Important Notes About Leaky Gut Syndrome and Shingles
Important Notes About Leaky Gut Syndrome and Shingles
Important Notes About Leaky Gut Syndrome and Shingles
Leaky_Gut Syndrome
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Mouth ulcers, anal fissure, malnutrition due to poor absorption.
Inflammatory digestive conditions. This results in malabsorption of nutrients in food,
leading to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, anaemia and thin bones (osteoporosis).
Naturopathic recommendations
People with compromised digestive systems have found relief from eliminating certain
foods from their diet. Studies show that removing certain common foods, such as dairy,
wheat, corn, yeast, eggs, pork, chicken, lamb, shellfish and beef, can bring blessed relief
from pain and inflammation, while their return can cause a flare-up. The improvement
that follows an elimination diet appears to be long-lasting.To try an elimination diet, see
a qualified naturopath.
Alcohol, painkillers (e.g. aspirin) and non-steroidal, anti inflammatory drugs increase the
permeability of the gut, leading to leaky gut syndrome. Saturated animal fats, red meat,
dairy products and coffee increase the inflammatory response by stimulating the production of inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Eliminate nightshade foods (e.
g. potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant) to help relieve muscle pain.The majority of
cases can benefit from a diet that eliminates dairy and all grains except rice, all refined
carbohydrates, MSG, soda drinks, artificial foods, and sugars and processed foods.
Eat more cold-water fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, swordfish, shark,
cod and halibut as an alternative way of obtaining anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids
(EFA). These fish contain high concentrations of omega 3 fatty acids which have also
been documented as inhibiting the inflammatory or allergic response. If fish is either
unpalatable or not readily available in certain inland areas, supplementation of 9g-12g
daily with fish oil capsules is an alternative.
Drink 8 glasses daily of chamomile, lemon balm, St John's Wort, verbena and other
herb teas, and fresh water.
Add flax oil to salads and vegetables as a salad dressing. For example, you can mix 1
Tbsp with lemon juice, salt and pepper and toss with salad.
Evening Primrose oil (3000mg daily) and Flaxseed oil (2 Tbsp daily) or Fish oil (3000mg
daily) May help reduce leaky gut syndrome and inflammation. Flax oil contains EFA
components of membranes that surround each cell. Lack of EFA causes cells to leak.
Incompletely digested food molecules can be inappropriately absorbed into the systemic circulation. This can lead to various diseases and the development of food allergies.
Colostrum Helps to heal the leaky gut and destroy microbes that can colonise the gut
causing infections and releasing toxins into the blood stream, leading to inflammatory
responses. Take 4g daily.
Other beneficial supplements include Glutamine (3g daily), Glucosamine (1500mg
daily) and Chondroitin (1200mg daily) to help heal the leaky barrier of the gut; and a
Multi vitamin and mineral formula that contains Zinc (15mg-45mg daily), Vitamin A
(50001U-8000IU daily), Vitamin E (200IU-400IU daily) and Folic acid (200mcg400mcg daily) to heal cell membranes in the stomach wall. Aloe Vera (20m1 3 times
daily), and Acidophilus and Bifidus (1 billion daily) are also complementary nutrients to aid digestion and heal the gut lining.
220 Lymphoedema
Slippery Ehn Mix 1 tsp in a glass of water and drink quickly, to heal inflamed gastric
membranes. This should be taken separately from the other herbs.
Marshmallow Works in a similar way to Slippery Elm. Marshmallow has a demulcent (
protective) action and is rich in mucilage, soothing and protecting irritated or inflamed
internal tissue. It also binds and eliminates toxins, allowing the body to cleanse itself. Take
1.5g before meals daily.
Chamomile Helps recovery from inflammatory processes in the stomach and mucous
membranes.Take 2g-4g 3 times daily in a herbal tea infusion.
Liquorice Soothes and coats the lining of the stomach reducing inflammation, works on
adrenals and is excellent for healing the digestive system.Take lg-5g daily. Do not take this
without naturopathic supervision if you have hypertension or extreme water retention.
Other helpful herbs include Wild Yam, Lemon Balm, St John's Wort and Verbena.
These herbs are wonderful for inflammation, nervousness, anxiety and mild depression
that can also be linked to leaky gut syndrome.
Schuessler tissue salts
Lymphoedema is a swelling of the limb(s) caused by a blockage of lymph flow through the
lymphatic system. The lymph system, or lymphatics as it's commonly called, may be
perceived as a poor cousin to the blood and circulatory system. Most people are unaware
that it even exists, yet it is no less important.
Impurities within the body are processed as waste matter from cells transported
via lymph vessels to lymph nodes, and then released into the bloodstream to be
excreted.The lymph system plays a vital role in waste elimination, as well as fluid distribution, immune function and metabolic regulation. Loss of proper lymphatic
function can cause waste accumulation and fluid stagnation in the tissues, water
retention, swollen lymph glands or nodes, and fibrocystic breasts.
260 Shingles
Acidophilus Helps to repopulate gut with 'good' bacteria and lessen bowel toxicity.Take 12 capsules daily that contain 1 billion of both Bifidus and Lactobacillus acidophilus strains._
Chickenpoxcanoccuratanyage,butits'mostcommoninchildrenfrom2-8yeaold.Thereforeshinglesinadultsmayresultfromtheherpesviruswaitngtostd/. fromchildhoodonward.Thisinfectionmaybecomeactiveinadultyearsintheforofshingles,soresorblistersandlocalisedpainalongthecourseofthesensorynervesTheshingleslesionsareoftenprecededbythreedaysoffeverandburningorirritaAdonoftheskin.Herpeszostersymptomsare
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Signs and symptoms
Pain and tingling may precede (by several days) the re-emergence of the virus into the
It then produces characteristic vesicles (blisters), papules (a small solid elevation of
skin) or bulbous lesions throughout the skin.
Secondary infection increases discomfort, and in an elderly person, intractable postpetic neuralgia may follow an attack of the shingles.
Small ulcers sometimes appear on the face in association with cranial nerve involvem
Trigeminal nerve disease can lead to infection of the eye.
Warning: Patients with shingles may be infectious. The virus can be spread from fresh
lesions by direct contact or by airborne transmission. Patients with shingles can be subject
to complications and, therefore, must be medically monitored.
Complications: Postherpetic neuralgia
Postherpetic neuralgia is pain in the zone of the previous eruption; it occurs in some 10%
of patients (often elderly). It is a burning, continuous pain that responds poorly to
analgesics. Depression is almost universal. Treatment (orthodox) is unsatisfactory but there
is a trend towards gradual recovery in two years.
Orthodox treatment includes drying, soothing creams like calamine lotion, antiseptic
powders to limit secondary infection, acyclovir taken orally 5 times daily, and prednisolone.
Herbal Topical cream can be used by those who do not want to use chemicals or wish
for a herbal or natural alternative. Try herbal creams with lysine and lemon balm herb, these
may be available from health stores and some pharmacies.
Some creams may spread the blisters. Do try to avoid any creams that have this effect.
Naturopathic recommendations
Lifestyle hints
As a run-down condition can bring on shingles and the illness itself is extremely weakening,
treatment aims to restore health and immune function.
Avoid extreme weather changes.
Apply ice to tingle if you feel a herpetic sore coming on.
Eat fresh fruit and vegetables that have been thoroughly washed then boiled or
steamed, or eat them raw. Choose green leafy vegetables and reduce consumption of
tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant.
Reduce consumption of all processed foods and eat foods that are prepared from scratch.
Increase intake of yoghurt.
Reduce consumption of protein as much as possible and eat only organic meats. Pro'
tein can encourage herpetic blisters and symptoms. If you do eat protein take the amino
acid supplement lysine to counteract the arginine amino acid that is linked to shingles
These foods trigger the spread of shingles: chicken, eggs, salmon, tuna, bacon, beef,
milk, stocks, almonds, peanuts, nuts, chocolate, brown rice, fried foods, corn and
possibly foods containing gluten.
Vitamin C Provides antioxidant protection against pollution and toxins. Take 1500mg
Lysine An amino acid that may help reduce blisters and aid healing. Take up to 6g daily.
Zinc Helps the body fight off a range of viral infections from strep and influenza to herpes
and the common cold.Take 45mg daily.
Olive Leaf extract Has several antiviral properties that help to boost the immune system
and may also help to eradicate viruses. Research shows that Olive Leaf extract with oleuropein can destroy the protein coating of the herpes virus, helping to reduce symptoms and
ongoing infection. Take 270mg of Olive Leaf extract 3 times daily.
In 1969, Harold E. Renis, PhD, a virologist with The Upjohn Company of Kalamazoo,
Michigan, proved that calcium elenolate from oleuropein in the Olive Leaf is virucidal for all
viruses against which it was tested. In particular, Dr. R.enis showed that calcium elms-late
kills the herpes virus, including the varicella zoster virus (VZ).
Astragalus The antiviral action of Astragalus is mainly due to increased immunity
interferon production. Take 500mg-lOg daily.
Pau D'Arco Effective against viral activity including herpes 1 and 2 and influenza.T 1.5g3.5g daily.
St John's Wort Has antiviral action against cold sores and herpes outbreaks. Take the
equivalent of 2g-5g of dried root daily.
Lemon Balm Add 1 handful of leaves to a pot of hot water. Cover with a plate and leave to
steep for 15 minutes.You may drink this tincture or add to baths, as a gargle etc. Best so use
as a preventative or when the first symptoms are felt or appear.
Capsaicin Derived from Cayenne, Capsaicin desensitises nerves. About 10% of all
patients with herpes zoster experience postherpetic neuralgia about 30 days after herpetic
infection. In 50% of cases, patients over the age of 60 may develop severe pain. Capsaicin
cream is used to provide relief from postherpetic pain from shingles, phantom limb pain,
cluster headaches, neuropathies, osteoarthritis and pain from skin conditions including psoriasis and puritis.101'04 In one study patients suffering from postherpetic neuralgia found
that a topical applications of Capsaicin cream (0.025%v Capsaicin) on painful areas was
beneficial." Should be continued for 4 weeks with a response expected at the end of the
four weeks of treatment. Hands must be washed thoroughly to avoid contact within the
eyes_ St John's Wort Has a specific effect on nerves, acting as a mild sedative, reducing
pain. and is beneficial for mild depression, anxiety and nervousness associated with
ongoing chronic pain.Take 2g-5g of dried herb or use topically (on the skin) as a tincture
poultice, cream or oil on nerve pain sites.
Californian Poppy Has mild analgesic and sedative properties. It also exhibits a relaxing
effect on the mind and has potential mood elevating actions without addictive side effects.
Take 900mg daily.
Jamaican Dogwood Used fOr neuralgia and insomnia due to its anti-inflammatory and
sedative effects. Take 2g-4g of dried root bark up to 3 times daily.
Acute viral respiratory infection.
Bacterial infection including many resistant to common antibiotics. The bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae cause most of all sinusitis cases. Staphylococcus
aureus is another bacterium that causes sinusitis.
Dental infection.
Allergies include hayfever, dairy and gluten (wheat, rye, barley and oats).