What does a construction worker do and how does their role contribute to the community?
Students will have experienced eight lessons within this unit prior to this lesson. The prior
lessons will provide students with a solid framework of what a community is, and how
community helpers work together to help the people of Hopewell and keep them safe. In
addition to the information provided from this unit, the majority of students will have real world
experiences with one or more of the following: knowing a construction worker, seeing a
construction site, or seeing a parent/guardian use tools to fix or build something. Some
misconceptions about construction workers might be that they are only men, and that they only
build houses.
6.1.P.B.2: Identify, discuss, and role-play the duties of a range of community workers.
Students will be able to identify a During the read aloud, teacher will ask
construction worker and their role within the comprehension questions about the book and
community. assess for accuracy. Teacher will also listen
for accuracy as students “turn and talk” after
the story.
Students will be able to identify a blueprint As students explore the blueprints, teacher
and its purpose. will ask questions about them and assess for
Students will be able to create a blueprint Students will paste a glue pre-cut shapes to
using pre-cut shapes and attempt to build the make a blueprint. As they do so, teacher will
same structure with blocks. assess for logical thinking (Ex: building from
the ground up, making structures that will
stand, etc.) When they begin to build, teacher
will assess for similarity to blueprint.
Students will be able to follow instructions As students build their construction workers,
and use provided materials to make an teacher will assess for correct following of
accurate replica of a construction worker. instructions and quality of replica.
Materials/Resources: (List materials, include any online or book references and resources)
● Anchor chart paper
● Markers
● “Let’s Meet a Construction Worker” by Bridget Heos
● Picture of a construction worker
Center 1:
● Construction paper
● Pre-cut construction paper shapes that correspond to block shapes
● Blocks
● Glue
Center 2:
● Pre-cut shapes for construction worker
● Large construction paper
● Crayons
● Dramatic play props
○ Play tools
○ Construction vests
○ Tool belts
○ Blocks
● Video:
Introduction: Clues will be pre-written on anchor chart prior to the start of the lesson. Picture
of construction worker for “reveal” will be pasted on the chart paper prior to the start of the
Center 1: “Construction worker tools” worksheets will printed and hung up around the room
prior to the beginning of the lesson. Black construction paper, red crosses, handles, and tool
printables will also be printed and placed at center 1, and divided into piles for easy distribution.
Center 2: All parts of construction worker art activity will be pre-cut. Crayons will be located in
community bins which will already be located on tables. All props for dramatic play will be
located on the rug for students to use.
Conclusion: Video will be loaded and ready to be played on projector as student’s clean up from
1. After the completion of morning meeting, I will call students by color tables to meet on
the rug, seated in rows. When all students arrive, I will tell them that I will be giving
them clue to guess the community helper that we will be studying today.
2. I will then reveal the first clue. While keeping the next two clues covered, I will read
aloud and uncover clue #1, which will read, “I use many different tools to do my job.”
3. After giving the students some time to think, I will ask if anyone has any ideas of what it
could be. I will then reveal clue #2 which will read “I keep all of my tools in a tool belt.”
4. Once again, I will ask for a few guesses, and then I will reveal clue #3, which will read “I
build many many different things like houses, building, and bridges.”
5. After I have revealed all of the clues, I will ask for a few more guesses and then I will
reveal the picture of the doctor.
6. I will then explain to the class that today we will be studying construction workers. I will
tell them that construction workers help us by building new things and fixing old things.
7. I will then share with them that we are going to read the book “Let’s Meet a Construction
Worker” by Bridget Heos.
8. As I read the story, I will periodically ask both comprehension and thought extension
questions to ensure that the students are both learning from and making connections with
the book.
9. When the story is over, I will have students turn and talk with an assigned partner about
what they think a construction worker does. I will then have 2-3 pairs of students share
their responses.
10. After confirming their responses, I will explain to them that we will be moving to
morning centers, and that two of our centers will include activities that will help us learn
more about construction workers and what they do to help our community.
Center 1:
1. When students arrive to center 1, I will explain to them that at this center we will be
exploring blueprints.
2. I will then begin by assessing the students’ prior knowledge in this category I will ask
students if anyone remembers from the read aloud what a blueprint is and what it is used
3. After a short discussion, I will show students the real blueprints of houses and buildings
that i have brought in. I will give them a few minutes to look at them and ask any
questions they may have. As they do this, I will ask students what things they notice
about the blueprints. (ex: What can you see in them? What do you think this structure is?
What information does the blueprint give us). We will use these questions to guide a
short discussion about blueprints.
4. Next, I will explain to students that we will be creating our own blueprints. I will tell
them that we will do this by glueing pre-cut shapes into a structure that we will later build
with blocks.
5. As students build, I will ensure that they are glueing structures that are able to be built.
6. As students complete their blueprints, they will move to the rug. They will then attempt
to construct their blueprint by using the corresponding blocks that use their pre-cut
7. If students are unable to create this structure, they may go back and “edit” their blueprint.
Center 2:
1. As students arrive to center 2, Caroline will explain to them that they will be making their
own construction workers out of construction paper.
2. Caroline will show a model of the art activity to help guide them.
3. Caroline will instruct the students step by step on how to construct their construction
4. Caroline will instruct them to use glue to paste each pre-cut shape in order onto a larger
piece of construction paper.
5. Then, Caroline will instruct them to color each visible piece of the construction worker.
6. If time still remains after the craft is finished, Caroline will instruct students to use the
construction worker props to participate in dramatic play on the carpet.
7. When time is up, students will stand and point to their next center before rotating.
8. Closure
● When all centers are finished, I will call students by center to return to their desks.
● When all students arrive at their desk, I will explain to students that I have a video
to share with them about construction workers.
● I will then play the video on the projector.
● After the video, students will be called by color table to join me on the rug.
● When all students have arrived, I will assign partners, and students will turn and
talk about what they think a construction worker does, and anything new they
learned about construction workers today.
● Lastly, I will have each pair come to the front of the rug and share something that
they learned about construction workers.
● I will then call students by color table to pack up and prepare for lunch.
Key Questions:
● Introduction: 10 minutes
● Center 1: 30 minutes:
● Center 2: 30 minutes
● Conclusion: 5-10 minutes
Students begin seated in rows on the rug for the introduction. Students will then be broken into
their math groups and assigned a center to report to. In between centers, students will be asked
to stand and point to their next center prior to rotating. After centers, students will return back to
their desks to view the video. They will then be called by color table back to the rug to sit in
Classroom Management:
Typically, classroom management is not a main concern in this classroom during centers.
However, on the rug, Caroline will assist with any behaviors that may arise. For turn and talk
activities, I will assign partners as to reduce any issues.
Early finishers will be encouraged to read books about construction workers from the community
helper book bin. Since we are working in centers, any students who appear to be struggling with
any concepts can be easily addressed by Caroline or myself. At center one, if students are
struggling with the tools and materials scavenger hunt, I will prompt them with clues. Students
who are still learning to spell and write can copy these words from the signs onto their papers. If
they need help reading the words, they can use the picture for assistance, or I will intervene to
help them stretch it out.