Richard M. Joel, President and Bravmann Family University Professor, Yeshiva University
Rabbi Kenneth Brander, Vice President for University and Community Life, Yeshiva University
Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, David Mitzner Dean, Center for the Jewish Future
Rabbi Menachem Penner, Max and Marion Grill Dean, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary
Rabbi Robert Shur, Series Editor
Rabbi Joshua Flug, General Editor
Rabbi Michael Dubitsky, Editor
Andrea Kahn, Copy Editor
Copyright 2015 All rights reserved by Yeshiva University
Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish Future
500 West 185th Street, Suite 419, New York, NY 10033 office@yutorah.org 212.960.0074
This publication contains words of Torah. Please treat it with appropriate respect.
For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Paul Glasser at 212.960.5852 or paul.glasser@yu.edu.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Table of Contents
Shavuot 2015/5775
The opening Mishnah in Avos records the vital links in our chain of tradition from Moshe Rabbeinu through the Anshei
Knesses HaGedolah. In each stage of transmission, the Mishnah records the identity of both the teacher and student
in that particular era of our historical development. The Maharal identifies an anomaly to this pattern in presenting
Moshe Rabbeinus experience in receiving the Torah. Rather than identify Moshes teacher as G-d himself, the Mishnah
writes Moshe kibel Torah MiSinai. Why not explicate the originating source of the mesorah as emanating from Hakadosh
Baruch Hu instead of Sinai?
The Maharal answers that if the Mishnah had explicated the connection between G-d and Moshe, one would imagine
that the Divine connection forged within the context of talmud Torah is exclusive to Moshe. Rather, by identifying Sinai
as Moshes source, the Mishnah conveys the unique relationship that is cultivated between every student of Torah and
the Ribono Shel Olam Himself. The role of the rebbe, is not to transmit information, but rather to recreate the Sinai
experience for each student, empowering them to develop their own individual relationship to Torah.
As we were preparing this issue for publication, we learned of the loss of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein ztl. Words cannot
capture the depth and breadth of his greatness in Torah, human sensitivity, and ideological leadership of our community.
We dedicate this issue of the Benjamin and Rose Berger Torah To-Go in his memory, and hope that the values and ideals
that are conveyed through these articles, inspire us to perpetuate his legacy by forming our own individual and unique
relationship to Torah and avodas Hashem.
Rabbi Yaakov Glasser
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
What is your
Olam Haba Moment?
A Lesson from Shavuos
? , In The Maggid Speaks (p. 78) Rabbi
: Paysach Krohn tells of Reb Naftali, the
gabbai tzeddaka (charity collector)
Rabbi Akiva said to his students: All
in a small town in Poland around
my days I have been troubled by this
the turn of the 20th century. Late
verse, with all your soul, which I
one night, after Reb Naftali had
interpret to mean even giving up your
returned home from an exhausting
soul. I wondered, when will I have the
day collecting tzeddaka for a local
opportunity to fulfill this? Now that I
emergency, a beggar arrived at his
have the opportunity shall I not fulfill it? door asking for 20 rubles. The money
Brachos 61b
Reb Naftali had already collected was
spoken for, and he felt unable to go
And then there is the example of
back to the townsfolk once again for
Rabbi Eliezer ben Dordaya who
additional funds. But in the face of
mustered nearly super-human
the beggars pitiful entreaties, Reb
strength to repent from a life of utter
sin and in dying, merited the honorific Naftali relented and prepared to ask
the one man he thought might be in
title of Rebbe (Avoda Zara 17a).
a position to help. Unfortunately, this
In both of these astounding examples individual was young, irreverent and
of heroism, the Gemara describes
wild, someone who wasted his time
that a bas kol (Heavenly voice) rang
drinking, gambling and carousing,
out and proclaimed: mezuman lchayei and Reb Naftali dreaded the expected
Haolam Haba, the protagonist had
encounter. Coming upon the young
earned a place in Olam Haba. These
man in the local tavern and in an
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Matan Torah:
Singular Event, Two Narratives
Parshas Hageirus / The
Conversion Narrative
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Why two different stories instead of
one complete account? Why are so
15 He said to the nation: Be prepared
many details suppressed, seemingly
for the next three days, dont approach
in an effort to paint such distinct
a woman. 16 It was on the third day
in the morning and there was thunder
Perhaps the event that would model
and lightning and a thick cloud on the
the experience of Torah study for all
mountain; the sound of a shofar was
time has to include both the impulsive
very strong and the nation in the camp
excitement associated with the high
trembled. 17 Moshe took the nation out
drama that Sinai was, as well as the
of the camp towards Hashem and they
very measured care and concern that
stood at the base of the mountain. 18
characterizes sacrificial service.
Mount Sinai was full of smoke because
There are times that our study must be
Hashem descended upon it and the
charged by an exciting program and
smoke rose like smoke from a furnace
fuelled with a flamboyant teacher and
and the mountain trembled greatly. 19
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
The future is
in your hands.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
To expound on Tosafots suggestion,
let us probe the character of kibbud
Honor your father and your mother
av va-eim and extract its central,
commands the concept of tradition, that
underlying principles. On one plane,
one should continue the tradition of ones
there is undoubtedly a dimension
parents because this is a foundation that
of hakarat hatov, gratitude, as the
relates to our belief system, for it cannot
Sefer ha-Chinukh articulates in his
exists without listening to the tradition of
treatment of the mitzvah (mitzvah no. ones forefathers and the scholars of the
religion From our forefathers, Honor
, your father and your mother, and from
... the Torah scholars Do not stray from
, the words that they tell you, right or left.
It is most revealing that R. Yosef Albo
, , classifies kibbud av va-eim alongside
. lo tasur, the imperative to obey the
The root of this commandment [to honor rulings of Bet Din ha-Gadol, since both
ones parents is] that it is proper for a
mitzvot are rooted deep in the soil of
person to recognize and provide kindness religious authority. Bet Dins authority
for someone who has provided good to
over and attendant responsibility
you ... One should internalize the fact
towards the community is mirrored
by kibbud av va-eim, on the scale of the
that a father and mother are the basis
individual family.7
of a persons existence in this world. For
this reason, it is proper to give them all
Indeed, R. Yosef Albos interpretation
of the honor and service possible because was most likely inspired by the
they brought their child into this world
Rambams codification. Rather than
and they toiled for him many times while filing the laws of kibbud av va-eim in
growing up.
Sefer Mada, where we might have
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
The future is
in your hands.
Meet Miriam Libman, a current Yeshiva University senior.
Miriam will be graduating with a degree in accounting
and will begin her career at Ernst & Young in the fall.
She is among the 90% of YU students employed, in
graduate school or bothwithin six months of graduation.*
With nearly double the national average acceptance rates
to medical school and 97% acceptance to law school and
placements at Big Four accounting firms, banks and
consulting firms, our numbers speak for themselves.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
: ,
A beraita was taught before Rav
Nachman: When a person causes
distress to a parent, God says: It is a
good thing that I didnt live among them
because if I did, they would cause Me
If one violates the first five
Similarly, Rav Yosef would compare
commandments, he is only immoral
kibbud av va-eim with kavod hatowards God. Therefore, His name is
mentioned in all of them, because they
: , are there to serve Him. The last five are
. towards other people and therefore, God But on these same grounds, if a parent
competes against kavod Shamayim,
When Rav Yosef would hear the footsteps did not include His name.11
when he tests his authority against
of his mother, he would say: I should rise This classification would be virtually
His Authority, he severs his own
for the Shekhinah is coming.
incomprehensible on the view that
authority from its life source and is
kibbud av va-eim is grounded in
Second, the Tur (Yoreh Deah
left pathetically paralyzed and pitiably
hakarat hatov. Additionally, in light
240:19) rules that kibbud av va-eim
feeble: Ani Hashem, kulkhem chayavim
of R. Yosef Albos interpretation, we
presupposes virtuous, upstanding
bikhvodi. Thus, a parents demand
might further appreciate just how
parents. Parents who fail to uphold
that his child violate a lav or even an
felicitously kibbud av va-eim as a
the values of the Torah forfeit their
aseh or even an aseh mi-derabanan is
manifestation of kavod Shamayim
right to kibbud. If kibbud av va-eim
halakhically meaningless.
transitions the dibrot from bein adam
was grounded solely in hakarat hatov
la-Makom to bein adam la-chaveiro, the It is precisely this character of
a natural debt of gratitude it is
kibbud av va-eim, as rooted in kavod
difficult to see how the rectitude of the fulcrum on which they turn.
parent becomes a necessary condition Let us now return to our initial query. Shamayim, that explains the dialectic
embedded at its core. When kibbud av
for kibbud. If, however, kibbud av vaWe observed that a fundamental
va-eim coheres with kavod Shamayim,
eim is grounded in a parents charge
tension runs throughout kibbud av
then hushvu kevodam le-kavod hato further kavod Shamayim, then it
va-eim a tension which speaks to
Makom; but when kibbud av va-eim
follows that a parent who rebuts the
its dialectical nature. Kibbud av vastands in contradiction with it,
very basis of his authority ipso facto
eim is indisputably a linchpin of the
then Ani Hashem, kulchem chayavim
renounces his claim to kibbud; such a
Torahs axiology and possibly, in the
bikhvodi. Kibbud av va-eim by
parent has uprooted the very ground
hava amina, more potent than other
necessity, then, is a mitzvah of either
on which he stands.
mitzvot in displacing a lav vaaseh,
extreme, never coequal with other
Third, some Rishonim classify kibbud matched with kavod ha-Makom. At the
mitzvot exactly as Tosafot noted.
same time, it is pitiably powerless to
av va-eim as a mitzvah bein adam
displace an ordinary lav, an exception It will be recalled that the Gemara,
la-Makom. The Ramban (Shemot
to the principle of aseh docheh lo
in justifying kibbud av va-eims
20:13), for instance, explicitly
identifies the first five dibrot kibbud taaseh, and according to the Rambam, impotence, why it stands as an
incapable of prevailing over even
exception to aseh docheh lo taaseh,
av va-eim among them as mitzvot
an aseh derabanan, incapacitated by
characterized kibbud av va-eim as a
bein adam la-Makom:
kulkhem chayavim bikhvodi. Tosafot,
hekhsher mitzvah, a mitzvah whose
we saw, maintains that kibbud av
import is essentially instrumental or
va-eim is necessarily a mitzvah of
preparatory, whose significance rests
It seems that the writing of the tablets
extremes, never coequal with its
in its capacity to facilitate something
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
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Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
And I said to you in your blood you shall
live, I said to you, in your blood you shall
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
. ,
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What is frail man that You should
Serve Hashem with gladness, come
remember him, and the son of man that
before Him with joyous song.
you should be mindful of him?
There is a rather challenging
In addition, years after one dies, who
Gemorah, Brachos (4b), that provides
remembers him? Even those who
us with flight data of the angels.
might carry his name, his total life
Michael flies non-stop. That is to say,
experiences, his shmiras mitzvos and
when sent on a mission, he is able to
avodas hakodesh, his ups and downs,
reach his destination in one flight. The
his successes and failures, arent they
angel Gavriel requires a stop-over and
here today and gone tomorrow? The
arrives at his destination after but one
answer is a definite no! By being an
stop. Eliyahu must stop three times
eved of Hashem, as He is immortal,
prior to performing his mission, and
ones service of Him, ones activities
the angel of death must stop seven
directed toward Him, ones Torah and times before executing his mission.
mitzvos, are elevated literally and live
What might we learn from the flight
on forever.
pattern of the Heavenly beings?
The Chofetz Chaim ztl in Sheim
Olam (11) teaches that we recite daily
in Kedusha, Nekadeish we shall
sanctify Your name in this world, just
as they the angels sanctify it in Heaven
above. This is to be understood
literally. As the angels on High do His
requests and bidding, so is man to do
in this world. All of mans actions are
recorded as found in Malachi (3:16):
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Gabrielle Hiller
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
The Minhag of
Reciting Yetziv
Davida Kollmar
ne common Ashkenazi
minhag on Shavuot is to recite
the piyut (poem) of Yetziv
Pitgam on the second day of Shavuot.
The first letter of each line forms an
acrostic, spelling out the name of
the author, Yaakov BeRabbi Meir
Levi, who is commonly identified as
Rabbeinu Tam.1 The text of the piyut,
which originated in France,2 is brought
in the Machzor Vitri, and the minhag
to read it is also mentioned in the Sefer
HaMinhagim of both R. Isaac Tyrnau
and R. Avraham Klausner, in the Sefer
Maharil, in the Levush, and others.
Yetziv Pitgam is read after the first
verse of the haftarah. The timing of the
reading is the context in which Yetziv
Pitgam appears most often in halachic
discussions. This is because there is
a halachic problem with reading the
piyut between the brachah on the
haftarah and the haftarah, because it
would constitute an interruption. This
problem is resolved for the piyut of
Akdamot, which is recited at the Torah
reading on the first day, by reading it
before Birkot HaTorah. Since Yetziv
Pitgam is read during the haftarah,
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Adult Education
Yoatzot Halacha
Synagogue & Community Scholars
Philadelphia Jewish
Community - Yoetzet Halacha
Princeton University
Shalom Hartman Institute
Solomon Schechter
Stern College
Tal Torah
University of Pennsylvania
Yale University
Yoetzet Ruchani, Efrat Israel
Young Israel of Century City
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Ashley Mandelstam
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Elana Raskas
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
; ,
. , The Beit HaLevi, Rabbi Yosef Dov
: Soloveitchik, writes of another
reason for eating dairy on Shavuot
Thy lips, O my bride, drop honey
in his commentary on Parashat Yitro
honey and milk are under thy tongue;
(Shemot 19). This reason, like the
and the smell of thy garments is like the
Ramas, involves eating both dairy and
smell of Lebanon.
meat, rather than dairy alone. He cites
a well-known Midrash in which the
Shir HaShirim 4:11
angels ask God why they were not the
recipients of the holy Torah, and why
This verse is traditionally understood
it was given to Bnei Yisrael over them.
to be likening the Torah to milk and
God gives many responses; among
honey. Many people thus eat both
them He praises Bnei Yisrael for their
milk and honey on this holiday of
conduct in keeping the laws of meat
celebrating our receiving the Torah.
and milk. God says, You, angels, ate
While these two explanations account
meat and milk together when you
for why we eat dairy (and honey) on
visited Avraham in his tent after his
Shavuot, they also pose a problem:
Brit Milah. But even the small children
According to many poskim,1 we are
of Bnei Yisrael know not to eat meat
obligated to eat meat on the festivals
and milk together. They separate milk
in order to fulfill the commandment
and meat by eating bread in between
of vsamachta bchagecha, rejoicing on
and washing out their mouths. God
holidays. How, then, could we ignore
uses this as an example to prove to the
this command and instead eat dairy
angels why Bnei Yisrael are deserving
on this holiday?
of the Torah. In this vein we eat
A look into the Shulchan Aruch reveals
milk followed by meat on Shavuot
that it may not be the case that we avoid to indicate our meticulousness in
meat in favor of dairy. While R. Yosef
our observance of mitzvot via our
Karo does not mention the minhag of
eagerness to keep the laws of kashrut,
eating dairy on Shavuot, the Rama, R.
an act unique to the Jewish people and
Moshe Isserlis, does in his glosses on the not to the angels.
Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 494:3).
Aviva Sterman
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
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Lawrence, NY
Koschitzky Minyan
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Beit Shemesh, Israel
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Lechu Neranana
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Westville Synagogue
New Haven, CT
Yagdil Torah
Boca Raton, FL
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5775
n Adler, Dana Adler, Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, AlHaTorah.org, Judy Alkoby, Rabbi Jason Allen, Rabbi Nisson Lippa Alpert, Shiri Alpert, Rabbi William Altshul, Alon Amar, Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Professor Zohar Amar, Joshua Amaru, Claudia Esther Amzallag, Rabbi Hayyim An
y Ansel, Shira Apfel, Rabbi Howard Apfel, Dr. Stuart Apfel, Pamela Apfel, Dr. Maryln Applebaum, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, Rabbi Yosef Leib Arnest, Various Artists, Dr. Adrienne Asch, Sam Ash, Rabbi Pinchas Ashen, Rabbi Dovid Asher, Dr. Shawn Zelig Aster, Shayna Aster, Abigail A
l Atzmon, Rabbi Kenneth Auman, Rabbi Avrohom Ausband, Professor Nathan Aviezer, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, Chaim Axelrod, Dr. Harvey Babich, Rabbi Elisha Bacon, Dr. Joshua Bacon, Dean Karen Bacon, Rabbi Asher Balanson, Rabbi Hanan Balk, Rabbi Yehuda Balsam, Ra
Balsim, Rabbi Moshe Bamberger, Rabbi Natan Bar-Haim, Yonah Bardos, Dalia Barenboim, Rabbi Noah Baron, Dr. Sara Barris, Rabbi Simon Basalely, Rabbi Tzvi Basch, Rabbi Shalom Baum, Dr. Steven Bayme, Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer, Katie Bec
Assaf Bednarsh, Cantor Bernard Beer, Yitzchak Editor Beis, Rabbi Binyomin Beiser, Rabbi Eli Belizon, Mrs. Rebecca Belizon, Rabbi Shmuel Belkin, Gurion Prime Minister David Ben, Rabbi Eliyahu Ben-Chaim, Geulah Ben-David, Eitan Ben-David, Rabbi Hanan Benayahu, Rebe
ghnazar, Diana Benmergui, Rabbi Moshe Benovitz, Mr. Ronald Benun, Rabbi Simon Benzaquen, Dr. Michael Berger, Rabbi David Berger, Ari Berger, Rabbi Gedalia Berger, Dovi Bergman, Rabbi Moshe Bergman, Rabbi Ozer Bergman, Rabbi Ari Bergmann, Retter Aliza Berk, Neta
Dr. Jay R. Berkovitz, Rachel Berley, Cantor Moshe Berlove, Rabbi Todd Berman, Rabbi Etan Moshe Berman, Rabbi Ari Berman, Rabbi Saul Berman, Reuven Berman, Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman, Rabbi Julius Berman, Sara Bermish, Dr. Moshe Bernstein, Ayelet Bersson, Rabbi Yedi
n, Rabbi Azarya Berzon, Rabbi Chananya Berzon, Rabbi Abraham Besdin, Mrs. Rachel Besser, Rabbi Donny Besser, Rabbi Joseph Beyda, Rabbi Ezra Bick, Rabbi Jack Bieler, Rabbi Richard Bieler, Rabbi Jonathan Bienenfeld, Rabbi Marvin Bienenfeld, Amanda Bier, Rabbi Avi Bi
abbi Elchanan Bin, Nun Rabbi Yoel Bin, Mrs. Malke Bina, Rabbi Aaron Bina, Rabbi Gidon Binyamin, Pnina Birman, Kaganoff Mrs. Miriam Birnbaum, Rabbi Elichai Bitter, Rabbi Mendel Blachman, Rabbi Josh Blass, Rabbi Yitzchak Blau, Rabbi Binyamin Blau, Rabbi Yonason B
vkah Blau, Rabbi Yosef Blau, Rabbi Benjamin Blech, Rabbi Dr. J. David Bleich, Dr. Judith Bleich, Rabbi Moshe Bleich, Rabbi Michael Bleicher, Professor Gerald J. Blidstein, Rachel Blinick, Rabbi Akiva Block, Mrs. Dena Block, Elli Bloom, Dr. Norman Blumenthal, Chaim Blument
Bodoff, Faygie Bomzer, Rabbi Herbert Bomzer, Rabbi Yehuda Dovid Borenstein, Dr. Abba Borowich, Yitzchak Brand, Ms. Miryam Brand, Rabbi Reuven Brand, Rabbi Kenneth Brander, Rabbi Asher Brander, Tehilla Brander, Hilda Brandwein, Rabbi Baruch Dov Braun, Rabbi Shm
Professor Marshall J. Breger, Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rabbi Mendel Breitstein, Edward Breuer, Rabbi Alan Brill, Rabbi Dov Aaron Brisman, Rabbi Shlomo Brody, Dr. Baruch A. Brody, Rabbi David Brofsky, Mrs. Mali Brofsky, Rabbi Avrohom Bromberg, Rabbi Moshe Bromb
Abba Bronspeigel, Rabbi Yosef Bronstein, Rabbi Chaim Brovender, Dr. Jeremy Brown, Rabbi Moshe Brown, Dr. Erica Brown, Rabbi Michael Broyde, Rabbi Eli Brudny, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald, Rabbi Reuven Buckler, Rabbi Ephraim A. Buckwold, Irving Bunim, Rabbi Ah
Burack, Fay Burekhovich, Rabbi Steven Burg, Rabbi Mordechai Burg, Robin Burger, Dr. Edward Burns, Esther Burns, Rabbi Menachem Burshtien, Rabbi Yaakov Busel, Rabbi Asher Bush, Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo, Rabbi Yosef Carmel, Rabbi Shalom Carmy, Rabbi Y
hush, Rabbi Nachum Chaimowitz, Rabbi Yoni Chambre, Professor Jerome Chanes, Rabbi Zevulun Charlop, Rabbi Yaacov Moshe Charlop, Rabbi Alexander Charlop, Rabbi Yechiel Michel Charlop, Rabbi Leon Charney, Isaac Chavel, Magazine Journal: Chavrusa, Rabbi Yu
ow, Allan Chernikoff, Mrs. Sarah Cheses, Yehuda Chinskey, Nechama Citrin, Rabbi Nachman Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Rabbi Shear-Yashuv Cohen, Rabbi Mordechai Cohen, Rabbi Aaron Cohen, Michal Cohen, Rabbi Zev Cohen, Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, Stuart A. Cohen, Ra
ok Cohen, Rabbi Yehoshua Cohen, Rabbi Chaim Cohen, Rabbi Tanchum Cohen, Rabbi Jonathan Cohen, Ariella Cohen, Rabbi Alfred Cohen, Mrs. Suzanne Cohen, Cohen, Mrs. Shulamith Cohn, Rabbi Menachem Copperman, Rabbi Eytan Coren, Mrs. Miriam Coren, Ron
ord, Rabbi Ari Cutler, Dr. Gabriel Cwillich, Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon, Dr. Michael Dalezman, Yakov Danishefsky, Rabbi Yaacov Darmoni, Dr. Jonathan Dauber, Rabbi Avishai David, Rabbi Aharon David, Rabbi Chanoch Davidman, Rabbi Michael Davies, Rebbetzin Meira Davis,
and Ms. Margy-Ruth Davis, Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Dr Hillel Davis, Mrs. Yocheved Debow, Aryeh Deinstag, Jennifer Deluty, Professor Aaron Demsky, HaTevah Editor Derech, Naftali Derovan, Rabbi Eliyahu Deutsch, Segni Chief Rabbi Riccardo Di, Ariel Diamond, Prof. Ja
ag, Chanie Dinerman, Rabbi Herbert Dobrinsky, Rabbi Mark Dratch, Rabbi Yaacov Drillman, Rabbi Solomon Drillman, Rabbi Yisroel Meir Druck, Rabbi Chaim Druckman, Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Olga Dynina, Rabbi Dovid Ebner, Rabbi Usher Eckstein, Batya Edelman, Chro
, Shema Koleinu Editor, Ktones Yosef Editor, Rabbi Etan Ehrenfeld, Yaakov Ehrenkrantz, Rabbi Yisroel Ehrlich, Rabbi Ally Ehrman, Professor Barry Eichler, LTorah Editor Einayim, Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn, Rabbi Moshe Einstadter, Mrs Atara Eis, Rabbi Chaim Eisen, Mrs. Mi
man, Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein, Rabbi Benny Eisner, Zev Eleff, Dr. G.E. Elinson, Rabbi Hagay Elitzur, Rav haRoshi Mordechai Eliyahu, Mrs. Adina Ellis, Rabbi Mickey Ellman, Rabbi Gil Elmaleh, Rabbi Yaakov Elman, Rabbi Yonatan Emmett, Rabbi Zvi Engel, Shayna English, Sa
n, Mrs. Cheryl Epstein, Tamar Epstein, Rabbi Ephraim Epstein, Rabbi Moshe Erlbaum, Rollhaus Sarah Medved, Esty, Bracha Etengoff, Rabbi Uri Etigson, Dr. Immanuel Etkes, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Special Events, Deborah Farber, Natan Farber, Rabbi Seth Farber, Rabbi Mo
witz, Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, Jennifer Fathy, Esti Feder, Ari Federgrun, Jessica Feig, Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum, Mrs. Aviva Feiner, Rabbi Eytan Feiner, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Rabbi Reuven Feinstein, Dr. Carl Feit, Rabbi Yaacov Feit, Rabbi Meir Simcha Feldblum, Rabbi Yitzc
eim, Rabbi Shaul Feldman, Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman, Rabbi Jonathan Feldman, Rebecca Feldman, Dr. Louis Feldman, Dr. Adam Ferziger, Rabbi Chaim Feuerman, Rabbi Rafi Feurstein, Professor Steven Fine, Rabbi Daniel Fine, Rabbi Reuven Fink, Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman,
inkelman, Rabbi Michael Finkelstein, Rabbi Jason Finkelstein, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein, Eitan Fiorino, Meira Fireman, Aliza Fireman, Bernard J. Firestone, Jesse Fischbein, Rabbi Dovi Fischer, Esther Fischer, Rabbi Chonoch Henoch Fishman, Professor Sylvia Barack Fishman, Secu
Daphna Fishman, Professor David Flatto, Rabbi Tzvi Flaum, Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft, Rabbi Neil Fleischman, Rabbi Yosef Fleischman, Yishai Fleisher, Rabbi Aaron Fleksher, Rabbi Josh Flug, Rabbi David Fohrman, Rabbi Yoni Fox, Daniel Fox, Dr. Steven D. Fraade, Rabbi Neta
enthal, Ilana Frankiel, Rabbi Ezra Frazer, Esther Frederick, Rabbi Avidan Freedman, Rabbi Lavey Freedman, Rabbi Binny Freedman, Rabbi Zev Freidman, Rabbi Barry Freundel, Daniel Fridman, Frida Fridman, Rabbi Pesachya Fried, Rabbi Yosef Friedenson, Michelle Friedm
Friedman, Rabbi Asher Friedman, Rabbi David Friedman, Rabbi Gavriel Friedman, Dr. Michelle Friedman, Rabbi Mordy Friedman, Dr. Richard Friedman, Sarah Friedman, Josh Friedman, Rabbi Moshe Aharon Friedman, Adam Friedmann, Dr. Michael Frogel, Michael Fruch
Yossi Fuchs, Yechiel Fuchs, Rabbi Ari Fuld, Rabbi Dovid Fuld, Rabbi Meir Fulda, Rabbi Yaakov Furman, Rabbi Milton Furst, Rabbi Mallen Galinsky, Dr. Judah Galinsky, Rabbi Moshe Ganz, Rabbi Naftali Ganzvi, Rabbi Noah Gardenschwartz, Reuven Garret, Tova Gavrilova,
eisler, Rabbi Eli Gelernter, Mrs. Yael Gelernter, Rabbi Dani Gelertner, Rabbi Shaanan Gelman, Dr. Sheldon Gelman, Rabbi Barry Gelman, Moshe Genack, Rabbi Menachem Genack, Rabbi Yitzchak Genack, Yitzy Genack, Rabbi Shai Gerson, Rabbi Shmuel Gerstenfeld, Dr Wiil
tz, Rabbi Baruch Gigi, Rabbi Yehuda Gilad, Mr. Alan Gindi, Rabbi Yosef Ginsberg, Rabbi Ari Ginsberg, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg, Ms. Leslie Ginsparg, Rabbi Daniel Glanz, Debra Glasberg, Shifra Glasner, David Glassberg, Mrs. Chana Glatt, Rabbi Dr Aaron Glatt, Rabbi Ephr
Rabbi Ozer Glickman, Arielle Glueck, Cantor Sherwood Goffin, Rabbi Zev Gold, Ronit Gold, Michal Gold, Rabbi Yoni Gold, Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Mrs. Basheva Goldberg, Noah Goldberg, Rabbi Nosson Goldberg, Rabbi Dr. Judah Goldb
Zev Goldberg, Rabbi Chaim Goldberg, Rebbetzin Yocheved Goldberg, Michelle Goldberg, Mrs. Shayna Goldberg, Rabbi Shraga Goldenhersh, Mrs. Yael Goldfischer, Stephanie Goldglantz, Rabbi Yechiel Goldhaber, Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, Joshua L. Golding, Yedida Goldman, Ra
oldman, Dr. Dan Goldschlag, Estee Goldschmidt, Rabbi Yehuda Goldschmidt, Judah Goldschmiedt, Ezra Goldschmiedt, Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith, Ariella Goldstein, Adeena Goldstein, Rabbi Noah Goldstein, Shira Goldstein, Noach Goldstein, Rabbi Shmuel Goldstein, Pearl Ch
wasser, Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Rabbi Meir Goldwicht, Rabbi Avraham Gordimer, Rabbi Moshe Gordon, Ms. Sara Gordon, Sharon Gordon, Ms. Anne Gordon, Rabbi Noam Gordon, Rabbi Moshe Gorelick, Rabbi Yeruchim Gorelik, Rabbi Mark E. Gottlieb, Rabbi Dovid Gottl
Yisroel Gottlieb, Elisha Graff, Rabbi Josh Grajower, Dr. Richard V. Grazi, Rabbi Maury Grebenau, Rabbi Mordechai Greenberg, Rabbi Nota Greenblatt, Rabbi Ephraim Greene, Noah Greenfield, Rabbi Lavi Greenspan, Dr. Stuart Greenstein, Dr. Zehavit Gross, Rabbi Yonah Gr
Gross, Rabbi Dr. Lawrence Grossman, Rabbi Yechiel Grossman, Judy Grossman, Rabbi Zvi Grumet, Yakov Grun, Rabbi Joseph Grunblatt, Dr. Naomi Grunhaus, Yael Grunseid, Rabbi Yehoshua Grunstein, Rabbi Yirmiyahu Gugenheimer, Dr. Jeffrey S. Gurock, Rabbi Yaakov Gurv
Yaacov Haber, Rabbi Alan Haber, Rabbi Moses Haber, Rabbi Yakov Haber, Dr. Aviad Hacohen, Michelle Haimowitz, Rabbi Shmuel Hain, Rabbi Kenneth Hain, Cantor Asher Hainovitz, Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff, Mrs. Ahuva Halberstam, Rabbi Benzion Halberstam, Professor Yona
, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Halpern, Rabbi Yrachmael Hamberger, Rabbi Shalom Hammer, Rabbi Zvi Harari, Avi Harari, Mr. Charlie Harary, Rabbi Dr. Michael J. Harris, Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman, Rabbi Daniel Hartstein, Professor Warren Zev Harvey, Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Zuriel Haym
hira Hecht-Koller, Rabbi Herzl Hefter, Dr. Michael Avi Helfand, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Ari Heller, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, Shira Heller, Marvin Heller, Rabbi Avi Heller, David Hellman, Rabbi Aryeh Hendler, Rabbanit Chana Henkin, Rabbi Yehuda Henkin, Ra
nel Herbsman, Rabbi Yisrael Herczeg, Marc Herman, Rabbi Zvi Herman, Dr. Ernest Herman, Rabbi William Herskovitz, Mrs. Leah Herzog, Rabbi Isaac Herzog, Rabbi Dr. Richard Hidary, Rabbi Moshe Hilman, Nathalie Hirsch, Rabbi David Hirsch, Rabbi Robert Hirt, Necha
baum, Rabbi Peretz Hochbaum, Rabbi Shlomo Hochberg, Rabbi Mordechai Hochheimer, Rabbi Michael Hoenig, Malcom Hoenlein, Rabbi Josh Hoffman, Rabbi Yaakov Hoffman, Rabbi David Hollander, Sarah Ariella Hollander, Dr. Shalom Holtz, Rabbi Dr. Barry Holzer, Profe
olzer, Rabbi Yaakov D Homnick, Rabbi Jesse Horn, Rabbi Yaacov Horowitz, Rabbi David Horwitz, Rabbi Raphy Hulkower, Moshe Huss, Dr. Arthur Hyman, Ilana Ickow, Rabbi Eric Ifrah, Rabbi Chaim Ilson, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson, Mrs. Sharon Isaacson, Rabbi Alex Israel, Ra
Israel, Drazin Rabbis Stanley M Wagner and Israel, Rabbi Chaim Jachter, Rabbi Ovi Jacob, Rabbi Menachem Jacobowitz, Rabbi Emmanuel Jacobowitz, Yosef Jacobs, Susan Jacobs, Rabbi Ari Jacobson, Rabbi Yaacov Jaffe, Julian Jakobovitz, David Jasphy, Rabbi Netanel Javasky, Da
e, President Richard Joel, Rabbi Josh Joseph, Rabbi Howard Joseph, Doni Joszef, Revel Journal, Rabbi Dr. Leo Jung, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, Mrs. Chani Juravel, Menachem Kagan, Rabbi Yonatan Kaganoff, Mrs. Rivka Kahan, Rabbi Scott Kahn, Rabbi Yair Kahn, Rabbi Aha
Rabbi Moshe Kahn, Rabbi Ari Kahn, Rabbi Yosef Kalinsky, Dr. David Kallus, Rabbi Shrage Kallus, Miriam Kalmar, Rabbi Nathan Kamenetsky, Rabbi Shmuel Kamentsky, Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky, Rabbi Herschel Kaminsky, Rabbi Ephraim Kanarfogel, Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner, D
ansky, Rabbi Moshe Kaplan, Mathew Kaplan, Prof. Lawrence Kaplan, Rabbi Nissan Kaplan, Feige Kaplan, Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan, Rabbi Phil Karesh, Dr. Josh Karlip, Dov Karoll, Elisa Karp, Rabbi Mordechai Karpensprung, Henna Kasnett, Mr. Zvi Kaspi, Rabbi Shlomo K
Michael Katz, Rabbi Yaacov Moshe Katz, Harav Yaakov Katz, Rabbi Ysoscher Katz, Dr. Jill Katz, Shaina Katz, Rebecca Katz, Dr. Jacob Katz, Anna Lisa Katz, Rabbi David Katz, Rachel Katz-Sidlow, Adina Katzman, Mrs. Leah Kaufman, Sharon Kaufman, Rabbi Lawrence Kelem
chem Kellner, Bracha Kenigsberg, Dr. Barry Kinzbrunner, Dr. Aaron Kirschenbaum, Jennie Kirschner, Rabbi Shmuel Klammer, Rabbi Shlomo Klapholtz, Rabbi Aryeh Klapper, Rabbi Yitzchok Kleiman, Shelley Klein, Dr. Zanvel Klein, Rabbi Nechemia Klein, Yitzy Klein, Rabbi E
berg, Rabbi Heshy Kleinman, Mrs. Dena Knoll, Rabbi Nir Knoll, Sandra Knoll, Rabbi Jeffrey B. Kobrin, Rabbi Akiva Koenigsberg, Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg, Mrs. Chaya Sima Koenigsberg, Sara Kogan, Eliana Kohanchi, Rabbi Dr. Eli Kohn, Rabbi Yonatan Kohn, Rabbi Ch
Zvi Editor Kol, Rabbi Yonatan Kolatch, Rabbi Dr. William Kolbrener, Professor Aaron Koller, Professor Moshe Koppel, Rabbi Yitzchak Korn, Chana Kosofsky, Rabbi Ira Kosowsky, Rabbi Avrum Kowalsky, Yelena Kozirovsky, Rabbi Aaron Kraft, Mrs. Lynn Kraft, Rabbi Yissac
wski, Dr. Chaim Kranzler, Rabbi Simcha Krauss, Aimee Krausz, Jennifer Kraut, Haim Kreisel, Rabbi Elly Krimsky, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Beni Krohn, Rabbi Dr. John Krug, Rabbi Elyakim Krumbein, Malkie Krupka, Rabbi Moshe Krupka, Miriam Krupka, Batsheva Kuhr, S
Judah Kurtz, Rabbi Binyamin Kwalwasser, Rabbi Ezra Labaton, Rabbi Yaacov Lach, Chanie Ladaew, Rachaely Laker, Ari Lamm, Rabbi Norman Lamm, Rabbi Yehoshua Landau, Rabbi Doneal Lander, Professor Daniel Lasker, Rabbi Yitzchok Laskin, Rabbi Dr. Binyamin Lau, Ra
Meir Lau, Mrs. Elana Lavenda, Rabbi Naphtali Lavenda, Jennifer Lazaros, Rabbi David Lebor, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz, Rabbi Natanel Lebowitz, Rabbi Zev Leff, Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz, Mrs. Yael Leibowitz, Rabbi Aaron Leibtag, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Dr. Shnayer Leiman, J
el, Rikah Lerer, Rebbetzin Abby Lerner, Rabbi Eliezer Lerner, Dov Lerner, Ms. Rachel Leshaw, Rabbi Moshe Hakohen Lessin, Rabbi Dovid Lessin, Rabbi Lev, Rabbi Yonah Levant, Herbert Leventer, Ms. Elisheva Levi, Rabbi Yoni Levin, Rabbi Aaron Levine, Rabbi Yosie Lev
Dr. Zalman Levine, Dr. Michelle J. Levine, Ms. Adina Levine, Channa Gila Ovits Levy, Russell Levy, Rabbi Zvi Lew, Jacob Lewin, Mr. Nathan Lewin, Jed Lewinsohn, Rabbi Ben Leybovich, Rabbi Aharon Lezer, Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein, Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein, Ra
Lichtenstein, Rabbi Moshe Lichtman, Avi Lichtschein, Aviva Lieber, Rabbi Zevulun Lieberman, Katie E. Liebling, Emily J. Liebling, Diane Liebman, Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Dr. Harry Lieman, Michael Lifshitz, Rabbi Dovid Lifshitz, Ohr YULA Boys Likutei, Rabbi Menach
, Rabbi Dov Linzer, Nikki Lipman, Rabbi Meir Lipschitz, Mrs. Elyse Litwack, Rabbi Josh Livingstone, Dr. Jerry Lob, Dr. Susan Lobel, Elisheva Lobell, Daniel Loewenstein, Professor Naftali Loewenthal, Adina Loewy, Janna Login, Dr. John D. Loike, Rabbi Chaim Loike, Ey
on, Rabbi Joseph Lookstein, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, Rabbi Aharon Lopiansky, Aliza Loshinsky, Dana Lotan, Daniel Lowenstein, Rabbi Amos Luban, Rabbi Avraham Lubarsky, Ms. Adina Luber, Rabbi Moshe Shimon Luria, Guest Speaker MJE, Maayanot, Rabbi Mordechai Mach
Maik, Cantor Joseph Malovany, Yair Manas, David Mandel, Rabbi Seth Mandel, Miri Mandelbaum, Rafi Mandelstam, Dr. Vivian Mann, Rabbi Reuven Mann, Rabbi Anthony Manning, Rabbi Eli Mansour, Rabbi Mordechai Marcus, Rabbi Doni Marcus, Rabbi Chaim Marcus, Ra
arcus, Rabbi Shmuel Marcus, Sara Margolis, Rabbi Andrew Markowitz, Rebecca Marmor, Hannah Marmor, Rabbi Leonard Matanky, Mrs. Chani Maybruch, Rabbi Shmuel Maybruch, Mrs. Sally Mayer, Rabbi Eitan Mayer, Menashe Mazurek, Michael P. McQuillan, Rabbi Yaa
n, Rabbi Menachem Meier, Golda Meir, Juliet Meir, Rabbi Alon Meir, Rabbi Moshe Meiselman, Rabbi Baruch Pesach Mendelson, Rita Mermelstein, Steven Mermelstein, Dr. Ari Mermelstein, Miriam Merzel, Rabbi Ami Merzel, Rabbi Eliezer Mescheloff, Journal Editor Mesora, Ra
m Meth, Editor, Mibayit, Moshe Miller, Mrs. Miriam Miller, Rabbi Eliezer Miller, Mr. Yoni Miller, Talia Miller, Rabbi Israel Miller, Rabbi Dovid Miller, Rabbi Michael Miller, Halev Dvarim Hayotzim Min, Rabbi Dovid Mintz, Rabbi Adam Mintz, Mrs. Norma Mintz, Ma
ownik, Rabbi Judah Mischel, Rabbi Jonathan Mishkin, Orit Montrose, Rabbi Ari Mor, Rabbi Boaz Mori, Rabbi Shalom Morris, Nicole C. Moskowitz, Rabbi Philip Moskowitz, Eliza Moskowitz, David Moster, Rabbi Levi Mostofsky, Dr. Yael Muskat, Rabbi Michael Myers, Ra
Nachbar, Rabbi Yakov Nagen, Rabbi Francis Nataf, Mois Navon, HaRav Avigdor Nebenzahl, Mrs. Sima Neiger, Asher Nemes, Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger, Rabbi Yaakov B. Neuburger, Rebbetzin Peshi Neuburger, Motti Neuburger, Mrs. Gitta J. Neufeld, Mrs. C.B. Neugroschl,
n Neuman, Mrs. Pnina Neuwirth, Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth, Mrs. Chani Newman, David Nimmer, Rabbi Menachem Nissel, Dr. Steve Nissenfeld, Helen Nissim, Ms. Marianne Novak, Dr. Rona Novick, Macy Nulman, Rabbi Yosef Nusbacher, Hamizrach Editor Ohr, Rabbi Mich
n, Rabbi Yeruchem Olshin, Dr. Jess Olson, Rabbi Dr. Natan Ophir, Rabbi Maurice Oppenheimer, Rabbi Dovid Ordman, Rabbi Uri Orlian, Dr. Mitchell Orlian, Rabbi Meir Orlian, Rabbi Itiel Oron, Rabbi Asher Oser, Dr. Harry Ostrer, Rabbi Eli Ozarowski, Rabbi Joseph Ozarow
ah Ozarowski, Rabbi Chaim Packer, Rabbi David Pahmer, Mrs. Lori Palatnik, Rabbi Yehoshua Paltiel, Rabbi Shraga Feivel Paretzky, Rabbi Michael Parnes, Rabbi Yehuda Parnes, Dahlia Pasik, Dr. Moses Pava, Dr. Betzalel Pearl, Marina Pekar, Dr. David Pelcovitz, Rabbi Marc Pen
nnie Perelis, Rabbi Shlomo Perelstein, Gil S. Perl, Rabbi Yaacov Perlow, Leora Perlow, Rabbi Benny Pflanzer, Rabbi Eli Pielet, Rabbi Uri Pilichowski, Rabbi Tuli Polak, Rabbi Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Ephraim Polakoff, Dr. Nehemia Polen, Rabbi Moshe Ahron Poleyeff, Jennifer Po
sor Michla Pomerance, Rabbi Zev Pomeratz, Rabbi Adir Posy, Rabbi Chaim Poupko, Rabbi Yossi Prager, Rabbi Sinai Prebor, Mrs. Chana Prero, Rabbi Tani Prero, Mrs. Zlata Press, Schwartz Dr. Rebecca Press, Leyna Pressman, Rabbi David Pri-Chen, Rabbi Baruch Price, M
ma Price, Rabbi Zev Prince, Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Ari Pruzansky, Rabbi Menachem Raab, Alumni RIETS Rabbinic, Mrs Deena Rabinovich, Abigail Rabinowitz, Rabbi Emmanuel Rackman, Rabbi Ariel Rackovsky, Rabbi Yoel Rackovsky, Reena Radzyner, Charles M. Raffel, Ra
Rakeffet-Rothkoff, Rabbi Naftoli Rakow, Rabbi Zvi Ralbag, Rabbi Dani Rapp, Dr. Chaya Rapp, Jason Rappoport, Adina Raskas, Dr. Aviezer Ravitzky, Rabbi Chaggai Raviv, Tehilla Raviv, Rachel Rechthand, Rabbi Dovid Refson, Rabbi Eli Reich, Rabbi Uren Reich, Rabbi Dr. Mic
el, Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman, Rabbi Zev Reichman, Rabbi Hershel Reichman, Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman, Rabbi Daniel Reifman, Rabbi Dr. Jacob Reiner, Rabbi Yehoshua Reinitz, Ilana Reinman, Rabbi Yosef Reinman, Alyssa Reisbaum, Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rabbi Yona Re
Reiss, Rachel Renz, Daniel Retter, Lenore Ribalt, Rabbi Gershon Ribner, Rabbi Isaac Rice, Rabbi Nosson Rich, Effie Richmond, Mrs. Sharon Richter, Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, Rabbi Ephraim Rimel, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Rabbi Avraham Rivlin, Rabbi Sh
son, Dr. Avigail Rock, Rivkah Rogawski, Rabbi Zvi Romm, Rabbi Zvi Ron, Rabbi Zev Roness, Alisa Rose, Rabbanit Gilla Rosen, Avigayil Rosen, Rabbi Shlomo Dov Rosen, Rabbi Menashe Rosen, Rabbi Menachem Rosenbaum, Mrs. Aliza Rosenbaum, Adam Rosenberg, Ra
man Rosenberg, Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg, Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg, Juliana Rosenblat, Elan Rosenblat, Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt, Chana Rosenblatt, Kate Rosenblatt, Tamar Rosenblum, Rabbi Rafi Rosenblum, Dr. Jennie Rosenfeld, Lea Rosenfeld, Rabbi Daniel Rosenf
Joey Rosenfeld, Josh Rosenfeld, Dr. Wayne Rosenkrans, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig, Rabbi Yonatan Rosensweig, Professor Smadar Rosensweig, Rabbi Dr. Berel Rosensweig, Rabbi Moshe Ariel Rosensweig, Itamar Rosensweig, Dr. Philip Rosenthal, Rabbi Pinny Rosenthal, Eliy
sman, Rabbi Dovid Rosman, Dr. David Rosmarin, Dr. Fred Rosner, Rabbi Shalom Rosner, Rabbi Aaron Ross, Shira Roszler, Willie Roth, David Roth, Rabbi Sol Roth, Rabbi Yerachmiel Rothberger, Dr. Daniel Rothenberg, Rabbi Jeff Rothman, Rabbi Gidon Rothstein, Rabbi L
wachs, Rabbi Yitzchak Rubin, Dr. Berish Rubin, Meira Rubin, Rabbi Bezalel Rudinsky, Rabbi Sheldon Rudoff, Mrs. Bracha Rutner, Dr. Daniel Rynhold, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Rabbi Yoni Sacks, Rabbi Yonason Sacks, David Sacks, Miriam Sadres, Rabbi Barak Saffer, Profe
m Saiman, Alan Sakowitz, Mrs Ilana Saks, Rabbi Jeffrey Saks, Noam Salamon, Rabbi Matisyohu Salomon, Dr. Nili Samet, Benjamin Samuels, Henry Sapoznik, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Sapperstein, Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, Dr. Jonathan Sarna, Rabbi Jake Sasson, Rabbi Noach Sauber, Ra
m Sauer, Mr. Steve Savitsky, Rabbi Melech Schachter, Rabbi Shay Schachter, Rabbi Jonathan Schachter, Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rabbi Dr. Jacob J Schacter, Mrs. Shifra Schapiro, Mrs. Shoshana Schechter, Dr. Yitzchak Schechter, Melissa Schenker, Rabbi Nosson Scherman,
n Schick, David Schiff, Rabbi Mordechai Schiffman, Dr. Lawrence Schiffman, Weinberg Aviva Schiffmiller, Rabbi Mayer Schiller, Mrs. Shira Schiowitz, Rabbi Kenny Schiowitz, Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger, Dr. David J. Schnall, Rabbi Etan Schnall, Rabbi Shmuel Schneid, Eli Schnei
Schneider, Dr. Shmuel Schneider, Rabbi Avi Schneider, Rabbi Dovid Schoen, Cheryl Schonbrun, Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld, Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker, Rabbi Avrohom Schorr, Rabbi Zev Schostak, Mr. Stuart Schrader, Professor Peninnah Schram, Devorah Schreck, Aaron Schrei
Dani Schreiber, Rabbi Avie Schreiber, Dr. Nicole Schreiber-Agus, Rabbi Dov Schreier, Dr. Adiel Schremer, Rabbi Max Schrier, Dr. Joshua Schuchatowitz, Dr. Alyssa Schuck, Rabbi Shlomo Feival Schustal, Ari Schwab, Dr. Victor Schwartz, Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz, Dr. D
rtz, Rabbi Yosef Schwartz, Rabbi Ezra Schwartz, Dr. Carmi Schwartz, Suzy Schwartz, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Schwartz, Shira Schwarzenberger, Dr. Shai Secunda, Rachel Secunda, Anya Sedletcaia, Don Seeman, Rabbi Aaron Segal, Rabbi Ilan Segal, Atara Graub
Rabbi Ari Segal, Michelle Segall, Rabbi Tsvi Selengut, Nili Seleski, Samantha Selesny, Rabbi Aaron Selevan, Yosefi Seltzer, Ms. Maya Sen, Rabbi Ari Senter, Mrs. Lisa Septimus, Rabbi Yehuda Septimus, Rabbi Dr. David Shabtai, Rabbi Ian Shaffer, Rabbi Bentzion Shafier, Aviva Shaf
Moshe Shamah, Cantor Brian Shanblatt, Rabbi Moshe Shapira, Rabbi Ezra Shapiro, Professor Marc B. Shapiro, Rabbi Moshe Shapiro, Yosef Sharbat, Dr. David Shatz, Rabbi Avraham Aharon Shatzkes, Ora Sheinson, Dovid Sher, Rabbi Zvi Shiloni, Ora Shinnar, Rabbi Dr. Mich
man, Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Shmuelevitz, Dr. Laurence Shore, Rochelle Shoretz, Mr. Barry Shrage, Raphael Shuchat, Rabbi Eli Baruch Shulman, Rabbi Nison Shulman, Rabbi Avraham Shulman, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Rabbi Matis Shulman, Rabbi Robert Shur, Rabbi Ari Shvat,
Shyovitz, Rabbi Andrew Sicklick, Rabbi Aharon Siegel, Rabbi Michael Siev, Shechter Mrs. Shira Siev, Rabbi Shmuel Silber, Rabbi David Silber, Rabbi Ahron Silver, Rabbi Eliezer Silver, Rabbi Eliav Silverman, Malki Silverman, Mrs. Malka Simkovich, Rabbi Moshe Simkovich, Ra
h Simon, Roy Simon, Rabbi Ephraim Simon, Shoshana Simpson, Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky, Mrs. Tova Sinensky, Rabbi Shlomo Singer, Mrs. Rebecca Skaist, Rabbi Yigal Sklarin, Dr. Karl Skorecki, Dr. Robert Slater, Rabbi Nosson Slifkin, Mrs. Shira Smiles, Rabbi Yoel Smith, Sarah Sni
Moshe Snow, Dr. Charles Snow, Mrs. Atara Snowbell, David Snyder, Rose Snyder, Proffesor Haim Sober, Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky, Dr. Efrat Sobolofsky, Rabbi Moshe Sokolow, Loriel J. Solodokin, Rabbi Jonny Solomon, Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik, Rabbi Yosef Soloveichik, Rabbi Aa
eichik, Pesia Soloveichik, Rabbi Meir Y. Soloveichik, Rabbi Chayim Soloveichik, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Dr. Haym Soloveitchik, Rabbi Elon Soniker, Rebecca Sontag, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Sosevsky, Professor Daniel Sperber, Shubert Spero, Rabbi Moshe Halevi Spero, Miry
l, Rabbi Zevi Spitz, Mrs. Rena Spolter, Rabbi Reuven Spolter, Rabbi Binyamin Staiman, Dr. Shaul Stampfer, Julie Stampnizky, Rabbi Moshe Stav, Rabbi David Stav, Rabbi Moshe Stavsky, Rabbi Aryeh Stechler, Rabbi Daniel Stein, Rabbi Michael Stein, Rabbi David Stein, Hain M
Stein, Aaron Steinberg, Rabbi Ephraim M. Steinberg, Dr. Avraham Steinberg, Rabbi Yitzchak Steinberg, Dr. Mark Steiner, Rabbi Daniel Steinherz, Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Steinwutzel, Dr. Baruch Sterman, Marc Stern, Rabbi Jeremy Stern, Chana Stern, Rabbi Mordechai Sternb
Raphael Stohl, Rabbi Abraham Stone, Rabbi Elly Storch, Rabbi Dr. Moshe Strauch, Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, Rafi Strauss, Aviva Stroh, Rael Strous, Rabbi Josh Strulowitz, Rabbi Gil Student, Medical Ethics Society Student, Rabbi Ben Sugerman, Rabbi Dovid Sukenik, Rabbi Yeh
n, Jennifer Suss, Aviva Sussman, Lisa Sutton, Rabbi Ari Sytner, Aviva Szigeti, Kol Torah TABC, Rebecca Tabaroki, Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Binyamin Tabory, Mrs. Merav Tal-Timen, Rabbi Efraim Tannenbaum, Rabbi Moshe Taragin, Mrs. Shani Taragin, Rabbi Reuven Tara
Taub, Rabbi Shmuel Taub, Rabbi Michael Taubes, Ms. Shuli Taubes, Professor Hayim Tawil, Mrs. Natalie Taylor, Mrs. Penina Taylor, Shuki Taylor, Rabbi Michael Teitcher, Mrs. Ayala Teitcher, Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, Rabbi Mordechai Pinchas Teitz, Rabbi Hanoch Teller, Da
Daat Editor, Ten, Rabbi Mordechai Tendler, Rabbi Moshe D. Tendler, Mechal Tesser, Rachel Thaler, Devorah Thaler, Rabbi Yaacov Thaler, Chavrusa Editor The, Lamdan Editor The, Rena Thomas, Yocheved Tirschwell, Editor To-Go, Eretz Yisrael Institute Torat, Rabbi Mordec
yner, Kollel YU-Torah miTzion Toronto, Rabbi Moshe Trachtman, Mrs. Amy Tropp, Rabbi Yaakov Trump, Rabbi Moshe Tuchman, Rabbi Gershon Turetsky, Rabbi Yehuda Turetsky, Dr. Ilana Turetsky, Mrs. Atara Turoff, Rabbi Mordechai Turoff, Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski, Ra
E. Twersky, Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Twersky, Rabbi Yitzchok Twersky, Rabbi Avi Tzarfati, Rabbi Moshe Tzuriel, Journal Editor Torah U-Madda, Dr. Jacob B. Ukeles, Rabbi Moshe Ungar, Rabbi Reuven Ungar, Helen Ayala Unger, Rabbi Dudi Unknown, Artists Various, Yerape Ed
o, Rabbi Jake Vidomlanski, Chava Vogel, Rabbi Shmuel Volk, Rabbi Dr. Asher Wade, Rabbi Shmuel Wagner, Rabbi Shlomo Wahrman, Dr. Stanley Waintraub, Rabbi Joseph Waldman, Rabbi Avraham Walfish, Rabbi David Walk, Rabbi Ira Wallach, Rabbi Gedalia Walls, Rabbi Mo
, Rabbi Dr. Ronnie [A. Yehuda] Warburg, Rabbi Shamai Warman, Dr. Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Professor Chaim Waxman, Rabbi Ari Waxman, Kenneth Waxman, Rabbi Yehoshua Weber, Eli Weber, Rabbi Yechiel Weberman, Aliza Weg, Mrs. Yael Weil, Malka Weil, Rabbi Ste
Rabbi Berel Wein, Dovidl Weinberg, Rabbi Noach Weinberg, Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg, Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg, Gabrielle Weinberg, Rabbi Noam Weinberg, Yoni Weinberg, Yehudit Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Rabbi Yechiel Weiner, Sarah Weinerman, Rabbi Mo
Weingarten, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Anna Weinstein, Freyda Weinstein, Elisheva Weinstein, Rabbi Baruch Weintraub, Sabrina Weisman, Rabbi Zvi Weiss, Rabbi Dr. Richard Weiss, Rabbi Joseph Weiss, Dr. Shira Weiss, Rabbi Avraham Weiss, Zvi Weissler, Rabbi Elie Weissm
Shlomo Weissmann, Rabbi Gideon Weitzman, Rabbi Yehuda Werblowsky, Rabbi Yaakov Werblowsky, Josh Wernick, Aryeh Westreich, Aron White, Rabbi Daniel Whitman, Rabbi Baruch Wieder, Rabbi Jeremy Wieder, Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank, Mrs. Miriam Wielgas, Jonat
n, Rabbi Mark Wildes, Temima Wildman, Rabbi Avraham Willig, Rabbi Mordechai I. Willig, Rabbi Moshe Willig, Rabbi Yehudah Willig,40
Rabbi Akiva Willig, Rabbi Leible Williger, Rabbi Neil Winkler, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, Sarah Wizman, Rabbi Simon Wolf, Rabbi Daniel W
CJF Torah
To-Go Michael
Series Wyschogrod,
Shavuot 5775
Devorah Wolf, Rabbi Eliyahu Wolf, Bella Wolf, Rabbi Moshe Wolfson, Rabbi
Dr Theological
Bernd Wollschlaeger,
Jeffrey Woolf,
YOFHS, YUTORAH, Mrs. Amit Yaghoubi, Rabbi Yechezkel Yakovson, Ra
el Yammer, Rachel Yamnik, Rabbi Chaim Yanetz, Rabbi Gershon Yankelewitz, Daniel Yaros, Rabbi Yoel Yehoshua, Rabbi Zvi Yehuda, Ohad Yishai, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Rabbi Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi Andi Yudin, Rabbi Aryeh Yudin, Dr. Leon Zacharowicz, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Za
Zahrnest, Rabbi Ari Zahtz, Chava Zakharevich, Dov Zakheim, Dr. Raphael Zarum, Tov Editor Zeved, Rabbi Reuven Ziegler, Dr. Yael Ziegler, Adam Zimilover, Rabbi Binyamin Zimmerman, Rabbi Eliyahu Zimmerman, Dr. Deena Zimmerman, Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman, Rabbi H
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