Iridium System Magic
Iridium System Magic
Iridium System Magic
Spell Magic
human has ten spirit points, spell casters have between ten
guidance from a higher
and thirty and supernatural
power (mystics, shamans) or
creatures can have hundreds.
effects that to not fall easily
Magical energies have a certain Wind Natural Forces into a pre-specified spell
unique resonance that allows for 2 pts/turn 500 feet format (artificers,
a number of interesting things. Elements: T,G Prereq: Gust alchemists, druids).
First, a spell caster can detect
energies from his own Realm, so This spell moves winds at the caster’s Will in miles per Spell Magic
a Medicina Maga can detect hour and will dissipate gases in 2-8 rounds. This is the Realms allow channeling
when other Medicina Maga next step up from the Gust spell. It is a strong breeze but from nearby planes that have
powers are in use. Second, each not so potent as to move people or objects. particular attributes. This
Realm has an affinity for power is channeled through
different materials (see Chart in the caster and given a specific form via a mnemonic process.
next section). These materials can store spirit points, like a Fatigue is represented via spell points. Spell points
battery, for future use. Third, each Realm has a counter in regenerate at a rate of 1 per night of rest (2 per night for the
The realms are spell list driven. mechanic. They become more exhausted as they include increasing defense and
BENEFIT OF THIS SYSTEM: Pre- use their Chi and it is all the spiritual strength they killing with one blow.
created lists make it a case of point will have.
management for casting spells. BENEFITS OF THIS
SYSTEM: A combination of
Free Form Magic the spell casting-list driven abilities and the flexible casting
of the clerical system. Individual monasteries have
Free form (also called clerical) magic is practiced by priests,
specialized CHI powers.
druids and shamans. They channel awesome supernatural
powers from gods, nature, and spirits respectively. There are
no lists for these classes but they do have areas of influence Psionics
depending on their focus. A priest of a god of war would not Psi are not common because of the intense training it
be able to create a bucket of fried chicken. Likewise, a priest requires to become one. The great ones are born with the
of a god of fried foods would not be able to give everyone in talent and merely need training to focus and develop their
the party a +1 to hit. Resolution is accomplished with a abilities. The Psi’s most important stat is PIE since it reflects
check, on a d20, vs. the priest's PIE and CON stats (WILL their faith in their powers. Without intense concentration and
and CON for druids and shamans). A modifier is applied the belief that they can affect the world around them with
determined by the GM for difficulty, casting conditions, and their minds, they would lose the ability to use their Psionics.
repeatability will be present.
-1 Easy: Telekinesis up to 10 kg, simple illusions,
The Psi are limited in the range of their abilities and the
communicating via telepathy within 5 km.
number of times before they must meditate to regain their
mental balance. This means that the Psi may use disciplines -2 Hard: creating moving illusions, flying via
listed here for general areas of effects. The Psi must pick one Telekinesis
discipline to study initially but may add other disciplines as
-3 D i ff i c u lt : I m p la nt i ng m e m or i e s , c o m pl e x
they gain experience.
movement with Telekinesis, implanting emotions,
Disciplines Tele-imaging elsewhere on a planet, illusions with
sight and sound
Telekinesis is the moving of objects with
-7 N i g h I m p o s s i b l e : Te l e - i m a g i n g a c r o s s
the mind. The heavier the object, the more
interplanetary distances, telepathy across
distant the object or the more complex the
interstellar distances (including orbiting craft),
movement, the higher the difficulty. To
moving tons of material
Telekinesis pick up an object and float it to a person is
much easier than typing on a keyboard. In general, the more powerful the effect the larger the
Applying killing force is very difficult and minus since it draws more conscious thought and discipline
requires a to hit roll in addition to a to focus an effect.
successful psi roll.
Telepathy is, in its easiest from, reading
the surface thoughts of a person. Much Base Chance: PIEChannel Base: WIS
Telepathy more difficult is reading the memories of Base Modifier: -0 (- 3/additional effect)
a target and the most difficult effect is
Psi have a base chance of their PIE to succeed in generating
implanting new memories.
a desired effect. This is modified by - 3 every time beyond
The Psi will be able to keep the Base Modifier constant for a
number of attempts equal to her level. For example, if a fifth 1-5 -1 to all WIS rolls until Psi meditates; discipline
level Psi were attempting seven consecutive SIMPLE effects shaken.
then the total modifier for the psi would be for each effect
respectively; -0,-0,-0,-0,-0,-3,-6. Since the Base Modifier 6-10 -2 to all WIS rolls until Psi meditates; discipline
does not change it allows the Psi to perform more effects. shaken badly.
Saves 11-13 -1 to all WIS rolls until Psi sleeps for 6 hours;
mind exhausted.
A person who is attacked psionically receives a save vs. their
PIE - the level of the Psi. If this is a desired effect then the 14-16 -2 to all WIS rolls until Psi sleeps for 6 hours;
affected may decline the save. For an effect that is external to mind in agony.
the target (i.e. Telekinesis), there is no save. A to hit roll is
needed to hit an opponent in order to lift them or hit them 17 Resolve Destroyed! -4 to WIS and no Craft skill
with a secondary object. may be performed until Psi meditates.
18 Wisdom Confused! All WIS rolls automatically
d20 Psychic Backlash
fail. The Psi will be incoherent and must rest for
1-5 -1 to all PIE rolls until Psi meditates; shaken. 12 hours.
6-10 -2 to all PIE rolls until Psi meditates; shaken 19 Amnesia! The Psi retains all their skills and
badly. abilities but have no memory. This can only be
cured through time and meditation. It is up to the
11-13 -1 to all PIE rolls until Psi sleeps for 6 hours; psi GM to determine the duration. Familiar people
powers questioned. and objects will help.
14-16 -2 to all PIE rolls until Psi sleeps for 6 hours; 20 Mind Destroyed! The Psi’s mind is destroyed. He
unsure of psi powers. must receive professional help for a Psi or a
Dedicated (Chi) Magic