Chapter One: 1 Rudheford, Grammar in The Second Language Classroom, (New York. London: Prentice Hall, 1987) - P.9
Chapter One: 1 Rudheford, Grammar in The Second Language Classroom, (New York. London: Prentice Hall, 1987) - P.9
Chapter One: 1 Rudheford, Grammar in The Second Language Classroom, (New York. London: Prentice Hall, 1987) - P.9
deliver their ideas, feeling or messages so they need considerable amount of time
to be able to master the target language well. Besides, by making errors, learners
will build their new knowledge to use the target language, Making errors during
studying the second language can be considered as a means of building learners
abilities because they can something from makin errors3.
In term of teaching grammar, Teaching the grammar of English is not
simply a process of presenting clear linguistic information to the learners 4. If this
is the case, teaching language would be an easy job. Somehow a teacher has to
induce and persuade his students into really accepting and mentally creating
wonderful sentences.
Based on the researcher observation in MTsS Ulumuddin Lhokseumawe,
the researcher found that the students get difficulties to understand English
grammar, especially passive voice form in simple present tense as follows: the
students are not able to mastery fully the passive voice materials were given by
teacher because less practicing, the students feel bored when the teaching learning
process running because the teachers just used the conventional method and
strategy to conduct the teaching learning process. It is hoped that the
changing of paradigm in teaching and learning process from
teacher-centred learning to be student-centred learning is hoped
3 Littlewood, W. Communicative Language Teaching. (Cambridge: University Press,
1992). P.182
4 Mario and Davis Paul. More Grammar Games, (Berlin: Cambridge University Press,
1997). P.1
Usually, this means that the noun which is the patient becomes the
subject, while the more agent like noun becomes optional.6
The grammar is really important both in written and spoken if the students dont
have this knowledge, they will not speak well. Whenever one learn a language,
like English, we learn the sound which is use in the language, the basic unit of
meaning, such as words and rules to combine to this form in new sentences.
2. Headless Sentence Game is one of competitive games introduced by
Davis in his book More Grammar Games which has been approved as a
good game in teaching passive simple present.7
Game is one ways in learning especially in learning English subject to make the
teaching learning process fun and interactive with the students and teacher. Based
on this reason many teacher need to learn and apply the game in teaching English.
7 Zdybiewska. The Use of Games for Grammar Presentation and Revision. (Forum Vol
36 No.19, 2002). Accessed on 18 March 2013. P..87