Theatre For Social Change Lesson Plan One
Theatre For Social Change Lesson Plan One
Theatre For Social Change Lesson Plan One
COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will act by interacting in improvisations and assuming
2.07 Demonstrate and expand dramatic concepts through improvisations.
2.08 Use improvisation as an approach to scripted material.
2.14 Analyze self and others verbally and through keeping entries in a journal.
COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will research by finding information to support informal
or formal productions.
5.03 Experience, discuss and/or write about productions in different theatre spaces.
5.04 Investigate, discuss and/or write about plays from non-western theatre.
When the five minute bell rings, I will be standing by the classroom door. As students enter, I
will greet each individual student with a “Hello, welcome to class!” and a smile.
When the class bell rings, I will walk into the classroom and close the door behind me. I will
then stand behind the podium. “Hello, class, how is your morning going?” I will allow
students to briefly respond aloud; most responses will probably be positive, though there may
be a few complaints. I will then remind students that their focus work is on the board, and they
will begin writing their responses in their journals. Focus work today will consist of a question
on the board relating to Theatre for Social Change – “What is newspaper theatre?”
While students are writing their responses, I will silently patrol the classroom, answering any
questions students might have about the focus work, monitoring behavior, and assisting in any
way that I can. Students will be given 5 – 10 minutes to complete the focus work. When the
time is up, I will call time, and ask students to put away their journals.
I will then provide students with an outline of what they can expect from class today.
◦ Students will be assigned their Theatre for Social Change Project.
◦ Students will begin working on the first portion of their projects in class.
Teacher Input
“The final project for Social Change Theatre will have a writing component, an acting
component, and a compilation component. The writing component, which is what you will
have time in class today to work on, is a one to two page double spaced paper exploring a social
issue in America that is appropriate to explore in the classroom. You will be expected to look at
multiple side to the issue, meaning that you must find people who have different opinions on
the issue. You must have a works cited page with your paper, and you must try to print out at
least one article to turn in with your paper.”
I will hand out a sheet with the project guidelines.
“The next component is an acting component. You will be divided into groups and each person
will share with their group the social issue they researched.. Each group will then decide on
one social issue which they will use as the basis for the acting component. I will assign each
group a form of Social Change Theatre; you will research the form, its uses in the past, and so
on. You will then be expected to somehow use the specific form and its rules to explore the
social issue your group has chosen. You will perform it for the class, and have one person
photograph it as you perform.”
“Once you have finished this process, each of you will write a self reflection looking at the
process of this project, how it has or has not helped you understand the social issue, and how
Theatre For Social Change Scripted Lesson Plan
the form of theatre your group used helped you understand the social issue.”
I will ask students if they have any questions about the project. Some questions students may
have include:
◦ Is this a grade assignment? Yes, this is your final for this unit.
◦ Can we pick our own groups? No, I will place you into your groups.
◦ How long does the paper have to be? The specifics are on the project information sheet;
look it up.
◦ And so on. I will answer each question as fully as possible.
Independent Work
I will then hand out the rubric for the final. After passing them out to the students, I will go
over to the laptop cart, and call students by rows to come get a laptop to work with.
Once each student has received a laptop and they are back at their seats researching, I will
patrol the class, moving around. I will make myself available for individual questions about the
project; I will periodically mention elements such as:
◦ “Remember that your sources must be from legitimate sources – Wikipedia can be a good
starting point, but should not be the primary source for your information.”
◦ “Remember that you must have a proper MLA format paper.”
About five minutes before the bell rings, I will ask students to come up and return the laptops to
the cart, where I will plug them in in their respective places. When students have returned their
laptop, they should return to their seats and wait to be dismissed.
When the bell rings, I will dismiss students to their next class. I will tell them to have a great
day, and that I will see them tomorrow.