Brad Pitt - Merlin Report
Brad Pitt - Merlin Report
Brad Pitt - Merlin Report
Brad Pitt
Dadhichi Toth
N. Node
2nd cusp
3rd cusp
5th cusp
6th cusp
Tropical Placidus
Standard time observed
GMT: 12:31:00
Time Zone: 6 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 35 N 19 38 96 W 55 30
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction : 7 Deg
Opposition : 5 Deg
: 5 Deg
Conjunct Asc: 3 Deg
Min Above, 5 Deg
: 5 Deg 00 Min
: 4 Deg 00 Min
: 3 Deg 00 Min
00 Min Below
develop, and will be in more evidence later in life rather than in your youth.
Though you may appear emotionally self-sufficient or above it all, your denied feelings can result in physical
problems, so it is wise and important for you to learn to acknowledge and express all of your emotions.
You may also find that you crave a great deal of liquid, or to live near bodies of water, as a way to gain
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 1:
Fire and Earth are Strong (F,E,A,W Scores = 22,24,2,1)
Air is Weak (F,E,A,W Scores = 22,24,2,1)
Water is Weak (F,E,A,W Scores = 22,24,2,1)
Chapter 2: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others
The following is a description of your basic stance towards life, the way others see you, the way you come
across, the face you show to the world. In Chapter 3 you will read about the "The Inner You: Your Real
Motivation", which describes the kind of person you are at heart and where your true priorities lie. Read this
chapter and the next one and compare them - there may be significant differences between them, in which case
"the inner you" may not shine through and others are in for some surprises when they get to know you at a more
than superficial level. This chapter describes the costume you wear, your role in life, while Chapter 3 talks about
the real person inside the costume.
High-spirited, enthusiastic, and exuberant, you love adventure, change, exploring new territory, and are not
happy confined to the same safe, familiar, secure little world all the time. You have a strong restlessness and
yearning for something greater than anything you've yet experienced, and you often live in your dreams and
visions for the future. You tend to believe that the grass is greener somewhere else and you like to keep moving,
either literally or figuratively. Idealistic and optimistic, you always expect something better ahead. You love to
have a goal, something to aim for, but once you achieve it you are on to something else. You are ever on the
lookout for new opportunities and you are a gambler, willing to take risks and to break new ground. The
possibility of discovering something new is what makes life interesting for you. You have great faith in life and
bounce back quickly from disappointment and failure.
Freedom-loving and independent, you cannot tolerate being caged for very long, and friends and loved ones
must respect your need for freedom of movement. Binding commitments and responsibilities often weigh
heavily upon you and you may resist "growing up" and taking on the limitations of adult life.
You are friendly and outgoing and have a great sense of fun and playfulness. You are also philosophically
minded and often quite outspoken about your convictions and beliefs. Sometimes you get carried away with
your enthusiasm of the moment and you tend to exaggerate. You are often a big talker, a big maker of promises,
and you are usually pretty convincing. You do everything in a big way, a generous way. You like to have the
best, and you heartily dislike stinginess, littleness, or pettiness. Your vision is always large. You are able to
perceive the big picture, general patterns and principles, and are well suited to politics, business, higher
education or religion.
Other people see you as a good sport and a good friend, but one who is not always consistent and dependable.
You may also be seen as a wise person since you do not get bogged down in pettiness and trivialities, and are
able to communicate a larger way of looking at situations, one that opens up new potentials. You are a person
who believes in miracles, grace, or just plain good luck, someone who never gives up on life, and you inspire
and encourage others to keep looking forward.
You seem quirky, unusual, offbeat and "different". Sometimes it seems you are trying to provoke people and
upset the status quo just by being yourself. You tend to be restless, excitable, and somewhat ungrounded or
nervous as well.
There is an intense and somewhat secretive or guarded quality about you which may make people around
you distinctly uncomfortable. They may feel you are constantly scanning their inner motives, and you probably
are. You see through anything phony, any false pretense -- and you may or may not be above using others'
Achilles' heels (which you perceive so clearly) against them. At times though, you may be too suspicious and
assign negative intentions to innocent people. Avoid looking always on the dark side.
You seem tolerant, broad-minded, and well-educated or as if you have traveled widely. You radiate a certain
distinction, even nobility. You're apt to have a significant impact on the people you encounter, without even
realizing it -- a positive, encouraging one.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 2:
Sagittarius Rising
Uranus Square Asc.
Pluto Square Asc.
Jupiter Trine Asc.
sexual matters. A very good articulator, you have the ability to play with words and could do well as a writer of
love stories.
Your way of thinking is greatly influenced by the conditions in your environment. In general, you prefer to be
alone and away from the stress in your surroundings, for your daily contact with others always seems to bring
some kind of trouble in one way or another.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 4:
Mercury in Capricorn
Mercury in 2nd house
Moon Conjunct Mercury
Mercury aspects Moon and Mars
Mercury Conjunct Mars
Mercury aspects Mars and Neptune
Mercury Sextile Neptune
Mercury Trine Pluto
Mercury Conjunct Moon/Mars
Mercury Conjunct Venus/Mars
Mercury Conjunct Saturn/Asc.
Your career is apt to involve protecting, caring, nurturing, or "mothering" in some aspect. Home, family
relationships, cherishing the past, continuing a tradition are also featured. You're apt to be quite popular through
your profession or business.
In many ways your rise in the world is an easy one, aided by your personal charm and attractiveness, your
ability to please people, and your excellent social instincts. Artistic ambitions are also an aspect of this.
Very community spirited, you have a strong sense of belonging when you are with other people. You like to
establish an inner contact with others and always strive for close cooperation with them.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 6:
Mars in Capricorn
Mars in 1st house
Mars Square Jupiter
Mars Trine Uranus
Mars Trine Pluto
Mars Conjunct Sun/Moon
Mars Conjunct Sun/Venus
Sun Square MC
Moon Trine MC
Venus Trine MC
MC Conjunct N. Node/Asc.
Now we will discuss patterns of behavior which you instinctively and habitually revert to when under stress a mostly unconscious process and one which you are apt to overdo because it is so familiar and thus easy for
you. The direction you need to follow in order to develop balance, greater awareness, and wholeness is also
When under stress you are apt to close down the flow of your emotions, ignoring your needs and feelings in
order to do what you perceive as your duty or simply what the practical realities of the situation require. This
can lead to a certain rigidity and hardness. If overdone, self-control, self-discipline, or an exaggerated concern
over what society, family or others expect of you makes life more a burden than an adventure.
Developing tenderness, caring, feeling, and the feminine, nurturing aspects of yourself is an important step in
your unfolding. You need to learn how to nourish and lovingly attend to both yourself and others. Letting
yourself be taken care of sometimes is okay!
The arena you are most likely to wrestle with these issues is in your marriage and other intimate, one-to-one
relationships. You may see the qualities you need to develop more fully (described above) in your partner. It is
important for you to recognize, appreciate, and listen to the people in your life who express such attributes, as
well as developing them yourself. Put energy and attention into learning about others, and about yourself
through others.
The specific habits which are likely to hold you back, or which you are prone to overdo, especially during
stressful periods, include:
Excessive thinking, rationalizing, talking, and overuse or misuse of your intellectual abilities, as well as
dissipating your energy in trivial activities.
Needing to be first all of the time, an aggressive or bossy attitude, impatience, irritability, overeager to use force
or violence to gain advantage, being too quick to fight or use confrontation.
You have a friendly, open and sociable manner and a strong desire to cultivate contact with warm and
congenial people. You may enjoy participating in artistic events and like to associate with art lovers.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 8:
Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn in 2nd house
Saturn Square Neptune
Saturn Conjunct Sun/Jupiter
Saturn Opposition N. Node/MC
N. Node in Cancer
N. Node in 7th house
N. Node Opposition Mercury
N. Node Opposition Mars
N. Node Opposition Sun/Venus
This will not be forced upon you or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning
and a natural propensity to seek the depths.
What is New and Different in Your Age Group
You are part of a 7 year group of people who employ their skills and creativity to bring about a great deal of
practical reform in education, medical care, and other social services. Your innovations are not radical or
unusual, but they are usually effective.
Your generation also has a curious mixture of both conservative, ethical people, and rebellious, disruptive
people. There seems to be little middle ground for your age group, and you swing to one extreme or the other.
The conservative people strive to reinstate strict moral standards, want to swiftly punish criminal behavior, and
strive to highlight the importance of old-fashioned values in our lives, laws, and overall life style. On the other
hand, the rebellious people of your generation are angry at the established way of doing things and act in a
defiant, crude, and coarse manner.
Astrological influences analyzed in Chapter 10:
Pluto in Virgo
Uranus Conjunct Pluto
Neptune in Scorpio
Neptune Sextile Pluto
Uranus in Virgo