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Paper On Fuzzy Logic in Selecting Piles For Testing PDF

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State-of-the-Art technique to appraise the quality of piling

Eng. W.J.B. Shiromal Fernando and Eng. R.Thivakar

The construction industry in Sri Lanka has seen a boom in the past two decades. The
promising construction industry does not fail to endow a number of high rise buildings in
and around the commercial capital, Colombo. Due to the soil conditions, building loads,
resource availability etc; Geotechnical experts quite often recommend bored and cast-in-situ
pile as the deep foundation of choice in such high rise buildings. However, the quality
assurance systems for piling have not developed in par with the increasing piling
construction works. The cost and time are the major factors that set constraints against
maintaining high quality assurance standards in any projects. The selection of piles for
testing has been the critical aspect in determining the cost and time of the quality assurance
system. In this technique, scores were assigned to various aspects such as boring method,
boring equipment, de-sanding method, flushing method, duration of borehole kept open
before concreting, quality of the concrete, concreting method, cube strength of concrete,
concrete wastage, pile integrity, etc. These scores have different weightings based on their
individual importance. The piles scoring above a preset score would be selected for dynamic
testing. The devised method to select piles for dynamic testing has proven extremely effective
and efficient. The outcomes from the adopted quality assessment system had accentuated the
importance of keeping track of the quality of each and every pile from their preconstruction
stage itself.
Key words: Piling, Quality assurance, PDA, PIT, SLT, Fuzzy logic

1 Introduction
The booming construction industry in Sri Lanka has endowed many high rise buildings in
and around the commercial capital, Colombo. There are a number of proposed high rise
projects in progress presently and also in the pipeline to be commenced; awaiting a positive
gesture from the economic indicators of the country. High rise buildings, over 20 stories, are
most likely to be supported by deep foundations like piles. Due to the sub soil conditions,
building loads, availability of resources etc; Geotechnical experts quite often recommend
bored and cast-in-situ piles as the deep foundation of choice for such high rise buildings.
Increasing construction activities have caused the stakeholders of construction to resort for
new methodologies and techniques of construction as opposed to conventional tested- andtrue procedures. The construction of piles is a very important exercise as the failure of a pile
would cost the owner in millions to reinstate the building.
Therefore, the construction processes ought to be monitored and controlled in every step of
the way to avoid such failures. Even though there are a number of methods available to
construct bored and cast-in-situ piles, such as (a) Uncased Drilling Method- Hole Stabilized
by Slurry ( bored and cast in-situ ), (b) Fully cased Drilling with Rotary Drive, (c) Drilling

with Continuous Flight Augur, (d) Fully Cased Drilling Oscillator, (e) Drilling with
Displacement System, (f) Drilling with Fixed Double Rotary Drives, (g) Mixed-in-Place
System with Triple Auger, (h) Drilling with Movable Double Rotary Drives, etc; yet the
method (a) is the common method being adopted in Sri Lanka. Thus, Uncased Drilling
Method is the method of concern in this paper.
Major steps involved in the construction of bored and cast-in-situ piles using Uncased
Drilling Method are: (a) Installation of top casing with rotary drive of the drill rig, (b)
Excavation of soil with the drill bucket and stabilization of the bore hole with slurry
(bentonite or polymer), (c) Cleaning the slurry with the de-sander or flushing, (d) Installation
of reinforcement cage, (e) Pouring of concrete with the tremie pipe while pumping back the
slurry to the tank, and finally (f) extraction of the top casing with the rotary drive of the rig
(Fig.1) [1]. In order to produce a flawless pile, the quality assurance and quality control
(QA/QC) system shall be in place to monitor and control the factors involved with above
method during the process of the construction. In the absence of a proper QA/QC system it is
reckoned that an unacceptable number of piles could fail to achieve the design pile load
capacities. The piles found to have failed to mobilize the required design load are most
probably replaced with compensatory piles as per the present practice in Sri Lanka. Since the
piles, which have failed, remain unused in the ground they could be termed as dead piles.

Fig.1: Typical Pile installation sequence

This paper primarily discusses a novel technique of evaluating and assuring the quality of
piling works with limited time and cost that set constraints against maintaining high quality
assurance standards in any projects, the method of construction of piles and the available
methods of testing of the same.
The selection of piles for testing has been the critical aspect in determining the cost and time
involved in a quality assurance system. The method discussed in this paper has been tested
and proven to be successful in one of the largest building projects in Sri Lanka. The method
essentially used a scoring technique using the fuzzy logic techniques.

In this technique, scores were assigned for various aspects given under the generalized titles
such as Quality of Drilling Machines and Drilling Tools, Quality of Rock Socketing,
Quality of Maintaining Borehole, Quality of Cleaning the Borehole, Quality of Concreting,
Integrity of the Pile, etc. These scores have different weighting limits, which can be
adjusted at the discretion of the Engineer, set by the authors based on their individual
importance. The aggregate of assigned scores is used to check against a preset value and if
the aggregate is found to be greater than the preset value then the pile is subjected to testing.

2. Considerations in Design of Piles

A good foundation design requires a sound understanding of the local soils and rocks. As a
preliminary, it is advantageous to collect information relating to the site prior to the
commencement of design. The details that are available from records and maps relating to
geological information should be studied and advantage should be taken of existing site
investigation results and local knowledge [2]. The ground exploration is generally carried to
a depth which includes all strata likely to be significantly affected by the structural load and
the construction operations. The depth of exploration depends on the type of structure, the
size, shape and disposition of the loaded areas and the nature of the strata. It is also important
that the nature and occurrence of ground water be investigated. If the standing levels of
ground water vary from stratum to stratum or if there is a water table gradient between
boreholes this needs to be noted. Chemical analysis of samples of groundwater and soil
should be performed to determine the constituents in ground water and soil that may contain
harmful constituents in amounts sufficient to cause damage to Portland cement concrete or
buried reinforcement. BS 8004 also specifies that the design of piles shall take into account
of the factor of safety against failure, the settlement of the foundation as a whole and in
differential settlements under working load, and the safety and stability of nearby buildings
and services [3].
The building working load that gets transferred to the pile foundation is eventually
distributed to the ground soil and bed rock by means of: (1) skin friction; developed by the
interaction between the pile circumferential surface and soil and (2) end bearing; developed
by the resistance between the pile end and the bed rock to which the pile is generally
socketed. Although the codes specify a high safety factors for piles since this is an
underground construction, designers intended pile capacities will not be achieved unless the
quality control of the installation is properly carried out.
Since, testing of each pile by static load test or by dynamic load testing is very costly and a
time consuming process, the only measure of assuring the quality is to carryout load test on
5-10% of the total number of piles. Presently the selection of piles for load testing is
arbitrarily carried out without considering all the factors that cause a pile to fail during
installation. Thus, there is a need to improve the present quality assurance system to ensure a
safe pile foundation system.

3. What are the factors that affect the quality of piles?

3.1 Quality of Drilling Machines and Drilling tools

There are many type of machinery for drilling a pile. Try-pod type percussion drilling tools,
Machine mounted tools and Drilling Rigs etc. Machinery and tools depend on the type of
soil, type of rock, pile diameter etc. Capacities of the different machinery and the quality of
the tools are also factors that affect the quality of the drilling process. Since the hard rock in
Colombo is found at shallow depths like 20-30m, most designers tend to specify the pile to
socket into the hard rock which has an allowable bearing capacity of 30005000 kN/m2.
Thus to penetrate these rocks we need to utilize proper drilling tools and machinery to
achieve the required penetrations specified. A defective drilling tool could lead to improper
coring (Fig.2a and Fig.2b). The quality of the pile depends on tools and Machinery that are
used for installation.

Fig. 2a Rock auger used to drill through rock

Fig.2b: Wear and Tear of Bullet teeth

3.2 Quality of rock socketing

Identification of the hard basement rock is always a debate between the piling contractor and
the Engineer. In-order to transfer building loads down to the rock, piles shall be socketed in
to the hard basement rock. If the designer had assumed an allowable end bearing capacity of
5000 -3000 kN/m2, then the RQD values of the hard basement rock could be in the range 7550%, respectively.
Thus, it is a very difficult task to assume the RQD values by the observation of the samples
obtained from the boreholes. Authors propose to draw contours using the available borehole
data and bore first piles very close to boreholes and measure the rate of penetration in
different rock strata. These contours can be used to predict the hard basement rock layer in
the proposed site of construction (Fig.3).



















Fig.3 Typical contour map of basement rock

3.3 Quality of Maintaining Borehole

Skin friction capacity of the pile is governed by the stiffness of the soil which embraces the
pile. Thus, it is very important to keep the borehole walls intact until the concrete is placed.
The key material to maintain and stabilize the borehole against collapsing, in the case of
uncased piles, is the drilling fluids. Drilling fluid may be bentonite slurry or Polymer (Fig.4).
In Sri Lanka, bentonite is used as the drilling fluid most of the time. The density and the
viscosity of the bentonite shall be maintained as specified in the standards [4]. Control tests
shall be carried out on the bentonite suspension at regular basis inside the bore and in the
storage tanks until the pile is concreted (Fig.5). In general it is not wise to keep a bored hole
open for more than one day as it would increase the risk of collapse of the borehole wall.
However, under practical situations boreholes may have to be kept opened for more than two
three days, perhaps for weeks. Do we consider this factor for the pile test selection criteria?

Fig.4 Bentonite slurry is filled into the borehole

Fig.5 Bentonite Storage tanks

3.4 Quality of Cleaning the Borehole

Before placing the concrete, measures shall be taken to ensure that there is no accumulation
of silt or other material and heavily contaminated drilling fluid, which could impair the free
flow of concrete from the pipe of the tremie at the base of the bore. Cleaning of the base of
the bore can be done by flushing the bore using fresh bentonite under pressure. For large
diameter piles (1200 mm or more) a de-sander can be used to clean the pile bore (Fig.6). If
the piles are not cleaned properly there will be a soft toe condition which in turn will cause a
reduced end baring capacity of piles and will lead to large settlements under service
conditions. Thus, do we account for the quality of cleaning of the base for the pile test
selection criteria?

Fig.6 De-sanding process

3.5 Quality of Concreting
Structural capacity of the pile is based on the quality of the concreting procedure and
concrete itself. Since the concrete in the borehole is compacted by itself, the concrete needs
to be possessing cohesiveness (resistance to segregation) and flowing ability. Tremie pipe of
150-200mm diameter shall be used to place concrete to avoid segregation and the bottom of
the tremie must stay well below (2.0m minimum) the top of the column of fresh concrete at
all times. However in practice there will be difference between the actual concrete quantity
consumed by the pile and the theoretically calculated quantity calculated for the pile. This
difference can be negative or positive. If the theoretical value is less than the actual quantity
it means that there may be bulging in the pile shaft where it may reduce or increase the skin
friction capacity of the pile; however, would not drastically affect the structural capacity of
the pile. If the theoretical value is more than the actual value, there may be necking in the
pile which in turn will give rise to the reduction in the structural capacity of the pile. Other
factor that the Engineer will check on concrete is the cube strengths of concrete. Are these
factors considered during test selection process?

3.6 Integrity of the Pile

How well the pile is constituted with the concrete and reinforcement and properly socketed
into the basement rock will decide piles ability to carry the design load. The integrity of the
pile is largely dependent upon the factors discussed in sections 3.1 through 3.5. An adequate
inspection to verify the integrity of the pile shaft would enhance the level of confidence of
the Engineer in terms of the load bearing capacities of the piles. Pile Integrity Testing,
largely known as PIT is a procedure for quality assessment of cast-in-place piles using low
strain pulse echo method (Fig. 7a and Fig. 7b). This method provides a quick and relatively
inexpensive means to assess the integrity of piles. The wave motion generated by the impact
of a small hand held hammer on the top of the pile is studied using one dimensional wave
propagation theories (Fig.8).


Fig. 7a & 7b Pile Integrity Testing

Fig.8 Typical velocity wave propagation diagram from PIT of a cast-in-situ pile
The pattern of wave speed generated in PIT can be studied thoroughly to investigate the
presence of necking, poor quality concrete, bulging, cavities etc. and the location of such
defects in the pile shaft. Also, one important observation made in our study using PIT was
the identification of soft toe condition, which is the primary cause for reduced end baring
capacities of piles and large settlements under service load conditions. Soft toe condition
occurs mainly due to improper cleaning and flushing of the pile toe.

The velocity curves obtained from PIT were compared against the wave pattern generated for
different toe conditions using the software Pilewave, version 3.0.0 [5]. The wave pattern
generated by this software clearly shows that a negative wave reflection at the toe when the
toe is well socketed into the basement rock; whereas a positive wave reflection is observed
when the toe is unsocketed (Fig. 9 and Fig 10). The latter is analogous to a soft toe condition.
Thus, PIT results with such a wave pattern could be doubted for soft toe condition. This
reasoning is convincingly supported by Jayasinghe [6] in his book on Pile Integrity Testing
and Dynamic Pile Testing.

Fig.9 Well socketed pile

Fig.10 Pile with soft toe condition

A further investigation showed that when a positive reflection or the reflection of the same
sign as the input wave is encountered, a necking or defect (not necessarily) could be expected
at that location of the pile (Fig 11, Fig 12 and Fig.13).

Fig.11 Well Socketed pile with a necking

Fig.12 Soft toe condition with a necking

Fig.13 The velocity propagation curve for a pile with a necking

4 Fuzzy Logic Techniques in Selection of Piles for Testing

The concept of Fuzzy Logic technique was resorted to quantify the phenomena that the
Engineer adjudge quintessential in determining the quality of a constructed pile. In our study,
the factors in sections 3.1 through 3.6 were selected to quantify the degree of non confidence
of a pile. The fuzzy logic is a computing technique, which can quantify the experts
judgement. This system can help model or control a system when we do not have a
mathematical model of how the systems output depends on its input [7].
Linguistic variables such as Satisfactory, Moderately Satisfactory, and Not
Satisfactory were defined for various factors discussed in section 3.1 through 3.6 and a
weighting system was assigned to each of these fuzzy terms based on the engineering
judgment. The values were adjusted as piling progressed based on experiences specific to
conditions encountered at the site. The primary criterion used to sort the piles in order of
priority to be tested is based on the final score. In our study, the threshold score for testing
was based on the number of piles to be tested by Static Load Testing and Dynamic Load
testing. Thus, the threshold score in our study was set to 4. For instance, a suspicious PIT
results will immediately give the pile a high score, which will require it to be tested. The
scoring system and the respective weightings adopted in our study are given in Table1.

Table 1 Assigned Scores and Weightings

Quality of Drilling Machines and
Drilling tools

Quality of rock socketing

Quality of Maintaining Borehole

Quality of Cleaning the Borehole

Quality of Concreting

Integrity of the Pile

Linguistic Variable



Moderately Satisfactory

Not Satisfactory



Moderately Satisfactory

Not Satisfactory



Moderately Satisfactory

Not Satisfactory



Moderately Satisfactory

Not Satisfactory



Moderately Satisfactory

Not Satisfactory



Moderately Satisfactory

Not Satisfactory


Weighting (%)






An example of evaluating the final score of a pile for selection for testing is given in Table 2.

Table 2 Example of the Method of Assessment of a Pile


Linguistic Variable


Weighting (%)

Final Score

Quality of Drilling Machines and

Drilling tools



Quality of rock socketing




Quality of Maintaining Borehole




Quality of Cleaning the Borehole

Not Satisfactory




Quality of Concreting




Integrity of the Pile




Total Score

Since the preset score for this project was 4, the pile is required to be subjected to dynamic
testing. Some of the results obtained in our study using the above method of assessment are
given in Table 3 and Table 4. This is a testimony for the usefulness of this technique to
assess the quality of constructed piles.







S- Satisfactory
MS- Moderately satisfactory
NS- Not Satisfactory



Total Score

Integrity of the Pile

Quality of Concreting

Quality of Cleaning the Borehole

Quality of Maintaining Borehole

Quality of rock socketing

Pile No.

Quality of Drilling Machines and

Drilling tools

Table 3 Evaluation of Piles Based on Fuzzy Logic Technique


Table 4 PIT and PDA Results of Selected Piles

Pile No.

PIT Results

PDA Results













5. Conclusions
The consequences of a pile failing could prove atrocious to the owner of the building.
Therefore, a proper QA/QC plan needs to be in place to ensure, preferably, all the piles
checked against the expected design parameters. Testing of each pile for its load bearing
capacity is not pragmatic, since the testing of each pile by static load test (SLT) or by
dynamic load testing (PDA) is very costly and a time consuming process. Presently the
selection process of piles for load testing is arbitrarily carried out on approximately 5-10% of
piles without considering all the factors that are likely to cause failure of piles during
installation. The arbitrary selection of piles possibly contributes to the high cost and time
involvement in quality assurance and control systems.
The degree of confidence with a constructed pile is essentially unquantifiable as there are
various unknowns involved in the factors discussed in sections 3.1 through 3.6. Our study
focused on developing a technique to quantify the degree of confidence of a pile by
considering the critical factors that are involved in the construction of a pile. The method
devised in this study to select piles for dynamic testing had proven extremely effective and
1. http://www.bauer.de
2. Singapore Standard, CP 4 :2003 (ICS 91.040; 93.020),Code of Practice for
Foundations, SPRING Singapore.
3. British Standard, BS 8004: 1986, Code of Practice for Foundations, British Standards
4. Specification for Piling, Table 5.1, Institute of Civil Engineers London.
5. http://www.piletest.com
6. L.P.Jayasinghe, Pile Integrity Testing (PIT) and Dynamic Pile Testing (PDA),
Geotech Testing Services (PVT) Ltd.
7. Bart Kosko, Fuzzy Engineering, Prentice Hall. Inc, 1997, USA.

We are thankful to a number of individuals, who have had in many ways contributed to this
study. Firstly, we appreciate Mr.O.C.Jayawardane for his unfettered support endowed to us
in developing a state-of-the-art quality monitoring system in pile construction. His
knowledge and experience in this field had facilitated us in developing a framework for the
quality monitoring system using fuzzy logic technique. We are, also, grateful to Eng.
T.P.G.U.Alwis for his support in gathering information from various sources and making us
available with the necessary technical software for the assessments. We are obliged to thank
Eng.Dr.A.C.Visvaling and Eng. Mahesh Gamage for their valuable encouragement and
advice in piling works.
Eng.W.J.B.Shiromal Fernando, BSc. Eng (Hons), Mphil, CEng, MIE (SL), Eng. Shiromal
is presently working at Design Consortium Limited as Director cum Senior Structural
Engineer. He has vast experience in designing of high rise buildings in Sri Lanka. He was the
former honorary Secretary of the Society of Structural Engineers, Sri Lanka.. He is also a
member of Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka. He has conducted a number of short courses at
ICTAD and University of Moratuwa, Preadeniya and Ruhuna on his field of specialization.
He is the Vice president if Green Building Council of Sri Lanka.
Eng. R.Thivakar, BSc. Eng (Hons), MSc. (Struct. Eng.), MBA (Business Management),
ACS, was born on 11th May, 1977. Eng. R.Thivakar is working at Design Consortium
Limited as a Structural Engineer since 2006. He has had worked as Research Assistant at
Uniuversity of Moratuwa under the guidance of Prof.W.P.S.Dias and Dr.S.M.S.Nanayakkara
after his graduation. He has successfully completed Masters program in Structural
Engineering at the University of Moratuwa in 2006 and in Business Administration at ICBS,
affiliated to Warnborough University, UK, in 2005. He is an Associate member of Society of
Structural Engineers, Sri Lanka.

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