Lattice QCD
Lattice QCD
Lattice QCD
Lattice QCD
Christine Davies
University of Glasgow, UK
Lattice QCD was invented, way ahead of its time, in 1974. It really became a useful
technique in the 1990s when a huge amount of progress was made in the understanding
and reduction of systematic errors. Now, we are poised to start a second lattice revolution
with the onset of Teraflop supercomputing around the world and further improvements
in methodology. This will enable calculations using lattice QCD to reach errors of a few
percent, over the next five years. At this level, lattice results, where they exist, will be
the theoretical calculations of choice for the experimental community.
It seems, then, a good time to review the fundamentals of lattice QCD, for an audience
of experimental particle physicists. As consumers of lattice calculations, it is important
to be aware of how these calculations are done so that a critical assessment of different
results can be made. I have tried to keep technical details to a minimum in what follows
but it is necessary to understand some of them, to appreciate the significance and the
limitations of the lattice results that you might want to use. For a more detailed discussion
see, for example (Gupta, 1998) or (Di Pierro, 2001). This school is largely concerned with
CP violation and heavy quark physics, so in Section 4 I concentrate on lattice results
relevant to these areas.
Lattice QCD is just QCD, no more and no less. We take the theory, express it in Feynman
Path Integral language, and calculate the integral as well as we can. We would like to
be able to do this in the continuous space-time of the real world, but this is not possible.
Instead, we must break space-time up into a 4-d grid of points, i.e. a lattice (Figure 1),
and evaluate the Feynman Path Integral by Monte Carlo methods on a computer. It
turns out to be a calculation that requires a huge amount of computing power and tests
the fastest supercomputers that we have.
Christine Davies
[dA ]eS
[d] [d]
L d4x.
We are using Euclidean space here (imaginary time) so that the integrand doesnt contain
the oscillatory eiS , but the more easily integrated eS . The integral of Equation 1 can
then be evaluated numerically if we can convert it to a finite-dimensional problem.
Currently the integral runs over all values of the quark and gluon fields and A at every point in space-time. We need to make the number of space-time points (and therefore
field variables) finite and we do this by taking a 4-d box of space-time and discretising it
into a cubic grid, or lattice. It is then a relatively simple matter to transcribe the continuous theory onto the lattice, and we use the standard methods used for discretising e.g.
differential equations for numerical solution. Continuous space-time (x, t) becomes a grid
of labelled points, (xi , ti ) or (ni a, nt a) where a is the spacing between the points, called
the lattice spacing. The fields are then associated only with the sites, (x, t) (ni , nt ).
The action must also be discretised, but this is also straightforward. The Lagrangian
typically contains fields and derivatives of fields. The fields are replaced with fields at the
lattice sites and the derivatives replaced with finite differences of these fields.
The integral
R 4
over space-time of the Lagrangian becomes a sum over all lattice sites: ( d x n a4 ).
There are inevitably discretisation errors associated with this procedure (just as there
are for differential equations) because the lattice Lagrangian only matches the continuum
Lagrangian at a = 0. At non-zero a there are effectively additional unwanted terms in
the lattice Lagrangian that are proportional to powers of a. We will discuss this further
later. Another view of the lattice is that it provides an ultra-violet cut-off on the theory
Lattice QCD
in momentum space, since no momenta larger than /a make sense (the wavelength is
then smaller than a). In this way it is an alternative regularisation of QCD.
As an illustration of the simplicity of the discretisation procedure, let us consider a
scalar field theory with Lagrangian
L = ( )2 + m2 2 + 4 .
(n + 1 ) (n 1 )
2 =1
+ m2 2 (n) + 4 (n) .
The point n+ 1 is one lattice point up from the point n in the direction. We are always
free to rescale parameters and fields and we do this on the lattice, rescaling by powers
of the lattice spacing, so that the parameters and fields we work with are dimensionless.
Everything is then said to be in lattice units. In the scalar theory above we rescale to
primed quantities where = a, m = ma, = . Then
1 2
(n + 1 ) (n 1 ) .
(n) 2 + m +
The rescaling has the effect of removing the lattice spacing explicitly from the action.
A lattice calculation is done then without input of any value for the lattice spacing, or
even knowing what it is. We will discuss later converting results back from lattice units
to physical units, so that we can compare results to the real world. Equation 5 has
in addition been rearranged to collect similar lattice terms together, using n to move
the space-time indices. It now looks very like a spin model, revealing a deep connection
between lattice field theory and the statistical mechanics of spin systems.
To discretise gauge theories such as QCD onto a lattice requires a little additional thought
because of the paramount importance of local gauge invariance. The role of the gluon
(gauge) field in QCD is to transport colour from one place to another so that we can
rotate our colour basis locally. It should then seem natural for the gluon fields to live
on the links connecting lattice points, if the quark fields live on the sites.
The gluon field is also expressed somewhat differently on the lattice to the continuum.
The continuum A is an 8-dimensional vector, understood as a product of coefficients Ab
times the 8 matrices, Tb , which are generators of the SU(3) gauge group for QCD. On the
lattice it is more useful to take the gluon field on each link to be a member of the gauge
group itself i.e. a special (determinant = 1) unitary 3 3 matrix. The lattice gluon field
is denoted U (ni , nt ), where denotes the direction of the link, ni , nt refer to the lattice
point at the beginning of the link, and the color indices are suppressed. We will often
just revert to continuum notation for space-time, as in U (x). The lattice and continuum
fields are then related exponentially,
U = eiagA
Christine Davies
U (x + 1) = U1 = U (x)
U (x)
To understand how this relates to continuum gauge transformations try the exercise of setting G(x) to a simple U(1) transformation, ei(x) , and show that Equation 7 is equivalent
to the QED-like gauge transformation in the continuum, Ag = A .
Figure 3. A string of gluon fields connecting quark and antiquark fields (left) and a
closed loop of gluon fields (right).
Gauge-invariant objects can easily be made on the lattice out of closed loops of gluon
fields or strings of gluon fields (Figure 3) with a quark field at one end and an antiquark field at the other, e.g. (x1 )U (x1 )U (x1 + 1 ) . . . U (x2 1 )(x2 ). Under a gauge
transformation the G matrix at the beginning of one link eats the G at the end of
the previous link, since G G = 1. The G matrices at x1 and x2 are eaten by those
transforming the quark and anti-quark fields, if we sum over quark and antiquark colors.
Lattice QCD
The same thing happens for any closed loop of
color indices. Then the G at the beginning of
loop, the same point for a closed loop, can eat
membering that U fields going in the downward
U,(g) (x) = G(x + 1 )U (x)G (x).)
d4 x
Tr F F
4g 2
and the simplest lattice discretisation of this is the so-called Wilson plaquette action:
Slatt =
1 Re {Tr Up } ;
Up is the closed 1 1 loop called the plaquette, an SU(3) matrix formed by multiplying
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the matrix element that we are evaluating. In contrast to the real world, however, the
calculations are done with a non-zero value of the lattice spacing and a non-infinite volume.
In principle we must take a 0 and V by extrapolation. In practice it suffices to
demonstrate, with calculations at several values of a and V , that the a and V dependence
of our results is small, and understood, and include a systematic error for this in our
[dU] OeS
h0|O|0i = Z
[dU] eS
To evaluate this integral we can generate random sets of U fields on the lattice and work
out the result:
O eS
h0|O|0i = X
{U} is a set of U matrices, one for each link of the lattice, and is called a configuration.
O is the value of O on that configuration (e.g. the trace of a closed loop of Us). A set
of configurations is an ensemble.
This is a very inefficient way of working. If S is large for a particular configuration
it contributes very little to the result. Instead it is better to generate the configurations
with probability eS . This is called importance sampling since we preferentially choose
configurations with a large contribution to the integral. If we have a set of configurations
so distributed then
1 X
h0|O|0i = hOi =
O ,
N =1
i.e. the result simply becomes the ensemble average of the value of the operator O evaluated on each configuration. The calculation then has
a statistical uncertainty associated
with it, which varies with the ensemble size, N, as 1/ N.
Several algorithms exist to generate an ensemble of configurations with distribution
eS . The Metropolis algorithm is the earliest and simplest, but shares several features with
later more sophisticated algorithms. The first step is to generate a starting configuration,
{U}1 , e.g. by setting all the U matrices to the unit 3 3 matrix or by generating random
SU(3) matrices. The algorithm then sweeps round the configuration, one U matrix at a
time. For each U matrix a small change is proposed, i.e. a random matrix close to the
unit matrix is generated which could multiply U. The change in S is calculated if this
change to U were to happen. If S is reduced, the change is accepted; if not, it is accepted
with probability eS (by comparing eS to a random number between 0 and 1). Once
this has been done for every U {U}1 we have a new configuration, {U}2 . We then
repeat to obtain {U}3 etc. Once we have an ensemble we can do any number of different
calculations (often called measurements) on it for different operators O. Ensembles are
the equivalent of experimental data sets created by collaborations of theorists. They are
Lattice QCD
often stored for years and re-used many times. Some ensembles are publicly available see and
An important point to note is that each member of an ensemble is generated from a
previous member. The ensemble therefore has a (computer) time history. We have to
worry about the equilibration time and the decorrelation (autocorrelation) time of the
ensemble. The equilibration time is the number of sweeps required to reach a configuration
typical of the distribution eS that we are trying to create, i.e a configuration which has
forgotten the starting configuration. The autocorrelation time is the number of sweeps
it takes to generate a sufficiently different configuration that results can be considered
statistically independent. The autocorrelation time can be determined from the sequence
of results for O and will depend on O. In general if O is an operator with large extent,
e.g. a closed loop of U fields over many lattice sites, it will have a longer autocorrelation
time than if O is a small loop. This is because the changes to a configuration spread
out randomly from a point, one step per sweep. As we try to reach smaller values of
a, closer to the continuous space-time of the real world, we expect a phenomenon called
critical slowing-down. This is because a given physical distance, say the size of a hadron,
takes up many more lattice sites as a gets smaller. For an ensemble to decorrelate on
this physical distance scale then requires more sweeps. This makes the numerical cost
of reducing the lattice spacing at fixed physical volume far worse than the nave a4 (see
Figure 5).
Figure 5. A given physical distance requires more lattice points to cover it as a is reduced.
The inclusion of quarks in the lattice QCD action causes several difficulties related to
their fermionic nature and makes lattice QCD calculations very costly in computer time.
The so-called fermion doubling problem is apparent even for free quarks, in the
absence of any interaction with the gluon field. The continuum action for a single flavor
of free fermions is
+ m).
Sf = d4 x (
The obvious (so-called nave) lattice discretisation gives
x+1 x1
+ mx x .
Christine Davies
Figure 6. The doubling problem for lattice fermions. The sine curve shows the lattice
quark inverse propagator in 1-d. The straight lines through p = 0 (solid) and through
p = /a (dotted) are those for a continuum quark.
The problems become evident when we Fourier transform this and compare the lattice
inverse propagator:
sin p a
latt,naive (p) = i
to that obtained in the continuum from Equation 14,
cont (p) = i p + m.
The two are plotted for a massless quark in one-dimension in Figure 6 over one lattice
Brillouin zone (momenta beyond /a are equivalent to those in this range). The lattice
result looks continuum-like around p 0, where the inverse propagator is close to zero.
The lattice inverse propagator is also close to zero around p /a, however. Since
/a and /a are periodically connected on the lattice, another continuum-like line can
be drawn at this point (with opposite slope to the one at the origin). Thus in onedimension, our lattice fermion contains two continuum-like fermions rather than one! On
a 4-dimensional lattice we have 24 fermions instead of one. The 15 excess fermions are
called doublers. The doubling problem is clearly a consequence of the fact that the sine
function appears in Equation 16 and this is because of the single derivatives in the Dirac
action for a relativistic fermion, Equation 14. For a scalar particle (Equation 5) we would
have a cosine instead, and no difficulty.
Wilson quarks
There are several approaches to the doubling problem. The most severe in terms of its
effects, but currently the most popular for a lot of applications, is the Wilson quark action.
In this the doublers are entirely removed, by adding a Wilson term to the action which
gives them a much larger mass than ma, so that they drop out of the physics. The term
added is a double derivative so appears with an extra power of a (a5 ) in order to have the
Lattice QCD
same dimensions as the other terms in Sflatt (Equation 15):
r X
x 2x ,
SfW = Sfnaive a5
x+1 2x + x1
where r is the Wilson parameter (almost always set to 1). The extra power of a in
Equation 18 means that the correspondence between the lattice and continuum actions
as a 0 is not changed. However, if we look at the inverse propagator again, there is a
2r X
sin2 (p a/2).
a2 =1
If we substitute for G1
naive from Equation 16 and expand out the sin function around p 0
we get
ra X
p2 .
2 =1
Comparing this to the continuum form (Equation 17) as a 0, the r term will disappear
and a fermion of mass m will have the right form. If instead we look at the doublers, we
must expand around p /a. If we call pe the momentum difference between p and /a
and consider the case where p has only one component close to /a, and the others are
close to zero, then
e = i pe + m +
+ .
G1 (p)
Now as a 0, the mass of the doubler, m + 2r/a . The doublers at other corners of
the Brillouin zone pick up masses of 4r/a, 6r/a, 8r/a : check this as an exercise. Thus
we are assured that our quark action describes only the one quark that we intended, but
there is a price for this, as we shall see below.
The Wilson quark action is converted to dimensionless units by a rescaling a3/2 ,
leaving the quark mass parameter as a mass in lattice units, ma (previously called m ).
1/ plays the role of the quark mass. is conventionally rescaled by 2 so that moves
to multiply the terms connecting the field on different sites (thus allowing hops). If
we now couple in a gluon field, the field will become a 3(color)4(spin) dimensional
vector on each site. The gluon field must be included in such a way as to keep the action
gauge-invariant. From our earlier discussion it is then obvious that U matrices must be
inserted as a link between the and fields when they are on neighbouring sites. The
Wilson quark action is then conventionally written:
( "
Christine Davies
The price we pay for using the Wilson quark action is that we break explicitly the chiral
symmetry of continuum QCD. This is a symmetry of the derivative terms in Sf (Equation 14) which allows us to rotate separately right- and left-handed components of the
quark field. The spontaneous breaking of this symmetry gives us a massless pseudoscalar
meson called the pion as a Goldstone boson and has other important consequences for
particle physics. Chiral symmetry is broken explicitly by a quark mass (so that the real
pion is not actually massless) but also, more seriously for the lattice, by the Wilson term.
As a 0, chiral symmetry will be recovered, but for real lattice calculations at non-zero a,
the lack of chiral symmetry can cause difficulties for some calculations.
One surprising feature of Wilson quarks is that it is still possible to get a massless
pion even at non-zero a, when chiral symmetry is broken. However, we have to search
for the value of 1/ at which it occursit is not simply the point 1/ = 8r, as it would
be in the free theory, above. Lattice calculations of the mass of the pseudoscalar meson
(MPS ) must be done at various input values of (see Section 3) for a given ensemble.
A plot of MPS
against 1/ is then extrapolated to the point where MPS is zero. The
value of at this point is called critical and is the point at which the bare quark mass
in the interacting theory is zero (but matrix elements will not necessarily show chirally
symmetric behaviour). The bare quark mass in lattice units, ma, at other values of can
then be taken to be (1/2 1/2critical ).
Another problem for the Wilson quark action is the presence of large discretisation
errors. The nave quark action has discretisation errors proportional (at lowest power) to
a2 because (see Equations 16 and 17) sin(pa)/a = p(1 p2 a2 /6 + ). In the measurement
of a hadron mass, the terms proportional to p2 a2 in the action will induce an error proportional to 2 a2 where is some typical momentum scale inside the hadron in question,
say 300MeV. For lattice spacing values we can reach, around 0.1fm (= (2GeV)1 when
h = c = 1), this gives an expected error of order 2%. The Wilson term (Equation 18)
that we added, however, is proportional to a, so that SfW = Sfcont + O(a). Now hadron
masses will have an error of typical size a, which could be 15% at a = 0.1fm. One can
extrapolate this error away by doing calculations at several values of a but the size of the
extrapolation adds uncertainty.
Instead, we can improve the quark action, by adding additional terms to counteract
the errors at any order in a. This is equivalent to a higher order discretisation scheme for
differential equations. For the Wilson quark action we can add the so-called clover term,
making the clover, or Sheikholeslami-Wohlerti, action:
Sfclover = SfW
iacsw r X
x F x .
The standard discretisation of aF is as a set of 4 plaquettes arranged in a cloverleaf shape. If the clover coefficient, csw , is chosen correctly then the clover action has
leading order errors proportional to a2 again. It is in the correct choice of this coefficient
that the difficulties of discretising a field theory, as opposed to a standard differential
equation, appear. We are trying to match QCD with an ultraviolet momentum cutoff of /a to QCD with an infinite momentum cut-off. Gluonic interactions with gluon
momenta between /a and in the continuum must be accounted for on the lattice by
a renormalisation of coefficients in the action. Thus the nave (tree-level) value of 1 for
csw is renormalised by an amount which depends on the QCD coupling constant at some
momentum scale around /a. This momentum scale is typically quite large (for a = 0.1fm
Lattice QCD
it is 6GeV) so that a perturbative calculation of csw can work well. csw = 1 + c1 s (/a) +
c2 s2 (/a) + . In fact it has been shown that a lot of the perturbative correction
can be absorbed into a renormalisation of the U field by a factor called u0 , and this is
called tadpole-improvement (Lepage, 1993). Alternatively csw can be determined within
the lattice calculation itself (i.e. non-perturbatively) by insisting that some continuum
relationship, broken by the discretisation errors, works on the lattice (Sommer, 1998). For
csw we can impose Ward identities from chiral symmetry, for example. This improvement
programme for the lattice action can be carried further at the cost of introducing more
coefficients that have to be determined by a match to continuum QCD. However, this
must be compared to the cost of not improving the action, which requires calculations on
very fine lattices to achieve small enough discretisation errors for the accuracy we require
and is generally prohibitive.
Staggered quarks
Here we return to the nave quark action and ask, what was so bad about having 16
quarks instead of 1? If we had 16 flavors of quarks of the same mass in Nature, the
nave action might be fine. In fact we only have two quarks that might be considered
degenerate, u and d. They both have masses of a few MeV. Although we do not believe
that their masses are the same, the difference is much smaller than any other mass, and
they are treated as degenerate in most lattice calculations at present.
We can thin the degrees of freedom of the nave lattice quark action by removing the
4 spin degrees of freedom (which can be shown to be multiple copies of the same thing).
The quark field, , then becomes a 3(colors)1(spin) component object on a site and the
staggered (Kogut-Susskind) fermion action is:
x, U (x)x+1 U (x 1 )x1 + max .
Christine Davies
Ginsparg-Wilson quarks
A recent development has been a set of quark actions which maintain chiral symmetry of
the action while still describing only one quark flavor, but at the cost of a very complicated
lattice discretisation of the continuum derivative. This is then costly to implement. For
example, in the domain-wall formulation an additional 5th dimension is required whose
length, in principle, must go to infinity. A lot of work is being done to develop algorithms
for these quark actions which may make them feasible in the long-term. In the meanwhile,
they are already being used for calculations that really need chiral symmetry at finite
lattice spacing, such as that of the CP-violating parameter in the K system, .
Another problem with handling quarks in lattice QCD is that they are fermions, obeying
the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and therefore cannot be represented by ordinary numbers
in a computer. We must do the quark functional integral by hand:
eSg +M
[dU] [d] [d]
[dU] detMeSg
where the form for the matrix M depends on the quark formulation and can be derived
from the forms given above for the quark action (Equations 24, 25 and 26). The QCD
action then becomes
Re Tr (Up ) ln (det M) .
We now generate ensembles of gluon fields (only) with importance sampling based on this
action. The standard algorithm for doing this is called Hybrid Monte Carlo . The second
term is a very expensive one to include, because it requires frequent calculations of M 1
Lattice QCD
(various algorithms, such as Conjugate Gradient exist to do this) and M is a large matrix
(4(forWilson) 3 V 2 106 on a side). If this term is missed out for expediency
(so that the action is just Sg ) then we talk of using the quenched approximation. Most
calculations in the past have been quenched (and most of the results I discuss later
will be in the quenched approximation) but recently calculations using the full QCD
action (unquenched or with dynamical/sea quarks) have been attempted and in the
future we hope that the quenched approximation will become redundant. We can think
of the ln(det M) term as giving rise to a sea of quark/anti-quark pairs appearing and
disappearing in the vacuum. For every quark flavor for which we have a separate matrix
M we should in principle include a term of the form ln(det M) in the dynamical quark
action. However, it is only the production of light (u, d, s) quark/anti-quark pairs that we
envisage having a significant effect for most of the quantities that we calculate. Dynamical
lattice calculations are then done with Nf = 2 for u, d dynamical quarks or 2+1 if s is
Quarks must also be integrated out of the operators, O. For O = ()y ()x , the
form mentioned earlier, which creates a meson at the point x and destroys it at the point
y, then
[U])ab (My,x
[U])ba detMeSg .
Above we have given an example for O, which includes the creation of a valence quark
and anti-quark at the point x and their destruction at the point y. This is a so-called
hadron correlator or 2-point function on the lattice since it simply has a source and a
sink, and is one of the simplest quantities to calculate. It is shown pictorially at the left
of Figure 8, where the solid lines indicate the valence quark propagators, and the blobs
Christine Davies
at the two ends indicate the creation and annihilation of the meson. A baryon would of
course have 3 valence quark propagator lines. Usually we project onto specific values of
p for the hadron, so in Figure 8 we have suppressed spatial indices at the source and sink
and just refer to the time index, 0 at the source and T at the sink. The figure shows
how, as the valence quarks propagate, they interact any number of times by exchange of
gluons. This is a pictorial representation of the fully non-perturbative nature of a lattice
QCD calculation. The interactions include the production of dynamical quark/anti-quark
pairs if a dynamical calculation is being done.
The calculation of this 2-point function will enable the extraction of the hadron mass
(see below), for the hadron corresponding to the J P C quantum numbers of O. We make
different quantum numbers by inserting matrices between the and fields in each
piece of O. For example, (5 )x creates a pseudoscalar meson (such as ) and i
a vector (such as ). When the quark functional integral is done, as in Equation 29,
matrices will appear between the two M 1 factors and appropriate sums over spin indices
will have to be done.
The blobs in Figure 8 indicate that we can use more complicated forms for O for a
given hadron, e.g. the and fields do not both need to taken at the point x. We
can separate them spatially, either by inserting U fields to keep O gauge-invariant, or
by fixing a gauge to allow spatial separation without including U fields. This enables
us to feed in information, or prejudice, about the relative spatial distribution of the
quarks in the hadron, i.e. its wavefunction. Each piece of O takes the form x+r (r)x
(suppressing the U fields) where is some function of the separation between and :
it is known as the smearing function and O is then a smeared operator. When the
quark functional integral is done, factors of will appear between the M 1 factors. The
factor of is absorbed at the source by solving Mx = for, say, the quark (making a
smeared quark propagator) and Mx = for the anti-quark (a local quark propagator).
The two propagators are then put together with an explicit insertion of at the sink.
Often calculations measure separately hadron correlators with several different smearing
functions at both source and sink, enabling a more precise determination of the hadron
Another type of 2-point function is shown on the right of Figure 8. In this case we
create the hadron with a smeared operator and destroy it with a local operator. This is a
smeared-local or smeared-current correlator, since the quantity that we can extract from
this is the matrix element of the appropriate current operator, J, between the vacuum and
the hadron. For example, this is used to calculate the decay constant, f , related to the
vacuum to matrix element of the axial vector current (denoted by its time component,
Lattice QCD
A0 , in Figure 8). This couples to the W particle and mediates the purely leptonic decay
of a meson. See the Lagrangian for the weak interactions in (Rosner, 2002), but note
that the W particle is not included explicitly in lattice QCD calculations. O in this
case then takes the form ( x+r 5 (r)x )(0 5 )y , where the first factor creates the pion
with a smeared operator at x and the second destroys it with the time component of the
local axial vector current. The quark functional integral converts this to the same type
of quantity, with two factors of M 1 , that we discussed above.
J = V0, Vi
Step 1
A volume and a rough lattice spacing are chosen. A volume of (3fm)3 is considered to
be large enough not to squeeze, and therefore distort, typical hadrons placed on it.
The time extent is usually taken as twice the spatial size since masses etc are extracted
from the time dependence of hadron correlators (see below). The selection of the lattice
spacing is a trade-off between getting close to the continuum limit (and therefore small
discretisation errors) and the cost of the calculation, which grows as some large power of
a1 . Improvement of the action, discussed above, helps here by giving small discretisation
errors on coarser lattices. Lattice spacings around 0.1fm are reasonable on both counts.
From experience we know roughly what value of the bare QCD coupling constant to take
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in the gluon part of the QCD action to achieve various values of a (determined after the
calculation, see below). However, the quark contribution to the action affects this also,
and we have much less experience with this. A (3fm)3 6fm lattice with a 0.1fm
requires (30)3 60 sites.
Step 2
A quark formulation, number of quark flavors, and masses in lattice units, ma, are chosen
for the quark part of the QCD action. Again we have a trade-off between trying to take
realistically small masses for the u and d quarks, and the cost. Again we do not know
what the quark mass actually is until after the calculation, when we have calculated the
masses of hadrons containing that quark. Recent calculations have been able to take
dynamical quark masses down to the s quark mass and some have gone further; future
calculations need to reach much smaller masses than this. Extrapolations to u and d
quark masses will continue to be necessary, however (see step 8). Some interpolation will
always be necessary too since the masses chosen will inevitably not be exactly correct,
e.g. for the physical strange quark mass.
Step 3
An ensemble of gluon configurations must then be generated using importance sampling
with eS . As discussed above, dynamical quarks appear implicitly through the quark
Step 4
Quark propagators are calculated on each gluon configuration of the ensemble by inverting
the quark matrix, M, to make the valence quarks inside the hadron. Where they are
supposed to have the same flavor as the dynamical quarks, they should have the same mass
in lattice units, ma. However, we can also calculate valence quark propagators for quarks
with different mass from the dynamical quarks, and perform separate extrapolations in
valence and dynamical quark masses. This is sometimes useful and particularly so if there
is a very limited set of dynamical quark masses. It is known as the partially quenched
approximation (PQA).
Step 5
The quark propagators are then put together in various combinations to form hadron
correlators (see the discussion of the form taken for operators, O, above) which are
then averaged over all the configurations in the ensemble. We are concentrating here on
operators O which are related to quark-based hadrons but gluonic operators can also be
measured on the ensemble and averaged in the same way.
Step 6
The hadron correlators are fitted to their expected theoretical form to extract hadron
masses and matrix elements. For the 2-point function described for the spectrum, the
ensemble average of the product of smeared quark propagators described above gives us
the vacuum expectation value of a hadron correlator, h0|H (T )H(0)|0i (see Equation 1).
The hadron creation(destruction) operator can create(destroy) from the vacuum all the
hadron states which have the same J P C quantum numbers as the operator. For example,
if the operator has the quantum numbers of a pseudoscalar meson containing u and d
quarks, the and all its radial excitations can be created(destroyed). The amplitude, A,
with which a particular state is created or destroyed depends on the overlap with that
Lattice QCD
Figure 10. The effective mass of a 1 bb () correlator, calculated from a lattice 2-point
function with local source and sink.
state of the operator used, i.e. the smearing function, at source or sink. Thus we obtain
h0|H (T )H(0)|0i =
Asrc,n Asnk,n En T
where the factor eEn T arises because the two hadron operators are offset by a time distance T in Euclidean space, and En is the energy of the nth state. The states which
dominate the fit, especially at large values of T , are those with lowest energy; if a projection on zero momentum has been done, these will be the states with lowest mass. Often
we are interested in the one state with lowest mass, the ground state (the in the example
above), and then try to design a good smearing function to have large overlap with that
state, and very small overlap with its radial excitations. In that case fits can be done in
which data at small values of T are thrown away and only a single exponential is used in
the fit. The extent to which this works can be gauged by plotting the effective mass, the
log of the correlator at time t divided by t. If one state completely dominates the fit, a
constant result is obtained as a function of t - the effective mass is said to plateau. The
plateau value is the ground state mass. Figure 10 shows the result for the effective mass
of the correlator for an particle (see Section 4) calculated on the lattice. A clear plateau
is seen but only for t > 15. For smaller t the correlator clearly contains excitations of
higher mass, because no smearing was used in this case.
The best calculations use several different smearing functions at source and sink and
perform simultaneous multi-exponential fits of the type in Equation 30. If the masses
of several states can be obtained from the fit the reliability of the ground state mass is
increased. It should also be pointed out that correlated fitting techniques must be used
since the correlators at adjacent times are not statistically independent of each other.
For the 2-point function used to calculate decay constants, the amplitude with which
the hadron is destroyed at the sink is the vacuum to hadron matrix element of the current.
h0|J(T )H(0)|0i =
Asrc,n h0|J|ni En T
Christine Davies
and h0|A0 |(p = 0)i = f m . To isolate the part proportional to the decay constant
requires dividing the total amplitude of the ground state exponential by Asrc,n=g.s.. This
can be obtained from a fit of the type in Equation 30, if the same smearing function is
used at source and sink so that Asrc,n = Asnk,n .
For the 3-point function we have two sets of hadrons with different flavor quarks,
separated by a current insertion.
h0|H (T )J(t)H(0)|0i =
where n runs over hadrons with the quantum numbers of the operator at 0 and m, those
of the operator at T . Again the matrix element of interest, that of the current between
two hadrons (usually for the ground states in the two cases), can be obtained by dividing
out the amplitudes at source and sink from two separate 2-point fits for the two different
hadrons of the kind in Equation 30.
Step 7
It is now possible to determine what the lattice spacing was in the simulation. This then
sets the single dimensionful scale so that everything can be converted to physical units
(GeV) from lattice units. The lattice spacing is determined by requiring one dimensionful
quantity to take its real world value. Usually a hadron mass is chosen, because these
are easiest to determine on the lattice, but it should not be one whose mass depends
strongly on valence quark masses to be determined in the next step (see below) otherwise
a complicated iterative tuning procedure will result. The most popular quantity to use at
present is known as r0 , a parameter associated with the potential between two infinitely
heavy quarks. It is extracted from the energy exponent of a gluonic operator (the closed
loop of Figure 3), so can be precisely determined and does not contain any valence quark
masses. The only problem is that it is not an experimentally accessible quantity, and
we rely on potential model results to give a phenomenological value, estimated to be
0.5fm. Another quantity frequently used is the mass of the meson, obtained by chiral
extrapolation to the point where the meson mass, and therefore the u,d quark mass,
is (almost) zero. The chiral extrapolation, however, can produce large errors. A better
quantity is the orbital excitation energy, i.e the splitting between P states and S states, in
bb or cc systems, since these dont contain light quarks and this splitting is even insensitive
to the heavy quark mass. (The treatment of heavy quarks on the lattice will be discussed
in Section 4.)
Step 8
The step above yields all hadron masses in GeV. However, before we can compare to
experiment we must tune the quark masses. This requires calculations at several different
values of the bare quark masses in an appropriate region. For each quark mass we then
select a hadron whose mass will be used for tuning (and is therefore not predicted). For
that hadron we interpolate/extrapolate the results to find the bare quark mass at which
that hadron mass is correct. The masses of other hadrons containing that quark are
then predicted if we interpolate/extrapolate those masses to the same quark mass, or
combination of quark masses. In the process we learn about the dependence of hadron
masses on the quark mass and this can be useful theoretical information. The hadrons
used for tuning should be low-lying states with accurate experimental masses which can
be calculated precisely on the lattice. The mass is usually used to fix the u, d mass
Lattice QCD
(taken to be the same), although sometimes the approximation m = 0 is used. The mass
of the K, K , or can be used to fix the s quark mass. The K or K obviously require
the u and d masses to have been fixed. The dimensionless ratio of the K to the K mass
can also be used, and this is then less dependent on the quantity used to fix the lattice
spacing. For the c(b) quarks, the D(B), Ds (Bs ) or () systems are convenient ones.
The interpolation/extrapolation of hadron masses as a function of bare quark masses
is a relatively simple procedure in the quenched approximation. Then there is no feedback
from the quark sector into the gluon sector. We can create gluon field configurations at
a fixed value of the lattice spacing (as determined, for example, from a purely gluonic
quantity such as r0 ) and measure hadron masses at many different quark masses on those
configurations. The issues are then the correlations between results at different quark
masses that must be taken into account and the spurious non-analytic behaviour in quark
mass that can arise in the quenched approximation in extrapolations to u and d masses
(quenched chiral logarithms).
When we include dynamical quarks in the calculation, the effects of the quark determinant at a particular quark mass feed into the gluon field configurations. Results at
different dynamical quark masses then represent a completely new calculation, generating
a new ensemble of gluon configurations with statistically independent results. The interpolations/extrapolations in quark mass take on a new dimension and there are subtleties
associated with how to do this. Some groups have chosen to generate configurations at
fixed bare coupling constant and various dynamical bare quark masses. Then the lattice
spacing will vary with quark mass and extrapolations in quark mass must be done in
lattice units, before fixing the lattice spacing at the end. I believe a more satisfactory approach from a physical perspective is to adjust the bare coupling constant at different bare
quark masses so that the lattice spacing remains approximately the same (as determined
from r0 , for example). This then allows interpolations/extrapolations for physical hadron
masses, and a better picture of the physical dependence of quantities on the presence of
dynamical quarks. Several groups have also carried out this procedure.
In all of these approaches we must extrapolate to reach the physical u/d mass region,
and so we need to know the appropriate functional form for this extrapolation. This
can be derived for light enough u/d mass using an effective theory of Goldstone pions
called chiral perturbation theory. This shows that logarithmic behaviour of quantities as
a function of the mass (the variable representing the u/d quark mass) should be present
in general as well as simple power-law behaviour. These chiral logarithms will only show
up at rather small quark masses (mu,d ms /4) and so it is important for dynamical
simulations to reach quark masses low enough to be able to match on to this behaviour
and extrapolate down.
Step 9
The calculation needs to be repeated at several values of the lattice spacing to check that
the dependence of physical results on the lattice spacing is at an acceptable level and/or
to extrapolate to the continuum limit a = 0. Extrapolations again obviously require
knowledge of an appropriate functional form.
Step 10
Compare to experiment or give a prediction for experiment!
Christine Davies
Concluding remark
Above we have described an ideal situation. Lack of computer power has meant compromising on one or more aspects in existing calculations. A lot of calculations have used the
quenched approximation. More recent dynamical calculations have used heavy dynamical
masses on rather coarse and sometimes rather small lattices. These difficulties should
be overcome in the next few years and this will represent a huge improvement in the
reliability of lattice results.
We aim for errors of a few percent from future lattice calculations. This requires both
improved statistical errors in general and good control of systematic errors. Improved statistical accuracy is obtained by generating larger ensembles of configurations with a cost
proportional to the square of the improvement. Improved systematic accuracy requires
theoretical understanding of the sources of error and how to remove them. It is this understanding, described below, that has been responsible for the development of good lattice
techniques and the convergence of lattice results in the quenched approximation through
the late 1990s. This must be carried further in the next phase of dynamical simulations
to reach the goal of providing quantitative tests of QCD and input to experiment.
Discretisation errors
As discussed earlier, these arise from errors in the lattice form of the Lagrangian, and
operators O, compared to the continuum versions. Lattice results, even when converted
to physical units, have some dependence on a. This will be as a power series in a, starting
at an . As discussed earlier, n = 1 if the Wilson quark action is used, 2 for the clover
quark action and 2 for the staggered quark action. n is also 2 for the Wilson plaquette
gluon action of Equation 9. We expect the size of the a dependence to be controlled by a
typical momentum scale relevant to the quantity being calculated. Quantities sensitive to
shorter distances than others will be more susceptible to discretisation errors, even though
the value of n depends only on the action used. Improved gluonic and quark actions are
available in which higher order terms are added to L to increase n, and therefore reduce the
a dependence, and these can be tested for their efficacy in the quenched approximation.
The systematic improvement method is known as Symanzik improvement (Gupta, 1998).
Figure 11 shows a scaling plot of the vector meson mass (the , except that the quark
mass is heavier than the real u, d mass) in GeV versus the lattice spacing for various quark
actions (Toussaint, 2002). Some of the calculations use an improved gluon action, with
discretisation errors reduced beyond O(a2 ), but others use the Wilson plaquette action.
There is very little difference between these (compare fancy diamonds and squares) so
that most of the difference arises from the quark action used. A variant of r0 , called
r1 , is used to set the lattice spacing so the vector mass and scale are given in units of
r1 . The plot shows results for clover quarks (improved Wilson quarks), staggered quarks,
improved staggered quarks and Ginsparg-Wilson (domain wall) quarks. The last two
formulations, which are both improved to remove O(a2) errors show an impressively flat
line, i.e. very little a dependence for this quantity. The clover quarks shown here have
a clover improvement coefficient (see Section 2.4.1) chosen using tadpole-improvement.
Lattice QCD
Figure 11. A scaling plot in the quenched approximation for the vector meson at a
quark mass such that the pseudoscalar meson has mass m r1 = 0.807. The vector meson
mass is given in units of r1 , a variant of r0 , where r1 0.35fm = 0.57GeV1 . It is
plotted versus the square of the lattice spacing, also given in units of r1 . The squares and
fancy diamonds use an improved gluon action; the others use the Wilson plaquette action.
The quark actions used are: circles, staggered (Kogut-Susskind); squares, improved staggered; fancy squares and fancy diamonds, tadpole-improved Wilson (clover); diamonds,
Ginsparg-Wilson (domain wall). (Toussaint, 2002)
This reduces the a dependence of Wilson quarks to s a but it is clearly still visible. A
non-perturbative determination of the clover improvement coefficient can reduce the a
dependence further to O(a2 ), and then this formulation looks rather better. Notice the
large discretisation errors visible for unimproved staggered quarks, despite the fact that
the errors are O(a2 ) (and results therefore lie on a straight line in the Figure). Provided
that all the different quark formulations have been fixed to the same physical quark mass,
all the results for the vector meson mass should agree in the a 0 limit. This does seem
to be true, within the statistical errors shown.
Finite volume
Lattice results will be distorted if the space-time box in which the calculation is done is
too small to adequately represent the infinite space-time volume of the real world. For
large enough volumes the error should be exponential in the lattice size, eM L , for a
lattice of size L in physical units. This means that it is possible to reduce finite volume
errors rapidly to zero by taking large enough volumes. The lightest particle is the , so
this sets the volume required as we reduce the u, d quark masses to their physical values.
For u, d quark masses of ms /4, m L > 5 for L > 3fm, giving a finite volume error of less
than 1%. Most recent lattice calculations have used volumes of this size, although there
has been little systematic dependence of the volume dependence of results.
Christine Davies
Matching hadronic matrix elements to the continuum
The calculation of hadronic matrix elements of various currents, J, on the lattice is discussed for 2- and 3-point functions in Section 2.6. An important point is that these depend
in general on how QCD has been regularised and a finite renormalisation is then required
to convert lattice results to those appropriate to a continuum scheme (such as MS).
Since lattice QCD and continuum QCD differ in the ultra-violet (for momenta greater
than /a), this renormalisation can be calculated in perturbation theory, by matching
the matrix elements of J between quark states. We usually need several lattice currents
to make up the continuum current and a mixing and matching calculation must be done.
Zi = 1 + ci s (2/a) + ci s2 (2/a) +
Lattice perturbation theory is done in the same way as continuum perturbation theory, in terms of the field A and including gauge-fixing and ghost terms, if necessary.
Relatively little lattice perturbation theory has been done up to now and few results exist
beyond O(s ). This leaves errors of O(s2), 510% if we take a scale for s of 2/a at
a=0.1fm. Higher order calculations will be required to reduce this to the required level
of 23%, and techniques are being developed to do this. It is also sometimes possible to
fix the normalisation of lattice currents non-perturbatively using symmetry arguments or
to match numerically between lattice and continuum MOM-type schemes. In whatever
way it is done, the matching of lattice matrix elements to the continuum is a lot of work
and an area where improvements are still necessary.
The neglect of dynamical quarks in the quenched approximation is obviously wrong, but
how wrong? For many years systematic errors from the quenched approximation were
obscured by the size of the statistical and discretisation errors. Now improved quenched
calculations are showing internal inconsistencies and disagreement with experiment which
we believe will be removed once realistic dynamical calculations can be done.
One effect expected in the quenched approximation is the incorrect (too fast) running
of the coupling constant from one scale to another because of the absence of g qq g
pieces in the vacuum polarisation to give quark screening of the color charge. From this we
might expect that the determination of the lattice spacing would depend on the quantity
used to fix it, since different quantities will be sensitive to different distance/momentum
scales and these will not be connected correctly by the running of s in the quenched
approximation. (Using a quantity to fix a is equivalent to fixing the QCD coupling
constant at the momentum scale relevant to that quantity). This is indeed found and
illustrated by the quenched point in Figure 12. Likewise hadron masses depend on the
hadron used to fix the quark mass. Then if a set of hadron masses is studied, sensitive
to a range of scales and containing different combinations of quarks, errors will show up
(see Figure 13 (Aoki, 2000, CP-PACS collaboration)).
The quenched approximation also does not allow the decay of particles where this
requires the production of a qq pair from the vacuum, e.g . Once dynamical
quarks are light enough for this to happen, it will in fact be difficult to determine m
Lattice QCD
Figure 12. The ratio of inverse lattice spacings, a1 , obtained from the orbital excitation
energy, the splitting between 1P and 1S states, in the system and from r0 . Results
are given for quenched simulations and for dynamical simulations using two flavors of
dynamical quarks at three different values of the quark mass, all heavier than ms , indicated
by the square of the corresponding pion mass along the x axis. (Marcantonio, 2001,
UKQCD collaboration)
m (GeV)
K input
Figure 13. The spectrum of light mesons and baryons obtained in the quenched approximation after extrapolation to u, d quark masses and to the continuum limit. The and
masses are missing since they were used to fix the lattice spacing and u, d masses. Results
are compared using the K or the to fix the strange quark mass and disagreement between
the two is seen. The size of the discrepancy with experiment depends on this and varies
between hadrons, but is at the level of 10%. (Aoki, 2000, CP-PACS collaboration)
Christine Davies
Figure 14. The computer cost in teraflop-years of generating 500 303 60 configurations
with a = 0.1fm and a dynamical quark mass which gives the ratio of pseudoscalar to
vector meson masses along the x axis. Clover and improved staggered quarks are compared,
assuming the same scaling behaviour as (m /m )3 . The straight line shows what is possible
in 6 months on a 5Tflops computer.
since we will obtain instead the lighter mass of the two-pion system. It is then important
in dynamical simulations to use hadrons which are stable in QCD, or have very narrow
widths, to fix the quark masses in the QCD action.
It has been stressed that the numerical cost of unquenched calculations is very high.
It increases very rapidly as a is reduced at fixed physical volume and as mu,d is reduced,
although the exact scaling behaviour is not completely clear. Figure 14 estimates the cost
of generating an ensemble of 500 gluon configurations on an L3 T lattice with L = 3fm
and T = 2L at a lattice spacing, a = 0.1fm, as a function of the u, d dynamical quark
mass. The x axis is plotted as the ratio m /m where the and are the pseudoscalar
and vector mesons made with valence quarks of the same mass as the dynamical quarks.
The real world has m /m = 0.2. For mu,d = ms the ratio is 0.7, for mu,d = ms /2, 0.55
and for ms /4, 0.4. For ms /2 the ratio is obtained from the K and K masses. For ms
and ms /4 some arguments must be made about the scaling of hadron masses with quark
masses because, for example, no pure ss pseudoscalar meson exists. The cost varies here as
(m /m )3 , which is based on estimates from simulations (LAT2001). Figure 14 compares
the cost for clover quarks and improved staggered quarks, again based on simulations at
one quark mass, and using the same scaling formula. The cost advantage of improved
staggered quarks is clear on this plot. One disadvantage is that the algorithm generally
used for two flavors of dynamical staggered quarks is not exact, unlike that for clover. This
means that there are systematic errors, rather like discretisation errors, which increase
with the computer time step, , which is used to generate one gluon configuration from
the previous one. Checks must to be done to make sure that this systematic error is at
an acceptable level and/or an extrapolation to = 0 must be done.
Recent unquenched calculations, albeit with rather heavy dynamical quark masses,
Lattice QCD
Nf=0 Improved
Nf=0 Standard
K input
m [GeV]
a [GeV ]
Figure 15. The masses of the and K mesons as a function of lattice spacing, a, for
quenched simulations and those using two flavors of dynamical quarks. The K meson is
used to fix the strange quark mass. The experimental results are indicated by diamonds
at a = 0. The Iwasaki improved gluon action was used with a clover quark action. (Ali
Khan, 2002, CP-PACS collaboration)
have shown encouraging signs that systematic errors from the quenched approximation are
being overcome. Figure 12 shows that the ratio of a1 values obtained from two different
quantities is closer to 1 on dynamical configurations (using two flavors of dynamical quarks
with a mass around ms ) than it was on quenched configurations (Marcantonio, 2001,
UKQCD collaboration). From this we can hope that with 2 dynamical light quarks and a
dynamical strange quark there will be only one value of the lattice spacing, corresponding
to the one dimensionful scale of QCD in the continuum.
Figure 15 compares results for the masses of and K mesons on quenched and
Figure 16 shows another quantity from light hadron physics that gives a problem in
the quenched approximation. This is the difference of the squared vector and pseudoscalar
masses for given quark combinations. Experimentally the result is very flat as a function
of quark mass, being 0.55GeV2 from the , to the D, D . In the quenched approximation this quantity has a pronounced downward slope as the quark mass is increased.
Recent results from the MILC collaboration with 2 (ms /4) + 1 (ms ) flavors of dynamical
improved staggered quarks show qualitatively different behaviour, much closer to that
of experiment (Bernard, 2001, MILC collaboration). This is the strongest indication yet
that calculations with dynamical quarks will overcome the disagreements between the
quenched approximation and experiment.
Christine Davies
Figure 16. The difference of the squares of the vector and pseudoscalar masses for
various light hadrons, obtained with quenched and dynamical lattice QCD. The dynamical
results have 2+1 flavors of dynamical quarks with masses ms /4 and ms . The dynamical
results are given only for valence quark masses equal to the dynamical ones. Experimental
results are given by the bursts, using an estimated mass for the pseudoscalar ss meson.
The lattice spacing has been obtained using r0 = 0.5fm. Errors do not include errors from
fixing the lattice spacing (Bernard, 2001, MILC collaboration).
The Proceedings of each years lattice conference provide a useful summary of current
results and world averages. See (LAT2000, LAT2001). Almost all lattice papers can
be found on the hep-lat archive, I have deliberately chosen
to refer to reviews where possible and these should be consulted for fuller access to the
Bottom and charm quarks are known as heavy quarks since they have masses much greater
than the typical QCD scale, QCD , of a few hundred MeV. Top quarks are also heavy,
of course, but do not have interesting bound states so are not studied by lattice QCD.
b and c quarks could be treated in the same way as u, d, or s quarks on the lattice except
that, with current lattice spacings of about 0.1fm, we have mb a in the interval 23 and
mc a in 0.51. If ma is not small then discretisation errors of the form ma, (ma)2 etc.
will not be small either and such an approach will not give accurate results. Relativistic
momenta, p m, can also not be well simulated if pa is not small: pa of O(1) corresponds
to wavelengths which are in danger of being small enough to fall through the holes in
the lattices.
To reach the very fine lattices that would be required to give mb a 1 and accurate
simulations for b quarks would require an amount of computing power way beyond our
current hardware even in the quenched approximation. Luckily the physics of heavy
Lattice QCD
quark systems in the real world means that we do not have to do this; indeed, it would
be largely a waste of computer power. b and c quarks are non-relativistic in their bound
states, so that m and p m are irrelevant dynamical scales. The non-relativistic nature
is evident from the hadron spectrum. There are heavy-heavy bound states in which
both the valence quark and anti-quark are heavy (, and Bc ) and heavy-light bound
states in which the heavy (anti-)quark is bound to a light partner (B, Bs , D, Ds ) or
partners, in the case of baryons (b , c ). In all cases the mass difference (splitting)
between excitations of these quark systems is much less than the mass of the hadrons.
For example m( )m() = 560MeV, m() = 9.46GeV. The internal dynamics, which
controls these splittings, operates with scales much smaller than the quark mass. Instead
the important scales are the typical momentum carried by the quark inside the bound
state, mv, and the typical kinetic energy, 12 mv 2 . That these scales are small compared
to m implies that v/c 1. The use of non-relativistic techniques on the lattice is then
a good match to the physics of b and c systems as well as providing an efficient way to
handle them numerically on the lattice.
There are several ways to proceed, and it is important when reading the lattice literature to understand which method has been used. In the remainder of this section we
consider three methods in particular: (a) static quarks, (b) NRQCD (a non-relativistic
version of QCD) and (c) heavy relativistic quarks.
Static quarks
This is the m = limit of heavy quarks. In this limit Heavy Quark Symmetry holds and
quarks become static sources of colour charge with no spin or flavor. This is evident on
the lattice as the quark propagator becomes simply a string of gluon fields along the time
direction (Eichten, 1990). Obviously no real quarks have infinite mass but this is a useful
limit for studying heavy-light systems. Corrections away from the infinite mass limit are
the subject of Heavy Quark Effective Theory (Buchalla, 2002).
NRQCD is a non-relativistic version of QCD (Lepage, 1992). The Lagrangian for heavy
quarks is the non-relativistic expansion of the Dirac Lagrangian:
LQ = (Dt
+ )
2mQ a
2mQ a
where additional terms can be added to go to higher order in v/c. is now a 2-component
spinor since the quark and anti-quark fields of the Dirac fields decouple from each other.
D is a covariant derivative, including coupling to the gluon field. B is the chromomagnetic
field, related to space-space components of the field strength tensor, Bi = ijk Fjk . mQ is
the quark mass; heavy quarks are frequently generically denoted Q in contrast to the q
used for light quarks. Notice that the quark mass term mQ a has been dropped. This
simply redefines the zero of energy so that the energies of all hadrons in lattice units are
less than 1.
The NRQCD Lagrangian can be discretised onto a lattice and leads to much simpler
and faster numerical algorithms for calculating the quark propagator than for light quarks.
Christine Davies
Instead of having to explicitly invert a matrix using an expensive iterative procedure such
as Conjugate Gradient, the propagator is simply calculated by stepping through the lattice
in time and calculating the propagator at time t from that at time t 1. This is simply
illustrated if we look at the Lagrangian in the infinite mass limit, where it becomes the
Lagrangian for static quarks. Only the first term above contributes and we have:
SQ =
M is then an upper triangular matrix, using the notation of Equation 27, and the quark
propagator is given by:
) = Ut (M0,t
The general start and end points, x and y, are simply denoted here by their t co-ordinates,
0 for the origin and t for the end point. To move from end point t to t + 1 just requires
multiplication by the appropriate U field in the time direction, so M 1 does not change
spatially and becomes a string of U fields as described for static quarks above. For
NRQCD with non-infinite masses, the evolution equation in t for the propagator is not as
simple and does contain spatial variations (e.g. from the spatial covariant derivatives in
Equation 34) but the same principles apply. A smearing function, , is chosen at the time
origin and then the propagator calculated from 0 to later times by an evolution equation
from one t to the next. This makes NRQCD numerically very attractive. Heavy quark
propagators, once calculated, can be combined together or with a light quark propagator
to make 2- and 3-point functions for heavy hadrons as described for light hadrons earlier.
As described there also, the value for the bare heavy quark mass in lattice units, mQ a, is
adjusted, given a value for a, until a heavy hadron mass is correct in GeV. The energies
of heavy hadrons calculated on the lattice do not in fact equate directly to their masses
because the mass term was removed from the Lagrangian. Instead, for one heavy hadron
we have to calculate an energy-momentum dispersion relation and derive its mass from
the momentum dependence (E p 2 /2M).
NRQCD is an effective theory, containing the right physics for low momentum heavy
quarks. Adding more relativistic corrections to the Lagrangian can make this more accurate. These higher order terms appear with coefficients (such as c in equation 34)
which must be determined by matching to relativistic QCD. These coefficients represent
the effect of relativistic momenta missing from NRQCD and they are governed by s at
this high momentum scale and so are perturbative. High momenta for both quarks and
gluons are missing anyway on the lattice because of the discretisation of space-time. We
described earlier how a better match between lattice QCD and QCD is made by adding
terms to the lattice QCD Lagrangian which are higher order in a, with a coefficient which
depends on the strong coupling constant at the lattice cut-off scale. That the two procedures are very similar is not an accident; indeed, the same higher dimension operators
appear in both cases. In this case NRQCD is simply making a virtue of the existence
of the lattice cut-off. The difference is, however, that in the NRQCD case the operators
appear with inverse powers of mQ a (in a dimensionless lattice notation) and so mQ a, and
therefore a, cannot be taken to zero in this approach. NRQCD has no continuum limit,
but this does not prevent physical results being obtained at finite lattice spacing. It is
just necessary to show that the results are sufficiently independent of a over a range of
values of a.
Lattice QCD
The spectrum of heavy-heavy states has largely been the province of NRQCD (Davies,
1998). Figure 17(a) shows the radial and orbital excitations of the bb system, obtained
both on quenched gluon configurations and those with two flavors of dynamical quarks
(Marcantonio, 2001, UKQCD collaboration). For these results the lattice spacing has
been fixed by demanding that the splitting between the (1S) and the spin-average of
the P -wave (b ) states is correct. The b quark mass has been fixed by requiring that
the (1S) mass be correct. It is only the 2S ( ), 3S ( ) and 2P (b ) states that are
predicted from this calculation, and they have rather large statistical errors at present.
It is a general feature of lattice calculations that ground state masses are more precise
than excited state masses. For both excited and ground states the noise is controlled by
the ground state mass. For excited states the signal/noise ratio is then much worse and
becomes exponentially bad at large T .
Christine Davies
~ b
: Experiment
: Quen
Figure 17. (a) The radial and orbital excitations
in theApproximation
bb system, as calculated in lattice
: Quen
hed Approximation
~ : 2
using NRQCD for the b quarks (Marcantonio,
(b) The
quarks with mass
: 2
avors of
lover dynami
al quarks with mass ms.
fine structure of low-lying bb states. Legend:
~? the
: Extrapolate to lighter dynami
al mass and to Nf = 3.
values; open circles show the quenched approximation; solid circles correspond to 2 flavors
of clover dynamical quarks with mass ms . (The lowest cluster of points on the right show
an extrapolation to lighter dynamical mass and to Nf =3.)
Of more immediate interest is the fine structure of the low-lying S and P states, shown
in Figure 17(b). These can be determined very precisely on the lattice, particularly the
hyperfine splitting between the spin-parallel vector state and the not-yet-seen spinantiparallel pseudoscalar b . A comparison with experiment, when it exists, for this
splitting will provide a very good test of lattice QCD and our b quark action, which will
be important for the lattice predictions of B matrix elements described in Section 4.3.
The accuracy of the NRQCD, or other lattice action, for heavy-heavy bound states can
be estimated by working out what order in an expansion in powers of v/c is represented
by each term. e.g. the first two terms in the NRQCD action of Equation 34, i.e. the
time derivative and the kinetic energy term, are both O(v 2/c2 ). This is because the
potential energy and kinetic energy terms are roughly equal for two heavy particles.
These terms give rise to the radial and orbital splittings, and the ratio of these ( 500MeV)
to half the mass gives an estimate of v 2 /c2 0.1 for b quarks in an . Higher
relativistic corrections, such as the D4 /8m3Q term, are O(v 4 /c4 ) and should give roughly
a 10% correction to these splittings. These terms were included here, but not the v 6 /c6
corrections, so an error of roughly 1% remains. The B term of Equation 34 is the first
spin-dependent term and is O(v 4/c4 ). It gives rise to the hyperfine splitting and a similar
term of the same order, proportional to D E, gives rise to the P fine structure.
The fine structure is indeed roughly 10% of the radial and orbital splittings. Including
only these terms in the NRQCD action, as was done here, implies an error of roughly
10% in these splittings. A more precise calculation, necessary to test this action against
Lattice QCD
mass [GeV]
Figure 18. The spectrum of cc states, as calculated in lattice QCD using anisotropic
quenched configurations (Chen, 2001).
experiment, will require the v 6 /c6 spin-dependent terms and the s v 4 /c4 terms implied
by calculating the coefficient c in front of the B term in equation 34. This is now being
done. Figure 17(b) does show, however, that the hyperfine splitting increases when two
flavors of dynamical quarks are included, and continues to increase as the dynamical quark
mass is reduced towards real u and d quark masses. We expect the to see also s quarks
in the vacuum and extrapolating the number of dynamical flavors to three increases the
splitting further.
The charmonium, , system is more relativistic that the system and correspondingly
less well-suited to NRQCD. Estimates as above give v 2 /c2 0.3. Figure 18 shows the
charmonium spectrum obtained from anisotropic relativistic clover quarks in the quenched
approximation (Chen, 2001). The lattice spacing and charm quark mass were fixed in the
analogous way to that described above, except that the spin average of the vector J and
pseudoscalar c masses was used to fix mc . Since the c mass is known experimentally this
gives improved precision since the spin-average is not sensitive to any inaccuracies in spindependent terms. The spectrum given in Figure 18 includes some gluonic excitations of
the cc system, i.e. ccg states, called hybrids. Their existence is expected simply from the
non-Abelian nature of QCD which allows gluons themselves to carry color charge. Some
of these hadrons have exotic quantum numbers not available to mesons made purely of
valence quarks, and the prediction of their masses will be important for their experimental
Figure 19 shows the spectrum of mesons made from one b quark and one light (u/d
or s) anti-quark in the quenched approximation (Hein, 2000). NRQCD was used for the
b quark, and the clover action for the light quark. In this case the lattice spacing was
fixed using a quantity from the light hadron spectrum, m , because heavy-light systems
are more similar in terms of internal momentum scales to light hadrons than heavyheavy ones. See the comments in Section 3.2 on how the lattice spacing in the quenched
approximation depends on the quantity used to fix it. The u/d and s quark masses were
fixed using the and K masses. The b quark mass was fixed from the spin-average of
the B and B meson masses. Taking a spin-average, as above for charmonium, avoids
Christine Davies
Figure 19. The spectrum of bound states of a b quark with a light anti-quark as calculated
in lattice QCD in the quenched approximation using NRQCD for the b quark (Hein, 2000).
any errors from spin-dependent terms in the action. The b quark mass obtained this
way differs from that obtained above from the system, and is another feature of the
quenched approximation. In the real world there is only one lattice spacing and one set
of quark masses and parameters fixed from the system will be used to predict the entire
B spectrum.
The power counting in v/c for terms in the Lagrangian works rather differently in
heavy-light systems compared to heavy-heavy ones. Now there is one quark that carries
almost all the mass of the heavy-light system and it sits in the centre surrounded by the
swirling light quark cloud. This picture makes sense even in the limit in which the heavy
quark has infinite mass when the Lagrangian would contain only the covariant temporal
derivative Dt (static quarks). The higher order terms in the Lagrangian can then be
ordered in terms of the inverse powers of the heavy quark mass that they contain. This is
equivalent to an expansion in powers of v/c. The typical momentum of a heavy quark in
a heavy-light system is O(QCD) (as is that of the light quark) and so v/c QCD /mQ .
This gives v/c 10% for the B and 30% for the D.
Again the power counting exercise enables us to understand the approximate relative
sizes of different mass splittings in the spectrum and the accuracy of our lattice QCD
calculation to a given order in v/c. The leading spin-independent term in the action is Dt
giving rise to the orbital and radial excitations of 500MeV. The kinetic energy term,
D2 /2mQ gives a QCD /mQ correction to this, which depends on the quark mass and,
therefore flavor. This explains why these excitation energies are so similar for B and D
systems; the similarity between and is more accidental. The leading spin-dependent
term is B/2mQ , which gives rise to fine structure such as the splitting between the
pseudoscalar B and vector B . This splitting should then be smaller by a factor of
QCD /mQ compared to the spin-independent splittings and this is indeed observed. To
calculate this splitting precisely on the lattice requires the inclusion of higher order terms
in the Lagrangian, as well as a better matched coefficient c for the B term and this
Lattice QCD
Hadronic Jets
+ -
e e rates
+ -
e e event shapes
Z width
ep event shapes
Polarized DIS
Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS)
Christine Davies
of jet shapes or cross-sections. All methods use experiment for stage 3, and here the
lattice-based determination needs an experimental result to fix the lattice spacing. A
good quantity to use here is the orbital excitation energy (1P 1S) in, say, the system
since this is well-determined on the lattice and directly measured experimentally.
Quark masses are also well determined on the lattice. Since quarks are not freely
available to be weighed, as an electron would be, care must be taken in defining what
exactly is meant by the quark mass. The bare mass in the lattice QCD Lagrangian for a
particular action, determined by the requirement to get a particular hadron mass correct
and converted to physical units, is a well-defined quantity but not very convenient. We
can convert it perturbatively into, say, the running quark mass in the MS scheme. The
best current determination of the b quark mass is in fact from the static approximation
in which b quarks have infinite mass. There is no bare b quark mass in that case; instead
the binding energy mB mb is calculated, and from that, mb is determined. The binding
energy is small compared to mB and has only weak dependence on the b quark mass, so
for this quantity the static approximation is a good one. The b quark mass obtained in
this way is 4.30(10)GeV in the quenched approximation, with some indications that it is
slightly lighter when dynamical quarks are included (Lubicz, 2001).
Precise lattice calculations of matrix elements for B decay are essential to the experimental
B factory programme (Stone, 2002). This aims to test the internal consistency of the
Standard Model in which CP violation occurs through the Cabibbi-Kobayashi-Maskawa
matrix. The weak decays of the b quark are particularly useful in giving us access to poorly
known elements of this matrix. The unitarity of the CKM matrix can be represented by
a triangle; the position of the upper vertex being constrained by the determination of
angles and sides, see Figure 21. The angles are determined directly by measurement of
asymmetries. The determination of the sides requires both the experimental measurement
ms & md
sin 2WA
Figure 21. The unitarity triangle with constraints on the upper vertex obtained from
different quantities (Hocker, 2001). The lower vertices are at = 0, = 0 and 1.
Lattice QCD
of a decay rate and its theoretical calculation.This allows the magnitude of one of the
CKM elements to be extracted. Below we describe the lattice calculation of the matrix
elements most important for this programme. The extent to which the unitarity triangle
can be tested depends on both the experimental and the theoretical errors. It is critical to
reduce the errors from lattice calculations to a few percent, otherwise they will dominate
the uncertainties from experiment.
The simplest 2-point matrix element that can be calculated on the lattice is that for
the decay constant of the charged pseudoscalar heavy-light mesons (see Figure 8). For
the B this is known as fB and it is obtained from the vacuum to B matrix element of the
axial vector current which couples to the W .
h0|A |Bi = p fB .
The purely leptonic decay rate of the B meson is then proportional to fB2 times kinematic
factors times the square of the CKM element which multiplies the appropriate axial vector
current in the Lagrangian, in this case u 5 b (Rosner, 2002). In principle an experimental
determination of the leptonic decay rate could be combined with the lattice calculation
to yield Vub , but in practice the experiment is very hard to do because the rate is so low.
For other heavy-light mesons, it may be possible. fDs has been measured experimentally,
but not very precisely as yet. It can be used, with lattice calculations, to give Vcs .
It is important to realise that, although we are discussing the weak decay of a b or c
quark, the calculations are done in lattice QCD. The quark cannot decay in isolation, but
must be bound into a hadron by the confinement property of QCD. The determination
of the decay matrix element must then take into account all the QCD interactions inside
the hadron (see Figure 8) and this requires lattice QCD. We do not put the W boson on
the lattice. As far as QCD is concerned the B meson annihilates into the vacuum. The
virtual W boson decay to leptons is put in by hand when we calculate the decay rate.
Lattice calculations of fB improved markedly through the 1990s (this has been true of
most lattice calculations) as we got to grips with the systematic errors. Figure 22 shows a
timeline of results in the quenched approximation. It shows both that lattice calculations
have markedly improved and that early calculations had very unreliable estimates of their
w w
w w
w w w w w
w w
Figure 22. A timeline of results for the B meson decay constant, fB , calculated in lattice
QCD in the quenched approximation.
Christine Davies
errors. The most recent and best calculations do a careful job of matching the lattice
representation of the axial vector current to the continuum. For heavy-light mesons
we have to be careful both about relativistic (QCD /mQ ) corrections and discretisation
corrections to the leading order lattice current. Since mQ a is a dimensionless number,
these two corrections in fact appear together and can be considered simultaneously. The
matching between lattice and continuum is currently done only to O(s ) and this is the
major source of error in the quenched approximation. Table 1 shows a typical error
budget for such a calculation. We need a more precise matching, either to s2 or nonperturbatively (both of which can be done with a lot of hard work), to improve the errors
beyond the 10% level.
percent error
statistical + fitting
discretisation O((a)2 )
a1 (m )
Table 1. Source of error in a typical lattice calculation of fB using NRQCD for the heavy
quark in the quenched approximation. a 0.1fm, M is the b quark mass, a typical QCD
scale of a few hundred MeV and s is evaluated at 2/a.
Recent reviews of lattice results (Ryan, 2002), (Bernard, 2001) have given the following
world averages for lattice results in the quenched approximation:
fB = 173 23MeV
(Note that the Bs does not decay purely leptonically but the calculation of the appropriate matrix element can still be done in lattice QCD and yields useful information on its
dependence on the light quark mass.) Large-scale calculations on dynamical configurations are only just beginning, so unquenched results are still unclear. It seems likely that
decay constants will be 1020% larger unquenched.
A more important quantity from the point of view of the B factory programme is the
mixing amplitude for neutral B mesons, B 0 and Bs . This mixing gives rise to a difference
in mass between the CP-eigenstates, m, which can be measured experimentally through
oscillations between particle and anti-particle (Stone, 2002). The mixing amplitude is
given by the box diagram (see Figure 23) in which the b quark and light anti-quark
convert to a b anti-quark and light quark through the mediation of virtual W s and (preferentially) t quarks. The mixing amplitude is then proportional to the matrix element
of the box between, say, a B 0 and a B multiplied by the product of CKM elements
Vtb Vtd . The current determination of |Vtd |2 from experiment and theory gives a curve
Lattice QCD
As explained earlier, W bosons do not appear in lattice QCD calculations. The matrix
element of the box diagram is calculated in lattice QCD by replacing it with the equivalent
4-quark operator which appears in the effective (low-energy) weak Hamiltonian (Rosner,
2002). Conventionally this matrix element for the B is set equal to (8/3)fB2 MB2 BB , giving
a definition of the parameter confusingly called BB . BB is the amount by which the matrix
element differs from the result that would be obtained by saturating the HW vertex of
Figure 23 with the vacuum (comparing this to the right hand picture of Figure 8 we can
see that this would be fB2 ). BB is generally expected to be roughly 1, and this explains
why lattice calculations originally concentrated on calculating fB . To calculate BB is
harder, but is now being done. It requires, as for fB , a careful matching between the
lattice and the continuum, and this has again been done to O(s ) so far.
Recent world averages for the renormalisation-group-invariant definition of BB in the
quenched approximation have been given as (Ryan, 2002), (Bernard, 2001):
B = 1.30(12)(13)
B =230(40)MeV
fBd B
B = 1.00(4)
Bs /B
Bs /fB B
B = 1.15(6)
A lot of the matching errors cancel out in the ratios between Bs and Bd so that the errors
in these ratios are less than 10%. The ratio may also not be significantly affected by
Heavy-light mesons decay semi-leptonically through a diagram in which the heavy
quark changes flavor, emitting a virtual W , and the other (spectator) quark in the meson
combines with the new quark flavor to make a new meson. In this way B mesons can
decay to D or D mesons if b c and to or mesons if b u. In each case the
appropriate CKM element appears at the current vertex in the three-point diagram (see
Figure 9) and can therefore be determined by a comparison of the experimental exclusive
rate to the theoretical one. The ratio Vub /Vcb gives an important circular constraint in
the unitarity triangle (see Figure 21).
The calculation of the matrix element for B semi-leptonic decay on the lattice requires the calculation and simultaneous fitting of the 3-point function of Figure 9 and
the appropriate 2-point functions necessary to isolate the matrix element. It is therefore
Christine Davies
significantly harder than a simple 2-point calculation. In addition the matrix element
depends on q 2 , the squared difference of 4-momenta between the initial and final meson.
This can take a range of values, because the decay is a three-body one. The matrix element can then be written as a combination of form-factors which are q 2 dependent, in
contrast to the two-body leptonic decay which was parameterised by a single number, fB .
For example the pseudoscalar to pseudoscalar transition (e.g. B to D or ) proceeds only
through the vector current and has two form factors, f+ and f0 :
M2 M2
M2 M2
hP (p )|V |P (p)i = f+ (q ) (p + p ) P 2 P q + f0 (q 2 ) P 2 P q
The differential decay rate is proportional to the square of f+ because the leptonic current
L coupling to the W has q L = 0 for massless leptons. The pseudoscalar to vector
transition proceeds through both the vector and axial currents and has 5 form factors, 3
of which appear in the decay rate.
To explore different values of q 2 for semi-leptonic decay on the lattice it is easiest to
insert different 3-momenta at the final meson and at the current, and then work out the
resulting 3-momentum of the initial meson. We are restricted to values of 3-momentum
allowed on the lattice, i.e. the components of p have the form pj a = nj 2/L, where
nj = 0, 1, 2 . . . and L is the number of lattice sites in the j direction. The smallest
non-zero value of pj is then 2/(La) where La is the physical size of the lattice in a
spatial direction. A big physical volume is then required to achieve a fine discretisation
of momentum space and avoid a large jump from one momentum to the next. In general
results at higher momenta are much noisier than those at small momenta (this is for
the same reason that excited states are noisier than ground states, discussed above) and
calculations tend to be restricted to a few of the smallest possible momenta. Discretisation
errors will also be larger at larger values of pa, so systematic errors will be higher.
For the matrix element for B to D () semi-leptonic decay it is useful to consider both
the b quark and the c quark in the heavy quark limit. In that limit, as discussed above,
the Lagrangian for heavy quarks becomes insensitive to the heavy quark spin or flavour
(Buchalla, 2002). The light quark cloud in the meson cannot tell whether it is surrounding
a b or a c quark or one whose spin is pointing parallel or anti-parallel to its spin. Thus
the form factors for B D and B D will become identical (or vanish) and the same
as the B B elastic form factor, provided they are viewed as a function of the right
variable. This is not q 2 but vv where v is the 4-velocity (p /m) of the initial meson and
v is the 4-velocity of the final meson. vv is often given the symbol w. In the notation
of Equation 38 w = (MP2 + MP2 q 2 )/(2MP MP ). The limit w = 1 is known as the
zero-recoil limit because this corresponds to the kinematic point where the B meson
at rest decays to, say, a D meson at rest and the decay products of the W come out
back-to-back. This point has maximum q 2 = (MP MP )2 .
The B B elastic form factor takes the form
Lattice QCD
mQ=1.8, =0.153
1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.16
Figure 24. The B B elastic form factor calculated in lattice QCD using NRQCD
for the b quark and plotted versus w (Hashimoto, 1996).
renormalise to match 1 at w = 1. There have been several calculations of the B B form
factor on the lattice, for various heavy quark masses. Figure 24 shows such a calculation
using NRQCD with a mass close to that for the b quark (Hashimoto, 1996).
The interest in calculating the Isgur-Wise function is that, in the Heavy Quark Symmetry picture described above, it is also applicable to B D and B D decays. In these
cases, however, there is an additional overall perturbative renormalisation because b c is
not a conserved current, and there are corrections which appear as differences of inverse
powers of the b and c quark masses. For kinematic reasons, B D is experimentally
easier to measure in the w 1 region. The differential decay rate is
= |Vcb|2 K(w)F 2 (w)
where Vcb is the CKM element that we want to determine, K(w) is a kinematic factor and
F is the form factor for the decay. Figure 25 shows results from the CLEO collaboration
(CLEO, 2000) for F (w)|Vcb|. The lighter hashed curve is the result from the lattice shown
in Figure 24 rescaled by a constant to match at w = 1. Given lattice results for B D
rather than B B, the constant required for rescaling would be |Vcb | which would then
be determined.
In fact, a number of simplifications can be made to the lattice calculation at the
w = 1 point and so it is currently better to perform a phenomenological extrapolation of
the experimental data to w = 1 and divide the extrapolated result by the lattice result for
F (1). The Fermilab group, using heavy relativistic (Fermilab) quarks and O(s ) matching
F(w) |Vcb|
Christine Davies
Figure 25. |Vcb |F (w) extracted from the experimental B D decay rate plotted as
a function of w (CLEO, 2000). The shorter curve on 1<w<1.15 is a rescaled version of
the curve in Figure 24.
to the continuum, give the most precise result so far:
FBD (1) = 0.913+0.024
0.017 0.030
in which the first error comes from statistics and fitting and the second from systematic
errors, including the effect of using the quenched approximation (Hashimoto, 2001). The
resulting value of |Vcb| extracted depends on which experiments value for |Vcb|F (1) is
taken. Using an average result (Stone, 2002) of 37.8 1.4 103 gives a value for Vcb
of 41.4 1.5 1.7 103 where the final theoretical error comes from adding the lattice
errors in quadrature. The lattice and experimental errors are currently of about the same
size. The lattice error can be improved further in an unquenched calculation with a higher
order matching of the lattice current to the continuum.
B light (, ) semi-leptonic decay is rather harder to calculate on the lattice. In
many ways it is more important to do, however, because continuum techniques, such as
HQET, can give very little useful input. One difficulty is that lattice systematic errors are
smallest where the B and, say, the lattice momenta are smallest, around the zero-recoil
point discussed above, but there is very little experimental data there. Most experimental
data occurs at relatively low q 2 values (q 2 < 16GeV2 ) when the zero recoil point has
q 2 = qmax
= (mB m )2 = 26GeV2 . A comparison of lattice results for the form factors
for B decay is shown in Figure 26 (Bernard, 2001). Different lattice results are
shown covering a range of q 2 . The reason that some results are at smaller q 2 than others
is because some use relativistic quarks (marked NPclover) at a mass around the c quark
mass rather than the b. For reasons discussed earlier, none of the lattice calculations can
be done at the physical u, d quark masses and so must be chirally extrapolated to that
point. This is done in a different way by different groups and has led to very different
final results, even though the intermediate data does not show very different behaviour
(see Figure 26). A better understanding of how the chiral extrapolation should be done
will be required before precise lattice results will be available. Good experimental results
in the q 2 region that the lattice can reach will then allow a determination of Vub .
Lattice QCD
Figure 26. Lattice results for the form factors for B decay (Bernard, 2001).
Lattice QCD has come a long way from the original calculations of the 1970s. The original
idea that we could solve a simple discretisation of QCD numerically by brute force has
been replaced by a more sophisticated approach. Unfortunately, to the uninitiated, this
can look like cookery. I have tried to describe some of the calculational and technical
details so that non-practitioners feel able to make an informed judgement about lattice
calculations, and see where progress will be made in the future. There is no doubt, for
example, that precise lattice calculations are needed to obtain maximum benefit from the
huge experimental investment in B physics. In the next few years such calculations will
become possible, at least for some quantities, and this will mark the coming of age of
the lattice QCD approach at last.
It was a pleasure to contribute to this lively and interesting school. I am grateful to all my
collaborators, and particularly Peter Lepage and Junko Shigemitsu, for numerous useful
discussions over many years. I am also grateful to Jack Cheyne, Greig Cowan and Alan
Gray for a critical reading of this manuscript.
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Buchalla G, 2002, Heavy quark theory, this volume; hep-ph/0202106.
Chen P, Liao X and Manke T, 2001, Relativistic quarkonia from anisotropic lattices, Nucl. Phys.
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Hashimoto S and Matsufuru H, 1996, Lattice heavy quark effective theory and the Isgur-Wise
function, Phys. Rev D54 4578; hep-lat/9511027.
Hashimoto S et al, 2001, Lattice calculation of the zero-recoil form factor of B D l: towards
a model independent determination of |Vcb |, hep-lat/0110253.
Hein J et al, 2000, Scaling of the B and D meson spectrum in lattice QCD, Phys. Rev. D62
074503; hep-ph/0003130.
Hocker A, 2001, A new approach to gloabl fit of the CKM matrix, Eur. J. Phys. C21 25; hepph/0104062;
LAT2000, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl. 94) 2001.
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Lepage P and Mackenzie P, 1993, On the viability of lattice perturbation theory, Phys. Rev. D48,
2250; hep-lat/9209022.
Lepage P et al, 1992, Improved nonrelativistic QCD for heavy quark physics, Phys. Rev. D46,
4052; hep-lat/9205007.
Maynard C et al, 2002, UKQCD collaboration, Heavy-light decay constants on the lattice, Nucl.
Phys. B (Proc. Suppl. 106), 388; hep-lat/0109026.
Lubicz V, 2001, Quark masses on the lattice, light and heavy, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl. 94)
116; hep-lat/0012003.
Marcantonio L et al, 2001, UKQCD collaboration, The unquenched spectrum, Nucl. Phys. B
(Proc. Suppl. 94), 363; hep-lat/0011053.
PDG, 2001,
Rosner J, 2002, The Standard Model in 2001, this volume; hep-ph/0108195.
Ryan S, 2002, Heavy quark physics from lattice QCD, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl. 106) 86;
Sommer R, 1998, Non-perturbative renormalisation of QCD in Computing Particle Properties,
Springer Lecture Notes in Physics, Eds Gausterer, Lang; hep-ph/9711243.
Stone S, 2002, B Phenomenology, this volume; hep-ph/0112008.
Toussaint D, 2002, Spectrum results with Kogut-Susskind quarks, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.
106) 111; hep-lat/0110010.