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Chapter 6: The Learning of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling

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Chapter 6: The Learning of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling

Helen M. Doerr
Syracuse University
Dave Pratt
University of Warwick

The phrase "mathematical modeling" covers a broad range of theoretical and practical
orientations to the teaching and learning of mathematics. In this chapter, we will attempt to
synthesize the breadth of research on mathematical modeling and to analyze the equally broad
role of technology in this research. In the first section of the chapter, we focus on the research
on the learning of mathematics through modeling from two perspectives: epistemological and
psychological. The second section describes the various roles that technology plays in
supporting student learning through mathematical modeling. The third and final section of the
chapter concludes with an analysis of the relationship between the theoretical perspectives on
modeling and the use of technological tools within that research, and includes suggestions for
further research and for tool development and instructional design.
Epistemological Perspective
Nearly all of the research on learning through mathematical modeling is grounded in
some variation of an epistemological perspective that begins with an examination of the
relationship between an experienced or "real" world and a model world. Collectively, this work
suggests two epistemological underpinnings to mathematical modeling: first, that the model is
separate from the world to be modeled and, second, that modeling is a cyclic, iterative process.
The epistemological stance that separates the experienced world of phenomena from the

constructed world of the model is in one sense artificial and in another sense at the crux of
modeling. This separation is not a nave, modern day version of a Platonist worldview wherein
reality is directly represented in a mathematical model. Modeling does not attempt to promote or
"preserve the fiction that there is an absolute and unproblematic distinction between the world
and our apprehension of it" (Lehrer, Horvath & Schauble, 1994, p. 219). Rather, as Skovsmose
(1990) argues, our perceptions and observations are grounded in some theoretical framework,
which then influences the structuring of reality that leads us to the construction of any particular
model. The essence of this epistemological stance is that the world of phenomena and the model
world co-construct each other.
The co-construction of the experienced world and the model world is evidenced by the
ways in which models are projected back into the experienced world. A now-classic example of
this is the invention of the calculus by Newton and Leibniz, which in turn created an experience
of the world governed by the laws of Newtonian physics. More modern examples of models that
have helped construct reality are cellular automata, chaos theory, the concept of fractal
dimension and the accountant's spreadsheet. The notion that reality is structured by the models
that humans create is of significant importance from a scientific as well as a social and political
perspective. As an example, Skovsmose (1990) points out that the Cobb-Douglas function for
national production includes only labor force and capital investment. Therefore, ecological costs
are always out of the question when discussing the economy according to this model. Thus, any
claims about the economic system based on this model are claims about the conceptual system
that only allowed consideration of labor force and capital investment in the first place and hence
necessarily exclude ecological issues from the discussion. As Ogborn and Mellar (1994) point
out, an economic model can affect the very outcome it forecasts (p. 18). Thus, the separation of

the real world of phenomena and the mathematical world of the model is in some sense an
artificial separation or a separation of degrees.
At the same time, the separation of phenomena and model is at the crux of the
meaning of model. As Lehrer, Horvath and Schauble (1994) argue, this separation between
phenomena and model arises because models are fundamentally structural analogs between two
systems. A model is a system of objects, relationships, and rules whose behavior resembles that
of some other system. Modeling is the activity of mapping from one system to another. This
activity is driven by the need to describe, predict, or explain some particular phenomena of
interest to the modeler. Elements from the real world of the experienced phenomena are
selected, organized, and structured in such a way that they can be mapped onto a model world.
This model world necessarily simplifies and distorts some aspects of the real world while
maintaining other features and allowing for manipulations of these features (or objects) in
accordance with the rules of the model world. These manipulations lead to the descriptions,
predictions, or explanations that are the goals of the modeling activity.
The second epistemological stance that grounds research and practice related to
mathematical models is that modeling is a cyclic or iterative process. The source of this iteration
comes from the attempts at validation in the real world of the outcomes of the manipulations of
the objects in the model world. This validation can take several different forms. In some cases,
the validity of outcomes is simply measured against the criteria of usefulness for some particular
purpose. In other cases, validity is determined by comparison to other models or to other
experienced phenomena or to predicted data. The outcomes of the validation process result in
either a satisfactory model or generate another cycle of modeling activity. The cyclic nature of
this modeling paradigm is generally presented in variations of the simplified form suggested in

Figure 1 (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1989; Giordano, Weir, & Fox, 1997;
Galbraith & Clatworthy, 1990; Edwards & Hansom, 1989; Niss, Blum & Huntley, 1991). This
view of modeling is suggestive of the terms horizontal mathematization and vertical
mathematization, used by the Dutch researchers in the tradition of Realistic Mathematics
Education (Treffers & Goffree, 1985). Horizontal mathematization refers to the movement from
the "real world" to the "model world." The notion of vertical mathematization in the Dutch
tradition refers to activities in which mathematical elements are put together, organized and
structured into elements that are often more abstract than the original form. This is close in
meaning to the vertical arrow where transformations take place. In the Realistic Mathematics
Education tradition, this transformation can lead to more formal and more abstract mathematical
structures. Here, the transformations are intended to lead primarily to solutions that can be
interpreted in the real world; in some cases, that may also include the creation of mathematical
Insert Figure 1 about here.The cyclic notion of iteration implies that models are
successively refined to better serve some purpose such as the understanding of an experienced
system or predictions of behavior or explanations of causes or relationships. Some theoreticians
(Forrester, 1987) call for a reconsideration of the structure of the model when the predicted
behaviors are compared with other knowledge about the real world that is being modeled.
Others, such as Black (1962) and Lesh (1981), include as part of the modeling process the
explicit recognition of the introduction of simplifying assumptions and the later analysis of the
validity and necessity of those assumptions. Niss (1989) argues that students should critically
analyze and assess models, both those that they have constructed and those constructed by
others. This analysis should include a critique of the mathematical relationships that are within

the model as well as "the properties, qualities and bases of justification of the models as
representations of given segments of reality" (Niss, 1989, p. 28). As noted earlier, Skovsmose
(1990) argues that the comparison of the model with reality is inherently problematic: "a
mathematical model is not a model of reality; it is a model of a conceptual system created by a
specific interpretation, based on a more or less elaborated theoretical framework, and based on
some specific interests" (p. 770). These arguments suggest that the development of a model
needs to include the reflective and critical investigation that examines the assumptions and
criteria used in the construction, application, and validation of the model.
Many of the researchers and teachers who use this cyclic paradigm tend to emphasize a
view of mathematical modeling that is akin to applied problem solving. The focus is often on
problem situations that arise in engineering (especially mechanics), physics, biology, and
occasionally chemistry. Most of the reported work describes projects or curricular approaches
that have been implemented in the secondary or tertiary schools (Fay & Joubert, 2002; vom
Hofe, 2001; Lawson & Tabor, 2001; Mandinach & Cline, 1994; Mintz, 1993; Osawa, 2002;
Steed, 1992). The findings are often reported in terms of student affect, engagement, and
motivation, and in terms of the value of "real world" contexts to support these outcomes. The
mathematics involved in these projects generally includes algebra, functions, regression analysis,
calculus, differential equations, and stochastic processes. Numerous examples of the appeal of
this kind of modeling can be found in the literature on mathematics instruction, which provides a
litany of problems to be modeled by secondary or tertiary students (e.g., Bolte, 2002; Froelich,
2000; Sidhu & Carss, 2000; Swetz & Hartzler, 1991). The modeling process is generally
described as a series of steps, similar to those shown in Figure 1, such as the following:
understand the particular phenomena to be modeled; define the context and constraints; identify

the key variables; explicitly define the relationships among the variables; translate those
relationships to an appropriate computer implementation; analyze and interpret the results; and
then refine the model and one's understanding through an iterative process by repeating these
steps (Edwards & Hansom, 1989). However, despite the richness of the problem contexts, the
analysis of student learning through these steps in this literature is quite sparse.
Psychological Perspective
A psychological perspective on the research on models and modeling more directly
addresses issues related to the nature of the activities of learners when engaged in modeling
tasks. Some researchers have rejected the implied linearity of steps in the modeling process
(Bell, 1993; Lesh, Surber, & Zawojewski, 1983; Doerr, 1996a, 1996b; Lesh & Doerr, 2000;
Lester & Kehle, 2003). These researchers argue that learners make many moves when engaged
in the modeling process, often in no particular order, and that the process is characterized by
many cycles and multiple stages. This view of the modeling process is represented by the nodes
and the interconnections shown in Figure 2. While the modeling process necessarily begins with
encountering the context of the problem situation, learners move among the nodes in no
particular order, but with considerable revisiting and recycling from any given node to any other.
Lesh and colleagues have found that learners often spent an overwhelming amount of time in
refining their understanding of the problem. They posit a "spiraling model evolution [that] is
characterized by the occurrence of repeated mapping cycles while simultaneously the qualitative
level of understanding increases" (1983, p. 132). Doerr and colleagues have illustrated the
revisions and the increasing refinement of students' thinking as they cycle through interpretations
of modeling tasks (Doerr, 2000; Doerr & English, 2003). Linn, DiSessa, Pea, and Songer (1994)
argue for a long-term perspective on the refinement and articulation of students' models as they

develop their models into more sophisticated forms.

Insert Figure 2 about here.

A second aspect that emerges from the psychological view of the learner and learning is
the distinction between the use of an existing model created by an expert and the building of a
model that reflects the learner's own emerging understandings of the phenomena. Many
researchers have identified this distinction between running a pre-built model and building a
model (Clauset, Rawley, & Boedeker, 1987; Doerr, 1996a; Mandinach & Cline, 1989, 1994;
Moar et al.,, 1992; Roberts & Barclay, 1988; Webb & Hassell, 1988). This distinction between
using models and building models has also been described as the difference between exploratory
modeling and expressive modeling (Bliss & Ogborn, 1989). According to these researchers,
exploratory models are those models that are constructed by experts to represent knowledge in
some content domain. Learners typically explore consequences of their actions within the
boundaries of these content domain models. Typical activities include varying input parameters,
observing changes in output, and explaining the consequences of certain actions and conditions.
For example, some microworlds provide the student with a set of simulated, idealized worlds that
embody the Newtonian laws of motion while allowing the student to explore the consequences of
changes in the simulation's parameters and to reason about the relationship of the changes to the
outcomes. A microworld permits the exploration of the consequences of "what if" for changes
in variables and for extreme values of variables, while simultaneously putting the control for
such questions into the hands of the learner and allowing for repeated investigations. Such
microworlds provide the learner with the opportunity to explore a content domain through the

testing of hypotheses and variation of parameters, the autonomy of self-directed inquiry, and
interaction with dynamic, linked representations. As Bliss and Ogborn (1989) note, such
exploratory models provide a way of asking, "Can you understand an expert's way of thinking
about a problem?"
The modeling paradigm illustrated in Figure 2 is indicative of the activities involved in
model building. Building a model (or expressive modeling) provides learners with the
opportunity to express their own concepts and to learn through the iterative process of
representing their ideas, selecting objects, defining relationships among objects, operating on
those relationships, and interpreting and validating outcomes. Bliss and Ogborn (1989) describe
such expressive models as providing a way of asking, "Can you understand your own way of
thinking about a problem?" This is a significant shift in perspective from the activity of
exploring a pre-built model that necessarily embodies the intentions, concepts, and structures of
an expert. The process of model building forces students to make explicit their own ideas about
the relationships among objects and variables to examine, interpret, and validate the
consequences of their ideas. For example, Confrey and Doerr (1994) found that a rich diversity
of approaches was taken by different groups of students in conjecturing, refining, and confirming
a set of relationships between the force acting on an object on an inclined plane and its
component forces.
The use of Technology in Supporting Student Learning in Modeling Activities
We wish to emphasize that the exploratory or expressive characteristic of modeling is a
characteristic of the activity of the learner within a classroom setting, not an inherent
characteristic of the tools used in modeling! In this section, we will discuss the issue of the
designers' intentions for the tools and then we will elaborate on how the same technological tool

can be used, albeit quite differently, for either exploratory modeling or expressive modeling. We
begin by examining the issue of the design of tools for students' modeling activities.
In her analysis of the problematic nature of the relationship between "microworlds" and the
physical and mathematical phenomena that they portend to embody or represent, Edwards (1998)
draws a distinction between the design (or structural) characteristics of the microworld and the
functional characteristics of the microworld as it is used as an element in a learning environment.
From the structural point of view, the tool (in this case, a microworld) reflects the intentions of
the developer with respect to the structure of some domain of mathematics or science. For
example, according to Edwards, the "dynaturtle" environment (diSessa, 1982) reflects the
Newtonian Laws of Motion and the Logo-based "House" microworld (Hoyles & Noss, 1992)
embodies proportional figures. According to Edwards, a functional perspective on the
microworld shifts the focus to how the tool is used. A learner could engage in manipulating
objects, interpreting feedback, or using the objects to create new entities. Microworlds tend to be
used as exploratory tools, although Edwards and others (Meira, 1995) point out that the
meanings that learners make when working in such environments are not designed into the
computer, but rather emerge through the social practices surrounding their use. Schecker (1993)
proposes that model building (or expressive) software be recognized as a category of tools in its
own right, and defines this new category as context-free software tools that support the user in
representing a part of the touch-and-show reality in the form of an abstract, quantifiable system
of parameters and their relationships (the model), which predicts the behavior of the real system
(p. 162). He argues that, whereas simulation programs (such as microworlds) contain a pre-built
model, which the user is intended to explore or apply, model-building programs focus on
developing the model itself. In categorizing such a family of software, Schecker claims that the

use of such software enables the user to explore the consequences of his conceptual assumptions
about the phenomenon, leading to a conceptual understanding of the physical domain. In a
similar vein, OReilly, Pratt and Winbourne (1997) contrast constructive toolsthose designed
for the learner to build with (and so essentially expressive)and instructive toolsthose intended
to be made sense of by the learner (and so essentially exploratory). The approach by OReilly,
Pratt and Winbourne also envisions hybrid software that contains a mixture of expressive and
exploratory tools.
We will return to the issue of the designer's intention for the technological tool when we
discuss the pedagogical dimensions of modeling. For now, we will assume that exploratory or
expressive modeling is a characteristic not of the tool but of the activity in which the learner
engages with the tool. In this section, we will review research in which the apparently contextfree spreadsheet is used to explore prepared models supplied by the teacher. We will examine
the diversity of uses of dynamical geometry software, ranging from exploring a form of
Euclidean geometry to expressing personal models of a drawing kit. In so doing, we intend to
guard against a techno-centric approach, in which a software tool is assumed to have inherent
properties for supporting learning, ignoring the crucial role played by the teacher or researcher in
mediating that learning through structuring the task. As a constant reminder of this position, we
will refer to the (tool, task) pair as the unit of analysis. Our synthesis of the literature will
examine neither the tool (such as a spreadsheet) nor the task (such as modeling the length of a
roll of paper) in isolation, but will consider these two dimensions as inseparable as the two sides
of the same coin. We begin with our analysis of exploratory modeling activity.
Exploratory models.
In this section, we report on research about the exploration of models drawn from three
domains of knowledge, namely physics (more specifically the Laws of Motion), probability, and

geometry. Such diverse domains serve to illustrate that the issues raised by modeling through
technology are pertinent across a wide spectrum of knowledge domains. A classic example of
the use of exploratory models was provided by diSessa (1979) with the "dynaturtle." This Logobased environment sought to enable students to work within a world that contrasted with the
everyday world where objects appeared to slow down automatically. In the idealized computer
world, Newtons first two laws as encapsulated in the formula F = ma determined the motion of
an object called a dynaturtle. Students could explore the implications of Newtons Laws by
attempting to control the dynaturtle. In so doing, students might find that an object would not
slow down (or speed up) unless a force (to be programmed into the model by the student)
provided an impulse. The intention was that students would experience conflict between their
own mental model and the Newtonian model. Reflecting on these experiences, diSessa (1982)
reports how students learning to control a Newtonian object reveal a robust Aristotelian
expectation that things should move in the direction last pushed. In addition, the evidence
reported indicates a marked lack of influence of school physics in changing students' Aristotelian
White (1984) attempted to build on diSessas pioneering work by designing games with
specific goals aimed at focusing the students attention on specific aspects of Newtonian
dynamics. In her study, 32 science students (average age of 16.4 years) used a series of motionbased games. The students were tested before and after using these games and compared to a
control group who did not play the games. The improvement in performance of the students who
played the games was found to be statistically significant. There was evidence that playing the
games improved understanding of Newtons Laws. For example, many of the students who had
played the games knew intuitively that the direction of motion after the application of an impulse


was not in the direction of the impulse but was dependent on the initial velocity. Such an
intuition contrasted with intuitions for similar situations in the pre-test. Subsequent analysis
provided some justification that the corrected thinking might be attributable to the game playing
itself. The force and motion experiments involved the design of specialized environments,
which contained elements which behaved according to a predetermined model, in this case as
defined by Newtons first and second laws of motion. Notwithstanding the White experiment,
evidence that students construct a link between a microworld experience and the real world is
rare. This is a problematic aspect of much research with microworlds, namely the lack of
evidence for any claim that the students reasoned better about real world phenomena, even when
they reasoned appropriately within the microworld.
Similar approaches have been used elsewhere in very different knowledge domains. Pratt
(2000) reports on work in which he iteratively designed a stochastic domain of abstraction,
which was an environment intended to support the testing of conjectures about the behavior of
various stochastic gadgets (for example, coins, dice, and spinners). In this sense, the tools
incorporated the laws of probability, although, of course, the children may have expectations of
the behavior of these gadgets that do not conform to such laws. He worked with 32 10-year-old
children. The research iterated between phases of software design and clinical trials in which
children used the tools provided. The report indicates that these children held a number of nave
ways of thinking about randomness that were nevertheless identifiable as similar to expert-like
thinking. For example, the children sought out features of unpredictability, uncontrolability,
fairness and irregularity in trying to identify random phenomena. However, the childrens ideas
about randomness were abstracted from their experience of the short-term; they did not refer to
long-term properties of randomness where pattern emerges, at least in an aggregated and


proportional sense. The children applied these nave ideas even when trying to make sense of
long-term behavior.
The gadgets went beyond their real-world counterparts in that they could be opened up to
reveal tools that the children could use to explore and change their behavior. In fact, some of
these gadgets were presented in broken form. The task for the children was to use the tools to
mend the broken gadgets. In so doing, the children revealed their understanding of randomness
and how that understanding changed during interaction with the gadgets. Underpinning each
gadget was the same mathematical model, essentially the laws of probability, but each gadget
appeared at the observation level as distinct. The research reports how a new intuition,
constructed to explain the behavior of one gadget, was insufficiently robust for making sense of a
new situation, even though that new situation was mathematically similar. Nevertheless, these
children were able to use the new intuitions when other means of making sense of behavior were
seen to lack explanatory power. Indeed, Pratt reports that the new intuitions seemed to gain
increased power as they were found to be consistently useful in their ability to explain more and
more situations. In other words, when a child explores a given model, an intuition for some
aspect of that model may lie dormant when that same child explores another instance of a model
that is superficially different. However, further activity may cause that intuition to be reused if
other sense-making methods fail to provide explanatory power.
The Laws of Motion and the Laws of Probability have something in common; they both
can be seen as representing mathematical models, abstracted from phenomenological behavior.
The creation of computer-based microworlds (or domains of abstraction) demands a reversemodeling process in which objects and tools, and perhaps the models themselves, are realized as
manipulable on-screen entities, in some sense recognizable as the everyday phenomena from


which the model was first abstracted. Pratt (1998) has referred to this process as
phenomenalizing. In Figure 3, the traditional process of mathematical modeling cycles between
the two elements in the top left corner. However, the model itself serves as the basis for creating
models to be explored through the process of phenomenalizing. Exploration of the microworld
can lead to the creation of mental models or abstractions as represented by the two elements in
the bottom right corner of Figure 3.
Insert Figure 3 about here.

The connections among phenomena, model, and microworld are fairly clear in the case of
Newtons Laws and probability. The relationship between phenomena and some other
mathematical domains may also exist but is more abstruse. For example, how should we think
about the family of dynamical geometry software in relation to modeling? Laborde and Laborde
(1995) regard geometry as a partial modeling of space. Diagrams play an ambiguous role in
geometry and space; in the former they are theoretical constructs, while in the latter, as material
objects, they offer properties that can be perceived. In phenomenalizing Euclidean geometry
through the design of dynamical geometry software, a new type of entity is invented, the figure.
A figure, constructed in dynamical geometry, has many of the perceptual qualities of a material
diagram but at the same time has within itself embedded the geometric relationships of a
theoretical diagram. In contrast to a theoretical diagram, those relationships as realized in
dynamical geometry are "physically" manipulable (for example, by dragging). The role of the
figure in relation to space and geometry seems analogous to that of virtual dice to real world
games of dice and probability, and to that of the turtle or dot in motion simulations.
The Labordes propose that student learning in such an environment is supported in three


principal ways:
1. When a diagram is dragged, its behavior is dependent only on the software realization of
the geometric relationships (and on the learners choice of trajectory), allowing
predictions of behavior to be tested more precisely by the learner. Thus a conjecture
that a particular relationship is invariant can be tested fairly thoroughly by dragging the
diagram around the screen and into places where the relationship is tested to its extreme.
2. Secondly, learners are encouraged to experiment by the open-ended nature of the
software. Whereas in the first point, the learner is regarded as already having a
conjecture to be tested, more open exploration of a diagram may raise curiosity about
some coincidental behavior leading to the formation of a conjecture.
3. Finally, learners are able to repeat experiments to test their validity across varying
circumstances. A relationship that appears to hold in one diagram may or may not be
true when certain factors are changed. The facility to try out ideas systematically may
help the learner who is attempting to pin down the domain of validity for the
Several authors claim that the geometry, as encapsulated in such software, is
epistemologically different from Euclidean geometry. For example, consider a geometric object
whose construction is based on two other already existing objects. When the original objects are
dragged around the screen by the mouse, the newly constructed object will maintain its
relationship with the original two objects. This is one of the most important features of
dynamical geometry software since it enables the learner to focus on invariant features of the
construction. However, the newly constructed object cannot be dragged in a similar way. There
is a functional dependence between the original objects and the newly constructed object that is,


in effect, appended to the Euclidean properties of the construction. Hlzl (1996) discusses how a
different geometry emerges out of the design and use of Cabri-gomtre (citation needed). This
computational transposition (Balacheff, 1993) inherent in the phenomenalizing process
described above leads to a new form of geometry, whose epistemological validity might be
challenged. This issue is explored in more detail in the chapter within this volume on secondary
level learning of geometry (this volume, Hollebrands, Laborde, & Straeer, 2005).
The examples drawn from physics, probability, and geometry all involve the exploration
of models created in environments specially designed for learning purposes. Some research has
been based on tools, designed for commercial purposes but adapted to educational contexts. The
most evident example is in the exploration of models built into a spreadsheet. MolyneuxHodgson, Rojano, Sutherland, & Ursini, (1999) have been analyzing the results of a
Mexican/British project in which spreadsheets were used as a mathematical modeling tool. They
worked with two groups of 16- to 18-year-old science students, one group from Mexico and one
from Britain. The students explored a range of science-based models relating to diffusion,
chemical equilibrium, and the effect of collisions on momentum. The researchers concluded that
the spreadsheet approach helped Mexican students to appreciate and use graphical and numerical
representations while the English students were helped in a similar way on symbolic algebraic
representations. The evidence suggests that exploring spreadsheet models might encourage
facility in a widened set of representations.
This section has considered three illustrative themes, each involving the exploration of
models drawn from contrasting domains of knowledge. Across domains of knowledge, some
common conclusions can be drawn:

Modeling can change the nature of mathematical objects. The process of


phenomenalizing a domain of knowledge has epistemological and psychological

implications. The exploratory models offer a particular perspective on a mathematical
domain that exploits the opportunities offered by, but at the same time limited by, the
digital nature of a computer. As a result, the technology-based model may not be a
faithful representation of the conventional mathematical domain, but may, to a greater
or lesser extent, represent a new domain of knowledge with its own particular
opportunities for learning. Such opportunities appear to be offered through the
possibility of manipulating the model, or objects dependent upon the model, in quasiscientific ways. In this sense, phenomenalized mathematics can be explored and can be
seen to be explored.

We have discussed evidence that students can abstract within the modeling context.
Some (tool, task) pairs promote the testing of conjectures by situating the tools in an
investigative task. The knowledge abstracted is apparently constituted within the
technology-based models, a process of modeling we call intra-constructive.

There is however little evidence that students can abstract beyond the modeling context.
Some theoretical models that conceive of conceptual change as deeply dependent on the
situation would predict that extra-constructive modeling is unlikely or even impossible.
The lack of evidence of extra-constructive modeling may however simply reflect a lack
of research effort in this direction.

Expressive models.
In this section, we try to draw a distinction between research about the exploration of
models and research in which the learners are building their own models. The intention in the
activity on which this research is based is that students use given context-free tools to build their
own models of reality, thus expressing their own thinking about that reality.

One of the earliest examples of a context-free modeling tool is STELLA (citation

needed), Structural Thinking Experimental Learning Laboratory. STELLA utilizes a
systemdynamics approach in which it is supposed that complex phenomena can be better
understood by examining how the system behaves and changes over time. By providing a
graphical interface, STELLA operationalizes the process of identifying the characteristics of the
system, specifying the interrelated relationships between variables. Such relationships will be
deterministic and are likely to involve feedback loops as the effect of one or more relationships
feed back into the dynamics of those same relationships. The claims for systemdynamics
modeling through programs like STELLA have been extensive, ranging from a claim that
STELLA offers the ability to empower students to solve problems that would otherwise be too
difficult (or even impossible) to solve to a claim that STELLA provides a sort of conceptual map
that helps to shift the focus of the learner from working with formulas to more conceptual
reasoning (Niedderer, Schecker, & Bethge, 1991). In a review of the last ten years of
development of STELLA, Doerr (1996b) outlines both these claims and the evidence to date in
their support.
there is some evidence to support the claim that systems dynamics software such
as STELLA can support students in solving more complex, realistic problems
Nonetheless, one must be cautious about any broad conclusions concerning
students learning given the limited scope and extent of educational research to date.
(p. 219)
Doerr acknowledges that the software supports multiple approaches to problems and the expression
of student conceptions. According to Doerr, the research on STELLA has identified a number of
pressing issues and areas for further research. She argues that there is a need to understand the new


role of the teacher as facilitator, for research on how students might be assessed, and on how
student thinking evolves over extended use of context-free system dynamics software. Doerr also
emphasizes the need for research on how students validate their models.
In one of the few studies of pre-service teachers understanding of models, Zbiek (1998)
studied validation strategies in a different context, curve fitting, an activity in which learners
attempt to model a situation by representing it graphically. Zbiek worked with 13 prospective
secondary mathematics teachers. She gave these prospective teachers a number of tasks,
including one in which they were required to collect data and then model the time it takes for a
skateboard to travel the length of a ramp as a function of the height of that ramp. The participants
had available several software tools including curve fitters and other graphing utilities. Zbiek
recorded the strategies used. The strategies were diverse. At one extreme, the subjects worked
algorithmically by employing a tool that simply fed back a chi-square statistic for the goodness
of fit of the proposed model. They validated their models according to which gave the highest
goodness of fit. At the other extreme, some students paid little or no attention to the tools
provided. Most students used mixed strategies, leaning towards one or the other of these two
extremes. For example, one group was not totally dependent on the tools provided but allowed
the tool to limit the set of possible curves that might fit the situation. Zbiek claims that the
modelers degree of dependence on the tool determines the extent to which the modeling is
algorithmic or artful (p. 198).
Vitale (1995) has argued (in particular with diSessa over his use of the dynaturtle) that
students are unlikely to learn about the physics of motion by manipulating on-screen objects that
could have been programmed to obey arbitrary dynamical laws. Vitale argues that the
exploration of pre-built models may allow a learner to appreciate the way a given algorithm


unfolds, learning that Vitale would not want to undervalue, but does not necessarily support a
belief in how the phenomena themselves behave. Vitale places emphasis upon activity away
from the computer before using programming tools (Logo in particular) through which the
learner builds a model (perhaps many models) of the phenomenological experience. Vitales
approach appears to offer insight into the nature of a model, an insight that perhaps would have
benefited those of Zbieks students with algorithmic tendencies, by de-mystifying the process of
In another context, programming has also led to insights about the nature of a model.
Resnicks (1994) work involves the use of StarLogo, which, like STELLA, enables the modeling
of complex behavior. However, in contrast to STELLA, StarLogo models the behavior of
individual elements of the system, on the basis that interesting but complex behavior can result
from the multiple interaction of many relatively simple behaviors. Resnick reports on potential
for new insights to be gained by a shift of perspective from a centralized mindset to one
involving complex parallelism. He describes two students who were building a model of a
traffic jam, using StarLogo. Their early attempts created a system that seemed to fit with the
reality of traffic jams when several cars and a radar trap were involved. Traffic jams appeared as
the cars slowed down for the radar trap (which the cars could detect). Resnick asked them what
would happen if the radar trap were removed. They predicted that the jams would disappear and
the cars would become roughly equidistant. In fact, the traffic jams continued. The effect of a
few slow moving cars was to bring about traffic jams in the system as a whole, despite the lack
of any explicit causal factor. Resnick claims that such experiences have the potential to change
the mindset of people using such software. We observe that the difficulty of programming in a
parallel environment such as StarLogo has precluded widespread use of the software, making it


unlikely that significant advances in learning will occur using such software. Similar to the
critique of dynaturtle offered by Vitale, we note that there is little evidence offered that the
investigation of StarLogo models provides insight into the behavior of the phenomena being
modeled. It would appear that the person who gains most is the person who creates the model.
In more recent work, Wilensky has made significant enhancements to the StarLogo
programming interface that allow for more flexible environments to be created (Wilensky, 2003).
Earlier, we discussed how spreadsheets have been used to allow learners to explore
prepared models. However, the more frequent use of spreadsheets in the research literature has
been where no pre-built model was offered but the spreadsheet was used instead as an expressive
tool. In one such experiment, Matos (1995) describes a class of tenth-grade students working on
a problem in which they were required to model the length of paper in a paper roll. They were
provided with spreadsheets and a collection of paper rolls. Matos analyzed the progress made by
the students in terms of four identifiable stages. Initially, they formed images of the paper roll
that seemed to be partly based on prior experience of spreadsheets and partly on their experience
of rolling paper into such rolls. They next envisioned the paper roll as a series of concentric
circles in which the radii belonged to an arithmetic progression. In the second stage, the students
began to create tables and relations on the spreadsheet. They were able to express the length of
paper in each wrap using the formula for the circumference of a circle and they were able to
compute the total length by summing the lengths from each wrap. In the third stage, the students
attempted to validate their model against a formula that they had been given for the number of
wraps. There was in fact a mismatch between the prediction for the number of wraps based on
the given formula and that predicted by their model. The students searched for explanations of
the mismatch in terms of the paper running out in the real situation. They did not test the validity


of their model by checking their results against reality (for example by unrolling a paper roll and
making measurements). Matos proposes that the students initial model of concentric circles,
once translated onto a spreadsheet, had taken on a reality of its own. This proposal is consistent
with the fourth stage of progress in which the students explored the model by asking what
happens if questions, varying parameters in the spreadsheet. For example, they explored,
entirely within the spreadsheet model, whether doubling the radius doubled the length of paper.
Matos concludes that, as an empirical environment, the spreadsheet was essentially an expressive
mediation tool between reality and mathematics but became in fact their conceptual version of
The students that Matos observed appear to have been confident in their use of
spreadsheets even to the extent that he believes knowledge of spreadsheets
influenced their thinking about the model at the earliest stages of modeling. Wild
(1996) problematizes the question of just how expressive spreadsheets can be as
modeling tools. He describes work with a small group of slightly younger students
(12 and 13 years old). They worked on a problem involving the making and selling
of mince pies in order to raise funds. The spreadsheet was to be used to decide how
many mince pies to make and what price to charge in order to make a minimum
profit. The children had previously been taught how to use a spreadsheet. Wild
describes in detail the work of one girl who chose to work with specific known
quantities, first with paper and pencil, then on the spreadsheet, in order to reason
about the relationships between variables.

Only at the last stage did this girl

introduce symbolic representations, even though the spreadsheet template with

which she was working encouraged such an approach. Wild concludes that the


spreadsheet probably helped her to develop her thinking from being situationspecific towards being general and symbolic, but detailed study of her progress
indicates a number of tensions between her mental model and the requirements of
the spreadsheet. In discussing the work of the class as a whole, Wild points out that
a number of children were not able to resolve such tensions. For them, the
spreadsheet was not at all expressive as there was too large a mismatch between the
students mental models and the nature of a spreadsheet model. Wild summarizes:
Not only might some childrens mental models be somewhat incompatible with
their computer modeling but the tension so caused might not lead to stronger and
more accurate mental models on the part of the learner (p. 19).
Pratt and Ainley (1997) place the nature of the task at the center of the modeling process.
They describe two episodes. In one, a class of children (age 8 and 9 years) independently from their
teachers discovered Cabri-gomtre on their portable computers. They produced a series of
wonderfully imaginative and detailed drawings but they did not use the construction tools that
might have involved the children in geometric (rather than simply spatial) thinking. In contrast, the
second episode describes the work of a class of 11- and 12-year-olds. They were given the task of
making a drawing kit for their younger reading partners. The nature of the task was such that the
children needed to engage with the notion of construction in building their models. Pratt and
Ainley argue that it is not enough that the modeling tools have expressive power (as found by
Wilds students above). The choice of task has to be carefully chosen to suggest a purpose to the
children such that, in pursuing that purpose, they are likely to engage with the key mathematical or
modeling ideas.
The task element of the (tool, task) pair is foregrounded by the above research by


suggesting that children's construction of purpose for the task shapes the modeling activity that
takes place. The centrality of the task element in the (tool, task) pair may offer insight into an
issue that seems to run through this section on expressive modeling activity. It seems that model
validation is problematic. There appears to be limited research in this area. What research exists
seems to suggest that, when students engage in computer-mediated expressive modeling, there is
a tendency for the computer version of the model to become the dominant reality. Students may
use the computer tools algorithmically or without ongoing reference to the reality from which the
models were initially abstracted. Research on how tasks might encourage not only model
building but also validation activity is required. Furthermore, there is a need to look more
closely at the complex relationship between the task, the nature of the expressive tools, and type
of thinking that emerges. Our reading of the literature seems to indicate that careful analysis of
how the purpose for the task is constructed by the students might signal how task design might
promote validation activity. We believe that validation as an activity is intrinsically linked to the
need to reveal the potential and the limitations of a model, and if validation activity is to be
spontaneous then students must have a reason for wanting to pursue such a direction. Any such
reason will inevitably be wrapped up in their construction of the purpose for the activity as a
In the previous sections, we have made a distinction between research on exploring given
models and research on expressing models. We should reflect a little on this distinction. We are
struck by the fact that there is a commonality about the whole endeavor, as played out by
designers, researchers, and learners, but that the actors carrying out the enterprise change
depending on whether the emphasis for student activity is placed on exploration or
expressiveness. Let us consider this idea in more detail. There are four separable arenas of

activity (see Figure 4). The phenomenological arena marks out that territory of real experience,
where events can be observed or perceived through our senses. The mathematical arena
incorporates mathematical knowledge made up of the relationships and objects (such as axioms,
theorems, proofs, concepts) and models expressed using that language. The virtual arena
includes the models that are programmed into a computer, which might be representations (and
here we refer explicitly to representations "out there" as opposed to mental representations) of
large-scale mathematical systems, like geometry or Newtons Laws, or they might be smallscale, for example a spreadsheet solution to a specific problem involving a few interconnected
formulas. The creation of such virtual instantiations is closely connected to, but not the same as,
their counterparts in the mathematical arena. Finally, the mental arena includes cognitive
schemes or, less grandly, the pieces of knowledge such as intuitions or schema that might be
coordinated to generate a mental model.
In Figure 4, we set out the activity across these arenas in the two cases of exploratory and
expressive modeling. On the left side of Figure 4, we see an abbreviated form of Figure 3. The
modeling process has created culturally accepted models of phenomena that exist in the
mathematical arena. Designers create phenomenalized versions of these models that can be
manipulated and explored by students. The only process carried out by those students is the final
stage of abstracting (through use) situated understandings about the behavior of the embedded
virtual models. The reader should note that the connecting lines, representing activity, are
bidirectional though this is only of real interest in the case of the bottom line where it is clear that
situated abstractions are not created in simple ways but through extended interaction within the
virtual arena.
On the right side of Figure 4, we set out a corresponding schematic for expressive


modeling. In this case, the students carry out the modeling activity. Since the representation
when technology is employed tends to live directly inside the computer, we have incorporated
the mathematical arena into the virtual. Evidence seems to suggest that validation often takes
place solely within the virtual arena, and hence we do not show the connector back to the
phenomenological. In exploratory modeling, the natural starting point for activity is in the virtual
arena. In contrast, the natural starting point for expressive modeling is in the phenomenological
arena. And yet we argue that each type of modeling has its own set of difficulties:
1. If the student begins activity in the virtual arena, how can he or she be helped to make
connection with the mental arena or to the mathematical arena? We have offered some
evidence as to how students can construct situated abstractions but research in this field
has not adequately answered Vitales earlier question in which he queried how students
could learn about Newtons Laws by playing with tools that may from their perspective
bear no relation to Newtons Laws. Exploratory modeling seems to facilitate situated
understanding, but just what is the relationship between that situated understanding and
the experiential world of real phenomena?
2. If the student begins in the phenomenological arena, as in expressive modeling, how can
he or she be expected to make mathematical models of situations that they might not yet
understand? What sort of support structures might be needed in order to allow some sort
of iterative process to converge on increasingly "useful" or valid models? A further
question here relates to how the student connects back to the phenomenological arena;
we have already stated that there is remarkably little evidence related to students
validation of their models.


Insert Figure 4 about here.

In searching for answers to the above questions, it is worth bearing in mind a cautionary
tale that can be inferred from two separate pieces of research. Cuoco (1995) analyzed how
computational media might support the learning of functions. In terms of the above analysis, he
envisioned his students beginning in the mathematical arena. He found it necessary to develop
three different pieces of software to address the learning of functions according to the nature of
the individual student's prior conception of function. Meira (1998) worked with eighth graders in
the same mathematical domain, using physical apparatus and a computerized input-output
machine. Meira concludes in a similar vein that transparency is not an attribute of tools (physical
or virtual) but a measure of access to knowledge and activities. It seems then that if we wish to
help students connect the phenomenological, virtual and mental arenas, we may have to employ
a range of software tools, depending upon the students current knowledge.
There is evidence to suggest that when exploring prepared models, such as might be
programmed into a microworld, students appear ready and able to work within the Virtual arena,
and to make abstractions pertaining to that situation (Noss & Hoyles, 1996). They may
appropriate the virtual arena to the extent that it becomes for them a sort of virtual reality. There
is as yet little evidence to suggest that students are able to connect the mental abstractions to the
mathematical arena. There is a need for research into whether and how students make use of
abstractions or cognitive models constructed from virtual activity when they are active in the
mathematical or phenomenological arenas.
Our synthesis of the literature reveals four main areas to which research should be



There is a need for classroom-based research on modeling. The current domination of

rhetoric and how-to articles restricts the ability of researchers to build on prior effort in
extending knowledge of modeling. In reporting such research, it is essential that rich
descriptions of the task and the setting are elaborated so that the impact of the (tool,
task) pair can be better understood.

There is a need for research on teachers knowledge about modeling. The teacher is
clearly influential in how any modeling activity develops. It is reasonable to suppose
that the teachers own appreciation of modeling is likely to be a particularly significant
factor in that development. Yet we were able to find just one study that reported data in
this area.

There is a need to understand how students intra-constructive modeling might influence

reasoning about phenomena. We envisage teaching programs designed to help students
make connections between their exploration of virtual models and real phenomena.
Research studies that explore how students make those connections would need to be
linked to the teaching programs in such a way that data captured during activity would
reveal the nature of such meaning-making.

We need to appreciate more deeply the relationship between the design of tasks and
tools and the modeling activity that ensues. In particular, we need to understand how the
(tool, task) pair might encourage validation activity.

Finally, we state again that technological tools for modeling are not inherently exploratory or
expressive. There is plenty of evidence that shows how software tools can be used for many
different purposes, and we argue that it is more profitable to think in terms of the (tool, task) pair.


We have examples of (tool, task) pairs that elaborate exploratory modeling in which intraconstructive modeling took place. We have relatively few examples of (tool, task) pairs that
elaborate expressive modeling. As discussed above, there is a need to develop (tool, task) pairs that
explicitly aim to help the child to link intra-constructive modeling to phenomena. We imagine that
it would be easier to design the task element with such an aim in mind if the design of the tool and
task elements happened hand-in-hand. The design of (tool, task) pairs needs to take seriously the
issue of supporting the student in validation activity; consideration of the purpose of the task as
might be constructed by the student may prove profitable in this respect.


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Real World

M odel World



Real World

Model Solution

Figure 1. The cyclic nature of the modeling process

R e pr esen t
o b je c t s a n d
r e l a t io n s h i p s

E n c o u n te r c o n te x t
o f p r o b lem
si t u a t i o n

D ef ine
r e l a t io n s h i p s
a n d o p e ra te

G ath er d ata
an d select
o b je c ts

In te rp re t
o u tc o m e s ,
e v a lu a te , tr y a g a i n

(R e ) de fin e the
p ro b le m

Figure 2. A non-linear view of the modeling process


Figure 3. Phenomenalizing, the process of creating on-screen instantiations of

mathematical models, is in a sense the reverse of mathematical modeling


Figure 4. An activity map for two approaches to modeling


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