoid, in the statement that the second and three following ribs
have heads reaching the bodies of the vertebrae, and in the statement
that the transverse processes of the third, foiu'th, and fifth cervical
vertebrae do not unite to form a complete hole as in the second,
which last, however, would be of greater importance if the figure
did not throw some doubt upon its accui-acy.
" A skull of a very young whale, in the Lej'den Museum, is of great
interest as having been brought from Java by the late Dr. Eeinhardt.
It is labelled Balcenoptera lonr/imana,' and has in consequence been quoted in some of our most esteemed catalogues as
evidence of the extensive geographical range of that species (Van
Beneden, Eaune Littorale de Belgique,' p. 38, and after him. Gray,





Proc. Zool. Soc. 1804, p. 208).

The cranium is now in an extremely
imperfect condition, the maxillaries, premaxillaries, and nasals being
There is, however, enough to show that it is not a Megaptera, but belongs to the subfomily Balcenopterince, and probably, on
account of the great width of the external part of the orbital process
The lower jaw is 52"
of the frontal bone, to the genus SihhaJdins.
long, wliich would indicate an animal of about 18 feet, perhaps a
young individual of the species last described." Floiver, P. Z. S.
1864, 408.


Dorsal Jin high,

compressed, falcate, about tivo-thirds of the

Pectoral moderate, with 4 short JingerSf
Vertehrce 50.
Cervical vertebrce sometimes aiich)/of 4: or G Joints.
Neural canal hroad, trigonal, broader than high. Hibs 11 11.
Balteuopterina, or Beaked Whales.

entire length from the 7tose.



Ralfenoptera, Sect. 1 (Balajnoptera), Gi'at/, Zool. Ereb. ^ Terr. 50.

Balfenoptera, Gray, P. Z. S. 1847, 89 ; Cat. Cetac. B. 31. 1850, ;}1 ;
P. Z. S. 1864, 226; Ann. Sf Mag. N. Jf. 1804, xiv. 352; Fkncer,
P. Z. S. 1864, 393.
Balfenoptera (pars), Laccpede, Cetac.
Pterobalpena (pars), Eschricht, JVord. Wallthiere, 1849, fol.
Balsena (pars), Linn. ; Midler, Zool, Dan. ; Illiger, Prodr. 242.
Rorqualus, sp., Dekay ; F. Cuvier, Cetac. 321.

Balseua minimus, Knox, Cat. Whale, 14.



elongate, flattened, throat

and very

and chest with deep longitudinal


dorsal fins compressed, falcate, twothirds the length of the body from the nose and behind the line
above the orifices of generation. The i^ectoral fins moderate, onefolds


eighth the length of the body, one-third the length of the body from
the head, witli 4 short fingers of few joints. The humerus short, thick.
The radius nearly twice as long as the humerus. Lower jaw-bone
moderate, with a distinct high conical coronoid process. Vertebra? 50 ;
The first pair of ribs undivided near the condyle.
last very smaU.
The lateral process of the second cer\acal vertebra elongate, pierced
at the base ; of the third, fourth, and fifth cervical elongate, slender,
The front ribs
the lower with an angidar bend below.
simple, thick, with only a slight swelling on the inner edge near
Tympanic bones obovate, short, ventricose.
the condyle.
The lateral process of the second corneal vertebra expanded, broad,
with a large ovate perforation in the middle of its base, the upjier
and lower margins being broad and of nearly equal width, the upper
being, if anything, rather the broader of the two, very unlike the
The neiiral arch high,
lateral process of the same bone in Phijsahts.
acute, with a rather high subcircular canal for the spinal marrow.
The l)ody of the atlas vertebra oblong, transverse, with a subcylindrieal lateral process produced from the middle of the side.
" Total number of vertebnt) 48-50. llibs 11 pairs. Orbital proNasal
cess of frontal almost as broad at the outer end as the base.
bones rather narrow and elongate, truncated at their anterior ends.




convex on the upper surface in both directions (fig. 13,/, p. 111).

Kami of lower jaw mucli curved, and with a high pointed coronoid
process. Cervical vertebrae usually separate but this family character
not unfrequeutly departed from by the union of the second and third,
or the third and fourth, by their arches. Xeural arches high spines
moderately developed. Transverse process of atlas arising from tbe
middle of the body, elongated, tapering, directed outwards and slightly
upwards. Upper and lower transverse processes of axis and succeeding vertebrte, to the sixth inclusive, well developed.
Those of the
axis broad, flat, and in the adult united at their extremity those of
the other vertebrae slender, and never united at their extremitj',
except occasionally in the sixth and more rarely in the fifth vertebra.


of the first rib simple

cajiitular processes scarcely


upon any of the ribs. Sternum longer than broad, having the form of
an elongated cross (fig. 12, c, i^.UOy'Floiver, P. Z. S. 1864, 394.


lateral processes of the cervical vertebrae are generally free

but some of them are sometimes united,

at the tip
forming a ring. Eschricht described those of the fifth and sixth
In the specimen in the Royal CoUege
vertebra) as sometimes united.
of Surgeons the lateral processes of the sixth cervical vertebra are
united on one side and free on the other.
In all these cases the form of the processes is not altered the
end is only elongated and united. The cervical vertebrte are sometimes quite free, as is the case with Hunter's specimen in the Museum
The second and third vertebrae
of the Royal College of Surgeons.

and tapering

are often united by

more or

less of

the surface of the neural arches

seems to be the normal state. In the specimens from Cromer, lately acquired by tbe Royal College of Surgeons, the third and
fom'th cervical vertebrae are united by the neural arches, and the
second and third free.
The elongated processes on the end of the front ribs have two
muscles attached to them, one arising from each of the two neighbouring vertebrae. Eschricht, in his essay above cited, figured a
foetus and a new-born specimen, which was 34 inches long, and gave
the anatomy of it, with details of its skeleton (see Eschr. K. D. Vid.
They have a single series of bristles
Selsk. 1846, fig. p. 309).
parallel with the lips (see K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. xi, t. 1 & 2).
Tj^mpanic bones oblong, swollen, rounded above and below and
Thej' are figured in siUi in the skull by Eschricht
at each end.
in the Danish Transactions,' vol. xii. t. 11. f. 2 gin the foetus, t. 9.
f. 2 & 4f/, & t. 10. f. 2(/, in the more adult state.
In the Royal Danish Transactions for 1846, Eschricht gives a
detailed comparison of the bones of the head of a foetal specimen
(one 6^ feet) and one 34 feet long (see t. 9-11), and the details of
The form of the certhe skeleton of a foetus 9 inches long (t. 14).
vical and other vertebrae of the skeleton seems to be nearly identical
with that of those of the adult animal. The lateral processes of
the second cervical process, for example, are united into a broad
expanded blade, with a perforation near the body of the vertebra,







so characteristic of the cenus.





Eschricht figured the cranium of a B. rosfmta from a foetus

9 inches long, an older foetus G^ feet long, and an older specimen
31 feet long (t. 9, t. 10, 1. 11, & t. 14), Avhich show how much more
rapidly the rostrum elongates in comparison with the size of the
brain-case, the very unequal manner in which the bones enlarge as
compared with each other, and how they anchylose, especially the
very large size of the tympanic bones in the smallest foetus compared "with these bones in the older specimen, and how they enlarge
laterally and become more transverse and less oblique as the animal
In the foetal state the forearm-bones are slender
increases in size.
and nearly twice as long as the humerus the longest fingers are
almost as long as the forearm-bones the second and third and the
the first finger
first and fourth fingers are nearly equal in length
has three, the second and third six or seven, and the fourth four
Eschricht, Wallthiere, t. 7. f. d, D.


Balsenoptera rostrata.

The Pike Whale.

Pectoral fin white near the base

Black, beneath reddish white.


Balasna rostrata, 3Iiiller, Prodi: O. Fahr. Fmm. Grccnl. 40 Hunter,

Turtoii, B. launa, 16;
Phil. Trans. Ixxvii. t. 20-23, cop. E. M. t. 4
Nilsson, Scand. Fauna, 632.
E-orqualus rostratus, Dekay, Zool. New York Mits. 730. t. 30. f. 1.
Baleena musculus (pars), Flem. B. A. 30; Jemjns, Man. 4n.
Balasna Boops (pars), Flem. B. A. 31.
Balsenoptera acuto-rostrata, Lacep. Cetac. Scoresby, Arct. Peg. i. 485.





Balojnoptera acuto-rostrata, Lesson, N.

Balsenoptera microcephala, Brandt,


R. A. 202.


minimus borealis, Knox, Cat. Whale, 14.

Korqualus minor, Knox, Jar dine, Nat. Lib. 142. t. 7
Islande, Mamm. t. 13 (skull), t. 14 (skull).




Balsena borealis rostrata, Fischer, Si/n. s. 25.

Balsena Boops, Albers, Icon. Anat. 1822, t. 1 Camper, Cetac. 74. t. 11
12 Cat. Coll. Surg. 171. n. 1194, Hunter's spec. ? Giesecke, Edinb.
Balsenoptera Boops, Fiu-backcd Whale, Newman, Zoologist, i. 33, fig.
Fleming, B. A. 31 Bell, Brit. Quad. 520. tig. p. b'2\,fro7n Hunter.
Eorqualu's Boops, F. Cuv. Cetac. -521. t. 20.
Balsenoptera Physalus, Grai/, Zool. E. J^~ T. 18.
Vaagehval, Eschricht, K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. xi. 1. 1, 2, and p. 286-299




Bal;\3noptera rostrata, Grag, Zool. Ereb. Sf Terror, 50. t. 2 (skull),

Cat. Cetac. B. M.
Proc. Zool. Soc. 1847, 90
t. 1. f. 3 (baleen)
1850, 32 ; Proc. Zool. Sue. 1864, 227 ; Floicer, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864


Pterobalsena minor, Eschricht,Nord. Wallthiere, 59, 1849 Van Beneden,

Mhn. Acad. Roy. Bruxelles, xxxii. 36; Couch, Rep. Nat. Hist. Soc.
Penzance, 1851 Lilljeborg, I. c. Malmgren, Arch. Naturg. 1864.
Ptcrobakiena minor et prostrata, Van Beiu-den, I. c. 463.

Tnhab. North Sea. Ascending the mouths of rivers.

(DeJcaij). Valognes, Franco (Creo^roy).


New York





Stuffed specimen
young. Thames at Dcptford.
Stuffed specimen very young.
* Plates of baleen from a. Thames at Deptford.


Erebus and Terror,'

South Greenland.







Figured in


From Mr.

Brandt's Collection.

Fiff. 49.

Atlas vertebra of Balanopfera rostrata.

Extreme width 9 inches; height 9^


Fig-. 50.

Second and third cervical vertebrfe of Balfpnoptera

rostrata, united

by the

crural arch.

Extreme width 12 inches




width 4 inches.

Articular surface



The skull figured in Zool. Erebus aud Terror,' t. 2,

28 at the l)eak, 23 inches wide at the orbit, 15|
and 10| in the middle of the nose. The nose of the



46| inches

at the notch,




gate-triangular, with straight, regularly converging sides, not quite

The first cervical vertebra
twice as long as the width at the notch.
The central hole is half as high again
is rather broader than long.
The second and third cervical vertebrae are united togeas broad.
The second cervical vertebra has a broad,
ther by the upper edge.

much -expanded,

lateral process, with an oblong central hole near

the body of the vertebra, reaching rather more than half its length.
The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebra) have two (or
upper and lower) lateral processes. The upper process of the third
is the shortest and least developed, and they increase in length to the
The lower process of the third is the thickest. The fourth
and fifth are rather small ; and in the sixth the basal part of the
process is shorter and the upper part much elongated and thinner.
The seventh has only the upper process, which resembles that of the

dorsal in form, but is smaller.

This species, which is the smallest of the family, scarcely
exceeds 25 or 30 feet in length.



Fig. 51.

Fifth cervical vertebra of BaUcnoptera rostrata.

skeleton of the " young Balwaa Boops'' (No. 1194, Mus. Coll.
which formed part of the Hunterian collection, and is probably the skeleton of the B. rostrata described by John Hunter (as
the head is about 4 feet long, which agrees with the measm-ements



The cer\acal
of his figure of the animal), belongs to this species.
The skeleton and baleen are described by
vertebra) are all free.
Professor Owen in Cat. Osteol. Coll. Mus. Coll. Surg. ii. 441.
Mr. Knox examined a young Korqual, 9 feet 11 inches long, 3 feet

from snout to ear, and 4 feet 8 inches in girth at the end of the
which was cast ashore near Queensferry, Firth of Forth, in
He considers it quite distinct from the Great Eorqual (B.





it has only 11 dorsal, 30 lumbar, sacral, and caudal

but he considers it the same as B. rostrata of O. Fabricius,
Hunter, and Scoresby (Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. 1834, 199). Mr. Knox's
specimen is figured by Jardine under the name of the Lesser Rorqual
Schlegel (Fauna Japon. 24, and Abhandl. 44)
(Nat. Lib. vi. t. 7).
erroneously refers to this figure as a representation of Bakvnoptera

Boops), because


aritica (antarctica) ; for though the pectoral in the figure is larger

in proportion than it should be for a Baleenoptera, it is not of the
shape of the fins of Megaptera and the artist has made the fin of

both the animal and skeleton of the larger Rorquals too large in
proportion for the other parts of the body, and perhaps the length of
the body is foreshortened.
Fiff. 52.

Tympanic bones of Balcenoptera


Fiff. .53.


of first

and second

ribs of Balcenoptera rostrata.



'' In the Leyden Museum there arc two skeletons ; the first a very
beautiful and perfect specimen from the same locality as the lastmentioned skeleton. The baleen is in situ on both sides of the mouth,
The animal was in the adolescent
never having been removed.
The epiphyses of the upper end of the radius and ulna are

united, but that of the head of the humerus is stiU. separable.
entire length is 23' 2", of which the head occupies 5' 2".
vertebral formula is C. 7, D. 11, L. 12, C, 17=47 ; but one or more
bones are wanting from the end of the tail. The cervical vertebrae
The upper and lower transverse processes of the sixth
are all free.
The other
are united on the right side, but separate on the left.
skeleton of the same species is rather larger, but not so complete.
The cervical vertebrae are all free, and none of the transverse processes (excepting those of the second) are united at their ends."
Flower, P. Z.S. 1864, 418.
" In the Louvain Museum there are two skeletons, but neither of
them yet articulated. The first is young and not very perfect it formed
The second
part of the old anatomical collection of the University.
and third cervical vertebrae are anchylosed by their arches all the
the transverse processes are not fully developed. The
rest are free
second is a fine perfect skeleton of an adolescent individual obtained
more recently from the Norway coast. The cervical vertebra) are
the upper and lower transverse processes
all free from each other
those of the axis and the sixth vertebra united
fully developed
A small tubercle
together on both sides ; the others all separate.
represents the inferior transverse process on both sides of the body
of the seventh yertehra:' Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, 409.
" Skeleton of a young individual, in the Louvain Museum, marked
B. minima, and said to belong to a small variety only found among
The total length is 1 7' 3" but
the Right Whales of Greenland.
The skull is
several vertebrae are wanting from the end of the tail.
4' long.
There are 7 cervical, 11 dorsal, and 12 lumbar vertebrae,
and 11 pairs of ribs. The cervical vertebrae are all free, and the
upper and lower transverse processes are not united at their ends in
any of them but in the axis the union is almost complete. There
is in the same Museum a skull, 3' 8" long, of a younger specimen of
this species." i^ZoM^er, P. Z. S. 1864, 418.
The skeleton figured by Albers (Icon, Anat. Comp. t. 1) was taken
at Bremen on the 8th of May, 1G69, and is preserved in the Town

The skull was figured by Camper, Cotac. It is

The scapula is much broader than high, with a large
broad coracoid process. The sternum is slender and cross-shaped,
Hall of that



feet long.

is suspended in the place of the pubic bones.

Professor Eschricht observes that " the Greenland TihirjuliTc, or
Balcena rostrata of 0. Fabricius, may bo distinct from the Norwegian
Vaagelival or B. minor " (4th Mem. 157). Our Greenland skull does
not appear to diff'er from that of the English skeleton.
Specimens have been taken in the Thames at Deptford {Ilunfer),
skeleton in Mus. Coll. Surg. ; Liverpool, April 1829 (Mag. N. Hist,



391, 1829)

Largo, Scotland, 15th May, 1832, 14 feet long (Mag.





N. Hist.) Frith of Forth, near Queensferrj^, 1834 (Knox) ; coast

of Norfolk, 23rd Nov. 1839, 24 feet long (Mag. N. Hist. iii. 157);
Cromer (Gnniei/), skeleton in Mus. Coll. Surg. Thames opposite
Deptford Creek, Oct. 23, 1842 (Illustrated London News, i. 388
Zoologist, 1842), skeleton in British Museum ; Jutland, 1837,
skeleton in Mus. Louvain skeleton in Mus. Bremen, head figured by
Polperro ;
P. Camper ; Bergens, skeleton in Mus, Paris, Charante.
caught in a mackerel drift-net. May 1850. The blubber 2 inches
In the specimen described by Dr. Jacob the remains
of herrings only were detected.
Dublin Phil. Journ. 1825, 343.
This species is well described by John Hunter (Phil. Trans. 1787,
373. t. 20) from a specimen caught on the Doggerbank.
It was

17 feet long.
Fleming refers this animal to the Balcena tripinnaque rostrum
acatum of Sibbald, on which Balcena Boops is established, which
was 46 feet long (Brit. Anim. 31). Fleming also refers an animal
described and figured by Mr. Scoresby (Arctic Regions, i. 485, t. 13.
notes by Mr. James Watson, from the Orkneys, to
f. 2), from
Balcena mmculus (Brit. Anim. 31 ). He quotes Sir Charles Giesecke's
statement " that B. Boops is a small kind of whale, its length being
from 20 to 25 feet ;" and asks, " are we to rely on the size in determining the species, and consider B. rostrata as a distinct species,
limited to 25 feet in length, and represented by the rostrata of
Fabricius and Hunter and the Boops of Giesecke ? Futui'e observers
may determine the point." (Fleming, Brit. Anim. 32.) The examination of specimens has determined it in the affirmative.
Dr. Knox, in his account of the dissection of a young Rorqual, or
Short Whalebone Whale, gives the following as the specific differences in the skeleton of the greater Rorqual and the smaller, or
rostrata of Fabricius
Great Rorqual.
Vertebrae G3
cervical 7, dorsal 13, lumbar,
sacral, and caudal 43.
Smaller Rorqual. Vertebrae 48 cervical 7, dorsal 11, lumbar 13,
sacral and caudal 17.
The position of the fins in the genus is very different from that
found in the genus Physalus. I first pointed this out in my paper
on British Whales (Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1846, xvii. 85), when, misled
by the general behef that there was only one species of Finner Whale,
I stated that the body appeared to elongate between the fins as it
arrives at maturity. In the small ones (females ?), from 14 to 25 feet
long (these are B. rostrcda), the pectoral fins are about one-third,
and the dorsal two-thirds of the length from the end of the nose
but in the larger specimens, male and female (these are Phi/sali),
the middle of the body appears to lengthen twice as fast as the other
parts, for in these the pectoral is about one-fourth, and the dorsal
three-fourths the entire length from the end of the nose.
one is obliged to feel one's way in the study of these animals so

difficult to observe.

Professor Barkow describes the skeleton of a small Whalebone

in the Museum of Breslau (Das Leben der Walle




with five woodcuts). It is 25 feet long, with 48 verand appears to agree in most particulars with Balcenoptera
rostrata, or Beaked Whale of Hunter,
The fore-lirab or hand has
five short fingers, like the short truncated fin of the Right Whale or
Bcdcnna, the first having three, the second four, the third five, the
fourth four, and the fifth a single phalange.
The middle finger is
longest, the second and foxirth nearly equal, a little shorter, the first
shorter still, and the fifth rudimentary and very slender (see f. 5
He proposes to call it Pterohalcena nana pentadactyla,
at p. 22).
giving the name of P. nana tetradadijJa to the Bakena rostrata of
Hunter, P. gigantea longimana. to the Megaptera longlmana, and
P. gigantea inkrochira or hrevimana to the B. PJn/salus of Scoresby.



I think this determination requires reconsideration, for I am

doubtful if this specimen is not made
that is to say, a skeleton of
Bahrnoptera rostrata with the arm and fingers of a young true Balcena
or llight Whale appended to it.
Mr. Flower (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 394) observes, " Barkow (Das

Leben der Walle, &e. Breslau, 1862) has described another species
under the name of Pterobala;na pentadactgla but much uncertainty
hangs over the origin and composition of the single skeleton in the
Museum at Breslau, on which it is founded. If genuine, it would
necessitate a considerable modification of both the family and generic


Section II.


Teeth well developed in one or both jaws, rarely deciditous. Palate lined xcith
a hard membrane^ without any haleen. Gidlet larye. Head large or
Tympanic hones at first sqmrate,
modei-ate, more or less compressed.
nearly similar in size ; they unite early into a single hone, which is
sunk in and suspended in a cavity in the base of the sktdl.
B^-isson, R. A. 225.
Delphinidse, " J. Gray," Taudhwalar, Lilljehorq, Ofversigt, 1862, p. 3.
Denticete, Gray, Ann. 8f Mar,. N. H. xiv. 1864 P. Z. S. 1864.
Delphinoidea, Flotoer, P. Z. 'S. 1864, 389.
Zahnwalle, Eschricht, Nord. Wallthiere, 7.

Cetacea dentata,

"Teeth always developed after birth, and generally numerous,

sometimes few and early deciduous. No baleen. Sternum elongated, composed of several pieces placed one behind the other, to
which are attached the

ossified cartilages of several pairs of ribs.


anterior ribs ^vith capitular processes developed, and articulating

with the bodies of the vertebrae, as in other Mammalia. The posterior ribs without head,



and only articulating with the transverse

two coming in contact

of mandible straight, the

in front by a sui'face of variable length, but always constituting a

true sjTnphysis.
Upper surface of the skull generally, if not always,
Upper end of the maxilla expanded, and produced
over the orbital process of the frontal bone. Nasal bones rudimentary
and unsymmetrical. Lacrymal bono confluent with the jugal."
Floxver, P. Z. 8. 1864, 389.



A. Kostrils

longitudinal, parallel or diverging, covered with a valve, one often




Pectoral broad,








large, subcylindrical,

large, in the lower

upper one.


Lower jaw narrow. Teeth

gums of the
one often abortive. The hinder edge

only, fitting into pits in the

Nostrils separate,

of the maxillary elevated, forming a concavity on the forehead of

the skull.
Pectoral broad, truncated.
Fingers 5. Eye and limb
of left side smaller ; left nostril very large.
The lower jaw is early
joined in front into a subcylindrical mass ; the branches converge
and nearly straight.
Delphinia Catodouia (pars), Hafin. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815.
Cete Carnivora (pars). Lesson, N. Reg. Anim. 20l.
Physeterefe, Lesson, N. Reg. Anim. 201.
ZalinwaUe (pars), Oke7i, Lehrb. Naturg. G72, 1815.
Physeteridfe sen Hypodontia, J. Brookes, Cat. Mas. 38, 1828.
Catodon, Artedi, Gen. Piscium, 78, Ichth.
Les Cachalots, Duvernoy, Ann. Set. Nat. 1851, 23.
Catodontida;, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 44; P. Z. S. 1804, 231
MacLeay, Neio Sperm Whale, 1851, 63.
Physeteriens, Geoff. Legons, Mamm. 1835, 66.
l)er Cachalots (Physeter), Schlegel, Abhandl. 24,
Physeteridse, Owen, Cat. Osteal. Mus. Coll. Surg.



" Upper surface of massive skull concave for the recejition of sperNostrils enormously disproportionate in size, the left one
the largest. The nasal bones as well as those of the face generally
unsymmetrical and distorted. Blowhole externally single (in all ?).
Branches of the toothed lower jaw united in front by a bony symphysis, which is always considerably narrower than the toothless
upper jaw. Teeth of the under jaw conical, hollow, like those of a
crocodile, and fitting into cavities formed in the gum of the upper
jaw." MacLeay, 1. c. p. 63.
" The Cachalots or Sperm Whales,' Catodontidoi of Dr. Gray, I
humbly consider to constitute a subfamily rather of Delphinidce,
especially since the discovery of that very remarkable small species,
the Euphysetes Grail of Mr. W. S. Wall" Blyth.
Mr. W. S. MacLeay discusses this question in his History and Description of a
new Sperm Whale,' set up by Mr: W. S. Wall.





Synopsis of the Geneea.

Bloivers in front of upper part

compressed, truncated in front.
Dorsal hump rounded,
Skull elongate.

of head.





n. Head

pressed, falcate.






Blotver on hack of the forehead.


Head moderate,


in front.

Dorsal Jin com-

Skull elongate.
Skull short,

witli a truncate snout in front.



Head cotnpressed,
the truncatioti.

truncated in front, with the 7iostrilin the upper edge of

Skull elongate.
Dorsal hump rounded.


Spenjiacetl Whales.


rather compressed in front and truncated, with the blowers

close together on the front of the upper edge, separated from the
head by an indentation. Nose of skull elongate, broad, depressed.
Lower jaw shorter than the upper one, very narrow, eylindi'ical in
front, and the rami united by a symphysis for nearly half its length.
Back with a roundish tubercle in front, over the eyes, called the
" bunch," and a rounded ridge of fat behind, highest in front over
the genital organs, called the " hump," and continiied in a ridge to
the tail.
No true dorsal fin. Pectoral broad, truncated. Teeth
Males larger than the females.
conical, often worn down.
The atlas is distinct; the other cervical vertebrae are soldered

Catodon, Artedi, Syst. Lacep. Cet. Rajin. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815
Oken, Lehrh. Nat. 678
Gray, Zool. E. ^- T.
Cat. Cetac. B.M.^;
P. Z. S. 1863 1864, 231.
Physeter (Catodontes), Fischer, Sgn. Mamm. 517.
Physeter, sp., Linn. ; Illiger, Prod. 143, 1811 Lesson, N. R^g. Anim.


Physeter, Wagler, N. S. Amph. 33; J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 38;

Rousseau, Mag. Zool. 1856, 257.
Physalus, Lacep. Cet. 219. t. 9, from Anderson, Cachalot, t. 4.
Balsenoptera (Physalus), Fischer, Sgn. Mamm. 519.
? Notaphrum, RaJin. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815 (no char, nor type).
Cetus (pars), Oken, Lehi-h. Naturg. 674.
Fig. 54.

Catodon niacrocephalus.

Curiir, Oss. Foss.









Clusius erroneously describes the blowers as placed on the head

near the back, and Artedi and Linnaeus adopt this error in their
character of Physeter macroceplutlas. Anderson (Iceland, ii. 186. t. 4)
gives a figure of a whale with a truncated head, much resembling
the old figures of the Sperm Whale, with the blower on the hinder
part of the head, like a Physeter.
Bonnaterre established on this
figure his Physeter cyJlndrus
and Lacepede forms a genus for it,
which he calls Physalus. The Dutch engraving of the animal described by Clusius shows this to have been a mistake.
The bunch and hump referred to by Beale and the other whalers
appear first to have been described by T. Hasa^us of Bremen, in 1723,
in a dissertation on the Leviathan of Job and the Whale of Jonas
on "a specimen 70 feet long, with a very large head, the lower jaw
16 feet long, with 52 pointed teeth, with a boss on the back, and
another near the tail, which resembles a fin." Cu\'ier, after quoting
this very accurate description, observes, " Mais d'apres 1' observation


que personne n'a revue

pourroit avoir etc accidentelle, et alors cet animal n'auroit differe en
rien du Cachalot vulgaire " (Oss. Foss. v. 331).
Indeed he wrongly
accuses Bonnaterre of having added a tubercle in his copy of Anderfait sur divers dauphins, cette disposition


not in the original (Oss. Poss. 333). Anderson,

it has a prominence 4 feet
long and a foot and a half high near its tail, as in his figure.
But the
fact was that Cuvier erroneously combined the Sperm Whale and the
Black-fish (Physeter) together
and he could not otherwise reconcile
how some authors, as Hasoeus, Anderson, and Pennant, described the
Sperm Whale with a hump, while Sibbald describes the Physeter,
which Cuvier erroneously considered the same animal, with a dorsal
fin, overlooking at the same time the great difference in the form of
the head, and in the position of the blower of these two very dissimilar genera (Oss. Foss. 338).
" When the young Cachalot has attained the length of 34 feet, its
teeth are perfectly formed, though not visible until it exceeds
28 iect"Bemiett, P. Z. S. 1836.
" The teeth in the lower jaw (in young specimens 16 feet long) had
not yet come through. Captain Benjamin Chase states that he has
more than once seen teeth of a considerable size in the upper jaw of
the adult females, though always covered by the gum.
The males,
he says, being much larger, are cut up difterently, and in such a way
as not to expose the teeth."
JacJiSon, Boston Mag. iV. If. v. 140.
" The upper jaw is not altogether toothless, as usually described.
It has on either side a short row of teeth, which for the most part
are placed more interior than the depressions which receive the teeth
of the lower jaw, though they sometimes also occupy the bottom of
these cavities.
Their entire length is 3 inches they are curved
backwards and elevated about half an inch above the soft parts, in
which they are deeply imbedded, having only a slight attachment to
the maxillary bone.
In two instances I have found their number
to be eight on each side.
They exist in both sexes of the Sperm
Whale and although -visible externally only in the adult, they may
son's figure,


in the description of this animal, says that



be seen in the young animal upon removing the soft parts from the
Bennett, Whaling Voyage, ii. 163; Proc.Zool.
interior of the jaw."
Soc. 1836.
" The number of the teeth varies greatly in different individuals,

and does not appear


be influenced by either age, sex, or

Amongst many Cachalots

I find their variations in



to be as

21 on one side of the jaw, 20 on the opposite 23-21,

22-22, 24-25, 22-23, 24-26, 23-24, 22-24, 19-20. Length of
male 60 to 76 feet of female, 30 to 35 feet. Foetus, 14 feet long
and 6 feet in girth." Bennett, I. c. 154.
M. de BlainviUe described what ho considered as two varieties,
the first, from Cape Horn, has long,
observed in the lower jaws
slender, cylindrical, rather acute teeth, and the symphysis to the


twentieth tooth (figured Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. t. 24. f. 8) the second

with 25 or 27 blunt and vertical teeth on each side, the symphysis
Ann. Anat. et Phys. ii. 335, 336.
to the eighteenth tooth.
The ear-bones are figured by Camper (Anat. des Cetac. t. 23
& 25) and Cuvier from these figures (Oss. Foss. v. 376) ; they most
resemble those of the DeJphinidce, but are less elongate and less
The tympanic bone is small, scroll-like, oblong,
bilobed posteriorly.
anchylosed to a somewhat similar-shaped tegmen tympani and pars
mastoidea (see Owen, Hist. Brit. Foss. Mamm. p. 526. t. 33. figs. 220
& 225 the figures are of the natural size not half the natural size,
They are from specimens sent by Mr. G. Bennett to the
as marked).
Koyal College of Surgeons.
The atlas is distinct the rest of the cervical vertebrae are anchyRibs
losed into one piece (Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 346, t. 24. f. 12, 13).
14/14. Vertebra 60 (see Cuv. Oss. Foss. I. c. t. 24. f. 15-18).
Blade-bone higher than wide, with a large coracoid (7. c. t. 24. f. 11).
Humerus and cubitus anchylosed, short and thick (t. 24. f. 14). Os
hyoides very wide (Cuv. t. 25. f. 15?).
There is the skuU of a foetus of this animal in the Museum of the
Royal CoUege of Surgeons the bones are of a very soft structure.
The following are its measurements

Length, entire

Length of nose
Length of lower jaw
Length of symphysis
"Width at notch of nose
"Width of condyles apart





This foetal skull is most fully and accurately described as showing

the cranial organization of the present genus of Cetaceous animals
by Professor Owen (Cat. Osteol. Series, ii. 442).
The length of the symphysis in the skull of the foetal Cachalot
In the adult male,
is three-fourths that of the rest of the ramus.
the disproportionate growth of this part of the jaw leads to an
excess of the length of the symphysial part beyond the rest of the






and figured by Huxley in his

118, on page 275.

also described

skiill IS

Comp. Anat.' 1864,




In the foetal skull the right praemaxiUa is much larger than the
extending far back upon the right frontal, while the left does
not reach the left frontal the left nostril, on the other hand, is
much more spacious than the right (see Huxley, Elem. Comp. Anat.
276. f. 110).
" These huge but timid animals on the. approach of a ship or boat
dive into the depths of the ocean or skim along its surface with the
utmost precipitation, and when harpooned they are paralyzed with
aff'right, in which state they will often remain a short period on tlie
surface of the sea, lying as if they were fainting.
When they
recover they show extreme activity in avoiding their foes, and but
rarely turn upon their adversaries for although men and boats are
frequently destroyed in these rencontres, they are more the effect
of accident during violent contortions and struggles to escape than
any wilful attack. They emit no sound, except a trifling hissing at
They only eject a thick
the time of the expiration of the spout.
and dense vapour, and never water, from the spoutholes." Beale,

3, 5,



" The male and female differ greatly in size and form. The adult
female is only about one-fifth the size of the adult male but this
is not altogether to be understood as regards length, but of their

general bulk, for the females are longer in proportion to their circumference than the males, and they are altogether more slender,
which gives them the appearance of lightness and comparative weakness."

Beetle, 15.

" The herds or schools of the Sperm Whale are of two kinds
1st, of females, which are accompanied by their young and one or
two adult males and, 2ndly, of the young and half-grown males but
the large and full-grown males always go singly in search of food."

Beale, 20.

" There is little external appearance, beyond the size of the individual or the development of its teeth, to distinguish the male from
Whalers are inclined to believe that the convex or
the female.
hatchet- shaped snout is characteristic of the male Cachalots, but
I do not think that there is sufiicient ground for this conclusion."
Bennett, 167.
Captain Chase states, " They couple in a horizontal position and
not upon the side; nor does the female remain supine, but being
close to the surface of the water they occasionally turn, so as alternately to bring the top of the head above the water, evidently for
The Right WTiale (Balcena) breeds at
the piu'pose of breathing.
particular seasons, but the Sperm Whale {Catodon) at any season of
He has never seen more than a single young one at a
the year.
time about the old female. Has seen a bucketful of thick rich milk
discharged from the mammary gland of a female when cut up, but
has never witnessed the young in the act of suckling." Jackson,
He figures the stomach as having three
Boston Journ. W. H. v. 141.



{I. c. t.




" Owing to the great projection of the snout beyond the lower jaw,
requisite for this whale to turn on its side or back to seize
its more bulky prej'.
When the animal attacks a boat with its
mouth it invariably assumes a reversed posture, carrj-ing the lower
jaw above the object it is attempting to bite." Bennett, I. c. 176 see
also Beale, Hist. Sperm Whale, 159, and fig. at 154.
" The ordinary food is the cuttle-"fish or squid (Sepia), many kinds
of which are rejected from the stomach of the whale when the latter
It is probable they occasionally indulge
is attacked by the boats.
In 1835 a School Whale rejected from her stomach
in other food.
a bony fish more than a foot long. Some whalers assert that they
have seen Cachalots throw up rock-cod, and even sharks." Bennett,

may be

176 see Beetle, 18.

Couch says a young one, 20 feet long, caught at Eopehann, on
the coast of Cornwall, had 300 mackerel in its stomach.
" The habitat of the Sperm Whale is more peculiarly the central
and fathomless water of the ocean, or the vicinity of the most abrupt
The geographical range of the species (genus ?) must be regarded as very extensive, since no part of the aqueous globe, excepting the Polar seas, would appear to be altogether inimical to their
habits or free from their visits.
It is, however, in the wanner seas,
within or upon the verge of the tropics, that the Cachalot is sought
with the greatest success, as in those corresponding to the intertropical coasts of Africa, America, Asia, and New Holland, or surrounding the Indian and Polynesian islands, but more especially and
uniformly in the line of currents which extend from the equator
to almost the seventh degree of north and south latitude, both in
Bennett, I, c. 182, with map,
the western and eastern hemispheres."
showing where they occurred during his voyage. They were ob7. c.



served in the Antarctic Seas as high as lat. 71 50'.

Boss, Antarctic
Voyage, i. 169, 197.
Mr. Beale says, " From having particularly noticed their external
form, and also their manner and habits in varioiis parts of the world
very distant from each other, yet I was never led to suppose for an
instant from their observance that more than one species" (the
Sperm Whale) " exists. The large full-grown male appears the same
in every part, from New Guinea to Japan, from Japan to the coast
of Peru, from Peru to our own island ; while their females coincide
in every particular, having their young ones among them in the same
order, and appearing similar to all others which I had seen in every
respect, merely differing a little in colour or fatness according to
the climate in which they were captured, as we had an opportunity
of observing as they were lying dead by the side of the ship."
Beale, 12, 13.
But this is merely speaking the language of whalers, and by species
he means, as he does in the other parts of his book, genus. I have
no doubt, from analogj' of other whales, that when we shall have
had the opportunity of accurately comparing the bones and the
various proportions of the parts of the Northern and Southern kinds,
we shall find them distinct. Mr. W. S. MacLeay, in his essay on




the Southern Whale, has shown that this is the case.

Wishing to
call attention to this subject for future examination, I may observe
that Beale (N, H. Sperm Whale, 22. f. 1, 14) describes' the Southern
Sperm Whale as grey. Female one-fifth the size and bulk of the
males, more slender and large in proportion.
Young black, skin
Varies sometimes in being black and grey mottled.
Quoy gives an engraving of a drawing of a Sperm Whale, which
was given him by an English captain, which is probably the Southern
Whale. He calls it Fhyseter pohjciiplms (and Desmoulins renames it
P. australis), because its back appears to be broken into a series of
humps by cross ridges. In this particular it agrees with the Scrag
^VTiale of Dudley (on which Bonnaterre established his BaJcena qibhosa) ; but it cannot be that animal, as Dudley says it is a Whalebone
Whale. Quoy's figure differs from Bcale's in being much longer;
but, as Beale observes, when speaking of the figures of the Northern
kind, this is the common fault of all the drawings of the Sperm

Dr. Jackson observes " The dorsal fin or hump forms a very
obtuse angle, and is ill-defined, being (in a space 16 feet long) about
10 inches in length and 2 or 3 inches high ;" there being, he further
remarks, " also between it and the caudal two or three quite small
finlets " (Boston Journ. N. H. v. 137).
These latter are, perhaps,
what are represented as humps in Quoy's figure of G. pohjcyplius.

The figure

of the

Sperm Whale


Duhamel, Peches,





3, is

good for the form and blower, and has the " taquet " marked; but a
fin has been added below, between the vent and tail, in the position
of the anal fins of fishes (!), in t. 9.'f. 1.
This author has figured and
described Orca gladiator for the Sperm Whale (!).
Bonnaterre's figure (E. M. t. 7. f. 2) of the Grand Cachalot taken
at Andiene, 1784, and copied by Lacepcde, t. 10. f. 1, is not so bad
for form, but has a fin instead of a hump on the back.
The figure of the Spermaceti Whale from the coast of Kent, 1794,
in the Gent. Mag. t. 1, is very inaccurate, especially respecting the

It is to be remarked that all the older writers only describe this

animal as occurring in the Northern seas, and Robertson and Fabricius described it as black when young, becoming whitish below.
AU the figures, except Anderson's, are, by the unanimous experience of the whalers, far too long for the thickness ; and Anderson's
scarcely represents the " bunch " sufficiently prominent, and erroneously represents the blower on the wrong part of the head.
Sperm Whales are infested with small lice {Larunda Ceti) and
species of barnacles (as Otion Cavieri), which usually adhere in
clusters to the integiiment around the jaws. (See Bennett, I. c. 169 ;
Beale, Hist. Sperm Whale.)
Beale (Hist. Sperm Whale, 8vo, 1839) and Bennett (Narrat.
WhaUng Voyage, 1840, 8vo, ii. 153) give a long account of the
habits, the mode of catching, &c. of the South-Sea Sperm Whale.
Colnet, in his Voyage,' p. 80. f. 9 (copied by Brandt and Eatzeburg, 1. 14. f. 3), gives a very good' figure of a Sperm Whale, 15 feet




with details of the manner of flenching

or peeling it. His figure agi-ees with Eeale's in proportions. It was
caught in the North Pacific, near Point Angles, on the coast of
Mexico. This figure escaped Cuvier's researches.
long, from measurements

Purchas says the Sperm Whale is found at Bermuda, where it is

Trumpo, a name which Lacepede applied to the Northern


An anonymous writer in the Philosophical Transactions,'
132, and Dudley, describe them as found on the east coast of North


The Japanese distinguish three varieties of this animal, according
They live in herds on the Japanese coast. Faun.
to their size.
A whale's tooth is highly prized in Fiji, being used in augury by
Bensusan, Journ.
the priests, and was formerly a sort of currency.
Roy. Oeogr. 8oc. 1862, 48.
" The crovni jewels of Viti were kept in a wooden box, in charge
of the widow of the late Governor of Namose first, there was a
necklace of whale's teeth, the first that ever came to the mountain
secondly, a large whale's tooth, highly polished, and carefully wrapped
up in cocoa-nut fibre (whale's teeth are in Fiji what diamonds are
with us) thirdly, a cannibal's foot, in the shape of a club, and bearing the name of StriTce twice, i. e. first the man and then his flesh."
Seemann, Journ. Boy. Geogr. Sac. 1862, 62.


The Northern Sperm Whale.

Catodon macrocephalus.

Black, becoming whitish below.

Trumpo, Phil. Trans, i. 132.

Catodon Trumpo, Gerard, Diet.



l)e BaLiena





57; Lacep. Cet. 212.


macrocephala quae binas tantum pinnas laterales habet,



Balsena major in inferiore tantum maxiUa dentata macrocephala

bipiunis, Haii Pise. 15.
Cetus bipinnis supra niger, etc., Brisson, Cete, 357.
Catodon fistula in cervice, Artedi, Syn.
Catodon macrocephalus, Lacep. Cet. 1. 10. f. 1 Gray, Cat. Cetac. B.M.
1850, 49; Proc. Zool. Soc. 18G3 1804, 281.
Sperm AVliale, Anderson, Camhridye Pliil. Travis, ii. 250. t. 12 (view of
animal), t. 13 (cranium and lower jaw), t. 14 (side view of head) ;
Jackson, Boston Jmrn. N. H. v. 137. t. 14 (stomach).
Spemaaceti Whale, Dudley, Phil. Trans, xxxii. 258 ; Gent. May. 1794,




Blunt-head Cachalot, Robertson, Phil. Trans. Ix. t.

Physeter Catodon, O. Fabr. Faun. Gra-nl. 44, aiid liobertson, not LinnT. Thompson, May. N. Hist. 1829, ii. 471. f. 114 (bad).
Pliyseter Trumpo, Bonnat. Ceiac. t. 8. f. 1, from Robertson, copied

Reichenb. Cetac. t. 4. f. 12 (anat. t. 10) Fi'scher, Syn. Mamm. 518.

rhYseterniacrocephahis,i/M. S. N. i. l07 O. Fabr. Faun. Granl. 41
Shaic, Zool ii. 497. t. 228; Reichenb. Cetac. 4. t. 4. f. 11
Gossc, Jamaica, 349; Turton, Fauna,
SiivqetJi. t. 337 a 5 t. 337 ^ ^
IG;' Jcnyns, Man. 44; Bell, Brit. Quad. 500. f.511.
Cetus macrocephalus, Oken, Lehrb. Nat. 075.




Physeter gibbosus, Schrch. Sdugeth. t. 338 Johnston, Pise. 215. t. 41,

12. f. 20
f. 1, 2, Snpp. t. 42, copied Braiult Sf Ratz. Med. Zool. t.

Willuyhh. Ichth.


A 1.



Inhab. Atlantic Ocean. North Sea. Teignmouth {Gesner, 1532).

Whitstable Bay, 1794.
Scotland (Sibbahl, Bohertson).
New England, nine months of the year {Dudley,
{0. Fabr. fec.).
Phil Trans, i. 132).


North Sea.

Length, entire

Length of beak


at notch

"Width at middle of beak

The beak



not quite twice the length of the breadth at the notch,

and more than two-thirds the length of the entire head.

This specimen



figured, Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 6. 24.



Lower jaw. Indian Seas. Presented by Colonel Cobb.

Lower jaw of young,
Lower jaw bent and distorted in front.

Entire length
Length of teeth-groove

at condyle









Length of symphysis ....

Teeth on each side







The lower jaw appears to increase in length in front, for in the

older specimens the symphysis is more, and in the younger ones less,
than half the entire length of the jaw.
e,f. Teeth, various.
Section of a tooth.


The Spermaceti Whale frequently comes ashore in Orkney ; one

was caught at Hoy, 50 feet long (" Lowe," Flem. B. A. 29).
A male, 52 feet long, with a dorsal fin, was found at Limekilns,
in the Forth, in Feb. 1689, and described by Sibbald (Phal. 33. t, 1).
After a hard gale of wind northerly, no less than twelve male
whales, which undoubtedly came out of the Northern Ocean, were
towed and driven on shore, all dead and in a high state of putrefacsix were found upon the coast of Kent, two on
tion, excepting one
One at the Hope Point, in the River Thames,
the coast of Holland.
was the only one seen alive he ran aground and smothered himself
in the mud, and was afterwards made a show of in the Greenland

Docks. (Letter from WalderwicTc, on the coast of Suffolk, 7th March

1788, in Sir Joseph Banks's copy of Phil. Trans, in B. M. hbraiy.)
Whitstable, Kent, Feb. 16, 1829. A male, 62 feet long and 16 feet
" It was purchased by Messrs. Enderby and Sturge, who
They presented
erected coppers on the beach and collected the oil.
the skeleton, which had been prepared by Mr. J. Gould, to the




of the Zoological Society.

The government having put in
' royal
fish,' the whole proceeds of it were under
P. Hunter
arrest, and the bones are now whitening on the shore."
and H. Woods, Mag. Nat. Hist. May 1829, ii. 197.
The skeleton of an adult male, 56 feet long, at Burton Constable
(Turnstall in Holderness, Yorkshii'e, 1825), was articulated by
Mr. Wallis (see Beale, 73). This specimen was cast on the coast of
Holderness, and claimed by Mr. Constable as Lord of Holdcrncss, and
sent to Burton Constable (Thomas Thompson, Mag. Nat. Hist. 1829,
The skeleton is 49 feet 7 inches long cranium 18 feet
ii. 477).
i inch ; lower jaw 16 foot 10 inches. Teeth 24 24. Eibs 10 10,
nearly circular; the first vsdth one, the second, third, fourth, fifth,
sixth, seventh, and eighth with two articulating surfaces, each artiCervical vertebrae 2
that is, atlas and
culated to two vertebrae.
another united ; dorsal vertebrae 10 ;. lumbar and caudal 32

a claim to the

cla\icles none
bones ; sternum of three bones
blade-bone flat, without any spine, but with two projecting coracoid
processes near the articulation bones of pectoral fins 4 feet 4 inches
long carpus of seven loose square bones the phalanges five, the
three middle ones each of four and the two outer each of tliree bones.





OS hj'oides


feet long.


This is the skeleton from the coast of Yorkshire described by

Dr. Anderson in Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans. 1825, ii. t. 12, 13, 14,
but it is said to be 58 1 feet long, teeth 24 24.
" In July 1835 a whale came alongside of his boat, and sometimes
at no greater distance than a fathom. It was between 30 and 40 feet
long, but he could not well distinguish the hinder part of his body.
The body very thick and solid, with a fin on the tail of an extraordinary shape, appearing like a hump, not high, and almost two fathoms
long, with the upper portion in a waved form as of separate humps,
and tapering behind into the general shape, where the body became
more slender." Couch, Whale on the Coast of Cormvall, 32.
This is probably the whale Mr. Couch in his former list referred
to Physeter jJoh/cystiis.
Ireland, north and north-west coast {Mohjnea^ix, Phil. Trans. 1795,
xix. 508); Youghal {Smith); Dublin, 1766 {Rutty).
Sandy Side Bay, Thirso, August 1863, skeleton presented to the
supposed to have been brought by the Gulf-stream ;
British Museum
was decayed when discovered.
Duhamel (Peches, iv. t. 15. f. 63) figures a male Cachalot, 48 feet
He erroneously represents it as having a
long, taken near Bayonne.
long high fin between the vent and the tail, like the anal fin of fish.
" A true Cachalot was taken in 1856 by the fishermen of St. Nazaire, in the Mediterranean, and a considerable portion of its lower
jaw is preserved in the collection of the Marist Fathers, at La Scyne,
Gervais, Comptes Jiendus, 28th Nov. 1864, 876 Ann.
near Toulon."
^ Mag. N. H. 1865, 75.
Skeleton mounted in the Court of the Cabinet of Comparative Anatomy at Paris (Blainville, Ann. Fr. et Etrang. d'Anat. et de Phys.
ii. 326), which is said to have been purchased in London.


See Dauphin de Berlin,

Delpli. Bertini,


516, 7G8

ii. 1041. t. 10. f. 5,

Fischer, Syn. 509.


Systems du Regne Animal,' exAnnales Fr. et Etr. d' Anatomic et de Physiologic,'
235, states that the jaws with teeth in the Paris Museum seem

tracted in the


Duham. Peches,


young Fhyseter ? Fischer.

M. H. de Blainville, in




show two or three

distinct forms.
The first, a head, stranded at
Audierne, on the coast of Brittany, in 1784, has the lower line of
the lower jaw in the form of a hoat.
Teeth 25 on each side ; 1 S to
the symphysis.
In two other jaws of this variety, one has 2'd and
the other 27 teeth.
The second form has the lower jaw much less curved, nearly
straight, the symphysis reaching to the twentieth tooth.
Teeth all
long, straight.
It was obtained at Cape Horn by M. Daubre, and is
figured in Cuv. Oss. Foss. v, 340. t. 24. f. 8.
There is a second jaw
of this variety figured in Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. t. 24. f. 9 (?).
The third form is a jaw intermediate between the two former.
The symphysis ends between the twentieth and twenty-first teeth.
The teeth are 25 on each side.
Camper (Cetac. t, 17, 20-22, from the church of Scherclinge, 1. 18,
19, 27, Mus. Paris) figured the skull of this whale.
He represents
the nose of the skiill as nearly twice and a half as long as the width
at the notch.
" Sperm Whales were frequently hunted off" the shores of the
Moreau de St.-Meri, in his ' History and Description of
the old French Colony of St. Domingo,' relates that in his time
(1785, in the months of March, April, and May) as many as twentyfive vessels from the North American States could be seen off" the
coast of Sale Trou, near Jacmel, fishing for the Cachalot Whale,
and, he adds, for Souffleurs {Balcenoptera), and that this fishery was
pursued with equal spirit and success within the gulf to the west of
the colony, that is, within the Bight in which I saw the Cachalot
beach. The whalefishers resorted to Turk Island to boil their oil."
Gosse, Nat. in Jamaica, 353.
Dr. J. B. S. Jackson gives the dissection of a very young Sperm
Whale taken near Boston, U. S., on 29th March 1842, which was
16 feet long; the hump, which was 9 feet fi'om the tip of the nose,
formed a very obtuse angle, and was ill defined, there being also between it and the caudal two or three quite small finlets. The outer
surface was everywhere quite black, remarkably smooth, and elastic
like India rubber.
Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. 1845, v. 138. t. 16.
f. 1 (the stomach).
The blowholes are situated on the top of the head, at the very
extremity, and rather towards the left side they are of the form of
an italic/, as observed by Anderson, Beale, and Jackson. F. Cuvier
says they are semicircular (p. 288), and they are longitudinal, and
not transverse as stated by Hunter.
Roof of the mouth smooth, high-coloured, hollowed as if to receive
the lower jaw, which is quite narrow in front.
Jackson, I. c. 140
Wyman, I. c. 1. 14 (stomach).




Dr. Jackson gives a comparison of the measurements and teeth of

nine loAver jaws of the Sperm Whale, taken on the coast of North
America, which he had examined. Boston Journ. N.II. 1845, v. 152.
1. Length 16| feet.
Teeth 25 .24, moveable, rather ii-regidar.

Teeth 25 27, opposite in front, behind

and worn. Width at condyles 5|.
Length 8| feet. Teeth 20 20, regularly opposite, and very
worn, the front largest, middle most slender, hinder smallest.

Length 15^


irregular, hinder smallest



at condyles 3f
Length 7| feet.
Length 5|- feet.


feet long.

Teeth 2Q 23.
Teeth 23 22, but connected in animal 18

at condyles 2|.

Length 5\ feet. Teeth 25 24, all pointed, and some hardly

Cranium 6^ feet long the petrose portion instead of

cut the jaw.

being free, as usual in the Cetaceans, is as closely connected with the

base of the skull as any other bone. Width at condyles 5yL.
Teeth 26 25. Width at condyles 5yL.
7. Length 15^ feet.
Teeth 24 24. Width at condyles 3|.
8. Length 7^ feet.
Teeth 23 23. Width at condyles 4^.
9. Length 8^- feet.
A very young Spermaceti Whale, taken near New Bedford, Massachusetts, 29th March 1842, weighed 3053 lbs. Entire length 16 feet,
to rudimentary dorsal 9 feet, to anterior fin 4 feet, to vent 10^ feet,
Circumference 9 feet.
to eye 3^ feet, to angle of mouth 2|- feet.
Teeth of lower jaw not yet cut.
The young is quite black, remarkably smooth and elastic, like
India rubber from a line with the anterior extremity of the head
to the toj) of the tail 16 feet, to the rudimentary dorsal fin 9 feet, to
the anterior fin about 4 feet, to the vent 10 feet 2 inches, to the eyes
3 feet 2 inches, to the external orifice of ears (which was about the
size of a goose-quill) 3 feet 8 inches, to the angle of the mouth 2 feet
10 inches vertical diameter of the head, just in front of the opening
of the mouth, 2 feet 10 inches, of the largest part of the body 3 feet
The dorsal fin or
anterior fin 18 inches long and 9 inches wide.
hump forms a very obtuse angle, and is ill-defined, being about
10 inches in length and 2 or 3 inches in height there beinr/ also
Span of
between it and the caudal two or three quite small finlets.
tail 1 foot 7 inches, and 4 inches wide midway.
Lower jaw to
angle of mouth 1 foot 8 inches
right eye Ig inch long.
Circumference of the body 9 feet.
Jackson, Boston Journ. N. U. v. 139.


Catodon australis.



Wall, 8vo,

The Australian Sperm Whale.

Cervical atlas free, rest very thin and anchyloscd

Vertebrae 49,


Sperm Whale,



MacLeay, New Sperm Whale,

set tip




1 (skeleton), 1851.

Inhab. South Seas.

" The head is very thick and blunt in front, and is about one-third
of the whole length of the animal ; at its junction with the body is




a large protuberance on the back, called the 'hunch of the necJc'

immediately behind this, or the shoulders, is the thickest part of the
body, which from this point gradually tapers off to the tail but it
does not become much smaller for about another third of the whole
length, when the 'small' or tail commences; and at tliis point on
the back is a large prominence of a pyramidal form, called the Jmmj^,
from which a series of small processes run halfway down the small
or tail, constituting what is called the rklc/e the body then contracts
so much as to become not thicker than a man's body, and terminates

in the Jlakes or tail.

The two JluJces constitute a large triangiilar
The chest and belly are narrower than the broadest part of the
back, and taper off evenly and beautifidly towards the tail, giving a

The depth of the head and body is in all parts, except

the tail, greater than the width ; the head, viewed in front, presents
a broad, somewhat flattened surface, rounded and contracted above,
considerably expanded on the sides, and gradually contracted below,
so as in some degree to attain a resemblance to the cutwater of a
At the angle formed by the anterior and superior surface on
the left side is placed the single blowhole or nostril, which in the
dead animal is a slit or fissure in the form of an S, extending horizontally. In the right side of the nose and upper surface of the head
is a large, almost triangular-shaped cavity, called the case, which is
lined with a beautiful glistening membrane, and covered by a thick
layer of muscular fibres and small tendons running in various directions, finally united by common integuments.
This cavity is for the
purpose of secreting and containing an oily fluid, which is, after
death, converted into a granulated substance of a yellowish colour
the spermaceti.
clear riin.

Fio-. 55.


of Catodon (ii<6tralis,^LiicLeay.






" Beneath the case and nostril, and pi'ojecting beyond the lower
is a thick mass of elastic substance
the junl; which is formed





of a dense cellular tissue, strengthened by numerous strong tendinous fibres, and permeated with very fine oil and spermaceti.
" The mouth extends nearly the whole length of the head both
jaws, but especially the lower, are in front contracted to a very narrow
point and when the mouth is closed, the lower jaw is received within
a sort of cartilaginous Hp or projection of the upper one but principally in front for further back at the sides and towards the angles
of the mouth both jaws are furnished with well -developed lips.
the lower jaw are forty-two large conical teeth in the upper are no
teeth, but depressions corresponding to and for the reception of the
ends of the teeth in the lower jaw. Sometimes a few rudimentary
teeth may be found in the upper jaw, never projecting beyond the
gum, and upon which those in the lower jaw strike when the mouth
The tongue is small, white the throat capacious, very
is closed.
unlike the contracted gidlet of the Eight ^Miale. Mouth lined with
a pearly- white membrane, continuous at the lip, which is bordered
with the black external skin. Eyes small, with eyelids, the lower
one most moveable, placed a little behind and above the angle of the

Ears verj- small, without any

gape, at the widest part of the head.
The swimexternal appendage, a short distance behind the eyes.
ming-paws or fins are placed behind, not far from the angle of the
mouth ; they are not much used as organs of progression, but as
giving direction and balancing the body in sinking suddenly, and
occasionally in siipporting their j'oung.
" The full-grown male of the largest size is about as follows
entire length 84 feet ; depth of head 8 or 9 feet breadth 5 or 6 feet
depth of body seldom exceeds 12 or 14 feet, so that the circumference

rarely exceeds 36 feet ; the fins about 6 feet long, and 3 feet broad
the tail or flukes 12 or 14 feet wide."
Cervical 7, the first fi^ee, the other six much comVertebrae 49.
pressed, and anchylosed together ; dorsal 10, having the vertical
spinous processes inclined backward, and increasing in length from

The ribs 10 10 the first, ninth, and tenth

first to the last.
pairs have only one articulating surface to their proper vertebra?
the second, third, and fourth have two articulating surfaces

The ribs on the

seventh, and eighth have three.
left side larger in dimension than the corresponding ones on the left.
Sternum triangular, composed of three pairs of bones, the iipper
pair larger, oblong, elongate, the second and third pairs smaller, narthe

fifth, sixth,

rower behind (MacLeay,





Humerus very

short and thick, nearly half the length of the

The radius and
scapida ; it expands very much at its carpal end.
the ulna both constricted in the middle, and of much the same form,
except that the globular olecranon process of the latter gives a
peculiar character to this last by its being very prominent as it
The bones of the carpus not articulated
turns towards the thumb.
Carpal bones 6 ; five
together, but imbedded in a mass of cartilage.
rounded, irregular, placed in a transverse row, one opposite each
Metacarpal bones mucli
finger ; the sixth thin, laminar, transverse.
compressed, and scarcely to be distinguished from the phalangeal.




Pelvis composed of three pieces, a middle and two slender ones,

which are articulated one on each side of the former (Wall, 1. 1. f. 4),
the middle bone being composed of two arched pieces.
It is clear from Wall's description of the skeleton of the Sperm
Whale which lives on the coast of New Holland that it is quite
distinct from the Northern one described by Beale and Cuvier.
Mr. Wall says " there were no vestiges of any alveoles in the skull
of a very young Sperm discovered on the beach near Botany (Bay)
he suspects
that Mr. Bennett must have mistaken some kind of
Dolphin for a young Cachalot." Very unlikely, when we consider
that Dr. Bennett was a surgeon on board a whaler.
John Hunter states that there is only a single tube or canal from
the commencement for both nostrils.
In some Dolphins there is
said to be a dividing membrane.

Species wanting further examination.

The Pacific Sperm Whale.

Sperm Whale,


Colnet, Voyacfe, 80.

Physeter macrocephalus, Brandt



Beale, N.

H. Sjierm Whale,


Ratzeburg, Med. Zool.






Spermaceti Whale, Nunn, Narrat. Favourite, 40, 58

175 Fauna Japonica ?
Catodon Colneti, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. 31. 1850, 52.


not good),

Inhab. North Pacific.

oceans " (Lcsso7i).


South Seas (Ninm).

" Equatorial

The South African Sperm Whale.

Catodon macrocephalus, A. Smith, African

Zool. 127.

Inhab. Mozambique Channel and South-east coast of Africa (A.


The Indian Sperm Whale.

Catodon macrocephalus, Blyth,


Mus. A.

S. 93.

Inhab. Ocean occasionally hunted at the entrance of the Bay of

Bengal, within sight of Ceylon.
Whales visit the Straits of Namoa regularly every May. They
are mostly cows, and are usually accompanied by theii* calves, some
20 or 30 feet long. Some of the adults attain the length of 70 feet.
At night they make a loud pufiing noise resembling the sound produced by the piston of a steam-engine. At daytime they are seen
putting their long heads out of the water and opening their immense
Lacepede describes a whale, figiu'ed in some Chinese drawings,
imder the name of Physeter sulcatus, in Mom. Mus. iv. 474.




The South-Sea Sperm Whale.

Physeter polycvplius, Quay i^- Gaim. ZooL Uran. Mamm. t. 12, cop.
Reicheiib. Ceiac. 5. t. 5. I 13,
Physeter australis asiaticiis, Desmouliiis, Diet. Class. H. N. ii. 618
Fischer, St/n. 5\8,fro)n Quoy.
Catodon polyscyphus, Lesson, Mamm. 422.
Cachalot, or Sperm Whale, Bennett, IVTialiny Voyage, ii. 153, fig.

Inhab. Molucca.
Only described and figured from a drawing by an English sea

The humps on the hinder part of the back, from which MM. Quoy
and Gaimard name the^ Molucca Sperm Whale, do not appear, by
the account of Dr. Jackson and Mr. Couch, to be a pecuharity of that
the Humped Blower, Mr.
Cornish Fauna,' observes
" A specimen like the
figure of the above in Gaimard, ran itself on shore in pursuit of
small fish several years since another was seen and minutely described to me by an intelligent fisherman but it would appear that
the number of humps on the back is variable.
It is probably the
Balcena monstrosa, lluysch, Theat. Anim. i. t. 41."
Couch, Cornish
Fauna, 9. It is curious that the same form should be observed in
the Northern and Southern oceans.
" The Spermaceti Whale is not uncommon in the latitudes of New
Zealand, and often falls a prey to the whale ships which cruise in
the open sea but it does not approach the shallow coast or inlets,
as its habits are different from those of the Black Whale.
driven on shore atTe-awa-iti gave about 2 tuns of oil."
New Zealand, i. 42.

Under the name Physeter polycyphus,

Couch, in his



Head depressed,

broad, rounded in front. Blmcer on the back of the

forehead. Dorsal Ji7i compressed, falcate.


"Head rounded, very large,

in the adult about one-fourth the entire

length of animal, oblong, rather compressed ; eyes small, on the sides
behind the blower, convex above upper jaw longest the blowers
on the middle of the top of the head, sejiarate, covered with one flap
pectoi'al fin moderate, triangular ?
dorsal fin high, falcate
conical, compressed
the male organ under the front edge of the
dorsal, and the vent nearly under its hinder edge."





Linn.; Artedi;

Cat. Cetac.


Prodr. 143, 1811; Gray, Zool.

S. 1863
1864, 234.

B. M. 53; P. Z.

Physeter, R(ifin. Anal. Nat. 1815, 60.

Tursio, Fleming, Phil. Zool. 211, 1822 (P. microps).
Cetus (Ruckcntinne), Oken, Lehrb. Nat. 076.
? (^rthodon, Rafin. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815 (no char, nor type).
Physeteres, Lacep.
F. Cm: D. S.
lix. 318.





genus by the description and figure of Sibbald.




According to Sibbald they produce spermaceti. Cuvier, in his

History and Examination of the Synonyma of the Cachalots or
Sperm Whales (Oss. Foss. v. 328-338), regards the description of
this animal given by Sibbald as merely a redescription of the Sperm
Whale, and finds great fault with Artedi, Bonnaterre, and others
and he regards the second,
for having considered them as separate
blunt-toothed specimen as either a BeJj^hmus glohiceps or a D. Tiirsio
which had lost its upper teeth this error is important, as it vitiates
many of his subsequent observations. To have come to these conclusions he must have overlooked Sibbald's figure and ample details
of the first, and the figure of the teeth of the second, or they woidd
have at once shown him his error. That he did so is certain for
when he comes to Schreber's reduced copy of Sibbald's figures of
Balcena microcephala (p. 337), he saj's Schreber does not indicate its
origin but on this copy of Sibbald's figure, which he before regarded
as a Sperm Whale, he observes, that " from the form of its lower jaw
it most resembles a large dolphin which had lost its upper teeth."
Thus, while Cuvier was reducing the numerous species of Sperm
Whales that had been made by Bonnaterre, Lacepede, and other
compiling French authors, to a single species, he has inadvertently
confounded with it the very distinct genus of Black-fish, or Physeter
of Artedi, which has a very differently formed head, the top of the
head being flattened, with the blowers on the hinder part of its
crown, and with a distinct dorsal fin, particulars all well described


by Sibbald, a most accurate observer and conscientious recorder, and

not badly represented by Bayer.
Mr. Bell observes, " After careful examination of the various accounts which have from time to time been given of whales belonging
to this family, called Spermaceti Whales, I have found it necessary
to adopt an opinion in some measure at variance with those of most
previous writers, with regard to the genera and species to which all
those accounts and details are to be referred.
The conclusion to
which I have been led is, first, that the H'ujli-jinned Caclialot is
specifically but not generically distinct from the common one, and
that therefore the genus Catodon is to be abolished, and the name

Physeter retained for both species ; and, secondly, that all the other
species which have been distinguished by various naturalists have

been founded upon trifling variations or upon vague and insufficient

Brit. Quad. 507.
Thus, though Mr. Bell differs from Cuvier
in regarding them as distinct species, yet he overlooked Sibbald's
figures, for he says there is no figure of the High-finned Cachalot in
existence, and keeps it in the genus Physeter, which he characterizes
as having the " head enormously large, truncated in front," which is
quite unlike the depressed roimded head of the High-finned Cachalot
and he also adopts the mistaken description of the dorsal fin.
Eschricht seems to believe that Sibbald described a Killer, or Orca
yladiator, under the above name, but I have never heard of an Orca


feet long.


parts of Sibbald's description, and his reference to Johnston's

but his figures, which exactly agree
to this error

might lead




in proportion with his description, though not referred to in the

text, at once set this at rest, the dri^wing being yV of the natural
size, that is to say, 6 feet to an inch ; and he observes that his



longer and more slender than Willughby's figure of the

Sperm Whale.
Sibbald describes the comparatively


triangular dorsal to be

erect like a " mizen mast," which Artedi and Linnasus translate
jyinna altissima, and cause Shaw to call it the High-finned Cachalot.

Dr. Fleming by mistake calls this species the Spermaceti Whale

An, 38) ; and he refers to P. macrocepludas (Linn.) as the true
Sperm Whale figured by Robertson. Sibbald, in speaking of another
specimen, says, *' spinam dorso longam" as correctly quoted by
Artedi and Linnoeus, but used by them in opposition to the altissima
of their other species.
J. Bayer (Act. Nat. Cur. 1733, 111. 1. t. 1) gives a rather fanciful
but very recog^lizable figure of a male specimen of this genus, which
was thrown ashore at Nice, on the 10th of Nov, 173G, where it is
He compared it with Clusius's description of the
called Millar,
Spei'm Whale which was stranded on the coast of Holland, and observes that it has a dorsal fin, very small pectorals, and other characters not noticed by Clusius ; and he says it agrees in aU points
Avith the whale noticed by Ray (Syn. Pise, 14), which is extracted
from Sibbald as above quoted,
F. Cuvier, overlooking the reference to Clusius and Ray, and the
characters, speaks thus of Bayer's figure, " EUe est en efiet d'un
Cetac. 267.
Cachalot ; mais eUe le rend de la maniere la moinsfidele,"
Duhamel (Peches, iv, t. 9, f, 2) figured a whale from the " River
Gabon " in (juinea, with teeth in the lower jaw, a dorsal on the

hinder part of the back, and the blowers in the crown, as in this
genus but the jaws are equal, and the mouth bent up at the angles
He says it is called Grampus by the English, This
to the eyes.
figure is evidently only a copy of the Baleine franclie (Duhamel, ix,
t. 1. f. 2), with teeth in the place of the exserted baleen, and has a

dorsal fin added.

There is an etching,

by Van den Velde, of a " Pot Walwesk op

Noortwijek op Zee, 28 Dec, 1614," which I think represents this

Bealc (History of Sperm Whale, 11) observes, "Others of the

tribe have dorsal fins while they possess the cylindi-ical jaw
(like the Sperm Whale), as the Blach-Jisli, but yet spout from the
forehead or top of the head, and do not produce spermaceti. It is
doubtful if this is not derived from Sibbald, for it can scarcely refer
to the Olohiocephalus macro rliynchns, which, according to Bennett,
Nunn, and others, is called the Blaclc-fisJi by South-Sea whalers,



Physeter Tursio.

Teeth 11


The Black-Jish.

compressed. Head
one-thirteenth the entire length

22 on each

nearly one-fourth, pectoral
length 50 to GO feet.

side, conical,




Physeter Tiirsio, Artecli, Syti. Linn. S. N. i. 107 Grat/, Cat. Cetac.

B. M. 1850, 5G P. Z. S. 18G3 1864, 234.
?, Schleyel, Dieren, 90. t. 19.
Delphinus Orca, Eschricht.
De Baloena macrocepliala qufe tertiam in dorso pinuam sive spinam
habet et dentes in maxilla iuferiores arcuatos falciformes. Sibhald,
Phal. t. 1. f. A, B, C
Bateua major inferiore tantum maxilla dentata dentibus arcuatis falciformibus pinnam s. spiuam in dorso habet.
Rati Pisces, 15.
Cetus tripiunis dentibus arcuatis felciformibus, Brisson, R. A. 229.
Physeter microps, Artedi, Si/n. Linn. S. JV. i. 107 Schrebcr, Sdugeth.
t. 339
Anderson, Iceland, 248, fig. from Sibbald; l\irton, B. F. 17
Fleming, B. A. 38 Jemjns, Man. 45 Bell, Brit. Quad. 512.
Physeter macrocephalus, Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. 331, 334.
Tursio microps, Fleming, Phil. Zool. 211,
Balsena macrocephala tripinna quae in mandibula inferiore dentes
habet minus inflexos et in planimi desinentes. Sibbald, Phal. t. 2.
f. 1, 2, 4, 5 (teeth)
Rail Pise. 16.
Cetus tripinnis dentibus in planum desinentibus, Brisson, R. A. 230.
Delphinus globiceps ? or D. Grampus ?, C'uv. Oss. Foss, v. 331, 334.
Mular, Bayer, Act. Nat. Cur. 111. t. 1, male; hence
Physeter Mular, Bonnat. Cet. 17 J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 18, 1828
stuifed foetus high-finned
Physeter Orthodon, Lace]}. CH. 236, from Anderson, 246.
Delphinus Bayeri, Risso, Eitr. Merid. iii. F. Cnv. Cetac. 224, frona




! !

Inhab. North Sea.

Nice {Bayer)?

Scotland (Sibbald), female 1687, male 1689.

Sibbald observes that " the superior part of the body was swelled
In length it was 52 or 53 feet, its height
12 feet, its girth above 32 feet. Its head was so large that it was
(the tail being removed) half the length of the whole body.
In form
it was oblong-round, somewhat compressed at the upper part
inferior part of rostrum beyond lower jaw 2^ feet, the superior part
nearly 5,
Lower jaw 10 feet long. The extreme part of the rostrum was distant 12 feet from the eyes, which were very small for
A little
the size of the head, about the size of those of the haddock.
above the middle of the rostrum is a lobe, which is called the ' lum,'
with two entrances covered with one operculum, called the ' flap.'
The size of the cranium may be estimated by the fact that four men
were seen inside it at one time, extracting the brain, which contained several cells or alveoli, like those which bees keep their honey
in, and in these were round masses of a white substance, which,
upon examination, were proved to be sperm. Some of this substance
was also found externally on the head, in some parts to the thickness
In the superior jaw Avere 42 alveoli, hollowed out for
of 2 feet.
receiving the teeth of the lower jaw ; they were of a cartilaginous
In the inferior mandible there were 42 teeth, 21 on each
side, all of the same form, which was like that of a sickle, round
and a little compressed, thicker and more arched in the middle, and
gradually becoming thinner, terminating siipcriorly in an acute cone
turning inwards inferiorly it becomes thinner, and terminates in a
more slender root, which is narrower in the middle. Of these teeth
to a prodigious size.



those in the middle of the jaw are larger and heavier, those external
are smaller.
One of the larger, 9 inches long, weighed 18| oz., and
at the thickest end was of the same length as breadth.
The smallest
tooth which I got was 7 inches long and 5 in girth.
The osseous
part of these teeth projected 3 inches beyond the gums, was like
polished ivory, smooth and white
the fang of each tooth was provided with a large cavity, which was so constructed that in the
larger teeth there was a cavity 3 inches deep.
It had two lateral
fins each about 4 feet long, and besides these a long fin on the back.
Colour of skin black.
The throat was observed to be larger than
usual in whales.
Only one stomach was found."
The male and female seen by Sibbald have been di\'ided into two
species, according to the more or less truncated state of the teeth.
Mr. Wall thinks the skeleton at Burton Constable must belong to

this genus, but the nostrils were at the end of the snout (see
Anderson, 257).
" A male with acute falciform teeth is described by Sibbald as found
at Limekilns in the Forth, in February 1689.
It was 52 feet long.
The upper jaw projected 2^ feet beyond the lower. Lower jaw
10 feet long, and narrower than the upper towards the extremity.
From the snout to the eye 12 feet. In the lower jaw were 42 teeth,
21 on each side, curved and ending in acute points, the largest of
which was 9 inches long, and the least 7 inches these projected
3 inches above the gums, and contained a large cavity at the root.
Swimmers 4 feet long, tail 9 feet broad. Sibbald also mentions a
female with flat-tipped teeth, which came ashore in Orkney in 1687.
The head was 8 or 9 feet high, the blowhole in front. The tusks
were very little bent, and nearly solid externally, or with only a
lateral slit or a smaU cavit}'.
Some of the teeth were 4 inches long
(figures 1-11).
The dorsal fin was erect, like a mizen mast it
jdelded good spermaceti."
Fleming, B. A. 38.
Mr. Lowe states that this species frequently comes ashore in
Orkney. One was caught at Hoy, 50 feet long. Lowe, Orkney, 160
Fleming, B. A. 39.
Mr. Barclay, of Zetland, states that " the Physeter Tursio, or

High-finned Cachalot, is frequentl)^ seen on these coasts in summer,

and is easily distinguished by the long perpendicular fin on its back "
(Bell, Brit. Ouad. 513).
Mr. WiUiam Thompson, of Belfast, published a sketch of the fin of
this whale as said to be seen by Captain Thomas "Walker of Kelmore,
Wexford (see Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1846, xviii. 310, fig.). ''There
were either five or seven of them, two much larger than the rest,
and apparently 25 feet long. When I first saw it I thought it was a
cot (small flat- bottomed boat) at anchor, her tarred sail made up to
the mast more then rose, and they crossed in a long file the bows of
my boat. They were not more than 3 or 4 yards from me, and the
back fin appeared 10 or 12 feet high, and had either before or behind
a round white spot on the back all the rest of the body was black,
I did not see the head or tail.
They went steadily,
like a porpoise.
not rolling like a porpoise."



this whale " on the coast of Corn1850.

The fin was not less than
7 feet high." He further observes, " This species is supposed to be
the whale sometimes seen on the Cornish coast sailing rapidly along
at a uniform elevation in the water, with its slender but elevated fin
above the surface white. The body is lineated below."
Corn. Fauna, 7.
In the Catalogue of the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons,
the truncated whale's-teeth are called " the teeth of the High-liuned
Cachalot, P. Tavsio'V p. 171, n. 1189-1194.
And the small jaws
of the Sperm Whale are called " the Lesser Cachalot {Physeter Catodon, Linn.)."
See also Physeter sulcatus (Lacep. Mem. Mus. iv. 475), fi'om a
Japanese drawing, with the dorsal fin over the pectoral and the jaws
The Black-fish, or Balcena microcephaliis of Sibbald, the Physeter
microps, Avhich I thought formerly might be the Ardluk of 0. Fabricius, but which Eschricht after much consideration feels assured is
the female Delphinus Orca, has entirely escaped the research of
Eschricht and all other writers on the Whales of the Korth Seas.
The greatest desideratum of zoology is the power of examining
some specimens of the genus Physeter, or Black-fish as it is called
by the whalers. There is not a bone, nor even a fragment of a bone,
nor any part that can be pi'oved to have belonged to a specimen of
this gigantic animal to be seen in any museum in Europe.
This is
the more remarkable as the animal grows to the length of more than
50 feet, and is mentioned under the name of the Black-fish in almost
all the Whaling Voyages
and two specimens of it were examined
by Sibbald, having occm'red on the coast of Scotland. The only
account which we have of the animal, on which zoologists can place
any reliance, is that furnished by Sibbald in his little tractate on
Scotch Whales.
The Balcena minoribvs in inferiore maxilla tantum dentatis (Sibb.
Phal. 24), on which Linnaeus established Physeter Catodon, and
Fleming the Catodon Sihhaldii, is evidently a Beluga.

Mr. Couch thinks he has seen


It also occurred in



Head moderately
tetrangular in
cated, slightly


very broad, rounded behind and subwhere the base is broad, and the snout trunThe blowrefiexed and marginated at the extremity.


hole single, externally large, situated at the base of the forehead

near the middle of the head.
Snout turned up at the margin.
Pectoral fin broad, truncated, with 5 fingers, first and fifth shortest,
second longest, third and fourth gradually shorter. Dorsal fin triangular ; front edge rather convex, at an angle of 45 hinder edge
concave, perpendicular.
Caudal triangular, terminal edge sinuated.
SkuU broad, triangular beak short, broad, flat above ; hinder
part very broad, semicircular, and surrounded by a bony ridge formed
by the maxillaries. This sperm-cavity is longitudinally divided by a



The lower jaw wide at the condyles,

ha\4ng the branches in front united by a short narrow symphysis.
Teeth: none in the upper jaw; 13,13 in the lower jaw, conical,
bony ridge near the



sp., Blctinv.

Ann. Anat.





Lesson, N. Rig.


Kogia, Grmj, Zool. Erehus Sf Terror, 22 Cat. Cetac. B. M. 18.

Euphysetes, MacLeay ( WaU), Hist New Sjiertn Whale, 1851,50, 53, t. 2.

Fio-. 56.

Skull and lower


of Koffia breviceps.

From De


" The most important character of the genus Eiipliysetes is the

heavy ridge of bone that longitudinally divides the spermaceti-cavity
into two unequal parts.
There has been nothing like this structure
This chahitherto described among the Cetacea" (Wall, /. c. 47).
racter at once separates it from the skuU of the foetal Catodon, with
which some zoologists have been inclined to confound it.




" Instead of the pei'pendicular and semicircular wall as in Catodon

being formed by the maxillary and doubled on the occiput, forming
the back of a great cavity on the summit of the head, we see a cavity,
although it is completely formed at the back by the maxillaries,
divided as it were into two unequal parts by a ridge of bone, which
Wall, I. c. 39.
is twisted towards the right side of the head."


Kogia breviceps.

The Short-headed Whale.

SkuU broad and

high, the frontal crest distinct, and the nasal pit

Nose short and pointed,
deep, rather like that of the Cachalot.
rapidly tapering, only 1 inch longer than the breadth of the occipital

The lower jaw is very wide apart at the condyles, bent
sharply inwards, and united in front by a moderate symphysis, and
very narrow but rounded at the end. Teeth 14 or 15, narrow,
slender, conical, acute, and rather arched inwardly.
Physeter breviceps, Blainv. Ann. Anat. et Phys. 1838,
(skuU) Lesson, N, jR^g. Anim. 201.
Kogia breviceps, Gray, Zool. Erehus i^ Terror, 22.



pi. x.

Inhab. Cape of Good Hope (Mus. Paris).

Described from a single skull in the Paris Museum.
Length of
the skiill 14 inches 6 lines.
Lower jaw 13 inches, separation at the
condyles 12 inches, symphysis about two-ninths of the length of the
Beak the length of the width at the notch.
lower jaw.
" Tete osseuse est extremement large et fort elevee (figs. 3 & 4),
ay ant les cretes frontales tres remontees et par consequent les fosses
nasales fort profondes, un peu comme dans les Cachalots, et se terminant tres rapidement par des maxillaires tres courts et pointus, en
sorte que la longueur totale est a peine d'un pouce superieure a la longueur occipitale. La machoire inferieure (figs. 1, 2) a necessairement
une forme analogue, c'est a dire que tres larges entre les condyles,
les deux branches se rapprochent presque aussitot, comme dans un
soufflet, pour former une symphyse assez longue et une extremite
etroite, mais arrondie a sa termination.
II me parait a peu pres
certain qu'il n'y avait pas de dents a la machoire superieure
a Finferieure, elle en avait 14 ou 15 de chaque cote, dont toutes ne
cinq seulement du cote gauche, quatre a droite,
sent pas restees
etaient encore dans leurs alve'oles: quelques autres y ont cte replacees
elles sont etroites, greles, coniques, aigues, un peu arquees
en dedans, et longues de 6 ou 8 lignes (fig. 5, de grandeur naturelle).
" Longueur de la machoire inferieure 13 pouces, ecartement de ses
Longueur du crane 14 pouces et demi.
condyles 12 pouces.
" Une autre particularity qu'offre ce crane consiste dans une inegalite telle des fosses nasales que la droite est presque a I'etat rudimentaire, etant vingt fois peut-etre plus petite que I'autre."
De Blainville, torn. cit. p. 337.



Kogia Grayii.

Beak of skull much truncated and blunt, shorter than broad

is, as 14 to 8) at the occipital bone, and shorter than it is wide

as 7 to 9) at the notch.

Euphysetes Grajdi, W.
1851, 8vo,

p. 37.







Wall) Hist. Neio Sperm Whale,

2 (skeleton).

Inhab. Australia.
" Head short and very broad, with a low snout, a convex forehead,
at the base of which was a large single hlowliole, placed at about the
middle of the head (aperture circular? or lunate?) the snout turned
up with a margin like that of a pig roof of the mouth with a series
of sockets on each side for receiving the teeth of the under jaw
under jaw very thin, narrow, subcylindrical, with hollow conical
teeth inserted somewhat horizontally, with the points slightly curved
upwards, and worn at the tips the eyes low down, in front of a
very weak pectoral fin. Dorsal fin like that of a Dolphin the front
edge rather convex and inclined backward at an angle of 45 the
hinder edge more perpendicular and concave it was about 3| inches
The caudal fin triangular, hinder
high, 6 inches long at the base.
edge sinuated, with a small deep central emargination and acute
The length was 9 feet, and the tail 2 feet wide.
" The skeleton (with the cartilages) is about 8| feet long. The
skull is 16| inches long, and not symmetrical.
" There is the same want of symmetrj-, the same distortion of the
bones, and the same concavity of the upper surface of the head,
fonned by the enormous development of the base of the maxillaries,
and the same convexity of the roof of the mouthi, as are found in the
genus Catodon, and there are some anomalies that render the formation more divergent from that of the Dolphins in the last-named
Owing to the great breadth of the vomer, the snout forms
from the notches an almost equilateral triangle, with a short, blunt
emarginate point instead of the long and sharp one of the genus
The intermaxillaries barely pass beyond the jjoint of the

Sperm Whale, the right intermaxillary

high above the right nostril, which is,
Instead of a perpendicular and
as it were, almost carved out of it.
semicircular wall formed by the maxillaries, and doubled by the
occipital, forming the back of the great cavity on the summit of the

maxillaries, but, as in the

mounts nearly

to the occiput,

head, as in Catodon, in this genus the cavity, although it is completely

formed at the back by the maxillaries, chvides as it were into two
unequal parts by a ridge of bone, which is twisted towards the left
side of the head this prominent, thick, and sinuated central ridge is
formed by the base of the left maxillary and the base of the right
intermaxillary, which both meet at the summit of the head.
right intei'maxillary does not join the occipital, but is separated from
it by a thin edge of the right maxillary, so that the occipital is
The left
doubled in front by the base of the maxillaries above.
intermaxillary is much shorter than the right one, and moimts no
higher than the wall of the left nostril, which it partly forms the




great width of the left nostril distorts these bones. The vomer, with
the side of the intermaxillaries, forms a broad hoUow canal.
" The nostrils are in the middle of the upper surface of the head,

not perhaps so obliquely as in the genus Catodon, but they are of a

size, one being more than ten times the size of
the other, throwing the nasal bones quite out of their place.
right nasal bone is a very small triangle, at the base of the ethmoid,
which forms, with the right intermaxillary, the wall of the small
right nostril, and it forms the lower edge of the dividing ridge, and
terminates abruptly and perpendicularly above the base of the vomer.
The left nasal bone is more than 2 inches long, and somewhat parallelogram in shape with the left intermaxillary.
The left maxillary
and the ethmoid together form the wall of the very large left nostril.
" The two massive maxilla) touch each other behind where they are
doubled by the occipital, and leave no part of the frontal visible.
" The frontal is a heavy quadrilateral bone with concave sides, one
of which forms the top of the orbit.
A part of the maxilla comes
near to the front angle of the orbit, and its posterior wall is formed
by part of the zygomatic apophysis of the temporal it does not join
the postorbital apophysis of the frontal, but leaves it open.
lower part of the orbit has its front side formed of a short, thick,
triangular jugal.
The fosso-temporalis is pear-shaped.
" The roof of the mouth is convex, showing only two small points
of the intermaxillaries, one on each side of the line of the vomer,
and formed almost entirely of the under side of the enormous maxillaries.
These each have a linear groove running from the front of
the snout for the pits for the teeth of the lower jaw.
The palatines
are small, quadrilateral, the pterygoid very large.
" The lower jaw is slight and fragile, with scarcely any condyles.
The broad branch nearly as thin as paper, with the side deflexed
The symphysis is short compared with that in Catodon,
and boat-shaped and keeled. Teeth 13 13, projecting horizontally
and curved upwards they have single roots.
" The OS hyoides like that of Catodon, but the lateral pieces are
more rounded, and the anterior apophyses of the middle piece are
The styloidean pieces are subcylindrical, thicker at each
" The larger portion of the labyrinth of the ear-bones has six points,
and the other portion, which is spherical in Catodon, is in this genus
oval, as in Dolphins.
The tympanum resembles the shell of the
genus Conus, with a wide longitudinal mouth in other respects the
ear resembles that of Catodon more than Delphinus.
" Vertebrae 52 the seven cervical all confluent and soldered together, so as to be very difficult to distinguish one from the other.

much more unequal


atlas and axis are marked out, and have blunt, conical, transverse
apophyses. The lower apophyses are evanescent the third and fourth
are thick, each marked with a short, conical, superior apophysis,
the vestiges of the fifth, sixth,
distinguished by four lateral holes
and seventh are as thin as paper, and soldered. Dorsal vertebrae 14,
lumbar 9, caudal 21, thirteen with chevron bones attached, and eight



The ribs are flattish and somewhat angular, 14. 14: the
broad and Hat, and has but one articulating surface to
the transverse process of the first dorsal vertebra the seven following pairs have each two articulating surfaces for each consecutive
two of the first seven vertebrae the next five pairs have only one
articulating surface for each rib. The ribs more or less arched. The
sternum composed of three pairs of bones, like Catodon australis ?
the middle pair united ?
" The pectoral fin weak.
Scapula thin, flat, smooth, with a thin
triangular acromion on the outer crest, and a thick, more solid coracoid apophysis on the inner ridge in the shape of a parallelogram.
The humerus compressed, concave behind, with a waved front edge.
Ulna distinct, like the radius, both nearly alike, only the ulna is

first rib is

rather the thicker.

" The carpal bones 7, viz. two linear transverse bones, and five of
a fiat, round, irregular shape ; a small hexagonal one, which is
placed between one of the transverse bones and the metacarpal of
the thumb.
The transverse carpal is subtriangular, and placed at
the end of the radius. The other thin transverse bone is trapezoidal,
and between the base of the ulna and the two outer carpals. The
fore-finger has two large flat carpal bones between the corner of the
radius and the metacarpal of the fore-finger.
The phalanges appear
The thumb
gradually to diminish towards the points of the digits.
has two, the index finger six, the fourth finger four, and the little
finger two (or perhaps three) phalanges.
" The pelvis is composed of five bones, the middle ones quadrangular, each longer than broad ; the outer ones are broad, sub(juadrangular, thickest in the middle of their inner side, where it is
articulated to the former."
This work, I am informed by Dr. Kreff't of Sydney, was entirely
written by that eminent zoologist and entomologist Mr. W. Sharpe
MacLeay. It is only to be regretted that he did not publish it under

own name.

" The inhabitants of the island of Selvi, one of the Timor group,
are such expert fishermen, that they constantly take the species of

which are often 20 feet long, and which

having the same substance
They do not boil the blubber, but
in the head as the Sperm Whale.
expose it to the sun in an inclined situation, with a ditch for the
Moore, Notes on the Indian
bottom, into which the oil drains."

called Blaclcfish,

afford oil inferior only to the Spermaceti,

Archipelago, quoted hy Bhjth.




small, with a long produced beak forehead arched. Blower

Pectoral broad,
nearly parallel, in a line over the eyes.
truncated fingers 5. Dorsal fin none. Back keeled. Skull with the
sides of the maxilla elevated, forming a vaulted cavity over the






Teeth in both jaws at



becoming com-


Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863.

Delphiuidfe Platanistina, Gray, Zool. E. Sf T. 45, 1846; Cat. Cetac.
B. M. 61 & 136.


Head convex


beak compressed, curved up at the end.

Teeth at

Dorsal none. Eack keeled

in the place of the fin, and obliquely truncate behind. Pectoral fanshaped, truncated.
Blowhole single, longitudinal. Fingers 5, four
subequal, outer shortest.
Scapula with a large acromion process,
and without any ridge. Ciw. Oss. Foss. v. t. 22. figs. 8, 9, 10.
subcylindiical, at length compressed.


Platanista, Plhiy; " Cr/<r, 1829," fide Lcssoti, Tab. JRkj. Anim. 198;
Wagler, N. S. Amph. 35, 1830; Gray, Illust. Lid. Zool.; Zool. E.
l^ t. 45 ; Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863.
Platanistina, Grai/, Zool. Ereb. 8f Terr, (misprint).
Susu, Lesso7i, (Euvr. Bvffon, i. 215, 1828 Tab. Reg. Anim. 198.
Delphinorhynclius, sp., Lesson.
Delphinus, sp., Lebeck.

The eyes extraordinarily small in diameter, only 1| line. It may

be called a Blind Whale, for the perforations for the optic nerve in
the skull are only rudimentary. The ear situated considerably above
The spiracle is a simple longitudinal fissure, measuring
the eye.
1 inch 9 1 lines, its anterior end exactly in a vertical line above the
eye it is a perfectly straight longitudinal slit, without the faint
double curve of an S attributed to it by Lebeck and Roxburgh.
Female sexual organs about 2 inches long, showing nothing remarkable in form, nor in the furrows in which the papillae are situated.
The tongue exceedingly short, adnate in its whole circumference,
and reaching only as far as the point where the jaw contracts itself
into a narrow rostrum.
The body enveloped in a thick layer of
fat, measuring 1| inch in thickness.
Colour of the back dark leadunder the belly somewhat lighter, though not much.
Eschricht, Ami. 6f Mag. N. H. 1852, 284.
Cuvier (Oss. Foss. v. 307) desci'ibes the skeleton of this genus,



some of the bones.

Owen describes the skull and teeth of an old and young

specimen (Cat. Osteol. Coll. Mus. Coll. Surg. ii. 449). Professor
Eeinhardt has described its general anatomy (Dan. Vet. Selsk. for
1851) a translation of the paper, by Dr. Wallich, appeared in the
Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, for March and April 1852. It was from a
young specimen caught in a fish-net and sent to Denmark in spirits.
M. Rousseau gives some observations on the anatomy (Mag. Zool.
1856, 204) and I gave some observations on the change in the
form of the jaws and teeth during the growth of the animal, in the
Ann. & Mag. Xat. Hist. 1862.
Professor Owen observes, " In the length of the mandibular symphysis the Platanista resembles the Physeter in the broad converging



maxillary crests it resembles the Hyperoodon in the expanse of the

temporal fossaj, the strength of the zygomatic arches, the shortness
of the malars, and the smallness of the orbits, it is peculiar among
the true Cetacea.
Contrary to the rule in the Deljihinklfp, the
anterior teeth retain their prehensile structure, while the posterior
ones soon have their summits worn down to their broad bases. The
implanted base of the tooth is remarkably expanded in the antero;

and its outer surface is augmented by longitudinal folds like those of the teeth of Sauroid fishes, but weaker than

posterior direction,

Sometimes the posterior teeth are implanted by two short

which is a still more exceptional character in the existing

in them.


carnivorous Cetacea" (p. 449).

The form of the crest of the skull is modified according to the age.
In the head of a young specimen in the Anat. Mus. Univ. Edin.,
Knox Cat. n. 105, the reflexed portion of the maxillary bones is only
partially developed
their inner sides are cellular, and radiately
ridged with a ragged edge.
In the skull of a half-grown specimen in the Royal College of
Surgeons the crest is rather produced in front ; the upper part of
the front edge is suddenly raised behind, compressed, and foi-ms a
sort of ovate crest.
In the skull of an adult the crest is regularly arched, and the
upper part of the front edge is obliquely truncated, as represented in
Cuvier, tom. cit. xxii, f. 8, and in Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1852, t. 5 & 6.
"From the minuteness of its eyes, the Susu is obviously adapted
for turbid rather than clear water, and it has never been observed
out to sea."
Mr. Blyth observes, " I have heretofore been under the impression
that the specimen presented [to the Museum of the Asiatic Society]
by M. Duvaucel was of the male sex, but I find it otherwise, and
certain discrepancies of proportion which I had suspected to indicate
sexual diversity may yet prove to be of specific importance.
have never obtained a male of this animal. So far as can be judged
from apparently well-stufFed specimens, that of M. Duvaucel is of
a more slender form, with a longer rostrum, unUke any that I have
Entire length 6 feet to point of tailseen from the river Hougly.
Length of
flukes, and 1 foot 5| inches from gape to tip of rostrum.
Calcutta female 7 feet, with rostrum 13| inches from gape.
two skulls presented by Dr. Wallich show a similar disparity." Cat.

Mus. Asiat. Soc. 92.

In the young specimens the ja^vs are rather swollen, and oblong
near the front end. The teeth are cylindrical the hinder ones thick,
Those in the front half of the jaws are very
short, and far apart.

long, subcylindrical, shghtly arched, transversely compressed at the

base, that is, more or less flattened on the front and hinder sides by

the interlocking of the teeth of the opposite jaws.

In the older specimens the jaws are compressed at the end the
teeth are conical, compressed laterally on each side, longitudinal as
regards the length of the jaw the base is broad, rugulose, and
more or less worn away at the upper hinder edge the hinder ones




are rather distant, the front rather longer than the others.
In the
middle-age specimens, as that figured by Home (Phil. Trans, 1818,
t. 19, t. 20), the roots of the teeth are compressed and hoUow
in the more aged animal they are much lengthened, solid, strong,
divided into irregular tubercles and sometimes even into large tuber;

culated lobes.


Platanista Gangetica.

The Sum.

Blackish-red colour, rather paler beneath.

Delphinus Gangeticus, Lehech, N. Schrift. Berlin. Natur. iii. 280. t. 2,
1801 Home, Phil. Trans. 1818, 417. t. 20; Roxburgh, Asiatic Researches, vii. 170. t. 5, 1811 Destn. Mamm. 513 Fischer, Syn. 506
Cuvier, Reg. Anim. i. 278, 1817 j Oss. Foss. v. t. 22. f. 8-10;
Schlegel, Abhandl. 28.
Delpliinorhynclius Gangeticus, Lesson, Man. 406 (from life).
Platanista Gangetica, Gray, Illust. Incl. Zool. t.
Zool. E. ^ T. 4:5;
Cat. Mamm. B.M. Cat. Cetac. B.M. 1850, 137 F. Ciw. Cetac. 252 ;
Blake, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 1860, 449 Blyth, Rep. Asiat. Soc.
12 Asiatic Researches, xii. Append, xxvi., xv. Append, xxxii. Cat.
3Ius. Asiat. Soc. Benq. 92 Reinhartlt, Trans. Roy. Acad. Sci. Copenh.
ii. 1851
Ann. t,- Mag. N. H. 1852, 161. t. 45.
Delphinus Shawensis, Blainv. in Desm. Diet. H. Nat. ix. 153 (from
Mus. Coll. Surg.),
Delphinus rostratus, Shatv, Zool. ii. 514, 1801 (from spec,
Mus. Coll.



Phil. Trans. 1820,



Platanista, Lesson.
Sum, (Euvr. Btiffon, i. 215. t. 3. f. 3, 1828.
Platanista, Plin. Hist. Nat. ix. ch. 15.
Dauphine du Gange, Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v.





10 (from



Inhab, India. Ganges and Brahmaputra with their tributaries

Pegu, Irawaddi (BlaJce).


Stuffed specimen.


Stuffed specimen






India, Ganges.
end of nose entirely straight young. India, Ganges.
Skull: end of nose recurved.
Presented by Gibson


Rowe, Esq.
" They generally appear in theHougly when the fuU-grown females
are pregnant.
The embryo before birth is 14 or 15 inches long.
The stomach was filled with a quantity of small fish and shrimps."
Ann. Sf Mag. N. H. 1852, 288.
" There are three stufi'ed specimens (an adult male, a young and old
female) and two skulls (male and female) in the Museum of the
Asiatic Society of Calcutta, and a fine series of skeletons in the
Museum of the Calcutta Medical College." Blyth.
" The Snsu abounds in the river Hougly it is extremely difficult

to procure, at least in the vicinity of Calcutta,

and too often when

taken the captors saw off the rostrum." Blyth.

" In what I believe to be the skull of an adult male, the symphysis of the lower jaw measures 17 inches, in the adult female only



12 inches

the rostrum being thus 5 inches longer in the former."

" The Susu ascends very high up the rivers, if not quite to the foot
Hardwicke's drawing Avas made from a living
of the mountains.
specimen 1000 miles above Calcutta.' Major Tyler has seen them
forty miles up the Jumna, and also at Rajghal Mundi in the Dehra

In the Indus and Sutlej near Ludiana, but these were

doubtless the species (Platanlsta Indi) proper to the Indus and its



" The Gangetic Su.su is common throughout the vaUey of Assam, in

I have been assured that no
the Brahmaputra and its tributaries.
such animal exists in the Irawadi and other Burmese waters. It is
migratory, as it occurs towards the Gangetic outlet only in the cold
season, as remarked by Dr. Cantor but at what particular season it
is observed in the upper pro\dnces I have been unable to ascertain."


" There are 28 or 29 teeth in each side of each jaw. They do not
The length and form of the
alternate in a quite regular manner.
The anterior
teeth vary much, though not by sudden transitions.
are of considerable length, as much as 9 lines, pointed, and so compressed and curved that they have an anterior and posterior surface,
the anterior margin convex and the posterior concave ; towards the
middle of the jaw they gradually become shorter and cone-shaped,
so that the 19th lower and the 21st upper pair only project above
the gum Uke little knobs 1 line high with broad bases in proportion
as they become shorter they recede from each other."
Ann. J- Mag. N. H. 1852, 174.
"Anteriorly, the lower teeth are seen to embrace as it were the
upper jaw, leaving a deep furrow on the outer side of the opposed
gum. Midway in the jaws the apices of the teeth meet the corresponding gum close to the outside of their own teeth." See Illust.

Ind. Zool. t.
Professor Reinhardt says, " the figure in the ' Indian Zoology is
most unsuccessful," yet his translator fairly states that it is from
" a liA-ing specimen," while Eschricht only saw " a young specimen
Ann. ^ Mag. N. II. 1852,
that had been preserved in spirits !"



2. Platanlsta ludi.

The Indus Susu.

Platanista Indi, Blyth, Rep. Asiat. Soc. 13



Cat. Mtis. Asiat. Soc.

Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng.

Beng. 92.

Platanista Gangetica, var. minor, Owen, Cat. Osteol. Mus.

449. no. 2481.



Iiihab. Indus, Dr. David WalUcJi (Mus. Coll. Surg.), Sir Ahwander
Burns, Major Tytler.
The skull from the Indus, presented by Sir A. Burns, is of a conThe maxillary crests are wanting in this
spicuously new species.
specimen. Tlio skull is larger and much more robust than that of
P. Gangetica, with the same number of teeth, which are more than
twice as short, being much ground down by attrition. Length of the





Greatest width at zygomata 9^ inches.

Depth of
the two jaws with teeth in situ, measured in the middle of their
height, 8^ inches (in P. Gangetim barely 1^ inch). Length of symphysis of lower jaw 1 1 inches. Depth of zygomatic arch 2\ inches.
*' A coloured figure, probably the identical individual that furnished
the skull above described, occurs among the Eurns' drawings.
rostrum is represented as short in i)roportion to the length of the
animal, and the neck to be more contracted than in the Gangetic
species, which may be an error of the draughtsman.
Colour also
much paler, the lower parts dull albescent, abruptly defined in a
line from the gape to the tail-flukes. Evidently a female. The male
should have a longer rostrum.
Length 7 feet by 1^ in depth.
Dorsal rudimentary as in P. Gcoujetica.^'
See Reinhardt's paper in ' Ann. Nat, Hist,' 1852, pp. 162, 279, &
291, where the Susu of the Indus is referred to as a peculiar species.
skull 20|- inches.

The skull brought from the Indus by Dr, David Wallich, in the
Museum of the Eoyal College of Surgeons, n. 2481, named P. Gangetim, var, minor, is of " smaller size, the total length not exceediug
12 inches, and the anterior teeth being much longer and more
slender and acute.
These differences may depend on the immaturitj'
of the individual, but all the parts of the occiput have coalesced,
and none of the sutural unions manifest any mark of immaturity.
There are 21 teeth on the left side of the upper jaw, and 19 teeth
on the right side, but the alveolar grooves extend further back,
indicating the former existence of teeth or germs of teeth which
have been lost. There are 26 teeth on each side of the lower jaw,
behind which is a short extent of an empty alveolar groove. The
teeth are placed close together the anterior ones in the lower jaw
are an inch in length, slender, and sharp-pointed, with the points
slightly incurved and projecting outside those of the upper jaw
but the chief parts of the crowns of both the upper and under teeth
fit into the interspaces of those of the opposite jaw when the mouth
is closed.
The teeth progressively diminish in length, without decrease of basal breadth, as they are placed further back."
Owen, I. c.
pp. 448 & 449.
They have lately received a second skull like the preceding at the
College Museum, of a rather larger size.
This skull is very unhke the Platanista Indi of Blyth, as he describes the teeth of that animal as twice as short as those of the
Gangetic Susu and much ground down. May it be the very young
state of it ?

B, Nostrils united into a single transverse or crescent-shaped bloioer. Mead
Teeth in both Jaws, often deciduous.
moderate, more or less beaked.
TJie pectoralJin lanceolate, tapering.

The head beaked



beak bristly. Teeth in both jaws, conical,

crown of the hinder ones with an internal process. Back
without any fin, keeled behind. Pectoral fin large, lanceolate.
Skull maxillary bones simple, expanded over the orbits.
Symphysis of the lower jaw elongate. Fluviatile.


Iniadoe, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 186-3, May.

Delphinidfe Iniana, Gray, Zool Erebus 8f Terror, 45
1850, 60, 135.

Head rounded,


Cat. Cet.

B. M.


Nose produced, nearly cylindrical, taper-

Blowers oblique, nearly above the pectoral fin. Earhole distinct.

Teeth numerous, rugose, grooved, permanent the
front hooked
the hinder, close at the base, with a large rounded
tubercle on the inner side.
Dorsal fin none, but the back is keeled,
ovate, and subtriangular behind.
Body compressed behind. Pectoral fin large.
The skidl depressed, with the nose twice as long as
Temthe brain-cavity, compressed, with a groove along each side.
the orbital
poral cavity very large, edged above by a strong crest
hole very short, roundish.
Muzzle of the young hairy.
ing, hairy.


D'Orbigny, Ann.



Nouv. Ann. du



Ill, 1834;

Institute, 1834, 246.

Delphinus, sp., JDesin.

Delphinorhynchus, sp., F. Cuvier.


Inia Geoffroyii.

Pale blue, reddish beneath

Teeth ||-||.
Delphinus Geoffrojai, Desm.









others blacker.



Desm. N. Diet. If. N. ix. 151

Comptes Rendiis, 1856, 806
Gervais, Castehiati, Voy. 3Iamm. 80
Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 521 Arch. Natiirrj, 1857, 27 Gray, Ann. iSr
Mag. N. H. 1856, xviii. 157.
Delphinus a bee mince," Cuvier, R. A, i. 278?
Delphinorhynchus fi-ontatus, F. Cuv. Cetac. 121.
Delphinorhynchus CTeoffroyii, Lesson, Man. 405.
Delphinus Inia, Schlegel, Abhandl. 24.
Delphinus Aniazonicus, Marfivs, R. Schomburgk, Rcisen in Brit.

Delphinus Geoffroyensis, Blainv.

Guiana, iii. 786.

Inia Boliviensis, D'Orbigny, N. Ann. Mus. iii. t. 22. f. 3, cop. F. Cuv.
Cetac. 166. t. 10*, t. 11
Gerv. in D'Orb. Voy. Amer. Mcrid. 50.
t. 22 (animal and skull); Gray, Ann. Sf Mar/. N. II 1856, xviii. 157;
Gervais, Ann. cj- Mag. N. II. 1856, xviii. 52 Institute, 1856, 800.
Buffeo der Missionaires, Castelnau, Hist, du Voy. dans VAmcr. du Sud,


459; Arch. Naturg. 1853, 24.




Inhab. Upper Peru or Bolivia, River Moxos.

Called Bouto.




a, h. Skull of



Bouto from Ega, from Mr. Bates


of skull

of beak
of teeth-line, upper
of teeth-line, lower


of lower jaw
of symphysis of lower
of skuU



in front of orbital notch



The hinder eight or nine teeth only have a distinct

the succeeding ones gradually assume the usual conical
form, but all the teeth are more or less rugulose.
The skull in the Paris Museum, from D'Orbigny, has a prominent
tubercle behind the blowholes eyebrows convex and rugose on the
beak ^^ath a slight groove on each side above ; lower jaw with
scarcely any ridge on the sides
the symphysis long, occupying more
than half the length of the lower jaw teeth large, regular, hinder
ones with a rounded, regular tubercle on the inner side.
Teeth ff -ff

internal heel





of skull
of beak


of symphysis
of teeth-line


DelpJiinus macrogenius (Fischer, Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. 312.


4, 5,

9-11) appears


belong to this tribe.

The following are the measurements of D'Orbigny's specimen,

from Bolivia, as given by M. F. Cuvier

met. cent.

Length, entire
Length of muzzle

Length to
Length to
Length to
Length to
Length to
Length of



pectoral fin
dorsal fin



Breadth of pectoral
Breadth of caudal
Height of dorsal
Circumference of thickest part


Delphimis Geoffroyii was described from a specimen procured by

the French from the Lisbon Museum during their occupation of that
town, which the Portuguese most probably received from the Brazils.
It is
I have examined the specimen, and it has the teeth of Inia.
and it shows the teeth suffiIt has no dorsal
covered with paint.



ciently to exhibit their rugose state, and the large and peeuhar
tubercle on the inner side of the hinder ones, which is characteristic
of this genus, and which was observed by M. Desmarcst, who de-

them as '* coniques, obtuses, avec une sorte de collet inferieurement, et entre leur surface est rugueuse."
M. Cuvier (Oss. Foss. v. 278) describes the Lisbon specimen under
the name of D. frontatus, but his character for that species is taken
from a skull of the genus Steno, instead of from the teeth in tlie
specimen from Lisbon he also observes that it is not impossible that
the Masouen bJanc of Duhamel (Peches, ii. t. 10. f. 4), received from
Canada, may not be a bad representation of the animal. Hence M. de
Blain\-ille's idea of the Canadian habitat.
The Masone7i blane of
Canada is certainly a Behir/a, very eri'oneously represented.
M. F. Cuvier, in his ' Cetacea,' p. 121, describes this specimen
under the name of D. frontatus.
The Bouto is found near Ega. " The animal is very large, and
wholly of a pinkish flesh-colour. I have seen them rear themselves
entirely above the surface of the water when the sexes are sporting
in shoaly bays. They go in pairs, roUing together. There are black
dolphins of a larger species, but I do not know if a variety or a
separate species.
They also roll in pairs, and are abundant towards
the delta of the Amazons.
I cannot say whether the flesh-coloured
species is found in the delta.
One fact only I can mention, I have
never seen a black and a pink dolphin together in pairs. They are
always either black or pink." Bates, 17 Feb. 1856; Ann. S,' May.
N. H. 185G, xviii. 158.
This animal iiihabits " the upper parts and the branches of the
great river Amazons, to the Indians living on the borders of which
it is a creature of no small value.
It was described by D'Orbigny
as the type of a new genus under the name of Inia BoUviensis, by
which it has since been generally kno'wn ; but it appears to have
been previously described by Spix and Martins under the name of
Delphinus Amazonicus while, according to M. Paul Gervais, it is
identical with the D. Geoffrensis of De Blainville, who, however,
supposed that his specimen came from Canada."
Comptes Renchts,
April 28, 1856, 806 ; Ann. 6f Mag. N. H. xvii. 522.

Head beaked



heak bald, or with only a few whiskers. Nostril

united into a transverse blower on crown of head. Teeth in the
whole length of the edge of both jaws, simple, cj-lindrical, conical,
smooth. Dorsal fin falcate, rarely wanting. Back rounded. Tail
compressed, keeled.
The pectoral fin moderate, ovate, on the upper
part of the sides of the chest fingers 4 or 5, short, each formed of

four or five joints.

Skull beaked
the maxillary bones sim^ile, expanded out or shelving over the oi-bits.
Intermaxillary bones
moderate, only partly covering the maxilla. The breast-bone elongate, formed of three portions, with the first three pairs of ribs on



the sides at nearly equal distances, the hinder ribs closer together at
the hinder end.
et Delphina (pars), Rajin. Anal. Nat. 1815, 60.
Carnivora (pars), Lesson, N. Reg. Anim. 197.
Hydraula, Ch. Ronaj). Reg. Anim.
Delpliinusidepe, Lesson, N. Ref/. Anim. 197.
Delphiniis, Linn.; LUiyer, Prodr. 143, 1811.
Delphinus et Monodon, Cuv. T<ib. Elem. 1798.
DelphinidiB (pars), G'/Y/y [Delphinidfe, sect. Delphinina et Plioceniua],
Ann. Phil. 1828; Sp'ie. Zool. i. 1828; Cat. 3Limm. B. M. 104; Zool.
Erebus <^ Terror Cat. Cetacea B. M. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 235
Ann. S^- Mag. N. H. 1863.
Delphinidfe et Monodontidte, Gray, L. Med. Rep. xv. 310, 1821.
Cete (pars), Illiger.
Delphiuidae, Delphinina et Monodoutina, Seh/s-Longchamps, 1842.
Les Cetaces piscivores et les Narwals, F. Cuv. D. (S. N. 1829.
Zahnwale (pars), Oken, Lehrb. Naturg. 672, 1815.
Delphinidse seu Mastrogastera, /. Brookes, Cat. Mas. 39, 1828.
Trachyuicliidfe seu Macrodoutea, /. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 40, 1828.
Delphiniers, Geoff. Lemons Mammal. 1835, 66.


This family is easily known from the Toothed Whales or Catodonby the smaller and- more proportionate head and in those


which have

upper teeth at an early age, by there

being no regular series of pits in the gum of the upper jaw for the
reception of the teeth of the lower one ; and also by the upper part
of the skull not being deeply concave, and surrounded on the sides
and behind by a high ridge.
These animals when first born are large compared with the size of


lost their

the parents according to Dr. Knox, the foetus of the poi-poise is half
the length, that is, one-fourth the size of the parent, before it is born
(Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. ii. 208) ; and they appear to attain their full
size very rapidly, which may account for the very slight difference
to be observed in the size of the skull, and the great uniformity in
the number, and in the space which the series of teeth occupy upon
the edge of the jaws in the different specimens of the same species.
Hunter thought the exact number of teeth in any species was uncertain
obser\'ing the teeth in the middle of each series were the
largest and the most firmly fixed, he states his belief that "the jaws
increase posteriorly and decaj- at the symphysis, and while the growth
is going on, there is a constant succession of new teeth, by which
means the new-formed teeth are proportioned to the jaw.'' Phil.
Trans. 1788, 898.
Dr. Fleming, from the examination of the jaws
of two porpoises of different ages, thinks " the jaws lengthen at the
symphysis and at the base;" and that "the new teeth formed at
these places are the smallest, and that there is no absorption."
Phil. Zool. ii. 208.
This may be the case with the specimens before
they arrive at their full size but no skidl of this kind has fallen
under my observation and as far as my experience will carry me, the
numbers, size, and disposition of the teeth furnish the most important characters for the determination of the species and the definition
M. F. Cuvier's remarks (Cetac. 103, 104) on the teeth as
of genera.



the characters of genera are not consistent with my observations, for

they appear quite as characteristic of the different genera as those
of other orders of Mammalia, though they do not present so many
different forms.
At the same time, it is true that compilers like
Lesson, who appear not to have examined a single skull, have made
many genera, founded on very sHght characters, and brought together
species that have very little relation to each other.
For the puri)ose of more distinctly defining the species, it has been
found necessary to divide them into several groups, so as to arrange
them in what appears to be a more natural series, and circumscribe
the genera,



Head more

or less beaked; beak of the skull slender, as long as or longer

than the brain-cavity ; triangle in front of bhmers fiat. TJie lateral
wings of the maxilla expanded, horizontal. Bottle-noses.

eak of skull

Symphysis of lower jaw elongate.

Dorsal fin distinct.



PoNTOPOEiA. Beak of
jaw very long.




skull high, compressed.

Symphysis of lower

of skull rather compressed, higher than broad.

jaw long.


physis of lower

Beak of skull more or less depressed. Symjyfiysis of lower j\nv moderate.

Delphintjs. Dorsal distinct, medial. Beak of skull elongate. Triangle short, rather depressed, convex above. Crown convex.




Lagenobhynchus. Dorsal distinct.

panded. Crown shelving in front.



Dorsal distinct, medial. Beak of skull short, depressed.

Triangle elongate. Crown convex.
of skull depressed; ex-

Dorsal none.

Head rounded

in front, scarcely beaked; beak of the sktdl depressed,

broad, scarcely so long as the brain-cavity.



Lateral wings of the maxilla horizontal, prodticed over the

Teeth conical.
Dorsal distinct.


Triangle in front of blowers flat or concave. Teeth large,

Intermaxillaries moderately wide.
acute, permanent.
broad, short.




PsEUDOBCA, Triangle

in front of the blowers flat. Teeth large, acute,

Intermaxillaries moderately wide.
Pectoral small,



Triangle in front of blowers swoUen, convex.

Intermaxillaries broad,

Upper teeth

early deciduous,

** Lateral ivings
of the maxilla shelving
in front of the bloicer convex.


t Teeth permanent, compressed, sharp-edged.




fin distinct






over the orbit.


ft Teeth early deciduous,






Dorsal none.


Male without any

Teeth in both jaws, early deciduous.

horn-like tooth,


Teeth very early deciduous.

upper jaw.

Male with a projecting

spiral tusk in the

A. Head more or

less beaked ; heak of the skidl slender, as long as or longer

than the brain-cavity.
The lateral wings of the maxilla expanded,
Triangle in front of the blowers flat or concave.

Beak of the

Symphysis of

skull longer than the brain-case, compressed.

the lower jaw elongate.


Dorsal Jin



Head with

a very long, slender beak. Blowhole transverse, on the

crown. Dorsal fin high, falcate, central pectoral fins rather elongate, sublunate.
Skull roundish beak very long, compressed, with
a strong groove on each side above ; side of the maxilla rather elevated ; the edges form a ridge on the side of the upper surface of
the brain-cavity; eyebrow with a long cylindrical crest; lower jaw
compressed, with a deep groove on each side symphysis very long.
Teeth small, subcylindiical, smooth, rather hooked, acute.

Pontoporia, Gray, Zool. Ereb. 8f Terror, 46, 1846 Cat. Cetac. B. M.

1850, 134.
Stenodelphis, Gervais, D^Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. 31. t. 23 (not cha;



Pontoporia Blainvillii.

The Pontoporia.

Skull, with the tubercles behind the blowholes, broad, slightly

convex; eyebrows with a strong, longitudinal crest; upper and
lower jaw with a deep, well-defined ridge on each side. Teeth |^f
small, conical, hooked, smooth
symphysis more than half the length
of the lower jaw.

Delphinus Blainvillii, Freminville, Mus. Paris.

D. Blainvillei, Gervais, Institute, 1842, 170; Bull. Soc. Philom. 1844,
38 Institute, 1844.
D. (Stenodelphis) Blainvillei, Gervais Sf D''Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid.
Mamm. 31. t. 23 (skull) Reichb. Cetac. 128. 70. t. 24. f. 78.
Pontoporia BlainviUii, Gray, Zool. E. ^ T. 46. t. 29 (skull) ; Cat.
Cetac. B. M. 134.

Inhab. Monte Yideo.


Mus. Paris

(if. Freminville).


Freminville described the Dolphin belonging to the skull as

white, with a black dorsal band, and 4 feet long.

Length of skull
Length of beak
Length of symphysis
Length of teeth-line

M. d'Orbigny





believes the dolphin he observed near the





La Plata, of which the following is a description, is probably the

same as Stenodelphls BlainvUJei it is figured Voy. Amer. Merid.
t. 23.
The skidl of this animal was not examined nor preserved.

It was blackish, pale beneath, with a white streak along each side
from behind the blower, where it is broadest and gradually becoming
narrower behind, not quite reaching to the tail.
According to Desmarest, Freminville saw a dolphin on the coast
of Brazil which was 15 feet long, with a very convex forehead
ashy, with a white streak on each side of the head, on the back,
throat, and belly.





Forehead convex. Beak moderate, tapering.


Pectoral fin moderate, ovate, falcate.

falcate, in the middle of the back. Skull round, subglobular. Forehead erect. Beak elongate, compressed, higher than broad, tapering
in front, convex above.
Triangle elongate, deep, produced rather
beyond the teeth-line. Palate convex, not grooved on the side.
Lower jaw elongate, compressed in front; sjTiiphysis elongate, about
one-fourth the length.
elongate, fusiform.

Steno, Gray, Zool. Erebus ^ Terror, 43, 1847

127 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 236.

Cat. Cetac.

B. M. 1850,

This genus is at once known from Lagenorliynchus and Delphinus

by the length, compression, and tapering form of the beak of the


foetus of Steno fuscus is very peculiar for the elongated taper-

ing head

the pectoral fins are rather large, strongly falcate


Its tongue is flat on

dorsal rather beyond the middle of the back.
the top, and nearly as broad as the space between the sides of the
it is entire on the edges of the sides, and slightly dilated in

front, crenulated

middle of the


on the edge, and with a larger flat lobe in the

(See Zool. Erebus and Terror,' t. 26. f. 1, a, h, c.)


Beak separated from




Beak separated from


the forehead by a cross groove.

scarcely separated from the forehead.

the forehead by a cross groove.

Steno Malayanus.

Grey-ash above and below.

Teeth |^.
entire "length.

The Malay Dolphin.

Nose of skull about

three-fifths of the

Delphinus Malayanus, Lesson, Voy. Coq. t. 9. f. 5 Hist. Cetac. 152 ;

Srhlegel, Abh. i. t. 1, 2. f. 2, t. 4. f. 3 (skull and teeth).
D. Capensis, Rapp, Cetac. t. 2. f. 1 (not Gray nor Cuv.).
D. Eappii, Reichb. Cetac. iii. 48. t. 18. f. 5, 7.
D. pluniheus, Cuv. li. A. i. 288; F. Cuv. Cetac. 151; Mannn. Lithog.


Pucheran, Rev.


Steno Malayanus, Gray,

Inhab. Indian Ocean.

Mag. Zool. 1856, 145.

Ereb.^ Terror, 4S;


Cat. Cetac.

B.M. 127.


2. STENo.


Length of animal, entire

Length of pectoral




of tail

Museum marked

" D. plumheus, MalaLength 22 inches, beak

13|, teeth-line 12, width at notch 4g, symphysis of the lower jaw 5|
beak elongated^ higher than wide, comteeth -f^fy, large



a skull in the Paris

It measures as follows

bar, Bussumier.^^

pressed in front; triangle extending rather before the teeth-lines.

In the Anatomical Museum of the Jardin dcs Plantes is a skull of
a foetal specimen of this species, from Malabar, which is 12 inches
long, with the beak 81 inches long, and 2| in. wide at the notch. The
symphysis of the lower jaw is 2^ inches long. The bones are not
The upper teeth are 36 ; they are as large as those of the
adult skull, and all enclosed in a cartilage and very close together.
From this skull it is evident that these animals are born with the full
number of teeth, which only elongate as they gradually develope.


Steno roseiventris.

Greyish black above, under half rosy white orbit, streak from eye
to the pectoral, and pectoral fin dusky.
Beak elongate, slender.
Beak of skull very long, half as long again as the brain-cavity.
Teeth il-fi.

Delphinus roseiventris, Pucheran, Voy. Dumont

t. 28. f. 3, 4 (skull).

cC Urville,





Inhab. Molucca.

The skull of a Dauphin a ventre roux from Molucca, in the Paris

Museum, has the nose very slender, attenuated. Palatal bone and
intermaxiUaries distinctly seen below ; intermaxillaries very convex,
dense lower jaw very compressed in front palate flat, rather convex on each side behind, very spongy.


Steno frontatus.

The Fronted Dolphin.

Nose of skull about three-fifths of its entire length, three times as

long as its width at the notch, rather compressed, rounded in front.
Lower jaw subangular and bent up at the end, united about one-third
Teeth f j-It) often rather rugose.
of its length.
Skin rough, back greyish black, belly dirty white. Female 9 feet

Dr. Dickie.

Delphinus frontatus, Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. t. 21. f. 7, 8,

i. 288
Gray, List Mamm. B. M. 105 Oiven, Cat.

Coll. Surff.





8; H. A.

Osteal. Coll.



D. Reinwardtii, Schlegel, Abh.

i. 21. t. 2. f. 3, 4, t. 4. f. 7 (skull and

Steno frontatus. Gray, Zool. Erebus ^ Terror, 43
Cat. Cetac. B. M.
1850, 128 ; Bhjth, Cat. Mus. Asiatic Sac. Bengal, 91.

Bay of Bengal {Capt.

Inhab. Indian Ocean.
Sea {J. Owen, Esq., 1844). Pacific.






Part of the upper jaw, teeth large.

Bones of the ear. India. Presented by General Hardwicke,
d, e. Three skulls.

Dimensions of sknll (No. 1) in the British

of female in Dr. Dickie's Collection


No. 2, of skull



Length, entire
Length of nose
at notch
at orbit

of middle of beak
Length of lower jaw

Length of symphysis



Lower jaw rather

3 10
7 9
5 6

Length of teeth-line










straighter below and rather wider be-

teeth 1^.

Var. 2. Nose much compressed on the side and depressed above,

rather larger, rather more than three times as long as wide at the
notch ; teeth |^.
Var. 3. Tooth-series rather longer, 10" 6'"; teeth |J-; lower jaw
like Var. 1.

Dr. Dickie's skull has teeth |^ the two front of lower jaw are
and separated from the rest. A foetus extracted from the
womb of Dr. Dickie's specimen had the tail convex at the end and
Z>. Geoffroyi, Desm,, which is the type of the genus Inia, has been
confounded with this species.


There are two skulls in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Calone of an animal taken near the Nicobar Islands, the other
from the Eed Sea. Blyih, Bep. I. c. 11.


Steno compressus.

The Narrow-hedked DoljpMn.

Nose of skull much compressed, attenuated at the tip, three-fifths

the entire length, three times and a half as long as its width at the
Teeth conical, acute, |-|. Head narrow, and rather compressed at the orbit.
Delphinus compressus, Gray, Cat. Mainm. B. 31.
Steno compressus, Zool, Erebus Sf Terror, 43. t. 27 (skuU)
B. M. 1850, 129.



Cat. Cetac.

The specimen

figured in the



of the

Erebus and

Terror,' pi. 27.

b, c.



South Sea. Antarctic Expedition.

Lords of the Admiralty.


Presented by the


2. 8TEN0.

Length, entire
Length of nose
Length of lower jaw
Length of symphysis
Width of notch



at orbit

known from the former by

slender and more attenuated in front, and by the
head, though longer, being 2i inches narrower over the orbit; lower
jaw nearly straight below, united for more than one-third its length.
It may be the same as I), rostratus, but the teeth are more
numerous ; and Cuvier's figure, which he thought might be Breda's
species, certainly much better represents a common Indian species



skulls of this species are easily

much more


In one of the

skulls the nose is rather shorter

and more depressed.

The Slender-heahed DolpMn.

Steno attenuatus.

Nose of skull three-fifths the entire length, once and a half the
length of the skull, twice and three-fourths the length of the width
of the notch, slender, tapering in front ; intermaxiUaries forming a
long triangular part of the front of the palate ; vomer elongate, in
middle of palate.



Delphinus attenuatus, Gray, List Mamm. B. 31, 105.

Steno attenuatus, Gray, Zool. Ereb. ^ Terror, 43. t. 28 (skull) j Cat,
Bhjth, Cat. Mus. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 92
Cetac. B. M. 1850, 130
Asiatic Researches, xii. App. xxvii. ?

Inhab. Cape Horn. Sea west of Cape of Good Hope and Bay of
Bengal {BliffK). Mus. CoU. Surg. Edinb.




Presented by Mrs. Ince.

The specimen figured in the


Voyage of the Erebus and

Terror,' pi. 28.



9 N.


Presented by A. Pearson, Esq.

Measurement of the three

skulls in the British


Length, entire
Length of nose
Length of lower jaw
Breadth of temples
Breadth of notch
Breadth of middle of beak
Breadth of intermaxiUaries



















Delphinus pseudodelphis, Wiegm. Schreb. t. 358 (skull) ; Reichb.

Teeth A| or ||. " SkuU in Mus. Leyden so
Cetac. Anat. t. 18.
named has the form of D. 31alay a 7ms, but beak shorter, and teeth
shorter and thinner, very Uke those of D. Delj^his.
Palate not
Symphysis of lower jaw rather long." May be the same



as the Steno attenuatus, but the Museum copy of Schreber does not
contain the plate referred to.
There is a skull in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta
which seems to be that of Steno attemiatus, being probably that
mentioned as " a Dolphin found near the Isle of France " (Asiatic
Besearches, xii. App. xxvii.).
Lower jaw 14 inches. Teeth |-j-.
And another lower jaw, "from the high seas," with series of 38
teeth, presented by Mr. C. Harvey (Journ. As. Soc. x. 737).
two skulls, toothless, wanting the lower jaw, with series of 39 teethLength 15 and 15|^ inches. All these would appear to be
Blyih, I. c.
the same.
left ramus of the lower jaw with series of 43 teeth, in the
same museum, is vertically much deeper at the symphysis, and undoubtedly appertains to a distinct species. Blyth.
Captain Jethro Fairweather presented to the Museum of the
Asiatic Society of Calcutta a skull of a small but not young Steno,
which seems to be St. attenuatus, Gray. It was procm'cd not far
from the Sand-heads, out of an innumerable herd of them, " as far

and was of a palish leadDelpMnus MaJayanus, yar.phim-

as the eye could reach in all directions,"




therefore, however, the



larger species


in the bay.



Major E. C. Tyler has also sent to the same museum a skull taken
west of the Cape of Good Hope, which agrees, or very nearly so,
with the two heads minus the teeth, and the lower jaw, mentioned





Blackish, rather paler below.

Delphinus brevimanus (D. a petit pectoral), Puchvran, Voy. Dumont

d' Urville, t. 21. f. 2, t. 23. f 7 & 8 (skull).
Delphinus ? microbracliimii, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M, 1850, 119, from




named Dauphin a petit

has the palate


pectoral in the Paris

rather convex behind.


Triangle extended rather

Teeth f^. Nose narrowed in front,

in front of the teeth-line.
three-fifths the length, and twice and three-fom'ths the length of the
Lower jaw slender in front. Nasal rather
breadth at the notch.

high and convex. It may be a Steno.

Inhab. Banda, Singapore.


Dark blackish

Steno Tucuxi.

Nose of the skidl depressed

at the base,
rather (one-fifteenth) longer than
the length of the head, nearly three times as long as the width at
the notch.
Frontal triangle elongate, continued considerably in

or fuscous.

convex and attenuated at the

front of the line of the notch.




slender, conical.




jaw rather slender and


slightly bent nj) at the tips.


rather keeled beneath in front.

Steuo Tucuxi, Grai/, Ann.


3Iag. N.

H. 1857,

xviii. 158.

Inhab. The upper parts of the Amazons River, near Santarem

Called Twuxi.
are larger.
It does not roll over like the Bouko, but
comes to the surface to breathe.

The males


Length of the skull

Length of the beak
Length of teeth-line
Length of lower jaw
Length of symphysis
Width of skull
Width of beak at notch










of forehead over notch







band from the eye to the pectoral, and

the pectoral fin black.
Lower jaw and beneath rosy white, the
white bent up so as to form a broad white lobe behind the orbit over
the pectoral.
Teeth |-|- or -H on each side. Dorsal fin moderate,
blackish, a broad



fluviatilis, Gervais Sf Delille, Btill. de la Soc. Agric. tie

VHerault, 1853, 148; Gervais, in Casteln. Voy. Mamm. 92. t. 19,
f. 2
Hist. Mamm. ii. 522.
Buffeo negro, Missionaries of Upper Amazons.
Bolo preto of the Brazilians, in Casteln. Hist, du Voy. dans FAmer.
du Sud, iv. 460, v. 33.

Inhab. Upper part of the River Amazons, near Peru.

the same as the former.
An imperfect skin with the ends of the beak of the skull in the
Paris Museum.
The palate of the beak is flat, without any lateral
The teeth are small, acute, and, like those of De^Mnus
Delphis, without any internal lobe.



f|- or |^.
Dorsal fin very low.



Pale yellowish white above, beneath white.

Delphinus pallidus, Gervais, Acad. Set. Montp. 1855 ;

Mamm. 94. t. 19. f. 1; Ann. 8f Mag. N. H. xvii. 521



Bates, Tra-

vels in Brazil.

BuiFeo bianco, Missionaries of Upper A^nazons, Casteln. Hist, du Voy,

dans VAmer. du Sud, iv. 460.

Inhab. River Amazons.


be the same as S.



10. Steno


Black forehead with two concentric yellow

Teeth |-i. Dorsal fin very minute.

Beak very


Delphinus coronatus, Freminville, Nov. Bull. Soc. Phil. iii. 56, 78. t. 1.
f. 2, fl, B
Desm. Mamm. 512 Graxf, Cat. Cctac. B. M. 132.
Delphinorh3Tichus coronatus, Lesson, Man. 405 ; Fischer, Syn. Mamm.


Inhab. Spitzbergen

" Beak slender, the upper jaw longest. Black, with two yellow
The upper jaw
concentric circles on the convexity of the forehead.
with 15 teeth on each side, the lower with 24, all very acute. The
dorsal fin half-crescent-shaped, nearer the tail than the head.
caudal crescent-shaped. The pectoral of a moderate size.


The skull not known.
"Inhab. Spitzbergen, 1806, near

troops {Freminville).

spoken of




Cuvier, Oss.







singular that no other authors have


Fos.s. v.


scarcely separated

the forehead.''

The Beaked Dolphin.

11. Steno? rostratus.

"Forehead gradually shelving


to the





with the nose as long as the brain-cavity. Teeth |-|-~ff rather

Black, lower lip and body beneath rosy white, not separated
by distinct lines, lower part of the sides black-spotted.

Delphinus rostratus, Cuv. Ann. Mus. xix. 9

R. A.



F. Cuv.


Cetac. 156. t. 10. f. 2 ; Schleyel, Dieren van

Lith. t.
Nederlaml, 85. t. 11 (not Share).
Dauphin de Breda, Cuv. Oss. Foss. 278, 296. v. 400. t. 21. f. 7, 8.
Delphinus Bredauensis, " Cuv," ; Fischer, Syn. 505, from Cuvier, Oss.


Delphinus oxyrhynchus, Jardine, Nat. Lib. t. 27, cop, from F. Cuv.

Delphinus planiceps, Breda, Verh. Nederl. Hist. 1829, 236. t. 1, 2
Schkgel, Abhandl. t. 4. f. 8 (teeth).
Steno ? rostratus, Gray, Zool. Erebus Sf Terror, 43 Cat. Cetac. B. M.
1850, 131 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 236.

Holland (Breda). Brest {UOrhigny).

Inhab. North Sea.
" M. Blainville, who observed a skull of this species in the museum
of Mr. J. Sowerby, says it had 22 teeth in each jaw, and the symlihysis two-thirds the entire length " (Desm. Diet. H. N. ix. 16U).
If this is not a mistake for one-third, it will at once separate it from
the other Stenos, and connect it with Pontojioria, but the figure of
the skull in Cuvier and Schlegel resembles that of the genus Steno.
The skuUs named D. rostratus in the Paris Museum arc very like
The nose is compnessed
the Museum specimens of Steno fr onto tus.
Teeth |-||y. Length, entire, 21|- inches; nose 12J-;
in front.
symphysis of lower jaw 5^ width at preorbital notch 4 inches.
I have not been able to find the skull of this animal, Avhich was


Mr. Sowerby 's




Place, Lambeth.




12. Steno fuscus.

The Cuban


Black above and below (in spirits). Head conical, gradually tapering into a rather long nose, "without any separating groove, with five
black whiskers on each side.
Steno fuscus, Gray, Zool. Ereb. 8f Terr.
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 131.

Inhab. Cuba
a. Foetus


in spirit






1 (foetus

and tongue)


not in good state.

Presented by




Leay, Esq.


Beak of the

skull longer than the brain-case,

more or

less depressed.

Symphysis of the lower jaw moderate.




longly beaked.
Forehead rounded. Nose produced, bald.
Dorsal fin falcate, in the middle of the back.
Skull with the hinder
wings of maxilla horizontal, sometimes thickened on the edge over
the orbit.
Nose elongate, light, much longer than the head, tapering,
depressed in front, broader than high, convex, roundish above, and
slightly concave in front of the blowers, nearly parallel on the sides
and rounded in front. Teeth A to |-2., small, conical, extending the
greater part of the length of the jaw.
Delphinus, Gray, Spic. Zool. i. 1828 Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 105
P. Z. S. 1863
1864, 236; Zool. Ereb. Sf Terr. 36, 1847; Waglcr,

N. S. Amph. 35.
Delphinus (pars), Linn.

Most maritime persons

Illiger, 143,



these animals Bottle-noses, Bottle-

Whale to the name. Thej'

generally confine the name of Dolphin (most used by landsmen) to
the Scomberoid fish {Gorriphaina), which changes colour in dying.
In the British Museum there is a foetus, apparently belonging to
the Delphinus Delphis, figured in the ' Zoology of the Erebus and
Terror,' t. 26, with its tongue in detail ; it formed part of the collection of Sir Hans Sloane.
It differs from the foetus of Lagenorhynchus
aciitus in the nose being more produced (nearly one-third the length
of the distance from the end of the nose to the eye) ; it has seven
black rigid bristles on each side ; the two front, rather the largest,
are on the side of the upper part of the nose, the five hinder forming
a descending line nearly parallel to the groove which separates the
The tongue is convex on the sides, with a rather narrow flat
space on the hinder part, separated from the under sides by a sharp
entire edge ; the front is rather dilated, sharp-edged, and obscurely
heads, Flounder-heads, sometimes adding


Triangle not reaching to the teeth-line.

Skull round.
Palate convex,
with a very concave line on the hinder part of each side. Beak tivice as
Teeth f ^.
No. 1.
long as the head.


Skidl rouiulish.
Triangle just to the teeth-line.
Palate with
groove on each side and a high central ridge behind.

a deej)






Beak of skull twice as Imu/ as the brain-carih/. Teeth ^|-fg^. No. 2.

Beak moderate, once and a Judf the lemjtli of the hrain-cavity. Teeth
4 s


an the




Skullflattened behind,


Trianc/Ie to the teeth-line.

Palate flat, not (jroored


Triangle not reaching to the teeth-line.

Skull round.
a very concave line on the hinder jMrt of each side.
Teeth ||.
as head.

Delphinus microps.


Palate conve.r,




as long

The Small-headed Dolphin.

Skull small, subglobular. Palate convex. Nose very long, slender,

twice as long as the length of the brain-cavity, nearly four times as
long as broad at the notch intermaxillaries convex above, with a
broad cavity between them in front, rather contracted in front of the
blowers. Teeth ^|. Maxillaries very spongy. The triangle in front
of the blowers short, not nearly reaching to the line of the hinder
Palate with a prominent ridge extending along its hinder


Delphinus microps, Gray, Zool. Erebus

Cat, Cetac. B, M. 1850, 126.

Inhab. Coast of Brazils (Dr. Dickie),


25 (skull)


Near mouth of Eio de


Mus. Buenos Ayres (Burmeister).


Terror, 42.


Prom the Haslar Hospital. The specimen figured

in the ' Voyage of the Erebus and Terror,' tab. 25. p. 42.
SkuU, larger ; the skull behind the frontal longer, slightly comTeeth |-|- on each side. Length, entire, 18 inches
tooth-Une 10|, beak 12, lower jaw 15| width at orbit 0|, at



middle of beak 1|.

This skull chiefly diff'ers from the type skull of D. microjJS in the
back of the skull being much less convex, and in its being of a rather
can this depend on the sex of the specimen ?
larger size
Dimensions of five skulls, in inches the 1st is in the Norwich

the 2nd, in the British Museum the 3rd, in the Museum

of the Royal College of Surgeons ; the 4th, in Dr. Dickie's collection
the 5th, in the Edinburgh College, n. 164.


Length, entire
Length of nose

Length of teeth-line
Length of lower jaw



















at notch
at orbits

of middle of beak ....

of intermaxillaries ....



Barclay CollecSkull in Mus. Coll. Surg. Edin. n. 164.

Head smaller, and the nose rather shorter, onlj' once and three-








fourths the length of the brain-cavity, but quite as long as compared

with the width of the notch. Length, entire, 16|^ inches, of beak
10^ inches width at notch 3 inches triangle to the teeth-lino
Nose-groove open in front. Teeth j^, small, curved.
This skull resembles Schlegel's figure of the skull of D. longirostns
in general form, but the beak is rather more slender, and the orbits
more obliquely tnincated in front.


Skull roundish.

Triangle j\tst to the teeth-line.

Palate with a deep groove

on each side and a high central ridge behind.


eak of skull

Teeth ||f g^.

twice as long as the brain-cavity.

Delphinus longirostris.

The Cape Dolphin.

Dorsal fin largo, high. Teeth i^-U. Nose three-fifths
the entire length.
Skull nearly thrice and a half the length of its
breadth at the notch.
Delphis, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, 237.

Delphiuus longirostris, Gray, Spic. Zool. 1 ; Brookes, Cat. Mus. 39,

1828 Ciiv. R. A. i. 288, from Dussumier, MSS. Schlegel, Abhandl.
t. 1, 2, & 4. f. 1, from skidl of Bi'ookes; Faun. Japon. t. 24
List Mamm. B. M. 105 Zool. Ereb. 8,- Terr. 42
Cat. Cetac. B. M.
18o0, 25 Puclwran, Rev. 8f Mag. Zool. 1856, 315.
Delphiuus Capensis, Gray, Spic. Zool. ii. t. 2. f. 1 ; not Cuv. nor Rapp,

Inhab. Southern Ocean. Cape of Good Hope (Gray).

Ceylon {Schlegel). Malabar (Diussuniier).

Japan and

specimen. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by the Trustees

of the lloyal College of Surgeons.
The specimen figured and
described in Spic. Zool.' and ' Zool. Erebus and Terror.'

a. Stufi'od



Length, entire
Length of beak
Length to angle of mouth
Length to blowers


Length to dorsal fin

Length to pectoral fin
Length of dorsal
Length of pectoral


Breadth of pectoral
Breadth of tail



Fauna Japonica is from a drawing by a

made under Mr. Burger's direction.
The skull named D. hngirostris in the Paris Museum (n. 4), from
Malabar, brought by M. Dussumier, 1827, has the palate with a deep
figure in the





groove on each side of a central ridge in the hinder half, slightly

keeled behind near the blower beak long, tapering nasal convex,
rounded. Teeth |^, small, slightly curved ; triangle exactly to the




Length of beak



Beak moderate,


at notch

of middle of bctik


mice and a half the lenyth of the hrain-cavity.

Teeth A|-||.

The Dolphin.

Delphinus Delphis.



Skull: Length

Teeth ^|
the dorsal moderate.
Black, sides grey, beneath white
Nose of skull half as long again as the length of the
(|^|, ScMegel).

Delphinus vulgaris, Lacejo. Cct. 2o0. t. 14 (skuU).

Delphinus antiquorum, Rai/, Willuqhh. Pi.sc. t. A 1. f. 1.
Delphinus Delphis, LinN. S. N. i. 108 Hunter, Phil. Trans. 1787, 373,
618 Bonnat. Cct. 20. t. 10. f. 2 Schreb. Siiuqeth. t. 343 Dei^m.
Jurdines Whales,
Mamm. 514 F. Ciiv. Cet. 123 3Iam. Lith. t.
Schleyel, Ahhandl. i. 20. t. 4.
t. 23, cop. BelTs Brit. Quml. 403. hg.
Curier, Oss. Fuss. v. 275, 303. t. 21. f. 9, 10
f. 2 (teeth)
Cat. Cetac. B. M.
Zool. Erch. 4- Terror, 40. t. 2(5 (tongue and fcetus)
1850, 120; P. Z. S. 1864, 237 Schleyel, Dieren, 82. t. 10; Turtun,
B. Fauna, 17; Jenyns, 3Ian. 40; Flcniiny, B. A. 35; Bell, Brit.
Quad. 463. fig. Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, 591 ; Mcdmyren, Arch.


Natury. 1864, 88.

Delphinus, Plitiy, H. N. ix. c. 7, 8
Pise. 459. fig.; Aldrov. Pise. 704.

Bellon, Aquat. 7. fig.
Willuyhh. Pise. 28. t.


Xlein, 3Iisc. Pise. ii. 24. t. 3. f. a.

Dolphin, Shaw, Zool. ii. 507. t. 229 Borlase, Cormvall, 264. t. 27. f. 1.
Dauphin ordinaire, Cuv. R. A. i. 278.
Anat. Cuvicr, Oss. Foss. v. t. 21. f. 9, 10 Loeep. t. 14 Volkmann,
Anat. Anim, Tab. 1831, t. 9. f. 2, 3, 4 (skull) Spix, Cephaloy. t. 8.
f. 8 (skull) ; Rapp, Cetac. t. 1 (skeleton).

Inhab. North Sea.

a, h,


? a.

Atlantic Ocean.

Stuffed specimens.


English coast.

Presented by Messrs. J.

C. Grove.

Skull, large.

Presented by A. Cunningham, Esq.

Presented by A. Pearson, Esq.
Presented by J. J. Bennett, Esq., F.R.S.


Skull, smaller.




e-p. Twelve skulls.
English coast.
q. Skeleton.


The most prominent difference between the specimens is in the

width of the upper jaw in front of the notch, just over the commencement of the teeth-series but there does not occur any other
There is also a slight difference in
character in connexion with it.
in , the central ridge is narrow and rounded
the form of the palate
above behind in b it is broad, flat, sharp-edged, and very deeply
concave on the sides, under the edges, but the different specimens
In d and g, the hinder part of the palate.
vary in this particular.




near the entrance of the inner nostrils, is sharply keeled ; and in a

the two ridges are ronnded.
I am by no means certain that, with a larger series of skulls in a
perfect condition, and with the animals they belonged to, it might
not result that there are more than one species amongst these



these skulls the intermaxillaries are seen below, forming a

slender, elongated, triangular sjiace in the froiit of the palate,

some the vomer

more or

and in

seen in the middle of the palate ;

but the absence or presence of this bone in the palate is of very
little consequence, as a character, in this kind.



Measurements of different skulls in the British

particular localities are unknown.





18 or 20 inches of the tail, and another much less

Length 7^ feet. Forehead convex,
to this.
divided from the snout by a furrow.
Foetus 38 inches back dark
bluish grey belly nearly salmon colour no longitudinal stripes as
in the mother, but some very indistinct broad transverse stripes were
Cervical verseen towards the back. Teeth had not yet appeared.
the first and second certebrae 7, dorsal 14, posterior to these 55
vicals large and scarcely moveable upon each other, the other five
were much smaller and rather more moveable."
lead-colovir within

distinct ran parallel

Dolphin, Jackson, Host. Juurn. N. H.

v. 153,


Inhab. Atlantic Ocean, North America.

" Whales, diff'ering in no appreciable respect from the common
dolphin of the British coast, came round us in the high seas of every
It is widely open to question
region of the globe during the voyage.
whether the dolphins of so many distinct climates are not also distinct species, but as long as we are to be guided by general resemblance and are deficient in oi^portunities of comparing individuals,
we must be content to regard them as identical. The contents of
The food contained
the stomach were fish, cuttle-fish, or shrimps.
in the first compartment of the stomach had seldom undergone any
change, in the second its digestion had advanced, while in the third
and fourth cavities it was reduced to a well-assimilated pulp."
Bennett, Whaling Voi/age, 238.
Professor Rapp (Cetac. t. 4) has described and figured the skeleton.
The scapula with a broad dilated coracoid process, and a broad
Fingers 5, short the
dilatation on the front edge of the condyle.
the first
fourth longest the third rather short, the fifth shorter
very short, shorter than the second. The spinal processes of the
the caudal
dorsal vertebrae with a distinct subbasal antciior process
vertebrae with a similar process on the hinder part of the spinal probut the greater part of the lumbar vertebrae are without them
the lateral process of the lumbar vertebrae slender.
The skeleton is also described by Cuvier (Oss. Foss. v. 303), and
some bones figured (t. 24) and by Professor Owen (Cat. Ostcol. Series
Mus. Coll. Surg. p. 451. n. 2489).
Dr. Jackson gives an account of a dissection of a foetal dolphin
taken at Lynn, United States it was 38 inches long, and the mother



London, having been

but their particular habitat is not
to be procured, or if one is obtained it is not to be depended on with
any confidence, as the animal has generally passed through more than
one dealer's hands. There are three specimens in the British Museum,
procured at Billingsgate, presented by Messrs. J. & C. Grove.
Mr. Couch says, "They come on the Cornish coast in considerable
numbers, more especially when the pilchards and mackerel abound
and not imfrequently are taken in the drift-nets, in the meshes of
which they become entangled by the teeth. In the month of September 1845, eight or ten in a day were brought on shore in Mount's
Bay for many days in succession." Cornish Whales, p. 3ii.

Sometimes seen

in the fishmongers' shojjs in

brouglit to Billingsgate for sale




According to 0. Fabricius, it is not nncommou as far north as

M. Gervais states that the species is stationary on the coast of the
Mediterranean. Cowp^s RenduSi 28 Nov. 1864, 876 Ann. Sf Mag.
N. H. 1865, 76.

Consult also DeJpJwius DelpJiis, A. Smith, African Zoology, 125,

from the west coast of Africa.



Delphinus marginatus.

black, paler on the head

genital region; throat, chest, and

blackish, end black, with a dark


sides to the middle of the

abdomen white edge of the jaws

band just below the edge of the

white on the side, which is rather wider near the vent, Avith two streaks
from the eye to the base of the pectoral, and a streak on the under
side bent down behind the base of the pectoral.
Beak slender.

Teeth jg-^, larger than those of D. Delphis.

Delphinus marginatus, Duvernoif, in PacheraHj Rev. ^ Mag. de Zool.
1856, 346. t. 25 Desjnarest, Ency. cVHist. Nat. Mairwu v. 284. t. 29.
f. 1
Arch. Naturg. 1857, 26.

Inhab. Dieppe

two specimens in Mus. Paris.

See also

Delphinus Algeriensis, ZocAe, iJey.

Naturg. 1861, 113.




Mag. Zool. 1860, t.



Sides with a narrow streak from the eyes to the

curved down over the end of the pectoral.

Inhab. Mediterranean



Teeth ^-^.

coast of Algiers.

Delphinus MediteiTaneus, Loche, Rev.

f. 2
Arch. Naturg. 1861, 113.


Zool. 1860, 475.



Beak slender. Sides with a streak from the eyes nearly to the
which is curved down nearly over the base of the pectoral fin.




Inhab. Mediterranean.


Delphinus Janira.

The Janira.

Skull roundish nose depressed, half as long again as the head >
triangle rather in front of the tooth-line ; intermaxillaries very convex behind, with a wide groove between, above in front palate
with very wide, deep grooves on each side, extending two-thirds of
the length, centre ridge flattened in the middle, the intermaxillaries
forming a long triangle in front. Teeth |^.

Delphinapterus Peronii, Mus. Bristol Institution.

Delphinus Janira, Grag, Zool. E. Sf T. 41. t. 23 (skidl)
B. M. 1850, 123.

Inhab. Newfoundland.
by G. Thorne, Esq.





Presented to the Bristol Institu-





Length, entire
Length of head



at orbit
at notch
at middle of



Length of nose
Length of lower jaw






This skull differs from that of D. Deljpliis of the Atlantic in the

beak being much shorter and narrower.


The New Zealand

Delphinus Novae Zealandise.


Nose cylindrical,
Teeth ^'^. Body elongated, rounded
Black-brown, edge of the upper jaw and
rather flattened above.
beneath dull white, a yellow band from the eye along the side to
below the dorsal tail slate-colour pectoral and dorsal duU white,
in front.

the latter dark-edged.


Delphinus Novse Zealandife, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. Astrol. 49.

Gray, Zool. E. 8f T. 41; Cat. Cetac. B. 31. 1850, 123.




Zealand, near Cape Gable, and




of Talago.

from Antarctic Expedition. Length 14 inches, of nose

8 inches, lower jaw 12 inches, width in middle of beak 1 inch
Is very Hke figure of skuU of D. Janira.
9 lines.
Presented by
Skeleton. Antarctic Seas. Antarctic Expedition.
the Lords of the Admiralty.

Form elongate, rounded in front, with a cylindrical beak, flattened

above and pointed. The lower jaw projects beyond the upper. The
forehead is gradually rounded, and forms on the middle of the beak
The sides are weU rounded. The
a well-marked prominent ridge.
lobes of the tail are flattened, with a compressed keel between their
base and the dorsal fin. The dorsal large, triangular, rounded at the
the caudal is small, nicked, and cordate in the middle the pectip
toral moderate, falciform. Above black-brown, like polished leather
the belly, and the edge of the upper jaw and the whole of the lower
duU white. A broad yellow band commences at the eye, narrows
on the sides, and ends below the dorsal. The tail slate-colour.
The pectorals are lead-white, like the middle of the dorsal, with
black edges. A black line from the upper part of the head, enlarging,
and enclosing the eye, which is bordered above and below with a
white line. The eye large, black. The lower jaw with small lings
of pores, and the body with small plates of regularly twisted white

Teeth small and pointed, ^^'--^^ 1S0.

Length 5 feet 10 inches, circumference 2 feet 11 inches, length
from muzzle to blower 1 foot 1 inch, to eye 1 foot, to dorsal 2 feet
8g inches, to base of pectoral 1 foot 5 inches, of hips 10| inches, from
middle of dorsal to tail 2 feet 5 inches, from vent to caudal 1 foot


1 inch, length of pectoral

9 inches.


The following




probably the same

Dauphin a bande fauve, Voy. Pole Sud,



1, t.





2 (not


Skull (in the figure) rather suddenly contracted behind ; nose sevenelevenths of the entire length of the skull, and twice and three-fourths
the breadth at the notch intermaxiUaries convex. Teeth Al. SkuU
so named in Mus. Paris has a deep groove on each side the palate,
and the triangle to the teeth-line.
Inhab, Van Diemen's Land.


DelpMnus albimanus.

fin blue-black ; belly and peceyes small, brown, and surrounded

with a black ring, which joins the black of the snout ; body between

Snout, head, back,

toral fin white

the dorsal


sides pale



and dorsal










Delphinus albimanus, Peale, Zool. JExjjI. Uxpecl. Mamm. 33 (ed.

Cassiii, U. S. Expl Exped. Mamm. 29. t. 6. f. 1.

1, 1848)

Inhab. Coast of Chili.

" Total length 6 feet 6 inches, snout 5| inches dorsal fin, measured along the front edge, 9^ inches ; tail 6 inches long, 4 inches
wide from the end of the snout to the eye 12 inches ; body 6 inches
above the tail, when most compressed, 1^ inch wide circumference
Weight estimated to be 150
in front of dorsal fin 40^ inches.
" The specimen was a female. Its uterus contained a single foetus,
which was a male, of a reddish flesh -colour, and about 9 inches long.
The stomach contained fragments of cephalopod moUusca only. It
was harpooned from the bows of the IJ. S. ship Peacock,' on the
coast of Chili, latitude 27 16' S., and longitude 75 30' W., on the
12th of June."
" This species was captured by the Expedition on the coast of Chili.
Its locality therefore is widely different from that of the species of
which we have cited the name provisionally and inquiringly as a
synonym, and which, as its name implies, is from the coast of New
Zealand. "We are, however, inclined to suspect that they are identical,
on grounds which will be apparent on comparison of our plate with
that in the Zoological Atlas of the Voyage of the Astrolabe,' Mammiferes, pi. 28. figs. 1 & 2, or in Schreber's Siiugethiere, pi. 357. The
small circular openings on the throat of I). Novce Zelandicp, represented in the plate of the 'Voy. Astrolabe,' just cited, and particularly in fig. 2, and called " pores," by Messrs. Quoy and Gaimard,
we regard as very probably the work of a parasitic animal infesting
The fact that these orifices are placed with entire irregularity is,
in our opinion, fatal to the supposition that they are a character of
Their absence in the present species is probably a conthe animal.
The dentition
sideration of no moment in the question of identity.
of the two species is stated by their describers as exactly the same."






Delphinns Forsteri.

Forsters Dolphin.

Greenish brown or rust-coloured, beneath white a small white

spot on the disk of the dorsal and pectoral fin.
Teeth ^f =176,


acute, erect, conical, incurved.

Delphinus Delphis, Forster, Descript. Anitn. 280; Icon.


Delphinus Forsteri, Gray,Zool. Ereb.
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 124.

ined. JBrit.




Inhab. Pacific Ocean, between

Terror, 42.


24 (from Forster)

Caledonia and Norfolk Island

{Forster, 1774).


behind the pectoral fin tapering

head rounded, shehdng in front, beaked beak straight,
pointed, cylindrical, depressed, attenuated and blunt at the tip upper

straight, round, thickest

at both ends


shorter, both blunt, toothed

eyes small, lateral, oblong, nearly

in the middle of the side, near the gape of the mouth
a small hole
(the ears) above and behind the eyes ; blower single, between the
eyes in crown, lunate a linear abdominal sHt a Uttle behind and
beneath the dorsal fin, the front part the vulva, the hinder the vent
teats 2, one on each side the viilva, with a nipple the size of a pea
tail compressed on the sides, keeled above and below, and attenuated
towards the tip pectoral fin lanceolate, scarcely as long as the beak
dorsal fin in the middle of the back, nearly three-sided, falcate
behind, as long as the beak; tail horizontal, two-lobed, each lobe
oblong, lateral, subfalcate.
" Gregarious, swimming very rapidly around the ships and boats.

" Length 6 feet from nose to tail."

This species resembles, in the distribution of its colouring, the
Dauphin a bande fauve (Voy. Pole Sud), but the band on the side is
whitish, not fulvous.


The Sao.

Delphinus Sao.

Skull beak elongate, shelving on the sides, with central cartilage

near half its length in front
triangle to the teeth-line ; teeth
I ^ -| |-, small, cylindrical, hooked palate flat in front, with a broad
groove extending nearly half its length behind intermaxillaries and
palatine distinct, former broad in front lower jaw slender, shelving,
and flat-sided in front. Length 17 inches, teeth-hne 8| inches, beak

10| inches, width

at notch


Delphinus Sao, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 125.

Inhab. Madagascar (Dussumier, 1838).

SkuU, Mus. Paris.

10. Delphinus Frithii.

Delphinus Frithii, Blyth, Rep. Asiatic Soc. Calnitta, 12;

A. S. B. xxviii. 192'; Cat. Mns. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 91.


Inhab. " Procured during a voyage from England to India ''

{B. W. G. Frith, Esq., Journ. Asiatic Soc. xvi. 386).
Skull in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta, presented
by Mr. Frith, and probably an undescribed species, with a general





The intermaxillaries,
resemblance to that of Delphinus DelpMs.
united as far as the middle of the rostrum, are vaulted, so that the
section of their united middle portion forms a complete semicircle,
arising abruptly from the maxillaries, and being there only as broad
as the exposed portion of each maxillary probably a distinctive

specific character.

Teeth g^^11. Delphinus pemiger.

Elliot, Joiirn. Asiatic Soc. xvii. 250, xxviii. 491

Blyth, Rep.Asiat. Soc. Calcutta, 11; Cat. 3Ius. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 91.

Delphinus pemiger,

Teeth large.
Inhab. Bay of Bengal.
A stuffed specimen of

this small Cetal is in the

Asiatic Society, Calcutta.
the Madras Civil Sei^ice, 1848.


of the

by the Hon. "Walter EUiot of

" This species is distinct from any of those described by Dr. Gray,
and having the teeth proportionally large." Blyth.


Triangle to the teeth- line.

on the side. Clyuiene.

Skull flattened behind.

Palate fl^t, not grooved

12. Delphinus Clymene.

Skull rather depressed, the hinder part slightly convex ; nose

intermaxillaries convex,
rather depressed, shelving on the sides
with an elongated groove between them in front, three-fifths the
entire length, twice and a half the length of the width at the notch
the triangular impression in front of the blower rather elongate,
produced a little beyond the line of the hinder tooth, rugose in
Teeth ^, small, slightly
front, with oblique grooves on each side.

incurved, acute, six in an inch.

Clymene, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, 237.

Delphinus Clvmene, Gray, Cat. Osteol. Spec. B. M. 35 Cat. Cetac.
B. 31. 1850, 115.
Delphinus Metis (No. 2), Gray, Zool. Erebus t^ Terror, 39 (not No. 1,

nor figure).



Length, entire
Length of head

This species
frontal ridge





like the


middle of beak

of intermaxillaries



size, but the skuU behind the

and gradually shelving to the foramen
more depressed.

D. Doris in


and the beak



of temple

"Width at nostril




Length of nose
Length of teeth-line





Var, In the


is an imi^erwhich differs in the nose being

about three-quarters of an inch shorter, and rather narrower. It has
36 teeth in the upper jaw.

of the Bristol Institution there

foct skull, apparently of this species,






Length of nose


at notch
at middle of nose

lower jaw is fitted to it, which has no teeth and a short gonyx,
but it is doubtful if it belongs to the same animal its length is 12^
inches, symphysis 1| inch.
A second skull in the same collection is very similar, and has






Length, entire
Length of nose
Width at notch
Width at middle of nose


This skuU only differs from the former in the lower jaw beingslenderer and united by a longer symphysis in front.
Lower jaw
symphysis 2 inches.
1 2| inches long
These are probably indications of two other species. The hinder
part of the skull of the latter is also rather more convex than the
same part in D. Phernsa.

In the description of this species in the Zoology of the Erebus and

is mentioned in three places instead of D. Doris.

Terror,' D. Metis

13. Delphinus Styx.



Skull roundish, flattened behind ; nose depressed, convex in the

middle, shelving on each side, longer than the head, five-ninths the
entire length, nearly twice and a half as long as the width at the
notch the triangular impression just to the line of the hindermost

Teeth ^|, slender, subcylindi'ical, acute, about five in an inch ;

palate nearly flat ; lower jaw rather produced and rounded in front.

Delphinus Styx, Grai/, Zool.

B. M. 1850, 117.



Africa {Caxot.





T. 40.

This species


21 (skuU)

Cat. Cetac.

Oivcn, B.N.).

Skull in Mus. United Service Institution

Length, entire
Length of nose
Length of lower jaw
Width at the notch
Width at the orbit









very like D. Enphrosyne, but is somewhat smaller

it may prove to be only a variety.

and the beak rather shorter




14. Delphinus Tethyos.

Delphinus Tethyos, Gerimis, Btdl. Soc. HeratiU, 1853, 140. t. 1. f. 14

Bull. Soc. Phlloin. Extr. Proc. Verb. 1853, 23; L' Institute,
1853, xxi. no. 1001. 85 Bull. Sci. Nat. 1853, xx. 289.
Orca Tethyos, Gerard, Cat. Osteal. Mamm. B. M. 155,

Inhab. Mediterranean; Department of Herault (Gervais).

specimens of DeJjjhinus Tethyos have been taken, one at the
month of the Orb Heranlt in 1852, and the other in the vicinity of
Port Vendres, Pyrenees Orientales, of which the skull is in the collection of Dr. Pinchenat (Gervais, Comptes Rendus, 28th Nov. 1864,
876 Ann, & Mag. N. H. 1865, 76). The groove on the side of the
palate does not exist in D. Tethyos.


15. Delphinus


The Euphrosyne.

Skull round, flattened behind ; nose broad and tapering in front,

depressed, flat at the base, shelving on the sides and rounded in the
middle above, about half as long again as the head, or three-fifths
the entire length, and twice and a half the length of the width at
Teeth i|, slender, elongate, shghtly curved, acute. The
the notch.
intermaxillaries are convex and rounded above, with a wide groove
between them for half their length in front.

Delphinus Euphrosyne, Gray, Cat. Ost. Sj)ec. B. M. 147 Zool. Ereb.

Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 117; Nilssm,
8f Terror, 40. t. 22 (skull)
Skand. Fauna, i. 595.
Delphinus Styx (pars). Gray, Cat. Osteol. Spec. B. M. 38.
Delpliinus HolboUii, Eschricht, Naturf. mot i Kopenli. 1847, fide Nilsson.
Delphinus Delphis, Cat. Mus. Coll. Sury. 161. n. 1117.

Inhab. North Sea.

mouth of Rio de

Coast of England.

la Plata,

Mus. Norwich

South Atlantic.
Mus. Euenos Ayres {Burmeister).



Length, entire



of head
of nose
of lower


of temple



at midcUe of beak
at temples

Skull, imperfect behind.



Specimen figured






Erebus and


This skull only difl^ers from the one at Norwich in being rather
all its dimensions.

smaller in

Length, entire
Length of nose
Length of lower jaw
Width at notch


at orbit






This and the former species are very like D. Chjmene, but are
broader and more depressed the intermaxillaries are more convex,
especially behind, and form a regular defined front edge to the
triangle, vehich is rough in front, and marked with obhque cross
grooves, while in D. Clymene the triangle is furnished with an
acute, raised margin on each side in front.
A skull in Mus. Coll, Surgeons {Delplumis Delphls, Cat. Mus. Coll.
Surg. 161. n. 1117), with the palate convex, not grooved on the
side intermaxillary and vomer forming part of the palatq teetli
obtained from the Leverian Museum in 180(i, may be another



Length, entire
Length of nose
Length of lower jaw
Width at notch




Professor Nilsson thinks that D. Doris (Gray), T). pseudodetjiMs

(Schlegel, Abhandl. i. 22), and D. duhius (Cuvier, Mus. Paris), all

probably belong to this species. Shand. Fauna, i. 598.

There is a skull from the Bay of Bengal in the Museum at Calcutta, which Mr. Blyth has named Delphinus Eurynome, Gray (Blyth,
Cat. Mus. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 90).
Inhab. Bay of Bengal.
Professor Burmeister informs me that he has a skull of this species,
in the Museum of Buenos Ayres, taken at the mouth of the Kio de
la Plata. I think it very probable that when the skulls from India,
the North Sea, and La Plata are compared, they may prove to be
distinct ; or there may be some confusion in the habitats.

16. Delphinus Alope.

The Alope.

Skidl moderate ; beak elongate, depressed, once and three-quarters

the length of the brain-cavity, rather more than three times the
width at the notch ; intermaxillaries convex, rounded, with a very
narrow cavity between them maxillaries spongy, shelving triangle
elongate, reaching just beyond the tooth-line, rugose.
Teeth very
palate rather convex; lower jaw slender; gonyx keeled,


Delphinus Alope, Gray, Zool. Erehis

B. M. 1850, 118.






Cat. Cetac.


Mr. Warwick's Collection.

Skull: length, entire, 16| inches; of nose, 10| inches; skull,

6 inches width at orbit, 6 inches ; at notch, 3| inches ; at middle
of beak, 2 inches.



orbit, streak

Delphinus fulvifasciatus.

back fulvous

throat and beneath white

from angle of mouth to pectoral fin, and pectoral fin

side of


Beak of





more than half as long again

as the brain-


Delpliinus fulvifaseiatus, Pucheran, Vou.

t. 21. f. 1, t. 28. f. 1, 2 (skull).





cT Urvil/e,


Van Diemen's Land.

18. Delphinus dubius.

Beak of

skull depressed, like D. DeJphis, but rather shorter

teeth small and sharp, |-|, thin, pointed.


Delphinus dubius, Ciiv. R. A. i. 288; F. Cuv. Mamm. Lith. t.

Cetac. 154
Ann. Mus. xix. 14 ; Grmj, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 110.

I found three skulls under this



dubius, Cuv. n. 10."


in the Paris


(Mus. Paris.)

Skull: length (in inches and lines) 15-3, of beak 10-0, width at
notch 2-9, at middle of beak 1-7 teeth
or \^
palate flat, rather
convex ; lower jaw flat, obliquely in front and keeled in front beneath.



dubius, Cuv. n. 2."

(Mus. Paris.)

length 16-6, of beak lOU, of teeth-line 8-6, width at notch

3-8, at middle of beak l-7g
teeth |^ or '^^ , small, hooked ; palate
flat, rather convex ; beak tapering in front, reflexed before the notch ;
intermaxillaries rather convex
triangle extending rather in front
of the teeth-line, rugose in front.



dubius, Cuv. n. 7."

(Mus. Paris.)

from the Cape de Verd length 16-0, of beak 9-4, of teethline 7-6, width at notch 3-7|, at middle of beak 1-4
teeth |-^-f|
triangle scarcely extended in front of the teeth-line
palate flat
lower jaw oblique, compressed and flat on the sides, rather turned up
at the tip intermaxillaries convex behind
nose tapering in front.
This last is perhaps B. frontalis (Dussum. Cuv. E. A. i. 288
Pucheran, Rev. & Mag. Zool. 1856, 449).
*' Black, belly white, with
a lead-coloured band from angle of


to pectoral.

" Inhab. Cape Verd."

M. Pucheran observes, from the examination of the bones, that

he believes that D. frontalis differs more from D. dubius than from
D. frcenatus. In the skulls of all the three specimens the palate is
flat but in D. frontalis the beak is longer than in D. dubius, and the
anterior groove of the intermaxillaries is more open and more proThe skidl of D. frcenatus resembles that of J), dubius in

the length of the beak.


Z. c.

pp. 459, 4G0.)

This skull differs from that of D. Delphis, as

Delphinus duhius.
Cuvier has obsex'ved, by the appearaiicc of the vomer in a longitudinal space on the palate between the maxillaries and premaxillarics.
The palatal prominence formed by the palatine bone is broader and
shorter, and the grooves on each side are shallower and much




shorter, not extending forward beyond the last four alveoli.

cranium is more convex behind, es2)ecially in the vertebral direction,
than in the D. DelpMs, and the supraoccipital ridge bends forwards
towards the rudimental nasal bones. Alveoli in number 2494:

i^; = 160;


number 2495: |i^J=102." (202?)

Delphinus plumheus. The adult specimen of D. plumheus, figured

by F. Cuvier (Mamm. Lithog.), is in the Paris Museum. M. Pucheran describes it at length.
M. Puchcran (llev. & Mag. de Zoologie, 1856, pp. 148 & 315) gives
some additional particulars of the specimen received from M. Dussumier in the Paris Museum, on which this species was originally

some part of the description of M. F. Cuvier.

^' DeJphimis plumheus, Duss.
Adulte. Taille
grande ; couleur de cors gris plombe extremite et dessous de la
machoire inferieure blanchatre nageoire dorsale pen elevee mais
allongee ; nageoire, pectoral et caudal bien etalees et bien develoj^pcs
described, and corrects




formule dentaire




jeune bord de la machoire supcrieure et

dessous du corps jusqu'a la moitie de la queue de couleur blanchatre.

" Hab. Cote de Malabar."

The Delphinus plumheus, although very common on the Malabar

coast and Penang, and rather heavy in its movements, is rarely caj)tured, except by chance in fishing-stakes.
It is called Parampuan
Laut by the Malays of the Peninsula.
" The stomach of a single young specimen observed contained
fish, apparently Clupea and Ohiphisodon caelestmus,
Cantor, Malaij Mammalia, Jouni, Asiat. Soc. xv.

remains of small

19. Delphinus lateralis.

Delphinus lateralis, J. Peak, U.

Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. 31. 133.

Snout small


thick, but


Expl. Exped. 35

(t. 8.

much compressed behind




the dorsal

light purplish grey beneath, while a dark lateral line edged with

spots separates the colours of the upper and under parts of the body
a separate line, paler in colour, branches from the lateral line

opposite the pectoral fin and passes downwards and backwards

another connects the eye and pectoral fin; fins and snout black.
Teeth Ai, A|=164. Length 90 inches.
Inhab. Pacific Ocean, lat. 13 58' N., long. 101 22' W.




forehead convex. Nose short, bald. JJorsal

fin falcate, near the middle of the back.
Skull with the hinder wing
of the maxilla horizontal, somewhat thickened over the orbit edge.
Nose of skull moderate, scarcely produced, depressed, scarcclj- or
not so long as the brain-cavity. Triangle on hinder part of the
beak, elongate, produced before the teeth -line.
Teeth || to \^,
shortly beaked


4. TtJRsio.

small, conical, extending the greater part of the length of the jaws.



sp., Gray, Spk. Zool. 2, 1828.

Delphinus a (Tiirsio), Grai/, Zool. Ereb. Sf Terr. 36, 1817;
B. M. 105, 1850 P. Z. S. 1863 1864, 236.


Cat. Cetac.

Cephalorliyiichus, F. Cuvier, Cetac.


Cephalorhynchus, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B.


Tursiops, Gervais,




Rostrum of




expanded over the


thick, conical,


convex above, half as long as the head.



nostrum of skull slender, sidjcylhidrical, Nos. 1, 2.

Rostrum of skull rather thick, conical, evenly tapering. Nos. 3, 4.
Rostrum of skidl rather thick, and rather sioollen on the sides. 6, 6, 7,

Beak shoH.


shelving on the side.




Rostrum of

skull very broad, half as long as the head,

Skull shelving over the orbits.


Rostrum of skull rather dejjressed, scarcely

scarcely jjroduced.
Skull expanded over the orbit,
longer than the brain-cavity, convex.
leetn 54-3 q-.



Rostrum of skull

the head.

thick, conical,

Tursio, Gray, Zool. Ereb. ^- Terr. 37

Cetus, sp., Brisson.

convex above, half as long as


Rostrum of skull

Cat. Cetac.


1850, 109.

Teeth |-|-H

slender, mbcylindrical.

Tursio Doris.




rostrum depressed, foiu'-sevenths of the entire

Skull roundish
length, and twice and one-third the length of the width at the notch,
concave hehind, rounded on the sides, convex in the middle of the
central ridge, flattened in front intermaxillaries convex, especially in

the middle of their length, with a groove between them in front ; an

irregular impression in front of the blower, rather elongate, extending a little before the line of the hinder teeth. Teeth |-| or |^, slender,
conical, incurved, acute ; lower jaw slender, very obliquely truncated
palate rather convex in front, tapering, shortly grooved behind.

Delphinus Doris, Gray, Cat. Osteol. B. M. 36 Zool. Erebus

39. t. 20 (skull) ; Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 114.









The specimen

figured in the


Length, entire

Length of head
Length of nose
Length of teeth-line


at temples
at nostrils
at middle of


at intermaxillaries


Voyage of the Erebus















From Haslar


This species, in the slendcriiesa and length of the beak and number
of teeth, forms the passage between this and the next section.
In the Ipswich Museum there is a skull of a species allied to this,
The beak is twice and a half as long as wide at the
if not the same.
notch ; intermaxillaries convex, solid, with an elongate lanceolate
space in front triangle elongated, about one-third before the end of

the tooth-line, rugulose lower jaw slender in front, slightly truncated back of the head convex, rounded palate flat, rather concave
Teeth |-|.
in the middle of the front part.



Length, entire
Length of lower jaw
Length of beak
Width at notch



at orbits

Tursio fraenatus.






Bridled Dolphin.

Blackish, paler on the sides, the belly white, end of tail black


head black

band from the angle

sides ashy, with a dark

mouth under the

of the


Cetac. 158. t. 1. from

Delphinus frenatus, F. Cuv. Miimm. Lith. t.
Dussumiers description and draioim/ Puchernn, Rev. Sf Mag. Zvol.
1856, 449; Gra;/, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 115.

Inhab. Cape de Verd.

Skull in the Paris Museum, from Cape de Verd, sent by DusLength 18 inches, of beak 8-3, width at notch 3-5, of
middle of beak 1-11. Teeth ^, rather larger than in D. dubiiis
nasal convex bepalate smooth ; intermaxillaries large, expanded
neath triangle rather extended in front of the teeth-line, rugose,
and rather more so than in D. dubius. Tliere is a second skidl marked
D. fre^iatus, No. 2 width at notch 3*7 teeth |4 or ff palate
nasal very convex, especially behind ; triangle extending rather
in front of the teeth-line, very rugose ; jaws rather strongly reflexed

in front of the notch.


Rostrum of skull rather


thick, conical, evenly tapering.

Tursio Metis.

The Metis.

Skull globular ; back of blower tubercular rostrum thick, conical,

regularly tapering, upper part convex, longer than the head and more
than twice as long as the width at the notch intermaxillaries convex, more than half the width at the beak. Teeth |^, conical, acute,


Delphinus Metis, Gray, Cat. Osteal. B. M. 36 Zool. Urebus f^- Terror,

.".8. t. 18 (skull);
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 113.



4. TURsio.


The specimen


figured in the


Voyage of the Erebus and





SkuU: Length, entire

Length of nose
Length of lower jaw
Breadth at orbit
Breadth at notch
Breadth at middle of beak


This skull is like that of D. Euplirosyne, but differs in the nose

being rather shorter compared with the length of the head, more
tapering, and the teeth rather larger.
Tursio's in the nose being much shorter

The Cymodoce.

Tursio Cymodoce.


It differs from Ddphhms

and more conical and acute.

Skull roundish rostrum broad, rounded above, broad at the base,

gradually tapering in front and convex on the sides, one-twelfth
or more than half the entire length, and more
longer than the head
than twice as long as the width at the notch the triangular impression in front of the blowers elongate, extended beyond the line of the
hinder teeth. Teeth ff, moderate, conical, slightly incurved, acute,
more than three in one inch lower jaw regularly converging,
straight on the sides, the front obliquely truncated, and the gonyx

slightly produced.

Delpliinus Cymodoce, Gray, Cat. Osteol. B. M. 35

Terror, 38. t. 19; Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 113.


The specimen figured in the

and Terror,'

This skull






Length, entire









of head

of nose
of teeth-line
of lower


of temple

of notch
at middle of nose




of intermaxillary

very like D. Metis, but


of the





and the beak


Beak of skull

Tppth M.

rather thick,

Tursio? Guianensis.

2^ or


the sides.



The Guiana Dolphin.


Delpliinus Guianensis,

and rather swollen on

Van Beneden, M4m. Acad. Roy. Brux,



Inhab. British Guiana

(Van Beneden).

From Mus.




Tursio truncatus.

Bottlenose Dolphin.

Black, whitish beneath.

Teeth |i, truncated when old ; skullnose five-ninths of the entire length; intermaxillaries very convex,
forming a strong rib on each side above ; intermaxilla and vomer
forming part of the palate,

Delphinus Tursio, O. Fair. Fauna Grcenl. 49 Wriqht, Mag. N. H. ii.

Schreh. Sauf/eth. t. 344
609, 1838; Bonnat. Cetac. 21. t. 11. f. 1
Desm. Mamm. 514 Fischer, Si/n. 508 Gray, Zool. Erehus ^' Terror,
37. 1. 10 (animal) Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 109 P. Z. S. 1804 W. B.
Clark, Ann. ^' Macj. N. H.
Van Beneden, Nottv. Mem. Acad. Boi/.
Brux. xxxii. 32 Schlef/el, dc Bieren, 8(). 1. 12 (var. obtusus, t. 13)
Ileminci, Brit. Anim. 35 Jenyns, Man. 41 ; Bell^ Brit. Quad. 469.
fig., 472. fig.
Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, 602.
Tursio truncatus, Bottle-nose Wliale, Gray, List 3Iam. B. M, 104.
Tursiops Tursio, Gervais, Com^jtes Bcndus, 1864, 876.

Delpliinus Orca, Gerard, Diet. Sci. Nat. 75.

Delphinus Nesarnak,Zrtce/>. Cet. 307 Desm.Manmi. 515, from O. Fab.

Delphinus truncatus, Mmitagu, Wern. Trans, iii. t. 5. f. 3 (skull),
cop. Bell, Brit. Quad. 472, fig.
Bottle-nose, Hunter, Phil. Trans. Ixxx^di. t. 18, cop. Bomuit. Cetol.
t. 11. f. 1, and Bell, Brit. Quad. 469, 1787, fig.
L'Orque (Orca), Bellon, Aquat. f. 6. tab. at p. 18.
Dauphin vulgaire. Camper, Cetac. t. 35-40 (skull).
Grand Dauphin, ou Souffieur, Cuvier, R. A. i. 278.
Anat. Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. 277. t. 21. f. 3, 4, t. 23. f. 18, 22, 23, 29;
Camper, Cetac. t. 35-40 ; Mont. Wern. Trans, iii. t. 5.
Var. ? Uniform deep black. Delphinus Tursio, Schlegel, Abhandl. t. 5.



1, 2, t. 4.



a blotch over the pectoral and over the vent.

Var. ? Delphinus Tursio, Sundevall, CEfv. Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. 1861,

385, t. 7.

Coast of south of Ireland,

Inhab. Mediterranean and North Sea.
Nov. 1828 {R. Templeton). Mouth of the Thames, Nore, June
1828 (Howship) skull, Mus. CoU. Surg. no. 1125. OrweU, May 10,
1849. Devonshire, River Dart {Montagu) skull Brit. Mus. Firth
skeleton in Surof Forth skeleton, Mus. University, Edinburgh
Holland skeleton, Leyden.
geons' Hall, Edinburgh, teeth acute.
Belgium ; skeleton,
skeleton at Paris.
North coast of France
Ghent. Denmark skeleton, Mus. Copenhagen.


Skull and teeth.

Skull bad state.

From Dr.

Mantell's Collection.

In the Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' tab. 10, is a copy of

a most accurate drawing, by Mr. E.. Templeton, of a specimen caught
on the south coast of Ireland, in November 1828. The following




Length, entire
Length from snout to the eyes





Length to the oar

Length to the base of the pectoral
Length to the end of the pectoral .... 2






skeleton in the Surgeons' Hall of Edinburgh, from the same

has them

atlas (or first)

all acute.

and second

lateral processes


latter is

named D.

cervical vertebra) united



by the body and

the third to the seventh cervical vertebra; free.

specimen with teetli |^, largo, conical, acute, was taken in the
Eiver OrweU, May 10, 1849.
Mr. Charles D. Meigs described the foetus of Delphinns Nesarnal-,
Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad, i. 267; see Arch. Naturg. 1832, (54.
Col. Montagu described an old specimen, taken on the 3rd of July
1814, in Duncannon Pool near Htoke Gabriel, about five miles up the
It was
river Dart, as D. truncatus (Worn. Trans, iii. 75. t. 3).
12 feet long. The skull, which came into Montagu's possession, is


in the British


by John Hunter, under the name of the

It was
Bottle-nose \\Tiale, in the ' Phil. Trans.' for 1787, t. 18.
caught on the sea-coast near Berkley, and the skeleton is now in the
Museum of the College of Surgeons.
Mr. Jenyns mentions one observed by Mr. Gilbertson in the river
at Preston in Lancashire (Manual, p. 41).
The skeleton of this species is described by Professor Owen from
a female specimen taken at the Nore, June 1828, in company with
" It survived many hours after having been dragged out
a male.
of the water, during which time it emitted a sound not unlike the
Gat. Osteol. Series Coll. Surg. p. 449. n. 2483.
bellowing of a calf.''
Professor Owen observes that Cuvier assigns to Delph'nms Tursio
from 42 to 46 teeth in each jaw ; so that the teeth seem to vary from
40 to 50 in each jaw.
In a second skull in the same collection (no. 2484) " a greater portion of the crown is worn away in all except the last two or three,
and a large proportion of the unenamelled fang is exposed, upon
which their more obHque position and larger proportionate size
First described as British

appear to depend" (p. 451).

In the same collection (no. 2485) is "the skull of an apparently
aged specimen, with a disease of the jaws; all the teeth are lost,
and the sockets are obliterated, except at the anterior part of the
alveolar tracts, where they are very shallow."
The axis and atlas coalesced (nos. 2483, 2488). " The cervical
vertebra; are very thin, and separate.
Vertebra; 41, of which 13 are
First bone of the sternum not pierced, with blunt lateral
Bladebone with the acromion larger and more rectilinear
with the spine than in D. Delphis.'''' Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. 305.
" This species is not so beautifully marked -svith lines as the
D. Delphis. The snout is much shorter, the upper jaw not so long
as the lower.
The dorsal fin smaller and more posterior, as I noticed
in a specimen inspected at Plymouth.
The eye appears small, and is
placed more directly over the angle of the mouth ; the teeth smaU,
conical, 23 on each side."
Couch, Cornish Whales, 39.
Tursiops Tursio is not so rare as Grampus liissoanus, but far less
common than Delphinus Delphis. M. Gervais has specimens taken
in the Gulf of Lyons, especially at Cette and La Nouvclle, and at


4. Tuiisio,

Gruissau in the Mediterranean.

Gervais, Gomptes Eenclus, 28 Nov.
1864, 876 ; Ann. 6f Mag. N. H. 1865, xv. 76.

Tursio Abusalam.


The Abnsalam.

Black, below white, with small dark spots ; teeth f |g-g-Nose

of skull in length about five-ninths of total, twice and a half its
width at the notch. Intermaxillary bones very convex, forming a
strong ridge on each side.
Lower jaw tapering in front.
Delpliimis abusalam, Riipp. 3Ius. Senck. 1842, t. 12. f. 1, 2, 3
Zool. Erebus Sf Terror, 88
Cat. Cetac. B. M, 1850, 111.
Tursiops aduucus, Gervais, Mamm. 323.





Only known from Dr. Riippell's description and figure. It has

been said to be the same as D. Tursio, but it appears to be different.
Delpliinus adimeus, Hempr. & Ehrenb. Sym. Phys. ii. (Beak depressed, elongate



-4, conical,


Inhab. Island of Bel-

same as the former.

hosse), is perhaps the

Tursio Eurynome.

The Eurynome.

Skull roundish ; nose thick, broad, rounded above ; intermaxilconvex, one-half as wide as maxillaries nose one-third
longer than the length of the head (or contained four times and
one-seventh in the entire length), twice and one-third the width at
the notch ; hinder edge of blower largely tubercular ; teeth |4,
moderate, cyKndrical, rather curved, acute.
laries rather

Delphinus Eurynome, Gray, Cat. Ost. B. M. 143 Zool Ereb. Sf Terr.

38. t. 17 (skull)
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 112
Blyth, Journ. Asiat.
Sac. Beng. 1860, 202.

Inhab. Bay of Bengal {Blyth).



FigTired in


Voy. Erebus and Terror,'









Length, entire
of head

of nose


of teeth-line
of lower


at temples
at notch

at middle of beak


The skull of this species is most like D. Tursio but the nose is
one-fourth longer than the length of the head, slenderer, and more
rounded, and the teeth smaller.



n. Beak


of skull very broad, shelvimj on the sides. 31axilla shelving

orer the orbits.
Teeth |A or |^. Eutropia.

Eutropia, Grai/, P. Z. S. 18G2, 145.


Tursio Eutropia,

The Eutropia.

Nose of skull rather longer than the length of the brain-cavity,

slightly dilated on the sides before the notch, very convex and rounded
above. Triangle elongate, produced in front of the teeth-line, concave
on the sides and strongly keeled in the centre behind ; hinder edge
of blowhole prominent. Intermaxillaries wide, convex above, leaving

a broad open space in front.

Lower jaw thick, blunt, and produced
beyond the upper in front. Skull compressed behind. Palate concave in front, convex in the centre behind, and keeled on each
side. Teeth |-|, slender, cylindrical, conical at the top. The frontal
ridge half the distance between the notch on the convexity of the
Condyles large, oblique. Foramen magnum wider than

Delphinus Eutropia, GrriT/, P. Z. S. 1849, 1 Ami. ^- May. N. H. v.

1850, 48 Zool. Erehis & Terror, t. 34, ined. (skull)
Cut. Cetac.
B. M. 1850, 111.

a. Skull.

Pacific Ocean.



Dr. Dickie's Collection.



Length, entire
Length from notch
Length of beak



Length of teeth-line
Length of lower jaw


at notch

at orbit

at middle of beak
Width, middle intermaxillaries


of condyle above

Height of each condyle





10. Tursio Catalania.

Delphinus Catalania, Gray, P. Z.

S. 1862, 144.

Inhab. North-west coast of Australia, Cape MelviUe.

a, h.



by Mr. John Macgniivra3\

were accompanied by the following notes

" The larger of the two skulls belonged to an individual killed off
Cape Melville (within the Great Barrier lieefs), north-cast coast of
Australia, Sept. 5, 1860.
It was a female, 7| feet in length
from it were taken two foetuses, each 10 inches in length. The adult
was of a very light lead- colour above and on the sides, gradually
passing into the dirty leaden Avhite of the lower parts, which were
covered (as also the tlipj)erK) with longitudinally elongated blotches

of dark lead-colour.


4. TTjRsio.

" The smaller of the two skulls represents another Porpoise of the
same species, harpooned oft' Cape Flattery, on the north-east coast of
It was considerably smaller than the first
Australia, Oct. 9, 1860.
one, being only 6| feet in length. It was
female. The colour was

exactly lead-colour, fading into whitish on the lower parts


The sides were marked with small oblong

the anus and the snout.
spots of the same colour as the back. Measurements when recent
" Total length, snout to centre of tail, 6 feet 9 inches.
" Snout to base of dorsal, 3 feet ; length of anterior border of dorsal
13 inches ; height of dorsal 8 inches ; width of dorsal 12 inches
from posterior border of dorsal to tip of tail, 2 feet 8 inches.
" Swimming-paws (midway between snout and dorsal) 13 inches
long, and 5^ inches broad ; from their base to end of snout 13 inches.

" Tail 22 inches across from tip to tip.

" Anus 2 feet 2 inches in front of tail (centre of tip).
" Eye |ths of an inch in diameter, situated 1| inch behind angle
of mouth, and 12 inches from tip of upper jaw.
Lower jaw projecting 1 inch beyond the upper.
" This porpoise was occasionally seen, in small droves of from
three to six, along the north-east coast of Australia, within the
Two other species also were seen, but we could not fasten."
The two skulls slightly differ in shape and size.
No. 1 is 17 inches long the beak to the notch is 10 inches, and
the upper teeth-bone 8| inches long the front lower teeth are worn
away and truncated, like the teeth of the common Delphinus Tursio,
which was described as D. irunadus by Montagu. There are twentyseven teeth on each side in the upper, and twenty-five teeth on each
side in the lower jaw.
No. 2 is 17 inches long; the beak 9|, and the upper teeth-bone
8 inches long. The teeth, twenty-four above (perhaps one on each
side is deficient, as the end of the jaw is very tender), twenty-thi-ee
or twenty-four below. The front lower teeth are slightly truncated
but this skull chiefly diff'ers from No. 1 in being rather more convex
and rather narrower, especially in the hinder part, from the middle




skull is smaller in size, and has a much smaller brain-cavity

than D. Cymodoce (Gray, Zool. Erebus & Terror, t. 19) and D. Metis
(Gray, Zool. Erebus & Terror, t. 18) ; and the beak is not so tapering
as in these species, while the teeth are rather more numerous.
It is equally distinct from Delphinus Eurynome (Gray, Zool. Erebus
& Terror, 1. 17), believed to be from the North Sea.




Nose of skull rather depressed, scarcely longer

Teeth f ^ -^g.
Cephalorhyncluis, F. Cuvier, Cetac.; Gray, Cat. Cetac. B.M. 1850,106.
Grampus (pars), Gray, Spic. Zool. 2, 1828.
scarcely jyroduced.

than the brain-cavity.

11. Tursio Heavisidii.

The Hastated Dolphin.

Black, with a white streak and two diverging lines beneath;



14 nose of skull nearly half the length of head

truncated in front.


lower jaw

Delphinus (Grampus) Heavisidii, Gray, Spic. Zool. 2. t. 2. f. 6, 1828

A. Smith, South African Quart.
Schkf/el, Abh. t. 3. f. 1-4, t. 4. f. G

Journ. 125.
D. Capensis, Dussumier, MS. ; Cuv. R. A. i. 288 ; Rajip, Cetac. 31. t. 2
(not Gray).
D. Dussuniieri, Fischer, Syn. Mamm. G56.
D. Cephalorhynchus, F. Cuv. Cetac. 158.
Marsouin du Cap, F. Cuv. Mamm. Lith. 3.
D. hastatus, F. Cuv. Cetac. 161; Happ, Get. 37 a, b, Mus. Stutt.,
t. 3 , 6.
Phocsena Homei, A. Smith, Zool. Journ.


441; Bull.



xviii. 276.

D. tridens, A. Siniih, MS.

Delphinus Homei, Fischer, Syn. 3Iamm. 656.
Grampus Heavisidii, Gray, Cat. Mamm. B. M. 134.
D. Phocsenoides, Fischer, Syn. 657.
D. Cephalorliynchus Heavisidii, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 107.
Phocsena Capensis, Pucheran, Rev. (^- May. Zool. 1856, 449.

Inhab. South Sea, Cape of Good Hope, gregarious {A. Smith)

called Tonine

by the Cape


Cape of Good Hope. Presented by the Council of

The specimen described and figured
the College of Surgeons.
by Gray, Quoy, and A. Smith.

Stuffed skin.

M. Quoy's description and figure, on which F. Cuvier founded

D. hastatns, are from the specimen originally described by me, and
now transferred from the College of Sxirgeons to the British Museum.
There is a skull, marked D. Cephahrhynchus, in the Paris Museum.
Beak flat palate flat, rather concave behind teeth rather blunt,
orbits rather shehdng symphysis of the lower jaw verj' short, rather
keeled below.
Length 11|, beak 4|, width at notch 2| inches.

12. Tursio obscurus.

Duslcrj Dol])hin.

Black, with oblique diverging streaks on the side, and beneath

whitish ; teeth ^^-f^- ; nose of skull about five-ninths of its length,
and nearly tmce and a half the length of its width at the notch ; lower
jaw truncated in front.

Delphinus (Grampus) obscurus, Gray, Spic. Zool. ii. t. 2. f. 2, 3 Zool.

E. Sf T. 37. t. 16 (skull) A. Smith, S. Afr. Quaii,. Journ. 125.
Delphinus obscurus, Fischer, Syn. Mamm. 056; Cassin, U. S. Expl.

Expecl. 27.





D. cruciger, Qtwy Sf Gaim. Voy. Uran. 1. 12. f. .3, 4 (from auimal in

ocean), 1824; Fischer, Syn.^Mamm. 507.
D. bivittatus, I)' Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Mamm. t. 21 (animal and
Zool. Coq. 178. t. 9. f. 3,
skull) Lesson, Bull. Sci. Nat. vii. 373
1826; Fischer, Sy7i. Manun. 510.
Lesson, Kouv. Tab. R. An. 198.
? Delphinus albigena, Quoy Sf Gai^n.
D. superciliosus, Schleyel, Abh. 22. 1. 1, 2. f. 3, t. 4. f. 4 (skull); Fischer,




Phocsena superciliosa ?, Lesson, 3Iamm. 415.


4. TURsio.

D. Fitzroyii, Watcrhouse, Zool. BeagJe, t. 10 (jun.).

D. obscuruS; var., Quoy, Voy. Astrol. 151. t. 28.

Dauphin a museau

court, Voy. Pole Sud,





?D. superciliosus, Lesson, Voy. Coq. t. 9. f. 2 ?? F. Cm: Cctac. 149

D. Cephalorhynchus obscurus, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 107.
Phocfena australis, Peak, Zool. Expl. JExped, Mamm. 33, 1848.

Inhab. Southern Ocean, Cape (Heaviside).


Cape of Good Hope ?

Hope. Presented by the Council of
The specimen described and figured


a, h.

Cape of Good
Stuffed skin.
the College of Surgeons.

in Gray's

Spicil. Zool.'





at orbits

at notch



to dorsal fin

Width of

M. Garnot's


appears to



intermediate in form between the



description of D. hivittatus, as given

very short, but



skull of this species



at middle of beak
Length, entire


Length, entire
Length of nose
Length of lower jaw

by F. Cuvier,


this species.

The skull, marked Dauphin a museau court, in the Paris Museum,

has teeth f^ triangle extends much in front of the tooth-line nasal
grooves wide in front length 14|, beak 8, width at notch 3| inches.

evidently this sjiecies.

is a skull, named D. hivittatus, D'Orbigny, 1830, in the Paris
Museum (beak quite flat above triangle to near the middle of the
beak ; length of skidl 14, of beak 7, width at notch 4 inches), which
appears to be only a variety of this species.
This is probably the skuU of the specimen and skull figured as
D. cruciger (D'Orbigny, Voy. Amer. Merid. Mamm. t. 21), which is
represented as black, the underside from back of chin, and streak on



iipper part of the side


from the eyes

to the base of the tail white.

The DeJphinus ohscurus, var. (Quoy & Gaim. Voy. Astrol. i. 151.
28) is described from a specimen prepared by M. Jules Verreaux,
belonging to the Museum of Cape To"mi. He prepared the specimen
I described indeed it is probably the same example.


Pliocfena australis, J. Peale, U. S. Expl. Exped. 33.





Snout black fins (all) dark slate-colour sides paler or grey a

white lateral line commences opposite the posterior edge of the dorsal
beneath white, which joins the grey of the
iin, and reaches the tail
Teeth |-J-f^=1^0, Length 84, pecside by an undulated line.
toral fin 16 inches.
Inhab. South Atlantic Ocean coast of Patagonia. Is perhaps the





The Compressed-tailed Dolphin.

13. Tursio compressicaudus.

Teeth If, small, conical, hooked head coloured belly whitish ;

pectoral short ; upper jaw longest ; nose short base of the tail compressed on each side.

Cetac. 199 ; F, Cuv. Cetac. 18G (from

Garnot, MIS.).
Delphinus compressicauda, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M, 1850, 109.

Phocsena compressicauda, Lesson,



S., long.


26 E. of Paris.


Exjianse of



to pectoral

The foUowing species of this family require further examination


D. velox, Ihcssum. Cuv. E. A. i. 288 F. Cuv. Mamm. Lith.

154 Puckeran, Rev. i^- Mag. Zuul. 1856, 362.



Teeth |-L nose rather more elongated.

F. Cuv.
lips and lower jaw whitish.
Inhab. Ceylon.



Delphinus Boryi, Desm. Mamm. 515 Desmoulin, Diet.

1. 141. f. 25 Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 132.


(Coast of








Wieymami', Reichh.Naturg.
B. M. 1850, 120.

Cat. Cetac.

Lead-coloured ; middle of sides, chest, and belly white

flexuous line from orbit to the lumbar region lead-coloured.

Delphinus Pemettyi, Desm.

1850, 132.
D. Pernettensis, Blainv.

H. N.

Holland ?)

loriger, Schreh. Siiugeth. t.362?;

Cetac. 12, 41.



Mus. Paris (Pucheran).

Inhab. Madagascar.

Teeth f |



543; Gray, Cat. Cetac. B.


Desm. N. D. II. N. ix. 154.

D. Delpliis, var. a, Bonnat. Cetol. 21.
Delphinorhynchus Perncttji, Lesson, Man. 406, from Dauphin,
Pernett. Voy. 99.






D. Chinensis, Desm., from



Gray, Cat. Cetac. B.


1850, 132.

Shining white.
Inhab. Chinese


Delphinus hamatus, Ehrenh.; Reichb. Cetac. No. \,Anat.

Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 131.

Beak once and a half the length of the

width at the notch teeth |A.

skull, twice


21; Graif,

and a half the


Delphinus Chamissonis, Wiecpn. Schreb. Sujyp. i. 359 Reichb. Cetac.

126. m. t. 22. f. 64, 65 Grai/, Cat. Cetac. B. 31. 1850, 131.
Delpliimis albirostratus, /. Pc'ale, U. S. Expl. Exjied. 34 (t. 6. f, 2.
iued.) Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 133.

Elongate, dorsal


nearer the head, dark blue-grey






back nearly black a dark line connects the corner of the mouth
with the pectoral fin front and sides dark grey, covered with small
end of the snout white, commissure of the
vei-niicular white spots

lips pale yellow.

Inhab. Pacific Ocean,


2 47'

S., long.

174 13' W., 22 Aug.

Mamm. 516, froin Dauphin de Bertin, Dtiham.

Pech. ii. 41. 1. 10. f. 3 ; Graij, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 132.
Cachalot, junior, Blainv.

8. ?

D. Bertini, Desm.


distinct; lower




The following species have been named and figvired by the sight
when swimming (see Gray, Cat. Cetac. ^. M. 1850,

caught of them
133) :

D. albigenas, Quoy, I. c. t. 11. f. 2.

D. rhinoceros, Quoy, I. c. 1. 11. f. 1, both from New Holland.
D. lunatus, Lesson, Voy. Coq. t. 9. f. 4, Tmienas of the Chilians, from

D. leucocephalus, D. minimus, et D. maculatus, Lesson, Voy. Coq.

The following


slight descriptions



have been named only from figures or very

D. Senedetta, D. Conunersonii, D. niger,

D. Epidon et D. Mongitori, Rajinesque.


D. Pemettii, Lacep.

of the coast of South MalaMarch, when they are salt, but the Susu I do not think is
known her^.liev. H. Bal-er of AUjii, South Malabar; and Blytli.
Lacepede described from a Chinese drawing (Mem. Mus. iv. 475)
DeJphinus niger, black, with white edges to the lips and fins.
Mr. Couch had been informed that a dolphin with two dorsal fins
had been observed in April 1857, on the coast of Cornwall. (See

The Porpoises come up the backwaters

bar, in



"Whales of Cornwall,' p. 40.)



Head convex, gradually sloping

Lower jaw

short, tapering in front.

into the beak in front.




elongate, taper-

Pectoral fins far back,

ing behind, largest at the pectoral fins.
Dorsal fin high, falcate, behind the
elongate and slightly falcate.
middle of the back. The back with a low, roimded, fin-like ridge
near the tail. Tail-lobes narrow, elongate. Skull depressed, the
hinder ends of the maxillary bones expanded, horizontal, and thickened on the edge crown shelving. The beak is short, broad, flat
above and narrowed in front, and scarcely longer than the length of
The triangle in front of the blowers is flat, elonthe brain-ca\ity.
gate, and reaches beyond the middle of the nose of the skull, and the
intermaxillaries are separated by a deep groove filled with cartilage.

Lagenorhyuchus, Gray, Zool. Erebus i^- Terror, 34, 1846

B. M. 1850, 97 P. Z. S. 1863 1864, 238.
Grampus (pars), Gray, Spic. Zool. 2, 1828.
Delphinus, sp., Briyhtwell, Ann. 1^- May. N. H. 1846,

Cat. Cetac,



This genus is easily known from Delph'mus by the lowness of the

forehead, the short and depressed form of the beak, the posterior
position of the dorsal fin, the body being attenuated behind, and by
the breadth and flat, expanded form of the nose of the skull.
The OS hyoides of L. leucoplewus is large and broad.





Rostnim of skull lotif/er than the length of

some distance from the notch. Electra.


the brain-



Bostrum of skull



only as long as the brain-case.

not quite to the notch.

Beak verg



Bostrum of skull onlg


nearly to the


as long as the brain-case.


Bostrum of skull

longer than the length of the brain-case.

the notch.


some distance from


The Electra.

Lagenorhynchus Electra.

Skull rather depressed; nose flattened above, expanded and reflexed on the side behind, rather shelving in front, sides rather
contracted in the middle, rather longer than the head, and once and
three-quarters the length of the width at the notch intermaxillary
broad, flattened, nearly two-thirds of the width, with a large, wide
groove for the greater part of its length triangle flat, rather concave behind, with a lozenge-shaped, rather raised, rugose space in

the front half; teeth f-j, rather small, cylindi-ical, conical, slightly
curved, acute, four in an inch ; the lower jaw regularly converging,
straight on the sides in front, rather swollen behind, and shortly
obliquely truncated in 'front, the gonyx rather produced.

Lagenorhynchus Electra, Gray,

Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 100.


Erebus Sj Terror, 35.


13 (skuU);

Purchased. The specimen figured in the

of the Erebus and Terror.'



SkuU length, entire, 17| inches of head, 8^ ; of nose, 9| ; of

teeth-line, 7 ; of lower jaw, 14| ; width of temple, 1Q\ inches ; at
of intermaxillarj^, 2|.
at middle of beak, 4
notch, bh
This skull is very like the former, but it is considerably larger, the

nose is longer in proportion, and the head

in the middle and spread out at the sides.




much more



Teeth j^ ; white, back bluish, with oblique streaks on the


belly white.

Delphinus cferuleo-albus, Mvi/cn, Act. Nat. Cur. xvi. 609. t. 43. f. 2

Bcichcnb. Cetac. Anut. t. 19 (skull^).
Gray, Zool. E.
T. 42
Lagenorhynchus cfBruleo-albus, Grai/, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 100;
Cassin, U. S. Expl. Exped. 31. t. 6.'f. 2.
Uelphinus albirostratus, I'ecde, Zool. Expl. Exped. Mamm. 38, ed.l, 1848,

Inhab. East coast of South America, llio de la Plata.

Skeleton in Anat. Mus. Berlin.
feet G inches.

Length 5




Skull beak one-fourth longer than the length of the brain-cavity,

and rather longer than double the width of the skull at the notch

teeth to the notch (see




describes, " Teeth


dorsal fin being nearest the head

back nearly black



elongate, the

colour dark blue-grey, the fins and

a dark Line connects the corners of the mouth

Avith the pectoral fins

and sides dark grey, covered with small

end of the snout white commissure of the


vermicular white spots

lips pale yellow.

" Total length 6 feet 7 inches, perpendicular diameter at the dorsal

13 inches."
" Inhab. Pacific Ocean."
" Though Mr. Peale's figures, from which those in the plate of the
Atlas to this volume have been prepared, diff'er in some measiu'e from
the figures of D. ccerideo-nlhus, in the distribution of the light and
dark colours, we have no doubt of the identity of the present animal
with that species. The figures of the latter to which we more especially aUude are that of its fii'st describer in Nova Acta Physicomedica Academite Cajsara) Leopoldino-Carolinte Naturae Curiosorum,'
xvi. pi. 43. fig. 2, and those in Schreber's Siiugethiere,' pi. 363, and




in lleichenbach's


Cetaceans,' pi. 14.



" Taken in the Pacific Ocean, latitude 2 47' 5" S., longitude
174 13' W. of Greenwich, on the 22nd of August.
" We find no specimen in the collection of the Expedition."


The Asia.

Lagenorhynchus Asia.

Skull nose rather depressed, broad, flattened, rather contracted

triangle concave, with a slightly raised,
in the middle of each side
flat, rugose space in the front half; teeth |-|, small.

Lagenorhvnclius Asia, Gray, Zool. Ereb.

Cetac. B. M. 1850, 101.





14 (skull)


The specimen figui-ed in the

Skull (teeth wanting).
the Erebus and Terror,' t. 14.


Voyage of

The skull, which is without teeth, very much resembles, in the

depressed and expanded form of the brain-cavity and shape of the
beak, the skull of L. Electra, but it differs from that in the beak being
rather more acute in front and more contracted in the middle of the
It may be only a variety
sides, and in being rather smaller in size.
It measures as follows
of that species.


Length, entire
Length of nose
Length of lower jaw


at orbit
at notch
at middle of


16| inches.








Lagenorliynchus acutns.



EschHcht^s Dolplim.



nose of skull half its length, and nearly twice as long

lower jaw obliquely truncated in front.

as wide at the notch

Pliocfena acutus, Gray, in Brookes^s Cat. Mtis. 39, 1828.

Delpliinus tlrampus acutus, Gray, Spic. Zool. 2, 1828 (from a skull)
Fischer, Syn. Mamm. 056.
Delphinus leucopleurus, var., Nilsson, Skand. Fmma, i. 508.

Lagenorhynclius acvitus, Gray, Zool. E. 8f T. 36 ; Cat. Cetac. B. M.

P. Z. S. 1864, 239.
1850, 101
Delpliinus (Lagenorhynclius) Escliriclitii, Van Beneden, Nouv. Mem.
Acad. R. Briix. xxxii. 31.
Delpliinus Escliriclitii, Schleyel, Ahliandl. 122. t. 1, t. 2. f. 4, t. 4. f. 5
M. Clausen, Dissert, de Layenorhynchis, 4:to, Kilics, 1853 Eschricht,
Compt. Rend. Acad. Set. 18.52, 12th July.

Inhab. North Sea, Faroe Islands (EscJiricJit).

Skulls and skeleton in the Leyden Museum





of skull, 16 lines.

This species was first described by me from a skull

Museum, from Orkney, which is now at Leyden, and M.

in Brookes's

Schlcgel has
described and figured a skull from a skeleton sent from the Faroe
It differs from the other species of the genus in the nose
of the skull being more slender and the teeth more numerous.
teeth-series, as in L. Electra and L. Asia, do not reach to the notch
which separates the beak of the skull from the brain-cavity.
Professor Eschricht informs me that the animal is very like D. leucopleiirus, and Professor Nilsson considers them to be the same.

Mr. Brookes's collection was 15 inches long, the

the beak being 8 inches, and it was 4| inches wide at its
base ; the teeth small and slender ; the beak long, attenuated, acute,
convex on the sides, and flat in the centre above, and with a deep
The teeth
central groove.
f ^, small, slender. The bones in
front of the inner nostrils keeled.
The peculiar character of this species is, that there are 82 or 83
vertebrae ; the muzzle is narrower, the shoulder-blade narrower, a
phalange to the thumb, the atlas and axis are anchylosed to the third
and fourth cervical vertebrae by the spinous apophysis, and the sixth



skull in


cervical alone has an inferior transverse process.


I. e.

Teeth ^5^-



Delpliinus EscJiHchtil (Schlegel, Abh. 23. t. 1, t. 2. f. 4, t. 4. f. 5)

Length 7 feet
described from a skeleton from the Faroe Islands.

Teeth |f
male was thrown ashore on the 20th December, 1863, at
Vertebrae 80
Flushing, now stuffed in the Museum at Ghent.
The first and second
cervical 7, dorsal 15, lumbar 19, caudal 39.
the third and
are soldered by their bodies and spinous apophyses
fourth only by the spinous processes the fifth, sixth, and seventh
the sixth has two irregular processes on the lower part of
arc free


the sides, which are directed forwards.




g., ,



the iipper jaw five were hidden in the membrane, one or two of




which, were in the interaiaxillary, and in the lower jaw there were
four or five hidden (see Poelman, J3ull. Acad. Hoy. Belg. xvii, G08, t.).
Length 237 millim. Black, lower part of the beak and the body
to the

reijrodnctive organs shining white

under the dorsal

to the base of the tail

a white band forms a

above yellow, beneath


Lagenorhynclms clauculus.


Skull wide and rather high behind.

Beak flat ; outline wide at
the base, rapidly tapering and acute in front, but rather convex on
the sides, these being slightly rounded ; the hinder edge near the notch
only slightly turned up and rounded.
Triangle to near the middle
of the beak.
Lower jaw high behind. Teeth ^f, small, cylindrical,
curved, rather acute at the tip ; the lower front one very small.
Intermaxillaries broad, hard.
Lagenorliynclius clanculus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1849, 2 Ann. Sf
May. N. H. 1849, v. 48 Zool. Erehtis Sf Terror, t. 35, ined. (skull) ;
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 102.



Pacific Ocean.


Dr. Dickie's Collection.

Length, entire




14^ inches.







lower jaw

of symphysis, lower


at notch

at orbit
at middle of


of intermaxillary in middle




of condyles above



Very peculiar for the elongation and reflexion of the beak before
the notch, and the regular bevelling of the sides of the beak.
Lagenorhynchus breviceps.



under part white

pectoral fin dusky.

Delphinus breviceps, Pucheran, Voy. Dumont

Beak very


slightly longer

snout produced.


cV UrviUe,





of skull depressed, only

than the length of the brain-cavity.

Teeth gg^*

Inhab. Rio de la Plata.


Lagenorhynchus Thicolea.

Skull rather narrow behind. Beak elongate, about one-fifth longer

than the length of the head, rather dilated and concave above behind, with the side edges in front of the notch elongate, keeled, and
turned up ; the middle of the beak flat, with flat shelving sides, the
Inshelving part being broader and forming a shght keel in front.
termaxiUaries flat, gradually tapering. Triangle to near middle of



the beak, concave on the sides, and keeled in the middle behind.
Teeth A [J?, very slender, curved, elongate, conical, tapering, acute;
the front one very small.
Lagenorliynclius Tliieolea, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1849 Ann. ^ Ma//,
Zool. Erebus ^- Terror, t. 36, ined. (skull)
A": H. 1849, V. 48
Cetac. B. M. 1850, 103.

Inhab. West coast of North America.



imperfect behind.


Dr. Dickie's Collection.




of beak


at notch
at middle of beak
of intermaxillary at middle



of condyles

Beak moderate.

Rostrum of skull only

Teeth not quite


12 3
3 11
2 2

at orbits


Upper part and

6 ? (end of nose injured).


of teeth-line
of lower



of skull, entire

as long as the hrain-case.

to the notch.




External cuticle
soft and silky, so thin and delicate as to be easily rubbed off.
a well-defined line above upper jaw, and the whole under jaw and
fins and tail black.
belly cream-colour, varied with chalky white
Teeth ^, small, curved. Jaws moderately elongate, lower rather
Blowhole horseshoe-shaped and convex towards the
the longest.
Nose of skull as long as the brain-ease, gradually and evenly
tapering to a rather rounded point in front, the edge rather reflexed
on each side behind. The triangle in front of the blower convex
and swollen on each side behind, smooth in front.
sides very rich deep velvet-black.

Delphinus Tursio, Brightivell, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, 21.

Delphinus albirostris, Gray, Ann. ^ Mag. N. H. 1846






31. Clausen,


Lagenorhynchus albirostris, Gray, Zool. Erebus ^- Terror, t. 10 (animal, from BrightweWs drawing), t. 11 (skull), 1846.
Delphinus pseudotursio, Beiehenb. Cetac. t. 24. f. 7, 6, cop. Brightwell.
Delphinus (Lagenorhynchus) albirostris, Van Beneden, Nouv. Mem,
Acad. R. Brux. xxxii. t. 1, 2 (animal, skeleton, and viscera).
Var. ? Teeth smaller, ^|-^.

Beak narrower.

Delphinus Ibsenii, Eschricht, TJndersogelser over Hraldyrene 5te Afli.

73; ochd. Ss.fdredrag vid Naturforsk.mdtet.iK/dbenh.l84:7 ; Nilsson,
Skand. Fatma, i. 600.

Inhab. North Sea, Faroe Islands.

skeleton in British


Ostend, July 1851, female.



p. 20).

Yarmouth, 1846 {Brightwell)

Zool. E. and T.' 11.

skull figured in


Winter 1852, female {Van Beneden,



Skeleton. Yarmouth.


Terr.' tab. 11,



Skull figured in ' Voy. of H.M.S. Ereb. ajid

Mr. Brightwell's specimen.

England? Mr. Stevens's

Stufted skin of a.





Measurements of specimen from Yarmouth




Length of mouth
Length of nose to eye
Length to pectorals
Length of pectoral
Length to dorsal
Length of dorsal
Height of doreal



Length, entire

of tail

Length, entire
Length of nose




at notches


of middle of beak
of lower jaw at condyles


at orbit



Bladebone broader than high, "with long acromion and a prominent articulation (t. 11. f. 9). Arm -bones very short fingers f6ur,
short, outer longest, second rather shorter, third and fourth very
Ear-bones large (see Van Beneden, I. c. t. 1. f. 7 & 8).
Vertebra) 90 or 94.
The atlas and axis only anehylosed the rest
of the cervical vertebrae free. Scapula large.
Thumb vsdthout a

Skeleton, Mus. BruxeUes



Mus. Copenhagen, Kiel,

and Berlin.



very short.

Rostrum of skull only

as long as the hrain-cavity.

Teeth nearly to the notch,

Lagenorhynchus leucopleurus.

White-sided Bottlemse.

Skull: brain-ca\aty large, high at the top behind the blowhole.

Nose nearly as long as the brain-cavity, gradually and regularly
tapering on each side.
Triangle in front of the blower flattened and
concave behind, with a slightly raised, lozenge-shaped space in the
front half.
Above bluish-black, beneath white, with a large, oblique grey or
white longitudinal streak on the hinder part of each side. Teeth |-|,
small, acute, curved.

Delphinus Tursio, Kiwz, Cat. Prej). IVIiale, 29, 1838 Ann. S,- Mag.
N. H. 1864, xiv. t. 3.
Delphinus leucopleurus, Rasch, Nyt Mag. for Xatiirv. 1843, iv. 97
Mag. Zool. 1843, 3G9 Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. 598.
Delphinus Yhsemi, Escliricht.
Jjagenorhynchus leucopleurus, Gray, Zool. Erehus <^- Terror, 34. t. 3




12 (skull),

Inhab. North Sea.




Proc. Zool. Soc. 1804,


8 (tongue)

^ May.






Orkney (Knox), 1835.

Gulf of Christiania,

From Mr. Brandt's Collection. The
specimen figured in the Voyage of the Erebus and Terror.'
North Sea, Faroe Islands. From Mr. Brandt's Collection.
North Sea. From Mr. Brandt's Collection.



The foetus has six bristles on each of the upper lips, the hinder
one being rather further from the rest than the others are apart,
which are equidistant, and of the same size. The tongue is flat
on the top and as wide as the space between the sides of the jaws,
with a regular sharp denticulated edge on each side, and with a
rather larger, conical, separate tubercle in front.
The teeth are
not developed through the gums.
The nose is nearly one-fifth the
length of the distance between the end of the nose and the eye.
The hinder part of the back has a rather thick convexity, like a long,
low, rounded, second dorsal fin, just before the tail the same part
of the foetus of Del2)7iimis Del^iMs ? and Steno ? fuscus is very much
compressed, and fined off to a very thin knife-like edge.
The skuU is at once known from the skull of the L. alhirostris at
Norwich, by being smaller and the nose rather narrower, and especially by the hinder part of the intermaxillaries, which form the
triangle in front of the blower, being flattened and concave instead
of swollen and convex.
Length, entire, 16 of nose, 8^ of lower
jaw, 13 inches. Breadth at orbit, 8| ; at notch, 4 ; at middle of
beak, 2| inches.
Mr. Knox gives the following description and measurements of a
female sent from the Orkneys in May 1835
It weighed 14 stone.
Length along margin, from snout to centre of tail, 77| inches ; circumference, anterior, to dorsal fluke, 3S|^ inches length of pectoral
extremity free, 10 inches ; breadth from tip to tip of tail, 14 inches ;
length from snout to angle of mouth, 9 inches ; greatest possible
gape, 3^ inches.
Length of cranium, 15 inches of spinal column,
55i 70| inches. AVeight of skeleton, 1^ lb. Teeth fa
Vertebrae 81
cervical 7
dorsal 15
posterior 59.
V-shaped bones
commencing between the fortieth and forty-first vertebrae. Pelvis
rudimentary, consisting of two cylindrical bones pelvic extremities
not developed. The external opening of the nostrils near the vertex
of the head was crescent-shaped, and placed transversely.
dorsal fluke was midway between the snout and tail.
The skeleton of this specimen is now in the Museum of the University of Edinburgh.
The first, second, and third cervical vertebrae
are united by the spinous processes, the second and rest are thin.
The palate smooth, not grooved. Length of skull, 15| inches of
nose, 7^ inches; of lower jaw, 10 inches.
"Width of slaill, at notch,
at orbit, 8 inches
8|^ inches
at middle of beak, 3 inches.
Nose of
skull twice as long as the width at notch. Intermaxillaries narrowed
in front.
The skuU has two large foramina on the flat part of the


temple on each




side, instead of

the single one in the sknll from

Chris tiania.

Delphinus Delphis


Jackson, Boston Journ. N.


v. 154.


" Dusky black on the back, white on the belly, and lead-coloured
on the sides a dusky line, from 1 to 2 inches in width, commenced
a little above the eye, and passing along the sides was lost in the
lead-colour within 18 or 20 inches of the tail and another, much less
distinct, ran parallel to this.
" Inhab. Lynn, April 1842. Female, 7,| feet long nearly mature.
" Foetus 38 inches long.
" Teeth not yet developed.
Vertebrae 70 viz. cervical 7, dorsal 14, caudal 55.
The viscera,
&c., described."
Jaclcson, I. c. 155. t.
" Shape slender. Jaws projecting, forming a large snout somewhat
like the beak of some species of w^ater-birds.
Spiracle near the top
of the head, about 1 inch in diameter and 13 inches from extremity
of snout.
Greatest depth of body at origin of dorsal fin, 18 inches.
From snout to origin of dorsal fin 39 inches; to the pectoral fin 19|
inches to eye 12 inches to posterior teeth 8 inches.
"Width of
jaw at the insertion of the posterior teeth 2| inches. Jaws armed
with numerous small, conical, incurved teeth, projecting above the
jaw from one-fourth to half an inch. Distance between the eyes
9 inches. The eyes, situated low on the side of the head, are black,
one-fourth of an inch in diameter, and present an oval appearance
from the reflection of the integument forming a sort of eyelid by
which the eye may be closed. Pectoral fin length 4| inches
height 11 inches.
Dorsal fin falciform or lunated length 10 inches
height 10 inches.
Caudal fin length of each lobe 6 inches, and
height 13 inches
united they form a beautiful lunated fin."
Dr. Prescot, MS., in letter from Dr. Jaclson, 27th June 1840.
See also


Lagenoi'hynchus ? Nilssonii, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soe. 1864, 238.

Delphinus obscurus, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna (not Gray),

Inhab. North Sea.

Nilsson, in the ' Scandinavian Fauna,' records a species under the
name of Delphinus ohscurus, and refers it with doubt to the descrip-

and figure of the skull, and the species under that name, in the
Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' and equally with doubt to D. superciliosm of Schlegel.
Both these species are described from the
same specimens, which were procured at the Cape of Good Hope,
and therefore very unlikely to be of a species found also in the North
Nilsson's species may very likely be found in the British seas
so T have referred to it to draw zoologists' attention to the descripIt is the only Swedish species that has not hitherto been
observed here.


Lagenorhynchus lateralis, Casdn, TJ. S. ExpJor. Exped. 32. t.

Delphinus laterahs, Peale, Zool. Explor. Exped. Mamm. 35.

= 164?
"Teeth ^^^
41 41












compressed behind the dorsal fin. Colour light purplish grey ; beneath white a dark lateral line, edged with spots, separates the
a separate line,
colours of the i;pper and under parts of the body
paler in colour, branches from the lateral line opposite the pectoral
fins, and passes downwards and backwards
another connects the
eyes and pectoral fins
snout black fins black. Total length 7 feet
6 inches."
" Caught, on the 13th of September, in the Pacific Ocean, latitude
13 58' N., longitude 161 22' W."
" This is the description of Mr. Peale, to which we can add nothing.
We find no specimen in the collection of the Expedition but, from
the figure and description as above cited, this species does not appear
to intimately resemble any other.
From the latitude and longitude
given, it ap])ears to have been captured at sea, some degrees south of
the Sandwich Islands."
Cassin, L c.



Head rather convex, shelving towards the nose. Wose rather

Dorsal fin none.
produced, obscurely divided from the forehead.
Back rounded. Pectoral oblong, rather slender. Skull moderate
beak broad, dei^resscd, tapering, rounded above ; the triangle before the blowers elongate, extending nearly to the middle of the beak.
Palate flat.
Teeth conical, tapering, acute, curved. Symphysis of
the lower jaw short.
The bladebone very broad, nearly semicircular, with a very distinct
spinal ridge and a very large acromion and coracoid apophysis
(see Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. 307.





(Very different from

Cat. Cetac.
Delphinapterus, Gray, Zool. Ereh. Sf Terror, 35
1850, 103.
Tursio (pars), Wagler, N. S. Amph. 34.
Delphinus, sp., Lacep.
Delphinapterus, sp., Blainville (not Lacep.) Lessoti, Votj.







Per on' s Doljjhin.

Delphinapterus Peronii.

beak, pectoral


and under part of body white,


Delphinus Peronii, Lacep.

295, 307,




5, 6,

517, 1804; Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. 287,

20; F. Ctw. Cetac. 104; L>'Orb. Vmj.




Amer. Merid. Mamm. t. 21. f. 5.

Leucoramphus Peronii, Lilljehorf/.
Delphinus leucoramphus, Brookes, Cat. 3fus. 39, 1828.
Delphinapterus leucorhamphus, Peron, Voy. i. 217. t. 1; Owen, Cat.


Coll. Surf/.

454. n. 2503 (skeleton).

Delphinapterus Peronii, Lesson, Voy. Coq. t. 9. f. 1 (bad), cop. F. Cut:

Gray, Zool. Erebtis 1^- Terror,
Cetac. 104. t.
Jardine, N. Lib. t.
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 103 'Cas.mi, U. S. Expl. Exped.
t. 15. f. 4
33 ; Scldeyel, Abhandl. 24 Rosseau, May. Zool. 1850, 204.




Dauphin de P^ron, Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. t. 21. f. 5, 6 (skull).

D. bicolor, Ste])henso>i, MS. icon. ined. Gray, Zool. Ereb. Sf Terr. 36.
t. 15. f. 1-3, from Stephenson'' s drawing, t. 15. f. 4, from Lesson.
Delpliinus Peronii, or Right-Whale Porpoise of the Whalers, Bennett,

Narrat. Whaling Voy.




Lat. 40 S. to
Brazil Bank.
Inhab. Highei' Southern latitudes.
54 S., long. 50 W. {Bennett). IS'ew Guinea (Quoy). West coast
of South America, lat. 50 35' (Pickering).
Skull, from Peron, in Mus. Paris.
Length 18^, of beak 10, of
teeth-line 8|, of lower jaw 14| inches. Width at orbit 9, at notch 4|,
at middle of beak 2| inches. Teeth -i^, small, slender, six in an inch.
Beak broad, depressed, rather tapering in front the sides spongy
the centre hollow, filled with cartilage, broader in front, flattened
Triangle extending nearly to the middle of the length of
the beak.
Orbits rather shelving above, and slightly thickened on
the edge.
Palate flat in front, rather convex behind, without any
groove on the sides.
Lower jaw gradually tapering, angularly
shelving, and flat on the sides in front.
Symphysis short, not

2 inches.

second skuU, in Mus. Paris, brought by M. Housard in 1822,

rather more depressed in the middle in front, and with the triangle
Length, entire,
reaching near to the middle of the beak. Teeth ||-.
17-6 of beak 9-6 of lower jaw 14-6 inches.
Width at notch 4-3
Orbits rather shelving above, and
at middle of the beak 2-6 inches.

slightly thickened

on the edge.

Cuvier justly observes that the beak of Lesson's figures (Voy. Coq.
Lesson also represents the black as only occut. 9) is too pointed.
pying the upper part of the back, as represented in fig. 4 of the
plate t. 15 of the Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' copied from
his plate.
M. d'Orbigny and Bennett represent the black as down
to the base of the fins, and the hinder edge of the fin as black.
the Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' t. 15, is given a new figure
of the species, copied from a drawing, one-twelfth the natural length,
communicated by W.Wilson Saunders, Esq., of Lloyd's, which was
made by Dr. Stephenson, during the voyage of the ship Glenarn,'
Captain Guy, in lat. 40 48' S., long. 142 W., Jan. 12, 1844.
The)^ live in large shoals ; the flesh is esteemed a delicacy.
Bennett, ii. 237.



The skeleton referred to this species in the Museum of the College

of Surgeons (see Osteol. Cat. 454, n. 2503) is the body of a Phoccena
with the head of a Deljihinus, like D. Delj^his.

Delphinapterus ? borealis.

Delphinapterus borealis, Peale, Zool. Explor. Ex2}ed. 38, ed. 1, 1848

Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 105, 1850.
Delphinus borealis, Cassin, U. S. Explor. Exped. 30. t. 7. f. 2.

" Form elongate snout slightly produced. Black, with a white

lanceolate spot on the breast, which is extended in a narrow line to

Length 4 feet. Teeth

the tail.
" Inhab. North Pacific Ocean.



*' Having
no specimens for examination, we cite Mr. Peale's description of this interesting species.
From his figures, however,

to be found in the Atlas to the volume above cited, it appears to

us probable that it does not belong to the genus Belpliinapterus, or
to the group of which D. Peronii is the type.
In colour and general
appearance this species appears to resemble Z>. hastatus, F. Cuvier
(Schreber, Sjiugethiere, vii. pi. 351 Reichenbach, Cetaceans, pi. 10.
figs. 29 & 30), notwithstanding that it has no dorsal fin.
It may be
the young of a species of Beluga.
From DelpMnus hastatus the
present species appears to differ essentially in size, and it is without
the large hastate spot on the abdomen which characterizes that
animal, and it does not belong to the same generic group.
To this
species Mr. Peale alludes as follows
" While in the water it appears to be entirely black, the white
line being invisible.
It is remarkably quick and lively in its motions,
frequently leaping entirely out of the water, and, from its not having
a dorsal fin, is sometimes mistaken for a seal.
Specimens were taken in the North Pacific Ocean, latitude
46 6' 50", longitude 134 5' W. from Greenwich.
Great quantities
of a species of Anot ifa were floating on the surface of the sea, on which
they were probably feeding. Two, which had been struck and badly
wounded with the harpoon, escaped, but the othei-s did not leave the
ship as the Delphini usually do when one of their number is

" From the latitude and longitude given by Mr, Peale, it wiU be
found that the land nearest to the point at which the animal was
obtained is the coast of Oregon.
It is therefore to be regarded with
additional interest as entitled to admission into the fauna of the
United States."
Cassin, 1. c.
This species appears to resemble Delphinapterus only in the absence
of the dorsal fin, in which respect it also resembles Beluga, of which
it is probably a species.


Head rounded

in front, scarcely beaked.

The beak of the

skidl broad,

dcjiressed, scarcely so long as the brain-cavity.


Latered tvings of the maxilla horizontal, 2rroduced over the

Dorsal distinct. Teeth conical.



Head rounded, scarcely beaked. Skull rounded the hinder wing

of the maxilla horizontally spread over the orbits ; beak short ; the
intermaxillaries about half the width of the jaw-bones ; forehead
Triangle in front of blowers slightly concave.


Teeth conical, acute, large, occupying the whole edge nearly to

Dorsal fin high, falcate, in the middle of the
the notch, permanent.
Black, with white streaks beneath.
Pectoral broad, ovate.
Grai/, Zool. Ereh. 8f Terr. 33, 1846; Cat. Cetac.
Orca, Rondel. Pise.
B. M. 1850, 92; Proc^ Zool. Soc. 1864, 244.




Waaler, N. S. Amph. 34.

Gray, in Brookes's Cat. 40, 1828.
Delphiuus, sp., Linn. Illiger, Prodi: 143, 1811.
Grampus (pars), Gray, Sjnc. Zool. 2, 1828.
Megalodontia, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 40, 1828.






Brain-case depressed, hroad.


Teeth large, strong, conical.


Orca gladiator.



circumscribed spot behind eye, spot on belly and underside of tail white.. Nose of skull nearly twice as long as the width
of the notch.
Teeth -j-|, large, conical, slightly hooked.


minores in utraque maxiUa dentatis qu. Orcse vocantur,

t. 2. f. 3 (tooth).
Delphiuus Orca, Linn. Mant. Plant, ii. 523; S. N. i. 108; Schreh.
Siiiigeth. t. 340; Fischer, Srjn. Mamm. 511
Mag. Nat. Hist. iv. 329.
fig. 2
Schlegel, Be Dieren, 87. t. 14 (good) Abhandl. ii. 33. t. 7, 8
(from life) Sundevall, (Efv. K. Veten. Akad. 1861, 386. t. 8 ?
Oss. Foss. V. 281; Turton, B. F. 17; Fleming, B. A.2,^\ Jenyns,
Man. 42 Bell, Brit. Quad. 477. fig. (bad) Nilsson, Ska?id. Fauna,
603 Gervais, Zool. et Paleont. Fraiu;. t. 37. f. 3, 4.
Grampus, Hunter, Phil. Trails. 1787, t. 16 (skull in Mus. CoU. Surg.
n. 2515), cop. Bell, Brit. Anim. fig. ; Bonnat. CUac. t. 12. f. 1; Shaw,
Zool. ii. 513. t. 232, lower fig.
Cachalot d' Anderson, Duhamel.
Delphiuus Duhamelii, Lacep. Cetac. 314. t. 9. f. 1 (good).
Phocfena Orca, Wax/ler, N. S. Amph. 34.
Delphiuus gladiator, Bonnat. Cet. 23 ? Lacep. CMac. 302. t. 5. f. 3.
Delphiuus Grampus, Desm. N. Diet. H. N. ix. 168 ; 3famm. 617, from
Delphiuus Grampus (The Large Grampus), Oiven, Cat, Mus. Coll.

Sibhald, Phal. 6.

Surg. n. 1136.
Orca, Gray, in Brookes's Cat. Mus. 40, 1828; Lilljehorg,
Skand. Hvaldjur, 15.
Phocjena gladiator, Lesson, Man. 414.
Phocfena Grampus, Lesson, Man. 415.
Orca gladiator, Sundevall, K. Vet. Akad. Ofvers. 1861, 391 Gray,
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 93 ; Proc. Zool. Sac. 1864, 244 ; Malmgren,
Arch. Naturg. 1864, 90.



gladiator, Lilljehorg, Skand. Hvaldyr, 15.

Stour wagn, at Finmark.

Gesner, Aquat. 748, fig. from Rondel.
Orca, Rondel. Pise. 483. fig.
? Agluck, Pallas, Zool. Rosso- Asiat. 305.
? Aguluch, Chamisso, Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. xii. 262. t. 20. f. 9 ?
Anat. Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. t. 22. f. 3, 4; R. A. i. 289 (skull) Jacob,
Dublin Phil. Journ. 1825, t. 2. f. 3 (very small and bad skull)
Gervais, Zool. et Paleont. Frang. t. 37. f. 3, 4 (skull, from Cette).

Inhab. North Sea.



From Mr. Cross's Collection.

Coast of Essex.
From Weymouth. Presented
Skeletcm 20 feet long.
Pearce, Esq.
From Mr. Turner's Collection.

by R.

There is a skull in Mr. Bell's museum, from a male 19 feet long,

taken in Lynn Harbour, Nov. 1830. The animal was described in


Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist.
of this specimen

The following


are the measurements

Length along curve

Length, straight

Length to dorsal fin

Length to pectoral fin
Height of dorsal
Height to dorsal
Length of dorsal
Length of pectoral
Breadth of pectoral






The following are the measurements of two skulls No. 1 the

specimen a, from Essex, in the British Museum, and No. 2 the specimen numbered 1136 in the Museum of the College of Surgeons
No. 1.
No. 2.



Length, entire
Length of nose


Length of teeth-line
Length of lower jaw
Breadth at notch

21 \



at orbit


at middle of

beak ....

of intermaxillary ....
in front
in middle


41 ^




The skull, n. 1136 (see Owen, n. 2512) of the Museum of the

Eoyal College of Surgeons, called the Large Grampus {D. Grampus
It formed part of the
in the Catalogue), is of most colossal size.
Hunterian collection, and is probably the skuU of the large specimen, 31 feet long, killed at Greenwich in 1793. Bends, in Lucejikle.
It has teeth ||, very large, nearly to the notch.
The rest of the
rather dilated, broader over the front of the nose.
skeleton has been lately mounted and exhibited in the Museum of
the lloyal College of Surgeons.
" The skeleton from Gstend in the Louvain Museum
50 or 51, viz. 7 cervical, 11 dorsal, 10 lumbar, and 22 or 23 caudal.
Ribs 11 11. The sternum formed of three bones, the first largest
and longest, the last short and broad. The first ribs on the front
outer edge of the first, the second on the suture between the first
and second, the third on the suture between the second and third,
the three others on the outer hinder edge of the last bone."

P. Z. S. 1864.
The pelvic bones are elongate, subcylindrical, slightly curved.
In the Firth of Tay it goes up as far as the salt water reaches,
almost every tide at flood, during the months of July and August,
in pursuit of salmon, of






gregarious, and

devours immense mmibers.

moves rapidly foi'ward in the water.





comes to the surface to respire it remains, like the porpoise,

an instant, and then dives, describing however in its course
Flem. B. A. 34.
a much wider arch."
one he calls " Grampus gladiator,
Lilljeborg has two species
Lacepede," which he describes as having twelve pairs of ribs, a
white spot on the neck, and a very high dorsal fin and the other,
" O. Orca, Schlegel," Avith only eleven pairs of ribs, no white spot on
The former is evidently
the neck, and a moderately high dorsal fin.



the other is probably

the Orca gladiator of the Enghsh zoologists
a distinct species but it cannot be the Delphinus Orca of Schlegel
(Abhandlungen, ii. p. 2. t. 7 & 8), as that species has a distinct white
spot on the side of the neck and a high dorsal fin, and well represents the D. Oral of our coast, and the skeletons of the English
specimens which I have been able to examine have only eleven pairs

of ribs.

The accuracy of the following habitats has been authenticated by

Greenwich (Hunter)
the examination of the specimens or bones
Coast of Essex skull in British
skull Mus. Coll. Surg. n. 2515.
Museum. Weymouth (M. Fearce) skeleton in British Museum.
Lynn Harbour, 19th Nov. 1830 skull in Mr. Bell's museum (see
Loudon's Mag. N. Hist. iv. 329, figure far too short). A school of
ten in the Barrett, near Bridgewater, 24th March 18G4 (J. CJarl-),
varying from 1 1 to 22 feet long. Young specimen in the Thames at
Greenwich, 1793 {Banls, in Pennant), length 31 feet; skeleton in
British Museum and Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons.
adult skeleton, Mus.
Ostend, adult male, and female of two years
Holland, 1841, 16 feet long; skeleton, Mus. Leyden.
The Orca gladiator has been twice captured in the Mediterranean.
One was taken about twenty years ago at Cette ; its dental formula
was \^ another came ashore at Elne, Byrenees orientales, in 1857,
but the fragment of the lower jaw, which is preserved, contains ten
teeth, so that M. Gervais does not feel sure of its being the same
It is also impossible to say Avhether
species as the Cette specimen.
Gervais, Ann. <^- Mag.
it may be identical Avith the Delphinus Feres.

N. H. 1865, XV.



Gervais, in the

figures the skull of D. Orca


Zool. et Baleont. Frang.,'

from Cette.

Delphinus Orca (Linn. S. Nat. i. 108) is CAddently from Orca, Belon,

Boiss. 18, Bond. Bisc. 433, fig., copied by Gesner, Aquat. 748.
the 'Mantissa,' ii. 523, the reference to the Schwerdtjische of Anderson and some other whalers is added, and probably from them is
" Bellum gerit cum Bhocis, quas ojic
taken the foUoAving note
Balasnarum Bhocarumque tygladii dorsalis e lapidibus dctrudit
Binna dorsalis est spina cnsirannus, quas turmatim adgreditur.
Bonformis, sexpedalis, cute vestita, basi latior." {Mant. ii. 523.)
naterre gave the name of Delphinus gladiator to Anderson's figure,
which represents the dorsal fin as situated near the nape.
Cuvier believed that the Orca of the ancients Avas probably a
Cachalot, and that the Killer is the Aries marinus of Bliny, ^lian,
and the Latins, who compared the white streak behind the ej-e to a
Desmarest (Mamm. 515) confines the name Delphinus Orca



animal intended by the ancients, and characterizes it, ''Mnseau

conforme comnie celui du Dauj^hin viilgairc, dents larges et crenelees
sur lenrs bords"
being a translation of Artedi (Gen. Piscium, 76, 3),
" D, rostro sursum rcpando, dentibus latis seiTutis."
0. Fabricius observes that he never saw D. Orca
but Professor
Eschricht believes the Plujseter microps of 0. Fabricius to be the
Killer, or D. Orca of Linnaeus (Dan. Trans, xii.).
Fabricius says, " The AkllmTc\\as in the lower jaw 22 teeth, 11 on
each side, arched, falciform, hollow internally as far as the point,
projecting scarcely a third part (and this visible part is enamelled,
com jjressed- conical, with the point shai-p, curved inwardly and at the
same time verging a little backwards but the concealed part broader
and having two parts, compressed anteriorly and posteriorly, and,
especially on the side nearest the throat, channelled)
of the length
of a linger, and Ij inch broad; the middle ones larger, the anterior
and posterior smaller. Beak rather obtuse. Beside the pectoral fins,
it has a long, erect dorsal fin.
In size it is to be regarded as amongst
the smaller whales.
Skin glabrous, black the fat thick, but little
flesh red."oily
Fabricius, Faun. Grcenl.
Of the AidluiTc wonderful stories are told the following is not the
most extraordinarj'
" Where these appear, all the seals disappear,
else they make desperate slaughter among them for they have such
sagacity aiid skill in catching them with the mouth and fins, that
they are sometimes seen loaded with five at a time, one in the mouth,
a couple under each fin, and one under the back fin."
Crantz, Greento the

i. 116.
I formerly thought that the Akllmh of 0. Fabricius was identical
with the BaJama microcepliala of Sibbald ; but Professor Eschricht
observes that it is most important, in the determination of 0. Fabricius's synonyma, to attend to the Grcenlanders' names, as they are
most accurate cetohgists. He states (on the authority of Captain
Holboll) " that two of the animals which Fabricius refei'red to
Physeter viz. 1st, the Pernak' (which he called P, Catodon), probably, and, 2nd, the ' Aidluik,' called by him P. microps (which
Cuvier thought might be D. ghhiceps), certainly are the Northern
Sword-fish, Delp>liinus Orca."
Kong. Danshe Afhandl. xi. 136. (See
also Eschricht, (Eversigt Kong. Vid. Sclsk. Forh. 1862, 65.)
In his
last paper he regards the Ardluhsoah, or the Large Greenland Orqiie,
as the male, and the AidJuik as the female of the Delpliinus Orca.
Ann. Sd. Nat. 1 864, 209.
Fabricius's description of the 'Aidluik' wdll do for Orca gladiator,
except that he calls it black, and does not mention the very remarkable white marks of that species, and he described the lower jaw
only as toothed.
Now the upper teeth of Orca are not deciduous.
It is more probably a Grampus.
Lilljeborg describes two species of Orca, one with 11, and the other
with 12 ribs but they seem to vary in number in the same specimens.
Professor Eschricht thinks there are more than one European species
of Orca
but he has not characterized the species, and onlj" gives
some rambling notes on their wanting systematic consideration.






The Small

Orca intermedia.



Nose of skull half the entire length.


long, conical.

Delphiuus intermedius, Gray, Ami. Phil. 1827, 396 (not Harhm).

Orca intermedia. Gray, Zool. E. 8{ T. 34. t. 8 (skull) 5 Cat. Cetac. B.M.
18.50, 96,

List Mamm. B. M. 104.

The specimen described in the 'Annals of Phil.' and
and figured in the Voyage of the Erebus and Terror.'

Grampus intermedius. Gray,

a. Skull



The following






Length, entire
Length of nose



Length of teeth-line
Length of lower jaw
Breadth at orbit
Breadth at notch

Breadth at middle of beak


This skull, which has all the appearance of being that of a fullgrown animal, is just one quarter the length and breadth of the skull
of the adult common Killer {Orca gladiator).
" In the Zoology of the Erebus and Terror," Dr. Gray has figured
and desciibed a skull (in the British Museum, locality unknown)

under the name of Orca intermedia. This is evidently that of a very

young individual, probably of one of the above-mentioned large
At all events the number of the teeth (j-j-) and the form
of the premaxillaries distinguish it from the Tasmanian skulls."
Floiver, P. Z. S. 1864.


Orca Capensis.


Cajje Killer.

Skull flattish above, rather concave in the middle before the blowNose rather convex on the side, rather tapering in front.
Teeth ^, side upper very large, thick, nearly to the preorbital notch,
concave on each side for the reception of the teeth of the opposite
jaw the front upper small, acute ; front lower large, worn down,
Intermaxillaries rather dilated, and broader over the
front of the nose, contracted behind.

Coll. Surg. 165. n. 1139 ; Grant,

Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, 65.
Delphinus Orca, Oiccn, Brit. Foss. Mamm. 516; Eydoux, Mns. Parts.
Orca Capensis, Gray, Zool. Erebus
Terror, 34. t. 9 (skull) ; Cat.
Cetac. B. M. 1850, 95.
Grampus, Bennett, Whaling Voyage, ii. 239.
Grampus gladiator, A. ISmith, African Zool. 126.
The Killer of the IMmle-Jishers.

Delphinus globiceps, Oioen, Cat. 3Ius.

Cape of Good Hope (i/. Vilete, 1818),

Inhab. Southern Ocean.
Northern Pacific Ocean {Captain DelColl. Sui'g. n. 1139.
Chili {Eydoux), Mns. Paris.
vitte, R.N.).







by the Zoological



The specimen figured in the

Society of London.
the Erebus and TeiTor/ fig. 9. p. 34.


Voyage of

The following are the measurements, first, of the specimen n. 1139

in the Museum of the Royal CoUege of Surgeons, and, secondly, of
the skull in the British Museum



Length, entire
Length of nose

Length of teeth-line
Length of lower jaw
Breadth at notch
Breadth at orbit
Breadth at temple above
Breadth at middle of beak
Breadth of intermaxillaries
Breadth in front
Breadth in middle











Professor Owen observes, " The skull of the Cape Grampus (Dellihinus Orca) is of a somewhat small size, and differs from the preceding specimen (the Orca of the Thames) chiefly in the greater
development of the tuberosities and curved ridges on the sides of the
superoccipital, and in the less development of the median vertical
The contour of the occiput at this part is straight; it preridge.
sents a double sigmoid curve in the Great Grampus {D. Orca).
slender nasal processes of the premaxillaries form convex ridges on

they are more flattened in the Great Grampus.
are two small additional teeth at the back of the series, which may
depend upon the present specimen having belonged to a younger
The slight differences noticeable in the skull chiefly
depend on the muscular attachment, and are of a kind to characterize
varieties, not to establish specific distinctions." (?. c. 450. no. 21519.)
this skull

The skull in the Royal College of Surgeons appears to be the one

which Professor Owen gives the measurement of as D. Orca, in his
account of Phocana crassidens in the British Fossil Mammalia.'
The Grampus of the South Sea Avhalers is veiy frequently noticed
in the Pacific Ocean, from the equator to 44 N. and 10 S. latitude.
They occur in herds, and their appearance is supposed to indicate
the resorts of the Cachalots. Whether this whale is identical with the
Grampus (Phocama Orca) of the North Sea may be fairly questioned

but should it prove to be so, the geographic range of the latter speBennett, WhaVimj Voi/ar/e, ii. 238.
cies must be indeed extensive.
Mr. Bennett mentions a KiUer Avhich appears in small bands,
chiefly in the vicinity of the equator, of a moderate size, spouts much
Bennett, I. c. 239.
like the Cachalot, and has a tall erect dorsal fin.
Sir Andrew Smith has given me the drawing of a species of an
Orca, from the Cape of
tri])ution of the colour,

Good Hope, which exactly

with the Orca

f/]((diator of

agrees, in the dis-

the British coast.

from Schlegel's beautiful figure of the European Orca

in the bands which extend up the hinder part of the sides being
rather narrower and \vith more parallel edges, instead of broad, and
It only differs




curved outward on the sides. This similarity of the external colouring in two species of such different geographic distribution, easily
explains why they have been considered the same species though
they are half the globe apart. The examination of the skeleton, and
especially of the skull, shows that they are quite distinct.
It is the
same with the species of Glohiocephalus of the North Sea and of the
Southern Ocean.


Braia-case hiyh, suhglohular. Rostntm very short, narrowed infrmit.

Teeth small, slender, Orcaella.

Orca brevirostris.

The brain-case subglobular, evenly convex above.

The rostrum
very short, tapering, and subacute in front, about two-thirds the
length of the brain-case to the notch.
The maxilla narrow in fi'ont,
wider in the middle, where it is about as wide as the intermaxillary
on each side. The premaxillary broad, rather convex, solid, separated by a wide central groove.
The rostral triangle very large,
produced much in front of the notch. Palate flat in front. Teeth


slender, subcylindrical.

Phocfena (Orca)

brevirostris, Oioen, Zool. Trans, v., ined.

Inhab. East coast of India, the harbour of Yizagapatam.



Presented by Walter Elliot, Esq., of Woolflee.

described by Professor

The following

The skuU


by Professor Owen, is taken from the

which was cast ashore in a decomposed state


skull of a small Cetacean

in the harbour of Vizagapatam, east coast of India.

Cu\aer's section of Blunt-headed Dolphins, in which,

It belongs to

by the form of

the teeth, it is allied to the PJioccena (/lohiceps, Cuv. but it indicates,

by the shortness of the muzzle and some osteological characters, a
nondescript species, for which the name Phoccena brevirostris is
" The basioeeipital forms the lower fifth of the foramen magnum,
intervening, for an extent in a straight line of 10^'", between the
lower ends of the occipital condyles ; it is here thick, concave transversely, becoming thinner vertically and expanded transversely as it
advances to join the basisphenoid, with which it has coalesced.
" A slight median longitudinal obtuse ridge divides the back part
of the under surface of the basisphenoid into two shallow concavities,
from the sides of which the otocranial plates extend, which bend
shghtly downward to form the lower and inner or mesial wall of the


"The occipital condyles (2', fig. 57) are narrow, vertically elongated,
oval convexities, wider at their lower half, with the mesial margin
gently convex, the lateral or outer margin sinuous, through a slight
concavity marking off the upper third of the condyle the length of
the condyle in a straight line is 2" 1'", the greatest breadth 1" 12'"



the upper ends of the condyles are 1"




are low and


" The foramen magnum is vertically oval, widest above, and

notched at the middle of the upper border its length, to the end of
the notch, is 2", its breadth 1" 3'"
the breadth across the broadest
parts of both condyles is 2" 9'".

Fiff. 57.

Skull of Orca brevirostris.

" The paroccipital (4), an exogenous growth of the exoccipital,

forms the back part of the otocrane, towards which it is sinuous or
slightly concave, and terminates below in a thick, rough border this
border is divided by a notch from the otocranial plate of the basisphenoid and just within the verge of that notch opens the canal
for the nervus vagus.'
" The superoccipital (3) rises and expands, as in other Delphinidae,
into a broad and lofty convex plate, reaching the vertex and there
articulating ^vdth the parietals (7) and intei'jDarietal 7*)
a low
median ridge divides vertically the upper half of the superoccipital.
On the inner surface, 1" 6'" above the foramen magnum, a vertical
triangular plate of bone descends into the falx it is thickest behind,
where its base is grooved transversely by the lateral sinus.
" The alisphenoids coalesce with the fore part of the lateral border
of the basisphenoid, in advance of the otocrane, of which it forms the
the base of the alisphenoid is notched
anterior wall or boundary
posteriorly (tr) for the thii-d, and anteriorly (m) for the second division
of the integument
it expands as it passes outwards, slightly rising


and frontal (11), and to overlap the process of

the squamosal continued mesiad from the glenoid cavity. The suture
between the interparietal (7*) and superoccipital (3) is obliterated,
and that with the parietals is partially so. The suture between the
parietal and superoccipital remains at its lower half, showing that a
narrow strip of the parietal appears on the external surface of the
to join the parietal (7)




cranium, extending back-ward, between the squamosal (27') and superoccipital (3) to the exoccipital (2), and slightly expanding at its
junction therewith.
" The presphenoid is distinct from the basisphenoid, and extends
in the form of a compressed rostrum forward, contracting, to be
enclosed by the posterior sheath-shaped part of the vomer.
orbitosphenoids extend outward, overlapping the pterygoids, contract
where they form the fore part of the foramen laccrum anterius and
the optic foramina, beyond which they expand to support the orbital

plate of the frontal.

"The frontals(ll,ir), in great part overlapped, as in other Cetacea,

by the maxillaries (21), show, at their narrow exposed strip, extending
transversely across the summit of the cranium, the persistent frontal
suture, half an inch in length: from this suture, the strip curves
outward and backward, expanding beyond the interparietal (7*),
and then downward and forward, contracting, and again expanding
to form the postorbital process (12), which is triangular and three-

exposed strip, a second

contributing to the temporal fossa (t), and a third to the orbit (or).
" In the temporal fossa (t) the frontal (11) articulates with the
parietal (7) and alisphenoid ((>), in the orbit with the orbitosphenoid
and malar then arching forward from the postorbital process, the
frontal forms the superorbital ridge (11'), and articulates anteriorly
by a kind of gomphosis with the malar (2G') it is overlapped here, as
on the cranium, by the maxiUary (21"), The medial parts of the
sided, one facet being a continuation of the

frontals are united posteriorly with the interparietal (7*), anteriorly

with the nasals (15).

" The vomer extends forward to within 1^ inch of the end of the
premaxillaries, and, behind these, intervenes upon the bony palate
between the maxillaries, along a strip of 2 inches extent and 3 lines
This palatal part of the vomer is the
across the broadest part.
lower convexity of the canal formed by the spout-shaped bone the
hollow of the canal is exposed at the upper interspace of the premaxillaries.
Here also is seen, 2 inches behind the fore end of the
vomer, the rough, thick, anterior border of the coalesced prefrontals,
which contracts as it passes into their upper border, forming the
septum of the nostrils, expanding below and behind to form the
back wall of the nasal passages. Here a trace of the suture between

The small,
these foremost neui'apophyses of the skull remains.
transversely extended, subquadrate nasals (15) intervene between the

and prefrontals.

" The palatine bones appear in the palate as narrow strips wedged
between the maxillaries and pterygoids, and imited together beneath
the vomer by a longitiidinal suture of 3'" in extent passing outward and forward, after a brief contraction, they suddenly expand
and bend upward to line or form the mesial wall of the orbit, and
again contract to articulate with the frontal, at the superorbital fossa.
The mesial borders of the palatines articiilate with the vomer and
and, between the pterygoids and the vomer, the palatines form the fore part of the lower half of the nasal passages.



" The orbital plate of the palatine sends off an outer thin lamina,
free mar<i,in at the back of the orbit.
palatine plates of the maxillaries unite together for about an inch
in front of the palatines, then slightly diverge to give place to the
vomer, which, however, does not sink to their level in advance of
the vomer the plates slightly diverge to their anterior ends, giving
place to the premaxillaries, which form the apex of the muzzle.
The rest of the disposition of the maxillaries accords with Cuvier's
account in PJionrna glohiceps. The superorbital plate is divided by
a notch from the rostral part of the maxillary, and forms a tuberosity
articulated with the underlying malar {"2^).
" The premaxillaries (22) accord equally with those in Phoctena
fjlohicejys, save in their shorter proportions concomitantly with those
They are perforated near the
of the maxillaries and of the muzzle.
outer margin, between the posterior and middle third, the canal
leading forward and inward the three perforations in the maxillary,
external to the nasal portions of the premaxillary, are of canals which
converge to open in an oblong fossa beneath the fore part of the roof

which terminates by a

of the orbit.
" The pterygoid

is a large, sinuous plate, folded upon itself from

upward, outward, and backward the thick fore part articulates with the palatine, whence it continues the bony roof of the
mouth backward for the extent of 1" 8'", with a convex surface,
divided from its fellow by a vacancy of 8'" breadth, exposing the
presphenoid and vomer the inner plate of the pterygoid forms the
outer wall of the lower part of the nasal passage, and continues that
passage obliquely backwards, as an open canal, beneath the base of


the alisphenoid (6), as far as the otocranial plate of the basisphenoid

This posterior production of the pterj^goid is three-sided the
inner or narial one is concave the outer one is also concave, forming
a channel leading upward and forward to the orbit the upper facet
is sutural, and articulates with the basi-, pre-, aU-, and orbito-sphenoids. The anterior external lamina of the pterj-goid bends outward
and upward to articulate with the corresponding free lamina of the
palatine (?), bounding the naiTow and deep sinuous fissure between
the outer and inner portions of both bones.
" The malar (26), as in other Delphinidae, consists of the antorbital
and styliform (26) portions. The former is a narrow triangle with
the base thick, convex, turned forward, underpropping the fore part
of the superorbital plate of the maxillary (21"), and articulating with
the same part of the frontal the apex extends backward, and is
wedged into the roof of the orbit between the frontal and maxillary.

styliform portion (26) is given off by a process extending inward

and a few lines
(mesiad), at right angles to the antorbital portion
behind its fore part it suddenly contracts, and extends backward,
with a slight upward l)end, to the squamosal, articulating by a concave, oblique terminal facet to a tubercle at the fore and under part
the length of this
of the zygomatic process of the squamosal (27)
part of the malar is 3", its thickness throughout the greater extent
4'" across.
The form of
is 1^'" by 1'"; its squamosal articulation is





the orbit (or), so defined below, is longitudinally oblong, more arched

above than below, 2" 2'" in fore-and-aft diameter, 1" 2'" in greatest
vertical diameter, the chamber communicating, of course, largely with
the temporal fossa (u) and the small antorbital fossa (d), external to

which is the rough malo-maxillary fossa (e).

" The squamosal consists chiefly of its articular or zygomatic part
(27), which is deep in proportion to its length, truncate, and threesided
the outer side is slightly convex or rather rough, 1" 5'" deep
the inner side is divided between the articular cavity,
rough for syndesmosis with the mandible, and the smoother sui'face
internal to it, which extends mesiad in a triangular depressed form

back part of the alisphenoid (6), but without jointhe upper surface, of an inequilateral shape, contributes a
lower wall to the temporal fossa. The squamous portion (t) continued upwards from this facet, is triangular, with a rounded apex,
about an inch in height and rather more in breadth ; it is applied
against the alisphenoid and parietal: the rough posterior tract (8)
articulating with the parietal (7') and exoccipital (2), and contributing
to the outer wall of the otocrane, I consider to be the ' mastoid,'
confluent with the squamosal, and forming the bone which should be
The mastoid part (8)
termed ' squamo-mastoid ' (27-8, fig. 57).
terminates below in a rough, flattened, triangular surface, 5" 7'" in
diameter, which is divided from the zygomatic or articular process
On the inner side of the
of the squamosal (27') by a deep fissure.
base or back part of the mastoid, in the line of its suture with the
the squamosal forms no
parietal, is the (stylomastoid ?) fossa, &c.
part of the inner or proper wall of the cranial ca\'ity.
" The glenoid or mandibular-articular surface is longitudinally
oblong, 1" 5'", by 8'" in diameter, moderately concave, least so transversely, and looking inward, downward, and with a slight inclination,
" The mandible (29-32, fig. 57) offers no notable peculiarity, save
that which relates to shortness in proportion to the entire skull, conThe
cui-rently with the same specific character of the upper jaw.
depth of the ramus at the coracoid process is relatively as great as
in the longer-jawed species, and consequently bears a greater ratio
to the length of th^ entire ramus ; this in the present skuU is 7", the
the shallowest
greatest vertical extent of the ramus being 2" 6'"
part of the ramus is where it supports the teeth (32) ; it deepens a
'There are fourteen alveoli, approxilittle at the short symphysis.
mated in a common groove, in each mandible, extending along 3" 3'"
(27') beneath the



from the symphysis. The corresponding groove of the upper jaw

shows seventeen alveoK, along an extent of 3" 6'". The deeper part
of the alveolus is distinct for the anterior teeth but as they recede the
sockets are indicated by depressions merely in the common groove.


teeth are slender cones."

See also

PDelphinus Feres, Bonnat.

Cetac. 27;

Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. 31. 1850,91.

Blackish; teeth ^^, large and small, curved, compressed before




and behind crown oval, rounded, and divided into two lobes by a
groove which extends their whole length.

Inhab. Mediterranean

length 1 foot 10 inches, breadth 1 foot
5 inches ; length of teeth 1 inch, breadth of line ^ inch. Cuvier
thinks this is probably Orca gladiator.

Length 14



Delphinus Orca, Cha7nisso,Nov. Act. xii. t. 20.

Tilesiiis, Isis, 1835, 726.
Asiat. i. 285

f.9; Pallas, Zoogr,


Inhab. North Pacific: Kamtschatka.

3. Dr. J. R. Foster mentions DelpJiinus Orca as occurring in the
Eastern tropical islands. Descrip. Anim. 210.


Head rounded,


scarcely beaked.

Skull rounded, the hinder wings

The beak short,

of the maxilla horizontally spread over the orbits.
intermaxiUaiy broad, covering great part (more
broad, tapering
than half) of the maxilla. The triangle in front of the blowers,
Teeth conical, acute, large, occupying the whole edge
nearly to the notch. Dorsal fin moderate, in the middle of the back.

Black, rather paler below.

Pectoral small, ovate.

Pseudorca, Hemhardt, Overs. K. D. Vid. 1862

Floioer, Proc. Zool.

Soc. 1865.


Gray, Cat. Cetac. 1851, 95.

sp., Owen, Brit. Foss. Mamm.



Pseudorca crassidens.

The Lincolnshire


Teeth \^, large, conical, rather

Intermaxillaries rugose in front.
acute (all but the front lower false), extending nearly to the preLower jaw very depressed, and broad in front at the
orbital notch.
Phocfena crassidens, Oioen, Brit. Fossil Manun. 516. f. 213, 214, 216
(skull and united cervical vertebrfe).
Orca crassidens, Gray, Zool. Erebus iif Terror, 33 Cat. Cetac. B. M.
Pseudorca crassidens, Reinhardt, Overs. K. D. Vid. Selsk. Forhand. i.

1862, 104.


1, 2, 3.

Inhab. North Sea, in shoals (Beinhardt). Fens of Lincolnshire

fossil skull in Mus. Stamford (now in Mus. Cambridge), of the fol-

lowing measurements

Length, entire
Length of nose

Length of teeth-line
Length of lower jaw
Breadth at notch
Breadth at middle of beak
Breadth of intermaxillaries


23 or 24


In the figure the length of the beak is once and a half the breadth
and exactly the length of the skull.

of the base at the notch,




The bladebone

a nearlj' equilateral triangle, with an arched upper

a large coracoid and acromion process, which are narrow at
The humerus short,
the base and dilated at the end. Ribs 10 10.
subtrigonal, broad at the distal end.
The ulna thick, compressed,
nearly twice as long as the humerus, the ulna rather produced at
the upper outer edge.
Metacarpi 5, subtriangular ; fingers 5, tapering the second longest, of seven joints the third very little shorter,
of six joints
the fourth very short and thick, of three short joints ;
the fifth very short and thick, of two joints
and the first shorter
still and more slender, of a single joint (see Reinhardt, 142, fig. 3,
one-third size). Cervical vertebrae anchylosed (see Owen, Brit. Fossil
Mammalia, fig. 214. p. 520, and side view of skull, f. 213, and



f. 216).
Dr. Reinhardt states that in one specimen there were all the seven,
and in the other only six, cervical vertebrae united, while in a third
there were only five, including the first and he believes that this is
dependent on age. The lateral process of the atlas is strongly


Pseudorca meridionalis.

The Tasmanian Blackfish.

Males much
Colour, black on the back and sides, lighter below.
larger than the females.
Head obtuse, after the fashion of the

Sperm Whale.

Pectoral fins small;

dorsal fin hook-shaped, and

situated about two-thirds along the body towards the

very large, rather compressed on the

broad, tapering, rounded above.

Lower jaw




Kose of skuU

broad, and flat at the

Orca (Pseudorca?) meridionalis, W. Flower, Proc.
f. 1 & 2 (skull).

Van Diemens Land





Inhab. Van Diemen's Land: Hobart Town; called with other

whales Blackfish ( W. L. CroivtJier). Two skulls, Mus. Coll. Surg.

" To find distinctive characters to separate the present species from

I speak of the animal
now existing in the northern seas, which Reinhardt has fully described in an illustrated memoir in the Danish language, and which
he believes to be identical with the Lincolnshire specimen.
" The beak is much more pointed at the extremity, and the premaxillaries are of diff'erent form.
In Pseudorca crassidens they are
of nearly equal breadth from one end to the other, their outer
margins being almost parallel in the Tasmanian skulls they are
contracted at the root of the beak, and then gradually expand to
about the middle, beyond which they slowly diminish in breadth to
An examination of the skulls placed side by side might
the point.
possibly reveal other differentiating characters but I think that
these are sufficient, together with the great improbability of the
same species being found in such widely diff'erent regions, to justify
my regarding the small Grampus from Tasmania, however familiar
0. crassidens is a matter of greater difficulty.




to the inhabitants of that country, as a species


and imposing upon





to zoological

of Orca {Pseudorca'?)



sm-face of

...^ ........


skull {Pseuclorca mcriclionah^)

natural size.





Fig. 59.

Side view of the adult skull (Psevdorca meridionalis)

natural size.

The two


skulls present considerable individual peculiarities




these all arise, I believe, from difference of age.

One is perfectly
adult the suture between the frontal and occipital bones is entirely
obliterated ; the upper ends of the maxillaries are anchylosed to the
the teeth, though pointed at the tips, have a polished surface, and many of them are worn at the sides by the mutual action
upon each other of the upper and lower series. In the other skidl
the ossification of the sutui'es is less advanced the teeth show no
signs of wear, and have a uniform slightly rufous or granulated surface.
This skull differs from the other, as will be more particularly
shown by the measurements, in having the facial portion and all the
ridges and outgrowths of the cranium for the attachment of muscles
much less developed in proportion to the size of the cerebral cavity.
In all essential specific characters they agree. Unless otherwise
expressed, the description and comparisons which follow refer to the
adult skull.
" The principal dimensions of the two skulls in the Royal CoUege
of Surgeons are as follows





events as far as the upper jaw is concerned.

By comparing tooth
with tooth, especially as regards their position in the alveolar margin,
the older specimen would appear to have lost the small anterior pair
present in the younger one while in the latter the posterior pair
appear not yet to have been developed. It must be confessed that
our knowledge of the growth and succession of these organs in the
Cetacea is at present so imperfect that we ought not to lay much
stress upon any trifling variations in theii' number or character in
discriminating species."
Flower, P. Z. S. 1864.
" ' BJackJish.'' This fish is in reality a miniature Sperm Whale
in its habits, &c., feeding upon the same food (' squid'), geographically occupying the same localities as the Sperm Whale, following
the great equatorial currents so long as they retain their warmth,
and met with in the greatest numbers in the southern hemisphere at
those points where the equatorial meet the polar currents, eddies
being formed in which no doubt the squid collects. I am not aware
that the Blackfish preys upon anything but squid ; it is essentially
gregarious, countless hordes being met with where food is abundant.
Length 12 to 15 feet ; diameter 3 to 4 feet. Weight two to three
tons, the former about the average. Oil, the only kind that will mix
with sperm." TF". L. Crowther, P. Z. S. 1864.
Mr. Flower has since received two skulls of the genus GJobiocephalus, probably two distinct species, under the name of " Blackfish,"
so that the above description may refer to them.
See Flower,
P. Z. S. 1865.



Head rounded,

forehead rather convex.

Teeth conical, of upper
early deciduous, only in the front half of the lower jaw. Dorsal
distinct, low, rather behind the middle of the back.
Pectorals ovate,


rather elongate.
Skull depressed ; intermaxillaries dilated, covering great part of
the maxilla above, rather swollen behind in front of the blowers, the
hinder wing of the maxilla horizontal and rather thickened and bent
up over the orbit, and slightly dilated and reflexed just in front of
the notch.



Grampus, Gray,

Gray, Spic. Zool. 2, 1828.

E. & T. 30, 1847; Cat. Cetac. B.


P. Z. S. 1864, 245.
Cetus, sp. (Aries), Wagler, N. S.



Wagler, N.


Amph. 34.


produced in front over



beneath dirty white, passing into the black on the

Nose of the skull broad at the base, narrow in front, and con-

Bluish black


1850, 82;


* Triangle in front of the blowers elongate,

the vomer.




cave on the sides, not quite half the entire length of the skull
teeth on each side in front.


jaw with two truncated


giisea, Lesson,



Man. 413






Gray, Spic. Zuol. 2, 1828.

Grampus, Hunter, Phil. Trans. 1787, t. 17.

PDelplimus ventricosus, Lacep. Cet. 311. t. 15. 3; Schreh. Simgeth.

t. 341, both copied from Hunter, t. 17.
? Phocsena ventricosa, Lesson, Man. 41.5, from Hunter.
Delpliinus globiceps, var., Nilsson, Skand. Fuuha, 608.
Grampus Cuvieri, Gratj, Ann. N. H. 1846 Cat. Osteol. B. 3L 36
Zool. Erehus 8f Terror, 31
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 83, 1850
Proc. Zool.

Soc. 1864.

Delphinus griseus, Cuv. R. A.

i. 290
A^in. Mtts. xix. t. 1. f 1 (not
good), cop. Schreb. t. 345. f. 1 Oss. Foss. v. 284, 306, t. 22. f. 1, 2
F. Ctn-ier, Cetac. 182. t. 12. f. 2; jDesm. Mamm. 518; Fischer, 8yn.
Mamm. 512 Gervais, Zool. et Paleont. Franq. 149. t, 37. i. 5 (from
Brest) Schletjel, Abhandl. 33.
Marsouin, Duhaviel, Pech. iv. t. 9. f. 5.

Inhab. North Sea. Coast of France Brest, Eochelle (D'Orbigny),

1822. Isle of Wight, Hampshire {Rev. C. Bury), 1845.



Isle of


The measurements

Presented by the Rev. C. Bury.

of D'Orbigny's (first) old


Length, entire
Length to blowers





at notch


at orbit


3 10
3 3

at middle of nose

of intermaxillar)'

Height at occiput


(7 feet.)


of tail

Height of dorsal
Length, entire
Length of nose
Length of teeth-series, lower jaw
Length of lower jaw




Length to pectoral fin

Length of pectorals
Length of dorsal


and (second) young

cervical are earliest anchylosed, as in the Delphimis

Ribs 12.12; six of the ribs are articulated
between the bodies of the vertebrae. Lumbar and caudal vertebra? 42.
The spinous processes are suddenly enlarged at the commencement
the articular apophysis of the ninth dorsal ceases to
of the loins
enclose the preceding vertebra.
The first finger of 2 joints, the
second of 8 joints, the third of 7 joints, the fourth of 2 joints, and
The first bone of the sternum is not perforated,
the fifth of 1 joint.
but the last is rather notched. The bladebone has the outline of
Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 306.
D. Tursio and the apojihyscs of D. Deljyliis.

Dorsal vertebrae 12.



This species loses its upper teeth at an early period, and preserves
only a few of its lower ones. The dorsal fin is lower and further
back than in D. Orca.Ciiv. li. A. i. 290.
M. F. Cuvier (Cetac. 193) has referred the Marsouin of Duhamel
(Pech. iv. t. 9. f. 5) to D. fiJohiceps; but M. Duhamel particularly
observes that the pectoral and dorsal were nearly equidistant from
the head, and that the underside is paler than the back, golden
green, not white, which does not agree with D. melas.
In both these
points it suits better with this species.
Fio-. 60.

Skull of








described from a skeleton and drawing sent

of the drawing induced
M. Cuvier to call it D. griseus but it is black and not grey ; so that
the first specific name cannot be used, as giving a wrong impression

This species was

from Brest


to Paris.

The bad colouring


of the animal.



F. Cuvier regards

his brother thought


as distinct

was the same.

from D. Aries of

{F. Cuv. Cetac. 184.)

" The skull of the Brest specimen has the general characters of
the cervical vertebrae anchythe teeth are truncated
and there are 12 dorsal vertebrte." Gervais,Zool. et PaUont.
Franc, t. 37. f. 5.
In D'Orbigny's specimens the dorsal was injured, and in two of
them nearly destroyed. The young, 7 feet long, had eight, conical,
The older, two males and one female, 10 feet long,
acute teeth.
had only six or seven, blunt, carious teeth. The upper jaw longest
(4 inches), without any indication of teeth, even in the young one,
but with a slight groove for the reception of the edge of the lower

D. Rissocinus

M. d'Orbigny

says that this species has " most affinity in




external form to the Gram^ms of Hunter, t. 17, which Lacepcde

called D. ventricosiis, but differs essentially in the total absence of

teeth in the upper, and by the number in the lower jaw."
does not figure any teeth in the ujjper, and only a few in the
lower jaw.

Grampus Rissoanns.



Bluish white, with irregular, brown-edged, scratch-like lines in






Females uniform brown, with similar scratches.

acute teeth on each side in front.

Delphinus Rissoanus, Laur. F. Cuv. Manim. Lithog. t. Cetac. 196.

Schlegel, Abhandl. 33 Fischer, Syn. Ma?nm. 512 Beam.
t. 12. f. 1


Delphinus de Risso, Cuv. Ann. Mus. xix. 12. f. 4, cop. Schreh. t. 345.
Furop. Mericl. 23.
f. 4 ; Risso, Ann. Mus. II. N. xix. t. 1, 2
Delphinus Rissoi (D. Rissoanus), Gervais, Zool. et Paleont. Frang. 149.
t. 37. f. 1, 2 (skull, from Nice).
Delphinus Aries, Fisso, Cuv. Ann. Mus. xix. 12. t. 1. f. 4.
Grampus Rissii, JarcUne, Kat. Lib. vi. 219. t. 18.
Cetus (?
), Wagler, N. Sgst. Amph. 33.
Phocoena Rissoanus, Lesson, Man. 41(3.
Grampus Rissoanus, Gray, Zool. Frcbus 8f Terror, 31 ; Cat. Cetac.
B. M. 1850, 84.

Var. 1. Dorsal, pectoral, tail, and hinder part of the body below
F. Cuv. I. c. t. 13. f. 1 (male).
varied with black.

Inhab. Nice (Risso, LauriUard).


Laurillard observes, the teeth are conical, early deciduous, espeupper jaw. He gives the following measurements

cially of the



Length, entire
Length of head

Height of dorsal


Lesson refers this species to the genus Glohiocephalus ; but the

position of the dorsal and the form of the pectoral, as weU as the
description of the teeth, make me believe it rather belongs to this
M. Cuvier observes that his D. griseus is only described from
but M. F. Cuvier, who had a new
a bad drawing of this species
Reg. Anim.
description, and M. Laurillard, consider them distinct.
F. Cuv. Cetac. 184.
i. 290
In the Paris Museum there is a skull from Rochelle, sent by
M. d'Orbigny, and a second from Nice, brought by M. Laurillard,
which greatly resemble one another.
Gcrvais observes, " The maxillaries are visible below. The frontal
Cervical vertebra) soldered together;
region is rather flattened.
The chevron bones commence
dorsal 12, lumbar 7, caudal 49
Inhab. Nice. Length about 10 feet
at the forty-fifth of the series.

(3 metres)."
G. Cuvier described Grampus Rissoanus, which is very nearly
but the former lives in the Mediterranean,
allied to his D. griseus
and the latter on the coast of Brittany. The cranium of this species




presents characters which are easily recognized.

The Museum of
Paris jiossesses two skulls, from specimens taken at Nice by Risso
and Laurillard. There is another in the Museum of Marseilles, obtained from one of a shoal which came ashore into Carry, Bouches
du Ehone, in 1862. Gervais, Comptes Retidus, 28 Nov. 1864, 876
A7in. c^ Mag. N. H. 1865, xv. 76.

Lower jaw




triangle short, broad.


straight, regularly diverging, scarcely bulging

on the
united by a rather long, wide symphysis in front
obliquely truncated in front, with a rather prominent, tuberous
gonyx. Teeth 4 4, rather large, far apart, conical, tapering at the
tip, but subcylindrical at the base.
side behind,


n. s., Grai/, Zool. Erehus 8f Terror, 31.

Richardsonii, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 85
Soc. 1865.


Inhab. Cape of Good Hope.


Lower jaw.

Kalk's Bay, Simon's

Proc. Zool.

Bay {Layard).

Presented by the Haslar Hospital Museum.

This lower jaw appears to differ from the lower jaw of 0. Cuvieri
much thicker at the symphysis, very obliquely truncated
in front, and rather projecting below.
Teeth 4 4, large, conical,
rather acute and recurved
the upper edge behind the teeth round,
with many minute holes on the edge. It measm-es as follows
in being


Length, entii'e
Length, front truncation

Length of teeth-series

Width near condyle

Width in front
Width at condyle




Mr. Layard has sent me for examination a skull of a Grampus

taken from the shores of Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope, which is
It is a typical Grampus,
contained in the South African Museum.
like G. Rissoanus, with four teeth on each side of the front of the
lower jaw. It chiefly diff'ers from G. Rissoanus in the shortness of
the triangle in front of the blowers, which is not continued over the
vomer. The lower jaw agrees so completely with the lower jaw of
G. Ricliardsonii, that I believe it belongs to this species, which was
See Gray, P. Z. S. 1865.
probably received from the Cape.
The skull in the Cape Museum resembles in most particulars that
of Grampus Cuvieri, and may be considered that of a typical speIt agrees with Beluga in the convexity of the
cies of the genus.
but it
triangle in front of the blowers and in the general form
diifers from that genus in the elevation of the margins of the maxillae
over the orbits, and on the side of the hinder part of the beak in
front of the notch, showing that the genus is intermediate in form



between Beluga and Orca.

Grampus and Behir/a are peculiai' for
having teeth only in the front part of the lower jaw, as in Ghhiocephalus but the teeth of Gramjnis are permanent, while those of

Bchiria are early deciduous.

The lower jaw from the Cape Beas only differs from the lower jaw
of the typical specimen of G. lUchardsonii in being rather more
slender in front, just behind the gonyx and the end of the teethline, and in the teeth being apparently rather shorter and more
slender ; but the bases of the teeth of the typical specimen are entirely
exposed, and in the one from the South- African Museum they are
still imbedded in the dried gums; so that the difference is more

apparent than real.

The upper edge of the orbit is raised into a decided marginal
The maxillary bones in front of the notch are rather exridge.
panded and well bent up on the edge.
The triangular space in front of the blowers is convex, evenly
rounded, and with a well-marked oblique groove on each side in

The intermaxillary bones are very broad, with a hard, shining,

smooth, rather convex upper surface they cover fully two-thirds of
the upper part of the hinder portion, and much more, or at least
foiir-fifths, of the front part of the beak.
The palate is flat in front
and rather convex behind. The upper jaw is rather bent down at
the tip, and is destitute of teeth but has a submarginal line with
The lower jaw has four conical teeth on each side
a few small pits.
in front, placed over the gonyx.
Length of the skull 18, of beak from the notch 10|, of lower jaw
14| inches width of the brain-case at the centre of the orbit 11, of
beak at the notch 7| inches.
The triangle in front of the blowers in the skulls of the European
species is much elongated, the slender front part being produced
between the intermaxiUaries nearly to the end of the beak.
(1) G. griseus, of Brest, has only 2 2 teeth in the front of the
lower jaw (Gervais, I. c. t. 57. f. 5).
(2) G. Rissoi, of Nice, has 5 5 teeth in the front of the lower jaw

(Gervais, Zool. et Pale'ont. Fran^-, t. 57. f. 1, 2).

In the Cape species the triangle is shorter and

pared with


broader com-

length, the front side-margins being more transverse.

(3) G. Rkliardsonii.
In G. Rissoi the outer edges of the intermaxiUaries are sinuous and
rather contracted to nearly the middle of their length.
In G. Ricliardsonii the outer edges are rather slightly arched and bent out the

bones are widest in the middle of their length the nostrils are bent
to the left side, the right side of the skull being most developed.



teeth are 12



12, small, conical, curved, very acute.


rather concave on the sides.

IntermaxiUaries nearly as wide as the
Lower jaw obliquely truncated in front. Length, entire, 24



inches, of nose 12, of tooth-line 7, of lower jaw 19.

Width at
notch 9, of middle of beak 6|, at orbits 15| inches.
In the Museum of the College of Surgeons is a skull (no. 1138,
Hunterian) apparently belonging to another species of this genus.

Grampus Sakamata.


The Salcamata.

Delphinus Orca, Schlegel, Fauna Japon. 25.

Grampus Sakamata, Gray, Zool. Ereb. 8f Terr. 31

Cat. Cetac.

B. 31.

1850, 85.

Inhab. Japan.


Schlegel (Faun. Japon. 25) described a dolphin found on the

coast of Japan, and called Sahamata Jcuzira.
It is said to have a
high dorsal, and to be black, with white spots on the beUy, back,


sides near the pectoral fins ; the eyelids and lips pale pui-ple,
the latter often white-spotted.
The head is rounded ; the upper
jaw pointed and toothless ; the lower short and narrow, and toothed.
Schlegel, who refers this species to D. Orca, says the wanting
but it is probably a Grampus,
teeth in the upper jaw is a mistake
which often wants them in that jaw. I do not see why one part of
the description should be relied on and not the other.

** The lateral wings of the maxilla shelving doion over the


t Teeth permanent, compressed, sharp-edged.



Dorsal fin in the middle of the body. Skull-nose depressed, broad ;

the hinder part of the maxilla slightly shelving downwards over the
The intermaxillaries and vomer form part of the palate.
Teeth numerous, spathulate, compressed, extending nearly the whole
length of the jaw.
Grag, Spic. Zool. 2, 1828 Zool. Ereh. 8f
B. M. 81, 1850 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 245.
Cuvier; F. Cuvier
Wagler, N. S. Aniph. 34.

PhocEena, Rondel. Pise. 474

Terr. 30

Cat. Cetac.

Phoctena, sp.,
Delphinus, sp., Linn.


Prod. 143, 1811.

The foetus of Phoco'na has two bristles on each side of the nose ;
as the animal grows, these bristles fall out, and each leaves a small
pit on the side of the nose, which Klein (Hist. Piscium, i. 24)
mistook for the nostrils, as has been well observed by Professor
Eschricht, 250.
When the mouth is closed the upper lip overlaps the under one
evenly all round. The part of the under Kp that is covered by the
upper one is flat, and shelving inwards. It is of a paler colour than
the upper lip and the lower part of the lower one.
The cervicals are thin, soldered. Eibs 13 13, of which seven are
articulated to the borders of the vertebrae. Vertebrae about 40 ; the
The spinous processes comlast very small, incrusted in the tail.
mence with the sixth lumbar, and do not embrace the caudal vertebra.

The bladebone
acromion than

narrow, and the coracoid is more equal to the

that of D. Dclphis.
The first bone of the sternum




There are only 5 pairs of true

pierced and without lateral angles.
Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 30G.
The skeleton in the Museum of the College of Surgeons, no. 2509.
" All the cervical vertebra? are anchj^losed ; the head of the first rib
There are 56 other vertebrae,
rests upon their coalesced bodies.
twelve of which support moveable ribs, but the thirteenth pair seems



have been








Kapp (Cetac. t. 5) figures the skeleton of Delphinus Pho" The scapula with a broad, dilated coracoid process. Fin-


five, short; the first longest, the third scarcely shorter, the
second shorter, the fourth and fifth very short, the fifth slender.
Spinous processes of the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae with a distract
The lateral processes of the
Bubcentral anterior process on each side.
lumbar vertebree short and broad." Rapp, I. c.


Mr. F. Knox gives many

details of the anatomy of this species in

Catalogue of Preparations relative to Whales,' 1838, p. 32.
M. G. Breschet describes and figures the organ of hearing of the
Porpoise (Ann. Sci. Nat. 1838, x. 221. t. 5).



DorsalJin in middle of hack, without any spines on



Phocsena communis.



upjjer edge.

compressed, truncated.



Phocaena, Rondel. Pise. 473

Gesncr, Aquat. 837.


Aldrov. Pise.


Phocsena Rondeletii, Wilhighh.

Pise. 31.

Tursio Marsouin, Belon, Aquat. 16.


1. f. 2.


Tursio, Plinii H. N. ix. 9.

Phocsena communis, Brookes, Cat. Mus. 39 Lesson, Man. 413 F. Cuv.
Gray, List Mamm. B. 3L 104 Spic. Zool. 2, 1828 Zool.
Cetac. 172
Erebus Sf Terror, 30 Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 81 Proc. Zool. Soc.
1864, 245 Mahngren, Arch. Nat. 1864, 90.
Delphinus Phocoena, Limi. Faun. Suec. 17 S. N. i. 108 Schreb.
Besm. Mamm.
Sdugeth. t. 342 Bonnat. Cet. 18. t. 1. t. 10. f. 1
516 Fischer, Syn. 510 Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 286. t. 21. f. 1, 2 (skull)
Bell, Brit. Mam. 473,476. fig. Rapp, Cetac. t. 5 (skeleton) ScMcgel,
Abhandl. 31 Dieren, 89. t. 15 Turton, B. Fauna, 17 Fleming,
B. A. 33 Phil. Zool. ii. 209. t. 1. f. 4 Jetiyns, Man. 41 Kilsson,
Skand. Fauna, 616.
Marsouin commun, Cuvier, Menaq. Mus. t. Reg. Anim. i. 279.
Porpesse, Shaxo, Zool. ii. 504. t. 229, 230, 231 Borlase, Cornw. 204.
Monro, Phtjs. Fishes, 45. t. 35.
t. 27. f. 2
Anat. Knox, Cat. Prep. Whales, 1838, 37 Rapp, Cetac. t. 5 Sibson,
Trans. Roy. Soc. 1848 Bonnat. Cet. t. Lacep. Cet. t. 20. f. 2 (skeleton) Jacob, Dublin Phil. Journ. 1825, t. 2. f. 5.

Near shore, in all seasons, and ascends rivers.

Inhab. North Sea.
Called Marsuins, Herring Hogs, Neessock, Pellock, and Bucker.
Fleming, B. A. 34.








Presented by Mr. Leadbeater.


Dr. Mantell's Collection.

Thames. Presented by Messrs.
English coast.





C. Grove.




Mr. Knox (Cat. Prep. Whales, p. 32, 1838) gives the particulars of
1. Of a gravid female taken in
two skeletons of female specimens
the Firth of Forth, 56 inches long and 34 inches in circumference.
Teeth -||- ||^. Vertebrae 65 cervical 7, dorsal and ribs 13, posV-shaped bones commencing between the thirty-fourth
terior 45.
and thirty-fifth vertebrae. Length of base of cranium 11, of spinal
column 42 inches=53. Weight of cranium 1 lb. 1 oz., of trunk and
extremities 2 lb. 15 oz. = 4 lb.
2. Of a female, 74 inches long, killed in the Thames
has coracoid
It also differs from the preceding in the following particulars
There are only twelve ribs on each side (24) the vertebrae
towards the caudal extremity are much more slender and delicate,
while the transverse and spinous processes of the dorsal and lumbar
vertebrae are much broader and stronger. The cranium is considerably
smaller and narrower the elevation of the occipital bone less, but
more rounded condyles of the occipital bone greatly less. Yet the
weight of both skeletons is nearly equal. There are only 64 vertebrae, but the last is evidently wanting, and has been lost (Kno.v,
A foetus was taken from the uterus of the female porpoise
p. 32).
whose skeleton, from the Firth of Forth, No. 1, is above referred to
it measured, from snout to centre of tail, 26 inches
16 inches. Its great bulk, considering the size of the parent porpoise (56 inches), is remarkable, and renders the siipposition that
the porpoise does not suckle her young extremely probable.

p. 34, n.


In the former edition of this Catalogue I observed, which has now

been proved to be the case, " This difference in the skeleton shows
the probability of there being two species confounded on our shores,
or else that there are great variations in the bones of this animal
oven of the same sex."
In the figure of the skxiU in Bell's British Mammalia,' p. 476,
the teeth are represented as conical and acute, instead of broad,
truncate, and compressed at the tips.
" A porpoise was taken by some fishermen in Cornwall and placed
in a pond at a farm, where it lived a month."
" The Sniffer of the Cornish fishermen. It is sometimes caught in
and I have known it take a bait, though it commonly
Rarely more than a pair is seen
proves too strong for the Hne.
Couch, Cornish Fauna, 4.
" The rolling motion of this and some other of the smaller Cetacea
is caused by the situation of the nostrils on the anterior part of the
top of the head, to breathe through which the body must be placed in
a somewhat erect posture, from which to descend it passes through
Couch, Cornish Fauna, 10.
a considerable portion of a circle."
" The Porpoise enters the Baltic by the Sound in large numbers
in the spring, in pursuit of the herrings, and leaves it by the Little
Belt in December and January."
" A season seldom passes wdthout their appearance at Greenwich
and Deptford, and they occasionally pass much higher up" (C. CoTlingwoocl, 1858); Battersea ((?ra?/, 1815).


DorsalJin in middle of hack,,


a series of spines on


upper edye.

Teeth all compressed, truncated.


Phocsena tuberculifera.


dorsal fin with a series of spines on the upper portion of the

upper edge. Body and upper parts of the pectoral and caudal fins
black, chin and beneath whiter.

Marsouin, Cauqjer, Planches de Cetaces, t. 45-51.

Phocasna communis, Jackson, Boston Journ. N. H. 1845,
Phocfena tuberculifera, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, .320.

Inhab. Margate.

North Sea.



Coast of North America




The animal

Skin in spirits. Margate.

Skeleton of above.

described P. Z. S. 18G5.

When I described this species from a specimen caught at Margate,

which lived a few days in the Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park,
I was not aware that it had been noticed by Phny, figured and
described by Camper, or that Dr. Jackson had mentioned the tubercles
on the dorsal fin in the specimen which he described. Mr. Flower
kindly pointed out to me the two references.
This explains why Dr. Jackson did not find his anatomy to agree
with Cuvier's. They were evidently made on two diff'erent species.
It is not flattering to the accuracy of our research that two kinds
of porpoises should be found to inhabit the English seas and be
overlooked untU now.
Camper, at p. 142, observes, " La fausse nageoire est placce sur le
milieu du dos, son bord anterieur est arme de petites asjjerites denPline en a
telces, qu'on n'observe pas dans le Dauphin vulgaire.
nom de sjyincc cultellata."
Dr. Jackson observes, " Dorsal fin emarginated ; back of the tip
and at the upper part anteriorly is exhibited quite a number of small

parlc sons le

tubercles or dentations."
Camper figures the male foetus and the sexual organs of a female
He states that the outer auditory opening was closed in the

female and open in the male he also says there were two small
apertures on one side of the nose and three on the other in the male


(I. c.


p. 213).

figures the female




(I. c.



*** Dorsal Jin rather posterior; hack, in froid of the dorsal Jin, irith a single,
and upper edge of the dorsal Jin with three series of ohlong keeled
Frotit teeth rather conical.


Phocsena spinipinnis.

Teeth jf If.

Phocsena spinipinnis, Biirmeister, Proc.

Zool. Soc. 1865, 228.

Tnhab. Rio de la Plata, near the mouth.




Mus. Buenos Ayres


10. pnociENA.

A very young specimen.

Length from end of nose to nick in the

162 centimetres circumference in middle, the largest part, 102
Uniform black colour.
The central series of spines commences in the middle of the back
nearer the front edge of the dorsal iin it has a series on each side of
and on the rounded edge of the fin there is another series on
the outer side of the preceding, making five in all.
The spines are
only elevations of the skin, of an elongated oval form, and each is
surrounded by a ridge. Vent surrounded by radiating ridges. Pectail

toral fin falcate.

Phocfena pectoralis, Peale,

Zool. Expl.



Delphiniis pectoralis, Cassin, U. S. Expl. Exped,
t. 5. f.

32, ed. 1, 1848


28 (1858),

" Colour blue-black, a white spot on each side of the breast in

front of the pectoral fins ; a frontal band of light slate-colour extends
a short distance behind the eyes vent and abdomen light reddish
white ; lips margined with reddish white.
" Total length 8 feet 8 inches greatest diameter 21 inches ; dorsal

measured along the front edge, 14 inches pectoral fin 16 inches

tail 25| inches in diameter from the end of the snout to the comer
of the mouth 11| inches; eye from the end of the snout 13 inches.
"Dental formula: ^||;|f =92?
" Sixty of these animals were driven on shore by the natives at
Hilo Bay, Island of Hawaii, at one time. They were considered
dainty food, and yielded a valuable stock of oil. Only one lower jaw
was saved as a specimen. It is more rounded than usual at the
extremity the teeth are stout, project outwards, and are worn nearly
even with the gums, showing that our specimen was an old animal,
and probably of the maximum size."
" This species appears to be related to both D. ohscurus and D.Heavisidii, Gray, and belongs to the same subgeneric group, if not specifically identical with one or the other.
It more strongly resembles
the latter but we have failed to recognize it as a described species
from the lower jaw above aUuded to."


are IPhoccena latirostris (J. Brookes's Cat. 39), IPlioccena

and Plioccena, n. s. (Macgillivray, Voy.

Grcujii (J. Brookes's Cat. 39),

Rattlesnake, i. 48), " not allowed

Moreton Bay, Australia" ?





be killed by the natives of

R. Foster mentions PJiocrena as being found in the Pacific

Anim. 156, 210) ; Cape of Good Hope (I. c. 316).






Dorsal fin none. Nose of skull short, rounded at the end, flat,
shelving above. Teeth numerous, compressed, nicked, acute, extending nearly the whole length of the jaw.
Neomeris, Gray, Zool. Erebus 8f Terror, 30, 1846.
Delphinus, sp., Ciivier, R. A. i. 291.
Delpliiuapterus, sp., Temm. Fatm. Japon. 7.


The Neomeris.


Teeth |f or f a.

Length 4


Delphinus Phocsenoides, Dussiimier, MS. Cuv. Reg. Anim. i. 291.

Delphinus melas, Temm. Faun. Japmi. t. 25, t. 2G (animal, skull, and


Indicus, Blyth, Jmirn. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1860, 449.

Delphinapterus melas, Teinm. Faun. Japon. 7.
Neomeris Phocaenoides, Gray, Zool. E. 8f T. 30; Cat. Cetac. B. M.
1850, 80; Pucheran, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1856, 545.
Anat. Fauna Japon. t. 25 (teeth), t. 26 (bones).
? Globiocephalus

Inhab. Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal (Bh/th) Japan (Tem7n.).

" Cape of Good Hope," and " Malabar" (Dussumier).
The figure in the Fauna Japonica is from a drawing made by a
Japanese artist under Burger's inspection.
The skull of Deljihinus melas in the Leyden Museum is more
swollen and broader than that of Phoccena communis the nose is
shorter, broader, more rounded at the end, and nearly flat, not
shelving above teeth \^, larger and stronger skull one-sixth the
Nameno-juo, Japan.
entire length (in Plioccena one-fifth).
The short description of the D. PJioccenoides of Cuvier, which
Dussumier is said to have discovered at the " Cape of Good Hope,"
A skull in Mus.
agrees with the figure in the Fauna Japonica.'
Paris, marked " D. Phoccenoides, brought from Malabar by Dussumier
in 1837," is broader and shorter than that of Phoccena commtmis;
palatine bones and interteeth spatulate, rounded, oblique, ^^




Length of this
maxillaries broad, as seen in the roof of the beak.
skull 7, of nose 2|, width at notch 2^ inches.
The skulls are much alike, but they may be two species characterized by the mimber of the teeth.

tt Teeth of upper and loxoerjato


Head rounded

conical, deciduous.

Dorsal none.


forehead convex

teeth conical, only in the front

half of the jaws, oblique, often truncated, and the upper often deciduous dorsal fin none pectoral suboval ; tongue oblong, with a
simple, slightly raised edge; skull with the nose and the hinder wing
of the maxilla bent down on the orbits, making the forehead very
convex lower jaw not so wide as the upper, with the condyle low




down below


the middle of the hinder edge.- -Gray, Zool. Ereb.



fig. 3.

Delphinopterus, Lacep. Cct. 243.

Delphinapteriis, F. Cuv. D. S. JV. lix. 517, 1829.
Beluga, liaji?i. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815 Graij, Spic. Zool. 2, 1828 ; Zool.
Erehus 8f Terror Cat. Cetac. B. M. 77 Proc. Zool Soc. 1863, 201
1864, 240 Lessoti, Man. ; Bell, Brit. Quad. 1837.
Delphis, Wa(/ler, N. S. Amph. 34, 1830.
Delphinus (pars), Linn. Illiger, Prod. 143, 1811.
Catodon (pars), Artedi, Gen. 78 Fleming, B. A. 29.
Cetus (pars), Brisson, R. A. i. 227, 1762.
Physeter (pars), Linn, S. N,
Cachalot (pars), Lacep. Cet.
Phocsena (pars), F, Cuv. Cetac.


a great similarity in the general form of the skulls of

and Monoceros ; but, independently of the size and
teeth, they differ in the form of the convexity in front of the blower
in Beluga the front of the blower is flattish, in Monoceros there is a
broad, half-oblong convexity, and in Phoccena a squarish tuberosity.
The genus Delphinapteriis was formed by Lacepede to contain this
animal (which he before described as a Catodon) and the DelpJiinus
Senedette, which is probably an imaginary figiire of a Sperm Whale
made from description, or perhaps of D. Orca with the dorsal fin left
It has been applied by Peron, Cuvier, and others to a very
different animal.
Professor Owen observes, the prefrontal bones are large and coalesce
with the vomer, and ascend into view at the back part of the nostrils,
where they coalesce with the frontals. The nasal bones are wedged
into an interspace between them and the frontals, at the summit of
the nasal apertures.
Cat. Osteal. Coll. Surg. 454. n. 2-506.

PTioccena, Beluga,

Fig. 61.

Skull of Beluga Catodon, Cuv.



Beluga Catodon.

young black





The Nortliem Beluga.

the nose of the skull in length nearly one-






entire length, once


and a half


width at the anterior


minor in inferiore maxilla tantum dentata, sine pinna aut

spina in dorso, Sihhakl, Phal.
Rail Syn. Pise. 15.
Cetus bipinnis, Brisson, R. A. 3G1.
Catodon tistida in rostro, Artedi, Gen. 78 Syn. 108.
Physeter Catodon, Linti. S. N. 107 Gmelin, S. N. i. 226 Dcsm.
Mamin. 525, i"om Balsena minor, Sibbald, Phal. 9; Tmion, B.
Fauna, 16 Jenyns, Man. 45.
? Cetus minor, Brisson, B^y. Anim. 361.
Beluga leucas. Gray, Spic. Zool 2,1828; Bell, B. Quad.ASS, 491. fig.
Physeter macrocephalus, var. ? Catodon, Fischer, Syn. 518.
Bala3na albicans, Klein, Miss. Pise. ii. 12.
Delpliinus leucas, Pa/las, Reise, iii, 92. t. 79 Gmelin, S. N. 1232
Desm. Mamtti. 519; Pallas, Zooyr. Rosso- Asiat. t. 32, 3Iem. Wern.
Sac. iii. 17, S
Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 287, 297. t. 22. f. 5, 6 Bell, Brit.
Quad. 491. fig. Schleyel, Abhandl. 34; Oiven, Cat. Osteol. 3It(S. Coll.
Surg. ii. 454 Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, 614.
Beluga Catodon, Gray, Zool. Erebus 8f Terror, 29. t. Cat. Cetac. B. M.
1850, 77.


Catodon Sibbaldii, Fleming, B. A. 29, from Sibbald.

Small Catodon, Shaiv, Zool. ii. 501.

Round-headed Cachalot, Peim,

Beluga borealis, Lesson.
Physeter macrocephalus j3, Gmelin,



Delphinapterus Beluga, Lac6p. Cetac. 243

ii. 1.

Scoresby, Arct. Reg.




Delphinapterus albicans, Fleming, B. A. 36.

Catodon albicans, Lacep.

Cetac. 218.

Cetus albicans, Brissan, R^g. Anim. 359.

Albus Piscis cetaceus, Raii Syn. Pise. 11.
Beluga, Shato, Zool. ii. 515. t. 223.
Delpbinus albicans, O. Fabr. Faun. Grcenl. 50; Botmat. Cetac. 24;



Delphinapterus leucas, Gerard, Diet. Sci. Nat. vi. 65 ; Lilljeborg

Malmgren, Arch. Nat. 1864, 90 ; Schrenck, Amurlande, i. 190.

Figure with a beak added

Dauphin blanc du Canada, Duhain. Pech. ii. x. t. 10.
Delpbinus Canadensis, Desm. Mamm. 516, from Duhamel.
Inia ? Canadensis, Gray, Zool. Erebus 8f Terror, t. 5. f 1, from DuhameVs draxoing.
Osteol. Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. 287. t. 22. f 5, 6 (head) Jacob, Dublin
Phil. Journ. 1825, t. 2. i. 4 (skull, small),

Inhab. North Sea gregarious, entering largo rivers.

Scotland (Sibbald).
St. Lawrence.


Length 15 feet. Greenland.

Length, entire, 20 inches ; of beak 9|
width at notch 6, at orbit 1| inch.
c. Stuffed specimen.
d. A male specimen, 12| feet long, G feet 8 inches in circumference
at the thickest part, called Keela luaJc by the Esquimaux.
Eschscholtz Bay, Bchring's Straits. Presented by Captain
e. Skull.
KeUett, R.N., and Lieut. Wood, Il.N.







Length of
width at

skull b, entire,

21 inches, of nose 10, of tooth-line

orbit 11|, at notch Q^ inches.

length 13 feet head 2 feet 2 inches.

Vertebra3 50 or
51, viz. cervical 7, dorsal 11, lumbar and caudal 32 or 31 ; ribs 10,
sternal ribs 6. The pectoral fins with five fingers, the fourth longest,
then the third, then the second, then the first the shortest of aU the
five the first of three, the second of three, the third of four, the fourth
of six, and the last of two, short, thick jihalanges.
Ribs affixed to
the sternum sternum elongate, three times as long as broad in
front, narrowed behind.
The first four ribs attached at nearly equal
distances on the sides, the two hinder ones affixed close together on
the hinder outer edge of the contracted back margin.
M. Van Beneden observes that he has seen skulls varying from

g-^ to



quent (Nouv.


intermediate combinations

^ seem the most


Mem. Acad. Brux.

xxxii. 16).
" The "VVhitefish consumes enormous quantities of Sepia loligo,
Oadus ceglefinus, and large prawns." Escliriclit, Ann. 6f Mag. N. H.
1852, ix. 289, communicated by Captain Holboll.
Two males were cast ashore on the beach of the Pentland Frith,

some miles east of Thurso, in August 1793 {Colonel Murie). A

specimen was killed near Stirling in June 1815, and described by
Dr. Barclay and Mr. Neil in Worn. Mem. iii. 371. t. 27.
It commonly ascends the rivers in Canada
and Captain Kellett
brought a skuU. from Behring's Straits. Schrenck records it in his
Zoology of Amurland, 190.
Duhamel (tab. 10. f. 4) figured the front half of a Dolphin, 12 feet
long, under the name of Dauphin blanc da Canada, which Desmarest

has named DelpJiinus Canadensis. M. de Blainville gave me a tracing

of the original drawing from which Duhamel engraved his figure
(which is copied in the ' Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' t, 5.
f. 1).
The form of the beak and the absence of a distinct dorsal fin
induced me to believe that it might be a species of Inia but from
inquiries recently made in Canada, I have very little doubt that
Duhamel's animal was the Beluga which is common in that country.
In the St. Lawrence they rarely exceed 15 feet long.
Professor Eschricht observes on this figure, "I shall hardly be
considered too bold if I take the figure to represent simply a WJiitefisli whose short and blunt snout the inexperienced draughtsman had
mended a little."^nn. Sf Mag. N. H. 1852, ix. 164.
Professor Eschricht says that Cuvier's Delphinu^s rostratus was
established on this figure of Duhamel but M. Cuvier, on the contrary, says that it was described from the specimen that was formerly
in the Lisbon Museum, and thence removed to Paris, which is Inia
Geoffroyii.Bee Ann. Sf Mag, N. H. 1852, ix. 163.


Beluga Kingii.

The Australian Beluga.

Nose of the skull short, not half the entire length, scarcely longer
than its width at the notch teeth M, small, hooked.

Delphiuus (Delphinapterus) Kingii, Grat/, Ann.

Fischer, Syn. 514.


1827, 375



Beluga Kingii, Grmj, List





M. 104

Zool. JErebiis 4*


7 (skull;.

Inliab. Coast of



Holland {Capt. P. P. King).

Skull length, entire, 13|, of beak 5| inches ; width at notch, 4|,

at orbits 8 inches. New Holland. Presented by Capt. P. P. King,
R.N. Specimen described, Gray, Ann. Phil. 1827, and Zool.
Erebus and Terror, t. 7.


may be

the Jacobite, or Tursio corpore argenteo extremitatihus

Commerson, MS. Delp>hinus Commersonii, Lacep. 317,

from Cape Horn, cited by Cuv. R. A. i. 291 and Oss. Foss. v. 289


but the colour of the Australian Beluga has not been recorded.
" A large WTiite Porpoise visits Amoy and other southerly harbours

from the


have in vain striven

to procure specimens."


tSwinhoe, Report Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1863.




round, and convex in front. Dorsal fin none. Teeth early

Lower jaw of adult not so wide as the upper, toothless.
Upper jaw in the male (and rarely in the female) with a produced
spiral tusk.

Cervical vertebrae first free ; second and third united by spinous

by the body, thin ; rest free, thin.

process, not


Artedi, Gen. 78 ; Synon. 108 HiU, Anim. 313. t. ; Linn. S. N.

Gray, Zool. E. Sf T. 29 Cat. Cetac. B. M. 75
Proc. Zool. Soc. 18G4, 24G (uot Stvai7isoti).
Tachynices, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 40, 1828.
Narwal, Schonev. Ichth. 28.
Narvalus, Lacep. Cet, 1G3 Dumeril; Rqfin. Anal. Nat. 61, 1815.
ed. 6. 17

Ceratodon, Brissoti, R. A. i. 231, 1762; Llliffcr, Prod. 142, 1811;

JVae/ler, N. S. Atnph. 34, 1830.
Diodon (or Diodonta), Storr, Prod. Mamm. 42, 1780.
Monoceros, Charlet. Excrc. Pise. 47.


piscis, Willughb. Pise. 42.






p. 12.

Oryx, Okcn, Lehrh. Naturg. 672, 1815.

Tachynicidae, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 40, 1828.

Right tusk generally not developed. Female generally without

See Linn. Trans, xiii. 620.
tusk, bi;t sometimes has one.
In the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons there are several
Hunterian preparations of the skull of this animal, nos. 1147, 1148,
1149, 1150, 1151, showing the two rudimentary teeth enclosed in the
cavity in the female, and the single exserted one in the male skulls.
Mr. Knox observes, the female Narwal skulls have two rudimentarj^
teeth in the upper jaw, which are rarely protruded. In the foetus, on
each side of the upper jaw, in the usual place, are two hollow teeth,
obviously the extremities of the spiral permanent teeth of the male
they are completely imbedded in the jaw and if the animal is a
male the left tooth continues to grow, the right after a time fills up,

its central cavity containing the pulp disappears, and, after attaining
a growth of five or six inches, the jaw clongatee to correspond with



the growth of the animal and the other tooth, and the abortive tooth
Trans. R. >Soc. Edinh. ii. 413.
remains imbedded in the jaw for life.
The spike of the female protruded, but shorter than usual in the
See Linn, Trans, xiii. 620, and Brown, Proc. Phys. Soc.
Edinb. ii. 447.


Monodon monoceros. The Narwhal.

when old, whitish-marbled.

Monodon monoceros, Lum. Faun.

Suec. 2. 16; Syst Nat. i. 105;

Schreb. Sdugeth. t. 330; Des7n. Mamm. 523; Fischer, Syn. 516;
Scoresh/, Arct. Reg. i. 486, iii. t. 12. f. 1, 2 Fleming, Mem. Wern.
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850,
Soc. i. 146. ficr.
Gray, Zool. E.
T. 29
75; P. Z. S. 1864, 247; Roimeau, Mag. Zool. 1856,206 Malmgren,
Arch. Nat. 1864, 91 Sow. Brit. 3fisc. t. ; Turton, B. Fauna, 15
Fleming, B. A. 37 ; Jemjm, Man. 43 ; Bell, B. Quad. 500. fig., 505.


Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, 619.

Brit. Misc. t. 9.

Sea Unicorn, Sow.


imicornu, Linn.





Narwhal, Blumenh. Handb. 137 Abbild. t. 44.

microcephalus, Desm. Mamin. 789 Fleming, Wern. Mem. i. t.
Audersonianus, Desm. Mamm. 789.
Narwaliis Audersonianus, Lacep. Cet. 163 Desm. N. D. H. N. 217.
N. microcephalus, Lacep. Cet. 163. t. 5. f. 2.
N. vulgaris, Lacep. Cet. 142. t. 4. f. 3, from Klein.
Narwhal, Klein, Miss. Pise. ii. 18. t. 2. f. c, cop. Lacep. t, 4. f 8
Anderson, Iceland, 225. fig. Schlegel, Abhandl. 35
Cuvier, Oss.

Foss. V. 311.





Unicom Narwhal, Shaw, Zool. ii. 473. t. 225.

Unicornu Marmum, Wern. Mns. 282, 283.
Einhorn, 3Iartin, Spitzb. 94.
Tachynices megacephalus, J. Brookes, Cat. 3fus. 40, 1828,
Narwhale, Jacob, Dublin Phil. Journ. 1825, 70. t. 2. f. 2.
NarwaU's Teeth, BeHhold; MiiJler, Arch. f. Anat. v. 386. t. 10. f. 7, 8.
OsTEOL. Camper, Cet. t. 29, 31 (skull) Albers, Icon. t. 2, 3 Home,
Lectures Comp. Anat. t. 42. f. 1 Cur. Oss. Foss. v. t. 22. f. 7 Anton,
Osteol. ix. t. 6
Jacob, Dublin Phil. Journ. 1825, t. 2. f. 2.

Inhab. North Ocean, Scotland.






Skull, female, not in a



The following



are the measurements, 1st, of a skull in the Royal

College of Surgeons, and, 2nd, the female skull

Museum,' in inches and lines



Length, entire
Length of nose

The skeleton


of orbit
of notch
of intermaxUlaries

Mus. Hull.









and second

rest very thin, separate, rudimentary. Skull

entire, 19 inches, of beak 8 a
breadth at notch 7 inches.

separate, large



Cervical vertebrae

in the British





skeleton in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons,

" Besides the
is thus remarked on by Professor Owen
7 cervical, which are here anchylosed, there are 5G vertehrse, 12 of
which sujiport moveable ribs, and (5 of these join the sternum. The
26th vertebra begins to have hasmapophyses attached to its centrum."


no. 2521,

Cat. Osteal. Series, p. 436.

In the skull of the female, no. 2522, " the rudimentary tusks,
two in number, are exposed in their formative cavities, from which
they do not emerge in this sex." In the skull of a large male,
no. 2523, the left tusk is developed the abortive right tusk is displayed in its alveolus.
In no. 2525 it is the left tusk that is


Professor G. Vrolik describes and figures the skull of a Narwhal

with two horns. Bijdmgen tot de Dierh. iii. 21. t.
Dr. Fleming gives a description of a male specimen found entangled among the rocks at the entrance of the Sound of Weesdale,
in Zetland, on the 27th Sept. 1808. " It was 12 feet long. The head
is about one-seventh of the total length
the forehead rose suddenly
and then proceeded nearly in a horizontal direction for a few inches,
when it became slightly elevated. The fore part of the head is
rounded, and when viewed from before resembled that of a bull. The
head was separated from the body by a slight depression. The body
There is a
was thickest a few inches beyond the pectoral fins.
slight elevation on the back immediately above the (jenitalla, which
On the
continued to within a few inches of the division of the tail.
belly is a ridge extending from the anus to the tail on both sides of
the body there were like ridges, similar to those on the back and
belly, which give the end of the body a quadrangular form.
mouth pointed in front, the upper hp extending a little beyond the
The eyes behind the angle of the mouth, nearly under the

blowhole, pupil black, iris chestnut, sclerotic coat white.
fins 30 inches from the snout, 15 inches long and 6 broad.
was one tooth on the left side of the upper jaw, pointing a little
downwards the tooth was 27 inches long, and base inserted in
The animal was dusky black, above variegated
socket 12 inches.
with still darker not very apparent spots the belly white ; the sides
with numerous oblong horizontal spots. The skin smooth and glossy.
The blubber or spick was about 1| inch thick. There was a mass
of fat like a cushion which rested on the forehead, as if calculated
Mem. Wcrn.
to defend the animal from bruises on that part."
Soc. 1811, i. 139.
First recorded as found in Britain by Vuli>ius (Obs. Med. 376.
t. 18), near the Island of May (insulam Mayam), in June 1648.
was observed on the 15th of February 1800, near Boston, Lincolnshire (see Lacopede, Hist. Nat. CV't. 159. t. 5. f. 2, and Mem. Worn,
Soc. i. 147; Fleming, B. A. 37).
Scoresby gives a very good account of this animal (Arct. ^OQ.
The best figures are those of Scoresby, t. 15 then Sowerby,
i. 1 31).
but this has a second horn erroneously added, which
Brit. Misc.
was not in the original drawing. Bonnaterre's figure is far too vcn;



has been copied by Lacep. t. 4. f, 3, Blumeubach, t. 44,

Duhamel's Pech. iii. t. 26. f. 1, is, on the other hand,
too slender, and with too small a head.
1. Nariucdus mkrocephalus, Lacep. t. 5. f. 2, from a drawing of
Mr. W. Brand, appears to be only a bad representation of this species,
2. Narwalus Andersonianus, Lacep. Cetac. 103, from Anderson,
Iceland, 225, described from the specimen drawn by Mr. Brand, is




by Lacep. t. 4.
Female bearing two






WJiatton, Linn. Trmis. xv. 620.




Nostrils united into a transverse
blower on the crown of the head. Body elongate ; back roimded.
Dorsal fin distinct. Pectoral fins falcate, elongate, low down, near
together on the chest; fingers five, each formed of many phalanges.
Skull short.
Nose scarcely so long as the brain-case, broad. Intermaxillary bones very wide, covering the maxilla above ; side of
the maxilla expanded horizontally.
Teeth conical, in the front of
the edge of the maxilla.
blunt, very

Delphinida3 Globiocephaliua, Gray, P. Z.


18G3, 201

18G4, 243.

Synopsis of the Genera.







Palate convex, shelving up ou the sides.



Head round, forehead very prominent.

Teeth conical, large, only

Upper jaw largest ?

in the front half of the jaws ; early deciduous.
Dorsal falcate, about the
Pectoral narrow, linear-ovate, low down.
middle of the back.
Skull flattened, and concave in front of the blower ; rostrum broad,
flattened, rugose above ; intermaxillary bones very broad, covering
the hinder
the greater part of the upper surface of the upper jaws
wing of the jaw-bone horizontal and bent up at the edge over the
orbits, and slightly expanded and reflexcd just in front of the notch.
Palate flat, rather concave in the middle.

1, Grmj, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, SQ; P. Z. S. 18G1,

1863, 201 18G4, 243.
Gray, Zool. Erch. 8f Terr. 32, 1846.
Globiocephalus, Lesnon
Globiocephala, Lesson, N. Tiib. P. A. 200, 1842.



Pliyseter, sp., Pisso.

Grampus (pars), Gray, Spic. Zool. 2, 1828.
Cetus, sp., Wagler, N. S. Am2)h. 33, 1830.
Delphinus, sp., Curier.


skull of the


it is

young has no bony tentorium, though

weU marked.

Jaclson, Bost. Journ.


in the old

II. v.




The sucking young have no visible teeth ; the adults have teeth
in each jaw, but the aged individuals have generally lost them in




black, with a wliite line and rays beneath.

nearly uniform black.



Black, unth a white streak beneath.

Globiocephalus Svineval.

Ilie Pilot


Black, streak from throat to vent (sometimes dilated into a cross

Fleming. The upper surband) white ; teeth |f to ||, rarely |f
interface of the maxillaries and intermaxillaries rugose in front
maxillaries form a triangular patch in front of the palate.

and third cervical vertebra;


Petit Cachalot, Daub. Acad. Set. 1782, t. 1, cop. Bonnat. Cetol. t.

Cachalot Svineval, Lacep. Cet. 216, not sy7i, Sibbald.
Narwal edente, Camper, Cetac. t. 33, 34.
Grampus globiceps, Gray, Spic. Zool. 2, 1828.
Ca'ing Whale, Neill, Orkney ami Shetland, 1836, 221.
Delphinus melas, Traill, Nichol. Journ. xxii. 1809, 21. t. Owen, Cat.
Fleming, B. Anim. 341 Jenyns, Man.
Osteol. Mas. Coll. Surg. 455
43 Schlegel, Bieren, 92. t. 16.
Delphinus deductor, " Traill," Scoreshi/, Arct. Beg. i. 496. t. 13. f. 1,
1820, cop. Jardine, Whales, t. 17 Bell, Brit. Quad. 483. fig.
Delphinus globiceps, Cuv. Ann. Mus. xix. t. 1. 2, $, 1812 (cop.
Oss. Foss. v. 285. t. 21. f. 11, 13, 297. t. 22.
Schreb. t. 345. f. 2, 3)
Schreb. Siiugeth. t. 345; Blainville, Journ. Phtjs. 1817,
f. 3, 4, 305;





Skand. Fauna, 608


Fischer, Si/n.





Abhandl. 33.

Phocsena globiceps. Lesson, Man. 416.

Phocajna melas, Coueh, Ann. Sf Mag. N. H. 1842, ix. 371. t. 6 Bell,
Brit. Quad. 483. iig.
Delphinus Grampus, Cat. Mus. Coll. Surg. n. 1137.
Globiocephalus Svineval, Gray, Zool. Ereb. 8,- Terr. 32; Cat. Cetac.
B. M. 1850, 87.
Anat. Daubenton, Mem. Acad. Set. 1782, t. 4, cop. Lacep. Cet. t. 9.
Bonnat. Cet. t. 6. f. 2.
f. 2
Black Whale, Howling Whale, Social AMiale, Bottlehead, Sailois.

Inhab. North Sea.


Presented by Professor Traill.




Lower jaw, half-grown


Adult, stuffed.

English Coast,

Dr. Fleming gives the following measurements


Length of animal, entire

Length to pectoral
Length to dorsal


of pectoral
of tail

Height of dorsal







The following

1. is



are the measurements of three skulls, in inches and

in the British

1138 of the same

3. n.





Coll. Surg. n.







Length of, entii-e

Length of nose
Length of teeth-series
Length of lower jaw
Width at notch


1137, and








at orbit










of intermaxillary

of middle of nose
Height at occiput


Female suckling, with the young 4 feet 6 inches long in December

Watson), and 7 feet long in January.
Yertebrse 55 7 cervical, first free, second and third united by

body and partly by

lateral process, rest free;

11 dorsal, and 37


The vertebrae anchylose soon. Dorsal vertebrae 12. Ribs 12 12,

the first six only attached to the vertebrae.
The other vertebrae 37,
of which seven are united the pelvis bones attached under the
seventh, eighth, and ninth caudal.
The first, bone of the sternum
pierced, and in the young deeply notched and with slightly marked
lateral angles.
The bladebone less curved near the spine, its front
angle more acute, and its acromion shorter and more square than
The pectoral is elongate, the articulations of
that of JD. DeJphis.
the fingers more numerous
the first of 4, the second, which is the
largest, of 12, the third of 9, the fourth of 2, and the fifth of a
single joint.
They are aU terminated by a cartilaginous tip. Cuv.
Oss. Foss. V. 306.



bone elongate, subcylindrical, slender, slightly ciu-ved,

in size and form but a httle

very like that of the adult D. Orca


" The Ca'ing Whale.' Though it moves uniformly forward, its

motion is slow, and when it comes up to blow it remains several
minutes on the surface. It is easily controlled in its motions so that
a whole herd is frequently driven ashore at once.
If one individual
be wounded and take to the ground, the others will speedily take
the same course, whence the origin of the name.
Externally it has
in aged animals some of the teeth are deficient, and
a single spiracle
in the suckling none are visible.
Sand-eels have been found in its
stomach." Fleming, B. A. 34.
Very common at the Faroe Islands, and called Qrindeival. Very
many are taken annually on their passage from the Polar Seas to the



The Rev. Dr. Barclay

observes that the favourite food of the Delwhich quantities are generally
Bell, Brit. Quad. 485.

pliinus melas seems to be cuttlefish, of

found in the stomach.

" This species goes in herds


companies display consider-



able variety of appearance.

The Leading Whale is of a very dark
colour ; but a whole herd is sometimes seen of a cream-colour, and
single specimens of a liglit tint are not imfrequent.
These cannot be
the D. Beluga or AVhitc Whale, as the latter is without the dorsal
Couch, Corn. Fauna, 10.
Fig. 62.


surface of the skull of (ll'ihiocrphdha^ Sriiioval.






Van Benodcn (N. Mem. Acad. Brux. xxxii. 5) states that a female
was got at Huyst, in Belgium, Nov. 1859, 20 feet long, with foetus
5 feet long. He states, the foetus was coloured exactly like the

Eschricht observes that a foetus only a foot long has the pectoral
of the shape so characteristic of the genus.
The teeth were
present, but had not cut the gums ; they were j^, and they are
evidently permanent, and not replaced.
" Number of alveoli 10 10. The upper jaw is less obtusely
rounded than in the preceding specimen (no. 2519), The teeth are
relatively smaller and more pointed.
The outer margin of the suborbital arch is flatter, and joins the upper surface at a right angle,
being separated from it by a ridge in the preceding specimen the
outer margin of the orbit is convex, and passes by a gradual curve
into the upper surface,
the whole upper surface of the beak being
formed by the premaxillaries in the present specimen the maxillaries slope down more gradually, and therefore appear in the upper
view of the skull."
Cat. Osteol. Series, p. 456.

Var. 1 ? Delphinus globiceps, Misso, Enron. Merid.

F. Cm. 223.





Black, with a grey band on each side from the throat to the vent j
large, round, swollen ; jaws equal ; teeth |^, round, conical,



Inhab. Nice (Risso).

Is probably the

same as D. Svineval, but M. F. Cuvier regards


as distinct.

The genus Globiceps has been recognized by M. Gervais in some

Delphinidce of 14 to 17 feet long, of which a shoal of about fifteen
ran on shore near Barcares, Pyrenees orientales, in February 18G4.
Four of these reached M. Gervais, and he compared the skeleton of
one of them with dififerent skeletons of G. melas in the Museum of
The only differences that can be pointed out reside in the
curvature of the incisive bones and in the somewhat more obtuse appearance of the teeth ; but equivalent differences also occur between
the specimens of Globiceps from other seas, when carefully compared,
so as to a certain extent to justify the supposed species which have
been admitted in this genus by authors. The Mediterranean Globiceps thus appears to constitute a new race, if not a new species.
Like the Cetacea of this genus which live in the ocean, it has a head
much inflated and the muzzle short ; and its colour is black, except
beneath, where it presents a large median band, commencing in the
form of a heart near the throat, and extending to the anus.
Comptes Bendus, Nov. 28, 1864 ; Ann. 6f Mag. N. H. 1865, xv, 76.




Smaller Pilot Whale.

Teeth \^, small, conical, curved, very acute nose exactly half as
long as the head, rather tapering, and rather concave on the sides



intermaxillary nearly as wide as the

cated in front ; palate fiat in front.

Delphinus Grampus, Cat. Mus.



lower jaw obliquely trun-

Surg. n. 1138



n. 686.

Delphinus melas, Owen, British Fossil Mammalia ; Cat.




Surg. n. 2518.

1850, 89


P. Z.

Inhab. North Sea.


Gray, Zool. Ereh.


Terr. 32


Coll. Surj?.

Cat. Cetac.

B. M.





Length, entire
Length of nose


Length of teeth-line
Length of lower jaw


1864, 242.

of nose at notch
of middle of nose



at orbits


probably a young specimen of Glohiocephalus Svineval.

and in the intermaxillary not being rugose in front. In the Catalogue of the Mus.
Coll. Surg. 165. n. 1138, it is called " the skull of a small Grampus,"
Hunterian, and n. 1136, " the skull of a large Grampus," Hunterian.




skull differs in being rather slenderer in front,

which Prof. Owen gives the measm-ements

under the name of D. melas, in his account of Phoccena crassidens,
in the work on British Fossil Mammalia.
The skull of the Black Grampus (Delphinus melas), which formed
part of the Hunterian Collection in the Museum of the College of
Surgeons (see Cat. p. 456, n. 2518), is thus described
" Number of alveoli |^' =46. The teeth are moderately small,
It appears to be the skull



subincurved, decreasing to the two extremes of the series.

The fourth to the tenth inclusive are subequal. The symphysis of the
lower jaw is sub triangular, and curves from below upwards at its


Glohiocephalus intermedius.


Teeth |-^, several being quite loose. Skin uniform dull slatecolour belly with an ill-defined, narrow, clouded white streak extending from beneath the jaw to about the anus, being much broader
and whiter in some parts than in others, and most so beneath
the jaw.

Delphinus intermedins, Harlan, Journ. Acad. Sci. Philad. vi. 51. t. 1.

Delphinus Harlani, Fischer, Si/n. Mamm. 656 Schinz.
Glohiocephalus melas, Dckoy, Zool. Ncio York, t.
Phocpena glohiceps, Sampson, Silliman Amer. Journ. Sci. iii. 301. fig.
Delphinus glohiceps, JacJcson, Boston Journ. N. H. v. 160. t. 15. f. 1.
Glohiocephalus Svineval, var. ?, Gray, Zool. Ereh. 8c Terr. 32.
Glohiocephalus intermedius, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 88.
Blackfish, American Sailors, Nemcied, Voy. Amer. Xord, iii. 232.
Anat. Jaekson, Boston Journ. N. II. v. 160. t. 15. f. 2 (stomach).

Inhab. Coast of North Amci'ica.





Weight estimated at 255 lbs. Length, from nose to end of tail,

86 inches, to pectoral fin 20, to dorsal 30, to blow-hole 9|, to^ eye
9 1, to penis 49, to anus 56 inches span of tail 21 pectoral fin 5|
across the base, 21 inches along the anterior edge, and 6 inches along
the posterior
circumference in front of dorsal fin 46
concave anteriorly and l^ inch across from tip to tip; eyes ^ths of
an inch. Vertebrae 58 bodies of six of the cervical co-ossified
II dorsal, and posterior to them were 40. Jacl:son, I. c.
It has been thought that the European and American specimens
were the same but the anatomical descriptions show the following


Vertebra) 58


cervical 7 (bodies of first six co-

dorsal 11
posterior 40.
Jaclcson, I. c. 166.
2. European.
Vertebrae 55
cervical 7 (bodies of second
third co-ossified); dorsal 11; posterior 37.
Guv. Oss. Foss. v.


Above shining black, side of the abdomen and neck marked with
the continuation of the white colour of the abdomen and throat
beneath varied with white. Tail compressed, terminating in a deep
constriction before the caudal fin.
Colour uniform black above,
with a white patch beneath the throat, becoming a narrow longitudinal stripe on the breast between the fins, and a broad longitudinal
band on the abdomen. Teeth about twenty in each jaw, small,
prismatic, slightly reflected, and projecting half an inch above the
gums. Head blunt, cylindrical, and anteriorly subglobose. Body
slightly compressed.
Tail strongly compressed, almost carinated,
and much constricted just before the caudal fins. Length 16^, girth
in largest part 10, length of pectorals 3 feet 11 inches, gape of
mouth 9. Pectoral fins one-fourth, dorsal fin one-thirteenth of the
total length.

New England. A female.

" Distinguished from D. Grampus, Hunter, and D. globiceps,
Cuvier, by the caudal constriction, as well as in its form, proportions, and markings.
"A specimen harpooned at Craigie's Bridge, 16th June, 1842, looked
quite thin.
It was a uniform dark slate -colour, except the belly,
where was an iU-defined, narrow, clouded, white streak, extending
from beneath the jaw to almost the anus, being much broader in
some parts than others, and most so beneath the jaw.
" Vertebrae 58 bodies of the six cervical co-ossified. It was a
" Inhab.

male, 7 feet long, and weighed about 255





See ana-

Journal Nat. Hist. 1845, v. 160. t. 15. f. 1.

The cranium agreed pretty well with Cuvier's figure of that of
D, globiceps, but not so well as an old cranium in the same museum.
The upper surface of the maxillary bones in both specimens was
less broad and flatter than he represents them.
In the Paris Museum there is a skull of this genus from Guadaloupe, named D. globiceps.
The middle of the intermaxillaries is
as wide as the maxillae.
Skull length, entire, 23 1 inches, of nose
width at notch 8|, at middle of beak 8| inches.
Jaclcson, Boston



4. Globiocephalus Edwardsii.
" Head large and clumsy, rounded on the upper surface, and ter-

minating in front by a short, pointed snout.


Teeth M-4|.

situated a little above the angle of the mouth.

Dorsal fin long,
pointed, slightly curved backwards, and situated nearly midway

between head and tail. Pectoral fins nari'ow, pointed; caudal fin
deeply and widely notched, opposite termination of vertebral column.
Colour black sides, throat, and upper part of the body towards the
tail black belly and sides white. Length, entire, 12^
in front of dorsal (3|
tail, wide, 2| feet.

Phocfena Edwardsii, A. Smith, African Zoology, 127.

" Inhab. Seas about the Cape of Good Hope."

Sir Andrew Smith observes, " For the description and a drawing
of this species I am indebted to M. E. Yerreaux, who some time ago
had a good opportunity of examining a specimen which had been cast
ashore near Slaugkop." Sir Andrew Smith has kindly given me this
drawing; it is very like Globiocejphalus Svineval of the European

See also " Phoccena gJohiceps," A. Smith, African Zool. 126.

Inhab. South-east coast of Africa {A. Smith).
" I am unable to state the number of teeth, as the specimen I
possess is young."
A. Smith, I. c. 127.



Delphinus Victorini,


(Svenska Vetensk. Hand. 1860

Arch, Na-

timj. xxvii. 18G1, 114) ?

Blow-hole crescent- shaped. Black above, white below, both colours

being separated by an arched line running from the angle of the
mouth to the pectoral fin, and thence approaching the median line,
so that the lines of both sides are distant from each other only 1 to
2 feet in the region of the navel ; they are confluent at an acute
The lower surface of the caudal fin white
angle behind the vent.
a white stripe, 3 feet long and 4 to 5 inches broad, commences a few
Length 19 feet (Swedish).
inches above the eyes.
Inhab. Cape of Good Hope. Discovered by Yictorin.


Black, or only rather paler beneath.

Globiocephalus macrorhynchus.

Uniform black.




Nose of skull short and broad, rounded in




Lower jaw rounded

in front.



nearly as broad in the middle as at the preorbital notch.

Length 16, rarely


Globiocephalus macrorhynchus, Gray, Zool. Ereb.

Cctac. B. M. 1850, 90.


Terror, 33

Killer or Blackfish, /. Bennett, MS. Mus. Coll. Surg.

Blackfisli of South Sea Whalers (Phocaina, sp.), Bennett,











(Phocfena nigra), Clarke in Nunn, Narrat. of Wreck of

lig. (1850, 8vo) ?

Favourite, 184,

Blackfisli, Colnett, Voy. S. Pacijic ?

Inhab. South Seas.


Skull, imperfect.

Presented by Dr. Milligan.

Mus, Coll. Surg.

"Killer or Blackfish":

Presented by


Eennett, Esq.

Length, entire



Length of nose
Length from tip of nose to back of palate.
Length of teeth-line
Length of lower jaw
Breadth at preorbital notch
Breadth at middle of nose
Breadth at temple
Breadth of intermaxillary


Called a





and short; the snout blunt and but little

The angles of the lips are cui'ved upwards, giving the
physiognomy an innocent smiling expression. Body clumsy, round
and broad, and the termination of the trunk in the tail-fin rather
thick, square,


Bennett, I. c. 233.
Colnett (Voy. S. Pacific) sj)eaks of innumerable shoals of Blackfish
on the shores of California.

The contents of the stomach were chiefly cuttlefish.

The Blackfish roam about the ocean in very large troops

(a solioccasionally seen), are active and watchful, but

betray little concern at ships or boats.
They appear to inhabit the
greater portion of the aqueous globe, uninfluenced by the remoteness

tary individual


We observed examples in many parallels of

between the equator and 50 jS". and 53 S., in the central
part of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as ofi" the coast of
California and in the Indian Archipelago.
Sperm-whalers often attack this species with their boats in order
to obtain a supply of oil for ship consumption
some risk, however,
attends their capture, for when harpooned they will sometimes leap
into a boat.
A Blackfish of average size wiU produce from 30 to 35
gallons of oil, which in its most recent state has a dark colour and
an unpleasant odour. Bennett, 235.
It is probable that Mr. Bennett in the above range confounded
together under the name of Blackfish more than one species.
can be no doubt of this being the case, as Mr. Flower has received
skulls of two genera, viz. Pseudorca meridionalls and two si)ecies of
Globioccphalus, sent as the " Blackfish" from a whaler in Australia.
I am not sure that the skull described is that of the animal called
the "Blackfish;" at least, if it is, there must be more than one
genus of whales so called.
There is a skull of this species in the Museum of the Eojal CoUege
of Sui'geons, called the skull of the Round-headed Grampus {DelY
or vicinity of land.





which was presunted by Fred. D. Bennett, Esq.,

thus described by Professor Owen




" Number of





skull corresponds closely with

that of the DelpJdnus glohiceps of Cuvier, figured in Ossemens Fossiles,' torn. v. part 1. t. 21. f. 11-13.
It differs in the closer pi-oximity of the occipital condyles to each other below, and the end of
the flattened upper jaw is rather more obtusely rounded."
In the same collection there is a second skull of the Round-headed
Grampus {Ddph'mns glohiceps), wanting the lower jaw, presented by

Lieut. Colquhoun.

" The Blackfish of Desolation, near Kerguelen's Land, is about

Head longish, with a rounded nose both jaws with
numerous small teeth. Dorsal fin near the middle of the back, not
arched backwards.
Body small, entirely black. Spout not perceptible.
This whale is often thro^VTl ashore in the bays of the

11 feet long.


Nunn's Narrative.


Globiocephalus Indicus.

Globioceplialus Indicus, Blyth, Journ. Asiatic Soc. xix. 425 xxi. 358
(1852) xxviii. 490.
Blackfish of the Bay of Bengal, Blyth, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Benyal,
xix. 426.

The " Blackfish " of the seamen of the Baj'- of Bengal. It is

found in the Bay of Bengal, occasionally ascending, in or about July,
the Gangetic rivers.
There is the skeleton of an adult male and
a mounted skeleton of a female from a great shoal, " schule " or
" school," which found their way into the salt-water lake near, and
the skeleton of a newly-born female, procured in the Calcutta fishmarket in 1850, in the Museum at Calcutta. There is in the same
museum a stuffed specimen of a young animal, 6g feet in length,
which was procured in the Hugli, near Serampore.
A shoal of several dozen was seen floundering about in the shallow
water and groaning jDainfully. The natives towed them ashore into
the river as they died, having no notion of extracting oil from their carJourn. Asiat. Soc. xix.42G.
cases. The weather was terrifically hot.^
Mr. Blyth observes, " The species is well distinguished from Gl.
deductor of the Atlantic, of which we have a fine skull of an old
animal for comparison. The intermaxillaries of the Indian species
are shorter and one-fourth broader, and the teeth are considerably
Colour of the animal uniform leaden black, slightly paler
Length of an adult male 14 feet 2 inches, flippers
2 feet G inches in greatest breadth. Length of the dorsal fin 2| feet,
and height 11 inches, breadth of the tail-flukes 3 feet, and from
vent to cleft of the tail 4 feet 10 inches. Adult female rather small.
The skeleton of the female set up in our museum has a series of 49
vertebra): in addition to the united cervical, there are 11 dorsal or
costal, 12 lumbar without the articulated V-bones, 16 with the

and 10 small caudal within the tail-flukes."

Perhaps a Neomeris.






Globiocephalus Sieboldii.

The Naiso-gota.

Delphinus globiceps, Temm. Fauna Japon. Mamm. t. 27 (young).

Globiocephalus Sieboldii, Gray, Zool. Erch. ^ Terror, 32 Cut. Cetac.
B. 31. 1850, 90.
Anat. Faima Japon. t. 27 (skull, &c.).

luhab. Japan.

M. Siebold brought with him


a figiu'e of a very yoimg specimen,

made by M. Villeneuve, which

feet 6 inches long, of this species,

Eaiiua Japonica,' and a complete skeleton.

it as undoubtedly the same as the European,
but yet allows that there are some differences between it and the
adult specimen observed on the European shores.
The forehead is
less swollen, and the pectoral fins are rather larger than in Q.
Svineval of Europe.
This species is called in Japan Naiso-gota.
The Japanese distinguish two other species
1. Sibo golo, which
is purple, with a white spot behind the dorsal fin, and the lower jaw
furnished with many plaits.
2. Ohanan golo, black, with a larger
muzzle and more spacious mouth the dorsal one-third from head,
back-edge before the middle pectoral one-foiu-th from head pectoral one-sixth of the total length
length of skull 15 inches beak
width at notch 4-9.
The DelpMnus glohlcei)S (Grant, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1 833, 65), brought
by Capt. Delvitte from the North Pacific, which Schlegel thought
might be this species, is a species of Orca.

copied in the


M. Temminck regards


Globiocephalus CMnensis.

" Globiocephalus, n.
Asiatic Soc. 11.


the Chinese Globiocephalus," Blyth, Rep.

Globiocephalus Rissii, Anon. Chinese Repository, Jan. 1833, 411.

Colour black above, lighter on the belly. Length 9|^ feet. " Head
18 inches long, and average circumference 3 feet. The dorsal fin triangular, and almost immoveable, 15 inches long ; pectoral 14 inches,
and all remarkable for their firmness and strength."
Inhab. China seas, near Leuchen.
(Jan. 1833.)
" This species does not spout a jet, though their breathing is distinctly heard at a short distance.
They swim near the surface, and
we had several opportunities of observing their habits during the
The sailors term them Coivjish.''''
Mr. Blyth says that details of the anatomy are given in the paper
in the Chinese Repository above quoted.





The rostrum of the skiJl

Palate convex, shelving on the sides.
oblong, nearly of the same width for the greater part of the length,
and regiilarly rounded in front. Otherwise like Globiocephalus.

Sph?erocephalus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 244.




Sphaerocephalus incrassatus.


'^ or ^" ~

the nose of


'rhicJc-paJated Pilot

rounded in front the palate very convex,

the upper surface of the intermaxillaries rugose


especially in front


skull attenuated, the sides nearly


in front.
Fig. 63.


surface of the skull of Sj)Jufro(c2)/i(ih<s







Globiocephaliis inorassatns, Gray, Proc. Zoul. Soc. 18G1, 309: 18G4,


Arch. Natnn/. im2, 154.

Inhab. British Seas, Bridport (Hev. J. Beecham, 1853).


Skull: Bridport,

Presented by Rev.



Beecham, 1853.


Side view of skull of SplicerocephaJus Incrassatus. B. ]M.

cross-sectiou of the palate of S, incraituntiis.

Diagram of the



8? imperfect, worn

Length of the skuU

Length of the nose
Length of the teeth

at the end.

Width of nose at the bridge

Width of nose at the notch
Width of skull at orbits
The back of the skull is higher and much narrower than


of G. Svineval.

This species does not appear to have been observed before as

and I do not find any indication of its having been described
as an exotic species.
But it is so distinct both in the form of the
nose of the skull, in the ^\ddth of the intermaxillary bones, and more
especially in the thickness and convexity of the palate of the front
part of the skull, from the species which have hitherto been described,
and the differences are so visible, that Mr. Edward Gerrard selected
it as a distinct species as soon as he saw it.
It has been suggested that this may perhaps be the other sex of
the common Pilot Whale (GIohioce2:)halus Svineval); but I can scarcely
think this probable, as I have seen many skulls of the latter, and
they have been all nearly similar and very unlike the one under consideration
and I can scarcely believe that all I have seen could
have been of the same sex for it is a whale that comes on the coast
in great shoals, and hence one of its names is the " Social Whale,"

and specimens of both sexes have been recorded as caught on the

At the present moment there is an inclination to

regard some of the whales which have been considered species as
mere sexes of the same species, simply because the specimen described
in one case happens to be a male and in the other a female.
Delphinus micropterus is said to be the female of Ziphius Soicerhiensis
for the above reason
but I have not heard that any new specimen
has been discovered, or any fact eKcited, to prove the truth of this
suggestion, and it may be only an instance of accidental coincidence a case the opinion formed may be disproved by the next
discovery of either animal.
British coast.

Head beaked.




linear, transverse, arched in the


and bent back at the ends. The upper jaw toothless the lower jaw
with a few teeth on the sides or in the front, which are sometimes

not exposed or soon deciduous.





middle of the chest



low down, and rather


fin falcate.

close together in the

fingers 5, of four or five phalanges.

Delphinidoe, Hyperodontina, et Ziphiina, G>-ay, Zool. Ereh. l^- Terror,

24 C<tt. Cctac. B. M. 59, Gl 7'ror. Zool. Sac. 18U3, 201.
Diodonea (pars), liaf/i. Anal. Nat. 00, 1815.
Hoterodontes, Duvenioi/, Ann. Sci. Nat. 1851, 28.
llhynchoceU, EsckrlcM, Norcl. Wallth. 21.



I should have preferred Hyperoodontidce for the name of this family,

Hyperoodon is the oldest genus ; but it conveys a false impi-ession,
caused by a slip of the pen in describing the teeth in the manuscript
(or an error of the press in the work) of Otho Fabricius.

Synopsis of the G-eneea.

oi- 4, in front end of the lorverjmo, conical.
Beak of skull with a
high crest on each side, formed by the elevation of the maxillary bones.

A. Teeth 2



Beak of the

skull straight

crest of the

beak sharp-

edged above, as high as the occiput.



Beak of the skull ascending; crest of the beak

topped, higher than the occipital.


B. Teeth 2 or 4, in front eiul of the lower jaw, conical or cylindrical. Beak

of skull simple ; intermaxillaries enlarged behind, forming a more or
less deep canty round the bloivers.

Vomer simple, smaller; intermaxiUaries elevated, and

forming a moderately deep, well-marked basin round the blowers.





Vomer swollen, foi-ming a large, elongated

between the callous intermaxillaries

basin round the blowers.

intermaxillaries forming a deep

Beak of sktdl simple

iti the side of the lower Jaw, co7npressed.
intermaxillaries linear, rather swollen on side of blowers. Ziphiina.

C. Teeth


Teeth in the front of the side of the lower

simple, tapering.

jaw; lower

Teeth in the middle of the side of the lower

simple, tapering.

jaw; lower



6. ZiPHiiTS.


DioPLODON. Teeth in the middle of the side of the lower jaw. Lower
jaw broad behind, suddenly contracted in front.

A. Teeth 2 or 4, in the front end of the lower jaw, or often hidden in the
gums. Beak of skull with a high crest on each side above, formed by
the elevation of the maxillai-y bones. Eyes close to the gape, _ Cei'vical
vertebrce all anchylosed.
Hyperodontina, Gray, Proc.
Hyperodontina (pars), Gray,

Zool. Soc. 1863.

Zool. Ereh. 8f Terr,

24; Cat, Cetac,


Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 239.

Diodonea (pars), Rafin. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815.


Les Heterodontes, Duvernoy, Ann.

Naturg. 1852, 21.


Nat. 1851, xv. 23; Arch.





Forehead convex. Blower transverse, slightly convex forward in

the middle, and bent hack a little at the ends.
(Jape short, only as
long as the short beak.
The eyes near and the ears far behind the
The crests of the maxillary bones thin and wide apart above.
The beak of the sknll descending forwards. The hinder edge of
the sknll as high as the crests.
Lower jaw rather curved. Bladebone triangular, angles very acute the acromion very broad at the
end, directed downwards, and the coracoid upwards, the upper edge
with a prominence (see Cuvicr, Oss. Foss. v. .318. t. 24. f. 213). The
bones of the arm short fingers short (Cuv. 318). Cervical vertebra;
united, all anchylosed together.
Mus. Hull Graves, Edinh. Phil.

Journ. 1830, 59.


Hyi^erodon, Rafin. Anal. Nat. GO, 1815 Gra^j, P. Z. S. 1804, 2.39.

Hyperoodon, Lacep. Cuiier, Oss. Pass. v. 327. t. 24 Grai/, Cat. Cetac.
B. M. 1850, 61 Durernoy, Ann. Sci. Nat. xv. 44, 1851; Romseau,

Mar/. Zool. 1858, 205.

Chenodelpliiuus, Eschricht,

Uranodon, lUkjer, Prodi:



1844, 805.

(sp.) edeiitulus, Waaler, N. S. AnipJi.


Orca, Wagler, N. tS. Antph. .'U.

Anarnacus, Lacep. Dimicril, Z. A. Rajin. Anal. Nat. 01, 1815 Graj/,
Zool. Preh. 8^ Terror.
Ancylodon, Pliger, Prodr. 142, 1811 Oken, Lehrh. Nafar;/. (!73, 1815.


Hypodon, Haldeman.
Chenocetus, E'chricht, Panish Trans.
Cetodiodon, Jacob, iJnhlin PhU. Journ.
Diodon, Lesson, Q^^trr. Buf'on, i. 124.
Monodon spvmus, O. Frdir.
Ileterodon, sp., Dcsniarest, Mamm.
Delphinus, sp., Desmarcst, M(tmm.


PDiodypus, Rafin. Anal. Nat. GO, 1815 (no type or char.).

Museum there is the mass of the cervical vertebrae

It is unfortunately not in a good
of a young Hyperoodon
condition, the edges being Morn, and the upper lateral processes of
It agrees in general
the hinder cervical vertcbroD being broken off.
shape with the cervical vertebra) of Lagenocctus but the upper cones
In the British

formed of the united neural arches are not so high, nor keeled


the piincipal difference

its lateral



in the seventh cervical vertebra

processes and neural arch being as completely united

any of the rest, they all seven forming a

to the other vcrtebiaj as

bony mass.
The canal of the


spinal marrow is very large, but otherwise like

that of Lagenocetus ; but the hinder part of the canal is higher, being
as high as wide above, and its width is rather greater than half the
width of the body of the seventh cervical vertebra.
According to Voigt and Thompson the ends of the blowers point
forward Dale, Baussard, Doumet, Bell, and Jenyns describe them
as pointing backwards
Desmarest and others assumed the latter as


a generic character




describes the aperture as transverse,

convex forward in the middle, and slightly bent back

and this explains, I suspect, the different account that

linear, slightly

at the ends

authors have given of this part, some looking at the middle, and
others at the ends only.
Professor Owen, in the Catalogue of the Osteological Series in
the Royal College of Surgeons,' no. 2479, p. 448, has some notes on
" the skeleton of the Bident Dolphin, or Bottlenose Whale {Hyperoodon hidens),^^ which was taken in the Thames, near London Ih'idge,
in the year 1783, and is described and figured by John Hunter in
the Philosophical Transactions' for the year 1787, pi. 19,
There is in the same collection the front portion of the lower jaw
of an immature animal, no. 2480, with the teeth, and showdng the
sockets of other teeth.
The lateral border of each maxillary bone is developed iiito a
broad and lofty vertical crest, and the hinder border of the same bone
to the occipital region is developed into an occipital crest (I. c. 448).
Mr. Pearson of the Hull Philosophical Society, Mr. Ball of Dublin,
and IMr. W. Thompson of Belfast have sent me various detailed
drawings of the head of the Hyperoodons taken off the British and
Irish coasts, in their possession they, the skeleton at Liverpool, and
the French skeleton which has lately been added to the Anatomical
Museum of Paris, appear all to belong to one species, and to be the
same as Hunter's specimens in the Royal College of Surgeons, and


Camper and Cuvier.

Lacepede called the genus Hifperoodon, and Tlliger Uranodon,
because of the teeth on the palate described by Baussard. They
and Illiger, in his
have not been observed in other specimens
generic character, by mistake, says the two teeth are in the upper
jaw (Gen. 143). Professor Eschricht proposed the name of C'Jienocetns, instead of Uyperoodon, which is founded on an erroneous
The name Goose Whale, or its translation, is applied to
this animal by the inhabitants of most part of the seas where it
inhabits, and it was early described as the Goose-heaJced Wlude by
Pontoppidan (Nat. Hist. Norway, chap. v. 123, 124, fig.). Dr. Jacob
the skull figured by

calls it Cetodiodon.

Professor Eschricht, in the Danish Transactions,' has given an

account of the history of the genus, and of its anatomy, including
some admirable details of its brain. He also shows that there are
numerous small teeth in the jaws (see figures at pp. 331-335), besides
Danish Acad. Trans, ii. 327, 331, 332,
the two large teeth in front.
334, 335 Ann. Sf Mag. N. H. 1852, ix. 283.
0. Fabricius described a whale, under the name of Monodon spurius, called by the Greenlanders AnarnaJc, as having two small,
conical, slightly curved, blunt teeth prominent in front of the upper
jaw the lower jaw toothless. M. Cuvier (Oss. Foss.) regards it as
a Hyperoodon, and he only believed in the existence of one species
M. F. Cuvier, who misuiiderstood the description of
of the genus.
Chemnitz with respect to the teeth of BaJania rosfrata, is inclined to
unite it to that species, with whicli it agrees in being all black, but



It cannot be the
observes they differ greatly in size (Cetac. 226).
for the l)ack is finned.
Professor Eschricht regards the Anarnak or Monodon spurius,
0. Fab., on which Lacepede formed the genus Anarnacus (Cetac.
164), as the common Hijperoodon, in which Fabricius mistook the
lower for the upper jaw. The fat of Hyperoodon is purgative, which
Fabricius describes to be a peculiarity of the Anarnac.
Lacepede (Cetac. 164) described it as a genus under the name of

young Narwhal,

Anarimmis, and lUiger (Prodi'. 142) under that of Ancylodon and

in the Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' on the strength of Fabut
bricius's usual accuracy, I adopted the views of this naturalist
Professor Eschricht's observations have induced me to believe that
Cuvier and other naturalists were right in considering it a synonym


of Hiip)eroodon.
The error of Fabricius is very pardonable, as Desmarest and Lesson
have mistaken the upper for the lower jaw in Chemnitz's description
(Desm. Mamm. 520 ; Lesson, Mamm. 427 Cetac. 120) and M. F.

Cuvier has not well understood it, as pointed out by M. Wesmael (Z. c.)
and lUiger makes the same mistake with regard to his species.
Physeter hidens (Sowerby) has been referred to this genus but the

form of the head and position of the

the skull show it to be a ZipMus.

Hyperoodon Butzkopf.


the teeth, and the form of

The Bottlehead.

Black, beneath lead -coloured.


Bottlehead, or Flounder's Head, Bale, Hist. Jlunvich, 411. t. 149

(male 18, female 13 feet long), cop., 1730.
Beaked Whale, Penn. Brit. Zuol. t., 1769.
Delphinus Butzkopf, Bonnat. 25 Desm. N. Diet. ix. 176, 1789.


Hyperoodon Butzkopf, Lacep.

Cetac. 319,

from Baiissard, Juurn.


copied, F. Cnv. Cetac. 241. 1. 17. f. 1, 1. 11. f. 1
Gray, Zool. Erehus S,~ Terror, 20. t. 3. f. 1, 2 (animal), f. 4, 5 (skull) ;
P. Z. S. 1860, 424.
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 61
Delphinus ? edentulus, Schreh. Siiugeth. t. 347, 1802.
Nodus edentulus, Wayler, N. S. Amph. 34.
Delphinus bidens, Turton, B. Fauna, YI
D. Hyperoodon, Dcsvi. Mamm.b2\ Thompson Fischer, Syn. 515, 1822.
Heterodon Hyperoodon, Lesson, Man. 419, 1827.
Hyperoodon Baussardi, F. Cuvier; Duvernoy, Ann. Sci. Nat. xv. 1851.

xxxiv. 201.



D. Honfloriensis, Desm.
Monodon spurius (Ananiak), O. Fair. Faun. Groenl. 31
Cetol. 11
Delphinus anarnacus, Desm. Mamm. 520.
D. ? spurius, Fischer, Syn. 515.



Anaruakus Groenlandicus, Lacep. Cet. 164.

Ancylodon spurius, Illiger, Prodr. 142.
Heterodon anarnacum. Lesson, Man. 418.
Hj^eroodon, Longchamps, Mem. Soc. Linn. Norm.

vii. 19. t. 1.

Bal.iena rostrata, Chemnitz, Berlin Besch. iv. 183, 1778; hence

Delphinus Chemnitzianus, Blainv. in Desm. N. Diet. ix. 175, 1822.

Heterodon Chemnitzianum, Lesson, Man. 418, 1827.






Bottlenose Whale of Dale, Hunter, Phil. Trans. 1787, Ixxvii. t. 19

cop. Bonnai. Cetac. t. 11. f. 3, and Bell, Brit. Quad. 292. f.
Delphinus Himteri, Desm. Manim. 520, 1822, from Hunter.
D. diodon, Lacep. Cetac. 309. t. 13. f. 3 Gerard, Diet. S. Nat. vi. 78.
D. bidentatus, Bonnat. Cetac. 1. 11. f 3, 1789 Desm. N. Did. ix. 175,
from Hunter.

Hyperoodoii bidens, Fleni. B. A. 36





B. a miiseau pointii, Cajnper, Cetac. 78. 1. 13-16.

Hyperoodon, Ctw. Oss. Foss. v. 321. t. 24. f. 19, 21, copied from

Camper, t. 13.
Hyperoodon, " Voicjfs Mem.




Ctiv. Cetac.


(skull, Kiel

Bot. Gard.).





Cetodiodon Hunteri, Jacob, Dublin Phil. Journ. 1825,


Hyperoodon Hunteri, Gray, Ann. i^- May. N. H.

Hyperoodon Honfloriensis, Tliompson, May. N. Hist. 1838, ii. 221.
H. bidens, Thompson, Ann. Sf May. N. Hist. 1854, xiv. 347.
Hyperoodon Butskopf, Jacob, Proc. Dublin Assoc. 1, 4 (Belfast, 20^ ft.).
Uperodon Butskof, Gervais, Zool. Pal. Franq. t. 38 (skull, good).
H. Butzkopf, TF. Thompson, Ann. ^ May. N. Hist. 1846, xvii. 150. t. 4.

Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 62 P. Z. 8. 1862

Quad. 492, 493, fig.
Chenocetua rostratus, Malmyren, Arch. Nat. 1864, 92.


Bell, Brit.

Hyperoodon rostratum, Wesmael, N. Mem. Acad. Roy.

Briix. 1840,
2 (good) Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 64.
Neblivalen, Eschrichi, K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. xi. 327, 328, fig.
Delpliinus Hyperoodon, Schleyel, De Dieren, 94 Abhandl. 28.
Hyperoodon borealis, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, 622.



Hj'peroodon rostratus, Lilljebory.

Inhab. North Sea, ascending rivers

{Thompson). Harwich {Dale).
a. Teeth.
h, c.


Thames {Hunter)




The animal is one of the most generally caught whales on our

The following habitats have been verified from the examiHarwich {Dale).
nation of specimens
Thames, above London
Bridge, 1783 {Hunter); skeleton, IVIus. Coll. Surgeons.
{Beardsivorth) skull and bones in British Museum.
The Humber,
skeleton in Mus. Hull Phil. Soc.
near Hull, 1837 {Thompson)
Mouth of the Dee skeleton, Mus. Royal Institution, Liverpool.
Dublin {Jacob) skeleton, Mus. Coll. Surgeons skull, Royal Dublin
Belfast Lough, 29th Oct.
Society and Museum School of Anatomy.
1845 skeleton in Belfast Museum of male 20 feet long {Aim. Sf
Mag. N. H. 1846, xvii. 150), with four teeth in lower jaw. Firth
skeleton in Edinb. University Museum
of Forth, 29th Oct. 1839
female 28| feet long, in company with young suckling female 9 feet


In Fischer's Synopsis Mammalium,' p. 514, this species occurs

under three names D. Dalei, D. Hyperoodon, and i).? spuriiis.
In the previous edition of this Catalogue I regarded the Bottlehead or Flounder's-head of Dale (the Hyperoodon Butzkop)f of Lacepede) as distinct from the Bottlenose Whale of Hunter, the Balcma



rostrata of Chemnitz, and the Ilifpcroodon rostratum of Wesinael,

because in the former, according to the figure, the dorsal fin is more
in the middle of the back than in the latter but I now feel convinced
that this must have originated from an oiTor of the artist.
At the
same time there are such differences in the descriptions of the animal
given by various authors, that I think it not unlikely that there may
be more than one species, but I have not been able to find any spe;


to establish the fact.

has given, in the Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1840,

the following description of a recently caught
sjjecimen (he calls it H. Butzl-opf):
" Blackish lead hue, merely a lighter shade beneath, and not
Teeth, two on each side, in front loosely covered by the
gums the front pair smaller blowers slightly crescentic, pointed
directly towards the head, and the eyes on the same vertical plane
eyes round a male " and the following measurements

W. Thompson

xvii. 150.





Length, entire, straight

Length, entire, over curve
Length of nose
Length of gape
Length to eye



3 1
5 11
2 2
10 9

Length to pectoral fins

Length of pectoral fins
Length to dorsal fin
Length of dorsal at base
Girth, greatest
of pectorals




of caudal

Length of dorsal

is preserved in the Belfast Museum.

skeleton in Mus. Eoy. Institution, Liverpool, has the skull
60 inches long, 18 inches from top of crest to palate the intermaxillaries are convex, and distinctly to be seen to the front of the
blowers ; orbital crest erect, scarcely as high as the process at the
back of the blowers the nuchal vertebrae anchylosed, the first three
into one mass, with a long conical lateral process ; the dorsal process


entire skeleton

of the two hinder separate.

Heterodon Dalei (Lesson)

is not from Dale's description of this

whale, but from Blainville's account oi Deljiliinorhynclius microptei'us.
Lacepcde placed this species as the type of his Hyperoodon, and



hidenfatus to Delpliiniis

Dr. Jacob, in his description of Cefodlodon Hunteri (Dublin Phil.

Journ. 1825), which was stranded at Killiney, near Dublin, Sept.
1824, observes that there are no teeth in the palate. He believes
that the three skulls in Dublin, viz. of the skeleton in Mus. Coll.
Surg. Dublin, a skull in Mus. lloyal Dublin Society, and a slaxll in
the Museum of the School of Anatomy, Peter's Street, Dublin, belong
to one species, similar to that figured by Cuvier (Oss. Foss.): they




have two teeth in the lower jaw, hidden in the gums. In the
Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' t. 3. figs. 4 & 5, is a representation of one of the skulls of this species in the Dublin Museum,
from a drawing kindly communicated by E.. Ball, Esq.
Ey the kindness of Mr. S. Stutchbury 1 was enabled, in the
'Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' t, 3. f. 1 (animal), f. 2 (tail),


3 (blowers), to give a new figure of this species, from a drawing

made by Mr. W. H. Baily of a specimen taken at Aust Passage,
The measurements, on the drawing taken at the time,
Oct. 1840.


are as follows


Length, entire, along the back

Length, entire, in straight line
Girth on widest part
Girth of part posterior to vertical fins
Girth over the eyes to centre of blowhole ....
Girth at highest part of head
Girth at base of tail
Length of upper part of upper jaw
Length of lower jaw
Length of upper part of lower jaw
Length of lower jaw to eye
Length from tip of lower jaw to anterior part
of flipper

Length of









dorsal fin

of tail to posterior part of

dorsal fin

Breadth of dorsal

8 9
2 11

of flipper

Length from anterior part of flipper to vent

Length from end of tail to anterior part of
Length from end



Length of dorsal fin

Breadth of tail
Depth of tail
Length of orifice of vent



The skeleton of this specimen is preserved in the Bristol Institution

One stranded upon East Hoyle Bank, 1850 cut up at Holylake.
The blubber yielded 140 gallons of oil. Stomach contained a great
number of the horny beaks of some species of cuttle. In this in;

stance the beaks were inserted one within another, so as to ride

regularly imbricated in rows of ten, fifteen, or twenty together.
Another captured at the Little Moel, 1852. August 25, 1853, a
male was stranded upon East Hoyle Bank length 21 feet ; from
angle of the mouth to the tip of the snout 20 inches, from tip of
The pecsnout to the eye 42 inches, eye to spiracle 27 inches (!!).
Tail or propeller
toral fins were 21 inches long and 9 inches broad.
66 inches broad and 24 inches long. The dorsal fin about 10 or 1 1 feet
from the tail. The vent to the tail 7 feet 6 inches. Orifice of urethra
Length of the snout 15 inches. The
to anal opening 22 inches.



stomach contained many hundred cuttle-beaks placed one within the

other, as in the othei- specimen.
Another specimen, probably his
female mate, was seen swimming about the same locality for three
weeks, but floundered o^.Byerley
Mr. Thomas Thompson (Mag. Nat. Hist. 1838, ii. 221) describes,
under the name oi Hiiperoodon honjloriensis, a specimen stranded near
Hull in 1837 it has two strong, robust teeth at the extremity of
the lower jaw, covered and entirely concealed by the gums.
skull corresponds in its general form with the figures in Cuvier
but the rise of the back part of the head is larger in proportion to
the anterior rise than in that figure.
The skull measures from the

snout to the base of the front rise 9 inches

thence across the rise
thence across the hinder rise
to the neck 1 foot 11 inches.
The length of the skeleton is 17 feet
6 inches ; vertebrae 39, viz. 7 cervical, 9 dorsal (with ribs), 20 lumbar,
and 3 caudal. The skeleton is in the Museum of the Hull Philosophical Society.
It agrees in all particulars with Hunter's specimen in the Royal College of Surgeons. Mr. Thompson considers
Hunter's and Baussard's cetaceans identical, and Dale's the male of

to the base of the second rise 1 foot

the same species.

Mr. Crotch has furnished me with the following measurements of

the female specimen taken at "Weston-super-Mare, which Avas exhin.
bited at Bristol





Total length
posterior origin of dorsal fin to insertion

of tail
Dorsal in width at base
Dorsal in height

Tail in diameter

Tail in depth
Cloaca to insertion of tail
Length of cloacal fold
From anterior of cloaca to pectoral
Length of pectoral
Height of pectoral
Height of body at anterior end of dorsal ....
Height of body at origin of tail

From gape


1 11


Vertical height of forehead from gape

Vertical height from insertion of upper

From eye
From eye








to spiracle

Girth at the dorsal

From middle of cloaca to middle of navel ....
From i^ectoral to pectoral beneath

M. Wesmael examined the


palate of \ho female Hyperodon stranded

and found the surface of it

at Borgsluis near Ziercczee, in Holland,

quite smooth and without any appearance of the small, hard, acute
points mentioned by Baussard.

The upper jaw was without any





The lower jaw, on the

elevation of the

gum, showed two

conical teeth, hidden in the gum, free from all attachment.
teeth were hollow from the base to the summit and slightly curved
at the end, and the surface was traversed by three irregularly

The blower was

festooned zones and a fourth zone near the tip.
crescent-shaped, concave in front, convex behind, with the tip slightly
The body was entirely shining black, like varnished
9 dorsal, the
VertebrsB 46 cervical 7, soldered together
first soldered by its body to the cervical; 11 lumbar; 19 caudal.
The upper spinose apophysis is partly wanting on the eleventh caudal
vertebra, and the transverse apophysis is partly wanting on the
There are 8 chevron bones ; the two branches of the first are
not united. The tail is crescent-shaped, without any notch in the


6-70 metres.
l-'24 metre.

4-40 metres.
0-70 metre.
5-17 metres.
1-40 metre.

3-76 metres.

Length, entire
Length to blowers
Length to eye

Length to point of dorsal

Length of pectoral
Length to vent
Breadth of pectoral
Breadth of face

M. "Wesmael observes that five persons have described this animal

from personal inspection, viz. Dale, Chemnitz, Hunter, Baussard,
and Voigt and the principal points on which they difier are the


jaw. Dale and Voigt

Chemnitz, Hunter, and Baussard indi-

Tlie presence or absence of teeth in the loiver

do not mention them

cate two.


The presence of small, hard, acute points in the palate is mentioned by Baussard alone.
The form of the blower. Dale and Baussard describe it as cresVoigt says
cent-shaped, with the points directed backwards.
Chemnitz and
concave, with the points directed forwards.

it is


Hunter are silent on this point.

The colour. Dale, Hunter, Baussard, and Voigt describe the belly
and Chemnitz describes the body as
as paler than the back

entirely black.

The number of the vertebrae. The specimen of Hunter, according

to M. G. Cuvier, was 21 feet long, and had 45 vertebrae, viz.
7 cervical (soldered together), 9 dorsal, 12 lumbar, and 17



Length, entire
Length of beak
Length to blower

Female. Male,
















Length of head
Length of pectoral
Length to dorsal fin
Length of dorsal fin
Length to vent









of pectoral




of caudal

Circumference of head

Height of dorsal

7 10



three Hj-peroodons recorded to have occurred on the Enghsh

appeared singly. Two, described by M. Baussard, taken
at Honfleur, consisted of a mother, 23, and her young, 1 2 feet long.
Of several captured on the Irish coast, they, on two occasions, aj)In one of the three instances, two of these whales
peared in pairs.
were secured at the same time. It would therefore appear that the
species was not gregarious. 7Vjo?>y9so7i, Aim. 6f Mag. Nat. Hist.
1846, xvii.
A specimen was captured in Ballyholm Bay, near Bangor, county
Down, on the Kith September, which was 24 feet long and 18 or 20
The entire upper surface was
feet in girth at the thickest part.
The stomach contained
blackish grey, the under parts rather paler.
the remains of shells and what were called " the feet of fowls," which



Mr. Thompson thoiight might be the beaks of cuttlefish.

Dr. Jacob says that the oval cavity into which the oesophagus
opened " contained a large quantity of the beaks of cuttlefish, perP. Z. S. 18G0.
haps two (quarts."
A female whale and its young was caught near Whitstable, Kent,
and was well figured in the Illustrated News' for 18th November
1800, from a drawing by the Eev. G. Beardsworth, who procured for
the museum a complete skeleton of the older and part of the skeleton of the younger specimen, and also a portion of the food found
There was more than a half bushel of the beaks of
in the stomach.
a cuttlefish, probably of the CMojivs or sea-spider, and nothing else.
An immense number of Oitopl must have been eaten to furnish
such a (juantity for they are small and were packed close, often
one within the other. See Orcuf, P. Z. S. 18G0, 422.





especially aliove,

bones very



close together,

The beak

of the skuU
of the skull lower than the tops of the

where they are

The hinder edge

Lower jaw straight.



crests of the maxillary


Lagcnocctus, Gra;/, P. Z. S. 1803, 200

Ilyperoodon, sp., Gray, Cut. Cetac. 09.

1804, 241.




The cervical vertebrce of Digcnocetus latifrons, as in Hyperoodon,

are united into a single mass by the union of the bodies of the vertebrae, the neural arches, and the lateral processes.
The united neural arches of the first cervicals are produced, and
form a large cone nearly as high as the height of the bodies of the
vertebrae, which shelves down before and behind to the upper part of
the neural canal, and on the side to the base of the mass, or the end
of the lai'ge lateral process of the second vertebra, the upper part of
the sides being marked with the long deep grooves through which
the nerves come out.
The atlas appears to have no distinct lateral processes, or, what there
are, so united to the very large, high, broad, single lateral process of
the second vertebra as not to be distinguished from it, except by the
existence of the first groove for the exit of the nerves for the upper
The lateral process of the second vertebra is
parts of the body.
massive, conical, and much produced below, on a level with the lower
edge of the articular cavity, giving the mass, when viewed in front,
an irregular triangular shape.
The third cervical has a broad, short upper lateral process, which
is only free from the mass at the end
and this projection is the first
appearance of a distinct upper lateral process. The lower process
is like, but smaller than, the lower process of the second vertebra,
arid united to the back part of it, making part of the large inferior

lateral prominence.

The fourth and fifth have each an upper lateral process similar to
the preceding, but of a much smaller size, being, as well as that of
only small bony plates.
These verthe sixth vertebra, very small

have no distinct or maikcd inferior lateral process.

The seventh cervical, though imited to the general mass by the
body of the vertebra, is yet well defined from the rest of the mass,
and retains the usual form of the separate vertebrae of the animals.
The neural arch is of the same form as those of the other cervical
it is separate from the
vertebrae, but much smaller, and not so high
large conical mass which they constitute, forming a pointed, rather
The upper lateral
projecting ai'ch at the hinder side of the mass.
process is similar in form to the upper lateral process of the two
but it is much larger
or three cervical vertebra? that precede it
than these, and bent forwards at the end to unite with the ends
of them.
The lower lateral process is very thick and large, forming a large,
short tuberosity on the under part of the mass, but quite separate
from it. The articulating surface of this vertebra is oblong, erect,
rather higher than mde, with a deep suture from the centre to the
middle of the upper margin.

front of the canal of the spinal marrow is triangular, about

with the angles rounded, the upper side beingThe hinder part of
transverse, and the lower ones converging.


as high as wide,

the canal, on the contrary, is trigonal with the upper sides converging, the lower side being rather wider than the height of the



and about two-fifths of the width of the body of the seventh

cervical vertebra.
Fiff. G5.

Front view of the cervical vertehroe of Lageiiocetus


Fig. 66.

J3ack view of the cervical vortcbrte of L.fienocetus laiifrons.


The seventh





Lagenocetus latifrons.
Skull large, heavy, solid ; the reflexed. part of the maxillary bones
very much thickened internally so as nearly to touch each other in
front of the blower, much higher than the hinder part of the skull
lower jaw rather curved up at the tip ; teeth 2, solid, conical, acute,
rather compressed.
Il3-peroodon latifrons, Graj/, Zool. Erebus
r. Z. S. 1800, 424, 425
1861, 313.


Terror, 27.

4 (skidl)



(adult), Gervais, Zool. et Palcont. Franq. t. 38. f. 0, cop.

Gray, Zool. Ereh. Sj- Terr.
Ilyperoodon Butzliopf (male), Erichson, A7in.
3Iag, N, H. 1852.
Lagenocetus latifrons. Gray, P. Z. S. 1804, 241.

Inhab. North Sea.

a. Skull imperfect.


Coast of Lancashire

skull figured in



From Mr. Warwick's



of the


Erebus and Terror,'

Length of skull (wanting the end)

Height of skuU behind



62 inches.

A skull from Greenland, presented by Captain Wareham, is in the

Newcastle Museum. Height of occiput 25, of ridge 32 length of
skull 92, to front of ridge 54, of beak 26 inches.
A skeleton with the skull, from the Firth of Forth, 29th October,
1839, is in the College Museum, Edinburgh. The slaill is 68 inches
the crests very thick, far apart, and erect internally and
rounded externally. This is the skull of a female, 28g feet long,
accompanied by a young male. See Thom_pson, Ann. Sf Mag, N. H.
1846, xvii. 153.
A very imperfect skull of this species in a garden on the borders
of Lancaster Bay, taken in Morecomb Bay.
" Professor Eschricht considers that Lagenocetus is founded on the
skull of an adult male of the common species (which he calls Hyperoodon Bufzl-oj)/), because the specimen of the animal with this kind
of skull which he received from Faroe was of that sex" (Gray, Proc.
" and he exhibits them side by side, as the
Zool. Soc. I860, 424)
same animal, in his museum (see Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1852, ix. 281).
This is an csddent mistake, from mistaking an accidental coincidence
for an established fact."
Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1861, 313.
" The following facts I think will dispel such an idea
first, I
think I can prove that males and females have been seen and preserved
of both species
and secondly, the structure and form of the two
skulls is so different, that it is much more likely that they should be
referable to two very distinct genera than to species of the same

" I may state that I have examined four skulls of the Lagenocetus
latifrons, and Professor Eschricht has another.
" There is a skeleton with the skull of an adult animal of this
species in the College Museum at Edinbm-gh, which was obtained
from the Frith of Forth on the 29th of October, 1839. Mr. William
Thompson (Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1846, vol. xvii. p. 153) informs
us that this specimen was a female 28;^ feet long, accompanied by a




young male.

So there can be


doubt that there arc females of

latifrons as well as males.

" It appears to be a northern species. As I have seen specimens

from Greenland, the Orkneys, and the coast of Lanarkshii'e, this is
It is also
the most southern example that has yet occurred to me.

probably a


larger species than Htjperoodon rostratinn, as the

from Greenland in the Newcastle Museum is 92 inches long,

while the largest skull of H. rostratum that has come under my observation does not exceed GO or 05 inches.
" It is only necessary to examine the figure of the two skulls of
Hrjperoodon rostratum and H. latifrons in the Plates to the Yoyage
of the Erebus and Terror,' to see how exceedingly different they are
from each other, not only in the form of the skull, but also in the
form of the lower jaw. The skull of //. latifrons not only differs
from that of H. rostratum in the thickness and solidity of the frontal
crest of the maxillary bones, but in the crest being much higher than
the hinder part of the skull while in all the skulls of H. rostratum
I have seen, the crest is of the same height with the frontal ridge.
" As regards Hyperoodon rostratum, Mr, Beardsworth states his
specimens to be a female and a young female. The specimen which
was shot at Weston-super-Mare, Mr. Crotch informs me, is a female.
I may also observe that the specimen of this species described by
Mr. WiUiam Thompson in the Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 1846,
its skeleton is now in the
vol. xvii. p. 150, is said to be a male
So there are certainly male and female of this
Belfast Museum.
Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, 424, 425.
species also known."


M. Gervais (Zool. et Paleont. Fran^. t. 38. f. 6) believes that

Layenocetus latifrons is established on the skull of a veiy aged
He does not
animal, and he thinks that the crest thickens with age.
seem to have observed the form of the hinder part of the skull. He
gives a reduced copy of the figiire in the Zoology of the Erebus and
Terror/ instead of figuring a skull in the intermediate state of crest,
which would have proved that such a specimen existed and had been
seen by him.

B. Teeth in fro^it of the lower jaw, cylimlvic(d, fimform, or conical. Beak

of skull conical. The intennaxillarics enlarged hchi)ul,fonniny a more or
less large cavity round the hlotvers.


Head tapering, lower jaw rather bent up. Dorsal fin falcate,
The beak of the
three -fourths of the entire length from the nose.
The vomer forming a sunken groove.
skull depressed, tapering.
Intermaxillaries forming a moderately high basin round the blowers.
Upper jaw toothless. The lower jaw elongate, tapering, rather bent
up and truncated at the end, with two conical teeth, and with a
sunken groove on the edge just behind them. " Cervical vcrtcbrtc
Gerva is.

Ziphius, Duvernog, Ann. Sci. Nat. xv. 05.

Ziphius, sp., Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v.






(part), Lesson.

(part), Gnn/, P. Z. S. 18G4, 242.

Epiodrtu, Hajincsqiic, Precis Soiiiiol. 13 (1814)
Bonaparte; Gray, P. Z. S. 18G5.

Anal. Nat. (no char.)

Cuvier remarks, describing- the head of Z. cavirostris (Oss. Foss.

350. t. 27. f. 3), that "cette tete a, comme on voit, de grands
rapports avec le Cachalot, et encore de phis grands avec THyperoodon.
Elle nc difFere de ce dernier que parce que les maxillaires ne se dressent point siir les cotes dii miiscau en cloisons verticales, et que
I'espece de mur derriere les narines ne se borne pas a s'elever verticalement, mais qu'il se recourbc pour former un demi-dome audessus de ces cavites."
Oss. Foss. v. 352. t. 27. f. 3.

Epiodon Desmarestii.
Grey, white-streaked.

Length 13



Urf2;anautus, Rajinesque, Precis Somiol. 13, 1814 (no character).

Delpliiuus Epiodon, Desm.
521 ; Fischer, Siju. 516.


Ileterodon Epiodon, Lesson, Man. 420.

Zipliius cavirostris, Ciiv. Oss. Loss. v. 350. t. 27. f. 3 ; Duvernoy, Ann.
Sci. Nat. 1850, xv. ; Arch. Natiirg. 1852, 62
Gervais, Ann. Sci. Nat.
Zool. et Puleont. Fran<^. t. 38. f. 1 (Heraut), f. 2 (Martigue)

t. 39. f. 1-5 (head).

Ziphius (Dioplodou ?)

ca\'irostris, Gervais, Compt. Pendus, xxxi. 510,

358 Ann. <S'c. Nut. xiv. 5 Arch. Naturg. 1852, 34.
Delphinus Desmarestii, Risso, Eur. Merid. iii. 24. t. 2. f 3 F. Cnv.


Cetac. 159.

H>qieroodon de Corse, Doumet, Ball. Soc. Cuvier. 1842, 207. 1. 1. f. 2.

Delphiuus Philippii, Cocco, Erichson, Arch. Nat. 1846, 204. t. 6. f. 6.
Hyperoodon Doumetii, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 68.
Hyperoodon Gervaisii, Duvernoy, Ann. Sci. Nat. 1851, xv. 67.
Epiodon Desmarestii, Bonap. Faun. Ltal. ?; Gray, P. Z. S. 1865.
(Diodon) Le Diodon de Desmarest, Lesson, Biiffon, i. 124. t. 2. f. 2.
Orca (Desmarestii), Wayler, N. S. Amph. 34.
Hjq)eroodon Desmarestii, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 69.
Aliama Desmarestii, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, 242.
Hyperoodon, Gervais, Comptes Rendus, 1850 (7th Oct.), xxxi. 510,
xxxii. 358.

Inhab. Mediterranean.

May 1850

of Frontignan, departcment de
Messina (Cocco).
Nice (Risso).



Sicily (Mcijinescpie).

" Steel-grey, with numerous, irregnlar, white streaks beneath

Body thicker in the middle tail slender, long, keeled
rounded on the belly head not swollen, ending in a long nose
upper jaw short, toothless, lower much longer, bent up, and -with
two large conical teeth at the end teeth nicked near the tip the
eyes small, oval blowers large, semilunar pectoral fins short ; dorsal
rather beyond the middle of the back, nearly above the vent the
caudal fin broad, festooned. Length nearly 1(3 feet. It differs from
D. Diodon of Hunter in the forehead not being swollen, and in the
lower jaw being produced and bent up, the pectoral being pointed,
the dorsal more obtuse, and the body being white-streaked." Tnliab,





Risso, Europ. Merid.

common, March and September,




F. Gxw. Cetac. 159.

" Jaws toothless, but paved with small, long and acute tubercular
lower jaw with two rather longish, acute, slightly
larynx with a
arched and longitudinally grooved teeth in front
kind of funnel at the base of the tongue, like the beak of a duck, or
rather of a spoonbill, 5| inches long gape small beak conical
eyes small, near middle of head ; blowers lunate, with the points
directed backwards; pectoral fin 19 inches long, 6| wide; dorsal
nearly 8 inches high, 49| inches from the tail the tail is broad,
Doumet, Bui. Soc. Cuvier. 1842, 207.
lobes equal." Inhab. Corsica.





According to Doumet's description, the dorsal fin of this species

must be further back than in any of the Dolphins, and the pavement of the jaws is quite peculiar. It agrees with Dale and Baussard's descriptions in the form of the blowers, but differs from them
in the position of the dorsal fin.

This animal is only known by the above account extracted from

F. Cuvier placed it in the restricted genus Delph'mus. Risso
appears more correctly to have compared it with Hyperoodon but it

from that genus in several particidars, especially in the form

of the forehead and of the dorsal fin.
Lesson (Tab. R. A. 200) forms of this species and the Physeter
hidens, Sowerby, the subgenus D'lodon
Ziphius cavirostris, Cuvier, has long been regarded as fossil.
The skuU described by Cu\aer
really exists in the Mediterranean.
(Oss. Foss. V. t. 27. f. 3) was found by the fishermen of the Gulf of
Bouc. Others have since been obtained, and each of them has been

described as a





subtrigonal, truncated behind, with a large concavity formed

by the intermaxiUaries round the blowers. Beak of the skuU elongate, tapering, conical, higher than broad, with the vomer swollen,
callous, forming an elongated, fusiform callosity between the callous
Lower jaw slender,
intermaxiUaries, which is truncated behind.


tapering in form, without any teeth, or with two small teeth early
Petrorhynchus, Grmj, P. Z. S. 18G5, 524.

The skuU beaked the brain-case hemispherical, margined behind

and on the sides by the prominent edges of the maxiUa;, occipital,
and other bones, with a large oblong conca-\-ity under the prominent

enlarged nasal bones, in front of the deeply seated blowers ; the

inner surface of the concavity lined on the sides by the expanded
hinder ends of the intermaxiUaries, and edged on the sides by the
raised edges of these bones and the inner margins of the hinder parts
of the maxilho, the confines of the concavity being separated from
The beak
the side margins of the brain-case by a deep impression.




elongate, slender, compressed on the sides, fringed on the upper part

of the sides by the edges of the enlarged callous intermaxillaries,

which contain between them a much-enlarged callous vomer, which

tapers in front into the end of the beak, and is truncated behind,
filling up the narrowed front i^art of the frontal concavity.
The upper jaw toothless. The lower jaw slender, produced in
fi'ont, toothless
it may have had two teeth in front in the young
state, as there are obscure indications of two pits.
The skull is much more like the usual form of the skull of the
Delphinoid Whales than that of Catodon or Kogia, and somewhat like

that of an ILiperoodon without the elevated ridges of the maxillaj on

the sides of the beak.

The peculiarity of the genus is the great development of the intermaxillaries and the large size and callous state of the upper surface
of the vomer.
The intermaxillary bones which fringe the upper part of the sides
of the beak are thick, hard, and shining, formiag with the enlarged
vomer the upper part of the beak

they are expanded behind so as

form the large hemispherical cavity in the crown, with nostrils
and blowers at the base of its hinder part. The sides of this cavity
are lined internally with the expansion of the intermaxillaries, which
are supported on each outer side by a wall formed by the elevation
of the inner edge of the hinder part of the maxilla. The wall of the
cavity is separated from the outer margin of the maxilla, which
forms the inner part of the outer edge of the brain-case, by a deep



The upper part

is arched over by the

and by the dilatation of the thick

of the spermaceti-concavity

tliickened prominent nasal bones,

hinder edge of the walls.


the inspection of the drawing by Mr. Trimen of this skull, I

to regard it as a new species of Hyperoodon, forming a
peculiar section of the genus, and which I had provisionally named
Uyperoodon Capensis (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 359) ; but it proved
on examination to be an entirely new form, which appears to be intermediate in structure and form between Hyperoodon and Catodon.
It agrees with Catodon and Koy'm in having a large concavity on
the crown of the skull, to contain the spermaceti or " head-matter,"
as it is called by the whalers, above the blowers, and with Hyperoodon
in having an elongated beak, with thick prominent nasal bones over
the blowers, and in having none or only two or four deciduous teeth
in the front of the lower jaw.
What I believed, in the small drawing made by Mr. Trimen, were
the slightly developed lateral expansions of the maxillaries, which
are characteristic of the genus Hyperoodon, prove on examination of
the skull to have represented the much thickened intermaxillaries
and the very large callous prominent vomer which is between them
on the uj)per surface of the beak. The skull, as is generally the
case in the Cetacea, is considerably distorted, the left side being much
the smallest and least developed.
In Catodon and the allied genus Koyui the spermaceti-cavity
occupies the whole upper surface of the skull, and is surrounded by

was inchned





Skull of


Pi'tro>-/ii/ncJms Capensis.

a mistake of the artist, the sides of the sk-ull in the fimire are reversed.




Fig. 68.

!!;,% ''^'.

Skull of

(By a mistake


Capensis (side view).

of the artist, the sides of the skull in the figure are reversed.)



an erect wall formed by the elevated hinder and lateral edges of the
It is continued in front to the end of the broad expanded
beak of the skull. The blowers are in the base of the hinder part of

this concavity.

The intermaxillary bones are narrow, elongate, with the linear

vomer forming a sunken ridge between them on the upper surface
In Catodon the hinder jmrt of the interniaxillaries is
of the beak.
only slightly dilated, and forms but a small part of the base of the
crown-concavity, as shown in Cuvier's figure (Oss. Foss. v. t. 22.
and from Mr. MacLeay's description they seem to form a
f. 1-3)
smaller part of the surface of the concavity in Koyia.
The skull of this genus resembles in several particulars the skull
oi Ziphius cavirostris, figured by Gcrvais (Zool. et Paleont. Franr.
t. 39) ; but the cavity on the crown of that species is only slightly
developed, though it is apparently rather more developed in the other
specimens figured on the plate t. 38 (f. 1, 2) of that work; and the
vomer is sunk in a groove as in the other Zijjhioid genera, except in the
specimen figured at t. 38. f. 2, which has the most developed frontal
cavity; and in this there is an appearance of the vomer being larger.


Petrorhynchns Capensis.

Hyperoodon Capensis,

Grai/, P. Z. S. IHCi, p. 359.

Petrorhynchus Capensis, Graij, P. Z.


18G5, 528

& figs,

at 526, 527.

Inhab. Cajie Seas.


Petrorhynchus Indicus.

Ziphius Indicus, Van Beneden, dienioi>('< Couronnes



Ilo>/ale de Belf/ique, xvi.





1 (skull).

Indica, Grat/, P. Z. S. 18G5, 528.

Inhab. Indian Ocean.

Skull in Mus. Louvain.

" Le crane
forme triangulaire, assez semblable a un casque, tronque en
avant, et le rostre est fort et pi'oportionnellement court, au-devant
des narines une large excavation est formee par les intermaxillaires,
et les OS propres du nez surplombcnt les fosses nasales k ce point (]ue
les narines, lorsqu'on regarde la tetc de haut en bas, sont en grande
Les os maxillaij-es ferment une fosse large et propartie cachees.
fonde au-dessus des oj-bites et, a la base du crane, les os ptcrygoVdiens
s'dtalent comme des ailes veritables montrant toute leur surface externe creuse a la maniere de certaines coquilles.
" La tete vue par sa face postcrieure est fort large a la base, etroite
les occipitaux descendent fort bas do
ct merae pointiie au sommet
chaque cote, de maniere que les condyles articulaires s'elcvent a uno
certaine hauteur.
Le rostre est fort massif et est un peu plus haut
que large, et les intermaxillaires ferment seuls tout le bout. En
haut le rostre, au lieu d'etre creuse par une goutticTe, montre tout
le cartilage vomericn ossifie et on distingue seuleraent des traces de
la partie de rinteriuaxillaire(jui foi'ine la voute. Le vomer est visible
sur la ligne mediane du palais depuis les os palatins jusqu'a la pointe


skull of an aged animal, A^dth the bones coalesced.

est de

des maxillaires.


" La miichoirc

bombee sur



est assez

le cote, etroite eii avant.


haute en arriorc, fortement

La peau

des gencives est noire,

en saillie, qui la
rendent raboteuse. Les dents sont en forme de fuseaux chaque
dent a six centimetres et demi de longueur sur deux centimetres et
demi de largeur ou d'epaisseur, mais toiite la dent est, pour ainsi
dire, racine."
Van Beneden, I. c.
toute la surface est couverte


petites losanges

Fiff. 69.

Skull and tooth of Petrorliynchits Indicus, from

Van Beneden.

Misled by M, Yan Beneden's description and figure, which are

here reproduced, in m^'' paper in the Proceedings of the Zoological
Society,' 18G5, p. 522, I was induced to form Ziph'ms Indicus into a
genus distinct from the Mediterranean and the Cape Whales. Since
that paper was prepared M. Van Beneden has visited England and
seen the Cape skull, and considers it the same as or very nearly allied
to the one he described, and on his return he most kindly sent to
the British Museum and the College of Surgeons a cast of the beak
and the front end of the lower jaw of his specimen ; and there can be
no doubt that they are very nearly allied, if not specimens of different ages of the same species. For the present it is as well to keep
them separate, pointing out the distinction between them. In Ziphkis
Indicus the very largely developed vomer gradually tapers off behind
towards the blowers ; in the P. Cajyensis it continues nearly of the
same thickness to the hinder end, and is there suddenly and perpendicularly truncated.
It is only necessary to compare the two
figures to explain how I came to consider them distinct forms.



Teeth in the aide of the lower

j(iii\ cnmprf.ixed
licul; of sjtull xuhcijUiiInter nia.n7/iiries linear, slender, rather swollen on the
sides of the hloiocrs.
(Irictil, sleiiiler.



with a larger boss in front of it. The skull like

a Dolphin's, with frontal portion elevated.
Teeth 2 2, strong, triangular, compressed, vertically implanted at the extremity of the
lower jaAV; the two teeth of the same form as in ZIphius, but rather
smaller behind them a dental groove extends on the upi)er surface of
each mandibular branch. The maxilla ries have the commencement of
the prominences which are found so large in the genus Hyperoodon.

fin large,

Eerardius, Diivernoi/, Ann.

1852, 02.

Nat. 1851, 51.



Arch. Natnrq.

Fifj. 70.

Skull of Berardius Arnnxii, from Duvernoy.

Eerardius Arnuxii.
Black, greyish near the genital organs.
Berardius Arnuxii, Duvernmj, Ann.
Arch. Naturf/. 1852, G2.


Nat. 1851,51.

Inhab. New Zealand, Port of Akaroa, 1846.

Skull in Mus. Paris, length 4 feet.





Length 32



contracted behind nose produced, not separate from the

forehead eyes moderate blowers on crown, lunate teeth in the
middle of the lower jaw of male, two, large, compressed of female
two or three, small, subcylindrieal tliroat with two diverging furrows body elongate; pectoral fins small, low down, oval, tapering;
dorsal falcate, behind the middle of the body. Skull with nose elongated, produced, keeled on each side
skull-cavity small ; forehead




hinder wing of the maxilla expanded, horizontal

lower jaw broad behind, narrowed and bent in front of the
Tympanic bones large, very thick, free edge open and
lateral teeth.
much twisted (see Van Beneden, Mem. Acad. Brux. 8vo, xvi. fig. at
p. 41 ; and Dumortier, Mem.).




Ziphius, Gray, P. Z. S. 1804,


Zipliius, Cuvier, Oss. Fuss. v.


Gray, Zool. Erehus

Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 70 P. Z. S. 1864.

Diodon (pars), Lesson, Tab. H. A. Bell, Brit.

Terror, 27



(pars), Lesson, Tab.


Quad. 499.

R. A.

(sp.). Lesson, 3Ian.


DelphiuorlijTichus (sp.), Gray, Ann.

^- 3Iay. N. II. 1846.

Physeter (sp.), Soio. Brit. 3Iisc. 1.
Mesiodon, Duvernoy, Ann. Sci. Nat. 1851, xv.
Diplodon (part), Gervats, Zool. et Puleont. Franq.

Nodus (sp.), Wagler, N. S. Amph. 34, 1880.

Delphinorhynclius, Blainv. Rujyp, Cetac. ; Gray, Zool. Ereb.
Cat. Cetac. B. M. 1850, 73.
Delphinorhynclius (sp. ), F. Cuvier, Cetac. 114.



Aodon, Lesson. (Ein-r. Baffoii.

Heterodon (sp.), Blainville Lesson, Man.
Delphinus (sp.), Blainville; Desm. 3Iamm.

M. Dumortier

considers the dentation on the skin of the ui:)per jaw

horny protuberances on the membrane of
3Iem. Ac. Brux. xiii. p. 8.
the palate of Hyperoodon.
The lower jaw of the young female taken at Ostend had no ap-

to be I'epresentative of the

pearance of teeth but when the lower jawbone was examined it

exhibited, near its middle, a large alveolar groove, as if giving origin
to some teeth the larger specimen found at Ha\Te had rudimentary
teeth at the base of the alveolar of the lower jaw, which is placed in
the same relative situation as in the Ostend specimen.
Cuvier (Eegne Anim. ed. 2, 288) says that these animals lose theiiM. Dumortier thinks this is a mistake, and that, on
teeth early.
the contrary, the teeth are not cut through the gums until they
acqrdre their full size.
The skeleton of the female is described and figured by M. Van
Beneden, Mem. Acad. BruxeUes, 8vo, xvi. 1863.

The skull (as remarked by M. Cuvier, see Van Beneden) much

more resembles that of Delphinus than Hyperoodon. The animal is
at once known from the latter genus by the head not being convex
and rounded in front, and by the teeth being in the middle and not
end of the jaws.
when he first saw the animal on the coast of France,
considered it the same as Dale's Hyperoodon, and F. Cuvier follows
him but M. Cuvier pointed out, in the Regne Animal,' the difference in the form of the skull of the French animal.
at the



This geniis is very like Delphinorhynclius, but is easily known by

the teeth being in the middle of each side, and the peculiar form of
the lower jaw.
Mr. BeU, following Lesson in adopting his heterogeneous genus
Diodon, has considered Sowerby's whale a distinct genus from



but lie observes, " wheth(n' the generic distinction of

Brit. Qucul. 499.
the two be correct appears very doubtful."


Fig. 71.

Skull of Ziphius Sozverhioisis,


i3ack of head cut olK

Teeth of male short, truncated at the end.


Black, grey beneath.


ZipMiis Sowerbiensis.

Teeth obli(iuely truncated at the end.

Ziphius Sowerhienses, Gray, Proc. Zool.

J. Physeter bidens, Sowerby, Brit. Misc.
Mns. Brit, (a male),

Sac. 18G4,




1806, and icon ined. in

lliodon bidens, Bell, Brit. Quad. 407, fig. cop. Sowerhy.

Delphinus Sowerbii, Jar dine, Nat. Lib. 1. 12, cop. Sowcrhy.
Micropteron (male), EschricM, Ann. Sf May. H. N. 18.52.
D. Sowerbiensis, Blainv. in Desm. Naur. Diet. H. N. ix. 177.
D. Sowerbyi, Desm. 3Iamm. 521.
Delphinorhynchus bidens, Graj/, Ann. cV May. N. II. 1840.
Ileterodon Sowerbyi, Lesson, Man. Mamm. 419.
Ziphius Sowerbiensis, Gray, Zool. Erebus 3)- Ten-or, t. 5. f. ?>, 4, from
Blainv. dratcine/, p. 5-'], of skull.
Diodon Sowerbfei, Bell, Brit. Quad. 497.
Diodon Sowerbi, Jardine, Whales, 192. f. LS.
Mesodiodon Sowerbyi, Duvernoy, Ann. Sci. Nat. 1851, xv. 55. t. 2.

22 (skull).

Mesoplodou Sowerbiensis, Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Fran<;. t. 40. f 1, t. .38.

f. '} (lower jaw); Van Benedeti, Mem. Acad. Brux. xvi. t. 4; Mc7n.
Acad. Bely. xxxii. 1800, 34.




Dauphin de Dale, Blcdno. N. Bull. Soc. Phil 1825, 139. t. at p. 125,

1826 F. Cuv. Ma?nm. Lith. t. (bad).
Delpliinus Sowerbyensis (female), Eschricht, Ann. 8f Mag. N. 11. 1852.
Mesoplodon Sowerbiensis (female), Van Bcneden.
Nodus Dalei, Waijlcr, N. S. Amph. 34, 1830.

Delphiuorlivnclius microptenis, Dumortier, Mem. Acad. Brux. 1830,

F. Cuv. Cetac. 114. t. 9. f. 1 (not good), t. 7 (skull);
xii. 1. 1-3' (good)

Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. 31. 73.

Delpliinus micropterus, C*r. licff. Anim. i. 288.
Mesodiodon micropterum, Duvernoy, Ann. Sci. Nat. xv. 1851,
Ileterodon Dalei, Lesson, Man. Matnm. 419, from Blainv,
Aodon Dalei, Lesson, CEuvr. Buffon, i. 155. t. 3. f. 1.
Dioplodou Sowerbiensis, Gcrvais, Zool. et Palcont. Franq.






(head from Havre).

Inhab. Coasts of Europe. North Sea Elginshire, 1800 (Broclie)

Havre, 1825 {Blainv.) Ostend, 1835 {Dumortier).


Cast of skull from Mr. Sowerby's specimen in the Anatomical

Museum, Oxford. Presented by Dr. Acland.

Besides the beautiful figure of the male which was thrown ashore
on Elginshire in 1800, engraved in Sowerby's British Miscellany,'
there is a drawing of the head as sent by Mr. Brodie, made by
Mr. Sowerby, exhibited by him at one of Sir Joseph Banks's Sunday-evening parties, and now preserved in the Banksian collection
The skull was preserved in Mr. Sowerby's
in the British Musum.
museum in Mead's Place, Lambeth, and when distributed at his death
it was purchased by the Rev. Dr. Buckland, the Dean of Westminster, and sent to the Anatomical Museum in Oxford, whence
Dr. Acland kindly sent it to me for examination.
While in Mr. Sowerby's possession, M. de Blainville, when on a
visit to England, made a slight sketch of the skull (engraved in
' Zool. Erebus and Terror,' t.
5), and, under the name of D. Soiver" Tete osseusse, la
hiensis, gives the following description of it
machoire superieure est plus courte et infiniment plus etroite que
en outre cette machoire inferieure est
rinforieure qui la regoit
armee de chaque cote et au milieu de son bord d'un seul dent tres
L'orifice de
fort comprime'e et dirigee obliquement en arriere.
I'event est en croissant dont les comes sont tournees en avant."
Blainv. Desm. Diet. II. N. ix. 177.
The above description and BlainviUe's sketch show that it belonged
to the genus Ziphius of Cuvier, before only known in the fossil state ;
and the examination of the skull has proved the accuracy of these

Before discovering the drawing of the skull, I was induced, from
the lateral position of the teeth and small size of the fins, to consider
this species the same as the Delphinorhynchus micropterits of the
coast of France and Belgium (see Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1846), believing
the difference in the size of the teeth (which Mr. James Sowerby's
description appears to indicate^ to be only a peculiarity produced
probably by the age of the specimen ; and further study has induced
me to return to that opinion.




paper "


Annals of Nat.
with DeljyJiinas mlcropterus of Cuvier. The French naturahsts have
since almost universally come to the same conclusion. The difference
in the size of the teeth, which they beheve to be scxiial, at one time

the British Cetcacea," in the


Hist.' xvii. 82, 184(5, I proposed to unite Phi/seter hidens of

made me revise my first opinion. I now think it probable that they

are the same ; at any rate it is a siibjoct that wants further examination, for at present only one male and four females of the two presumed
species have been observed by naturahsts.
P. Z. S. 18(54, 242.
The male was found near Brodie House, Elginshire, by James
Brodie, who sent a figure and the skull to Mr. Sowerby, who figTired
It was 16 feet
it in the ' British Miscellany' under the above name.

Dr. Fleming and Mr. Jenj'ns have confounded it with the Bottlehead of Dale {Hijperoodon hidens) (see Brit. Anim. p. 30, and Manual
B. V. A. p. 44).
at Havre on 22nd August, 1828, was about
two days out of the water, but it could not be
They ofifered it soaked bread and
prevailed on to eat anything.
It emitted a low cavernous sound like
other alimentary substances.
It was a female, and, from the state of the
the lowing of a cow.
The teeth had
ossification of the bones, evidently a young animal.
not as yet pierced the gums. When living, the body was brownish
lead-colour, with the exception of the belly, which was bluish and
The body was fusiform, attenuated at each end, the greatest

The female caught


feet long



thickness being behind the pectoral fins, in the middle of the cHstance
between them and the dorsal. The head is much higher than broad,
and separated from the body by a sensible contraction ; the forehead much swollen and narrowed gradually, and enchng in a beak
with a flat and rounded tip. The upper jaw is much shorter and
narrower than the lower one. The blowers are on the top of the head,
in advance of the orbit, transverse, slightly curved, with the ends
directed towards the front, and not towards the tail, as in the genus

The mouth very broad, entirely deprived of teeth. The

adherent to the lower jaw and toothed on the edge a
The eyes
similar dentition exists also on the skin of the lower jaw.
large, black, convex, edged with a gelatinous border, in the middle
Earholes very small. The pectoral fin
of the side of the head.
towards the lower part of the chest, oval, elongate, blunt, small.
The dorsal fin elevated, falcate, nearly two-thirds of the entire
Tail triangular, twolength, lower than the length of its base.



lobed, falcate.

The female from Ostend (1835) had the head attenuated, conNose produced, bald, not separated from the forehead. Eyes moderate. Lower jaw fitting into a groove in the edge

tracted behind.

Teeth few, small or nuliinentary, in middle of lower

of the upper.
Throat Avith four parallel slits beneath.
jaw, not developed till late.
Body elongate, rather swollen behind. Pectoral fin low down the
Dorsal falcate, behind the middle of the
side, oval, narrow, small.
Blowei's on the crown, in a
body, about two-thii'ds from the uosc.




curved line, with the concavity in front. Tail with two falcate lobes,
without any central prominence. Female sexual organs under
middle of dorsal. Skull triangular. Forehead very high in front,
and swollen behind. Intermaxillaries curved in front. Nose very
long, compressed at the hinder end, very narrow, slightly keeled on
Hinder wing of the maxilla expanded horizontally over
each side.
the orbits. Nasal bones encased in the frontals and intermaxillaries.
Temporal pit very small. Palate smooth. Lower jawbones elongate,
The ear-bone is attached by an
tapering, slender, nearly straight.
" Vertebrae 38, viz. 6 cervical
apophysis to the base of the skull.
Metacarpal bones
separate, 10 costal, 11 lumbar, 11 true caudal.
Dumortier, Mem. Acad. Brux. xiii. t. 10.
M. Dumortier found, near the middle of each side of the lower
jaw, an alveolus, as if for a tooth. His figure represents the pectoral as situated at two-ninths of the total length, and the dorsal at
five-ninths, from the end of the nose.
The following are the measurements of the two females that have been described


7 (nose) 0-33

Length to pectoral
Length of pectoral
Length to dorsal
Length of dorsal
Length to eye
Length to the vulva

of pectoral
of caudal

Height of dorsal
Breadth of blower

The only male





Length, entire
Length of head
Length to blowers


Dum. 5

hitherto observed was thrown ashore on the coast

It was 16 feet long and 11 feet in circum-

of Elginshire in 1800.

female was caught at Calvados in 1826

its skull


vertebral column is in the Museum at Caen.

Another was taken at
the mouth of the Seine in Sejitember 1825 the skull, which was
described by De Blainville, is in the Paris Museum.
The skeleton
of the one taken at Ostend on the 21st of August, 1835, 11 feet long,
is in the collection of M. Paret, near that city.


Teeth (of male) very long, 2Ji'odi/cecl, arched, and truncated, with a
conical process in front.


Ziphius Layardii, Gray, P.




entire length of the skuII, from condyle to top of rostrum,

feet 7 inches

of the rostrum, from tip to notch, 2 feet 6 inches



inches; the
width at the widest part of the brain-ease 1 foot
from the tip of the rostrum to the crest
over the blower, 2 feet 1 1 inches the height of the skull, from the
hinder part of the palate to the crest over the blower, 1 foot 2 inches.

lengtli in a straif>'ht line,

Fig. 72.

n, h.

Skull and lower


of Ziphius Layardii.



Teeth of lower



the length from the conentire length of the lower jaw 3 feet
dyle to the hinder edge of the base of the tooth 1 foot 11| inches
the length of the exposed part of the tooth along the anterior edge,
9| inches ; the width, below the teeth, of the side of the lower jaw,
measured from the inner part of their base, 3 inches.
There is a partial hollow, as if it were the cavity of an old tooth
that had fallen out, on the margin of the lower jaw, behind the base
of the elongated arched tooth.
The skull which I described from the notes of Mr. Layard and
the drawing of Mr. Trimen under the name of Ziphius Laijardii (see
Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 358) proves on examination, as I decided
from the notes and drawing, to be a very distinct species of the
The peculiar form of the teeth
genus, allied to Z. microptcrits.
(which are elongated and arched over the outer surface of the upper
jaw, so as to prevent the animal from opening its mouth beyond a
very limited extent), it has been suggested to me, may be only an
individual peculiarity or a malfou^tion. I scarcely think this is the
case but even if it shoidd be, it!^^^not in the least militate against
the distinctness of the species, al^^^ proportion of the beak to the
size of the brain-case, and the forirPof the beak and position and
form of the teeth (with a small point near the front edge of the tip),





are sufficient to clearly characterize the species. Unfortunately the

last-mentioned peculiarity is scarcely sufficiently indicated in the

The edges

of the front lower teeth are absorbed or

worn away by

upper jaw against them, the vomer forming a

large fusiform prominence on the upper surface of the base of the
beak, in front of the blowers, between the narrowed part of the
elongate, slender intermaxillarieSj which are enlarged and thickened
behind, forming the outer sides of the blowers.
In this respect it agrees with the figure of the skull of Dioplodon
Sechellensis from the Indian Seas, given by M. Gervais (Zool. et
Paleont. rran9. t. 40. f. 3-6)
but the vomer is more prominent in
the Cape species.
The Cape species has the slender, elongated,
tapering lower jaws, and a very much longer beak to the skull, like
that of D. microptenis of Havre (Gervais, I. c. t. 49. f. 1).
I was informed, in 1864, that two Dolphins which agreed with
M. F. Cuvier's description and figure of Delphinorhynclms micropterus
had been taken on the coast of South Africa, and that the skulls were
then in the possession of a surgeon at the Cape. There is also a


of the

third skull, in a semifossil state, in the colony.



Lower jaw broad behind, suddenly narrowed in front before the

Teeth in the side of the lower jaw (of male ?), large, com-


pressed, considerably behind the back edge of the


rather short

Animal unknown.
Dioplodon (part), Gervais, Zool. et Paleont. Franq.
Dioplodon, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, 200.
Mesiodon (part), Duvernoy, Ann. Set. Nat. xv. 58.

Dioplodon Sechellensis.






Seychellc Ziphius.

Ziphius de Seychelles (M. le Due, 1839), Mus. Paris.

Ziphius Sechellensis, Gray, Zool. E. c^ T. 28. t. 6. f. 1, 2 (lower jaw).
Ziphius densirostris, Slainv. Mus. Paris.
Mesodiodon densirostris, Duvernoy, Ann. Sci. Nat. 1851, xv. 58. t. 2.
f. 4 (not D. densirostris, Desm.).
Dioplodon densirostris, Gervais, Zool. et Paleont. Franq. t. 40. f. 3-6
(skull) Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, 200.

Inhab. Seychelles.


Skull in Mus. Paris.

very like that of Zijihius, but the nose-bones are

thicker, heavier, and higher.
The teeth in the middle of the lower
jaw, as in the male Z. Soiverhiensis, but larger and compressed. The
hinder part of the lower jaw is very broad, the front half much narrower and bent down in an arched manner.





Body rather



Muzzle bristly. Nostrils 2, separate, apical,

Fore limbs arm-like, clawed hinder compressed,
expanded, tail-like. Teats 2, pectoral. Teeth of two kinds.

lunate, valvular.

II. (pars), Gray, Aim. Phil. 1825.

(Natantia) Sirenia, Illiger, Prodr. 139, 1811 Brmidt, Symb. Sirenoloqia, 132, 1846.
Sirenia, Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. M. 138 P. Z. S. 1864, 247 ; Selys-Lmig-


1842 Schinz, Mamm. 491.

Mammiferes amphibies (pars), Cuvier, Tab. Elem. 1798; Duin. Z.

Anal. 1806.

Mammalia amphibia

(pars), Pajin. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815.

Onguligrades anomaux, Blainv. 1816.
Les Cetaces herbivores, F. Ciiv. 1829.
Cetacea herbivora, Gray, Land. Med. Rep. xv. 309, 1821 Latr. Fam.
Nat. 1825, 64 Brandt, Mhn. Acad. Petersh. 1833, 103,
Cete anomala, Fischer, Syn. Mamm. 1828.
Ceti hydrajoglossi, a, Wayler, N. S. Amph. 32, 1830.
Heterodonta, Hydraula, on Sirenife, Lesson, N. Peg. Anim. 134, 1842.
Manatina, Reich. Syn. Mamm. Cetac. 15.
Tricheche, Oken, Lehrb. Nat. 684.
Pachydeniiata (part), Agassiz, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H. iii. 209, 1850;
Kneeland, Proc. Amer. Joiirn. Ayr. and Sci. 1851, 42.
Gravigrades, Blainville, Osteograph.
Phytophaga seu ex spiraculis, J. Brookes, Cat. Mas. 40.
Manatidfe seu Mastothoracea, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 40.
Amphibies triremes, Duvernoy, Tab. Atiitn. Verteb.

Samml. 186, 1845.

Tetrapoda, Nectopoda, et Pinnipeda (part.), G. Fischer;

Sirenaj, Riippell, Verz. Senck.



Zoognosia, 15.




Muzzle bristly lips single front of upper and lower jaws each
covered with a hard, horny, porous, corrugated plate. Cutting-teeth
2 or 4 above, large, conical, and exserted, or small, abortive, and
early deciduous.
Canine none. Grinders |- |^ to |- f tubercular,
the front one deciduous.
Nostrils 2, separate, lunate, valvular.
Eyes small, ears none. Teats 2, pectoral. Stomach divided into
four cells, two of them appendaged.

Sirenia, Illiger, Prodr.



Manatidse et Dugongidse, Gray, L. Med. Rep. xv. 309, 1821


Phil. 1825.

Trichecus (pars), Cuv. Tab. Elem. 1798.

Manatidffi (pars), Selys-LoiK/champs, 1842.
Halicoridaj, Gray, Ann. Phil. 1825 List Mamm. B. M. 106.
Sirenia dentigera seu Halicoreae, et Sirenia edentata seu Rhytinise,
Brandt, Symb. Sirenol. V',2, 1846.
Amphibia tetrapia Odobenia, Amphibia Diopia, Rajm. Anal. Nat.

60, 1815.
Sirenije (pars), Lesson, N. Rhj.





Manatina, Reichb. Syn.



Les Lamantins, Dnvernoy, Tab. Anim.


Tricliecus (part), Artecli, Gen. Pise. 79 Syn. 109.

Halicorese, Brarult, Mem. Acad. Petersb. 1833, 103.
Rytinese, Brandt, I, c. 1833, 103.

Synopsis of the Genera.





Grinders \ or f tubercidar

Tail rounded.

upper cutting-

teeth moderate.


Grinders f fiat-tipped

Tail forked.

upper cutting-teeth

produced, tusk-like.







Grinders none.

Tail forked.





Cutting-teeth 2, very small, rudimentary, early deciduous. Canine

Grinders | |-, with two or three transverse three -tubercled
Lips bristly.
Back with scattered hairs. Fins with four
rudimentary hoof-like nails. Toes supported with phalanges. Tail
rounded or truncated at the end. Pelvic bones deficient (?). Caecum
Cervical vertebrae 6, separate, distant.
bifid at the tip.

Sirenia dentigera seu Halicorea, Brandt, Sirenoloc/ia, 1847.

Pise. 490; Storr, Prodr. 41, 1780; Cuvier, R. A.;
Illiger, Prodr. 140, 1811
Rafin. Anal. Nat. 61, 1815 ; Gray, Cat.

Manatus, Rondel.

B.M. 139; P.Z.S. 1857,59; 1864,247;

Rousseau, Mag. Zool

1856, 293 Schleyel, Abh. 9.
Trichechus, sp. Li'nn. S. N. ed. 6. 39, ed. 10, ed. 12 Erxleb. 3Iamm. 599.


(pars), Brisson.

Trichecus manatus, Oken, Lehrb. Nat. 687, 1815,

? Nemodermus, Rafin. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815.
Oxystomus, G. Fischer, Zoogn. 19.
? Siren, Artedi, Gen. Piscium, 81, from Svrene
Bartholini Hist. Anat.

Trichechus, Artedi.

The number of grinders varies according

"When complete they are f |

to the age or state of the

but the three front on

each side are often deciduous hence Home (Phil. Trans. 1821, 390)
describes them as 4 -I, and Cuvier as -I I-Dr. Harlan obsei'ves
" Cuvier estimates the teeth at 36, nine
on each side in both my specimens they do not exceed 32, eight on
each side."
In the very young skull in the British Museum, which has holes
for the rudimentary upper cutting or canine teeth, there are only 24,
viz. six on each side
and the two hinder on each side must have
been hidden in the gums. In the older skulls some have eight and
others nine on each side ; but in most of them only six on each side





are perfect, as the anterior one* on each side drops out as the

ones are formed behind, and in each of the skulls two hinder on each
side are in the process of development. (See also Owen, Cat. Osteol.
Mus. Coll. Surg. 478.)
All the three skeletons received from Du ChaUlu had the cervical
vertebrce united in their natural situation.
There were in each of
them only six cervical vertebra), and not seven, as some authors

have stated.



The Manatee.


Nasal bones distinct, imbedded in the skull front

of lower jaw flat, with a central conical prominence near the lower
Gonyx of lower jaw compressed, bifid. Kibs very thick,
solid, circular at the sternal end.

Manatus, Rondel.



Klein, Pise.



Prisswi, R. Anitn.

49, 352.

Kleiner Manati (Manatus minor ?), Zimmermann, Geog. ii. 426, 888.
Lamantin, Condam. Voy, 154 Bvffon, H. N. xiii. 377, 424, t. 57.
Manati, Aldrov. 728; Johnston, 223; Charhet, O. Z. 159.
Mauathi, Clusie, Diss. Philoloy. 8, 9.
Manati seu Vacca marina, Rarj, Quad. 193 (skeleton).
Taurus luarinus, Ant. Herrera, Nov. Ord. 12.
Manatus borealis, Fleming, Brit. Anim. 29.
Mermaid of Shetland Seas, Edinb. Neio Phil. Journ. vi. 57, 1829

Stewart, Elern. N. Hist. i. 125.

Trichechus manatus, Linn. S. N.




8, cop. Bvffon.
australis, Tilesivs, Jahrb.











13; Fischer, Syn.

Ozeretshoivsky, Nov. Act.

501; Reichb. Syn.





16 Icon. Ce.tac. t. 23. f. 72, 73, from IlmnbohU, Anat. Cetac.

29 Gray, Cat. Cetac. B. 31. 1850, 139 P. Z. S. 1864, 247



27, 28,

H. 1865, 134.
Ann. ^' Mag.
Manatus Atlanticus, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 40.
Manatus (Trichechus manatus) australis, Illiger, Prodr. 110.
Manatus Americanus, Dcsm. Mamm. 607; N. l)iet. N. H. xvii. 262.
t. 96; Home, Lectures Comp. Anat. iv. t. 54; Schomhurgh, Rciscn
Brit. Guiana,

786; Custlenau, Reise, 114; Schreber, Sdat/efh.


378, t. 380. f.
Lesson, Cetac. 63

2, t. 381. f. 3; Gacrin, Icon. Mamm. t.' 46

Gosse, Jam. 346; Jdger, Nova Acta Acad. Leop.Vrolik, Bijdr. tot der I)ierkunde, 1851, 53.



Carol. xxvii. 191

Manate de I'Or^noque, Hmnb.

Wiegm. Arch. 1838,





latirostris, Harlan, Journ. Acad. N. S. Philad. 111. 390,
1824; Fauna. Amer. 277; Fischer, Syn. 502; Reichb. Syn. Mamin.
17 Icon. Cetac. t. 23. f. 74 Anat. t. 27. f. ; Wagner, in Schreb.








2, 5.

australis (Surinam), Schlcgcl, Abhandl. t. 5. f. 3 (old), 4, 6, 6

Lamantin d'Am^rique, Cuvier, Ann. Mus. xiii. 273. 1. 19. f. 1-4 Oss.


Foss. v. 242.




2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

Jamaica Manatee, Home,

Phil. Trans. 1821, 390.


Ciuiaua Manate, Penn. Quad. ii. 297.

ISliinato dc .Surinam, Kraus, Midler, Arch. f. Anat. 1858, 390.
Manate Clusii and Oronoko Manate, Penn. Quad, ii, 298.




Manatus fluviatilis, Eliger JVaf/tie?; iti ISchrcb. Sduf/eth. t. 279 (head

and jaws), cop. Ecichb. Icon. C'ctac. t. 23. f. 75.
Peixe boi or Vacca marina, Kidder and Fletcher'' s Brazils, 555, fig.
Anat. Home, Lectures, t. 55 Cuvier, Oss. Foss. v. t. 19 Blainv.
Wiegmunn, Arch. 1838, 18. t. 2.
Osteogr. t.

Inhab. Tropical America. Surinam (ScMegel). Cayenne (Cuvier).

Guiana, West Indies (i/o?ue). Jamaica (/SVoane). Florida? Called
Manatee, that is, fish ox, by the Negroes at Jamaica (Gosse), Cojumero in Guiana, Feges huey on the River Amazons.
Jamaica, Mus. Sloane.
South America?


Foetus, in spirits.



Blainv. Osteog. All. G. Manatus (latirostris), pi. 111.

From Mr. Gosse's Collection.
Surinam. From Dr. Kraiis.
d. Skeleton.
Cuba. Presented by H. Christy, Esq.
e. SkuU.






Professor Owen (Cat. Osteol. Mus. Coll, Surg. ii. 464) describes
the skeleton and the dentition of a young female.
Colour (above) uniform bluish black, rough-grained cuticle peeling in several places, showing the colour.
Brighter and clearer
beneath. Underparts slightly paler ; front of muzzle grey. Eyes very
small, not nearly so large as a man's ; jjupil comparatively large,

iris very narrow, scarcely a line wide, dull greyish

Flesh delicious-flavoured, without any oiliness, something
Gosse, Jamaica, 344.
between veal and pork.
They are found in considerable numbers about the mouths of
rivers near the capes of East Florida, lat. 25.
The Indians kill
them with harpoons during the summer months. One Indian has
been able to capture ten or twelve during a season. They measure
from 8 to 10 feet, and are about the weight of a large ox. Burroivs,
Journ. Acad. N. S. Philad. iii. 392.
They are mentioned in Captain Henderson's account of Honduras,
1809. Harlan.
Feed on a water-plant (pana hrava) that floats on the borders of
From 8 to 17 feet long. Kidder.
the streams.
The animal mentioned by Stewart and Fleming is most probably
the American Manatee, which may, under extraordinary circumstances, be brought by the Gulf-stream to the coast of Shetland.
have seen no specimens but the size precludes it being the Rgtina,

circular, blue


which Fleming refers it.

" The carcase of one of these animals was, in 1785, thrown ashore
near Leith it was much disfigured and the fishermen extracted its
liver and other parts, from which a considerable quantity of oil was
obtained." /S'^cwrtz-f, Elem. N. H. i. 125.
"Zetland Mermaid. Animal 3 feet long; upper part resembling
a Monkey, with short arms and distinct, not webbed, fingers lower

part like a fish

skin smooth, grey, without hairs or scales


(Laurence Edmonstone, in Edinb. Magaz. Sept. 1823,

Graii, Proc. Zool. Soc.
p. 343, copied in Fleming, Brit. Anim. 30.).^
1864, 248.




The Lamantin.


Nasal bones none attached to the skull frontal bones thick in

front upper part of front of lower jaw concave, with two small
separate processes in front below.
Gonyx of lower jaw convex,
Ribs slender, compressed, high, rather compressed at the
sternal end.
See Gray, Ann. 6f Mag. Nat. Hist. 18G5, xv, 134.

La Donna,

Congo, 146.

A^it. Zucchelli, Journe)/ in

Lamantin, Adansoti, Voy. Seney. 143

f. 13, 15, 16 (arm-boues).



Nat. xv.




Lamentyn (female), Barhot, Guin. 562. t. 7 (bad).

Lamantin du Senegal, Dntth. in Buffon, N. H. xiii. 431

(no figure) ;
Cuv. Oss. Foss. V. 254. t. 19. f. 4, 5 (skull) ; ? Bobert, Compt. Bend.
Acad. Sci. 1836, 363.
Tricbecus Manatus Africanus, Oken, Lehrh. Nat. 688, 1815.
Manatus Senegalensis, Desm. Mamm. 508 Lesson, (Euvr. Biiffon, i.
Beg. Anim. 155 Fischer, Syn. 502 Schreh. Sdmjeth. t. 381
69 ;
(skull), t. 380. f. 3, 4; F. Cvv. Cete, t.
Gra>/, List Mamm. B. M.
106; Cat. Cetac. B. 3L 140; Fdin. Journ. Sci! ii. 186; Lesson, Ceiac.
69; Hamilton, Jardine, Nat. Lib. viii. 298. t. 19. f. 2, 3 Beichb. Syn.
Mamm. 17; Anat. Cetac. t. 28, from Cnvier A. Sinith, African Zool.
123 ; Olipliant, Bep. Brit. Assoc. Glasgow, 1855, Trans. 116, 1856.
Womanfisb, Purchas, ii. 1446.
Round-tailed Manate, Penn. Quad. ii. 296. ? 102.
Manatus nasutus, Perkins, Proc. Boston
H. S. ii. 198 Amer. Journ.
Sci. ix. 13. t.
IVyman, Proc. Boston
H. S. ii. 192, 1850.
Manatus Owenii, i)u Chaillu, Proc. Boston N.
Soc. 1860 ; Gray,
Ann. 8; Mag. N. IL 1861, 64.
Manatus Vogelii, Oweti, Proc. Brit. Assoc. 1856, 100 Baikie, P. Z. 8.
1857, 33. t. 51 (skull) Ann. ^ Mag. N. H. 1857, xx. 70; Fdin.
New Phil. Journ. n. s. iv. 1856, 345.
Manatus Senegalensis, Gray, P. Z. S. 1857, 59 ; Ann. Sf Mag. N. H.
1857, XX. 312 Ann. ^- Mag.
H. 1865, xv. 134.




Ann. Mus.

f. 4, 5
Oss. Foss. v. 1. 17.
Schreber, Sdvgeth. t. 381
Jardine, Nat. Lib. \\\\.
2, 3; Beichb. Anat. Cet. t. 28; Blainv. Osteogr. t.

xiii. t. 19.

(? skull);





Inhab. "West coast of Africa.


West Coast of
Smith, and Co.



Presented by Messrs, Forster,

West Africa.
West Africa.







Cutting-teeth -i ; two inner upper and the four lower deciduous

the two outer upper conical, elongate, permanent.
Canine none.
Grinders f |, truncate, with two lateral grooves.
Lips bristly

Caudal fin lunate, sinuated. Body

Caecum undivided.
Pelvic bones

fore feet fin-shaped, clawless.


Cervical vertebra)



Dugimgus, Tiedemann,




Odobenus, Ilafn. Anal. Nat. 60, 1815.

Dugong, Lneep.
Halicore, Illiger, Prodr. 140, 1811; Oken, Lehrh. 689, 1818; Schinz,






Cat. Prep. JVhale, 35,

Grai/, Cat. Cetac. B.


Brookes, Cat. 3Ius. 404


Rosmariis (pars), Boddaert.

Tricheciis (pars), Erxlch.
Trichechiis (part), Artedi, Gen. Pise. 80; Syn. 108.
Platystomus, O. Fischer, Zooyn. 19.

Cervical vertebrae 7, dorsal 19 (ribs 19), lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal 30, =56; V-sbaped bones commencing between the thirty-second
and thirty-third vertebrae. Weight of cranium and lower jaw 7 lbs.
6ozs., of bones of trunk 20| lbs., of pectoral extremities 31bs.,=
30 lbs. 10 ozs., the weight of an entire male adult human skeleton

being only 12 lbs. The bones are extremely dense and of stony
hardness they contain no medullary ca^'ity, but consist of a texture
nearly as close as ivory and capable of being poUshed.
Knox, Gat.
Prep. 35, 1838.
The tusks and teeth are " composed of two substances, a cortical

and a medullary

the cortical, although holding the situation of

similar to bone, and possesses none of the qualities of that
peculiar substance
the medidlary portion is extremely hard, of a



dense texture and homogenous appearance."

Knox, Cat. Prep. 36.
" The front portion of the upper and lower jaws is covered in the
The outer surface presents
recent state with a horny covering.
numerous rough-looking elevations, many of them darker around
the circumference tlian in the centre these are arranged in rows of
seven or eight each, running from each side towards the mesial line,
but with a slight inclination from behind forward. The whole substance is composed of bristles about one-eight of an inch in length,
arranged vertically, and agglutinated together by a substance of a
horny nature. Since examining the Dugong, now seven years ago,
from which the preparations nos. Ill and 112 were procured, I
have been convinced that SteUer was simply describing a similar
substance, no doubt on a larger scale, as the animal is said to reach
26 feet. The substance is neither teeth nor analogous to teeth, and
we might with the same propriety describe the rough and semihorny substance covering the osseous palate of the sheep, cow, &c.,
As a proof that it is not analogous even to teeth, the
as a tooth.
surface of the lower jaw contains rudimentary teeth imbedded deep
Knox, Cat. Prep. 37, 1838.
in the osseous texture."
Cervical vertebrae 7, all free first and second no lateral process third
Mtis. Edinb. 47.
to the seventh thin, with small lateral processes.
Dr. Knox susjiects there are two species, one with what Sir E. Home
calls the permanent, and the other with what he, erroneously, as Dr.
Knox suspects, calls the milk tusks. Trans. Roij. Soc. Edinh. ii. 395.


Halicore Dugong.

The Indian Dugong.

Halicore australis, Owen, Jiikes''s Voy. H.M.S. Fly, ii. 225. f. 1. t. 27.
f. 3. 328. f. 5
Maegittivray, Voy. Rattlesnake, i. 48.
H. (Trichechus) Dugong, IlUqer, Prodr. 140; Schreb. Sdugeth. t. 380,
f. 5, 6. t. 382, 383
Reichb. Syn. Mamm. 16 Icon. Cetac. t. 22. f. 70,
71, from F. Cuvier et Quoy.


diicrin, Icon. t. 40; Lesi^on,
Dugung, F. Cuv, Matmn. Lith. t.
Anim. 154; Fischer, Si/ii. Manun. 503; Gray, List Mamm.
Volkmaim, Anat. Anim.
li. M.
Rousseau, Mag. Zool. 1850, 198


N.' R.




1 (skeleton).

Illir/er, Ahhandl. Berl. Aknd. 1813.

Indicus, Desm. Mamm. 509 Sclirch. ii. 207 Quoi/ et Gaim. Voy.
Astral, t. 27; Oioen, Juhcss Voy. Fhj, ii. 323, 325," 327.
II. Iiidica, Rapp, Cetac. 20. t. 1 (foetus, Mus. Zuricli) ; A. Smith, South
African Zool. 122.
Ilalicore Syi'en, J. Brookes, Cat. Mus. 40.
Trichecliiis Dugong', Gmelin, S. N. i. GO ; Erxleb. Si/st. 599 ; Zimmermunn, Geuy. ii. 425 Voy. Pole Sud, Mamm. t. 20, 21 a, b, c, d.
Trichecus Dugong-, Pucheran, Voy. Dumont d'Urvilk, Mamm. t. 20,

H. cetacea,

20 a, 20


from Banda.

Duguugus mariuus, Ticdem. Zool. i. 554.

Dugungus ludicus, Hamilton, Jard. Nat.



Indian Walrus, Pemi. Syn. Quad.338; Shmo, Zool.

Wliale-tailed Manatee, Penn. Quad, ii. 292.



239; Quad.



Ijaniantin, Legnate, Voy.

Manati, Banks, Pennant Quad. 293 Voy. de la Caille, 229.

Le Dugong, Renard, Poissons des Ind. i. t. 34. f. 180 Buffon, H. N.
Camper, iii. 479. t. 7. f. 2, 4 Cuvter, Oss.
xiii. 374. t. 56 (skull)
Foss. V. 252 ; N. Act. Pdrop. xiii. 374 F. Cuvier, Mamin. Lithog.



Raffles, Linn. Trans.; Phil. Trans. 1820, 174; Home, Phil.

Trans. 1820, 144. t. 12, 14, 314. t. 25, 31
1821, 390 Comp. Anat.
t. 52 (yoiuig), t. 53 (skeleton) ; Knox, Edinb. Journ. Sci. 1829, i.
157; Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. i. 389. 1831; Blainville, Comptes
Oweji, P. Z. S. vi.
Rendiis Acad. Sci. 1837, March, 3. fig. (skull)
28, 1838 Christol, Ann. Sci. Nat xv. t. 7. f. 12, 14, 10 (arm-bones)
Bischoff, Miiller, Arch, fur Anat. 1847, 1.
Dugong des Indes, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. Astrol. Mamm, 143. t. 27
Lesson, Cetac. 80.
Anat. Daubenton, Buffon, H. N. xiii. t. 50 (skull) Home, Phil. Trans.
1821. t. 20; Pamler et Alton, Robben, t. 5; Cud. Oss. Foss. v. 259.
Volkmann, Anat. Anim. i. t. 9. f. 1
t. 20,' t. 19. f. 0, 7 (mutilated)
Camper, iii. 479. t. 7. f 2, 3, 4
Blainv. Compt. Rendus, 1837, 3. f.
Oiven, .Tukes's Voy. Fly, ii. 323, 325. l 2, 327. f. 4, 328. f. 0; Reichenb.
Icon. Cetac. t. 26, 33, 34, 35, 36.


Banda. Mozambique Channel {A. Smith).

Inhal). Indian Ocean.
North-west coast of Australia, called Yung-un.

Animal, stuffed. Malacca.

Presented by Walter Elliot, Esq.
Skull (adult).
North-cast coast of New HoUand. Presented
c, c. Two upper jaws.
by J. B. Jukes, Esq.
Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq. (lower jaw wanting).
Moreton Bay. Presented by Capt. Stanley, R.N.
e,f. Two skulls.
Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake.'
SkuU. Darnley Island, Torres Straits. Presented by the Earl


of Derby.


skeleton of this animal


fully described

by Professor Owen

in the 'Descriptive Catalogue of the Osteological Series in the

of the College of Surgeons,' p. 45!), nos. 2543-2031.


After careful study and comparison I have been unable to discover




any external difference, or character in the skull and skeleton, by

which I can separate the Indian from the Australian Dugong the
changes in the form of the skull and teeth are common to the specimens of the two localities therefore I am inclined to believe that
the slight changes in the form of the bladcbone and teeth which
have been observed have arisen from the age or sex of the specimen


of the

skulls do not seem to be

Manatee of America and

so liable to vary in

form as the skull


Legnate mentions the Dugong as inhabiting the shores of the

Mascarin Islands " in great numbers. They attain 20 feet in length,
and feed like sheep in three or four fathoms of water, making no
attempt at escape when approached.
Sometimes they were shot at
the end of the musket, sometimes laid hold of and forced on shore.
Three or four hundred were met with together, and they were so far
from shy that they suffered themselves to be handled, and the fattest
were thus selected. The larger ones were avoided, not only on
account of the trouble they gave in the capture, but because the
flesh was not so good as that of the smaller and younger ones."
Pcnnij Cydopcedla, Whales.
General Hardwicke's figure of the Malay Dugong, which was taken
from life, represents the animal as uniform slaty black and M. F.
Cu\ier's figure was a copy of this figure, taken by M. Duvaucelle.
In the Voyage of the Astrolabe the Dugong is figured pale fulvous, with white lower parts, and with fulvous blotches on the side.
This was probably from a dry skin.
Sir J. E. Tennaut, in his work on Ceylon, gives a woodcut showing the mode in which the female carries her young.
The Dugong is seldom caught at Singapore. About 8 or 9 feet in
length but how much larger they grow is not ascertained, as when
they exceed that size their superior strength enables them to make
their escape.
Raffies, Linn. Trans, xiii.



The Dugong is not numerous at Singapore, still less so to the

northward, and has but in few instances been observed in Kurla
moda, the mouth of the river which forms the northern boundary of
the province of Wellesley.
It is called Buy on or Parampuan Laut
Cantor, Malay Mamm. 66.
by the Malays.
The Andaman Island is the most northern locality yet ascertained
of the Indian Dugong in the Bay of Bengal. It must be scarce there,
or the bones would be more frequently found to decorate those rude
They are common in the Gulf of Calpentyn, on the west coast
of Ceylon, where the flesh is held in esteem, and they occur in all the
salt-water inlets from that gvdf to Adambridge. They are also found,
and called " the Seal," on the shore and in the salt-water inlet of
the Concan, where they feed on the vegetable matter found on the
These are most
rocks, and bask and sleep in the morning sun.
likely the seals mentioned by Forbes, in his Oriental Memoirs,' as
abounding in the salt water of Travancore. He described their skin
as covered with soft, oily haii", and having short ears.
Barchemitz says the males at Moreton Bay are a little larger than



the females.
They are often more than 20 feet long. They live
upon a green grass which grows upon the bank.
Peron observes, the sailors were alarmed by a terrific howling,
which resembled the roaring of a bull, but much stronger, and seemed
to come from the neighbouring reeds.
And Mr. Fraser, in Captain
Stirling's Surveying Voyage, 182(), notices that while attending to
the boat on the river, he " distinctly heard the bellowing of some
huge animal, similar to that of an ox, from an extensive marsh
further up the river." The roars were doubtless from the Dugong.
Dampier observed these animals in Australia, but he mistook
them for Hippopotami but he only saw a head, half decomposed by
digestion, and the tusk doubtless heliied to mislead him.
Peron mentions the existence of a Diujon on the Australian coast
in his ' Voyage of Discovery to Australia,' published in 1807, but he
only saw a few teeth collected by the sailors from a half-decomposed
The late Dr. Robert Tyler presented a skull and some other bones
to the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta.
In 1827 he read
a paper on the Dugong or Dayoumy, on the bones of four different
individuals which he had picked up at Raffles Bay on the north coast
of Australia. (See Mem. of Dr. R. Tyler, Corbyn's Indian Rev. 1838,
iii. p. 46, and Rlyth, Report Asiatic Soc. 14.)
Known to the colonists in Morton Bay as the " Sea-pig." The
skin is thick and smooth, with a few hairs scattered on the surface.
Bluish on the back, with a white breast and beUy.
The adult male
does not exceed 18 or 20 feet long.
It chiefly feeds on marine
vegetables which it finds at the bottom of the inlets in comparatively
shallow water, where it is easily captured. The flesh resembles
good beef, and is much esteemed. The oil obtained from its fat is
peculiarly clear and limpid, and free from any disagreeable smell
found in most animal oils. The blacks devour the carcase roasted,
after expressing the oil for sale to the colonists.
Ahndyed from
Sidnei/s Three Colonies of Australia, 1852, 337.
The author of ' Ramble at the Antipodes,' 1859, described the
flesh of the Dugong, or Yangan of the aborigines, as excellent,
having the taste of tender beef, and, when salted, nearly resembling
The Australian Dugong is met with on the north coast of that
island continent within the Great Burrow Reef at Swan River on the
western side, at Moi-eton Bay on the eastern, and in Port Essington
and Shasta Bay on the north coast. But it may be doubtful if they
are aU the same species.
Professor Owen's H. australis is described
from the animal found in Port Essington (see Cat. Osteol. Series
Mus. CoU. Surgeons).



Halicore Tabernaculi.

vel Thacliusa, Closes, in Exudus, xxv. 5," Ri'ippcU.

Halicore tabernaculi, liiipjwU, Mm. Scnckenh. i. 118. t. 0.
H. Dugong, var., Reichb. Sijn. Mamm. 16.




H. Hemprichii (Nake), Ehrenb. Symh. Phys.

H. Lottum, Ehrenb. Symb. Phys, i.


Inhab. Red Sea.

Observed by Dr. Eiippell " swimming among the coral banks on
the coast of Abyssinia, near the Dalae Island." The fishermen harpooned a female, which he dissected. It was 10 feet long.
The Arabs stated that they live in pairs or small families that
they have feeble voices, feed on aJgce, and that in February and March
bloody battles take place between the males, which attain to 18 feet,
Penny Cydopii'dia, art. Whales,
This is probably the same as the Dugong from India and Australia
but I have not had the opportunity of comparing the skull and skins

as in that species.


Teeth none.



Muzzle blunt, lips

Cutting-teeth, canines, and grinders none.
Eyes covered with a
Ears none.
double, outer upper bristly.
Skin covered with a thick, brittle or easily
blinking membrane.
cracldng fibrous ejndermis. The fore feet with claw-Uke callosities,
not supported by phalanges. The tail horizontal, bifid. Teats two,
Stomach simple.
Pelvic bones distinct.
Sirenia edentula sen Rhytiuese, Brandt, Symb. Sirenol. 1849.
Manate seu Vacca marina, Steller, Acad. Petrop. Nov. Cotnm.




Rytina, Illiyer, Prodr. 141, 1811 Okon, Lehrb. Nat. 685 Wagkr, 33 ;
Sirenoloyia, 1849.
Beer, Mini. Acad. Peter sb. 1840, 111
Rhytina, Brandt, Mem. Acad. Imp. Petersb. vii. 1846 Symb, Sirenoloyia, 1846.
Rityna, Lesson, Nouv. Rig. Anim. 155, 1842 (misprint).
Steilerus, Desni.
Cuviei-, P. A. i. 275.

Hydrodamalis, Retzius.
?L)ystomus, O. Fischer, Zooyn. 19.

Nepus, Gotth. Fischer von Waldheim.

Stellere, Cuvier, Rey. Anim.


Whales, 37, 1838) shows that the substance

and which has been mistaken
for teeth, is only a horny skin of the bent-down portion of the two
This suggestion has
jaws, common to this animal and the Dugong.
iDeen adopted by F. Cuvier (Cetac. 377) and Brandt in his SirenoThe latter figures them, and exhibits their structure under
the microscope. This horny substance bears evidently a considerable
analogy to the baleen of the common whale.

(Cat. Prep.

in the palate


Steller describes,


Rytina gigas.

The Morskaia Korova.


Manate seu Vacca marina,


N. Act. Petrop.

Trichecus Manatus, 3Iidl. Prodr. Z. Dan.

Trichecus (Manatus) borealis, Gmelin, S. N.




60; Oken, Lehrb. Nat. 685.



Nordische Seekuh (Uytina), Beer, Mem. Acad. Pctcrsh. 1840, 111.

Manatus gigas, Zhnmcrm. (leo;/. ii. 420.

M. borealis, Tilesins, Jahrh. i. '23 Pallas, Zool. Rosso-Asiat. i. 272.
Manatus Stelleri, Ozeretskoiosky, Nov. Act. Ac. Petrop. xiii. t. 13.








Prodr. 141

Manim. 15;

Dcsm. N. Diet.

Icon. Cetac.




T 69,

N. xix. 574



Anat. Cetac. t. 25, from Brandt Alex. v. Nordmaitii, Beitriuje zur

Kemitniss des Knochenbaues der Bhj/tina Stelleri, HelsiiKjfors 1801,
33 pp. and 5 tab. Act. Soc. Set. Fom. vii. Arch. Naiurg. 1802,
153 Nordmann, Paldantologie Sud-Russland'n, Helsingfors 1859-60,

Stellerus borealis,
Lib. viii. 307.



Mamm. 510

Lesson, Cetac. 88

Jardine, Nat.

borealis, F. Cuvier, Cetac. 41.

Stelleri, Lesson, N. Rh/. Anim. 155.

lUiytina borealis, Brandt, Mem. Acad. Petrop. 1846 Si/mb. Sirenolog.
141. t.1-4 (skull), t. 5 (ideal figure); Rousseau, Mag. Zoo/. 1856, 199.
Stellere, Cuvier, R. A. i. 275; Oss. Foss. v. 256.
Whale-tailed Manate, Penn. Quad. ii. 292.

Tnhab. Arctic Ocean.

Behring's Straits.

Skiill (imperfect),


St. Pctersb.

a, b.



from Behring's



Received from the



of Sciences, St. Petersburg.

Steller, who first discovered the Rytina during Behring's second

expedition, in 1741, when ten months were passed upon Behring's
Island, the only spot where this remarkable animal is known to
have existed in recent times, estimated its numbers as then so large
as to be sufficient to feed the whole population of Kamtschatka.
But the hunters and adventurers following in Stciler's track along
the chain of the Aleutian Islands, who were in the habit of wintering
on Behring's Island, and of provisioning their ships -with these

animals, made such havoc with them that, as we are informed by

Sauer, in his narrative of Behring's third expedition, which remained
five years in those seas, from 1789 to 1793, they were at that time
totally extinct, the last known individual having been killed in 1768.
(Beer, Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. 1840, iii. 53, quoted iS^at. Hist. Rev.
18G5, 15 see also Owen, Pateont. 400.)
skeleton, wanting the hand-bones, some of the caudal vcrtebrtc,
and the epiphyses of the shoulderblades, humerus, ulna, and radius,
was discovered and dug up by two Aleutians and sent to the National
Museum of Helsingfors, where it has been described and figured by

Dr. Alexander von Nordmann.

According to Nordmann, there are three skeletons of this animal
one at the Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg, the
in Russia,
second at the Museum at Helsingfors, and the third at Moscow.
(See Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgiquc, xiii. 341, 1862.)
The Sea-ape, Penn. Quad. ii. 301 (Trichecus Hydropithecus, Shaw,
Zool i. 247; Manatus Simla, jni<jer, Ahh. Bcrl. Alad. 1813; M. ?
Hydropithecus, Fisiclier, Syn. 502, all from Steller), is perhaps another
animal of this family, if it is not a Seal ?



After Halicyon Richardi (page 30), add

Halicyon? Californica.

A Seal without


with large, pale riugs, which arc more or



Inhab. California.
This Seal is thus described by Hutching.

The Hair Seal (Phoca jubat.i), Hutching,

Scenes of

Wonder and Curi-

osity in California, 189, fig.

" Inhab. California, near St. Francisco.

TaraUone Islands.
" There are several kinds of Seal that pay a short visit to the
TaraUone Islands at different seasons of the year, one of the most
beautiful of which is the Hair Seal of the Pacific (P. jubata).
Seal, with which the coast of California abounds, is by no means
rare, as almost all the coasts in high southern and northern latitudes abound with it" (p. 189).
It has no affinity to the Phoca
jubata of the Systematic Catalogue.

Trichecus Rosmarus


to description of


(p. 36).

The Morse sits with its hind limbs bent forward, resting on its
Hmbs with their ends bent outwaixls. The animal is repre-


sented in the pi'oper attitude in old Danish plates, and in Cook's

Voyage.' Buffon, misled probably by some animal-preserver, represents the body much elongated, and with the hind legs extended
backward on the sides of the tail, like the general run of earless Seals.
(See Hist. Nat. xiii. t. 54.)
The Morse, which is an earless Seal, in
this respect differs from the rest of the group, sits in the same manner
as the eared Seals of the family Arciocephalina (p. 44), and in this
habit seems to form a link between the two groups of Seals.

Cystophora Antillarum (page 43).

Seal, HilTs Jaynaica



The Pedro Seal (Phoca Wilkianus),


Gosse, Nat. Sojmirn in Jamaica,


Pedro Kays (Wilkie, 1846).

Inhab. Jamaica.
" Cutting-teeth j, canines ^, grinders |^=32.
five-lobed, and



The molars are

numerous, strong, very

flexible, of h



bluish hue, with transverse bars of grc}'.

an intense and uniform black. The hair

The colour

short and

of the back


and ex-

tremely and curiously (jiose. The palms of the fli2')pers are bare.
The fore paw has much more the form of a foot than of a hand, the
There are
first finger, answering to the thumb, being the longest.
nails only on the fore paw, those of the hinder being rudimentary.
are large, black, and full; the irides crimson, and small."
(See Gosse, p. 309.)

The eyes

" The measurements of this specimen were as follows, in feet and

Total length along the back from the snout to the tail 4' 2",
from snout to insertion of fore paw 1' (')", from insertion of fore paw


breadth of back at fore paws 1', from one fore

from one fore paw to the other extended 2' 6",
length of fore paw 10", of hind
of head across ears 7", of nose 4|"
paw 11", of head 9", of tail 3" circumference of the body over fore

hind paw



to the other


paws 3' 2", at hind paws 1' 6"."

" One of the skins obtained by Mr. Wilkie was given to Mr. (losse,
and transferred by him to the British ]\Iuseum. As the skull was
not preserved, the actual identity of the species with the smaller
specimen described by Mr. Hill cannot with certainty be established.
The length of this skin from nose to tip of the tail is 6 feet 6 inches,
Length of the fore
circumference at the fore paw 3 feet 4 inches.
paw llg, of hind paw 10|, of tail 2 inches." (See Gosse, p. 314.)




former groups, walk about more

quadrupeds that is to say, stand on the limbs, and use
them (not the muscles of the abdomen) in progression.
walking they raise their body from the ground, resting on their
limbs, the front limbs being erect to the wrist, with the hands bent
When at rest, the hind part of the body is bent under, and the
hind limbs are extended in front on the sides of the body.
The animals are represented at rest by Dr. Forster, who accompanied Captain Cook and his figures were engraved by Buffon but
these figures scarcely prepare one for the great power possessed by
these animals.
I saw one lately alive at Cremorne Gardens, where
it was erroneously called a " Sea-Bear."
Mr. Gould, in his Mammalia of Australia,' figures the Arctoceplialus lohatus, jirobably from a stuffed specimen, resting in the same
manner as the common earless Seal, with the hind limbs extended
an attitude that was never
out behind on the sides of the tail
assumed by the Arctocephalus exhibited at Cremorne and indeed
the articulation of the thigh-bones to the pelvis of this animal and
the Morse shows that such an attitude cannot easily, if at all, be
assumed by them. They have, unlike the earless Seals, a prominent


Seals, unlike those of the

like other



Arctocephalus Monteriensis (page 49).

The following


probably one of


Californian species of this



Hutching's figure 1 represents tlie animal in the posture often

assumed by the living specimen of the genus shown at Cremorne.


Sea Lion of the Turallone

Islands, Hutching, Scenes of

Curiosity in California, 187, f. 1 & 2.

Wonder and

Inhab. California St. Francisco.

Turallone Islands.
" Upon the rock adjacent to the sea repose in easy indifference
thousands, yes thousands, of Sea Lions (one species of the Seal), that
weigh from one to five thousand pounds each. "When we were
within a few yards of them the majority took to the water, while
two or three of the oldest and largest remained upon the rocks
standing guard over the young calves that were either at play
with each other or asleep at their sides.
Most of these young Seals are of a dark mauve colour but the
old ones are of a light and bright brown about the head, and gradually become darker towards the extremities, which are about the



same colour

as the



Most of the male and young

female Seals leave these islands during the month of November, and
generally all go at once, returning in Aj^ril or May the following
spring, while the old females remain here nearly alone throughout
the winter, a rather ungallant proceeding on the part of the males."





Otaria leonina (page 59).

Bufibn figured the Sea Bear and Sea Lion from the drawings of
Dr. R. Forster, who accompanied Captain Cook in his voyage round
He also gives an account of their habits from Steller
the world.
and Captain Cook's voyages. In his work the position and form of
the ears, the pecuHar structure of the feet, the external scrotum, and
other particulars of the structui^e of the group are noted.
other particulars of their habits, he states that the females lie on
their backs on the sand of the shore when they receive the caresses
of the males, that an old male heads each herd, which consists of
several adult females and their young, and that the males fight
fiercely among themselves to increase the number of the adult
females in their herds.
Forster's drawings, copied by Buff'on (Suppl. vi. t. 78), correctly
represent the animals when at rest, with their hind feet bent forward but they do not show the peculiarity (nor is it recorded in his
notes) that the animal walks on the edge of the palm of the fore fin,
with the fingers extended, raising the lower surface of the body from
the ground. In this respect the eared Seal agrees with the Morse as
figured by G. A. at Hessel in 1613, and by Captain Cook in his last
(See Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1853, 115, 116.)
There was exhibited at Cremorne, as a Sea Bear, an eared Seal
but it was not easy to determine the genus or the species, as it was
not possible to examine its teeth and palate. The external colouring
most resembled that oi Arctocephalus lohatus from Australia but the
exhibitors said that it came from Cape Horn
if so, it was probably a
small Otaria leonina. Unfortunately little reliance can be placed on




the statements of such people, as they seem to delight in making'a

mystery of the country from whicli they derived their specimen, probably fearing that some one else may procure one for exhibition.
Thus all the specimens of the "Talking Fish," or Monk Seal (Monachtis
aWivcnter) of the Mediterranean and Madeira, are always said to be
brought from South America. Very good figures of this animal, in
various attitudes, and an amusing account of its manners, are given by
the Rev. J. G. "Wood in the Boys' Own Magazine,' vi. 213, 1865.

Balsena Mysticetus (page 81).



a beautiful skeleton of an adult female (a full-formed

in the Museum of the lloyal

was taken from the womb)

College of Surgeons.

Mr. Flower informs


that this skeleton entirely invalidates the

on the distinction between

late Professor Eschricht's observations

the skeleton of the male and female whales ; but it is to be observed

that Professor Eschricht never saw the skeleton of the adult female.
figure of the " Bonnet of the AVhale," at page 95, is unfortuProceedings of the Zoological Society,'
it was also in the
1864, 170, placed wrong side upwards, the straight upper edge being
the one affixed to the skin of the head of the whale, a portion of the


nately, as




adhering to the bonnet.



Balaena Sieboldii (page 96).

Mr. Joseph Allen, of Stoke Newington, has a Japanese work, in

two volumes, on whale-fishing in those waters. The first volume
contains an account of the way in which whales are caught on the
coast of Japan, with plates of the boats, nets, and the manner of
boiling oiit the oil from the blubber and the bones, which they seem
The second contains an account of the
to chop up for the purpose.
anatomy of the Right Whale and the Long-finned Whale, and of the
apparatus used in whale-fishing, illustrated with figures of the bones,
viscera, and of the barrels, knives, and harpoons used in the fishery,
the figures of the knives and harpoons being the size of the instruments used.



Caperea antipodarum (page 101).

There is a nearly complete but not articulated skeleton, of a whale
taken on the coast of New Zealand, in the court of the Museum of
Comparative Anatomy at Paris, which M. Serres has named Balcena
but Professor Lilljeborg observes that " it is an entirely different species, and without doubt the Eubal(ena antipodarum of Gray.
The bladebone is of a very distinctive form, and has the rudiment of
an acromion. The ear-bones are lost." The bladebone, according to
the di-awing that M. Lilljeborg sent to me, " is triangular, as wide at
the upper end as the length of the bone, and the rudimentary acromion is a small protuberance about one-third from the upper edge."
Letter from Professor LiUJeborg, 1865.
The beautiful preserved skeleton, with all its whalebone, in the
Paris Museum, which was prepared by a Captain of the French Navy
on the coast of New Zealand, greatly resembles the skeleton of the
Cape whale described by Cuvier as B. australls. It has the smaller
head, square nasal bones, and simple (not forked) first rib of that
In the latter respect it differs entirely from the skeleton of
B. australis in the Leyden Museum.
W. Flower s Notes, Oct. 1865.


(pages 78 and 103).

It appears from further information and additional photographs

that I have received from Mr. Krefft, that I misunderstood his letter

and the photograph and the section that I have formed in the family
Balceniche for a genus with a separate atlas, and the observations I
the atlas bone is entirely
have made on it, are all a mistake

This is to
soldered to the rest of the mass, as in other Balcenida;.
be regretted ; but still the form of the atlas is so distinct from that of
any other kno'UTi genus of BaJamida;, that I believe the Australian
Right "Whale will be a distinct genus, to which the name Macleayius
may be properly applied, and it is no doubt a true Baleetiida.
Mr. Krefft has sent the two following figures (p. 372) to further
illustrate the mass of cervical vertebras to which the name Macleayius

Austral i ens is has been attached.

The additional photographs confirm the opinion that the cervical
so much so that,
vertebrae are alHed to those of the family Bala?nidce
if Mr. Krefft had not sent it to me figured with separate atlas placed
in front, I should have believed that the mass was the atlas and
cervical vertebrae of a Balcenida agglutinated in a single body, as is
usual in that family.
This similarity did not strike me so forcibly until I saw these
additional views, especially the one that shows the hinder part of
the lateral processes of the anterior cervical vertebra of the mass,



In describing from drawings and photographs, one labours under

considerable difficulties yet such is the extraordinary absence of
knowledge on the subject of the larger whales, that it is better they
should be noticed and figui'ed until more complete skeletons can be





Species described from photog-raphs of bones are at any rate much

better established than the many of Dolphins and Whales which the

French zoologists have described from figures taken when the animals were swimming in the sea at a greater or less distance from
the ship, which encumber our catalogues
for they are described
from tangible natural bodies that can be identified when more per;


specimens are obtained.

"The back view

of the mass, the atlas anchylosed to the other cervical."

Fig. 75.


oblique view of the mass, from the same specimen."



The atlas vertebra (which is represented in front of the mass) is

very unlike the atlas of any other known genus, as stated in my
former paper it is characterized by its broad, extended, and truncated lateral processes arising from the middle of the sides of the
body, and especially by the neural arch being broad, and furnished
with a high, sharp keel produced into a spine on the middle of the
hinder part of the upper edge.
The second and third cervical vertebrae have thick, short, blunt
upper and lower lateral processes, far apart on the upper and lower
parts of the body. The two upper ones are anchylosed together into
a mass the two lower ones are separated at the end, thick, prominent, rounded at the sides, and seem, in the front view (fig. 10), to
project under the lateral processes of the first cervical vertebra.
The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh cervicals are thin, and have very
thin lanceolate upper lateral processes, which are anchylosed together
and are partly free down the sides of the bodies of these vertebrae.
The lower lateral processes are rudimentary, only prominent tubercles.
The first and second dorsal, as in Balcena, seem to be more or less
anchylosed to the cervical vertebrae.
The united vertebrae have peculiar characters which separate them
from the cervical vertebrae of any Bcdceaida known, so that they
indicate a new form of Right "WTiale.

Megaptera longimana,


Moorei (page 122).

The skeleton of the specimen which was taken in the estuary of

the Dee, 1863, has been mounted, and is exhibited in the Free
Museum at Liverpool.
Poescopia Lalandii (page 126).
Professor Yan Benedeu (Bull. Acad. Royale de Belgique, xviii.
1864) has published an essay to prove that the Cape Humpbacked
Whale is a distinct species from the Greenland Long-armed Whale.
He has described and figured some of the peculiarities ; but he has
overlooked the fact that the presence of the " bosse" or hump was
recognized by the early whalers, and Dudley, in the middle of the
century, called them "Bunch or Humpbacked Whales:" he
It was exto believe that Professor Esehricht discovered it.
traordinary that so accurate an observer as my late friend Professor
Esehricht did not observe the difi^erence between the skeletons described and figured by Rudolphi and himself and the figures of the
bones of the Cape Long-armed Whale figured by Cuvier.


Eschrichtins robustus (page 133).

Esclirichtius robustus, Gray, P. Z. S. 18Go, 42 (figure of vertebra).

Mr. Pengelly has kindly informed me that a second cervical vertebra of this whale was picked up, washed ashore at Babbicombe Bay,
early in June 1865.



Physalus antiquorum (page 144).

Dr. Murie, in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, 206, gives some details of


of this species,




A specimen, apparently of this species, was cast ashore on the

beach at Pevensey in November 1865. Mr. W. Flower, who went to
examine it, informs me " it is 67 feet long the baleen is very lightcoloured, almost like that oi Balamoptera rostraia on the inner haiiy
side, but slate-coloured externally."
The cuticle is nearly all off,
and it smeUs abominably.
Professor Lilljeborg informs me there is a stuffed skin and the
skeleton of a young common Pinner (P. antiquorum), taken at the
mouth of the Seine in 1847, in the Paris Museum, which is 14 metres
(above 40 feet) long. The lateral process of the second cer\acal vertebra in this specimen has the two lobes united so as to form a ring
on one side, and the lobes truncated and separate on the other, " as

in Benedenia.'^

This form of the second cervical is to be observed in all the young

specimens of Phijsalus but that does not prove that Benedenia is a

young Physalus.

After the remarks on Physalus Duguidii, (at page 160) add



lateral rings

of the cervical vertehrce as long as the diameter of the

body of the rertehrce.


P. antiquorum, p. 144.


P. Duguidii, p. 158.

** The lateral rings

of the cervical t'ertehrce shorter than the diayneter of the

body of the


Physalus Patachonicus.

The neural canal almost half as wide as the diameter of the body
of the vertebra;.
The lateral processes of the atlas siibccntral, subcylindrical, blunt.
The rings of the second, third, and fourth cervical
vertebra; shorter than the diameter of the oblong bodies. The upper
lateral' processes of the sixth cervical

bent down.

Physalus Patachonicus, Gray, P. Z.

S. 1865, 190.
Balfenoptera Patachonica, Burmeister, P. Z. S. 1805,195; Ann. 8fMag.
N. H. 1865, xvi. 59. f. 1-11 (figures of bones).

Inhab. Eiver Plata.


of Buenos Ayres.


" I

now send you drawings of the Whale in the Buenos Ayres

Museum, drawn by myself, and, as I believe, exact to nature.
" Fig. 76. The skull. We have two specimens one complete,
the other consisting only of the hinder part, without the jaws.
the former the upper jaws are no longer in position, but separated
from the cranium, and therefore little importance can be attached to
the width of the opening between the intermaxillary bones in the
it may be somewhat exanterior part of the cleft between them



All the other parts are entirely exact from nature, and
well preserved.
Fio-. 76.

Skull seen from above.

" Length of the intermaxillary, 7 feet 2 inches length of the

maxillary, 7 feet length of the under jaw, 10 feet 2 inches. Breadth
of the frontal bones between the orbits, 5 feet breadth of the vertex
behind, 2 feet 8 inches.

Fio-. 77.

First cervical vertebra.



" The baleen is entirely black, without any other colour. We have
two kinds in the Museum one 5^ feet, and the other 1 foot 8 inches
in length.
This last only may be from the Balcenoptera the other
perhajis from a Balcena, because it is much more slender and more


" Comparing my drawing (fig. 76) with that of Cuvier from the
Cape Balimoptera (Oss. Foss. pi. 26. fig. 2), you will find that the
suture between the frontal bone and the parietal is situated much
Fiff. 78.

Second cervical vertebra.

Fig. 79.

Foiu-th cervical vertebra.

more towards the external part of the frontal bone, being in my skull
exactly in the angle where both bones are united, and therefore not
seen from above in my di-awing.
Another difference of the species



indicated by the longitudinal carina in the vertex of the Cape spethere being no trace of such carina in either of my specimens.
" Unfortunately the tympanic bones are wanting in both, and I


you nothing of them. But the zygomatic bone is preserved,

same form as that figured in Cuvier's work, figs. 1 and
3, but somewhat smaller than the latter figure.
" The seven cervical vertebrae are free, separate from each other,
and the body of every one has the epiphyses on each side, the specimen
being that of a young individual. But in the atlas and front side of
the axis these epiphyses do not exist. I send you drawings of the first
(fig. 77), the second (fig. 78), the fourth (fig. 79), and the sixth(fig. 80)




of the



Sixth ceriical vertebra.

the third exactly resembles the fourth and the fifth only
a small opening in the lateral arc, indicated in my drawing
The seventh has no inferior process
of the fourth, on the left side.
All the
at all, but a much stronger superior one, of the same form.
five vertebrae after the second are very thin, 2 inches in diameter,
the third being the thinnest of all, and the following ones somewhat

difiers in

2| inches in thickness.
we have fourteen, very well indicated
by the flattened ends of the transverse processes being united with
the ribs.
The first of these dorsal vertebrae is very thin, 3 inches in
diameter and the second somewhat thicker, 3| inches after these
the bodies are much stronger, from 6 to 8 inches in diameter.
three first dorsal vertebrae have transverse processes more rounded,
and directed forward. After the third they are more flat and broad,
and directed transversely to the sides. After these fourteen vertebrae
follow twelve others with thinner transverse processes, rounded and

" Of

the seventh


costal or dorsal vertebrae



sharp at the end, and with bodies of mnch larger diameter from
10 to 12 inches. Then follows a strong vertebra, the thirteenth,
12 inches in diameter, with a smaller and shorter transverse process,
which seems to me the first caudal but as the epiphysis is wanting,
there is no attachment for the hoemapophysis on its hinder end. Indeed its body is flattened on the under side, not carinated as the body
of the antecedent
which also seems to me to prove that it is the
first caudal.
Of haemapophyses we have foui' in the Museum, of
unequal size, the first 5 inches high, the largest 8 inches, and 3 to
4 inches broad between the laminae.
" The ribs are not perfect as regards number, but the first seven
or eight are preserved. I send you drawings of the upper and lower
extremities of the first four (figs. 81-84).

Fig. 82.

Fig. 81.

Fig. 84.

Fig. 83.

" The sternum is wanting and of the os hyoidcum we have only

the corpus, of precisely the same form as that figured in Cuv-ier's
Oss. Foss. pi. 25. f. 14.



" Of the pectoral fin we have only the scapula, of which I send
you a drawing (fig. 85); both processes are well developed and somewhat compressed.
Fig. 85.


" The animal was found some leagues from Buenos Ayres, on the
banks of the river Plata, where it came ashore some thii'ty years
ago. It was brought to the gardens of Rosas, at Palermo, where the
skeleton was exhibited a long time,
it was transferred to the Museum.



after the fall of the tyrant,







" I suppose that the species might be the same as that you have
indicated in your synopsis as Balcenoptera australis, Desmoulins
(Yoy. Ereb. and Terror, Mamm. p. 20) ; but as I have never seen
that animal, I am unable to speak concerning its external appearance.
Therefore I believe it is better to describe the species in question
under a new name, and I propose to you, if you please to accept it,
that of Balcenoptera pataclionka.^^

" P.S. I have told you nothing of the under jaw of Balcenoptera
patachonica, because the surface of the bone is much destroyed by
long exposure to the air, rain, and sun but the hinder part, with
the coronoid process, is represented in fig. 86."Bunneister, Proc.

Zool. Soc. 1865,

Fig. 86.



Physalus Sibbaldii (pago IGO).

Section *** of the genus, and the description oi P7u/salus Sihhaldii,
are to bo removed, as Mr. Flower, who has examined the skeleton at
Hull, has determined that it is either the same species as, or very
nearly allied to Cuvierius latirostris, p. 165.

Cuvierius latirostris (page 165).

Change name

to Cuvierius Sihhaldii,

and add

Physalus Sibbaldii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1847, 92

Whales, 160 Flower, P. Z. S. 1865, 472.

Catalogue of Seals and

Mr. Flower, in the

' Proceedings of the Zoological Society,'

472, observes that the skeleton on which Dr. Gray established
Physalus Sihhaldii, preserved in the museum of the Literary and
Philosophical Society of Hull, is quite distinct from the common
Fin-Whale (Physalus antiquortim. Gray), and agrees very closely
with the skeleton at Utrecht (now in the British Museum) which he
described under the name oi Physalus latirostris (P. Z. S. 1864, 410),
and states that he proposes to " withdraw the specific name of latirostris in favour of the prior one given by Dr. Gray."
He gives a sketch of the principal characters, showing where the
Hull skeleton agrees with and differs from that of Physalus antiquorum. The Hull and Utrecht skeleton are nearly in the same stage
The general size and proportions of the two specimens
of growth.
very nearly correspond, the Hull one being rather the largest it is
stated to have the total length of 47 feet, the cranium being 10| feet
while the Utrecht specimen is about 43 or 44 feet, the skull being
If full-grown the specimens would probably reach
9 feet 10 inches.
the length of 60 feet, being rather less than that of P. antiquoruin.
Both skeletons have 64 vertebra) in P. antiquoruin the vertebroo
never appear to exceed 62. The foramen in the transverse process
of the axis is smaller in the Hull than in the Utrecht specimen
probably only an individual variation.
The rostral portion of the skull is not quite so wide in proportion
in the Hull as in the Utrecht specimen the breadth across the middle
of the beak in the latter is to the length of the skull as 27 to 100, in
The actual breadth (measured across the
the former as 26 to 100.
upper surface following the curve) in the HuU specimen is 33 inches,
each maxillary being 10 and the premaxillary 5 inches, the space
between the latter 6 inches. The nasal bones in both skeletons differ
from P. anfiquorum in being slightly hollowed on the upper surface
This character is most strongly marked in
at the anterior margins.
the Hull specimen.
The stylo-hyals are thicker, especially near the lower end, in both
the skeletons than in the common Fin-WTiale.
The sternum, which is so remarkable in the Utrecht specimen for
its almost rudimentary state, is wanting in the Hull specimen, but
may have been overlooked from its small size. The Hull specimen
has 1 6 ribs if this is the normal number in the species, it is a good
specific character, as P. antiquoruin has never been recorded to have




15. The first rib in both the Hull and Utrecht specimens
from P. antlquorum in wanting a well-developed capitular
In the Utrecht specimen this process is present in the
In the Hull
longest in the third.
second, third, and fourth ribs
specimen it is found in the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth
In P. antiquormn it is
ribs, being longest in the third and fourth.
usually longest in the second, and obsolete in the fourth.
Th.0 phalanges of the digits in both skeletons are articulated artificially, and yet they correspond exactly in number and arrangement,
except that the Hull specimen has an additional bone on digit III.
The numbers are, II. 4 III. 5 (Utrecht), 6 (Hidl) lY. 5 V. 3,
an arrangement somewhat different from that of P. antiquormn. One
of the most striking and characteristic thfferences in this part of the
skeleton is the greater length of the metacarpal bones and phalanges,
which in both the Hidl and Utrecht specimens, not only relatively
but even actually, exceed those of the full-grown P. antiquormn of
70 feet in length.
The baleen, which is not preserved in the Utrecht specimen, in
the Hull specimen is in excellent condition, and shows a striking
difference from that of the common Fin-Whale in being of a uniform
deep black, instead of dark olive-brown or horn-colour variegated
towards the ends of the series with patches and stripes of a lighter

more than


After description of Sibbaldius Schlegelii, (at page 186) add



Sibbaldius antarcticus, Burmeister, Pvoc. Zool. Sac. 1865.

Inhab. coast of Buenos Ayres, near the mouth of the river Salado.
(Bladebone in Mus. Buenos Ayres.)
The bladebone (the only portion of the skeleton saved) flat, nearly
one-third of a circle, half as high as broad the outer margin is
regularly curved, with an indication of an obtuse angle on the hinder
part of the circumference ; towards the glenoid cavity it becomes
much thicker, and has here the thickness of the diameter of the
The outer surface is somewhat excavated, with the
glenoid cavity.
indication of an obtuse radial crest on the beginning of the hinder
The inner surface is flatter, and has five large and three short,
The front margin is thin, with the
obtuse, radial, elevated lines.
indication of an obtuse angle in the upper half, and under that
angle are two descending small spines. The hinder margin is somewhat curved to the interior, but more straight in the middle of its


The acromion is a very large, compressed process, which is somewhat broad and rounded at the end, and with two obtuse humps on
the under margin near to the base. The upper margin is very short,
and continued on the outside of the bladebone

The coracoid

as a sharp,


only half the size of the former, and

obliquely truncated at the end. The glenoid cavity is a broad ellipse.





14 inches long and 11 inches -wide, but somewhat more curved on

the outer than on the inner side.
The bladebone is 6 feet broad from before backward, and 3 feet
high from the glenoid cavity to the upper margin. The acromion is
The coracoid process is
I foot 7g inches long and 7| inches broad.
II inches long and 5 inches broad. The acromion is 7 inches broad
in the middle, and 9 inches at the end, before the curved margin.
Fig. 87.

After generic description of






loiver lateral 2)rocesses

of the third



page 188)

to the sevoith cervical

vertebra with an angular projection on the lower edges.

At the end



of remarks on Balaenoptera rostrata, (at p. 194) add

The lower

lateral iwocesses

of the third to the sixth cervical verany prominent angle on the

tehrce slender, regidarly curved, without

lower edges.


Balaenoptera Swinlioei.

Inhab. sea near Formosa.


Upper maxiUary bone, left side (the

Part of the skeleton, viz.
upper surface is 6 feet 6 inches, under edge of the same bone
7 feet 8 inches) three cervical vcrtebraD eight dorsal vertebrae,



seven of which are more or less imperfect

simple heads.

eight ribs, all with

Mr. Swinhoe has sent to the British Museum part of the head,
three cervical vertebrse, the first and seven other dorsal vertebrse, and
eiglit ribs of a large Finner Whale which was thrown ashore on the
coast of Formosa.
The bones are nearly of the size of similar bones
of the European Finner (FJvjsalus antiquoriim), which often reaches
to the length of 60 or 70 feet, and they most probably belong to an
animal nearly of that size.
The second and third cervical vertebrse are united, as in the small
Finner {Balcenoptera rostmta) of Europe, while in all the larger
Finners which are as yet



two bones are always


Fig. 89.

Fig. 88.

Back view of the second and third

by the nem'al arches.
Side view of the same vertebrse.

cervical vertebrae united

This union of the second and third cervical vertebrae is one of the
by which the genus Balcenoptera is separated from the
genus PJiyscdus. The front part of the neural canal has the subcharacters



circular form of that in the genus Bdhvnoptera, and not the transI am therefore
versely oblong- form of the neural canal in Pht/saliis.
inclined to refer these bones to the genus Bahmoj^tera until we are
able to know more of the skeleton and the external form of the

Fig. 90.



Fig, 90. The bacli view of the sixth or seventh cervical vertebra,
91. Side view of the same vertebra.

I am, however, inclined to believe that when the animal and its
skeleton arc better known it will be found to have some particular
characters (as the form of the bodies of the vertebra"!), since the
It is to
lateral processes show some alliance to the genus Pliymlus.
be I'cgrettcd that the number of the vertebra?, the form of the lumbar
vertebra), and the form of the first ribs were not observed and they
are all required to determine with certainty to what genus the animal


must hereafter be





for the present be designated

Balcenoptey'a Swinlioei.
Fiff. 92.

Fig. 93.

Fig. 92.

The back view

93. Side

of the


dorsal vertebra.

view of the same vertebra.

The second and

third cervical vertebrae are united by the anchythe neural arches.

The second cervical vertebra has large,
broad, truncated lateral processes with a large, oblong, subcentral
losis of





the lateral processes are each two-thirds of the trans;

verse diameter of the articulating- surface of the body of the vertebra).
The neural canal of the second cervical vertebra subcircular, rather
less high than broad, and not quite so wide as half the diameter of
the front surface of the body of it.
The third cervical vertebra has
a thin, oblong, transverse body, which is broader than high the
lateral processes are slender, truncated at the end, not so long as
the transverse diameter of the body, curved towards each other at the
end, but not united so as to form a ring.
The neural canal of the
third cervical vertebra is oblong transverse, rounded above, as wide
as half the transverse diameter of the body of the vertebra, and about
one-third broader than high.
The rest of the cervical vertebrse are
free, not anchylosed either by the body or neural arch.
The sixth
or seventh cervical has a thin body, with slender, nearly straight
upper lateral processes, and only a very short tubercle on each side
The first dorsal vertebra has a very high dorsal spine a
rather small, oblong body, and a strong lateral process on each side
above, which is expanded at the end.
The eight ribs have simple
These bones seem to show an animal three times as large as the
Balcenoptera rostrata of Europe.

While the

(page 195),


CatalogTie has been going throiigh the press

much new

information respecting these animals has been received, especially the

knowledge of the animals of two species of Kogia, showing its affinity
to the Physetet- of Sibbald, and of a new genus of Sperm Whale, and
the opportunity of examining the skeleton of a Spex'm Whale from the
west of Scotland and of one from Australia.

In the place of the Synopsis of the Genera



compressed, truncated in front.

Blowers in front of

Skidl elongate.
part of the head.
Jin short, truncated. Catodoutina.




Head depressed, rounded in front. Bloivers at the hack of the

Mouth small, inferior. Dorsal Jin compressed, falcate.
elongate, falcate.



the iqyper


The atlas subcircular, rather broader than high ; the

central canal circular, in the middle of the body, widened above.




The atlas oblong, transverse, nearly twice as broad as high

the central canal subtrigonal, narrow below.



at p. 195, substitute




large, elongate, rather depressed in front.

Head moderate, blunt, and high in front. Skull short and
broad. The septum that divides the crown of the skull very sinuous,
folded so as to form a funnel-shaped concavity.

Eui'HVSETES. Head moderate, blunt, and high in front. Skull_ short

and broad. The septum that divides the crown of the skull simple,
longitudinal, only slightly curved.



At page 196, add

to characters of Section I.

short, broad, truncated.

The deep cavity on the crown of
surrounded hy jierpendicular zvalls formed by the doubled-tip
ma.rillaries and occiput.

The pectoral Jin

the sku/l


to generic characters


atlas oblong, transverse, nearly twice as

broad as high the

central canal subtrigonal, narrow below (see fig. p. 207).
The cervical vertebrae in C'afodon are united into a single mass by
their bodies, the neural arch, and the lateral processes.
The lateral

processes of the auterior vertebra3 are produced, and form a thick,

subconical, triangular prominence on each side of the mass the front

surface is nearly flat and the lateral processes of the hinder vertebrae
are shorter and shorter to the last.
The hinder surface shelves from
before backwards, and is arched over with some conical prominences,

which indicate the lateral processes of the different vertebrae of

which the mass is formed. The first dorsal vertebra is sometimes
partially anchylosed with the seventh cei-vical vertebra.
The armbones are very short.

Catodon macrocephalus (page 202), add

Physeter macrocephalus, Marie, P. Z.
deformed lower jaws).




1865, 390.



2 (figures of

The skeleton in the Paris Museum, which was purchased in London,

appears to be made up of the bones of several animals, as it has more
vertebrae and ribs than any of the skeletons which have been prepared from a single specimen. It is very imperfect in other respects,
wanting the phalanges, &c.
The British Museum has received the skeleton of an adult Sperm
Whale that was cast ashore at Wick, on the coast of Scotland.
The Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons has received the
skeleton of a Sperm Whale taken on the coast of Australia.
Mr. Flower, from the examination of the skeleton at Burton Constable, the one from Scotland in the British Museum, and the one
from Austraha in the Royal College of Surgeons, believes that they
are most probably all one species.
The Sperm Whale is essentially
an inhabitant of the tropical seas the specimens which reach the
shores of Europe and the Southern Ocean are probably only stray
animals thrown out of their usual course by accidental circumstances and this explains why they only occur at distant periods.

After end of Catodon (page 210), insert:



Animal unknown.
The atlas is thin, high, being only about one-fourth wider than it
is high
the lower and lateral margins are arched, the lower edge
being the most so. The neural arch is low, transverse, with a nearly




The upper surface

it is thickest in the middle.
shelving on the sides, with an angular central prominence.
central aperture is very large, nearly circular, and dilated above
into an oblong transverse aperture, which is rather wider than the
The front articulating surface is
widest part of the central circle.
horseshoe-shaped, continued to the upper outer angle, and obliquely
shelving off on the upper edge to the base of the oblong part of the

straight lower edge


The articulating surface of the hinder side is similar

but the articulating surface is shorter at the sides, and transversely
truncated in a line with the middle of the xipper, oblong, transverse
opening (figs. 94, 95).
Meganeuron, Gray, P.

Z. S. 1865, 440.

Inhab. Australia.

Fig. 95.

Fig. 94.

Fig. 94. Front of atlas of Mefjaneiiron Ki-q

95. Hinder side of ditto (reduced).


a letter which I lately received from Mr. Gerard Kreift, the

and Curator of the Australian Museum, he sent
me some photographs (taken like those he formerly sent by Mr. Henry
Barnes) of a separate atlas vertebra and of the second and other

intelligent Secretary

mass of a species of whale, which

The two bones,
are contained in the museum under his charge.
though not united, fit one another so exactly that Mr. Krefi't has no
doubt of their having belonged to the same animal and the photographs sent justify this conclusion. However, should there be any
mistake in this matter, it will not in the least invalidate the conclusion that I have come to, from the examination of these photographs, that they indicate the existence of a second species of Sperm
Whale in the Australian seas, very distinctly characterized by the
subcircular form of the atlas vertebra and of the neural canal in it.
cervical vertebra? united into one

" The mass formed by the second and other cervical vertebrae is
somewhat similar to these bones in the skeleton of the Australian



Catodon lately received by the lloyal College of Surgeons, -which I

hoi)e will shortly be described by Mr. Flower, the energetic Curator
of their Museum, who, in his late jiaper on the Balcenidce, has shown


well he can describe and determine the species of whales."

Grai/, P. Z. S. 1865, 439.

Mr. Krefft seems to have changed his mind on this subject ; for in
a letter just received, containing further remarks on these photographs, and some additional ones, he names the mass of vertebroD as
belonging to Catodoyi australis.



" The second and other cervical vertebrae are all united together
into one mass, anchylosed by their bodies, lateral processes, and neural
The nem-al arches form a triangular mass, which is strongly
keeled on the central line and the keel is stronger and produced
into an acuie point at the hinder end (figs. 96, 97).

Catodon (Meganeuron)


Gray, P. Z.


1865, 440.

Flo-. 96.

Hind view

of cervical vertebrae of


Kreffiii ? or Catodon



The lateral

processes of the second, third, and fourth vertebrae are

produced and united into a broad, thick, angular process, which is

expanded at the side, giving the united mass a rhombic appearance,
the width of the side being about one-fourth more than the height
of the mass.

" There


a tubercle,



most probably the end of the lower


lateral process of one of the anterior cervical vertebrae, at the

part of the hinder side of the front lateral expansion.



"The three hinder vertebrse have no

distinct lower lateral processes

marked by three slight ridges on the lower edge

The upper lateral processes of the
of the mass.

their place is only

of the hinder side

hinder cervical vertebras are small, slender, forming a strap-like section, rather tapering towards and truncated at the tips on the side
of the apertures for the passage of the nerves for the neui'al canal.
The neural canal is rather large, oblong transverse, the height being
about two-thirds of the width ; it is rather larger and higher behind.
Fig. 97.

Side view of the hinder side of the cer\

ical -vertebrpe of


Krefftii? or Catodoit aKstrcilis.

" The hinder surface of the body of the last cervical vertebra is
oblong transverse, about two-thirds of the height of its width at the
widest part the lower edge is rounded and rather angularly produced in the centre, and the upper margin transverse, with a slight
the surface is concave, with a central, linear,
central depression
perpendicular depression." (?my, P. Z. S. 1865, 440-442.

Page 210, add

to characters of Section II.

The cavity on the croivn of the head

elomjate, subfalcate.
situated backward, formed by the ma.riUaries, and divided as it were into
two equal parts by a central bony ridye, lohich is more or less twisted

The pectoral fin

totvards the right side of the head.


The larger-headed genus Physeter has only been found in the

northern, and the shorter-headed genera Kogia and Euj)hysetcs in
the southern hemisphere.





(page 215).

Substitute for generic characters

The animal will be described by Professor Owen, and is described

by Mr. Kreft't.
The subcentral longitudinal ridge of bone that divides the concavity of the crown into two parts is very sinuous, folded so as to
form a central funnel-shaped concavity.

]3eak as long as broad at

the base.


atlas vertebra

Kog-ia, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soe. 1865, 529.

Mr.MacLeay objects to the " barbarous" name of ATo^ia but there

no generic name that cannot be objected to when a person wants
I have been asked, what does
to give a new one of his own.
Euphysetes mean? should it not have been EiipJiycetes, with a c?
It is often thus with names that are intended to have a classical
derivation ; the purist thinks the name is not well composed (in this


names of the more modern genera of

by Mr. Brandt), or the name does not well
characterize the animal, or has been used for some other animal or
even plant, or for a country indeed any argument wiU do when a
naturalist is desii'ous of having his name appended to a genus distinguished by his predecessors.


a large


of the

Glires have been altered


Kogia breviceps (page 217), add:



Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1805, 529.


Kogia simus.

Physeter (Euphysetes) simus, Owen, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, 511 (not
described); Trans. Zool. Soc. (ined., animal and bones).

Inhab. India.

India, coast of Vizagapatam, Madras Presidency

sented by Walter EUiot, Esq., of Wolfslee.



Euphysetes Macleayii,


Kogia Macleayii.

Krefft, Proc. Zool. Soc.



Inhab. Australia,
" A colt whale total length 10 feet 8 inches width of tail 2 feet
8| inches, pectoral fin 1 foot 7 inches circumference of body behind
the pectoral fin 6 feet 2 inches, behind the eyes 5 feet 1 inch, before
the dorsal fin or hump 5 feet 3 inches.
" Black, yellowish beneath. Head with a short, thick, rather broad
snout, receding somewhat like a shark's; mouth small, upper jaw
toothless, showing two rows of holes communicating M'ith each other
when the gums were removed, from which teeth may have been shed,
as they were not present when the gums were perfect, and therefore
cannot be for the recej^tion of the teeth of the lower jaw.
" The skull is very like that of Euphysetes Orayii, but the sides of



the spermaceti-cavity, which are so sharp in Gray's whale are rounded

the present species ; and the blowhole, which is fully 1^ inch
in diameter in Gray's whale, is not quite an inch in the new one.
" The ridge dividing the cavity in this new whale is almost formed
into ivory, and many spots of the same substance are imbedded here
and there in the less hard, darker, and porous bone.
" The lower jaw also resembles that of Gray's whale but the sides
are not so thin, and the teeth are longer, stronger, and curved backwards instead of standing out sideways. The rami in Gray's whale
are not much thicker than parchment.
The teeth 13 13, the first
being almost straight, the last six hooked. The seventh tooth is
apparently the largest and strongest.
" The cervical vertebrae anchylosed the dorsal vertebrae 14, including the anchylosed cervicals lumbar 9 caudal 21 , the first ten
of which have chevron bones attached to them. Kibs 13 13, nearly
off in

similar in size.

" The

scajjula, the

differ considerably

hyoid bones, the sternum, and pectoral fins

; but these parts, being

from those of Gray's whale

in maceration, will be described hereafter.

" The two pelvic bones are irregular, subquadrangular."


Mr. Kreff't has sent me several photographs, representing the animal on the beach, and various views of the skull and other bones of
the animal.
I coiild not discover in the photograph any difference between this
skull and the skull from India ; at least, from the very slight inspection which I have had of the latter, they are both exceedingly Hke
the skull figured by De Blainville, and I should not be surj)iised if
they all be found to belong to one species.



Animal described by MacLeay (quoted at p. 215, under Kogia).

The septum or longitudinal bony ridge which separates the concavity on the crown of the skull simple, only slightly curved. Beak
of skull shorter than broad.
The atlas vertebra thick, oblong, transverse, narrower on the sides, with two thick, short, blunt lateral
processes, separated by a narrow deep notch
the upper edge thick,

elevated, shelving into a cone behind.

I thought that the diff'erence in the skull

might be a sexual chaKogia found on

the Australian coast but the difference in the form of the atlas, and
in other parts of the skeleton, has satisfied me there are two Ausracter


I received


Krefft's account of the

tralian species, belonging to different genera.

Euplivsetes, MacLeay, ( Wall) History of Neio
Gray, P. Z. S. 18G5, 529.
Kogia, sp., Gray, Cat. Seals < Jfliales, 218.


Euphysetes Grayii.

Kogia Grayii, see the Catalogue,

Euphysetes Grayii, Gray, Proc.



Zool. Sac. 1865, 529.




Inia Geoffi'oyii (page 226), add to synonyms


Inia Geoffi-ensis, Gervais, Castelnau, Voy. Amer.

clu Slid, 90. t. 19.



Bouto, or Inia Geoffroijli. "When this rises, the top of the head is
the first part seen (at the blower), and immediately afterwards it dips
head downwards, its tail curving over, exposing successively the whole
dorsal ridge with its fin (?). It seems thus to pitch heel over head, but
does not show the tail first.
They generally go in pairs. It is not
killed willingly the superstitious people believe that blindness would
result from the use of its oil in lamps."
Bates, Amazons, ii. 264.
" The Boido, the Tucuxi, and D. pallidus are all three found 1500
miles in the interior."
Bates, op. cit. i. 146.

Page 230, Synopsis of Genera, add




Beak of

Dorsal distinct.

skull elongate, depressed.

pectoral fin oval, obliquely truncated ; hand short.

After Synopsis of Genera, add



be, perhaps, naturally arranged according to the

form of the pectoral




Pectoral Jin elongate, falcate, acute at the end; hand as long as the annhones; two foreann-bones close together, only separated by a straight
line ; carpal bones moderate, 5 or 7, close together, only separated by
a thin cartilage.

A. Scad more or

less beaked ; beak of skull slender, as long as or longer

than the brain-cavity, i^-c.

PoNTOPOKiA, 2. Steno. 3. Delphinus.




Head rotmded




in front, scarcely beaked,


II. Pectoral Jin large, broad,

arm-bones; carpal bone

langes of index finger 5.










rounded at the end; hand shorter than the

single, immersed in a large cartilage; pha-




Pectorcd Jin ovate, obliquely truncated; hand shorter than the armbones ; forearm-bones separate ; carpal bones small, immersed in thick



Dorsal none.

12*. SoTALiA.

Teeth deciduous.

Dorsal distinct.

Teeth permanent.

IV. Pectoral Jin small, oimte, rounded at the tip; hands shorter than the
arm-bones; carpal bones 5, small, immersed in a large cartiktge
Dorsal none.
p)halanges of index finger 6.




After Steno compressus, (at page 235) add

4*. Steno Capensis.

The beak of the skull elongate, rather compressed, tapering and

more compressed in front. Teeth |y^, small, slender, about five in
an inch. Lower jaw slender, attenuated, and without any gonyx in
front; the symphyses nearly one-fifth the length of the jaw.
" Delpliinus obsciu-us, Gray,''^ Cat. S. A. Museum.
Steno Capensis, Gray, P. Z. S. 18G5, 522.

Inhab. Cape of Good Hope (Capt. Cai-eiu, South-African Museum).

Length of the skull 16, of beak from the notch 10, of the lower
jaw 13, of symphyses 2| inches width of the beak at the notch 3|,
of the brain-case at the hinder part of the orbit G| inches.
The skuU is somewhat like that of Steno attenuatus in the British
Museum but the beak of the skuU is longer compared with the size
of the brain -case, and it is more gradually attenuated and slender,
and higher in front.

4**, Steno lentiginosus.

Beak nearly half

as long again as the brain-case, depressed at the

base, compressed at the end.

34 .34

Teeth l|^,
about four in an inch
33 33'

Triangle far in advance of the notch.

Delphiniis (Steno) lentiginosus, Otven, Trans. Zool. Soc.


Inhab. Indian Ocean.


SkuU, from India, Yizagapatam.

Presented by Walter Elliot,

Brain-case 8, beak 11 inches symphyses of
lower jaw one-fourth of the entire length of jaw.
Esq., of Wolfslee.

4***. Steno



Intermaxillary bones half as wide as the

beak, hard, polished.
Triangle one-half in front of the notch, about
one-fifth longer than the width at the notch.
Teeth large, conical,
of skull depressed.

^t-^, about three in an inch.

Lower jaw

slender, i-ather bent uj) in

without any gonyx.


Delphinus (Steno) Gadamu, Owen, Trans.

Zool. Soc. vi.

Inhab. Indian Ocean.

a, h.

Skull, without

back part. Vizagapatam.

Presented by Walter

EUiot, Esq., of Wolfslee.

Steno attenuatus (page 235).



from Mrs. Ince and Mr. A. Pearson are not in good

more depressed in front and not so

condition, and the beaks are

compressed, more like Delphinus, or rather Chjmene.




Steno Tucuxi, (at page 237) add

Fresliwater Dolphin, Steno Tucuxi, T]ieTucuxi,-Ba<es,^mzos,i. 146.

It rises horizontally, draws in an inspiration, and then

down head foremost, which distinguishes it from the Boufo.

" I saw here,

for the first time, the flesh-coloured

lidus, Gervais) in the

Lower Amazons,


Dolphin {D.palin pairs, both


being of the same colour." Bates, op. cit. i. 303.

" The pale flesh-coloured species (B. pallklus, Gervais)

abundant in the Upper Amazons."

Bates, op.


cit. i.




Delphinus pseudodelphis (Wiegmann, Schrcb. Siiugeth. t. 358

Wagner, Schreb. Supp. vii. 332) appears to be a Steno with small
The beak is figiired near once and a half the length of the
brain-case, and the teeth 42 45.


to generic characters

(page 239).

The fin moderate-sized, falciform, pointed at the end; the hand of

the same length as the arm-bones the forearm-bones close together
the carpal bones forming a mosaic, separated by thin cartilage ; the
index finger of six phalanges.
Van Brambeke, Mem. Ac. Belg. xviii.





The first and second cervical vertebrae united by the bodies and
spinous processes of the neural arch, which is very much elongated
and keeled above. The lateral processes of the first medial, broad,
Hinder vertebrae thin.
short, obliquely compressed.
Fiff. 98.

Skull of Delphinus.


Delphinus microps



Correct specific characters to

Beak of skull nearly twice as long as (that is to say, once and

three-fourths the length of) the brain-cavity, and three times and
three-fourths as long as wide at the notch.
Teeth six in an inch.
This is the description of the skull, which is the type, figured in the
Voyage of the Erebus and Terror,' t. 25 a. of this Catalogue.
Skull very like D. Alope, but head smaller and more globidar, and

beak much more slender.




Delphinus stenorhynchus.

Skull like fonner, but larger the beak of the skull fully twice as
long as the length of the brain-cavity, and three times and threefourths as long as the width at the notch.
Teeth five in an inch.

Delpliinus microps,


Catalogtie of Seals

Skull very Kke D. microps, but beak

Delphinus Delphis (page 242), add

r, s.

Skulls, large.

and Whales,




longer for size of head.

Length 18f inches, beak 11^ width at notch 3|

Teeth five in an inch length.

length of lower jaw 6 inches.

Length of the beak of the skull thi'ee times its width at the notch,
and rather more than once and a half the length of the head.
After Delphinus Delphis, (at page 245) add

3*. Delphinus major.

Skull larger than that of D. Delphis ; the beak nearly twice as long
head (or once and four-fifths the length), and more than three
Teeth nearly five in an inch,
times as long as wide at the notch.
as the

on the edge of the jaw, jy^.

The grooves on the

palate very wide,

rather shallow, scarcely extending behind the hinder half of the



Length, entire, 21 inches, of beak 12 1 inches
at the notch 41 inches length of lower jaw 17^ inches.


3**. Delphinus Moorei.

Beak of skull elongate, depressed, once and three-quarters the

length of the brain-cavity, and five times as long as wide at the
notch at the base. The intermaxillary bones rather convex. Teeth
small, slender,


five in

an inch length of margin; the front

upper very small. The groove on the palate deep and wide, reaching
The hinder
nearly to the tip, and wider and very shallow in front.
part of the palate in front of the inner nasal opening with a broad,
triangular, longitudinal groove having flat sides, and convex outer
The bladebone rather produced behind the ridges, and trunsides.
Coracoid process large,
cated at the lower part of the hinder edge.
subtrigonal, the front edge being truncated, the lower one oblique.
Length of skull 17| inches, of beak 11, of brain-case 6|, of lower
jaw 14| inches width over condyles 7, at notch 3 inches 7 lines, at
middle of beak 1 inch ] 1 lines.
The upper surface of the beak, a narrow lunule over base of beak
to the eye, the back, dorsal fin, and upper surface of tail black
narrow lunule over the face-streak, the sides of the head, and sides.



including the pectoral fin, grey
Dorsal fins high tip rounded.

the chin and belly to the vent white.

Delphinus Moorii, Gray, P. Z.

S. 1865, 730.

Inhab. South Atlantic Ocean, lat. 34 S., long. 7 3' W.

Length of a female from mouth to tip of tail 6 feet 3| inches, of
mouth 11 inches, of snout 5^, to eye 13, to snout-hole 13, to pectoral
length from end of tail to back fin 32 inches,
fin 18|, to back fin 33
diameter of back fin 14-| inches.
to vent 20, to privates 21

Fig. 99.

Delphinus Moorei.

3***. Delphinus Walkeri.

The skull similar to the former, so similar that it is not easy to

point out any difference in words.
The teeth are rather more

\\i. 49-^9,

rather smaller, being six in an inch length of

The hinder part of the palate, in front of the inner nasal opening,
narrower and very sharply keeled on the sides the sides of the
narrower and shallower central groove convex, smaller, and the
outer sides of the keels concave and shorter.
The bladebone not so much produced behind the ridge, and with
an oblique hinder margin, without any truncation at the lower part.
The coracoid process is similar, but broader in the middle of its
length, the lower edge being nearly straight.
Length of skull 16^ inches, of beak 11, of brain-ease 6|, of lower
jaw 14| width over condyles 6 inches 7 lines, at notch 3 inches
4 lines, at middle of the beak 1 inch 10 lines.
The back fin, snout, the dorsal fin, a wavy streak from base of
beak to eye, and upper surface of tail black ; sides of the face and
body to near the base of the tail grey, with an elongated triangular
patch beginning below the pectoral fin aud extending near to the
base of the tail, the broadest part over the vent. Dorsal fin high, as
high as long at the base tip acute, bent back. Chin and beneath,
as high as the base of the pectoral fin, and to the vent, white.

Delphinus Walkeri, Gray, P. Z.

Inhab. South Atlantic Ocean,



1865, 737.

35 38'

S., long. 10'


A female.



Length from end of snout to tip of tail 6 feet 7^ inches

measurements are nearly the same as in D. Moorei.



the other

species helong to the restricted genus

show that these

These have a very

DelpMnus, which has D. Deljihls for its type.

deep groove on each side of the palate.


Delphinus JValkeri.

Both the figures of the animals belonging to these species have a

narrow black streak from the base of the upper part of the beak to
but the colours of the sides of the animals are diffe^rently
There is also a very sHght difference in the form of the
bladebones (and this cannot be sexual, as they were both females),
and in the form of the back part of the palate just in front of the
hinder entrance to the nostrils.
Considering that the colouring of the animals shows that they represent two species, one is struck with the very small difference exhibited
in the skull by species showing such marked external differences,
and can only conclude by thinking how hasty we have been when
we have referred skulls received from very distant parts of the world
all to DeJphinus DeJphh, and said that that species had a very wide
the eye


more especially when we consider that

geograp)hical distribution
these two species were obtained, the one in lat. 35 38' S., long.
10' E., and the other in lat. 34 S., long. 7 3' W.
Delphinus Janira (page 245), add


Presented by J. H. Gurney, Esq.

16 inches, of beak 9|- ^ddth at notch 3|-.
in an inch length of maxilla.


The beak

of the skull twice

Length of
Tcetli 47/,

and three-quarters the breadth of the

notch in length.
After Delphinus Janira, (at page 246) add

DelpMnus punctatus.
The beak

and a half the length

depressed behind, and gradually tapering and
in front, in length nearly three times the width at the
jaw attenuated and slender, and rather bent up in

of the skull once

of the brainrather slender

notch. Lower




Teeth small, slender, 3^^, five in an inch of margin.

the hinder jjart of the palate in front of the internal
nostrils broad, swollen, with a very shallow central groove with
rather convex sides, and very oblique, flat, external sides.
Ix'ngth of skull 15^ inches, of beak 9|, of brain-case 6|, of lower
width over condyles 6| inches, at notch 3 inches 4 lines,
jaAv 12f
in middle of beak 1 inch 8 lines.
The two bladebones are rather different in general form, one being
more truncated behind than the other they are both truncated in
front, and in both the coracoid process is large, with a short upper,
and a long straight lower edge one has a long, regularly arched,
and the other an equally long, but sinuous upper edge, showing
that, considering the bladebone a specific distinction, some allowance must be made for occasional variation.
The skull is much like some of the skulls I have named Chjmene
Doris but perhaps I have included several species under that name,
as some of the skulls differ in the form of the hind part of the
The one here described diff'ers from all of them in having a
more slender and attenuated beak.
Dorsal fin high, rather acute at the tip. Black, sides with minute
white specks the sides of the body above the base of the pectoral
to the base of the tail blackish grey, which colour is obliquely extended as a lunate band from behind the vent to the back near the

any gonyx.


palate flat

base of the


Clyniene punctata, Gray, P. Z.


1865, 738.

Inhab. North Atlantic Ocean, lat. 16 40' K, long. 21 W, A female.

Length from end of snout to tip of tail 6 feet, to blowhole 1 foot
-^ inch, to the eye 1 foot ^ inch, to front of dorsal fin 2 feet 8| inches,
to base of pectoral fin 1 foot 3| inches length from tip of tail to back
diameter of body behind
fin 2 feet 4^ inches, to vent 1 foot 6^ inches
back fin 1 foot 1| inch, of snout 4|- inches, of mouth 9^ inches.





Delphinus Alope (page 252), add

Inhab. Cape Horn.


Cape Horn. Entire length 16^ inches, of beak 10\

width at notch 3|- length of beak three times its width at the
notch, depressed.
Teeth very slender, six in an inch length.

Skull, perfect.




to generic characters

(page 254).

Pectoral fin moderate, falcate, pointed at the end ; hand same

length as the arm forearm-bones close together ; carpal bones close
together, with only a small quantity of cartilage ; index finger of six

Tursio Doris (page 255), add

Inhab. Cape of Good Hope (Layard). Skull in South-African

Museum. (See Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, 522.)

Tursio Dorcides.
Skull like that of T. Doris, but larger, thicker, and stronger
beak thick, solid, shelving on the sides, once and one-third the
length of the brain-case, twice and one-third as long as wide at

the notch



Teeth small, slender, ||^, fuU

five in




Tursio Metis (page 256), add



Teeth two in an inch.

Tursio Cymodoce (page 257), add



Teeth three in an inch.

Erase Tursio Guianensis (page 257),

on account of the form of its fins.
Tursio truncatus (page 258), add



forms a distinct genus

The first and second cervical vertebrae united by their bodies and
the spinous processes of the neural arch, which is very much elongated and keeled above ; the lateral processes of the first broad,
short, obliquely compressed ; hinder cervical vertebrae thin.


Delphhius brevidens (Gervais, Zool. et Paleont. Frang. t. 9. f. 4, 6)

founded on part of the lower jaw of a Dolphin with truncated

teeth, like Tursio truncatus.

Tursio obscurus (page 264), add



Front of the jaws and the pectoral fin. South Pacific. Type of
Mr. Waterhouse's D. Fitzroyii. From the Zoological Society's
Museum. Teeth ff, just five in an inch.
The type of Delphinus obscurus
Skull, rather imperfect behind.
of Mr. Waterhouse, in Catalogue of Zoological Society's Museum,
no. 530.


the Zoological Society.



Tursio Abusalam (page 261), add to synonyms

Delphinus hamatus, ''Hemp. SfEhrenh." Wiegmann, inSchreh. Sdugeth.

18. t. 369 (skull) J Sclilegel, Abhandl.l 29.
D. Abusalam, Wagner, Schreb. Suppl. vii. 324.



(at page





Beak depressed, rather longer than the brain-cavity. Palate flat.

Lower jaw rather broad behind symphyses short. Teeth slender,

Forearm-bones free ;
Pectoral fin obliquely truncated.
hand shorter than the arm. Caqial bones five, small, surrounded
by cartilage. Phalanges of the index finger six, of the middle
fijQger five, and the fourth finger one.

Sotalia Guianeusis.


Delphinus Guianensis, Van JSeneden.

Tursio Guianensis, Catal. 257.

Mus. Stuttgart.
from that of D. microps, with which it
has been compared, in the length of the beak and the shortness of
Inhab. British Guiana.


skull differs greatly

the symphysis.
" Ce dauphin presente dans la conformation de son squeletto
La codiverses particularites qui lui donnent nn certain interct.
lonne vertebrale est tres-massive principalement a la region caudale
La tote a un
la nageoire pectorale est fort-etendue en largeur.
aspect a part, surtout par la conformation du maxillaire inferieiir."
" Vertebra3 55 thoracic 12, lumbar 14, caudal 22, cervical 7. The
first two cervical are united, the five others are free and have long
bodies, making a long neck, as in the Platanistce, which have a
simUar-shaped pectoral. The caudal vertebrae form two distinct
series, the first thirteen have large bodies, and are much higher
than broad ; the first nine have the upper spinous apophyses weU
developed ; and the first seven have transverse processes ; the twelve
chevron bones are very strong ; the last nine caudal vertebrae are
much depressed, and twice as broad as high. Bibs 12 12 the first
rather the broadest, the first four only have a double articular surface, the first five are articulated directly to the sternum.
sternum is formed of three distinct bones, the front being the largest.
The pectoral fin is only rather longer than broad, and is not so long
as the arm -bones united
the bladebone is much extended in form,
and has the acromion and coracoid weU developed. The two bones
of the forearm are rather longer than the humerus.
The radius is
very broad. Carpal bones five, in two rows, the three upper being
the largest ; metacarpals five.
There is no phalange for the thumb,
only one for the little finger, six for the index, and four for the ring



skull is

rounded on

all sides,

slender, the nasal canal open, the

the falx



is ossified,

the face


shown above between the




The jaws have 28 28 teeth, of which two are

The teeth are conical, acute, rather far
apart. The tympanic bone is two-lobed, as in Delplihms. The petrous
bones are without apophysis. The lower jaw is very high behind and
curved, giving it the appearance of a Zlpliius.^^
Van Beneden.


in the intei-maxillary bones.

Page 276, add

Lagenorhynchus fusiformis.


Delphiuus (Lagenorhyuchus) fusiformis, Owen, Trans. Zool. Soc, ined.

Inhab. India.


Presented by Walter Elliot, Esq., of Wolfslee.


(page 290).

Wagner (Supp.

Schreber's Siiugeth. vii. 305) has given the

name of Delpliinus carhonarius to '' the Blackfish of the South-Sea
whalers," described and figured in Bennett's ' Narrative of a Whaling
Voyage,' ii. 233. fig., copied Wagner, tab. 352. f. 1.


At the end

(page 301).

of remarks on the genus, add

Several porpoises caught on the coast of England have been lately

examined, and they all have spines or tubercles on the upper edge
The specimens without these spines or tubercles
of the dorsal fiji.
are desiderata, and one is almost led to the belief that they do not
exist; but it is difficult to prove a negative, and one can hardly
believe, if they are alwaj^s present, that so many zoologists should
have overlooked them. The stuffed specimen in the Museum shows
them very indistinctly, if at all ; but then, stuffed specimens are so
mauled and rubbed with pumice and other material, that they may
have been rubbed off; and they are so covered with varnish that they
may have been hidden. So the existence of a porpoise without spines
must be left for future research. The differences discovered by various
anatomists seem to show that there must be more than one species
included under the name of P. communis, which are very like externally, but this is probably the case with several Dolphins, Bottlenoses,

and Porpoises.


Printed by Taylor and Francis, lied Lion Court, Fleet Street, London.


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