Peter Drucker CV
Peter Drucker CV
Peter Drucker CV
(562) 555-5555
Management Consultant
Peter is a true delight to have on the Talent Management and Development team. He is professional, mature beyond
years, highly efficient, articulate, proactive, energetic, positive and a great role model of a well-rounded HR
professional. Director of Talent Management & Development, X-Company Inc.
Master of Business Administration, Strategy Concentration
Claremont Graduate
Master of Sciences, Human Resources Design
Claremont, CA
Claremont, CA
Current GPA: 3.60
Anticipated May 2014
Key Projects
Organizational Development & Change: With team, collected data from employee interviews and surveys,
analyzed and diagnosed strategic misalignments within an open system framework, and presented
recommendations of interventions to help a local organization reach improved effectiveness and strategic
alignment amongst its business components.
Large-scale Qualitative Research & Analysis: With an intranational team, investigated employee
engagement, collaboration, human capital practices, and generational differences from a sizeable,
international sample of employees from a large, worldwide firm. We utilized the qualitative analysis software
Atlas.ti to complete the project, and presented nation-specific and overall findings using PowerPoint.
Job Analysis & Design: Currently working with a team to collect data using observation, employee
interviews, and surveys to analyze job-related behaviors, produce updated job descriptions, and present
suggestions for job redesign.
Negotiation Efficacy Seminar Facilitation: Currently examining womens efficacy in negotiations and
creating an empowerment seminar to teach women how to negotiate effectively.
Collaboration Research: Currently working with a team to collect data for an experiment with the aim of
investigating collaboration and power distance amongst teams.
Relevant Coursework: Principles of Human Resource (HR) Management; HR Information Systems; Total
Compensation & Benefits; Intermediate Statistics; Analysis of Variance (ANOVA); Organizational
Development & Change; Advanced Qualitative Research; Planned Change Management; Crisis
Management; Legal Issues in HR; Financial Accounting; Overview of Organizational Behavior; Global HR &
Diversity; Marketing Management; Corporate Finance; Job Design
Honors & Awards: Claremont Graduate Fellow; 2012 National Society of Hispanic MBA (NSHMBA) Student
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
Drucker University
Minor in Leadership and Organizational Studies
Orange, CA
Magna Cum Laude; Chancellors List; Departmental High Honors
Major GPA: 3.90; Overall GPA: 3.75
Key Projects
Job Security & Well-Being Senior Thesis Research: Examined literature covering the relationship
between job insecurity and well-being and presented findings introducing possible moderating variables.
Motivation & Resilience Survey Research: Designed a 2 x 2 between-subjects survey research project
analyzing gender and motivation in relation to resilience. I utilized paper-pencil and SurveyMonkey to collect
survey responses for data collection, and I analyzed responses using PASW (SPSS) quantitative analysis
software. I presented significant findings at the Western Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles,
CA April 30, 2011.
Honors & Awards: Psychology Senior Outstanding Leadership Award; Psychology Senior Outstanding
Service Award; Leadership & Organizational Studies Senior Albert Schweitzer Spirit of Service Award; 2010
American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship Recipient; 2007 City of Lakewood Ambassador Scholarship
Recipient; 2007 Bellflower Rotary Club Scholarship Recipient
Human Resource Consultant
September 2012 to Present
Currently working with a small local business to update human resource practices to meet compliance needs within the
state of California. Engagement scope includes, but is not limited to, updating job descriptions, employee policies and
procedures, and safety practices.
Newegg Organizational & Departmental Evaluation Consultant
May 2012 to July 2012
Worked as an independent contractor on two Newegg evaluation projects analyzing survey data using SurveyMonkey and
PASW (SPSS) to diagnose strengths and areas of improvement within the entire North American region of the organization
and the Human Resources (HR) department. Quantitative and qualitative findings were presented in PowerPoint format.
Organizational Psychology Facilitator
November 2010 & October 2011
Facilitated a senior-level class session on Positive Organizational Psychology for Dr. Edward Dana, Jr.s
Industrial/Organizational Psychology class at Chapman University touching upon aspects of the research and applied
career paths.
Talent Management and Development Coordinator
City of Industry, California
November 2011 to Present
Within 6 months, created a management learning tracking system from scratch for a company with approximately 1,000
U.S. employees.
Helped establish order in an environment where managers did whatever they wanted disregarding policy by creating a go-to
Policies and Procedures Handbook for Managers to serve as a guide with relevant management issues, along with a
Managers Policy and Procedures Training workshop.
Produced five management-training workshops and personally facilitated two, including Performance Evaluation Key
Performance Indicator and Facilitation Skills training, for groups of managers and HR specialists.
Coordinated all logistics for various trainings and meetings including internal facilitators and facilitators from external
Increased employee engagement through creating individualized development plans and managing community-building
Tustin, California
May 2007 to August 2008
Promoted after three months of internship to lead teacher and office administrative assistant.
Led a team of six teachers ranging in age from 15 to 42.
Put together monthly social outings for the team in order to build team morale.
Designed marketing events and took part in fundraisers to ensure growth of the organization.