Outlin Utk Project
Outlin Utk Project
Outlin Utk Project
Cover page
Contents page
Brief introduction state of marketplace, key definitions, and key industry issues (size, growth, etc.)
Background (examples of some key topics that need to be discussed - these are not exhaustive, but merely
What is key issue or the problem? Why is it important?
Market data? Other information?
Additional Hints:
Be careful about language, spelling, and grammar. I will deduct up to a full letter grade for excessive
mistakes in any of these areas.
Be sure to back up your statements with supporting data and analysis (be sure to cite any references).
Unsubstantiated statements will cost you points.
There is no set page requirement, but I guess a maximum of 15 pages should do it. This is in addition to
tables, appendices and relevant computer printouts. As a guideline, you should double-space paragraphs and
single space bulleted items that go past one line. Double space between separate bulleted items.
It may be a good idea to use a direct and to-the-point writing style (possibly with bullets) rather than long
paragraph style. However, make sure your report flows smoothly. A good way to do this is to have a brief
summary paragraph at the beginning of each major heading discussion to indicate what the section is about
and communicate relevant general information.
There will be a copy of a previous report in the main office for review. Feel free to check this out. Remember,
however, these projects were conducted in a different class and had different objectives. It may not be perfect,
or exactly the style I want, etc.)
Cover page
Contents page
Executive summary
A condensed version (no more than 5 pages) of Part one will be the first section of this report. At this
stage you may have to revise your contents page, executive summary, and may be parts of brief
Research Objective/question: what is the purpose of this part of report, what general issues can be
addressed, and what is (are) the key research objective(s) you have decided to focus on? Examples of
possible research objectives include: Why would anyone bother about the project topic or problem?
Research Questions are normally a list of information focused questions that need to be answered in order
to achieve the overall objective stated above. These could also be stated as hypotheses. We will discuss
possible examples in class as we progress, but it will be up to you to decide what questions to ask, how
deep into those questions to go, and how to organize your report around them. I suggest that you outline
the data analysis and findings part of your paper in terms of these questions. In order to make specific
recommendations regarding the project topic, what do you need to know first? Organize the list of
questions into key topic areas that will lead logically to your recommendations at the end.
Methodology and Data: Overview of sampling issues that you can infer from the data (i.e., sample size,
composition, etc.) Attach a summary copy of the survey in the appendix (be sure to refer to it in the text).
Data Analysis and Findings: This will be a large part of your paper. I recommend that you use a major
heading of Data Analysis for this section and then organize the rest of the discussion with subheadings
as described in point V above (i.e., by research question). For each research question or set of related
questions you should do the following:
i. State the hypothesis
ii. Describe what is being tested if necessary
iii. Indicate the appropriate statistical test
iv. Report results and interpret the meaning in a user-friendly manner.
Discuss implications if relevant. I suggest that you do not go on to make specific recommendations but
wait for the next section.
Note: In this data analysis section, you might find tables, charts, and graphs useful to summarize the
data in the report. However, you should still attach the actual SPSS printouts from your analysis in an
appendix at the end (NOT in the body of the report). When discussing specific findings in the report, be
sure to refer to the appropriate printouts in the Appendix (e.g., see Table 1a) and highlight with a
highlighter or bold text the key numbers of interest on the printout. You must attach the relevant
printouts from SPSS even if you use summary charts and graphs so that I can check to see you pulled
the right number, interpreted the results correctly, etc.
Conclusions and Recommendations: Summarize the key findings from the analysis section and draw
conclusions that will result useful recommendations. Examples include segmentation issues, promotion
Limitations of the Research: Discuss any problems you might have identified with the research that
indicate caution should be used in interpreting or acting upon the data. Also identify gaps in the current
research and provide future research direction (to fill this knowledge gap). For example, what type of
questions do you wish had been asked on the survey so you could provide a better picture or
recommendations? What customers do you wish you had data for?
References: You may have used information in your introduction section or in analysis (e.g., drawing from
information from your Part I). Be sure to report those cites here.
Appendix: This should include all SPSS printouts referenced in the text, in a relatively easy to read
format (use titles; omit non-essential components of the printout, etc). Be sure to highlight the key
numbers of interest (i.e., what was discussed in the text). Tables should be numbered in order of when
they appear in the text.
Additional Hints:
Be careful about language, spelling, and grammar. I will deduct up to a full letter grade for excessive
mistakes in any of these areas.
Be sure to back up your statements with supporting data and analysis (be sure to cite any references).
Unsubstantiated statements will cost you points.
There is no set page requirement, but Id guess a maximum of 20 pages should do it. This is in addition to
tables, appendices and relevant computer printouts. As a guideline, you should double-space paragraphs and
single space bulleted items that go past one line. Double space between separate bulleted items.
It may be a good idea to use a direct and to-the-point writing style (possibly with bullets) rather than long
paragraph style. However, make sure your report flows smoothly. A good way to do this is to have a brief
summary paragraph at the beginning of each major heading discussion to indicate what the section is about
and communicate relevant general information.
There will be a copy of a previous report in the main office for review. Feel free to check this out.
(Remember, however, these projects were conducted in a different class and had different objectives. It may
not be perfect, or exactly the style I want, etc.)