Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development
HRD is a process of developing and unleashing human expertise through organization development (OD) and personnel training and development (T&D) for the purpose of improving performance.
OD is the process of systematically implementing organizational change for the purpose of improving performance. T&D is the process of systematically developing expertise in individuals for the purpose of improving performance.
Why HRD?
To achieve organizational goals For organizational survival, growth and excellence
Implementation of HRD
Major phases in HRD implementation 1. Assessment of needs 2. Design 3. Development 4. Implementation 5. Evaluation
HRD Mechanisms HRD Department Performance appraisal Review Discussion, Feedback Counseling Sessions Role Analysis Exercise Potential Development Exercises Training Communication Policies Job Rotations OD Exercises
HRD Processes Role Clarity Planning of Development by every employee Awareness of competencies required for job performance Proactive Orientation More trust Collaboration & Team Work Authenticity Openness Risk-taking Value Generation Clarification of Norms and Standards Increased Communication
HRD Outcomes More competent people Higher Workcommitment & Job Involvement More Problem Solving Better Utilization of Human Resources Higher JobSatisfaction & Work Motivation Better Generation of Internal Resource
Organizational Effectiveness Higher productivity Growth and Diversification Cost Reduction Other factors Environment Technology
80% of the organisations required their executives to counsel their subordinates at least once-a-year With change in growth pattern HRD staff is attempting to come up with new methodologies
More serious and rigorous effort is needed to train the agents of development in Service sector
Individual level
Organizational level
At individual level
Salient criterion for gauging success includes Positive change in salary Promotion Attitude about ones career Adaptability Identity
At organizational level
Impact can be assessed on the basis of Impact on organizational systems and processes in terms of efficiency and effectiveness Increase in return on investment (ROI) Increase in intellectual capital of the organization
Ansett, S. (2005), Boundary Spanner: The Gatekeeper of Innovation in Partnerships Accountability Forum Greenleaf, Publishing Issue 6 Udai Pareek, Training Instruments in HRD and OD,2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi William.B.Werther and Keith Davis, Human Resource Management and Personnel Management, 5th edition, McGraw-hill, 1996. Swanson, R. A., & Holton, E. F., III. (1999). Results: How to assess performance, learning, and perceptions in organizations. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler. McGoldrick, J., Stewart, J. and Watson, S. (2002) Understanding HRD. London: Routledge
URLs webversion.htm &mentoring +is+ICF/ http://www.chrmglobal/topics/41/1/capabilitybuilding.html