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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072



1 M.E Structural Engineering, Star Lion College of Engineering & Technology, Tanjore. Tamilnadu, India
2 Lecturer, Srinivasan Polytechnic College, Perambalur, Trichy, India

Abstract – In India the enormous loss of life and property in ZONE II of Seismic Zone Map of 1984, which says the
Perceived in the last couple of decades, attributable to failure region is smallest possible for earth quakes. In the fifth
of structures instigated by earthquakes. Responsiveness is revision of Zoning map of 2002, with a view to keep abreast
now being given to the assessment of the sufficiency of with the Rapid development and extensive research that has
strength in framed RCC structures to resist solid ground been modified and according to this map, most of the cities
motions. The seismic reaction of RCC building frame in terms in Chennai lies in Zone III.
of performance point and the earthquake forces on Reinforced
building frame with the help of pushover analysis is carried 2. OBJECTIVE
out in this project. In this method of analysis a model of the
building is exposed to a lateral load and the force of the lateral Seismic Engineering is the extensive category of Structural
load is slowly increased. With the result the series of cracks, engineering. The main objectives for evaluating the
yielding, plastic hinge establishment, and failure of numerous structures for seismic performance are
structural components is recorded. Pushover analysis can
afford a substantial insight into the weak links in seismic 1. To recognize collaboration of structures with the
concert of a structure and we can know the weak zones in the instable ground.
structure. In the present study an existing building frame is 2. To anticipate the significances of possible
designed and evaluated as per Indian standard and also earthquakes.
suggests the recommended retrofitting methods to 3. To design, construct and maintain structures to
strengthened the existing structure. The pushover analysis of perform at earthquake experience up to the
the RCC building frame is carried out by structural analysis potentials and in passivity with building codes.
and design software SAP 2000.
Seismic analysis is a part of structural analysis and is the
Key Words: (Seismic evaluation, Non-linear static control of the reaction of a structure to earthquakes. It is
procedure, performance point, pushover analysis, part of the system of structural design, earthquake
pushover curve) engineering or structural evaluation and retrofit in regions
where earthquakes are predominant.
The rapid discharge of energy in the earth’s crust forms
seismic waves which arrive at various instance of time with The aim of seismic evaluation is to assess the possible seismic
different intensity levels are called as earthquake. It causes response of buildings, which may be seismically deficient or
the random ground motion in all directions, radiating from earthquake damaged, for its possible future use. The
epicentre, which causes structure to vibrate due to which evaluation is also helpful for adapting the retrofitting of
induce inertia forces in them. Many existing structures are structure. The means of retrofitting is to upgrade the strength
seismically deficient due to lack of awareness regarding and structural capacity of an existing structure to enable it to
seismic behaviour of structures. Due to this, there is vital safely withstand the effect of strong earthquakes in future.
requirement to converse this situation and do the seismic Retrofitting of existing buildings and related issues of their
assessment of existing and proposed structures. structural safety have not received adequate attention in
India. There are at present no guidelines or codes of practice
In relation to the Seismic Zoning Map of IS: 1893-2002, India available in the country for retrofitting. The methods of
is separated into four zones on the basis of seismic actions. seismic of existing buildings are not adequately developed. In
These zones are names ad Zone II, Zone III, Zone IV and Zone developed countries researches on seismic evaluation and
V. Chennai lies in Zone III. There are numerous RCC retrofitting have been undertaken during last two decades.
buildings frames that have primary structural system, which
do not meet the present-day seismic necessities and suffer 4. GENEARAL PROCEDURE FOR PUSHOVER ANALYSIS
wide-ranging destruction through the earthquake.
The RCC buildings at Chennai were designed by principal Non Linear Static Analysis (POA) can be performed as either
structural system and the reason behind this is Chennai lies force-controlled method or displacement controlled method

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1661
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Based on the physical nature of the load and the 9. Similarly, the lateral load and the roof displacement
performance estimated from the structure. Force-controlled increment are added to the corresponding previous
method is utilized when the gravity load is known and the total values to obtain the accumulated values of the
structure is predictable to support the load. base shear and the roof displacement.
10. Steps 7, 8 and 9 are repeated until the roof
Displacement controlled method is utilized when specified displacement reaches a certain level of deformation
drifts ( Seismic Loading) are pursued, In this method, the or the structure becomes unstable.
magnitude of the applied load is not known in advance and 11. The roof displacement is plotted with the base shear
where the structure can be expected to lose strength or to get the global capacity (pushover) curve of the
become unbalanced. structure (Fig - 1).

Some computer programs can model nonlinear performance

and execute pushover analysis directly to get capacity curve
for two and/or three dimensional models of the structure.
These programs are ANSYS, non-linear version of Sap 2000,
Seismostruct and Drain-2DX.

Some programs are not obtainable or the obtainable

computer programs could not perform pushover analysis
directly, such as ETABS, RISA, SAP90,in these programs a
series of consecutive elastic analyses are implemented and
superimposed to develop a force displacement curve of the
overall structure.

A displacement-controlled Non Linear Static analysis (Push

over Analysis) is fundamentally composed of the following Fig -1: Pushover Curve of a structure
1. The overall behavior of structure is created in a two
or three dimensional model in a computer program. 4.1 Location Description
2. The defined lateral response of all important
members are affected by the bilinear load- The building selected for study is the Vaigai Aparts located at
deformation diagrams Chennai. The location was chosen for study primarily
3. Initially the dead loads composed for gravity loads because a major part of Chennai is seismically prone and is a
and live loads are applied to the structural model. ‘ High hazard’ earthquake area. At present, Chennai,
4. Apply the lateral load pattern which are predefined Coimbatore and Salem fall under Zone III of the Bureau of
and distributed along the building height. Indian Standards classification.
5. Applied Lateral loads were increased slowly until
some members yield under the collective effects of 4.2 Building Description
gravity and lateral loads.
6. At first yielding, Base shear and roof displacement The building selected for evaluation is a residential, ordinary
were recorded. moment resisting RC framed building, located in Zone IV.
7. the reduced stiffness of yielded members, the Figure 1 shows the typical floor plan of the building. The
structural model has modified building is a four storied (G+3) building. The height of the
8. A new lateral load increment was apply to the roof is 14.05 m from the ground level. Plan dimensions of the
modified structural model after removing gravity building are 40.70m ×11.5m. The construction drawings
loads, such that supplementary members yield. specify that M20 grade of concrete (characteristic cube
Note that under each incremental lateral load, a compressive strength is 20 N/mm2) and Fe 415 grade of
separate analysis with zero initial conditions is steel (characteristic 0.2 percent proof stress is 415 N/mm2)
implemented on modified structural model, Thus were used for the construction.
member forces at the end of an incremental lateral
load analysis has obtained by adding the forces 4.3 STRUCTURAL SYSTEM DESIGN DETAILS
from the current analysis to the sum of those from
the previous increments. In other words, the results The case study building was designed in accordance with the
of each incremental lateral load analysis are 1963 building code. The structural system consists of
superimposed. perimeter moment-resisting frames and interior column slab
frames. There are eleven frame bays in EW direction; each

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1662
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

bay is approximately 3.7m in length. There are three frame ductility. For bare frame average base shear from pushover
bays in the NS direction; Outer bays are approximately 4.6m analysis is 109.39 KN and average displacement of 49.83 mm
in length and center bay is 2.3m in length. in X direction.


The building suffered minor structural damage and

extensive non-structural damage during the Earthquake.
This damage was repaired subsequently. Repair of the
structural damage was limited to a single beam-column joint
at the northeast corner of the building. Non structural
damage was most severe on the 2nd and 3rd floors. About
80% of the total repairs costs were allocated for the
damaged gypsum wall partitions, bathroom tile and
plumbing fixtures. The cost of the repair for the non-
structural damage was approximately 10% of the initial
construction cost of the building at that time.
The development of cracks and eventually shear failure in
the columns might be attributed to the poor transverse
reinforcement in the columns as discussed in the previous
section. As a result of the shear failures, the vertical
reinforcement between the widely spaced ties buckled due Fig -2: Pushover Curve of the case study building
to loss of concrete cover. The south perimeter frame was
supported with temporary shoring after the earthquake. Capacity spectrum is the capacity curve spectral acceleration
Some beam-column joints on the 3rd, 4th story in the north Vs spectral displacement (Sa Vs Sd) co-ordinates. The curve
perimeter frame and on the 3rd story in the south perimeter shows spectral displacement and spectral acceleration. The
frame experienced minor to moderate cracking. performance point for a given set of values is defined by the
Non structural damage during earthquake was not very intersection of the capacity curve (green) and the single
extensive and was mostly confined to the 4th story. Doors, demand spectrum curve (Red).
windows and drywall partitions in the east-west direction
suffered severe damage between the 3rd and 4th floor levels.
This is attributed to the large deformation of this story
during the earthquake.


The building has modeled to carry out nonlinear static

pushover analysis. The critical sections of beams, columns
has requires the development of the force deformation
curve. The force deformation curves in flexure was obtained
from the reinforcement and details were assigned for all the
beams and columns. The Nonlinear properties of members
was assign to the computer. The flexural default hinges and
shear hinges were assigned to the beams at two ends. The
interacting frame hinges type a coupled hinge property was
also assigned for all the columns at upper and lower ends.


A Four storied reinforced concrete frame structure of

building was taken to analysis. The frame was subjected to
design earthquake forces as specified in the IS code for zone
IV along X directions The frame was subjected to design Chart -1: Capacity Spectrum of case study building
earthquake forces as specified in the IS code for zone IV
along X directions. Bare frame pushover curves for the The performance point is obtained by superimposing
building in X directions as shown in Figure 2. These curves demand spectrum on capacity curve transformed into
show the behavior of the frame in terms of its stiffness and spectral coordinates. The frame shows the performance of

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1663
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 06 | June -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1664

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