S-236546 Completo
S-236546 Completo
S-236546 Completo
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M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.
M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.
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31 East 10th Street
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B R A N C H A. B R A N C H B.
General Features.—This is one of the best characterised and
most distinct Phyla of the Animal Kingdom. Nearly all the living
animals included in it, such as the sea-urchin (Echinoid), starfish
(Asteroid), brittle-star (Ophiuroid), sea-cucumber (Holothurian),
sea-lily (stalked Crinoid), or feather-star (free Crinoid), can readily
be distinguished through their possession of a radial symmetry, in
which the numberfiveis dominant, of a sub-epidermic skeleton com-
posed of calcium carbonate, with a characteristic micro-structure
resembling trellis-work, and of a system of sacs, canals, and tubes
that carry water through the body, especially by means of five
radial canals from which small branches called podia are given off to
the exterior. T h e extinct forms k n o w n as Blastoidea and Edrio-
asteroidea appear to have had a similar organisation; and the same
statement m a y b e m a d e of most of the Cystidea, another extinct class.
It is true that there are recent forms in which the quinqueradial
symmetry or pentamerism is obscure; but, on the whole, it is so
marked a feature that the early zoologists, and notably Cuvier,
placed the Echinoderma together with the Coelentera in a sub-
By F. A. Bather, M.A.
" Pelmatozoa " ) . Setting aside these characters, the origin of which
m a y be traced in individual development, and selecting those
c o m m o n to the early stages of all Echinoderms, zoologists have im-
agined a phylogenetic
stage, the two-sided or
Dipleurula stage (Fig.
I.), more or less re-
peated in the Dipleurula
larvae of recent Echino-
0^1 he: derms (Fig. II.). T h e
F m . I. animal was marine. Its
Diagrammatic reconstruction of the imagined Dipleurula long axis was antero-
ancestor. Anterior end on left of drawing ; organs of left posterior and parallel
side towards observer, and with stronger outline than those
of right side. For description and lettering, see adjoining to the sea-floor. T h e
text. mouth (0) was anterior
and ventral; the anus (As) posterior or postero-ventral. T h e
two were joined by an uncoiled gut, perhaps with a stomachal
enlargement in the middle. O n either side of this lay the coelom,
formed by constriction from the larval stomach or archenteron, in
other words, an " enterocoel"; it was divided into a right and left
anterior portion (a.c), and a right and left posterior portion (r.p.c
and l.p.c). Each anterior vesicle was connected with the exterior
by a canal, opening at a dorsal pore (M) on each side the median
line, sometimes, perhaps, fusing into one. These canals were in-
directly connected (s.c) with posterior offshoots from the anterior
coelom, the right and left hydrocoels (r.hc and l.hc). Gonads
developed from the coelomic endothelium. T h e ectodermal
epithelium was probably ciliated, and a portion of it in the " pre-
oral lobe" (p.l) was differentiated as a sense organ, with longer
cilia and underlying nerve-centre (ri), from which two gangliated
'A 5
v~~ '-\^f)
Fio. VI.
Early stages of Echinoderm ontogeny. 1, 2, 3, the Echinoid Echinocyamus (after Theel).
4, 5, 6, the Crinoid Antedon (after Seeliger). 7, 8, 11, the Asteroid Asterina (after
MacBride). 9 (after Bury). 10 (after G. W . Field). 1, o v u m in mucilaginous coat; vitelline
membrane (v) beginning to separate ; s, spermatozoa, one of which is entering the yolk (xl30).
2, segmenting o v u m seen from above, 2 hrs. 20 min. after fertilisation. 3, blastula in
longitudinal section, 13 hrs. after fertilisation, c, cilia; sc, segmentation cavity (x200). 4,
gastrula, in section, 16 hrs.; ae, archenteron ; bp, blastopore (x73). 5, the same, 26 hrs., with
mesenchyme (ras) developing from endoderm. Letters as before (x88). 6, 48 hrs., with
blastopore closed, and archenteron constricted into ac anterior, mesenteron, and ec posterior
enterocoel (x88). 7, longitudinal section showing extension of right and left posterior
coeloms (rpc, tpc) from anterior coelom around larval stomach (st), (x60). 8, further stage,
showing rpc and Ipa separated from ac, and lobes of the rudimentary left hydrocoel (ftc), ( x60).
9, dorsal view of a Bipinnaria. oe, oesophagus ; hp, hydropore ; y, " blood-vascular space,
Bury, perhaps rudiment of right hydrocoel. Other letters as before (x50). 10, Bipinnarut
of Asterias, four days old. ec, ciliated band; m, mesenchymatous musclefibres(x73). 11,
diagram showing relations of stone canal (stc) and pore canal (pc) to left hydrocoel (the) and
anterior coelom (ac).
hinder end of the anterior coelom, on both the right and left side,
there is a small outgrowth, the " right and left hydrocoel" (Fig.
VI. 8); that on the left is, as it happens, much more developed,
but the presence of a right hydrocoel has been proved by Metsch-
nikoff (1869) and MacBride (1896), (y in Fig. VI. 9). Near
the median dorsal line, above the hinder end of the anterior
coelom, a perforation arises in a thickening of the ectoderm,
Fio. VIII.
Sections of Antedon larva, semi-diagrammatic (1-4 after Seeliger, x85). (5, 6 after Bury).
1, longitudinal section with preoral lobe turned downwards, the reverse of Fig. iv.; the anterior
coelom extends into this, as well as upwards into the parietal canal. 2, transverse section in
the neighbourhood of the hydropore, showing the parietal canal leading to it; two lobes of the
hydrocoel and the lower end of the stomach are seen to be at the same level as right posterior
coelom and lower end of vestibule. 3, part of a longitudinal section in the same direction as
Fig. 1, but passing through the hydropore and the Ave primitive lobes of the hydrocoel not
yet connected therewith; between the two is a small extension of left posterior coelom; adjoining
sections show that the hydrocoel is still horseshoe-shaped, but will eventually close'along the
gap between lobes 1 and 5 to form the hydrocircus. 4, transverse section at a slightly more
orad level than in 2, and in an older larva; the vestibule is here closed over • note the
mesenteries between right and left posterior coeloms. 5, transverse section of an older larva
in which the vestibule has passed right u p to the oral pole, and a rectum (?•) has formed •
between this and the stomach is seen the rudiment of the axial organ; the parietal canal
remains, but the stone canal n o w opens into it (X125). 6, median longitudinal section the
vestibule still open, columnals forming around extensions of right posterior and anterior
coeloms ; left posterior coelom is seen above the stomach as a lobe of the hydrocoel (xl20\
Explanation of letters—ac, anterior coelom; ax, axial organ ; cc, ciliated bands • coL
columnals ; he, hydrocoel; l.pc, left posterior coelom ; nn, nerves ; p, hydropore • var Darietal
canal; r, rectum; r.pc, right posterior coelom; st, stomach ; st.c, stone canal; v' vestibule.
will enable the student to appreciate tne peculiar position of the
internal structures in the Antedon larva, of which a few sections
are here given for comparison (Fig. VIII.). The structure is far
more complicated than in Fig. VII., owing to extensions from
the coelomic cavities. In the earlier sections the hydrocoel is still
on the aboral side of the right posterior coelom; indeed, the mouth
itself is not at the future oral pole, for the larval mouth closed
early, and the place where it was became arched over by lips
of ectoderm, which formed a "vestibule" (v). This vestibule it
is that gradually moves u p ; a fresh mouth ultimately breaks
through into it, and the lips again unfold at the n e w oral pole.
T h e connection of the anterior coelom, through the parietal canal
and the hydropore, with the exterior, persists (cf. Fig. VIII. 1 and
3 ) ; the hydrocoel opens into the parietal canal by the stone
canal at a later period (Fig. VIII. 5).
There is reason to believe that some of the early Cystidea
(Amphoridea, p. 43) had an internal structure scarcely more
advanced than Fig. VII. But the fixed stage had further effects.
T h e most notable was the prolongation of ciliated and tentacu-
liferous grooves from the mouth, accompanied by processes from
the hydrocoel. A t first there were three such radial extensions :
anterior, right, and left, since the
presence of anus and hydropore, and
the absence of hydrocoel on the posterior
side prevented extensions in that direc-
tion (Fig. IX.). T h efiverays, so char-
acteristic of Echinoderma, were produced
by the forking of the right and left
rays. It was only at a later date, w h e n
the hydrocoel had grown into a ring
round the oesophagus, that thefiverays
could proceed equally from this ring. FIG. IX.
The division of the rays into a pair The pentamerism of Echino-
enclosing anus and madreporite, and derma contrasted with a regular
k n o w n as the bivium, and the three pentamerism. p, mouth; As, anus;
between them is the madreporite.
others (anterior, right ant. and left 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are the rays of an
ant.), k n o w n as the trivium, is opposed imaginary perfect pentamerism, of
to this fundamental structure. It must which 1 and 5 are the bivium, 2,
3, 4, the trivium. i, ii, iii, iv, v are
further be noted that this bilateral thefiverays of a Pelmatozoan.
symmetry of the rays has nothing to do with the bilateral nature
of the Dipleurula.
While these changes were in progress the formation of stereom
continued. A t first there were only spicules deposited in the
mesenchyme (see Fig. II. 1, and Fig. III). These enlarged and
fused into plates, which eventually became so large as to abut
on one another. These plates were arranged in the mesoderm
beneath the ectoderm. A n account of their arrangement and
structure will be found under Amphoridea (p. 45). Through
the fixation below and the radiation of the hydrocoel and food-
grooves above, these plates gradually came to lie in definite
positions and to assume a definite number, shape, and size. T h e
Fia. XI.
Change from Pentactcea to Stelleroid type. 0, mouth ; As, anus ; M, madreporite ; r.p.c
and l.p.c, right and left posterior coelom; IM, left hydrocoel; s.c, stone canal; pi, preoral
lobe ; ax, axial sinus, remains of anterior coelom.
But to those phylogenetic steps are due the peculiar positions
assumed by the left hydrocoel and left posterior coelom, as well
as the radial folding which they undergo. Study of Fig. XI.
will elucidate the complicated internal arrangement of the develop-
ing Asterina. Further flexure causes the ends of the curved
hydrocoel to grow around the stalk, which thus deceptively appears
to spring from the oral surface, not from the aboral as in Crinoids.
Subsequently the stalk atrophies, and the young starfish is a free-
moving form, with mouth on the sea-floor, with anus and madre-
porite directed upwards, and with the beginnings of five arms
containing extensions of the left hydrocoel, of the oral coelom
(derived from 1. post, coelom), and of the stomach (Fig. XII.).
During development the larval mouth and anus are closed, and
break through again in their adult positions; this points to a
migration of those openings during phylogeny, which migration
cannot well be repeated in ontogeny.
A vast amount of discussion has taken place over the question
whether the plates of the Crinoid calyxfindhomologues in other
Sections across ambulacra of—1, Asteroid ; 2, Ophiuroid ; 3, Echinoid ; 4, Holothurian.
amb, ambulacral ossicle; amp, ampulla; b, radial blood-vessel; cm, circular muscles; d.s,
ventral scute; e, radial epineural canal; Im, longitudinal muscles ; l.s, lateral scute ; m, muscles ;
n, radial nerve of superficial oral system ; »2, radial nerves of deeper oral system ; p, podium;
ph, pseudhaemal canal; v.o, vertebral ossicle ; w, radial canal of the water-vascular system.
Pluteus of Eehinocyumus (after Theel).
About 75 times nat. size.
Explanation of letters to Figs.
XIV. and XV.—a.c, anterior coelom ;
a.d, anterior dorsal arm; am, am-
niotic invagination; a.v, anterior
ventral a r m ; he, hydrocoel; hp,
hydropore ; l.p.c, left posterior
coelom ; 0, mouth ; oe, oesophagus ;
p, podia; pd, posterior dorsal arm ;
p.v, posterior ventral arm; r.p.c,
right posterior coelom ; s, spines of
Echinoid ; sp, spicules of Pluteus;
sp\ the same being absorbed; st,
growing tube feet and spines causes it to break through the outer
wall (Fig. X V 4). While this takes place the spicular skeleton of
the Pluteus is absorbed, and the body of the Pluteus shrinks u p to
a sac on the aboral side of the young Echinoid (Fig. X V 5). T h e
hydropore from thefirstopens on the dorsal surface, which becomes
the aboral side. T h e right posterior coelom is also under here,
as in Stelleroids. T h e larval stomach becomes that of the adult,
but a fresh mouth is formed in the centre of the hydrocircus,
while the anus is a fresh formation at the aboral pole.
It is easy to understand that, with this amniotic development
in the body of the larva, most of the traces of the Pentactcea
3tage have disappeared. There is, however, evidence of a preoral
lobe, while the coil of the intestine and the radiate structure of
the hydrocoel, nerves, and gonads, bear witness to antecedent
phylogenetic changes. O n those changes light is thrown by
palaeontology, which teaches us that the primitive Echinoid had a
spheroidal body, with muscular, flexible walls, in which irregular
plates were developed; the mouth was at the centre of the lower
surface; the anus on the upper surface, and near it the madre-
porite (the successor of the hydropore). Combining with the
evidence from fossils that from comparative anatomy, w e infer
that the gut had a simple dextral coil; that the oesophagus was
surrounded by three rings—water-vascular, blood-vascular, and
nervous; and that from each ring five branches passed u p the
inside of the body wall to the aboral pole; that branches from the
radial water-vessels passed, between the plates in the body wall,
to the exterior, and became suckers assisting locomotion, the
complete structures being ambulacra; that gonads were five,
unpaired, and interradially disposed in the body cavity. Such a
form had lost the stem of the Pentactcea, and had never possessed
an apical system of plates. It had, however, already developed
food-grooves, with nerves and ambulacral vessels, while there must
have been some radiate arrangement of the gonads. T h e sinking of
the nerves and closure of the food-grooves forming epineural canals
(Fig. XIII. 3) probably took place as w e suppose it to have done
in Ophiuroids. A m o n g Pelmatozoa, the Edrioasteroidea (p. 205)
present a structure removed from that of the primitive Echinoid
in little but the upward position of the mouth and (probably) the
madreporite, and the functional food-grooves; the notable point about
the latter is the presence of openings between the flooring-plates,
apparently for the passage of processes from the radial water-vessels.
T h e peculiarities in the structure and development of the
Holothurians m a y perhaps be ascribed to their having in m a n y
respects regressed from the Pelmatozoic towards the Dipleurula
type (Fig. XVI.). Thus the mouth has again come to lie at one
end of the body, while the anus is at the other. W i t h the mouth
has gone the genital pore; and the madreporite, though uncon-
nected with the ex-
terior in the adult of
most n o w living, must
have moved towards
this end also. But
there is an important
difference between this
and the Dipleurula in
the coil of the gut, and
- - the vastly altered rela-
Diagrammatic reconstruction of the imagined primitive y,n.r,a nf +Vio nr»olr»mi/>
Holothurian type, for comparison with Figs. I., VII., and mon° OI tue
XI. 0, mouth ; As, anus ; M, hydropore ; l.hc, left hydro- cavities w i t h their in-
coel; g, genital opening.
tervening mesenteries.
The arrangement indicates that the mouth, hydrocoel, madre-
porite, and associated organs of a Pentactma gradually moved
anteriorly away from the anus, thus coming nearer to the
stem (preoral lobe of larva) and lengthening the gut by another
half-coil. W h e n the fixed existence was given u p and the
food-grooves closed in, leaving the external podia from the
water-vessels, then the rays were able to extend equally in all
directions from mouth to anus. T h e anterior ray and the two
adjoining rays had thus come to be on that side of the elongate
body which was directed towards the sea-floor, and to this they
clung, or on it they crawled, by suckers
which developed on the podia, which
thus became "tube-feet." T h e left and
right posterior rays ran along the upper
surface of the body, forming the bivium
of the Holothurian, homologous with the
bivium of the Pelmatozoa, as shown by
the position of the hydropore.
The view has been held that the
Synaptidae, with their simple structure
and straight antero-posterior gut, repre-
sent the simplest and most ancestral
Echinoderms. But if the above account
be correct, this simplicity is only ap- Fio. XVII.
parent, and is the result of regressive „Penta^tuia stage of synapta (after
changes. Such is the view that now & ^ r ^ ^ . ! < A J S &
finds general favour. The Pentactula V^S&jfi^&S^.
stage (Fig. XVII.), in the development m> ^ng'tu^inai muscles; sk, cai-
^t a J -i.1. A • J T i • careous spicules, x 36.
of Synapta, with five mterradial circum-
oral tentacles, slightly curved gut, and aboral anus, is therefore
not the modern ontogenetic representative of the phylogenetic
Pentactaia, as S e m o n supposed.
Half-way between the perradial planes are the planes marking the
interradii. Organs bisected by these are " interradial" ; such are
the interambulacral areas of the test, the oral plates of Crinoidea,
the gonads of Echinoidea. Between the perradii and interradii
are adradii, a term little used in practice ; thecal plates adjoin-
ing the ambulacrals are called " adambulacral." In a regular
pentamerous Echinoderm an interradius is opposite to a perradius,
and an adradius opposite to an adradius.
All Echinoderms have a bilateral symmetry. Primitively the
plane of symmetry, the sagittal plane, is determined by the mouth
(anterior), the anus (posterior), and the hydropore (dorsal). But,
in thefirstplace, this sagittal plane, w h e n clearly shown, is not
the same as the sagittal plane of the Dipleurula. In Pelmatozoa
it certainly is not; in Holothurians it only approximates to it.
Secondly, in Echinoidea and some Cystidea, and in such Asteroidea
as have an anus, the plane passing through the vertical axis and
the madreporite (M plane) is not the same as that passing through
the vertical axis and the anus (anal plane). Thirdly, the rela-
tions of the anal plane to the M plane and to the radii m a y vary
even within a single class, e.g. Echinoidea and Cystidea. Conse-
quently the selection of any one plane as a plane of orientation
for the different classes is arbitrary. Also it is convenient. W e
take then the M plane and note that the hydropore lies in an in-
terradius with a radius opposite to it (Fig. X V I I L ) . That radius w e
denote by A. T h e n placing the animal with its mouth upwards
and going round the test in the direction of the watch-hand (i.e.
dextrally), w e denote the other radii in order, B, C, D, E. The
hydropore lies in interradius CD. In a developing Holothurian,
or in such Holothurians as retain an external madreporite (Fig.
X V I I L 3), the anus and mouth both lie in the M plane, forming
the poles of the long axis, while radius A bisects the ventral
surface; this therefore is the sagittal plane of bilateral symmetry,
and Cuenot, 1891, calls it the " Holothurian plane." In a Crinoid
(Fig. X V I I L 1), anus, mouth, and aboral pole, all lie in the M
plane, which here also is the sagittal plane ; but the anus, in inter-
radius CD, never marks the aboral pole of the main axis, though
it m a y usurp the place of the mouth at the upper pole. M a n y
Cystids, and apparently the Blastoids, have a similar orientation.
Other Cystids differ in that the anus lies to left or to right of
the hydropore, while the relation of the radii to the M plane
is not clearly defined. In Echinocystis (p. 301), which probably
represents the relations in the primitive Echinoid, the symmetry
remains as in Pelmatozoa; while the mouth is at one pole of the
main axis, the anus lies in or near the M plane, which is therefore
the sagittal plane, but the madreporite is near to the aboral pole
In later Echinoids the case is altered (Fig. X V I I L 4 ) ; thefirststep
appears to have been the passage of the anus to the aboral pole,
the madreporite remaining eccentric and marking interradius CD;
whether this CD is identical with CD of Echinocystis, is another
question; then the anus moved away from the pole in the direc-
tion of radius B, so that the anal plane made an angle of 72° with
the M plane. This new plane (interradius DE, radius B) is termed
by Cuenot the "Echinid plane"; Loven (1884) has shown that
the plates of the five interradii in Echinoidea are disposed sym-
metrically with reference to this plane. The sagittal plane of many
Planes of symmetry in Echinoderma (partly after Cuenot). \, Crinoid; 2, jroid;
3, Holothurian; 4, Regular Echinoid; 5, Irregular Echinoid. As, anus; M, plane passing
through niadreporite ; Ech, Echinid plane ; L, Loven's plane. For other letters, see adjoining
other sea-urchins, notably the heart-urchins and their allies (Fig.
XVIII. 5), i.e. the plane passing through mouth, anus, and apical
pole, corresponds with neither the M plane nor the Echinid plane,
but passes through radius D and interradius AB; Cuenot calls it
" Loven's plane." The bivium (AB) and trivium (C, D, E) of a
heart-urchin are therefore in no way identical with those parts in
a Holothurian, a Crinoid, or a Stelleroid. In those starfish that
have an anus (Fig. XVIII. 2), that organ, as shown by Ludwig, is
in interradius BC; this with the vertical axis marks the " Asterid
through all the tissues, including the skeletal, and containing re-
fnngent granules, proteids, fat, and a yellow pigment called "echino-
chrome" (MacMunn, 1885); they seem to be specialised as bearers
of reserve food, as calcigenous cells (p. 28), as phagocytes, and
as bearers to the exterior of waste products often pigmented
(Durham, 1891, St. Hilaire, 1897); (b) red corpuscles with haemo-
globin (Foettinger, 1880), non^nucleate, but vacuolate or granular
in water-vessels of Ophiuroids (Fig. XIX. 3), nucleate in various
coelomic cavities of Holothurians (Howell, 1886; Cuenot, 1891,
Fig. XIX. 5); the respiratory nature of these is demonstrated by
their containing haemoglobin.
Whatever may be the homologies of the hydrocoel, there is,
physiologically speaking, no nephridial or other excretory system
in Echinoderma. The function is probably performed by the
wandering cells just mentioned.
The Axial Organ has had many functions ascribed to it, as
shown by its various names : Heart (Tiedemann), Pseudo-heart,
Central Blood-plexus (Ludwig), Glandular or Chromatogen organ
(Hamann), L y m p h Gland, Madreporic Gland (Koehler), Collateral
or Plastidogen organ (Perrier), Ovoid Gland (Perrier, Cuenot, and
others), Genital stolon, Plexiform Gland or Dorsal organ (P. H.
Carpenter), Kidney (P. and F. Sarasin). The Sarasins (1888)
give a good account of the literature ; later notes of value are by
Cuenot (1891) and Durham (1891). Generally it is a brownish,
finely lobed, often pear-shaped body, showing under low magnification
a complicated arrangement of tissue strands (Fig. X X . 1). It does
not occur in Holothurioidea. In the other classes it is developed
in the axial sinus by irregular growth of endothelium, which forms
canal-like strands separated from one another by spaces derived
from the axial sinus; these latter are therefore primitively
connected with the water-vessels and madreporite through the
stone canal. Strands growing out at an early age from the central
plexus become the gonads, but the connection may be lost in later
life. In association with the genital strands are also radiating
" haemal strands," not true blood-vessels, but serving for the
transmission of nutrient cells. Such cells, as well as pigmented,
excretory amoebocytes, are found in quantity in and about the
axial organ. In Pelmatozoa the axial organ, surrounded by the
axial sinus and the lobes of the chambered organ, stretches right
down the stem (Fig. X X . 2). The position of the axial sinus with
regard to the gut suggests that nutrientfluidpasses by osmosis into
the axial organ, which thus serves as a kind of distributor, but there
is no evidence of pulsatile pump-action, i.e. it is no heart. The
evidence of new cell-formation is too slight to warrant the idea
that the axial organ is a factory of amoebocytes. There is still room
for study of this peculiar body, especially through experiment.
Diagrams showing relations of pseudhaemal and water-vascular systems and axial organ in
Asterias rubens (after Chadwick). 2 is x 50. ab.h, aboral haemal ring ; ax, axial organ ; ax.p,
axial perihaemal canal; bm, buccal membrane; g, genital strands; gh, absorbent haemal strands
leading from the gut-wall; hr, circumoral haemal ring ; hp, inner perihaemal canal (cf. Fig.
XXII.); I, blood lacunae; M, madreporite; n, nerve ring; op, outer perihaemal canal; rw,
radial water-vessel; rh, radial haemal strands ; st, stomach with folded wall; st.c, stone canal;
wr, circumoral water-ring.
The sexes are nearly always separate, and fertilisation takes place
in the water.
The Haemal Systems of Echinoderma are of two types, which
m a y coexist, but of which one usually predominates. Neither is a
true vascular system, but each consists of a series of smaller lacunae
(spaces without definite walls) or larger sinuses, sometimes appear-
ing as closed, but probably always having some communication,
however minute or indirect, with the other cavities of the body.
T h efluidin these spaces differs from the ordinary coelomicfluidonly
in containing more albumen, and has, likewise, no definite circula-
tion. T h e systems are: (a) Pseudhaemal, consisting of a ring
placed between the ring and radial nerves of the oral system
above, and the ring and canals of the water-system below. This
system is dominant, perhaps the only one, in Stelleroidea, where
it communicates with the general body-cavity and the axial sinus;
it is present in Echinoidea and Holothurioidea, in which classes it
is said to be closed; it is so m u c h reduced in the Crinoidea that
its existence is denied by some authors. In Asteroidea (Figs. X X L ,
XXII.) the ring is divided into an outer and an inner ring by an
oblique septum, from each angle of which a vertical septum passes
d o w n each radial canal. Formerly the system was supposed to
develop as a cleft in the mesenchyme, and therefore was called the
" schizocoelic system "; MacBride (1896) has shown that in Asterina
the inner ring is an outgrowth from the axial sinus, while each of
thefivecompartments of the outer ring and canals arises separately
as an outgrowth of the coelom, the outgrowth in the madreporic
interradius being derived from the anterior coelom, the rest from
the left posterior coelom. (b) Lacunar,
present in all classes except perhaps
Stelleroidea, and developed as lacunae
or small spaces in the connective tissue,
and therefore mesodermal (Fig. X X L ) .
It is differentiated into a network in the
wall of the gut, absorbing therefrom the
nutrient fluid, which is carried by a
main trunk on each side of the gut to a
circumoral ring; from this run radial
FIG. XXII. canals, below the pseudhaemal canals
Diagram of the pseudhaemal when present, and above the water-
system of Asterina (after MacBride).
Seen from above: M marks the M
vessels, while it is connected with net-
plane; in and ex, inner and outer works on the surface of both gonads and
divisions of the perihaemal ring ; a,axial organ. T h e lacunar system of the
the one arising from the anterior
coelom; ax, axial sinus, passing Stelleroidea differs in the absence of an
towards, but not opening into, the absorbent network, and is, says Cuenot,
aboral perihaemal ring; r.hc, right a derivative of the axial organ, and
hydrocoele ; g, genital strands.
therefore endodermal, i.e. it is only the pseudhaemal system greatly
Eespiration takes place through all exposed processes of the
ambulacral system, and through the body wall where thin enough,
as in some Holothurians. Specialised outgrowths or foldings of
the latter are : the " external gills " of Echinoidea, outgrowths of
the circumoesophageal sinus; the papulae of Asteroids, containing
diverticula of the body cavity; the bursae of Ophiuroids; the "pectini-
rhombs" of some Cystids; the " hydrospires" of Blastoids and
some Crinoids. Eespiration is also effected by water entering the
alimentary canal, whether through mouth or anus; in the latter
case it is again expelled. Special structures connected herewith
3 6 7 8 11 12 14
Echinoderm histology. 1, fundamental fibrous substance, with nuclei and an embryonic
cell, from Echinaster sepositus. 2, stellate embryonic mesenchyme cells of Asterias glacialis.
3, gelatinous connective tissue of Spatangus purpureus (x 200). 4, elasticfibresof connective
tissue from Asterias glacialis. 5,fibresfrom stalk of a pedicellaria of same. 6, muscle-fibre
of same. 7, muscle-fibre from a spine attachment of Toxopneustes lividus (x 200). 8, muscle-
fibre from jaw pyramid of same ( x 250). 9, muscle-fibres from gut of Sphaerechinus esculentus
(x 175). 10, transverse section through a muscle-bundle of Asthenosoma wrens; s, sheath of
connective tissue from which proceed septa that limit the smaller divisions. 11, stroma
continued asfibrilsacross a suture in Spatangus purpureus, the stereom of the ossicles
dissolved away. 12, transversely striate muscle -fibres of Echinus acutus. 13, dorsal ligament
of arm of Antedon (x 125). 14, interarticular substance of Isocrinus asteria. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (after
Cuenot). 3,1, 8, 9 (after Hoffmann). 10 (after P. and F. Sarasin). 11, 12 (after Hamann).
13 (after W . B. Carpenter). 14 (after Joh. Miiller).
Stelleroid lacunar system, just mentioned; and the "spongy organ"
of Crinoids in the oral ring. Connected with the ambulacral system
are the " Polian vesicles " found in most Echinoderms other than
Crinoids, and the "Tiedemann's bodies" of Asteroidea (p. 243).
The primitive Mesenchyme cells, derived chiefly by migration
from the endoderm, partly from the ectoderm, have a large nucleus
and indistinct, often amoeboid, cytoplasm. From them are developed
connective and muscular fibres, amoebocytes and calcigenous cells,
and intercellular, gelatinous, and fibrous substances. The muscle-fibre
(Fig. XXIII. 6-9) derived from a single cell is smooth and straight,
FIG. X X I V .
Stereom formation. 1, from the hinder portion of a Pluteus of Echinus miliaris. s, one of
the large supporting rods of the Pluteus; c, a three-pronged spicule surrounded by a group of
calcigenous cells, which derive their lime through a meshwork of pseudopodia and cells (a),
from the rods of the Pluteus and from their broken ends, which are seen just below c. 2. 3,
earliest stages of a spicule of Echinocyamus, surrounded by calcigenous cells. 4, infrabasal of
an Antedon larva forty-eight hours old (x 230). 5, regular stereom from the outer part of the
cup of HoUrpus (x 56). 6, portion of horizontal section of Holopus cup, showing relation of
irregular (i) and regular (r) stereom (x 15). 1-3 (after Theel). 4 (after Secliger). 5, 6 (after
P. H . Carpenter).
and the walls of internal organs. Parallel structures are found in
the cartilage of Vertebrata.
The formation of a calcareous skeleton by the mesoderm was
as pronounced in the oldest k n o w n Echinoderms as it is to-day,
indeed, more so. T o the prickly skin, so commonly a result of
this, is due the n a m e of the phylum (ex^os, a hedgehog; Sepfia, skin).
Amoeboid cells in the mesenchyme have the power of fusing by
pseudopodia into plasmodia or into reticular tissue (Fig. X X I V ) .
W h e r e the pseudopodia meet and fuse, the protoplasm secretes
a small calcareous spicule (intracellular, Th^el; extracellular,
Semon), which gradually increases in size along the lines of the
pseudopodia. Such spicules meet and fuse by their processes,
thus building u p a hard tissue ("stereom"), with a structure that
in section appears reticular, but really is more like a beam-and-
rafter-work. As, in the growing Echinoderm, the protoplasmic
FIG. X X V .
Eyes of Echinoderms. 1, the end of a ray in young Asteroid, t, terminal tentacle; p, podia ;
e, eye-spot. 2, section across the eye-spot in Asterias, showing seven eye-cups, en, endo-
thelium of perradial water-vessel; cf, connective tissue fibres; nn, nerve below epithelium.
3, section across an eye-cup (after Cuenot). cil, cilia; cut, transparent cutis, below which
are the pigmented and retinal cells. 4, diagram of eye-spot of Diadema setosum, modified
from Sarasin. The eye-spot, with its hexagonal elements, is surrounded by the pigmented
integument, composed of a glandular, columnar epithelium (cp) which merges into the cornea
(cor) above, and the eye-cups below ; each cup is coated at its base with pigment (pg), and rests
on a nervous layer (>m), below which is again pigment. Connective tissuefibrils(cf) pass
through this in places.
which the nerves originally lay are closed over them, forming
" epineural canals " (Fig. XIII.).
T w o other nervous systems are formed in Echinoderma: (a)
the " deeper oral nervous system " from the mesoderm, underlying
and roughly following the course of the superficial system; said
to be absent in Crinoids, but is probably represented by their
" sub-epithelial system "; present in all other Echinoderms except
those Echinoids that have no masticatory apparatus; it chiefly
innervates the muscles in the oral side of the body wall; (b) the
" apical nervous system," most pronounced in Crinoids, and derived
from the endothelium of the axial sinus; it is believed to occur in
all other classes except Holothurioidea; it innervates the dorsal
musculature of the test and appendages.
In selecting from the large mass of writings, preference has been given to the
more recent, especially those giving summaries or bibliographies. Works alluded
to in the text m a y also be found by reference to the Zoological Record and the
Zoologischcn Jahresberichten (Naples).
1. Agassiz, A. 1882. (Echinodermata Bibliography.) Bull. Mus.
Comp. Zool. Harvard, vol. x. pp. 109-134.
2. 1883. (Selections from Embryological Monographs—II. Echinoder-
mata.) M e m . Mus. C o m p . Zool. Harvard, vol. ix. (2), pp. 1-45, pis. i.-xv.
3. Bell, F. J. 1891. (On the Arrangement and Interrelations of the Classes
of the Echinodermata.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. viii. pp. 206-
4. Buetschli, 0. 1892. (Versuch der Ableitung des Echinoderms aus einer bi-
lateralen Urform.) Zeitsch. wiss. Zool., vol. liii. Suppl. pp. 136-159, pi. ix.
5. Bury, H. 1888. (The Early Stages in the Development of Antedon rosacea.)
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. clxxix. (1888), B., pp. 257-300, pis.
Q. 1889. (Studies in the Embryology of the Echinoderms.) Quart.
Journ. Micr. Sci., N.S. vol. xxix. pp. 409-449, pis. xxxvh.-xxxix.
7, 1895. (The Metamorphosis of Echinoderms.) Quart. Journ. Micr.
Sci., N.S. vol. xxxviii. pp. 45-135, pis. iii.-ix.
8. Carpenter, P. H. 1878-85, -87. (Notes on Echinoderm Morphology—i.)
Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., N.S. vol. xviii. pp. 351-383 ; (ii.) vol. xix. pp.
176-206; (iii.) vol. xx. pp. 321-329; (iv.) vol. xxi. pp. 169-193, pis. xi.,
xii. ; (v.) vol. xxii. pp. 371-386 ; (vi.) vol. xxiii. pp. 597-616 ; (vii.) vol.
xxiv. pp. 1-23, pi. i. ; (viii.) vol. xxiv. pp. 319-327 ; (ix.) vol. xxv. Suppl.
pp. 139-155 ; (x.) vol. xxvii. pp. 379-391 ; (xi.) vol. xxviii. pp. 303-317.
9. Crety C. 1894. (Contribuzione alia conoscenza dell' ovo ovarico.) Ric. Lab.
A n a t R o m a , vol. iv. pp. 261-281, pi. xiv. [Contains Bibliography.]
10. Cuenot, L. 1891. (Etudes morphologiques sur les Echinodermes.) Arch.
Biol., vol. xi. (1891), pp. 313-680, pis. xxiv.-xxxi. [Gives good Biblio-
28. Miiller, Joh. 1850. (Ueb. L. und M . d. Holothurien und Asterien), op.
cit. 1849, pp. 35-72, 7 pis.
29# 1852
- (Ueb. L. und M . d. Echinodermen), op. cit. 1850, pp. 37-86, 9 pis.
30, 1852
- (Ueber die Ophiurcnlarven des Adriatischen Meeres), op. cit.
1851, pp. 33-62, 8 pis.
31 1853
• - (Ueber den allgemeinen Plan in der Entwickelung der Echino-
dermen), op. cit. 1852, pp. 25-65, 8 pis.
32 1854
- - (Ueber den Ban der Echinodermen), op. cit. 1853, pp. 123-219,
9 pis.
33 1855
- - (Ueber die Gattungen der Seeigellarven), op. cit. 1854, pp. 1-55,
9 pis.
34. Suramin, P. B. ami C. F. 1887; (Die Augen und das Integument der Diadem.
atiden.) Ergebnisse naturw. Forsch. auf Ceylon, Bd. I. Heft 1, 4to,
35. 1888. (Ueber die Anatomie der Echinothuriden und die Phylogenie
der Echinodermen), torn. cit. Heft 3.
36. Secltgcr, 0. 1893. (Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Crinoiden.
Antedon rosacea.) Zool. Jahib., Abth. f. Morph., vol. vi. pp. 161-444, pis.
xii.-xx. [Gives Bibliography of Antedon embryology.]
37. Scmon, B. 1888. (Die Entwickelung der Synapta digitata und die
Stammesgescliichte der Echinodermen.) Jena. Zeitschr., vol. xxii., N.F.
xv., pp. 175-309, pis. vi.-xii.
38. —'—• 1889. (Die Homologien innerhalb des Echinodermenstammes.) Morph.
Jahrb., vol. xv. (2), pp. 253^307.
39. Sladen, W. P. 1884. (On the Homologies of the Primary Larval Plates in
the test of Brachiate Echinoderms.) Quart. Journ. Micro. Sci., N.S. vol.
xxiv. pp. 24-42, pi. i.
40. Thtel,H. 1892. (On the Development of Echinocyamuspiisilhi3[0.F-Miiller]).
Nova Acta R. Soc. Sci. Upsala, Ser. III. pp. 1-57, pis. i.-ix. [Summarises
previous writings.]
41. — - 1894. (Notes on the Formation and Absorption of the Skeleton in the
Echinoderms.) Svensk. Vet. Akad. Fbrhandl., 1894 (8), pp. 345-354.
42. 1896. (Remarks on the Activity of Amoeboid Cells in the Echinoderms.)
Festskrift for Lilljeborg, pp. 49-58, pi. iil., Upsala.
See also Nos. 27, 64, 95, 96, in Literature of Pelmatozoa (p. 211); Nos. 25,
32, 41, in Literature of Stelleroidea (p. 279); and Nos. 36, 39, 62, in Literature
of Echinoidea (p. 328).
value; and to place them either in a line or side by side does not
represent their phylogenetic relations. Such, probably, would be
better shown by placing a primitive class, Amphoridea, at the
base and deducing from it several lines of descent, viz. Edrioas-
teroidea, Anomalocystida, Aporita, Rhombifera, and Diploporita.
F r o m the Edrioasteroid line, w e m a y suppose, there sprang first
Holothurians, then Stelleroidea, then Echinoidea, while the line
itself still survived in more specialised forms to the close of the
Carboniferous period. The Diploporite line ought properly to
include the Blastoidea ; and from it probably there arose, as a fresh
development with a n e w lease of life, the important class,
Crinoidea. T h e other lines were unsuccessful and none survived
the Silurian. But to m a k e the classification coincide absolutely
with this history, which after all is not yet proven, would be to
reject names and classes that have held the field for more than
half a century in favour of n e w and unaccepted terms. Old
names, therefore, have been retained so far as possible. T h e
diversity of existing opinion, however, m a y serve as excuse for a
few novelties. Such are the use of Haeckel's Amphoridea, in an
emended sense; the resuscitation of Edrioasteroidea ; the emenda-
tion of the Rhombifera, Aporita, and Diploporita, and of the
included families, which, w h e n not new, are rarely used in the
sense of the original proposer; the extension of the Blastoidea,
and their division into Proto- and Eu-blastoidea; a considerable
revision of the accepted classification of Eublastoidea; and a
recasting of the classification of Crinoidea.
Fio. 1.
Structure of the test in Aristocystidae. 1, plate of Aristocystis boliemicus showing haplopores,
some of which are connected by a horse-shoe canal, x 4 ; 2, portion of same farther enlarged ; 8,
portions of surface of other specimens, gradually leading u p to such a structure as in 4, a plate
of Caliz SedgvticM, with diplopores; 5, a diplopore of rather different form ; 6, section of a
diplopore ; the hypostereom is shown, but the epistereom, if there were any, is removed: 7 a
natural replacement (by infiltration of mineral matter) of the original stroma-strands and
sutures in plates of Calix (?), the stereom dissolved away ; 8, plates of Aristocystis in similar
condition showing vertical strands (=haplopores) in the middle, aud radiating strands at the
sutures. Allfiguresenlarged. (1, 2, 3, and 8 after Bavrande; 4 and 7 after Rouault.)
increase in the area, and a decrease in the number, of the thecal
plates relative to the size of the theca; perhaps the folds that
often radiate from the umbo of each plate are connected with this
for they must have strengthened the plates, like the folds in cor-
rugated iron or pasteboard. These folds may coexist with diplo-
pores or with pore-rhombs; but they are clearly more adapted to
the latter structure, and often seem to merge with it and accentuate
it. Thus is evolved a highly specialised type of stereom-folding
known as a " pectini-rhomb." N o w , although it is difficult to
separate all the forms at thefirstparting of the ways, it is soon
seen that diplopores are almost confined to the genera with
epithecal extensions of the subvective system, while those with only
exothecal extensions are characterised by pore-rhombs or pectini-
rhombs. There is therefore justification for the old divisions
D I P L O P O R I T A and R H O M B I F E R A , as orders, in a restricted sense.
The Diploporita (p. 70) show a gradually increasing regularity
of structure in the food-grooves, and in their relations to the
theca, leading almost imperceptibly to the Blastoidea. So much
is this the case that it seems well to separate from the Cystidea
certain forms in which "the radial polymeric symmetry" is "in
complete correlation with the radial symmetry of the ambulacra "
(see definition, p. 39), and to refer them to the Blastoids as an
order Protoblastoidea (p. 79). The only alternative is to make
the Blastoids an order of the Cystidea.
In many of the Rhombifera (p. 52) a peculiar modification of
the food-grooves takes place, in that they are continued over the
theca, not directly on the thecal plates themselves, but by a
proliferation of plates from the mouth region. The grooves thus
formed have been termed " recumbent arms " or " pseudambulacra,"
and are fringed with brachioles. This type of ambulacral structure
was independently developed in this order more than once; but it
is most common in the group of genera characterised by pectini-
rhombs and by pentamerism in the. theca (family Glyptocystidae,
p. 58). A group with pore-rhombs highly developed inside the
theca, and with hexamerous symmetry, is distinguished as the
family Caryocrinidae (p. 65). In it the food-grooves tend to be
enclosed by thecal plates (" hypothecal").
The orders already mentioned do not include all genera that
come under the terms of our definition of Cystidea. From early
forms of Rhombiferi, or perhaps even directly from Amphoridea,
there arose a small group in which neither diplopores nor pore-
rhombs were developed, at all events to the same extent, but the
number of thecal plates was greatly lessened and exothecal
brachioles were developed. The best known of these is Cryptocrinus
(p. 69). One might adopt A P O R I T A (sens, str.) as an ordinal name.
passing u p into the suture lines and into the ends of the canals, smooth
on its inner surface. Doubt has been cast on the existence of these three
layers, but examination of well-preserved specimens suggests the follow-
ing interpretation : — ( m ) is homologous with the " mesostereom " of all
Echinoderms, its plates were deposited in a stroma of connective tissue,
and presented not only large meshes, but continuous larger canals for
the passage of strands of stroma, and perhaps of lacunar blood-vessels :
the stroma was thus continuous throughout each plate, and strands often
passed over the outer surface, uniting the larger strands and sometimes
producing the grooves bent in horse-shoe, as at 2 in Fig. I. ; (e) is not
1, Calix bnhemica, from the side ; towards the base the pores are covered by a smooth epi-
dermis. 2, C. excavata, the tegmen. Both nat. size. (After Barrande.)
Eocystis longidactylus. 1, portion of test m u c h enlarged, showing variation in size, outline,
and markings of plates, some of which have apparent pores at their edges; 2, upper part of
a specimen without test, showing portions of brachioles and impressions of covering-plates.
With kind permission of Dr. C. D. Walcott.
bilateral symmetry, and therefore started from the usual sack-like form.
Genera—Trochocystis, Barrande (1859-87 ; syn. Trigonocystis, Haeckel),
Cambrian, Bohemia, France, Spain (Fig. X L ) , is
the most primitive ; its theca is bounded by
twelve stout marginals (mm), conspicuous on one
side more than on the other, and forming a
circular, elliptiv-aL or subtriangular frame ; the
enclosed space on either side is occupied by a
mosaic of 8 0 - 1 6 0 somatic plates, hexagonal
except where truncated by the marginals. A t
the oral end of the frame three openings, nearly
in the broad median plane, pass from the thecal
cavity through or between the marginals to the
exterior; the middle opening (? hydropore and
gonopore) is widest, and is protected by a
hood-like projecting plate (M), (1 madreporite);
of the other two openings, one (0) in the broad
plane is the wider (? mouth), the other (As)
slightly out of that plane is smaller (? anus);
they appear to be connected by a canal (? for
reception of gut) running round the thecal
Trochocystis boliemicus, re-cavity on the inside of the marginals. A t the
stored on the evidence of Bar- aboral end of the frame the marginals pass
rande's figures. A part of the into a short, tapering stem (St) of subtri-
theca on the right of the figure angular section, composed of rows (3 or 5 ?)
is removed showing the interior.
The arrows show the supposed of alternating ossicles, its lumen communi-
direction of the gut. The letters cating with the thecal cavity. Trochocystis
are explained in the adjoining m a y be regarded as a differentiation from
such a form as Aristocystis by lateral compression, so that its broad
median plane is morphologically the
sagittal, and the flat siiLs are the
primitive right and left, the pro-
jecting plate M being on the left side.
Mitrocystis, Barrande (1887), C a m -
brian and Ordovician (Fig. XII.),
has twelve marginals (mm), but on
the (left ?) side that corresponds with
the convex side of later forms, the
junction of the stem with the somatic
plates lies between two of them ;
while the median adoral plate of
this side (M) is vertically grooved on
the interior, but exteriorly resembles
the somatic plates, which on this
side, though larger and fewer (50-60) F I O . XII.
than in Trochocystis, still form a Mitrocystis mitra. 1, from supposed right
side; 2, from supposed left side ; 8, interior
mosaic of hexagons ; two, adjoining of upper part of the latter, showing the folded
the stem, are larger than the others. plate M. (After Barrande.)
O n the other side, which corresponds with the concave Bide of later forms,
the marginals have extended far over the area formerly occupied by somatic
plates, and these latter number from three to six, one of which is m u c h the
largest and of irregular shape. Openings other than the median not distinct.
Stem of about four alternating rows of plates, often provided with thorn-like
processes, and each overlapping its distal neighbour ; total length about
equal to that of the theca, the proximal third with a wide lumen. N o
other appendages observed. Atelecystis (A. Huxleyi), Billings (1858), is
imperfectly k n o w n ; Anomcdocystis cornutus, Hall (1859), m a y be con-
generic, as usually supposed ; but A. disparilis, Hall, probably belongs to
Placocystis (vide infra). All the species described by Barrande (1887) as
Anomalocystis are doubtful. T h e specimens described by M e e k (1873)
and Wetherby (1879) are separable generically under the latter's name,
Enoplnura; the species are E. lalanoides, M e e k sp., and E. Crustacea,
Haeckel sp.1 In ail these one traces the gradual diminution in number of
plates, especially of somatic plates, and the evolution of the granular
ornament into w a v y ridges. S o m e of these also show traces of adoral
spines. Belemnocystis is placed in this family by Miller and Gurley (1894),
probably with justice, though its exact affinities are obscure. Platycystis,
S. A. Miller (1889), is based on a worn Anomalocystid of indeterminable
affinities. Placocystis, de Koninck (1869), from the English Wenlock beds
of Silurian age (Fig. XIIL), is the most specialised form of this family. It
was redescribed by H . W o o d w a r d
(1880); since then fresh know-
ledge has been gained. O n either
side of the concave face (Fig.
X I I L 1) are three marginals
(mm) which pass over on to the
convex side; at the columnal end
are two marginals, at the oral
end are three, and none of these
five continue on to the convex
side, although corresponding
plates occur there. T h e median
adoral marginal of the convex
side (Fig. X I I L 2) is the plate
M ; its free edge is occasionally FIG. x m .
denticulate (cf. ridgings in Mitro- Ploxocystis Forbesianus. 1, concave or supposed
*-\ T1,C o n m o f i ^ -nlnl-p.3 nf right side; 2, convex or supposed left side ; 3, upper
•cystis). l n e somatic plates 01 margini s i l 0 w i n g attachment for spine at Br'.
tliP rnnr.ave side are o n e large (1, reconstructed from various specimens in British
xne COliuive aiue aic e, M u s e u m . 2, from Brit. Mus., E7545, enlarged ; 3,
Central, and one small at Its irom the type-specimen, Brit. Mus., E7588/)
left upper corner : those of the
convex side are eleven, viz. two ad-columnal, as in Mitrocystis, supporting
one median which does not touch the column as it does in Enoploura ;
a transverse row offive,the median of which is small and often quite
surrounded by its two neighbours (it is not an anal structure, as supposed) ;
a row of three adjoining the adoral marginals. Stem m u c h as in Mitro-
cystis. T h e three marginals that meet at each adoral angle of the theca
(Ficr X I I L 3) form an ?"ticular surface (Br) for the support of a spine
1 This n a m e must be restricted to Wetherby's Fig. 1, d, e, f, and 1g.
(Br) which m a y attain 2/3 the length of the theca, without signs of a
joint. The spine is subcircular in section, and has no groove and no
accessory plates ; none the less it m a y have served as an arm, i.e. as the
bearer of a tentaculate extension of the water-system, and of a ciliated
path to the mouth. The mouth, anus, and hydropore were probably
situated in the integument uniting the two sides of the thecal opening
that seems to stretch between the spines. Haeckel (1896) supposes that
the Apus-form of the Anomalocystidae was correlated with locomotion,
and that the stem was a locomotor organ—a suggestion by no means far-
fetched ; but his statement that the anus was ad-columnal must have
been based on Pleurocystis (p. 64), which, though belonging to a different
order, simulates Placocystis in many features.
(cf. p. 11). In either of these cases the anterior arm m a y diminish in size
andfinallydisappear, leaving either two lateral, or two antero-lateral + two
postero-lateral = four branches in all. T h e length of the arms and their
subsequent branching, if any, are unknown. The portions preserved are
formed of series of brachials, bearing on their adoral (upper) surfaces a
groove leading to the central mouth, and roofed by small covering-plates.
T h e anus (As), with its pyramid of four to ten plates, lies 1/3 or 1/4 of the
way d o w n the theca. Between anus and mouth, to the right, is the hydro-
pore (M). T h e plates of the theca were united by strands of mesostroma as
in the next genus. Arachnocystis, N e u m a y r (1889), of Ordovician age,
has for type the Echinosplmerites infaustus of Barrande (1887). The
pear-shaped theca is composed of 200-800 plates of irregular shape and
arrangement, mostly small, but with a few larger plates interspersed. A t
the narrower end of the theca is a stem, about 4 0 m m . long, composed
offive(?) alternating rows of hexagonal plates. A t the opposite pole lies
the mouth, on a slight elevation of larger, irregular plates (not five orals
as sometimes stated). F r o m these are given off three arms, composed of
two alternating rows of plates (biserial), and with a ventral groove roofed
by small covering-plates ; they m a y reach 100 m m . in length. About a
third of the w a y d o w n the theca is the large anal opening, closed by a
pyramid of five plates. T h e hydropore has not been observed. The
structure of the thecal plates is clearly shown in the Bohemian fossils ;
between the thin non-porous epistereom and hypostereom lies the meso-
stereom, penetrated by canals left by the strands of mesostroma that ran
at right angles across the sutures and united the plates. A trace of the
original path of these strands, as seen in Aristocystis, remains in the form
of canals passing d o w n to the hypostereom,
one at the ad-central end of each transverse
canal, and one on either side the suture.
T h e centre of each plate is solid, and often
raised in an u m b o ; by ideal lines drawn
from the u m b o to the angles of each plate,
the canals are grouped in triangles, and
the adjacent triangles of two neighbouring
plates form a " pore-rhomb." Palaeocystis,
Billings (1858), Ordovician, Canada, has
thecal plates of similar structure. Orocystis,
Barrande (1887), Ordovician, Bohemia
(Fig. XVI.), has an oviform theca, with a
small hexagonal stem (St) of u n k n o w n
length, and near the other pole three
eccentric openings: 0 generally, and
FIG. XVI. probably with right, regarded as the
Orocystis Ilclmhackeri, restored on m o u t h ; As the anus ; M the hydropore.
the evidence of Barrande's figures and
The thecal plates are marked with strong
axial folds, parallel with which are smaller
ridges, all at right angles to the sutures. T h e folds are probably the
superficial indications of axial nerves, and it is noteworthy that strongly
marked folds radiate from the six angles of the stem, and that
seven plates, and a very highly developed stem. Thecal plates have
strong radiating ridges, marginal concentric ridges, and suture margins
toothed on the inside in correspondence with the ridges. Since this struc-
ture is not unlike that in Comarocystis, the genus is provisionally placed here.
F A M I L Y 3. M A C R O C Y S T E L L I D A E . Rhombifera in which the theca
consists of three or four circlets of plates, subjected to a more or less
regular pentamerism. T h e stereom is strongly radiately ridged or folded,
but no so-called "pores" or pectinirhombs are developed. Brachioles
are borne by the upper circlet of plates, and within these there m a y have
been tegminal plates over the mouth. There is perhaps no intimate
connection between the two genera referred to this family. But they
are both Cambrian, and show an early development of that tendency to
reduce the number of plates, which eventually evolved the Glypto-
cystidae from a different branch of the Rhombiferi. T h e Macrocystellidae
were probably derived from Eocystidae without passing through an
Echinosphaerid stage. Genera—Macrocystella, Calla-
w a y (1877), Upper Cambrian, Shropshire. Theca
seen from the side (Fig. X V I I I . 1) shows four circlets
of plates, apparently five in each circlet. Those of
the aboral circlet are low and pentagonal; those of
the second and third circlets hexagonal and rela-
tively large ; those of the fourth circlet about half
the size of those in the third, sub-pentagonal, and
each bears a brachiole. These almost immediately
bifurcate, making ten branches in all, about as long
as the theca is high, and apparently biserial; covering-
plates are distinct. There were probably tegminal
plates above the origins of the brachioles. Thecal
plates strongly marked with radiating folds, which
divide the surface into triangles ; between them are
smaller folds. N o fine r h o m b structure is seen.
A n u s unknown. Stem rapidly tapering, about half
as long again as total length of crown ; proximal
columnals low and imbricating, with very wide
l u m e n ; distal columnals long and narrow. Mimo-
cystis, Barr. (1887), Ordovician, Bohemia, does not, so
far as can be gathered from the published description,
differ from Macrocystella in any essential. Lichenoides,
Barr. (1846, 1 8 8 7 ; Pompeckj, 1 8 9 6 ; syn. Licheno-
Macrocystella Alariae.
1, from side (recon- cystis, Haeckel), Cambrian, Bohemia and Bavaria.
structed from Brit. Theca composed of rounded plates of very different
Mus., E7523 and E7.V24), sizes, but semi-regular in arrangement. A t the base
x j; 2-4, portion of a
brachiole, x 8, from
are five to twelve minute plates, indicating absence of
side, dorsal, and ventral stem and probably offixation,at all events in adult.
.surfaces ; 5, single plateAbove those is a circlet of five irregularly pentagonal
of a large specimen (Brit. large plates. Resting on, and to a certain extent
Mus., E752S), nat. size.
alternating with these, are six or seven plates of similar size. A circlet
of smaller plates, alternating with the last mentioned, forms the summit,
and bears about eight biserial unbranched brachioles. N o anus observed.
All plates except the minute ones at the base were united by strong
stroma-strands across their sutures, and these form pore-rhombs.
F A M I L Y 4. T I A R A C R I N I D A E . Rhombifera in which the plates forming
the sides of the theca are arranged in not more than two circlets, and the
plates of each circlet are transversely united by strongly marked pore-
rhombs. T h e genera, though clearly separated as offshoots from the
Rhombifera, do not form a very coherent group, and need careful description
by a well-informed worker. T.amcrin u-% Schultze (1867, Syn. Staurosoma,
Barrande, 1887), Devonian, Eifel, and Bohemia. Theca cup-shaped or a
truncate spheroid, the sides composed of four large, interradially situated
plates, one of which is (? only in some cases) horizontally bisected. These
plates are united by strongly marked stereom-folds, raised above the
surface, and forming demi-rhombs. The composition of the oral surface is
unknown, but there seems to have been a central mouth, with food-grooves
radiating from it towards the margin, where brachioles probably arose.
A n anus seems to have pierced the margin at the summit of one of the
triangular side-plates. Stem-facet four-sided, with angles radial; lumen
small. Rhombifera, Barrande (1867 and 1887), Ordovician, Bohemia.
Theca elongate, triangular in section; appears composed of two circlets—a
lower, of three plates united by strong stereom-folds, visible exteriorly only
as terminal pores outlining " pore-rhombs " ; an upper, of six (?) plates, of
which three pairs are united by pore-rhombs, similar to those of the
lower circlet, and vertically above, not alternating with them. Oral
region unknown. Aboral region passes gradually, by smaller plates, into
a cylindrical stem. T h e structure of the pore-rhombs and the trimerous
symmetry suggest comparison with Caryocrinidae. Rhombifera mira,
Barr., is usually considered to be a
Stephanocrinus. Aethocystis, S. A. Miller
(1892), Silurian, Indiana, m a y be placed
here provisionally.
F A M I L Y 5. M A L O C Y S T I D A E . Rhombi-
fera in which thecal plates are numerous
and indefinitely arranged. Radial folds
of stereom often pronounced, but minor
rhomb-like striae not clearly seen. Food-
grooves on exothecal processes passing
over the theca and bearing brachioles.
Columnals (when known) in a single
series. This Ordovician family shows
the independent evolution of a structure
c o m m o n in a later family, Glyptocystidae,
viz. the extension from the mouth over FIG. XIX.
the theca of series of alternating plates, Amygdaloeystisflorealis.1, from side ;
2.single plate enlarged; 3, portion of food-
supporting a single series of brachioles. groove enlarged. Br, dotted outline of
T h e alternating series is not so com- some brachioles; Br1, facet for attach-
plicated as in Glyptocystidae, and the ment of same. Original, from specimen
belonging to Dr. G. J. Hinde.
food-groove passes, not on the top of it,
but along its sides. T h e main grooves appear in all cases to be reduced
to two ; but these m a y branch and wind round the theca as in the later
FIG. X X .
Actual distribution of pore-rhombs explained by supposed course of gut in primitive
Glyptocystidae. The plates numbered as in Fig. X X I .
One of them invariably unites the left posterior plate of the first aboral
row with the left anterior plate of the second row. M o u t h central; from
it over the theca radiate food-grooves, primitively 5, by reduction 4 or 2 ;
these are bordered by the plates of the adoral circlet, or by plates
derived from their proliferation ; and these side-plates bear facets for
brachioles of biserial structure. This family is perhaps descended from
primitive Echinosphaeridae, in which a natural tendency to the develop-
ment of five food-grooves (one ant., single ; two lateral, paired) was
accompanied by decrease in number, and increase in size and thickness,
of the thecal plates, together with their arrangement in five alternating
circlets of five (as in Mimocystis). T h e diminution of the thecal cavity,
w e m a y suppose, pressed the coil of the gut against the body wall;
thus the respiratory function was hindered in the pore-rhombs along this
tract, so that they disappeared, while it was thrown more on the remain-
ing pore-rhombs, which became highly developed (Fig. XX.). T h e process
continued till only three pair of intensely folded areas were left, one at
the base on the side opposite the anus, the others above the anus to
the right and left of it; from their likeness to combs, these areas are
cauea pectinated rhombs, more shortly " pectinirhombs."
W e m a y reconstruct a form like that analysed in Fig. X X I . as a type
(probably ancestral) from which every k n o w n genus of this family m a y
easily be derived. In this archetype two plates (r. post, and r. ant.)
ot the aboral circlet are fused together, so that the total number is
twenty-four ; numbers are attached to these in the diagram, after a plan
originated by Forbes. T h e following statements m a y safely be m a d e
concerning this archetype, those applying equally to the whole family
being italicised : — 3 is the double plate; a pectinirhomb joins 1 & 5,
while other pectinirhombs were probably distributed as in Fig. X X . ; the
anus is in right posterior IR, between plates'7 and 8, and below 13 ; it is
protected by a valvular pyramid, surrounded by a ring of smaller plates ;
20-24 lie between food-grooves, and are therefore interradial; the
A &
FIG. X X I .
Arrangement of plates in the supposed archetype of the Glyptocystidae. The attached
numbers are those given by Forbes. The letters at the top, read from left to right, denote :
left anterior interradius <fe radius ; left posterior interradius & radius ; posterior interradius ;
right posterior interradius & radius ; right anterior interradius & radius ; anterior radius. Plate
23 bears the hydropore and gonopore ; the notches in plates 15 to 19 represent the primitive
position offivefood-grooves ; between 7, 8, and 13 lies the anus. Pectinirhombs not shown.
hydropore, defining the posterior interradius, is in 23, and above it is
a semi-lunar pore of u n k n o w n function (genital or excretory); opposite
these is the unbranched anterior food-groove, passing to plate 15 ; the
branches of the right groove pass to 18 and 19, those of the left groove
to 16 and 17 ; at the end of each of the five main grooves is a facet,
bearing a brachiole composed of two alternating series of ossicles ("biserial");
the food-grooves of both brachioles and legmen are protected by small covering-
plates; the theca is borne on a stem, which at its proximal end has low
columnals with a wide lumen, and which tapers distally. Modifications of
this type take place in the following directions:—Enlargement of the
ring of small plates around the anus, into a region of scaly, flexible
integument (Cheirocrinus, Glyptocystis, Pleurocystis); the accentuation of
the relations of the five main grooves to plates 15-19, coupled with
the sinking of those plates between those of the third series (Cheirocrinus,
JMU. A M I . PrunocystisFletcheri(from,
EchinoencrinusSencken- Brit. Mus., 40207). Eh,
bergi, after Jaekel. pectinirhomb. x 4 diam.
chizocystis armatus (from
Mus., E75S9 & E7590).
X X V . from above;
/I. from the abanal _
As, anus ; Br', facets *
brachioles ; fp, flooring FIG. XXVII.
es of subvective groove ; Analysis of Schizocystis. Plates 11 & 13
ig. XXVI. the impressions are notched by the food-grooves. Plate 23 is
hese are seen in the distal double, and bears hydropore and gonopore.
part of the groove ; Eh, the XXVI.
pectinirhomb of plates 14 &
15 ; St, part of stem.
plates, bears about five brachioles; a similar extension of r. post.
groove to plate 13 is checked by anus, and bears only three brachioles.
S U B - F A M I L Y 2, C A L L O C Y S T I N A E , starts from a form in which allfivesub-
vective grooves, with the usualflooringplates and brachioles, pass over
the theca, as in Lepadocystis; and diverges (a) by suppression of grooves,
without branching, into Lepadocrinus and Pseudocrinus ; (b) by branching
of grooves, with subsequent suppression, into Callocystis, Sphaerocystis, and
Strobilocystis; pectinirhombs 1 & 5 , 1 4 & 1 5 , 1 2 & 1 8 probably always
present. Genera — Lepa-
docystis, P. H. Carpenter
(1891 ; syn. Meekocystis, © ©
Jaekel, 1899), Ordovician,
Indiana (Fig. XXVIIL).
Theca ovoid; plates around
anus slightly altered from
the archetypal position.
Pectinirhombs on 1 & 5,
12 & 18, 14 & 15, and
10 & 15. Main grooves
five, stretching a short dis- FIG. XXVIII.
tance over theca, one to Analysis of Lepadocystis Moorei, based on Meek's figures
each plate of fourth circlet. (1871 & 1873). Plates 15 to 19 notched by food-grooves ;
hydropore on plate 23.
Lepadocrinus, Mather
(1843?; Conrad, 1840; Hall, 1859: synn. Apiocystis, Forbes, 1848;
Staurocystis, Haeckel, 1897; ? Hallicystis, Jaekel, 1899; includes
FIG. X X I X .
Analysis of Pseudocrinus, based on specimens in
the British Museum, especially 40193.
Restored Lepadocrinus quadrifasciatus. The arm-
lets of the outer rows are erect; those of the noddle
row depressed. Near the top of the left-hand quarter
is the anus ; near the top of the right-hand quarter
is a pectinirhomb. B y permission of the Keeper of
the Geological Dept., British Museum.
$ 3 M <£h (£b
&& 6S>
FIG. X X X I I .
Analysis of Cheirocrinus penniger, modified from Fr. Schmidt.
which now form the third circlet, viz. in order, 14, 15, 10, 16, 11, 17,
12, 18, 19. The superficial resemblance of Cystoblastus to certain
Blastoids has led most
writers to imagine a true
relationship. This involves *'0^$ -
the entire disappearance
of plates 5-9 ; the homolo-
gising of the plates here
called 10, 11, 12, and 14,
as well as the absent 13,
with plates 20-24, and the
consequent disappearance
of plates 10-14 also ; the
violent supposition that
the horizontal transverse
or tangential folds of the
demi-rhombs in Cystoblastus
originated the radial or
vertical folds of the hydro-
spires in Codaster; as well
as such minor points as
the shifting of both anus
and hydropore, and the
fusion of two pair of basals,
neither of them the same
pair as composes plate 3 of
The structures of the
subvective grooves in the
more highly specialised
genera of this family have
often been spoken of as
"recumbent arms." They
differ, however, from the
arms of Crinoidea in origin
as well as recumbency. From
the subvective structures of
Pleurocystis JUitex-
Glyptosphaeridae and Pro- tus. 1, analysis; 2,
toblastoidea, they differ view from antanal
in that the brachioliferous side, restored from
plates are not thecal plates original observations;
3, view from anal side,
or even intercalated be- after Jaekel.
tween such plates, but lie
outside them and often
transgress their sutures.
F A M I L Y 7. C A R Y O C R I N -
IDAE. Rhombifera in which
the theca is composed primitively of four circlets of plates, comparable to
the infrabasal (IB), basal (B), radial (R), and deltoid (A) circlets of a crinoid
Fio. X X X V .
Cystoblastus Leuchtenbergi, after Volborth. 1, oral surface; 2, posterior ; S, aboral surface ;
4, analysis; s.p, plates flooring arm-grooves; 0, mouth; As, anus, the position of which is
indicated by * in 1; M, hydropore between 18 & 19; St', attachment of stem.
T 0/%^ 0 ft o
--db&opoofr B
» o6 o o o
plate on the left, that is, opposite the anus. There was a slender stem
of circular columnals. Lysocystis, S. A. Miller (1889, proposed ioxEchino-
cystis, Hall non Wyville Thomson; syn. Scolocystis, Gregory, 1897),
Silurian, N. America. Theca sub-pentagonal, composed of four circlets of
plates. Aboral circlet of four (J) small plates, followed by two circlets of
five plates each, regularly alternating, and an adoral circlet, number un-
known. Apparently three free brachioles, possibly becomingfiveby the
usual bifurcation. Anus at adjacent upper angles of two plateB of third
circlet. In the only known species the plates of second and third circlets
were strongly nodose. Stem unknown.
1 2 3 4
FIG. X X X V I I .
Cryptocrinus. 1, from oral surface; 2, enlarged view of oral region, the tegminal plates
removed; 3, aboral view; 4, side view. (All diagrammatised from Jaekel.) As, anus; Br',
facets for brachioles ; M, hydropore ; p, another pore ; Sf, facet for stem.
diplopores ; the anus close to the peristome, and with a valvular pyramid ;
small hydropore, perhaps combined with gonopore, between mouth and
anus, to the left; five orals
separated by food-grooves
with primitive bilateral
arrangement. T h e various
species m a y be arranged
in groups, according to
the number of times the
grooves branch, and the
number of brachiola given
off from them. Haeckel
(1896) has sought to separ-
Fio. X X X V I I I . ate as genera (Pomonites,
Sphaeronis globulus, after Angelin. 1, from side, nat.Pomocystis, Pomosphaera)
size ; 2, tegmen, enlarged.
those with one, two, three,
and four brachiola to each ray; but until Angelin's notoriously
inaccurate figures shall have been corrected by observation instead
of by hypothesis, these names can rest on no sure ground. Moreover,
Loven's figure of the type-
species, S. pomum, repro-
duced in our Fig. X X X I X . ,
shows that the number of
branches visible m a y be
two, three, or four in a
single individual. Eu-
cystis, Angelin (1878), Or-
dovician, Sweden (Fig.
XL.), sends its grooves
farther d o w n the theca
than Sphaeronis, over one
or two circlets of thecal
plates. F r o m the distal
end of each ray a brachiole
was given off, while others
of uncertain number and
position arose along the
side of the grooves. Prob-
ably some of the forms
described by S. A. Miller FIG. X X X I X .
as Holocystites should be Adoral region of Sphaeronis pomum (from Loven,Om
placed here (e.g. Tremato- Leskia mirabilis," Ofv. Vct.-Akad. ForhandL 1867,434). p,
cystis, Jaekel), although0, orals covering mouth; •wg, section of food-groove running
from mouth to Br', brachiole-facets, some of which are pierced
their orals are not known. by an axial canal; As, plates closing over anus; (7, pro-
H. gyrinus, Miller & Gurley minence with two pores, which Loven considered gono-
(1894), presents a stage in pores; AT, ridge which Loven thought might indicate a
the development of food- madreporite (or G m a y represent combined gonopore and
hydropore); diplopores surround the whole area.
grooves that in some respects is more advanced, although the peristomial
plates have no regular arrangement (Fig. X L I L ) . Allocystis, Miller (1889),
Mouth and l'ood-
FIG. XLI. grooves of " Holn-
FIG. XL. Proteocystisflava,oral sur- ri/stites" (7//r('««.s,
Eucystis raripunrtata, oral surface; face, slightly restored from after Miller & Guv-
after Angelin, enlarged. Barrande, enlarged. ley.
Its geological age forbids us to regard Proteocystis as a link between Sphae-
ronitidae and Glyptosphaeridae, but it certainly has points of likeness to
the latter family. Carpocystis, Oehlert (1887), Lower Devonian, W . France,
is a simple spheroid with large stem-attachment. Palmacystis, Haeckel
(1896), Archegocystis, & Codiacystis, Jaekel (1899), are forms with the
epithecal branched food-grooVes, described by Barrande as hydrophores
palmees of Pirocystis, Craterina, & Aristocystis.
F A M I L Y 2. G L Y P T O S P H A E R I D A E . Diploporita in which the food-grooves
extend over the theca well beyond the adoral circlet, and irregularly
transgress the sutures between the
thecal plates. Diplopores diffuse. BT"..
These represent a further advance
on the type of structure originated
in Sphaeronitidae. Genera — 0 ~~
Glyptosphaera, J. Miiller (1854),
Ordovician, Baltic countries (Fig.
XLIIL), has for type the species
first figured by the D u k e of M -
Leuchtenberg (1843), and dis-
tinguished by Volborth (1846) as G -
Sphaeronites Leuchtenbergi. T h e
spherical theca, reaching a diameter
of 7 cm., and larger than any other
cystid, is composed of irregularly Glyptosphaera Leuchtenbergi, after Volborth, nat.
arranged polygonal plates, bearing size. For lettering, see adjoining text.
_,. -i OT)0res T h e mouth is covered
l five orals (0) with characteristic bilateral symmetry, and from between
Zem the anterior unpaired, and lateral paired, grooves radiate about
half-way over the theca, crossing the sutures of the plates, and giving off
short branches on either side, or sometimes on one side only, at irregular
intervals. A t the ends of the branches are facets (Br) for the support
of brachioles. T h e grooves are shallow and have minute covering-plates.
T h e anus (As), of which the valvular pyramid is rarely preserved, lies about
a third of the w a y d o w n the theca ; between it and the mouth are two
openings, a little to the left, viz. a small round gonopore (G) and a madreporite
(M). The latter, the representative of the hydropore, is always close to
thefirstbrachiole-facet of the left posterior groove, at the junction of three
plates ; it consists of folds (slits ?) running at right angles to the sutures,
and is bounded by a slight ridge forming a triangle or trapezoid. According
to Volborth, there was at the aboral pole a stem, -^ to £ width of theca,
with a wide lumen, and low columnals with five longitudinal sutures, and
with encrusting root-expansion. Eichwald, however, could not find more
than a short conical extension of the theca, and this agrees better with
the appearances of specimens sent by Volborth to the British Museum.
Fungocystis, Barrande (1887), Ordovician, Bohemia (Fig. X L I V ) , differs
from Glyptosphaera in the broad base,
hollowed for attachment to some marine
object, and forming an angle with the long
, axis of the theca; the paucity of diplo-
pores ; and the regular alternation of the
groove branches, making each groove a zig-
zag. T h e test itself is not preserved ; the
internal casts show no sign of the external
grooves and brachioles; but they show
between anus and mouth a curved eleva-
tion (madreporite ?).
F A M I L Y 3. P R O T O C R I N I D A E . Diploporita
in which the food-grooves extend over the
theca almost to the aboral pole, and are
regularly bordered by alternating thecal
plates (" adambulacrals"), on which are
rtrffiTS th^lrdence^of t h e brachiole-facets. Diplopores diffuse or
Barrande'sfigures;enlarged. confined to adambulacrals, from which they
are never absent. These represent a further
advance in precisely the same direction as previous families. G e n e r a —
Protocrinus, Eichwald (1840), Ordovician, Russia (Fig. X L V ) , was well
described by Volborth (1846). Theca spheroidal or ovoid, attached by
a stem in tlie young, but free in old age and losing all traces of attach-
ment (cf. Lichenoides). Thecal plates larger, stouter, and more swollen
than in Glyptosphaera; all bear diplopores, which m a y become somewhat
at right angles to main food-groove, on the adambulacrals. T h e main
grooves are rather straighter than in Glyptosphaera, lying regularly between
large alternating thecal plates (adambulacrals), each of which bears a
brachiole, except one or two of the proximal ones on the side towards the
direction of the clock-hands. Hydropore minute, above anus. Proteroblastus,
Jaekel (1895; syn. Dactylocystis, 1899), Ordovician, Russia (Fig. X L V L ) .
Theca ovoid, sometimes prolonged gradually into a stem (cf. Dendrocystis).
Fio. X L V .
Protocrinus oviformis, after Volborth. 1, oral surface, showing food-grooves partly covered
by ambulacrals, x | ; 2, aboral surface of young individual, showing stem-attachment; 3,
aboral surface of old individual, without stem.
2 4
Mesocystis Pusirefskii. 1, general form, restored after Hoffmann and Xikitin. 2, oral sur-
face, after Hoffmann, enlarged ; the deltoids are not clearly shown. 3, structure of the adoral
end of a food-groove, modified from Jaekel; the covering-plates removed from the lower right-
hand part; m u c h enlarged. 4, transverse section of a food-groove, after Jaekel. As, anus;
adAmb, adambulacrals or side-plates (s.p); cp, covering-plates or ambulacrals ; Br, dotted
outlines of brachioles, borne by Br', brachiole-facet; fg, food-groove ; iAmb, interambulacrals,
pierced by diplopores (p); M, supposed hydropores, probably only due to a boring parasite;
0, mouth.
A pierced by hydropore (and ? gonopore). Anal pyramid in upper part of
posterior interambulacrum. Aboral surface of theca composed of numerous
small plates, but the structure of its central region is still unknown.
FAMILY 5. GOMPHOCYSTIDAE. Diploporita in which extension of food-
collecting surface is provided by the curving of the five main grooves
around the theca and not by their prolongation on to brachioles.
FlG. i.
Asteroblastus. 1, oral surface of A. stellatus; not quite correct as anal area is not shown.
2, side view of A. Volborthi. Both figures adapted from Schmidt, and x 2 diam. ami, so-
called ambulacrum; br, brachioles, supported on W, brachiole-facets; f.g, food-groove, pp,
pore-plate, at adoral end of which is deltoid; E, radial, at end ol ambulacrum ; St, stem.
J- FIG. III. 2
Blastoidocrinus carcliuriaedens ,• restored on the evidence of E. Billings. 1, oral surface ; 3
-ays show the side-plates (sp) with their facets for brachioles (&)•') ; 1 ray shows the brachioies
(br) attached ; the 5th ray shows lancet-plate (L) exposed by removal of side-plates. 2, from
the side ; the upward extension of the stem (.St) and the invaginated basals (B) are indicated by
dotted lines, h, incipient hydrospires.
long as that order includes such a form as Codaster. But till the structure
of the base and the position of the anus are known, the genus may be
kept with its rather more primitive allies, Asteroblastus and Asterocystis.
that the object was an increase of surface for respiratory purposes, the
outer oxygenated sea-water passing d o w n into the folds and the inner
coelomic fluid passing up into the alternate folds. Hence to such struc-
tures E . Billings gave the n a m e "hydrospires." They are similar, in
essential structure and in position across the suture lines, to the pectini-
rhombs of Callocystinae ; and similarly are a development of the normal
Codaster trilobatus. 1, oral surface of young individual of var. acutus, with 3 hydrospires
each side of a food-groove and traces of them in anal interradius (Brit. Mus. E8020). 2, a theca
ground d o w n from the oral surface, thus bringing out the sutures (Brit. Mus. E8023). 3,
analysis of the main thecal elements. 4, theca seen from the left posterior radius. 5, the
same theca from below, with posterior interradius uppermost. (Both from Brit. Mus. E8013).
Xi. 6 slightly restored section across part of a radius, amb, so-called ambulacrum or
pse'udainbulacrum, with food-groove; As, aperture for anus; B, basal; br, brachiole; c.p,
covering-plates ; h, hydrospire-folds ; L, lancet-plate ; 0, mouth-aperture ; E, radial; s.p, side-
plate ; A, deltoid.
structure of the test. The marked pentamerous symmetry of the thecal
plates (with the apparent exception of BB) and of the hydrospires is
disturbed only by the anus, which makes an opening between the pos-
terior A and the adjacent radial processes. From this IR hydrospire-folds
are said to be absent (but one or two may be seen in some specimens,
Fi". V. 2). The anal opening was closed by small plates. The essential
structures of Codaster are all to be found in Protoblastoidea ; the absence
of interambulacrals, in Blastoidocrinus; the ambulacral structures, in
1, Phaenoschisma Verneuili, food-groove seen from above. Ip, lancet-plate ; sp, side-plates,
between which are the small outer side-plates. 2, section across part of a radius of the same ;
the hydrospires are here in the deltoid, and only a process of the radial is seen (R.pr). 3, part
of an ambulacrum of Pentremites, seen from above, x 6 diam. 4, left side of the same further
enlarged, showing some of the covering-plates (diagrammatised from Steinmann). 5, section
across a radius of Pentremites, x 6 diam. 6-8 are diagrams showing the evolution of spiracles :
6, in Phaenoschtima ; ends of hydrospire-folds still visible, only an incipient spiracle. 7, in
Orophocrimis ; a long spiracle-slit is enclosed between side-plates and deltoid ridge. S, in Crypto-
schisma ; on the left the spiracles are distinctly separated by the deltoid ridge ; on the right
the side-plates of adjacent ambulacra meet and the deltoids sink, so that the spiracles appear
single, br, brachiole; bf, articular facet for same ; c.p, covering-plates; A, deltoid crest;
f.g, food-groove ; L, lancet-plate ; 0, peristome ; o.s.p, outer side-plate ; p, pores; B, radial;
s, spiracle; s.l, sub-lancet; s.p, side-plate.
project beyond their edges. A covered by radial processes, so that only
the crests are exposed. The spiracles are clefts on either side the
ambulacra, between the deltoid crests and the proximal side-plates. The
anus pierces post. A, which therefore has no crest, so that the adjacent
spiracles are confluent with the anus ; the opening so formed is called " the
anal spiracle." In some species (esp. P. angulata) the side-plates do not
cover the lancet-plate any more than they do in some species of Phaeno-
schisma. Within the limits of Pentremitidea (as defined by Etheridge &
Carpenter) two changes of importance take place. The hydrospires no
longer remain extended, with each fold opening into the space below the
single. T h e anus opens through, the posterior spiracle, i.e. through the
oral end of post. A ; the position is less primitive than in Codaster, but the
greater size of post. A seems primitive. Metablastus, Eth. & Carp. (1886),
is represented by doubtful species in the Silurian of N . America, less
doubtful from Devonian of Europe, and undoubted from Lower Carboni-
ferous of N . America. It closely resembles Troostocrinus in form ; but
the A are all equal, small, and confined to the summit, while the two
1 2 3
Fio. VIII.
Troostocrinus Eeinwardti. 1, section across a radius, m u c h enlarged. 2, upper part of
theca, posterior view. 3, oral surface of theca. Lettering as before. As+sp, anus and con-
fluent spiracles. (2 and 3 slightly altered from Etheridge & Carpenter.)
posterior spiracles are distinct from the anus. In structure the ambulacra
scarcely differ from those of Troostocrinus; but the lancet-plate of
M. lineatus is said to have three longitudinal canals - , the meaning
of which is not obvious (cf. Schizoblastus). T h e base is elongate, and
triangular in section, withflattenedsides. Tricoelocrinus, M e e k & Worthen
(1868), Carboniferous, N. America, and (f) Queensland (Fig. X V . 2), owes
its n a m e to three excavations along the interbasal sutures, corresponding to
the threeflattenedsides of Metablastus. A feature of more importance is
the enclosure of the distal portion of the hydrospires within the thickness
of the radial plate ; this is probably due to the upward growth of the
floor of the sinus, as has taken place, independently and to a less extent,
in Pentremites. Eleutherocrinus, Shumard & Yandell (1856), Devonian,
N . America, is probably a descendant of Troostocrinus. It has, however,
lost its stem and adopted some mode of life that has affected its symmetry.
The place of the stem is occupied by the small r. ant. B. The two other
B B are pushed a little to the side and produced up the theca to meet the
broadened and shortened 1. post. R. The remaining R R , with their ambu-
lacra, are m u c h like those of Troostocrinus and Metablastus; this 1. post.
R, however, bears a short ambulacrum with only seven side-plates on
either side, but these greatly widened transversely to the median groove, and
curved distalwards (Fig. IX.). There are small A, and (apud Shumard)
spiracles at their oral ends on either side of each normal ambulacrum.
T h e anus is stated by Wachsmuth (in Whiteaves, 1889) to lie on the
right upper margin of the abnormal R, and therefore at the aboral end
of the A. Sections across the ambulacra (Eth. & Carp., 1886) show a
lancet-plate with large longitudinal canal, and seven hydrospire-folds,
arranged as in Troostocrinus, on either side of each ambulacrum in its
upper part ; at the aboral end of the ambulacrum the floor of the radial
sinus comes below the lancet-plate (cf. Tricoelocrinus).
Nucleocrinus, Conrad (1842,
synn. Elaeacrinus, Roemer, 1851;
and Olivanites, Troost, M S . ,
1849), Devonian, North America,
differs m u c h from the genera
hitherto described (Fig. X.). Al-
though the theca is lofty (often
olive - shaped) the B B and R R
reach a very short w a y up it ;
the B B and lower part of R R
are pressed inwards, and the
radial sinus receives only the
distal extremity of the ambula-
crum. The greater part of each
ambulacrum lies between certain
interradial plates. T h e posterior
Eleutherocrinus Cassedayi; oral view x G diam. interradius contains three such
The abnormal, 1. post, radius turned to the plates—a median plate, at the
observer; r. post, ray has covering-plates (cp) oral end of which lies the anus,
which in life would have covered over the oral and a plate on either side. These
centre; in r. ant. ray the cp are removed
and one sees the whole of the side-plates (s.p); lateral pieces meet at their oral
these again are removed from ant. ray, exposing ends, enclosing the anus, and
the lancet-plate (L); removal of L in 1. ant. ray stretch d o w n between the central
shows the hydrospires (h.s). (Based on Shumard
piece and the ambulacra. The
& Yandell, and Whiteaves.)
central interradial is smooth, with a median vertical ridge; but the lateral
pieces are transversely grooved, each groove corresponding to a pore
Fio. X.
NudeocHmis Verneuili. 1, from anterior radius, x §. 2, oral view, showing L w e cover-
ing-plates over the peristome (from Brit. Mus. B20), x j. 3, from posterior interradius, x «.
As, anus ; cp, covering-plates, which were continuous over the food-groove (fg); ]K, interradiai
pieces ; E, radials ; sp, spiracles ; A, deltoids, th« limbs of which flank the ambulacra.
late central area, with a median ridge, separated from the ambulacra by
transversely grooved areas meeting adorally. S o m e specimens show
appearances of sutures between these areas, especially at the aboral end.
Hence Lyon (1857), from the study of m a n y hundred specimens, and
Billings (1870) concluded that these interambulacra also contained three
plates, as a rule fused together. Roemer and Etheridge & Carpenter,
however, believed that there was only one plate, and that the markings
were merely ornament. T h e am-
bulacra are narrow ; their struc-
ture is shown in Figs. X . 2 and
XI. They dip d o w n to the mouth
underneath a roof of strong plates.
T h e hydrospires are pendent, their
folds reduced to two; they emerge
through large spiracles, separated
by the interambulacral plates.
A s for the homologies of the
thecal plates, those w h o believe
that there is only one in each
interambulacrum regard that one
as the A, which in the posterior
interradius is split in two by an Fio. xi.
intercalated anal plate. This Section of ambulacrum of Nucleocrinus Ver-
makes Nucleocrinus a highly neuili, x 10 diam. b.r, brachiole; L, lancet-
specialised form, into which is plate ; o.s.j), outer side-plate; s.p, side-plate;
s, supposed suture between lateral and central
suddenly introduced an element interambulacrals.
found in no other Eublastoid. If,
however, w e accept the view that each interambulacrum has essentially
the same composition, viz. three plates, w e are able to institute compari-
sons with Protoblastoidea. These suggest that the true homologues of the
A in Nucleocrinus are the proximal portions only of the plates called deltoid
by Etheridge & Carpenter. This latter explanation of the structure of
Nucleocrinus permits us to regard it as primitive in all except tne hydro-
spires, and consists better with its geological age. Schizoblastus, Eth. & Carp.
(1882-86), Carboniferous, Britain and N . America, i"ay be described
as a Nucleocrinus in which there is only one plate in each of the inter-
ambulacra ; this therefore m a y be called a deltoid, but m a y well represent
the three plates some suppose to exist in Nucleocrinus, since it preserves
their peculiar sculpturing. In some species it is of m u c h less relative
size. T h e hydrospires, as in Nucleocrinus, are of simple structure, with
one to four folds. In two American species the posterior spiracles
are separate from the anus, as in Nucleocrinus; in others they are con-
fluent. T h e plates roofing the mouth, though not quite so stout as in
Nucleocrinus, are usually well preserved. Cryptoblastus, Eth. & Carp.
(1886), Carboniferous, N . America, is like a Schizoblastus with small
A. T h e hydrospires differ from those of Nucleocrinus and Schizoblastui
only in the development of hydrospire-plates (cf. Troostocrinus) which
extend right up the sides of the lancet-plate, separating it from the
folds and from the walls of the radial sinus. But where the A are
folds distinctly portions of the thecal plates, coming to the surface of the
radial sinus. N o distinct hydrospire-canal or pores; spiracles developed
imperfectly or not at all. Genera—Codaster, Phaenoschisma, Cryptoschisma,
Orophocrinus. This family coincides with that of Etheridge & Carpenter.
F A M I L Y 2. P E N T R E M I T I D A E . Hydrospire-folds, usually numerous, concen-
trated at the lowest part of the radial sinus, and partly or wholly pendent.
Hydrospire-canal opens through spiracles bounded distally by side-plates.
Base convex. Ambulacra rather broad. Genera—Pentremitidea, Pentre-
mites. This equals the Pentremitidae of Etheridge & Carpenter, minus
Theeas of typical Blastoids. 1, a Codonoblastid—Pentremites robustus(from Brit. Mus. ES145).
2, a TTOOStoblastid—Tricoelocrinus woodmani (from Brit. Mus. ES171). 3 and 4, a Granato-
blastid—Orbitremites orbicularis (from the type-specimens, Brit. Mus. ES135). 3, from the side.
4, from below, with posterior interradius uppermost. Allfiguresnat. size.
Order 1. Inadunata.
„ 2. Adunata.
„ 3. Camerata.
Sub-Order 1. Melocrinoidea.
„ 2. Batocrinoidea.
„ 3. Actinocrinoidea.
Order 1. Inadunata.
Sub-Order 1. Cyathocrinoidea.
„ 2. Dendrocrinoidea.
Order 2. Flexibilia.
Grade 1. Impinnata.
,, 2. Pinnata.
„ 3. Camerata.
Fio. I.
Analysis of the cup and brachial elements of Hybocystis probletnaticus. The outlines of the
food-grooves (vg) are dotted.
anus lies between the posterior A and the radial circlet, being
separated from the latter by a special anal plate (x). T h e right
posterior radial is transversely bisected; its upper smaller portion
(Rs) being pushed a little to the right by x. T h e striking
peculiarity of this form is the continuation of the food-grooves
over the thecal plates, as in Diploporita and Blastoidea. In the
right and left antero-lateral rays these pass over the edges of the
deltoids, over the radials, on to the underlying basals. In the
anterior and the right and left posterior rays there are two ossicles,
each as high as wide, supported on the summits of the radials ;
the grooves pass between the deltoids, over these ossicles, d o w n on
to the outer surfaces of the radials. These ossicles form exothecal,
jointed outgrowths of the abactinal thecal plates ; a deep notch on
their inner surfaces, leading into the cup by a hole between the
deltoids, suggests that they bore, besides the ambulacral structures,
also extensions of the abactinal nerve-system. Therefore, although
incipient, they constitute true brachia, such as are found in no
Echinoderma except Crinoidea, and they show us the probable w a y
in which brachia originated. Hydrospires have not been described;
but, considering their occurrence in the closely allied Hybocrinus
(Fig. X X X V I . ) , they are likely to be found along the radio-deltoid
sutures, as in Codaster. Brachioles fringing the grooves do not
seem to have been present, nor has a lancet-plate been observed.
These facts, as well as the five basals, prove that Hybocystis is not
an offshoot from Eublastoidea, as indeed its geological age forbids ;
but it m a y well be derived from early forms of Protoblastoidea. If
Hybocystis be admitted as actually ancestral, then the development
of brachia in only three rays sheds light on corresponding irregu-
larities of development in m a n y simple and ancient crinoids, connect-
ing them in this respect with primitive Cystidea (see pp. 11, 53).
Another form su^estive of the connection of the Crinoidea with
the Blastoidea is Stephanocrinus, Conrad (1842), Silurian of N .
America and England. C. F. Roemer (1851), Joh. Miiller (1853),
and Pictet (1857), regarded it as a eystid ; Etheridge & Carpenter
(1883) and S. A. Miller as a Mastoid; Dujardin & H u p e (1862)
and Hall (1851) as a crinoid; Zittel (1879) as doubtfully a
Mastoid. W a c h s m u t h & Springer (1886) proved the presence of
brachia, which m a k e it unquestionably a crinoid, but said, "It
agrees by its oral and anal pyramid with certain forms of the
Cystids, while in its general habitus and in the position of the
ambulacra it agrees with the Blastoids." Stephanocrinus (Fig. II.)
has 3 B B , 5 R H , and 5A, arranged as in Eublastoidea, especially
Codasteridae. T h e radial processes are often prolonged into spear-
like spines (S), one in each interradius. Each ambulacral groove lies
in a deep sinus between the deltoids and radial processes, and it is
continued on to an arm, which rises from a single brachial at the end
of the sinus, and immediately bifurcates, the groove forking with it.
T h e edges of the deltoids meet beneath the groove, but a space for the
mouth (" peristome ") is left in the middle. This space, as well as
the whole groove, is covered by ambulacrals ; these often fuse into
a single plate on either side the groove, where it passes over the oral
surface of the theca, and form five plates, likewise often fused, over
the peristome (P). T h e anus is between posterior A and the adjacent
radial processes, and is closed by a valve of four to six small plates.
Certain pits in a similar position in other interradii possibly are
atrophied hydrospires (h). T h e ornament of the cup-plates is strongly
reminiscent of that in Eublastoidea; but there are clearly marked
axial folds passing up from the basals to the arm-facets, perhaps due
to the greater development of the abactinal nerve-system in the
brachiate form. There were neither brachioles nor a lancet-plate.
Stephanocrinus undoubtedly belongs to the simplest and most
primitive group of the Crinoidea, and it is hard to believe that its
Stephanocrinus angulatus. 1,
from anterior radius, x 2 diam.;
2, from oral surface, x 4 diam.
(from Brit. Mus. E6715). As, anus,
covered by plates; As, axillare,
from which are supposed to spring
two arm-rami; Br', position from
which these spring, between S,
spines formed by radial processes,
broken off in 2, and showing (h)
supposed atrophied hydrospires;
P, large covering - plates over the
peristome, which is surrounded by
the five orals or deltoids (0).
remarkable resemblances to Eublastoidea are merely homoplastic,
especially since the position of the small basal is not one which
usually occurs in other Crinoidea that have fused basals.
However the crinoid or brachiate stage in the history of the
Pelmatozoa m a y have been reached, it will be useful to recapitu-
late here the c o m m o n pelmatozoic characters as well as those
distinctive of the Crinoidea, as manifested in a normal crinoid of
simple structure. T h e specialisation of those characters will be
shown historically in the systematic part; but since m a n y
structures have been produced or modified in the same w a y more
than once, a general account of the processes m a y be given here.
W e can speak more decidedly on questions of development and
internal anatomy in this class, since the differences between extinct
and recent genera are not such as to hinder interpretation.
A normal Crinoid was thus described in 1821 by J. S. Miller,
the founder of the class: " A n animal with a round, oval, or
angular column, composed of numerous articulating joints,
supporting at its summit a series of plates or joints forming a
cup-like body containing the viscera, from whose upper rim
proceed five articulated arms, dividing into tentaculated fingers,
# O O O O B/ Q.IB
Imaginary analyses of the structure of the dorsal cup in two simple types of Crinoid.
Fio. V.
Three stages in the evolution of the Tegmen. 1, orals only: 2. orals and ambulacrals;
3, orals, ambulacrals, and enlarged peristomial ambulacrals.
containing the genital cord or rachis (g.c); and a " coeliac canal"
(c.c). O n either side of the water-vessel, beneath the tentacles, is a
senso-motor nerve (n2), giving off branches to the muscles of the
Fio. VII.
Diagram of solid section of a Crinoid arm. For e? nation of letters see adjoining text.
Kl<:. XI.
Course of axial nerve-cords in Isocrinus. Diagrammatised from sections figured by P. H.
Carpenter. B, basal; It, radial; ax, axial organ ; ch, live chambers of chambered organ; nl,
nerve-cord from R to B ; u2, cord passing down Jl; nZ, cord from B to radially placed lobes of
chambered organ.
lobes of which in this case correspond with the basals, i.e. are
interradial. If the base be dicyclic, the ring forms a commissure
at the level of the centres of the basals; and from these points
Fit-.. XII.
Course of axial nerve-cords in Dicyclic (D), Pseudomonocyclic (P), and Monocyclic (M)
Crinoids. c.o, lobes of chambered organ, the connecting nervous sheath omitted for greater
clearness ; r.c, ring commissure in radials ; other letters as usual.
radial. Nerves from these cords are given off to the stroma of
the cup-plates. This system, as experimentally proved, chiefly
by W . B. Carpenter (1876 and 1884), in opposition to the
scientific opinion of his time, is a senso-motor nerve-system,
governed from the nervous capsule of the chambered organ.
B y means of the commissures the motion of all muscles is cor-
related. Primitively the cords lie on the inner surface of the
cup; they then become bordered by ridges of stereom, and
finally enclosed within the cup-walls. Branches from these nerves
unite with the interradial nerves that proceed from the circum-
oesophageal nerve-ring.
T o turn to the Stem. W e have already traced its probable
origin as an evagination of the many-plated theca of Amphoridea,
and the gradual introduction of order into the irregular plates (p. 48).
In the pentamerous Crinoidea, these naturally became subjected to
pentamerism ; and evidence of m a n y of the older crinoids shows that
the plates were atfirsthexagonal and arranged in alternating circlets
Evolution of Pentamerism in the
Stem. 1, joint surface of a columnal com-
posed of five sections, which alternate
with the angles of the stem-lumen ; %
portion of a stem composed of hexag-
onal alternating plates, which in 3 be-
come arranged more definitely in hori-
zontal rows; 4, continuance of the
process results in columnals offivepen-
tameres. The figures are of Botryo-
crinus stems (after Bather).
of 5, just as plates of the theca (Fig. XIIL). The next stage was
that in which the plates no longer alternated, but were arranged in
horizontal rows divided by five longitudinal sutures. Finally, the
pentameres of each row became fused to form a " columnal," still
pierced by a wide lumen. This regularity was perhaps connected
with the extension into the lumen of a vessel from each of the five
lobes of the chambered organ, with its nerve-sheath (axial cord);
the five cords surrounded a prolongation of the axial organ. In a
monocyclic crinoid the axial cords would be interradial, as are the
lobes of the chambered organ, while the pentameres would alternate
with the basals and be radial. In a dicyclic crinoid the cords would
be radial, the pentameres interradial. The exterior angles of the
stem usually correspond with the pentameres, but not always.
T h e cirri, or side-arms of the stem, correspond, for reasons that
will appear presently, with the axial cords. The lumen of the
stem is often split u p into grooves by ingrowths of stereom; and
these grooves primarily contain the axial cords, and m a y even form
closed canals containing the cords, but this correspondence is not
inevitable. The so-called "law of W a c h s m u t h & Springer,"
Fio. XIV.
Comparison of the Dicyclic and Monocyclic base. B, basal; Br, brachials marking the Ave
rays ; ci, cirri, only three out of the five are shown ; co, pentameres of column ; IB, infrabasal;
7i, nerves going to cirri from extensions of capsule; E, radial; s, sutures between penta-
meres of stem.
(as is here done) chiefly to the relations of the axial cords, we shall
have a surer guide for discrimination between monocyclic and
dicyclic crinoids in the m a n y doubtful cases that occur.
distal end of the stem after two main plans: (1) Deposition of
solid, unjointed stereom, around the distal columnals, forming an
encrusting plate or mass (Fig. CXIII. 2); this
occurs on rocky bottoms. (2) Outgrowth of jointed
branches from the plated end, forming "radical
cirri," often with traces of polymeres like those of
the primitive stem, often very long and branching
again, and always with a lumen which contains
an extension of the axial cord (Fig. CXVI.); this
is adapted to a muddy bottom. The radical cirri
arise from the vertical suture-lines of the stem, by FIG. XV.
Evolution of cirri. 1, part of stem of a Silurian crinoid with large, branching cirri (Brit.
M u s . E1354). 2, section across stem of a Carboniferous crinoid, showing branch from axial
canal to cirrus (Brit. M u s . E0708). 3, root of Barycrinus, with cirri originating between
pentameres (modified from W a c h s m u t h & Springer). 4, section across stem of Isocrinus
IVymlle-Thomsoni at. level of cirrus-whorl, the central portions disproportionately enlarged
for greater clearness. 5, part of stem of Isocrinus decorus, with cirri in whorls of five.
The Relations of the Stem. 1, portion of stem of Gastrocrimts patulus (modified from Jaekel),
the latest formed columnals are numbered 1, the oldest 6; t~> and 0 bear cirri. 2, proximal, and
3 distal, regions of stein of Isocrinns decorns (cf. o in Fig. CI.), n, nodals (modified from P. H .
Carpenter). 4, proximal region of stem of Onitvhocriiiiis (after W'aehsmuth & Springer), show-
ing infrabasals (IB) fused to proximale (P). 5, proximale of Apiii-rhutf elegans, I Mr., showing
depressions for BB (Brit. Mus. EC711). (i, cup and part of -.tern of A. clegans, showing
proximale and other enlarged columnals (based on Brit. .Mus. KuTOH and E6710). 7, portion of
cup and stem of Millerkrinus polydactylus (modified from 1'. de Loriol), showing minute
infrabasals attached to proximale, also new columnals forming (1).
the ossicles, which are thus closely and immovably fitted together,
though separable by alkalies. (2) " Syzygy," a special case of close
suture between brachials or columnals (Fig. X V I I L 2, 3, and 4),
in which the upper ossicle, "epizygal," bears a pinnule or cirri,
as the case m a y be, and the lower one, " hypozygal," bears none.
(3) " Anchylosis" or fusion, w h e n two ossicles are immovably
cemented by an unbroken deposit of stereom, which, however
is less solid than that of the plates themselves. Towards flexibility
w e have: (1) That form of "loose suture" in which the stroma-
fibrils lie at right angles to the suture, and the stereom is thrown
into corresponding folds (cf. pore-rhombs of cystids), or that form
in which there is a slight facet, either smooth or striated (Fig.
C X I . 3), or interlocking crenulations (Fig. XVIII. 1). (2) "Imper-
forate articulation," in which there is a slight facet, or a toothed
Forms of Joint. 1, sutural mar-
gin of cup-plate of Marsupites
(original). 2, brachials from dorsal
side, x 10. 3, ditto from ventral
side, x *£-. 4, distal face of lIBr:{,
a hypozygal, x ^s. (2, 3, and 4 are
of Antedon bifida, after W . B. Car-
penter.) 5, articular facet of radial
of Pisocrinus ollula, x 3 (after
Bather). 6, articular facet of radial
of Bathycrintis aldrichianus, x 8
(after P. H . Carpenter), ac, axial
canal for nerve; dl, dorsal liga-
ment ; /, fulcral ridge; il, inter-
articular ligament ; mf, muscle
fossa; n, notch for axial nerve;
p, pinnule; p', pinnule-facet; .-,
right and left correspond with the right and left of the observer.
T o preserve this orientation w h e n the crown is viewed from above,
the anal side must be nearest the observer (downwards in a
figure); when viewed from below, the anal side must be away
from the observer (upwards in a figure). Such is the rule followed
in the drawings illustrating this book, while in the various analyses
the anterior radius is always placed on the right of the figure.
Various modes of designating the radii have been attempted. T o
extend to the Crinoidea Loven's Echinoid numeration, is to postu-
late an homology that is far from proven. T h e annexed table
compares with other systems the symbols here u s e d : —
Nomenclature of
P. H. Carpenter
Echinoidea and
in Challenger
•rr *r~
Keports and
in Natural
Orientation as above described. Symbols here
f do
with the next Br, representing the IIIBr of a simple arm. T o use
the same terms is especially perplexing in intermediate forms;
but solutions of the difficulty, though proposed, have not gained
general approval.
For descriptive purposes, a dichotomous arm is viewed from
the dorsal, i.e. aboral surface, and " right" and " left" equal right
and left of the observer. The mediad rami are called interior ;
those to the sides, exterior. A particular brachial in any series
is denoted by placing a small Arabic numeral after the s y m b o l —
IIBr4, IVBr 0 , IIIBr5. T h e number of Br in a series m a y be
expressed either by stating it with a large Arabic numeral, e.g.
IIIBr, 7, and IIBr, 1 0 ; or by giving the number of the axillare,
thus IIIaxT, and IIax10. The ossicles of the distal rami which do
not branch again are called "finials" (F).
T h e ambulacrals ( A m b ) x necessarily branch with the brachials,
and the several series or orders m a y be designated as I A m b ,
IIAmb, etc. Their simplest form is that of a line of small
plates on either side the groove, capable of being raised or
depressed; and w h e n closed, meeting in the median line by a
zigzag suture due to their alternating arrangement. They vary
in size, both absolutely, and relatively to the brachials. Each
ambulacral m a y be divided by one or more tranverse sutures,
parallel to the long axis of the a r m ; this produces the appearance
of short pinnules, for which these structures have been mistaken
by more than one author. The transverse sutures m a y come. to
lie at an angle, and the portions to alternate with one another.
Thus arose the side-plates or adambulacrals, which are a persistent
feature in m a n y of the later crinoids (cf. Fig. IX. 2). There
m a y also be developed minute but distinct ossicles beneath the
outer covering-plates and alternating with them. The complicated
structure thus developed in Cyathocrinus and Gissocrinus has been
exquisitely worked out and illustrated by G. Liljevall (Bather,
1893, pis. vii.-ix.).
Brachia, rami, ramuli, and pinnulae, in which the ossicles lie in
a single row, with more or less parallel joints, are termed " uni-
serial." Simple arms in Crinoidea are always uniserial. Pinnu-
late arms undergo a modification. Since in such arms the joints
slope alternately to right and left (p. 114), the brachials tend to
assume a wedge-shape; in process of growth of either the in-
dividual or the race, a complete wedge-shape is assumed, go that
the joint-lines between the ossicles form a " zigzag." Lastly, the
brachials come to lie in two alternating rows, in which case the arm
is termed "biserial." This development doubles the number of
pinnules in a given length of arm, and thus aids the collection
The terras "ambulacral" and "adambulacral" must not be held to imply any
homology with elements thus named in Stelleroidea and Echinoidea.
of food. The axial cords and ventral groove at first swing from
side to side; but this would be almost impossible in biserial arms,
so here a c o m m o n straight ventral groove is formed, and the axial
cord lies at the bottom of it. The change from uniserial to
biserial, just as the evolution
of pinnules, begins in both
ontogeny and phylogeny at
the growing tip of the arm,
and proceeds gradually proxi-
malwards (Fig. XXII.).
Still further develop-
FIG. X X I I .
ment occurs in the Camer-
Evolution from uniserial, through zigzag,
to biserial brachials.
ata. T h e adjacent right and
left ossicles of a biserial arm
m a y fuse, so as to form a compound brachial, and this necessarily
bears two pinnules, one on either side. Further than this, it appears
as though two or more compound brachials could fuse, and so form
a triply compound ossicle bearing two or three pinnules on either
side. A t the same time, the pinnulars themselves m a y come to lie
in zigzag or biserial fashion, in the same w a y as do the ossicles of
so m a n y cystid brachioles. It is this structure that influenced
Jaekel in his distinction between "pinnulae" and "ramuli" (supra);
but the facts are explicable as the final stage in a regular
evolution (Fig. L X X I X . ) .
Fusion of brachials either laterally, or in vertical series, or both,
m a y occur in any crinoid race in which it proves advantageous.
In some Gissocrini the IIBr, and possibly IIIBr, of each arm were
laterally united by suture ; in Crotalocrinus (Fig. XCII.) all brachials
of an arm are suturally united by projections at the distal margin
of each brachial; in Petalocrinus (Fig. XCI.) all brachials of an arm
except IBr are fused into a single petaloid plate. Compare also
Melocrinus (Fig. L X X I V . ) and Eucladocrinus (Fig. L X X I . 4).
Brachials primitively, and pinnulars nearly always, are
united by loose suture (compare Fig. X V I I L ) . T h e next stage is
imperforate articulation. In thefinalstage, perforate articulation
(Fig. XXIII. 1), there is a well-marked transverse fulcral ridge,
pierced by the axial canal; the ventral groove comes nearly up to
the ridge at this point. O n each side of the ventral groove, and
often separated by a slight vertical, i.e. dorso-ventral, ridge run-
ning d o w n to the axial canal, are two depressions, fossae ; the ventral
pair lodges muscle fibres ("muscular fossae"); and the doisal
pair, interarticular ligament (" ligamentar fossae"). Dorsad of
the fulcrum is a deep "dorsal fossa," lodging elastic ligament.
This type m a y be modified by the disappearance of the ventral
muscles, the increase of the interarticular ligaments and their
fossae, and of the vertical ridge separating them, which n o w
4 5
Arm-joints. 1, brachial of Isocrinus astrria, after Joh. Miiller. 2, distal face of IBr-i of
Batltycrinus Aldriv.hianus (cf. (> in Fig. X V I I L ) , x 8 diam. 3, the same in Isocrinus lilakei, x 3J
diam. 4, syzygy of Ehizocrinus Eawsoni—a, epizygal from its under surface ; 6, hypozygal
from its upper surface, x 7£ diam. 5, syzygy of Isocrinus Blakei—a, upper surface of hypozygal;
h, epizygal; and c, hypozygal in their relative positions, seen from side, x 3J diam. (2-5 are
after P. H . Carpenter.)
in; axial canal; dl, dorsal ligament fossa ; il, interarticular ligament fossa; mf, muscle
fossa ; p , facet for pinnule ; eg, ventral groove.
hypozygal (compare Fig. XVIIL). Immobility may be effected
in various ways. The apposed faces m a y be smooth (some
Pentacrinids), striated (Uintacrinus, most Antedonidae), or dotted
(some Actinometrae); in Ehizocrinus a peg projects from the dorsal
region of the epizygal into a pit in the hypozygal (Fig. XXIII. 4),
and in some Pentacrinids a dorso-ventral ridge on the epizygal
fits into the hypozygal (Fig. XXIII. 5). The former type of
syzygy facilitates fracture along the suture, and is specially
developed in locomotive forms liable to entangle their arms.
The latter type appears different in origin and function.
W e n o w return to the extension of the Dorsal Cup. This m a y
be effected, as in Ichthyocrinus (Fig. CVIIL), by the direct lateral
union of the proximal brachials. A t the same time, the proximal
ambulacrals enter the tegmen, so that the thecal cavity stretches out
further between the actinal and abactinal elements. In m a n y living
crinoids the proximal brachials are united by aflexibleintegument
FIG. X X I V .
Calamocrinus diomedeae. 1, posterior view of cup, showing attachment of anal tube to
pinnules and proximal brachials, x f; 2, radial and proximal brachials seen from inside of
cup, showing attachment of interbrachials (much enlarged); 3, a similar portion seen from the
side, showing the interbrachials (unshaded) attached to the brachials and pinnulars (shaded).
Enlarged. (All after Al. Agassiz.) As, anus ; B, basal; IBr, primibrachs ; ilir, interbrachials ;•
pn, pinnulars.
or IIIBr of a single arm. The small plates may increase in size and
firmly bind together the arms and rami (Fig. X X I V a ) ; those
between brachia are "interbrachials" (iBr); between IIBr, "inter-
secundibrachs " (illBr), and so on.
Similarly there are interambula-
illl B r crals of various orders ; the ilAmb,
merging at the sides of the theca
into the iBr; the illAmb separated
by the thecal cavity from illBr;
the illlAmb, and so on. The
interbrachials sometimes, though
rarely, d e s c e n d b e t w e e n the
radials. N o t merely brachials,
but also pinnulars m a y be incor-
porated in the cup, and between
FIO. XXIVa. pinnules are developed "interpin-
Sagenocrinus expansus, to show incorpora-nulars" (e.g. Uintacrinns,¥ig. CIIL);
tion of arms into cup, by means of second-
ary plates (these latter are shaded); for it is often hard to distinguish fixed
lettering see adjoining text. (From Brit. pinnulars from supplementary
Mus. specimen 57147.) x <}. plates. Except in primitive forms
(e.g. Reteocrinidae), the interbrachials have a similar arrangement
in each interradius of an individual. Indeed, the arrangement often
serves as a means of distinguishing species and genera. This
between r. post. R and this proximal plate differs from that between
r. post. R & IBrx only in size (Fig. X X V I I I . ) ; in Iocrinus the
ventral groove of the median series coalesces in r. post. R with the
ventral groove of right posterior a r m ; this, and other evidence
from Heterocrinidae, shows that the median anal series was in-
nervated from the axial cord of r. post. R. T h e only argument
Fio. X X I X .
Upward passage of anal (x) in Vlocrinus. 1, anal area of " Ulocrinus " Blairi ; 2, posterior
view of U. Buttsi; 3 and 4, U. Kansasensis, the cup from posterior and from above, x 3.
(From Bather, after Miller & Gurley.)
proximal plate of the median line of the anal tube, whatever its
Modification of the cup is not confined to the fixed brachials
and interbrachials, but also affects the patina. W e have discussed
the disappearance of IBB. W e have also to note a tendency to
fusion in the plates of the proximal circlet, whether I B B or B B ,
and their change of shape due to the introduction of anals into the
FIG. X X X I .
Bases and their modifications. 1-0
and 9, monocyclic ; 7 and 8, dicyclic ;
1-4, pentagonal, unaffected by anal;
5, 6, 9, hexagonal, affected by anal.
In all the anal side is uppermost, and
the plates are numbered on Jaekel's
plan (see table, p. 110); the imagin-
ary additional piece is marked +.
1, 5 BB ; 2, 4 BB ; 3, 3 Bli, Crinoid
type ; 4, 3 BB, Blastoid type ; 5,
4 BB; 6,3BB; 7, 3 IBB, as usual in
Dicyclica inadunata; 8, 3 IBB, as
usual in Flexibilia impinnata; 9,
2 BB. (Adapted from Wachsmuth &
posterior and anterior large plate, and two small lateral plates (Fig.
X X X I . 5). These tend to approximate in size. In Xenocrinus
(Fig. L X X V I I L ) , interbrachials as well as anals come down between
the radials, so that the basals are nearly equal in size, but irregular
in shape, and make the base decagonal. Removal of anals and
interbrachials from the radial circlet leaves a pentagonal quadri-
partite base, such as is found in Melocrinidae (p. 161). A n anal
resting on a tripartite base is accompanied by increased width in
the small left anterior basal (Fig. X X X I . 6). But in the bipartite
base the small basal fuses with the combined posterior and left
posterior basals, while the combined right-hand basals increase in
width (Fig. X X X I . 9). In most Dicyclica the infrabasals do not
assume a hexagonal outline; for the anals do not occur in the
basal circlet, but x truncates the upper surface of the posterior
basal. Exceptions are Sagenocrinus, Carabocrinus (Fig. L X X X I V . ) ,
Strophocrinus, and Thenarocrinus (Fig. X C V L ) .
Development of orals in Antedon. 1 (after Bury), IB still visible, no RR yet formed. 2
(after Allman), 0 closed ; between them and BB are the developing RR. 3 (after Allman), 0 open,
exposing oral tentacles ; no arms yet exist. 4 (after W . B. Carpenter), 0 now separated from
BB by RR, which support arms. 5 (after W . B. Carpenter), arms cut oft abovefirstbrachial so
as to show 0, which now surround the mouth ; the shaded portion represents integument, in
which ambulacrals and interambulacrals are developed.
Note also gradual decrease, in size of BB. A further stage in oral history is seen in Fig.
X X X . 4, which is from another species.
primitive forms. Five triangular plates that cover the mouth in
the recent Holopus, Hyocrinus, Ehizocrinus, and Thaumatocrinus,
are by all writers homologised with orals (Fig. XXXIV.). In
all Antedonidae, Bathycrinus, and Calamocrinus, they are almost
Fio. X X X I V . Fio. X X X V I .
Tegmen of Holopus. The arms Tegmen of Hybocrinus coni-
are removed from the side nearest Tegmen of Haplo- cus. Small irregular ambula-
the observer, showing the articu- crinus mespiliformis.crals overlie the apposed edges
lar surfaces of R, the radials, Br, first brachial; 0, of 0, the orals, which are
which are fused together. Amb, oral; p, pore in post. shaded. Post. 0 has a hydro-
ambulacrals, which pass down the O ; R, radial. (After pore, and is therefore a madre-
brachials to the tegmen and a little Wachsmuth & Sprin- porite, M. As, anus, lies be-
way up between the orals ; iAmb, ger, 1888.) x 6. tween this and x, the anal
interambulacrals, partly separat- plate of the cup. R, radials,
ing brachials from orals; 0, rive with arm-facets shaded, and
perforate orals; Rp, processes of nerve channel black. (Based
fused RR. (After P. H. Carpenter, partly on MS. drawings by W .
1888.) X |. R. Billings. Natural size.)
or entirely resorbed in the adult. The ambulacra pass to the
mouth between or below the orals.
In Hybocrinus, Haplpcrinus, Carabocrinus, and other primitive
genera arefiveinterradial plates precisely resembling the orals of
the larval Antedon in shape and position (Figs. X X X V . , X X X V L ) .
FIG. X X X I X .
Teamen of Cyathocrinus. 1, C.
planus with ambulacrals and inter-
FIG. XXXVIII. ambulacrals removed, exposing
Tegmen ofEuspirocrinus spiralis, showing four cordi-app'-'.-.l edges of orals (A) and
form deltoids or orals, and a madreporite, with ambu- madreporite (M). 2, C. mammillaris
lacrals overlying their apposed edges. In the pos- with ambulacrals (cp) and interam-
terior interradius is the base of the broken off anai bulacrals (ia) almost entirely cover-
tube. (From Bather, 1893.) x 3. ing orals (A) and peristome. (From
Bather, 1892.) x 2.
Fio. X L L
FIO. X L .
Tegmen of Gissocrinus arthriticus,
showing ambulacrals (Amb) passing
Cylicocfinus nodosus, to exemplify the simplest down arms and over apposed orals
type of Camerate tegmen. 1, from 1. post, radius; (0), and becoming enlarged over peri-
2, from above. As, anus ; B, basals; br, opening stome. Post. O remains as a folded
for food-groove and underlying canals; ib, large madreporite; t, anal tube. Other
interbrachials (suborals, Jaekel). Other letters as letters as usual. (From Brit. Mus.
usual. (Afu'-r Joh. Miiller, 1855.) x 2. 46457.) X 3.
Actinocrinidae). These two facts suggest that the proximal dome-
plates of Camerata, regarded as orals by W a c h s m u t h & Springer,
and so quoted under head (3), m a y after all be mo-'lfisd ambulacrals.
the axial cords (Fig. XLVIII.). The depressions between these folds
are often deep, and it is in them that the pores are said to lie. It
is supposed that such genera have no madreporite, and that the
pores aerated the rectum or a blind extension thereof, for the
anus often opens low d o w n on the anterior face of the tube. The
statement has been definitely disproved for m a n y forms hitherto
said to have such pores. But W a c h s m u t h & Springer (1897,
pi. vii.,figs.2b, 5, 6, 9) support it by figures which, if correct and
1 2
Structure of the anal tube in an Inadunate Crinoid, Mastigocrinus loreus. 1, plates in
normal position, from left edge of distal third of tube ; /, transverse folds connecting the main
axial ridges, r 2, plates from the proximal third, disturbed and exposing the articular facets
(art) of the axial ridge. (After Bather, 1892.) x 10 diam.
correctly interpreted, prove it for some species up to the hilt—
and m u c h further. For they show pores not only on the sutures,
but penetrating the plates; not only in the interaxial depressions,
but on the axial folds; not only in the tube, but in the dorsal
T h e last organ of which the modifications need be considered
which the term " centro-dorsal" was originally applied, and to which
it must be restricted (e.g. Antedon, Eudiocrinus, Thaumatocrinus ; see
Figs. CXVII.-CXIX.). These forms anchor themselves by their
cirri, and though capable of crawling, climbing, and swimming, do
not often exercise their faculty of locomotion. Secondly, the group
in which either a portion of remaining stem, or the lower part of
the cup (i.e. B B or IBB), becomes solidified, usually by additional
deposition of stereom, into a knob, which, one m a y suppose, serves
as ballast or as a sea-anchor; such forms are Agassizocrinus (p. 181),
Edriocrimis (Fig. C X I L ) , and Millericrinus Pratti (Fig. LIL). Both
of these groups have a small calycal cavity with thick walls, and
there can be little doubt but that all are attached by a stem in the
earlier stages of ontogeny. T h e third group, comprising Marsupites
(Fig. CIV.), Saccocoma (Fig. L X V I I L ) , and Uintacrinus (Fig. C O . ) ,
3 4
Section of a nearly ripe sac-
FIG. LIII. Longitudinal section of culus of Antedon bifida, int,
wall of anal tube of Antedon superficial layer of integument;
Section across the thecal bifida, showing villi (v) of/,fibrillarattachments of con-
cavity of Bathycrinus Al- rectal wall and their gland tained cells to integument; cut,
dricliianus, at the level ofcells (g). In the connective cutis surrounding sacculus, and
second primibrachs, show- tissue layer are plates of containing nuclei (n*); g, granu-
ing interradial processes of stereom (st), and outside is lar masses of the contained cells ;
stomach (st), the rectum (r), epithelium (c). (Diagram- the large nuclei of these cells are
and the axial organ (ax). matised from Haniann.) seen below in the lining epi-
(Diagrammatised from P. Greatly magnified. thelium (cp) of the sacculus.
H. Carpenter.) x 7 diam. (After Cuenot.) x 200 diam.
sacculi occur chiefly at the edges of the food-grooves; and the
side-plates, w h e n highly developed, are notched for their reception
(as seen in Fig. IX. 2). They have also been observed in the
walls of the gut, in the mesenteries, and above the chambered
organ. They are developed so soon as the larva begins to feed.
Sacculi have been regarded as calcigenous glands (Wyville Thomson),
mucous glands (Bury), excretory organs (Ludwig), symbiotic algae,
" Zooxanthellae " (Vogt & Jung), and accumulations of reserve
material (Walther, and especially Cuenot, 1891). Since the com-
prehensive account by the last-named, little has been written on
the subject, and his view has found general favour. Sacculi occur
in Antedon, Promachocrinus, Eudiocrinus, Atelecrinus, Ehizocrinus,
Bathycrinus, and Pentacrinus ; they are certainly absent from Actino-
metra, and probably from all other recent genera. This fact renders
their occurrence of taxonomic value.
and the supposed absence of an anus ; but no group name was proposed.
All other crinoids then knewn were placed in the T E S S E L L A T A , which
included the unstalked Marsupites; their cup was said to be composed
entirely of plates, to which names were given (BB, R R , Ax, etc.), and
their tegmen was said to be solid, with only one opening, and with no
food-grooves. This classification, while retaining as a guide the mode of
union of the plates, took also into consideration the structure of the tegmen.
Zittel (1879) divided the Crinoidea brachiata, E U C R I X O I D E A , as he
called them, into three sub-orders, on the basis of Midler's classification,
but merging Holopits and the Testacea in the Articulata. T E S S E L A T A :
cup-plates thin, immovably united by simple suture ; tegmen solidly
plated; mouth subtegminal; Marsupites, Uintacrinus, and all Palaeozoic
crinoids. A R T I C U L A T A : cup-plates usually very thick, united by articu-
lating or plane sutures ; tegmen integumentary, rarely plated, with open
food-grooves and central mouth ; all Neozoic forms, except those here
mentioned under other sub-orders. C O S T A T A : Saccocoma (see under
Miiller). B y this time several families had been founded, notably by
C. F. Roenier (1855) and Angelin (1878). These were added to by
Zittel, and those of the Tesselata arranged in groups, chiefly according
to the construction of the tegmen. Most of the families were well
founded, but the characters of the Tesselata and Articulata, though
applicable to a few genera, were not really capable of extension to all the
forms that had become known since the time of Miiller.
Wachsmuth's establishment of the P A L A E O C R I N O I D E A in 1877, "to
include those forms in which the disc is roofed by a second integument,
which he supposed to exist in all Palaeozoic crinoids" (W. & Sp.),
has already been noticed. The order covered nearly the same ground
as the Tessellata, and opposed to it was the order Stomatocrinoidea
or N E O C R I N O I D E A , corresponding roughly to the Articulata. Carpenter
& Etheridge (1881) accepted the division, but laid more stress on the
asymmetry of the posterior interradius in Palaeocrinoidea, and therefore
suggested I R R E G U L A R I A and R E G U L A R I A .
Wachsmuth & Springer (1885) divided their Palaeocrinoidea into
three sub-orders, originally suggested by Wachsmuth's study of the tegmen.
C A M E R A T A : tegmen rigid, formed of rather large thick plates ; brachia
in part rigidly incorporated in cup by means of interbrachials; Reteo-
crinidae, Rhodocrinidae, Thysanocrinidae, Glyptasteridae, Melocrinidae,
Actinocrinidae, Platycrinidae, Hexacrinidae, Eucalyptocrinidae, Barrandeo-
crinidae, and Acrocrinidae. A R T I C U L A T A : tegmen flexible, formed of
minute plates; brachia may or may not be partly incorporated in cup,
but not rigidly ; Ichthyocrinidae, Crotalocrinidae.1 I N A D U N A T A : brachia
not incorporated in cup. These were divided into L A R V I F O R M I A :
tegmen of few plates; "disc" covered by "vault"; Haplocrinidae.
Cupressocrinidae, Gasterocomidae,2 Stephanocrinidae; and F I S T U L A T A :
"disc"not entirely covered by "vault," but passes out as a porous
" ventral sac " ; Hybocrinidae, Heterocrinidae, Anomalocrinidae, Belemno-
crinidae, Cyathocrinidae, Calceocrinidae, Catillocrinidae, Poteriocrinidae,
Encrinidae, Astylocrinidae.
1 2
Removed to Camerata in 1888. Removed to Fistulata in 1890.
Silurian. ADUNATA
Cretaceous. Fio. LVI.
Supposed Relations of the Orders and
Sub-Orders of Crinoidea.
I 1
cup to a far less extent, and resulting chiefly in a solid tegmen and biserial
arms ; thus arose the M O N O C Y C L I C A A D U N A T A (or Platycrinoidea), which
even Wachsmuth and Springer find a difficulty in placing with the
Camerata. These two highly specialised branches died out before the
close of the Palaeozoic epoch, the Adunata outliving the Camerata ; but
the simpler Inadunate forms continued, and reached a high degree of
specialisation in their Jurassic descendants, to which the living Hyocrinus
is closely related. The Dicyclica Inadunata similarly gave off the
DICYCLICA C A M E R A T A , which persisted only a little less long than their
monocyclic convergents. The dicyclic Crotalocrinidae of the Silurian
are curiously parallel to the Monocyclica Adunata, but it is not worth
while to separate them from the typical Inadunata. About the same time
arose among the Dicyclic Inadunata the modification that resulted in
the FLEXIBILIA, with brachials loosely incorporated in dorsal cup. The
Fio. LVII.
Hybocrinidae. 1, Hoplocrinus dipentas (type); 2, Hoplocrinus dipentas (var.); 3, Hybocrinus
tumidus; 4, "Baerocrinus" Ungerni.
an anal tube. Therefore for this line of descent, such a position of the
median dorsal rib of the anal tube is considered primitive (among Dicyclica
a similar stage is presented by Merocrinus). Anal tube somewhat com-
plicated. Stem markedly pentagonal, with 5 interradial sutures. Hetero-
crinus, Hall (1843, em. S. A . Miller, 1889, syn. Stenocrinus, W . & Sp.);
Ectenocrinus, Miller (1889) ; and Ohiocrinus, W . & Sp. (1886), are best
k n o w n from Ordovician, N . America, but certainly had representatives
in Europe, where also they were preceded in Cambrian seas by " Dendro-
crinus cambriensis," Hicks (1873), which seems allied to Iocrinus. They
agree in the transverse bisection of r. and 1. ant. R R , in addition to
r. post. R (exceptionally 1. ant. R is simple, and ant. R m a y be compound in
its stead); in the partial entry of the proximal plate of the anal tube into
the cup, since it n o w rests partly on 1. post. R, though more intimately
connected with r. post. Rs (Fig. X X V I I . ) ; in the departure from isotomy
in the direction of two rami with armlets. In Heterocrinus, Ohiocrinus,
Heterocrinidae. 1, Iocrinus; 2, Heterocrinus bellevillensis; 3, Ectenocrinus; 4, Anomalo-
traces of original pentamerism, but over the greater part of the stem are
crescentic in section, the concavity being on the inner margin. Cirri,
borne on the horns of the crescent, vary in their arrangement in different
species N o root in adult. O n e ray missing ; other R R all compound,
except 1. post. R sometimes ; as lower than in other Heterocrinidae, partly
rests on r. post. Ri (the radianal, R A ) . T h e tube outwardly resembles a
series of B r and covering-plates. A r m s slightly heterotomous. T h e
Herpetocrinus Fletcheri, in its natural coiled position, the cirri which covered the crown
having been removed. C, cirri; S, longitudinal suture of stem ; t, anal tube. (After Bather,
1893.) x |.
remarkable resemblance of the coiled cirriferous stem to a pinnulate,
canaliculate arm has misled most writers ; for the crown is rarely visible
(vide-p. 134). F A M I L Y 4. C A L C E O C R I N I D A E . Monocyclica Inadunata, with
the essential characters of typical Heterocrinidae, the 1. ant., r. ant, and
r. post. R R being compound, and the arms branching primitively on the
plan of Heterocrinus heterodactylus; but with the following modifications
induced by the bending d o w n of the crown :—the r. post. IR lies alongside
the stem ; the 1. ant. R lies away from the stem ; the plane thus marked
is one of a gradually increasing bilateral symmetry; r. post, arm always
absent, its place being occupied by anal tube ; the tube encroaches on
r. ant. arm, so that this too disappears; r. post. Rs and r. ant. Bs fuse
to form a T-shaped piece supporting anal tube ; the T-piece atrophies,
and the tube then rests on the corresponding inferradials ; the simple R R
(1. post, and ant.) increase in size, forming the sides of the cup and bend-
ing round on the adcolumnal side where the anal tube is, as well as on
the acolumnal side, where they eventually meet between the two halves
of 1. ant. R ; the arm borne by 1. ant. R may fork once, but usually
FIG. L X .
l.a. Br a> R
Calceocrinus tucanus, from the anterior side.
/;, the base, hinged to left anterior radial,
which is out of sight, andflexiblyjointed to
r.a.Ri, right anterior inferradial; the super-
radials of this and of the corresponding radial
on the other side are hidden by the series of
main-axils, lAx to VAx, which support the
IAx branches of the two large side - arms; the
visible side-arm, a.Br, is the anterior, and
VAx springs from a.R, anterior radial; its diminished
branches are seen at y and S, its enlarged
branches at r ; the single arm along the upper
side is the left anterior(l.a.Br). (After Bather,
1S93.) Natural size.
remains simple, owing to the extraordinary development of the arms
borne by the two large R R on either side of it; the adcolumnal ramus
of each of those arms is reduced to a series of 3-8 axillaries (main-axils;
which lie side by side, curving round towards the anal tube ; each main-
axil gives off a branch which itself bears armlets, which in turn may
assume the regular nature of pinnules, and are rarely visible on the
exterior of the folded arms ; the acolumnal ramus dwindles in size and
becomes hidden by the other branches ; r. post. B atrophies, 1. post, and
1. ant. B B fuse, and the three plates thus left form a triangular base,
which is regularly hinged to the 1. ant. Rt, so that the crown could move
up and down in the sagittal plane of its bilateral symmetry ; on the other
hand, the columnals have each a slight curvature in this plane, and this
Fio. L X I .
Diagrams illustrating the structure of the posterior area in 1, Castocrinus; 2, Euchirocrinus ;
3, Calceocrinus; 4, Halysiocrinus.
kept the stem itself rigid. The various stages in the evolution are
marked by 4 genera (Fig. LXI.): Castocrinus, Ringueb. (1889), Ordovician,
N. America; Euchirocrinus, Meek & Worth. (1873 ; synn. Cheirocrinus,
Hall non Eichw. ; Cremacrinus, Ulr. ; Proclivocrinus, Ringueb.), Ordovician
and Silurian, N. America; Calceocrinus, Hall (1852, em. Ringueb., 1889 ;
synn. Cheirocrinus, Salter, nom. nud.; Pendulocrinus, Austin, M S . ; 1 Delta-
crinus, Ulr.), Silurian and Devonian, N America and Europe; Halysio-
crinus, Ulrich (1886, em. Bather, 1893), Carboniferous, N. America. For
history and morphology see Bather (1893).
Pisocrinidae and Catillocrinidae. PE, pararadials; t, anal tube plate = x; R', radianal
=RA ; other letters as usual. In Mycocrinus the radianal and lower parts of R R are hidden
and therefore represented by dotted lines.
usually present, resting on post. R R or on their processes. Genera—Piso-
crinus, de Koninck (1858), Silurian, N.-W. Europe and N. America (Fig.
LXII. 1; see also XVIII. 5), and Triacrinus, Minister (1839, syn. Tricho-
crinus, J. Miiller, 1856), Devonian, Germany (Fig. LXII. 2), differ in that
the former has 5 B B , the latter 3. But incipient fusion of B B is seen in
P. ollula, and 5 B B occur in some Triacrinus. The anal tube closely
resembles an arm, and its presence was 'first notified in 1893. The relations
of the cup-plates, till then misunderstood, were thus shown to be essentially
the same as in the majority of Monocyclica, while the origin of Calycantho-
crinus, Mycocrinus, and Catillocrinus became clear. This was confirmed by
Jaekel (1895). Pisocrinus was shown by Wachsmuth to have 5 O sur-
rounding a peristomial space ; a groove passed along each interoral suture,
and probably conveyed the food-grooves to the central opening. The
rectum passed into the anal tube between post. O and adjacent RR. A n
anal tube is said by Jaekel to have been absent from the thinly plated
species of Triacrinus in Devonian slates. Calycanthocrinus, Follmann
(1887), Lower Devonian, Germany, shows a remarkable modification,
in the introduction of small arm-bearing plates (" pararadials" . PR),
in the positions shown in Fig. LXII. 3. This may be compared with
the vertical bisection of a radial in Anomalocrinus or the addition
of 5 "interradial radials" in Promachocrinus; but it is thefirststage
of a process continued in Catillocrinidae. It is hard to see how this
process could have been inaugurated except as a discontinuous meristic
variation (cf. Bateson, Materials for tlie Study of Variation, chap. xvii.
1894). F A M I L Y 6. C A T I L L O C R I N I D A E . Monocyclica Inadunata, in which
L post. R and ant R are much larger than the other R R , and bear PR,
usually fused to them ; no R A visible. Arms unbranched and non-
pinnulate. Anal tube resembling arms, but stouter, rests on left process
of r. post. R. Genera—Mycocrinus, L. Schultze (1866, W . & Sp., 1886 ;
Jaekel, 1895), Middle Devonian, Germany (Fig. LXII. 4), differs from Caly-
canthocrinus in the suppression of R A and the P R borne by it; the still
greater size of 1. post. R and ant. R, which now bear 6-7 arms apiece, i.e.
15-17 arms to the whole crown. The 3 B B become fused, while the
10-12 P R are usually fused with the large R R on which they rest. The
increase in size of the large R R takes place chiefly in the upper part; all
the R R rest on the basal circlet, which forms a knob sharply separated
from them. Catillocrinus, Shumard ex Troost (1860, syn. Nematocrinus,
Meek & Worthen ; see W . & Sp., 1886), Lower Carboniferous, N.
America (Fig. LXII. 5). The cup has here resumed a shallow basin-
shape, and differs from Mycocrinus in the complete fusion of B B and the
still greater lateral extension of the 1. post. R and ant. R in their upper
regions. Those large R R now bear 15-31 arms apiece, there being
usually more on ant. R than on 1. post R (cf. Calycaivtliocrinus). The P R
are absolutely fused with RR, or were never developed at all. The basal
circlet projects upward on 1. ant. side, but is almost hidden by the stem on
the other side. The arrangement and shapes of the plates curiously
resemble those which obtain in Halysiocrinus, while the arms may be com-
pared to the branches that spring from the main-axils in that genus. A
similar result has been attained by two lines of development, which, in
their initial stages, were as different from one another and from the
normal type as could well be. The relationship of these forma is a
problem that would repay yet deeper study. F A M I L Y 7. Z O P H O C R I N I D A B .
Monocyclica Inadunata, with 3 BB, 2 equal and 1 larger ; 4 R R , 1 rather
larger than the rest, and probably equals r. and 1. post fused ; 5 0 form
solid tegmen, post 0 being the largest, and r. and 1. ant 0 the smallest
and, what is rather unusual, not meeting post. 0 in centre; anus unknown;
5 groups of short arms lie where the interoral sutures meet the R R ,
which is not in the middle of any R R except ant. R (see Fig. LXIII. 2 ) ;
each arm-group appears to consist normally of 3 elements, 2 inner and
1 outer, all springing equally from the calyx ; stem with small axial canal.
Genus—Zophocrinus, S. A. Miller (1891), Silurian, Indiana (Fig. LXIII.).
Theca pear-shaped ; Miller says there are 5 arm-plates in each group, and
Zophocrinus Iwwardi, from a specimen in the collection of Hon. F. Springer. 1, from
posterior, x {; 3, oral surface, x V> ; 3, dissection of plates.
Fm. LXV.
Dissection of cup of Symbathocrinns. The projections on the RR are muscle-plates.
wall; therefore one cannot orient the small B ; the anus probably pierced
post. O. Symbathocriuus, Phillips (1836), has small B in 1. ant. IR, as in
Platycrinidae ; the anal tube rests on the shoulder of r. post. R ; 5 0,
all small, post. O being the largest and separated from the muscle-plates
of the adjacent R R by the passage of the rectum (Fig. LXV.). The family
is not clearly defined, and its Middle Devonian members present remarkable,
though superficial, resemblances to the contemporary Cupressocrinidae.
F A M I L Y 11. B E L E M N O C R I N I D A E . Monocyclica Inadunata, with 5
BB, 5 simple RR, each supporting by a slightly excavate facet an arm
which forks on IBr4 or 5 ; each ramus, with numerous syzygies in the
proximal portion, bearing ramuli on alternate sides of most epizygals
and of all ordinary distal brachials ; single narrow anal in radial circlet,
resting on post. B, and supporting a large anal tube composed of alter-
nating hexagonal plates, folded on their lateral margins. Genus—Belem-
nocrinus, White (1862), Lower Carboniferous, N. America. Dorsal cup
elongate, its plates solid, and thecal cavity a narrow canal below and
shallow excavation above, thus resembling that of many Neozoic crinoids,
B. typus has no cirri on the stem, which is circular in section ; B. florifer
has a stellate stem of true Monocyclic type, with 3 or 4 cirri to each node.
Saccocoma. 1, & tenclla, from aboral surface (after Jaekel, x {). 2, S. peetinata, from
aboral surface, to show coiling of arm-branches (x £). 3, S. peetinata, cup anil jwosiiual
brachials from side (after Zittel, x |).
G R O U P A. F A M I L Y 1. P L A T Y C R I N I D A E . N o anal. B B 3 ( = 2 fused
pairs and 1 unfused, this being usually the left, sometimes the right,
antero-lateral) forming a pentagon. Cordylocrinus, Hapalocrinus, Cocco-
crinus, and Cylicocrinus, which appear in the Silurian and continue to
Devonian, are more primitive than the rest. Marsipocrinus, though also
Silurian, is considerably more advanced, and may be regarded as a
first attempt at the typical Platycrinus structure ; it was apparently an
unsuccessful attempt, since it left no descendants, although Wachsmuth
& Springer and Jaekel seem to regard Platycrinus as such. Platycrinus
came in the Carboniferous, with its offshoot Eucladocrinus, and, unless
we are to imagine a reversal of the general trend of evolution, must be
derived from a simpler form than Marsipocrintis. These facts are best
presented by instituting 3 sub-families. S U B - F A M I L Y 1. C O C C O C R I N I N A E .
Platycrinidae with IBr 2 (3 in Hapalocrinus Victoriae); IIBr more than
2 ; few A m b and iAmb in tegmen ; (?) anal tube rarely present; stem cir-
cular in section ; lumen small and round. Genera—Coccocrinus, J. Miiller
(1855, syn. Amblacrinus, d'Orbigny pars, 1849), Silurian of America,
Devonian of Europe ; O large, symmetrical, almost covering the tegminal
ambulacra ; iAmb 1 or 3 ; anus between O and iAmb ; arms apparently
delicate, fork once, distal portions unknown. Cylicocrinus, J. Miiller
(1855, as Culicocrinus; Jaekel, 1895), Devonian, Germany (Fig. XL.),
differs from" Coccocrinus chiefly in having heavy biserial arms. Hapalo-
crinus, Jaekel (1895, em. Bather, 1897 ; includes Agriocrinus, Thallocrinus,
and Clematocrinus, Jaekel), Silurian of England, Australia, and (?) N.
America, Devonian of Germany (Fig. LXIX.) ; 0 small; iAmb more than
1 ; A m b visible between O and iAmb ;
arms fork once, sometimes twice, varying
in this respect in the same species, or even
individual ; IIBr (and IIIBr when pre-
sent) uniserial, or slightly in zigzag, bear-
ing alternately disposed pinnules, either
on each or on every other Br ; cirri at
the root, and often on nodals. Cordylo-
crinus, Angelin (1878 ; W . & Sp., 1897 ;
Bather, 1897), Silurian of Gotland and
England, Lower Devonian of N. America ;
differs from Hapalocrinus in having com-
pound IIBr, each of which bears a pin-
nule on each side. S U B - F A M I L Y 2.
MARSIPOCKININAE. Platycrinidae with
one IBr ; IIBr, if notfinials,one or two ;
many A m b and iAmb in tegmen ; no
anal tube; stem circular in section; lumen
Fio. LXIX.
large and quinquelobate. Genus-ilfar-
Mus. E5615. c, cirri; iBr, interbra- sipocrmus, Bather (1889, nom. nov. pro
chials. The suborals of Jaekel. Other wfl».„»,,'««;»„lo T>l,;iK»«. ioor> j
letters as usual, x 3. Marsupioannus, Phillips, 1839, non de
Blainville, 1830 ; syn. Cypellocrinus vel
Cupellaecrinus, Shumard, 1866, ex Troost MS., non Steininger), Silurian
N.-W. Europe and N. America ; arrangement of cup-plates shown in Fig.
FIG. L X X .
Marsipocrinus, from Brit. Mus. E6519. pn, pinnules ; other letters as usual. Nat. size.
move only in one plane, has a spiral twist that enables it to bend in any
direction (Fig. X L I X . 5, 6). Eucladocrinus, Meek (1871, W . & Sp.,
1897), Carboniferous, N. America ; appears late in the history oiPlaty-
crinus, from which it was evolved polygenetically by modification of the
arms ; two main rami to each arm (sometimes only one ramus) composed
of biserial Br, with large almost rigid A m b , form tubular extensions of the
thecal cavity, and give off on alternate sides short, biserial ramuli, which
in turn bear pinnules (Fig. L X X I . 4). This sketch of the evolution of the
Platycrinidae is confirmed by the ontogeny of Platycrinus. In young
stages (Fig. L X X I . 2) the basal cup is relatively shallower; R R less high ;
columnals circular in section ; Br uniserial, later on zigzag, and longer ;
pinnules relatively stouter and wider apart; O relatively larger, and
Fro. L X X I .
Platycrininae. 1, aboral view of cup and proximal brachials of Platycrinus subspinosus (after
Wachsmuth & Springer). 2, crown of young P. Huntsvillae, from Brit. Mus. E6778. x |. 3,
calyx of P. eminulus, anterior view (after W . & Sp.). 4, arms of Eucladocrinus millebrachiatus,
oral surface showing covering-plates (cp) and aboral surface (after W . & Sp.). Br", articular facet
for arms ; Rm, ramus ; r, ramule ; other letters as usual. All (exc. 2) two-thirds natural size.
occupying greater partof tegmen. From this obviously Coccocrinine stage,
the change to the mature Platycrinus has been observed in many species.
G R O U P B. F A M I L Y 2. H E X A C R I N I D A E . Cup formed of 1, 2, or 3 BB,
forming a hexagon; 5 R R ; and 1 anal in line with RR. The family
is closely related to the Platycrinidae, but differs in the hexamerous
symmetry ; also, as a consequence of this, in the presence of an interbasal
suture in post IR, whereas in Platycrinidae the nearest to that position
is in r. post, radius. Genera—Hexacrinus, Austin (1843, Schultze, 1867,
W . & Sp., 1897), Devonian, Europe and N. America (Fig. LXXII.);
B B 3 ; IBr, 2 united by syzygy in America, only 1 in Europe ; arms with
2 rami, bearing ramuli. on one or both sides at intervals; Br uniserial,
and all except axillaries bear pinnules ; tegmen as in Platycrinus; stem
circular in section, with small round lumen. Arthracantha, Williams
(1883, syn. Hystricrinus, Hinde, 1885), has theca'of same structure, but
armed with movable spines borne on tubercles; arms dichotomous, biserial;
O O £>
Fio. L X X I I
Hexacrinus. 1, analysis of cup ; 2, H. pateraeformis, cup from below. (After L. Schultze.) x h.
only in the structure of the stem, which in its crescentic section and 2
series of cirri resembles that of Herpetocrinus (p. 147). Talarocrinus, W .
& Sp. (1881-97), Carboniferous, N. America ; differs from its ancestor
Dichocrinus in its more massive plates and in having but one IBr to an
arm, and that small; anal resembles ant. R in shape and size ; arms
branch twice, biserial, free from IIBr inclusive. Pterotocrinus, Lyon &
Casseday (1859, W . & Sp., 1897 ; syn. Asterocrinus, Lyon non Miinster),
Carboniferous, N. America; a remarkable modification of Talarocrinus,
with Br up to IIIBr incorporated in cup ; large
wing-like processes spread out from tegmen, and
probably represent the hypertrophied axillary
IAmb. With this exaggerated type, the nearest
approach to the true Camerata, the Hexacrinidae
become extinct. F A M I L Y 3. A C R O C R I N I D A E . Cup
formed of 2 B B , forming a hexagon ; 5 R R ; I
anal in line with R R ; and a large belt of acces-
sory plates between B B and RR. Acrocrinus,
Yandell (1855, W . & Sp., 1897), later Carboni-
ferous, N . America (Fig. LXXIII.) ; derived from
Dichocrinus, which it otherwise resembles, by the
gradual intercalation of 6-20 circlets of supple-
mentary plates, " superbasals" (SB) ; the S B im- Fin. LXXIH.
mediately above B B are always the latest formed Acrocrinus amphora. (Re-
and the smallest; the S B supporting the anal and constructed from Wachs-
niuth & Springer.) x J.
ant. R are in single series, the rest alternate.
In A. amphora the arms were recumbent on the cup and apparently
immovable. This remarkable family was the last to appear, and sur-
vived all other Adunata and all Camerata.
iBr in the dorsal cup (becoming "fixedbrachials," Br), while the corre-
sponding A m b are either incorporated in, or pressed below, the tegmen
by iAmb ; all thecal plates united by suture, somewhat loose in the
earliest forms, but speedily becoming close, and producing a rigid theca ;
mouth and tegminal food-grooves closed ; arms pinnulate.
The families may be grouped somewhat after the plan of Wachsmuth
and Springer (1897), thus : —
A. N o anal plate in radial circlet of patina. B B usually form a
pentagon. Melocrinoidea.
B. A n anal plate between R R in post. IR. B B form a hexagon.
1. Proximal anal heptagonal, succeeded by one or more in the
same vertical series, between the ordinary iBr. Batocrin-
2. Proximal anal hexagonal, succeeded by no vertical series, but
by 2 iBr. Actinocrinoidea.
Whether Group B. was derived from some genus in Group A. is un-
certain ; representatives of both groups are found in the Ordovician. It
is more probable that i>,2 was derived from B,\, by way of the Periecho-
crinidae. A m o n g Melocrinoidea the Patelliocrinidae .are scarcely removed
from the Inadunata, and some of their genera might almost be placed
with the early Adunata, with which they were contemporary. Although
their occurrence in the Ordovician is doubtful, yet the existence of the
family points to the path along which the Camerata ascended. The
Glyptocrinidae and Melocrinidae, which differ in little but number of
B B , and both have anals in the dorsal cup, may have been derived from
such a form as Stelidiocrinus, which also has anals. With less doubt we
infer that the Patelliocrinidae without anals gave rise to the similarly
constituted Clonocrinidae, from which sprang Eucalyptocrinidae, and
probably also Dolatocrinidae. A m o n g Batocrinoidea the simplest and
one of the oldest genera is Tanaocrinus, with 5 BB, and not far from
it come the earlier Xenocrinidae, with 4 BB, which perhaps led on to
Periechocrinidae, and so to Actinocrinoidea The important ancestral
family, however, is the Silurian Carpocrinidae, in which Acacocrinus is
nearest to the Inadunate type. From them arose Barrandeocrinus with
its recumbent arms, then the Coeliocrinidae without anal tube or respira-
tory pores, and, later on, the Batocrinidae possessed of both those structures.
N o members of this order survived the Lower Carboniferous, but during
their history they developed some of the most numerous in individuals
and species among crinoid genera, and in Barrandeocrinus, Eucalyptocrinus,
Agaricocrinus, and Strotocrinus, some of the most remarkable of all
S U B - O R D E R 1. Melocrinoidea. Monocyclica Camerata with R R in
contact all round ; IBrx usually quadrangular.
F A M I L Y 1. G L Y P T O C R I N I D A E . Melocrinoidea with 5 B B ; in each half-
ray 2-8 IIBr, sometimes IIIBr; free arms rarely branch beyond IIIBr,
and may be uniserial, zigzag, or biserial; iBr numerous but definite ;
illBr numerous, less definite; a ridge of anals in post. IR ; tegmen
of numerous small plates; stem round, with pentagonal lumen. All
Ordovician of N. America, European representatives doubtful. Genera
Patelliocrinidae. 1 and 2, Stelidiocrinus capitulum. 1, calyx from posterior; 2, oral surface;
3, Patelliocrinus pachydactylus. (All after Angelin, about nat. size.)
post. IR, large orals. Macrostylocrinus, Hall (1852, W . & Sp., 1897), Silu-
rian, N. America ; 3 BB, biserial arms, anals in post. IR, small plates in
tegmen. Allocrinus, W . & Sp. (1889-
97), Silurian, N . America; 3 BB,
uniserial arms, no anals in post. IR.
Patelliocrinus, Angelin (1878), Silurian,
Gotland (Fig. L X X V . 3 ) ; 3 B B , arms
zigzag or biserial, no anals. Briaro-
crinus, Angelin (1878), Silurian, Got-
land ; 3 B B , arms secondarily uni-
serial, i.e. IIBr are compound plates,
anals uncertain. Centriocrinus, Bather
(1899, nom. m u t pro " Centrocrinus,"
W . & Sp., 1881, non Austin, 1843,
nee Worthen, 1890); B B fused, arms
unknown, no anals in post IR.
F A M I L Y 4. C L O N O C R I N I D A E . Melo-
crinoidea with 4 B B ; in each half-
ray 1-2* IIBr, with varying number
of IIIBr and even occasionally lVBr ;
free arms biserial, sometimes forking
as far as VIIBr; iBr few and
definite; illBr few, not always
present; occasional illlBr ; no anals
in post. IR ; tegmen unknown; stem
round or sub-pentagonal. Genera—
Clonocrinus, Quenstedt (1876, non
FIO. L X X V I . Oehlert, 1879 ; syn. Corymbocrinus,
Clonocrinus polydactyius. i, from side Ang-)» Silurian, England, Gotland, and
(from Brit. Mus. 40257); 2, vertical section N. America ; base concave : free arms
(from Brit. Mus. B6489). Lettering as . - TTTT> T,TTT, ._ .
usual. Nat. size. isotomous from IIIBr to VIIBr ;iBr in a
single vertical row, the two proximal
large and definite. This genus leads towards Eucalyptocrinidae. Poly-
peltes, Angelin (1878), Silurian, Gotland, seems to have pinnules incorporated
FIG. L X X V I I .
Eucalyptocrinidae. 1, CcUlicrinus murchisonianus from the side, arms removed except on
the right; 2, plates from distal end of anal tube ; 3, the same plates from C. costatus ; 4, similar
plates described by Hall as Cryptodiscus; 5, calyx of Callicrinus costatus; 1, 2, 3, U denote
successive circlets of the anal tube; i, ii, iii, denote the areas of origin of interbrachial
processes. Other letters as usual. 1, 2, 3, 5, after Angelin ; 4, after Hall.
family may be thus connected with Corymbocrinidae. FAMILY 5.
EUCALYPTOCRINIDAE. Melocrinoidea with usually concave patina of 4 BB
and 5 RR ; in each half-ray are 2 IIBr, supporting HIBr^ (and in
Eucalyptocrinub IIIBr2), followed by IIIBr, proximally uniserial, distally
biserial; iBr 3, 2 resting on 1; illBr 1 ; tegmen elevated in a central
anal tube, and composed of 4 circlets of large plates, variously shaped
Tanaocrinidae and Xenocrinidae. 1, Taiwcrinus typus, posterior view, x 2 diam. 2, anterior
view, x 2 diam. 3, Xenocrinus, analysis of cup. 4, Compsocrinus harrisi, cup from posterior,
diagrammatic, x 2 diam. (All adapted from W . & Sp.)
(1881 ; W. & Sp., 1897 ; Fig. LXXVIII. 3); iBr sink between RR, so
as almost to rest on B B ; IIBr arefinials.Compsocrinus, S. A. Miller
(1883 ; W . & Sp., 1897 ; Fig. LXXVIII. 4), has R R in contact except
on anal side; IIIBr sometimes fixed ; iBr stouter than in Xenocrinus.
Both Ordovician, Ohio. Abacocrinus, Angelin (1878; syn. ? Carolicrinus,
Waag. & Jahn), Silurian, Gotland and (?) Bohemia, is more highly developed.
Between it and Compsocrinus we must imagine a form in which the free
Br became biserial, while the free rami forked several times. In Abaco-
crinus the proximal biserial brachials (IIIBr) with their pinnules are in-
corporated in the dorsal cup ; the stem has changed from sub-quadrangular
to circular, but the columnals still alternate in size. From the imagined
intermediate form (not from Abacocrinus itself) Periechocrinus m a y have been
derived by fusion of 2 BB. F A M I L Y 3. C A R P O C R I N I D A E . Batocrinoidea
with 3 B B (? fused in Macarocrinus) ; R R rather large ; each half-ray
contains 1-3 IIBr usually passing into the free arms, which are usually
2, occasionally 3, to each ray ; iBr 2-5, in contact with i A m b ; illBr
may be present in limited and definite number ; tegmen of numerous
small plates, with a few larger ones ; in post. IR a vertical row of anals;
stem large and round, usually with small pentagonal lumen. Genera—
Acacocrinus, W . & Sp. (1897), Silurian, Indiana, has 2 arms to each
ray ; brachials wedge-shaped, each bearing one pinnule. Desmidocrinus,
Angelin (1878), Silurian, Europe ; in each ray one of the rami forks
again almost immediately. Macarocrinus, Jaekel (1895), Lower Devonian,
Fio. L X X X 1 I .
Batocrinus. 1, B. ieosidactylus, calyx from the side (after Casseday, nat. size). 2, cup
seen from aboral side, from Brit. Mus. E5055. Supplementary plates shaded, x f.
into iAmb ; post. IR wide, with plates in successive rows of 1,3, 4-6, etc.;
tegmen of numerous small plates in which O, A m b , and radial dome-plates
are sometimes to be distinguished, especially post. O ; anus without tube,
from sub-central to marginal; stem large, round, with wide lumen, round
or 5-lobed. Members of this family, esp. Gennaeocrinus, are liable to be
confounded with Actinocrinidae, but differ in the presence of 3 plates
(not 2) in the second row of post. IR, in which respect they resemble
Xenocrinidae, Carpocrinidae, Coelocrinidae, and Batocrinidae. Genera—
Periechocrinus, Austin (1843 ; synn. Geocrinus, d'Orbigny ; Saccocrinus,
Hall ex Troost; Pyxidocrinus, J. Miiller, pars ; [?] Trochocrinus, Portlock
and [?] Pander; [?] Pradocrinus, Verneuil, 1850 ; see W . & Sp., 1897),
Silurian to Carboniferous, Europe, N. America, Australia ; elongate cup
of thin long plates, usually with axial folds, and depressed theca in which
0 are not distinguishable ; arms fork and are less advanced than in
Ahacocrinus (p. 165). Beyrichocrinus, Waag. & Jahn (1899) Silurian
Bohemia, little known. Megistocrinus, O w e n & Shumard (1852 ; W . &
Sp., 1897), Devonian and Carboniferous, N. America, (?) Carboniferous
England ; globose cup of heavy short plates, with tegmen from flat to
Xin\ ' f radk - 1 d o m e - P l a t e s ' a n d A «»b usually distinguishable (Fig.
A L U . ) ; free rami grouped in pairs, have covering-plates and side-plates.
Gennaeocnnus, W . & Sp. (1881-97), Devonian, N. America; low cup of
thm plates with axial folds ; theca rather depressed and lobed in arm
regions ; 0 small but visible, as also are A m b ; rami, 8 to a ray, branch
from alternate sides of arms ; in form like the Actinocrinid Physetocrinus.
S U B - O R D E R 3. Actinocrinoidea. R R in lateral contact except in
post. IR ; proximal anal hexagonal ; I B ^ usually hexagonal ; B B 3
equal, forming a hexagon.
F A M I L Y 1. A C T I N Q C R I N I D A E . Cup conical or bowl-shaped, with orna-
ment of axial folds; only 1 IIBr, which is axillary; free arm-rami branch
on alternate sides of the half-rays, starting either from lax or H a x ; all
free portions of arms are biserial; proximal pinnulars bear hooks; iBr
numerous, primitively merge into iAmb, but become separated therefrom
Fio. L X X X H I .
Actinocrinus. 1, analysis of part of cup, showing post, and r. post, interradii. 2, cup from
below; the supplementary plates shaded.
Crinoidea in which the base consists of BB and IBB, the latter being
liable to atrophy or fusion with the proximale, but the aboral prolonga-
tions of the chambered organ are always radial; new columnals may or
may not be introduced at the proximal end of the stem.
« > e
FIO. L X X X I X .
Cyathocrinus. 1, C. multibrachiatus, seen from posterior. (Brit. Mus. E5462.) 2, radial
of C. visbycensis, showing articular facet, x 2. 3, joint-surface of colwmnal of C. acinoMms,
x 2. 4, joint-surface of a brachial of same, with covering-plates in position, x 9. 5, analysis
of the cup. a.c, axial canal; /, fulcral ridge ; t, intercalated plate ; j, joint-surface ; l.ci and
l.c%, the twp halves of a covering-plate of the left side; nn, nodals; r.c1, proximal half of a
covering-plate of the right side ; t, anal tube ; v.g, ventral groove. (2-5 after Bather.)
peristome (Fig. XXXIX. I),- post. 0 being large, conspicuous, and pierced
by numerous water-pores, the other 0 being smaller and often almost
entirely hidden, partly by ambulacrals resting on the apposed edge of all
O, partly by small interambulacrals (Fig. X X X I X . 2). The proximal A m b
meet over the peristome and often grow to a large size, sometimes fusing
and simulating orals (for which elements they are taken by W . & Sp.,
see Fig. XLIIL). The anal tube consists of more or less hexagonal plates,
arranged in fairly regular longitudinal rows ; it varies greatly in width,
length, and width of lumen ; the anus is at its distal end ; the plates m a y
be slightly folded, but are not transversely elongate, nor are there pores,
Fio. X C I .
Petalocrinus. 1, partial recon-
struction of P. mirabilis, with one
arm removed to expose radial
facet, and other arms devoid of
covering-plates; the root is im-
aginary, x 2 diam. 2, section
across four grooves of an arm-fan,
showing traces of the original
sutures (s) between them, covering-
plates (c.p) closed and open, also
stages in the separation of the
axial canal (a.c) from the ventral
groove (v.g), compare Fig. VIII.,
x 5 diam. 3, articular facet of
arm-fan of P. visbycensis; m,
muscle-fossa; I, dorsal ligament-
fossa ; r, fulcral ridge, x §. 4,
dorsai view of cup and proximal
regions of arms of P. mirabilis ;
Br, arm-fan; St, proximal colum-
nal ; other letters as usual, x 3
diain. (3 and 4 are after Bather.)
Stem large, round, with wide lumen (Fig. L. 1, 3, 4). All Silurian.
Genera—Enallocrinus, d'Orbigny (1850), Gotland and England ; arm-
branches distinct, often with a pronounced cornice at distal margins of Br
(Fig. XCII. 2), in this as in other respects closely resembling Gissocrinus.
Crotalocrinus, Austin (1842; syn. Anthocrinus, Miiller, 1853), Gotland,
England, and N. America ; arm-branches united by lateral processes from
each Br, so as to form aflexiblenetwork, which may be continuous all
round the crown, or divided into 5 broad arm-fans. The family is referred
to the Camerata by Wachsmuth and Springer (1888); but the resemblance
to Marsipocrinus is homoplastic, and the connection with Cyathocrinidae
scarcely admits of question. The Crotalocrinidae might be called the
Adunata of the Dicyclica, just as Platycrinus and its allies are of the
Monocyclica. F A M I L Y 8. C O D I A C R I N I D A E . Cyathocrinoidea with no anal
Cupressocrinus (after L.
Schultze). All two-thirds nat.
size. 1, C. inflatus, complete
crown. 2, C. abbreviatus, ventral
surface of calyx, slightly modi-
fied ; shows "consolidating ap-
paratus " of five plates (A), here
regarded as orals, between which
are the passages (v.g) for organs
of the ventral groove other than
the food-groove ; a.c, axial canal
of radial; As, passage for rectum.
3, infrabasal circlet of same, from
below, showing sutural .surfaces
(s) for basals, axial canal, and
peripheral canals (p.c).
Gasterocoma, but ant. R small, without facet; r. ant. R with 2 facets. Scolio-
crinus, Jaekel (1895), Devonian, Eifel; still more bilateral, in that ant.
and 1. ant. R R are larger than the rest, and
alone bear arms ; anus below r. post. R,
and x between post. B and r. post. B.
Achradocrinus, Schultze (1867), Devonian,
Eifel (Fig. X C V . ) ; x below anus, and
FIG. XCV. resting on post B ; IBB 5 ; stem round,
Analysis of cup of Achradocrinus
with single canal. Hypocrinus, Beyrich
(1864), Carboniferous, Timor ; differs from
Achradocrinus in having IBB fused to 3 ; referred by most authors to
Cystidea Aporita.
S U B - O R D E R 2. Dendrocrinoidea. Dicyclica Inadunata with a thin
flexible tegmen, or with the ventral surface almost entirely occupied by
a large anal tube or ventral sac (the latter name being needed if the
extension contained more than the mere rectum); orals inconspicuous or
entirely atrophied in the adult ; no madreporite; radial facet often wide,
so that the distinctness of arms from dorsal cup is not maintained ; arms
dichotomous, the dichotomy often irregular, leading up to a pinnulate
Whereas the genera of the Cyathocrinoidea all have the arms either
quite distinct from each other above the level of the patina, or at least
not united by supplementary plates, the Dendrocrinoidea gradually attain
a stage of development in which the arms are thus partially united.
Below this stage we may draw a somewhat arbitrary line, separating the
former as a grade, Distincta, from the latter grade—Articulata. This
line happens to correspond with the break between Palaeozoic and
Mesozoic time. W e deal first with the Dendrocrinoidea Distincta.
F A M I L Y 1. D E N D R O C R I N I D A E . Dendrocrinoidea with regularly dich-
otomous, non-pinnulate arms, with anal x, and large R A in its
.1 .IBr
<QPQ>Q&Merocrinus. Ottawacrinus.
which the wide arms fit closely. Coeliocrinus, White (1863), and Hydreiono-
crinus, de Kon. (1858), differ from Zeacrinus in having the sac respectively
balloon-shaped and mushroom-shaped. Bursacrinus, Meek & Worthen
(1861 ; syn. Synyplwcrinus, Trautschold), has arms like Zeacrinus, but no
anal except x in the cup ; it is in the latter respect the morphological
equivalent of Graphiocrinus (infra). F A M I L Y 5. S C Y T A L E C R I N I D A E . Den-
drocrinoidea with forked, pinnulate, slender arms ; anal structures as in
Scaphiocrinus. Genera—Scytalecrinus, W . & Sp. (1879, syn. Dactylocrinus,
Sladen non Quenst), and Decadocrinus, W . & Sp. (1879), both Carboniferous,
differ chiefly in shape of cup, conical in the former, saucer-shaped in the
latter, which thus leads on to : F A M I L Y 6. G R A P H I O C R I N I D A E . Dendrocrin-
oidea with forked pinnulate arms and saucer-shaped cup, concave at base,
and containing x, but no R A (Fig. C ) . In many points resemble the earlier
Encrinidae, but have not such thick cup-plates or large muscle-fossae.
Middle and Upper Carboniferous. Genera—Graphiocrinus, de Koninck
(1853), Aesiocrinus, Miller & Gurley (1890), Delocrinus, Miller & Gurley
(1890 ; syn. Ceriocrinus, White non Desor). In this and the succeeding
families the biserial arrangement of Brfirstassumes prominence ; it had
already appeared as an occasional gerontic character at the distal end oi
the rami, but now is found in all except their most proximal portions,
accompanied by shortening of the arm. F A M I L Y 7. C R O M Y O C R I N I D A E .
Dendrocrinoidea with simple or bifurcating, stout, pinnulate, usually
fS^fe®? caorro:
Delocrinus. Eitpachycrtnuz.
F I G . C. Tribrachiocrinus.
Analyses of cups of Graphiocrinidae, Cromyocrinidae, and Encrinidae.
pairs of IBB fused ; single arms borne by ant, r. post., and 1. post.
R R ; whether the other R R bore arms is a moot point. Phialocrinus,
Trautschold (1879, em. R. Etheridge,fil.,1892, non Eichwald; syn.
Pentadia, Dana, pars), Permo-Carboniferous, Australia, Russia, India ;
differs from Acsiocrinus and Ceriocrinus in little but greater thickness of
cup-plates, especially R R , and has, as they, only x in cup. Ulocrinus,
Miller & Gurley (1890), Upper Carboniferous, N. America, has large
R A , but very small x, which rises partly above level of R R (Fig. XXIX.).
From these genera we pass almost insensibly to : F A M I L Y 8. E N C R I N I D A E .
Dendrocrinoidea with forked, pinnulate, biserial arms, saucer-shaped cup,
with stout plates and well-developed muscle-fossae ; with no anals in cup,
and with sac diminished or absent (Fig. C ) . Genera—Stemmatocrinus,
Trautschold (1867), Upper Carboniferous Limestone, Russia, has IBB fused
into one. Erisocrinus, Meek and Worthen (1865), Lower to Upper Car-
boniferous, N. America, has 5 small IBB covered by the stem, and x rests
on upper surface of adjacent r. and 1. post. RR. Encrinus, C. F. Schulze
Pentacrininae. 1, Pentacrinus fossilis, portion of stem, patina, and portion of arm, showing
rami, ramuli, and pinnules (p). 2, the same ; portion of a cirrus and articular facet of a cirral.
3, the corresponding parts of Isocriwus asteria. 4, Metacrinus Moseleyi, cup and proximal por-
tion of an arm. 5, Isocrinus pendulus, cup seen from below, with portion of stem, bearing cirri,
still attached to it, and with proximal brachials. 6, a radius of the same, showing isotomy of arm.
7, Isocrimis amblyscalaris, joint-surface of an internodal columnal. 8, the same of Balanocrinus
subteres. 9, the same of Pentacrinus fossilis. 10, the same of Isocrinus asteria. (From Bather,
after P. H . Carpenter, de Loriol, von Meyer, and original.) 2, 3, 7, 8, 0, and 10 are slightly
The stem is least specialised in Balanocrinus, most in Pentacrinus, in
which it attained a length of 18 feet (Quenstedt thought 70). F A M I L Y
10. U I N T A C R I N I D A E . Dendrocrinoidea in which the arms fork once on
IBr.,, are long and pinnulate, with numerous syzygies, and are incor-
porated in their proximal regions, together with proximal pinnules, in
the dorsal cup, by means of iBr, illBr, and interpinnulars; there is
no stem, but a centrale. Genus—Uintacrinus, Grinnell (1876), Upper
Cretaceous, N. America, Germany, and England (Fig. CIIL), has a rela-
tively largeflexibletheca and long arms. It was free-swimming and
possibly pelagic. IBB usually obsolete. For detailed account, see Bather
(1896). F A M I L Y 11. M A R S U P I T I D A E . Dendrocrinoidea (?) with pinnulate
Isocrinus asteria. (From A.
Agassiz, after P. H. Carpenter.)
Rather less than half nat. size.
Uintacrinus sorialis, Upper Cretaceous of America, {j nat. size. 1, from the side. 2, from
below, c, centrale; B, basals; 11, radials; llic\, first primibrach; A.r, primaxil; 1, 2, 3, etc.,
.secundibrachs, bearing p, pinnules, some of which are included in the walls of the cup, viz.
f.p. ; s, syzygy. The intercalated plates, which bind these elements together, are shaded.
united by iBr, but do not merge in the dorsal cup. Cup large, com-
posed of 5 RR, 5 BB, 5 IBB, and a large centrale, with no trace of a
stem. Genus—Marsupites, J. S. Miller ex Mantell MS. (1821 ; synn.
1 Fin. civ.
Marsupites testudinarius. 1, the cup from the side, showing the character of the ornament;
(from Brit. M u s . specimen, E201S), x $. 2, the radials and proximal region of the arms (from
Brit. M u s . 0482), nat. size. C, centrale ; /, fulcral ridge of radial facet; p, pinnules ; s,
syzygies. Other letters as usual.
crinoidea (?) in which the arms fork once on IBr2 : IBr1 ana 2 and *11
IIBr, except HBr 3 , 6, and 9, are united in pairs by trifascial articulation
(apud Carpenter, see Fig. XXIII. 2), which may become syzygial (apud
Danielssen) ; only the distal brachial of each pair bears a pinnule, and
there are no pinnules on thefirstfew pairs ; the arms are loosely incor-
porated in the cup to half-way up IIBr.5 ; lax has large muscle-fossae on
strong wing-like processes (cf. Fig. XVIII. 6). B B fused in adult to a
single discoidal ossicle ; R R also become closely united ; IBB obsolete.
Interambulacral areas of tegmen contain
scattered small plates, and sometimes each
has a large plate, which may be an oral.
Columnals dicebox-shaped and twisted,
with bifascial articular surfaces; each
said by Danielssen to be formed by
fusion of two columnals ; those in the
younger, proximal region are thin and
discoidal. The root branches. G e n u s —
Bathycrinus, W y v . Thomson (1872 ; see
P. H. Carpenter, 1884, and Danielssen,
1892; syn. Ilycrinus, Danielssen & Koren,
1877), North Atlantic and Southern
Ocean, at 750-1500 fathoms (Fig. C V ) .
Carpenter places this in the Bourgueti-
crinidae on the grounds of its resem-
blance to Rhizocrinus, while admitting
Fio. CV.
•Bathycrinus. 1, crown of B. Aldri-
chianus, nat. size (after P. H . Car-
penter). 2, 3, and 4, B. Catpenteri F I O . CVI.
(after Danielssen). 2, new radials and Transverse section of the dorsal nervous
arms on an old base and stem, x 4 system in Bathycrinus Caiyenteri, diagram-
diam. 3 and 4, stem fragments, nat. matised from Danielssen. IR, interradial cords
size, pn, pinnules ; rt, root - cirri; which pass up between radials; R, radial cords,
Stj, proximal region of stem; St*, connected by re, the ring-commissure.
that the ;differences
Stg, distal ditto.
between the
two genera are much greater than
their resemblances." If the absence of a proximale have the value
claimed for it by Wachsmuth & Springer, the two genera must go into
different orders. The interradial axial nerve-cords correlated with the B B
forkfirstwithin the sutures between R R , and, in Carpenter's opinion, the
basi-radial strands take the place of a ring-commissure ; but Danielssen
describes a ring-commissure (see Fig. CVI.). There'are 3 water-pores
in each IR. The crown separates very easily from the B B and stem,
and may be replaced by a fresh crown (Fig. CV. 2). Sacculi occur. (See
also Fig. LIII.)
O R D E R 2. Flexibilia, Zittel
(= A R T I C U L A T A , W . & Sp. non Miiller).
GRADE 1. Impinnata.
Flexibilia, in which all plates of the crown are united by loose
suture or muscular articulation. IBB 3, the primitive r. post, remaining
as the small unfused IB. Br usually united by waving sutures, the lower
edge of each frequently with a projection thatfitsinto a depression on
the plate below, and often becomes a separate patelloid plate. Arms
isotomous, or rami may bear ramules on one or both sides, but no
pinnules. Ventral groove wide and shallow ; axial canal separated from
it in proximal region. 5 0, between which food-grooves pass to the
mouth. Stem round ; proximal columnals very short, and usually wider
than the others.
M a n y of the earlier genera can be distinguished from Dicyclica
Inadunata only by the greater thickness and more elaborate sutural
union of their plates, and the greater width and less length of the arms.
It is the combination of massiveness withflexibilitythat characterises
the Grade. There is never an elaborate anal sac. Within the Grade
Impinnata can be traced the evolution of heterotomous arm-branching of
two types, also an increase in number of iBr. The genera seem to
mergeinto one another, and are as yet too ill-defined to be grouped into
families on a sure genetic basis. The following arrangement represents
similarities of structure rather than lines of descent.
F A M I L Y 1. I C H T H Y O C R I N I D A E . Impinnata with no iBr, with.isotomous
arms,closely abutting by their sides. Genera—Pycnosaccus, Angelin (1878;
syn. Oncocrinus, Bather), Silurian, Gotland, England, and N. America, has a
cup like that of Barycrinus, with x and R A , and with strong axial folds
(Fi". C V I L ) ; arms, though abutting above, are distinct below and do
are few and have the proximal larger than the rest; with isotomous
arms which may abut but do not interlock; anals form a well-defined
vertical series. Genera—Gnorimocrinus, W . & Sp. (1879, em. Bather,
1899), Silurian, Gotland ; arms distinct, with 0-4 small iBr, and
sometimes a few illBr ; post. B reaches up to top of patina, between
it and r. post. R is a R A , supporting the greater part of x, which bears
a vertical series of 1 or 2 rows. Anisocrinus Angelin (1878), Silurian,
Gotland, has abutting but not interlocking arms, a very large proximal
iBr, with small triangular piece above; x differs from iBr only in
resting on truncate edge of large post. B ; no RA. Taxocrinus, Phillips
in Morris (1843; synn. Isocrinus, Phill. non v. Meyer; Cladocrinus,
Austin non Agass. ; Euryalecrinus, Anst. ; Forbesiocrinus, de Kon. non W .
& Sp.), Silurian to Carboniferous, Europe and N. America, has arms
more distinct, with few or no iBr, and occasional small illBr and illlBr ;
anals form a vertical series resting on truncated post. B, and seem to
Diagrams of the arm-branching in Taxocrinidae and Dactylocrinidae.
1, Taxocrinus tubereulatns; 2, Lithocrinus ; 3, Calpiocrinus; 4, Dactylo-
crinus ; 5, Synerocrlnus ; 6, Onychocrinus exsculptus. These do not form
a continuous evolutionary series, but their relationship may be indicated
have supported a small free tube (Figs. CX. 1, and XXXVII.). Homalo-
crinus, Ang. (1878), Silurian, Gotland, has very small BB, abutting arms,
large proximal iBr, followed by 1 or 2 in vertical series, occasionally 2
illBr, anals as iBr but resting on post. B ; except for the isotomy of its
arms, this genus closely resembles Calpiocrinus. F A M I L Y 4. D A C T Y L O -
CRINIDAE. Impinnata with iBr either few or numerous ; with hetero-
tomous arms, the rami bearing raniules; with anals in vertical series.
Genera—Calpiocrinus, Ang. (1878), Silurian, Gotland and England, has
minute often obsolete IBB, but fairly large B B ; iBr few and variable,
illBr occasionally present; anals 3-5, x resting on the small post. B ; the
IIBr rami bear unbranched ramules on their inner sides, the proximal
ramule much larger than the rest (Fig. CX. 3). Lithocrinus, W . & Sp.
(1879, emend. Bather, 1899 ; syn. Forbesiocrinus, Ang. non. de Kon.),
Silurian, Gotland, differs from Calpiocrinus in larger size of BB, greater
number of iBr, branching of ramules; the latter characters make the
arms less apposed to one another (Fig. CX. 2). Dactylocrinus, Quenstedt
developed, but are absent from Sagenocrinus. Otherwise the two genera
agree closely.
The following genera are placed provisionally in the Impinnata :—
Edriocrinus, H a U (1859), Devonian, N. America (Fig. CXII.), when young
is attached by B B , but is
free-floating in adult; B B
become fused into a bowl-
shaped mass, oupporting 5
R R and x ; arms broad, with
low Br, isotomous. Cleio-
crinus, E. Billings (1856 ; see
W . & Sp., 1886), Ordovician,
Canada ; IBB and B B hidden FIG. CXII.
by stem; R R small and sepa- Edriocrinus piriformis, nat.
rated by a large pentagonal size. (After Hall.) 1, from
interradial ; arms isotomous to side, showing concavity for
attachment at end of fused
about VIIBr, and all appear basals (B). 2, the cup from
to interlock and to be joined above, showing anal (x) and
facets of radials.
by close suture ; post. IR sup-
ports a vertical series of anals, which reach the full length of the arms.
Rhopalocrinus, W . & Sp. (1879), is based on " Taxocrinus gracilis,"
Schultze, Devonian, Eifel; it perhaps belongs to Dicyclica Inadunata.
GRADE 2. Pinnata.
Flexibilia with BB and RR united by close suture, RR and proximal
Br by muscular articulation or syzygy ; pseudomonocyclic ; arms pinnu-
late and either simple or isotomous ; axial canal separate from ventral
groove throughout; lax is generally IBr2, rarely IBrj ; 5 O present in
early stages and sometimes in adult, but usually atrophy; anals do not
form part of the dorsal cup in the adult. Stem round, pentagonal, or
elliptical in section, proximal columnals often forming a widened cone.
This group is confined to Mesozoic and later times, and there is no
evidence that it is descended from the Palaeozoic Impinnata; it may be
an offshoot from Triassic Dicyclica Inadunata, from which it is dis-
tinguished by the mode of growth of the proximal columnals.
F A M I L Y 1. A P I O C R I N I D A E . Pinnata in which the patina consists of 5
B B and 5 R R ; arms incorporated to a very variable extent in the cup,
and iBr may be present; columnals round or pentagonal in section, their
joint-surfaces marked with radiating striae, and sometimes tubercles in the
middle ; no cirri ; root, when present, encrusting. (For fossil forms, see
de Loriol, 1883.) Genera—Millericrinus, d'Orb. (1840 ; synn. Ceriocrinus
and Pomatocrinus, Desor ex Konig), Trias (?) to Lower Cretaceous, Europe ;
IBr, united to R by muscular articulation, and to lax by close suture; arms
isotomous, free from IBr, or proximal Br united by tegmen, or a few smaU
iBr developed ; except for the proximale, the upper columnals are rarely
widened (Fig. X V I L 7). In some species (Fig. LIL) the crown breaks off
from the root, the stem is gradually resorbed, and a free-floating stage attained.
Apiocrinus, Miller (1821), Jurassic, Europe; IBrx united to R probably
by ligament, not by muscular articulation, and to lax by incomplete
2 1 3
Calamocrinus Diomedae. 1, the crown and proximal portion of the stem from the right
posterior intorradius, x <j. 2, the root, nat. size. 3, the interior of the basal circlet, from
above, showing the anchylosed sutures (S) and the axial cords (or) radiating from the central
chambered organ, x f. (After Agassiz.)
of more iBr ; it is the acme of this line of development. Acrochordocrinus,
Trautschold (1859 ; synn. Cyclocrinus, d'Orb. non Eichw. ; Mespilocrinus,
Quenst non de Kon.), Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous; columnals only.
Calamocrinus, A. Agassiz (1890,-92), 392-782 fathoms, Galapagos Is. and B.
of Panama (Fig. CXIII.). Patina distinct, owing to restriction of facet to
§ width of R ; B B tend to be fused ; R R laterally united by ligament;
r. and 1. post. R R slightly longer than the others. IBrx united to R by
Fio. cxv.
Bourgueticrinus. 1, B. aequalis (from Brit. M u s E6705). 2, ventral view of same (from
Ef,706) 3 ioint-surface of proximale (P), by which it articulates with adjoining columnal (C).
4, vertical median section of B. ellipticus (after d'Orbigny). All x 4 diam.
Thiolliericrinu.i. 1, T.flexuosus,
cup seen from below, no basals
visible (from Brit. Mus. 49222«).
2, T. Eibeiroi, from the side,
showing basals and facets for
cirri (reconstructed from de
Loriol's figures). CD, centro-
dorsal, still bearing facet (t>£)
for attachment to stem, x 2
the " rosette," which lies above the chambered organ, and in some species
of Antedon is all that remains of BB. There is also traceable in the arms
a gradual attenuation and, in many cases, increase of forking, with a
partial or entire loss of calcified covering-plates. Antedon, de Fremin-
ville (1811 ; synn. Alecto, Leach; Comatula, Lamarck, pars; Hibernula,
Fleming ; Phytocrinus, de Blainville ; Solanocrinus, Goldfuss ; Hyponome,
Loven ; Geocoma, Fraas non d'Orb. ; et alia), Lias to Recent, almost all seas,
littoral to 2900 fathoms. Arms fork once or more ; A m b usually present,
especially on pinnules. The genus is divisible into 9 groups, differing in
arm-structure and distribution. Eudiocrinus, P. H. Carp. (1882 ; syn.
Ophiocrinus, Semper non Salter), Neocomian (?) to Recent, Pacific and B. of
Biscay, 50 to 900 fathoms ; differs from Antedon only in non-forking of
arms. Promachocrinus, P. H. Carp. (1879), Pacific and South Sea, 70 to
1800 fathoms; 10 R R , probably a persistent meristic variation from
more than one species of Antedon. F A M I L Y 4. A T E L E C R I N I D A E . Pin-
nata with patina of 5 B B forming closed circlet and no rosette, 5 R R
with high muscle-plates; arms fork once, IIBr long, with no pinnules
on first 8 or 16 ; no stem, but acorn-shaped centrodorsal, with cirri
alternating in 5 vertical double rows; sacculi present Genus —
Atelecrinus, P. H. Carp. (1881), Cretaceous (?) to Recent, tropical Atlantic
Fio. CXVIIL Thaumatocrinus renoratns, from the anal
Atelecrinus balanoides, with two ide. aa, anal appendage; uu, interambula-
cirri partly preserved aud arms rals; at, anal tube; 6, basal; 62, second
imperfect. (From A. Agassiz, after >rachial; cd, centrodorsal; i, interradial; r,
P. H. Carpenter.) x 2 diam. adial. (After P. H. Carpenter.) x >f.
pars; Plutnogenia, Lov<m), Lower Jurassic to Recent, almost all seas,
littoral to 800 fathoms. Divisible into 8 groups, differing in arm-
structure and distribution. F A M I L Y 6. T H A T J M A T O C R I N I D A E . Pinnata
with cup of 5 B B forming a closed ring, and 5 R R separated by 5 inter-
radials resting on B B ; Br not incorporated in cup ; arms do not fork ;
5 0, separated from cup-plates by relatively large i A m b ; no A m b ; no
sacculi ; anal tube in post I R ; post, interradial followed by 5 plates
in vertical series forming a free appendage (Fig. CXIX.). Genus—
Thaumatocrinus, P. H. Carp. (1883), a unique individual, probably young,
South Sea, 1800 fathoms. Differs greatly from all other Pinnata; the
structure of the cup is as in Xenocrinus (p. 165), the anal appendage is
paralleled in some Taxocrini (cf. Fig. XXXVII.).
Thyhicocrinus Vannioti (from Brit.
Mus. E6642). Seen from posterior inter-
Ft radius. Owing to slight crushing all
Fio. CXXV. live infrabasals (IB) are seen, and the
Archaeocrinus desidcratus, from the left absence of a stem-facet m a y be noted.
posterior radius. (Diagrammatised from Supplementary plates are shaded. The
Wachsmuth & Springer.) x A. section of an arm with pinnules (jm) is
after Oehlert, x J.
to each ray, biserial ; iBr, 1 + 2+1, not always quite separating RR.;
anal area usually of similar structure. Anthenwcrinus, W . & Sp. (1881).
Silurian, Gotland, has only one IBr, and thefirstlarge iBr is followed by
only 1 or 2 small ones ; the biserial armc fork 2 or 3 times. Diameno-
crinus, Oehlert (1891, em. Jaekel, 1895), Devonian, France and Germany,
has repeatedly isotomous arms, with Br in zigzag ; 6-8 IIBr, and a lon«
narrow series of iBr. Thylacocrinus, Oehlert (1878), Devonian, France
and N e w York (Fig. C X X V L ) , has arms fixed up to IIIBr and sometimes
IVBr, after which follow long unbranched biserial rami ; supplementary
plates occur between allfixedbrachial series ; stem minute or (?) absent.
Lahuseniocrinus, Tschernyschew (1892,-93), Lower Devonian, Ural
appears allied to the preceding, but base and free orachials are unknown.
Gilbertsocrinus. 1, G. lyonanus (=G. dispansus, W . & Sp.), ventral view, showing the
tegminal appendages and the proximal portions of the arms emerging from beneath them.
2, G. tuberculosa, the appendages mostly broken off, but more of the arms preserved. 3, G. cat-
caratiis, showing h o w the appendages of the European forms are double where they issue from
the tegmen. 4, G. typus, patina from below; ap, tegminal appendages ; ap', their points of
origin, showing central canal; Ax, primaxil; Br, pinnulate arms, which issue from the dorsal
cup at Br'. Other letters as usual. (All after Wachsmuth & Springer.) x §.
N . America ; has a vertical series of anals and isotomous arms, all the
free parts of which or only the finials are biserial. Condylocrinus,
Eichwald (1859, em. Tschernyschew, 1893), Lower Devonian, Ural,
differs, if at all, in iBr series, which r u n s — 1 , 1, 2, 3. Ophiocrinus,
Salter (1856 ; non Charlesworth, nee Semper, nee Angelin), Devonian,
S. Africa, has numerous iBr and several illBr; IIIBr free and in zigzag.
Gilbertsocrinus, Phillips (1836; synn. Ollacrinus, Cumberland M S . ;
Goniasteroidocrinus, Ly. & Cass.; Trematocrinus, Hall), Devonian and
Carboniferous, Europe and N . America (Fig. C X X V I L ) , distinguished by
small pendent arms, and large, branching, horizontal, hollow extensions
of the interambulacral areas of the tegmen, of uncertain function.
A few of the Terms used by some other writers, and not previously alluded
to, m a y be correlated with those of the present work :—
Subradialia, de Koninck and Americans = B B of Dicyclica.
Subradiale, Jaekel = R A [and presumably all Ri] in Monocyclica Inadunata.
Subanale, Jaekel=RA in Dicyclica Inadunata.
Azygos plates, Billings et alii = anals in general, and R A in particular.
Costalia=IBB in Marsupites (J. S. Miller) ; I B B & B B in Dendrocrinus (Hall);
B B in clearly dicyclic Inadunata and Flexibilia, and in Dimerocrinus
(J. S. Miller, Hall) ; B B of all Crinoidea (Loven); Ri in Heterocrinus
(Hall); R R in Scyphocrinus, Lyriocrinus, Macrostylocrinus (Hall); R R &
IBri in monocyclic or pseudomonocyclic Camerata and Articulata (J. S.
Miller, Hall) ; R R & IBr in Cladocrinoidea only (Jaekel); IBr in all
Crinoidea (Bather in earliest papers ; Wachsmuth & Springer, 1897) ;
iBrx in Eucalyptocrinus (Hall).
Scapula, J. S. Miller, Hall ; Radiale articulare, L. Schultze, Zittel = the
proximal plate in a ray thajt has an articular facet for the arms, therefore
m a y be R, IBr^ IBr2, or IAx.
Radialia, Miiller, Zittel ; Primary Radials, Wachsmuth & Springer (1879-81)
= all plates in a ray up tofirstforking, i.e. R & IBr up to IAx.
Brachialia of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. order, Miiller, Zittel, Wachsmuth & Springer
before 1890 ; articles brachiaux, de Koninck = free Br only.
Brachialia, Dibrachialia, Tribrachialia, Jaekel = IBr, IIBr, IIIB"
Brachialia, P. H . Carpenter, before 1890 = Finials.
Radialia distichalia or Distichalia, Miiller, Zittel, Waagen & Jahn ; Secondary
Radials, Wachsmuth.& Springer (1879-81) ; Dicostalia, Jaekel=IIBr.
Distichalia, P. H. Carpenter (1879), Wachsmuth & Springer (1897) = IIBr.,
fixed or free.
Palmaria, Huxley (1877), P. H.'Carpenter (1879), Wachsmuth & Springer (1897)
= IIIBr.
Postpalmaria of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. order, Carpenter, Wachsmuth & Springer
(1897) = IVBr, VBr, VIBr, etc.
The corresponding terms for supplementary plates—Intercostal, Interscapular,
Interradial,l Interaxillary, Interdistichal, Interpalmar, and Interbrachial—have
also been used in diverse senses.
As J
Fio. II.
Cystaster granulatus, from pos-
Fio. I. terior, showing oral surface in per-
spective. The t w o left-hand rays
Stromatocystis pentangular is, oral surface. retain the covering-plates, which are
As, anus; 0, peristomial plates; c.j>, covering- lost from the others. Lettering as
plates ; s.p, side-plates; in, interambulacrals. in Fig. I. (Reconstructed from Hall's
(Reconstructed from Poinpeckj'-s figures.) ligures.) x 3 diam.
Slightly enlarged.
T h e primitive sack form did not long persist, but the follow-
ing characters were, as a rule, impressed upon it: a sessile habit,
the consequent assumption of a circular,flattenedform, the differ-
entiation of the upper and under surfaces, the development of
marginals or concentric frame-plates, and the tendency to increase
the food-gathering surface by spiral coiling of the ambulacra in
either sinistral or dextral direction. According to the varied extent
of these several modifications, the Edrioasteroidea are divisible into
3 families—Agelacrinidae, Cyathocystidae, Edrioasteridae. B u t
to these must be added a fourth, Steganoblastidae, in which the
development of a short stem was correlated with greater concentra-
tion and regularity of the thecal elements.
minute plates, not always attached (?) ; rays straight, composed of alternat-
ing covering-plates supported on side-plates ; no hydropore observed.
Hemicystis, Hall (1852), Ordovician and Silurian, N . America and
Bohemia, shows an advance on Cystaster in the imbrication of the
thecal plates, and their differentiation into larger interambulacrals,
and a zone of smaller marginals. This leads on to Agelacrinus
and its allies Streptaster and Lepidodiscus, all which are characterised
by the curvature of the rays, sinistrally, dextrally, or both, by the
elaboration of the marginal zone, and by their flattened sessile habit,
being usually attached to brachiopod shells. T h e type-species of
Agelacrinus is the Devonian A. hamiltonensis, V a n u x e m (1842), (Fig.
III.), in which the anterior and two left-hand rays curve sinistrally,
the two others dextrally ; the interambulacrals are large, non-imbricate,
and radiately ridged; there is a border of large plates, with an outer
Cyathocystis Plautinae. 1, two
individuals growing on a pebble of
rolled coral, and seen from the side.
(After Schmidt.) Nat. size. 2,
oral surface. As, anus ; A, inter-
ambulacrals fused into deltoids;
mm, marginals; cp, covering-plates,
partly removed from the posterior
rays exposing fp, which are not a
distinct series of flooring-plates,
as represented, but ledges project-
ing from the under side of the
deltoids. (Diagrammatised from
Schmidt.) x 3 diam.
FAMILY3. EDRIOASTERIDAE. Edrioasteroidea with flexible theca com-
posed of thin plates ; attached, if at all, by a small central portion of the
excavate aboral surface ; ambulacra pass on to aboral surface. Genera
Aesiocystis, Miller & Gurley (1894), Ordovician, Kentucky, has a sub-
pentagonal theca, with height two-thirds the width; rays wide and straight,
with large covering-plates ; interambulacrals non-imbricate. Podial pores,
madreporite, and abactinal surface u n k n o w n ; but the genus appears to
amb—-. amb
Fio. VI.
Edrioaster Bigsbyi. 1, oral surface, with covering-plates (amb) on the anterior and left
anterior grooves, but removed from the others, which show only the side- or flooring-plates
(ad), between which are pores (p). The greater part of the subpentagonal peristome (ps) is
roofed by enlarged covering-plates, ia, interambulacrals, one of which is a madreporite (M).
2, section across the same specimen through the right anterior radius and left posterior
interradius. The covering-plates are removed except just over the peristome, and in the am-
bulacrum seen in section on the left. /, frame of stouter plates ; m, membrane with imbricating
plates, tlirown into five lobes (I). 3, section across an ambulacrum, with plates in situ
covering ventral groove (vg). Dotted surfaces are the natural edges of the plates, ruled surfaces
are cut through the plates. (All slightly diagrammatised from a specimen belonging to the
Canadian Geological Survey.) 1 and 2 are nat. size.
which must have acquired pentamerous symmetry. Dinocystis, Bather
(1898), Uppermost Devonian, Belgium, has a slighter frame on the aboral
surface, and the surrounding region composed of a thinflexibleintegument
containing narrow imbricating ossicles ; otherwise like Edrioaster.
F A M I L Y 4. S T E G A N O B L A S T I D A E . Edrioasteroidea, with a rigid theca
composed of plates relatively larger and thicker than in other families of
this class ; these include elements comparable to the R R and B B of
Blastoidea ; B B attached to a stem, probably short ; ambulacra descend
into the radials. Genus—Stegaiwblastus, Whiteaves (1897, originally
described as Astrocystites, n a m e preoccupied), Ordovician, Canada (I .g.
VII.). T h e remarkable resemblance to Asteroblastus, insisted on by its
founder, suggested the reference of Steganoblastus to the Protoblastoidea
(Bather, 1 8 9 9 ) ; but the ambulacra are n o w k n o w n to have essentially
the same structure as in Edrioaster, while the absence of brachioles m a y
be maintained with confidence. Theca piriform, its plates strongly marked
1 Fio. VII. 2
Steganoblastus ottauaensis, slightly restored from the type-specimens, and x 3 diam. 1,
oral surface ; 2, from 1. post, radius, adamb, adambulacrals or side-plates; amb, ambulacrals
or covering-plates, mostly removed ; As, anus surrounded by small plates; B, basal; IR, large
median interradial; 0, 5 orals or proximal ambulacrals; j>, pores between side-plates: R,
radial; 67, fragment of stem.
regions, where they seem to have combined with the spear-head plates to
form a solid roof over mouth and food-grooves. Stem small, round, with
lumen less than half the diameter. Fifty years ago Steganoblastus would
have been described as a generalised or synthetic type, with Cystid,
Blastoid, Crinoid, and Asteroid affinities ; it is simpler to regard it
as a specialised Edrioasteroid, in which features c o m m o n in stalked
genera of other classes have been evolved independently under similar
conditions of existence.
Cyclocystoides, Billings and Salter (1858), Ordovician of N . America
and Britain (Fig. VIII.), probably belongs to this class, though not to any
of the recognised families. It is hardly well enough k n o w n to m a k e
the type of an order as yet. A ring of stout ossicles, more regular than
that seen in Agelacrinus and Edrioaster, forms a frame between which are
1. Agassiz, A. 1892. (Calamocrinus Diomedae with notes' on the apical
system and the homologies of Echinoderms.) M e m . Mus. Comp. Zool.
Harvard, vol. xvii., No. 2, 95 pp., xxxii. pis.
2. Angelin, N. P. 1878. Iconographia Crinoideornm in Stratis Sueciae
Siluricis Fossilium, 4to, iv. and 62 pp., xxix. pis. Holmiae.
3. Austin, T. and T. 1843. (Descriptions of several new genera and species of
crinoidea.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) vol. xi. pp. 195-207. (Palaeo-
zoic Crinoids and Blastoids.)
4. 1843-1849. Monograph on recent and fossil Crinoidea, 4to, 128 pp.,
xvi. pis., London and Bristol.
22. Carpenter, P. H. 1891. Geol. Mag., n.s., dec. iii., vol. viii. pp. 573-575.
(Obituary notice, with supplementary Bibliography.)
23. Carpenter, W. B. 1866-76. (Structure, physiology, and development of
Antedon rosaceus.) Phil. Trans. E. Soc. 1866, pp. 671-756, pis. xxxi.-
xliii. ; and Proc. R. Soc. vol. xxiv. pp. 211-231, pis. viii., ix. (Part 1
contains a valuable Historical Summary.)
24. 1884. (On the nervous system of the Crinoidea.) Proc. R. Soc, No.
232, pp. 67-76.
25. Cumberland, G. 1826. Reliquiae Conservatae, etc., 4to, x. and 45 pp., xiii.
pis., Bristol. (Blastoids and Crinoids.)
26. Danielssen, D. C. 1892. (Crinoida) Norske Nordhavs-Exped. Zoologi, Part
xxi., 28 pp., v. pis., 1 map, Christiania. (Bathycrinus.)
27. Dujardin, F. and Hupe", H. 1862. Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes Echino-
dermes, etc., 8vo, 627 pp., x. pis., in Suites a Buffon, Paris. (A con-
venient summary to date.)
28. Eichwald, E. v. 1859. Lethaea Rossiea Ancienne Periode, Livr. v.
(Palaeozoic Crinoids and Cystids.)
29. Etheridge, R., fil. 1892. (Monograph of the Carboniferous and Permo-
Carboniferous Invertebrata of N e w South Wales, II. Echinodermata, etc.)
M e m . Geol. Surv. N.S.W., Pal., No. 5. (Crinoids.)
30. 1892. Chapters xxii., xxxii., xxxiv., and xxxix. in Jack and Etheridge,
" T h e Geology and Palaeontology of Queensland and N e w Guinea," 8vo,
Brisbane. (Crinoids, Blastoids, and Echinoids.)
31. and Carpenter, P. H. 1886. Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the
British Museum, 4to, xvi. + 322 pp., xx. pis., London.
32. Follmann, 0. 1887. (Unterdevonische Crinoiden.) Verhandl. naturhist.
Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Jahrg. xliv. pp. 113-138, pis. ii., iii.
33. Forbes, E. 1848. (On the Cystideae of the Silurian rocks of the British
Islands.) M e m . Geol. Surv. Great Brit. vol. ii., part 2, pp. 483-538, pis.
34. Goldfuss, G. A. 1826-1833. Petrefacta Gernianiae, etc., Erster Theil, fol.
x. and 252 pp. frontisp. and Ixxii. pis., of which xl.-xliii. are double.
(Div. IL, Radiariorum Reliqq. pp. 115-214, pis. xxxix.-lxiv.)
35. GylUnhahl, J. A. \TJ2. (Beskrifning pa de sa kallade Crystall-aplen ock
kalk-bollar, sSsom petreficerade Djur af Echini genus, eller dess nar-
maste sliigtingar.) K. Svenska Yetenskaps-Acad. Handl. vol. xxxiii.
pp. 239-261, pis. viii. and ix. (Sphaeronis and Echinosphaera.)
36. Haeckel, E. 1896. (Die Amphorideen und Cystoideen, etc.) Festschr. fur
Gegenbaur, N o . 1, 179 pp., v. pis. (Bibliography.)
37. Hail, J. 1847, 1852, 1859. Palaeontology of N e w York, vols, i., ii., iii.
in Natural History of N e w York, 4to, Albany. (Palaeozoic Crinoids and
38. 1848 onwards. (Annual Reports of the State Geologist.) Regents'
Reports on State Cab. Nat. Hist. N.Y., 8vo, Albany. (Palaeozoic
Pelmatozoa of all classes.)
39. 1858. Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Iowa, vol. i.,
Part ii., Palaeontology. (Palaeozoic Crinoids, Cystids, and an Edrio-
40. Hinde, G. J. 1885. (New species of Crinoids with articulating spines.)
Ana. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), vol. xv. pp. 157-173, pi. vi. (Hystricrimts, =
41. Hisinger, W 1837, 1840, 1841. Lethaea suecica, 124 pp., pis. A, B, C,
i.-xxxvi. Supplementum secundum, 11 pp., pis. xxxviii. - xxxix.
Supplementi secundi continuatio, 6 pp., pis. xl.-xlii., 4to. Holmiae.
42. Jaekel, 0. 1891. (Ueber Holopocriniden [ = Eugeniacrinidae and Holopodi-
dae.]) Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. xliii. pp. 557-671, pis. xxxiv.-xliii.
43. 1893. (Ueber Plicatocriniden, Hyocrinus, und Saccocoma.) Zeitschr.
deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. xliv. pp. 619-696, pis. xxv.-xxx.
44. 1894. (Entwurf einer Morphogenie und Phylogenie der Crinoiden.)
Sitzber. Ges. naturf. Freunde Berlin, Jahrg. 1894, pp. 101-121.
45. 1895. (Beitrage zur Kenntniss der paliiozoischen Crinoiden Deutsch -
lands.) Palaeont. Abhandl. Jena, neue Folge, vol. iii., 116 pp., x. pis.
46. 1895. (Organisation der Cystoideen.) Verhdl. deutsch. Zool. Ges.,
1895, pp. 109-121. Prelim, to Stammesgeschichte der Pelmatozoen, I.
47. Koencn, A. v. 1886. (Neue Cystideen aus den Caradoc-schichten der
Gegend von Montpellier.) Neues Jahrb. f. Min., 1886, II. pp. 246-254,
pis. viii., ix.
48. 1887. (Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Crinoiden des Muschelkalks.)
Abhandl. K. Ges. Wiss. Gbttingen, vol. xxxiv., Phys. Kl. pp. 1-44, pi. i.
49. 1895. (Ueber die Entwickelung von Dadocrinus gracilis und Holocrinus
IVagneri, etc.) Nachr. K. Ges. Wiss. Gbttingen, Math.-Phys. K b , 1895,
pp. 283-293.
50. Koninck, L. G. de, and Le Hon, H. 1854. (Recherches sur les Crinoides
du terrain Carbonifere de la Belgique.) M e m . Acad. Roy. Belgique, vol.
xxvii., M e m . 3, 215 pp., vii. pis. (Crinoids and Blastoids. With very
full Bibliography.)
51. Loriol (afterwards Loriol le Fort), P. dc. 1877,-79. (Monographie des
Crinoides Fossiles de la Suisse.) M e m . Soc. Pal. Suisse, vols, iv.-vi.
52. 1882-89. Paleontologie Franeaise, Ire serie In vertebras.
Terrain Jurassique. T o m e X L , Ire partie, Crinoides, 8vo, Paris.
53. Ludwig, H. 1877. (Beitrage zur Anatomie der Crinoideen.) Zeitschr. wiss.
Zool. vol. xxviii. pp. 255-353, pis. xii.-xix.
54. 1877. (Zur Anatomic des Rhizocrinus lofotcmis.) Op. cit. rol.
xxix. pp. 47-76, pis. v., vi.
55. Marshall, A. M. 1884. (On the nervous system of Antedon rosaceus.)
Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., n.s., vol. xxiv. pp. 507-548, pi. xxxv.
56. Meek, F. B. and Worthen, A. H. 1869. (Notes on some points in the
structure and habits of the Palaeozoic Crinoidea.) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
Philadelphia, for 1868, pp. 323-334 ; reprinted in Amer. Journ. Sci. (2),
vol. xlviii. pp. 23-40, and in Canad. Naturalist, n.s., vol. iv. pp. 434-452.
56a. See Worthen, A. H., and others.
57. Meyer, H. v. 1826. (Beschreibung des Echino-Encrinites Senkenbergii,
einer neu enddeckten Versteinerung.) Kastner's Archiv f. d. gesamnite
Naturlehre, vol. vii. pp. 185-192, pi. ii. (Nachtrag), op. cit. vol. viii i>p
58. 1837. (Isocrinus and Chelocrinus.) Mus. Senkenberg. vol. ii. pp.
251-263, pi. xvi.
59. Miller, J. S. 1821. A Natural History of the Crinoidea, etc., 4to viii.
+ 150 pp., 1. pis., Bristol.
60. Miller, S. A. 1889,-92,-97. North American Geology and Palaeontology,
etc., with two Appendices, 8vo, 793 pp., Cincinnati. (Index to first
82. Schmidt, F. B. von. 1874. (Miscellanea Silurica, II. Ueber einige neue
und wenig bekannte Baltisch-Silurische Petrefacten.) M e m . Acad. Imp.
Sci. St-P^tersbourg (7), vol. xxi. pp. 1-48, pis. i.-iv.
83. 1880. (Ueber Cyathocystis Plautinae, etc.) Verhandl. Mineral. Ges.
St. Petersburg (2), vol. xv. pp. 1-7.
84. Schultze, L. 1867. (Monographic der Echinodermen des Eifier Kalkes.)
Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-nat. Kl. vol. xxvi. pp. 113-230,
pis. i.-xiii.
85. Shumard, B. F. 1866. (A Catalogue of the Palaeozoic Fossils of N .
America.) Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, vol. ii. pp. 334-407. (Contains
also " A Chronological List of Works which contain Descriptions or Notices
of N . American Palaeozoic Echinodermata " from 1811 to 1865.)
86. Trautschold, H. 1879. (Die Kalkbriiche von Mjatschkowa Schluss.)
Nouv. M e m . Soc. Nat. Moscou, vol. xiv. pp. 101-180, pis. xii.-xviii.
(Carboniferous Crinoidea.)
87. Volborth, A. v. 1842. (Ueber der Echinoencrinen.) Bull. Scient. Acad
Imp. Sci. St-P^tersbourg, vol. x. pp. 293-303, pis. i. and ii.
88. 1844. (Ueber die Arme der bisher zu dem armlosen Crinoiden
gezahlten Echino-Encrinen.) Bull. Classe Phys.-Math. Acad. Imp. Sci.
St-Pe'tersbourg, vol. iii. No. 6, columns 91-96, with 1 plate.
89. 1846. (Ueber die russischen Sphaeroniten, eingeleitet durch einige
Betrachtungen ueber die A r m e der Cystideen.) Verhandl. Mineral. Ges.
St. Petersburg, 1845-46, pp. 161-198, pis. ix., x.
90. 1870. (Ueber Achradocystites und Cystoblastus eingeleitet durch
kritische Betrachtungen ueber die Organe des Cystideen.) M e m . Acad.
Sci. St-Petersbourg (7), vol. xvi., No. 2, 15 pp.
91. Wachsmuth, C, and Springer, F. 1879-1886. (Revision of the Palaeo-
crinoidea.) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, for 1879, pp. 226-378,
pis. xv.-xvii.; for 1881, pp. 177-411, pis. xvii.-xix. ; for 1885, pp. 225-364,
pis. iv.-ix. ; for 1886, pp. 64-226. (Index to all genera and species of
Palaeozoic Crinoids, with references to literature.)
92. 1897. (North American Crinoidea Camerata.) M e m . Mus. Harvard,
vol. xx. and xxi. (Contains also chapters on morphology and classifica-
tion of Crinoids iu general.) For other writings see under 10.
93. Woodicard, H. 1880. (Notes on the Anomalocystidae, etc.) Geol. Mag.,
n.s., dec. ii., vol. vii. pp. 193-201, pi. vi.
94. Worthen, A. H., with Meek; F. B. ; Miller, S. A.; Wachsmuth, C.;
Barr is, W. H. ; Springer, F., and others. 1866-90. Palaeontology of
Illinois, in Geol. Survey Illinois, vols, ii., iii., v., vi., vii., and viii.
(Palaeozoic Echinoderma, especially Pelmatozoa, with references to the
numerous preliminary papers in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia.
Vol. viii. contains complete Index and a Bibliography of A. H . ^Vorthen,
both by /. Lindahl.)
95. Zittel, K. A. v. 1879. Handbuch der Palaeontologic. I. Band. Palaeo-
zoologie, I. Band, 1 Abth., pp. 308-560, Miinchen. (All fossil Echino-
96. 1895. Grundzuge der Palaeontologie (Palaeozoologie), 8vo, viii.
and 971 pp., Miinchen. First portion translated as "Text-Book of
Palaeontology,'' by C. R, Eastman, 1896, with revision for Pelmatozoa by
C. Wachsmuth and others, 8vo, N e w York. Reissue, 1900, London.
See also Nos. 5, 21, and 36 in Literature of Echinoderma generally (p. 35).
ECHINODERMA in which the theca, which may be but slightly or
not at all calcined, is not attached by any portion of its surface,
but is usually placed with the oral surface downwards or in the
direction of forward locomotion. Food is not conveyed by a
subvective system of ciliated grooves, but is taken in directly by
the mouth. T h e anus w h e n present is typically aboral and
approaches the mouth only in a few specialised forms. T h e aboral
nervous system, if indeed it be present at all, is very slightly
developed. T h e circumoesophageal water-ring m a y lose its connec-
tion with the exterior m e d i u m ; the podia (absent only in some
exceptional forms) m a y be locomotor, respiratory, or sensory in
function, but usually are locomotor tube-feet.
A s explained on p. 33, the genetic affinity between the three
classes n o w to be dealt with is not so obvious as that between the
classes of Pelmatozoa. S o m e writers have taken the Holothurioidea
to be the most primitive class of Echinoderms, or at least to be
widely separated from the Stelleroidea and Echinoidea. Without
denying a large measure of truth to such statements, it is here
maintained that all these three classes bear the impress of a Pelma-
tozoic ancestry. A n d , though they arose from the Pelmatozoan
stem, probably at different periods, and possibly from different
branches thereof, yet the trend of the evolution of each was in the
same direction—a direction opposed to that of the Pelmatozoa.
A t any rate the plain facts set d o w n in the above definition
are conveniently connoted and emphasised by the adoption of the
term Eleutherozoa, whatever be the precise systematic value attached
to it. In discussing the Eleutherozoan classes, the order followed
is from the more primitive to the more specialised.
C L A S S I. H O L O T H U R I O I D E A , C. T. v. S I E B O L D (1848) *
(= FISTULIDES, Lamarck, 1801 ; S C Y T O D E R M A T A , Burmeister, 1837;
ASCIDIASTELLA, T. & T. Austin, 1840 ; S C Y T A C T I N O T A , Bronn,
O R D E R 1. Actinopoda.
„ 2. Paractinopoda.
1.—Ilolothuria forskali, D . Ch., opened along the right side of the median "dorsal" line;
the blood-vascular system is not represented ; 2.—Left side view ; and 3.—Anterior view.
4.—Calcareous ring of H. forskali; the anterior ends are turned inwards.
5.—Diagram of the water-vascular system of H. forskali. illustrating the Actinopod plan.
6.—Larva of a Holothurian. (After Balfour.) 7.— Auricularia larva ; and 8.—Barrel-
shaped larva of Synapta digitata. (Both after S e m o n ; cf. Chapter VIII., Figs. III. & XVII.)
9.—Portion of the intestine with the accompanying blood-vessels and rete mirabile of
Holothuria tubtdosa. (After Tiedemann.)
10.— Left side view of Ankyroderma affine, Dan. and Kor.; and
11.—Spicules of the same. (After Danielssen and Koren.)
a, anus ; an, anchor ; a.v, anti-mesenterial blood-vessel; br, brim ; c.b, ciliated band ; e.c,
circular water-vascular canal; cl, rectal "cloaca" ; c.o, Cuvierian organs ; c.v, collateral blood-
vessel ; d.mes, dorsal mesentery ; g, gonad ; i, intestine ; i.p, interradial piece ; l.d.r, left dorsal
radius ; l.v.r, left ventral radius yl.r.t, left respiratory tree ; m, mouth ; md, madreporite; m.r,
median ventral radius; m.v, mesenterial blood-vessel; ot, otocyst; p, podium; p.c, podial
canal; pp, papilla ; p.v, Polian vesicle ; r.cc, radial canal; rd, spatulate rod ; r.d.r, right dorsal
radius; re, rete mirabile; r.p, radial piece; r.r.t, right respiratory tree; r.v.r, right ventral
radius; s.c, stone-canal; sp, spicules; t, tentacle; t.a, tentacle ampulla ; t.c, tentacle canal;
x, oesophagus.
Fio. II.
1.—Transverse section of one of the Holothurinae. (Modified from Ludwig and Lang.)
2.—Transverse section of the body-wall of Holothuria impatiens, Forskal.
8.—(A) "table " and (23) " biscuit" spicule of the same.
4.—Transverse section of the radius of an Actinopod Holothurian. (After Lang.)
5.—Left side view of the anterior region of Holothuria tubulosa, Gmel., from which the
left side of the body-wall has been removed.
C.—(A) perforated disc, and (B) branching rod spicule of Holothuria forskali.
a, ampulla; a. v, anti-mesenterial blood-vessel; b, " biscuit" spicule ; b. r, blood-vessel; b.w,
body-wall; c, coelom ; car, calcareous ring ; c.c, circular canal; e.ep, coelomic epithelium ; r.w,
circular muscles ; cp, podial canal; ct, cutis ; d.mes, dorsal mesentery ; d.n, deep nerve; ep,
epidermis ; ep.c, epineural canal; 17. gonad ; g.d, genital duct; g.p, genital pore ; i, intestine ;
l.d.r, left dorsal radius ; l.m, longitudinal muscles ; Lines, left mesenterial; l.r.t, left respira-
tory tree ; I. v.r, left ventral radius ; md, madreporite ; m.r, median ventral radius ; m. 1; mesen-
terial blood-vessel; p, podium ; p.c, pseudhaemal canal; p.n, podial nerve ; j>r, peripharyngeal
coelom ; p.v, polian vesicle ; r.c, radial canal; r.d.r, right dorsal radius ; r.mes, right mesenterial
fold; r.r.t, right respiratory tree; r.v.r, right ventral radius; s.n, superficial nerve; t, tentacle ;
t.a, tentacle ampulla; ta, "table" spicule in 2.
off numerous side - branches ending blindly in tufts of slender
twigs (Fig. I. 1, l.r.t and r.r.t). Coming off from the base of the
disappears, the connection with the body-wall is lost, and the canal
opens by a n e w madreporite into the body-cavity. In some species
numerous accessory stone-canals and madreporites m a y be developed
(Fig. II. 5, md).
T h e disposition of the organs in the radius, as seen in transverse
section, is distinctive (Fig. II. 4). T h e superficial radial nerve is
separated from the epidermis by the thick cutis and a space
(epineural canal). T h e deep radial nerve is separated from the
ambulacral radial canal by a pseudhaemal canal and the radial
blood-vessel. Over all lies the longitudinal muscle internally. This
arrangement resembles most that found in the Echinoidea.
T h e alimentary canal and the mesentery which supports it have
the dextral coil characteristic of Echinoderma, as described above
for Holothuria (p. 221).
T h e respiratory trees, organs quite peculiar to this class, are by
no means of universal occurrence, being absent in the Elpidiidae,
Pelagothuriidae, and Synaptidae. It is interesting to note, however,
that in certain of the Elpidiidae the rectum is provided with a
caecum, which m a y represent a vestige or a rudiment of the respira-
tory trees (Fig. III. 10, coe).
The Cuvierian organs (p. 223) appear to be modified branches
of the respiratory trees.
The Holothurioidea are distinguished from the remainder of the
Echinoderma by the structure of the genital organs. These always
consist of a single, or of a right and left, tuft of tubules leading into
a c o m m o n duct, which runs in the dorsal mesentery and opens to
the exterior in the median dorsal line near the anterior extremity
of the body. There is no axial organ or sinus, and no trace of
radial structure in connection with the gonads (see p. 24).
A s a rule, the genital products are shed in the sea, where fertilisa-
tion and development take place. Rarely, as in Chiridota rotifera
(Pourt.) and Phyllophorus urna (Grube), the young develop in the
body-cavity of the parent. Brood chambers are formed in Psolus
ephippifer ( W . Thomson) and some species of Cucumaria.
A total and almost equal segmentation of the fertilised egg leads
to the formation of a ciliated blastula and gastrula, from which is
developed the characteristic Auricularia larva (Fig. I. 6, 7). T h e
free-swimming Auricularia has an alimentary canal provided with a
mouth and anus, and the cilia are restricted to a single large
circumoral band and a small adoral band within the mouth. T h e
archenteron n o w gives rise to the hydro-enterocoel, opening by the
primary stone-canal at a pore a little to the left of the median
dorsal line. Later the circumoral ciliated band becomes greatly
folded, and then converted into the circular ciliated rings of the
barrel-shaped larva or pupal stage (Fig. I. 8). T h e mouth shifts
to the anterior pole, round which are developed the tentacles as the
O R D E R 1. Actinopoda, Ludwig.
The five radial canals of the water-vascular system, springing from
the circular canal, supply the tentacles and podia (Fig. I. 5).
Fio. III.
1.—Left side view of Deima valid tint, Theel. (After Theel.)
2.—Ilyodacmon maculatus, Th. (After Theel.)
3.—(A) C-shaped spicule of Scotoplancs albida, Th. ; (B) wheel of Pannychia mosclcyi, Th.;
(C) four-armed spicule of Elpidiarigida,Th. (After Theel.)
4.—Peniagone wyrillii, Th. (After Theel.)
6.—Psychropotes longicanda, Th. (After Theel.)
6.—Ventral view of Elpidia glacialis, Th. (After Theel.)
7 and 8.—Side view and oral view of Pelagotli uria natatrix, L u d w . (Modified from Ludwig )
9.—Section through the madreporite and genital papilla of Ilyodacvwn maculatus T h
(After Theel.)
10.—Portion of the intestine and rectal "cloaca,' with its caecum, of Benthodvtes
sanguinolenta, Th. (After Ludwig.) *
a, anus; br, brim ; b.w, body-wall; cl, rectal " cloaca" ; coe, caecum ; d, disc • d a dorsal
appendage ; g.d, genital duct; g.h, genital aperture ; g.p, genital papilla ; t, intestine • m
mouth ; op, opening
Calcareous ring ofof five
pore canal;
or tenp,pieces.
p.c, pore various,
canal; }ip,frequently
papilla • »rinanterior
process ; r, ray of the disc ; s, creeping sole ; s.c, stone canal; t, tentacle.
form of wheels and four-rayed spicules, S U B - F A M I L Y 1. P S Y C H R O P O T I N A E
Body surrounded by a brim. M o u t h quite ventraL Dorsal papillae
usually small. Tube-feet small, as a rule on the three ventral radii
Calcareous ring incomplete, the interradial pieces being represented b y
and the absenco of well-developed respiratory trees (pp. 222, 225), yet
they are undoubtedly closely related to them, and more especially to
the Synallactinae,
F A M I L Y 3. P E L A G O T H U R I I D A E . Body cylindrical, and produced at the
base of the crown of tentacles into an umbrella-like disc, drawn out
into long slender rays. Mouth and anus terminal. N o podia ; branches
of the tentacle canals extending into the rays of the disc. N o retractors
and no respiratory trees; a single stone-canal opening to the exterior.
Right and left tufts of genital tubes. N o calcareous skeleton. G e n u s —
Pelagothuria, Ludwig (Fig. III. 7 and 8), represented only by a remarkable
free-swimming Holothurian, Pelagothuria natalrix, recently discovered in
the Pacific. The thirteen to sixteen tentacles are forked and beset with
papillae, and the disc is produced into a corresponding number of rays,
each containing a branch of the tentacular canal. These rays m a y repre-
sent the modified tentacular ampullae of the Holothuriidae; or the disc
may be derived from the anterior brim, which occurs in the two preceding
families. The five radial vessels are normally developed, in spite of the
absence of podia The longitudinal muscles are in simple bands. Neither
calcareous ring nor calcareous spicides are developed.
This highly modified form undoubtedly belongs to the Actinopoda,
since there are radial canals, and the circular muscles are interrupted
at the radii. The absence of respiratory trees, and of free tentacular
ampullae, and the simple longitudinal muscles remove it from the Mol-
padidae; whilst thefirstof these characters, combined with the absence
of podia and retractors, separate it from the Cucumariidae, With the
Elpidiidae, on the other hand, it has many characters in common, such
as the single stone-canal opening to the exterior, the simple longitudinal
muscles, the absence of respiratory trees, and the reduction of free ten-
tacular ampullae and the calcareous ring. Pelagothuria, therefore, is
probably a free-swimming form derived from an Elpidiid ancestor.
F A M I L Y 4. C U C U M A R I I D A E . Podia generally tube-feet only and no
papillae. Mouth and anus terminal or dorsal Tentacles eight to thirty,
branched. Tentacle ampullae rudimentary or absent Madreporite in-
ternal. Calcareous ring offiveradial and five interradial pieces. Re-
tractor muscles. Longitudinal muscles generally simple. Respiratory
trees well developed. Cuvierian organs rare. Right and left tufts of
genital tubes. Spicules chiefly rods and knobbed, perforated plates.
Genera—A. With distinct creeping sole. Ventral podia restricted to
radii — Colochirus, Troschel; Psolidium, Ludwig ; Theelia, Ludwi"
(Fig. IV. 10); Psolus, Oken (Fig. IV. 8). B. Without distinct creeping
Bole—Thyone, Oken (Fig. IV. 11); Orcula, Troschel; Phyllophorus, Grube ;
all with scattered podia (generally). With podia more or less restricted
to the radii; Cucumaria, Blainville (Fig. IV. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ; Pseudo-
cucumis, Ludwig; Actinocucumis, Ludwig; Echinocucumis, Sars; Sph".ero-
thuria, Ludwig (Fig. IV. 9). C. Flask-shaped, with mouth and anus close
together—Rhopalodina, Gray (Fig. IV. 7).
The Cucumariidae are distinguished by the possession of delicate re-
tractile arborescent tentacles (Fig. IV. 3 and 4). Frequently the two
median ventral tentacles are smaller than the others (Fig. IV, 3), as in species
Fio. IV.
1.—Cucumaria pentactes (Linn.), opened along the right of the median dorsal line ; the
right respiratory tree has been cut short. 2.—Spicule; 3.—Oral view; and 4.—Left side view
of the same.
5.—Inner view of a retracted C. pentactes, from which the dorsal region of the body-wall
has been removed, and the viscera extracted, to s h o w the action of the retractor muscles.
6.—Portion of the calcareous ring of Ornda tenera, L u d w . (After Ludwig.)
7.—Diagrammatic drawing of Rhopalodina Ictgeniformis, Gray. (After Lang.)
8 . — " Dorsal" view of Psolus antarcticus (Philippi). (After Theel.)
9.—Left side view of Sphaerothuria bitentaculata, L u d w . (After Ludwig.)
10.—Theelia ambulatrix, Bell.
11.—Thyone fusus (O. F. Miiller).
re, anus; a. v, anti-mesenterial blood-vessel; b.w, body-wall; ca.r, calcareous ring; c.c, circular
water-vascular canal; el, cloaca ; g, gonad ; g.d, genital duct; g.p, genital pore ; i, intestine ;
i.;>, interradial piece ; l.d.r, left dorsal radius ; l.r.t, left respiratory tree ; l.v.r, left ventral
radius ;TO,month ; m.r, median veiitral radius ; m.v, mesenterial blood-vessel; p, podium ;
p.v, polian vesicle ; r.c, radial canal; r.d.r,rightdorsal radius ; r.m. retractor muscle ; r.p,
radial piece ; r.r.t,rightrespiratory tree; », creeping sole ; s.c, stone canal; t, tentacle.
The five radial canals have disappeared in the adult. There are no
tube-feet or papillae, and the tentacles are supplied directly from the
circular canal (Fig. V. 3).
\ Molpadiidae.
1. Baur, A. 1864. (Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Synapta digitata.)
Nova Acta Acad. Leop.-Carol, vol. xxxi.
2. Bury, II. 1889. (Studies in the Embryology of Echinoderms.) Quart.
Journ. Micr. Sci., n.s., vol. xxix. pp. 409-449, pis. xxxvii.-xxxix. 1895.
(The Metamorphosis of Echinoderms.) Op. cit. vol. xxxviii. pp. 45-135,
pis. iii.-ix.
3. Hamann, 0. 1883. (Beitrage zur Histologie der Echinodermen. I. Die
Holothurien (Pedata), u.s.w.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. vol. xxxix. pp.
145-190, pis. x.-xii. (II. Das Nervensystem der Pedaten Holothurien.
Die Cuvierschen Organe. Nervensystem und Sinnesorgane der Ape-
daten), torn. cit. pp. 309-333, pis. xx.-xxii.
4. Hirouard, E. 1889. (Recherches sur les Holothuries des cStes de France.)
Arch. Zool. Exper. (2), vol. vii. pp. 535-704, pis. xxv.-xxxii.
5. Ludwig, H. 1889-92. (Die Seewalzen.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen
des Thierreichs, Echinodermen, I. Klasse. [Gives a full Bibliography. ]
6. 1894. (Reports on an exploration by the Albatross
XII. The Holothurioidea.) M e m . Mus. Harvard, vol. xvii. No. 3.
7. Selenka, E. 1867. (Beitrage zur Anatomie und Systematik der Holo-
thurien.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. vol. xvii. pp. 291-374, 4 pis.
8. 1876. (Zur Entwickelung der Holothurien.) Ibid. vol. xxvii. pp. 155-
178, pis. ix.-xiii.
9. Semon, R. 1888. (Die Entwickelung der Synapta digitata.) Jena. Zeitschr.
vol. xxii. pp. 175-309, pis. vi.-xii.
10. Semper, C. 1868. Reisen in Archipel der Philippines II. Theil. Vol. i.
Holothurien, Leipzig.
11. Thiel, Hj. 1882, 1886. (Report on the Holothurioidea.) Challenger
Reports, Zoology, vol. iv. part xiii., and vol. xiv. part xxxix.
12. Ticdemann, F. 1816. Anatomie der Rbhren-Holothurie, u.s.w. Fol.
See also Nos. 2, 3, 19, 25a, and 28, in Literature of Echinoderma generally,
Chapter VIII. p. 35.
See Chapter VIII. It should not be forgotten that the plane of symmetry of
the adult does not correspond exactly with that of the larva, and that the ali-
mentary canal and the mesentery are invariably twisted spirally from left to right.
Fio. IV.
Asterias rubens. I, ray from which the skin of the abactinal surface has been removed
and the outgrowths (c) displaced, showing the ambulacral ossicles (ao); the suckers (s)
g. gonads in ray II; a, anus; sp, stomach, the folded arrangement of the walls of which are
shown by removal of part of the upper wall at the base of ray V. From F. J. Bell Catcdoave
of British Echinoderms in the Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). ^
Fio. V.
Brisinga coronata. Abactinal surface.
ring, from which a branch runs u p each ray between the rows of
tube-feet, and external to the pseudhaemal radial vessel. Each
branch gives off nerves to the tube-feet and ectoderm of its ray.
The second set of nerves consists of bands lying internal to the
radial branches of the first set; they lie along the perihaemal canal,
which surrounds the pseudhaemal vessel; the branches from these
nerves supply the muscles of the ambulacral ossicles. T h e third
group of nerves is abactinal in position; there is a ring round
the anus, giving off a branch along the upper side of each ray, and
innervating the muscles of the body wall.
T h e Genital Organs of Asterias consist of ten branched glands,
Fir.. VI.
Culrita grex.
a pair being situated on the dorsal side of each ray close to the
disc. Each gland has a separate aperture on the abactinal surface.
T h e only special respiratory organs are a series of long, tubular
prolongations of the body - cavity, k n o w n as papulae, dermal
branchiae, lymph gills, or branchial vesicles. In Asterias they
occur on all sides of the rays and disc.
The most interesting sensory organ of Asterias is a small
eye-spot on the terminal podion of each ray (Fig. X X V . on
p. 30). T h e animal has an olfactory sense, for it will follow
food, even after the eye-spots have been destroyed; the situation
of this sense is diffuse, for any part of a starfish arm that can
m o v e independently will follow food (Romanes); but Prouho
limits the sense of smell to a few podia near the end of the ray,
which he calls "palps."
Asteroidea with large marginal plates, and with the dermal branchiae
or l y m p h gills limited to the abactinal surface.
This order includes a group of starfish which began in the Cambrian
age and has lived on till the present time. Its members can be readily
distinguished by the large size of the marginal plates. T h e limitation of
the dermal branchiae to the abactinal surface is a more primitive con-
dition than that m e t with in the Cryptozonia. Embryological evidence,
and the greater importance of the order in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic
eras also suggest that this is the simpler of the two orders of star-
T h e Palaeozoic genera appear to be normal members of this order,
and some of them m a y be included in existing families. They are, how-
ever, often all grouped together as an order, the " Palajasteroidea," and
separated from all the later, or " Euasteroidea." T h e character on which
this separation is based is the alternation of the ambulacral ossicles in the
former, whereas they are said to be always opposite in post-Palaeozoic
Asteroids. This character is of great importance a m o n g Ophiuroids, for
w h e n the ossicles are alternately arranged, they cannot be united into verte-
bral ossicles. B u t w h e n the ossicles are narrow, thin plates, closely packed
into two series, one on either side of a ray, and w h e n the separate ossicles
meet those of the other side only by their narrow ends, then alternation
is very likely to arise from growth pressure. In fact, one part of an
arm m a y have the ambulacral ossicles alternate, while in another part
they m a y be opposite. T h e character, moreover, is one on which little
reliance can be placed w h e n applied to fossils, for a slight movement is
sufficient to alter the relative positions of the two series. It is difficult
to explain the relative positions of the ambulacral ossicles in different
arms of the same Asteroid, except on the assumption that the two series
m o v e d past one another during the lateral bending of the arm. Alterna-
tion of the ossicles was probably an original character ; but as the arms
became flexible with the reduction of the external skeleton, and as the
Yio. V I I I .
Porcellanastcr caerulcus. Abactinal surface showing cribiiform organs and anal tube.
the arms above the ambulacrals, are the two most striking features of
the Astropectinidae. The position of the super-ambulacral plates is
shown in Fig. VII. There are two sub-families and nine genera.
S U B - F A M I L Y 1. A S T R O P E C T I N I N A E , including those members of the family
in which the adambulacral plates touch the infero-marginal plates
along the ray. The marginal and adambulacral plates do not correspond
in length or number. Genera — Astropecten, Schulze ; Bathybiaster,
Danielssen and Koren ; Craspidaster, Slad. ; Dipmcaster, Alcock ; Blakiastcr,
Per. (syn. Leptoptychaster, Smith), (Fig. IX.) ; Monaster, Phoxaster, and
Psilaster, Sladen. S U B - F A M I L Y 2. L U I D I I X A E . Astropectinidae with a
row of small plates separating the adambulacral and infero-marginal
plates. Genera—Astrellu, Per. ; Luidia, Forbes; Platasterias, Gray.
F A M I L Y 8. P E X T A G O X A S T K R I D A E . Phanerozonia with opposite a m b u -
lacral plates, large marginal plates, and tessellate abactinal skeleton.
T h e arms are short and the shape of the starfish is generally penta-
gonal. S U B - F A M I L Y 1. P E X T A G O X A S T E R I X A E . Pentagonasteridae with
rounded, polygonal, or paxilliform abactinal plates. Genera—Anthenoides,
Per.; Asterodon, Per.; Astrogonium, Miiller & Troschel; Calliaster, Gray ;
Calliderma, Gray ; Chitonaster, Slad.; Comptonia, Gray; Dorigona, Gray
(Nymphaster, Slad.) ; Goniodon, Per. ; Hoplaster, Per.; Iconaster, Slad. ;
Leptaster, Lor.; Mediaster, Stimps.; Metopaster, Slad.; Mitelephaster, Alcock ;
Mitraster, Slad. ; Nectria, Gray; Odontaster, Verr. (Gnathaster, Slad.) ;
Paragonaster, Slad. ; Pentagonaster, Schulze ; Phaneraster, Per. ; Pycnaster,
Slad.; Rosaster, Per.; Stephanaster, Ayres. S U B - F A M I L Y 2. G O N I O D I S C I N A E .
Pentagonasteridae with flat, stellate, abactinal plates. Genera—Goniodiscus,
Abactinal view of Hippasterias phrygiana.
lacral ossicles and irregular marginal plates; the upper series are often
covered. The abactinal skeleton is reticulate, and the plates bear large
tubercles. There are no valvate pedicellariae on the actinal interradial
areas. Genera—Amphiaster, Verr.; Asterodiscus, Gray ; Choriaster, Liitken ;
Culcita, Ag. (Fig. VI.) ; Nidorellia, Gray ; Paulia, Gray ; Pentaceropsis,
Slad. ; Pentaceros, Schulze (Oreaster, Mull. & Tr.) ; Sphaeraster, Quenst. ;
Sphaerites, Quenst.
F A M I L Y 11. G Y M X A S T E R I I D A E . Phanerozonia with opposite ambu-
lacral ossicles and unequally developed marginal plates. Abactinal
skeleton tessellate, but its plates are irregular and only partially in
contact. The actinal interradial areas contain large plates. The whole
test covered with membrane. Genera—Asteropsis, Mull. & Tr.; Derm-
asterias, Per. ; Gymnasteria, Gray ; Lasiaster, Slad.; Marginaster, Per. ;
Porania, Gray ; Poraniomorpha, Dan. & Kor.; Rhegaster, Slad. ; Tylaster,
Dan. & Kor.
F A M I L Y 12. A S T E R I N I D A E . Phanerozonia with opposite ambulacral
ossicles, and with small, inconspicuous marginal plates, the axes of which
are convergent. Intermediate plates imbricate; those on the abac-
tinal side lamelliform. Pedicellaria absent. S U B - F A M I L Y 1. G A N E R I I X A E ,
with large marginal plates. Genera—Cycethra, Bell; Ganeria, Gray;
Lebrunaster, Per.; Radiaster, Per. S U B - F A M I L Y 2. A S T E R I N I D A E , in which
the marginal plates do not exceed the remaining plates in size. Dermal
branchiae arise from any part of the abactinal surface. Genera—Asterina,
Nardo, which has often been described as a typical Asteroid, and its embry-
ology carefully studied; Disasterina, Per.; Nepanthia, Gray ; Patiria, Gray.
S U B - F A M I L Y 3. P A L M I P E D I N A E , with dermal branchiae confined to the
radial regions. Genera—Palmipes, Ag.; Stegmaster, Slad. Tremaster,
Verr., is also assigned to this family.
Fio. X L
Abactinal surface of Solaster papposus.
Fro. XII.
Hymenaster pellvcidus (after Wyv. Thomson).
sharply marked off from the disc. Abactinal skeleton absent, or present
only on the ovarial regions at the bases of the arms. N o intermediate
actinal plates or interbrachial septa. Genera—Brisinga, Asbjornsen; (?)
Brisingaster, Lor.; Colpaster, Slad.; Freyella, Slad.; (?) Gymnobrisinga, Stud.;
(?) Hymenodiscus, Per.; Labidiaster, Liitken ; Medusaster, Stiirtz ; Odinia,
Per. This remarkable family was originally founded for the genus Brisinga,
which has m a n y primitive characters. T h e arms are small and sharply
marked off from the disc. There are no ampullae connected to the podia;
the generative organs consist of a series of small isolated glands along the
arms. T h e genus was accordingly atfirstregarded as very primitive in
structure and affording in some ways a link with the Ophiuroids. Later
authors, however, such as Ludwig and Sladen, entirely repel this view
and regard the Brisingidae as allied to the Asteriidae, and extremely
specialised rather than primitive. Sladen concludes, " In m y opinion
the Brisingidae are true cryptozonate Asterids, very nearly related to the
Asteriidae, Pedicellasteridae, Heliasteridae, and Echinasteridae, and prob-
ably derived from a c o m m o n ancestor, the divergence of form and the
peculiarities of structure n o w exhibited by Brisinga being the result of
modification produced by the extreme isolation and the exigencies of
the abyssal depths in which the family has existed" (48, p. 593). B u t
in Colpaster and Freyella the genital glands are limited to swellings
at the base of the arms ; and although the arms are sharply marked
off from the disc, at least six-sevenths of the a r m has no extensions of
either alimentary canal or generative organs. T h e arm-ossicles of Freyella
tuberculata are identical in character with those of Ophiurina, and they
differ from Ophiogeron only by the absence of adambulacral ossicles.
Sladen gives no diagnosis of the class Asteroidea, so that it is not
quite clear on what characters he would base the separation of Asteroids
and Ophiuroids. But no k n o w n diagnosis of the Asteroidea would
include Colpaster and Freyella, and exclude forms universally admitted to
be Ophiuroids. If the more primitive types of Brisingidae are a recent
degenerate offshoot from the Asteriidae or some allied family, then a type
of structure, practically indistinguishable from that of the Ophiuroidea,
has been twice independently evolved. It seems therefore that Perrier is
probably correct w h e n he regards the Brisingidae as the most primitive
instead of as the most special of living Asteroids.
T h e following fossil Asteroids are not sufficiently k n o w n for determina-
tion : —
Calliaster, Trautschold; Coelaster, Sandb. -non Agass.; Cribrellites, Tate;
Cupulaster, Fritsch ; Plumaster, Wright; Triclwtaster, Wright.
Ophiopholis aculeata, abactinal surface.
the union of the bases of the arms, but is sharply marked off
from them, and they are attached to it as appendages; there
is not, moreover, in the Ophiuroids the ventral groove of the star-
fish. These characters, however, are not absolutely to be relied
o n ; thus in some species of Astroschema there is no sharp separa-
tion between the arms and the disc; while in Ophioteresis (Fig.
XIV.) the radial ambulacral vessels and nerve-trunks lie in shallow
grooves on the ventral surface of the arms.
A n idea of the Structure of a typical Ophiuroid m a y probably
be best obtained by the careful examination of a representative
species, for which purpose the commonest English brittle star
(Ophiura ciliaris, Linn, sp.) is a convenient type.
This Ophiuroid consists of a round, flat, scale-covered disc, from
which radiate five long, tapering arms. T h e A r m s are composed
of a series of jointed segments, each containing six plates. T w o
of these are fused together into a single " vertebral ossicle," and
Fi... XIV.
Ophioteresis (after Bell). Aboral surface of an ami ossic e ; d, the double dorsal ami-plates ;
o, articular cavities ; I, lateral ami-plates.
a series of these forms the axis of the arm. The remaining four
plates form an external tube round the vertebral ossicle. O n e
pair occurs at the sides, and is k n o w n as the lateral arm-plates or
shields. Another of the four plates lies above the vertebral
ossicle, and is accordingly k n o w n as the dorsal arm-plate (or
dorsal shield); the fourth lies on the lower surface of the arm,
and is accordingly k n o w n as the ventral arm-plate (or ventral
shield). Each lateral arm-plate bears seven short spines.
The plates forming the central chain of the a r m are k n o w n
as " vertebral ossicles," because, in typical Ophiuroids such as
Ophiura ciliarjs, they articulate by a series of knobs and sockets
like the bones of a vertebral column. In a typical vertebral
ossicle the two articular surfaces are very different; in the proximal
or adoral surface (that nearer to the disc) the most conspicuous
features are the prominent central u m b o (Fig. X V . u) and two broad
"lower muscle fields" (Fig. X V l.m) at the two lower angles.
Above the u m b o there is a narrow " upper canal furrow " (u.f), while
a corresponding " lower canal furrow " (If) occurs between tie two
it. s.
Vm. XV.
Vertebral ossicle of Ophiura ciliaris (after Miiller). 1, aboral surface; 'I, adoral surface.
u, u m b o ; l.m, lower muscle field; u.f, upper, and l.f, lower canal furrows; u.s, umbonal
socket; c, canal for the podion (shown by removal of part of muscle field on right side).
fissure. The smaller piece is the jaw, which unites with the jaw
of the next arm to form the angle of the oral segment. Each jaw
has a depression, in which rest the oral tube-feet, and is notched by
a groove for the circumoral nerve ring.
The union of two adjoining jaws is strengthened by a small
plate at the apex, k n o w n as the " jaw plate " or torus angularis.
This plate supports the teeth, of which, in Ophiura ciliaris, there are
five in each segment. A series of similar processes occur along
the side of the jaw, projecting into the buccal fissure ; these are
the oral papillae (mouth papillae or buccal papillae), of which, in
Ophiura ciliaris, there are ten or more in each series.
T h e angle between the two jaws of one segment is occupied by
a shield-shaped plate, k n o w n as the " buccal shield" (oral plate,
mouth-shield, or scutum buccale). These plates are interradial in
position; the smaller plates corresponding to them, but radial in
position, are the first ventral arm-plates. Between the mouth-
frames and the buccal shields are five pairs of long, bar-shaped
" peristomial plates," Avhich cross the interradial spaces from arm
to a r m ; they cannot be seen from without, as they are covered
by the shields, and by two plates beside the latter, k n o w n as the
lateral buccal shields (or scuta adoralia).
T h e oral skeleton of the Ophiuroid is therefore very different
from that of the Asteroid. B u t both are formed by the modification
of similar parts, viz. the ambulacral and adambulacral ossicles of
the arm segments. In the Ophiuroid the supposed homologies of
the principal parts are as follows : —
Vertebral (=ambulacr.il Lateral arm-plates
ossicles). (=adambulacral ossicles).
1st arm segment peristomial plates jaws
2nd „ mouth-frames lateral buccal shields.
Fio. XVII.
Diagram of circumoral region of Ophiura ciliaris (after Miiller). c.ce.n, circumoesophageal
nerve ring; c.ce.v, circumoesophageal water-vascular ring; e.n, nerve branch to integu-
ment ; i.v.m, intervertebral muscles ; i.v.n, intervertebral nerve; j, jaw; j.p, jaw plate;
o.n, oral nerve; o.p, oral papillae; <>./, oral tentacle; o.v, branch of water vessel to oral
tentacle; p.n, podial nerve; p.v, Polian vesicle; r.n, radial nerve; t, teeth; t.g, tentacular
groove; t.n, tentacular nerve ; v.o, vertebral ossicles.
the mouth-tentacles (o.t); radial vessels run along the under sides
of the arms. In each of four of the interradial (or interbrachial)
spaces there is a "polian vesicle" (p.v); in thefifthinterradius there
is a short expanded stone-canal (Fig. XVIII. s.c) which opens to the
exterior by a single madreporite on a buccal shield. T h e radial
vessels lie in the lower canal furrows of the vertebral ossicles (Fig.
X V . If); branches from the radial vessel pass through the vertebral
ossicles; they emerge at the lower angle of the ossicle, and the
podia pass to the exterior through a space between the shields.
There are no ampullae, but the flow of water is regulated by
radial side of the bursae, and sends off a branch along the radial
side of each bursa. The parts of the sinus beside the bursae bear
the gonads.
Fio. XIX.
Gonads (g) and bursae (6) of Ophioglypha albida. (After Ludwig.)
Diagrammatic section through arm of Ophiuroid. br.c, dorsal branch of brachial coelomic
system; d.s, dorsal arm-plate; e.r.n, external radial nerve; i.r.n, internal radial nerve; l.s,
lateral arm-plate; pd, podion ; pd.n, podial nerve ; r.e.c, radial epineural canal, and r.p.c, radial
pseudhaemal canal, together forming ventral branch of the brachial coelomic system ; r.v, radial
vessel; v.o, vertebral ossicle ; v.s, ventral arm-plate.
Abactinal plates of Uphioccrauiti ohsteirta, Lyin. (after Lyman), e, central plate; r.s, radial
shields ; d.a.p and l.a.p, dorsal and lateral arm-plates.
Fic. xxiv.
Abactinal plates of disc of Ophiura inornata (Lam.), c, central, r.s, radial shields.
Arm-plates of Ophiohelus umbrella, l.a.p, lateral arm-plates; d.a.p, dorsal arm-plates ;
a, ambulacral plate; s, spines.
without lateral pits and processes (Fig. XIV.); while in the Clado-
phiurae the ossicles articulate by hour-glass shaped surfaces (Fig.
XXIX.), and the four external shields are replaced by a soft,
granular integument; in this group the arms are therefore capable
of movement in any direction, the arms frequently being able to
coil round any support, as in Astroschema. A further change is
*w% Fi<;. X X I X .
Articular surfaces of vertebral ossicles of Axtroxrliema.
Trichaster the stone-canals are thus repeated, but there is only one
madreporite. A repetition of the stone-canals also occurs in
Ophiactis, in which the value of this character is apparent, for the
animal reproduces by fission; in the same genus there are also
several Polian vesicles in each interbrachial space. In development
the water-pore of recent Ophiuroids originally opens on the dorsal
surface (Bury, 6, pp. 422, 423, pi. xxxvii. f. 2), and then works round
to the ventral side, where it becomes attached to an oral plate.
The Alimentary System remains very simple in all the Ophiuroids,
consisting simply of a large chamber, divided into a series of short,
blunt, sac-like protuberances by radial constrictions of the walls.
Respiration in the Ophiuroids is generally effected by the
genital bursae and the podia; but w h e n the bursae are absent,
their place m a y be taken by an extra series of Polian vesicles, as
in Ophiactis ; or the general body-cavity m a y be used both for the
protection of the ova and for respiration, as in Gorgonocephalus.
Reproduction.—The genital bursae in some Ophiuroids also act
as brood chambers; the eggs pass through all stages of development
in them, and such Ophiuroids are therefore viviparous; Amphiura
squamata and Ophiomyxa vivipara are examples of this condition.
Asexual reproduction occasionally occurs in Ophiuroids either
normally byfission,as in Ophiactis, or abnormally by regeneration
of lost parts w h e n the disc of an Ophiuroid is cut into halves.
Broken arms are readily replaced, but a broken a r m cannot
reproduce a complete animal as can be done in the Asteroids
(Semon and Ludwig).
T he Development of the Ophiuroids agrees in the early stages
with that of the Asteroids, but the larval form is a Pluteus (p. 6)
and not a Bipinnaria (p. 5). It, therefore, in this stage offers a
greater resemblance to the larvae of the Echinoids than of the
Asteroids. There is no doubt, however, that this larval form is
a secondary development and does not represent any stage in
phylogeny of the group; it therefore does not indicate any
affinity with the Echinoids.
Distribution.—The Ophiuroids range from shallow and estuarine
waters to abyssal depths. Their distribution in space is wide,
species such as Ophiocten sericeum occurring at 80° N . latitude ; but
the largest forms are tropical. T h e order was first represented by
species of Protaster from Ordovician rocks. Representatives of the
Lysophiurae and Streptophiurae occur in the Silurian, Devonian,
and Carboniferous strata; Zygophiurae begin in the Trias; and
Cladophiurae in the Jurassic.
O n the characters discussed in the preceding pages m a y be based the
following Diagnosis of the Sub-Olass: 1 —The Ophiuroidea are " eleuther-
ozoic," " actinogonidial," and " lysactinic," Echinoderma which usually
Emended from Bell (4), p. 215. The terms are explained antea, p. 237.
regarded as an ally of Euryale, but some authors have urged its removal
to the Asteroidea, ascribing a dorsal position to the madreporite. It is
no doubt in external appearance more like the Cladophiurae than the
Streptophiurae, but the external resemblance to Euryale is probably due
to homoplastic modifications.
F A M I L Y 6. T H E LIVING S T R E P T O P H I U R A E . N O attempt has yet been
made to arrange the living Streptophiurae into families, and this cannot be
done with advantage without further knowledge about several points. Some
of the most remarkable genera are known only by single specimens,
which are very small and probably immature. Ophiohelus and Ophiotholia
present a certain resemblance to the Lysophiurae in the structure of the
ambulacral ossicles. Ophiogeron, with its long, rod-shaped, ambulacral
ossicles lying in opposite pairs, is much like Ophiurina, but the evidence
available at present is insufficient to justify its inclusion in the Ophiuri-
nidae. Hence it is advisable at present to leave the living Streptophiurae
arranged according to Bell's scheme (3). W h e n the classification is
attempted, probably Ophioteresis will form one family, and Ophiosciasma
another; Hemieuryale, Sigsbeia, Ophiochondrus, and Ophiomyces m a y con-
stitute a third.
A. N o under arm-plates—Ophioteresis, Bell.
B. Under arm-plates imperfect—'-Ophiosciasma, Lym.
C. Under arm-plates moderate or well developed.
a. N o upper arm-plates—I. N o radial shield —Neoplax; Ophiohelus,
Lym.; Ophiotholia, Lym. (?). II. Radial shields present—
Ophioscolex, Mull. & Trosch.; Ophiambix, Lym. ; Ophiogeron,
Lym..; Ophiobyrsa, Lym. ; Ophiomyxa (pars), Midi. & Trosch.
/?. Upper arm-plates minute or formed of scattered plates—Ophio-
myxa (pars), Mull. & Trosch.; Ophiomyces, Lym.; Ophiochondrus,
Lym. ; Hemieuryale, Martens ; Sigsbeia, Lym.
Fio. X X X I I .
Astrophyton Lincki. Abactinal surface. (From Wyv. Thomson.)
Fio. X X X I I I .
Abactinal view of Hcmipholis cordifera, L y m . c, central plate; r, plates of radial circlet.
23. Linck, J. H. 1733. D e Stellis, Marinis etc. Fob, xxiv. and 107 pp.,
xlii. pis. Lipsiae.
24. Ljungman, A. 1866. (Ophiuroidea viventia hue usque cognita.) Ofvers.
Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forhandl., 1866, No. 9, pp. 303-336.
25. Ludwig, H. 1877-82. Morphologische Studien an Echinodermen, 8vo.
Leipzig. Reprinted from Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool. vol. xxx. pp. 99-162,
pis. v.-viii.; vol. xxxi. pp. 59-67, pi. v.; pp. 216-234, pi. xv.; pp. 346-
400, pis. xxiv.-xxviii.; vol. xxxii. pp. 672-688 ; vol. xxxiv. pp. 333-366
pis. xiv.-xvi. ; vol. xxxvi. pp. 181-200, pis. x., xi.; vol. xxxvii. pp. 1-98
pis. i.-viii.
26. 1888. (Ophiopteron elegans, eine neue, wahrscheinlich schwimmende
Ophiuridenform.) Zeit. Wiss. Zool. vol. xlvii. pp. 459-464, pi. xxxv.
27. Liitken, C. F. 1858 - 59. Additamenta ad historiam Ophiuridarum,
Videnskab. Selsk. Skrifter (5), Naturvid. og Math. Afd. vol. v. pp. 1-74,
pis. i., ii.; pp. 177-272, pis. i.-v.
28. Lyman, Th. 1865. (Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae.) 111. Cat. Mus.
Comp. Zool. Harvard, No. 1, viii. 200 pp., ii. pis.
29. 1871. (Supplement to the Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae.) 111. Cat.
Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, No. 6, 18 pp., ii. pis.
30. 1874. (Ophiuridae and Astrophytae, new and old.) Bull. Mus. Comp.
Zool. Harvard, vol. iii. No. 10, pp. 221-272, vii. pis.
31. (Report on the Ophiuroidea dredged by H.M.S. Challenger during
the years 1873-76.) Rep. Chall. Zool. vol. v. 1882, 4°, pp. 387. 48 pis.
32. MacBride, E. TV. 1892. (The development of the genital organs, ovoid
gland, axial and aboral sinuses in Amphiura squamata, together with
some remarks on Ludwig's haemal system in this Ophiurid.) Quart.
Journ. Micr. Sci., N.S., vol. xxxiv. pp. 129-153, pis. xvi.-xviii.
33. 1896. (The Development of Asterina gibbosa.) Quart. Journ. Micr.
Sci., N.S., vol. xxxviii. pp. 339-411, pis. xviii.-xxix.
34. Miiller, Joh. 1854. (Uber den Bau der Echinodermen.) Phys. Abb..
Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Jahrg. 1853, pp. 123-219, pis. i.-ix.
35. <£• Troschel, F. H. 1840. (Uber die Gattungen der Asterien, und
der Ophiuren.) Arch. f. Naturg., Jahrg. 6, Bd. i. pp. 138-328,
36 1842. System der Asteriden. 4to, pp. xx. and 135, xii. pis. Braun-
37 Perrier, J. O. E. 1875-76. (Revision de la collection de Stellerides.)
Arch. Zool. Exper., vols. iv. and v.
38. 1894. Expeditious Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman
pendant les annees 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. Echinodermes, pt. 1. 40, p p .
iv. and 431, xxvi. pis.
39. 1891. Mission Scientifique du Cap Horn, 1882-83, torn. vi. Zoologie
Echinodermes, I., Stellerides. 4to, Paris, 198 pp., xiii. pis.
40- 1891. (Stellerides nouveaux provenant des Campagnes du yacht
VHirondelle.) M e m . Soc. Zool. France, vol. iv. pp. 258-271.
41. Prouho, H. 1890. (Du sens de l'odorat chez les Etoiles de Mer.) Convrn
Rend. Acad. Paris, vol. ex. pp. 1343-46. '
42. Salter, J. W. 1857. (On some new Palaeozoic Starfishes.) A n n M a c Nat
Hist. ser. 2, vol. xx. pp. 321-334, pi. ix. '
43. Sars, G. O. 1875. Researches on the Structure and Affinities of the Genus
Brisinga, etc. 4to, 111 pp., vii. pis. Christiania.
Fio. II.
Ambulacral (1) and interam-
bulacral (2) plates of Echinus
escnlentus.fl,«2 are the primary
and secondary tubercles; g,
miliary granules; p, primary
ambulacral plate ; d, epipodium m
with a pore pair; b, boss; m, 2
them has been called an ambulacrum.1 A s there is one ambula-
crum to each ocular, there are five in the complete test, separated
by five broader interambulacra.
Each ambulacrum and interambulacrum consists of a double
row of plates in vertical series running from the apical system to
the peristome. Each interambulacral plate (Fig. II. 2) is irregu-
larly pentagonal in form; the angles are sharp and regular, but
the plate is elongated in a horizontal direction. Each plate bears
a number of " tubercles," of which there are three sizes primary
From amhdacrum, an avenue or a walk between trees.
Fio. III.
Appendages of Echinus. Transverse
section of spine (magnified).
of twenty pieces. The largest of these are the five pyramids (Fig.
VI. p); they are shaped like the sectors of a cone, being pointed
at one end, having two flat sides, and with a curved outer margin.
Theflatsides are marked by transverse ridges, which serve for the
attachment of the muscles that bind the pyramids to one another.
The pyramids are hollow, and in each of them lies a long, curved,
keeled tooth, the hard point of which projects through a hole
at the pointed lower
end of the pyramid.
Above the suture be-
tween a pair of pyra-
mids rests a short, thick
bar k n o w n as the brace;
above the brace (b) is
a curved bifid process
or " compass " (cp).
R o u n d the inside of
the peristome is a hard
raised rim (Fig. VII.
p.r) which rises into an
arch over each of the
ambulacra. This is the
" perignathic girdle,"
and to it are attached
the muscles which work
the masticatory appara-
tus; one set of muscles Dental apparatus of Echinus cscidcntus, L. A pyramid
attached to the pyramid seen from the side (1), and from behind (2); p, pyramid;
and e, its epiphysis ; t, tooth ; b, brace ; ep, compass.
pulls the jaws apart;
other sets, attached to the braces and compasses, pull them down-
ward and drive the teeth together.
The remaining skeletal structures are small and unimportant,
and consist only of scattered calcareous plates and spicules which
are distributed through the tissues. The principal of these are
the " rosettes " or " pellions " (rings of plates which support the
suckers), and spicules in the stems of the podia.
The internal anatomy of the Echinus m a y be most conveniently
studied by the removal of the upper half of the test. The five
ovaries will then be seen lying in the upper parts of the inter-
radia, and the great coiled intestine occupying most of the
interior. T h e main features in the internal anatomy are shown
in Fig. VII.
The Alimentary Canal begins with a mouth (mt) situated at
the centre of the peristomial membrane (pst); from the mouth the
muscular pharynx (ph) passes upwards through the central tube
of the masticatory apparatus. T h e oesophagus (oe) runs horizon-
tally from the upper end of the pharynx to the lobed stomach (s),
which is twisted in a spiral twice round the body cavity; it con-
tracts above to the rectum (r), which opens to the exterior by an
anus (a), situated in the centre of the apical system.
The Water-vascular System. Above the top of the dental
apparatus a vessel m a y be seen running round the oesophagus.
This is the circumoesophageal ring of the water-vascular system
(c.ce.v). From it five radial vessels pass downwards outside the
masticatory apparatus to the peristomial membrane; there they
bend upwards, pass beneath the arches of the perignathic girdle
Fio. VII.
Diagrammatic vertical section through Echinus, a, anus; amp, ambulacral plate; ap,
ampulla; b, branchiae ; c.ce.v, circumoesophageal vessel of water-vascular system; d.o, dorsal
organ ; g, gonad ; m, madreporite; mi, mouth ; n.r, nerve ring; os, oesophagus ; p.a, arch of
perignathic girdle; pd, podia; ph, pharynx; pdc, pedicellaria; pp, periproct; p.r, ridge of
perignathic girdle ; pst, peristome; py, pyramids of masticatory apparatus; r, rectum; r.w.c,
radial nerve cord; s, stomach; s.e, stone canal; sph, sphaeridia; sp, spi'ie; st, Stewart's
organ; tb, tubercle; v, Polian vesicle on circumoesophageal vessel.
(p.a), and one runs up the inside of each ambulacrum. Branches
from the radial vessels are given off alternately to right and left;
one of these branches passes to each pore-pair, below which it opens
to a pair of pocket-shaped vesicles or ampullae (ap). F r o m each
ampulla a small tube passes through both pores; the two tubes
unite on the exterior to form the shaft of the tube-foot or
podion (pd).
The water-vascular system round the peristome of an irregular
Echinoid is shown in Fig. X L I V The water-vascular ring (w.v.r)
lies above the peristomial membrane, and just above the circumoeso-
phageal nerve ring, which can be seen in the figure, connecting the
five ambulacral nerve cords (am.n).
T h e walls of the podia are strengthened by calcareous spicules,
and expand at the end into a sucker. The function of the tube-
feet is to help in locomotion. T h e sucker is pressed against a
smooth surface; water from the reservoir or ampulla is driven
into the podion, and the tube-foot is thus rendered tense and rigid.
The rosette of plates in the sucker is pulled backward, w h e n a
vacuum is left between the sucker and the surface against which it
is pressed. Firm attachment is thus secured, and the animal can
drag itself along (for action, see Fig. X L I L ) . So powerful are
these suckers that, by their means, the Echinoids of the genus Coiobo-
centrotus (Fig. X X X I V . ) can cling to exposed rock surfaces, fully
exposed to the surf of a coral reef.
The supply of water to the water-vascular system is introduced
by a membranous vessel—the stone-canal (s.e)—which rises from
the circumoesophageal ring, and is attached to the plate of the
apical system which bears the madreporite (m). A s w e have seen,
this plate is perforated by m a n y small pores, through which water
can pass into the stone-canal. Owing to the small size of the
pores, the water isfilteredas it enters. In Echinus esculentus the
stone-canal is membranous, and the n a m e therefore appears inap-
propriate. T h e n a m e was first applied to this canal in the genus
Cidaris, in which it is hard and calcareous. The flow of water in
the interior is regulated by five "Polian vesicles," situated on
the circumoesophageal ring, and acting as reservoirs. The latest
account of the function of these vessels is given by Uexkiill (82).
The main points in the distribution of the water-vascular vessel
can be easily verified; but the Blood-vascular or haemal System
is more obscure. T h e most important structure is an ovoid body
(Fig. VII. d.o), situated beside the stone-canal; it is k n o w n as
the " dorsal or axial organ," and by other names (see Chapter VIII.
pp. 23, 25). Its canal joins above with the stone-canal; it is said
to open to the exterior through the madreporite, but this is denied
by some authorities (as H a m a n n ) . R o u n d the upper end of the
" canal of the dorsal organ" is a circular canal k n o w n as the
"genital ring," which appears to be connected with a series of
haemal vessels or lacunae which surround the dorsal organ. In
this case it must be also connected with a ring round the oesophagus,
from which five branches pass downward beside the pharynx, and
then run up along the test below the ambulacra. The "circum-
oesophageal haemal vessel" is connected with a haemal vessel which
runs along the inner side of the stomach.
A third group of canals or vessels consists of a circular sinus
round the oesophagus, from which five branches run up the ambu-
lacra between the radial water-vascular vessels and the radial nerve
gonad there aborts; the gonads thus occur as two lateral pairs, and
increase the bilateral symmetry of the Echinoid. This is further
strengthened by changes in the structure of the apical system
of plates. This system, as in Cidaris or Echinus (Fig. I.), consists
of a double circle of plates. T h e inner circle is formed by the
five genital plates, which are often called the basals. A s the
latter n a m e has been given to them on the ground that they are
the homologues of the basal plates in Crinoids, the older n a m e of
genitals is here retained. The outer circle of plates occur in the
angles between the genitals, and as they bear the " oculi," they
are called the oculars; they have in turn been regarded as homo-
logous with the radial plates of the Crinoid cup and called "radials,"
while Cuenot, on a different theory of homology, calls them the
" terminals." A s the double circle of plates surrounds the anus,
this form of apical system is k n o w n as " endocyclic." F r o m its
typical arrangement, as seen in Cidaris, variation takes place in
two directions. The extreme of one line is seen in Tiarechinus (Fig.
XVIII.) and Lysechinus, in which the apical system of plates forms
either half or nearly the whole of the test. In the other direction the
plates become less important; in Aspidodiadema (Fig. XXII.) they
form a single ring of ten plates; and in Asthenosoma (Fig. X.) they
^ are either reduced to ten rudimentary plates of no
^.ii®^p functional importance, or are altogether absent.
*?m?£& T h e membrane which lies between the anus
a-^—m 9 | a n d the genital plates is generally covered by num-
%$%&$ erous small plates, k n o w n as the " anal plates."
Fio. x. In some genera, such as Acrosalenia, some
Apical system of of the anal plates are large and thick, and are
«,s anai,,iaopenn^.' firmly attached to the genitals. O n e of these
at£ r P , a n d F ' S a r " Plat.es m a 7 increase at the expense of the rest,
until, as in the genus Saienia, there is one large
suranal plate attached to the genitals (Fig. X I X . ) . This plate
has been regarded as the homologue of the imaginary dorso-
central plate of the Crinoids. This plate pushes the anus back-
ward from its originally central position.
A tendency towards the retrogression of the anus is shown
in all groups of Echinoids. O n e of its effects is the pulling
out of the posterior plates of the apical system, and the consoli-
dation and increase of those in front. Thus in Zeugloplmrus the
anterior genitals meet along the middle line, while the posterior
genitals become narrow and are completely separated from one
another by the oculars. In Pygaster (Fig. X I . 1) the retrogression
has become so marked that the anus lies just outside the apical
system, which is therefore " exocyclic." In Clypeus (Fig. X I 2 3)
the anus becomes completely detached from the apical system
which is no longer a ring of plates, but a compact group.
In Echinus the madreporite (Fig. I. m), or the opening of the
water-vascular system, is on the right anterior genital plate. After
the anus has receded from the apical system, the madreporite
begins to follow it. In a simple compact apical system the pores
of the water-vascular aperture occur only in the right anterior
corner of the system. Such a system is said to be " ethmophract,"
as in Discoidea or Micraster (Fig. X I . 4). In more advanced forms
the pores and the plate on which they open extend backward until
ambulacra then form the " trivium," and the two posterior form
the "bivium." This m a y be clearly seen in the c o m m o n Chalk
Echinoid, Echinocorys scutatus, Leske (syn. Ananchytes ovatus, Lam.),
(Fig. X X X V 2). In some cases the separation of the trivium and
bivium becomes greater; it is finally completed in the Jurassic
genus Collyrites, and the living genus Pourtalesia, in which the
apical system is broken up into two parts, separated by a zone of
ordinary interambulacral plates.
Important changes also take place in the plates of the test,
affecting both their structure and arrangement.
The Interambulacral Plates are biserial in the great majority
of Echinoidea, but they m a y be uiiiserial, triserial, or multiserial.
Each plate m a y bear one tubercle or more than one; to increase
the strength of the muscular attachment of the spine, the mamelon
fe o>
tea °S
4 Fio. XII. 5
Types of ambulacral plates. 1, cidaroid ; 2, diademoid ; 3, arbacioid ; 4, echinoid ;
5, cyphosomoid. d, demiplates; p, primary plates.
S U B - C L A S S 1. R E G U L A R I A E N D O B R A N C H I A T A .
.Bothriocidaris Pahleni Schmidt; Ordovician, Russia. 1, from the side ; 2, apical system;
3, peristomial plates. The interambulacral plates are shaded.
through the sutures between the plates. Near the aboral pole the
ambulacra are narrower and pores occur in the plates. Genus—
Palaeodiscus, Salter, from the Silurian of Ludlow. It is the most
primitive of k n o w n Echinoids and has been frequently assigned to the
Stelleroida. T h e main radial water-vascular vessels appear, however,
to have passed along the inside of the test instead of below or outside
the ambulacral plates, as in Stelleroids (Salter, 4 2 on p. 280, ante; Neu-
mayr, 64 ; Gregory, 36).
F A M I L Y 2. E C H I N O C Y S T I D A E . Cystocidaroida, in which the ambulacra
consist of narrow plates, each perforated by a pore-pair. T h e pore-pairs
are biserial; most of the plates are low primaries, but demi-plates also
occur. Genus—Echinocystis, W y v . Thonis. (non Hall), Silurian; one of
the most remarkable of k n o w n Echinoids. It has no apical system of
plates, and the anus and madreporite both open independently in the
posterior interradius. T h e genus is therefore sometimes described as
exocyclic, but it is really acyclic (Gregory, 36).
ORDER 3. Cidaroida.
Fio. XVI.
1, Palceechinus sphaericus, M'Coy; Carboniferous. 3, A plate and spine of Archaeocidaris
urtt, Flein.; Carboniferous. S, Cidaris glandifera, Goldf.; Jurassic. U, Hemicidaris intermedia,
Fleni.; Mid. Jurassic. 5, Salenia jietalifera, Desm.; Cretaceous. 6, Dysaster ringens A g •
Jurassic. 7, Enallaster Greenovi, Forbes; Cretaceous. 8, Catopygus columbarius. Lani •
Cretaceous. ' *'
XVI. 2), and Lepidocidaris, Meek & Worthen, both Carboniferous. In
the latter some of the ambulacral plates are demi-plates. Xenocidaris
k n o w n from spines only, m a y also belong here.
F A M I L Y 3. C I D A R I D A E . Cidaroida with ambulacral pore-pairs uni-
serial and plates all primaries. Interambulacral plates in t w o vertical
series in each area. Test rigid, as the plates do not imbricate. Several
rows of interambulacral and ambulacral plates pass o n to the peristomial
m e m b r a n e . T h e family includes the living genus Cidaris, Leske, with
its numerous subdivisions—Rhabdocidaris, Chondrocidaris, Stereocidaris
Discocidaris, Tylocidaris, Typocidaris, Dorocidaris, etc. Goniocidaris Des.'
Orthocidaris, Cott,; Temnocidaris, Cott.; Polycidaris, Quenst, are also
genera of this family. Cidaris is one of the most primitive' of recent
Echinoids, and therefore one of the most instructive.
Flu. XVLi.
Cidaris (Stereocidaris) subvesiculvsa, d'Orbigny ; from the Chalk.
ORDER 4. Melonitoida.
Echinoidea Regularia Endobranchiata, in which the peristome is cen-
tral on the lower surface, and the periproct central on the upper surface,
surrounded by the apical system of plates. T h e ambulacra each consist of
two or more rows of simple plates, of which some or all m a y be demi-
plates, or klasma-plates. T h e interambulacral plates are covered by
granules bearing short, simple spines; but occasional tubercles m a y occur.
It should he remembered that the respiratory function of these organs is still
There are more than two vertical series in each interambulacrum. There
is a masticatory apparatus, but no external gills. T h e order is therefore
endocyclic, gnathostomate, anectobranchiate, with simple ambulacral
plates, and having granulate interambulacrals.
This order represents an offshoot from the main Cidarid stem. It
began in the Silurian, attained its m a x i m u m in the Carboniferous, and
became extinct in the Permian. There are three families in the order,
and these form an evolutionary series. All differ from the Cidaroida,
by having granular instead of unituberculate plates, which, by itself,
however, is not a character of ordinal importance. T h e main feature
is the great increase in the importance of the ambulacral areas, reminding
us of Bothriocidaris. This character is well developed in the two more
specialised families, but in the Palaeechinidae it is only just appearing.
Thus the family named is closely allied to the members of the Cidaroida,
and is separated from that order only as it marks the beginning of a
very remarkable type of Echinoid structure.
F A M I L Y 1. P A L ^ E C H I N I D A E . Melonitoida, in which the ambulacral
plates are essentially biserial (or in one case triserial). Most of the
plates are primaries, and the remainder long, narrow, demi-plates. T h e
plates of the test are rigidly attached. O n e row of interambulacral
plates passes on to the peristomial membrane. Genera—Palcecchinus,
M'Coy (pars), and Rhoechinus, Keeping; and perhaps also Perischocidaris,
N e u m a y r (syn. HomotoecJms, Sollas). T h e family is separated from the
Melonitidae, owing to the great difference in the characters of the
ambulacra; but it is regarded as the ancestral group from which that
family was derived. Rhoechinus is the simplest genus, and includes those
with the pore-pairs in a single series. Palceechinus, which ranges from
the Silurian to the Carboniferous, includes those in which the pore-pairs
are biserial, and demi-plates occur (Fig. X V I . 1).
F A M I L Y 2. M E L O N I T I D A E . Melonitoida, in which the ambulacral
plates are all small, simple klasma-plates, which are multiserial in arrange-
ment. These form broad areas. T h e test is rigid. O n e row of inter-
ambulacral plates passes on to the peristomial membrane. This family
represents a marked advance on the previous one. T h e tendency
towards the crowding of the ambulacral plates and the reduction of m a n y
of them into klasma-plates has m a d e great progress. Genera—Oligoporus,
M e e k & Worthen, Carboniferous; the plates agree in general character
with those of Palozechinus, but the ambulacral plates are quadriserial
instead of biserial. Melonites, Norwood & O w e n , Carboniferous * the
process has gone further, and each ambulacrum consists of from six
to sixteen vertical series.
F A M I L Y 3.- L E P I D E S T H I D A E . Melonitoida, in which the ambulacral
plates are small klasma-plates, multiserial in arrangement. T h e plates
of the test imbricate. N o n e of the interambulacral plates pass on to the
peristomial membrane. This family is the extreme type of the Meloni-
toida, and represents a condition in which the plate arrangement becomes
most irregular. It includes the species with the greatest n u m b e r of plates
in the ambulacra. T h e plates being thin and small, the test is necessarily
fragile, a danger to the animal obviated by the imbrication of the plates.
Tiarechinus pi-inceps, Neumayr; Trias, Tyrol. 1, from the side; 2, from below ;
3, the apical system (magnified).
S U B - O R D E R 2. A R B A C I N A .
1 Fio. XXI.
Arbacia nigra. 1, ambulacral plate ; 2, interambulacral plate showing articular
pits (p) and knobs (V).
Fio. X X I V .
l<Vi. XXIII. Compound ambulacral
Compound ambula- plate of Pseudodiadema
hemisphaerica, containing a FIG. X X V .
cral plates of Pseudo-
diadema hemispltaerica ; demi-plate (d). Compound ambulacral plates
the simple diademoid of Placodiadema Miehelini (after
type of three primaries. Duncan); one formed of four ami
Uio other offivecomponents.
plate (d). This family includes fourteen genera ranging from the Lias
to recent times, viz. Diadema, Gray; Pseudodiadema, Desor (Figs. XXIII.,
XXIV.); Microdiadema, Cott. ; Diademopsis, Desor ; Hemipedind, Wright ;
Kchinodiadema, Cott. ; Pleurodiadema, Lor. ; Placodiadema, Dune. (Fig.
X X V . ) ; Heterodiadema, Cott. ; Codiopsis, L. Ag. ; Magnosia, Mich. ;
Cottaldia, Des. ; Centrostephanus, Peters ; Helikodiadema, Gregory.
F A M I L Y 3. D I P L O P O D I I D A E . Diademina in which the ambulacral
Compound ambulacral plates
Fio. X X V I . of Pedina Smithi; one plate
Ambulacral plates of Diplopodia consists of three primaries,
rersipora (after Duncan), showing the and one of a central primary
biserial arrangement of the pore-pairs. and two demi-plates (d); the
pore-pairs occur in oblique
series, with three pairs in each.
plates are compound ; the pore-pairs are biserial either throughout the
area, or at least near the peristome (Fig. XXVI.). Genera—Diplopodia,
M'Coy ; Phymechinus, Des.; Asteropsis, Cott.; Diplotagma, Schliiter;
Plistophyma, Peron & Gauthier; (?) Acanthechinus, Duncan & Sladen ;
Micropyga, A. Ag.
F A M I L Y 4. P E D I N I D A E . Diademina in which the ambulacral plates
are compound and the pore-pairs are triserial (Fig. XXVII.). Genera—
Pedina, Ag.; Pseudopedina, Cott. ; Heterocidaris, Cott. ; Stomechinus, Des.;
FIG. X X I X .
Asthenosoma hystrix. Oral surface ; the tips of the jaws are seen protruding through
the peristomial membrane.
spines are covered by epithelium, and when handled can inflict a sharp
S U B - O R D E R 4. E C H I N I N A .
the simplest forms of the Echinina both characters are further developed. In
the Chalk genera, Glyphocyphus and Zeuglopleurus (Fig. XXXI.), the sutures
are excavated by deep hollows, while the plates
are thickened by granules and ridges. From
such forms as these there is a gradual transi-
tion to others with deep pits, which dowel
into the plates, as in Temrwplewrus (Fig.
X X X I L ) . The transition from the diademine
to echinine type of ambulacral plates is
shown by Zeuglopleurus and Ortholophus. In
the former the plates consist of three fused
primaries, separated by free primaries. The
middle primary is often very small, and in
Ortholophus is often reduced to a demi-plate.
The plates then have the arrangement typical
of Echinus. From this oligoporous plate
the polyporous strongylocentrotoid type is
Fio. X X X .
produced by the development of one or
Radial muscle of Asthenosoma.
(After P. and F. Sarasin.)
more demi-plates between the aboral and
adoral primaries.
This sub-order began in the Cretaceous.
F A M I L Y 1. T E M N O P L E U R I D A E . Echinina in which the compound
ambulacral plates are formed of three constituents. In the oldest and
most primitive forms the three plates are all primaries ; in the later and
more specialised types the middle plate is crowded into a demi-plate
(i.e. the plates are on the Echinoid type). There is a great development
of superficial ornamentation, and the plates are
hollowed or undermined by depressions or pits.
S U B - F A M I L Y 1. G L Y P H O C Y P H I N A E . Temnopleuridae
in which the compound ambulacral plates are com-
posed of three primaries ; the plates are united by
dowelling, but there are no sutural pits. G e n e r a —
Glyphocyphus, Haime (syn. Rhdbdopleurus, Cott);
Zeuglopleurus, Greg. ; Echinocyphtts, Cott.; Paradox-
echinus, Laube ; Leiocyphus, Cott. S U B - F A M I L Y 2.
O R T H O L O P H I N A E . Temnopleuridae in which the com-
pound ambulacral plates are composed of two primaries
and an intermediate demi-plate. The plates are united
by dowelling, but there are no sutural pits. Genera
—Ortholoph-us, Dune.; Coptophyma, Peron & Gauth.;
Lepidopleurus, Dune. & Slad. ; (?) Trigonocidaris, A.
Ag.; Dictyopleurus, Dune. & Slad.; Arachniopleurus,
Dune. & Slad. (Radiocyphus, Cott). S U B - F A M I L Y 3. ZeuglopUtirus costula-
TEMNOPLEURINAE. Temnopleuridae in which the tus, Greg.; plates of
compound ambulacral plates are composed of two upper part of an ambu-
primaries and an intermediate demi-plate. True lacrum showing simple
and compound plates
sutural pits occur, and these often undermine the and grooved sutures.
plates (Fig. X X X I L ) . Genera — Temnopkums, Ag.; Temnechinus,
Forbes; Opechinus, Desor; Pleurechinvu, Ag.; Saimacis, Ag.; Salma-
copsis, Doderlein; Mespilia, Desor; Microcyphus, Ag. ; Amblypneustes,
Ag. ; Goniopneustes, Dune.; (?) Holopneustes, Ag.; (1) Grammechinus, Dune.
& Slad.
F A M I L Y 2. T R I P L E C H I N I D A E . Echinina in which the ambulacral plates
consist of two primaries and an intermediate demi-plate. The three pairs
of pores are arranged in arcs of triplets; the sutural faces of all plates
are smooth ; and there are no pits or grooves in their substance ; so that
in these three respects the Triplechinidae differ from the Temnopleuridae,
though an approach to this family is shown by Grammechinus. G e n e r a —
Echinus, Linn. ; Psammechinus, Ag. ; Micropsina, Cott. ; Leiopedina, Cott.;
Tripneustes, Ag. ( = Hipponoe); Stirechinus, Desor ; Glyptechinus, Lor. ;
Hybechinus, Desor ; Toxopneustes, A. Ag. ; Boletia, Desor; Evechinus,
Verrill; Pedinopsis, Cott.
Temrwpleurus toreumaticus (after Agassiz), showing the pitted test.
FIO. X X X I I I .
Heteroccntrotu? mammillatus (after Agassiz), showing relation of primary and secondary spines.
FIO. X X X I V .
Colobocentrotus atratus, showing the tessellate arrangement of the spines.
S U B - C L A S S 3. I R R E G U L A R I S , Desor.
Echinoidea in which the anus lies outside the apical system of plates
in the posterior interradius.
O R D E R 1. Gnathostomata, Zittel.
Echinoidea Irregularia with a central peristome surrounded by a
perignathic girdle ; jaws present, but sometimes rudimentary. Ambu-
lacra all similar.
S U B - O R D E R 1. H O L E C T Y P I N A .
they are narrower than the ambulacral plates in the extra-petaloid portions
which expand laterally, and are m u c h broader than the interambulacra.
In the simplest members of this group the interambulacra are, however,
" continuous" from apical system to peristome (as in Laganum) ; but in
the more advanced, such as Rotula, the interambulacra are " discontinuous,"
the ambulacra meeting one another and cutting off the interambulacral
peristomial plate from its connection with the rest of the interambulacrum.
Another feature peculiar to this sub-order is the presence of a series of
furrows on the lower surface of the test ; these are k n o w n as the actinal
furrows, and they are either straight, as in the Clypeastridae, or bifurcating,
as in the Scutellidae.
F A M I L Y 1. F I B U L A R I I D A E . Clypeastrina with ambulacra in rudi-
mentary open petals. T h e interambulacral plates are continuous. The
pillars are slightly developed. T h e perignathic girdle consists of five
support than it could obtain from the margin of the test; this is given by
numerous pillars which connect the upper and lower walls. T h e external
margin is often notched, as in Scutella; the notches m a y deepen into
" slits " separated by finger-shaped processes, as in Rotula (Fig. IX.). In
some genera two adjacent processes unite at their free ends, and a hole
is left through the test; such holes are k n o w n as " lunules," and occur in
Mellita, Monoplwra, etc. All the interambulacral areas are discontinuous
in some genera, e.g. Encope, but in Rotula and Mellita one or two of the
areas m a y be continuous from peristome to apex.
F A M I L Y 4. C L Y P E A S T R I D A E . Clypeastrina with closed petaloid
ambulacra. T h e interambulacral plates are discontinuous; the peri-
stomial plate is small. There are two perignathic processes in each
area, and they are ambulacral in position. T h e actinal furrows are
straight. S I B - F A M I L Y 1. C L Y P E A S T R I N A E . Massive Clypeastridae with
closed petals; usually high. Genera—Clypeaster, Lam.; Echinanthus,
Leske ( = Diplothecanthus, D u n e ) ; Plesianthm, D u n e ; Auomalanthus,
Bell; Monodyehia, Laube. S U B - F A M I L Y 2. A R A C H N O I D I N A E . Flat, low
Clypeastridae with open petals. Genera—Arachnoides, Ag.; Alexandria,
Pfeffer. These genera are usually included as a sub-family of
Scutellidae, which they resemble in external form. Their structure,
however, allies them more nearly with the Clypeasters, with which they
agree in all fundamental characters. They diil'er from the Scutellidae
by having (1) a very small peristomial interambulacral plate, which in
some species m a y be absent in several areas ; v2) straight, simple, actinal
furrows ; (3) five pairs of ambulacral perignathic processes.
W e have seen that the upper parts of the ambulacra of Clyveaster, etc.,
are modified into petals. In one section of the Atelostomata there is an
analogous expansion of the ambulacra round the peristome into " floscelles."
FIG. xxxviii.
The types of Spataugoid bterna. 1, nieiidostenious ; 3, 4, amphislernous ; i, intermediate.
1, Echinoeorys seutatus ; 2, Toxasterricordeanus;3, Cassidulus parificus; 4, Spatangus purpureas.
m, mouth ; a, anus.
Fio. X L .
Compound fasciole on part of test of Mocropneutles. (After Agassiz.)
s.a. •"
Fio. X L I .
Diagram of ai Spatengoid Echinoid showing arrangement of the fascioles. i, internal fascinlA •
a, peripetalous fasciole ; I, lateral fasciole ; m, marginal fasciole ; s.a, subanal fasciole" a.^anul'
Brissopsis lyrifera, Forbes, sp., showing podia in action, and peripetalous fasciole.
(After Loven).
Hemimter Philippii, with young echinoids in the marsupia. (After Wyville Thomson.)
FIG. X L I V .
Peristomial region of Spatangus purjrurens seen from inside the test (after Loven). I-V, the
Live ambulacra in which the vertical series are each marked <i or 6.
Fio XLV.
The Heart Urchin {Spatangus imrimreus). Abactinal side.
Fio. XLVI.
Pourtalesia Jeffreysi (Wyv. Thomson).
1. Agassiz, A. 1872-74. (Revision of the Echini.) 111. Cat. Mus. Com p. Zool.-
Harvard, No. vii. 2 vols. 762 pp. 94 pis.
2. 1881. (Report on the Echinoidea dredged by H.M.S. C/iallenger
during the years 1873-76.) Rep. Chall. Exped. Zool., vol. iii. 321 pp.
45 pis.
3. 1883. (Report on the Echini. Results of dredging by the Blake
No. xxiv. pt. 1.) M e m . Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, vol. x. No. i. 94
pp. 32 pis.
4. Agassiz, L. 1835. (Prodrome d'une Monographic des Radiaires ou Echino-
dermes.) M e m . Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, vol. i. pp. 168-199.
5. Agassiz, L., Desor, E., and Valentin, G. 1838-42. ^tonographies d'Echino-
dermes vivans et fossiles, Nos. i.-iv.; and Anatomie, No. i. 4to, Neuchatel
6. Agassiz, L., and Desor, E. 1846-48. (Catalogue raisonnc des families, des
genres et des especcs de la classc des Echinodermes.) Ann. Sci. Nat
Zool., ser. 3, vols, vi., vii., and viii. 167 pp. 2 pis.
7. Bell, F. J. 1881. (The Echinometridae.) Proc. Zool. Soc. for 1881, pp.
8 1889
- - (Report of a Deep-sea Trawling Cruise off the S.W. Coast of
Ireland. Echinodermata.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. iv. pp.
432-445, pis. xviii., xix.
- ~ 1891 - (On the Arrangement and Inter-relations of the Classes of the
Echinodermata.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 6, vol. viii. pp. 206-215.
1 1892
°- - Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum,
xvii. and 202 pp. 16 pis.
11. BMschli, 0. 1892. (Versuch des Ableitung des Echinoderms aus einer
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15. — — 1885-94. (Echinides.) Paleont. francaise, Terrains tertiaires
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16. Cotteau, G. H., Peron, P. A., and Gauthier, V 1876-91. Echinides fos-
siles de l'Algerie, 3 vols. 8vo, Paris.
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18. Dcsmoulins, C. 1835-37. Memoires sur les Echinides. 8vo, Bordeaux,
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19. Desor, E. 1855, 1857-58. Synopsis des Echinides fossiles. 4to, Geneve,
Paris, and Wiesbaden, lxiv. and 490 pp. 43 pis.
20. Dodcrlein, L. 1887. Die JapanesLschen Seeigel, Theil 1. 4to, Stuttgart,
59 pp. 11 pis.
21. Dujardin F., and Hup6, H. 1862. Histoire naturelle des Zoophytes Echino-
dermes. 8vo, Paris, 628 pp. 10 pis.
22. Duncan, P. M. 1885. (Structure of the Ambulacra of some Fossil Genera
and Species of Regular Echinoidea.) Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xii.
1885, pp. 419-453.
23. 1888. (On some Points in the Anatomy of the Temnopleuridae.)
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 6, vol. i. pp. 109-131, pi. xi.
24. 1890. (A Revision of the Genera and Great Groups of the Echinoidea.)
Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool., vol. xxiii. pp. 1-311.
25. Duncan, P. M., and Sladen, W. P. 1882-86. (The Fossil Echinoidea of
Sind.) Pal. Ind., ser. xiv. vol. i. pt. 3, 382 pp. 58 pis.
26. 1883. (The Fossil Echinoidea of Kachh and Kattywar.) Pal.
Ind., ser. xiv. vol. i. pt. 4, 104 pp. 13 pis.
27. Gauthier, V. 1889. (Description des Echinides fossiles recueillis dans
la region sud des hauts-plateaux de la Tunisie, par M . P. Thomas.)
Exploration Scient. Tunisie. Paris, 116 pp. in 8vo, 6 pis. in 4to.
28. 1892. Notes sur les Echinides. cretaces recueillis en Tunisie, par
M . Aubert. 8vo, Paris, annexe de la carte geol. de la Tunisie, 52 pp. i pis.
29. Gray, J. E. 1825. (An Attempt to Divide the Echimda or Sea-Eggs into
Natural Families.) Ann. Phil., vol. x. pp. 423-431.
Kreide.) Abb. preuss. geol. Landesanst., vol. iv. Heft 1 ; and new ser.
vol. v. ; in all 315 pp. 21 pis.
75. Sekliiter, CI. 1897. (Ueber einige vofi Goldfuss beschriebene Spatangideu.)
Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. xlviii. pp. 963-975.
76. • 1897. (Ueber einige exocyclische Echiniden der baltischen Kreide
und dereri Bett.) Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. xlix. pp. 18-50,
pis. i., ii.
77. Stewart, C. (On Certain Organs of the Cidaridae.) Trans. Linn. Soc
Lend., ser. 2, Zool., vol. i. 1879, pp. 569-572.
78. Theel, H. 1892. (On the Development of Echinocyamus pusillus.) N o v a
Acta R. Soc. Sci. Upsala, ser. 3, vol. xv. fasc. 1, No. 6.
79. Thomson, C. Wyrille. 1861. (On a N e w Palaeozoic Group of Echino-
dermata.) Edin. N e w Phil. Journ., n.s., vol. xiii. pp. 106-117, pis.
iii., iv.
80. 1874. (On the Echinoidea of the Porcupine Deep-Sea Dredging
Expeditions.) Phil. Trans., vol. clxiv. pp. 719-756.
• — - 1876. (Notice of some Peculiarities in the M o d e of Propagation of
certain Echinoderms of the Southern Sea.) Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool., vol.
xiii. pp. 55-79.
82. Uexktill, J. von. 1896. (Ueber die Function der Polischen Blasen a m
Kauapparat der regularen Seeigel.) Mitth. Zool. Stat. Naples, vol. xii.
pp. 463*476, pi. xxi.
83. Wright, T. 1857-78. Monograph of the British Fossil Echinodermata of
the Oolitic Formations, vol. i. Echinoidea, xiv. and 481 pp. 43 pis.
London: Palaeontogr. Soc.
1864-82. Monograph of the British Fossil Echinodermata of the
Cretaceous Formations, vol. i. Echinoidea, xxviii. and 371 pp. 80 pis.
London: Palaeontogr. Soc.
85. Zittel, K. A. Handbuch der Paliiontologie, vol. i. pt. iii. 1879.
To names of Classes, Orders, Sub-Orders, and Genera ; to technical terms ; and to
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