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Seismic Retrofitting of R. C. Building Using Traditional Techniques

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First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology

Seismic Retrofitting of R. C. Building using Traditional Techniques

Namdeo V. Raut
Sr.Lecturer in Civil Engg Department,
Government Polytechnic, Yavatmal (M.S) India
E-mail: nv_raut@yahoo.com

Dr. P.S.Pachgade
Professor and Head, Civil Engg Department,
College of Engineering and Research, Badnera (M.S.) India

Dr. Prashant B. Nagarnaik

Professor and Head, Civil Engg Department,
G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur (M.S.) India
E-mail: pbnagarnaik@rediffmail.com

Abstract production factors. The depressing situation of

The seismic evaluation process of reinforced poor quality control and material acceptance
concrete building not designed to withstand also falls into this framework, which in most
seismic action is considered. After briefly cases, results only in paperwork devoid of
introducing how seismic action is described for substantive value. Among causes arising from
design purposes, methods for assessing the ignorance there may be both an inadequate
seismic demand and capacity of existing knowledge of the seismic hazard and design
building is presented. The traditional method of errors due to insufficient knowledge of the
seismic retrofitting is reviewed. The retrofitting earthquake problem, also the inutility to
schemes with designed detailed sketches are correctly model the structural response to the
explained here with. The presentation is seismic action. Recent earthquakes like Bhuj,
illustrated by case study of actual building for Latur, Jabalpur, Jammu & Kashmir has shown
polytechnic located in Yavatmal district that reinforced concrete buildings in India are
(Maharashtra, India) where traditional deficient in seismic performance. The causes for
techniques of retrofitting method have been this stage includes; modifications in seismic
proposed. zone map upgrading in design seismic force,
advancement in engineering knowledge,
deficiencies in seismic code and lack of
Key Words – Seismic Retrofitting, Seismic understanding by design Engineers. Urgent
action, Seismic demand and capacity, measures of retrofit are required to seismically
Evaluation. strengthen the large stock of such existing
building. In the following sections some
1.Introduction procedures used for the evaluation of the seismic
resistance and vulnerability of reinforced
Seismic retrofitting of constructions concrete buildings will be described together
vulnerable to earthquakes is a current problem of with traditional techniques of seismic retrofitting
great political and social relevance. The seismic of the structures.
hazard in the areas, where those earthquakes
have occurred, has been known for a long time 2.Seismic Resistance and Seismic
because of similar events that occurred in the Demand
past. It is therefore legitimate to ask why
constructions vulnerable to earthquakes exist if Seismic vulnerability is not an absolute
people and institutions knew of the seismic concept but is strongly related to the event being
hazard. Several causes may have contributed to considered. The same construction may not be
the creation of such a situation. These are vulnerable to one class of earthquakes and yet be
associated to historical events, fading memory, vulnerable to another. Therefore, before
greed, avarice, poverty and ignorance. In India attempting a seismic vulnerability evaluation of
commercial profit often result from the a given construction, the seismic action that will
employment of poor material and workmanship affect that construction must be fully specified.
rather than of the optimal utilization of

978-0-7695-3267-7/08 $25.00 © 2008 IEEE 1055

DOI 10.1109/ICETET.2008.222
All seismic codes specify the seismic design, which requires an increase of strength
action by means of one or more design spectra. and stiffness, and the other based on mass
These are a synthetic and quantitative reduction. Thus the first one tends to satisfy the
representation of the seismic action which, design inequality by an increase of the capacity
besides depending on the characteristics of the while the second one achieves the same result by
ground motion, depends on some intrinsic a reduction of the demand.
characteristics of the structure such as the With reference to the first method, that
fundamental mode of vibration and its energy is increase of strength and stiffness, the concept
dissipation capacity. involved in its application can be understood
Because It is necessary to retrofit only using Figure 2.
constructions vulnerable to the design Suppose that the fundamental period of the
earthquake, a vulnerability evaluation is structure is Tnr, to which corresponds a demand
obviously needed before attempting any seismic Sanr in pseudo-acceleration terms, which the
retrofitting. As has been seen the design structure cannot satisfy. On applying a strength
earthquake is specified by means of a design and stiffness increment, the fundamental period
spectrum, which depends on the energy will shorten from Tnr to Tr to which corresponds
dissipation capacity through the structure a demand Sar much larger than the original one.
behavior factor. Assuming that the structure It is therefore, possible that the structure will be
behavior factor for the structure being less safe in the new condition than in the original
considered can be evaluated, the design one.
spectrum can be drawn. An example of such a Only after stiffness and strength have
spectrum is shown in Figure 1. been increased up to a level where the
If a structure exhibits seismic resistance fundamental period corresponds to the constant
larger than that required by the design branch of the design spectrum, is it possible to
earthquake, it obviously possesses an over- achieve a condition where the design inequality
resistance and therefore is not vulnerable. This is is satisfied. It is, therefore, evident that an
the case shown by the longer ordinate in. A attempt to increase the seismic resistance
structure with the resistance specified by such an capacity in this way only results in an increase
ordinate is capable of withstanding an of the seismic demand.
earthquake with an anchoring acceleration larger In conclusion, both of the traditional
than that associated with the design earthquake, methods of seismic retrofitting, although
instead if the seismic resistance of the structure effective, are rather expensive. It must however
corresponds to the shorter ordinate in Figure 1, it be pointed out that, as in the case of low
is obvious that the resistance capacity is smaller buildings, the fundamental period may already
than the demand that the earthquake places on it fall with the constant branch of the design
and an earthquake with an anchoring spectrum and a period shortening may not result
acceleration smaller than the design one. It is, in an increase of the seismic action. Another
therefore, necessary to retrofit the structure to situation when traditional methods of seismic
allow for the satisfaction of the design retrofitting may be rather effective is in the case
inequality. of soft soil conditions, where higher spectral
The design inequality above must be satisfied ordinates occur at relatively longer periods.
not only in terms of strength or resistance, but
also in terms of stiffness. The stiffness capacity 4. Evaluation and Retrofitting Process
of the building must not be less than the stiffness
demanded of it by the earthquake. If it were not Evaluation of an existing structure is an essential
so, displacements would be too large, especially part of its retrofitting. Evaluation is also required
inter-story drifts, and damage could result to for retrofitted structure to assess the adequacy of
non-structural components. The stiffness control the retrofitting. Different steps in evaluation and
is usually performed indirectly by checking the retrofitting process are shown.
inter-story drifts. The methods for the evaluation
of the seismic resistance will be discussed later. Setting of goals and performance level of
Now the traditional methods of seismic building and estimation of seismic hazard.
retrofitting will be discussed briefly.

3. Traditional Methods of Seismic Systematic visual inspection and study of

Retrofitting available drawings and documents

Traditional methods of seismic

retrofitting fall essentially into two categories, In-situ investigation for strength and degradation
one based on the classical principles of structural of material and preparation of as-built drawings

6. Example Building
Preliminary evaluation: Identification of
potential deficiencies and need and scheme for For the case study the extension
detailed investigation building of Government Polytechnic Yavatmal
is considered. The Configuration related checks
like load path, geometry, weak story, soft story,
Detailed evaluation of strength, ductility and pounding effect, short column effect, vertical
deterioration discontinuity are listed for the said building. The
separation of the building is considered as
shown in Figure 3
Design of retrofitting scheme based on the
evaluated deficiencies
6.1Strength Related Checks
Yavatmal city lies in the zone II but for
more safe seismic structure zone III is
Evaluation of the retrofitted building
Z = Zone factor = 0.16 (zone III) (Table 2 of IS
1893 . 2002)
5.Retrofitting Techniques It’s a factor to obtain the design spectrum
depending of the perceived maximum risk
A number of alternative techniques are characterized by Maximum Considered
available in the literature for retrofitting of RC Earthquake (MCE) in the zone in which the
buildings. These techniques are based on four structure is located.
basic principles of seismic safety and I = 3.00 (College Building) (Table 6 of
retrofitting. IS 1893) . 2002)
5.1Completion of load path and removal I is the Importance factor, depending
of structural irregularity upon the functional use of the structures,
It has been observed that symmetric and regular characterized by hazardous consequences of its
buildings are subjected to lesser damage than failure, post-earthquake functional needs,
asymmetric and irregular buildings. Buildings historical value, or economic importance.
with asymmetric configuration, floating columns R = 3.00 (OMRF) (Table 7 of IS 1893 .
and soft stores can be retrofitted using these 2002)
techniques. R is Response reduction factor,
depending on the perceived seismic damage
5.2Strengthening of structure performance of the structure, characterized by
The structure, which is deficient in original ductile or brittle deformations. However the
design, can be retrofitted by strengthening of the ratio (I/R) shall not be greater than 1.0
structure. This strengthening can be achieved Sa/g = Average response acceleration
either by adding new lateral load resisting coefficient.
members or by strengthening the existing Ah is the design horizontal seismic coefficient
member. This the most common and feasible for a structure which shall be determined by
alternative for seismic strengthening and a large following expression.
number of techniques based on conventional Ah = ZISa / 2Rg
strengthening methods, such as, RC jacketing, Ah = 0.1
steel jacketing, as well as, based on advance U = factor of reduced usable life = 0.67
materials such as FRP have been developed. Ahm =0.067

Total weight of the structure = 25491. 41KN

5.3Enhancing deformation capacity of
Base shear = 1707.92KN
The seismic force on a structure varies inversely
6.2Shear stress in RC Frame Columns
with its ductility or post yield deformation
capacity. Concrete being a brittle material,
requires special reinforcement detailing for τcol = [nc / (nc – nf)] (Vj / Ac)]
For ground story columns
confinement resulting in ductility. Most of the
nc = total number of columns resisting lateral
existing buildings lack this ductile detailing of
forces in the direction of loading.
reinforcement. By providing external
nf = Total number of frames in the direction of
confinement and by mechanically anchoring or
welding splices, the ductility can be enhanced to
Ac = Summation of c/s area of all columns in the
some extent.
story under consideration.

Vj = Maximum story shear at story level ‘j’ in several layers. Although it is not very difficult
The design base shear (VB) shall to account for the reinforcement provided in
distribute along the height of building as per several layers, but our present design aids
following equation.
Vj = {VB [(Wi.hi2) / (Σ. Wj.hj2)]} 6.4Anchorage of new reinforcement
Vj = Design lateral force at floor 1 The current retrofit design practice is based on
Wi = Seismic wt of floor 1 the assumption that there as a full load transfer
hi = Height of floor i measured from base and between old and new material. This requires full
n = Numbers of story in the building is the anchorage length for the new reinforcement,
building is the number of levels on which the which is usually not possible in the practical
masses are located. situation. Therefore, the retrofit engineer has to
depend on mechanical anchorage of the
Vj at roof = 1148.42 KN reinforcement. Some of the possible
Vj at 1st floor = 511.46 KN arrangements for anchorage of reinforcement in
Vj at ground floor = 48.03 KN beams and columns. Adequacy and performance
Refer Table 1 and Table 2. It provides the of such arrangements needs to be evaluated
calculations related for demand to capacity ratio. through an extensive test programme.
Analysis of retrofitted element is carried out by Refer Figure 4
using linear static procedure (LSP). As per
FEMA 356 (prestandard) Linear procedures are 6.5 Confinement and strengthening of
appropriate when the expected level of non joints
linearity is low. This is measured by component For satisfactory performance of a building
demand to capacity ratio (DCRS) of less than during earthquake, it is desirable that the joints
2.0 should not fail before yielding of beams. This
requires provision of special confining
6.3Retrofit Scheme for Example Building reinforcement at joints. It is suggested that
making holes through beams can provide this
Refer Figure 4 reinforcement. It is not an easy task without
Strengthening of an existing member requires severely damaging the existing beams.
additional reinforcement and concrete. Details of Further, the beams should also be
additional reinforcement and concrete in case of provided with special confining near the joints.
RC jacketing of a column. Participation of the Similarly columns also need additional shear
additional material in load sharing depends on and confining reinforcement near joints. It can
transfer of stresses between original and new be provided by removing the cover and
material. This transfer takes place through providing additional stirrups as shown in
several actions: Figure5. To achieve the confinement, the space
a) Adhesion between old and new concrete between old concrete and added stirrups should
constituents be filled with expansive material (concrete with
b) Friction between old and new concrete suitable admixtures). The extent of confinement
c) Compression against pre-cracked interfaces thus achieved is doubtful.
d) Clamping effects of steel bars Another method to achieve the
e) Dowel action of steel bars confinement is by providing the steel or FRP
f) Anchorage of steel bars jackets to beams and columns near joint. For
All of these mechanisms get activated at effective confinement, jacketing is to be
different levels of stresses. A complete provided on the four sides of beams. In case of
understanding of these actions is required to steel jackets, due to difference in Poisson’s
model the stress transfer at the junction of old ratios of steel, epoxy and concrete, the steel
and new concrete. This needs further testing and jackets have a tendency to separate from the
development of transfer constitutive laws. concrete due to longitudinal strain. This results
Cyclic loading in post-yield range further in loss of confinement.
complicates the modeling. At the moment, it is
not possible to develop analytical models, which 6.6 Strengthening of foundation
can be practically used for estimating the section
and reinforcement area required for the Strengthening of foundations is the
retrofitted member. most difficult part in retrofitting, as it requires
The current practice is to assume full excavation below the foundation level. If the
bond and stress transfer between old and new building is originally provided with a raft
material and design the member as a whole. The foundation, it makes life slightly easier.
reinforcement in retrofitted members is provided Unconnected isolated footings are very difficult

to retrofit. During excavation, the building is to increasing the understanding of the earthquake-
be supported carefully. A small differential engineering problem and of seismic retrofitting.
settlement may cause excessive damage to the
superstructure. References
7. Summary and Conclusions [1] Yogendra Singh, “challenges in retrofitting
of RC Building,” workshop on Retrofitting
After an introduction, which explains structure, Oct 10-11-2003, IIT Roorkee.
why there are so many vulnerable structures in [2] Giuseppe oliveto and Massimo Marletta,
areas of high or moderate seismic hazard around “Seismic retrofitting of renforced concrete
the world, the authors consider the specific case Building using traditional and innovative
of common town in India. The paper proceeds techniques” ISET journal of Earthquake
with an illustrative description of the seismic Technology, Paper No. 454, Vol 42, 2-3 June –
action and then addresses the problem of September 2005 PP 21-26
evaluating the seismic resistance and [3] Is 1893 – Part 1 (2002) “ critena for
vulnerability of engineering structures. In Earthquake Resistant Design of structures.
particular, the concepts of seismic resistance, [4] Is 13920 – 1993 “Ductile detailing of
seismic vulnerability and seismic over-resistance reinforced conoreli structures subjected to
become easily understood and appreciated. seismic forces.”
The paper then considers the [5] FEMA – 356 “seismic Rehabilition
retrofitting of buildings vulnerable to prestandard.” PP 0 3-1 to 3-28.
earthquakes and briefly describes the main [6] II TK – GSDMA Guide lines “For seismic
traditional methods of seismic retrofitting. Evolution and strengthening of Buildings”, PP-
Further research is required to understand the 13-27
behavior of un-retrofitted and retrofitted
elements and to develop practically feasible
retrofitting techniques.
In conclusion it is hoped that the
material presented in this paper will be useful in
Table 1
When earthquake forces considered along longer direction,

Story nc nf Acm2 Vj X 1.5 τcol D.C.R. Remark

3 22 2 4.4 1722.63 0.43 1.075 >1
2 22 2 4.4 767.19 0.19 0.47 <1
1 22 2 4.4 72.045 0.018 0.045 <1

Table 2
When earthquake force considered along short direction,

Story nc nf Acm2 Vj X 1.5 τcol D.C.R. Remark

3 12 2 2.4 1722.63 0.789 2.15 >1
2 12 2 2.4 767.19 0.38 0.95 <1
1 12 2 2.4 72.045 0.036 0.090 <1

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5


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