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Using NLP On Yourself

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The passage discusses a technique from NLP for rewiring unhelpful emotional responses by changing underlying representations and neural pathways.

The technique involves visualizing the situation that triggers the unhelpful response, accessing an alternative positive state, and using anchors to strengthen the new positive association.

The steps described are: 1) access the trigger, 2) access an alternative positive state, 3) use anchors to strengthen the new association, 4) generate reinforcing phrases, 5) repeat the process to condition the new response.

Rewire Unhelpful Emotional States:

[For the purpose of this assignment and in keeping with working on your self, this technique is
helpful for everyday life unhelpful emotional responses that vary on the level from 0-6. This
approach is not recommended for highly traumatic incidents.]

This next assignment is one of the most useful NLP processes you can drive
yourself through in order to have more freedom and choice in any given
moment. All of us at some time or other have been pre-wired up to have certain
unhelpful emotional states when specific things happen in our life.
In fact this process is an example of unconscious learning and is occurring all
the time.
For example two months ago you loved getting take-away from that special
Indian curry house but now the thought of eating there makes you feel yuck-ee!.
A something happened between the first time you eat from there vs. how you feel
about it now. This change didnt just descend upon you one day for without any
Throughout our life we are all getting wired up to have a certain emotional
responses to various experiences. This is an invaluable and essential skill for our
survival, and is very diverse.
In fact the same external stimulus can result in two very different emotional
responses. For example take something like the Tower of Fear, a common
adventure ride at amusement parks.
The Tower of Fear is a 225-foot high vertical tower which adventure park
customers get on to get their adrenaline going. Imagine this: you sit into this
hard plastic chair, this locking arm is pulled down over your head to keep you
secure, but you dont feel snug. There is an uncomfortable amount of room,
which feels like it could but big enough for you to slide out (of course though it
isnt). There are three to four chairs per row and once everyone is onboard, the
chairs slowly wind up to the top of the tower. You quickly become aware of your
feet, which are hanging loose and unrestrained beneath you. You can see the
amusement park growing smaller and smaller below you and right there in front
of you is this every expanding vista of the park below and the city beyond the
edge of the park area. As the chair continues to rise, you begin to realize how
high up you really are! Then suddenly the chair come to a halt, you wait
nervously, and then without warning free-fall drop about 200 feet rapidly heart
beating out of your chest before slowing to a halt at the bottom, and a great
sense of relief rushes through your body.
The experience was somewhat petrifying. You turn to your right and you see a
young twelve-year-old boy who is smiling broadly saying:
Can I go again, mommy? PLEASE!!.

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He looks totally delighted. You walk away wondering, how is he able to not be
You see the fascinating thing is even when two people have the near same
physical experience their brains can wire up two very different messages about
what that same stimulus means.
The good news is whatever your current undesired emotional response is, it
doesnt need to be that way. You can choose and then re-wire yourself to
response differently to just about any situation.
There are many contexts in which having greater choice about how we will
respond can be useful.
In the video I shared with you an example of a business situation where a
hypothetical colleague called Mary had a perceived derogatory tone that
caused an unwelcome response. From an NLP perspective we call this an
example of a powerful anchor that fired off a series of representations that lead
to an unwanted feeling annoyance!
Most unhelpful emotional states will have a similar structure. Our thoughts and
feelings, for the most part dont just come out of the air and suddenly infect us
with bad feelings. If we werent born into the world feeling an instant sense of
annoyance towards all people who are called Mary or who whenever talk in a
specific voice tone create a feeling of annoyance then somewhere along the way
you had one ore more experiences where you unconsciously LINKED UP (created
an anchor) that whenever X happens Y occurs.
So first off list out ten areas of your life where apparently someone or something
causes you to feel or experience an undesirable emotional state. Detail what the
trigger is and the desired emotional state instead. Ive includes a sample in the
table below.
You are going to use the second half of this assignment to re-wire these.
Undesired Emotional States:
Emotional State


Desired State

E.g. Annoyance

Whenever I see my partners

clothes left on the floor


E.g. Helplessness

My mother looking at me, he

head is tilted to the right and
she is squinting at me, while
her lips are downturned


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Emotional State

(Describe using sensory
based words)

Desired State
(Describe using sensory
based words)

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Re-wiring your own emotional states:

There are several keys to re-wiring an unhelpful emotional state.
These are:
1. Have a clear representation of what it is you want instead of your
current behaviour. What is the desired state you wish to experience in
the place of the current emotion?
Make sure you are able to describe that desired state/behaviour in
sensory-based words. Rather than saying I want to feel happy,
you might say I want to be standing up right, breathing fully from
my chest, there is a big smile on my face and I see
The reason why you want sensory based description of what you
will be occurring when you are doing the state of happiness is so
your brain and body knows this is what the target is.

2. Know what is the trigger that your brain is currently wired up to,
so that it gets when X happens -> Y will occur.

The trigger will be a representation (a sight, sound, smell, taste,
touch) either internal (meaning for example a picture you see in
your mind, a sound you hear, a smell etc.) or external (a sound that
you hear in the physical world, a certain look a person gives you
etc.) that triggers your brain to fire off an unwanted emotional
In the previous video example the trigger that fired off the feeling
of annoyance was the tone of voice and the specific look (looking
down her nose) that Mary provided.

3. Modifying the trigger so that it swishes your brain in a new
direction toward the desired response.

Modifying the trigger can refer to 1) interrupting the triggering
process so that the emotional response never fires and therefore
the strategy never runs, 2) re-engineering the strategy so that
when the trigger fires the brain has been conditioned to go down
a new/different path than the previous and therefore the emotional
response doesnt occur or 3) breaking up the old trigger so that
when it now fires the brain does not go down the old path but does
something else.

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4. Conditioning the new pattern until it has stuck.

Training your brain so that it acts the way you want is key.
We have many ways to train the brain to learn a new pattern of
behaviour. Two of the most simple and effective are the NLP Swish
technique and process of driving yourself through the new strategy
over and over 5-15 times until the brain gets Oh right this is
how he/she wants me to respond/act in this situation
Notice I use the phrase driving yourself through the new pattern.
This phraseology is intentional. The big mistake that Ive seen
many NLPers make is they simply try on a pattern but have no
intensity to it, therefore the brain is left going no-thing of
interest going on here and does not learn the pattern. If you want
to have the pattern stick then it is essential that you immerse
yourself whole-heartedly into doing the pattern. The richer, more
vivid and real you can make the whole conditioning experience the
faster the brain will learn and the more the change will stick.
Vividness and intensity play a key role in conditioning in new behaviour.
Hence, if we go back to the two customers on the Tower of Fear ride,
both will have strong feelings evoked in them by the experience because it
was intense. They designers of the amusement ride were very intentional
in trying to make it as dramatic and intense as they could so that it would
evoke a state of terror or exhilaration dependant on the worldview of the
At this point in the assignment you should have a list of ten undesirable
emotions, ten triggers and ten desired states.

Implementing the process:

Take the first undesirable state on your list and go through the process outlined
below to wire up a new emotional response. Remember as Michael outlined in
the original video in this program, you develop the resourcefulness in yourself
before you need it.
1. Think of the person or situation that fires off in you an unwanted
emotional response.

2. While holding that state, identify the trigger(s) what is/are the
things/representations that fires off the unwanted emotional state in
you? If you have done part 1 of this assignment then you will know what
it is. (There may be more than one trigger for you, list them all).

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3. Now is the time for you to mess with that trigger(s1)
You can
a. Change any sub-modality aspects of it.

The sub-modality aspect of our sensory system refers to the
qualitative aspect of our experience.

For example for the visual sensory system we have how close/far a
picture away is, is the representation a movie or a still?, how many
images are there present?, how clear or hazy is the image(s)?, how
big or small is the image(s)?, are you seeing the yourself in the
picture (disassociated), or are you looking at events unfold
through your own eyes (associated)?, etc. etc.

So similar to my video about Mary, my trigger was a
condescending voice tone and her looking down her nose. This
evoked a state of annoyance in me

So I changed the voice tone to being ridiculous and the look on
Mary to one of having Mickey Mouse ears on and a big Pinokio
nose. I heard my inner voice say in playful, piss-taking way say
Ahh, Mary she is a soft touch.

1 If you have more than one trigger which can fire off the unwanted state in you, then you will

want to mess with each trigger systematically and change the sub-modality aspect significantly
for each.

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I quickly rehearsed seeing/hearing things this new way 2-3 times

and instantly these changes made the representation of her
ridiculous and caused me to laugh I was at the point where I
couldnt take Marys condescending look seriously.

Now you do the same. Generate 3-5 big changes in the old way
you represented the triggering thought(s) and replace it with
the new thought process, which has all the key changes.

If the old emotion feels heavy then break state change your
physiology, fire off one or more of your accessing state anchors
and become playful/creative as you think up of 3-5 different ways
to re-present that old stimulus to your mind. Make sure you go for
exaggerated changes that cause your mind to go over threshold
and cant but change the way you feel about it.

Run the movie through three times looking to find additional ways
to change it so you cant take it seriously!

You know you have been effective when you cant hold the same
emotional state that you once did, that it causes you to significantly
change state.

Great states to aim to evoke from yourself include laughter,
ridiculousness, silliness or feelings of whats all the fuss been
about it feels unimportant.

When you have changed your state-response adequately by
changing the sub-modality aspects of the representation you will
then want to

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b. Anchor the new positive response

As soon as you evoke a powerful positive state anchor it!

The new emotional response will be a resource you can use to
solidify the change and quickly swish your brain to how you want
to respond in the future when you face the pervious stimulus.

The key to anchoring yourself is to first be fully in the feeling of the
positive state (that is associated) and then do anything unique and
consistent to mark out the event in multiple sensory systems.

In the video demo, I showed you how I anchored myself to three

the fully bodied sound of me clicking my fingers followed by the
word BOOM(auditory anchor) and the outward chopping
expression with my hand (both visual and kinesthetic anchor).

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Which trigged a radical state change in me

From annoyance

To joy and laughter.

So as soon as you have a full-bodied powerful positive state evoked,

make sure you do something unique and consistent to anchor it.

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Next time you run the pattern through use the anchor to fire off
the positive feeling and intensify the state you are already
This will give your brain the instructions wire this thought-feeling-
response up.
You want to get yourself to the point where replaying the movie of the
old context instantly your mind-body flies down the new path of
seeing the situation unfold BUT with the new changes in the way you
now represent it (the sub-modality shifts) included and you have a
positive state response which you anchored.
Then the second time through the process you fire off your
auditory/kinesthetic/visual anchor to intensify your new positive
4. Then generate a phrase that is congruent with the outcome you want
and continues the direction your brain/state is headed

The second last step to re-wiring up a new emotional response is to
generate a phrase that is congruent with the outcome that you want and
pushes your brain to continue in the direction you have set it.

So for me the phrase I used was Ahh Mary she is a soft touch shes
alright said in playful voice tone.

This moved me from laughter, in to a state of relaxation, then a feeling of
being at ease and completes the desired state response.

The completed emotional state chain sequence looks as follows:

Annoyance >> Laughter >> Silliness >> Relaxation >> Ease (not bothered)

Generate 2-3 different phrases that reinforces the direction you want
your brain to try them out as you run through the new state response
process. Choose to pick a phrase and tone that amplifies the positive state
you are in and accentuates that direction into the end desired state you
want to feel.
5. Lastly Condition the Change & Test.
The final step in the re-wiring emotional states process is to condition in
the change. This means repeat, repeat and repeat again the new process
you have wired up, each time looking to enrich and intensify the new
positive state direction you have trained your brain to do whenever the
old trigger shows up.

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How many times you will need to repeat the process will vary from
person to person. The key is to cycle fast through it, each time running
through the new strategy over and over and giving your brain the
necessary information for it to go OK this is how I am to act when I
see/hear/feel this.
Future pace the change by seeing yourself in the upcoming context when
you will next likely have X event occur and notice yourself responding the
way you want. Then imagine the situation is occurring right now and
see/hear/feel the trigger response occurring and instantly the desired
response should occur as you saw with me in the video.
In fact when you have done this really well, you will find it difficult to
recall/re-enact the old trigger and response, because your brain has been
trained to hear/act/experience the trigger and everything that comes
after it, based on the new wired up response.
Once you have conditioned in the change you need to test the entire
response. The best test is to put yourself in the context, which previously
you were triggered negatively and notice how you respond. If the state
chaining has been conditioned in thoroughly, then you will enjoy the new
response, each and every time.
And once that happens you can forget about it and let your unconscious
mind take full responsibility for this new change to stay with you and you
can go on living your life, enjoying greater choice, resourcefulness and
Once you have run through this process successfully for your number 1
undesired emotional response, move on to the next one from your list
until you have done all ten. As you do so you will have taken a huge leap
forward in creating more of the life you want

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