Biografi Thomas Alva Edison
Biografi Thomas Alva Edison
Biografi Thomas Alva Edison
laboratory were established as the Edison National Historic Site in 1955). In 1888 he invented
the kinetoscope, the first machine to produce films by a rapid succession of individual views.
Among his later noteworthy inventions was the Edison storage battery (an alkaline, nickel-iron
storage battery), the result of many thousands of experiments. The battery was extremely
rugged and had a high electrical capacity per unit of weight. He also developed a gramophone
in which the sound was impressed on a disc instead of a cylinder. This gramophone had a
diamond needle and other improved features. By synchronizing his gramophone and
kinetoscope, he produced, in 1913, the first sound film (see Cinema, Early Development of).
His other discoveries include the mimeograph, the microtasimeter (used for the detection of
minute changes in temperature), and a wireless telegraphic method for communicating with
moving trains. At the outbreak of World War I Edison designed, built, and operated plants for
the manufacture of benzene, carbolic acid, and aniline derivatives. In 1915 he was appointed
president of the United States Navy Consulting Board and in that capacity made many valuable
discoveries. His later work consisted mainly of improving and perfecting previous inventions.
Altogether, Edison patented more than 1,000 inventions. He was a technologist rather than a
scientist, adding little to original scientific knowledge. In 1883, however, he did observe the
flow of electrons from a heated filamentthe so-called Edison effectwhose profound
implications for modern electronics were not understood until several years later.
In 1878 Edison was appointed Chevalier of the Lgion d'honneur of France and in 1889 was
made Commander of the Lgion d'honneur. In 1892 he was awarded the Albert Medal of the
Royal Society of Arts of Great Britain and in 1928 received the Congressional Gold Medal for
development and application of inventions that have revolutionized civilization in the last
century. Edison died in West Orange on October 18, 1931.
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