What Happens in Heaven... Stays in Heaven: Rabbi Dr. Avery Joel
What Happens in Heaven... Stays in Heaven: Rabbi Dr. Avery Joel
What Happens in Heaven... Stays in Heaven: Rabbi Dr. Avery Joel
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5777
heavens testified on Rebbi Eliezers creation of man by saying (Bereishis gave Moshe all of Torah Shebaal Peh.
behalf. We follow the guiding 1:26) naaseh adam btzalmeinu With all of the transmissions over the
principles given to us, including Let us make man. Why is it plural? generations, some of the details were
acharei rabim lhatos we follow With whom was Hashem consulting? lost. The Sages seek to rediscover
the majority even if an individual One answer is that Hashem was them, and that is where machlokos
sage might have gotten a law right talking to mankind. We are created come from. Another explanation is
in the absolute sense. The Torah tells in an imperfect state (as opposed to that Hashem only gave Moshe the
us through these pesukim that the all other creations). Hashem started general principles, but left it up to
responsibility for interpreting the the creation process, and we are the chachamim to apply them. The
Torah rests on the chachamim of each invited, and charged, to do our best application of them is where there
generation, which they do by utilizing to continue and complete it by are disagreements. [See Rambams
the system given to Moshe on Har reaching our potential. introduction to Seder Zeraim.]
Sinai, and then passed down to each
This partnership is also emphasized A third approach, based on the
generation. This cant be overruled,
in the difference between the first and Yerushalmi (Sanhedrin 4:2) is that
even by Hashem! (Rebbi Eliezers
second set of luchos, tablets. There Hashem taught Moshe 49 reasons to
refusal to follow this system ultimately
was one main difference between the prohibit each situation and 49 reasons
led to him being excommunicated.)
first set of luchos which Moshe to permit those very same situations.
The Gemara continues to describe how ultimately smashed in response to Hashem gave Moshe and the
Rebbi Nasan asked Eliyahu HaNavi the sin of the Golden Calf and the chachamim all of the logic and tools,
how Hashem reacted to their decision second set. While Hashem wrote on along with the ability to determine
to ignore the miracles and the bas both of them, Hashem only carved what truth is. As Rav Chaim Navon
kol, and rule against Rebbi Eliezer. out the first luchos. Moshe had to of Yeshivat Har Etzion beautifully
Eliyahu said that Hashems response carve out the second set, upon which explains (article available at etzion.
was nitzchuni banai My children Hashem then wrote. Ultimately it org.il/en/download/file/fid/4477):
have been victorious over me. Hashem was the second set that endured. The act of Torah study is not aimed at
rejoiced in the fact that they followed I heard from Rabbi Eli Rubin that uncovering and revealing an absolute
the system He had put in place for it endured because that was where truth, but at creation and advancement.
the development of Jewish law. This Hashem and mankind partnered In this respect, Halakha is closer to a
is exactly how Hashem wanted the together. The creation of that second work of art than to a rigid mathematical
halachic process to play out. set involved both Moshe and Hashem, system, in that it does not require a
The compelling question is: why in partnership. specific and unequivocal conclusion.
not follow the bas kol? If Hashem Until now, we have advanced the ... With respect to the Oral Law, the
reveals absolute truth to us, why theory that even though it may not concept of truth is meaningless. The
doesnt He want us to follow that? lead to absolute truth, we follow Torah student is not required to strive for
Arent the Sages simply trying to the halachic process and utilize the the absolute truth that is concealed in
uncover the truth? Perhaps it is tools given to the chachamim, like Gods hidden places. The Torah serves
counterintuitive, but Hashem is not following the majority. Perhaps, as raw material for human creation,
looking for us to follow absolute truth. though, there is no absolute truth and man must develop the Torah in the
Rather, Hashems goal is to create a when it comes to halacha. There is direction that seems right to him.
partnership with us. Hashem wants us, some debate about what Hashem This approach can also give meaning
Bnei Yisrael, involved in the creation gave Moshe on Har Sinai. If Moshe to a well-known phrase from the
and shaping of halacha. He wants us to was given both Torah Shebichsav (the Gemara in Eruvin (13b). The Gemara
partner with Him in this process. Written Torah) and Torah Shebaal states that for three years Beis Hillel
This isnt the only time we see how Peh (the Oral Torah), how are there and Beis Shammai argued. Each one
much Hashem values His partnership machlokos, arguments, in the Gemara? said the halacha was according to
with mankind. During the story of There are a few approaches to this. their opinion. In the middle of this
creation, Hashem introduces the One understanding is that Hashem argument, a bas kol came out and said:
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5777
, can be understood simply since Students have asked me if the way we
. there is no single halakhic truth, both currently do things is the way Hashem
These and these are the words of the opinions are equally legitimate and intended. Did Hashem really mean
Living God, and the law follows Beis true. Both are considered a legitimate for us to have two sinks, two sets of
Hillel. development of halakha. Therefore, dishes, etc.? Did Hashem really
machlokes isnt a bad thing, and may intend for us to soak our strawberries
Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Emes
even be desirable. in soapy water to rid them of bugs?
LYaakov, Eruvin 6b, understood that
Did Hashem intend for us to not be
the argument was not an ordinary Similarly, in his introduction to
able to turn a light on or watch TV on
argument but a very broad argument Choshen Mishpat, Rabbi Yechiel
Shabbos, the day of rest? Perhaps we
about the nature of halacha: who do Michel Epstein, author of the Aruch
can now meaningfully and confidently
we follow when we have a majority HaShulchan, says:
answer these questions. Hashem
and a minority, but the minority is didnt have a particular picture in
a little bit sharper? Beis Shammai mind; Hashem asked us to help Him
argued that you follow the sharper paint the picture and determine what
group. Since they are sharper, they it should look like.
will find the absolute truth. Beis
Hillel maintained that we follow the This idea that we partner with
majority. Even though it may not Hashem in all ways and even play a
On the contrary, this is the glory of our
be the absolute truth, we follow the role in painting the landscape of the
pure and holy Torah. The entire Torah is
majority since it better reflects true world resonates with the way my
called a song, and the splendor of a song
human intellect. While the heavenly father lives his life. With the support
is when there are different voices; this
voice states that both are the words of my mother, he has dedicated his
is the essence of harmony. Anyone who
of Hashem, it also concludes that the entire life to answering the call to
sails the sea of the Talmud will discern
halacha follows Beis Hillel. In practice, help the Jewish community raise
the harmony rising from all the different
we have to choose an opinion to their different voices in harmony to
follow. But fundamentally, both these partner with Hashem in tikun olam,
and these are the words of the Living Mankinds partnering with Hashem in perfecting the world. May we all
God. the creation of halacha is harmonious merit to contribute our voices to this
to Hashem. harmony as well, and truly partner
Rav Navon explains that this Gemara
with Hashem.
(L-R) Rabbi Dr. Avery Joel, President Richard M. Joel, Dr. Esther Joel, Dr. Penny Joel and Dr. Noam Joel
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Shavuot 5777